#From the outside
warmspice · 6 months
nothing like realizing how cringe you are by scrolling through your own blog 💗
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Reading up on the current Dream drama like a suburban mother listening to her kids explain the lore of the game they've been playing in the woods for a month
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is locke alive :(
...Mhm... Hi there...
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cowplantwhim · 2 years
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Another family photo from the photo shoot to Hailey's magazine interview
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hopeful-hellion · 2 months
*Yeets Valentino shaped punching bag.*
Have fun
"Heeeey Stamps what are you-" Their eyes go wide then narrow as the object comes into view, looking all too much like a certain moth man. Without warning they jump at the bag, claws unsheathed and teeth bared. They "trade" blows with it for a good 20 minutes. Each hit further adds to the punching bags decay.
By the time he's finished, it's nothing more than chopped up bits of fabric, stuffing and a "head" with x's drawn over the eyes and a knife sticking out of the face.
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mylittleredgirl · 1 year
even if you're not a supernatural fan, if you've been on tumblr long enough you are, like, culturally. like cultural christianity in america except it's the cw's supernatural. you may never have watched an episode or set foot inside the tag but your regular life shuts down on their holidays and all of your world news is delivered through that point of view. something to think about
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ionomycin · 3 months
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dragonomatopoeia · 1 year
i've died on smaller hills, so i can't judge. but i do think it's funny whenever posts about the proper definition of a poor little meow meow circulate, considering none of them mention that the origin was a kpop fan's absolutely bonkers tweet about not being able to protect a full grown man who was getting backlash for including audio from the jonestown cult leader jim jones in one of his songs
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captain-mozzarella · 2 months
I headcanon that all of Yoda's finest teacups were made by younglings
In fact most masters of the order's finest teacups were made during crèche crafting time when the kids were learning pottery.
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veliseraptor · 1 year
have realized that while i am not a fan necessarily of "people meet and immediately fall in love" i am a fan of "people meet and are immediately obsessed with each other." the love can come later but the absolute fixation should be immediate
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evildeerboy · 1 year
“no polyamory at pride” is some chronic no bitches shit. that’s got to be made up. no gay person would say that they’d have no fucking friends
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sifinspace · 8 months
It’s Mass Effect from the POV of the co-pilot.
Why? Joker should always have been romance-able. I’m a sucker for the broken, and want to fix them all.
I also have big side character energy. Never wanting to be the main character.
Here are some stats to this fic:
- Sif is the co-pilot on the Normandy. She is Jokers second.
- Earth born, with no family.
- Original Mass Effect characters are in this story.
- This fic follows a mostly “Paragon” play through of Shepard. He is male in this fic, and it takes place across all three games.
- Sif is simply a new character dropped in, with her own story. So I tried to keep everything as close to a cannon play through as possible.
- An unrelated example: you’re life moves in one way, your friends come in and out of it, what are they doing while not with you? That’s how this works.
If this is something you may be into, I’m going to try to post the first few bits soon.
(It’s not as long as my Dragon Age fic. That I promise.)
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yourbloody-valentine · 9 months
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alaiostoudenfan · 2 months
Oh god😭😭 laios from other peoples perspective is actually terrifying 
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nerdpoe · 4 months
Danny needs a few...odd things. A few dietary and emotional requirements unique to his physiology. Meat is one of them.
But like, raw meat. He doesn't have to eat it often, maybe twice a month, but it does need to be completely raw.
He also needs to eat non-sentient blob ghosts, which are very different from sentient ones. Same amount, maybe twice a month.
He's weak to hot temperatures, where most humans require some sort of positive contact he needs to fight, if he gets too much sunlight his dopamine levels drop, and oddly enough as he got older milk or products with a lot of milk started to affect him like alcohol affects humans.
Now that he's made it to college, hiding most of these things is easy enough.
He chose Gotham, because of minimal sunny days and naturally cold weather. He regularly goes for walks at night, to fill his need for fighting. He says he has a milk allergy, and avoids milk products.
The blobs and the raw meat are a little uh. Those are a little hard.
He's taken to ducking into a bathroom stall to just swallow the blobs whole. But the meat...
He decides to sear the outside and leave the inside entirely raw. Does this detract from the nutrients by cooking them off? Yes. Does it mean he needs to eat raw meat four times a month instead of twice? Yes. Does it mostly hide that he's doing this in front of humans? Kind of.
Until he got a vegan roommate.
Said roommate is far too sharp-eyed for his own good, and now the guy is being weird.
Or: Damian's roommate is a meta who clearly has dietary restrictions outside the norm. It's fine; Damian understands that like animals in the wild, people have different diets. But the cuts of meat Fenton is eating are...subpar. Damian isn't sure how to be...civil, or appear polite, or not be a "snob" if he suggests Fenton allow him to procure farm fresh cuts of steak from cows raised in an open pasture and were well taken care of.
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v0idwraith · 1 year
David Szymanski: in my game i have invented the Iron Lung as a cautionary tale
Billionaires: at long last, we have created the Iron Lung from classic horror game Don’t Create The Iron Lung
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