#Future Press
superthatguy62 · 8 months
Things Final Fantasy III does not tell you about Final Fantasy III.
When it comes to RPGs, information that the player has is far from a guarantee. Some games will tell players practically everything about their systems and leave it to the player to use that information. Others will leave some mechanics in the background, quietly applying them without the player's knowledge. The Final Fantasy III remake falls into the latter category, as there are some mechanics that the player may not realize even exist unless they look outside of the game. Here are seven of them.
This is based on the Future Press Official Strategy Guide. As far as SGs go, it seems pretty close to the Japanese SE guide (baring at least one case).
Party Member Levels (Life of the Party)
While temporary party aren't directly controllable, they seem to have their own levels and stats. Interestingly the Future Press strategy guide states that they also have stats. Though I should clarify: At this time, I have yet to find these in the Japanese strategy guide, so I am not entirely sure that these are accurate. However, the FP guide in general is close to the Japanese guide in terms of technical information, so I am willing to accept that risk.
These are:
Sara: Lv 5 (Str/Vit/Agi/Min: 6, Int: 7)
Cid: Lv 3 (Str/Agi: 5, Vit/Int/Min: 8)
Desch: Lv 10 (Str: 15, Vit: 10, Agi: 14, Int: 7, Min: 6
Aria: Lv 25 (All: 25)
Alus: Lv 30 (All: 35)
Doga/Unei: Lv 50 (All: 45)
Some observations:
The guide notes that the characters stats are usually significantly higher than the main characters' at the same levels. This is especially noticeable with Alus (The party's base stats, by compare, will be: Str/Agi: 24, Vit/Min/Int: 20)
Cid is the only party member to be weaker than the character before him (Sara), presumably due to how little time the party spends with him. He does have an impressively strong hammer, though.
Despite being portrayed as a White Mage, Sara's Int (7) is slightly higher than her Min (6).
It seems that after Desch, the devs kinda gave up with making varied stats, so Aria, Alus, Doga and Unei have the same number for all their stats.
Coincidence or otherwise, Aria's stat number also matches her level.
Doga and Unei share the same levels and stats as each other, a distinction no other party member has. For extra fun, Xande is also level 50, although his actual stats are unfortunately but understandably different.
Alus, a 10 year old boy is somehow twice as strong as Desch, a grown man.
Mognet Details (Stampin' N Stompin')
Most of Mognet's discussion usually begins and ends with it being connected to the sidequests. Because of this, there are a few features of Mognet that go undernoticed.
One particular aspect is the cards: For meeting the Legendary Smith with a mastered job and defeating the Iron Giant, the party can get cards signifying their mastery.
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(I have yet to defeat the Iron Giant. I apologize for being a fraud).
In the PSP and Steam versions, these cards are mostly just rewards. In the DS version, however, they can be used as stamps for Mognet. And while the Iron Giant is purely to flaunt your superiority over the beast, the job mastery cards actually allow players to help out other players: If a player holding a signed letter runs into the Legendary Smith, she will give the player the respective job mastery item without having a level 99 job. While it doesn't break the game, due to how late it is before you can encounter the Smith, it does cut down on the grind you'd need if you wanted those items.
Encounter Frequency (Fights in the A.M. P.M. F.M.)
In Octopath Traveler, a later game by Team Asano, entering a new location will usually show you a danger level, giving you a general idea of how strong the enemies in that area are. While the mechanic is visible in OT, it was actually deployed discreetly in Final Fantasy III: Each area has a level that the guides recommend the player be at. However, the game itself uses a more subtle method: If your party is below the recommended level, the encounter rate will be higher than usual. By contrast, the further above the recommended level that the party is (up to six levels), the lower the encounter rate will be.
For example: The Nepto Shrine has a Danger Level of 10. If the party made it to the Shrine at level 7, then they will likely encounter more enemies than they would at level 10. By contrast, at level 16, they will have a chance at encountering the least amount of enemies.
Attack Types (SMASH! SLASH! STAB!)
In Final Fantasy III, elemental weaknesses are clear and easily implied by the fact that Mages have themed spells. However, the game also has a second, subtle weakness system: Attack Types, the physical counterpart.
The four attack types are
Unhanded: Despite the name, Claws are also included
Blow: Weapons that focus on slamming or bludgeoning the foe
Cut: Weapons that actually cut the foe, like Swords
Stab: Weapons that stab or have a stab-like effect, like Arrows
Interestingly, some weapons aren't mutually exclusive: Axes count for both blows and cuts, Knives count for both stabs and cuts and Unarmed counts for both Unhanded and Blow.
Hands (The Hands of Fate)
The Hand stat is a secret stat that the game silently keeps track of for each character. The hand stat represents how many times a physical attack has been made with a particular hand, the hand getting 3 XP for each use. Much like job levels only one hand level can be gained per battle, regardless of how many points are racked up. Theoretically, if you can have hands of different levels, although given how much III encourages dual-wielding, it's unlikely.
The FP guide recommends using the Ranger's barrage if you want to build up the hand stat, as that is a multi-hit attack that nonetheless counts each hit for the hand.
Weight (The Weight of the World)
Weight is not a new mechanic to Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy V, in particular has the stat help to determine who quickly a character acts (i.e. how fast the ATB bar fills up). However, V is the rare game where the game will actively inform the player of its existence. Other games in the series have it, including III (at least, in the remake).
Weight, along with Agility, determines how soon a character will act during the turn, as well as how many hits a character does (alongside the aforementioned Hand stat). This is why a Warrior with an axe will generally hit less than a Warrior with a sword, despite having higher attack. Interestingly magic also has weight to it with spells having a specific weight/cast time to it.
Boss Scripts (Script Write)
Bosses changing strategy mid-fight has been a Final Fantasy staple since at least Final Fantasy IV (Zeromus, for example, only starts to spam Meteo when he's close to dying), so the FF3 remake isn't particularly new or original for using this. Still, it's something to be aware of in case you make a particular fight harder than it needs to be.
A likely candidate for this is actually the final boss: While the Cloud of Darkness uses Particle Beam (and spams it during the last phase), it actually doesn't use the move until it's down to 80% of its HP, using the less threatening standard attack instead. This means that a player willing to take some turns to lower the danger can focus on the tentacles, which are the more immediate threat.
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moontoon · 2 years
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Finally got my hands on this 😭❤️
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twohitgames · 3 months
Bloodborne recibe una nueva guía de edición limitada
Future Press presenta esta reimpresión en edición limitada de la Guía Bloodborne Complete Edition 25th Anniversary, que combina las guías del Bloodborne original y de la expansión The Old Hunters en un único e impresionante tomo. Una guía absolutamente inigualable de uno de los juegos más apreciados de la historia. Descubre todos los secretos ocultos en la pesadilla de Yharnam y la expansión The…
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View On WordPress
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blogfuturepress · 4 months
Elevate Your Consulting Firm's Reputation with a Powerful Industry Blog
Elevate Your Consulting Firm's Reputation with a Powerful Industry Blog
In the highly competitive world of business, consultancies play a vital role in offering specialized knowledge and tailored solutions to companies across all sectors. However, for a consultancy to succeed and win new clients, it is essential to demonstrate its expertise, knowledge, and value.
An industry blog can be a powerful tool in this regard, allowing a consultancy to share valuable information, relevant news, videos, lectures, and presentations, strengthening its reputation and attracting potential clients. In this post, we will explore the reasons why a consultancy, such as one specializing in people management, can benefit from an industry blog focused on offering valuable content on effective people management.
Demonstrate Expertise and Knowledge
An industry blog allows a people management consultancy to showcase its expertise and knowledge in detail. By sharing insights, best practices, trends, and relevant analyses for the field of people management, the consultancy can position itself as an authority in this sector. Informative and well-substantiated posts reinforce the company's reputation, building trust and credibility with readers.
Educate and Engage the Target Audience
An industry blog provides the opportunity to educate and engage the consultancy's target audience. By providing valuable content on effective people management, the company can address common challenges faced by organizations, offer practical solutions, and share useful tips. This not only helps build relationships with potential clients but also establishes the consultancy as a trusted resource that companies can turn to for relevant and up-to-date information.
Increase Visibility and Reach
A well-maintained industry blog can increase the consultancy's visibility and reach. By optimizing content for search engines, the company can attract organic traffic and be discovered by potential clients searching for information on people management. Additionally, sharing blog content on social media and other online platforms further expands the company's reach, reaching a wider and more diverse audience.
Establish Lasting Relationships
By providing valuable and relevant content through an industry blog, the consultancy has the opportunity to establish lasting relationships with readers. Regular blog visitors can become loyal followers of the company, regularly consuming its content and staying up-to-date on the latest industry news. This ongoing connection helps build a strong base of potential clients who trust the consultancy for their people management needs.
Showcase the Consultancy's Differentiation
An industry blog allows a people management consultancy to highlight its differentiators and value proposition. Content should be varied and dynamic, including articles, videos, podcasts, classes, lectures, presentations, graphics, and more.
Future Press
We have been producing industry blogs for 15 years. We create content for blogs on Information Technology Management, Online Recruitment, Patient Safety, Visual Arts, Fashion Design, Interior Design, Photography, Negotiation, and many others. We create the blog, produce the content, which is approved by the organization, and capture people interested in the content who may become clients of our clients. Want to know more? Get in touch!"
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comicchannel · 4 months
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Elden Ring Books of Knowledge Volume 2 Shards of the Shattering - Official Strategy Guide
Link para compra BR: https://amzn.to/4dTbqQu
Buy here: https://amzn.to/44V78E8
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lemongogo · 4 days
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dont forget what happened to icarus
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queenoftheimps · 3 months
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I love this Collider interview where Assad Zaman is giving very professional answers with a slight hint of ship teasing, while Bogosian's off like "So yeah I had to explain to the crew how people smoked crack in the 70s"
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deadtiredghost · 4 months
we deserved more of 2018 Casey
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leveloneandup · 14 days
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Christen Press & Tobin Heath | re—inc, Vote Your Future Collection
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rileyclaw · 2 years
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and so at last did the Good Witch Azura make her grand return, now the brightest star the world had ever seen.
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lexisgayok · 8 months
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Forgot tumblr exists here’s some new art
No reposts without credit
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fashionlouist · 6 months
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islelynn · 1 year
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Testing out my new matte screen protector and Wacom replacement nib for my s pen with some mild Hunter angst lol. No idea what's happening in the drawing itself, it was initially supposed to just be your generic dynamic pose study so i hadnt thought that far ahead lmao. But maybe a dramatic origin for Hunter's patched jeans in Thanks to Them?
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blogfuturepress · 9 months
Fim das redes sociais no Brasil
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Para os que não sabem inglês: “Nota aos usuários (do Rumble) no Brasil. Devido a demandas do governo brasileiro (leia-se Alexandre de Moraes) de remover produtores de conteúdo de nossa plataforma, Rumble agora está inacessível no Brasil. Nós estamos recorrendo dessas demandas do governo brasileiro e temos a esperança de restaurar o acesso em breve.
Você já se preparou para viver sem redes sociais no Brasil em 2024? Se você sabe o que está se passando no Brasil certamente viu alguma publicação sobre a saída da rede social de vídeos Rumble do Brasil. Rumble é uma rede social de vídeos que surgiu no Canadá em 2013 com a proposta de preservar a liberdade de expressão em um momento em que empresas como Google, dona do YouTube, vinha censurando pessoas que apoiavam o presidente Donald Trump dos EUA.
Aqui no Brasil, o agente das trevas, Alexandre de Moraes, determinou ao Rumble o bloqueio do canal no Rumble do apresentador Monark, que deixou o país para não ser preso e hoje tem asilo político nos EUA, assim como Allan Santos. O Rumble, fiel a sua premissa básica, recusou o pedido de censura e optou por bloquear o acesso dos brasileiros a sua plataforma. É claro que se você entende minimamente de Internet já percebeu que usando uma VPN (Virtual Private Network) pode continuar acessando o Rumble sem problemas. Mas a maioria não quer ter esse trabalho.
O que eu vim aqui dizer a você e a todos que usam as redes sociais no Brasil, em caráter pessoal ou profissional ou ambos, é que a meta do governo ilegítimo de Lula da Silva e seus comparsas no TSE e STF é fazer com que as demais redes sociais sigam o exemplo do Rumble e deixem o Brasil.
Censura com máscara de "democracia"
Antes de se retirar para suas férias em praia privativa no nordeste, o presidente ilegítimo Lula da Silva publicou um decreto sobre “cibersegurança” que é a porta de entrada para a censura das redes sociais no Brasil. Certamente ele fez isso com o aval e suporte de seus parceiros de crime no STF. O governo já deixou claro que vai tentar aprovar no “congresso” - que mais parece a casa da mãe Joana - o PL 2630, que se propõe a “combater” as fake news mas, na verdade, vai criar um ambiente irrespirável para as redes sociais no Brasil, levando-as (TODAS) a adotarem a mesma atitude do Rumble.
Isso porque esse PL 2630 determina que as redes sociais serão responsáveis por aquilo que for publicado em suas plataformas - um absurdo que a Suprema Corte dos EUA já vetou - e, ainda, terão que remunerar obrigatoriamente os autores de conteúdos toda vez que alguém compartilhar um vídeo. Imagine só: se alguém compartilhar um vídeo da TV Globo, a plataforma (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter) terá que pagar um valor à TV Globo. Já imaginou? 
Se isso for aprovado, e os deputados e senadores corruptos do Congresso vão garantir a aprovação desse absurdo, as redes sociais ESTARÃO FORA DO BRASIL EM 2024. 
Assim como o Rumble em 2023. 
Se você ainda não parou para pensar nas consequências disso, veja o seguinte: milhares de empregos serão perdidos, milhares de pequenas empresas que vivem da produção de conteúdo para redes sociais irão falir e a comunicação no Brasil vai voltar ao passado, quando, para nos informarmos, tínhamos que ligar a TV ou o rádio ou comprar um jornal.
E o Brasil se tornará igual à Coréia do Norte e China no que diz respeito ao bloqueio da Internet e das redes sociais. Aí vai aparecer o idiota útil que vai dizer: “Ah, baixa uma VPN que tudo estará resolvido”. O abutre Alexandre de Moraes já ventilou em uma entrevista a possibilidade de multar em R$ 100.000,00 qualquer um que for pego usando VPN em seu celular. Recentemente, a Gestapo particular de Moraes, a PF, abordou pessoas que usavam uma camiseta com os dizeres “FORA LULA” no Rio Grande do Norte, tirando fotos de seus RGs, para punição posterior, apenas porque protestavam contra o cachaceiro mór da República. Você duvida que os corruptos que governam o Brasil irão às últimas consequências para impedir o povo de continuar a se informar pelas redes sociais?
A culpa pelo que está acontecendo no Brasil é exclusivamente nossa. Somos capazes de uma revolta quando nosso time de futebol perde ou é rebaixado, mas silenciamos ante um governo e um judiciário corruptos que tentam transformar o Brasil numa ditadura comunista. Em 2024 as coisas vão piorar muito. Vamos continuar em silêncio?
Segundo um estudo da empresa Comscore, o Brasil é o terceiro país que mais consome redes sociais em todo o mundo. O estudo mostra que esses canais são a preferência dos brasileiros frente a outras categorias online, elevando o país à terceira posição entre as nações que mais consomem redes sociais em todo o mundo – atrás de Índia e Indonésia, e à frente de Estados Unidos, México e Argentina. Você pode ler a matéria toda aqui.
Isso significa que milhares e milhares de profissionais, que vivem de criar conteúdos para essas redes sociais, serão duramente afetados com o bloqueio às redes sociais no Brasil. Além disso, a única versão dos "fatos" que teremos à nossa disposição será a da TV Globo e outras redes corruptas, devidamente compradas pelo governo.
É preciso começar a mostrar a deputados e senadores o que vai acontecer a eles se eles permitirem que um governo e judiciário corruptos imponham a censura à Internet no Brasil. É hora de mostrar a eles que o apoio à censura terá consequências graves para eles. A omissão agora custará muito caro ao Brasil e a milhares de profissionais que lutam para sobreviver em um país onde apenas os corruptos e os bandidos prosperam.
Não se omita. O preço disso será avassalador.
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comicchannel · 4 months
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Elden Ring Books of Knowledge Volume 1 The Lands Between - Official Strategy Guide
Link para compra BR: https://amzn.to/3Kcxnfu
Buy here: https://amzn.to/3yvqJhW
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tcifob · 14 days
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I am obsessed
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