#Frederick the snake
podartists · 1 month
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The Painted Snake | The Naturalist's Miscellany v.1 | Biodiversity Heritage Library | Flickr
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paintinghq · 8 months
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The Garden of the Hesperides, Frederick Leighton. 1892
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Frederick Opper, Puck Magazine (updated) :: [Scott Horton]
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Franklin Delano Roosevelt
In the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential freedoms. The first is freedom of speech and expression — everywhere in the world.
The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way — everywhere in the world.
The third is freedom from want — which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants — everywhere in the world.
The fourth is a freedom from fear — which, translated into world terms, means a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor — anywhere in the world. That is no vision of a distant millennium.
It is a definite basis for a kind of world attainable in our own time and generation. That kind of world is the very antithesis of the so-called new order of tyranny which the dictators seek to create with the crash of a bomb. To that new order we oppose the greater conception — the moral order. A good society is able to face schemes of world domination and foreign revolutions alike without fear.
Since the beginning of our American history, we have been engaged in change — in a perpetual peaceful revolution — a revolution which goes on steadily, quietly adjusting itself to changing conditions — without the concentration camp or the quick-lime in the ditch. The world order which we seek is the cooperation of free countries, working together in a friendly, civilized society.
The nation has placed its destiny in the hands and heads and hearts of its millions of free men and women; and its faith in freedom under the guidance of God.
Freedom means the supremacy of human rights everywhere. Our support goes to those who struggle to gain those rights or keep them. Our strength is in our unity of purpose. To that high concept there can be no end save victory.
Message to Congress, 6 January 1941
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focsle · 2 years
I never did a long thing about scrimshaw, so it’s time! At 1 am, apparently.
I think scrimshaw is one of the most fascinating material goods to emerge from the history of the American whaling industry (which is the context I’m discussing here, though of course the artform exists across numerous eras and cultures outside this brief blip of nautical history).
It’s one way to see amatuer art that usually doesn’t often survive in other forms. To see the art project of an ordinary man who was bored and needed something to do with his hands. Others were highly skilled craftsman, creating intricate engravings or mechanically expert tools. The most common scrimshaw was images etched on sperm whale teeth. Sometimes those images came from the maker’s own imagination and sometimes they were copied illustrations. Ships & whaling scenes, women, mythical figures, and patriotic symbols make up the bulk of the visual language in those pieces that survive.
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But alongside the teeth were all a manner of carved items: canes, candle holders, pie crimpers, children’s toys, sewing boxes, yarn swifts, corset busks. So much bone fashioned into quiet little homegoods. And it’s that contradiction within scrimshaw that fascinates me. The brutality of the industry, this ivory from an animal that frankly died terribly, that’s then softened into a little domestic item. An object that could have hours to years of work put into it. Some were made to be sold but many were made as gifts. In the long stretches of boredom at sea, in the lull between back-breaking work and life-threatening terror, scrimshaw gives a window into where the minds of these men continually turned. It shows where their hearts were and what they were holding on to over all the years they spent adrift in saltwater and blood and oil. That’s the poetry I see in scrimshaw. Pain and love and longing and creativity and playfulness all bound together in these complicated little pieces that found their way out of the hands of their anonymous makers to preserve a small part of their story.
Some scrimshanders names are known. Frederick Myrick is one of the most well known American whalers, not so much for the scope of his life (of which little is known) but for his scrimshaw. Born in Nantucket in 1808, he first went whaling in 1825 on the Columbus and then again on the Susan 1826-29. In the last few months aboard the Susan, Myrick engraved over 30 sperm whale teeth, all depicting the ship he was on (though there are a handful that depict other vessels). He signed and dated nearly each one. These pieces are often referred to as ‘Susan’s Teeth’ now, and when one comes up at auction it’s not unusual for it to sell for six figures.
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Many of the teeth Myrick scrimshawed included an inscribed couplet of his devising: A dark wish for luck that succinctly gets at the violent and unstable heart of American whaling.
“Death to the living, long life to the killers Success to sailor’s wives, and greasy luck to whalers”
Sometimes large scenes were etched on panbones as well.
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Moving from scrimshaw on teeth and jawbones, pie crimpers are some of the more common sculptural items. Popular motifs included animals (dogs, snakes, and unicorns/hippocampus are big), body parts (mostly clenched fists or lady’s legs), and geometric designs.
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Others were more mechanically complicated, such as automatons and children’s toys with moving parts and gears. Here’s one of a small rocking sailboat, perhaps made for someone’s child or younger sibling.
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Sometimes a particular creative fellow created something more eccentric, like this wild writing desk kit fashioned out of a carved panbone and sperm whale teeth.
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Another frequently scrimshawed object was a corset busk that would be slid into the front of the garment in order to maintain the posture. A rather private item compared to others. And one with a very on-the-nose message of wearing close to one’s heart the memory of someone who’d be gone for 3-4 years, who might never come home again. On some level, so many of these daily objects whispered ‘forget me not’, ‘think of me while I’m gone’. 
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There’s something tender to all the various domestic items that were fashioned on the job so long and far from home, but it’s the yarn swifts that really captivate me. They were one of the most complicated pieces of scrimshaw to make, with over one hundred different pieces that would have to be carved. It could take someone the length of the voyage (2-4 years) to complete a single one. Unlike teeth which were comparatively very quick to make and were frequently intended to be sold, it’s very unlikely that a swift was made with the aim of selling it because of the significant labor that went into it. They were almost certainly all gifts, and very special ones at that. Every time I see one I can just feel the love towards its intended recipient radiating off of it.
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Scrimshaw captures a specific snapshot of a moment in time. On a broader scale it’s a surviving reminder of a bloody industry that flared up and winked out, preserved in the form of a long-lost ship and the spout of a long-dead whale inked on a yellowing tooth. But that snapshot also reveals the emotional world of the men who were caught up in such an industry: what they valued, what they thought about, what they missed, and what they wanted to be remembered of them.
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countrymusiclover · 2 months
1 - Life Changing Deal
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Princess Red Thief
Part 2
Tag list - just ask to be added @mystrey101 @melvia-ito @kmc1989 @tallrock35
Peaking my head through the treeline I saw the large castle in front of me. I ran straight for the nearest window reaching inside my cloak drawing a sword I stole from the soldiers armor outside my chambers. Swinging it against the glass it shattered when I ducked my head so it didn't get in my eyes. Climbing through the window I dropped down on my knees inside the castle. "Okay, now where's that dagger?"
Heading over to the cabinets filled with objects I began rummaging around for the specific blade in question. I started throwing books and other things on the ground until one of the globs shattered onto the floor and a voice called out behind me. "Looking for something specific are you, dearie?"
"Show yourself, beast." I draw the sword I used on the window holding it out in front of myself for defense.
A Purple cloud of smoke appeared in front of me. "Here I am, dearie." The figure in front of me had curly brown hair and scaly skin. He was dressed in leather and snake skins.
"What are you? Are you the one they call Rumple...Rumplestiltskin?" I questioned tightening my grip on the blade handle.
The figure giggles performing an over the rope bow. "Indeed I am Rumplestilskin. Now who are you and why so foolish to try and steal from the Dark One?"
"My name is Everly. My parents are Princess Abigail and Prince Frederick." I explained to him moving towards the long table that was in the center of the room.
The dark one clicked his tongue putting his fingers together. "Ah yes I recognize the princess's name. She and King George's son are supposed to wed through a deal I help arrange. But that doesn't explain why you've tried to steal from me."
"I am here because I am a threat to my kingdom." Placing my freehand on the table my palm turned red and I could feel the magic running through my fingertips. The cabinet behind me that had seen through glass suddenly shattered into a million pieces at my feet. "I have an uncontrollable amount of power even though neither of my parents were born with magic."
He nodded, waving his fingers at me. "And you needed my dagger to force me to help you control it."
"I do apologize, Rumplestilskin. I wouldn't dare steal from someone who is declared so powerful if I was not so desperate for a solution to this. I wish to help my mother free my father from his golden prison but I can't do that if this ability or curse isn't kept at bay."
"Magic is not always a curse, Red Thief." He stepped closer to me snapping his fingers and a silver dagger appeared in his grasp. He showed me that his name was engraved on the blade. "I will help you if you choose to embrace your power."
I fired back knowing the rumors that members across kingdoms had spread about him. He used only dark magic and was notorious for making deals with the most desperate types of people. "What do you want in return from me? I know you always want something back for a price."
"I'll enchant your cloak given that I do rather like the color red on you. Once it is enchanted you and I will be connected consciously. You will help me with my deals and the customers that are connected with them."
"What do you mean like if someone breaks a deal with you you'll make me kill them?" I questioned hearing the darkness in his voice.
Rumplestilskin smirked. "I'll decide what fate I wish to bestow on them. Now do you accept my offer or not?"
"I don't know if I can go through with this, Dark One. Ahhh!" I screamed bumping into one of the curtain covered windows seeing my palm turn red again but this time the curtain caught on fire.
Rumple snickers at me. "It appears you don't have any other option here, Red Thief."
"My name is Everly." I corrected him even though I probably shouldn't since he could turn me into a bug and kill me easily if he so wished.
He stepped closer where I shifted the hood of my cloak since it was blocking my view. Our eyes met and I could see he had deep brown eyes. "So long as you work for me I can call you whatever I wish. Unless you think you can find help through someone else."
"I suppose I will. So I'll take your deal." Extending my hand I paused unsure if I would hurt him if I touched him.
He grasps my small hand in his larger one. "We have a deal, Red Thief."
Resting my chin in the palm of my hand I kept scanning my eyes over the paperwork that was in front of me. I had been doing the storage inventory for the pawnshop for as long as I could remember. In my opinion every object had a story that needed to be told rather than just sitting in the dusty old store. But that wasn't what my boss believed. He thinks there's a price of money for everything. "Let's see the unicorn chandelier, tea set and red cloak are all accounted for. Wait red cloak, I didn't see that here."
"It has to be here. It has to be here. If it isn't he will dock my pay." I frantically began searching around every cabinet in the shop not finding the piece of clothing anywhere.
The store bell rang making me shriek running back to my desk in the back room trying to play it cool. The curtain got pushed open and Mr. Gold stepped inside the room. "How has the inventory gone tonight?"
"Uh, pretty good. How was your walk?" I asked him tapping my fingers on the desk nervously, hoping he didn't notice.
His brown, almost chocolate eyes focused on my gaze. "You seem nervous, Eve. Any particular reason why?"
"No reason. Just wishing to be done with work for the evening, sir." I lied to him.
He sent me a half smile revealing a bag from behind his back in his other hand that wasn't holding onto the cane he used to walk with since he had a limp. "It wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that you realized this was missing?" He drew something from the bag and I gasped seeing a red cloak fall down while he held it up in front of me.
"I....I....um. Sir, I am sorry. I thought I had accounted for everything. I don't know how it ever left the shop." I began panicking, running my fingers through my hair that I had left loosely.
Mr. Gold chuckles breaking the intense silence that I was feeling in the pit of my stomach. "Calm down, lass. I saw that it was dirty so I took it to the cleaners. Figured it should look in better shape before I gave it to you."
"Oh god that's a relief." Putting a hand over my forehead I sighed in relief. "Wait a minute. Give it to me, why would you do that?"
Gold moved forward offering me his freehand after he laid it on my desk briefly. Putting my hand in his I allowed him to help me get to my feet. "I saw that it was your size from the looks of it one day. And no one in this town has claimed it so I thought it shouldn't go to waste. May I?" He gestured holding it up and opened it in his hands.
"Sure...thank you this wasn't really necessary." I turned around putting my back to his front feeling him place the fabric on my shoulders.
Gold smiled when I spun around so he could clasp the front pins together. "Perfect fit, dear. Just like I had thought. Now don't you worry about paying me for it. It's on the house."
"Thank you, sir." I smiled looking up to meet his gaze since he was slightly taller than me.
He waved a finger in my face grabbing a hold of his cane prepared to leave to collect the town's rent. "I told you to either call me Adam or just Gold. Now come, we have money to collect."
"Understand, Gold." I nodded wearing the red cloak since it was quite cold outside. I followed after my boss and we drove out to our stops finding leaving the inn as our final one for the evening.
Granny, the owner of the inn, spoke as we walked up the wooden stairs. "Now, what's the name?"
Opening the door, Gold and I came face to face with a blonde woman wearing a bright red jacket that I had never seen before in this town. Meaning she must be someone new which hadn't happened for 28 years if I had done my math correctly. The woman spoke her name, giving me a name to go with the new face. "Swan. Emma Swan."
Gold responds to her squeezing my hand in his and I could have sworn I heard him say something else but in a completely different voice. "Emma. What a lovely name....Red Thief."
"Did you hear someone say Red Thief?" Looking at my boss I raised a brow at him confusedly swearing that I had heard something.
He shrugged his shoulders not saying anything yet I saw some light in his eyes where he had recognized something in this room but just wasn't going to share it with me. He shifted his gaze over to the elderly woman. Granny passes Mr. Gold a roll of bills. "It's all here."
"Yes, yes, of course it is, dear. Thank you. You enjoy your stay...Emma." Gold put it away in his suit pocket touching the door handle, opening it once more calling out to me. "Eve?"
"I'm coming, sorry." I paused standing behind the blonde woman while I ran my freehand over the red fabric that I was holding on my other arm feeling like I had seen it before.
Shaking my head I pulled myself from the trance that I was in following him outside being able to hear the conversation between the girls still inside. "Who's that?" Emma asked.
Ruby peaked out the window seeing me still standing on the front porch. "Mr. Gold. He owns this place."
"The inn?" Emma asked more.
Granny reached down in the drawer pulling out a key. "No, the town. So, how long will you be with us?
"A week. Just a week." She responded.
Granny handed her the key. "Welcome to Storybrooke."
"So who is the woman that is with him if you don't mind me asking?" Emma held the key in her hands heading towards the staircase to go check out her room.
Rudy closed the curtain focusing on the new women. "I don't know if this is true or not. But most people in this town have only seen her with him. She's worked for him for years. I think she was abducted by him or something."
"Rudy!" Granny snapped at her granddaughter. "What makes you think such a thing?"
The girl put a hand on her hip. "Maybe it's the fact that she doesn't talk to anyone else in this town. She's only ever seen with him or doing small jobs for him. That's just strange to me."
"I'm sorry for my granddaughters crazy theories. Enjoy your time here, Ms. Swan." Granny ended the conversation before things went further. Emma went up the stairs and I ran down the stairs meeting Gold at his old car. We drove past the clock tower and I couldn't believe I saw the hands move.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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talesoftheunimagined · 5 months
[Mistaken Identity] Chapter 1
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Rating: General
Fandom: Good Omens (Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett)
Relationships: Aziraphale x Crowley, Aziraphale/Crowley
Tags: Angst, Fluff, Heartbreak, Love, Georgian Era
The year is 1797. King George has just gotten over a bout of illness and a member of the English royal family had just gotten married to a Duchess of Holland, so why not throw a masquerade ball to celebrate the occasion and invite all the noblemen and women of The United Kingdom and surrounding areas?
Crowley and Aziraphale meet at the ball. Crowley, though, mistakes some identities.
Chapter 2 is now up! Here
Candlelight flickered over segments of intricate and boundless tiling, almost making it twinkle beneath the frilled edges of gowns and waltzing heeled shoes, lavishly gilded marble pillars adorned with various flowers joined the flooring to gilded balconies and up again to a florally carved and a gloriously painted plaster ceiling that supported the vast weight of what could well have been solid gold chandeliers that gleamed dully next to the candles that burnt in their arms amongst an abundance of crystal and diamond. Portraits of members of the English aristocracy adorned the walls and appeared with colorful landscapes and shining bright frames of bowls of fruits; apples, grapes, and bananas. A light summer breeze blew in through open windows which divulged any passers-by of the grandeur that the ballroom's event held.
Indeed. That night, at its very core, would be defined by the words grandeur and affluent.
George William Frederick, otherwise known as Mad King George in this modern day and had thrown a masquerade ball after marriage in the family and recovery a long bout of illness (although, his absence at the ball had arisen suspicions of deceit).
"I just absolutely knew that I'd see you here."
"Oh, 'course. Wouldn't miss something like this." He looked at is companion briefly.
Two men stood by a pillar. One clad in deep wine knickerbockers, white high socks and a matching wine tailcoat with shiny new obsidian buttons the colour of crows down; had his hair in neat copper rolls fastened just above his ears and a low ponytail fastened with a black ribbon hung over the back of his collar. Over his face, he wore a finely crafted mask of mahogany red. Gold rimmed the dramatically flicked eye holes that were shaded with black glass so that his eyes weren't visible. Two golden snakes seemed to search curiously for his eyes at the sides of the mask that was tied neatly with a black lace bow. The other was dressed quite similarly, except his knickerbockers were a nice magnolia that matched his hair and he wore a waistcoat of sky blue. He wore his hair naturally short and took pride in the sheen of his polished and buckled shoes in the candlelight. His mask was made of white porcelain rimmed with thick silver swirls and ornate curves. Blue gems nestled themselves amongst the curls and caught the light in a way that looked almost like a halo at the top of his mask. It wasn't quite clear how he kept such a mask from falling off of his face without a fastening, but he was doing it.
Aziraphale took a small sip from his glass (he was drinking honey spirits) and smiled at his surroundings and the people. Maybe even at nothing in particular. He was just happy to be in the presence of fine people, fine food and Crowley. His eyes creased at the sides and his cheeks glowed. It had been the first time since Paris 1793 that the pair had seen each other.
"It's really rather lovely, isn't it? All these people here, together. Having a wonderful time." The music swelled
"Yesss, well," Crowley mused. "with all that going on out in France, they all need it." The corners of his mouth turned down, but he wasn't frowning, or upset. It was just a Crowley thing.
The pair of them spotted a young woman bashfully approaching Crowley from across the other side of the room amidst the flurry of dress fabric and petticoats. She was wearing a swan mask, made of the same porcelain is Aziraphale's. She had a pretty face, her deep blue eyes peered out of her mask with shy curiosity and her dark hair was the nest for a large swan feather.
"Excuse me for being so bold, Count Crowley, but if you aren't occupied at the moment, I was wondering if you would like to dance?" Crowley turned to Aziraphale ever so slightly. "With...me." She clarified although both men (well, men shaped ethereal and occult beings) knew what she meant. Crowley accepted the invitation. It wouldn't do any harm to do some tempting tonight.
"I suppose I'll see you later then, eh?" He shot a small smirk at Aziraphale before disappearing into the sea of expensive fabrics leaving Aziraphale alone with his drink.
The angel watched with content at the couples that swirled and waltzed and box stepped. It wasn't long before he himself was asked to dance by a young woman. He smiled, asked a butler to kindly hold his drink, adjusted his waistcoat and set off to dance under the twinkling candles.
The night was still young.
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tsibeyantiger · 8 months
PJO cast rated based on my personal preferences (if you disagree, be aware that my main priority is usually book accuracy and that I actually found that the movies had quite a decent cast).
Percy: 🪸🪸🪸🪸🪸Five out of five corals. It would have been great if they had died his hair, but that's really criticism on a high level, cuz Walker Scobell is really the perfect Percy. He's the Percy we were waiting for, the Percy we deserved.
Annabeth: 🧢🧢🧢🧢🧢Five out of five basecaps. I admit I was very,very sceptical, but even if she doesn't look like Annabeth, she portrayed her with a stunning accuracy. She really understood her character and added a depth movie Annabeth lacked. I can live with her not looking like she is described. I think I'd have chosen her, too.
Grover:🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐 Five out of five goats. Movie Grover was good. This one was even better.
Chiron: 🐎🐎🐎 Three out of five horses. I don't know, like, he was able to show us Chiron's wisdom and stuff, but something was missing to me. Maybe also because I really liked movie Chiron. But I think this actor could have been amazing as Frederick Chase.
Luke: 🐍One out of five snakes. It's not that the actor doesn't do his job well, but I just see nothing of Luke in him. Not the look. Not the way he talks. Not the mimic. Not how he acts. Movie Luke was amazing. This one really doesn't convince me.
Sally: 🍬🍬🍬🍬Four out of five candies. A really good choice, though minus one point cuz I liked movie Sally even better.
Clarisse: 🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡Five out of five swords. Not 100% as I'd imagine her, but very good at bringing the Clarisse vibe. You're scared yet you feel sorry for her. Amazing. (Just found out it's pronounced "Clah-REECE" and not "CLAH-riss". Still recovering from that shock.)
Gabe: ♠️♦️Two out of five card games. I was a bit disappointed, I think the vibe isn't quite right. He's more annoying than frightening. I also think he should be balder. Was better in the movies.
Mr. D: 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷 Five out of five glasses of wine. Was already great in the movies, but just as great in the series.
Hermes: 🪽🪽🪽🪽🪽Five out of five wings. Looks like Hermes, gives the vibe of Hermes. Way better than in the movies. I don't get where the hate against Lin Manuel Miranda came from.
Ares: 🐗🐗🐗🐗🐗Five out of five wild boars. Amazing. Could have been even taller, I feel, but his vibe is amazing. The psycho Ares we deserved.
Hephaestus: 🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨Five out of five hammers. Not as described in the books, not as I imagined him, but really stunning. The vibe of a Victorian engineer adds something to his blue-collar worker appearance from the books that I really like.
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respectthepetty · 2 years
*I'm going to be completely normal about Moonlight Chicken. I'm just going to watch and enjoy it. I'm not going to look deeper. I'm not going to think about..*
Moonlight Chicken's Symbolism and Background Noise
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The series has several Chinese influences and begins on September 10, 2022, which an actual full moon fell on that day. It is the Moon Festival also known as Harvest Moon, Mid-Autumn Moon, or Mooncake. It is meant to be spent with others. In the lunar calendar, it's the mid-point of the year. We know this date from Jim's beer.
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The brand of the beer is Full Moon, and he and Wen drink it throughout the first episode.
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Jim and Wen discuss what is normally seen in the moon. Jim sees a woman (which there is legend about a woman and the moon, but it's too much for this space), but Wen states it's a rabbit. A rabbit normally represents the full moon because both symbolize longevity, peace, and prosperity.
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That's why mooncakes are given during this time. They represent well wishes to the receiver and those shared with a long peaceful and prosperous life.
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Ginger, which Wen shared with Jim, also symbolizes longevity as well as passion and strength.
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Jim's green truck's license plate states frog in Thai. Frogs are a symbol of prosperity and good luck.
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Li Ming, whose name means (bright) dawn, wears an Ohio State Buckeyes Football Shirt. Buckeyes are a type of nut and symbolize good luck (thanks college football for that nugget of info!).
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However, this show is doing well with subtle foreshadowing, so Li Ming might run into some bad luck with driving (Heart around) without a license.
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We get some foreshadowing with the DVD Wen picks up at Jim's. This movie is about two lovers who meet in Hong Kong after relocating there from other parts of China. Their lives take them on separate paths, only for them to reunite ten years later in America. The ending shows that they actually sat back-to-back on the train ride into Hong Kong over a decade ago. Aka, they were fated lovers.
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Jim has an Idiot's Guide to Starting a Home-Based Business and Reader's Digest collection of books - Dick Francis' Comeback (about a man who gets entangled with a stranger on his route to his new job), Frederick Forsyth's The Deceiver (about a British agent who is set to retire, but one of the main plots is an affair), and Alexandria Ripley's Scarlett (which continues the story of Scarlett and Rhett from Gone with the Wind, who are estranged, but at the end, reunite). *Also, the condom package is amazing. The C of "condom" is actually the condom. I just think it's neat!
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Wen has Eric Hall's Monster (which is about famous sport agent Eric Hall who was known for being a money monster). This is likely to be Alan's book because the apartment is filled with art, which is due to Wen being an art director. He was also drinking because of his job but didn't state anything specific about the reason.
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Wen and Alan's apartment is more modern, while Jim's is more traditional.
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When Jim and Wen met at the restaurant, it is Saturday going into Sunday. In Thailand, Sunday's color is red, and its unlucky color is blue. However, In China, red represents good luck, and blue represents longevity. We see these colors often around Jim and Wen (scroll back up).
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Jim was shown mostly in or highlighted by red the first episode with Wen in or highlighted by blue.
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Even Jim's aprons are red. They say Hungry? with a little chicken peaking out of the pockets.
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We also see the blues and reds around Heart and Li Ming. *peep the elephant tusks which are encasing the family and symbolize power*
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The bottle Heart drops is Snake Bite Whiskey, and a snakebite shot simply consists of whiskey and lime juice aka it hurts like an actual snakebite.
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Modern Thai Sign Language was influenced by American Sign Language (which was greatly influenced by French Sign Language). It seems as if Heart is telling Li Ming his face scared him, but I'm unsure of the last sign since that is not the ASL sign for surprise, scared, or angry. The second portion seems to consist of Heart saying YOUR MISTAKE, but once again, the second sign is different than ASL's mistake because of the breadth of the movement. *I love that this wasn't captioned because it allows the audience to feel Li Ming's confusion and Heart's frustration.
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We end the episode back at night with another shot of the moon. As others have pointed out, the colors at night are more crisp and vibrant compared to the day.
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But based on Li Ming's name, and the symbols, I think Moonlight Chicken is attempting a similar theme as Big Dragon - The Moon and the Sun have to meet at Dawn. These lovers won't work in their current situations. They have to compromise and find balance, which is why they met in the middle of the year. They have to meet in the in-between.
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heartshapedbubble · 1 year
Hi love. Hope you're doing well. I was wondering if you would be ok with some general Frederick and/or Helena headcanons for the birthday requests. Hope you have a nice day and thank you for your content 🥰💕💕
hello and i am, thank you sm! 💓💓 you've just requested both of my faves (for the first time too on here too) so who am i to deny🤲
helena adams and frederick kreiburg general/random hcs👁🎼
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helena adams👁
first of all, i hc her as american (not CAWWWW MURICA🦅💥🦅💥🦅💥 (well now that i think about it...) american, but rather mid-atlantic accent american. yeah. the early 20th century american) and obviously quite short, standing around 158cm (~5'2") and being of a bit chubbier, pear shaped build
i'd say that she's a pretty picky eater honestly. she really likes eating sweet foods and is used to the food that's generally on her repertoire at home, so eating out makes her feel a bit anxious since it's a whole different way of preparing food (and whole different dishes/meals, after all) and she's worried that it might have the wrong texture and that it's not going to taste as well as it does at home. she'll always give it a try before judging it though!
it's been made quite obvious in the previous hc but helena loves routine and needs it to function. she only feels completely calm once all the furniture in the house is at the same place it usually is and when her duties/tasks are organized throughout the day. although the manor forced her to adjust to an unpredictable lifestyle, she kept on doing some of the "rituals" she did at home to feel more at ease
definetly has gotten education in the music field! poetry and music go hand in hand, so i'm sure she at least had singing lessons or listened to a lot of classical music growing up. she is very knowledgeable on the topic and can quickly analyze any given composition
prone to meltdowns when she's very, very upset. she bottles it up 99% of the time and hides it well, but sometimes she just snaps and it results in a very self-destructive meltdown. she's a calm person in reality, so if you've managed to anger her you seriously had to fuck up BIG time
she dislikes getting any pity because of her disability, she knows that once her teacher and her father pass away she'll have to be able to stand up and fight for herself. and hell, she has been living like this since infancy, she's prepared for a lot of situations! might occassionally accept some gentlemanly aid, but anything else is a no, thank you. despite her short stature she is incredibly stubborn and strong willed, never giving up even when it seems the most reasonable option
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frederick kreiburg🎼
slim and of proper posture, frederick stands at 175cm (~5'9") tall and is of austrian descent
very paranoid about cleanliness and keeping everything tidy, refusing to take off his gloves unless necessary
he likes piercings very much! has a double helix piercing on one ear, an industrial on the other and snake bites, he's not sure why he's so fond of them but it's probably because they're (usually) not very flashy, easy to remove and safe (as long as the piercer is experienced)
very thick body hair/hair in general and has a greek nose!
not incredibly talkative, and when he does talk he often drifts away mid conversation and gets easily disturbed by the background noises or chatter - has a very light lisp and sometimes struggles with pronouncing english words as it's his second language and he was forced to learn it during his homeschooling program, fred's kind of insecure about it so it's one of the reasons he doesn't talk a lot
uses a cane to support himself as he limps, the reason behind it is that some other health problems of his built up over time and resulted in him struggling to walk and becoming exhausted quickly - being frail and sickly all of his life took a serious toll on him and his mental health, constantly making him paranoid about becoming seriously ill and even resulting in a lot of early gray hairs
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gamequoteshowdown · 7 months
Quote 1: "Life is worth living, even if it hurts you, even if you hurt in it." - Solid Snake, Metal Gear Solid
Quote 2: "Pick a god and pray!" - Frederick, Fire Emblem: Awakening
Quote 1: Honestly as someone who really struggles with their mental health, seeing this gave me a bit of hope <3 - Mod Chaos
Quote 2: "Imagine that being the last thing you hear before you die. Pray for a god, doesn’t matter which, cuz you need it if you wanna survive. “Pick a God and Pray”" (Link to clip) - Submitter
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transsextual · 9 months
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got snake bites yesterday! frederick for sizing
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catilinas · 1 year
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aeneid 5.220-1 trans. a.s. kline / aeneid 5.270-83 trans. a.s. kline / footnotes to aeneid 5.270 + 5.273-4, frederick ahl / aeneid 8.668-9 trans. a.s. kline
'what if catilina's ancestor crashed the ship of state into a rock' + and btw he was Stuck On The Rock + catilinarian snake imagery + 'That Catiline’s ancestor wins plaudits (echoed by Aeneas) is baffling [...] unless Virgil’s politics are more radical than anyone suspects' + sometime a ghost is the prominent absence of marcus tullius cicero + what does this mean for catilina himself, also Stuck On A Rock (In The Underworld) on the shield of aeneas in book 8 and yet suspiciously absent from the actual underworld in book 6
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munchflix · 11 months
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IMDB BLURB: A troubled security guard begins working at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. During his first night on the job, he realizes that the night shift won't be so easy to get through. Pretty soon he will unveil what actually happened at Freddy's.
WARNINGS: It's pg-13 dude.
RATING: It's not horror, but it is FNAF.
Munch: SO it's time for us to watch Five Nights at Freddy's. I previewed this last night but Biscuits refused to watch it until now.
Biscuits: I don't have any tequila, I'm sad about this. I do have whiskey.
M: I unfortunately must remain sober. Everyone seems to love this movie, I'm not sure why. Maybe I'm just a curmudgeon.
B: Dude it's five freddys at night. It's like that wojack meme of them pointing at freddy. It's him, the fredbear from the night. By the way this movie was announced 8 YEARS AGO. A time when I was still invested in FNAF lore.
M: I admit to knowing a fair amount of FNAF lore myself, but it kinda ends after the 3rd game because I stopped caring. Oh yeah the movie.
B: What's happening?
M: A security guard is going through some shit. It's incredibly dark. You can almost tell what's happening. He's gonna get his face eaten off by a freddy head. As is par. To make you think this is a horror movie.
B: The new Saw movie looks great! Bold choice to do a crossover with Five Nights at Freddy's.
M: I do like the look of things. They did a good job of recreating the pizzeria in all it's glory, it's very accurate.
B: Blumhouse because of course it is.
M: The opening animations an obvious nod to the games. There are SO many.
B: I like the funky synth music. It's no Toreador March, but….Josh Hutcherson has emerged from a decade of irrelevancy! Formerly known for his critically acclaimed role in Trapped In An Island with Josh Hutcherson.
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There make be snakes!
M: He's a decent dude, he should have had the fame that Jennifer Lawrence had. Josh, I mean MIKE, has a sister he has to take care of and he's a security guard at…some mall. Doesn't matter. He's into dreams.
B: He hasn't aged a day, he's just acquired some facial hair. Now he's chasing some kid and his dad, he thinks he just witnessed a child abduction but actually…
M: He just beat the shit out of some dude for no reason. And now the employment department!
B: This is the kind of discrimination single dads face on a daily basis, Josh.
M: And now Matthew Lilliard, who is COMPLETELY SQUANDERED in this movie. He has never put less than 1000 percent cunt into every role and they wasted him.
B: Two months at a job? Me too, Josh.
M: His uh…job counselor is kinda sus.
B: Listen bud you have limited job options, join the club.
M: Are you suggesting we get a job at the FNAF pizzeria?
B: I wish all job counselors were this honest. The hours are bad, the pay is awful…
M: They keep not saying his last name which I guess is supposed to be a twist so we think he's Mike Afton but the twist is he's Mike Schmidt. No spoilers tho.
B: The twist is he's Michael Myers! He has a weird little sister and she does creepy things.
M: Possibly psychic. Very sixth sense going on here. Mike has a bit of a pill problem and somehow can go to sleep listening to the most annoying bird sounds in all existence. ASMR you're trapped in an aviary.
B: I remember this part of the FNAF lore. Where he has a little brother who gets kidnapped. Is this canon? I think they made this up for the movie.
M: It's not.
B: Why does he have a child?
M: It's his sister.
B: So his parents just popped out another one 20 years later???
M: Sure, why not. And now the awful Aunt and the best character in this whole movie. DOUG the lawyer. I love him. She wants custody of the sister, Abby. Mike doesn't want this. He's kind of a jerk about it though.
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Doug is the most relatable character in the movie tbh
B: There has to be some sort of like…inciting factor. We gotta have some reason why he's gotta work at five nights at fredericks. He's gotta keep custody of his sister. Finally, Five Nights at Freddys is in the Five Nights at Freddy's movie. If I'm in the movie theater with my five year old son, he doesn't care about Josh Hutcherson! He wants to see the funny guy from the youtube video!!
M: Well TOO BAD! Because there's a lot more Josh Hutcherson than Freddy's.
B: What year is it?? It's implied to still be the 80's but the place is all closed down and they have an old looking tv? They gotta keep it ambiguous or people would start talking about the bite of 87 or whatever.
M: There are so many easter eggs. The celebrate poster from the game, the fucking desk fan, the training video, I could go on and on.
B: This training video is def 80's. This technology existed in the 80's btw, the government was just hiding it from everyone. Actually they're alive because ghosts and not lithium batteries but…What a great analog horror video. I'm subscribing to this channel.
M: Balloon boy jump scare! Nothing ever happens on night 1 though. So Mike is just gonna take a walky and then take a nap.
B: I can almost see anything in this fucking movie! It's so dark! It's like watching a Zack Snyder movie. Maybe in a theater it would look better...?
M: I really think it's just the fucking death of film lighting period. I do think the animatronics look good. They look really damn good.
B: They looked kinda crap in the trailer. Sleempy Mike. Now he's having more PTSD nightmares about his brother getting kidnapped.
M: But wait! There's more chilluns! In his dream, as is normal.
B: We're the children from the FNAF who got murdered.
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M: You are correct. 6 am reference! Time to go home. Mike isn't paying his babysitter.
B: It's nice to have a girl who will watch his sister for free. I assumed they died in cancer/plane crash. Sparky's is a reference. That's MatPat.
M: The babysitter is sus. And her other friend and the evil aunt are having lunch while conspiring against Mike. I love Doug.
B: So the Aunt is like…the villian…the antagonist character?
M: I mean…sort of. It's possible she's in cahoots with Afton on some level but it's never confirmed. Back at home Mike is being a terrible parent again and Abby wants to go to FNAF world with him but this is a really bad idea. Now…if you were a criminal….and you wanted to make Mike look bad, when would you go trash the place?
B: When he's there.
M: Thank you. Mike is asleep again.
B: Thanks Blumhouse I can almost see what's going on in the movie. How many times are we gonna see sweaty Josh running around in a forest in this movie?
M: You have no idea. He's dreaming of the FNAF kids again because he thinks they know where his brother is. One of them cuts him and he bleeds IRL.
B: Wow I was scare.
M: And now there's a cop at the door. As is also normal and part of the FNAF canon.
B: Vanessa is a reference.
M: That's not a reference, that's part of the canon! Because why not.
B: They had to put some shit from security breach in here cos it's the new one.
M: Vanessa suspiciously knows a lot and isn't giving us any info why.
B: Mike, just Mike. No last name.
M: Vanessa is here to give us some EXPOSITION. Because fuck show don't tell!
B: It's great that all these arcade machines are still plugged in after 10, 20 years.
M: This part made me have Chuck E Cheese flashbacks.
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A powerful bear...named Frederick Entertainment Fazbear
B: Playing covers of popular songs was a big thing in these types of restaurants.
M: Something something some kids went missing.
B: Back in the 80's!! Could you please tell me what fucking year it is??? This motherfucker is listening to a cassette player so unless he's some kind of hipster? I hated that scene btw. Go away I hate you.
M: Unfortunately she will be here so much more.
B: So the criminals are breaking in…after he's left???
M: Yes!
B: Even if you wanted to frame him, the CCTV footage is gonna tell them when you were there! But okay I guess?? Oh there's still money in the arcade machine? It's not like they empty those every day.
M: I love the random older man who's just hanging out with these teenaged criminals.
B: He's been bustin up abandoned buildings since back in the 80's!
M: One of them finds Chica's cupcake and it does a spooky and then Chica does a spooky. Almost all the violence happens offscreen because….pg13.
B: They couldn't make this an R rated movie because it's Five Nights at Freddy's. The people who grew up with it are all adults now but the target audience remains basically the same.
M: Bonnie does a spooky.
B: I literally can't see anything in that shot! Also appreciate the attempt to get away with a huge bag of COINS, the heaviest and least valuable denomination of money you can get. You might have 50 bucks MAX in quarters.
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Also Bonnie. he's cool.
M: The point is that they're all getting murdered. Offscreen. Very darkly. And yet they did not even try to bother Mike.
B: Mike left!
M: It's been two nights he's been there though!
B: Okay…I guess.
M: Freddy bites Max the babysitter completely in half. But we only see the shadow.
B: We get Plato's allegory of the cave violence! We never get to see it directly.
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Also Sparky the Dog. he's cool.
M: Back at home Abby draws more pictures and Mike Mike's all over the place while she magically finds the custody papers.
B: They're watching public domain cartoons.
M: From the 80's. Vanessa shows up at their house to tell them that someone broke into the pizzeria. She found Mike's pills.
B: The year is killing me, is it the 90's??? Early 00s maybe? If it was the 10's everyone would be on their smart phones. Is this really criminal negligence?? He didn't lock the doors to this ABANDONED BUILDING!!!?? IT'S ABANDONED!!!
M: Now Mike is gonna exposit all over Vanessa about how he takes the pills to try and remember the dream of when his brother was taken in a lucid dream every night. He's very talented to have the same dream every night.
B: I really hate Vanessa, she's completely insufferable.
M: I agree. Also can I take a moment to talk about how fucking SLOW this is. The pacing is awful.
B: I don't give a shit. I don't care about your dreams. Shut up. I'm here with my 10 year old who wanted to see the funny Fazbear on the screen and he's ASLEEP right now! That wasn't even english on the walkie talkie, when cops talk on those they don't just go GNWEUIFHB98FHNWIEFNEI
M: Your son is now 10???
B: Shut up! I don't even have a son!
M: We are halfway through.
B: I do not understand. What even is gonna happen.
M: So Mike is gonna take Abby to work at FNAF but I gotta stop for a minute because…people DIED in there. Did Vanessa find the bodies? Are the bodies still there? Did someone clean them up? She didn't even mention that to Mike????
B: Who called the police to report the break in?
M: If they did, did only Vanessa show up??
B: Is Vanessa even really a police officer?
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Vanessa is lookin pretty SUS. (that's still a funy joek in 2023, rite?)
M: That's a very good question! Mike is just like, you're gonna sleep and I'm gonna watch the monitors and this is a totally safe idea. Abby is well known to behave.
B: I'm sure nothing bad will happen.
M: I guess he's gonna clean up. If he was Nick Cage this would've been done forever ago.
B: He's gotta stop and have a cola and play pinball.
M: Actually, he's gonna nap! Because that's the responsible thing to do!
B: All the excitement from the FNAF games you love like DARK ROOMS! NAPPING! AND OFFSCREEN MURDER! Well I guess that last one is fair.
M: So of corpse, Abby wakes up and fucks off. But it's cool because of reasons.
B: Bro…is this the only way we could convey the story of the missing kids…80 sequences of Mike in the woods? A lot of the people watching this already know all this. This review makes it sound like I just hate FNAF and that's not really the truth.
M: I don't hate FNAF at all, but this movie is so utterly middling. We're halfway through and 90 percent of the movie has been Mike dreaming. But now he's out there and the animatronics are all there and alive and playing with Abby.
B: He's gonna fight Freddy with a chair.
M: Just like in the games. They're well known to be friendly to children.
B: Abby is a special psychic child.
M: Mike is wigging just a bit as anyone would.
B: I mean in real life they're wired to the stage so…yeah.
M: Freddy is still looking at Mike like, you're on thin fuckin' ice.
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B: Wow this movie is jam packed with chills and thrills and I am on the edge of my seat right now. To quote Arin Hanson, "Just…something happen, PLEASE!"
M: I mean some dudes got killed but...
B: I couldn't even see it happening! Hey Abby wtf is going on btw.
M: Her friends she's been drawing all movie are apparently the FNAF kids because of course they are. How she knows them???
B: You'd better start believing in ghost stories Mister Hutcherson…
M: Mike is like hey remember our dead brother who died ages before you were born? You drew him getting kidnapped, so…explain. Was it the boy from my dreams? Oh it was?
B: Trying to use her psychic powers to solve a crime but all they talk about is a yellow rabbit. Exploit your sister to resolve your own personal trauma. I don't see this going well.
M: Back with Vanessa who is at FNAF for some fucking reason, Mike and Abby show up and Mike is like hey did you think to mention that there are ghost kids possessing the robots? And now they're gonna build a fucking fort. The animatronics too. This is a real thing that is happening.
B: How does something like that even right itself….?
M: I have no idea. I don't know why Mike is suddenly on board with all this. I would not be under there with them.
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Everyone's just vibin' :)
B: Mike is finally asking questions he should have been asking a long time ago. Vanessa explains the springlocks because that will obviously be important later. And Vanessa, who was like YEAH FORT is now like HOW DARE YOU BRING ABBY HERE.
M: Who the hell are you Vanessa, that's something you should've asked like forever ago. Abby tries to strum Bonnie's geetar and gets minorly electrocuted but it's no big.
B: Oh my GOD. Sorry Abby, I'm kind of an asshole.
M: So now he's gonna do an even bigger asshole thing and call Aunty Shrew to come babysit and possibly you know…take custody of his sister so he can keep napping. Abby is not happy. The Pharmacist is the second best person in this movie.
B: He's doing dream magic because.. it's…you know. He couldn't just do this at night.
M: It is night.
B: It was just morning!
M: It took a really long time at the pharmacy okay. And now for the UMPTEENTH TIME, trapped in a dream forest with Josh Hutcherson.
B: But whyyyyyyy.
M: The ghost children are like, hey give us Abby and you can dream about your dead brother. And he's like OKAY. Mike kinda is an asshole. He immediately changes his mind but that's not how a deal with the devil works. The kids run around him uh…slicing him up for some reason.
B: And now he's in the saw trap where the first security guy presumably died.
M: Good thing it's slow moving. But he gets out becaus he's the protagonist.
B: Okay so…the bodies are still here. There's some gore. That's your PG-13 right there.
M: In the super secret room nobody can ever find but two people have now stumbled into. Back with evil Auntie, Abby is hiding in her room and Freddy is just there.
B: Frederick is in the house. You somehow didn't hear him enter even though he must weigh a ton. Like as much as a small car. He's murdered Auntie Jane.
M: And now the chillest taxi driver on earth who is somehow fine giving a ride across town to a small child and a giant animatronic.
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I gifed the animatronics because they're the most interesting thing on screen but trust me, these gifs severly overstate how much they are in the movie.
B: How does Freddy even fit in a human sized car?
M: I don't know.
B: Vanessa is tending to Mike's wounds. She conveniently found him. They tried to kill him. Yeah…they do that. Why did you just leave the bodies there Vanessa? And why haven't they started to decay?
M: Vanessa is still not telling us shit. But Mike tells her that he said yes to giving Abby to them and she tells him they're gonna make her like him.
B: In the movie a lot of things aren't very clear. Vanessa tells us that the bodies of the dead kids are in the animatronics.
M: Like…how would people NOT NOTICE. But this is canon.
B: How does Vanessa know all this?
M: She tells us about AFTON.
B: The man behind the slaughter. The purple fellow. Okay, that's not canon that he's her father?
M: Hell if I know, I stopped following lore well before Vanessa showed up. Also somehow Afton killed Mike's brother.
B: Where did he put Garrett's body?? That's like SIX children now, are there six kids in each animatronic??
M: Vanessa's master plan is to taser the animtronics that are somehow being controlled by ghost children who are being controlled by William Afton. But she's not gonna go with Mike because Afton is her dad and stuff.
B: Let's fix that with a controlled shock. It's a good thing it's taking Abby a long time to get murdered.
M: Freddy considers murder and then reconsiders. Abby is being taken by Chica to the back room to be put into a device that looks suspiciously like the Baby animatronic. Meanwhile Mike is tasering Freddy and Bonnie.
B: I never understood what Chica did in the band anyway. Backup vocals? There's no way they could feasibly be playing this music with just one guitar. My suspension of disbelief is totally destroyed, Mister Fredbear. Don't you need to re-arm a taser?
M: Yep. But he gets Abby.
B: You've been an idiot about most things, Mike. To be fair. You should go.
M: The cupcake looks silly attacking but I do like it's design. I actually like the animatronics a lot and it would kick ass if they were like…
B: IN THE MOVIE!! For more than like 20 minutes of screen time in this two hour long movie.
M: See also, Matthew Lilliard. They squandered all the best parts of this movie. In favor of an hour of dream sequences. Abby and Mike again get separated but she hides in the ball pit and now….the best part of the movie. Golden Bonnie is here. Who is also Afton but no spoilers.
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B: Me in the Dashcon ballpit.
M: Vanessa shows up 20 minutes late to the party with uh…nothing. I do love the way they did the whole golden bonnie thing. Though I'm really unsure about how he's controlling them? Vanessa apparently has a gun.
B: You're gonna shoot your undead father with a gun? Oh he's alive!
M: For now. He is also the job counselor. To absolutely nobody's suprise. (editor's note: biscuits did not at all realize this while watching the movie) She shoots daddy but somehow that isn't enough to activate the springlocks. Afton stabs his own daughter as Abby frantically draws pictures to show the other kids that he's really the bad guy. Afton gets all springlock failed and they drag him off into the back room.
B: Well canonically all this happened a really long time ago, but the movie doesn't care about the timeline. I always come back, yeah, way too many fucking times, bro.
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M: And now everything is great and Abby is happy and Mike looks exactly the same.
B: The pacing is…so weird.
M: They stop by the hospital to see Vanessa and set up a sequel!
B: Well I mean if there's one thing FNAF really loves, it's sequels. This movie is so boring. Can we visit my dead friends some time? NO.
M: laughs Yeah, no.
B: Okay, movie SAVED by using the Living Tombstone. I'm amazed that they got the license for this.
M: I laughed out loud, I fucking loved it. It's the best thing. Oh Jim Henson's creature shop worked on the puppets, that explains why they looked so good. Final thoughts?
B: It's just…really lame. There's a couple cool scenes and some cool stuff at the end but the rest of the movie isn't worth it. There's so much rich lore, SO much lore, and a rich universe that they had an infinite well of stuff to draw on, but they made up this whole other plot about Josh Hutcherson's family problems and it's just…lame.
M: I just really feel like it's takes itself way too seriously.
B: Like terminally ill seriously.
M: And they squandered all the best parts of FNAF. The animatronics should have been the FOCUS. Not the dream sequences. Afton should have been a MUCH bigger part of this. There was so much cool stuff they could have done but it's not about that. All the little easter eggs for the fans are great but ultimately…pointless.
B: And again, isn't this supposed to be for the fans? For people who already love FNAF? But it's not really.
M: I grok that in order to reach a wider audience you gotta kinda do that but
B: The FNAF fandom is MASSIVE! The majority of it is just like…Trapped in Freddy Fazbears with Josh Hutcherson.
M: Fair.
B: And like…if you like the movie that's fine. For me it's just kinda meh. It's not something I would watch again on purpose. It just made me wanna watch Willy's Wonderland again. Not worth the 8 year wait time.
M: 8 years…and this is what you came up with?? 8 years and Doug was the best part of the movie? I don't hate it. I don't love it. I'm a fan of the FNAF games, I just feel like it's a massive missed opportunity and that people need to remember how to light a fucking film. I'm tired of Hollywood just giving us the most banal experience possible for whatever reason.
Munch and Biscuits out, yo.
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soulcluster · 5 months
here it is, what no one asked for: my ship bias list under a read more cause oof it's long
main roster
disney hans — anna, kristoff
dragon age blackwall — josie, inquisitor colum cousland — morrigan, anora, zevran fenris — hawke, isabela, bethany kaitlyn hawke — varric, fenris, cullen, alistair, loghain roland gilmore — cousland, bethany
dragon ball z android 18 — krillin bulma briefs — vegeta, goku cell — ....honestly just send me your ideas dende — gohan goku — chi-chi, bulma piccolo — bulma trunks briefs (future) — none yet
final fantasy aerith — cloud, tifa, sephiroth cid highwind — reeve, tifa clive rosfield — jill, cid cloud — aerith yuna — tidus, baralai
fire emblem citrinne — none yet cyril — lysithea eirika — seth, saleh, cormag ephraim — forde, gerik, tethys, marisa, tana frederick — olivia, sumia, cherche gerome — cynthia, lucina, laurent kagetsu — alear nel — none yet olivia — frederick, lon'qu, gregor seteth — jeralt, hanneman
fma: brotherhood ed — winry ling yao — lan fan riza — roy
harvest moon chelsea — vaughn kai — popuri, karen, leia mark (awl) — muffy molly (ap) — candace, phoebe, renee popuri — gray, karen, kai soseki — none yet vaughn — chelsea
the last unicorn amalthea — lir
legend of zelda link — mipha, malon malon — link mipha — link, zelda, revali zelda — ganondorf
marvel 616 adam warlock — gamora drax — mantis gamora — adam warlock, angela, tony stark peter quill — none yet rocket — lylla
mortal kombat fujin — none yet jax — sonja, vera takeda — jacqui
my time gwen/oc — logan, unsuur, owen, qi, heidi logan — fang, grace, builder
persona kotone — shinjiro, akihiko, ryoji ren — yoshizawa, ann, futaba, shiho, ryuji ryuji — joker, ann shiho — ann, joker shinjiro — kotone
resident evil leon — claire rebecca — none yet
star wars briayla/oc — corso, darmas, theron, lana doc — jedi knight kihanda/oc — doc, obi-wan
stardew valley abigail — sam, leah, penny, farmer eris/oc — harvey harvey — farmer
studio ghibli arrietty — spiller baron — baroness kiki — none yet pazu — sheeta
tales of kratos — anna, raine lailah — zaveid
threads of fate rue — none yet
tomb raider jonah — abigaile lara — sam, jaocb sam — lara
request roster
chrono trigger/cross serge — leena magus — none yet
cyberpunk 2077 takemura — none yet v/oc — none yet
DC lucifer — mazikeen soarnik natu — none yet
disney jack skellington — sally jane porter — tarzan, belle
final fantasy basch — none yet fran — balthier penelo — none yet zidane — garnet/dagger
fire emblem byleth — dimitri, claude, hanneman, shamir deirdre — sigurd franz — none yet gregory — none yet marianne — byleth, dimitri mikoto — yukimura, gunter quan — ethlyn rhys — none yet silas — corrin
harvest moon calvin — farmer lyla — basil, louis muffy — farmer, griffin, nami
legend of dragoon dart — shana lavitz — rose
mass effect garrus — shepard jeff/joker — shepard zaeed — shepard
metal gear solid cécile — kaz gray fox — none yet quiet — venom snake solid snake — hal, meryl
my hero academia tenya iida — ochako mina ashido — none yet
once upon a time belle — emma, ruby, ariel, killian, neal emma swan — neal, belle, ruby, graham grace — henry jefferson — belle, graham, robin, ruby milah — graham, robin, killian neal — emma, belle, robin, graham
rune factory felicity — raguna russell — none yet
tales of zaveid — lailah
*note 1: for any oc type characters I have a preference for (inquisitor, hawke, builder, assorted farmers, shepard, etc.), shipping will depend on that muse's character and if it works with my muse.
**note 2: just because a ship isn't on here doesn't mean I wouldn't ship it at all, except in the rare case of a notp
***notps: aerith/zack, cloud/tifa. these are only in a romantic sense, platonic is fine. if you see me shipping these it's because I'm close with the other mun
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hii!!!!! it was me who sent the ask abt the music videos yesterday!!!! thank u so much for replying, i was this 🤏🏽 close to giving up on using marilyn mansons example in my project 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
HI!!! I had fun doing this, I've actually never sat down and watched every single music video until now, there were a few i'd never watched! :)
this is LONG, there's 42 videos, to my knowledge.
TL;DR: There's actually extremely few satanic or occult symbols in any of Marilyn Manson's music videos. In fact, the only thing I saw was a couple inverted crosses in Tourniquet (which aren't even satanic! That's Saint Peter's cross!). Other than that, it's all Christian symbols and imagery. The only other symbol that appears consistently is Manson's own "Celebritarian" cross, which is a symbol of celebrity worship that he often criticizes. (Worth noting: it's an inverted form of the Patriarchal cross)
Comprehensive notes:
Spooky Kids/Portrait Of An American Family Era:
Get Your Gunn: Nothing, aside from Manson's goat head tattoo (left bicep). Anytime I say "nothing" from now on, i'm excluding his tattoos.
Lunchbox: One of the band's T-shirts at this time was a parody of the Salvation Army logo which said "The Satanic Army, and drummer "Sara Lee Lucas" (Frederick Streithorst Jr.) is wearing it.
Dope Hat: Nothing.
Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This): at 3:10, Manson is wearing a 3-horned headpiece. May or may not mean anything.
Antichrist Superstar Era:
The Beautiful People: Nothing.
Tourniquet: There are a few inverted crosses on the walls, as well as some symbols that I THOUGHT were alchemical symbols, but I can't find them anywhere.
Cryptorchid: Nothing, though the video is reminiscent of the film "Begotten"
The Man That You Fear: Nothing Occult, but there's a clear parallel to the death of Christ, washing of feet, being walked through the desert and killed. The music video heavily references "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson, as well. As a side note, Marilyn Manson is unbearably beautiful in this video.
Antichrist Superstar: I think you asked about this one specifically? Other than snakes and flies, which may possibly be associated with Lucifer and Beelzebub respectively, I don't see anything in the way of satanic or occult symbols.
Apple Of Sodom: Nothing. Medical stuff again.
Long Hard Road Out Of Hell: Christian imagery, both visually and in the lyrics. Manson is shown as both Mary and Jesus. And naked! Again, he's VERY pretty in this video. If this video doesn't trans your gender, nothing will. There's a secret alternate version where he's covered with blood.
Mechanical Animals Era:
The Dope Show: Nothing.
I Don't Like The Drugs (But The Drugs Like Me): Manson is crucified on a cross made of CRT TVs, and drags it around on his back.
Coma White: Crosses and Christian idols can be seen throughout. He's crucified on a wooden cross this time.
Holy Wood Era:
Disposable Teens: Manson is dressed as a pope for much of the video. There's other Christian imagery. He's also shown rising out of water, which could POSSIBLY be connected to Revelation 13:1 (And I stood upon the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising from the sea...) BUT he doesn't have horns, so it could just be a cool image that means nothing.
Fight Song: Nothing.
The Nobodies: He has horns again.
Tainted Love: Nothing.
Golden Age Of Grotesque Era:
mOBSCENE: Nothing.
This Is The New Shit: Nothing.
(s)AINT: Nothing. But there's so much explicit nudity that i'm surprised this video is on youtube. There's pussy eating in this video!!!!!! i maybe saw a sliver of cock too. can't be sure.
Personal Jesus: Manson has bandaged stigmata on his palms, and there's some sexy nuns. This video has one of my favorite makeup looks of all time.
Eat Me, Drink Me Era:
Heart-Shaped Glasses: Nothing.
Putting Holes In Happiness: Nothing.
High End Of Low Era:
Arma-Goddamn-Motherfuckin-Geddon: Nothing.
Born Villain Era:
Overneath The Path Of Misery: Two women have their heads shaved, seemingly in a ritualistic fashion. There's some images of christ on the cross, and a burning cross. Again, a lot of sexual imagery that i'm surprised is allowed on youtube uncensored.
Hey, Cruel World: Nothing.
The Pale Emperor Era:
Deep Six: Nothing.
The Mephistopheles Of Los Angeles: Manson is shown preaching and baptizing people.
Third Day Of A Seven Day Binge: Nothing.
Heaven Upside Down Era:
WE KNOW WHERE YOU FUCKING LIVE: Sexy nuns with guns. The image of the "Celebritarian" cross appears.
SAY10: Nothing. But Johnny Depp is in this one!
KILL4ME: Celebritarian cross. Johnny Depp again!
Tattooed In Reverse: Celebritarian cross.
God's Gonna Cut You Down: Some crosses.
We Are Chaos Era:
WE ARE CHAOS: Nothing.
[Title Pending] Era:
As Sick As The Secrets Within: Nothing.
Raise The Red Flag: Nothing.
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un-monde-sans-regles · 11 months
Greek Gods Theory - The Fall of the House of Usher
My original post on Reddit:
Upon rewatching it, I realised strong parallels between the family members, visual choices, and plot points connected to Olympian Gods (like Prospero's Pegasus shirt, or Camille's greek patterned dress in one scene). I believe each character may represent a Greek Deity:
Fortunato: the company's name is a reference to Fortuna, Goddess of Luck.
Roderick: Zeus, famous for his many affairs and children, king of the Gods and Lord of Skies. Dethroned his tyrannical father Chronos to become king with his family.
Anabelle: combination of Hestia/Hera, goddesses connected to matrimony and household. Hera was Zeus's wife, whereas Hestia tended to the Olympian Fire (ginger Anabelle). Furthermore, Juno is Hera's Roman counterpart, and Juno Usher was failing that role miserably.
Madeline: Athena, Goddess of Warfare, Wisdom and Strategy, being a counselor mostly. Her obsession with artificial intelligence may also connect to Athena's mechanical owl in some versions. Much like Athena, she neither had kids nor a big interest in matrimony.
Prospero: Dionysius, God of Wine, Festivity and Madness. Roderick calls his son mad in one occasion, he's an animal party, and his biggest symbols are a mask (Dionysius's symbol) and red clothing, perhaps alluding to wine.
Camille: Hermes, Messenger of Gods, Merchant and Orators. She's a PR for the family, has silver hair (Mercury is the god's Roman counterpart), and is also seen in one scene sporting two vertical snakes on her dress, Hermes's symbol. Additionally, her cellphone is left on her tombstone (Messenger of Gods).
Victorine: Apollo, God of Sun, Arts, Music and Healing. It's said Apollo's arrows could inflict either Healing or Disease, much like her practice. Victorine's hearing is affected (music), she's mostly in orange or surrounded by it, and kills her girlfriend fearing betrayal (Apollo did the same to his lover Coronis).
Napoleon: Ares, God of War. He's seen constantly playing games (perhaps his warring desire), he's short tempered, loses his battle against the black cat in a fit of rage while wielding a weapon (hammer). Besides his name as a clue, he's got a ram/goat tattoo on his neck, rams being the Zodiac Sign Aries's animal (regent planet Mars = Ares). Whenever battles were lost, roosters were sacrificed to Ares, and during his final moments, Napoleon's scenes carried a yellow hue maybe representing the dawn.
Frederick: Hephaestus, God of Metallurgy. Freddie is in charge of destroying old factories, is constantly mocked by his siblings (much like Hephaestus), and is killed by machinery. The clearest connection is his wife: Hephaestus was married to Aphrodite, who had been caught in the act during one of her affairs with an invisible net made by him, trapping Aphrodite and her lover (his brother), after which Hephaestus invited everyone to see it.
Morelle: Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and Beauty. As mentioned before, she was caught cheating much like Aphrodite, and was called "a goddess" married to someone inferior in Prospero's words. Additionally, her name means Nightshade in French, also called Belladonna (the paralising poison's component), which is a flower symbolic of silence and betrayal.
Tamerlane: Hebe, Goddess of Youth, Prime of Life, and Cupbearer of the Gods. Her company alone is strongly tied to this goddess's domains. Additionally, she's married to a fitness celebrity, while Hebe was Heracles's wife. Her final moments are covered in a green light, ivy being Hebe's symbol.
Arthur: Hades/Thanatos, both gods related to the dead. Arthur's called the family's reaper, is seen walking on a floor covered in bodies (much like Styx River), and is also a proficient killer. Hades was also seen as the god of riches.
Lenore: Harmonia, Goddess of Harmony and Concord, Aphrodite's daughter in most accounts.
Verna: I gave her a lot of thought , considering Nemesis (Retribution), Themis (Justice), the Moirai (Three Goddesses of Fate in one), even Persephone (Goddess of the dead) and Nyx (Night). None fits perfectly. Knowing Morrigan's mythology (and Flanagan's Irish background), I believe she's truly Morrigan, as others have theorised, coming to mess with those greek gods.
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