#Foster Grandparent Program
k12academics · 7 months
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Improving Lives Through Volunteerism
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wausaupilot · 7 days
A teen inmate is bound over for trial in a Wisconsin youth prison counselor's death
Online court records indicate that 17-year-old Rian Nyblom waived his right to a preliminary hearing and Lincoln County Circuit Judge Galen Bayne-Allison bound him over for trial.
MADISON, WIs. (AP) — A judge on Tuesday ordered one of two inmates charged in connection with a Wisconsin youth prison counselor’s death this summer to stand trial. Online court records indicate that 17-year-old Rian Nyblom waived his right to a preliminary hearing and Lincoln County Circuit Judge Galen Bayne-Allison bound him over for trial. Nyblom’s attorney, Joseph Bauer, declined to comment…
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hahaalaine · 3 months
Thinking about one of the biggest lies our society is built on, that capitalism relies on, but is not talked about enough is the nuclear family vs self-sufficiency.
Our society places extreme emphasis on independence and self sufficiency, to the point the programming starts in infancy and literally shapes our brain, and expects us to "make something of ourselves" starting at age 18.
Entire industries rely on the precariousness of starting out on your own so young - student loans, credit cards, apartments, retail & food service jobs plus way more- but the reality is the plan for almost anything in life is meant to fall back on the family.
Those student loans are meant to be cosigned by parents; that credit card debt is expected to be supplemented by parental allowance; that apartment cant be rented without the credit score and guarantee of that parent; the shitty job isnt supposed to cover every cost of living because there is an implicit understanding that it will be on top of what is provided by familial wealth. Absolutely no first time home buyer can purchase a house without family connections and/or monetary assistance.
Those parents themselves cannot get any assistance with groceries, childcare, transportation, or other familial needs unless they receive it from other family members.
Yet we deride people who "still live in their mom's basement" even though the highest rates of homelessness comes from people who age out of the foster system and dont have family to fall back on.
We scream, cry, and throw up because we think our lives are ruined because we didnt accomplish everything in our 20s, and we're soooo old in our 30s, despite the fact that most institutions dont even look at you as an adult until youre 25 (and even then penalize you for being so young if you dont have that parent cosigner).
We look upon those parents with disgust that need assistance because "they should have thought about the cost before they had kids" as if they could have predicted the sudden loss of grandparent support or the loss of a job that can't be covered by familial wealth or any number of unplanned emergencies.
The entire care plan for disability and old age is relying on unpaid domestic labor of family members, even those nursing homes are paid by family.
The point of all of this is to say that self-sufficiency, independence, and individualism is a farce propped up by obscuring the role of the family. Its completely intentional that this domestic care is hidden and implicit. You are meant to feel guilt for outright asking for help, or living with your parents, or not being capable of doing everything by yourself so you place yourself in really vulnerable positions and can be exploited more readily.
As long as you continue to operate under the ideology of individuality you wont notice how fucked up it is that you have to run back to your parents for everything because there is nothing else, and you most certainly won't be empathetic towards those that cannot rely on family.
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outrunningthedark · 6 months
My opinion on Shannon is mixed. I don't agree with the way she left Christopher the first time, but I also hate how with the narrative we get she has big expectations given on her as a mother in general yet terrible support system for it; absentee husband, in-laws who scrutinize her mistakes, and sick mother far away from where she lived. Christopher's grandparents took good care of him, but they do not in any way create environment where Shannon would be able to raise Christopher properly. Therapy would've been good for her, but it's TV.
Shannon's situation is not unique to 9-1-1. And yes, it is indeed TV, but this is one story line where the fandom apparently cannot grasp that we're seeing a reflection of reality. (Those emotionally neglectful other parents, though? They know all about that.) Real parents of disabled kids don't know what they're getting into when their child receives an official diagnosis. Real parents of disabled kids don't always have family that's one call away ready to help. Real parents of disabled kids often have to do their own research and push for answers because doctors often don't know what to say. Real parents of disabled kids have to save every last available dollar because insurance companies and gov't-funded programs decide whether you "make too much money" to qualify for specific disability needs. Real parents of disabled kids have to watch their child struggle (to put it bluntly) every single day and try to work through the pain of not being able to "make it better". Are all parents of disabled kids allowed to up and leave when things get hard? (Are the kids all supposed to end up in foster care or aborted?) Or do certain ones get a pass depending on how severe the disability ends up being? 🤔
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12-cluh · 9 months
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Name: Calvin Lucien
Age: 39
Sex/Gender: Male
Country of Origin: The United States of America
Occupation: Special Agent of the Chaos Insurgency
Physical Appearance
Eye color: Brown
Skin color: White
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6’ 1
Weight: 190 lbs
Body type: Athletic
Fitness level: High
Tattoos: Chaos Insurgency Logo on the right shoulder, as is common with Chaos Insurgency personnel.
Scars/Birthmarks: Scar on the left cheek, running from the bottom of the left eye to the left side of his jaw
Disabilities: N/a
Clothing: Black and red plaid jacket, black long-sleeved shirt, black combat pants, black combat boots, black leather fingerless gloves.
Accessories: Nothing of note.
Birth date: November 15, 1985
Place of birth: Wisconsin, USA
Key family members:
Uncle: O5 councilman Gabriel Lucien, aka The Blackbird.
Affiliations: SCP Foundation (former), Chaos Insurgency (current)
Psychological Traits
Personality type: ISTJ
Personality traits: Reserved, Calculating, Adaptable
Temperament: Melancholic
Introvert/Extrovert: Introverted
Mannerisms: Observant, speaks deliberately
Educational background: Graduate of Foundation Task Force Training Program
Intelligence: High
Self-esteem: Mid
Hobbies: Cryptography, Chess, Mixed Martial Arts
Skills/talents: Hand-to-hand combat, High Strategical Intelligence 
Morals/Virtues: Sacrifice for a greater good.
Phobias/Fears: Atychiphobia
Flaws: Emotionally Distant, Trust Issues, Vulnerable to Emotional Manipulation
Languages known: English, Russian, Japanese, Polish
Accent: Neutral American
Pitch: Moderate and Controlled 
Laughter: Subdued Chuckle
Smile: Reserved
Strengths, Weaknesses, and Abilities
Physical strengths: Exceptional Agility and Reflexes
Physical weaknesses: Susceptible to Overexertion, Tends to Push Limits
Intellectual strengths: High Strategic Intelligence
Intellectual weaknesses: Tends to Overthink
Interpersonal Strengths: A Good Leader
Interpersonal weaknesses: Prefers Working Alone
Magical abilities: N/a
Lover(s): N/a
Jonathan Lucien (Father)[deceased]
Elizabeth Lucien (Mother)[deceased]
Children: N/a
Edward Lucien (Grandfather)[deceased]
Evelyn Lucien (Grandmother)[deceased]
Grandchildren: N/a
Pets: N/a
Friends: Few if Any
Enemies: SCP Foundation, Three Moons Initiative, Serpents Hand, Global Occult Coalition
Special Agent “Specter”
Special Agent “Whisper”
Inspiration: The Punisher
Character archetype: Anti-Hero
Core values: His Version of Justice, Revenge
Goals: To murder the O5 Council
Motivations: To avenge his family’s murder at the hands of the O5 Council.
Additional Information
Calvin Lucien is a high threat to the Foundation and its goals. As a boy, nearly his entire family was murdered by the O5 Council due to learning confidential secrets. The only ones not confirmed dead were Calvin and his grandmother Evelyn, with his younger sister Eliza said to be missing. His grandmother raised him until her death when Calvin was 12. For the following years, Calvin switched between several foster homes, eventually becoming curious about the occult. When he was 18, he joined the military, excelling particularly at all physical programs. After another few years, he was nominated to join Mobile Task Force Alpha 1, aka the Red Right Hand.
However, on one mission, Calvin was kidnapped by the Chaos Insurgency, once a group comprised of ex-Red Right-Hand members that had grown exponentially. There was when Calvin learned the truth of his family’s murder, that the O5 Council had them slaughtered to preserve secrecy. Enraged, Calvin left the Foundation right then and joined the Chaos Insurgency as both military personnel and Foundation intelligence.
Addendum 1
Recent information has revealed that Calvin and close associates have been planning a visit to Iraq. As nearly all in the Foundation know, the major anomaly located in that area is The Gate Guardian. However, as nearly none know, it is also where ᗩᕲᗩᘻ ᒪᓰᐺᘿS the former O5-12 went missing. After ᕼᘿ ᘺᗩS Sᘿᗩᒪᘿᕲ ᗩᘺᗩᖻ his retirement, he was never seen again, though there is strong speculation that he retreated to the area in which The Gate Guardian protects. It is also theorized that the reason for Calvin’s increased specialty training is for some “Hail Mary” against the foundation.
"Let it be known that whoever is leaking classified information in these documents will be found and subject to immediate termination." -The Administrator
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foster-the-world · 10 months
Can't stop.
Can't stop coughing. Week five probably. Getting worse instead of better. Used to be only at night. Feel fine its just the hacking cough and runny nose. Planning to drop baby boy at OT and then walk around outside because don't want the parents mad at me for hacking on them. He missed Friday because he was hacking so much. He at least seemed better this morning.
Mammogram came back "incomplete." so have to go back for futher imagining. Doesn't really make me nervous/anxious just annoyed I have to make another appointment. My Mom just had breast cancer but because she's 70+ I don't think my genetic disposition is particularly increased.
Sent angry emails to the foster agency because they told me they would not reimburse our OT cost. They sent long, inaccurate email about why they would not pay. Today I get a reimbursement check which was def sent before they said they would not pay. They also claimed they would not pay because he is getting OT in school "that they secured." Which is such bullshit. I did all of the evaluation legwork - which I should as his mother. I pointed out he was only getting one OT per week because they could not get a provider. Without asking the agency sends an email to the CPSE office. Not helpful. I already talked to them and they are working on it. Can they please just give us an adoption date but also thank you for that check. We will take it.
Going to see Back to the Future on Broadway tmrw night. Bee's ice skating program gives us access to $20 Broadway play tickets to some shows. Happy to take advantage. Going to my husband's 20 year reunion on Saturday night. His parents asked not to babysit because they need to prepare for Thanksgiving. I'm irrationally annoyed. What exactly do they need to do on Saturday night to prepare for a meal on Thursday? I recognize I have irrational expectations for grandparents because my Mom is so great/helpful/would rather hang out with my kids then do anything else in the entire world. I think his parents have a catch-22 in that they really love hanging out with the kids in theory but its also overwhelming for them in practice. Which is understandable. Just wish we lived by the grandparents who would do anything.
Practicing IV stuff on the fake arm is so helpful. Totally worth the cost. Already feeling much better about starting work. IVs and catheters are my two biggest fears. I can't believe we didn't get to practice either in nursing school. Or rather I got to do one needle stick on a fake arm. One. I also watched another student do a fake catheter insert. The fake arm is not realistic but it helps to practice the steps, etc. My husband is too squeamish to let me practice on him but i think my Mom will.
Found a better airbnb in London. I think my cousin is also going to join us. Which is great news for the girls and I. She gets mad at her Mom for being so out of shape. Which is not so helpful. I sent my Aunt a couch to walking 10K program. She said thank you and did not seem annoyed. I really didn't want to offend her. I think she would be happier if she was better able to get around. Let's hope the trip will be motivating for her.
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gay-jewish-bucky · 2 months
post here
Ahmed Fouhad Alkhatib (@/afalkhatib)
What being pro-Palestine means to me / my platform: I'm passionately, unequivocally, and without hesitation, a proponent of the Palestinian people's just and urgent aspirations for self-determination, liberation, sovereignty, and safety. I grew up in Gaza, where I experienced Israeli violence and bombardment, including one incident that almost killed me and caused me permanent hearing impairment; my family is still in Gaza and has suffered dozens of deaths during this latest war; my grandparents were expelled from their ancestral homelands in 1948 and fled to the Gaza Strip; and my parents were raised in a refugee camp in Rafah during the 1950s. This background informs and influences me and speaks to why I care about the Palestinian issue and consider myself pro-Palestine. I am motivated by a sincere desire to see my people obtain their legitimate and undeniable rights, which they have not had for decades.
Yet I, and many others, especially those who are silent or are forced to be quiet, struggle with finding a political home in today's pro-Palestine movement. Increasingly, it feels as if pro-Palestine activism is dominated by maximalists (wanting all of historic Palestine and other zero-sum positions and approaches), slogan-driven voices, and narratives. There is a lack of pragmatic and humanistic ability to hold multiple truths at once and to advocate nuanced and color-rich positions and views that are not black-and-white depictions and understandings of the Israel and Palestine conflict.
Here's what, to me, an effective and meaningful pro-Palestine platform entails:
Supporting the right of Palestinians to a sovereign and independent state living in peace side by side with Israel.
Condemning Israeli government actions, policies, priorities, and decisions that kill, harm, undermine, or oppress the Palestinian people.
Criticizing and decrying the conduct of the war in Gaza, the military occupation in the West Bank, and the Israeli government's disregard for Palestinian civilian lives, and the destruction of property and cities.
Rejecting, denouncing, and exposing the theft of Palestinian lands in the West Bank and the sprawling settlement enterprise and settler violence.
Supporting highly targeted, specific, and effective sanctions against individuals, groups, and entities that are enabling the unjust and illegal occupation of the West Bank and harming Palestinian civilians.
Denouncing and combating the dehumanization of the Palestinian people or the denial of their existence as people with the right to live on the land they called home for generations.
Acknowledging the tragedy experienced by hundreds of thousands of displaced Palestinians from 1948 and giving them/their descendants the right to return to the lands of a future Palestinian state in the West Bank and in the Gaza Strip.
Understanding past and contemporary mistakes that have set the Palestinian people back by decades and made them pawns in ideologies and geopolitical programs, agendas, and designs.
Developing a pragmatic and realistic framework for recognizing Israel's existence, right to exist, and the inevitability of its continued existence, all of which should inform how a solution is approached.
Dispensing with delusional and destructive elements of the Palestinian narrative and acknowledging that there will not be a full liberation of all of Palestine, there will not be a right of return to what is now mainland Israel, and that Israel cannot and should not be confronted militarily or through any form of violence.
Promoting a cultural shift away from revolutionary rhetoric, martyrdom, and armed resistance, and instead, rebranding coexistence and peace as a courageous and necessary evolution to preserve Palestinian lives, lands, and heritage and foster a new generation of nation-builders who are focused on doing the most with what the Palestinians currently have and can have in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
Denouncing and rejecting antisemitism while also acknowledging that Zionists and Israelis are a diverse group/people and that the Palestinians have to work with all of these segments to have sustainable coexistence and peace.
Understanding how violent/hateful rhetoric, actions, and mistakes are detrimental because they empower right-wing and extremist forces in Israel who are opposed to Palestinian rights and that persistent mistakes and incendiary rhetoric and proclamations erode support for the Palestinian people and cause.
Recognizing Palestinian agency, responsibility, and accountability when taking actions that have negative consequences and outcomes and acknowledging that, while there's an asymmetry of power dynamics, Palestinian leaders, political groups, and prominent figures should make rational and responsible choices to optimize for better prospects.
Accepting that even with East Jerusalem as the capital of a future Palestinian state, access to holy sites must always be shared and open to all.
Realizing how nefarious regional players like the Islamic Republic of Iran and its proxies are not sincere or helpful allies to the Palestinian people and have done so much damage to the entire region and the Palestinian cause.
Developing the capacity to hear Jewish perspectives and grievances, historical and contemporary, to understand why pro-Israel supporters believe what they do and why Israel means so much to so many, even if one disagrees with those opinions and views.
Understanding that Hamas recklessly endangered Palestinian lives and placed the people of Gaza in significant harm and that the group relies on Palestinian suffering as part of its strategy to delegitimize Israel globally while perpetuating the conflict without any meaningful resolution.
Registering the dangers of Islamist rhetoric and ideology that seeks to Islamize Palestinian society and to turn the Palestinian national project into a religious one in pursuit of an Islamic state that, by default, will be exclusionary and incapable of accommodating diverse residents in a future Palestinian country.
I am compelled to share the aforementioned because, for far too many people, pro-Palestine activism has been reduced to incendiary language that fails to capture the multiple moving parts of what is needed to advance the just and urgent Palestinian aspirations for freedom and independence. While many students, activists, advocates, academics, and analysts have their hearts in the right place, many cannot present viable and pragmatic ideas that are not mere rhetorical statements and empty slogans.
I know that many strongly disagree with my views and opinions, and that's entirely fine. Still, many more are eager to see a recalibration of pro-Palestine activism to actually help the Palestinians achieve statehood instead of inflaming division and fostering hostility towards supporters of Israel and the Jewish community. Many in Palestine are aware of the need to be pragmatic and don't think that angry protests, BDS, antisemitism, endless academic lectures, social media activism, or "feel good" slogans will actually make a difference.
It's time for a rejuvenated pro-Palestine movement that serves as a big tent to encompass multiple views and opinions and to invite and promote broad alliances, especially with mainstream Jewish and Israeli communities, to work towards a just and sustainable resolution of the conflict once and for all. This is entirely attainable and achievable with humility, civility, patience, compassion and kindness, perseverance and determination, a willingness to accept reasonable compromises and accommodations, and, most importantly, the recognition of both sides' undeniable and mutual humanity.
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crypticfandomtrash · 6 months
Theoretical Alphabet Apprentices Part 3
S's real name is Sakula Yun. He is Korean and was born in South Korea. He speaks Korean, Chinese, Japanese, and English. His birthday is April 1, 1987.
He is 5'7. He has long black hair and medium brown eyes. He is elegant looking and easily turns heads.
His father died when he was 8 and his mother lost custody of him due to her abusive actions. He spent three years with a foster family before being sent to Wammy's. He is easy to get along with, though he is also sneaky. His people-reading skills are very good. He quit the program because he wants to be a pop idol.
He is Buddhist like his parents, which is somewhat uncommon in South Korea. He sings well and can easily distract others. He is also good at listening to private conversations. As of pre-timeskip Death Note, he is 16-17.
T's real name is Tlilcoatl Huitzil. She was born in Mexico and is of the native Nahua people. She speaks Nahuatl, Spanish, and English. Her birthday is December 10, 1988.
She is 5'6 in height. She has tan skin, black hair, and hazel eyes. She also has a birthmark on her left arm.
Her parents were killed by a drug cartel during a trip when she was 13, leaving her in foster care. She was sent to Wammy's not long after that. She is somewhat prickly, but she isn't mean on purpose. She is shy and isn't used to being around so many other kids. She is good at chemistry and loves fireworks. She quit the program to study pyrotechnics.
She worships the Aztec gods and often invokes them when anything goes wrong. Her name means "black serpent" in Nahuatl. She also plays a flute. As of pre-timeskip Death Note, she is 15-16.
U's real name is Uyanga Altantsetseg. She is Mongolian and was born in the capital city. She speaks Mongolian, Chinese, and English. Her birthday is June 15, 1989.
She is 5'0 in height. She has dark brown hair and brown eyes. She is very nimble due to her short stature.
Her parents lost custody of her due to abuse when she was 6. After being bounced from both sets of grandparents to foster care, she was sent to Wammy's when she was 9. She is crafty, often playing pranks on others and then dashing away. Her name means "singer" and she can sing pretty well.
She quit the Successor Program because she wants to be a professional gymnast. Her flexibility would make her highly suited for it and the staff encourage her to pursue her dreams. As of pre-timeskip Death Note, she is 14-15.
V's real name is Vasilka Sobranie. She is North Macedonian and her father was a politician. She speaks Macedonian, Albanian, Bulgarian, and English. Her birthday is August 18, 1986.
She is 5'8. She has blonde hair and light brown eyes. She is thin and delicate. She dislikes physical activity.
Her father was assassinated when she was 14 and her mother also perished in the attack. None of her relatives wanted to take her in because they were afraid of being targeted. She was brought to Wammy's when she was 15. She is good at strategizing and choosing her words carefully. She enjoys learning about how governments work. She would make an excellent politician.
She has a strict work ethic and doesn't put off her assignments. Her calm yet firm voice commands respect from even adults. She can get to the heart of most arguments and often mediates for friends. As of pre-timeskip Death Note, she is 17-18.
W's real name is Wafula Nyongesa. He is of the Luhya people and was born in Kenya. He speaks his native tongue and English. His birthday is March 28, 1985.
He is 5'10 and a half. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He works out and enjoys jogging.
His parents died from a famine in the village when he was 12. He was brought to a hospital in a nearby town and that was where one of Wammy's contacts found him a few days later. He was sent to England when he recovered. He loves taking things apart and putting them back together. He often fixes toys for the other kids.
He quit the Successor Program pretty quickly because he wants to be a mechanic. He has a lot of friends because of his sunny attitude and outlook. As of pre-timeskip Death Note, he is 18-19.
Z's real name is Zuhura Bakari. She is Tanzanian. She speaks Swahili and English. She is learning Spanish and Italian at the same time. Her birthday is June 2, 1986.
She is 5'3 in height. She has short black hair and brown eyes. She has difficulty walking due to a physical disability she was born with.
Her parents were wealthy, but they gave her up when she was 8 because they did not want a disabled child. After spending a year with a kind foster family, she was sent to Wammy's for better medical care, where she received a nicer cane and even a wheelchair for bad days. She is very charismatic and eager to please due to her fear of abandonment. She loves to read and is good explaining various topics.
She quit the program because she wants to be a makeup artist. She does her own makeup and will also ask to try new techniques on her friends. She will stand up for anyone with a disability and bonded with Near because of their similar pasts. As of pre-timeskip Death Note, she is 17-18.
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yenmek-immigration · 6 months
Canada's Immigration Policy 2024
485,000 New Permanent Residents Welcomed In a bold move aimed at boosting economic growth, encouraging diversity and meeting labor market needs, Canada has unveiled an ambitious immigration strategy for 2024. In planning this year, Canada aims to welcome up to 485,000 new permanent residents, years that show significant growth from the past . This announcement demonstrates Canada’s strong commitment to immigration as a cornerstone of its national identity and economic prosperity.
The need to increase immigration:
 Canada’s decision to rapidly increase immigration is the result of a variety of factors, including an aging population, falling birth rates, growing demand for skilled workers in various industries and welcoming more immigrants , immigration plays an important role in fostering entrepreneurship and cultural enrichment.
Immigration Strategy Highlights:
The 2024 Immigration Strategy sets several key priorities to achieve its ambitious goals, including:
1.Skilled Workers:
The plan places greater emphasis on attracting skilled workers with qualifications and expertise in demand. The Canada Express Entry system, which screens applications for skilled immigrants, plays an important role in selecting eligibility based on factors such as age, education, work experience and language skills.
2.French-speaking immigrants:
Consistent with Canada’s commitment to bilingualism and multiculturalism, the immigration policy seeks to increase the number of French-speaking immigrants with prospective French-speakers benefiting from additional points if in some immigration policies, reflecting Canada’s efforts to promote language diversity and integration.
3.Provincial Nomination Programs (PNPs):
Canadian provinces and territories continue to play a major role in immigration selection through their Provincial Nomination Programs (PNPs). PNPs allow counties to nominate individuals with the skills and qualifications necessary to support their local economies while addressing local labor market needs and demographic challenges.
Family Reunion:
The immigration process reaffirms Canada’s commitment to family reunification by facilitating the support of spouses, children, parents and grandparents. Family reunions play an important role in fostering social togetherness  and supporting immigrant integration, ensuring that newcomers can build strong ties in their communities.
Conclusion :
Canada’s Immigration Plan 2024 represents a bold vision for the future of diversity, innovation and economic growth. By welcoming diverse immigrants, Canada reaffirms its commitment to building a vibrant and inclusive thriving society contributed by people from around the world. As the country prepares to welcome 485,000 new permanent residents, it is poised to embark on a journey of shared growth, prosperity and success.
For more information on immigration services and how to navigate Canada's immigration system, you can contact Yenmek Immigration.
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Thoughts on Penelope Clearwater?
Well, not many, but now that I have her name in front of me, I have some ideas.
We know she’s Muggleborn, I would also like to think that she is also Jewish, and one of the few prefects at Hogwarts that help celebrate their faith openly
She actually knows Anthony Goldstein from temple, and was quite happy to see him sorted into Ravenclaw, she kept an eye on him and wrote to his parents about all of his accomplishments
She was a great prefect and actually quite disappointed to not be made Head Girl, but she was the one dating the Head Boy so it was okay
She was very smart and had a photographic memory, which made studying easy for her, but she was always around to help others
Penelope and Percy actually were friends first and just sort of fell in love over letters the summer of ‘92
They tried to make it work after graduating, but then Percy got busy with the Ministry and Penelope got more involved in her training and they just drifted apart
It was a mutual break up and they did stay friends, or well, acquaintances
Penelope trained as a Healer, but moved to records during the beginning of the war (winter of ‘96)
She had stopped in and visited Arthur when he was attacked, she saw a lot of Percy’s love for the world around him in Arthur, and realized that he was an apple that fell back against the roots of the tree
(Arthur saw a very kind and sweet girl, he saw someone that his son could’ve built a life with of friendship and happiness, but ambitions won out)
Penelope was one of the first Muggleborns to be taken and thrown in Azkaban
She was the one that greeted new Muggleborns in Azkaban, she made sure that they had blankets and what little food was divided evenly, often she went without both
She was the first to be grabbed and tortured for information about Hogwarts or a family, she knew medical records of thousands of witches and wizards
By the time Azkaban was liberated, she was a shell of herself, thin and malnourished, wandless, she spent six months in long term recovery
Her magic came in bursts as she grew stronger again, but some damages were too much for her body and mind
She no longer has her photographic memory, nor does she really remember much of anything after her last dose of the cruciatus curse before liberation, and her spine was broken and healed wrong so she’s forced to use a cane or wheelchair
Her Healer, a Malcolm Bletchley, who had been Head Boy the year before she graduated, fell in love with her while helping with her recovery
He would read to her one of the many books that she always requested, as her memory was no longer what it had been
His family disowned him when he brought Penelope home for the first time, except his little brother Miles who had once been part of Penelope’s study groups at Hogwarts
They married a year to the day she was released from St. Mungo’s, Percy went to the wedding and wished her well
For about five years they tried to have a baby, but because of the damage to Penelope’s body, she couldn’t carry a baby pass sixteen weeks
So they foster, one of the first Wizarding family’s to do so
Penelope doesn’t have the energy to work as she once did, most of her work is going through records for the Ministry and Wizengmont
She works with Hermione to get actual fostering and adoption bills passed so she and Malcolm can care for the children they end up taking in
They end up with six kids, four were long term fostering that they ended up adopting, one was a newborn girl left on their doorstep, and one was a newborn boy given to them by one of their foster girls, she had been fifteen and didn’t know what else to do
They are strong backers of the House of Black program, and in many ways the early inspiration as without the fostering/adoption bills that they helped make law the program wouldn’t be what it became
Penelope does get the happily ever after she once imagine as a child, it’s just came at a great price, very similar to how it was to her grandparents
She survived a holocaust just as they did
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halles-comet · 1 year
when my dad was in high school my grandparents did this program where people in boston fostered one catholic + one protestant teenager from northern ireland for the summer to get them away from the troubles and try to build bridges between children of what are essentially identical religions and when i asked my dad if it worked he said "that protestant kid stole my wallet. like two or three times. fucking dickhead."
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innytoes · 2 years
Hi Inny. I'm procrastinating some work by asking for some Foster AU head canons, preferibly centered around the boys of SS.
Happy Tuesday!
Some headcanons from the Foster Care AU, where I am almost 50k in. Some will make it into the fic and some probably will not.
-Okay first Carlos 100% calls them Sunset Swerve to annoy them, as is his duty of being a little brother.
-Reggie and Willie's social worker is Maxine Gray from Judging Amy because that show is part of my DNA.
-Bobby goes to Los Feliz but isn't in the music program. He only knew Julie as 'that weirdo girl with the amazing voice who sometimes dances in the halls like she's the main character'. He likes her though, and always admired how she did shit like that without feeling self-conscious.
-Eventually, Bobby's grandparents get so sick that he can't keep being in the band. He actually flunks senior year and quits the band, telling them they'll do fine without him now that they have Julie, but he does have First Dibs on being their roadie once they make it big.
-After the lady selling tickets to Prom makes a big deal about how Alex can't take Willie (and Reggie is like: uh yeah he can, Luke got tickets for Julie just fine), they ditch prom. Because yeah, they could go to the principal, but the lady is threatening to tell everyone at Alex' parents' church about their sinner son and Alex just... can't. He's already scared about being kicked out the second he turns 18, he doesn't want to expedite the process.
-So of course Luke makes a giant speech about FUCK PROM and they all decide to ditch prom. Except Alex is sad because he really wanted the whole Prom Experience with Willie: the goofy pictures, the corsage, the slow dancing.
-And Reggie is all: um excuse we live with a photographer. We can make cliché prom pictures happen. Within like half an hour they have roped in Flynn and Julie and are planning the best Not Prom ever.
-Yes of course Tía and Ray help and probably even Emily because she was Sad to miss out on her baby going to prom and then so Proud when she learned why.
-Tía Victoria 100% took Alex and Willie shopping. (Separately, because she insists that seeing your date for the first time in their outfit on prom is A Thing.) She makes sure their outfits match.
-Luke kindly keeps his suit jacket and tie on until Bobby has picked him up and they're out of sight of his mom.
-Okay but do Ray and Emily maybe have a little text thread where they basically find creative ways to say 'fuck the Mercers' perhaps they do shhhh don't tell the kids.
-It might not make it into the fic but Reggie is studying to be a dog groomer until the band makes it big. Like, college isn't for him even with the Foster Kid Scholarship and Ray's support. And they promised No Record Contracts until Julie graduates high school so he needs something to do until they make it big.
-Bobby keeps saying he should practice on Luke because that's basically the same as a golden retriever, wriggles and bad breath and all.
-Alex does get kicked out of the house at 18 but the guys were on standby and basically came and picked him up, cheerfully barged their way inside by threatening to make a scene otherwise, cleared out everything that belonged to Alex (not much, they’d been quietly moving things out already over the past few weeks), stole all the toilet paper (thanks Bobby), and drove him straight to Ray’s house.
-Ray of course had already told Alex he was more than welcome to stay.
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alwaysupatnight · 2 years
I was tagged by @astarkey! 🥰
🎵 Last song I listened to: I think it was Same Mistakes by Emily Kinney
🍕 Ideal pizza topping: I like to put pepperoni, banana peppers, and black olives on mine.
☀️ Dream vacation: Going to see the cherry blossoms in Japan. Yellowstone Park to see some elk and bison. California. Someplace tropical like Hawaii or Bora Bora. Mostly Japan though.
🌎 Earth, wind or fire: Fire
📺 Cartoons I grew up with: I was a 90s kid so alllll the Nickelodeon cartoons for sure (whenever I was in the US). Rugrats, Ren & Stimpy, Doug, Ahh Real Monsters, Rocket Power... basically all of them. lol And of course the Disney stuff like Winnie the Pooh, Goof Troop, Talespin, Ducktales, Quack Pack... When I was a small child my grandparents actually recorded some stuff onto VHS for us so we could take it overseas. Some of those programs they recorded were Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Ghostbusters, Muppet Babies, and Pee Wee’s Playhouse. I also watched tons of old cartoons like Tom & Jerry and The Pink Panther and Looney Tunes. I LOVED the original Power Rangers. And Pokemon. And even though I was technically already a teenager when it came out I also loved Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends. lol
🌲 Favorite scent: I’m currently *obsessed* with this Bath and Body Works hand soap called “Vanilla Snowflake” which has vanilla, coconut, and citrus scents and ugh I love it so much. But it’s no longer being sold except as a candle. 😭 I really want it in a lotion or body spray, but I’d take more of it in hand soap form too. lol For perfumes I love pear scents like Pear INC. by Juliette has a gun. I want to try all the pear scented perfumes. I also recently got samples of Flowerbomb by Viktor&Rolf and I really liked that one too. Also I love spraying Ouai Leave-In Conditioner into my hair because it smells amazing. The perfume version (North Bondi) unfortunately didn’t have the same effect on my skin though. :/
Tagging: @imaginedfables, @yossariandawn, @emilykinncy, @worthallyourgalleons, @lilmissuncreative,  @tiesthatbind1899, @sandalaris, @thespianreveur, and any of my followers who want to do this!
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bematthew · 2 years
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hi, friends. i’m ness (21+, she/they). if you think you recognize that name you probably do, i was here a bit ago with two muses (rip to dai and min) until life got a little complicated. but anyway i’ve decided to return with a different character entirely. if you’d like to plot you can hit me up here or on discord where i’m shehulk's cousin shelikesladies#1993. beneath the cut you can find some in depth information on matty here.
alright so matty here is a native of chicago, illinois. both his grandparents and parents are immigrants from vietnam, so while matty was born and raised in america he also has a somewhat decent idea of vietnamese culture
his dad’s side established a little restaurant called luong’s cafe and when his parents got married his mother and maternal grandparents also began helping out with the restaurant and when matty was old enough he picked up a job at the restaurant as a busboy and then waiter and then eventually a kitchen hand so it truly is a family affair when it comes to luong’s cafe
however, matty himself has never been too interested in the family business much to his father’s disappointment, matty’s first love has always been dancing. regardless of matty’s lack of interest in the family business his parents were quite supportive of his love for dance and they even sent him to an arts high school to help foster that love
matty became part of a foreign exchange program his last year of high school and was sent to an international high school in seoul where he very quickly fell in love with the city
so fast forward and it’s time for matty to apply to some universities, he ends up picking hongik university in seoul where he’s a performing arts dance major
initially matty’s main area of interest was becoming a choreographer, however, because a few of his friends were interested in being idols and matty accompanied them to auditions he found an interest in becoming an idol instead
personality wise matty is very sweet and bubbly he makes a generally favorable impression on most people he meets
he has a generally kind disposition and is sort of effortlessly charming without fully realizing it
that said he’s a very emotional person who cries at nearly everything: when he’s happy, when he’s sad, when he’s stressed but especially when he’s angry
functions a lot more on how he Feels™ versus any kind of planning or forethought. things kind of happen to matty and he just rolls with it versus matty trying to make things happen which is generally fine but it also means he has trouble grabbing opportunities in front of him and will absolutely procastinate until the last possible second to sabotage himself
relentlessly optimistic even when he really has no right to be, matty is the sort of person who forces himself to see the silver-lining in everything and it can certainly be annoying in the wrong situation
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jacenbren · 2 years
How were the subjects for project theseus picked?
Some of the basic criteria:
Optimal musculoskeletal structure
“Average” physical appearance
Little or no preexisting health problems
Must be assigned male at birth
Must be between 15 and 20 years old
However, there’s one big rule that doesn’t depend on biology: Candidates selected should be the ones least likely to garner a major investigation after disappearing.
Tommy was taken while on vacation to visit his grandparents. Kids going missing during travel isn’t uncommon, especially if the parents are stressed or tired, so the authorities likely didn’t have much hope in finding Tommy at all.
Velvet voluntarily joined the program in lieu of jail time after being arrested for a DUI. Due to him a) studying abroad and b) being a stoner college student, the authorities likely didn’t take his disappearance very seriously.
Bad was a foster kid with a history of running away from home. This fact alone made it very likely that no one would be that alarmed by his sudden absence, and not much effort would be put into finding him.
Ranboo was [REDACTED] who knew about [REDACTED] and was therefore [REDACTED] before [REDACTED] released.
Dream? Well, he was an inmate on death row for [REDACTED], and when given the option of either execution or submitting to human experimentation, the choice was obvious.
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k12academics · 11 days
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Established in 1975 in Fort Myers Florida, the Dr. Piper Center continues to carry out the visions Dr. Ella Piper left for the community.
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Her love for the community motivated Ella to leave her property to the city of Ft. Myers with the stipulation it be used to provide a place for children and the elderly.
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Although Dr. Piper died in 1954, her legacy lives on at the Dr. Piper Center, which was dedicated in june 1976.
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