#Fragments Hunters
fragmenthunters · 1 year
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Fragments chapter 14
I think Tahlia wins the flower contest. ^v^
This is the last page of the comic for now. Thanks for reading.
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mournfulroses · 21 days
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Mary Oliver, from a poem titled "Hunter's Moon," featured in New & Selected Poems of Mary Oliver
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flowerytale · 1 year
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Carson McCullers, from The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
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writer-room · 1 year
Created more civilian memes post-Merge because I am ill
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Look me in the eyes. Never-Realm inhabitants would see what Zane’s life is like in Ninjago and I know, in my heart of hearts, someone would instantly go “oh thats nice. wanna hear about that time he tried to murder us for, like, sixty years?” and Ninjago just has to like. live with this.
1, 3, 4
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kaiserouo · 9 months
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i hate destiny
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v-murderkings · 2 years
Scene like this with young Darius and his mentor please 🙏🏻
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normaleeinsane · 8 months
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Here's my character Troy helping some light trees. ^v^
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liiisette · 1 year
Been thinking about how 🦆ed up some life's of the protagonists and mcs in kids shows are–
Yk getting betrayed, possessed, heartbroken, nearly unalived to just have to go on and save one or more  dimensions.
But in the end they grew not only physically but mentally. Stronger bounding, friendship and all.
Wonder what my future self will think about me?
Do my friendships grow through disaster in normal life nearly the same as they do in the 'near-the-end-of-world(s)' life?
And in the end will my life be just as happy and loved-filled as theirs? Not 'perfect' bc there is no perfect life but you know peacefull at least?
Will i learn to be more forgiving not to others but to myself too?
I'm still waiting; but can't await it to be perfectly imperfect.
Thank you for listening to my thoughts btw cutie!
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talentforlying · 7 months
i was being really really normal rereading books of magic last night and i'm wildly busy today, so enjoy the scheduled screamfest about to come barreling out of my queue today.
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trespeak · 1 year
❌ Keane
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“Such attire is beneath me, but alas, the good suits are at the cleaners. I’ve had a busy week.”
I realized very early into prep for this one that I’d be hard pressed to do better than the shirt I was already wearing 😂
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hddnone · 9 months
WIP Wednesday
Here's an interaction between Blaine and Hunter in what was a 5K oneshot and now I'm attempting to insert enough plot to make it more like a novella.
“Can I help you?” Blaine asked, forcing the politeness to outweigh his confusion.
“Yes, you can.”
Blaine waited, but the man only continued to smile.
Frowning, Blaine pressed. “I’m sorry, how do we know each other?”
The question earned him a scoff. “You don’t have to pretend you don’t remember.”
Flushing, Blaine scanned his memory. The man was tall with spiky brown hair. Broad shoulders and muscled, the shirt hugging his body nicely. Attractive enough that Blaine thought he would’ve remembered meeting.
Wincing with guilt, he shook his head. “I could use some help. I’m so sorry.”
“Dalton,” the man drawled, rolling his eyes like it was the height of inconvenience. “Senior year. You do still remember the Warblers, don’t you? How you spurned our invitation to join?”
Pieces clicked into place. Blaine snapped his fingers. “You’re the captain who forced everyone to take steroids!”
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firstenchanterorsino · 10 months
Neat concept to consider: a Dark Urge origin character could technically regain their memory if they had Regenerate cast on them.
I say could because if someone wanted to be a stickler for wording, it can be validly ruled that Regeneration doesn't apply to internal/organ damage as it specifically only details regrowth of "severed body members". However, also equally valid ruling to say that it would make sense it would recover significant internal damage.
I think it's pretty sensible to say that Regenerate would restore it, as it has been firmly established in-game that the majority of the memories lost for the Dark Urge are explicitly due to physical trauma to the brain. Since Heal is described as having healed a sliver of the permanent damage which then caused immediate memory recollection, safe to say that complete restoration of the brain would come with total or almost total memory recollection.
Which leads to the most interesting character building point of this which is: how would regaining their memories affect the Dark Urge, especially if the identity they developed post-amnesia is fundamentally different from who they originally were? Would the reclamation of memory be processed as gaining their prior sense of identity in some way, or would it get processed more like witnessing the memories of an entirely separate person from their POV?
I think it's only a given that the answers to these questions heavily relies on whatever path the new Dark Urge has chosen, as well as whether or not the Dark Urge still has Bhaal's blood. Even more intriguing character development musings that the fraction of one's Dark Urge interpretation is influenced by where in the timeline memories are regained. Further expanded upon, another question is if the return of their memory would drive the Dark Urge back to the ambitions of their old self or if it would only serve to fuel atonement more than they were already motivated to.
> ur welcome to use this post as a prompt btw
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fragmentedblade · 1 year
Happy to know I have not been exaggerating the Jingliu/Yanqing parallels for two months
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What's phiny-boy dreaming about? 👁👁
His family? His lovers? His shows? The void?
𝓕𝓻𝓪𝓰𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓞𝓯 𝓜𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼 has been unlocked!!
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Would you like to look into some of Phineas’s past memories through his dreams?!… let us see what memory or nightmares he may be dreaming of right now :)!
{A Mother’s Advice}
Rosaria sat across from her son Phineas, pouring tea into his cup while they sat in the parlor of their home. The afternoon sun streamed in through the large bay windows, casting a warm glow over the room.
"Phineas, my dearest son," Rosaria said, taking a sip of her own tea before setting it down delicately on its saucer. "As you grow older, you must understand that the world can be a cruel place. But it is not heartless."
Phineas, who was but a teen back then, raised his eyebrows quizzically. "What do you mean by that, mom?"
Rosaria sighed softly, taking a deep breath before continuing. "The world we live in can be harsh. We may encounter people who wish to do us harm, or we may face challenges that seem insurmountable. But it is important to remember that there is always kindness to be found."
Phineas smile to his mother’s words and nodded thoughtfully, taking a sip of his tea. "I can see what you mean, mom. But can you tell me how do we find that kindness in the midst of all the cruelty?" He asked waiting for his mother’s wise words.
Rosaria's expression softened as she regarded her son. "It is often found in the smallest and simplest acts of goodness. A smile from a stranger, a kind word from a friend, even the chirping of birds outside our window. These are the things that remind us that there is still beauty in the world... beauty that worth admiring and protecting"
Phineas nodded, his gaze fixed on his teacup. "I see. But what if we face a great tragedy, something that seems too terrible to bear?" The boy once again asked another question with smile full of curiosity.
Rosaria placed a comforting hand on her son's arm. "In those moments, my dearest son, we must turn to our loved ones. They will help us find the strength to carry on even if they are miles away."
Phineas nodded solemnly, taking another sip of his tea. "Heheh~ Thank you for the advice, Your words are always wise, mom!!”
Rosaria smiled kindly at her son. "You are always welcome, my dearest. Remember that the world may be cruel at times, but it is never heartless. There is always hope and goodness to be found."
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katyspersonal · 1 year
Had more Absolutely Normal Dreams tonight...
My dream was going somewhat normal, but past some point it kept getting corrupted by some hints of insanity. Like... eyes would appear on a random wall, a red moon would show up for a second, there would be complete darkness despite all lightbulbs glowing, a doorframe trying to bite, area near the trees becoming 'cosmic', corridors turning into horrifying labyrinths, all that.
I remember I also found Djur4 who's been watching over regular animals instead, but after bloodmoon light showed for only a second (during daytime, no less), they all turned into scary monsters with more teeth than necessary. The only one who remained normal was a pig x)
Then it also turned out that of course Mic0lash was behind all this. He just was not able to enter the dream on his own, and only could leave the signs of his presence in subtle ways like that. And towards the end I would have to try to escape a second myself that not only acted a bit crazy, but also was insisting on letting him in and allowing him to corrupt this WHOLE pocket dimension into nightmarish, chaotic version. Like how Scarlet Rot would alter everything, but with chaos, nightmare and horror instead of a rot dsjhfhsd I was seeking every possible way to hide from her, but she ended up breaking the window of my house (that in the dream was above the clouds level) and seizing me... And then I woke up.
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twilighttheater · 2 years
[list of shinies I’m considering for blanc for various reasons:
During BW plot:
- Hydreigon
Post BW plot:
- Rapidash
- Cryogonal?]
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