rustyanddustychevron · 4 months
Drew @maned-dog getting lots of belly rubs and getting praise for being so good!!!!
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I just saw this blog, and ooooohhhh my heart my boyyyy whom I loooooove could I pretty PRETTY please ask for but a SMIDGE, a CRUMB, of romantic headcanons for Wheatley and his S/O? Who's not Chell. Don't get me wrong, nothing against the ship, at least for me, I just feel we have enough Chelley and not enough X Reader stuff ^^; Anywho, whether it's just pet names he has for em, fluffy, spicy, go wild ! (Oh, also gender neutral if you could.) Thank you so much for your time !
Of course you can! I'm a sucker for romantic Wheatley headcanons, no matter who he's with. As someone who ships Chelley, i still definitely understand that it often overshadows any X reader ideas, and I'd be glad to give you some gender neutral partner headcanons. Thank you for the ask, let's get right to it!
Wheatley loves his partner and makes sure they know it
He loves any kind of physical touch, from playing with each others' hair, to cuddling, to full-on sex. He just likes to be able to feel his partner next to him in some way, feel their warmth and soft breaths. Especially Android! or Core!Wheatley, as he'd be much more intrigued with how humans and their bodies work and feel.
Big cuddler, always in the mood for a good snuggle
When cuddling, he likes to be big spoon (although not opposed to swapping), He likes to feel like he's protecting them and keeping them safe. He also knows how nice it feels to be in someone's embrace like that from when he was a core and humans (probable his partner included) would wrap their arms around him while they'd sleep or take a rest.
He watches them do ordinary things. Wheatley is an observer of anyone, really, as it fascinates him. But he tends to be much more captivated with his partner's actions. Because of this, he's caught many of their little habits and and routines.
Likes having his hair played with. It's just a really comforting feeling to him
His hugs are everything. He loves hugging his partner to show them how much he cares, embracing them tightly, and almost hesitant to let go. Even though he's not the strongest, they always feel safe and secure in his arms.
He often worries about losing them. He's not possessive or anything, but he's scared of somehow messing up someday and losing what they have. Of course, Wheatley wants them to be happy, but he also can't imagine life without them if they, one day, chose to leave.
Speaking of wanting his partner to be happy, he has a bad habit of forgetting to take care of his own needs and feelings, instead focusing all of his energy on their happiness.
So he sometimes needs to be reminded to take care of himself
Early on in the relationship, he was really shy about showing romantic affection. He'd be worried about making them uncomfortable, but they assure him they're fine.
Wheatley asks for consent. Be like Wheatley.
He now showers them in verbal and physical affection whenever he can, it's really sweet.
Gets excited when his partner comes home from somewhere (work, with friends, etc.). He'll hear the front door open and run out like an excited dog, sometimes stumbling down the stairs, to greet them.
Usually ends in a big hug once he gets there
Wheatley loves spending time with them. Even just being in the same room as his partner is time well spent
That could also have to do with the fact he hates being alone
They probably end up getting a pet, let's be honest
Idk what animal, but whatever it is, they both love it so much. It doesn't take long for Wheatley to get emotionally attached.
A happy family :)
Alright that was fun, thank you for the suggestion! If anyone else has a request/prompt, feel free to send it in as an ask, and I'll respond to it!
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Doll Morality? Someone posted in the N@zi Doll Discourse post a while back,  "Having a doll represent anything feels inherently glorifying, for lack of better word. What I mean is, you wouldn’t have a doll of something you hate. You make dolls to represent beloved characters, maybe real individuals you admire- wether it be partners, actors, pets even."
And oh boy. Oh boyyyy I have realized in this moment why so many people get so feral over fictional bullshit, and also that apparently my doll-having experience is not like the experience others are having. And no shade to this person or anyone else who feels this way, but man... I do not at all make dolls based on things I love and support, not like, intentionally or exclusively. I have dolls for reasons like "that looks cool" and "that's cute" -- but I also have some character dolls in a fictional setting, and they include both a protagonist, an antagonist, and a morally-grey third-party. And I don't... give it that much thought, you know?
I don't condone bad actions, literally just "character x did thing for reason. plot moves forward" is about the sum of that thought process because I don't... consider that actions of some fictional people to be reflective of my stand on basically anything? That's like saying Mads Mikkelsen is pro-cannibalism because he played Hannibal Lecter, to me. Like it's just. It's just a role on a TV show; it's just a doll on my shelf.
It's just some characters in a fictional story that won't even see the light of day, and I'm just an anon sitting on my bed star-struck by how different our experiences can be across the hobby- in a nonjudgmental, positive manner, mind. Literally I made these (negative) characters into dolls because I saw some sculpts that worked over the years and said to myself "oh, well damn, that works. that'd be a cool doll." 
I don't really tie morality into it at all, for me. Fiction is fiction at the end of the day, isn't it? But it was very interesting to see someone else's take on the matter, and it provided some insight to me, at least, on why people have become so incredibly morally aggrandized over the behavior of fictional characters and "proper" representation and everything else (saying this as a person from a a societally disadvantaged background for the record; I'm not saying I don't get why people want to see more representation, I'm saying I'm baffled by the rise in the belief that only "positive, morally wholesome" representation is acceptable when I, personally, would prefer to see a diversity in narratives about people from my background, good and bad, because I feel only allowing one perspective is just as hollow as only showing negative portrayals; but I digress.)
It makes sense to me that people would be upset by things that are morally dubious or objectively bad if they feel that those producing such content are inherently supportive of it. On the other hand, the knowledge that some people feel this way actively fills me with dread and has further filled me with resolve to never publish anything, anywhere, because even my relatively milquetoast neo-noir bullshit probably won't past muster under that kind of scrutiny. As a final note, I will say that despite all this, I still would find it fucky to make a N@zi doll, even if there is at least one out there released by a prominent Dollmaker. I'd be open to hearing why someone else got one (if you like the sculpt and burned the outfit, sure, why not) but me personally, no thank you.
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anya-grace · 3 years
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Two beautiful people sent me an ask about my rivetra actors au, and boyyyy let me tell you, it was so fun making them again 😍 thank you to the pretty souls who asked this! 💘
The first actors au were from season 1 and 2, this one will focus on the filming of season 3 until the last season :) here you go!
more rivetra actors!au headcanon (some are nsfw-ish)
- Let me get straight to the point: lots of sex. Car sex. On-set sex. Dressing room sex. Name it.
- Both of them are aware that it was unprofessional, but there was a time when they did not see each other for more than a month because of their (especially Levi’s) busy and conflicting schedule, so when Petra surprised him on set, the frustration and longing just piled up and they had sex.
- Then it became a habit.
- And this habit, of course, didn’t go unnoticed by the other casts and even crews of the show. Armin heard them once, and the poor boy made a mental note to never ever come close to Levi’s room again.
- The older casts are fine with it since, you know, normal adult stuff. But for the love of the three Walls, can you lovebirds tone the moaning down? People are trying to get some sleep wtf.
- Levi’s make-up artist had to deal with the pain of covering his hickeys (courtesy of Ms. Petra Ral) every shoot. The ones on his neck, especially those near his adam’s apple were the most visible. And since Captain Levi rarely wore a cravat in season three, part one, it made the work harder for the make-up artist.
- As compensation, Petra always bought a special souvenir for Levi’s make-up artist whenever she flies overseas for her theater shows.
- For the premiere of season 3, Levi took Petra as his date on the red carpet. It was the first event they attended publicly as a couple.
- It was a big milestone for their relationship because they are both public figures. And we all know what happens when celebrities publicize their relationships, it is prone to issues and controversies.
- And you can very well guess that Levi Ackerman showing off his beautiful girlfriend to the press was big news. As big as the AoT premiere even.
- During the air of season three, Levi became more famous and he attracted many overseas fans as well as international actresses because of his brilliant scenes with Kenny.
- Although Petra is not the jealous type, she admitted that somehow it affected her when other international actresses expressed their admiration towards Levi. Some even said that Levi is their type and they are looking forward to working with him in the future.
- When Levi sensed this, he immediately headed to his IG and posted a picture of Petra with a very cheesy caption lmao. Forgive him, he's new to this kind of relationship.
- Did I mention he also posted a picture of them kissing in front of the Eiffel tower?
- Only a few know this, but the real Levi is one clingy boyfriend.
- He is very touchy when it comes to Petra. He just really loves holding her. Sometimes he just randomly hugs her, caresses her, nuzzles her. He just loves having skin-to-skin contact with her.
- His love language is actions and gestures.
- His favorite gesture to do to Petra is a back hug with his arms under her boobs. It was a soft gesture and it wasn't sexual in any way...until it did.
- More than half of their sex started with Levi touching Petra’s underboobs tbh.
- Sometimes Levi thinks that he's neglecting Petra and more than once he considered quitting the show business for her. But then he’ll see her smiling at him, and she tells him that she's very proud of what he’s doing and that she's happy that she gets to support him with doing the things he is really passionate about and just… all he could think of that time is that he wants to marry this amazing woman.
- He is also supportive of Petra’s theater actress career, of course. And he hates the fact that he needs to hide whenever he watches one of her shows since people eventually gather around him asking for an autograph and he feels that it’s rude for Petra. This is her moment and he doesn’t want to ruin it for her.
- Hence, his all-black and mysterious get-up whenever he watches her show.
- AoT season three was a huge success and plans for season four are already on the move. Casts were given a long break before the shooting began again and both Petra and Levi took this as a chance to bond together.
-Petra's favorite thing to do with Levi is playing with animals. She has a soft spot for animals, and she wanted for them to adopt a pet but she knew that the poor animal will only be given less attention because both of them are always busy.
-When Petra's theater world tour ended, she and Levi started living together. They didn't have the chance to do it before since they were both busy.
-Them living together is probably the height of their relationship. They fought, they had sex, they laughed, they played, they bathe together. They did everything together and it was a beautiful experience.
- For their third anniversary, Levi booked a vacation on a private island for a week. It was also their last bonding because Levi is going to start filming again for season four in less than a month.
- They did not communicate with anyone during that one week. It was just them, and they made the most of it.
- Mornings were spent for morning sex and breakfast in bed. Afternoons were for swimming, sleeping, cuddling, hugging, kissing, and every activity they could think of doing. They explored the island, they petted stray animals, they dived into the ocean, they build sandcastles, they ate different dishes, they had sex in caves and while swimming on the beach, they climbed trees, they bought souvenirs, and most importantly, they took many pictures together.
- Evenings were the most romantic of all. They had sex in the darkness of their own room while they hear the ocean waves crashed to the shore outside and as the sea breeze cooled their sweat-slicked skin. They took the time to explore each other’s body like it’s their last (because it will be in a matter of days).
- On their last night, Pet cried while they’re having sex. Levi’s face was buried on the crook of her neck and she was moaning one moment, and then the next she’s sobbing like a poor little baby.
- She said that she’d gotten used to life with Levi always by her side and she didn’t want it to ever change. Levi comforted her. He petted her hair, and he said that it’s going to be okay. He kissed her head, then her hair, her face, and her body. Then they had the most emotional and meaningful sex of their entire life.
- Levi started shooting again for season four. Petra, like the past seasons, visits him as much as she can. It was hard adjusting to this type of life again, but she’s a strong woman. And besides, she’s going to start rehearsing for another theater show again.
- They need to undergo medical check-ups before the casting and she found out then that she is pregnant with Levi’s baby.
- It freaked her out. She and Levi never talked about babies before since they’re busy with their careers, and their relationship has always been just the two of them.
- Levi was out of town for the shoot, and she didn’t want to tell him the good news on the phone so she patiently waited until he got home.
- He was greeted with a fancy dinner, and a “Welcome home, Daddy” by Petra. Levi thought that it was her being cheeky and naughty at first, but when dinner ended and she ran for her life to the sink, that’s when he started getting worried. And when Petra showed him the positive result in her medical check-up, well, let’s just say that on that day, Levi Ackerman received a good reminder of what he did to her on their vacation months ago.
- But seriously, he was seconds away from calling his manager and dropping his AoT contract just so he can take care of Petra and their baby. Petra said that it was fine, and she doesn’t want him to quit.
- Levi apologized to Petra many times because he wasn’t there when she discovered it, but she assured him that it was alright and it wasn’t his fault. God, he’s with the perfect woman.
- Since Levi is a big shot in the industry, he demanded control over his schedules. Honestly, he wanted to be at her side 24/7. He wanted to see her belly swell as months went by. He wanted to be the one to satisfy her midnight pregnancy cravings. He wanted to kiss her face and her belly first thing in the morning.
- He convinced Petra to move temporarily to the Ackerman family house where Levi’s parents are staying. Kenny and Mikasa also lived in the same affluent neighborhood. He had doctors, and helpers, and bodyguards hired for Petra. But she said that she’s too uncomfortable with many people around her.
- Petra and Levi’s mom build a bond of their own. She’d gotten to know more of Levi through his mother’s perspective. The older woman showed her Levi’s teenage room, his past awards, his photos, his audition tapes that weren’t out for the public, and she fell in love with him more.
- They had a super private wedding with their relatives and closest friends. Petra was six months pregnant by that time and season four is planned to air three months from now.
- So, you know about that one holy Rivetra panel where Petra is looking back to Levi? The reason why the scene was not in the actual show was that she is pregnant. That’s why the directors are forced to use old scenes from season one instead.
- Despite all the efforts of being private, paparazzi and the media still caught wind of the secret wedding, and rumors about Petra being pregnant started circulating over the internet. Levi shut down these rumors every time someone attempted to question him in his interviews.
- When the shooting ended, Petra was already eight months into pregnancy. As per tradition, the cast and staff held an after-party, but Petra was surprised when it became a baby shower for her instead.
- The baby was supposedly due in the third week of December, but Petra’s water broke around the first week instead and she started her labor. She ended up having the same birthday as their healthy baby boy.
- The baby was named River Ackerman. He was named after Levi’s role where he won the Best Actor Award when he was seventeen. It was also a tribute to Levi’s role in AoT since his name was sometimes spelled as ‘Rivaille’ on many occasions.
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01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
with my mom yes but my father no, not even close
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?
03: Do you regret anything?
I regret the suffering
04: Are you insecure?
too much
05: What is your relationship status?
06: How do you want to die?
I wanna know when I'm gonna day, I just don't want it to hurt
07: What did you last eat?
I don't know how to say it in english
08: Played any sports?
yes, dance and gymnastic
09: Do you bite your nails?
10: When was your last physical fight?
never been into one
11: Do you like someone?
yes indeed
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
14: Do you miss someone?
definitely yes
15: Have any pets?
cats, hamster and a rabbit
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
miserable, I'm doing this to distract myself
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
18: Are you scared of spiders?
not at all
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
oh yes for sure
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?
I don't even remember when was the last time I did it
21: What are your plans for this weekend?
probably studying
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
this is a hard one, i can't answer that
23: Do you have piercings? How many?
no, I don't like it
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
I do
26: What are you craving right now?
for my heart to please slow it down
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
I did and Im still sorry for it
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
yes, still hurts btw
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
yes, I'm a bitch
30: What’s irritating you right now?
feeling unloved
31: Does somebody love you?
oh god
32: What is your favourite color?
33: Do you have trust issues?
too many
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
I can't remember
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
can't remember but i did in front of a mirror a minutes ago
36: Do you give out second chances too easily?
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
forgive without a doubt
38: Is this year the best year of your life?
no, 2016 is the year
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
8/9 idk
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
51: Favourite food?
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
I do
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
54: Is cheating ever okay?
absolutely not
55: Are you mean?
sometimes, yes
56: How many people have you fist fought?
57: Do you believe in true love?
I want to
58: Favourite weather?
59: Do you like the snow?
I love it
60: Do you wanna get married?
another hard question, I can't answer this
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
62: What makes you happy?
feeling loved, special its the sweetest thing
63: Would you change your name?
when I was a kid I wanted too but today I wouldn't
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
not at all
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
oh boyyyy im not the right one to answer this 😂
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
70: Is there anyone you would die for for?
my sis, mom and grandma
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tayzamxlfoy · 7 years
Cute. (Sirius Black imagine ;))
Sirius Black imagine where Sirius kisses reader, it’s just so cute ahh.
Warnings: swearing, tha’s all!! :)) enjoy
Sirius Black sat next to you in potions.
He just sat.
But yet he sat so fucking perfectly and his legs were sitting comfortably apart and his beautiful face rested boredly on his perfect fist on his perfect arm on the perfect table. How can someone have a perfect fist? Yet he fricken managed it.
But if anyone was going to manage it. It was Sirius Orion Black.
And Holy Ghost how his black wavy hair fell messily and carelessly over his eyes and he flicked it back irritatedly was enough to make a girl (or a boy even) melt, boyyyy was he perfect.
Sitting there, next to you, watching professor Slughorn write out the ingredients for the draught of living death you were about to concoct. And man would you need some of that stuff because you felt as if every time you looked at one of your best friends Sirius Black a part of you died.
In a good way :)
“Now, I don’t expect any of you to get it right first time, or second time for that fact, but if any of you do, I will be very proud, and the lucky winner will get an instant invitation to the slug club dinner this evening. Good luck!!”
Chairs slid across the dungeon floor as everyone went to their tables with their potion equipment on.
He got up and looked around boredly as he walked towards both of your table that you shared.
How did he walk so sexily??
“Y/N?? Earth to Y/N”
You were awoken from your badly mistimed daydream by Sirius knocking on your head gently. “Anyone in there??” He mocked listening to your head as if he would hear someone inside.
You lightly smacked his hand away, “hey!!” You laughed and felt your cheeks go a bit pink.
He mocked a sigh, “I thought we’d finally lost you there.”
“Shut up” you laughed and pushed him playfully as you went to grab some asphodel root from the shelf.
Shit. Being a short ass does not help in these situations.
You gave yourself a mini mental pep-talk. Stop thinking about Sirius. My god Y/N you are not going to pass your OWLS by daydreaming all the damn time. Save it for later!! You sounded like your mum. Oops.
“Need some help??” A callused hand came to rest gently on your waist and a warm chest came with it and touched your back slightly. His other hand stretched up and grabbed the asphodel you needed with ease.
The touch sent a shiver up your body. A good one. An amazing one. Ohhh my god I’m going to die. He’d touched you many times before, being one of your best friends, but man it never felt as good as this.
You could almost sense his smirk when you turned around to him. He knew exactly what he was doing to you.
The shit.
“Thankyou Black but I could have got it perfectly fine on my own.” You smiled and laughed.
His face was full of amusement, “I’m sure.”
The lesson went on and Sirius hovered next to you, not really helping at all. For the best probably. He sucked at potions.
In the middle of the lesson, in one of his few attempts to help you with the potion to look like he was doing something, he knocked the vial of bean juice with his arm going all over the table. “Oh godric’s flippin’ arse.” You heard this and burst with laughter, earning a stern look from Slughorn and the girls over on the end table. Sirius’ laughter mixed with yours and he grabbed your shoulder and went shhhh between all the laughing. If you were drinking tea at that moment, you definitely would have spat it out.
At the end of the lesson, you grabbed your books and waited for James to clear up all of the exploding goo he ‘accidentally’ cooked up in his cauldron which was now all over their work table. It was pretty funny really.
“Hey,” Sirius put his hand in the crook of your arm. You turned to him. “Let’s wait for him outside.”
You followed him out of the classroom and into the corridor outside. It was basically abandoned.
“Where’s Moony and Peter??” You asked.
“They left already, Wormtail won’t stay around Slughorn for longer than he needs to. He’s taken a liking to him because of his talent with potions, nearly got invited to slug club. He doesn’t wanna be seen as a teachers pet.” He laughed his beautiful full laugh. “Why would anyone want a pet rat.”
You laughed with him. Although you felt a bit sorry for peter, you knew what Sirius meant.
“Your laugh is cute,” he smirked and lifted his hand to your ear, gently tucking your hair behind it.
You felt yourself have a slight intake of breath as he did so, your heartbeat going crazy.
He smirked and smiled even more as he brought his hand up and stroked your cheekbone lightly with his thumb, as if he could hear your heart beating out of your chest and your brain going oh my god oh my god pathetically.
You little shit.
You laughed a little and looked down embarrassedly. He brought his fingers along your jaw to your chin and brought it up gently so you were looking at him. You could get so easily lost in his eyes.
You realised then just how close you were to each other, feeling your cheeks grow rosier as you looked up into his face that you love so much. He was looking at you in a slight curiosity, a ghost of a smirk on his face.
He started to bring his head closer to yours, leaning down slowly as he was taller than you, still with his soft fingers on your chin. As his lips got closer to yours his hand ran slowly back up your jaw and went to the side of your face and his fingers tangled in your hair.
You couldn’t quite believe what was happening. Your heartbeat elevated and nerves filled with excitement. Every single inch of your skin ached for him to kiss you and never let you go. You laughed at yourself in your head, boy you were patheti...
He kissed you.
His soft lips brushed yours softly as you felt your insides melt. He paused, as if for dramatic affect, a ghost of a smirk floating on his face. His right hand travelled to your waist as he kissed you more, a little firmer but still so gentle, his left in your hair. Man was he good.
Also, he smelt fricken phenomenal.
His touch drove you insane, your heart beating out of your chest. He smirked into the kiss as if he knew, you smiled into his lips. I never want to be apart from you, ever. You giggled a little into the kiss. I’m so pathetic.
You both finally came apart, your hands still in his hair and on his chest and his gently in your hair and on your waist. Though still impossibly close, almost reluctant to come apart,
He still wore his annoying perfect smirk, you laughed a little breathlessly and rested your forehead against his.
Suddenly there was a rustle a little away of a packet being opened. Padfoot and you looked towards the doorway of the class room and rested upon an extremely smug looking James leaning against the door frame and eating a rather large packet of fizzing wizzbees.
“Hello lovebirds,” he crooned, “enjoy that??”
Oh I wanna hit him.
You rolled your eyes laughing and Sirius threw a ball of screwed up paper at him, smiling.
“You’re a dick,” Sirius pointed out. You and James laughed with him, we all knew this was truer than true.
“I thought I’d be fucking 50 by the time you two finally got off. Man I could not deal with any more relationship advice sessions from Moony for you. Torture.”
He came between you both and linked arms, leading you all out towards the grounds where you always sat. You laughed, damn he was annoying. You loved him though.
You looked curiously at Sirius, he’d talked about you?? You could swear he turned a little pink as he winked at you earning a smile and a laugh.
Merlin you’re gorgeous.
“I’m sure Moony gives amazing relationship advice,” you laughed. He was pretty wise, like an owl.
“Better than yours,” Padfoot scoffed earning a return scoff from Prongs.
“Bullocks, my relationship advice is brilliant, I could get anyone any girl,” he began to strut a bit, earning your laugh again.
“Anyone any girl bit you can’t get yourself Lily,” laughed Sirius, a cheeky smirk rising up on his face.
James glared at him and tried to trip him up. “Dick.”
You rested your head on his shoulder gently, “you’ll get her James.”
He smiled at you gratefully (another gorgeous smile, merlin why are all my best friends so gorgeous??)
“thanks y/n/n” and he touched his head to yours gently and you pulled yours up; his messy brown hair tickled your forehead.
“Anyway,” he announced with his usual energy, “now we have you two snogging to fawn over.” He grinned widely and you started laughing as Sirius unlinked arms and pushed him as they started to playfight.
Walking behind them giggling you subconsciously brought your fingertips to your lips, where Sirius had just been.
You could still feel his soft lips on yours, taste them almost. An uncontrollable smile grew on your face as you thought of it. You’d wanted to do that for so long it looked like he had too. Damn you could not wait for more of that.
You looked up at them playfighting and laughing and you laughed again.
Oh this is perfect.
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honeyblissss · 6 years
😂 awh man I ain't going to be the only one waking up to answer questions 1-70
lmao fine! 01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? ; i never had a solid relationship with my dad, i got daddy issues lmao. but my momma is kinda my best friend. 02: Who did you last say “I love you” to? ; my brother03: Do you regret anything? ; yes a lot unfortunately 04: Are you insecure? ; at times i can be smh, i wish I had the mindset as thinkin i always look like a snack and a bad bitch 05: What is your relationship status? ; it’s complicated? i don’t even know tbh 06: How do you want to die? ; i always thought I’d just kill myself soon with some sleeping pills but today opened my eyes and im thinking differently now.07: What did you last eat? ; carnitas 08: Played any sports? ; yes playin niggas, my favorite sport! 09: Do you bite your nails? ; no I always keep them done10: When was your last physical fight? ; almost fought a bih today11: Do you like someone? ; yessssss 12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? ; yup13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? ; uh everyone 14: Do you miss someone? ; of course 15: Have any pets? ; just a lil doggy16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? ; tired asf! la is kicking my booty 17: Ever made out in the bathroom? ; no but def on my bucket list 😏18: Are you scared of spiders? ; no19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? ; fuckkkkk yes 20: Where was the last place you snogged someone? ; huh? 21: What are your plans for this weekend? ; working 22: Do you want to have kids? How many? ; yess, hopefully 5.23: Do you have piercings? How many? ; yes & 4 24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? ; lol 25: Do you miss anyone from your past? ; nah 26: What are you craving right now? ; some dick tbh 27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? ; oh yupppp28: Have you ever been cheated on? ; sadly yes29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? ; yes 30: What’s irritating you right now? ; waiting to go pee 31: Does somebody love you? ; yes 32: What is your favourite color? ; black 33: Do you have trust issues? ; kinda34: Who/what was your last dream about? ; my best friend 😳 we slept together lol.35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? ; nsync 😂 and a bunch of people today 36: Do you give out second chances too easily? ; yup bc I’m a dumb bitch 37: Is it easier to forgive or forget? ; forgive 38: Is this year the best year of your life? ; fuck no b 39: How old were you when you had your first kiss? ; 7th grade idk 40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? ; nah 51: Favourite food? ; sushi 52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? ; idk 53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? ; watched twin peaks54: Is cheating ever okay? ; nope 55: Are you mean? ; you know it 56: How many people have you fist fought? ; like 2 lmao 57: Do you believe in true love? ; yes58: Favourite weather? ; overcast, rainy, stormy, thunder. all dat good shit59: Do you like the snow? ; never been to the snow 🤷🏽‍♀️60: Do you wanna get married? ; yes! 61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? ; uy it makes my pussy wet but only from the right person 😂 if it ain’t my babes calling me that I don’t wanna hear it boyyyy62: What makes you happy? ; 😫😫 I don’t know 63: Would you change your name? ; no 64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? ; nope 65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? ; i deadass don’t know !! 66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? ; yes 67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? ; my brother lol or my best friend 68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? ; i haven’t had one in a while 69: Do you believe in soulmates? ; yesss i do70: Is there anyone you would die for? ; nah it’s not that deep tbh
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moon-queen · 7 years
I was tagged by @yyh Thanks lovely🌹
drink - water phone call - my sister text message - “boyyyy do it yourself🚶🏿✌🏿” song you listened to - Summer Dream - Tatsuro Yamashita time you cried - man idek i cry for no reason
dated someone twice - no kissed someone & regretted - no been cheated on - nope lost someone special - yes been depressed - yes gotten drunk and thrown up - nope
Primary colors (esp red), and yellows
made new friends - yes i think fallen out of love - nope laughed until you cried - yup found out someone was talking about you - nobody talks about me met someone who changed you - nope. Its hard to change me found out who your friends are - Nope.  I been knew kissed someone on your facebook friends list - hell naw, who even uses facebook
how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - i dont have FB i prolly forgot everyone do you have any pets - yes! My kitty Luna do you want to change your name - If i could. I would change it in a heartbeat. what did you do for your last birthday - Ate good!!!!  what time did you wake up today - 9:00am what were you doing at midnight last night - watched the FOUR
what is something you can’t wait for - my moment what are you listening to right now - nothing but my head is playing some tatsuro yamashita have you ever talked to a person named tom - i dont hangout with toms something that’s getting on your nerves - lights on in the middle of the night, my bedroom door open. most visited website - Youtube, instagram, tumblr hair colour - black long or short hair - its medium do you have a crush on someone - jungkook🏃🏿🏃🏿 what do you like about yourself - I’m actually hilarious and super creative want any piercings - kinda, but idk if id commit blood type - no idea nicknames - Lads relationship status - Hungry zodiac - Cancer pronouns - she, her fav TV shows - I really like this is us and the FOUR atm tattoos - i got none right or left handed - righty ever had surgery - nope sports - wish i was a boxer piercings - my ears are pierced 
vacation - I wanna go to turkey but the world is my ouster I need a explore that ish
trainers - honestly don't have brand shoes😅 can’t afford them shits
eating - Rice drinking - OJ about to watch - maybe youtube or watch NANA but im savoring it waiting for - reading week want - a new phone get married - someday in sha allah career - idk wish i was a painter
WHICH IS BETTER hugs or kisses - both lips or eyes - both shorter or taller - taller older or younger -  Same age as me or older than me  nice arms or stomach - arms hookup or relationship - relationship for life troublemaker or hesitant - I like troublemakers because I’m very hesitant we gotta balance each other out
kissed a stranger - hell nawww ppl are dirty drank hard liquor - I don't drink lost glasses - I don't wear glasses turned someone down - I think but idk sex on first date - noooo broken someone’s heart - idk had your heart broken - nope been arrested - nope cried when someone died - yes fallen for a friend - nope
DO YOU BELIEVE IN yourself - 85.3% of the time miracles - Yes because Allah grants them love at first sight - i really don't believe in that, it feels superficial santa Claus -Hell nah kiss on a first date - noo angels - yuuuup
best friend’s name - I got 4 + my sis you know who you are eye color - brown fav movie - Be cool, perfect blue fav actor - Sasuke Uchiha
I tag: @redroseclub @shiningwoc @phenks @paraderain @rosecarat @thotywap
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niovitheviolin · 7 years
               tag tag tag~                                                        
I was tagged by @kazoomajor ~Thank you :)
Your last 1. drink: apple cider 2. phone call: my boyfriend 3. text message: my boyfriend, asking which gamer chair he should buy lol 4. song you listened to: Mogwai - i know you are, but what am i 5. time you cried: this morning
Have you ever 6. dated someone twice: no 7. kissed someone and regretted it: yes 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: lmao yes 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: i wish the answer was no buttt
3 favourite colours: purpled, black, blue
In the last year have you 15. made new friends: I don’t really think so 16. fallen out of love: no 17. laughed until you cried: yep 18. found out someone was talking about you: lol yeah 19. met someone who changed you: yes 20. found out who your friends are: i kinda knew 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: does my bf count? :P
General 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: pretty much all of them 23. do you have any pets: yeppp 24. do you want to change your name: nah, makes me remember my grandma 25. what did you do for your last birthday: got a ‘’surprise’’ party and a nice cake with small violins made out of chocolate , stayed at home with my friends and watched a movie 26. what time did you wake up: 9 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: probably playing ‘’habits’’ by tove lo on my violin because for some reason after 11 pm i get the urge to practice?? 28. name something you can’t wait for: death lol joking, maybe my trip this september 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: 6 months ago and idk when im gonna see her again so 31. what are you listening to right now: Soap&Skin - Cry Wolf               32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: im pretty sure i have 33. something that is getting on your nerves: my headache 34. most visited website: Tumblr and youtube 35. hair colour: reddishh 36. long or short hair: kinda long 37. do you have a crush on someone: yep, peter quinn from homeland lmao 38. what do you like about yourself: my good taste in music ? 39. piercings: ears and nose 40. blood type: i have no idea 41.nickname: i dont think i have one 42. relationship status: in a long term relationship 43. zodiac: capricorn 44. pronouns: she/her/they 45. favourite tv show: oh boyyyy OH BOY there are just too many?!? 47. right or left handed: left handed 48. surgery: not yet 49. sport: volley i guess 50. vacation: paris (the freakin catacombs oh god i have to go there before i die), london, egypt and so many other places honestly 51. pair of trainers: black flats tbh
More General 53. eating: hmm vegan pizza with pineapple 54. drinking: i mostly like ciders, sparkling wine and some cocktails 55. i’m about to: watch an exploration video on youtube 56. waiting for: nothing special really 57. want: for things to go right for once in my life :) 58. get married: big no 59. career: criminal profiler
Which is Better 60. hugs or kisses: hugs 61. lips or eyes: eyes 62. shorter or taller: taller 63. older or younger: older 64. nice arms or nice stomach: nice hands and im hooked 65. hook up or relationship:hookups are fun but so are good relationships i guess and also i am into a long term relationship so relationships it is 66. troublemaker or hesitant: My anxiety makes me go from one to the other in .52 seconds (im gonna leave @kazoomajor‘s answer because boy is it true for me too)
Have You Ever 67. kissed a stranger: yEAH 68. drank hard liquor: oh yeah 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: haven’t lost my glasses which is super awesome 70. turned someone down: yeah, multiple times 71. sex on the first date: yeah that happened 72. broken someone’s heart: so ive been told 73. had your heart broken: i dont think so 74. been arrested: no 75. cried when someone died: yeah 76. fallen for a friend: not really
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 77. yourself: ha hha hahaha 78. miracles: no 79. love at first sight: yeah 80. santa claus: no 81. kiss on the first date: yeah i guess 82. angels: no
OTHER: 83. current best friend’s name: whats a best friend and where can i download one 84. eye colour: hazel 85. favourite movie: too many lol
I tag @artichoke-my-heart @itsaviolathing @violapianolife @viola-and-chill @in-the-key-of-f-major  please pass if you don’t want to do it
if you see this and like this feel free to do it because honestly i dont know who to tag so yeah :P
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sorreltail · 8 years
ill delete this soon
bad cop hogwarts au
points to cover: houses, prefect stuff, meetings, classes, Naughty Stuff, other cats, pets, life after hogwarts, quidditch >:((, HYDRATION, teachers, uhhhhh and anything else i can think of
HOUSES: rumples a gryffindor. the sorting hat took about three seconds. alonzos a hufflepuff even tho his family have always been ravenclaws and he desperately wanted to be a gryffindor, he cried after the sorting ceremony also: jenny is huffpuff head, skimble is p much hagrid, jelly is raven, gus is gryffdor and grizabella is slytherin,,, headmaster deuteronomy lmao
PREFECT STUFF: alonzos a prefect. Obviously, i mean come on. he takes it so seriously,,, hes already dating rumple when he becomes one and she delights in the fact that he can sometimes b persuaded to let her go with a warning bc yo thats what u get for fucking a prefect,,, once she wanted to get in ravenclaw tower and she didnt know the answer to the riddle so she was like "LONZYYY I HAVE A RIDDLE THAT I NEED TO FIND THE ANSWER TO FOR HOMEWORRKKKKK" and hes a library fiend so he spent like an hour looking it up and then he told her and she was like "ok thanks im going off 2 ravenclaw tower now" and he was so distraught he took ten points from hufflepuff for helping her. the other prefects Donut Understand their relationship ghdkhgd bc mungo and rumple r worse than fred and george but eventually it gets to the point where they catch her doin some rulebreaking and shes like... do u seriously feel like dealing with me so they just go get alonzo. she gets drunk on firewhisky one time and he takes her back up to gryffindor tower and spends ten minutes trying to get the fat lady to let her in but the fat lady is annoyed and refusing and it goes like "rumple tell her the password" "nooOooOoOooOo" "do you know the password" ">:3c" "rumple teLL HER THE PASSWORD" for another half hour and eventually gives up and decides to wait for the next gryffindors to come along and let her in but the next one to come along is mungo and then its twice as bad when alonzo becomes head boy (munk is the year above them) he cries, and rumple opens her letter like I GOT HEAD GIRL??!!!!????? and hes like. What. and shes like hehehehehe just kidding who the fuck do u think i am,, also. prefects bathroom. he ends up letting her find out the password and then shes constantly in there and then Somehow (i wonder how) mungo finds out and then they have to change it before the whole school knows,,, oh my god the other prefects tease him so much and at first hes like eh..heh...yeah but after a while hes like fuck off please, stop shittalking my girlfriend to me, and he gets a wee bit defensive about it so they give up especially in their final year when hes head boyyyy
QUIDDITCH: OKAY so alonzo wanted to play quidditch as a seeker bc ofc he did right?? i mean theres so many rules. such nice uniforms. but he never made the tryouts bc he wasnt willing to take the risks needed to get the golden thingy (also, vitiligo, hes got autoimmune shit and he has 2 b careful w his health),,, rumple however. rumples grown up loving the harpies and desperately wanting to be a beater. then she meets mungo and the two of them are fucking terrifying beaters, they are So Good, its honestly the only reason why gryffindor hasnt lost the house cup every fucking year, them helping win p much every game kind of balances out all the points they lose for being shits lmao,,, we had a thought that she gets hurt sometime in a game, and alonzo is. so terribly smothering he brings in all his books to study by her bed in the hospital wing and takes notes for her and is way too cautious after that and begs her to stop playing and she just. Looks at him. :| anyway she does eventually become quidditch captain nyehehe and so shes captain, hes head boy, they are a glorious power couple,,, the nerds love alonzo, the delinquents and sportheads love rumple, together they are So Respected,, it also means she gets actual access to the prefects bathroom which changes very little except for how sneaky she has to be to get in
MEETINGS: okay so in true hogwarts au fashion they first meet on the train as first years,,, rumple: hi can i sit here (she says as shes sat down) are u muggleborn im a halfblood alonzo: im from an old wzarding family my name is draco malfuck you rumple: wow u sound like an asshole. what house r u gonna be in. im gryffindor alonzo: me too rumple: u dont seem like one alonzo: you do :// rude fuck. this is my owl her name is aegolius im pretentious rumple: cool name. this is my cat her name is gwynog GO HARPIES alonzo: ive never had physical contact with a living thing in my life can i pet her rumple: sure alonzo: soft anyway after they get sorted they never talk again. End Of Au. jks but forreal they dont talk for years until they get their electives and theyre partnered in care of magical creatures and finally talk again and it goes like rumple: hey youre that kid who cried at the sorting ceremony alonzo: rumple: sup somehow the whole Falling In Love part is the one bit we havent really talked about but it happens and its cute
id also like to add that alonzos parents are an old italian wizarding family but they pride themselves on being chic, modern wizards who incorporate certain muggle things, mostly fashion, his mums a fashion designer, so all his clothes are beautiful and tailored and more Modern than most,, ANYWAY they also Want The Best for him and when he tells them who hes dating (A HALFBLOOD RAISED AMONG MUGGLES??? A GIRL BEATER???? LOOK AT HER SCHOOL RECORDS DARLING SHES A DELINQUENT!!!!!!) and they refuse to let him stay at her house or let her come over,,, until he writes home one day like. shes captain of the quidditch team what more do u want shes going to do it professionally) and theyre Sporty Folks who are So Fucking Into Quidditch and by this point theyve realised that she's not turning him into a Bad Kid so they finally accept her
CLASSES: ive forgotten like all of their classes kmn anyway alonzo wants to be an auror. thats all he wants. thats his ambition. so he studies his ass off from day one and gets perfect grades and is a model student. rumple is. perhaps not. just think fred and george thats her and mungo, shes a terror but somehow she still manages to pass everything through an annoying natural talent. alonzos kind of hellbent on making her get good grades and they spend much of their time in the library, hes in there Every Day, he pretty much has a reserved table, rumple sits around practicing jinxes on any unfortunate passerbys and trying to pester him and/or make him kiss her he loves presentations, hes so good at them, he prepares for weeks and then the entire time rumples in the back of class making Naughty Gestures. he chokes on his water when she does presentations theyre short but shes really charismatic so he just kind of sits there staring at her like an idiot because gosh she has a nice voice rumples a pro at brooms obviously, alonzos Hella Nervous on them, he has the best and safest model, she offers to give him private lessons but really its just an opportunity for dick jokes what can u do. he gets her a really good really SAFE and fast broom for christmas one year bc what else does a rich boy get his girlfriend who kicks ass at quidditch which brings me to
NAUGHTY STUFF: kittens look away! look for like. a full three months hes like Im Not Having Sex At School Its Against the rRULES!!!!!! and rumples like. well then we either abstain until we graduate or we can do it at your parents place and. No. The Horror. he changes his mind very quickly. they happen to stumble across the room of requirement a few times when.uh. the need is great. u know how it goes. im also gonna go out on a limb and admit that alonzo is rather fond of the Luxury Baths in the prefects bathroom and rumple is very good at catching him when hes in there and enchanting the door or some shit so nobody disturbs them :-)) this is from one of those hogwarts au headcanon posts but i love it, he gives a presentation on sex ed and shit (lets pretend hogwarts is better than it is) and rumple sits in the back asking the worst questions and inside he wants to scream u KNOW what that is we did it last nIGHT
other cats: yes ok here we go. in their year is misto, victoria, admetus, mungo, coricopat, tantomile and im sure im missing people here, year above them  is munk, tugger, deme, bomba, cassandra, macavity (???!!!???) and everyone else is younger by a year or two, also worth mentioning is etcetera being rumples younger sister and theyre adorable and lovely etcetera for president of the world munk and cass or deme are probably head boy and girl of their year,  cass is dating tantomile, bombas dating demeter, alonzo has the biggest crush on munk as well (optional polyamory for u fucks) (worth saying that the reason rumple went to sneak into ravenclaw tower was to see victoria btw),,, alonzo and victoria are head boy and girl of their year, and probably jemima andddddddd idk maybe g eorge fuck me man idk admetus is another prefect, so's tantomile tbh,,, id say victoria but she wants to focus on her studies
PETS: alonzo has this beautiful eagle owl, scariest of all owls, her name is aegoleius (pronounced ay-JEE-lee-us) it means bird of prey and he adores her. shes beautifully trained. rumple has a kitty that im personally in love with who is basically rumpleteazer as a cat lol shes a calico but her name is gwenog after the famous beater of the harpies <33333 eventually they'll get another cat thatll be a suspiciously familiar black and white patched triangle shorthair named Faolan (sorta like FWAY-larn) even tho it means little wolf because he thought it sounded cool and he read it in a book and thought it was pronouned faow-lahn, honestly they probably end up getting a whole ton of cats
LIFE AFTER HOGWARTS: WOO im excited for this bit. okay. so. alonzo wants to be an auror. hes spent his whole life training for this. he immediately applies after graduation and gets in and starts his rigorous three year training process. in the meantime rumples gone into professional quidditch, and shes really really good at it but shes like.... this isnt fun anymore. bc its not just a school game anymore, its a professional sport, and what do u mean u cant jinx the opponents!!!! so for a while she just helps him train "ok so if you walk like THIS and use this charm your footsteps will be totally silent blah blah boh my god i should be an auror" and hes like. You. want to be an auror. and shes like. Yup. and its a damn good thing he was so obsessive about her getting good marks bc her newts are good enough that she can apply. they do a criminal record check, but mind u that altho rumples done naughty stuff, shes never actually. Been Caught doing anything particularly bad. so her record is somehoW CLEAN and she gets in. its a miracle. "what did you do. who did you blackmail" "i sucked every single aurors dick lonzy" "HOW DID YOU GET IN" "EVERY! SINGLE! DICK!" but hes also really really prouD AND THAT MEANS THEY CAN HELP EACH OTHER TRAIN!!!!! cue training montage. rumple pulls a tonks and coasts thru a lot of it rlly easily and almost fails some but they both eventually graduate and become aurors and work together and she covers her trenchcoat in patches and he keeps asking if he has to wear his because sweet jesus it is ugly ITS BROWN, and at this point his parents r more than content with rumple lmao, anyway they live together in a lovely little house that is kept in perfect order, rumple enchants EVERYTHING to talk, its cute, fucking domestic shit yes please
HYDRATION LOL look this isnt even important but alonzo is so deeply into that health shit. he only eats dark chocolate, and most importantly he fucking loves spending time in the kitchen with jenny. she cooks, he makes custom face masks, and also infused water. so much infused water. he has different """recipes""" and he always has a bottle of lovely chilled water with fucking apple and ginger and lemongrass shit in it that he made the night before, and since rumple fucking hates drinking anything thats not tropical sunshine punch fruit juice he constantly is trying to figure out a recipe of infused water that she'll drink becUSE ITS NOT HEALTHY RUMPLE!!!!!!!! YOU NEED WATER, but she thinks its disgusting and eventually he gives up and carries a bottle of juice with him in case he sees her because its better than nothing,
yeah ok im,,,,, i assume there will be more to come but for now this is what u get
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lessdenied · 8 years
Tag 6
Rule: Tag six followers you want to get to know better
Tagged by: @neveth
Relationship status: partnered 
Favourite colour: teal! But the pleasant muted sort of teal that edges towards grey. 
Pets: Sir Fitzwilliam Darcy (Cat, Katzchen, LITTLEST BOYYYY, Dardar), Heathcliff (Rabbit, bunbun, Heaffy) 
Last song I listened to: Ego, the new Milky Chance song. Was good, would listen again, will probably slowly become obsessed with it and listen to it to the point that it has no meaning. I do that. 
Favourite TV shows: SO MANY. Babylon 5, pretty much anything that David Attenborough narrates, Granada Sherlock Holmes, any ghost hunting show, Expedition Unknown. Right now really enjoying The Clone Wars. 
First fandom: Probably Trekkie, because of the ill-fated Enterprise, which will always have a place in my heart. Then Sherlock Holmes, because of the books, which I adore. Then, weirdly, LotR, since I just realized fandom was a THING as those movies were coming out. 
Hobbies: Video games (right now lots of SWTOR, visual novels and pokemon), tabletop (lots of White Wolf and D&D), baking, writing. Is politics a hobby, because I’m doing a lot of that right now....
Books I’m currently reading: Mating in Captivity (I’m not sold on this yet) and Goldenhand, by Garth Nix. I love Garth Nix’s new stuff; very excited to read more of his Old Kingdom fiction! 
Tagging: everyone! I love this and so if anyone who follows me does it please tag me; I want to read your stuff! :D
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lilxsadxgirlx · 7 years
Because I like questions
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Pandora
is your room messy or clean? Clean
what color are your eyes? Hazel
do you like your name? why? Sure, it’s alright. I like it because it’s spelt uniquely and it represents my fathers interests and my mom spelt it.
what is your relationship status? Complicately taken by a Canadian boy named Luke💞
describe your personality in 3 words or less: happy, strong willed, creative
what color hair do you have? Natural blonde boyos
what kind of car do you drive? color? 2004 grand Cherokee jeep, silver
where do you shop? I love rue 21 and forever 21 so much
how would you describe your style? Indie, hippie, with a side of Mac Demarco style
favorite social media account Instagram!
what size bed do you have? Id day it’s a full
any siblings? One brother 🤓
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? Probably Hawaii or some sort of island where it’s always hot and I’m right by the beach. I feel my soul would be happy where there’s an ocean and forest next to
favorite snapchat filter? The cute bear ears or the one with the 80s glasses and the lips in the background👄
favorite makeup brand(s) I guess revolon and maybelline
how many times a week do you shower? 3-4
favorite tv show? Adventure time all the way
shoe size? 7 1/2
how tall are you? 5 ft 3in
sandals or sneakers? Sandals! Or barefoot💁🏼‍♀️
do you go to the gym? All day everyday💪🏼
describe your dream date: going on a walk next to the ocean after we have ice cream and then afterwards eating a nice meal at a dockside restaurant💗😩
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? A couple pennies and maybe a dime😂
what color socks are you wearing? None. Fug da shit
how many pillows do you sleep with? many.
do you have a job? what do you do? Yup. At a shoe store called shoe sensation. Organize shoes, ring up customers, customer service and all that good shit
how many friends do you have? Quite a few! I never really have counted... it’d take a while!
whats the worst thing you have ever done? Ouch
whats your favorite candle scent? I like vanilla or something freshhhh
3 favorite boy names:
3 favorite girl names:
favorite actor? Ryan gosling💖, Vince Vaughn, Seth rogen, Jonah Hill, james Franco
favorite actress? Jennifer Anniston😍
who is your celebrity crush? Ryan gosling dude or LEONARDO DICAPRIO
favorite movie? I love the titanic
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? I wish I read more. But I can’t remember the name of my favorite book☹️
money or brains? Brains omg
do you have a nickname? what is it? Pootie. Lol childhood one. No one calls me it anymore
how many times have you been to the hospital? A couple times
top 10 favorite songs: bazzi- mine, everywhere Fleetwood Mac, little lies Fleetwood Mac, what’s that smell lynyrd skynyrd, Mac Demarco my kind of woman, blackbear ocean eyes, blackbear vertabatim, Pink Floyd us and them
do you take any medications daily? Dat controlling of my birth lol
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) it’s normal but I pop my pimples too much😩
what is your biggest fear? Becoming depressed and living a dull life
how many kids do you want? At least one but I don’t want any because this world is fucked up
whats your go to hair style? Either down or in a low ponytail
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) I live in the dorms at Barton college
who is your role model? Buddha’s, people who travel a lot and are happy. Or my dad a little but I’d say
what was the last compliment you received? Jose said I inspired him last night✨💖
what was the last text you sent? “Why?? Haha”- to tanner
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? Probably 7
what is your dream car? Books wagon bus or winabago!!!
opinion on smoking? Ew. Just think of that shit in your lungs... tar and 🤮
do you go to college? Yesssss
what is your dream job? To travel or surf! Orrrr work on an island bar or cruise ship☺️
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? Rural areas I guess
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? No, shit got a lot sodium
do you have freckles? Yes and they come out more with summer♥️♥️♥️
do you smile for pictures? Yes I dooo
how many pictures do you have on your phone? 7 hundred something lol
have you ever peed in the woods? All the time, whenever I want or need to
do you still watch cartoons? I’d love to but I don’t watch tv often
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? I’m a vegetarian, boyyyy🥒
Favorite dipping sauce? Ranch🤤
what do you wear to bed? Shorts and a t shirt. Or underwear and t shirt
have you ever won a spelling bee? No.. lol I overthought the word and lost
what are your hobbies? I like swimming, exercise, nature time, hiking, kayaking, crafty stuff, hanging out with friends, finding new music, beer pong, tennis♥️, painting, tubing, just a lot of nature shit lol camping too!
can you draw? Yes pretty good. Art major up in here
do you play an instrument? I play a little acoustic gutair. It’d be dope to have a ukulele
what was the last concert you saw? Dead and company in Boulder, Co!♥️
tea or coffee? Ugh. Idk... tea I guess. I love both!
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Starbucks
do you want to get married? Sure💁🏼‍♀️
what is your crush’s first and last initial? Z.C.
are you going to change your last name when you get married? Yeah I will
what color looks best on you? A peachy pink color
do you miss anyone right now? Yeah actually. My cat more than anyone but also Christina, zari, hunter, Dallas, Erica, Braxton, cabel (Caleb), and Luke
do you sleep with your door open or closed? Closed since it’s a dorm
do you believe in ghosts? Yes
what is your biggest pet peeve? Loud toilets in public restrooms when they flush😩😩😩
last person you called? My dad I think!
favorite ice cream flavor? Oooo mint chocolate or pistachio
regular oreos or golden oreos? Regularrrr
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Ugh. Rainbow🌈💖
what shirt are you wearing? The grey fort hays state one JoHanna switched me out, freshmen year of high school😛
what is your phone background? Blinking eyes as flowers haha
are you outgoing or shy? Sometimes both but more bubbly
do you like it when people play with your hair? Omg yessss😩✨
do you like your neighbors? Yes! Sydney is dope as fuck but Amy is eh..
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? Yep and yep! Just with water
have you ever been high? Oh yeah lmao🌤
have you ever been drunk? Yup hahaha
last thing you ate? Peanut butter🥜
favorite lyrics right now “you’re so fucking precious when you.. SMILE. Hit it from the back and drive you WILD💖”
summer or winter? SUMMER ALL THE FUCKING WAY
day or night? Dayyyyy☀️☀️☀️
dark, milk, or white chocolate? Regular. Lol so milk?
favorite month? JULY✨☺️
what is your zodiac sign CANCER MF♋️
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