lotus-lamps · 2 months
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originally just quick doodles but i got carried away gege style LMAO (gege when i catch you gege) not too satisfied with the second one but alas. i apologize to artfight i got distracted by jjk 😭😭😭
anyways. guess my favorite character (i have two sketchbook pages worth of drawings of junpei. i lobe him dearly)
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omakosohc · 5 months
gonna leave the fandom… i need time to myself… everybody log off rn
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celenawrites · 1 year
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me after reading JJK manga leaks
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watching-the-moon · 6 months
no beta we die like everyone in this goddamn fandom
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nachtssexycloak · 23 days
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ethercollective · 10 months
im suffering what the fuck jjk
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fairykazu · 9 months
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MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: GETTING YOU UNDER THE MISTLETOE FT. XIAO contents // pining, friends to lovers, siblings! hutao & qiqi, requited love notes // this is mainly xiao's pov and he thinks you don't like him back. also, if it's not implied enough, you're aware that xiao likes you but you want him to make the first move. i kind of gave up at the end when i was building this up. baba - dad, gege - older brother & jiejie - older sister masterlist
it was nearly time for the christmas party xiao's family is throwing and of course, his best friend who he is not at all in love with, name is invited. name always have been coming to his family's celebrations but why does it feel different now?
maybe because his sisters are trying to insist him to finally confess the feelings, he has had harboring for 17 years. "xiao, you can't keep stumbling around and acting stupid around them because you like them. it's kind of hard to watch, right, qiqi?" hu tao said, turning to the 10 years old on the couch. she was about to answer until,
xiao rolled his eyes, crossing his arms, "don't answer that, qiqi."
qiqi closed her mouth as hu tao kept saying, "qiqi, you know i'm right. isn't it hard to see xiao kicking his legs and giggling after name leaves."
xiao's neutral bitch face morphed in fear, wallowing in self conciousness. is it really that bad?
the little lavender haired girl paused to think about it and sadly, to xiao's demise, "hmm... jiejie, i do think it's weird to see gege with cooties. i think uncle baizhu has medicine for it."
oh god, it really is that bad.
letting whatever qiqi said sink into xiao's shoulders, hu tao walked away to the closet, pulling out a white board stand. it squeaked, hu tao said, "exactly, which is why i made a plan." on the whiteboard, it said in bolded letters, "mission impossible: xianame christmas edition".
if you looked closely, you could see the faint words of previous "mission impossible"'s that xiao rejected and hu tao had to wipe off. xiao was nearly go along with the plan but skeptical of hu tao because usually, she's a trickster, there's always something up her sleeve.
"another plan?" xiao replied, furrowing a brow. hu tao skipped around, chirping,
"yep! this time it would work, i swear." hu tao's hand resting on the board's shelf.
"you swear? you said this last time on halloween last year and scared name nearly to death."
"i didn't scare them to death..." hu tao trailed off. "they only fainted."
"isn't it the same?" xiao asked. hu tao could tell that he was growing even more skeptical of the plan. as his sister, she knew that she needed to swerve away from that and push him into confessing. it's really embarrassing to see him try to make a move only to get rejected or mid-way change the plan.
"no! anyway, my new and foolproof plan is that since it's christmas," hu tao flipped the board with her other hand. "we can use the mistletoe as our advantage and use it for a romantic moment where you confess your feelings to name. i even asked dad about this and he agreed to it."
mistletoe? isn't that kissing?
"really, you got dad to agree to this."
"yes, and sure you might catch cooties." behind them, qiqi winced out of ickiness. "but better than nothing right?"
xiao stood there for a moment, rethinking about this. "are you sure it would happen perfectly? we don't even know if name likes me back."
"ummm, maybe the christmas spirit would enchant them." hu tao shrugged as xiao's eyes narrowed.
"i don't want a spirit to enchant them. that's not ethinical."
"xiao, don't shame on the spirits. they're very kind, y'know. anyway, the offer still stands but for a priceeeeee." hu tao replied, smiling. smiling like the devil, xiao knew something was up.
"what is it?"
"invite your second bestest friend ever over." hu tao chirped, hands together in a ball across her chest. she patted her eyes, coming closer to xiao, as xiao extended his hand out, creating a distance between himself and his sister.
xiao tilted his head, hands still crossed. "yanfei? im not friends with yanfei."
"but if you want this plan to really work..." hu tao trailed off, hoping the bait she laid would catch her older brother. until qiqi said, "gege, i think jiejie has caught cooties too."
hu tao nervously laughed, "qiqi, i don't think-"
"ok, ill invite yanfei to the party but if this little christmas plan doesn't work, you're not allowed to make any more, got it?"
"oh my god, thank you sooo much, gege!! you're the bestest older brother anyone could ever have."
it was almost time for the party, the house was decked out with decorations. although the usual red and green theme is what christmas is, xiao's family preferred the gold and red theme. in the kitchen, gingerbread houses were prepped to be put together. as dad helped hu tao place mistletoes around the house, giggling each time. "dad, isn't this bow kind of off centered?"
"hm, i do think it is off centered. do you want me to fix it?" he asked, holding onto the ladder. hu tao replied with a no.
if you looked around you would see the each archway of a room would have a mistletoe, although, none of them are upstairs in their rooms. qiqi asked if she wouldn't be kissed because she didn't want to go to uncle baizhu's home for the vaccine for cooties. xiao made a mental note to tell baizhu to stop telling her that cooties exist when in reality, they are not.
xiao was pacing around the living room again, qiqi was following him like a little duckling. "gege, are you worried about the plan? i think i have vaccines for the cooties. i think though."
"no, it's fine, qiqi." he picked her up, holding her. "do you think it would go wrong?"
qiqi huffed, "no. i see name and they like you. i think i saw them-"
xiao tilted his head, "saw them what?"
"ah, i forgot."
xiao wilted a little.
as the house is fully decorated and hu tao busted her ass off to make it as romantic and christmasy as possible. the door rang, alerting everyone in the family to turn around. is it who xiao thinks it would be? name isn't late but they're not always super early. just before xiao reached for the door, hu tao squealed in delight, racing towards the door.
"hii name!!! and yanfei??? woah, did xiao invite you?" hu tao said, acting all coy as if she didn't try to puppeteer the whole situation. xiao noticed that yanfei's face was flustered. as he thought, huh, it is requited.
"ah, yes, i think so. i mean! yes, he did." yanfei yelped, clearly nervous but hu tao most likely saw her as perfect. xiao averted his eyes to you and god, he thinks you just killed him. from your sparking eyes to your bright smile, your little wave and he can't compute.
xiao.chr ran into an unexpected error 404
⋆。˚❆˚ 。⋆
you walked towards xiao, confused as to why he's just dazing off into nothingness. hu tao's conversation with yanfei blurring to the sound of christmas music. you poked his cheek, "xiaoo...?" seeing him go from reality from dreamland, which is strange, it's more like the opposite for the two of you. "are you there?"
"ah!" xiao yelped, blinking. huh, you never noticed how long his lashes were. "sorry, i was thinking about something."
"i could tell. what were you thinking about so hard?"
"gege has cooo-" xiao covered qiqi's mouth, "i was thinking of my grades after finals." as qiqi kept trying to talk, he made qiqi walk to hu tao and yanfei. "qiqi has a weird phase of saying cooties. sorry about that."
"no, it's kind of endearing." you replied, walking into the kitchen. xiao saw the little mistletoe above the kitchen's archway, afraid of kissing you in the moment, he redirected you to his room. "my dad's preparing something to snack on and he doesn't like being disturbed. um, lets go to my room instead."
"huh? but your dad loves when people watch him cook so he's not lonely in there." oblivious to the fact that the mistletoes were hung everywhere, xiao knew that hu tao had forgotten his own room. "he changed his rules."
you quirked a brow, "don't lie?"
"i promise i'm not lying." xiao said, trying to make himself sound not lying at all. until qiqi's voice replied, "gege, why are you a liar? i can see from jiejie's room that your pants are on fire. baba loves when people watch him cook."
"see, xiao, i can see what you're trying to pull here." you said. ypu're getting too close. very much to xiao's liking but to make a move? nah, he's good. seeing and loving you from a distance is good for him too.
"what are you talking about?" xiao said, pretending to be oblivious to what you're saying. you sighed and pulled him closer to you. he could feel the warmth from your face. he knows he's flustered by now. "you know what you're doing."
what?? i dont understand.
"aw man, i thought this would bait you into telling me." xiao laughed mostly out of fear and anxiety. "you're just as mischievous as hu tao."
why did he compare you to his sister. it's over.
"ha! if i really was, you would've died by now."
he exhaled, "you're right."
⋆。˚❆˚ 。⋆
xiao was too caught up in the conversation he's having with you, he didn't know that he was right under a trap, the infamous mistletoe. you began to whisper, "look up."
when he did, his face paled as if he didn't agree with hu tao's plan to begin with. but unbeknownst to xiao, you set up this plan with hu tao. you always had even though you had every other chance to make a move on him, he always took it as platonic.
"oh." you pulled him closer,
"ready?" even though he was about to answer, you interrupted him with a kiss. wow you could've saved yourself 17 years of this but you liked to play the long game. xiao just stood there for a moment just before he returned the kiss.
the kiss moment was broken up by a loud flash sound and qiqi crying about how you two would catch cooties. "we need this for memories, can you kiss again for the family album?" hu tao asked as xiao pulled away from your embrace to yell at her. you laughed, winking at hu tao, pulling her brother away from her.
zhongli started to console qiqi, cradling her into his arms, "cooties don't exist, qiqi."
"but, baba, uncle baizhu said, 'cooties are very contagious. to cure it i have to get the vaccine from his house.'" qiqi began to cry as zhongli wiped a tear from her face.
"baizhu likes to tease you since you are little-"
"baba! i am not little. i have two digits, i am older now."
"of course, you are a big girl now." zhongli comforting his daughter again, grabbing a gingerbread cookie from the counter. she takes it and cries,
"yes, baba! im a big girl and uncle wouldn't lie to me wouldn't he?" zhongli placed her on his lap, sitting on the couch. "well, no, of course he wouldn't. this is like how jiejie treats gege."
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psychewritesbs · 7 months
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Chapter 251: Decisive Battle in the Unhabited, Demon-Infested Shinjuku, Part 23--Megumi is back!! aaaaand it's not looking good
Well. In case you've been living under a rock, Megumi is back and everyone and their mom knows about it because Twitter demonstrated to be full of people who lack reading comprehension, basic human compassion, and an understanding of how trauma fucks with the mind. Only the latter is excusable, since this is domain-specific knowledge that I don't expect others to be aware of.
The number of times I've read the word "bitch" next to Megumi's name is appalling to say the least.
So... yeah... happy jjk-Sunday? Sorry, I wish I had a more upbeat intro to my ramble for this chapter but man... this fandom is something else and a lot of the comments about Megumi were just so...
Anyways let's taco'bout Megumi and share Megumi-love under the cut.
What is this irritating feeling?
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Why does this matter? If you haven't seen me mention this over on the twt already, Sukuna makes a small gesture that is unequivocally Megumi body-language in chapter 248:
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Megumi typically places his hand over his shoulder when he's stressed (although I have to confirm he only does it when stressed):
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It isn't just the body language that is significant, but rather the way of thinking itself. I didn't catch this myself, but Ant and Danchou did, so I might not do it justice when explaining it.
This way of thinking is very Megumi-like in how he second-guesses himself. More than second-guessing, however, it also feels like a nascent sense of consciousness. All of this obviously presents a very interesting dilemma because, as Sukuna recognizes, sharing a body with Yuji has changed him.
I think we all knew Yuji or Megumi would be changed by Sukuna--because that is how Gege directed our attention by having Gojo mention Yuji could inherit Sukuna's CT by the mere fact that they shared a body. I know I also assumed that Megumi would maybe learn from Sukuna using 10s. But I also know I never even considered that the opposite could be true: Yuji and Megumi could also change Sukuna.
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So, the way I see it, with that hand gesture, we have what appears to be Megumi's sense of self bubbling up from under the surface and changing Sukuna.
What's interesting to me is how subtle this is. Sukuna notices this as an "irritating feeling" that is incomprehensible to someone like him who rejects aspirational ideals.
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So, part of what I love about this is that sharing a body with Yuji has deepened Sukuna's own experience of reality.
Sukuna is all ego, right? Ego is everything that is concrete...
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So I have to wonder how much of this is also Megumi's own emotional turmoil given what we saw this chapter...
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Wake up, Megumi!
Ok so let's do a quick recap...
We also know Tsumiki is integral to how Megumi sees himself. This is very important because Megumi basically makes her his raison d'être. In other words, his whole identity is framed around protecting her during the Culling Game. Aside from the obvious shock that it was to realize Yorozu was pretending to be Tsumiki the whole time, which meant Tsumiki was dead, the issue with Megumi was that he made Tsumiki his identity.
And if there is one thing we have seen happen time and time again in jjk is how being limited by your self-ascribed identity comes back and bites you in the ass.
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So in Megumi's case, what happens when his whole identity was framed around a single outcome, and then he realized that outcome turned out to be a failure right from the start?
An identity crisis or basically no sense of self.
So what does he have to live for now?
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What reason does he have for living if the person whom he had wrapped his identity around is now gone? This is what created the opening for Sukuna to possess him.
What's crazy about this is that even when he was weakened, he still put up a fight and elicited a "Fushiguro Megumi" from Sukuna. Sukuna had probably already considered the importance of the bath, but this likely solidified the need to have Megumi marinate in cursed energy. Like... this is what it took to bury Megumi's consciousness. Also, this is important because we're talking about marinating in negative emotions "to be near evil".
Now, it's midnight and I got to get to sleep, but the way jjk uses "evil" is not cliché at all, but almost like as a metaphor for chaos, hyper individuality, and instinct. I started writing about Naoki Urasawa's Monster, so hopefully I can get around to explaining the whole good vs. evil dichotomy (which is one of my favorite topics ever) soon, but this is all I'll say for now. I'll come back to this in a sec.
Next, Megumi's own Cursed Technique (which we know is tied to the brain and personality) and hands are used to kill Tsumiki's body and Gojo while Megumi can only observe.
And then, Gojo accidentally blitzes Megumi's soul with his technique.
Like are we for real expecting Megumi to just stand up and start throwing hands after all he's been through? What is wrong with people???!!!!!!!!!!! Have some compassion ffs.
Unfortunately, this isn't just about a lack of reading comprehension and compassion, it's also about lack of domain knowledge. This is Trauma with a BIG T we're talking about, and Trauma has been shown to limit how you see yourself and how you are able to think.
So, of course Megumi is distraught. The writing in this is so damn realistic.
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Now, Gege has been paying special attention to Megumi's body language, and while the rest of the fandom is laughing at the "Mahoraga hands", I'm looking at how tightly closed those fists are. Even the way he's curled up in a tight ball... Almost like he's about to blow up from sheer pressure.
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Quite the contrast to the last time we saw him in a similar position but with more relaxed body language.
And remember, he marinated in cursed energy so that he would be closer to "evil", right? Plus getting blitzed?
Listen, I am ready for Yuji's pep talk, I am sure it will be generational, but right now, I don't think Megumi is ready (or maybe even able) to hear it. Again, because Trauma with a big T.
Plus Sukuna loosing control of Megumi's body? You kind of have to wonder why Megumi's energy has been crescendoing to the point that Sukuna would be affected by it and not only think like Megumi, but also use body language that is unequivocally Megumi.
This feels like a Megumi is about to snap.
This is starting to feel ominous precisely because he's marinated in these self-destructive emotions for so long. Emotions which surely intensified as he saw the consequences of his inability to take action.
But then again... I was expecting a blood bath out of the culling game and it was everything but so 🤣 idk what to tell y'all. As predictable as he is, Gege is unpredictable af.
Ok I think those are my main thoughts? WHAT ABOUT Y'ALL?!!!!!! What are we thinking? What are the theories? oh mai gah.
Even if I'm responding to asks slowly, I'm still reading them as they come in guys. Sorry, school + work is kicking my ass because well... in typical Megumi fashion I haven't taken responsibility for bringing out my best.
That said, I go off to sleep 🫡 Thanks for reading!
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packsvlog · 4 months
let me tell you guys something funny i noticed!
arthur conan doyle, author of sherlock holmes, hated that mf. he despised sherlock very much, unfortunately for him, holmes was his most famous work, everyone loved that bastard, even the queen did. for pettiest reason, after some time, arthur said “fuck that bitch” and killed sherlock. he tried to move on with his life after that, but the country, the fans, royalty, even his fucking mom revolted, turning into an angry mob demanding for their charming detective back! and guess what? he complied begrudgingly to their commands, his head was nearly on the guillotine, he had no choice, whatsoever. his mom probably threatened to disown him or maybe never again make his favorites biscuits.
now to the real point, i think it’s funny how history repeats itself, gege akutami being this generation’s arthur doyle is so funny to me. we have G.R.R.M who also has a tendency to kill his characters like stepping on ants, but for some reason we are fine with that (mostly, yet we don’t blame him).
the thing if, if gege really hates gojo, can you imagine the despair he must be feeling to finally kill gojo only to have many people having mental breakdowns, declaring their love for gojo, creating memes saying “when i catch gege is on sight”? is so funny to me for some reason to be living this at the moment (even if i’m one of the ones having breakdowns).
anyways, hope we riot enough and let’s bring gege’s parents into the equation, i want his mom talking about how gojo was the cutest thing ever and having gege bringing him back because he complies to his mama. amen.
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lagataprrr · 4 months
This JJK chapter got me throwing up and crying so bad bitch.
Gege when I catch you Gege.
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blue-thief · 6 months
half-filipino shidou headcanons bc he's half-filipino to me until canon says otherwise
"chinoy ka ba?" ("are you chinoy?" chinese + pinoy/filipino = chinoy)
"hindi. jinoy ako 👖😜" ("no. i'm jinoy" idk if there's an actual term for japanese + filipino but yeah)
(if i made any mistakes it's cuz i'm whitewashed asf)
thought it was funny asf when tatsuki fujimoto pretended to be filipino
no one is safe from "knock-knock/who's there?/ako maba/ako maba who?" jokes ("ako maba who" sounds like "ako mabaho" which means "i stink")
he taught charles how to play nanay-tatay (the filipino equivalent of patty cake i guess???)
demands rin calls him "kuya" (literally translates to "older brother" but in this context it would be equivalent to hua cheng calling xie lian "gege" in heaven official's blessing)
shidou: have you ever had puto before?
sae: WHAT
("puto"/"puta" is spanish for "whore". puto is a filipino steam rice (cup)cake though. we do use "puta" but it's usually used in the phrase "putang ina mo"/"tangina mo"/"tangina". the literal translation is "your mom is a whore", but it's basically a catch-all swear word. you can use it for "fuck", "son of a bitch", "bitch", "motherfucker", etc)
shidou visited sae in spain once and stole a bunch of stuff as "revenge" for colonization
when he commits petty crimes in japan he makes the same excuse
he will make the same excuse if he ever goes to the USA
his grandparents on his mom and dad's side don't get along because. yeah
he terrorizes the italians by listing off the recipe for filipino spaghetti
"yeah, we use brown sugar, banana ketchup, hotdogs-"
the ubers get obliterated on the spot
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abcdbleh · 5 months
y'all my gang is dead nanami choso and my bae geto what did i do to deserve this pain THE BIGGEST FUCK YOU TO THAT PUSSY ASS BITCH GEGE OOO BROO WHEN I CATCH YOU GEGE WHEN I CATCH U
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bakugoushotwife · 1 year
🤲 yk imma need a jjk matchup pretty please 🤲
i’m feeling extra delusional today so it’s gonna need to be a romantic one, i don’t have a gender preferrnce, and if u feelin frisky u can throw in some nsfw parts too 🤭☺️☺️ luv u kyleeee
oh of course my darling, anything for you <3
i ship you with...
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c h o s o k a m o
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sweet, clueless, but oh so sweet
and he tries really hard to be a good boyfriend
you're his first relationship so you have to be patient or you will hurt his feewings
he's such a great listener???? mainly because he wants to be super attentive and learn how to love you, so he's always paying attention to your ramblings to learn what you think is cute, what you hate, what you've been wanting from what store, and what you think is annoying
particularly fond of your ever rotating music taste
look he has a lot of catching up to do, so he enjoys bouncing from genre to genre and artist to artist with you
omg please take him to festivals this is coming to me in a vision rn
i see him, ponytails, pink cowboy hat mhm, i see cowboy boots to match, paper thin jeans riddled with holes with black chaps and no shirt....yes yes...i think im cooking here...
anyway yes, festivals please please jordie im on my knees please
you guys would have so much fun sitting on little blankets on a hill bc you got there early and you're gonna eat and smoke and start drinking as the sun goes down and the first artist comes on like im collapsing into tears beside my bed banging on the floor
literally he would love this more than anything, after everything he's seen and done and come back from like this kind of youth and love and high on life is exactly what he needs
never smoked a blunt before you lol but loves it now and can almost roll by himself hehe
speaking of substances....pussydrunk man. sorry. no im not.
like you're his first everything girlfriend like he has never tasted pussyjuice?? and then you teach him how to make you feel good and he earns his first taste he's...never leaving your side actually may become a bum because of it
im dying im sorry he is just so addicted, like boy breakfast boy lunch boy dinner eatin coochie
he of course still shares you with me, because he understands my value, that's a whole diff headcanon story ;)
big cuddler because he's terribly clingy
i think he has the sexiest veiniest arms and hands, like ughhhh and he doesn't understand how sexy that is either like he'll just be casually running his hands through his hair or something and you're sobbing and he doesn't understand fjsjfsndlrg\
loves your reptiles omg he is a hoagie stan for sure iykyk
i just see this as something so cute and peaceful and pure awww
i mean he would definitely kill a bitch for you, but that's hopefully left for a darker, past, time!
doesn't listen to yuji's advice when in arguments with you anymore <3
decides to always earn forgiveness by worshiping the ground you walk on xoxo
anyways texting gege this should be canon i fear
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namazunomegami · 4 months
okay so yuta coming back makes sense. i can get on board with that. i was pretty sure he wasn't dead anyways, that's cool
but shjfkglsdg "yuta uses kenjaku's curse technique to steal gojo's body" is a whole new level of wild.
it's interesting that gojo says to yuta what sukuna said to yorozu. "i totally would not lose but if i did i'd be dead. doesn't matter what you do with my dead body."
i'm so impatient for the full translation because damn, what did gojo mean by "catching up" on that panel of geto? is he like, trying to be an idealist like geto was, and "follow his path to the end" along the lines of what geto said? and that whole "becoming a monster" thing?
is he talking about potentially killing megumi? gege doesn't show us enough of gojo being isolated and lonely in the modern day for yuta's "he had to be a monster" line to really hit hard enough, imo.
he is just a silly guy with his students and sometimes murderizes evil curses or gets testy with the higher ups (even then he only bitches at the higher ups! he doesn't kill them!).
cw: me being angry for a hot minute, possible grammatical errors due to me being an impulsive bitch who’s mindlessly typing on her phone
Sadly, as I saw on tiktok and in the leak tags (I also found links to twitter porn, bruh, pls go elsewhere), some fans overestimate Gojo's relationship to others. Some of them, well… oversimplify human relationships. You can love someone but at the same time can’t understand them or can’t agree with them and even hurt them willingly or unwillingly. Humans are meant to be complicated.
We shouldn't forget about Gojo’s isolation, both in a physical and emotional sense. His connections are superficial at best (no, I refuse to believe that he’s a father figure to Megumi, he didn’t adopt him just supported him financially), he has no strong sense of identity. He didn’t know the answer to Geto’s ominous question.
I understand that a lot of fans are hurt because “everybody treats him as a weapon not as a person”. Umm… girliepop, Gojo wasn’t doing his best to improve the quality of his interpersonal relationships or even doing anything to stop others viewing him as a multipurpose tool. He might as well identified with the title of the strongest completely because that’s the only thing he has to center his personality around.
Like... a lot of people expected Shoko to object to the whole body hopping thing. Maybe Shoko didn’t expect him to lose? That’s why she smokes a whole pack of cigarettes during the fight like the self-destructive queen she is? But I dare to mention that to me, their relationship never felt that deep or meaningful. Sure, Gojo is respectful towards her compared to the rest of the characters but I could always feel a little resentment from Shoko. Gojo basically excluded everyone out of the collective tragedy of Geto becoming a curse user. He made it all about himself. It's his pain. His trauma. Nobody’s loss can be compared to his. He unwillingly isolated himself from everyone in that sense.
That’s entirely my hot take nobody’s obligated to agree with it.
I know that he’s the fandom’s darling boy but some fans give more dimension to the character than the canon sources do. Some of them have their idealised version of his character living in their head without all his flaws (you can love flawed characters, you can love said flaws too, you can love morally fucked up ones too it doesn’t make you a bad person). I’m not surprised, I’m not mad, but what they did to Yuta is honestly disgusting.
Yuta is actually the closest to know what Gojo has been through. He understands his loneliness, he went through almost the same experiences in life. Their relationship is much more intimate than the fandom realises. Heck, maybe Yuta understands him more than Geto does. Geto did view him as a weapon for a minute before his departure. You know, when he talks about how his goals can be easily achieved with his power. How he can make such impossibility turn into reality. But ofc that doesn’t mean that their conversation is not inherently about Geto making Gojo question his place in the corrupt jujutsu society, giving him a reality check and pointing out the hypocrisy in his statements.
For Yuta, taking Gojo’s body is not a choice. But a must. And a lot of people forgot about how Yuta has zero self-preservation. He was suicidal, he was ready to sacrifice himself in jjk 0 if it meant to save his friends from Geto and to free Rika. And he's ready to do the same again. Even if it meant to become a monster. Gojo has monstrous moments, and Yuta is his official successor in every aspect and it was told throughout the story over and over. This moment is his succession, officially taking his place on top of this weird sorcery food chain, carrying Gojo’s burden when he can’t do it anymore. Nobody’s “worthy” enough, except him. And this is actually the loveliest part of Yuta’s character: he’s a force to be reckon with, he has the ability to be a monster but his heart is filled with love, he strives to be humane, putting everyone’s needs and feelings before himself even in this dreadful moment.
At one point, Uraume says to Hakari that they can only win this fight if they abandon their humanity. Now, they have no other choice. Using Gojo's body is a mean to an end. Ofc, it's tragic, but it's tragic for both Yuta and Gojo. And we shouldn’t forget about that sorcerers are not good guys. They’re very fucked up guys actually. They’re emotionally and mentally damaged because they literally need to harness intense negative feelings for their power to work. Having a few screws loose is not just a mere expectation it’s a fucking requirement. They’re not morally good, they never have been.
I do want to be wrong when I say that jjk peaked in Hidden Inventory and Shibuya. You know, all the thought, nuance, symbolism and such.
Story wise and in themes I think Hidden Inventory and Premature Death is peak. Pacing wise I think Shibuya is a perfect arc.
But now I think Gege lost trajectory in his own writing. What’s the overall message of this story? Love and how it can turn into a twisted curse if not handled properly? How the youth is always forced to fix the mistakes of the previous generation?
What the hell is even Sukuna’s goal? Being evil for the sake of evil hardly works in a satisfying way in this era of writing.
My biggest beef with Gege is that he can’t handle his own characters (especially if they’re women), he can’t develop his characters and build their arc in a consistent manner. But now… my biggest beef is: from the moment he started this arc, he gave us no exposition, no buildup and no other story elements but instead immediately jumps to the action. It's utterly chaotic to me, like he didn’t do any planning beforehand and now just squeezing important details between fight scenes whenever he comes up with them.
Like, anything that happened in that one month before Shinjuku is shown through flashbacks, instead of you know... writing a whole ass buildup to the final fight, spend some time with the characters, showing us how they prepare and such so we can feel the desperation, we can know that this fight has stakes and requires tremendous sacrifice from the gang.
Maybe Gege writes the fight in this particular way because of shock value. And let me tell you, I hate pointless shock value. It reminds me of GoT season 8.
And maybe if Gege wouldn't use flashbacks as the only tool for writing, this arc wouldn't be memed like "oh shit, this character died too, who's going to face Sukuna after them? We're running out of cast lmao".
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sherylhooper · 1 year
"Are you the strongest or were you born as the strongest?"
გეგე, შე მართლა ძუკნა...
My baby Megumi can rest finally be with his dads (I'm still questioning why Toji is there with Riko, Geto and others lmao)
Gege, do you trully believe I care about nobodies fighting in manga now? People I have no emotional attachment to?
Who cares about Kashimo and Uraume and even Mr "unwanted Child" Sukuna, I just want to see my husband and child.
Gege, when I catch you, Gege.....
You are on very thin fucking ice because if you aren't smart enough, you gonna lose what's paying your bills and lots of money...
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emerald-chaos · 10 months
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