#GBA music
posthumanwanderings · 7 months
[ Zone of the Enders: Fist of Mars (GBA) - Galactica ]
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forteania · 8 months
Have the main theme while I'm at it.
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hostilecityshowdown · 2 years
i refuse to do anymore work on this file so you’re getting a soundcloud upload, in lieu of me having to compress it ♡
credit to raja for booting up the .rom for WWF: Road to Wrestlemania (2001) for the GBA and exposing me to kane’s truly sick GBA entrance theme
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sonichedgeblog · 5 months
Cyber Track Act 3 'Sonic Advance 3' Support us on Patreon
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kits-private-lair · 22 days
I’m not coming back to this project I fear. Anyways the first time Albus encountered a siren
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paluding · 1 year
The Urbz GBA/DS Map 💛
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Couldn't find this particular map ripped and uploaded anywhere so I just went ahead and ripped it myself from the game.
If you'd like to download it I uploaded a few versions on Imgur here. I really don't know why it's flagged as mature but I promise there's nothing explicit in there lol. Anyways, there's a 1x, 2x and 4x resolution available for you to choose :)
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grim-has-issues · 3 months
I know for a fact that Mr. Albus “I might be a whore, but I’m still tortured” York would have LOVED Nickelback.
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jacks347 · 6 months
When you remember you actively use Tumblr now so you can cross-post all your Discord fics :o (Enjoy Hadestown Bastard Warrior)
"You're really going after him."
Faith nearly jumped out of her skin at the sudden voice, turning to see her only friend leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed and eyebrow raised. She just sighed, turning back to continue packing her suitcase. "He's the love of my life, Devlin. I won't give up on him that easily." "Sister, I know you're dedicated but he walked to the underworld willingly! He saw Hades and went with him!"
Faith snapped the lid of the case shut, spinning around to face Devlin with a fire in her eyes he'd only seen a few times before. "If going to Hades and demanding him back is what it takes then by God I'll do it!"
Devlin just stared at her for a minute, as if trying to read into her soul, see if she would squirm or break under his hard stare. She just stared back, rising to his challenge and daring him to question her. He closed his eyes, sighing heavily before digging into his pocket and pulling out a shimmering gold coin. He tossed it over to Faith who fumbled to catch it. It was ancient, the engravings in a long-forgotten script. The only thing she recognized was the embossed symbol on the back. It looked like a horseshoe but Faith knew better. Omega, the last letter of a lost language, the sign of Hades. She'd never seen anything like it, it was no currency from any country she recognized. What was it? Why did Devlin have it?
What did he know?
"If you're really sure about this, I can't stop you. But I can tell you how to get down there without getting yourself killed. Unlike Albus, you won't get the easy way down on the train. You'll have to walk the tracks. That is your ticket past the gates. I trust you'll treat it with care until you come back."
Faith clutched the coin tight, feeling the cold of the metal seep into her skin. "Tell me how to get him back."
The air was thick with smoke and suffering, a smell that burned her nose and threatened to choke the air out of her lungs. So this was Hadestown, land of the dead, domain of death itself. It wasn't quite the fire and brimstone she'd been taught as a little girl but it was close enough. It reminded Faith of the mines she'd visited while traveling on a charity mission. Faith sucked in a deep breath that stabbed her lungs, holding it in her chest as she pushed through the slow-moving crowd. She had to find him, she would find him, she would march up to Hades himself with her love in tow and demand he return with her if that's what was required of her. Gods have mercy on her, you couldn't blame her for trying.
She waded through the sluggish worker bees of the underworld, scanning every face for the one she desperately wanted to see. How long had she been searching for? Minutes? Hours? Days? It was impossible to tell. But gods be damned, she was standing by her word, she would not return until she found her warrior.
"You are a persistent one, you know that?" A voice from behind Faith chirped, making the priestess spin around. Who stood before her was someone...different. Faith couldn't exactly tell what they were but they certainly weren't one of the dead around them. It almost looked like they were made of...stone? Was that possible? The person tilted their head at Faith, their long purple hair falling over their shoulder. "You're looking for him, aren't you? The warrior that Dad brought down.” “Y…Yes, I am. Who are you? How do you know that?” The person laughed, straightening back up with a grin. “Call me Pandora. As for how I know, it’s kind of obvious. It’s one thing for one living person to be in the underworld but two? Consider it a likely guess.”
Faith took a second to compose herself before stepping towards Pandora, attempting to look intimidating. “Take me to him or I’ll-” Pandora held up her hands in surrender with an amused smile, cutting Faith’s threat short. “Take it easy, dear Sister. I was going to do that anyway. Follow me.”
“Dad! Dad! She came! I told you she would!” Pandora shouted as they kicked the door open to a massive throne room of sorts. Sitting in the giant throne was an equally giant man with the same carved stone design as Pandora, white hair, glowing eyes, and a kind smile. Faith knew who he was, she’d heard stories about him all her life. “Hades…” She whispered under her breath, making Pandora pause, turning to look at her. “Hades, Tyr, Jupiter, ancient giant, whatever name you wanna give him. I usually just call him Dad.” They turned back to the man, still beaming like a child bringing their parent a shiny rock.
Hades stared at Faith for a moment with a blank expression, making the priestess squirm before he smiled, standing from his throne and gently removing a black bundle from where it was nestled in his hair to place it on the ground in front of Faith. “Is this what you’re looking for?” His voice held a hint of laughter, revealing the bundle to in fact be Albus who had been peacefully sleeping on the lord of the underworld’s hair until he was moved and was now very much awake and not very happy about it. “What the hell? Why’d you wake me up, I was enjoying that-” “Albus!!”
The man in question barely had any time to react before Faith practically bowled him over as she threw herself into his arms. She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed like he’d disappear if she let go, buried her face in his neck and cried. All the emotions she’d forced down since he left sprung to the surface, like a pressure release valve being pulled. “I thought I’d never see you again…I thought you left me…” She sobbed, her voice broken. Albus took a few seconds to recover before he very slowly and awkwardly hugged Faith back. “Faithful? I-I missed you but what are you doing down here? How are you down here?” “I could ask you the same question, you train-hopping jerk.” She sniffed, pulling her face out of his neck to look at him properly.
Hades cleared his throat softly, making Faith look up. His smile had turned sad and a little guilty. “Don’t be mad at him, little priestess. If you’re going to be mad at anyone, be mad at me. I’ve been watching Albus for a while now, he intrigued me. So when I saw the opportunity to give him a better life down here, I took it. I only realized after I heard your cries that taking him wouldn’t be as consequence free as I thought. I’m sorry I took him from you. Now I must ask, how did you get down here?”
She begrudgingly pulled away from Albus to properly face Hades. “I…was guided. In a sense. Someone told me how to get down here.” “Someone told you?” Pandora chimed in, looking very confused. “But the only person on the surface who know how to get down here without the train is…oh.” They took a second before bursting into giggles. “He really disguised himself again? Wonder how long it’s been. Did he give you the coin?” “Yes…he did.” Faith slowly pulled the golden coin out of her pocket, letting Pandora get a close look at it. Hades let out a soft chuckle of his own. “Seems Hermes has taken quite the liking to you if he was willing to help like that. Or does he still go by Devlin?” “Devlin is Hermes??” “Hermes, Mercury, maybe Odin if you squint at it, names are never consistent.” Pandora shrugged as they ticked off each of the names on their fingers.
Faith turned her attention back to Albus, her heart hurting at the thought of having to return without him, even if she knew he was safe. Would it be selfish to ask for him back knowing he was doing well here? She shook the thought away. No, she came down here on a mission, she was going to fulfill it. “Hades, my lord, I do thank you for your hospitality but I’m sure you know I don’t belong down here.” “Of course, you’re still living, you must return home.” “Then, I’ll go. But I’m taking Albus with me. If the living cannot remain in the underworld, he can’t either.” Hades frowned at that, his brow furrowing. “Dear Sister, he came down on the train. He gave up his life, he is no longer part of the overworld. The dead cannot return to the land of the living.”
Faith felt her heart stop. No, that was impossible. Sure, Albus went willingly but that didn’t mean he was dead, right? Then again, he did step onto the train. He took the dead way down. She felt sick. “No…no that’s not possible. I came all the way down here, I’m not leaving without him. I refuse! There has to be another way!” Hades thought for a moment, muttering quietly under his breath before sighing. “Fine. I’ll let you return with him.” Faith’s entire body relaxed in relief. 
He continued before she could start to thank him. “You must return the way you came, back up the railroad tracks. But you will not be side by side, hand in hand. If you wish to bring the dead back to life, you must lead him, standing one in front of the other. You must have faith in yourself and in him to remain behind you. If you turn back to check if he’s there at any point in your journey, he must return to the underworld and you will continue back home alone. It will not be easy, there will be those on your path that will try to make you doubt. Whether you choose to listen to them or not is up to you. That is my condition. Choose to take it and I’ll let you go. Choose not and you will return alone. Will you take this test of faith?”
Faith contemplated for a minute. A single file walk back home, simply having to trust that he would be there. Could she do it? Did she really have the mental strength to?
She had to. There was no other choice. She came all this way, she wasn’t going to leave without him.
Faith turned to Hades and nodded solemnly. “I’ll take the test. We’re going home.” Hades smiled, something encouraging but also worried. “Then let’s send you two on your way.”
"Think they'll make it?" Pandora looked up at Tyr curiously. His face was caught between tired and hopeful.
"I don't know." He frowned, the tired sadness in his eyes taking over as his shoulders sagged like a sudden weight had dropped upon them.
"Tyr, you let them go." Pandora looked back at the two with a worried expression, the retreating figures of the pair as they started on their journey inspiring both excitement and fear. Tyr's soft laugh had her staring up again in confusion.
"I let them try." The hope was back, a smile just barely tugging his lips up.
Maybe...just maybe...
Faith was terrified, she really had to admit. Her hands were squeezed together in front of her to keep them from shaking and the only sound was her heart hammering in her ears. She could do this. There was no reason she couldn't. But there was still something weighing on her, like a block of marble threatening to crush her heart if she let it hope too much.
“You really think you can do this? Bring someone back from the dead that easily?” The voice was new, lilting and dripping in honeyed sympathy. Right, this was the enemy of the return trip Hades had warned her about.
The Fates. Or Fate, she supposed in this case. He'd told her this one was called Kravatas. Believed to control the lifespans of everyone through golden strings. They didn’t much appreciate being challenged, so the path back to the surface would have them whispering in her ears the whole time, making her doubt herself in an attempt to make her break the deal and turn around. She just had to be stronger than them.
"Poor naive Sister Koria. Why do you think no one has succeeded in this before? What makes you think you're better than anyone who came before you to walk this road?" He hissed, his sweet tone doing nothing to hide the acrid venom in his words. She knew she shouldn't listen, that he was just trying to mess with her. But something in his words made her hesitate for just a second.
"Faith? Faithful, listen to me. Just keep going, you have to trust me. I'm right here, I'm still with you." Albus’s voice pierced through her thoughts, reminding her that she wasn't alone in this. She took a trembling breath, wishing desperately she could turn around and hold him or at least reach back to touch him. Some kind of physical sign that he was there. But she couldn’t. All she had was his voice and her own faith in him.
“But does he have faith in you?” The voice was back, she could practically feel his breath curling against the back of her neck. And as much as she didn’t want to think about it, his question hit her. Did Albus have faith in her? He was living the good life in the underworld, the only reason he was going back to the surface, a life he loudly expressed his hatred of, was because of her. He could turn back at any time and never say a word. She would be left all alone and not even know it until she got back.
No, I can’t think like that. He wouldn’t do that to me. Sure his life hasn’t been great thus far but he loves me. I know he loves me.
Faith had long since lost track of how it’d been since they started walking. The hissing doubts of the Fates becoming white noise that buzzed in the back of her head. Not like she needed them, her own doubts were far louder.
He’s still there, right? He hasn’t spoken in a while, I can’t tell. He wouldn’t have turned around without telling me, right? He wouldn’t just leave me, right?
Faith had bitten her nails down to nothing, her nailbeds aching. She couldn’t hear, she couldn’t think. She just needed a minute to process but she had to keep moving. There was nothing she could do. It was just her, the road ahead, and her own thoughts. And that was the scary part.
I just have to trust him. I know Albus. He might’ve gone down himself but he’s coming back now. And that’s all that really matters, doesn’t it?
“He already left you once. Who says he won’t do it again?”
She nearly stopped in her tracks. He was right. She hated to admit it but he was right. Faith already had to walk down into hell for him once, took him away from a life he deserved far more than what the world above was giving him. What was stopping him?
“Do it.”
I have to.
“It’s just a peek.”
Just to check.
“Prove his love to you.”
Prove that I’m not a fool.
"Turn around, Faith.”
And turn she did, looking right into the betrayed eyes of the man she doubted.
In the dead silence of their walk through purgatory, Faith could hear both of their hearts shatter.
She knew Albus didn’t cry. He just didn’t. But nothing could hide the shine in his eyes or the waver to his voice. “Missed me that much, did you Faithful?”
It was all over. She’d let the Fates get in her head. She got in her own way. “Albus…I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have doubted you-” “Don’t apologize, Faith. I’ll see you eventually, right? Don’t forget about me while you live your life up there, will you?” “I don’t think I ever could forget you, Albus York.” She laughed wetly, his face beginning to blur from the tears that welled up in her eyes.
“I love you, Faith.”
“I love you too, Albus. I’ll see you again.”
“I’ll be waiting.”
Devlin leaned back against the wall of the train station, flipping a familiar gold coin idly. “And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the story of Faith and Albus. Lovers torn apart by doubt and want.”
The gathered crowd burst into a mix of applause and sobs, as was the reaction every time he told this story. He didn’t blame them, it was a popular one.
His coin flipping was distracted by a small tug on his sleeve. It was a little girl, one who attended his stories quite often and he’d heard some of the Sisters call Kerano. “Mr. Devlin? Can you tell it again?” Devlin sighed, shaking his head with a smile. Kerano’s hopeful stare and bright smile were too cute to deny. “Alright, one more time. Just for you. Now, on the road to the underworld, there was a railroad line.”
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dailyfgmusic · 2 months
Battle Highway
Sonic Battle
Music in this game is by Tatsuyuki Maeda, Kenichi Tokoi, and Hideaki Kobayashi.
I love Sonic, and with the new game coming up Shadow lives in my brain tonight, so I'll post this game sometimes.
I broke my DS lite playing this game, constantly mashing. I know this is a sprite based GBA arena fighter but this game was one of my fighting game gateways.
Anyway, this track rules because it not only sounds like Shadow's theme, but when the sound is remastered to remove the compression, it the synths and beats sound excellent.
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l-1-z-a · 1 month
The Urbz DS/GBA Lost Tracks
Some early versions of songs, and a few short tracks that were never used in the final game.
Songs were recorded from the original source files, so they are a lot smoother than they would have been if they were recorded from original hardware.
Track List:
0:00 Urbania Day - early version
2:07 Urbania Night - early version
3:10 Oldies - first draft (started as Create-A-Sim)
3:22 (Untitled) - could have been draft for a minigame
3:44 Trance (unused)
4:02 (EDIT) was a placeholder track from Bustin' Out, not a lost Urbz track after all
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77phytolacca · 8 months
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raysounds · 9 months
The only song that plays in the Rayman 2 GBA Pre-alpha.
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sonichedgeblog · 3 months
Route 99 Act 2 'Sonic Advance 3' Support us on Patreon
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otakebi-cam-wao · 3 months
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Declaring my love to you Might be something a girl cannot do But you know, I'm not a child Your every move, everything about you, is dear to me
I've secretly concealed Meaning within my words I want you to notice My heart
Even while I'm walking with you I'm dropping you hints I am not A disgraceful girl
(Don't stop) I'm not a child (Don't stop) But you know, but you know, but... (Pure heart) The determination that's begun Can no longer be stopped
(Don't stop) Even if I'm betrayed By this earth, I won't bother you
Dreaming Breathing Eating You're here
Even if you are fond of show Even if you're stubborn All of it, Is dear to me
I avert my gaze The tension unravels When it becomes critical, I tremble
(Don't stop) In Autumn the nights are long (Don't stop) But you know, but you know, but... (Pure heart) I want to see through your feelings,
(Don't stop) Even when it seems like I can't be patient, I'll endure the pain I won't ask for selfish things
Putting in effort Talking Yawning You're here
Even when it seems like you'll give in Even if you tease me All of it, Is dear to me
Dreaming Breathing Eating You're here
Even if you are fond of show Even if you're stubborn All of it, Is dear to me
Putting in effort Talking Yawning You're here
Even when it seems like you'll give in Even if you tease me All of it, Is dear to me
I want you to see through my heart... I want you to see through my heart I want you to see through my heart...
song: Tokkaiko Junjou - °C-ute
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mysticetus · 1 month
i think i very accidentally made my hypothetical gba game's "first town" theme very much onett of earthbound. that, or i just successfully evoked that feeling. i dont even know earthbounds ost i actually cant even remember if i had played it before making archipelago
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urfrenfishy · 4 months
just wanna let y’all know that albus york and shrek (specifically the musical version) are practically the same character albus just got the R rated upgrade
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