cacturne · 5 months
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olirian · 1 year
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Notes on my Ben design and my related HCs
- BEN has the standard link design with some changes :)) Notably the shorts + socks/converse combo and the HUGEEEE X stitch on his chest
Shorts and socks-converse:
Is to highlight the fact that BEN literally died when he was my age 💀 My guy was a KID and I LOVEEE highlighting tragic kid characters like this so yknow. I obviously had to
Huge X stitch:
It spans across his entire torso to symbolize the fact that he was drowned and therefore could not get any air 👍 Yeah thats it its pretty surface level.
Other notes:
I like to hc that human ben is actually brunette. So instead of Links original pristine blonde look -- BEN has dirty blonde hair that looks brown when wet.
He looks so different from how I usually draw creepypasta characters because I like to lean into the "haunted video game character" part of him. He is literally a video game character, him and link are practically one in the same to him. He is BEN. And he will continue to haunt his copy of Majora till the cartridge is either a. Burned, or b. Somehow transferred to another medium for him to take over((Yes I DONT know how cartridges work but I ASSUME theres a possibility of being able to transfer files onto another empty cartridge)).
He gets more visually horrifying when he wants to. He prefers the default look just because its more "him". But he can switch between looking like an exact replica of Link to being a more horrific version of his body whenever he sees fit.
He is a vengeful spirit! His only purpose is to haunt whoever holds his cartridge and drive them to insanity !! I feel like whenever hes just being held and not haunting someone -- he blanks a bit on what to do because the only real purpose he has is to haunt. So to make up for that void he does things that Human Ben would do. He gets really snappy though and would definitely bully someone if he felt like he was losing control/feeling an identity crisis coming up because he feels a major sense of control whenever hes put in charge of a persons despair.
Control freak. Need I say more.
Personally I dont think BEN has a sense of age. To him -- he used to be a human boy, but that doesnt really affect him as much. Its more on how he cant seem to shake off the fact that he was once human, someone whos power could easily be taken away((Which definitely shakes his entire control freak persona so 👍)) He doesnt have ghost angst cause hes a grown man stuck in a teen ghosts body he has ghost angst cause hes a control freak 👍
I think thats all??? I love my goofy goober sm. Id probably last like a month or two because of him but Id accept it I guess. Love me a guy like that 😩
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ghostfvcker · 1 year
so im feeling bold enough to talk about creepypasta, so fuck it.
specifically the infamous creepypasta mansion au
So, here's the deal. I like it. You have to-- its literally the backbone of the fandom. Otherwise its a bunch of disjointed, poorly-written horror stories, very rarely which have overlap. But i also like nuance, too. The drama, the trauma, the fundamentally fucced-uppedness of these characters. The problem I've run into time and time again is why the fuck do these characters live together, and how the fuck have they not killed each other yet.
I know i've seen it before, that they must be already dead, but it hasn't been elaborated on in the sources i've seen.
So, here's my solution: The Hunter's Dream Mansion
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yes, hunter's dream like from bloodborne. Because it being a mansion in hell isn't satisfactory. because it being a mansion in real life is unrealistic from a narrative perspective. But this place, like a dream, somewhere between life and death, somewhere between wakefulness and sleep, is the perfect setting for our terrible creeps.
the whole place follows dream logic, but not enough. Where it follows dream logic: places in the mansion change to accommidate the whims of the guests, sometimes not what they want, but what they need. It's easy to get lost, confused, disoriented in it's old, rickety corridors. the rooms are tailor-made to each guest, reflecting their perfect living space, while also hiding their worst nightmares. Sometimes it looks like an old victorian manorhouse, sometimes it's a modern home. It's walls bear wear-and-tear but only as tension mounts-- the more tense the inhabitants, the worse it looks.
Objects in the house may appear and disappear to their usefulness. It relies on object permanence; if someone forgets it's there, it isn't. A mess left on the walls may linger to be cleaned up-- and grow in size-- as long as someone dreads cleaning it up. But a mug shattered in a moment of blinding fear, panic, rage? Back in the cabinet, tidy as can be.
People can choose the appearance they take on in the dream. Most often, it's how they best remember themselves, but there are exceptions to the rule (BEN for instance, choosing the form of his favorite video game protagonist, so he doesn't look like a ten year old boy who drowned for the rest of eternity.)
Where it doesn't follow dream logic is the cutting part. This is an afterlife, after all. Everyone in our cast must die to get there. And when they do? They still feel the pain and wear the wounds of their death. They do heal faster, and no injury is fatal while they're in the dream. They can be stabbed, shot, gored and gouged as many ways as possible, effectively atomized and they'll still be alive, feeling it all. Over time, all wounds will eventually heal, bodies might even knit themselves back together.
Now the fun part is this is a special place for a very specific kind of person. It seems completely arbitrary, as it's hell for some, and heaven for others. Some characters revel in the idea that they can live forever, constantly leaving, getting their thrills out of the living world, and coming back here when they ultimately eat it only to have enough time to recooperate before doing it all again. Quite literally like they're playing bloodborne. For others, it's simply a place to go, a hideaway from the world they left behind, that they haunt. And for others still, it's an eternal torment. Especially characters with a revenge arc, this is enough to make them question what the point of it all is. (it gets especially interesting when it comes to, say, Jane vs. Jeff. The idea that Jane can find jeff as often as she'd like, kill him over and over again, but her goal of ensuring he could never do to others what he did to her being completely moot, because he literally cannot die has so many options in exploring her character and her motivations.) Some people seem to end up here randomly, being far too young or naive to be tainted like some of the black-hearted creeps. But there is always some kind of through-line, an object connecting all of these people and these actions together in some cosmic daisy-chain...
But the fact remains, that regardless of how much a person may wish to leave the grasp of the dream, go back and live the rest of their life as they wish, as is their right, as is their choice, they keep coming back. because how do you return to a world you've been declared dead in? after looking monsters in the eye? how do you explain to the people that enter your life that you know exactly what's going to happen to you when you die, but you can't say the same of them, and you hope to god they don't meet you, whereever you're going?
it's a fun idea, and a fun take on the au that offers so many directions you can go in. I came up with this with a friend after years of attempting to do a half-serious creepypasta roleplay/story that was set in the mansion AU to literally no avail.
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tolerate it
pairing: mob!bucky barnes x reader
warnings: violence, harassing
a/n: at this point do i know how many parts this is gonna have? no i’m expecting there to be at least two more, who knows tbh. this part was originally supposed to be champagne problems but i decided to change it to tolerate it and champagne problems will MOST LIKELY be the next one followed by tis the damn season. “tolerate it” the song is from bucky’s point of view and not y/n.
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If it's all in my head tell me now, tell me I've got it wrong somehow ...
     - We need to talk. - her father stood in front of the door, his police hat hanging from his head. - The chief wants to put someone else on the field. 
     - Why? - her stomach dropped and she felt sick. Why did she felt sick? Someone else on the field would make her job easier, safer. But her job wasn’t dangerous or it hadn’t been dangerous so far. Bucky hadn’t been rude, harmful or anything of the sort. He’d protect her even and cared for her his own way. Last thing she needed was one of her father’s colleagues following her around as if she were a child. She had gotten the name of his enemy ... although she had little to no will of revelling it. 
     - Catherine’s son. You remember him. He’s fresh out of the police academy and you two used to be great friends when you were kids. Already got some info on the mob upstate and he could help speed things up.
    - Edward was an asshole and the reason why he got info on the mob upstate was because he stole it from his partner. - she crossed her arms over her chest. She wasn’t the best undercover agent in the world, maybe because she wasn’t an agent at all but it had been their choice to put her alone on the field. A second person would only mean that any slip from them would lead to her getting offed. At least if she was alone, she could blame herself for any harm that came her way.  - Shouldn’t I have been consulted when you made that decision?
     - You’re not part of the force, Y/N. Besides, the sooner this is over, the sooner you can return to your life. What are you wearing anyway?
     - I ...
     - Y/N, thank god you’re home. - Wanda rushed into the living room, crying. Her senses were immediately heightened and the fact her father held no confidence in her whatsover no longer mattered. Wanda did. - Patrick broke up with me.
    - Patrick? - who the hell was Patrick? She remembered Johan and to some extent Ben could be considered an ex-boyfriend but Patrick? Who the heck was he? Before she could question her about it, Wanda was already hugging her side, forehead pressed against her covered. 
   - Well, I see you’re busy. I’ll speak with you later, Y/N. - her eyes remained on the ground as the sound of his heavy uniform boots registered past her, opening the once closed door and returning it with a closed bang to its latches. The defeating sound of silence haunted both of them as Wanda stepped away, cleaning the tears of her cheeks.
   - I was seeing he’d never leave. You’re lucky you have a very good actress for a friend.
  - Thank you, Wanda. I’m sorry I’m this late. - she pulled Bucky’s jacket which was still laying atop her shoulders. - So, is Patrick a fake person?
  - Don’t change the subject. Whose jacket is that? I called the bar and they said you weren’t there. I was worried, Y/N!
    - I was with Mr. Barnes. - she held the jacket against her chest, the scent of his expensive cologne somehow calming her down. Wanda was right to scold her, she wasn’t thinking straight or safe but yet again she didn’t feel in danger when he was near her so why did it matter?
It clearly mattered to Wanda. She knew danger and she knew what they were capable off, being herself a fan of true crime. Last thing she wanted was for Y/N to suffer an accident or suddenly have an overdose or go into alcohol coma. Yet Y/N couldn’t help but stream into the unknown that was so addictive, the warm blanket of safety that he gave her. She was dumb enough to have gotten into the job so she would see it through. 
The brunette of course knew why she was so sweet on this safety. She had known Y/N since the two were babies and there was no lie or hiding when she was intrigued by someone. It had happened two times in her whole life - with Chris when she was 5 and with Joshua when she was 18. There was this twinkle in her eye, that walk of pure calmness as if there was no problem in life. This, this definitely was another time that Wanda would even regret seeing or love to talk about during ringing bells’ celebrations. 
   - You’re a smart girl, please tell me you know the game you’re playing.
   - I do. - she walked out without any more words. She knew if they were to come out she would merely wound herself and what was the use in wounding herself and holding the mirror of truth up to her face if not to drown in her own sea of insecurities?
She sat on her own bed, swallowed by the covers and blankets, shoes thrown aside and earrings in her hands. What was she doing? What was she feeling? Was it even a good idea to think about what she was feeling or even put it into thoughts? No, it wasn’t because a deep and dark part of her knew what it was and the one who wanted to do good, the one who always did good, perfect A’s, perfect assignments refuse to look at. It was best to sleep, nothing good would come out of her if she were tired and so she decided to sleep. 
Morning came like a bad memory and she was up and at those classroom halls in what seemed like minutes. Things went by slowly and she found herself falling asleep on the top of her hand more than usual and she probably would’ve slept throughout her whole anatomy lesson had it not been for the girls sat on the row above her chatting in a very annoying tone. Usually Y/N would’ve just ignored it and razor focus on the lecturer but today all she wanted was to do was to ignore what he was saying. She found herself eavesdropping on their conversation; apparently there had been some confusion on the city centre deriving to some violence which also in a regular day wouldn’t have caught her attention had it not been for the mention of the mob. Her senses perked up and she started tapping her foot against the hardwood of the ground until the clock finally hit finishing time and she was out of the classroom in a rush.
Y/N held the books tight against her chest as she ran down the street, wind penetrating through the knitting holes of her cardigan as shivering her skin as she continued to run on loose and broken cobblestones not exactly knowing why and where she was running to. Well, she knew where to, she just thought better to tell herself she knew where not to. 
The unlit lights of the bar/club came into view and she rushed through the door and straight to the back and to the door she was told never to open. Her hand grasped the handle and pushed it open hoping to not see it empty.
    - What the ... - Mr. Barnes turned around on his chair, expecting to yell at whomever of him clumsy workers had walked in without the decency of knocking only to see his own clumsy bartender. - Looking for tutoring, petal?
    - What? - she questioned before looking at the books she was holding. - Oh, no I was just ... I heard, I saw ...
    - Good that means your ears and eyes work properly. 
    - I heard there was a commotion in the centre and that the mob was involved and I ...
   - You thought to check on me? - he gave her a toothy grin, hands placed on his desk as he rose from his chair. - I’m flattered, petal. 
   - No, I ... I ... - she looked down at her shoes, feeling his presence as he approached her. - I thought my shift would’ve been cancelled if you or anyone else had been harmed. 
   - No. - he hooked a finger under her chin, gently pushing it upwards. - I’m afraid you’ll still have to work. 
   - Ahh ... good. - she felt her mouth dry up as she stared at him. No, you can’t do this anymore, Y/N. You’ve been compromised, go away, give up, quit, say you don’t want to work here anymore. - I have to tell you something.
No, shit. Don’t blow your own cover, what are you doing? Her inner voice yelled at her.
   - I’m all ears.
   - I ... - she was parched, world spinning around yet for some unholy reason she was gonna come clean and maybe eventually end tied to bricks at the end of the river. Why was she coming clean? What are you doing, Y/N? - I’m ...
   - Mr. Barnes? - a third voice shattered everything, making both the mob boss and the bartender look to the owner of said third voice. Edward. - Oh, hey Y/N, I didn’t know you worked here.
   - You know each other? - James’ hands were immediately on his pockets as he took a step in front of the bartender. Had she not known any better, she would’ve assumed it was a protective stance. 
   - We used to date each other back in prep school. 
The answer knocked the two of them back. Y/N mostly because she would never in a million years dated someone like Edward as one he was the son of one of her father’s ex-girlfriend and two she barely could stand him. James, on the other hand, seemingly couldn’t see his bartender, his very clumsy bartender who enjoyed to pretend to be Betty Draper on auctions, dating the newest bar’s cleaning boy, one whom he particularly disliked. 
   - I see. Well, you ought to know I don’t accept work relationships. If that’s all, I was having a conversation with Y/N. 
   - No, it’s fine Mr. Barnes. I need to speak with Edward myself. - she punctuated the last word as if it spewed poison. Bucky looked at her, hands in fists as she walked out with the cleaning boy by the hand as if she herself hand a place in the mob herself. 
She wanted to throw him to the floor once they were out of sight and had it not been for the fact he was taller and physically stronger than her so instead she shoved him against one of the walls.
    - What the hell, Edward? Your ex-girlfriend?! - she whispered-shouted at him.
    - It’s a reason for us to be close so instantly. Trust me, I know what I’m doing.
    - Stay the fuck away from me and don’t you talk to me. - she pointed at him before storming out but not before realising she had left her books, her library borrowed books, on Mr. Barnes’ office.
She turned around out of anger, not really knowing what she was mad about. It wasn’t like she was expecting her father to pay any homage to her wishes of not having Edward around. It didn’t matter really except of course it did but she would never dare to say anything about it. She knocked on the office’s door this time, one which was opened by a very surprised James as if he expected the two ex lovers to be behind his bar reminding themselves of what love feels like.
   - Forgot something, petal?
   - My books. - she pointed at them laying on top of one of his chairs. - I ... they’re from the library, I need them. 
   - Of course. - he handed them to her as if it weighed nothing. - Anything else I can do for you, petal?
   - Oh yes, sorry I forgot. - she opened her bag rummaging through it to find the box of incredibly expensive earrings she had been nervous about carrying with herself the whole day, afraid of being robbed. The bartender handed him the box, receiving a mere eyebrow raise from him. - It’s an incredible gift, Mr. Barnes but I couldn’t possibly accept it. 
   - Why not?
   - It’s too expensive.
   - It’s nothing compared to what I have.
   - Well ... I’d have nowhere to wear it.
   - You should wear them here.
   - I don’t ... I’m not the type of woman who wears things like these. 
   - Come with me. - he took the box from her, moving away from where he was standing and out of the office. As if she were attached to him by some invisible string, she followed straight away, wondering where they were going. He wouldn’t kill her here, and to be honest she started to wonder if he ever would.
He stopped in front of the bathroom’s, opening the door for her and standing near it. She looked at him in confusion, not entirely knowing what he wanted to do in the bathroom or why he wanted her in the bathroom. Was he going to kill her in the bathroom? She stood on her two feet still for a few seconds before going inside still wary of his intentions, whatever they were.
She could hear the sound of her ballerina slips as she entered the tilled dark decorated bathroom which was cleaner than it did during the night. His hand stood in the small of her back leading it against the black marbled counter connected to the mirrored wall. 
     - May I? - he opened the box and she nodded, looking at herself in the mirror. She stood there, motionless yet with feelings heightened as he pushed her hair away from her ears to put the earrings on her. They were slightly heavy, a sign of their value and her mind couldn’t wrap around the fact such expensive jewellery was hanging from her ear lobes. - You look exactly like the type of woman who wears things like those, petal. 
     - You flatter me.
     - I think you just don’t flatter yourself enough. - she turned her head to face him. She could feel his breathe against her forehead. All she could sense was that, his breathe, the smell of his cologne and the sound of silence. Looking up to him, he could see her own reflection, the reflection of her earrings glistening on his baby blue eyes. She didn’t know what to say, eyes glued to his as they both got close to each other until each other’s lips were touching, melting in want.
The silence seemed to burst into fireworks of each other’s heartbeats as his hands held her waist close to him. They were too lost on each other, both forgetting for a moment who each was to give way to their own choices. 
    - Mr. Barnes? - someone knocked on the door, that invisible string pulling them together breaking as they stopped kissing and stepped away from each other. 
     - I’m busy. - he yelled out.
     - Mr. Barnes there’s someone here for you. 
     - I said I’m busy.
     - No, it’s fine. - she rushed her fingers through her hair, one hand against the counter holding her up. What had she done? - You should go.
     - Petal.
     - It’s fine. - both hands now held the counter, eyes shut. - You should go. 
I sit and watch you ...
taglist: @lookiamtrying @mariamermaid @sebastianstansqueen @unmagically @buckybarnes1982 @mela-noche @lowercasegenius @randomweirdooo @projectcampbell @sebbystanlover-vk @jevans2 @hollarious @itsallyscorner @tcc-gizmachine @saiyanprincessswanie​ 
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ideahat-universe · 3 years
La pasta raccapricciante fa schifo
People are driving me crazy with Creepy Pasta. It’s one thing when it’s a spooky campfire story about something completely paranormal or harrowing but when video game creepy pastas show up I just get annoyed because even as a kid I understood very clearly that video games could not do what they are not programmed to do. 
And any video game that isn’t normal is just a rom hack. 
Ben Drowned might have been scary if that was a random rom hack that someone accidentally bought and played as an 8 year old assuming it was normal but that’s a very theoretical scenario. 
So the only “real” scenario that creepy pasta video games occupy is in the Paranormal but anyone that’s spent a moment trying to develop a program knows the second the application encounters something illegal (technical illegal, not law illegal) it just crashes.
I know ghosts are magic but ghosts would just destroy an electronic if they changed its actual coding in any way. Creating an illusion that a ghost or ghosts are contained only within a single copy of a game is also entering Ring territory which is also dumb. 
But I’m not here to talk about rom hack creepy pasta’s just on it’s own. 
No, I’m here to complain about Romhacks pretending to be authentic anti piracy methods. 
Anti piracy and piracy is a serious and often very interesting subject matter. 
On one hand you have the developers and publishers who put a lot of money and time on the line in the hopes that the game is successful and the profit margin is pretty steep and that profit is shared among multiple groups so it’s a lot of money spent to make just a little bit over the production costs. 
If pirates are stealing the games at launch and spreading it around it could ruin the game sales. 
On the other hand if a game is never pirated it dies forever. The original version of the game or the game itself can cease to exist if it becomes no longer profitable to sell the game. After all, once the game has made it’s sales you no longer need it in circulation. 
NIntendo just release a three pack of games that were in the Nintendo vault for a very long time. Sunshine in particular was never revisited, ported, or remade for any devices other than the gamecube. That means for more than a decade if you didn’t pirate the game, Mario Sunshine was nothing more than vaporware. 
Developers and publishers treat IP like a asset and most assets are never put to use unless the sell off has extremely good gains. Because there’s always theoretical potential in an old product selling well later on, the publisher will hold onto it but because there’s no apparent market for it now they won’t sell it either. 
So you end up with games that didn’t sell well because they came out at the wrong time or wasn’t perfectly developed and the company in question will hold onto the IP as nothing more than collateral. 
Effectively this puts games in hell where they will never see the light of day.
UNLESS a pirate cracks the game’s DRM and releases it online for an emulator to use. 
I consider most games to be a form of artistic expression that at least tells the story of the times the game was developed in if it doesn’t lend us a window into the mind of the developer themselves. 
All that on it’s own makes the conversation around piracy a big deal. Companies don’t want to give pirates a single inch. it doesn’t matter if the game has never had a digital or physical copy made since it’s initial release of more than a decade ago. If you use that modded version of that copyrighted game you’re getting the boot! Doesn’t even matter if it’s fair or legal. You’d have to win a court case to validate that claim and courts are won by the highest bidder in 99% of scenarios so unless you get seriously lucky you are losing that case in one way or another even though the law should see you as so objectively in the right that it should be thrown out of court on principle alone. 
So as far as I’m concerned pirates should exist and nothing notes better what a pirate does than having to deal with all the various ways anti piracy crops up. 
Most anti piracy methods are very straight forward but a few of them can be interesting with the idea that the player can’t really play the game without fully cracking it. 
The best example is Spyro: Year of the Dragon which had layers of anti piracy methods that kept the crackers at bay for over a month when it would typically take a week if not far less. 
When you compare what actually happens and why it becomes clear that this is a very valuable aspect of gaming lore. 
But the people who are creating anti piracy creepy pastas are watering the conversation down for cheap thrills. 
It goes from “ anti Piracy methods exist as a way to ensure profit and pirates exist because people want to keep a game long after it’s being sold and these two subjects are permanent adversaries constantly one upping each other in interesting and exhaustive ways.” 
“What if pirated games are haunted???”
It’s a meaningless question not just because ghosts are more than likely not real and definitely don’t haunt electronics but because now people have to discern what is real anti piracy and what is just a rom hack. 
An impressive piracy spoof is just a rom hack, and it’s a very underwhelming and repetitive one as the Creepy Pasta meme itself is a black hole of creativity. Once you know how to do that sort of thing making fake content to pass off as real when it’s blatantly fake is just bait for children and now we have fake anti piracy stories to debunk when we didn’t need that. 
Go back to reading R.L. Stine books you muppets. 
0 notes
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Sally Maryam Dawn commonly known as Sally Williams, Sal, Lil Ghoul, or Ghost Girl
Sally Maryam Williams, more commonly known as Sally, is the main protagonist of the Creepypasta story "Play With Me". She is a young female spirit who was killed by her uncle. Ever since her unfortunate death, Sally continues to haunt her old house scaring the living daylights out of its current residents and happily playing with it's younger ones.
Sally was a young happy 12-year-old girl living with her parents in a small town. One day, Sally's uncle, Johnny, came to her home and befriended Sally at first. After tucking Sally in bed, Johnny raped Sally and told her not to tell anyone what he did since it was only a "game".
Sally stayed quiet about this as this sexual abuse went on, and one day, when Sally's mother and Sally were alone, Sally bursts into tears and tries to tell her mother what happened by saying, "I didn't want to play his game." Her mother didn't understand and just excused her crying as a bad dream
Johnny then overheard Sally's mother telling Sally's father about what Sally had just told her. Burning with rage, Johnny then told Sally's mother that he was heading to the store and was taking Sally with him, since she allegedly wanted to go too.
Johnny with Sally in his car then traveled to the park instead of the market. He pinned Sally to the ground, beat her up, and raped her again before smashing her head with a rock killing her and leaving her dead on the grass. Sally came back as a poltergeist, and after scaring her uncle to death in his jail cell, she stays back in her old house, playing with the kids and scaring the older people.
Sally normally appears as a young girl with a pink, dirty and blood-stained dress and white socks. Her eyes are bright green, her hair is curly and brown, and her skin is normally seen as dirty, with cuts and bruises all over her body
Sally is kind, silly, playful, and somewhat of a trickster. She can get jealous over small things, such as 'new people' getting to know her playmates, believing they're trying to take them away from her. She likes having most of the attention, usually trying to outdo someone for it, which comes down to her being a trickster. Despite being wary around most adults, loving to scare/prank people and throwing the occasional ghostly destructive temper tantrum, she's mostly neutral towards everyone. But, who can really blame her? She is a kid after all. 
Sally can float a few feet off the ground, phase through solid objects, lift certain sized objects (it varies on how 'angry' she is at the time though. Angrier she is, the bigger the object. This has the effect of draining a lot of energy out of her though, so she usually is less active until she can gather enough energy to repeat) and shape-shift between an 8-year-old and a 12-year-old.
Mr. D/Mr. Death (her teddy bear)
Typical girlish things (i.e. dresses, makeup, and anything that's pink)
Playing any kind of games
Scaring people
Watching cartoons
Pranking people
Mentions of her uncle Johnny
Getting in trouble
Getting in the way of anyone
The forest at night
Dismissive parents
Being abandoned
· Sally was created by La-Mishi-Mishi
· She was originally 8 in the original story but has now been revamped to be 12.
· Sally is one of the only few youngest and famous Creepypasta characters.
· Sally's birthday is April 5th, 1958 and she died on the same day in 1970. She measures in at 4'8" when 12 and 4'0" when 8.
· She doesn't kill any more people and hates seeing innocent people get hurt. All she does is scare people. The only person she has ever killed is her uncle, whom she scared to death in his jail cell.
· Sally always carries her teddy bear Mr. D/Mr. Death, and due to her strong attachment with it Sally has never been seen without it.
· Sally is not related to Ben Drowned. Sally died long before Ben Drowned was even born.
· Sally's full name is "Sally Maryam Dawn". She didn't like her original last name of Williams due to her past trauma, so she decided to change it to "Dawn".
Her theme song is Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez
For more information go here:
"Play with me" Sally says, a large grin on her face as she clutches Mr. Death in her arms
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17 terrifying creepypastas guaranteed to keep you up at night
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The age-old tradition of telling ghost stories around a campfire has gotten a digital upgrade with creepypastas — scary stories or pictures that spread across message boards, becoming internet lore that are discussed both on and offline.
People around the word share their bizarre and terrifying creepypastas, hoping that the tales will gain popularity and become classics, often quoted or cited by horror fans and frightened netizens.
Like with the ghost stories of old, not all creepypastas are particularly scary or good, even if they are frequently passed around. Reading a long story with an interesting title or image is no guarantee of a frightening payoff, and the writers often forget that just having someone meeting a quick and unfortunate fate does not an interesting story make.
When a real gem of a creepypasta is found, it makes all the searching and scavenging worth it (at least until it's time to fall asleep). So grab a friend, turn off the lights, and prepare to be scared to scroll any further — here are 17 of the scariest creepypastas.
1. The Slender Man
A post shared by SLENDERMAN ™ ☛ALWAYЅ WATCHES (@slender.mxn) on Aug 23, 2018 at 12:40pm PDT
Before this pale, faceless ghoul had his own movie and video game series, he haunted the forums of the internet with his finely pressed suit and unnaturally long limbs. The Slender Man's story is not a narrative one, but a pseudo-historical look at this monster's history with humanity that is tied into several other creepypastas.
Typically, the Slender Man preys on children and those who become obsessed with his existence, though no one knows exactly what happens to the bodies since no one has ever escaped from an encounter with him. Suggested stories featuring the Slender Man include The Tall Man and the Marble Hornets videos.
In the real world, this creepypasta figure became a key figure during an assault and subsequent criminal case in 2014 involving three 12-year-old girls. Wisconsin teens Anissa Weier and Morgan Geyser, lured their friend, Payton Leutner, into the woods during a game of hide-and-seek. In an reported attempt to appease Slender Man, the duo stabbed Leutner 19 times and left her at the scene. Leutner managed to drag herself to a nearby road where a cyclist found her, and she was immediately taken to a hospital where she recovered from her injuries.
Soon after the attack, Weier and Geyser were arrested and tried for attempted second-degree murder. In 2017, Weier was sentenced to 25 years in a mental institution, while her accomplice Geyser was sentenced to 40 years in a mental hospital in 2018.
2. Candle Cove
A post shared by Nicky (@burialshroud) on Mar 6, 2018 at 12:52pm PST
Everyone has a television show from their childhood that they fondly remember. Like those who nostalgically recall the adventures of Dora the Explorer, Mister Rogers, and Sesame Street, some adults rediscovered their favorite show from the 1970s, Candle Cove, on a television forum in this creepypasta. Slowly, their memories of the show grow darker and more disturbing until one of the adults asks his mother about the true nature of the show.
The forum format of the story adds a spooky realism to the tale, also making it easy to recreate and share on other boards. If you find this story particularly compelling, watch the first season of the Syfy original series Channel Zero, which is based off this creepypasta. 
3. Robert the Doll
A post shared by 😱معرفی فیلم های ترسناک👻 (@filme_tarsnak) on Apr 3, 2018 at 12:48am PDT
Not for the faint of heart, Robert the Doll really exists. The myths surrounding him vary, especially since it became so popular on the internet. The doll was given to artist Robert Eugene Otto in the late 1800s or early 1900s by a servant working in his family home. The doll, which he named after himself, then took on a life of its own and began to terrorize the family.
Otto is said to have kept his doll into adulthood and it subsequently tormented his late wife to insanity. When the doll was found by another family, the girl to whom it was given was terrified of it and refused to have it in her room.
The doll is currently residing in the Fort East Martello Museum in Key West, Florida. Visitors must ask Robert politely if they want to take his photo. If they mock him or take his photo without permission, Robert is said to lay a curse on them.
4. Anasi's Goatman Story
A post shared by Only Stupid Answers (@onlystupidanswers) on Aug 15, 2016 at 10:04am PDT
Based on a Native American legend, this creepypasta was originally found on 4Chan's paranormal board /x/, where some of the best creepypastas can be found.
The story follows a teenager who goes down to Alabama to be with his extended family. While he, his cousins, and their friends are camping out in the woods, they see a strange figure — the Goatman — jerking and spouting gibberish as it follows them. They spend the rest of the night in fear as the Goatman slowly infiltrates the group, terrorizing the teens into a frenzied state of paranoia.
This mix of pre-existing lore and new narrative is not rare for creepypastas, but it's the strength of the writing that really makes this particular story worth sharing. There are variations of this story, but most follow a similar formula where a group is stalked by the titular monster with different outcomes.
5. The Russian Sleep Experiment
A post shared by All Things Horror Lover (@allthingshorrorlover) on May 5, 2018 at 1:10pm PDT
A staple of best creepypasta lists everywhere, the title of this story itself carries with it a sense of dread and horror. Shortly after World War II, five political prisoners are subjected to an experiment in which they have to remain awake for 30 days in a tank filled with an experimental gas. As with most science-gone-wrong stories, the test subjects begin to lose their minds among a number of other gruesome symptoms. The horror does not end when the experimenters try to save their subjects — far from it.
Just know that this story may not be appropriate if you are squeamish or dislike gore, as the narrative goes into graphic detail about the physical state of the patients. Thankfully there are no pictures, or this would be the ultimate nightmare fuel.
6. Jeff the Killer
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A post shared by @creepypasta_0505 on Sep 4, 2018 at 10:30pm PDT
If you've never laid eyes on the infamous image of Jeff the Killer before, consider yourself lucky. The basic story concerns Jeff, a serial killer who hides in the closet and whispers "go to sleep" to its victim before slaughtering everyone in the household. Even more disturbing than his M.O. is his appearance — his face is smooth and stark white, a huge grin and small lid-less eyes. He is one of the most easily recognizable creepypastas, with his eerie stare posted across forums.
His origin story involves a fight that resulted in a chemical burn on his face and caused him to suffer a mental break. Soon after, he murdered his family and disappeared into the night to make guest appearances in your nightmares.
7. BEN Drowned
A post shared by you shouldn't have done that (@ben.is.drown) on May 3, 2016 at 4:04am PDT
Hacked video games are often found in creepypastas, but none is more infamous than BEN Drowned, the story of Matt, a college-age boy who picks up a hacked cartridge of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask at a garage sale. 
As the boy plays, he captures the strange occurrences in the game and real life until it ultimately culminates into a full haunting. The narrator and BEN's fates are left up to the reader's imagination, but the tale implies that a happy ending is not in the realm of possibility.
This creepypasta is one of the few that integrate multiple types of media into the story. There is the text of the story itself — both a formal post version that went up on 4Chan's /x/ forums in real time and a diary included on the final post — and videos of the disturbing gameplay under the YouTube channel Alex Hall (originally Jadusable). The footage includes a warped soundtrack, terrifying glitches, and a creepy statue that is supposed to be BEN following the player around. 
While the story is clearly fictional, the level of dedication to creating this eerie story makes it worth the read.
8. Persuaded
A post shared by Dark Town (@darktown.cz) on Jul 12, 2017 at 6:29am PDT
Zombies definitely have a place in creepypastas, especially after having taken over the majority of pop culture. However, in the spirit of keeping readers on their toes, these zombies don't need frenzied biting to increase their numbers, which elevates this tale above and beyond other zombie-inspired creepypastas.
After a massive oil spill, all those touched by the substance begin to viciously attack other creatures, causing mass panic across the country. The nameless protagonist holes himself up in his apartment, waiting for the screaming, violent horde to come crashing through his door and tear him limb from limb. If only that had actually happened, instead of the two day-long nightmare that really unfolds.
9. Smile Dog
A post shared by Son Of Darkness (@son_of.darkness) on Aug 24, 2018 at 5:57am PDT
If there's any story on this list that best captures the message "be careful what you wish for," Smile Dog is it. The creepypasta deals with an image posted on an old bulletin board system back in 1992 called smile.jpg. Those who saw the image either disappeared or died, save for one Mary E., who the narrator goes to interview. What he eventually learns is that some things, even simple pictures, are better left as mysteries than dealing with the horrifying truth.
In case you were wondering, the story does come with an accompanying image, but you may not want to see it after reading the full story. Though, in the end, you may not have a choice.
10. Annora Petrova
A post shared by The Unknown (@daily_creepypasta) on Jan 4, 2015 at 9:27am PST
This tale reminds us that it's best not to Google yourself, no matter how tempting it may be. Annora Petrova was one of the most promising figure skaters in the United States, until she discovered a sentient Wikipedia page about her. After trying to selfishly alter her fate by editing the page, her life spirals out of control in the most unexpected ways, until she is a friendless orphan (which isn't even the worst part).
While the Wikipedia page does not actually exist, it's a harrowing tale about messing with the unknown forces of the internet. If you do check this story out, make sure you click on the image at the bottom of the email for an extra layer of spookiness.
11. NoEnd House
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Yo, if you're not watching #ChannelZero on #SyFy get 👏 on 👏 that 👏 shit! Each season is a different story, season 1 is on Shudder, the other two are on SyFy.com #horror #candlecove #noendhouse #butchersblock
A post shared by WHO GOES THERE PODCAST (@whogoestherepodcast) on Aug 18, 2018 at 9:34am PDT
Haunted houses are at the center of many famous scary narratives, and surviving the night in one earned teenagers instant respect. Still, is the potential trauma and death worth the admiration of people who you'll likely never see again after graduation? This creepypasta answers with a firm and decisive "no."
NoEnd House promises $500 to whomever can survive a trip through its nine rooms of torture, a challenge that our narrator David readily accepts. The rooms begin to grow increasingly sinister and evil, pushing the limits of David's psyche and humanity. Are nine rooms really worth such a small monetary compensation that won't even pay for one therapy session?
The Syfy series Channel Zero also covers this creepypasta in its second season if you want to add some visuals to this spooky story.
12. Psychosis
A post shared by The Art Of Milta Svartvis (@nordteufel) on Aug 24, 2018 at 6:31am PDT
Can you really trust what you see and feel? Is your life all a computer simulation? Do we live in the Matrix? Are we all just people in someone's else dream that is bound to end? Is this the real life, or is this just fantasy?
Existentialism may not be the scariest of philosophies, but Psychosis shows that proving human existence beyond innate fears and paranoia is an inner battle that can never be won.
John soon finds out that he's been cut off from the rest of the world — his only communication with other people is through electronic devices. He quickly becomes paranoid and becomes convinced that everyone around him is lying, trying to get him to come outside his door so an unknown entity can get him. His logic tries to defy his gut feeling, but he falls further into the belief that something has gone horribly wrong outside, and it's coming for him next.
13. Doors
A post shared by The Unknown (@daily_creepypasta) on May 17, 2014 at 1:48pm PDT
This creepypasta is popular for its Shyamalan-esque nature. The tale follows a family with a young male narrator who talks about their daily lives together.
One night, the household is attacked by a mysterious figure that our intrepid protagonist tries to chase out. Giving any more of the plot away would ruin the surprise, but this story proves that brevity can be an effective tool when used to properly horrifying and amaze.
14. Gateway of the Mind
A post shared by Synther (@creepypastap0sts) on Jun 23, 2013 at 9:29am PDT
Ever wonder what would happen if you couldn't see, hear, smell, taste, or touch? Well, this creepypasta is here to put that theory to the test in what is honestly the most terrifying science experiment.
The story centers around a group of scientists who wish to make contact with God, and they believe that this could be possible by removing the body of all five senses. After performing a complex sensory surgery on a test subject, the poor person is completely disoriented and begins to hallucinate and "hear" people who have passed away.
What happens at the end is extremely meta, but the grueling details involving the pure mental torture the subject goes through is enough to absolutely creep anyone out.
15. The Rake
A post shared by Creepypasta is my life❤ (@creepylenya) on Jan 20, 2018 at 12:35am PST
This monster may not be as famous as his cousin, Slender Man, but he sure is just as creepy. The Rake is a humanoid creature that is completely pale, hairless, and has a thirst for human flesh.
According to Know Your Meme, this creature was originally created in 4chan's /b/ board where someone opened a "make your own monster" thread. The description that eventually became a part of The Rake was, "no apparent mouth, pale skin, six feet tall when standing, but usually crouches and walks on all fours, no nose, no mouth," and many other disturbing physical features.
Eventually this creature played a central role in many creepypastas. Most of these stories primarily involve documented encounters with the monster, and more often than not, the person dealing with The Rake never makes it out alive. 
16. Lavender Town Syndrome
A post shared by Aura\|/ (@aurablade0012) on Mar 11, 2016 at 7:55pm PST
A classic video game creepypasta that hits a little too close to home for those of us who grew up playing the original Pokémon Red and Blue during the late '90s. This creepypasta centers around the game Pokémon Green, which was only released in Japan in 1996. 
According to the legend, rates of illness and suicide in children in Japan between the ages of 7-12 have reached a fever pitch. The common connection between all of them? They all played Pokémon Green and had reached an area known as Lavender Town whose theme music had extremely high pitches. 
After conducting studies on this phenomenon that became known as "Lavender Town Syndrome," scientists realized that there was a certain tone in the town's music that only the ears of young children and teens could hear. This had essentially drove this demographic who played the game to insanity, causing them to have headaches, ear issues, and die from suicide.
While this sparked many theories and creepypastas surrounding Lavender Town and the original Pokémon games, this creepypasta is actually loosely based off a real-life incident involving a Pokémon episode that only aired in Japan in 1997. 
During the airing of the 38th episode of the original Pokémon television series titled Electric Soldier Porygon, a scene that made use of extreme flashing images gave hundreds of children epileptic seizures. 
17. The Expressionless
A post shared by the eEyore (@the.eeyore) on Jul 24, 2018 at 6:52am PDT
In this creepypasta classic, a woman wearing a white gown that was covered in blood stumbled into a hospital in 1972. According to the nurse who is recounting this event, she said that this woman had the appearance of a mannequin, but was very much human-like in her movement and mannerisms.
After throwing a kitten she had clamped in her jaws on the ground, doctors and nurses rushed the woman into a hospital room for evaluation. Little does the hospital staff know that they have no idea who, or rather what, they're dealing with. 
WATCH: These are the creepiest dolls we've ever seen
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This story was originally published in 2013 and updated in 2018.
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            SHOCK SITTING DEEP IN HER BONES, ACHING. a raging fire sent to DESTROY WHAT WAS LEFT of broken heart  —  showing no mercy to its owner. this could not be true. this could not be happening. HE WAS DEAD. fawn eyes reddened, filled with tears. they told her. they convinced her. leia did ! was it nothing but a lie ?! almost not able to breathe properly, familiar surroundings the woman hadn’t seen for such a long time. BESPIN, a place she grew up, she had spent most of her life at ( or at least the good years. with him. ) memories fading to dust, a past so unrealistic it seemed to be just another dream in times of war. HOW COULD THIS BE POSSIBLE ?  hands shivering, blaster still clasped with weak fingers.it was true. an ugly truth, bitter on the tongue, painful in the chest. the first time amelia blamed her unsettled mind for seeing ben. she believed him to be a ghost, haunting her down to finally leave her as the mess she was. a failure. HER FAILURE. but it was way more. the mask in the knights hand allowing former friend to study his face, every feature that had changed over the years ( and every single one that remained the same ). BEN WAS ALIVE. and she had found him. a step towards his direction, lips bitten to not lose reality. lies over lies, stories told to hide what happened to the hope of a whole galaxy. AMELIA WAS A FOOL, oh she was such a naive child.  ❛   —— ben. ❜ , shaking voice spoke a name not used for years. forgotten, forsaken, never dared to use. HE WAS STILL THERE. presence almost drowning amelia, emotions on a roller coaster. could the only person she ever really trusted in be the enemy ? could he be sent to kill, to murder her kind ? RESISTANCE AGAINST FIRST ORDER, light against darkness. what was their path in this violent game ?  ❛  but what if i do not care ? I PROMISED YOU once. can you remember ? do you even ?  ❜  words stopped by actions, skin touching skin in the glimpse of a moment and it was OVER. she was done. sinking to knees, her last source of power left, cold earth beneath  —  covered in mud. do not do this again. and she burned.
╰╰✩ CONTINUED FROM HERE WITH @lightconflict
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I was about fourteen-fifteen years old when I learned about Slender Man.
            If you were to ask me about creepypastas, I’d probably laugh and take a moment before answering. I can recall all too well the hours upon hours spent digging through the Creepypasta Wiki, trying to find the latest in internet scary stories. My friends and I would spook each other silly by discussing the possibility of Squidward’s Suicide being real, or the validity of any of those haunted video game cartridges, like BEN DROWNED, or even the legend of Polybius, the arcade game that allegedly caused hallucinations in its players. Some of these stories were born of this phenomenon; others are rediscovered or given their current power through it. But make no mistake: the creepypasta is here to stay.
            Like anyone cringing at their high school Juggalo days or those college years where one would listen to nothing but Soulja Boy or Chamillionaire, I burn with embarrassment whenever I think back to the days when I used to believe the Lavender Town myth (for the unaware, this was an urban legend about the original Pokémon games, specifically the area of Lavender Town and a hidden frequency in its theme music that gave Japanese children seizures), or I used to hungrily devour YouTube videos trying to find the real Suicidemouse.avi or the aforementioned Squidward’s Suicide. I’ll admit it, I wanted some of these to be legitimate. I remember very much thinking the oft-debunked Russian Sleep Experiment being too legit of a story to have been faked. But then again, this is the internet. Who knows where most of this shit came from?
            Creepypastas have now gone the way of lolcats, Fail Blog, early Newgrounds, and so much more as a tidal wave of popularity now looked back upon with both embarrassment and skewed fondness. Internet denizens will no doubt be able to look back on many of these fads with not quite rose-tinted glasses, but something probably close to it. The internet, being the forever evolving meme machine it is, can be hard to keep up with. But that doesn’t mean that these old school trends have been lost forever. The Creepypasta Wiki remains active, with a die-hard fanbase still rocking away at its core.
            So, why am I bringing all of this up? Context, mostly.           
            I recently watched the HBO documentary Beware the Slenderman, which covered the aftermath of the now-infamous Slender Man stabbing. In Waukesha, Wisconsin, back in 2014, two twelve-year-old girls, Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier, attempted to murder their friend in an effort to appease the fictional Slender Man. Initially, I had trouble sitting down and committing to watching it, mostly out of this hardcore inner cringe arising in me. I remember hearing about the story when it first broke some years ago, and I remember thinking about how stupid it was: two girls attempting murder for a creepypasta. Ask any heartless 4chan anon or Reddit troll and you’ll probably get a reaction dripping with sick humour. If anything, this is where that popular young-person phrase ‘do it for the meme’ would probably get brought up as a sick joke. And to be fair, on the outset, this does look to be a ridiculous situation that anyone familiar with these internet folktales.
            Right from the get-go, this was a tough watch. Not only because I remember looking back on those years of being neck-deep in this stuff, but to just try and imagine why this all seemed like a good idea to these two girls was confusing and exhausting. But it soon became a tough watch for a different reason. Because I soon started understanding why this horrible thing happened.
            For the next few posts, I want to delve into this topic. Now, I typically don’t like trigger warnings, but I will just point out that we’ll be getting into topics like loneliness/isolation, mental illness, the dark side of the internet, and details pertaining to this very real case. It’ll be mostly my opinions and reflections upon this subject, but I will try to remain somewhat objective on the realities of the case.
            I know it won’t be fun. But bear with me. We might learn something.
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bigbenalpha · 5 years
The Haunting of Hilltop House*
This is a looooong post but totally worth your valuable time. So I got one of my besties a haunted doll for Xmas.  I got the idea from the Bizarre States podcast where one of the hosts gave a haunted doll to the other just as a random gift.  If you like paranormal stuff, true crime, cats, poop, strange history, sex, and general hilarity you should give them a listen.  The doll was purchased on eBay so yeah, who knows if theirs was really haunted. Ebay makes the sellers of such items put up disclaimers about haunted items since that isn’t exactly a tangible property that can be legally sold. I thought about just giving my friend a doll without any warning but then decided against that. It seemed a bit shitty to go “Here, it’s a cursed object! Merry Xmas, Kbye. Love you”  so I opted to ask her if she’d actually want such a thing. She was into it so I spent a couple days going over the available dolls and picked out one that seemed active but not malicious, and wasn’t too pricey. Most of the dolls in my price range were fairly normal looking. The creepy ones were either out of my price range or described as evil.  I settled on Owena. Here’s the description provided by the seller, first the headline then the body:
"haunted doll "Owena"  Alarming Porcelain Doll"
"I believe this is the spirit of Owena.  She is a girl from an Island somewhere by Wales.  She talks in a language that I don't understand.  The story I that has been told to me is she drowned in the sea by her house.  She will forever be looking for her family.  The doll was brought to the States by a person that was vacationing in Wales and found this doll in a store.  He felt so moved when he picked up the doll that he purchase it.  He says it was the worst decision he has ever made.  He was forever being woke up in the middle of the night by a horrifying noise that sounded almost animalistic.  When he was home working there was always a tapping noise on the outside door, every time he got up to check on it, nothing was there.  The last time this happened, his porch was covered in water.  He immediately put the doll in a box and took it our mutual friend.  She has asked me to sell it and be rid of it. 
The doll itself is 15" tall, wearing a beautiful plaid, what and lace dress, with matching hat, white bloomers, white socks and shoes.  Brown-reddish hair with brown eyes. The doll it a part of the Danea Collection Porcelain."
There were pictures as well but I took some of my own that’ll post a little ways down. I placed the order and waited impatiently. The doll arrived a bit sooner than the initial order tracking said it would. Maybe that was good sign it was really haunted and they popped for express shipping to get rid of it faster. It showed up on Nov. 29th as I was headed out the door to work so I was gonna have to wait until later to open the box. I sent my friend a pic of the box and her excitement was high, too.
As the evening went on at work I got a little apprehensive about opening the box. Not so much because I was afraid of a ghost but, if it was actually haunted I was worried that it might imprint on me like a baby raptor and then when i handed the doll over it wouldn’t do anything spooky for my friend.  When I got home I decided to open the box if only to make sure the doll wasn’t broken and was actually the one I ordered. I carefully sliced the tape and saw that the doll was wrapped in plain brown paper like an unnatural burrito Julie Andrews might sing about if she worshiped the devil.  I gently slid the doll out onto my arm like how you cradle a puppy and took off the paper.  She’s a very pretty doll.  As I handled her I never felt any weird energy from her like that guy did who originally bought her.
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I made some small talk, asked how her trip was, that sort of thing. I told her that I was planning to give her to my friend as a gift for Xmas so she wouldn’t be staying with me for very long. I promised her that I wouldn’t put her back in the box.  I laid her on my bed and went about my usual routine of watching a few shows, net surfing and playing games until it was time for bed. Then things got interesting.
I sat her on my desk chair and got in bed. I ended up having a bit of insomnia, partly because I was on high alert for any spooky happenings but also just because it was one of those nights.  Every once in a while there would be a sound I didn’t recognize as one of the usual night noises in my house. I couldn’t pinpoint what exactly they sounded like or where they were coming from but I didn’t get any chills or spooOOooky feeling from them. I eventually drifted of into a twilight sorta dozing. I was starting to dream but still aware of how i was laying, the temperature of the room and that my leg needed to stretch. So I stretched and gave my leg a shake for good measure. And kept shaking. And kept shaking. And wait that’s not me!  I was laying diagonally in the bed and the corner of the mattress where my feet were was shaking violently.  It was also the corner of the bed closest to Owena. I sat up and it stopped. It wasn’t like how you jolt yourself awake as you doze off. It was a definite physical feeling of the mattress being moved under me. I stayed awake for a little while longer until I finally fell all the way asleep.  When I woke up Owena was in the same spot where I left her. I said good morning (afternoon), made some more small talk and left for work.  
That night at bedtime I politely asked her not to do anything spooOOooky since I had a doc appointment early the next morning. She complied and I managed to get a good night’s rest. When I got home from the doc I was walking through the living room and I heard a weird little girl’s voice say “hello!” I was like FUCK! SHIT! She’s coming for me!!!  Then she asked if I could say red and started singing the ABCs. It was a motion activated toy in my baby great-niece’s playpen. Once my sphincter unclenched I had a pretty good laugh. I told Owena what happened but I’m thinking she already knew. I had a little nap before work but nothing odd happened. But every night after that for the next week was exactly like the first night- one or two odd noises then getting shaken as soon as I dozed off. Most of them were definitely Dream Ben getting shaken but once it was definitely my pillow being shaken for real. After the first week the shakings stopped but the noises shifted into recognizable sounds, specifically rustling fabric and sighs. And they happened while I was wide awake at my desk with the lights on. The final time the noises happened was fairly intense. My seven year old great-nephew likes to play sneaky ninja sometimes and crawl into my room while I’m at my desk. He’ll get behind my bed then get under the covers and try to get all the way behind me without me seeing him. He’s actually been getting better at it but still never manages to get the drop on me. That night it seemed like he succeeded. I heard all the usual noises he makes- his attempts to hold his breath, the sound of his knees on the carpet, the covers moving around as he tries to hide under them. I was like, damn, he’s getting pretty good. I turned around and the only thing on the bed was Owena. Right were I left her, fortunately. After that she got kind of dormant (not really, she was going in hard on my sister but more on that in a bit.). I thought maybe she was enjoying my company and the shows I was watching so she didn’t feel like getting up to spooOOooky shit. I was treating her to Critical Role, AcqInc C Team, Star Trek Discovery and hard-core binging Bizarre States to get caught up so that all seemed reasonable. I quit making small talk to see if that would get her going but still nothing. Finally it was getting close to the day for the gift exchange and I said to her “you need to be doing something to prove I didn’t wast my money on you. I love my friend and she’s very excited to be receiving you so you need to step up and make this an Xmas to remember.” For the rest of the week the dream shakes returned like clockwork every time I dozed off. 
Two days before the hand-off I asked my sister if anything weird had been happening in the house. She just looked at me for a minute then,  “Yes. What have you done?” I brought Owena to her and told her what the deal was. I deliberately didn’t say anything sooner to make sure my sister wasn’t actively looking for anything weird to happen. We’ve had a long history of paranormal things happen in our house so best to not put ideas in her head. This post is super long so I’ll just list some bullet points of shit she experienced.
She felt cold and creepy when she held the doll
There were random cold spots and zones of dread floating around her room.
Her mattress frequently felt like it was breathing but I never told her about my shaking experiences until after she said that.
She thought she heard my great-nephew (her grandson) come up behind her and whisper GRANDMA in her ear only to learn he was in the other end of the house.
Her handheld mirror flew off its hook and into the middle of her floor. The hook flew across the room.  The mirror didn’t fall straight down like if the hook was loose.  It went several feet out from the wall.
The day came for the exchange and I met my friend for breakfast. Two friends actually- Michelle, the recipient, and Renau (pronounced Renee), an adventure pal. I also gave Michelle a white sage smudge stick and a small bag of gemstones for in case things got crazy. In a cool coincidence Michelle also gave me a bunch of crystals and minerals.  We went by the store where I work and tried to make an EVP with Owena. I asked a few questions, then Michelle. Nothing turned up. Renau took a little movie of us while we talked. No odd images appeared. At one point the light seemed to flicker on camera but it definitely didn’t do it in the store. It might have just been an auto lighting thing with her phone but it happened at an odd time. I will try to include those in this post but Tumblr was acting weird when I tried to add pics so I might have to do it in stages.  Worst case scenario maybe I’ll put them on Dropbox and add links here. Also, once the doll was gone from my house all the weird stuff stopped happening to my sister... well, things just went back to the normal weirdness let’s say.
So I go to work and Michelle and Renau head back to their homes.  That evening Michelle and I both experienced a shake - her with a nap, me at bedtime.  I instantly knew it was because I forgot to say goodbye to Owena. Michelle has also heard a few random noises that aren’t typical for her house. She’s also been feeling slight breezes on her hair and face in places where there aren’t any, like in her car. It’s cold here now so no open windows. Her cats have acted slightly out of their normal routines but not full-on freaked out or anything.  Michelle has been doing a few experiments to see if she can get any more information from Owena but nothing concrete that matches the eBay description.  And if the eBay description is to be believed, and Owena is looking for her family then she might have been somewhat appeased by my and Michelle's houses. Mine is waaay too full of family and Michelle’s kids and in-laws are in and out frequently.  I hope she continues to be active but doesn’t do anything malicious. Of course I’ll post updates if anything truly outrageous occurs.
* The little rural suburb type area where I live is called Hilltop. Seemed like too good of a pun to pass up.
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