#Fu of Takigakure
fireflylitsky · 4 months
Has Fu met Shino's dad ?
If so what does Shino's dad think of her?
Yes, yes, Fu has certainly met Shibi! When the two of them start hanging out--Fu and Shino--it's because Fu has basically been demanding that Shino invite her over to see the bugs on Aburame clan land. (They have more bugs, new bugs, exotic bugs, bugs that do tricks--she has a mighty NEED) At first this is an outright 'no' from Shino. His clan is very private and he absolutely does not trust this loud girl that doesn't understand personal space and came into his town with missing-nin. That's a hard no for him. (He also has no idea about her own affiliation with bugs at this time lol)
But hey, some game-changing things happen and she's very persistent and so yeah, eventually Shino breaks down and asks his father about the possibility of showing Fu around a little. Obviously he's not looking to disclose clan secrets or anything, but she'd certainly be seeing things most outsiders would not have access to. Shibi is very hesitant to say yes right away, but considering she's now been in the village for a few years and has recently saved his son's life... yes, okay, with his supervision he'll allow it.
Shibi isn't a helicopter dad or anything like that, it's just that a non-clan member being given a tour is very unusual, so he'd like to be the one leading it. Lowkey he might also be a little bit interested in meeting this particular jinchuriki... because at his point it's very known that she has Chomei.
So the very first time Shino and Fu hang out recreationally, it's with Shibi haha. He's really quite fond of Fu almost immediately tbh, not that it's easy to tell with him. He has a relatively stoic disposition, but he sees how enthusiastic she is about their bugs and land and appreciates the respect she has for both. hat's rare from an outsider. He also sees how she is with his son--friendly and not at all put off by his quiet demeanor--and it makes him happy to see someone pulling Shino out of his shell a bit. She's a bit infectious, he must admit. He's not sure he's ever seen Shino talk so much (i'ts about bugs, but still, progress is progress) and Fu hangs on his every word. It's really heartwarming for him to see, so when Shino eventually invites her back and their hangouts starts becoming routine, he's really happy about it.
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natupp · 2 months
Since your doing requests can you draw fu from Takigakure with Shino sipping tea while they are bugs around them ?
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Thank you for your request!
Practice drawing👇
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_Art Book of Naruto Uzumaki_ Part-4
Each one of the tailed beasts appears in the chasms of time. May the truth of the jinchüriki be revealed!
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1. Gaara from Sunagekure Village, jinchūriki of the One-Tail
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The concept behind Gaara's beast is a tanuki (raccoon dog). In Japanese folklore, foxes and tanuki never get along, so I thought I would make it a continued rivalry between him and Naruto. I really like the jagged and jutted-out jaw that the One Tall has.
2. Nii Yugito from Kumogakure Village, jinchūriki of the Two-Tails
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This design was based on a creature called a futamata, which is essentially a cat that has grown a second tail after living for a very long time. Yugito is a very high-ranking kunoichi, and even Killer Bee gives her a lot of respect.
3. Yagura from Kirigakure Village, jinchūriki of the Three-Tails
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At the time of serialization, other jinchūriki like Naruto and Gaara had already appeared. That's why I opted to have an extremely large tailed beast appear first. The basic concept of this beast is a turtle.
4. Roshi from Iwagakure village, jinchūriki of the Four-Tails
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This design was based on a gorilla.... that or the giant monkey version of Goku trom Dragon Ball. The horns on his forehead are made to look like the Monkey King in Chinese mythology. He can spit fire and lava.
5. Han from Iwagakure village, jinchūriki of the Five-Tails
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I combined a dolphin and a horse, but I couldn't really picture it and ended up with something that don't really understand. Han wears armor made of steam and mostly uses ninjutsu that manipulates steam. In other words, he's the Steam Jinchūriki.
6. Utakata from Kirigakure Village, jinchūriki of the Six-Tails
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The Six Tails is kind of wiggly and looks like it might but won't shoot out lightning. Utakata uses ninjutsu that manipulates bubbles, making him a slippery opponent.
7. Fu from Takigakure Village, jinchūriki of the Seven-Tails.
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The basic concept of the Seven Tails is a bug. I made the exoskeleton of the bug look more like a piece of armor and made the wings part of its tail. The jinchūriki is a girl, but aside from that, I haven't really decided on anything about her. (LOL)
8. Killer Bee from Kumagakure Village, jinchūriki of the Eight-Tails
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The Eight Tails is like a cross between an octopus and a cow. I love how tasty the tails can look. Killer Bee usually speaks in rhymes. He's quite strong.
9. Uzumaki Naruto from Konohagakure Village, jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails
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The basic concept of this beast is a fox. It is the strongest out of all the tailed beasts. It's so strong that I have no idea how to present it. (LOL)
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kankuroplease · 2 months
What do you think of the ship between Shino and fu from Takigakure?
I think she’s on the hyper end for a character like Shino, but I also like that they have bug themes so it’s fine ship imo
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kiljoius · 3 months
Do you like the ship between Shino and fu from takigakure?
Oh heck yeah! The moment Shino sensed her and wondered where another insect user was during the chunin reexamination, the ship set sail immediately. Shame there's not more work for them. I've had a couple of dieas to write for them, just never found time to get it down 😅
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littlemonstert-blog · 2 years
Unknown villages-Waterfall
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The Village Hidden in the Waterfall
Takigakure wasn't shown in the manga
Not much is known about this village (anime doesn’t count)
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Around the time of the village's formation, the village tasked Kakuzu with assassinating the First Hokage.Kakuzu faild the mission assignment. Despite the danger faced on this mission, what awaited his return to his village was  punishment with the failure of his mission. In response to this, a shinobi who had put life and limb on the line for his village, Kakuzu came to hold hatred for the village when he escaped from imprisonment. When leaving the village, Kakuzu killed the village elders, took their hearts, and fled with knowledge of the village's most prized forbidden jutsu’s.
At some point, the village came into possession of Chōmei, making it the only known village outside of the five great villages to hold a tailed beast.This tailed beast was sealed into Fū, who was eventually caught.
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In the manga, based on what Deidara told Naruto. Fū was possibly hated and neglected by her village, and that the citizens were glad that she was captured and killed. She was also one of the first two jinchūriki to be caught.ch266
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I the only things is I wish we see:
 what the village atcually looks like.
how the village was able to capture Chōmei.
What honestly what are the ongoings in the village. The things that make them stand out.
Seeing things from Fu’s perpective
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Clan’s , jutsu’s, laws etc.
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hirazuki · 2 years
Okay this might be weird ass timing, but I saw the asl someone sent you about Naruto, and your brief mention of the Villain type characters at least EMBRACING their flaws rather than glossing over like Konoha does, and while first I wanted to chime in with like, YES SAME, my favorite characters are Hidan and Kakuzu, ESPECIALLY Kakuzu, and that's part of why - and boy do I have beef with Kishimoto about how SHIT their arc ended because he wanted to show off how Cool and Smart Shika was and Naruto's new move (Kakuzu should NOT have been killed by that he's too smart his death was insulting I'll die on that hill, and I'm not even gonna start on Hidan) but like—
One thing that's always pissed me off is that when I read Kakuzu's backstory from the data book, I was STUNNED Kishimoto never once addressed it as a flashback like the other villains got - FILLER villains got more than he did and his story is SO GOOD - except I think one brief acknowledgement by Fu in some anime filler? Whatever, the point is, it occurs to me that his backstory makes both Takigakure AND Konoha look less than perfect, given the jist is that Taki yeeted him in prison for failing to kill Hashirama. I wonder if that's why Kishimoto never wanted to address it?
Okay, so first -- never feel weird for sending me Naruto asks!! Or Bleach asks! Or anything about any series/media/whatever I enjoy or I have even mildly dabbled in! Even if we have different opinions on things, I am always happy to geek out about shared interests ^^
YES EXACTLY, Kakuzu especially falls into this category (I love Hidan too, but he's a bit of a loose canon and as far as I can remember, doesn't have nearly as strong ties to his hometown as Kakuzu once had to Taki; I don't think he was ever enmeshed in upper level village politics like that). But yes, Kakuzu! I have no problem with how that fight played out or its conclusion, but I suspect that's only because while I enjoy these two, I'm not particularly attached to them, and the resolution of that conflict ticked off my own personal boxes for being "satisfactory," which is a very individual thing obviously. I absolutely get where you're coming from, and if something similar had happened to Orochimaru, for instance, I would be Very Upset.
Kakuzu's backstory is fascinating and honestly very demonstrative of the early days of the establishment of the village system and the various political considerations and machinations going on, ties in closely with our protag group since it directly involves one of the founders of Konoha, and is a compelling backstory to a member of one of the main antagonist groups of the series, so SAME???????? I was very surprised when I found out that Kishimoto had a super detailed, super relevant on multiple levels backstory for him that never got properly incorporated, and the only reason I can think of for leaving it out of the manga is it was cut due to editors. Idk why though, it's very well-developed as a plot point and backstory. I especially don't get why it wasn't included in the anime, given all the filler we get (< and I say this as someone who unironically loves fillers!!), because yes, you're right -- it's briefly alluded to by Fuu in the second chunin exams held in Suna, which is a filler arc towards the end of Shippuden. We've had filler mini-arcs within filler arcs themselves (for instance, Jiraiya's novel within Tsunade's tsukuyomi dream), so it wouldn't have been a stretch at all to do a brief glimpse into Kakuzu's past within the chunin exam filler arc... idk, dude, I've got nothing. I can't imagine it would be because it'd make Taki and Konoha look bad, because there's stuff like Zabuza and Kiri, Gaara and Sasori and Suna, and like... the entirety of Itachi and Konoha; all the villages including Konoha have looked less than perfect from the get-go. All I can think of is someone or multiple someones on the production team at SP didn't really care for Kakuzu so they never considered it, and it just came down to the team's personal preferences as to what they’d include as filler or not?
It's utterly baffling.
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georgieenkoom · 3 years
How strong is Fu?
Before I show you the link towards my Quora answer on the matter (which you may or may not have read after I linked to it in my Kamui-less Obito answer), you might be wondering which Fu I'm talking about, given that there's two characters of the same name in Naruto (the Jinchuriki from Taki and the Yamanaka Foundation agent).
Rest assured : I dealt with both of them.
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Fu:(raises arms) Hey,Uncle Kakuzu!
Kakuzu:(lifts fu) What no-
Fu:(climbs kakuzu to sit on his shoulders)
Kakuzu:Enjoying the view?
Fu:(pouts,presses finger on her lips) Dunno,give me a minute.
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stripesquadsideblog · 7 years
Naruto talk : Takigakure
I think Takigakure’s/ the land of waterfalls real world  comparison would probably be Korea or Thailand. And i know those places are like 2000+ miles apart so  don’t eat me alive before i explain. What brings in the Thailand comparison for me is pretty simple; its a watery place, there aren’t streets per say in some places of taki, just rivers. There are a lot of Buddhist temples and everywhere is rice fields and flood plains  and houses built on steep slopes to avoid the floods and tides. Everyone in taki knows how to sail before they’re allowed out after dark. There aren’t many beaches in taki, mind you since the rivers just tend  to meet the land with no in-between.
However what drives the Korea comparison for  me is literally anything else. I think Taki food is like Korean food. There are Taki’s main exports are 1) Cosmetics and 2) herbs and medicines : their climate is so wet and warm its essentially a rain forest. Anything and everything will grow in taki and grow in excess. If you want good skin or good medical care you get your ninja ass to taki.
I wont start saying about taki politics because i don’t know enough about korea or Thailand to know what im talking about.i will say they probably dont elect people so its sort of a monarchy but not ??? village leaders are born into it but they arent royalty. They are clearly a bunch of assholes in taki though judging by how no one went looking for Fu.
Lets not even discuss the horrible punishment on kakuzu being like the kind of shit you see in north korea because if i do start talking about it im going to cry because kakuzu did not deserve that.
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totaldramaxtremist · 7 years
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Made a DR edit of Fuu/Fū , the Seven Tails Jinchuuriki, from the Naruto series. Included some Edo Tensei variants as well to balance things out. 
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fireflylitsky · 4 months
For The ShinoFu kids what names did you give them ?
For the first born, her name is Honoka.
They picked it for the meaning—treasure, wealth, precious thing—as somewhat of a tease (affectionate), somewhat in honor of her dad, Kakuzu. Because despite his flaws and love of money, they just KNOW he’s going to see this little girl as the most precious little treasure ever. He went a little soft with Fū, yeah, but grandpa Kakuzu will only get worse—this awful man will be SO weak to their big ol’ buggy eyes.
(For context, if you look at most of my Fū art and I think all of my Fū writing, you’ll see I really love to headcanon Kakuzu becoming a begrudging father figure to her.)
Their second bun in the oven is a little boy, and his name is Matsu. This one leans into his Aburame roots because it translates to ‘pine’ (which is a tree that notoriously attracts bugs) bugs LOVE pine trees 👏
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fuu-no-jutsu · 4 years
do you have any headcanons on chomei? like anything about how he became fu's tailed beast? or anything about his personality?
//I headcanon that Chomei was sealed in Fuu when she was a young child, like many of the other jinchuuriki. It was probably a village leader/elder of Takigakure; maybe the predecessor of Shibuki, which would be his father Hisen (though there is no evidence to support this)
//I like to imagine that Chomei thinks of themself as like the god of insects or something. Chomei also considers themself to be very lucky, because of the number 7 being lucky!
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movedfistsbled · 4 years
‘  most  people  would  say  i’m  the  fuckup .  ’ from fu 🥺
‘   YOU   ’   (   NOVEL   )   SENTENCE  STARTERS               |               accepting
lee    enjoys    the    silence    .                  matatabi         &&         chomei  are  talking  ;  a  pleasant  conversation  .       leaf’s  jinchuriki  gives  them  privacy  .     just  because  they’re  always  together  doesn’t  mean  they  have  to  be  in  each  other’s  head  all  the  time  .            he  only  listens  to  the  soothing  sound  of  closeby  waterfalls  .           they  didn’t  call  it  takigakure  for  no  reason  .          he  doesn’t  know  where  fu’s  words  came  from  ,  tone  shifting  accordingly  .                  lee  knows  the  feeling  .      more  than  once  he  was  told  how  utterly    worthless    he  was  .       often  enough  that  now  the  abundance  of  praise  ,  being  the  land  of  fire’s  showpiece  jinchuriki  ,  felt  hollow         &&         stale  .                                     ❝    if    someone    calls    you    a    fuckup                ❞
he  takes  their  hand  .         bandaged  hand  overlaying  fu’s  .             young  jonin  saw  no  borders  anymore  ,  he  saw  in  fu  a  comrade  he  saw  in  fewest  leaf  shinobi  .                    if    only    he    could    do    more    for    them                      smile  appears  on  youthful  features  ,  it  wasn’t  gentle  .      it  was  a   tiger’s  .           DARING    ;  like  bared  fangs  .           fierce  determination  to  protect  only  those  few  who  proved  themselves  worthy  in  onyx  eyes  .                        ❝    i’ll    tell    them    they’re    wrong    every    single    time    .    ❞
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cyb-by-lang · 5 years
Greetings and salutations! Here comes a what-if ask related to the Trousers of Time segment. What if Kei had ended up in Konoha just before the Chuunin Exams, for the purposes of this question let's assume she's not instantly arrested, so what happens?
Well, she might be willing to join the security forces under severe scrutiny. Even if she’s timeline-displaced, most of the people she cares about are still in Konoha and due to be run over by a snake invasion. So, yeah.
I don’t think she’d personally compete, though. They’d have to jury-rig a team of fake genin for her like Takigakure did with Fu, and frankly Kei is already a chunin of two years by that point. She’d have to be talked into any kind of scheme that limits her movements to Forest, Arena, and Training places.
(Especially since Kei at thirteen/fourteen wasn’t capable of fighting on Orochimaru’s level yet.)
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ftcoye · 5 years
Is love to see fu (the green haired jinchiriki one) get to actually interact with some people, so her with anyone you deem fitting maybe being shown around konoha/whatever village?
[Ao3 Link.]
She lights up excitedly, clinging to Neji’s arm as her orange-painted nails dig into his sleeve. “What’s that?” Fuu asks, pointing.
Neji glances and then rolls his eyes - fortunately for his sense of dignity, the foreign nin cannot tell. “You don’t have ramen stands in Takigakure?”
It’s meant to be a cutting remark, the latest in a long line of attempts to get Fuu to go away, but she doesn’t even notice. “Nope!” she says, which he personally really doubts, but. “Come on, let’s go!”
Neji isn’t a ramen fan by any means, but given he’d been latched upon by his “friend” this morning and has been a reluctant tour guide ever since, he’ll willingly take a break to just sit and eat. So he nods with a sigh, pulling Fuu over with him as he ducks under the curtain. It’s not exactly prime mealtime, so he’s not surprised when there’s only one other person there - Hinata.
His cousin sits at the far end of the stand, deeply intent on her second bowl and a book in front of her. Neji is about to greet her when Fuu’s grip tightens to something almost painful. “Neji,” she hisses, suddenly possessing the ability for quiet. “Who is that?”
Neji blinks down at her, surprised. “My... cousin,” he slows slowly, uncomprehending, before he notices the faint tint to Fuu’s cheeks, and how her gaze remains fixed on the other kunoichi. Oh. Oh.
He considers.
There’s a bright, loud jinchuriki on his arm who is interested in both ramen and his cousin. (A jinchuriki who he is desperate to get rid of.) Isn’t this simply his... duty, as her cousin?
“Hinata,” he says, and she jerks up with a start, only to smile when she realizes it’s him. “There’s someone I want you to meet...”
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