aquatic-batt · 2 years
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this one’s just a doodle of Skywind (she/her) on of my ClanGen ocs that I just made while waiting for class to start! she’s a med cat who was manipulated by a cat from the Dark Forest into poisoning her former leader to try and help the Dark Forest warrior’s daughter become leader
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just a little size comparison for Frecklefang (short cat, she/her) and Rabbitheart (big cat, she/her) :]
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Cherrynose (she/her) loafing!!
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I was thinking about Blackice (left cat, they/them) and Magpiecall (right cat, they/them)’s relationship and I feel like Magpiecall (Magpiepaw at the time), being a fellow med cat apprentice, would be able to tell that something is wrong with Blackice (Icepaw at the time) and try helping them out, only to unfortunately be pushed away. I don’t yet know how things will entirely progress between them
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just a Nightmare Chica concept doodle :]
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444names · 6 months
Names generated from Warrior Cats character names and common flowers, common herbs, and animals
(Sadly finding any database list of "plants native to England" wasn't possible, so I try next best thing).
Adder Adderheart Addock Aldenfur Algernstar Alkit Amblekit Amblepaw Anderpaw Anglin Annose Antsquinch Aphining Arcissum Aspelt Asterchkit Azale...
Badge Balderkit Ballow Baracker Barkstream Beetfur Beflower Belight Bellfur Benner Betshining Birchestar Birdstar Blackal Blacken Blackenwing Blacker Blizard Blossumacat Bluewhisker Bluewhite Boulderpaw Brambleft Branchface Brane Branefur Branilla Breefrost Breek Brightfoot Brightwish Bristle Broot Brooth Brushwingal Bushtail Butis Butted Buzzlybush Buzzypelt Camen Cardenfur Carleg Catfur Cattle Cedawnclaw Chammall Cheep Chickenwing Chicklenose Chickory Chilis Cinnon Clowfeather Cockinktail Cockster Copper Coppy Coria Corilla Coster Crabbitle Creefrong Creefrost Crick Crook Croutstar Crowankit Crowl Crysan Cucklekit Curledum Curlypelt Currel Currelshine Curry Cyclaw Dapple Dapples Darrook Deagle Deerpelt Dewspot Doverstar Downose Duckly Eaglestar Echfur Egremleap Elkit Emberch Emberry Errelflint Fallow Falon Fenner Fenugreeze Fernclover Fernose Fernson Ferrel Ferry Fidge Fincefish Firchicken Firchkit Flamelepaw Flampkit Fleaf Flightsky Flowflight Flowhenry Flowspotfur Flutted Flytainfur Foxglorang Foxleafpool Frecklefang Freckoo Frist Fristle Galings Garomseed Giantsqueak Gibbonobo Gibbony Glade Goosematien Goosepazote Gopheart Gorseedley Gorset Grassar Grayfern Graying Grout Guana Guanatter Guine Harelfur Harveymoose Hattail Hattletail Hawkfoots Heddarheale Hollowtail Hollus Hollyleap Honeyes Hoodsong Horning Hosong Hover Hoverbillow Hummine Hummint Hundsha Hussestones Hydrage Hyssomkit Hyssus Iceclaw Irise Jaguan Jasmintfur Jayfeath Jonquickens Jumpkit Jumpytail Junip Kenfury Keshine Kestnut Lapple Lappleclaw Lapplenose Leadow Leapigeon Leechosong Leekwhisker Lemminter Lemonksha Leonflorang Light Lilyoftwig Limeflight Limpes Lionkey Littail Litter Lobstep Lonstar Loonlight Loose Lower Lupineart Macacia Macat Mackdawn Malleaf Mantipe Maple Maplefoot Mapletail Maright Marsley Meade Meadeerled Meadepelt Melope Mineaf Mingfish Minnatis Minnowtuft Minteather Minter Mistle Mistlesky Mitestone Mitewater Mitewistfur Moleaf Moleg Molepowdrop Mollow Monmyrtled Moonfoot Mornclaw Morntana Mosspardaw Mossusander Mouseface Muddley Muskkit Mustpaw Namint Narchpaw Narwhale Neclaw Neeze Nettleap Nicooby Nightclaw Nightfoot Nightning Oakster Oatwhist Oneylerfoot Orchpaw Orrel Overstar Paleaf Panca Pandynose Panthyme Papriketail Parrel Patchen Pebblekit Pepperkit Percreek Peret Petail Petvine Picewhisker Pikefur Pikenhear Pinestep Pingbird Pinkfur Pinkit Pipede Poletsy Poppear Popper Porpion Prain Prawberry Prick Pring Pumpestar Quirrel Ragon Rainleaf Rainstar Rainwingo Rairit Rascarlower Rattail Redpaw Redthisker Reindleap Riper Rives Robinkfur Robinsplate Robinswept Roomhear Rowtail Rubblebee Rumperch Runner Safflowclaw Salade Sanderher Sandy Sassparkson Scoutstar Screed Scresurry Seale Seaselwing Sedgehog Sedgeranium Seedstar Shanot Share Sharept Sheept Shopwhisk Shredingo Shrush Shrushwing Shyheathe Silipkit Silkweevil Singstar Sistep Skyhearwing Slashheart Sleeds Slipkit Smalamant Smilanthyme Smint Snailstar Sneeze Snipekit Snook Snowtail Soleg Sorretle Sorring Spardkit Sparksong Sparrooth Speaf Spelt Spick Spide Spiket Spirebalm Splashhear Spotterhear Spotters Sques Squick Squiet Squitorm Stile Stonefoot Stoneyfur Stoneyleap Storty Straway Streather Strika Sunber Sunny Swanbeam Sweed Sweedtoot Sweet Swifteart Swoopinks Sworm Talder Talnose Talongtail Tanacle Tangutana Tanstep Taylily Thearnosa Thisper Thorty Thrimrost Thrus Thunter Tinyclaw Treeze Tuniaalen Tunipede Twolf Vinchid Viole Violetail Volepazote Volewhisker Volewing Vulturtium Waffe Waffrose Wasan Watcher Waterfallo Waterpaw Weaslug Weetail Whaleshade Whalfallia Whiskerkit Whitetain Wildcater Wilder Wildfish Willender Willheart Winderpelt Wingetmeg Wisterfish Woleclaw Woodpelt Yarrot Zacket Zebreek Zinnamon
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aquatic-batt · 1 year
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Frecklefang and Bunnyhop (both she/her) are lesbians >:3c
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aquatic-batt · 2 years
here’s the second sketchbook batch!
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this is actually three different doodles, the top right one is basically a representation of Waspbite (rounded angry cat, she/her) and Jaythroat (spiky nervous cat, they/them)‘a relationship! then there’s Vanny in the style of a rockafire explosion animatronic! then Lincoln Lynx (they/them), one of my animatronic ocs I have for a weirdcore series I plan on making at some point in the future!
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so for Casting Shadows there is a part I plan on having where a group of cats go to visit the Tribe. after it was found out that Rabbitheart (she/her) was meeting with Frecklefang (she/her) for info on RiverClan’s plans, rumors started spreading that they were mates. during the journey to the tribe, Finchsneeze (flirty cat, they/them), a SkyClan cat, started teasing Rabbitheart (frustrated cat) about it while Frecklefang (short cat) listened, flustered. they aren’t actually mates at the point but it is something they’ve talked about
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I have a pirate ship server on Minecraft w some friends and I have two cats so I drew them :]
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I drew some birds in a class I don’t like KENEIJRUD did you know that kiwis nostrils are ay the bottoms of their beaks? it helps them smell for food!
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some concept art of Leafbreeze (he/him) and Honeygrass (she/her)c they’re siblings in WindClan that are heavily religious and are meant to represent a priest and a nun. I’m considering making Honeygrass a medicine cat instead of Leafbreeze but aren’t sure yet!
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aquatic-batt · 2 years
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I thought that I knew love, but it was just a wave crashing over us
Frecklefang (brown) and Rabbitheart (tortoiseshell) both go by she/her pronouns!
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aquatic-batt · 2 years
hopefully this’ll work the third time but here’s the first part of my sketchbook tour!
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this first drawing is of Aida (she/her), one of my pirate ocs! she’s a member of the enemy ship, Kraken’s Blood, to the main ship of the story, The Runaway Tyrant. she was sent in as a spy to The Runway Tyrant to help Kraken’s Blood kidnap one of their crew mates, but came to love the crew, and was riddled with guilt with what she was doing
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I drew an aquatic bat as a nod to my username by the suggestion of a friend! I might do this again in the future tbh
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this is just some old concept art of Mothmoon (top cat, they/them) and Frecklefang (bottom cat, she/her)!
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every beginning and end of the school year I draw a cheetah chasing a gazelle, this is the doodle from the beginning of this school year!
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last doodle so far is of some concept art for my ponysona! I haven’t don’t much with her tbh lmao I just made her for PonyTown
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aquatic-batt · 1 year
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wip doodle of a scene in which Bunnyhop (orange cat at the top, she/her) defends Frecklefang (blue cat at the top, she/her) after Frecklefang found her injured and brought her to the makeshift ShadowClan camp. everyone automatically assumes Frecklefang, being a RiverClan cat, was the one to hurt Bunnyhop, but despite her condition, she stands up and threatens anyone who tries to attack Frecklefang, claiming she has nothing to do with her injuries.
other featured cats from left to right are Rookjump (they/them), Toadstool (she/her), Hareleap (he/him), and Jaypaw (they/them)!
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aquatic-batt · 2 years
Now that I think about it, I wonder who are the protagonists of the story. Is it Saltstar ? Is it a Shadowclan cat discovering the fake Prophecy and trying to save their clan ?
soooo initially there was going to be one protag but I don’t know where to stop when making lore for characters so I don’t really know who the main protag is anymore, but I think I could center it to three main characters? although arguably there could possibly be more
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Frecklefang (she/her) was initially planned to be THE main character. she is a RiverClan medicine cat apprentice who ends up conspiring in secret with ShadowClan by giving them information as well as providing them with supplies, especially after RiverClan, ThunderClan, and eventually WindClan cut off helping them when in need and even kicking them off their own territory. she’s basically the biggest form inside the Clans (aside from SkyClan for the beginning) helping ShadowClan stay afloat and avoid conflict when able to, especially since she’s under Saltstar’s rule so she can get inside information
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Rabbitheart (she/her) is a warrior of ShadowClan with half WindClan blood who is a possible second protagonist. she is the main ShadowClan cat who meets with Frecklefang to swap info and get supplies. she ends up being one of the more outspoken warriors about ShadowClans right to be among the Clans, especially after ShadowClan is kicked off their territory. her sibling, Frogthroat (they/them) was brutally murdered in a battle between ShadowClan, RiverClan, ThunderClan, and WindClan meant to kick ShadowClan off their territory, and Rabbitheart takes this loss hard, beginning to launch attacks on anyone involved with the murder and taking on the role of “Frogthroat’s ghost”
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Blackice (they/them) I think is one of my favorite wc ocs tbh?? they are a SkyClan medicine cat apprentice (named Icepaw) who is being manipulated by Dark Forest warriors without knowing it. SkyClan is a heavy supporter for ShadowClan, and end up sharing territory and supplies in secret with ShadowClan after they are kicked off their territory, but the Dark Forest warriors posing as StarClan are telling Icepaw that this isn’t right and ShadowClan is meant to be gone for good, and they end up tricking Icepaw into telling the other Clans that SkyClan is helping ShadowClan in secret
there’s other incredibly important characters like Brightstar and Stormeye that could be protags but I thinkkkkkk these three would be the Most important of I had to pick
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aquatic-batt · 2 years
found The first official doodles I made when I was conceptualizing Casting Shadows (finally)
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look at how different they are!! Feeckelfang is the fluffy cat in all four of these, the angry cat in the third is Seastar (though they used to be Shellstar), I keep forgetting about a side plot where Frecklefang begs Seastar for help after Saltstar has become a tyrant, but Seastar is a bit stuck up and doesn’t like to admit when they’re wrong so they get pissed off at Frecklefang and claim that her distrust in Saltstar feels like she is questioning Seastar’s ability to choose a proper deputy, which ends up resulting in them cutting off communication with Frecklefang so she stops having proper communication with StarClan for a very long time. gotta pay more attention to this bc it was supposed to fall in line w the whole thing where she wants to prove she was meant to be a medicine cat thing damn!!!! also Bunnyhop is w her in the last pic :3 also man I’m debating whether I should give Frecklefang her flower back…
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aquatic-batt · 2 years
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me and a friend of mine were obsessed w cheems so I drew him lmao
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with how obsessed I am w birds you would think I drew these like yesterday but nope these are from awhile ago (I thinkkkkk Covid might’ve either just driven us out of school or was about to when I drew these) (also chickadees are so cute but give off such violently chaotic energy)
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more of the Jersey Devil and Mothman, I like JD’s design here but Mothman,,,I’m glad I’m starting to change his design now
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the Lockness Monster and Bigfoot :]
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test ref of the Lockness Monster!!
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this is technically the first ever concept art of Frecklefang even though I didn’t even have plans for a Warrior Cats story, fun fact Frecklefang is actually my government assigned Warrior Cats name and this is a doodle from awhile ago of what my government assigned character would look like lmao
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Kaimana’s parents from back when she was a cat :] she had poly parents! I’ll prolly still keep this concept
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I think this is supposed to be Munkustrap and Mistoffelees from Cats the Musical but I have NO idea what’s going on here…
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more Roonbie (they/them) art, as well as Arvet (she/her) and a lil Jackie (she/her) at the bottom!
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corvid-19…Covid had definitely just driven us out of school by now
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aquatic-batt · 2 years
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uhmmmm kitty time :3
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aquatic-batt · 2 years
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it’s said that because of the rarity of flowers in leaf-bare, any spotted around the Longest Night are signs of good fortune to those who lay eyes on it. it symbolizes hope within hardship, the moon that breaks through the clouds of a cold, stormy night. however, most romantic of all, some believe it is a sign of everlasting love, and that those who spot flowers around the Longest Night will stay with their love for eternity, souls meant to be intertwined to the stars and beyond.
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aquatic-batt · 2 years
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Saltstar (he/him) is the current leader of RiverClan. he is a silver cat with white and black marks, notably the white spots on his back that are part of the meaning behind his name (the other is that he is, well, salty). he has a scar on his face that caused him to go blind in his left eye as well as a torn ear, which was given to him by his father, Whiteclaw (he/him) when he was a kit. Saltstar created a false prophecy in order to destroy ShadowClan due to his past experiences with them (his scar, his mother and sibling’s deaths) fueling him to reach for revenge.
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Frecklefang (she/her) is a medicine cat recently upgraded from an apprentice in RiverClan. she is brown and white, and is named after freckled face and single, long fang. this fang lead her parents to think that she would become an excellent warrior one day, but to their dismay, she wanted to become a medicine cat instead. cats willingly choosing to become medicine cats are seen as lazy by some, as usually cats are forced into it by destiny because most cats want to be warriors, so Frecklefang is desperate to prove that she chose the right destiny for herself. however, she is also desperate to help save ShadowClan from the unnecessary aggression against them, which causes some to see her as against the very cats she’s proven herself to serve, StarClan.
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Rabbitheart (she/her) is a recently made warrior of ShadowClan with half-WindClan blood. she was named after her rabbit-like black, brown, and white markings. her right ear is permanently bent from an event when she was a kit where the WindClan medicine cat, Leafbreeze (he/him) discovered that she was half-Clan and threw her out of the nursery. her leg scar is from an incident as an early apprentice when she was trying to learn how to climb after seeing ThunderClan and SkyClan doing it, only to fall. she is desperate to protect her Clan when everyone begins turning on ShadowClan, and even more desperate for revenge when her sibling, Frogthroat (they/them), is brutally murdered in the battle meant to kick ShadowClan out.
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Wolfstar (she/her) is the current leader of ThunderClan. she is a gray lykoi with a wolf-like appearance. throughout her life, many bullied her because of her missing patches of fur, leading her to easily join in Saltstar’s plans to destroy ShadowClan as a way of releasing her built up anger. however, during the battle to take out ShadowClan, Frogthroat took one of her lives and she saw StarClan begging her to stop what she was doing, so she now lives in paranoia that ShadowClan is out to get her and The Dark Forest is ready to drag her down.
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Cherrynose (she/her) is the current medicine cat of ThunderClan. she is a mostly white cat with reddish patches that gave her her name. she is excellent at faking signs and has faked many to get herself where she is now, as well as Wolfstar. because she is in love with her, Cherrynose orchestrated a way to help her get to the position she is at now. she helps create signs to push Wolfstar and Saltstar’s faux prophecy.
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Stormeye (she/her) is the current deputy of RiverClan. she is a black and white cat with stormcloud markings on her face. she is Saltstar’s mate, although he cares far more about getting rid of ShadowClan than her. this leads to growing frustration that she finally lets out in the battle that took out ShadowClan when she was instructed to gut Frogthroat. feeling her rage towards Saltstar’s indifference towards her despite them being mates grow, she let it all out, only realizing what she had done after Frogthroat was already dead. from here on, she starts to realize what kind of cat Saltstar really is, and resents the cat he’s making her become.
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Otterstrike (she/her) is a recent warrior of RiverClan. she is a bengal tabby with countershading similar to an otter. she is best friends with Frecklefang, which leads to her being a main suspect of betrayal when Frecklefang suspected of siding with ShadowClan, so she has to balance between her own morals and keeping her position in RiverClan. I don’t have much for her outside of that unfortunately, but I would love to do more with her!
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Brightstar (he/him) is the current leader of ShadowClan, and Saltstar’s half brother. he is a black and white tabby. when accusations start being thrown around regarding ShadowClan’s existence within the Clans, Brightstar struggles to keep his Clan afloat, but isn’t willing to give up by any means. he’s desperate to make his mother Pinenose (she/her), who was the first to die when the faux prophecy began, proud and ensure that her death was not in vain.
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Rosefrost (they/them) is an albino cat who I initially had as the other RiverClan med cat, but have since changed things around. I might make them a ShadowClan cat, or ThunderClan, but am not sure yet. their design will change based on what I’ll decide and I’ll probably reupload it again later
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Shellears (they/them) is a warrior of RiverClan. I used to have them as the former leader, but I’ve since changed plans, so for now, they’re just another warrior of RiverClan. they are a yellow tabby with shell-like markings.
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aquatic-batt · 2 years
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aquatic-batt · 1 year
I need to stop changing character designs completely bc it will lead to me having to change everything on toyhouse but also what if I changed Frecklefang and instead named her Gullsplash and designed her after a type of gull because she’s from RiverClan
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aquatic-batt · 2 years
can blameitonjorge uncover the lost media of my very first concept art for Bunnyhop and Frecklefang
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