glorious-imagines · 5 months
Don't Wanna Be Torn
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Jason lay on his bed, staring at his stained ceiling as he tossed a stress ball. He hadn't gone to see Isabel or the twins. Not yet. Not when he had Gabby's words swirling in his head like a maelstrom. Not when he had to make another choice that would shake his foundations. In hindsight, he should've thought about the first foundation-shaking choice more deeply. He probably would've been able to still be happy with Y/n.
Y/n... Not a day had gone by that she wasn't on his mind. The true object of his affection. He missed the catch, and the plushy ball landed on his face with a soft thunk. A light huff escaped his nostrils, and he just laid there, eyes closed. Basking in the silence. Images of Y/n flashed in his mind. His heart is aching for her. 
When the image of her laughing with Conner shot forth, his lids opened abruptly. Of course. Even in his own mind, there is no peace. He should be used to that by now. His mind has never been a place of comfort. Y/n probably wouldn't be happy if he came running back to her. Uprooting the work she's taken to heal her hurt. He wouldn't forgive himself, either.
He sat up, the stress ball rolling down his face as he did so. He stared at it for a moment. It was a stupid gift from Roy. He'd gotten it at the at the last minute for one of his birthdays. Jason hardly celebrates such a day. But this stupid two-dollar toy from a nearby gift store was all that remained. He didn't fully understand why, but he cherished the ball. When Roy gave it to him, he said, don't forget to think about you. Jason had since taken it everywhere.
He stuffed it in his pocket with a centering huff. "Time to face the music." He wasn't at all enthusiastic about what he was going to do. But almost thirty minutes later, he was outside Isabel's hospital room.
He takes a breath. And another. The haze in his mind cleared, but his heart seemed to constrict. His hands were getting clammy as he reached to open the door. He swallowed when he saw Isabel sitting between the twins incubators.
Isabel's face lights up when she notices him. "Jay! Hi, I didn't think you were coming."
He grabbed the nearest chair and dragged it to the foot of her bed. "Hey, Isabel. How are you? You feeling okay after everything?"
"Yeah, it was a surprise, but myself and our babies are fine." She took a sip of the little orange juice cup.
He nods with a barely noticeable, somber smile on his face. "Good, I'm glad." 
Silence quickly invades the room. It steals the air of normalcy and creates a smog of tension. Isabel's eyes seem to be trained on her juice cup. Jason's were fixed on her. 
And they stay like that for what feels like hours to Isabel. She huffs in annoyance and looks back at him. Her face is scrounged in an awkward mix of apprehension and annoyance. "She told you, right? Gabby? About that guy?"
Jason snorts and grabs one of her juice cups, poking a straw into the top before taking a drink. Isabel watches with a growing pit in her stomach. 
"I don't wanna cause you too much stress, so I'll get to the point." He started when she finished the small drink and placed it back on the table. "I know they're not mine."
"I think you've said more than enough these past months. It is absolutely shit that you derailed the trajectory of my life to make me play father to someone else's kids.
"Jason, please--"
"Not done." He levels his oceanic blues into her, through her. "I was prepared to marry her. She was it for me. And you stole that life from me." 
To her, he is scarily calm. He should be yelling. Yelling would be less stressful. Even if it woke the twins, she would prefer his anger to... whatever the hell he was giving her. If the twins suddenly woke, they would have no choice but to end this conversation.
"I will never forgive you for that. It hurt me, but more importantly, it hurt Y/n. And she deserves so much more." He could feel the heat of his pain welling up. He took a deep breath. "I'm not upset about that guy. I never said we were official. From the start, I was only here for the twins. I would've helped, Isabel. You were my friend. I would've helped if you asked."
"Were?" She involuntarily questions.
"After all this, there's no way we can maintain the relationship we once had."
The tears pooling in her sapphires spilled over. "Jason, please, I'm sorry."
He stands and stretches. "M'gonna call in some favors. Get you set for when you leave."
"If you need anything for the twins, and I doubt you will, you have my number. But only for the twins. I won't respond to anything else, and if you try to trick me, I'll cut you off completely." He opens the door and says, "Goodbye, Isabel."
At the gala, Conner let Y/n know what he'd said to Jason. He described it as childish and stupid, and he was very sorry. And he dropped to his knees and begged her not to ghost him or something.
It was super embarrassing, but also incredibly hilarious. Such a huge guy was on his knees, begging for forgiveness, and putting on such a show. She laughed, genuinely and heartily as she pulled him up. She gave him another shot, but he had to work double time if he wanted her to be with him. He was more than happy to agree, of course.
From then on, he'd been attached at the hip to her. She didn't mind; she liked having him work so hard for her. She wished Jason had done the same. They wouldn't be in the mess they currently find themselves.
Not that she actually knew what he was going through. She just knew that chick would be a hand full. If she wasn't pregnant, she'd have hit her. And she definitely would've deserved it.
Thinking about her made Y/n's blood boil. So she stopped. And maybe that's what she's needed all along. To just stop. Though her heart aches for Jason, his sense of responsibility takes him elsewhere. And even if he were to come back...
The thought of leaving Conner pulled her full lips down and made her stomach swirl in the worst way. He felt comforting and warm. A feeling that wasn't new to her but was severely missed. Like he was hot tea on a bitterly cold night.
She looked up from idly circling her martini glass rim. "Hm?"
"You okay? Seem a bit lost."
"Just a bit of thinking."
"Not about boys. Pleeaase not about boys," Shana whined childishly.
Y/n puckered her lips, her head turning up a bit and away, her eyes going back to her friend like a puppy that made a mess of the trash. Shana chuckled and elbowed her lightly. "Because of course you are," she said, rolling her eyes. "So, what's the problem this time?"
Y/n shrugs, taking a sip of her martini. "There isn't one. I think I'm finally moving on from Jason."
Shana's eyes narrowed suspiciously, and her lips pursed. "Yeah, alright."
"I'm serious. No gotcha's. But listen, I have a question."
"What would you say if I said I was thinking about moving to Metropolis?"
Shana's eyes go wide, completely confounded, as she stares into Y/n's soul. "Perdeste a cabeça?! You didn't even move on Jason this fast! Did that super freak brainwash you?" Shana snatches her head up and examines it with her magic.
Y/n shoves her off. "Shana, girl, I love you, but if you ever put your hands on me like that again, I'ma forget you my best friend." 
Shana is still looking at her as if she's hiding something, to which Y/n rolls her eyes. "I'm not going for Conner, fucking duh."
"Then why?"
"I may or may not have been aiming for a spot on the Justice League for the past few years."
Shana freezes for a moment, scrutinizing her for a moment. After a minute, she snorts and then bursts into laughter. "You're kidding, right?"
Y/n's lip quirks up in a frown, and she plucks her on the forehead. "Here I was talking about something other than the men in my life, and here you are being an ass."
"Ow, okay," Shana says, rubbing the spot where she plucked. "Sorry, geez."
"Anyway, Superman and a few others wanna hold interviews, and they want me to do some kinda trial run in Metropolis."
"Why? You're great at what you do."
"Yes, but am I JL great? That's what they wanna find out. Besides, I never planned on staying in Gotham for so long. I think my true calling is Manhattan, anyway."
"Why am I just finding out about this anyway?
"Because you have close relations with the Batfamily."
"Batfamily? What the fuck? Where did that BS name come from?"
It was Y/n's turn to scrutinize Shana. "Batfamily? You not bouta tell me you've never heard that before."
"Should I have?"
"Literally everyone says it."
"No, they don't."
"Yes, they do."
"Nuh uh."
"Yuh huh."
"Nuh uh."
"I'm not doing this with your ass right now." She downs the rest of her drink and gathers her things. "Pay for this martini, and I swear I'll spot you later."
"We both know that's a lie, but sure, get outta here. Amo-te, desarrumado." They kiss each other on the cheeks, and Y/n departs.
As Y/n is walking to her apartment, she has the misfortune of running into a couple of low-level criminals trying to steal a car. 
"You know, I don't think that's yours."
"And I think you'd best move along." He pulls a gun on her, but she is unphased by it. "Less you wanna be a victim to this crime."
"I bet you thought you ate that one." The criminals look up just as a figure falls from the sky and lands on one of them.
Y/n knew that physique well. It used to embrace her while she cooked breakfast at three in the morning. Shield her from the demons that plagued her in the dark. That voice that whispered sweet nothings when he thought she was sleeping. That voice that chortled mockingly at something that she hadn't meant as a joke, but she joined in the mirth. And when those eyes landed on her, she could feel the moment he first told her, I love you.
And just for a moment, she wanted to run into his arms and say it back. Just for a moment, she wanted nothing more than to feel all those things again.
"Can we talk?"
"I really don't want to do that."
"Please, Y/n?" 
She had to look away from him. The slight tremble in his tone as he pleaded, the glossy bit of hope that seemed to fill his eyes overwhelmed her. Even with his mask on, she still knew him so well.
She crossed her arms tightly over her abdomen, her hands cradling her biceps protectively. She huffs and does nothing else, but Jason quickly deals with the criminals and calls the police. 
She follows him to his motorcycle, where he puts her helmet on her, making sure it's secure. She wraps her arms around his midsection, and he pats her hands twice. The whole exchange is silent, and the ride follows suit. As well as the climb to the roof of the clock tower, where Jason walks behind her, ready to catch her.
Both hearts hammer in their chests. Both minds fuzzy and anxious. Hands fiddling with each other.
Above them, the stars twinkle and glitter. Their own conversations endless. She wondered what they spoke of. If the language they used ever became a hindrance to them. 
Jason took a seat just a bit behind her. His arms were propped up on his knees as he gazed at her. He swallowed, and his mouth opened, but nothing came out. His teeth clenched and his jaw set, his brows furrowing while he scrutinized the way her eyes shimmered in the moonlight. 
"Just like stars." He murmured abruptly.
And when she turned those eyes on him, he felt his breath catch. The world seemed to slow along with his heart. A wave of serenity washed over him.
"Your eyes. They always remind me of stars."
Warmth fills her face, and her nose tingles. "O-oh, I-- th-thank you." Just as her words her heart stutters. Because, of course, he can make her feel just like a schoolgirl confessing to her crush.
"I miss you, Y/n." He closes his eyes, a soft sigh escaping his lips and a weight lifting from his shoulders. "I miss you so damn much."
She bites her bottom lip to keep from saying it back. She takes a deep breath through her nostrils and blinks away tears. A war started in her the moment she saw him. And she was determined not to succumb to it.
She looks away. Back out at the plagued city below. "You wanted to talk. So talk."
His head hangs, a tired breath escaping his lips. "The kids turned out to not be mine.
Her heart picks up pace, and her head whips back around to him. Brows slowly knit together, her bottom lip quivering with her shakey breath. "Kids?"
He explains everything that's led up to this moment. "I won't pretend I'm not entirely hurt and disappointed by this. I just—I want you back. I was an idiot to ever leave you." 
He lets his words sink in a bit, and they do sink in. They permeate and invade. She feels... dizzy? Dazed? Her mind is fuzzy, and her loud heart is beating her ears. And his words--.
Gently, his hands cupped her face, soft like petals to his touch. His eyes, intense, warm, and focused drink in her own, uneasy, anticipating, and longing. His lips quirked up slightly on the right, strained and bittersweet. He brought her forehead down to his lips, planting a lingering kiss, then pulled her into an encompassing embrace.
"I'm sorry... I can't seem to stay away from you."
And she was sorry, too. She didn't want him to stay away. Fuck.
damn part 5. I remember when I said this would be no more than 5 parts... welp
Tags: @b4tm4nn @iyuuii @jaguarthecat @rhyanna6012
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tinka-tank · 5 months
(They didn't have the Paldea one 😭)
Part 3 in the DC Pokémon AU, please see previous posts for more lore and I'm still open to more help and suggestions
Check the #dc pokemon au for it
These are just things I shit out and maybe someday I'll properly render everything but my design process for these is make them have a color that their typing has as in pink for fairy and blue for water etc.
Very special thank you to @illusionsignmisdirection for the help with this au and all the wonderful suggestions and ideas
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Alec is the ice type gym leader, he is the 1st gym leader overall. His gym is a library and he is the main librarian. He's planned to be apart of the villain team (known as Team Idol) as their leader so under the gym is the secret base which has those annoying ass ice puzzles we all are too familiar with.. and the gym is on top of an ice mountain because your first task is going to be haul ass up that mountain #absolutely and yes he is divorced and his wife took their son as she should #yup He's the only one with a party decided with a Delibird and Snorunt and his later party as the final team boss is to be decided.
For his design I went with icy librarian man that's literally my thought process and a tattered coat to show age and tired energy
Gabby and Ellie:
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Gabby and Ellie are the grass type gym leaders, the second gym leaders overall. It started off as Gabby, but I imagine she had Ellie join her seeing as Ellie is a good battler herself. I like to think they're married or at the very least promised to each other, as see by the matching rings I gave them. They are so in love really... and I like to think Ellie made their outfits for each other (I couldn't pick which Gabby design I liked better so I put both) because I still think she's a fashion designer and probably her job is working at an office or freelance design, as seen w the pencil skirt and flats I gave her. I wanted her to look cute and professional to show that looks can be deceiving because she's also apart of Team Idol and maybe Gabby might be too, depending on what happens in dcas w her and the villains alliance. Gabby is supposed to give whimsical yes, like the most whimsy grass girl ever who waters her flowers and would shoot you if you litter type of shit. I think sometimes Gabby is solo then Ellie takes over other hours or sometimes they both battle together. Gabbys job is probably the city/town gardener, probably sells herbs and healing items that aren't found in Pokémarts
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Hunter is the ghost type gym leader, he is the 3rd gym leader overall. I like to think his gym is some kind of abandoned warehouse or some other abandoned place turned ghost rave ! Ally is the DJ and does all the electrical work while Hunter battles challengers and puts on performances with the fellow ghosts roaming around. I based his design on the fact that he should be allowed to wear whatever he wants and the neon glowsticks and bracelets are based on his team colors !! Also the pale face paint and make up bc he's a performer duh and a crinoline with tattered fabric bc he's fancy like that. Didn't wanna add too many skulls bc that's Jake's brand he was the first one move over Hunter and his job really just is performer like he performs all the time for cash and relies on Ally dj money too 😭
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Riya is the flying type gym leader, she is the fifth gym leader overall. Yes her flying type is because of her assassination attempt on Aiden no one can change me I'm a woman. And also because her with a Bombirdier fits and also an Altaria and Vespiquen, but it's still to be decided. Her design was inspired by sky trainer bodysuits and her shoes height are to reflect her incredible balance and how she's always above everyone else both physically and mentally. I liked adding armor that looks like she's a warrior because let's be real here she is here to WIN. Also gold. She's regal. Love her sm... I think she puts on air show performances and is a celebrity, movie star all over again... like she's so fabulous how can you look away ? Her gym in my head is probably a runway of sorts or movie studio, probably shoots her battling to add into her movies really and yes she's apart of the villain team, she's second in command because why wouldn't she be
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(Queen) Miriam is a retired gym leader, she once was the fairy type gym leader, formerly the eighth and last gym leader. Jake now is in her spot and she sometimes visits the gym. She normally is at home baking and providing for the neighboring Pokémon. I like to think her ace is Alcremie cause of obvious reasons and that Jake gifted her a Fidough to keep her company when he's busy at his job and the gym. She has a more bright and "good" aesthetic than Jake, so her gym was more different than his currently is. I like to think she could be challenged later on if this was a game, like post game ! I like to think she also exposed Team Idol and either was kidnapped or just. Roams free who knows. But she's strong and a wise mentor to Jake who helped him calm down a bit so he doesn't destroy everything with his powers when losing.
Other tidbits:
- This is the Tipiskaw Region and it's like side game regions where no new Pokémon are introduced but old ones are available like from previous generations
- The order is:
1st gym: Alec (ice type)
2nd gym: Gabby and Ellie (grass type)
3rd gym: Hunter (ghost type)
4th gym: Connor (steel type)
5th gym: Riya (flying type)
6th gym: James (electric type)
7th gym: Grett (dragon type)
8th gym: Jake (fairy type)
Elite four: Oliver (normal type)
Elite four: Emily (psychic type)
Elite four: Derek (dark type)
Elite four: Trevor (ground type)
Champion: Kristal
- The name of the Villain team is Team Idol, consisting of Leader Alec, second in command Riya, Grett, Yul, Ellie (maybe Gabby) and Fiore and their goal is for complete domination
- Yul is the first fight due to being brash and a show off, many people believe he's the leader of the team because of this and he is a fire type speicalist (also Yul has big beef w James as they are rival idols and both have Oricorio aces)
- Fiore is a NFE specialist (not fully evolved) specialist with Pokémon that just aren't fully evolved yet, but she is still strong in her own right and she trashed Tom's cop car definitely
- Grett is the dragon type specialist and a gym leader herself who later decides to help you the player (Lake and Drew) to stop the team bc she realizes it's wrong and gives the key pass to the secret base she is STRONG
- Also yes Lake is the female MC and despite not being an all star, Drew is the male MC. Lake is the talkative protagonist Drew is the silent protagonist
- Aiden is the friendly rival with legit one Pokémon, that being Pidove and it eventually evolves into a Tranquill and just stops there. Ellie is the hating ass rival, maybe, I think so yeah
- Tom is a police officer and almost a Looker figure as he is constantly going around the region and yes him and Jake had a thing and it's going poorly like in all stars
- Tom will be kidnapped by Team Idol yes, and other shit occurs which the gym leaders (that aren't in on it) have to help save the day
I like to think this is Jake's reaction to the shit storm Ellie throws at him bc she kidnapped Tom:
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I'll make another post later on with all the complete details of all the characters and their rolls, I'm primarily focusing on the dcas cast
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girlinlotsoffandoms · 7 months
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day eleven - “you’ll be okay”
notes: welcome to day 11! throwing it all the way back this sunday and posting the very first stellaride story I ever wrote. enjoy!
read on AO3 or below
Severide was sitting on the back bumper of the Squad truck, an instant ice pack held to the side of his head. His head hurt, thanks largely to the knucklehead they had just rescued, but he was certain it wasn’t anything more than just a bump and a headache. Unfortunately, Boden had seen and heard the hit and told him, in no uncertain terms, to sit down, shut up, and wait to be checked out by the medics.
All around him, there was noise and activity and while he was positive he didn’t have a concussion, the hustle and bustle of the scene did nothing to ease the hammering ache that had taken up residence in his head.
Trying to ignore the pounding in his head, Kelly focused on the people around him. Squad was loading their tools and ropes back into their truck, the members of Truck were clearing up the scene, and Sylvie and Stella, who was filling in for Gabby for a bit, were checking out the last two accident victims.
Both paramedics looked to be finishing up with their patients and, as luck would have it, Stella finished first and made her way over to him.
“What happened to you?” she asked, quirking an eyebrow.
“Hit my head on the frame when the driver freaked out,” Severide answered, moving the ice pack away so Stella could probe his head. “I’m fine, but Boden saw it happen and told me to get checked out.”
“And you listened? I’m shocked.” Stella commented. Happy with her examination of his head, she moved on to continue her concussion check.
Severide scoffed playfully. “I listen.”
Stella continued her examination, going above and beyond and checking more than just Kelly’s head. After all, everyone at 51 knew his habit of hiding and playing down injuries and ailments. Satisfied with her exam, Stella took a step back and gave Severide some space.
Before she could say anything, Boden walked over. “How’s he doing, Kidd?”
“Well, he’s probably going to have one hell of a headache for a day or two but no concussion. He’ll be okay.” Stella turned her attention back to Severide. “Keep the ice pack on until we get back to the station, then you should be good. Take some Tylenol if the pain gets to be too bad and if anything changes or your symptoms worsen, tell me or Brett immediately.”
Boden turned to look at his Lieutenant. “Did you get that Severide? I will gladly send you to Med for a full work up.”
“Yeah Chief, I got it.”
Boden nodded once, then moved away, once again leaving Stella and Severide alone. Severide rolled his eyes at the Chief’s retreat and looked at Stella with a smirk. He sobered when he saw the serious look on her face.
“I’m serious Kelly,” Stella urged, arms crossed over her chest. “Head injuries are serious.”
“I know, and I meant what I said. I heard you and the Chief loud and clear.” Severide said seriously, standing up from where he’d been sitting. “I will tell you or Brett the second something feels off.”
“You better.”
Severide nodded and stared at her for a moment before breaking eye contact. “Squad 3, let’s finish up!”
… … …
Hours later, after dinner had been cleaned up and everyone had dispersed throughout the station, Severide was in his dimly lit office lying across his bed with an arm thrown over his eyes. He had long since given up on completing the paperwork currently strewn across his desk, the pounding in his head too distracting to focus. He hadn’t planned on turning in for the night, but once he laid down, he didn’t want to get up again.
When he heard a knock at the door, he was ready to yell at whoever was there but when Severide moved his arm and saw Stella, he sat up. “Hey.”
“I brought you another ice pack, and some more Tylenol because I know you haven’t taken any more since we got back to the station,” Stella said as she entered his office and sat next to him on the bed. “How’s your head?”
“It hurts,” Severide said. He looked at Stella with a small smirk. “But a very nice paramedic checked me out and told me I’d be OK.”
Stella snorted. “Sounds like you had a great paramedic checking you out.”
“Yeah, she’s pretty great.”
Stella smirked and handed Severide Tylenol and a bottle of water. When he didn’t take them immediately, she quirked an eyebrow at him. Severide huffed out a chuckle and took the pills Stella had given him, setting the water bottle on the floor beside his bed.
Stella cracked the instant ice pack in her hands to get it cold then tossed it to Severide, who lifted it up to his head. When he immediately complied, Stella knew he hurt more than he let on. Kelly Severide liked to play the tough guy but Stella could see through his act. Severide groaned dramatically at the cold. Stella rolled her eyes and stood up.
“Get some sleep,” Stella murmured as she gently pushed his shoulder to get him to lie back down. “You’ll be okay.”
“Promise?” Severide asked teasingly.
Stella glared at him, but there was no fire behind it. “I promise.”
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flowerbatscanon · 1 year
!! First post !! it's just a short fanfic thing also erm English isn't my first language so yeah l Ain't good at writing
Part one of something ldek
so uhm t-tw trans fem miles morales and..o-oc x canon ☹️
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Very silly goobers
(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) !!
Ahh , yes just the nice and quiet night just nothing there to destroy this ever lasting silence that was laid upon the city at this hour surely nothing bad w-
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— “a random girl..from a portal?! What is this harry potter!“ Gabby thought to herself as she put on her mask and tried to investigate, she was standing on top of a building pretty high up so she had a good view of her visitor
Miles got up and groaned in pain there was no need for that stupid portal machine to throw her hard like calm down jesus! She cleaned herself up just a little bit , she started to tremble as this universe was wayyy too cold for her liking l mean she really wishes she had went with a suit design that had fur for sure!
—"ugh it's cold! And my suit is all damaged.." she just muttered for herself only to hear about looked around Gabby wasn't noticed by miles.. yet
and she thought why not just spook the visitor l mean she didn't even bring a jacket pfftt 'what a loser' she thought little does she know tho.
She quickly jumped down from the building behind miles, yep she was sufficiently taller she politely first tapped miles on the shoulder making her to turn around and look at gabby, Gabby didn't even give her a second to blink and yelled
—"WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE." Obviously this startled miles but gabby never really learned how to control the volume of her voice
—"uh? Im m-" she didn't even finish
—"state your purpose right now!" Gabby yelled but the "now" at the end sounded more like a "meow" cuz her mask was making her words come out muffled as such
Miles looked at gabby for a split second
—"state my purpose meow?"
She asked confused
—"are you mocking me right now!?" Still the same thing the "now" at the end being heard as "meow" by miles
—“What!? No no- lm not mocking you just-" miles exclaimed trying to prove that no she wasn't mocking gabby obviously!
Gabby took off her mask looked
—“ugh do you hear me better now." she asked quite angrily obviously trying to hide her embarrassment
—“yeah!“ miles claimed and slightly chuckled
—“anyways.. who ARE you." She asked miles looking at her quite judgmentally.. unnecessary..
—"lm uhm miles morales from earth 1610! Im t-"
—“Yeah yeah, you where bitten by a radioactive spider blah blah..but my real question is what are you doing here ...
She paused
did you come to see me? :3“ she looked at miles with now a soft and actually not so delicate smile she was fidgeting with her hands while asking this question in practical
I mean she knew the girl didn't know her but hey worth a shot
—“l mean.. well " Miles started to get nervous quite a bit
—“nah lm just.. joking with you l know you have no idea who am." she chuckled and gave miles a little rub on the back
The wind started to pick up
—"ugh it's cold" miles hugged herself trying to keep herself warm , as she shivered she looked down not really sure where to go on from here
—"want my jacket?"
Gabby asked miles with a small smile on her lips
—"l- well..l mean sure" she gladly accepted the offer and put on the jacket, yeah it was way to big..
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lovestory · 2 years
hey gabbi, i hope you're okay💜 i'm still not sure if there's going to be a ts tour next year but if there is i really want to go, can you tell me about your experience buying taylor swift tickets? do you always buy them when they go live, have you ever bought a ticket weeks before a concert for a cheaper price? are stadiums more expensive than regular venues? i went to a ts concert years ago but i don't really remember that much from the buying experience
hey ana! (i'm publishing this in case anyone else wants to know, hope that's ok). originally, i was only going to go to 2 shows, so those are the shows i bought tickets to when they went live and i got the other 3 tickets later.
the first tickets I bought weren't for me, they were for a friend for the new zealand show. it was the taylorswift.com presale, and I pulled 2 front row tickets behind the centre snake pit for $250 NZD each. there were no issues, it was one of the easiest ticket buying experiences I've ever had. There was no need to pay extra for VIP or anything, there were just front row tickets for that price.
the next tickets I bought in the taylorswift.com presale were to the melbourne show 2 hours later, I also pulled a front row ticket behind the right snake pit, same price in AUD. i ended up selling this ticket later on and bought 2x fifth row tickets for my cousin and i for $250AUD each. i think that translates to roughly $200USD.
the last tickets i bought in the presale were centre snake pit tickets for sydney, which i scraped together all my birthday and christmas money to buy, there were no issues getting these at all because they were so expensive and took months to sell out.
i decided that i wanted to go to new zealand pretty shortly after, and after about a month of checking for tickets every day, i pulled up front row behind the left snake pit and bought that, also $250NZD.
the more i saw of the rep tour, the more i wanted to go to more shows. around 2-3 months before the australian tour started, they released more a reserve seats, still $250 each, and I was able to get 5th row centre seats in brisbane, 3rd row tickets in perth.
there is always this notion that if you don't get a ticket straight away, you never will. but if you really want to go to something, it will always pop up. the only time i've ever missed out on tickets was for dua lipa m&g in 2017, there were only 20 tickets available, but i ended up buying one from someone on twitter. if you're persistent and always checking you'll be able to find what you want. i can honestly say that the rep tour was one of the best/easiest ticket buying experiences i've ever had, especially because you didn't have to pay extra for "VIP tickets" to be at the front. i doubt that this tour will be like that, but we'll see!
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goldenorangedawn · 5 months
It was the best night of my life and also the worst.
I guess it all started on yagoo chats. I met another girl, who was actually older, about the same age as jon and ari. Her name is gabbie. We start chatting and decide to meet at the party at the grand prix. I figured if it worked once, why not again? Though my conversations with kay leading up to our meet up were a lot deeper. My chats with gabbie not so much. We had emailed each other pictures but i really couldn’t tell too much from it. I guess she was good enoigh. I just knew the flittery kind of horny feeling i get when i would chat with her. But sadly I kind of had a friend vibe from her. I would be oh so wrong.
Chris, kiki and jorge go with me, and they get me drunk in the car when i tell them why i’m nervous about the evening. Once we get to the party it took about 15 minutes to find her dancing with her friend who she introduces me to, clara. They’re both chubby but thick. Gabbie is ecuadorian and what i thought was really cool is that she lived on her own. She told me that she serves weed, and the 3 of us find a place to spark up. The weed is amazing and these girls can really smoke. Now i was flying. We go back to dance.
Pretty quickly gabbie leans in and tells me i’m cute. I feel a roaring ocean rolling over me. Somehow we start making out. We make out for like a half hour and she says “let’s get out of here.”
It was sprinkling a bit when we hopped into her car and headed out. We smoked one before we peeled out of the parking lot bumping breakbeats.
She stopped to get gas. She wore a hoodie over a one piece dress she lifted her skirt abd flashed me her ass while she filled the tank.
On the way to the restaurant, she hiked up her dress. I rubbed on her pubic hair. I tried to put a finger in, but she teased me and giggled. When we parked she turned around and showed me her ass. I gave some slaps as she moved to the music in the car. She gathered her purse and we went in to eat.
We were faded as fuck at the restaurant. We passed her flask back and forth underneath the table. Our words were slurring.
We smoked in the car again after the meal. She asked me to drive the rest of the way back to her place. I did, even with no license. She reclined in the passenger seat and started to masturbate along to the music.
I park and pull down my pants. I started to finger her, and she liked it. I finger her more, then i go down on her, then she went down on me. I hike up the hoodie and dress and play with her big ass. Then she climbs on me. Firsr she rubs her pussy on my dick, teasing but before i know it i’m inside her, no condom and it feels amazing. Wow! I pull up her dress and play with her tits. I’m loving her big body. Time seems to go slower than normal as we fuck. We take a break and smoke out again.
When we get to her house i put on a condom and we fuck on her couch bed while she used her vibrator on her clit.
She cums.
She pulls my nipples.
I’m glistening with sweat.
She keeps on cumming. She grabs my dick as i pump into her, and quietly cum into the condom.
We smoke again. I start to finger her. My dick gets hard again so i start fucking her gently. As i do this we get a rythmn going and i put a finger in her asshole. We keep going until i lose the hardon. Too tired. She wrapped her arms around me. It was the most perfect moment. I keep thinking how i wish i could have stayed in that moment forever, especially considering what happed next. We smoked again and fell asleep.
I wake up from the nap. It’s 6 in the morning. I beep chris and he calls me back. I wake up gabbie and we get in the car. We’re all lovey dovey and kissing. She asks me to drive again. And as we pull onto carrebiean i see the lights go up behind us. I pull over. The find 3 pounds of weed in the back. We both get put in cuffs and separated.
At the station i was questioned, booked. Mugshots, fingerprints. I told the cops but they didn’t believe me. But it made me feel like a rat towards gabbie. But i was shitting my pants. I waited in an office in a chair when *M arrived with an attorney. A few hours later I was arraigned and sent home, where i had quite the conversation with *M.
Then i crashed from exhaustion and slept for 20 hours.
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steamishot · 1 year
i always find it emotionally difficult whenever matt has 100+ hour work weeks. i have to remind myself to not be as sensitive as my grandma. she derives her mood from the people close to her and her worrying is exaggerated whenever her loved ones go through hardship. i feel bad seeing matt work so much. i think it’s like a path towards early death. however, it could be that my perception of humans and our generation has become weaker. whenever i tell my mom about his work weeks, she shrugs it off and says “he’s a doctor”. and i remind myself that my parents, their friends, and my cousins worked very hard too without having the frequent vacation and time off that matt does. my family who are in entrepreneurship work 6-7 days/week for 12+ hour days with basically no holidays/vacation days throughout the year. i specifically remember as a kid, my cousin’s husband said my dad “works 8 days a week”. one of my parents’ friends who has a donut shop, still starts her day at 3am to open up the shop and start baking. 
two weeks ago, not only did matt work an extra 3 days on his off week, he transitioned into a new medicine (not surgery) rotation for the first time where he worked 105+ hours. he consequently had 15-16 hour work days: leave the house around 6:30am, get home around 7:30pm and then write notes until 10-11pm, for 7 days straight. it is miserable. my new-age weaker self thinks that he needs to learn how to set better boundaries. he has perfectionistic tendencies and does not want to disappoint his work, and he worries too much about his patients at the expense of self-care. finally, he has transitioned from the EAP therapy program to an individual therapist whom he will be seeing biweekly. her name is gabbie. 
we went to autocamp cape cod this past weekend. overall the trip was okay; we were both a little tense. i didn’t want to call off work, so i was working on the car ride there that friday and a little more at the campsite. it’s also been harder for me to relax these days as i’m finishing up the last few classes of my accounting degree. currently at 93% with three more classes to go! the drive there was about 4.5-5 hours and it took over an hour to pick up our rental car. if i knew matt was going to have a 100+ hr work week, we probably wouldn’t have planned it for this week. matt drove the majority of the time and i know it’s tiring/not the ideal “vacation”. but alas, medicine, where surprises are at every corner. 
we were able to do more chill things at home/around the neighborhood such as grocery shop at wegmans, cook a curry butter chicken, go to hot yoga twice, and watched air at the alamo drafthouse for $5 with the tmobile discount. this might be our new favorite theater because it’s literally a 3 minute walk from our apartment and they serve drinks/food in the theater. being served a nice cold beer actually makes going to the movies much more enjoyable. 
our uber eats memberships (we were managing 6 different accounts LOL) have all come to an end, minus one. coincidentally this times up very well with our goal of cooking more. last week, i think we only got food delivery once; at one point not too long ago, we scheduled food to come every single day! i’ve been continuing to make the same recipes that i’ve learned from marion when i started to pick up cooking again - most of the dishes i’ve made at least twice now. 
books: finished listening to laziness does not exist. listened to part of the privileged poor and outlive. 
shows: finished unprisoned, skimming LIB s4, currently watching beef
lesson: we’re learning that having a wealthier lifestyle is actually detrimental to our health (or it’s that we don’t know how to do it right yet) and the simple things are just better for humans overall. i’m starting to feel too privileged to be able to say stuff like this, but being able to afford constant travel/plane tickets and all the delicious food has become too much. take for example lounge life and the lay-flat business class lifestyle. it’s getting us fatter and lazier lol. trevor noah joked that business class is boooring and economy is “real life” which is very true. even renting a tesla, it’s cooler but much more stressful to operate than a normal gas car. we felt more relaxed and had more fun simply going to watch a movie nearby rather than driving out to an expensive glamping campsite. i want to live by the line “live like a resident”, really because simplicity brings more joy, and builds a much bigger nest egg which brings more security. 
money: money has been coming and going with the frequent travels. we booked and paid for all of smoky mountains expenses for us and matt’s parents and will be reimbursed later. there’s a lot of potential for financial growth in the coming years. i am inspired by mywealthydiary’s savings and progress with her partner. my goal is to save/invest 5 figures every month between the two of us and have 6 figures of savings/investments at the end of this year. i only started a HYSA last december with wealthfront. i’ve been contributing to this more instead of my retirement and brokerage accounts. 
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chxmpionofjustice · 4 years
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♡  IS YOUR MUSE TALL  /  SHORT  /  AVERAGE? Usagi is the shortest of all of her friends. She’s 4′11″ or 150 cm and yes, she’s fun-sized.
♡  ARE THEY OKAY WITH THEIR HEIGHT? Yes and no. Her lack of height can come in handy sometimes, but it really is a pain in the butt to buy pants. She compensates with shorts and skirts and she can’t really complain because she’s looks amazing in them. And her boyfriend’s face is too far away from hers for her own liking, but standing on tip toe for a kiss feels like something out of a romance, so she can deal.
♡  WHAT’S THEIR HAIR LIKE? Long, blonde, and shiny. She tries to keep it cut to around knee/calf length but ever since she awoke as the Moon Princess, her hair seems to want to grow much farther than than of its own accord and... well it seems to get a little lighter over time. She keeps her hair up in her signature odango-and-pig-tail style on either side of her head. The hair style is held to together painstakingly with hair bands and bobby pins, all of which come out when she goes to sleep. Sometimes she’ll wear her hair in two low pigtails when she sleeps but more often than not, she lets her hair loose.
♡  DO THEY SPEND A LOT OF TIME ON THEIR HAIR  /  GROOMING? Hahahahahahahhahaha. What do you think? YES. Usagi’s hair is one of the few things she puts real effort into. Her hairstyle itself takes a lot of time to do (She’s got the thing down to a science but it still takes her around 10 minutes and would take anyone else a LOT longer), not to mention what she does to keep her hair healthy. Usagi has a whole basket of hair products in her room, ranging from shampoos, conditioners, hair masks, and oils. Maintaining all that hair is hard, okay?
♡  DOES YOUR MUSE CARE ABOUT THEIR APPEARANCE  /  WHAT OTHERS THINK?  Yes and no. She definitely cares what she looks like. She loves fashion and putting together outfits so she looks kawaii wherever she’s going (this also counts work as an adult, she will be the girl in the office wearing the cutest blouse and skirt combo with a pair of adorable kitten heels and this will clearly fool everyone into thinking she can adult). But she doesn’t really do that because she cares what others think. She does that for herself, to make herself happy. And if people happen to think she looks good, well that’s a plus. She can be a little vain like that, but who isn’t?
♡ WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR MUSE’S BAD HABITS? HAHAHAHA. Okay do y’all even have TIME to read this? Seriously, there are a lot. To name the biggest bad habit of hers, it’s over-indulgence. Usagi shamelessly indulges in EVERYTHING she loves to the point of excess sometimes. She’s banned from a couple buffets because of her eating habits, the girl is a black hole for food, and will eat whatever she wants to eat. She wastes money on food, mostly junk food because she doesn’t cook. 
Despite the fact that she can’t cook, she will buy ANY cute appliance available for the kitchen that she can. Hello Kitty Toaster? Got it. Sailor Senshi chopsticks? GOT THE WHOLE SET (of course for when everyone comes over, they can eat with their designated chopsticks, duh). Mickey Mouse Waffle Maker? BOUGHT (Girl doesn’t know how to make waffle batter). Every single cup she owns has a character on if from some anime, movie, or manga. She even has commemorative Sailor Senshi cups too. Oh you thought it ended with the chopsticks? NOPE. She spends money on plushies, pillows, pens, bags, etc, of her and her friends and does it QUITE HAPPILY. Of course, the thing she buys the most of (besides herself)? Tuxedo Mask. Tuxedo Mask plushies. A Tuxedo Mask pillow case for a body pillow (listen don’t judge her), the rare Tuxedo Mask action figure and the Tuxedo Mask vibr-.... Well let’s just say that she doesn’t only buy every day items with his brand.
A lot of her indulgence has to do with money because she has no impulse control. If she sees a cute thing, she wants it, she buys it. Be it items or clothes. And whatever she buys usually ends up... Well, not put away. Usagi can be pretty messy (it’s a system that works for her, okay), to put it simply. And she’s messy because, to put it quite frankly, she’s kind of lazy. She’s a queen procrastinator who prefers to play games, read manga, doodle, and SLEEP rather than do homework or chores. Usagi would rather do anything under the sun except her responsibilities and everyone who knows her knows this. Boy, do they know this.
That being said, when she is facing her responsibilities as Sailor Moon, she does almost a complete 180. The Earth is her responsibility to protect and she will do anything she has to to keep it safe. Even if it means sacrificing herself. Despite how selfish she can act with certain things (food mostly, she’s like Joey, JOEY DOESN’T SHARE FOOD), Usagi will give herself to save a life in an instant. No hesitation. Because to her every life is precious. The world is precious. So if she has to use her crystal to the point where she has no life energy left to defeat someone evil or divert an asteroid, she will. If she has to throw herself into an abyss to defeat an enemy and save everyone else, she will. 
You may be asking yourself why I wrote that all out. “Altruism is a good thing!” I did it because the level of altruism she displays is destructive. To herself. She is so willing to save everyone that if she sees her own demise as the only way to keep everyone else from dying, she will let herself die. And that’s not giving up. Giving up would be going without a fight. Usagi is gonna fight until her very last breath and that’s gonna be what takes her. Unless someone can come up with a way to save everyone where she won’t have to do that, there’s no stopping her, either. 
♡ HAS YOUR MUSE LOST ANYONE CLOSE TO THEM? HOW HAS IT AFFECTED THEM? Yes and no. Usagi and her friends have all died more than once. Losing them and Mamoru the first time it happened was absolutely devastating to her. She still has nightmares of seeing their bodies lifelessly laying in the snow. Of watching Mamoru, her prince, die in her arms and then be taken away from her only to become a pawn for the enemy. 
The first deaths are the hardest to get over.
And then watching one by one as her friends were taken by the Black Moon (she only BARELY saved Venus, if she didn’t have Mina-P with her, she doesn’t know if she would have been able to go on like she did), her future daughter was corrupted so heinously that she took her own father hostage for her own amusement, and then Sailor Pluto’s death.
I won’t even get into how Galaxia practically vaporized Mamoru in front of her and she was so traumatized that she wiped it from her own memory and was convinced he got on the plane to America. Or how Galaxia also did the same to her friends. There are nights Usagi wakes up in tears with the awful inability to breathe and the only thing that can calm her down is hearing their voices. 
She clings tight to Mamoru when anyone gives him an all too appreciative lingering look (seriously, the man is too pretty for his own good, he attracts so many bad guys) because god forbid they end up turning out to be something evil and try to take him away from her. 
The long and the short of it is that Usagi definitely has some form of PTSD. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
♡ WHAT ARE SOME FOND MEMORIES YOUR MUSE HAS? Usagi had a sunny life and continues to live wearing rose-tinted glasses even when she has to stop and save the world now and then. She has so many fond memories of growing up like playing dress up with her mom,  meeting Naru in primary school, playing in parks and going to the beach with her family. She has even fonder memories of meeting her best friends, her sisters in arms, in middle school.
And, despite how it ended, sometimes Usagi likes to think on some of the memories from her past life in the Silver Millennium. How she and the senshi would spend day after day with each other. Memories of her mother doting on her and of extravagant balls held in opulent ballrooms. Memories of meeting the beautiful prince of Earth and of the first time she felt his lips on hers.
She has an awful lot to sort through.
♡ IS IT EASY FOR YOUR MUSE TO KILL?  Hell no. She struggles with that idea. The only time she kills is when the enemy has shown their truest form and she has no choice. Otherwise, Usagi will do her damnedest to save everyone. The bad guy included. Because everyone deserves a second chance to do the right thing.
♡ WHAT’S IT LIKE WHEN YOUR MUSE BREAKS DOWN?  Usagi is known for being a crybaby. We establish this early on when we meet her. So one would think her break downs are loud and dramatic because that’s how she is when she cries. That’s... Not strictly true though. When Usagi breaks down, really breaks down, its because she’s holding onto her pain quietly. Usagi breaks down with silent tears and full body sobs. She breaks down with trembling hands and their white knuckle grip on her pillow that she’s holding against her face to muffle when she can’t be quiet anymore.
She breaks down alone.
When someone finds her and tries to comfort her, it can go one of two ways, either she’ll just keep letting it out and allow herself to be comforted, or she’ll suck it all back in, put a stopper in it and assure whomever it is that she’s fine, really, she was just crying because Lawsons didn’t have any more red velvet cake, honestly. 
When Usagi breaks down, she’s at her lowest emotionally, usually feeling horrible about herself. That’s a point that you’d think would be particularly difficult for her to get to right? Right?
♡ IS YOUR MUSE CAPABLE OF TRUSTING SOMEONE WITH THEIR LIFE? She literally does this all the time. Usagi is an amazing judge of character. Not counting her senshi, Usagi has put her life in the hands of people that her allies considered untrustworthy multiple times. And she was right to trust every single one of them. The first one being Tuxedo Mask, then the Outer Senshi. After that, Hotaru. Helios. The Starlights. Usagi knows when she can trust someone with her life and yes, yes, YES, she is very capable of doing it. 
♡ WHAT’S YOUR MUSE LIKE WHEN THEY’RE IN LOVE? Haaaaaaaaaaaa, gosh. Usagi in love is... She loves with her whole self. Usagi is not good at hiding her emotions, even when she’s trying to hold them in. She’s the definition of ‘heart on your sleeve’ because she’s so very open with her emotions and she doesn’t know any other way to be. 
When Usagi is in love, you can take one look at her with the person she loves and it’s obvious. We’re talkin’ heart eyes muthafucka. She’s clingy, likes to touch and be affectionate a lot. And, this goes back to her indulgence thing, she has no problem letting her person know she wants them when she wants them and indulging in that. She’s not subtle in anything with her love. 
She is very physical in her love, but that’s because that’s how she is. But being in love is also tender. Kisses pressed into sleep warm skin, banter and giggles over breakfast (that the other person made because once again, ya girl cannot COOK), cuddling on the couch or in bed while having soft conversations or talking about their day, going out to spend the day at the park or where ever for a day date, romantic dinners in her favorite restaurants or, even better, at home. It’s secret smiles and softened eyes and soft brushes of skin. It’s being completely open and endlessly patient when the other person can’t be just yet. Usagi in love is both in-your-face and achingly tender.
And yes, I know that Usagi had heart eyes when she saw Rei. Listen. Usagi has a big heart. Like a humongous heart. She falls in love easily. She could say she’s in love with her ice cream and totally mean it, okay? Usagi loves with all of herself and that’s not just romantically. But the type of “in love” Usagi can be in, because of her heart, can seem fickle, even when it’s not to her. Just because she started loving one thing doesn’t mean she doesn’t love something else just as fiercely.
♡ TAGGED BY: @adversitybloomed​  ♡ TAGGING :  WHO EVER WANTS TO TBH
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marvelcriminalhoe · 3 years
Stumbling West
Aaron Hotchner x Female Reader
Chapter 18
Fake or Real
i.e. Season 9 episode 16
TW: talks of pregnancy, typical criminal minds case jargon, talks of birth but not really
AN: okay, i wrote this and then was going to go back and make it longer later, but then I listened to red (taylors version) and now I'm struggling to write anything happy so I should post this before I change it and make it sad, which this chapter is not meant to be lol.
word count: 2,125
Series Masterlist
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You and Aaron agreed you would stop flying with the team at 38 weeks, with the encouragement from your doctor. So when the team gets a call, and you’re 37 weeks and 5 days along, Aaron does everything he can to make you stay back with Garcia.
Until you both hear it’s a little girl that went missing and he knows there is no stopping you from coming with.
“It’s now 3 hours and counting since 4 year old Gabby was abducted from her cousin Sue’s car.” Garcia tells the team over the computer screen. You're seated on the couch of the jet beside Reid, Aaron sitting on the arm next to you, the rest around the table.
“Why would anyone leave a little girl alone in a car at night?” JJ asks the question that has been weighing on your mind as well.
“Sue told local authorities that she was a couple blocks from her house, she didn't want to wake Gabby up, she was in and out of that mart in under 4 minutes.” Garcia try to answer. But the nervous feeling in your stomach won’t go away.
4 minutes can be a lifetime.
“That’s a pretty tight window of opportunity.” Blake says.
Derek agrees with her, “Whoever took her must have been stalking them.”
You look over at Aaron, “Is there a history of child abductions in the area?”
“No,” He shakes his head, “But the local registry shows a high concentration of sex offenders. We have no time to waste.”
“We do have an eyewitness,” Garcia offers, “Limited to a dark van that he saw pull up next to sue’s car.”
“That’s pretty vague.” Rossi speaks up, “So we don’t have a color or who was driving?”
“Are there surveillance cameras on the premises?” You ask Garcia.
“Yes, there was one camera, it’s in the store, and it’s ancient. But the footage is being sent to the lab right now for enhancement.” She answers you.
“SSA Canning is on scene with the southeast regional card team.” Aaron informs everyone, “They’re conducting neighborhood and roadblock canvasses. We all know what to do. If this is a stranger abduction, we’ve got fewer than 24 hours to bring Gabby back alive.”
Once the plane lands, the team splits up, JJ and Morgan going to Sue’s house, while the rest of you go to the gas station, before heading to the police department to meet Gabby’s mom.
You watch from the side of the room as she paces back and forth, “God, just tell me something!” She turns towards Aaron, “Cause right now all I can tell myself is I never should have left her.”
“I need your help.” Aaron tells her calmly.
“Tell me about Gabby.”
“She’s just the sweetest thing ever. She is a smart and kind little girl.” She runs her hands through her hair.
“Would she every go off with a stranger?” You ask her.
“A stranger?” She scoffs, “No. There’s just no way. No. I warned her too much about that.”
“What about with someone she knew?” Aaron questions.
“Like who?”
“Doug? He hasn't seen her for almost a year.” You and Aaron share a look at her statement, “Oh god. You think that man took my little girl?”
“Do you know where Doug is right now?” You ask her softly, trying to keep her as calm as you can.
She shakes her head, “He’s on the road, somewhere.” Turning back to Aaron, “He did it, didn’t her? He swore that he would get back at me for leaving him and he’s finally done it.”
“We don’t know that.” Aaron tries to soothe her, “How would you get in touch with him if it were an emergency?”
She walks to her bag, grabbing her phone, “He has two cell numbers. One is personal and one is a company road one for emergencies.”
You pull out your own phone dialing it and handing it to Aaron as Garcia answers, “I need you to track GPS on this cell phone number.”
You and Aaron step out of the room Gabby’s mom is in, heading to the teams conference room. You walk over to Reid and help him finish setting up the site map of the area’s sex offenders list, while Aaron continues to talk to Garcia over the phone.
You’ve just finished the map as hands grab your waist, You lean back into Aaron’s chest, him leaning down to talk in your ear, “You doing okay?”
You turn your head just enough to look at his face, “I’m okay.”
“Don’t over do it please.”
You move one of your hands over his, giving him a reassuring squeeze, as he kisses your temple, going back out to talk to JJ and Morgan.
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You watch from the two way mirror as Rossi storms into the interrogation room that Sue is in, trowing a file onto the table and pulling out the pictures of Gabby, “Are we going to find her?”
Aaron picks one of them up, holding it in front of her, “Kate trusted you with the care of her child. You were responsible for this little girl. You had a duty to protect her, and you failed, miserably.”
You watch as Sue’s demeanor starts to change, Aaron keeps going though, his voice growing harsher, “What happened to Gabby is all your fault. You know nothing about what it takes to be a mother. You’re pathetic.”
Sue launches herself at Aaron, connecting her fist to his chin, yelling and threatening him. Him and Rossi handcuff her, getting her back in the chair, before making their way to the watch room.
You reach for Aaron’s face as he watches with kind eyes as you fuss over him, “I’m fine.” He assures you.
“Talk about taking one for the team.” Rossi tells him.
“What was that about?” SSA Canning asks him.
you let go of his face once your satisfied that there is no significant damage, “If she’s a predisposed female offender, a major indicator is uncontrolled rage when challenged.”
“I’d say she passed the test.” Canning says.
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“Read this, and i’m gonna find out who. I’m gonna find out who.” Garcia’s voice comes through the phone. You and the team are in the conference room, trying to find who Sue gave Gabby to. It’s called ‘Disrupted Adoptions,’ and honestly it makes you sick to your stomach.
You walk over to one of the chairs, siting down in hopes it helps with the pain in your lower back. Aaron sends you a look, you just wave him off. Braxton Hick’s started to occur last week, and your lower back has been their main target. They usually resolve after a few minutes, so you close you eyes, as the team talks.
“Calling them couples is a bit generous.” JJ tells Canning, “The article talks about these people who pose as families, but really, they’re just freaks looking for access to kids.”
“And no ones keeping track of them.” Blake adds.
“Why isn't this illegal?” Canning demands.
Aaron pipes up, his voice closer to you than when you closed your eyes, “Well cause it’s a relatively new practice, and unsurprisingly, no legislations been written yet.” One of his hands reaches out to rub your shoulder.
The ‘fake’ contractions ease as Garcia’s voice comes back through the phone, “Ok. There are 3 ‘families’ who responded to Sue’s post.”
“Do any of them own a dark van?” You ask her.
“Nicole Jones. She owns a blue ’03 caravan. She lives in a shack 20 miles south of where you are, off of interstate 59.”
“Lets go.” Aaron tells the team. Kissing the top of your head as everyone leaves the room, “Be safe.” You tell him, watching him leave.
It’s been 32 weeks since you've entered the field, and it still feels weird not going with them. You listen through their phones with Garcia as the team apprehends Nicole, before going to the farm where the couple took Gabby. When the team comes back, you watch as Gabby is reunited with her mom, you lean back into Aaron as he holds you from behind, relief crossing through you.
The team makes it to the jet, you and Aaron sitting at one of the table alone. Aaron pulls out his phone, calling Jessica. He puts it on speaker when Jack gets on the line, “Hey buddy. Are you having fun with Aunt Jess?” You ask him.
“Yeah! We picked up a present for my sister!” You share a look with Aaron, raising an eyebrow, “Another present? I think you and Aunt Jess are buying her too many stuffed animals.”
Jack giggles at you, “You can never have too many!”
You and Aaron talk to him for a few more minutes before telling him you’ll see him soon and hanging up. You're in the air for an hour when another round of Braxton Hicks hits you, making you draw in a sharp breath, getting Aaron’s attention immediately, “Are you alright?”
“Yeah,” You breathe out, “Yeah, these braxton hick’s are just no joke.” You open your eyes as it passes, seeing Aaron still watching you with furrowed brows. You squeeze his hand that is holding your bump, patting it twice, “I’m fine, promise.”
You have a few more braxton hicks on the plane, more than usual. Aaron decides it’s best if you both head home instead of finishing the paperwork at the office, you agreeing, really wanting to rest. Though your plans are immediately put on hold as you feel a water rush down your leg when you make it to the passenger side door of Aaron’s SUV.
“Aaron,” you get his attention, he looks around the back of the car where he is putting away both of your bags, “I think we should go to the hospital.”
“What?” He asks you, coming straight to your side.
“I think my water broke?” You let out a small, unbelievable laugh.
His eyes go wide, “Thats, yeah.” He nods, before helping you into the car and calling Jessica.
Your water, did in fact break. The doctor assured you that everything was fine and that the baby just wanted to enter the world a little earlier than expected, you and Aaron laughed at that, nodding your heads. Apparently what you thought were ‘fake’ contractions for the past two weeks, were in fact, real ones.
38 weeks is still a bit early, so the doctor checked you in and called down to the NICU, telling you that nothing was wrong, this was just for extra precautionary observation if they needed it.
You don’t start to feel anymore contractions for a few hours, but once they hit, they don’t stop. Aaron was by your side the entire time, feeding you ice chips and holding your hand, reassuring you with the softest and most loving you had ever heard his voice.
“You are doing so good.”
“I love you so much.”
“You’re doing perfectly honey, just a little more.”
“You did so good. I love you.”
“She’s Beautiful. Thank you.”
He refused to leave you for any reason, and after 9 hours at the hospital, and 3 hours of pushing, you brought in your beautiful little girl to the world, at 7:24 A.M., at 6.38 pounds and 19.42 inches, completely healthy.
She was beautiful, and you don’t think you had ever seen Aaron smile so big. He stood over the doctors as they checked her, wiping the tears that escaped from his eyes. He kissed you and thanked you too many times for you to count, but you didn’t mind.
Jessica brought Jack about 2 hours later, and your heart burst with how gentle and sweet Jack was with his sister. Aaron left your side for the first time after that, going and calling the team, letting them know you both will be starting your leave earlier than expected. You listen to Jack talk to your daughter quietly while you held her, him sitting next to you on the bed, and you thought you might start crying when he told her of all the things he couldn't wait to show her and teach her.
The team filters in around lunch time, taking turns passing your daughter around and congratulating you both.
“So, what’s little mama’s name?” Derek asks you, looking up from your daughter that’s in his arms. Everyone turns to you, waiting for your answer. you and Aaron refused to share any names with the team, and refused to take any names from the team, not caring for your daughter to be named after famous celebrities or nobel peace winners.
You nod at Aaron, giving him the go ahead to share, “Her name is, Charlotte Jean Hotchner.”
tag list: @bakugouswh0r3 @averyhotchner @rousethemouse @malindacath @buckyswintersoldiermask @floweringashore
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Alright, I am thinking I am going to break this into two posts. This one will be about Mayans as a whole, my theories of where its heading and just general thoughts. Part two will be the rumours and gossip you’ve asked for my opinions on.
Disclaimer: These are my own opinions, and if they hurt your feelings, I am not sorry, it’s the internet and people are going to hurt your feelings if you choose to engage in discussion. And this is a discussion piece, it’s not gospel and its not an argument, I am not going to fight people in the comments.
This has been a long time coming and in preparation for this post I have re-watched season 3, granted I was sick, and I watched it on double speed, but I still watched it.
We can all agree that s3 was a hot mess, right? Not only did we have massive drama with Kurt being fired, Elgin taking over and then covid. Writing covid into the storyline obviously changed a huge direction of how the show was heading.
Overall, there were two many storylines, if you want to have that many active storylines you need to either A) have more than 10 episodes or B) have the episodes alternate between the storylines. Which Mayans did not do well.
I am going to break this into two parts, Mayans, and the Cartel.
Dudeeeeee, this was brutal. The storylines were all over the place, between episodes there was a lack of flow of the storylines. I could see where they wanted to go and what they wanted to do but it just did not hit the mark. It was sloppy, its my belief the sloppiness comes from too much at once. I feel like Elgin was trying to provide himself and it didn’t work. The ratings took a huge hit this season and the two reasons are, its not flowing well and the PR around the show is non-existent which I will talk about more later.
My biggest issue with this season is the writing is weak. There is so much potential with these characters and their stories and nothing from s1 and s2 was built on. I honestly felt like I was watching a different show.
The ‘One King to rule them all’ storyline was good, Bishop was *chefs kiss* this season as a broken man grasping for power and control? I love to see it. This storyline should have been the main focus this season and while the drug trade plays into it, that storyline was too messy to be having both running at the same time. I would have made the drug trade a smaller role building up, instead of the big attention grab they tried to use in the first few episodes.
On to everyone’s favourite soft serve Ez, I hated this storyline, my hate from it comes from Gabby. The purpose of Gabby was to show Ez a soft side, but it didn’t work. I feel like they are trying too hard to make Ez the next Jax and instead of having kids he has Gabby. And it doesn’t work Ez is a character in his own right and he’s not Jax 2.0. The flipping from gentle Ez to brutal violent Ez didn’t really resonate with me, it feels so out of character. I am feeling its too quick of a descent into darkness and he flip flops too much. I am hoping that if they want Ez to be dark he just completely goes down that path and doesn’t look back.
Also side note, the amount of blood he lost he should have died OR been stuck in hospital for longer than a few hours.
Angel, Nails, and that hot mess. There seriously was no need for this. Besides losing his son Angel’s storyline didn’t add anything in my opinion. Angel didn’t handle Adelita coming back well, and honestly not surprised he is a giant man child who cannot deal with his own emotions let alone supporting those around him. Look at him and Coco, Coco is your best friend, and you don’t even try and help him? F you. I know you’re going through some sh#t but you could have helped. Angel is so self-absorbed, and his storylines aren’t adding to the overall storyline. Nails is a POS for how she treated Hank, and I don’t believe the baby is Angel’s either, I guess we will see.
Adelita was an incredibly well written storyline, the grief, the emotional cycle she went through? *chefs kiss* she actually had some character development and growth and a good storyline. I have no complaints around Adelita. I actually liked her much more this season than last. I hope we see more of this strong writing in s4.
Coco, oh my poor sweet Coco. I don’t know how I feel about this storyline, I do like Hope, but the meth mountain storyline made my heart hurt, relapsing is never pretty, and I am annoyed at how the sad bois handled it and Letty, Letty was pointless this season. Their relationship had so much potential, and the writing fell short.
Taza’s storyline, honestly I BARELY followed this I actually don’t really remember what happened. Besides the final episode and the scene with him and Bish.
I know everyone hates Emily; this is not an Emily hate blog.
I get that Miguel is grieving but the affair seems out of character given that last season him and Emily were so in love and moving forward as a team. I hate affair storylines with a passion too, so this really irked me. Also, the lack of beard on Danny Pino hurt my soul. I also feel like that the lack of focus on his legit business ventures is also out of character, we saw in s1 that the kidnapping didn’t impact his ability to do his job, his rage fuelled him to be even more focused, to go legit so that he can protect his family.
Emily was a pain this season, we saw her go from delicate wallflower (almost) s1 to a badass cartel wife in s2 and now she’s a giant crying mess who cannot handle her kid? I don’t believe it. I am glad that she left Miguel BUT I SWEAR TO GOD IF THEY WRITE HER AND EZ TOGETHER IN S4 I AM GOING TO BURN IT DOWN!
I don’t see Miguel taking it well that Emily has taken his heir, so we will see how this all plays out. I hope she runs, changes her name, and moves to Canada or something. She needs to get out of all of this, but its also the only life she’s know so you know she’s going to get sucked back in somehow.
Alverez and Nestor, I am liking this little twosome, I hope we see more next season. There’s not really a lot to discuss around this, because there was not much screentime.
The Cartel need to fix their issues ASAP or else Miguel is going to get taken out the Galindo Cartel by an enemy and its going to dissolve.
Now let’s talk about the non-existent PR around the show, the serious lack of engagement with fans, promotion of the show on socials, cast posting etc. its ridiculous. This is also contributing to the low ratings and the fact that fans are leaving the fandom. Pretty much every show on the air right now has social media engagement. Look at the new Hilary Duff show on Hulu for example, Hilary herself has posted so much about the show, behind the scenes pictures, live videos, sharing what she can share and just building that hype around the show that starts next year on Hulu. S4 is filming currently, and we’ve had 1 behind the scenes photo? B#llshit. There is no hype, its really disengaged.
FX posted about Mayans on their Instagram and twitter 18 times this year, that’s it. 12 of those posts were the weekly episode posts. AHS has one every second day. While I understand that AHS obviously makes way more money than Mayans, the lack of promotion is what isn’t helping boost viewership or money. The last bit of press I saw was from May when Mayans was renewed, there was a brief mention in an article on Kurt’s new show and how he was fired but that’s it. If FX and Mayans don’t fix this, I don’t see there being a s5.
Overall, I think s4 needs a big shake-up, if they are going to stick to the 10-episode format than we need less storylines and better writing. It’s that simple. I think that Angel needs to die, maybe at the hands of the club, this would drive Ez’s story so much further, the way that would question his loyalty, push him over the edge? Or would it make Ez more focused because he doesn’t have to worry about Angel anymore.
Mayans can make a comeback if they fix their issues, do I see it happening? Absolutely not, it’s the same writers as last season. Maybe it was too soon for Elgin to take the reins, maybe he needed a more experienced voice to help him for another season as a co-pilot before he went solo. I feel he could have done amazing things with this but its just fizzled.
I know for me personally, and a lot of people they are unhappy with the storylines, the writing, the inconsistency around characters and the lack of character development. I don’t know if I will watch s4 or if I will just skim it. I have no interest in s4 because there is nothing to make me want to watch.
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firehouseonechicago · 4 years
Five Times He Almost Kissed You, The One Time He Did || Kelly Severide
Author’s Note: Kelly was super fun to write for. I had one hundred scenarios in my head that I struggled to choose from, but I eventually had to choose one and so here we are. I hope you enjoy, next up is Herrmann. Gif by @baharsahins​
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You had only been with Squad 3 for only a few months, and during that time, Kelly had never seen you panic. The two of you might had gotten off on the wrong foot when the two of you first met, but he couldn’t help but admire the way you always kept a level-head during calls, even the very, very stressful ones. You were practically a becon of calming energy, and Kelly couldn’t help but feel a little jealous at the fact that the rest of the squad relied on you to keep them calm and not their own Lieutenant.
But as the two of you became trapped in an apartment complex basement, with a broken water main slowly filling up the incredibly small and cramped space, Kelly watched you break. You pressed yourself as close to the wall as possible, cowering away from the water as it now reached your knees. You were panting frantically, your eyes darting every which way in search of a way out. Kelly called out to you, as you stared down at the water completely petrified. Kelly waded through the water towards you, the water now reaching his waist, and placed his hands on your shoulders and turned you to face him.
“Y/n, look at me!” He shouted, trying to be heard over the rushing water from above. When your eyes met his own, Kelly almost had to do a double take. Your eyes were bloodshot, laden with tears as you descended into a state of pure fear. Kelly tightened his hold on your shoulders “Y/n, focus on me okay? Don’t look at the water, look at me...” He insturcted, as your eyes glazed over with a look of bewilderment “Tell me something that no one else knows about you, something you’ve never told anyone”. He watched as your breathing somewhat steadied, your eyes becoming clearer as you swallowed thickly “I’m scared of drowning”. For a moment, Kelly was confused by your answer before you continued “When I was little my parents owned a lakehouse just a few hours away from the city. I fell in off the wharf and almost drowned, I’ve been terrified of water ever since”.
In that moment, a strange feeling to kiss you surged through Kelly. It was just an idea, to take your mind off of what was happening around you. It was nothing more than that. He didn’t want to see you like this, so scared, and so unlike your usual and bright self. The water had now risen to just below your shoulders, just as the collapsed ceiling above was removed to reveal the concerned faces of Boden, Casey, Herrmann and Mouch. Kelly smiled, turning his gaze back to your form as a relieved sob escaped you. After the two of you had been helped out of the basement, you enveloped Kelly in a tight embrace, whispering a shaky ‘thank you’ over and over again. And he held onto you, assuring you that you were safe.
Molly’s was very busy that night, and so Kelly kept to himself in one of the booths in the very corner of the room.
There were a lot of faces he didn’t recognise, but there was one that he couldn’t take his eyes off. You stood at the bar, a bright smile on your face as you spoke with Herrmann. Your eyes sparkled, he’d never seen you smile like that before. You just looked so happy. He must have been staring, because he hadn’t noticed that you had suddenly moved into the seat across from him. “Hey, you look a little spaced out. You okay?” You asked quietly, tilting your head to the side in wait for his answer.
Shaking himself from his stupor, Kelly nodded slowly “Yeah I’m good, it’s just been a bit of a rough day that’s all” He replied, his gaze flickering between the half empty beer bottle in his grasp and your form before him. You nodded in agreement, releasing a small hum as you gave him a grin “Tell me about it, the last call wasn’t exactly easy. Especially since we had a run-in with one of the guys we rescued”
Kelly laughed, shaking his head at the memory. There was no explaination as to why he had gotten violent, but he had shoved you quite harshly and pinned you against the side of Truck 81. If Kelly hadn’t stepped in, and hauled that guy away from you with much greater force, the situation would have likely become more complicated. “I wanted to thank you, for what you did today. And I also wanted to say thank you for...for not telling anyone about what happened in that basement a few weeks ago” You whispered shyly, biting your lip somewhat anxiously in embarrassment. Kelly grinned in response, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. After that incident, you and Kelly had gotten closer. He began to confide in you, and talk to you more often. “It’s not my place to tell anybody...” He replied, leaning forward in his seat “but you do have to overcome that fear. If you want to stay on squad you have to-”
“I know, I’m working on it okay? I just...I just can’t...” You trailed off, sighing heavily as your shoulders slumped, your eyes glazing over as memories of the rising water no doubt consumed your mind. That strange feeling surged through him again, that same feeling that made him want to kiss you. He didn’t want to see you like this, completely distant and slightly trembling. It was so unlike you, so far from your usual happy self. And so Kelly leaned over across the table, and gently placed his hand atop yours “How about I help you out, I won’t tell another living soul that you are afraid of water, and I will do whatever I can to help you overcome that fear”.
The smile that appeared on your face caused Kelly’s heart to soar. Your eyes regained their sparkle, and the small laugh that escaped your lips made him feel all the more happier.
“I’ll have to pass”
“Oh come on Y/n...” Gabby whined, slumping down against the table with a loud groan “just go on one date with this guy please? He seems really into you and I think the two of you would be perfect for each other”. You shook your head, grimacing slightly as you shook your head in response. “I’m really sorry Gabby, but this guy has already sent me a hundred messages which are entirely inappropriate and I just don’t think I should go out with this guy. I know you’re trying to set me up with someone but I just...”
Kelly had tried to stop listening to your conversation hours ago, but he just couldn’t help eavesdropping. He had heard from certain people around the firehouse that Gabby was trying to get you to go on a date with a doctor she had briefly met on one of her trips to the hospital on a call. She had been trying for weeks to get you to go out with him, and every time you had refused. Just the thought of you going out with someone else other than him made Kelly feel incredibly jealous. It was no secret to a few people in the firehouse that Kelly had somehow developed feelings for you, they had suspected a short time after the two of you had been trapped in that flooded basement.
He watched on in silent anger as you once again rejected Gabby’s offer to date some guy she met at Molly’s. What he really wanted to do was to kiss you passionately and to kindly but politely shut Dawson up. You were the only person who seemed to understand him, who was always there for him no matter what tough situation was thrown his way. And so probably against his better judgement, Kelly stood up from his seat and awkwardly approached your table. He stopped short as your eyes quickly moved toward him, a kind smile forming on your face. “Kelly, thank god. How can I help you?” You asked in a slightly exasperated tone, though the joking demenour behind it shone through. His chest suddenly felt tight as a million thoughts raced through his mind. What if you said no? What would he do then? He took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves as he spoke.
“I uh...I was wondering if you would like to um...maybe grab a drink at Molly’s sometime. With me, I was wondering if you would go with me to Molly’s for a-”
“Sure, I’d love to”
Kelly froze, his eyes widening in shock. It took him a moment to comprehend your response, but as soon as he realized that you had said yes, he suddenly felt ecstatic. He nodded excitedly in response, grinning childishly before walking away with a slight skip in his step. His happy demenour made you smile, whilst Gabby just gawked between you and Kelly’s retreating form as she tried to piece together what had just occured.
“I’m not getting in that pool”
“Why not, the water is lovely. And besides, you promised that you would work on getting over your fear of water”.
You knew that this was a bad idea, you weren’t even sure why you agreed to meet Kelly here in the first place. You hugged your arms close to your frame nervously as you watched Kelly wade through the water, your entire body trembling at the thought of submerging yourself completely beneath the water. Kelly approached the edge of the pool, looking up at you with his signature cheeky yet charming grin. “Come on, just hop in. I’ll be with you every step of the way” He spoke calmly, extending his hand out towards you in sincerity. Stubbournly, you shook your head and backed away from the pool’s edge “No, no way. I’m not getting in there-”
“Y/n if you don’t get over here I will get out and carry you in if I have to” Kelly stated blatantly, half hauling himself out of the pool with a raised eyebrow in emphasis to his words. You glared toward him “Is that a challenge, Severide?”
“That’s a promise, sweetheart”.
The way his voice darkened caused your cheeks to flush a bright pink, but knowing that Kelly would stay true to his word, you reluctantly shuffled over to the edge of the pool and sat down. Kelly grinned triumphantly, submerging himself under the water before resurfacing with a flick of his hair. You rolled your eyes as Kelly chuckled, wading through the water towards you before taking your hands in his own. “I hate you so much” You grumbled, trying so very hard to stop your hands from trembling. Huffing a laugh, Kelly tightened his grip around your hands comfortingly “No you don’t, otherwise you wouldn’t have agreed to go out on that date with me tomorrow night”.
After easing yourself into the water, you practically clung to the man before you as Kelly lead you through the water. Kelly took note of your close proximity, and suddenly found himself becoming increasingly nervous. Your face was just inches away from his own, the temptation to kiss you was becoming way too overwhelming. Yet he composed himself, and focused on the task at hand. It would take some time for you to get over your fear of water, but Kelly was willing to do whatever it took to help you. You were apart of his squad, not to mention the fact that he was deeply in love with you.
Kelly bounced his leg anxiously as he sat at the bar at Molly’s.
You were due to arrive for your date any second now, and for some unknown reason, Kelly Severide was more nervous than he had ever been in his life. He had never felt this nervous before, not even on call. He really wanted this date to go well.
“Would you calm down already?” Herrmann mused from behind the bar, staring at the man before him with a bewildered expression “I’m sure everything is going to be fine, you just need to take a breath, alright”. Kelly turned to face Herrmann with a long and heavy sigh, his shoulders slumping slightly as he leaned forward against the bar. “I’m sorry. I’m just a little nervous”.
“A little is an understatement my friend...” Herrmann teased, laughing mockingly just as the door to Molly’s opened. Kelly turned, half expecting to see Otis turn up for his shift behind the bar. But he was completely blown away at the sight of you. You wore a short black dress covered in a small red rose pattern, with a black leather jacket over your shoulders. Your hair was swept over your shoulder lazily, unlike at the firehouse when it had been thrown up into a messy ponytail. A cute messy ponytail. When your eyes met his from across the room, you smiled brightly and gave him a small wave as you approached. This was it, this was really happening. God, Kelly didn’t know what to do. You looked so beautiful, the breath was completely knocked out of him.
As you sat down on the seat beside him at the bar, the feeling of wanting to kiss you resurfaced. He was so unbelievably happy that you had agreed to this date, so unbelievably happy that you-
“Hello? Earth to Kelly Severide?” You suddenly interrupted, a teasing tone to your voice as you chuckled at the man before you. Brought back from his stupor, Kelly’s eyes remained frozen on your form. “You look gorgeous” he suddenly blurted, noting the bright redness that spontaniously covered your cheeks. You waved him off dismissively, ordering a light drink from Herrmann as you continued to talk to Kelly. The night was filled with flirtatious banter and the occasional longing glances. It was obvious to anyone that watched that there was obvious chemistry between the two of you, but neither of you cared if people were watching. You were both having fun, and that was all that mattered in that moment.
The one time he did...
“Do you think Shay would mind if I stayed the night? I think I’ve had a bit too much to drink” You mumbled somewhat sheepishly, as you trudged over from the kitchen into the living room where Kelly sat on the couch.
He chuckled, patting the cushion beside him for you to sit down. “Shay is staying over at some girl’s house tonight, so you can stay here as long as you want” He replied, allowing you to cuddle into his side as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder. You hummed in content, snuggling further into him with a small giggle. “Okay good, I wasn’t planning on leaving anyway”.
“Then why ask?” Kelly scoffed, smiling down at you with an amused smile. You rolled your eyes lazily, looking up at him with a cheeky grin “Well I’ve been over enough times, and I haven’t spent the night here yet, so I thought maybe-”
Before you could finish your sentence, Kelly dipped down and captured your lips with his own. The kiss was gentle and passionate. Soft even, almost as if he was testing the waters a little. But as soon as you reached up and wrapped your arms around his neck, that was all Kelly needed as a sign to continue. Moving you into a more comfortable position, Kelly hovered above you as he intensified the kiss, before quickly pulling away from you with a teasing smirk. “What do you say we take this upstairs?” He asled quietly, gesturing with his eyes to the ceiling and his bedroom above. You mimicked his expression, somehow managing to slip out from beneath him with an excited laugh. “Gladly!” You called out, before racing up the staircase ahead of him, and leaving Kelly to chase after you with a loud amused laugh.
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chefdoeuvre · 4 years
Kelly Severide
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Pairing: Kelly Severide x Sister!Reader
Description: Being a badass just runs in the Severide genes.
Words: 2,479
Requested: yes by @ticklepete; Could you possibly do a Kelly Severide x Sister with #29 & #30. In my head she's a skilled firefighter on squad 3 (first fem to be on squad) and her and Kelly have a very close relationship but they also fight like your typical brother and sister. I also see Herrmann and a sorta father figure to her since Benny was MIA but you don't have to incorporate that. Make it your own! All I ask is that you make her a total badass please 😁😁
Warnings: complete 'badassery' and language.
A/N: I just love powerful women. I apologize in advance for any grammatical errors.
Kelly Severide, he was the bane of your existence, but he was your brother and you loved him nonetheless. However, when it came to being competitive the number of challenges you'd give each other could go on for days. The last time it happened Herrmann had to put a stop before either of you could trash his bar. Everyone knew the day he challenged you to make Squad would be the day he would have to end up eating his words. So that's exactly what you did, you worked your ass off and became the only woman to ever make Squad. To say Kelly was proud of you would be an understatement. But then again that was just a backstop for him to push you to be your best because he knew you were an amazing firefighter from the day you started at 51. Among the Chicago Fire Department, they all knew the Severide siblings were one of the best firefighters their city ever had.
Here you were, sitting boredly at the Squad table with your feet kicked up while spinning from side to side in Kelly's, unsaid but still claimed, chair. The other guys were playing poker with their snacks while you flipped through a book, not really reading it. Kelly was off talking to Casey about who knows what when he came bounding into the apparatus floor with a wide smirk.
You looked up at your brother with a flat look, "what is it now?" You asked nonchalantly.
"I have a new challenge to propose." Kelly said with a shit-eating grin.
You kicked your feet off the table and sat up, suddenly intrigued by the topic.
"Alright, spill." You spoke up.
As Kelly went on with his proposal Squad had seemed to stop what they were doing and turned their attention to the both of you. The two of you were so engrossed in discussing the challenge you didn't notice Squad calling out to everyone in the firehouse to gather around to witness yet another 'Severide Sibling Face Off' as they liked to call it. Herrmann stood with his arms crossed, if the two of you came anywhere near his bar during this competition he wouldn't hesitate to rip the both of you a new one. Sure he loved you two like his own, but there is one thing you don't do, and that it mess with a man's precious bar.
By the end of your conversation, the entirety of the firehouse was gathered around the apparatus floor awaiting your decision.
Without a moment to spare you spoke up with a wide smile, "challenge accepted."
Kelly laughed, "be prepared to lose this time."
"Oh please, I can beat you any day." You mused with a smirk.
"It's on, Y/N. It's on." Kelly concluded.
Once the two of you shook hands and turned around you stopped in your tracks with a shocked face. Everyone was staring back at you two, some with wide smiles at the sibling rivalry others in irritation, mainly just Herrmann.
In all actuality, Kelly had challenged you to something you guys always did when running drills. The person who could climb to the top of the firehouse the quickest would win. Knowing this the two of you spent all week training enlisting the help of your friends.
"You're lucky you're my favorite." Herrmann grumbled from the top of the firehouse as he timed you for the fifth time that day. What could you say? You had a lot of free time this shift.
"Glad to hear that, Hermie." You grunted pulling yourself over the ledge and hopping onto the top of the roof.
"Another record. I swear every time you do it again you have more energy than the last attempt." Herrmann shook his head in disbelief, leaning back in the lawn chair he set up.
"Maybe it has something to do with the feeling of beating Kelly." You shrugged taking a gulp of water.
In the midst of you and Herrmann both making your way down from the roof the announcement system went off signaling a call. The two of you quickly bolted to the apparatus floor and hopped into your respective trucks. Once you pulled up to the scene Kelly, Boden, and Casey scanned the area. It seemed like it was a routine house fire. A redhead who was covered in soot came running up to you and Stella, the only women in 51 who, by chance, were standing beside each other.
"Help please, my daughter!" The woman frantically pleaded.
You turned to look at Boden who gave you a nod of his head. Pulling on your gear you and Stella took the second floor to scan while the rest of Truck and Squad split up and did the same with the basement and the first floor.
Stella took one side of the hall as you took the other searching for the young girl. Stella called out to you and said she had found nothing. You reassured her to just head out and said you were on your way to the last room and you'd meet her back outside. Just as you stepped into the last room, which looked like an eight-year-olds dream bedroom, you heard a cry. You kneeled down to be met with a strawberry blonde whimpering under the bed.
"Hey, sweetie. I'm Y/N, I'm a firefighter and here to help." You introduced to the frightened girl softly.
Seeing the smoke beginning to seep into the room you quickly turned your head to the girl once again.
"Can you come out so we can go see your mom outside?" You asked the girl gently as you reached toward her.
She quickly grabbed ahold of your hand as you pulled her out from under the bed and pulled her small frame into your arms.
"Y/N report!" Boden's urgent voice came from your walkie.
"I've got the girl and we're heading out now." You replied quickly as you stood up.
You hiked the girl up your hip as you covered her body with your turnout coat and instructed for her to keep her head tucked into your chest. You stepped out of the room running down the hall and down the stairs. Just before you neared the entrance it burst into flames as you backed up shielding the girl with your body. Out of the corner of your eye you caught sight of a side door and without a second thought, you bolted toward it. Pushing the door open you were greeted by the green grass, a driveway crowded with cars, and the side of the neighboring house. You peeled off your SCBA mask and took a much needed breath of fresh air.
In front of the house stood every firefighter in 51 staring at the house with open mouths. Kelly's mouth had dried when he scanned over the firefighters of Squad only to see that you weren't there. His heart stopped for a moment when he looked to Boden with wide eyes.
"Y/N? Y/N!" Kelly shouted into his walkie while simultaneously hoping on his life that you miraculously got out before the entrance went up in flames.
You however were too busy trying to find your way around all the parked cars. You didn't know how they managed to fit the two cars in a driveway only meant for one car, but you did your best to squeeze your way through. While the rest of 51 was frantically waiting on your arrival and for the fire to be put out you grunted your way past the first car. You looked down at the girl who was gripping onto you tightly.
"You alright there, kiddo?" You asked rubbing your hand down the small girl's back. You received a nod and a hum in response as you set out between the second car. During this entire feat, you hadn't realized that your walkie was switched off when you curled into yourself to protect the girl from the blaze.
Exhaling a deep breath when you squeezed out from in between the house and the second car you made your way down the length of the driveway. The first people to see you were Sylvie and Gabby as they ran to you with a gurney. You set the girl down on the gurney as she thanked you when a bigger body came barreling into you. It took you a second to gain your composure, but you soon saw the tuft of salt and pepper hair beside your face. You were quick to reciprocate the hug and squeezed your brother tightly. Digging your head into his chest you heard everyone from 51 cheering at your safety. Kelly reluctantly pulled away and cupped your face as if to make sure you were real.
"Damn it, Y/N." Kelly sighed as he pulled you into his arms again.
"You really thought that would've taken me out?" You questioned with a muffled voice into his chest.
"Not funny." Kelly ruffled your helmet hair.
Pulling away you saw Herrmann making his way toward you as you run into his open arms.
"Glad you're alright, kid." Herrmann laughed at you squeezing his torso tightly.
You pulled away before adorning a wide grin staring back at your firefighting family, "and the legend of Y/N Severide lives on." You let out a giggle. You were a badass and there was no denying that.
Heading back to your trucks with wide smiles you turned your head to look at your brother and lieutenant, "you ready to get your ass kicked tomorrow?" You asked in a teasing tone.
"In your dreams, baby sister." Kelly scoffed.
"You won't be saying that when you're crying at your loss." You stuck your tongue out at Kelly childishly.
"We'll see about that." Kelly shook his head as the truck pulled away from the scene and headed back to the firehouse.
The rest of the shift droned on for a few more hours with less exciting calls until it was time for everyone to head home and the next shift to take over. Walking down the driveway Kelly came up behind you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. Ironically enough after spending day in and day out together at work you'd see each other at home too. You two were roommates but surprisingly enough you hadn't gotten sick of each other yet.
The next shift came as quickly as the last one had gone and the topic of conversation for everyone was about the challenge that was to take place at the end of the day. Somehow people had already picked sides and were caught up arguing every time they didn't have a call to attend to. It was a pretty even split between the people on your side and Kelly's. Of course, all the girls were in favor of you as well as Herrmann and Mouch. The rest of Squad was with Kelly, mainly because he was their lieutenant and they would never admit it but they were afraid of what he would make them do it they chose you over him. Casey and Boden decided to be the mediators because they didn't want to get involved in the sibling wars. Over the course of the shift every time you and Kelly passed by each other you gave matching glares, something about sibling rivalry always brings out the scariness of people.
Just as the clock hit the next hour, meaning your shift was finally over, Herrmann jumped up from his seat, "alright everyone, the 'Severide Sibling Face Off' has begun." Herrmann announced as he pulled out the timer he had stuffed in his pocket.
Your head snapped up at Herrmann's loud voice, exchanging a look with the person beside you, which was Stella. She ushered you out of your seat and led you to gather your rappelling gear. After getting everything situated you had met with Kelly at the bottom of the firehouse. Casey and Boden stood on top of the roof, Herrmann in between them with his timer in hand. Everyone else was gathered behind the two of you already placing bets on who was going to win.
"On the count of three! One, two, three!" Herrmann counted off as you and Kelly set to climbing.
As the two of you made your way up cheers were heard from your fellow firefighters.
"Getting tired?" You asked Kelly in a teasing tone pushing yourself to stay ahead of him.
"As if." Kelly scoffed doing his best to catch up.
A few minutes had gone by and the cheers had only gotten louder. You were a few feet from the top, your muscles burning already. With a final grunt, you pulled yourself over the ledge and toppled onto the roof. Heaving out a sigh you looked up to see Herrmann beaming at you.
"My fellow smoke eaters we have a new record!" Herrmann cheered.
A few moments later Kelly lugged himself over the ledge only to plop himself over you.
"Ew, you're sweaty." You scrunched your nose too tired to push him off.
"Just a congratulatory hug." Kelly teased as he squeezed you tighter.
Once he pulled away you stood up as Herrmann continued to clap loudly.
"The new record time is 5:47!" Herrmann announced.
From below loud cheers erupted, Herrmann walked up and patted you on the back, "nice job, kid."
You smiled widely before turning to face your sweaty and out of breath brother, "take that!" You jumped up and down.
Kelly simply rolled his eyes in response, there was one thing that was rarely mentioned. The majority of the time you’d beat him anyway, but he was fine with it if you kept making him proud. However, he wouldn’t tell a living soul that. You stood there celebrating with a wide grin on your face. After heading back down to the apparatus floor a chorus of cheers surrounded you. Once everyone dissipated and started talking to each other about the bets they had made you turned to Kelly with a smirk.
“You’re losing your touch old man.” You teased playfully.
“I’m not even that much older than you.” Kelly scoffed.
You took a step toward the taller man and pulled him into a hug, “you know I love you even though you annoying the living hell out of me, right?” You asked leaning your chin on his chest to look up at him.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Kelly ruffled your hair.
“How many times do I have to tell you? Watch the hair!” You pushed Kelly’s hand away with a scowl.
“Like I said, I wouldn’t change it for a thing.” Kelly shrugged as he brought his hand up to your hair again.
“Bro! Watch it!” You shoved his hand away laughing.
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Seasons of PD: Season 3: Jay’s Missing (A Halstead Brothers + Halstead Sister! Imagine)
As always, I don't own any quotes from the episode that happen to be in here!
Your age: 14
Jay's age: 28
Will's age: 30
"C'mon Jay," you muttered as you called him for the third time in an hour.
It was the one night a month where you and your brother would go out to dinner together and if there was a hockey game on, you'd finish watching it at his apartment. Then, he'd take you home. He was skeptical about doing it tonight since you had end-of-the-year exams next week, but you reassured him that you'd be fine; taking a break for a few hours never hurt anybody. And, you had all Saturday, Sunday, and Monday night after school to study since exams didn't start until Tuesday.
"You've reached Jay Halstead--" You quickly ended the call and began texting Ruzek. Hopefully, he'd cave and tell you what was going on.
But, when the read sign popped up seven minutes later, you knew something was up. If Jay was going to be late, he would've called you, or at least texted.
Since it was late May, the sun was out later than in the winter, which meant that it wouldn't be dark for another couple of hours. So, you grabbed a light sweatshirt and pulled it on, grabbed your phone and a few dollars and put them in your pocket, shouting a "bye Dad" on the way out...not that he cared what you did anyway.
You walked a few blocks to the El train stop, put your dollar in for your ticket, and hopped on. While you were on there, you were sure to have Ruzek's number pulled up on your phone and were ready to hit the call button in case something happened to you.
You looked at the map. The 21st District was just a few stops away. Soon, you'd know why Jay wasn't answering you. Hopefully, he was just out on a raid, handcuffing the bad guys.
"Kim," you said as you rushed into the district and saw the officer. "Do you know where my--"
You were cut off by the faint sound of a scream.
"Do I know where who is, Y/N?" she asked, completely ignoring what she had just heard.
"Jay, but that sounded like him screaming!"
You ran up the stairs to Intelligence, tugging on the gate even though you knew it wouldn't open without a member scanning their palm or Platt buzzing you up.
"Was that Jay? Is he there?" you yelled.
"Y/N, we can't let you up there right now," Kim explained.
"Why not? Jay told me we'd go out for dinner tonight and he always calls if he's gonna be late."
You looked up to see Ruzek coming towards the door.
"Would it kill you to answer a text?" you asked.
"Sorry, been busy."
"At least let me upstairs and then you can tell me where Jay is and I'll be out of your hair."
Ruzek sighed and allowed you to go up, Kim following you as well.
"Or Detective Halstead winds up as fertilizer in some cornfield in Indiana. We understand each other, Sergeant?"
"What'd he want?" Antonio asked, everyone totally unaware that you were now in the room.
"Halstead's life for all our CI files."
"H- His life?" you asked, frozen on the top step to the bullpen.
"Shit," Kevin muttered.
"Is he in trouble? Is he dead? Is that why he didn't answer my calls?" Your bottom lip started to tremble.
Antonio took a deep breath. He knew that if Gabby was in trouble that he'd want as much detail about what was happening as possible. "Something uh, something went wrong earlier," he supplied. "And then, because of that, some dealers took your brother."
"They took him? Took him where?"
"We don't know yet, kid," Al said. "But, that's what we're trying to find out."
When you heard that they didn't know where he was, you ran off towards the locker room. Ruzek tried to put his foot between the wall and the door to stop you from closing it and locking yourself in, but you were too fast for him.
You pulled out your phone and dialed a number you knew you probably should've called earlier when you first thought that Jay was in trouble.
"Erin? Jay's missing. You gotta find him. You're his partner."
Erin blearily reached for the phone, still trying to get over her hangover from last night--which lasted well into this morning--to go out for another night of non-stop partying, drinking, and drugs. She furrowed her eyebrows when she saw your name pop up.
"Erin? Jay's missing. You gotta find him. You're his partner."
"He's--" She cleared her throat. "He's missing? What happened? Are you hurt?"
"I'm fine. I- I called him because we had a dinner and he didn't pick up, so eventually I just- I came down to the district and I heard someone on the phone say they're going to turn him into fertilizer, Erin."
"Do you know who it was?" she asked as she grabbed her service weapon and slid it into the waistband of her jeans...the same clothes she had been wearing since last night. A call that her boyfriend was missing was definitely curing her hangover fast.
"I don't know. It was- It was some dealer. But, you gotta come here and help them find him. You're his partner. Please." Your voice cracked on the last word.
"Okay, okay, I'll call Will to come pick you up and explain the situation. I'm leaving my apartment right now. I'll be there soon."
"Please don't call Will," you urged. "He's gonna be mad at me."
"Why's he gonna be mad at you?"
"Because I took the El and I'm not supposed to take the El by myself."
"Y/N, you taking the El by yourself is the least of his problems at the moment. Just sit tight and I should be there in about ten minutes."
"Y/N, c'mon open this door. Please?" you heard your oldest brother's voice on the other side of the door. "I know you're worried about Jay, but it's not gonna help at all if you just lock yourself in here all night."
You sniffled and then walked over to the door and unlocked it. "Will!" you cried, rushing into his arms. "He's gone, he's gone, he's gone."
"Hey, hey it's okay. You're okay. They're gonna find him and then you can have two dinners with him next month because you missed yours this month."
The number of times Jay had been shot or hurt on the job had caused Will to basically be immune to hearing bad news about his little brother. But, if Jay didn't come back or flatlined, then he'd be freaking out. And, despite Will wanting to scream at all of Intelligence to go find him, he knew he couldn't do that. He couldn't lash out right now because it'd only make it worse for you.
Your stomach growled, making Will go into even more protective brother mode. "When's the last time you ate?"
"Lunch," you answered.
"Y/N, it's 7:30. We gotta get some food in you."
"But, but what if he comes back? I wanna see him when he comes back."
"I'm gonna be honest with you. When he comes back, he's probably gonna need to go to the hospital just as a precaution. And, I know you have exams soon and your algebra one is stressing you out. I don't think Jay would want you to fail an exam just because you were worried about him."
"I hate math," you grumbled.
"I know. That's why you need to make sure you study."
"Doesn't mean I'm gonna end up liking it because I have to work on it."
Will didn't know what to say to that because he knew that you were right. So, he reiterated his previous point. "Let's go get you some food."
"Can-Can we just eat at home?" you asked. "I don't wanna not be home and hear bad news about Jay."
Will knew what you were getting at: you didn't want to break down in public.
"Yeah, we can do that. Still got a bunch of mac n cheese at home?"
"A few boxes," you answered, remembering how bare the cupboards were at your and your dad's house.
"We'll just grab something on the way home. C'mon."
"Can Erin come, too?" you asked.
"Go ask her. And, don't take the El by yourself. That's dangerous."
You rolled your eyes and followed him out of the locker room and into the bullpen.
"Erin," you started as you walked up to her desk. She had her head in her hands.
"Hmmm?" she asked looking up.
"Do you wanna come back to my house and eat dinner with me and Will?"
"I don't know if--"
"She'll come," Voight answered before she could finish.
"Erin, we'll still be here working when you're done with dinner. Lord knows you could use some food in you."
"Fine." She stood up and grabbed her coat. "Not like you're letting me help with the case anyway," she muttered. But, no one heard that part.
Since she had quit Intelligence in Bunny's bar a few weeks ago, Voight was right in having her not work the case...not that she'd admit that. But this was her boyfriend, her partner, that was in trouble and she'd be damned if she didn't help get him out of this mess.
"Dad's not home?" Will asked as he let them into the house using the spare key that was hidden under a layer of dirt in the flower pot.
"He never is," you mumbled.
"What? What do you mean he's never home?"
"I mean, he's never home on Friday nights because he always goes out to the bar with some old friends," you told him. That was at least true. He did go out to the bar with some old friends...but it wasn't just Friday nights anymore, it was Friday, Saturday, and sometimes Thursday and Sunday, too. Because of this, he ate out a lot and didn't cook. Therefore, he had no reason to buy a lot of groceries, which was why there wasn't a lot of dinner food left in the cupboard...not that there was a lot of breakfast or lunch food here either, though. There was just enough for you to play it off that your dad just needed to go to the store. There was just enough for your brothers not to worry.
"Okay."  Will started to grab the Olive Garden you had ordered out of the bag. You said you weren't hungry--you didn't want to eat when you were this nervous-- and had only wanted to get some minestrone soup. But, Will insisted that you needed more than that so you compromised: minestrone soup and half an order of fettuccine alfredo...plus the breadsticks and the salad that came with the meal obviously.
A while later, Will was almost done with his food and was grabbing another breadstick and Erin was putting more salad onto her plate. You, on the other hand, had barely managed to finish your minestrone.
"Y/N, can you please eat a bit more? How about a breadstick? I know you love those," Will said.
"I'm not that hungry," you said quietly.
Will was about to say something when Erin stepped in. "How about you work on some of your homework? Maybe that'll make your appetite come back since you're using a lot of energy to focus. And, Jay mentioned that you have exams next week."
"He did?" you asked. You didn't think that Jay would mention stuff that you had going on in your life, like exams, to Erin.
"He always says how proud of you he is for working so hard in school...because he says that he was never as good in school as you."
"He really says he's proud of me?"
"He sure does."
"You guys mind if I do it out here? It's a lot easier to write stuff down when I'm writing in my notebook on the table instead of balancing it in my lap on my bed."
"Sure, kiddo," Will said.
You went to your room and grabbed your backpack and then started to work on your homework.
As you were working on it, your brain wandered back to the first time Jay had helped you with your math homework, all the way back in kindergarten, at this very kitchen table, when both of your parents had been working and Will was all the way in New York for his first year of med school.
You were sitting at the kitchen table, trying not to crumple up your math homework sheet and throw it across the room. It was only five subtraction problems, but subtraction was hard! You had only just started understanding addition!
You threw your pencil across the kitchen, where it narrowly missed the wall. It clattered to the floor, causing Jay to look up from where he was reading a book in the living room, the chair he had been sitting in was facing the kitchen, so he could keep an eye on you.
"Did you throw that?" he asked as he walked towards you.
"No," you lied.
He picked up the pencil. "If you lie, you get nine minutes in time out instead of six."
You didn't want to go in time out that long!
"I throwed it," you admitted, looking down at your math homework.
"It's threw, but thank you for being honest. Can you tell me why you threw the pencil?"
That was something his mom always did with him when he was younger: asked him why he did something and then, possibly put him in time out. Sometimes, he just needed to talk it out, and if that was the case, he didn't have to go into time out.
"I don't get sub-trac-shun!" you complained. "It's stupid!"
"Hey, we don't use that word."
"But it's hard."
"I know, but what if I help you? Would that help you to get it?"
"But Will said you not good at math," you pointed out, remembering something your oldest brother had said.
Jay chuckled. "I'm not good at big kid math. This stuff is easy for me."
"It's easy?"
"Oh, yeah. And, I think I might have something that can help you."
He walked over to the cupboard and reached up to the top shelf where he grabbed a bag of chocolate chips. He poured some into a small bowl and then walked back to the table and sat down next to you.
"We gonna eat chocolate?" you asked. "Even though I throwed-- I threw my pencil?"
"This is gonna help you learn subtraction."
"Just watch." He paused and looked at the paper in front of you. "So, this one says five minus two."
"I know that," you told him proudly. "I know it says five minus two. I dunno what the an- the answer is though."
"Okay, well, take five chocolate chips out of here."
He held the bag out to you while you took five out, counting each one out loud. "What do I do now?"
"Now, if I eat two--" he popped two in his mouth. "--how many do you have now?"
You looked down at the chocolate chips. "One...Two...Three. I have three choc-chips!"
"That's right! So, five minus two is...?"
You scrunched up your face, trying to piece together what he had done. "I dunno."
"We had five chocolate chips. I ate two. How many did you say we have left?"
"Yeah. Five minus two is the same thing...just without me adding chocolate chips to the end."
"Here." He took your paper from you and on the first three problems, he wrote chocolate chips after each number. "Five chocolate chips minus two chocolate chips is...?"
"Yeah! Good job! Now, write three down as your answer."
The next problem was three chocolate chips minus one chocolate chip and you did the same thing this time. Except, you got to eat the chocolate instead of Jay. You had two chocolate chips left this time.
Then, when you got to the last two problems that didn't say chocolate chips after the numbers, Jay showed you on your fingers how to figure out the answer.
Then, since you did such a good job, he let you watch Dora and eat some more chocolate chips.
"Y/N? Y/N? You good?" You were snapped out of your thoughts by Will saying your name.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine." You reached over the table to grab your pencil that had rolled towards Will. But, as you were reaching for it, your elbow knocked the two-liter of pop. "No!" you cried out as it spilled. It didn't just spill anywhere though...it spilled right on top of your algebra notebook. "Fuck this! I can't do this!"
You threw your pop-covered and sticky notebook on the ground and sprinted to the bathroom, ignoring Will and Erin's calls for you to come back.
You locked the door and slumped down against it. God, you needed that notebook. That had your entire exam review in it. And, if you didn't finish the exam review, you couldn't take the exam.
You only had 25 more problems left out of the 220 you had to do, hence why the review was given to you a month before you actually had to take the exam, so you had time to do it. And, some kids would wait until the last minute, but you figured you'd start early and do a certain number of problems a day so you didn't have to stress out and had time to ask your teacher questions if you had any.
But now, now you had a matter of days to do all 220 problems...and you had other exams to study for...and your big brother was missing...and...
Shit, here comes the Olive Garden.
You jumped up and lifted the lid of the toilet, quickly emptying the minestrone soup from your stomach.
"Y/N? Y/N! Open this door!" Will yelled as he banged on the door.
You leaned back against the bathtub and took a few deep breaths, willing yourself not to throw up again. You groaned as you felt the liquid rise in your throat and were back above the toilet in a matter of seconds.
You were panting at this point and trying to take a few breaths before more came out. Because you were so focused on making sure you didn't inhale your own vomit (ew) you didn't hear Will pick the lock and enter the bathroom.
When all that was left for you to throw up was bile and you were finished, you closed your eyes and leaned back against the bathtub once more, and took deep breaths.
"So that's why you didn't want to eat any more than you did," Will said.
"Will? How'd you get in here?"
"I picked the lock, Jay's not the only person in this family who knows how to do that, you know."
"I hate this," you mumbled, eyes still closed. "It happened last semester with exams too, but it wasn't this bad."
"Kid, you're stressing yourself out too much. You have to take a chill pill."
"I c-can't!"
"Okay," Will started as he crouched down next to you. "Why can't you relax?"
"I spilled pop all over my notebook!"
"So? You already practiced those problems. You know you don't need to practice them again, so just do the ones you need to practice."
"You don't get it!" You frantically rubbed the heels of your hands over your eyes as tears started to stream from them. "I needed that notebook! If I don't turn in the entire exam review I c-can't take the exam." You sighed and just put your head in your hands. This night seriously could not get any worse at this point. "And, Jay's miss- Jay's missing!"
"Y/N, I need you to take a deep breath for me, okay? Just take one."
"O-Okay." You took a deep, yet shaky breath.
"Now another."
You took another deep, yet shaky breath. And, you continued this cycle until Will deemed your breathing to be back to normal.
"How about you brush your teeth and then we'll figure out what to do for the homework once you do that. Sound good?" You nodded and stood up to go to the sink. "I'll be in the kitchen with Erin."
Then, Will exited the bathroom to go back into the kitchen like he told you.
"How is she?" Erin asked when she saw him come in. She had started cleaning up their take-out containers while Will had been busy trying to calm you down. "Sounded like she was puking."
"Because she was."
"Is she sick?"
"Not in the technical sense. But, she is what I like to call stress sick."
"Stress sick?"
"Exams are stressing her out, so add on top of the fact that Jay's missing, and she got so stressed out that she threw up."
"Poor kid," Erin sympathized. Then, her phone buzzed. "I gotta get back to the district. Tell her to feel better from me."
"Will do." He started to walk Erin towards the door, but stopped when they were almost to it. "And Erin? Bring my little brother back. Even though he's a pain in my ass half the time, I can't lose him. And, I know Y/N would take it really hard."
"Will, he's got the best unit in all of Chicago looking for him. We'll bring him back."
A few minutes after Erin had left, you walked into the kitchen, with clean teeth and the gross taste of vomit now out of your mouth, to see Will sitting at the table, staring at your notebook with a roll of paper towel next to him. "What are you doing?" you asked as you sat down.
"Trying to get the stain out," he replied.
"How? It's like the entire notebook, not just one page."
"You're talking to the king of spilled coffee on homework. And, lucky for you, pop and coffee are both water-based. So, I think I know how to get this out. You're gonna need to rewrite it in a new notebook, though."
"Okay. Need any help?"
"Can you just get me a bowl filled with water?"
"The paper's already wet. Why do you want to make it wetter?"
"Just trust me on this one." You yawned. "After you grab that for me, maybe you should go to bed. It's been a long day."
"Will you stay here?"
"Of course. I can just sleep in my old bedroom...unless Dad did something to it. Speaking of Dad, is he usually out this late? Does he usually leave you home alone this late at night?"
You were filling up a bowl with water and turned to look at Will. You shrugged. "Sometimes. It's okay, though." That was a lie. Most nights he didn't get home until two or three in the morning...but, Will didn't need to know that.
"I'm going to have a chat with Dad about that. He shouldn't be leaving you home alone this late at night."
"Will, it's not even that late. I'm fine." You placed the bowl of water on the table.
"Fine. But if it hits midnight and he's not home yet, then I will be talking with him about this."
You nodded. "Well, I'm gonna go to bed. 'Night Will. Sorry about getting sick."
"You don't have to apologize for that." He stood up and pulled you into a hug. "Goodnight."
You started to walk towards your bedroom when you remembered something and turned back to Will. "Will?"
"Do you think Jay's okay? He's gotta be okay, right?"
"Y/N, he's got the best unit in the city looking for him."
"And Erin."
"And Erin," he confirmed. "He'll be okay." But, in that moment he didn't know who he was trying to reassure more: you or himself.
"You wanna go somewhere today?" Will asked as you were both sitting at the kitchen table eating cereal the next morning.
"I have homework to do...a lot more than I thought I'd have, too. Did Erin give you any updates on Jay?" you asked.
He shook his head. "But, he's gonna be okay. And, you don't have a ton of homework to do. You have a ton of homework to copy."
"What do you mean?"
At this, he placed the notebook on the table. "I told you I knew what I was doing."
You flipped open the notebook to see that Will was right: he did in fact know what he was doing. Even though the pages were all still tinted a light brown from the pop, the writing from you doing all the practice problems was still legible. "How did you...?" you trailed off as you continued to flip through your algebra notebook.
"Like I told you, I spilled coffee on one too many notebooks in college. Now all you need to do is copy the problems down into a clean notebook. Save you some brainpower."
"Thank you."
"Now, I suggest we got to CCU's library so you can get a change of scenery while doing that."
"CCU? Why? And, you're not a student there anymore. How are we gonna get in?"
Will scoffed. "They don't check student IDs when you go in. And, a change in my workspace always helped me to focus when I was studying, so maybe it'll help you."
"Workspace," you mocked. "So professional. But, yeah, let's do that. Can we keep our phones on though in case Erin calls?"
Will nodded. "Of course."
Getting into CCU wasn't actually that hard. All Will had to do was pay $10 for a day pass to park and then you walked into the library, no student ID necessary.
"Okay kiddo, where are we sitting?" he asked.
"I don't know. I've never been here before. Where did you normally sit?"
"Second floor. It's generally quieter up there and the tables are big, so I could throw my books all over it. But, I'd come back down here for coffee a lot, too."
"There's a coffee shop?" you asked as you widened your eyes. "In the library?"
"Well, tuition is out of this world. So, at least we get something out of it."
"Can we go? I think I have $5 somewhere in my backpack."
"If prices haven't gone up since I was here when the dinosaurs roamed the earth, then I can get a muffin and a large coffee for $5. I'll have the coffee and you can have the muffin. I'll pay," Will told you.
"Okay, thank you! And, you're not that old, Will."
You got your triple chocolate muffin and Will got his large coffee. Then, you found one of the big tables that he had mentioned and started copying your algebra review into another notebook.
"What are you going to do? Sit here and stare off into space?" you asked your brother. "Wait," you began as you started to rummage around in your backpack for an eraser, "What's this?"
You set a big book on the table. And it's definitely not something you'd read because it was called "How We Learn", which you assumed meant that the book was nonfiction and went into the science of learning.
"I found it in my room. Must've left it there from Christmas last year and I haven't had a chance to read it, so I figured I'd bring it to read now."
"Fair enough."
"Did Jay ever want to go to college?" you asked a few hours later. "Or, did he know it just wasn't right for him?"
"I think he always knew he wanted to do something involving being on the front lines and being in all the action," Will answered, dog-earing the page in his book and setting it down. "Why? You don't want to go to college either?"
"No, I do," you said quickly. "It's just- I just want to know things that I've never asked him if we...you know..."
Will nodded. "I know you're worried about him, but if Hank Voight's anything like Jay's told me, he won't let anything happen to one of his own."
"But he let it happen to Jules," you said. What if Jay was the next Jules?
"Jules? Who's Jules?"
"She was Antonio's partner. Antonio's the reason Jay got into Intelligence. And one day, he said we were going to go see a movie. Like, he just randomly picked me up from school and everything. I could tell he was sad after the movie, and it wasn't a sad movie, and he told me that someone he worked with died. A little later, we were walking by the memorial wall by the district and he showed me her name."
"I see," Will said, drawing on his talking-to-patient skills because what else was he going to say?
Luckily, he was saved by his phone ringing.
"Hello? Erin?" Pause. "He's at Med?" Pause. "Okay, yeah, we'll be there in ten minutes."
"He's okay?" you asked as soon as Will ended the call. "Jay's okay? They found him?"
Will nodded. "He's at Med. Erin said he's a little bruised, but he was conscious, so that's good."
You took Will's book and shoved it in your backpack along with your schoolwork. "Let's go."
"Nat, really, my ribs don't need to be wrapped. I'm fine," Jay protested as he sat in a treatment room at Chicago Med, Erin standing next to him in some clean clothes that Natalie had let her borrow.
"Jay, your ribs are badly bruised. They need to be wrapped. If you're more comfortable with a guy wrapping them, I can easily call in a male nurse for help," Natalie suggested.
"No, it's not that. I don't care who does it."
"My little brother just doesn't want to bruise his big ego, that's what's going on, Nat," Will said as he entered the treatment room with you by his side.
You jumped when Jay turned and you saw his face and his chest: a black eye that went from the inside corner of his right eye to his right temple, a gash on the top right of his forehead, another gash on the left side of his forehead which was diagonal and above the outside portion of his left eyebrow, a jagged cut that went down his left temple starting at eye level, a split lip, and purple, blue, and red bruises along with some cuts and welts that littered his ribs and chest.
"You're okay?" you asked as your lips pulled into a frown and tears stung your eyes.
"I'm okay. Just a little beat up right now. Nothing to worry about."
Without thinking, you ran to his bed and gave him a hug. He let out a groan as you squeezed a bit too tight, irritating his ribs.
You pulled away. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."
"It's okay, my ribs are just gonna be a little sore for a few days."
"I thought you were going to be turned into fertilizer."
"Fertilizer?" Jay furrowed his eyebrows. "Who told you that?"
"When you didn't call me back about dinner, I tried calling Adam, but he didn't pick up either, so I went to the district. I heard some guy on the phone saying he was going to turn you into- into fertilizer. I was so scar- so scared."
Tears rolled down your cheeks faster than you could wipe them away.
Jay stood up with a grimace and walked the few paces over to you, wrapping you in a hug. "Hey, I'm okay now. That's all that matters. And, you did a really good job calling Erin."
"I did?"
"You sure did. She told me all about how you told her that I was gone and that she'd be able to get me out because we're partners." He paused. "She also told me that you took the El by yourself."
"Erin," you whined. "You weren't supposed to tell him that."
"It's okay," Jay said. "I won't tell Dad as long as you don't do it again."
"I won't," you replied. Not like Dad would do anything anyway, you thought to yourself.
"Jay," Will started, "You need to get back into bed."
"It's just bruised ribs, Will. I'm fine," Jay argued.
"It's just bruised ribs, Will. I'm fine," Will mocked. "Yeah, tell me that tomorrow when you can barely walk because of how sore they are. Bed. Now."
"Fine." Jay sat down with a huff and crossed his arms over his chest.
"I swear, you're such a child, Halstead," Erin said.
You walked out of school a few days later feeling free. Summer was here and you were no longer a middle-schooler. You were now a high schooler.
You started to walk out of campus, the way you took to walk home every day, when you heard the thundering of footsteps behind you, causing you to jump and turn around.
"Jay." You breathed a sigh of relief when you saw it was your brother.
"Hey, figured I'd pick you up. My text must not have gone through."
"Oh, I turned my phone off because of exams. Sorry."
"No problem. C'mon, we're going out to lunch and then we'll stop home to grab your swimsuit."
"Swimsuit? Why?"
"Mom would always take us to Navy Pier on the first day of summer to go swimming. And, since Will's shift ends at 1:00 and I'm on leave because of injury, it's the first year we can actually do this all together."
You nodded, trying to hold back tears at the mention of your mom.
"Hey, let me take your backpack. That thing looks like it's gonna make you topple over." You took it off and handed it to him. "Whoa! What's in here? Rocks?"
You laughed. "Nope, end of the year locker cleanout. Everything that was shoved in my locker is now in there."
"No rotten food I hope," Jay joked.
"No," you laughed. "Why? Did you or Will leave food in your locker?"
"No, we knew better than that. But the kid next to me left a milk carton in there over spring break and that smelled funky when we got back. I started bringing my backpack around with me just so I didn't have to go back to my locker because it smelled so bad."
"We can't do that. Teachers say it's for our safety because of bombs."
Jay opened the door to the backseat and put your backpack in there while you got into the passenger seat. Then, he got in the driver's seat all the while thinking how you knew that that was the reasoning behind that rule. He knew the reasoning because he was a detective. But he thought that most of the time, kids just thought it was some stupid rule.
"How do you know about that?" he asked once he started his truck.
"One of my teachers told us. She was mad at a kid who kept bringing his backpack to class even though she told him not to, so he went off on her and called it a stupid rule and asked why we even had the rule. She told him it was because if there's a bomb threat then she has to check every single backpack. That's why."
"Oh," was all Jay said. He really didn't want to be having this conversation with you, but here he was.
"Is it different?" you asked.
"Is what different?"
"Like, is high school different now than when you were in high school? And how different is middle school from high school?"
"Are you nervous for high school already, kiddo? You just finished eighth grade like fifteen minutes ago!"
You shrugged. "I'm just curious is all." Jay quirked an eyebrow at you while he took his eyes off the road for a split second and then returned them back to the road. "Okay, fine. I'm a little nervous."
"Let's talk about this over brunch, okay?"
Of course, Jay knew that you wanted to go to iHOP because breakfast was good at any time of the day. Jay thought differently though and ordered a sandwich instead of breakfast food like you. You had gotten their cinnamon roll pancakes with bacon, sausage, and hashbrowns on the side.
You were waiting for the comment about it being a lot of food, but that never came...which you were thankful for. You didn't know how you were supposed to explain to your very perceptive brother that the reason that you were eating a lot here was that you only had about 3/4 cups of dry cereal this morning before school because you were out of milk. You were out of milk and your dad didn't go grocery shopping. And, it's not like you had enough money to buy groceries or that you knew where your dad kept the money so you could take $20 just to buy food and hide it in your room so that you had something to eat.
"So, what do you want to know about high school?" Jay asked. "Did you get your schedule yet?"
If you were going to Central Chicago High School after going to their middle school, you had the option to schedule your classes the month prior and then you'd see if you'd get those classes. Of course, it might not be possible to get every class with every teacher you want, but it was cool that you got to know right when you finished eighth grade. And, in high school, it was the same thing: on the last day of ninth grade, if you were staying for tenth grade, then you'd get your schedule on the last day of ninth grade. It was sort of weird to you, but you got used to it.
"Is Eva going to be at the beach, too?" you asked. You knew it was her's and Diego's last day of school along with Jordan's and Vanessa's, so you wanted Jordan and Eva to be there when you told everyone your schedule so they could tell you everything they knew about the teachers you had next year.
"I can text Antonio. Why?" Jay asked.
"I just wanted to see if Eva and maybe Jordan would be there because they could tell me everything about the teachers I have."
"I can text Antonio and Kevin. You know what, I'll text Ruz and Burgess too."
"And Mouse."
"And Mouse. Can't forget about him now, can we?"
"What about Erin? Is she coming, too?"
"Uh, I don't know about that. She's had a rough couple of days."
You furrowed your eyebrows. "Why?"
"You know how Voight took her in?" You nodded. "Well, after Nadia died, she was backsliding. Badly. And now, she's detoxing and it's kinda hard on a person's body."
"Okay, but seeing you would make her feel better. She's always happy when she's around you. And you always have this big, dopey grin on your face whenever you're around her."
"I do not," Jay protested. You raised your eyebrows at him. "Okay fine, maybe I do that occasionally. I'll text some people and then we can talk about high school."
Jay sent the texts while you continued to eat. He took a few bites of his sandwich and then broached the topic of high school once more by saying, "So, what do you want to know about high school?"
"I dunno. How's it different from when you went to school like twenty years ago."
"Hey! It was not twenty years ago. I'll have you know it was ten years ago!"
"Same thing."
Jay rolled his eyes. "Well, shootings happened, but not as much as they do now." You opened your mouth to ask if Jay had ever responded to one, when he stopped you. "And I know what you're going to ask. No, I didn't respond to one and I wouldn't tell you if I did. What do I always tell you?"
"I'm trying to keep you innocent and sheltered from all the bad stuff in the world," you said verbatim of what he had told you dozens of times when you asked for details of what he was doing at work.
"Word for word. So, we got to carry our backpacks around and it was an open campus."
"It used to be an open campus?" you asked, shocked.
"Yup, we rarely even had to sign out."
"Lucky! I wanna leave school and go to Mcdonald's for lunch!"
"Too bad you weren't born like fifteen years earlier and that could've happened."
"Oh, and we could eat lunch on the roof. There was a way to climb through the ceiling above the indoor track. It's closed now, though."
"Why'd they close it?"
"Yeah, you might want to wait until we're at the beach for me to tell that story since I'm sure everybody else would find it funny."
"Okay..." you trailed off, drawing out the "y". You didn't know why everyone would find a story of a hole in the ceiling being closed funny, but you figured it was best to let Jay have his way...with this one at least. "What's the difference between middle school and high school?"
"Now, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret: nobody cares in high school."
"What do you mean?"
"Just ask Eva when we get to the beach."
"She's coming?"
"Her, Diego, Antonio, Kev, Adam, Kim, Jordan, Vanessa, Mouse, Erin, and of course Will are all coming."
Luckily, Jay decided to stay in the car while you ran inside your house and changed into a swimsuit, slipping your clothes over top of it so it would be easier when you got to the pier.
"Dawson!" Jay yelled as he walked up the beach, bag in hand filled with his swim trunks, water bottles, and a few bags of chips. Typically, he would've brought beer to the beach, but he had to drive home, with you in the car no less, so no drinking for him.
"Halstead!" Antonio yelled back.
Once you got up close enough, you saw that Gabby was there, too.
"Bring Gabby to be your DD, Antonio?" Jay jokingly asked.
"I mean, I'm sure Ruzek's bringing beer, so I might be able to get away with one."
"Uh uh," Gabby said. "If Kim brings some fruity drinks, you're driving home."
"So, if she brings regular drinks I can have a few beers?"
"Your cap is two, Antonio. You've got these two to take care of." She gestured to Eva and Diego. Diego was already jumping the waves and Eva was laying down on a beach towel starting to get a tan.
"Eva!" Antonio yelled. "Y/N's here!"
"Oh thank God," she said and walked up to you. "Girl, come sit your towel down next to mine and then we can look at your schedule."
"Yeah, I wanna see that, too!" Jay exclaimed.
"Should we wait for Will? And Jordan? Maybe Jordan has some input about the teachers. And, Jay said he has a story to tell about a hole in the ceiling of the high school and he wants to be sure everyone is around to hear it."
Ten minutes later, everyone had arrived and was in their swimming gear. "Okay, what's this story about the ceiling, Jay?" you asked.
"Oh, that story," Will joked.
"Yeah, that one. What other one would there be?"
Will rolled his eyes.
"Okay, before I start, I am going to preface this by saying that I was young and I was very stupid."
"He's stupid every day," Will dramatically leaned over Jay and whispered to Erin.
"Man, would you shut up and let me tell the story?" Will sat in silence for a few seconds. "Thank you.
"We all know about senior pranks. Well, it was my senior year and a few of us from the soccer team decided to pool our money together and buy some live chickens--"
"Did you say chickens? As in chickens with feathers? That squawk?" Kevin asked.
"Yes, real chickens. What other ones would there be?"
"Maybe they were chicken nuggets," Adam suggested.
Jay dramatically sighed. "Antonio, did you miss having me in the unit this week? You and Erin had to put up with these two bozos all by yourself."
"Hey!" Adam and Kevin yelled in unison.
"Anyway, as I was saying, some of us from the soccer team pooled our money together to buy chickens. Real live chickens, not chicken nuggets, Ruz. Then, we chose a Sunday night to get into the school--they always left this one back door unlocked--and we climbed onto the roof from the stairs/hole thingy in the ceiling right above the indoor track.
"Once we got to the roof, we dropped the chickens off of it. But, our stupid lookout got caught and then the cops came."
"You got arrested?" Adam laughed. "This is priceless."
"Didn't get arrested. Just had to do community service to be able to walk at graduation. But, nowadays, yeah, I'd have probably gotten arrested."
"So, that's why they closed it? Because you and your friends decided to drop chickens from the roof?" you asked.
"Were Mom and Dad mad?" you asked. "I was little. I don't remember."
"They weren't thrilled, I'll tell you that much. I think if I would've gotten arrested it would've been a lot worse."
"He's downplaying it," Will said. "Mom grounded him from everything. Car keys, those crappy Motorola phones we had back then, GameBoy, dates with Allie. He couldn't do anything."
"Does not sound fun. I won't be trying that." You pulled your schedule out of the bag Jay had brought and passed it to your brother first.
"Aw, man, you got Cunningham for history," Jay groaned. "Or should I say Cuntingham."
"Jay!" you yelled.
"That old hag is still teaching? Damn," Will added.
"Okay, what's the issue with her? Eva? Jordan? Anything about this Cunningham lady?"
"She just hates freshman," Eva supplied. "When you become a sophomore it gets better."
"And she hates when you tip back in your chair," Jordan added. "She'll make you pay her 25 cents if she sees you do it in her class."
"Okay, no tipping in chairs, and I have to deal with her for a year, noted." You turned to your brothers. "How do you know of her?"
"I didn't have a problem with her other than the fact that she's a crappy teacher," Will said. "But  Jay, on the other hand, he's a different story."
"What'd you do?"
"So, I was a freshman when you were born and Mom went into labor the night before I had a test. And, because everyone hates tests, I went to the hospital with Will that morning and we waited for Mom to you know, be done giving birth to you.
"And, I went to school the next day and this old hag said that because there wasn't a doctor's note that I couldn't take the test--"
"He was this close--" Will pinched his pointer finger and thumb together so that they were almost touching. "--to taking you to school one day just to show you to Cunningham and saying is this a good enough doctor's note for you?"
"But Mom wouldn't let me do that...for obvious reasons. And then, because I couldn't take that one stupid test, I did not do well in that class."
"Just say you're related to me," Will said. "Don't mention Jay's name at all and you'll be fine."
"Got it. I'm gonna go in the water now."
You started to go in the water when you heard Erin and Will trying to convince Jay to go in.
"Dude, I can't roughhouse because of my ribs, you know this!" Jay told Will. "And, I am not going in the water with you again, not after what happened last time."
"Jay, that was twelve years ago, give it rest."
At this, your ears perked up. "What'd Will do?" you asked, walking back up to your brothers and Erin.
"He tried to drown me."
"Did not! I just wanted to see how long you could hold your breath."
"Yeah, see how long it would take me to drown!"
"He tried to drown you?" Erin asked.
"Yeah," Jay answered. "Me and Will were playing in the water. I was like 16 and Will was like 18. Y/N was a little toddler and was playing with her shovel on the beach. Then, Mom had to go to the bathroom, so she left me and Will in charge."
"Bad idea number one," Will said.
"There's more bad ideas. So, Y/N's playing in the sand, me and Will are playing in the water, and then next thing I know, Will's practically on top of me and holding my head underwater."
"And the minute I let you up was the minute Mom came back."
"Yup, perfect timing."
"And then you have Y/N who's sitting on the beach and decided to watch us and was just clapping her hands and chanting again, again!"
"Really?" you asked, as you tried to hold back your laughter. "I did that?" Will nodded and you shrugged. "Sounds pretty accurate to me."
"And then I didn't get ice cream after."
"Yeah, you didn't get ice cream after." Jay took a deep breath. "You almost killed me!"
You rolled your eyes. "I'm going in the water to cool off. Maybe it is best that you guys stay here. But, I mean, Gabby's here and I hope to God Will knows CPR because he's a doctor and that you cops do, too."
Once Will saw that you weren't focused on him and Jay anymore, he turned to his little brother. "Hey, how old was dad when he kinda, you know, clocked out on parenting us?"
"Early high school," Jay answered. "Why are you...oh shit, Y/N."
"Yeah, Y/N," Will reiterated. "And, we had Mom, so it wasn't that bad. But, she doesn't have that."
"She's got us," Jay said. "That's gotta count for something."
A/N: I was going to post this last night, but I almost fell asleep while editing, so it's coming out now. Anyway, not sure how I feel about this one, but I got it done, so that's all that matters. Thank you for reading! Please vlike/reblog and comment and tell me what you think! As always, if you want to be added to the taglist, just comment that you want to be added down below. PS: That story about chickens being dropped into the courtyard at school, yeah my older cousin did that for his senior prank and the lookout got caught and they had to do community service to walk at graduation.
taglist: @theambracer88 @virtualreader @kelelas-life @celyndavies @brookerz122493 @musicismyescape27 @anotherfan07 @thexplosivegirl @dreamingwithlens @xoxmariaxox @onechicago18 @iamasimpingh0e 
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My Roomie's a (Flirty) B*tch!
Type: Series
Rating: E
Pairing: Golden Retriever Hybrid!Taehyung x Jungkook
Word Count: 0.7K
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst
Warnings: Swearing, smut, a bit dark at times. Lots of Tae in this chapter.
Author: @cityofdreams-writing
Description: Tae's a dog hybrid masquerading as a human...what will happen when Jungkook, his cute new roommate, finds out?
Notes: A wild Mamamoo appears in this chapter!
Soundtrack: Click!
Chapter: |1| |2| |3|
Day 3: Scarred Healing
Taehyung opened his eyes to see a girl hovering over him. She was wearing the same uniform as him, but...where was his?! He tried to sit up rapidly, realizing that he was only wearing his undershirt, but collapsed when the pain started to flow again.
He groaned, and the girl came over to him. "Hey. Name's Ahn Hye-Jin. Just call me Maria. Keep your head down, raising it will not alleviate the pain; it'll just be worse."
Another girl came up behind her. "Hi! My name is Jung Whee-In, but you can call me Gabriela or Gabby! Listen to what she says, she knows more than I do."
He forced out a question, his mind foggy. "W-who are you?"
"We're the nurse's assistants." They replied in unison. "He's out right now, but he should be back soon." Wheein added, flipping her long black waves out of her face. She was really pretty.
Her brown eyes glimmered in the light of the fixtures hanging above as she smiled, tilting her head.
Taehyung admired her for a good moment before he felt something being injected into him and his eyes closed, once again, falling into the worlds of darkness below.
Meanwhile, Jungkook walked into the nurse's office about three hours later, still seeing the brown-haired boy fast asleep.
Why am I so nervous?
Why do I care if he's okay? I never do this...
He berated himself, frowning as he paced before the cot.
Taehyung woke up to the click of combat boots. He turned on his other side to face who had come to greet him, holding a now-warm ice pack to his broken nose.
His voice was a harsh, disgusted drawl when he spoke. "Oh. It's you. What do you want? To kill me next?"
Jungkook was a totally different boy. Shy and meek, nothing like the man who took dominance and broke his nose.
"H-hey. How are you feeling?"
"What do you think?" He snapped, pointing to his nose, which was swollen to three times its size.
Jungkook took a deep breath before speaking again, controlling his temper. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. Are you feeling okay?"
"Yeah. Tooooootally okay." Taehyung rolled his eyes. "Just leave. It's not like I'm going to feel any better by my enemy staying here."
The younger's eyes widened. His voice was a whisper. "Y-your enemy?"
Taehyung didn't hear that, but he saw the boy's eyes widen and fill with tears.
I-I...I shouldn't have said that...
You really are a complete moron, aren't you?
The voices shrilled in his head as he curled up into a ball. On the other hand, Jungkook ran out of the room, fighting back tears.
Jungkook hated that so much when it came out of his mouth.
Why do I hate how he said that?
He ran to the bathroom, where he slammed the door shut in one of the stalls. He sank down in front of the toilet, burying his head in knees as tears ran down his face.
"It's not like I'm going to feel any better by my enemy staying here."
His enemy?! Who does he think he is?
You should show him who the real boss is.
Anger brushed its fingers down Jungkook's spine, wiping his tears away and replacing it with teeth clenched so hard that if he wasn't careful, they'd surely shatter.
Jungkook marched back to the nurse’s office, resolve in his heart.
When he opened the door, there was a puppy waiting for him on the cot Taehyung was lying on earlier. Tae barked happily at seeing Jungkook again and jumped on him.
"Taetae!" Jungkook laughed, sitting down on the floor and petting the puppy, watching as he bounded around him and settled in his lap.
"Where’s your owner, buddy?"
Jungkook, I swear to God- it's a puppy! It's not gonna give you an answer!
The voice in his head sounded annoyed as he scratched idly at Tae's ears.
"You can shut the fuck up." Jungkook rolled his eyes. Then he looked down at Tae, who was looking at him with an inquisitive look in his eyes.
The realization that he had said that out loud hit him and he blushed, flustered to all hell.
"I-I don't mean you, Tae-" He continued to stroke his back, earning a happy but soft yip from the little puppy.
The bell rang, disturbing both their thoughts. Tae jumped out of Jungkook's lap and ran off, going who knows where.
"Did we just really spend the entire day here?!" Jungkook gasped out loud as he saw the time.
Oh shit.
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whorekneecentral · 3 years
Matt sleeping with you when he broke up with Gabby in season 3 and you guys end up being addicted to each other
okay yeah! 
You had been sitting at the counter of the bar for a good half an hour, sipping on the same bottle of beer. It had been a rough day at the hospital, you had lost more patients than you saved and it was really weighing on you. 
Matt took a seat beside you, two beers in his hand. He slide one over to you. “You look miserable” he smiles, taking a sip of his beer. 
“Thank you Lieutenant, that’s exactly what a woman wants to hear” 
“You’re welcome Doctor” 
The two of you ended up spending the next 3 hours talking and drinking until Herrmann picked you two out because they were closing. 
“How are you getting home?” Matt asks, fishing his keys from his pocket. “I’ll walk, it’s a few blocks.” you tell him. 
Matt shakes his head, grabbing your hand. “It’s after 2am, I can't in good conscience let you walk home by yourself now. I’ll drive you home. You’re still over at Mccormick ?” 
You hum, getting in the truck. It was a much faster drive than walk, Matt stopping in front of your place. “Thanks for the ride.” you shift to look at him, he smiles. “No need to thank me.” 
“Do you uh- wanna come in ? Maybe for a cup of coffee ? Tea? I’ve got cake” you chuckle, realizing how dumb you much sound. Matt nods, “sure, tea sounds good”
Matt follows you inside, you could feel his eyes on you as you walk through your house. You stop suddenly, Matt bumping into you- his hands gripping your hips to steady the two of you. 
Turning to face him, Matt’s eyes were on you. “Matt-” he cut you off with a kiss, your body gave in and responded to him, leaning into his touch. He picked you up, your legs instinctively wrapping around him. 
He stumbled into the kitchen, sitting you down on the counter. Your hands find their way to his hair, giving it a tug when he bites your lower lip. 
“God, you have no idea how long I wanted to do it.” Matt admits, kissing down your neck.
Unbuttoning his shirt, you push it off his shoulders, taking a moment to take him in. Matt watches you, waiting for you to make the next move
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fanboysfangirl · 3 years
This is my first post on tumblr and it’s from my Wattpad so enjoy!! If you wanna follow me on Wattpad the user is sophiac0864
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Our Little Secret- Riley Green
summary- reader and riley green recently just announced their engagement after hiding the fact that they were dating for 3 years. There's just one thing. reader is pregnant and they decide to keep it secret. reader is a country singer. she performs on the CMA awards and has to reveal that she's pregnant. y/hs- your home state y/ht- your home town
I stared at myself in the mirror. I had a long black dress on and my hair was curled to my shoulders.
"You ready to go?" I looked behind me to see my fiancé in a suit. This was the one rare occasion that he actually wore one.
"You look pretty good." I said complimenting him.
"I'm nominated for an award tonight. I had to look good. You look beautiful by the way."
"I had to look beautiful. I'm nominated for an award. And I'm preforming." I said mocking him. He gave me a quick kiss before we both got into his truck.
"Riley, you know our little secret isn't gonna be a secret anymore right?"
"I know. You know it's kinda your fault." I laughed and gave him a look.
"Why is it my fault!"
"Because your performing. If you weren't performing then we could've stayed at home and if we won an award we could've just sent in a video." He said with a smirk.
"Your an ass hole."
We drove from our hotel room to where the awards were being held.
"Here we go." Riley grabbed my hand and we walked the red carpet where the paparazzi and the reporters were.
A reporter came up to us.
"Here we have Y/n Y/ln and Riley Green. Looking fabulous guys." I smiled at her and the camera as it took a picture.
"I just wanted to say congratulations on your engagement and your pregnancy?" She asked. I nodded.
"Congratulations. I'm sure you both will be great parents!" We smiled and kept walking until we were in the actual building and in our seats. Needless to say we were stopped multiple times beforehand.
An hour later one of he bodyguards came and escorted me to the back of the stage to get ready to perform with one of my best friends. Gabby Barrett.
"Please welcome to the stage Gabby Barrett!"
She walked out and I heard the music start playing.
"He's a phone call to his parents
He's a Bible by the bed
He's the t-shirt that I'm wearin'
He's the song stuck in my head
He's solid and he's steady
Like the Allegheny runs
He knows just where he's goin'
And he's proud of where he's from!
One of the good ones
He's one of the good ones!"
After making sure my earpiece and microphone were working I walked out. Gabby smiled at me but then her face turned into a shocked expression.
"A love me like he should one
Like he wrote the book one
The kind you find when you don't even look one
Anybody can be good once
But he's good all the time
He's one of the good ones
And he's all mine
He's one of the good ones." I began singing my own verse.
"You'll know him when you see him
By the way he looks at me
You'd say he hung the moon
I'd say he hung the galaxy
Nobody does it better
Oh, the way he pulls me in
I've known a couple bad ones
But they all led me to him." Gabby sang making her voice sound louder.
"He's one of the good ones
A love me like he should one
Like he wrote the book one
The kind you find when you don't even look one
Anybody can be good once
But he's good all the time
He's one of the good ones
And he's all mine
He's one of the good ones
We should all find us one
They're out there, minus one
Some of the good ones
Yeah, I got a good one." We finally sang together.
"A love me like he should one
Like he wrote the book one." Gabby sang softly leading into my part.
"The kind you find when you don't even look
Anybody can be good once
But he's good all the time." I sang before going into the last few lyrics with Gabby.
"But he's good all the time
He's one of the good ones
And he's all mine
He's one of the good ones
And he's all mine."
The music stopped and I went over to give her a hug.
"Congrats." She whispered in my ear.
10 minutes later the award that both Riley and I were nominated for was getting presented. Carrie Underwood and Brad Paisley were the ones presenting.
"The nominees for best collaboration are- Jesus And Wranglers by Riley Green featuring Y/n Y/ln, half of my hometown by Kelsea Ballerini featuring Kenny Chesney, One Too Many by Keith Urban featuring P!nk, Famous Friends by Chris Young featuring Kane Brown, Undivided by Tim McGraw featuring Tyler Hubbard, and Only Thing Thats Gone by Morgan Wallen featuring Chris Stapleton." Carrie said reading the names out.
"And the winner is... Jesus and Wranglers by Riley Green featuring Y/n Y/ln!" Carrie and Brad read out together. I gave Riley a quick kiss before we both got up to go to the stage.
"Congratulations!" Carrie said giving me a hug.
"For the baby and the award. And the engagement."
"Thank you."
They left leaving us on the stage together.
"What can I say? This is my first award and I could not be more proud of not only myself but also Riley. You know coming from y/ht in the middle of basically nowhere in the good old state of y/hs I was always told I wouldn't make it anywhere in the world as a female who wanted to be part of the music industry. So I'm dedicating this award to all the ass holes who said I couldn't do it!" I said before letting Riley take the microphone.
"I can't believe I'm standing here by myself yet alone next to the person who I love the most in this world. I can't thank the fans more than enough. We love y'all so much! Thank you for this amazing opportunity to do not only what I love but what we love. Thank y'all!"
Hours later I was sitting on the couch in the hotel scrolling through Instagram.
"Ry come here!" I yelled out. He walked out of the bathroom.
"What's up?"
I showed him my phone that showed the news story and paparazzi pics with the headline "Y/n Y/ln and Riley Green surprise fans with pregnancy announcement right after they announced their engagement."
"Guess our little secret isn't so secret anymore."
"Guess not."
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