gorlich-opyd · 2 years
"Bezsenność Jutki" / "Sleeplessness of Jutka" reż./dir. Maria Görlich-Opyd (2023) Reżyseria/Direction: Maria Görlich-Opyd Scenariusz/Script: Tessa Moult-Milewska Konsultacja scenariuszowa/Script consultation: Maria Görlich-Opyd Muzyka/Music: Adrian Konarski Dźwięk/Sound: Michał Fojcik MPSE Animacja i malowanie/Animation and painting: Maria Görlich-Opyd, Małgorzata Dróżdż, Paulina Jaklik, Maryia Yakimovich, Anna Waćkowska, Sylwia Zawiła, Anna Skoczeń Obsada/Cast: m.in. Wojciech Machnicki, Katarzyna Wincza, Anna Apostolakis, Agnieszka Kunikowska Compositing: Maria Görlich-Opyd Projekt plastyczny/Art design: Joanna Rusinek, Maria Görlich-Opyd Film na podstawie książki Doroty Combrzyńskiej-Nogali z ilustracjami Joanny Rusinek Film based on a book by Dorota Combrzyńska-Nogala with ilustrations by Joanna Rusinek Produkcja/Production: EGoFilm GROUP Sp. z o.o.
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bronzebluemind · 6 months
well, turns out there were two acl ruptures yesterday, eetu and luisa
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field trip!
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sisterschildi · 2 years
Woohoo, congratulations to Team Germany! Weltmeisterinnen! 🥇🥇🥇🥇
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world-of-stone · 2 years
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Another beautiful pic of these beautiful girls yesterday
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skijumping-fam · 2 years
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damn anna really changed
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garadinervi · 5 months
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Graphic Design Is (…) Not Innocent, Edited by Ingo Offermanns, with Dokho Shin and Sam Kim, Valiz, Amsterdam, 2022, in collaboration with Hamburg University of Fine Arts
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Contributors: Karo Akpokiere, Christian Bauer, David Bennewith, Friedrich von Borries, Clémentine Deliss, Sandra Doeller, Daniel Martin Feige, Feminist Internet, Annette Geiger, Matthias Görlich, Anna Lena von Helldorff, Martin Ludwig Hofmann, Jianping He, Kay Jun, Anoushka Khandwala, Francisco Laranjo, Degeng Li, Eva Linhart, Madoka Nishi, Ingo Offermanns, Offshore, Sophia Prinz, Konrad Renner (Knoth & Renner), Conor Rigby (Feminist Internet), Isabel Seiffert (Offshore), In-ah Shin (Feminist Designer Social Club), Pierre Smolarski, Markus Weisbeck
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blorbo list NOW
The one I started last night, with 50 entries at the time, was getting out of control, so I made this list. I hope to append entries as I go along, and make this the "prestige version" or something. (It's probably not the best list of blorbos I've ever had, but it's among the longest)
Jacques Derrida
Lawrence Krauss
Petrovich Orevsky
Guido Görlich
Josh McPhee
Binyavanga Wainaina
Allen Ginsberg
lil b
Professor Spafford
General OHara
Eric S Raymond
Jon Kabat-Zinn
Bob Dylan
Werner Heisenberg
Elizabeth Beecher Stow
Prudence Crandall
Derrick Bell
Johnathan Wells
Timothy Leary
Camille Paglia
Tim Harper
William James
Ernst Jünger
Francis Carpenter
Jessica Mitford
Amartya Sen
George Black
Audrey Horne
Baron Munchausen
That one scene from Thumbelina
National Review writers (all of them?)
Jerry Seinfeld
Justin Bieber (because he's really, really hot)
Amelia Erhart
Louis Brandeis
Francis George Hayes (the real one, not the American)
Lauren Laverne
Frederick Douglass
Lots of other people
(I reserve the right to edit this list at any time so as to remove references to people who I no longer find interesting.)
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fashionbooksmilano · 9 months
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Arredamenti di Rava
prefazione di Carlo Mollino
Görlich Milano, 1949, 96 pagine, 22,5x24,7cm, Brossura illustrata con sovraccoperta in carta da lucido, 131 illustrazioni
euro 200,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Il volume è l’unica testimonianza omogenea relativa all’opera dell’architetto Carlo Enrico Rava. Documenta attraverso un ricco repertorio di immagini il lavoro nel campo dell’architettura degli interni svolto per una numerosa clientela, passando per la partecipazione a mostre ed esposizioni, fino al mobile singolo.
Scarce book on Carlo Rava furniture design with an introduction by Carlo Mollino.
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vendeurleparfum · 10 months
Affiliate Marketing ist eine großartige Möglichkeit, ein eigenes Geschäft aufzubauen, ohne viel Geld zu investieren. Du kannst deine Leidenschaft für Produkte oder Dienstleistungen teilen, die du liebst, und gleichzeitig ein passives Einkommen generieren. 😍
Hier sind einige Vorteile von Affiliate-Marketing :
- Du bist dein eigener Chef und kannst deine Arbeitszeiten selbst bestimmen. ⏰
- Du kannst von überall aus arbeiten, solange du eine Internetverbindung hast. 🌎
- Du kannst dich mit Menschen verbinden, die ähnliche Interessen und Ziele haben wie du. 👥
- Du kannst dich persönlich und beruflich weiterentwickeln, indem du neue Fähigkeiten erlernst und an Trainings teilnimmst. 🚀
- Du kannst anderen Menschen helfen, ihre Probleme zu lösen oder ihre Wünsche zu erfüllen. 💯
Wenn du mehr über Affiliate-Marketing erfahren möchtest, schreib mir eine Nachricht oder kommentiere diesen Post. Ich freue mich, dir zu helfen, dein volles Potenzial zu entfalten. 💪
#affiliatemarketing #onlinegeldverdienen #Erfolg #Freiheit #Lifestyle #Bing
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Covid-19 and Aviation Mental Health
The risks to pilots regarding their overall health have been raised due to COVID-19 pandemic. The links between negative mental health consequences and unemployed threats have been shown in the general population. Access to medical and mental support should be noted and improved. This may help pilots to manage better manage personal challenges and decrease some of the negative economic effects of the pandemic and could also indirectly improve aviation safety. We discuss issues related to the potential increased risk of suicide, self-harm and long COVID-19 symptoms among aviation personnel.
While globally the aviation industry is gradually recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic it is not yet totally clear how badly pilots and cabin crew mental health suffered during this exceptional period. Some of the concerns regarding flying personnel mental health are supported by studies carried among them and some of the concerns come from the general population-specific mental health problems during the pandemic. The systematic review including 247 studies of COVID-19 pandemic shows that it was correlated for poorer mental health during COVID-19 pandemic was associated among other things with pre-existing medical conditions, financial stress and loneliness in the general population (Leung et al., 2022). Among cabin crew the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic with work restrictions was associated with severe impairment of mental health (Görlich and Stadelmann, 2020). Already during the early phase of pandemic it was recommended that extensive mental health-related preventive measures be promoted in society (Holmes et al., 2020).
Risk of pilot suicide
It is known that the risk of suicide in commercial aviation is very rare. In general aviation in the United States this risk has been shown to be about 0.33% in fatal aviation accidents (Vuorio et al., 2014). While the association between pilot suicide and substantial social change is not studied, it has been shown that sudden changes in the society may have significant impact on mental well-being. This has been shown in one study which found that pilot suicide increased in the year following the 9/11 terrorist attack in New York (Vuorio et al., 2018). It can be argued that it is possible that ongoing pandemic effects may also include self-harm among pilots either during the off-duty or in the worst scenario during the duty (Vuorio et al., 2020). Currently, there is one commercial aircraft accident case under investigation which may be associated with deliberate pilot actions related to mental health. It is recommended that any pilot with risk of self-harm needs early access to support and healthcare. Healthcare personnel need to aware of this risk when treating pilots.
Self-harm in aviation
Several mental health problems like borderline personality disorder, depression, bipolar disorder and drug and alcohol-use disorders are associated with self-harm (Knipe et al., 2022). Unfortunately, the impact of self-harm in aviation has not been studied in aviation. It is not clear what is the impact of COVID-19 is to self-harm (Farooq et al., 2021). It has been postulated that it is possible that when COVID-19 pandemic final ends, self-harm and suicide rates may yet increase (World Psychiatric Association, 2020). The European Aviation Safety Authority (EASA) recommends individual-based risk analysis in self-harm suspected cases (EASA, 2022). Protective factors such as resilience training can be seen to strengthen aeromedical mental health care systems and occupational health well-being services (World Psychiatric Association, 2020; Vuorio&Bor, 2021).
Flight crew mental health and down-route quarantine
While it is accepted that international flight traffic is essential for transportation, there is a concern that in fluctuating pandemic situations flight crew are quarantined in physical circumstances which may cause mental harm (Vuorio et al., 2022). There is currently no international agreement as to how crew quarantine measures need to be carried out for the mental health protection of flight crew. It has been shown in a systematic review that mental health improved for depressive disorders and anxiety disorders when the quarantine lasted over one week (Henssler et al., 2021). Because of this risk, it is important to establish an international agreement for the minimal physical conditions for the flight crew who experiences quarantine to avoid mental health problems (Vuorio et al., 2022).
Conclusion COVID-19 pandemic poses actual and theoretical increased risk of mental health issues, especially for flight personnel. There is a need to increase mental health services and keep aero-medical occupational health care protective and active. The awareness of the potential increased risk of mental health problems among flight crew needs to be recognized among all doctors and psychologists working with this personnel. For more information : https://www.europeanhhm.com/articles/covid-19-and-aviation-mental-health
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gorlich-opyd · 2 years
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"Nabu" / "Nabu" reż./dir. Joanna Rusinek (2023) Scenariusz i reżyseria/Script and direction: Joanna Rusinek Muzyka/Music: Mikołaj Trzaska Dźwięk/Sound: Lena Szegda Główny animator/Lead animator: Maria Görlich-Opyd Animacja/Animation: Małgorzata Dróżdż, Maria Görlich-Opyd, Joanna Rusinek, Anna Waćkowska, Sylwia Zawiła Film na podstawie książki Jarosława Mikołajewskiego z ilustracjami Joanny Rusinek. Film based on a book by Jarosław Mikołajewski with illustrations by Joanna Rusinek.
Produkcja/Production: EGoFilm GROUP Sp. z o.o.
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bronzebluemind · 9 months
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skijumpingf1 · 6 months
What the heck was that scream?? But great jump Luisa
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flying-ski-adlers · 5 years
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Smiley german girls :))
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skijumping-fam · 2 years
four german girls slaying in the top 15 we love to see it
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