#Freddie Mercury fan fic
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rogertaylorshbb · 2 years
"friends" roger Taylor fanfic {part 1}
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this is inspired off an anime I heard about I don't know what's it is called but you might know it when you read this lol, enjoy!!
it was a calm windy and cold morning and you woke up to the sound of your annoying alarm clock blasting in your ears. you snuggled the warm bedsheets closer to your freezing skin. you had to go to class today and you were not looking forward to it. as you stumbled out of bed you got ready slowly.
you walked out your dorm to the loud hallway, it was beginning to be a irritating day till you saw his face. his dreaming face. Daniel. you had such a big crush on Daniel, it was a bit obsessive. his beautiful dark hair and green eyes drew you in from a planet away and you couldn't help but stare. everything was perfect about him expect one thing, his bestfriend roger. you hated roger, you could seriously strangle him at any moment. why? you may ask. all he did was make your life hell front and back. he was such a smug snob with his stupid blonde hair and wide grin.
as you walked past them with your head down roger called out. "hey, you going to class nerd". "shut up roger, your just jealous cause I'm actually smart" you whispered while walking past. he laughed "I heard that". you finally got to class and stacked your books on your desk.
after class finished you walked out the hall only to see his dreamy face again. it was Daniel and he was walking towards you. shit shit shit. "uh hey y/n, right?" he smiled. "yea, is there something I could um help you with" you asked nervously. "uh no I actually just wanted to apologize for roger, I know he's being a dick to you, just sorry he's giving you a hard time" he explained. "oh roger, yeah that's nothing, I really don't care if he gives me a hard time, no worries" you lied, truly you thought of ways you could kill him every second.
Daniel placed his hand in your shoulder "well if it ever does make you mad you can tell me" he then put his hands in his pockets and walked away. you blushed, smiled and looked down. you couldn't contain the butterfly's that had entered your stomach. as you were taking in the moment another hand touched your shoulder but it wasn't a hand you liked.
"hello y/n" roger smiled smugly.
"ugh what do you want roger I'm not in the mood" you sighed.
"look I need a favor" he said being a bit more serious.
you laughed "why- why would I do a favor for YOU?"
"just hear me out please" he sighed
"go on, but I'm not doing shit for you" you laughed again.
he rolled his eyes "your friends with ava right?"
"yeah...why?" you questioned.
"well I was wondering if you could set me up with her?" he rubbed his hands together with a desperate voice and puppy dog eyes.
"ha, and why would i do that?" you asked.
"because I know something about you, I know you like Daniel so, if you set me up with ava ill set you up with Daniel" he smiled confidently.
you crossed your arms "who said I like Daniel?"
"no-one needs to speak your eyes say everything, all you do is stare at him and really its adorable to see how flustered you get when you speak with him" he teased.
"fine, maybe I do" you furrowed your brow.
"hm so, do we have a deal...? you set me up with ava and ill make sure Daniel is just as head over heels for you as you are for him, c'mon shake on it!" he put his hand out.
you shook his hand "your such a dick, you know that?"
"uh huh!" he said happily as he waltzed off.
this was going to be interesting.
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Can I request a fluffy John Deacon x fem. reader long fic where it’s Christmas Eve and John surprises reader with a present and when reader opens it, it’s a velvet box and when reader looks inside it turns out to be a ring and John takes it from her and gets down on one knee and goes into this speech about how much he loves her and that when he met her it was love at first sight and he asks reader to marry him?
Yess! so cute!
pairings: John Deacon x Fem!reader summary: ^^^^ warnings: too cute
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"hey, I got you something" Your boyfriend of 5 years, John said walking down the stairs with a wrapped box in his hand
"well put it under the tree then" you smiled at him as he sat down next to you on the couch.
it was a cold night and the fireplace was on, warming you up as you drank hot chocolate.
"just open it" he held it out for you to take
"but it's not christmas yet, that's tomorrow, can't it wait only a few more hours?" you leaned into him resting your head on his chest, hearing his heart race, so fast you would've thought he ran a marathon. it made you wonder why
"no it can't" he stated
you put your hot chocolate on the coffee table and leaned back into him, taking the box from him, you looked at him and raised an eyebrow
"what is it?" you asked him
"I'm not gonna tell you, that would ruin the surprise" he rolled his eyes
as you ripped the wrapping paper of the box, John leaned forward and took a sip of your drink, trying to hide his nervous face as you opened his gift.
you opened the box to see another, smaller box inside. You pulled the box out and looked at it. the pretty red velvet box you held in your hand made your smile.
it hadn't been the first time he's given you a box like that, only a few months prior he gave you a similar box with a necklace inside, and a year before was a pair of earrings.
"you give me too much of these, i practically have a whole draw of similar boxes" you joked with a giggle, he didn't look as amused as you though, his face held something different.
your smile faltered as you noticed his uncomfortable state
you looked at the box and became confused, it made you wonder...
you opened the box slowly and looked at it intently, a beautiful ring, decorated with the prettiest of diamonds was staring right backup at you
you looked up at John and a lump formed in your throat, he slowly took the box off you and got off the couch, making his way down on one of his knees.
it's that type of ring.
you body begun to feel hot and your vision went blurry
"John-" you start to say
"can you let me talk sweetheart?" he managed to smile shyly
"sorry" you apologised, sitting up and grabbed onto the blanket covering your legs
"you are- the best the that has ever happened to me, and I love you with all my heart, you make me want to be a better person and I am forever grateful for you. I have never wanted anything more than I want you, and it's been that way since we met- at the bar"
"I'm going to talk to her" roger said to the bored John.
Roger had dragged John to a bar, telling him he needed to put himself out there.
"you go do that" John sighed.
Roger had been staring at a girl sitting at a table on the other side of the room. she sat there talking to her friend who seemed uncomfortable to be there
"but I can't just go and take her away from her friend"
"look Roger, I think I might just leave-"
"you have to come with me" Roger pulled John up from his seat and made his way to their table with John trailing behind
"hey ladies!" Roger greeted joyfully
"hey" the girl said, looking up at the Roger and John hiding behind him
"need a drink?"
after a while, Roger and the girl were practically on top of each other on the other side of the booth, leaving John sitting awkwardly next to a girl he doesn't know the name of.
"what do you say we get out of here?" Roger suggested to crystal.
"yeah sure!"
they leave their seats and begin gathering their things
"wait no- you're my ride" the girl beside John said to crystal
"I'm sure John will give you a ride" Roger replied to her.
the girl next to him sunk in her chair, feeling dumped
"bye" Roger waved, winking to John before leaving with his new one night stand, leaving John with a girl he didn't know. he looked over to her, seeing that she was already looking at him.
"I'm John" he smiled nervously
"I know, your from that band" she said sheepishly, looking down at her lap, fiddling with her fingers
John was caught off guard, he didn't know what to do or say in this situation
"what's your name?" John asked
"thats a pretty name"
John noticed the girls face turn a light shade of pink as he said that and it made him nervous, realising what he said
"thanks" she smiled at him sweetly
the two begun talking for two more hours before realising the time
"I should probably get going, it was nice meeting you John" the girl said, picking up her purse and putting her jacket on.
"we should- uh- do this. we do this" John stuffed up his words
"i'd like that" she giggled before she wrote down her contact on a napkin and gave it to him
"bye John" she smiled, kissing him on the cheek, getting John all flustered at the affection
she walked out of the bar, smiling at him as she looked back at him
John sat there for a minute before he got up and walked out with the napkin in his pocket.
he saw that is was heavily raining and he worried for you, you didn't have an umbrella on you and you didn't even have a ride.
you didn't have a ride
John looked around and noticed you, waiting for a bus while soaking wet
he couldn't leave you out in the rain like that, he wouldn't. especially because you were the most beautiful woman he's ever seen, and one of the sweetest.
"I can give you a ride" he stated as he got closer to you, getting drenched
she turned around and smiled at him
"it makes me wonder what would happen if i left you out there in the rain, but I'm glad i didn't. I love you more than anything in the world and I would appreciate it if you would let me spend the rest of my life with you. so, sweetheart, will you marry me?" John finished his ramble
you couldn't come up with any words to reply with and john was left there for a second of silence.
you decided your throat was failing you and just kissed him. running your hands through his long hair and pulling him closer. he pulled away for a second to look at you
"I need an answer" he said, looking down at the ring
"yes! why would I ever say no?" you told him before placing another kiss on his lips
he placed the ring on your finger and let a deep breath he didn't know he was holding.
okokokok i hope that was alright
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cha-mij · 1 year
It may be 3.15 am but Ineffable Ambiguity is finally finished. Check out the full story at AO3. Account name Chamij.
Ineffable Ambiguity
AO3 - Chamij
Chapter Three
Munich 1985
The air was still. The civil twilight sent scattering sunlight shining golden across the arches the Neues Rathaus. It’s spire reached high into the damp, chill air. Birds were beginning their chorus as two tired street cleaners trudged their carts along Marienplatz. The Glockenspiel band came to life to call in 5 o’clock as shadows darted over the four puttos of the Mariensäule. The cleaners’ route took them to the pillar. One (newly on the job and curious of his surroundings) hesitated. He stared at the statue. A winged boy donned in shield and helmet smote a snake. He called to his companion, who having seen it a hundred times before had kept walking.
“Ernst! Can you tell me what these are for?”
Ernst had always been enthralled by the architecture of the city so could surreptitiously provide an answer.
“They’re Puttos, Otto. Cherubs. Little chubby angels using swords to smite the trials the city faced during the occupation of the Thirty Year’s War”.
Ernst pointed to each in turn.
“There you see him striking a lion which represents war. There a basilisk for pestilence, then the dragon of hunger, and finally this one. The snake of heresy.”
Otto listened intently, then asked:
“And the shields? What does it say on the shields?”
“Each one signifies victory over the trial. This one says ‘Svper-Aspi-Dem’. Put together they form a verse from Psalm 91. Super aspidem et basiliscum ambulabis, et conculcabis leonem et draconem”.
Ernst saw Otto’s confused expression and felt abashed by his ranting.
“Sorry. I adore the architecture of the city. Always have but people either don’t ask or don’t listen, so I seldom have the chance to talk about it. This is my favourite piece, so you were either lucky or not in having me guide you tonight depending on how much you mind me rabbiting on. The latin roughly means ‘Thou shalt walk upon the asp and the basilisk: and thou shalt trample underfoot the lion and the dragon’”.
Otto was not only impressed at Ernst’s knowledge, he was also incredibly pleased that he had taken the time to answer his questions so fully. He smiled at this man. A stranger, really, who had guided him through silent streets and curiosity”.
“Thank you, Ernst. Truly. It’s rare to find someone that would just know all of that. Let alone someone that would take the time to talk about it in such detail to someone they barely know. Please feel free to rabbit on at me as much as you like whenever we’re on shift together. It truly would be a pleasure listening to you”.
Ernst was evidently flattered. He combed his hands through dark hair and smiled. That morning had started a tradition of Otto receiving what he would call his Private ‘Tour of Munich’ whenever they were on shift together. Much later, they would gaze at those puttos from the window of a Marienplatz apartment and be thankful the cherub smote the snake.
Outside the air was still. Birds began their chorus as two cleaners began a quiet love story. Munich was calm. Well, most of Munich was calm. Inside a party was winding down. What had begun early the evening before was coming to a slow end.
Black and white feathers littered the room. Countless champaign bottles lay empty on tables, floors and chairs. A few remaining guests were dancing, while others sat at tables topped with empty glasses. Several had passed out. It had been a fantastic birthday party.
If there was one thing Crowley appreciated about having to actually do hell’s bidding once in a while, it was that hell really had no idea what heaven classed as a sin in this age. This meant that they were often asked to lure the odd human to damnation by tempting them to actions no longer classed as “damnable” but more “not really the done thing but everyone’s doing it these days”.
Along the way this had introduced Crowley to many humans that they had classed as far too good for torment. Many of these he had not only protected from Hell’s gaze, but even befriended. One of these friends was currently sat beside Crowley mindlessly twirling the tassels of his epilates. Tired, red eyes looked at the small group sat around him.
“You know darlings, I have no idea how I’m going to top this one.”
A voice came from across the table.
“Whatever you do Freddie I know you’ll make it worthy of your 40th".
“Of course I will Brian. Life’s for living after all”.
“We have to get that bloody album done first Fred or that film will never get finished”.
Crowley, who having drank three times more than any other at the party half sat and half lay in the chair next to Freddie Mercury. Their long red hair lay limp from a head that dangled from the chair. Earlier in the evening they had dazzled even Freddie. This was the night of the Black and White Ball where guests were requested to dress in black and white drag attire.
The guests never could figure out how Crowley had transformed themselves so beautifully. A slim black gown hugged a slim but shapely figure. At close view it had been intricately embroidered with scales etched in black sequin. Specks of glitter highlighted elegant make up while Auburn curls twisted over two magnificent black feathered wings. The most striking detail was the eyes. Yellow with pointed pupils.
Freddie, himself dressed magnificently in harlequin trousers and imperial jacket, at first didn’t recognise his friend.
“And just might you be, darling?”
Even Crowley’s voiced had changed beyond recognition. It was soft, full, and confident.
“It’s me you bloody fool. Don’t tell me you don’t recognise me”.
Freddie was taken aback,
“Crowley! You look beautiful! Who are you meant to be?”
The demon smiled, extremely pleased with themselves.
“I couldn’t think of which celebrity I wanted to be, so I thought to hell with it, I’ll be a flying snake.”
“And a fabulous one you make too! Those wings must be really fucking heavy!”
Crowley smiled a wicked grin. He had been thinking of this joke all day. It was just a shame no one was there to understand it.
“Aye Freddie, they are a hell of a heavy burden to bear”.
The party was as wild as expected and all through the night Freddie and the other guests were impressed that even as it got hot enough for many to strip completely, Crowley never removed their wings.
Crowley raised their drooping head and slurred the question:
“What film’s this then?”
Freddie explained they had been asked to write some songs for an upcoming film about some immortal, and how there was a scene that he just could not write for.
“It’s this flashback scene. The main guy’s remembering how when he was cast out of his clan he settled in the highlands with the love of his life. It’s all gushy and romantic, and then she goes and dies of old age on him, so he burns the house down. We just can’t seem to get the feeling right.
Crowley was awake now. Awake, but not sober enough to remember the extent of their following ramble.
“Who the bloody hell wrote that crap? Who would want to live forever?”
Brian, more awake and clearer thinking than any present leaned forward.
“Why not?”
“Well, its right there in the film! All that time flies by and all that happens is that anyone close to you dies or leaves you. Everything turns to ashes and you’ll have no place to call your own.” Passionately Crowley continued. “I bet in all those centuries there was only one moment worthy enough to be worth all that crap. No one is worth waiting forever for”.
Brian and Freddie were listening intently to this. Brian dared to ask what Crowley thought would count as something worth the wait.
Crowley seems to look inwardly. Their eyes dimmed and even their wings relaxed. Freddie thought to himself how well those feathers had lasted the night’s escapades and made a mental not to ask Crowley who supplied the wings when his friend was in a better state. For some reason the description of this flick had struck a nerve. A very raw nerve.
Crowley gave a sad smile.
“Stars?” this was said in unison.
“One day soon I bet there’s going to be a camera good enough to really see the stars for what they are. Not just stars but whole galaxies. Nebulas even.”
Brian’s curiosity was piqued.
“What’s a nebula Crowley?”
Again, a sad smile.
“It's where stars are born. I bet if you ever get to see them, you’d think that was worth waiting forever for”.
Freddie looked at his dear friend. He wondered now who had hurt them so badly and saw in them a grief and loneliness he had never seen before. Freddie, not knowing the half of Crowley’s true self, decided they must be in love, and an unrequited love at that.
“Who are they, Crowley?” He asked softly.
But it was too late. Crowley had fallen into a drunken stupor, but Freddie had seen the tear that had escaped.
About a year later a parcel arrived at Crowley’s flat. Attached to a copy of “It’s a Kind of Magic” was a note that read:
“Hello sweetie. Don’t be mad but your theory on forever was exactly what Brian needed for that song we needed. Side two, song one. Thank you, Crowley. It can be worth it you know. Waiting. And everyone deserves to be waited for.
Much love, Freddie”
Crowley had completely forgotten about that night’s confession but was grateful for Freddie’s touching sentiment. However, they never allowed themselves to listen to that song sober, and Bentley never played it.
Crowley wasn’t there when Freddie passed. The old habit of moving on when people started to notice a distinct lack of aging had forced them to back away, but upon hearing the news Crowley shut themselves away for two weeks.
“You were far too much of a treasure Freddie. Enjoy the good afterlife. If there’s one thing, I know for certain it’s that you’re not in the alternative”.
Years later Crowley was surprised to find out that Brian May had studied astrophysics. The conversation had popped up in Bentley when Aziraphale had mentioned it.
“Bugger if I know why he’d go and do that, Angel. Mind you, he always was a clever bastard”.
During the drive a miracle sound chimed, though too quiet for even angels or demons to hear. Bently skipped the song that was currently playing in favour of “You’re my best friend” and Freddie smiled in the good afterlife.
“Finally. Even you can’t wait forever, Crowley”.
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rhyewritersstudio · 2 years
Friday Fic Rec
The Marble Not Yet Carved
By @lydiannode
Rated: Mature, Category: Gen
Words: 14,056 — chapters: 6/6
Warning: implied non-con relating to a minor
This is a beautiful, yet heartbreaking dive into Freddie’s boarding school days in India, from the point of view of an adult Brian who has inexplicably time-traveled to the era as Freddie’s maths teacher.
Poetic in prose, this six chapter story will captivate you completely. The descriptions of child-Freddie through Brian’s eyes are touching and heart-wrenching and Brian’s own journey through his emotions is just as captivating.
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jimercuryweek · 5 months
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Welcome to Jimercury Week!!
The dates for the event are 21st-24th of June, 2024. In the weeks leading up to it, we will post and reblog things featuring our happy couple.
Where to post:
The main places to post will be here on Tumblr and on AO3! If you use other sites, post the link here on Tumblr and tag us here at @jimercuryweek and use the #jimercuryweek2024 tag to make sure we see it!
What we want:
Any fan media celebrating Jim and Freddie! Fic, art, phone wallpapers, playlists, anything! Just as long as it's focused on them!
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Day One: Friday - 21st June
Song: "Funny How Love Is" - Queen
AU: Missed Connection
Situation: My Cat is Stealing From My Neighbor
Day Two: Saturday - 22nd June
Song: "Man Made Paradise" - Freddie Mercury
AU: Drag Queen AU
Situation: Meet the Parents
Day Three: Sunday - 23rd June
Song: "You Take My Breath Away" - Queen
AU: Florist
Situation: Bad Rehearsal
Day Four: Monday - 24th June
Song: "Seven Seas of Rhye" - Queen
AU: Single Parent
Situation: DisneyLand
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Anything you'd like to write, draw, create- please make sure it's centred around the shipping of Freddie and Jim!
Make sure you tag your works appropriately! If it's NSFW, use the correct categories on AO3 and tag it as such here on Tumblr as well! We wanna make sure people know what they're getting into.
Prompts are just to give inspiration! If you have something else you wanna do, do it! Other AUs and situations are welcome and encouraged!
Please do not post or interact with the NSFW content if you are not 18+. Thank you.
Historical accuracy is not a requirement! That's the joy of events like these. Feel free to have fun with it all!
Please don't interact with hateful comments. Delete them as soon as you can.
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Feel free to reach out with any questions you may have!! Our inbox is open!
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maycuryweek · 2 months
For Brian's birthday, we are giving him the best: Freddie! ❤️
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Welcome to MaycuryWeek2024!
The dates for the event are 2nd-8th September, 2024. In the weeks leading up to it, we will post and reblog things featuring our happy couple.
Where to post:
The main places to post will be here on Tumblr and on AO3! If you use other sites, post the link here on Tumblr and tag us here at [blog] and use the #Maycuryweek2024 tag to make sure we see it!
What we want:
Any fan media celebrating Brian May and Freddie Mercury! Fic, art, phone wallpapers, playlists, anything you like—just as long as it's focused on them!
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Anything you'd like to write, draw, create—please make sure it's centered around the relationship Brian May and Freddie Mercury! Polyamoury and platonic fanwork is more than welcome, as long as the primary focus is on Maycury!
Make sure you tag your works appropriately! If it's NSFW, use the correct categories on AO3 and tag it as such here on Tumblr as well! We wanna make sure people know what they're getting into.
Prompts are just to give inspiration! You’re welcome to use all of them or none of them, You may interpret them as loosely or strictly as you’d like. If you have something else you wanna do, do it! Other AUs and situations are welcome and encouraged!
Historical accuracy is not a requirement! That's the joy of events like these. Feel free to have fun with it all!
Please do not post or interact with the NSFW content if you are not 18+. Thank you.
Please don't interact with hateful comments. Delete them as soon as you can.
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Feel free to reach out with any questions you may have!! Our inbox is open!
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Maycury Week Prompts:
Day 1:
Line: “Try to be straight for one more brunch.”
Song: “Scandal”
AU: Same Luggage, Didn’t Check the Tags
Trope: Right Place, Wrong Time
Day 2:
Line: “Did you really have to be so honest?”
Song: “Love of My Life”
AU: Hallmark Movie
Trope: Stuck in Traffic
Day 3:
Line: “Would you like me to whisper it in your ear?”
Song: “Staying Power”
AU: Married at First Sight
Trope: Playing Scrabble to Talk
Day 4:
Line: “Have you ever wondered if Ben and Jerry made more than ice cream together?”
Song: “Save Me”
AU: Supernatural
Trope: Bringing Out the Silly Side
Day 5:
Line: “After all... I'm just a boy, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love me.”
Song: “It’s Late”
AU: Neighbors
Trope: Meddling Friends/Family
Day 6:
Line: “I can’t keep kissing strangers pretending they’re you.”
Song: “Jealousy”
AU: Soulmate Marks
Trope: Pretending Not to Date
Day 7:
Line: “There’s no place like home.”
Song: “‘39”
AU: Second Chances
Trope: Didn’t Realize It Was You
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art and graphics made by @sunnymeddows
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freestonefest · 5 months
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Welcome to Freesstone Fest 2024!!
Get ready to celebrate and appreciate Peter "Phoebe" Freestone, Freddie Mercury's personal assistant and close friend.
The dates for the event are 24th-26th of May, 2024. In the weeks leading up to it, we will provide facts about our favourite gentle giant.
Where to post:
The main places to post will be here on Tumblr and on AO3! If you use other sites, post the link here on Tumblr and tag us here at @freestonefest and use the #freestonefest2024 tag to make sure we see it!
What we want:
Any fan media celebrating Peter "Phoebe" Freestone! Fic, art, phone wallpapers, playlists, anything! Just as long as it's focused on Phoebe!
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Day 1 - Friday, 24th May:
But then I fooled around and fell in love
Childhood Friends AU
Seaside Rendezvous (A Day at the Beach)
Day 2 - Saturday, 25th May:
Workin' 9 to 5 / What a way to make a livin'
Coffee Shop AU
Sick Day
Day 3 - Sunday, 26th May:
Everybody was dancin' in the moonlight
Arranged Marriage AU
Meet Cute/Meet Ugly
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ALL ABOUT PHOEBE!! Anything you'd like to write, draw, create- please make sure it's centred around Phoebe!
Make sure you tag your works appropriately! If it's NSFW, use the correct categories on AO3 and tag it as such here on Tumblr as well! We wanna make sure people know what they're getting into.
Prompts are just to give inspiration! If you have something else you wanna do, do it!
Any ship is welcome, as long as they're centred around Phoebe!
AUs are welcome and encouraged!
Please do not post or interact with the NSFW content if you are not 18+. Thank you.
Historical accuracy is not a requirement! That's the joy of events like these. Even though Phoebe himself is an open book, his recollection of events and dates is, at times, contradictory of even himself. So. Feel free to have fun with it all!
Please don't interact with hateful comments. Delete them as soon as you can.
Feel free to reach out with any questions you may have!! Our inbox is open!
I also want to thank @fanellifest for the inspiration to host this event. The work they put into their weekend for Joe Fanelli was beautiful. Thank you for reminding that the love in this fandom can be spread to the other important people in the Queen limelight.
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deacuryweek · 3 months
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The dates for the event are 16-19th August 2024. In the weeks leading up to it, we will post and reblog things featuring our happy couple.
Where to post:
The main places to post will be here on Tumblr and on AO3! If you use other sites, post the link here on Tumblr and tag us here at [blog] and use the #deacuryweek2024 tag to make sure we see it!
What we want:
Any fan media celebrating John Deacon and Freddie Mercury! Fic, art, phone wallpapers, playlists, anything you like—just as long as it's focused on them!
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Day 1:
Line: “Sometimes memories are the worst form of torture.”
Song: “Lost Opportunity”
AU: Fairy Tale
Trope: Coming Out Later in Life
Day 2:
Line: “I’m starting to think you’re wasting my time.”
Song: “If You Can’t Beat Them”
AU: Jane the Virgin
Trope: Only Ones Sober at a Party
Day 3:
Line: “What, you think I’m not qualified?”
Song: “Friends Will Be Friends”
AU: Other Professions
Trope: Dating Apps
Day 4:
Line: “I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”
Song: “Rain Must Fall”
AU: Flatmates
Trope: Las Vegas
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Anything you'd like to write, draw, create—please make sure it's centered around the relationship John Deacon and Freddie Mercury! Polyamoury and platonic fanwork is more than welcome, as long as the primary focus is on deacury!
Make sure you tag your works appropriately! If it's NSFW, use the correct categories on AO3 and tag it as such here on Tumblr as well! We wanna make sure people know what they're getting into.
Prompts are just to give inspiration! You’re welcome to use all of them or none of them, You may interpret them as loosely or strictly as you’d like. If you have something else you wanna do, do it! Other AUs and situations are welcome and encouraged!
Please do not post or interact with the NSFW content if you are not 18+. Thank you.
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Historical accuracy is not a requirement! That's the joy of events like these. Feel free to have fun with it all!
Please don't interact with hateful comments. Delete them as soon as you can.
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chaoticgayomens · 1 year
very specific aziracrow fic ideas that i am too lazy to write
(you can use these if you wish!! tag me pls if you do, i’d be honored)
- aziraphale isn’t very good at grand gestures (it’s most certainly crowley’s thing) but decides to try to bring freddie mercury back from the dead to sing at his and crowley’s wedding.
- warlock shows up at their doorstep out of the blue. aziraphale and crowley take him in, no questions asked, and decide to take him to pride with them
- the fic could be about anything but there should be a scene in which aziraphale is drawing crowley. crowley pokes his head over aziraphale’s shoulder and goes “draw me like one of your french girls”. crowley does not know that aziraphale has seen titanic.
- the metatron crashes aziraphale and crowley’s wedding.
- they’re at a pub or a bar or something and someone hits on aziraphale. crowley is not a fan of this and they cause a massive scene, much to their own amusement and aziraphale’s horror.
- maggie convinces nina to try to get aziraphale and crowley back together, just like aziraphale and crowley did for them. maggie’s first thought, as she has a niece who introduced her to fanfiction (headcanon), is to run through all the classic tropes.
- aziraphale and crowley meet up at the stonewall riots, femme presenting. everyone assumes they’re a couple. aziraphale gets arrested and crowley has to break her out.
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mazarin01 · 1 year
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I slowly roll the name across my tongue over and over again, a smile blooming as the butterflies multiply in my belly. I climb down from the top of my bunk bed, landing on my feet with a heavy thud. Quickly rolling my chair across the floor to lean against the open closet, I climb on top of it, holding on to the door so as not to fall down. 
I pull out the black shoe box hiding behind my old ski pants I haven’t worn in years, losing my balance as the seat swings to the side, nearly crashing with the floor.
I flop down at the bottom of my bunk bed and lean my back against the wall, then carefully open the shoe box and pull out a clipping from the local newspaper from last fall. 
Isak stands with a gold medal around his neck, a football under one arm, the other raised in triumph, eyes big and smile broad. I stare blissfully at the picture before kissing his face gently, butterflies swirling around my belly like they’re dancing to a music video on MTV. 
I’m not sure, but I think he likes me. And not just as a friend, but maybe as something more? Maybe the way that makes you want to kiss someone and hold hands. Maybe the same way I’ve heard rumored about Freddie Mercury, the vocalist in Queen. 
I love Queen, love the performance they had at Live Aid in 1985. I love Freddie Mercury in tight jeans and a singlet. But most of all, I love Isak Valtersen. 
On Sunday I went to school with Yousef and Mutasim. They wanted to skate since the national ban had finally been repealed. I don't skate, it looks so scary, and when I got bored of watching them, I walked over to the football field next to the school to look for Isak. I often see him there with his best friends Jonas, Magnus and Mahdi playing football. 
That afternoon he was there all by himself, repeatedly shooting against the wide open goal. Just when I was about to call his name, he spotted me. He ran towards me, greeting me with a shy smile. 
We talked for a long time, leaning up against the fence. Isak told me about a cool old Nintendo Game & Watch he’d gotten from his mum and I told him about the movie Cinema Paradiso I forced Mikael to watch with me last week. 
As we were saying goodbye to each other, something absolutely magical happened. Without looking Isak pushed his pinky against mine, gently brushing his finger over mine. A tingling sensation raced through me, turning my legs into jello and quickly short circuiting my brain. I couldn’t speak and my heart pounded so fast I started to worry it might explode. 
When I managed to somewhat gain control of my body again, I glanced at him. He didn’t say anything, just bit his lower lip and sent me that same shy smile. His dark red cheeks took my breath away and all I could do was smile back.
To @ghostcat3000
You lowkey wished for fan made birthday presents this year, and since you were so cool and wrote me into your EVAK fic 1 Thing last year, I thougt I'd gift you something for your birthday.
1989 is a story I posted in Norwegian on AO3 back in 2018. It's honestly one of the stories I've written that I'm most proud of.
I've translated it into English so more people can read it. @alterlove2021 is my trusted beta and has done magic to the story, sanding down the rough edges and polishing it, making it shine like a diamond.
It's not the 25th just yet, but since I have no chill what so ever, I decided to post a little sneak peak here on Tumblr along with some art I made for the story.
The whole story will be available on the 25th on AO3 for you and everyone else to read.
Happy Birthday in advance.
XO Mazarin
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A picture is worth a thousand words. So, let's allow some photos to inspire us!
The premise of this collection is to take photographs of Queen (Et al.) and use them as a starting-off point for creativity. Whether a photo inspires you to write a drabble, a ficlet, a vignette, a poem, a multi-chapter fic, a dialogue, a screenplay, etc. or to draw, sketch, or paint, then feel free to post the photograph that inspired you along with your creation into this collection.
The goal is to inspire each another to create!
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rogertaylorshbb · 2 years
the drum kit- roger Taylor x reader [this wasn't a planned story just made it up as I went]
I had been hired to work backstage at a queen concert, to set up the lighting, make sure all the camera crew were there, make sure there wasn't any technically difficulties, make sure all the drum kit was in place correctly, and so on. basically I was hired to make sure that this concert did not go to shit with something falling out of the sky.
queen had just released their "hot space" album, which I had to say I was very fond of. even though I loved queen I knew when I was hired that I had to keep my clam and focus on my job., I couldn't go fan-Girling on the band I had to keep professional.
I was on the stage early checking out the lights and seeing who of the crew was setting up. it was 8:00 am and the concert started at 9:00 pm, everyone may be over preparing but this was queen for goodness sake.
I had my checkboard and was ticking things off. I had walked over to rogers drum kit. I was looking around to make sure the head of the drums were good and to just make sure everything was stable.
I heard the door to the stadium. "oh, just get on with it" I heard Freddie's voice say. "look, Freddie, I sense that you don't like the idea" Brian said. "oh, no, I do, Brian- just- mm- think it could be more- mm- creative" Freddie replied. I didn't even know what they were talking about but I could tell Freddie didn't like it.
The conversation went on as the voices become more louder as they came more close in my direction. "ay, whos over there at my drum kit" I heard rogers voice call out. he walked onto the stage.
I jumped up from the ground which I was sitting out fiddling around with bass of the drum. "oh, hi, um- I was just making sure the head of the drums were good- sorry- for- sorry for touching them, my mistake" I said, thinking he was mad.
"oh- its okay, no problem just as long as you don't break them" he responded casually pulling his lighter out from his pocket. he was wearing navy pants and a navy jacket that matched.
I quickly walked away embarrassed picking up my clip bored. before I had made it 10 steps he called out to me. "hey, how long you been up here". "um, maybe since 6" I answered. "jeez, you must be exhausted, come, we have a trailer if you wanna get a cup of coffee and relax" he said very politely. I tried to deny but he had already decided that no wasn't an swear he was gonna take.
I had promised my self that I was gonna keep it professional and here I am, going into queens trailer to have cup of coffee. Jesus.
I walked in shyly, rubbing my hands together. Brian had a magazine. Freddie was doing quiet vocal sounds and bouncing his foot up and down. john was sitting there with a cup of tea, barley awake.
"oh hi, how are you" Brian said. but before I could answer Freddie had swirled his head around. "oh, didn't know someone was in here sorry" Freddie then instantly sat down and started to try and make conversation. I smiled at Brian and just replied with a quiet "good thanks".
Brian smiled back and looked back at his magazine. "this is..oh wait, I never got your name" roger looked at me. "its y/n" I said. Freddie got an excited look on his face. he clapped his hands together and cheerfully said "oh, I used have a childhood cat named y/n, she was so cheeky".
Brian chuckled a bit. "well" roger continued "y/n just came up for a cup of coffee and to relaxed, can you believe she's been here since 6"
"oh, you must be tired" john said sipping on his coffee. "please, sit down" Freddie passed me a smile. I sat down on a couch which john was sitting on. "here" roger said as he passed me a coffee. "thank you" I said.
john and Brian started to talk about their last game of scrabble. "oh now boys, stop arguing we all know that its not a real word" "Freddie chucked. "yes. it. is. how many times do I have to say. that. I've. READ. it in a. BOOK." john said very frustrated.
roger, Brian, john, and Freddie all got into a funny heated argument about a scrabble game. "wait, I know" roger began "lets ask y/n" roger looked at me. they all came over to me with very serious looks on their faces. "y/n is {some weird word} a real word?". they all looked at me with seriousness in their eyes waiting for an answer.
I knew what word they were talking about, I began "well technically it is a word but it is too slangish for the English dictionary so based off how you guys play, if you guys include slang words, then yeah, its a word"
john jumped up with excitement "told yaaaaaaa" he exclaimed doing a happy dance. roger and him jumped and did a high five.
I had sat their for about 15 minutes. but everyone had left except for roger. john said that his kids had a dentist appointment, Brian had left in a hurry remembering he had to post out an important letter. Freddie didn't leave entirely but just said he wanted to go out to take to the crew about something and get fresh air.
I sat and had a nice conversation with roger. the conversation was so easy, it wasn't awkward or hard to find something to talk about it just flowed. he came over to sit next to me. "so, you gonna be at our next concert to?" he questioned. "I'm not sure, only if you hire me" I answered with a flirtations' smirk. he returned one back, "well, you seem very-" he moved more closer to me "productive"
he then leaned in to kiss me and I didn't say no. he places his hands on my upper thigh traveling his hand around. he then placed his hand over my fabric on my pants near my pussy. I started to breath heavy as he softly circled the area. he seemed to notice how flustered I was getting by this small action, and began to go a bit softer.
I got on top of him and sat on his lap. we kissed very passionately. I felt his mouth kiss my neck, the warm breaths that made me have cold shivers. all I could do was close my eyes and take in the moment. I could hear his groans as I felt him become hard beneath me. "ah, fuck" I softly moaned as he ate away at my neck and cupped my breast.
it was all so much, having ROGER. TAYLOR. touch MY breast??? this was crazy. feeling HIS hands, and HIS mouth on me. knowing his eyes were watching my every movement and his ears hearing my every moan when he would touch a certain area of my body.
as I arched my head back with his hands grabbing my back, I had opened my eyes and glanced at the clock. it was nearly 9. I had been making out with roger Taylor for about 15 minutes. 'how is this possible, it felt like I had only been making out with him for 5 minutes'. I quickly groaned as I got from his lap.
"what- where- what's wrong" he said really confused. "I'm sorry- I have work to do back home and then I have to come back here, I'm- I'm just flooded with work today- if I could- I would"
he looked at me. "fair enough, could I at least get your number?" he questioned. "yeah, sure" I chucked. I passed him my number written on a sheet of paper and made my way out.
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bejeweled-wahlberg · 1 month
Random ass fact that no one should fucking care about
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Tw: Mentions of miscarriage and divorce
Donnie and Delilah met when they were either 15 or 14 in 1985 but didn’t started daiting and getting married until 2009(Btw KOTNB and My fan fic It happend in 1989 are NOT in the same universe just a reminder) anyways around 1989 Delilah started daiting Jordan in which It made Donnie Jealous, but Donnie at that time was also daiting Edalyn (Now Jordan’s Wife) but he still didn’t have feelings for Edalyn cause he still had feelings with delilah but delilah was too busy with her relationship with Jordan but in 1992 of October delilah got pregnant with Jordan’s Baby but in November 24th While she was still helping with queen for the freddie Mercury tribute delilah had a miscarriage with her unborn baby that she was having with Jordan, the reason? She fell while giving the equipment to the Queen members and the only one who knew that she was having a miscarriage was Roger and he called the hospital and helped delilah and when Delilah told Jordan that she lost the baby they broke up and Jordan was already having an Affair with his Then Girlfriend and Now Ex-Wife Evelyn and that same day Donnie founded out that Edalyn(his then fiancéhaving an Affair with Joey (Mcintyre) and they broke off their engagement right afrer
Now it’s 2009
Donnie still had feelings for delilah while he was still married to his Ex-wife at the time and Delilah going through a divorce with Her Ex-Husband and former member of Nsync Chris Kirkpatrick and went through another miscarriage delilah Was all alone now once again until that’s when on August 18th Sunsets death was shown on the news and that’s when Delilah got a call from Donnie saying he needs help raising Michael and sunsets Kids his Ex wife couldn’t help him and decided to divorce him in which Delilah was already at Donnie’s house and saw No Xavier No Elijah and No Kim it was just 3 year old Summer, 1 and a half year old Michaela and new born Henry hart (formerly Royal Michael Jackson) delilah said to Donnie that she still had feelings for Donnie and Donnie revealed that he did too and delilah said that she will definitely help him raise Michael and Sunsets kids in which now Delilah and Donnie isn’t Aunt Delilah and Uncle Donnie anymore they’re now Mom and Dad
In December of 2009 Right after Donnie’s divorce Delilah and Donnie Got married on December 31st 2009 in which 3 year old summer was the flower girl with 1 year old Michaela and 4 month old Henry Hart
So I guess that’s the timeline of Donnie and Delilah?!
Now here’s some songs that relates to their history of their relationship and might aswell make a fucking playlist for y’all Donlilah Shippers :3
1985: first met: song: Are You Down
1989:Daiting: Delilah starts daiting jordan and Donnie starts daiting Edalyn: Song: This Love-Stolen Version and Tim McGraw
1992: Lost and Cheated: Delilah’s Miscarriage and Donnie And Edalyn’s Called Off Engagement: Bigger than the Whole Sky and Better than Revenge-Stolen Version
2009: Reunion: 2 in the Morning
December 2009: Wedding: This Love Taylor’s Version and You are in love Taylor’s Version
2024: Wedding anniversary: A Love Like this Bridge and don’t embarrass me motherfucker
Welp that’s it hope you enjoy this monstrosity now next week get ready for the 3 birthday bash :3
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edupunkn00b · 6 months
Happily Ever After Remus
What are his favorite bands? Does he listen to music when working on game development?
(Sorry if I got the job wrong, I'm in the process of rereading the first fic, so I can remember to read the sequels this time haha)
You’ve got it just right, Anon G ⭐️ Thank you so much for the wonderful ask!!
Remus consistently has music playing when he works and is a huge Queen/Freddie Mercury fan, but has some eclectic tastes, too (usually because the lyrics hit right.) In college, he picked up a taste for Destiny’s Child and—you can never, ever tell Ro—he’s got more than a few showtunes and such in his playlists, including the Fame soundtrack.
He heavily influenced Virgil’s playlist for Jannie and Ro’s anniversary party/wooing Logan (link below) and filled it with more of his (and, yes, Ro’s) favorites, too.
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eileen-crys · 2 years
My heart cries out to your heart
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For Johnica Week, day 3: Arranged Marriage
Early 1900s, John Deacon's time to get married has come, and his mother accepted the offer of a local Polish family, their oldest daughter Veronica.
Sadly, neither John nor Veronica are ready to get married, and while he gets immediately struck by her, she doesn't seem to accept her fate yet.
My 3rd and last fic for Johnica week 🥰💕 I'm usually not a fan of arranged marriages but inspiration struck suddenly and I had a blast writing this 🥺 It has the first person POVs alternating between John and Veronica, I hope you'll like this fic even if it's so unusual for me! 🙏🏻✨️💕💕💕
As always, remember to check all the wonderful entries on @johnica-weeks and support Queen authors through reblogs and comments!!!
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Taglist: @john-deacon-fucks @warriorteam1924 @beydeaks @julescape @john-paul-george-ring0 @blossom-melina-burnickel @finland-shoes @bambirex @freddie-mercury-rising @idontknowhowthisworked @queenies-bug @queen-hospitality @kinole009x
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