#GI questions
alicethenobody · 8 months
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cryoverkiltmilk · 10 months
G1 Transformers / 80s GI Joe crossovers are a hilarious concept when you try to imagine Joes or American government officials trying to explain to Optimus Prime why Communism Is Bad.
Optimus Prime.
This guy.
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Depending on the continuity, Optimus Prime
the dock worker who suffered under the far more catered to military class.
the librarian forced to watch an autocratic caste system resist progression so much it literally would rather watch the galaxy get set on fire.
Which one of these guys seems more likely to take to the pitch in favor of unchecked capitalism? Because my gut says 'neither'.
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godoflazziness · 7 days
(Rolls Kabukimono your way)
The puppet blinks up at him with big round eyes that reflected the sun. "You smell like the wind."
the bard had been in the middle of writing poetry. humming to himself as the tip of his quill scratched against the parchment leaving behind elegant and light looking handwriting. only perking up when he heard the statement made by the puppet and let out a small giggle.
"oh? do I now?" he playfully inquired while giving Kabukimono a quick look over, having never seen such a creature before and that made him quite curious as he offered up a gentle and friendly smile. " I spend quite a lot of time outdoors- particularly gliding! so, that might be why you are able to smell that on me."
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alphagodith · 9 days
question; what other characters belong in this group?
(for the record i'm talking about like, mass-produced popular media, not personal ocs that less than 1,000 people even know about)
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considering doing a big group fanart pic of all the dark wizards/mages/witches and wondering if there's any more i should know about other than the classic wizardmon, dark magician, black mage vivi, and i guess mismagius sort of counts too.
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abcsofadhd · 2 years
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GI issues are a common comorbid with ADHD and autism.
There isn't a proper consensus as to the why, and correlation isn't causation, but yea, a lot of people with ADHD and/ or autism have GI issues.
The gut is often referred to as our second brain, and there are studies on our gut microbiomes being different to NTs.
The studies are mostly on children, and it's not fully known the why. And I think there's more studies on correlation with autism, but again, we don't know the whole story.
Its untrue that stuff like food colouring or gluten 'causes' or worsens ADHD btw.
Some people have had their symptoms improve after taking these out of their diets, but as I said above, comorbid GI issues can be quite common so it's more that their comorbid symptoms got better.
Though, a healthy diet can help improve our health in general yea.
I've started to take multivitamins and minerals cause I don't have the healthiest diet cause cooking and eating is hard with ADHD!
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thebluestbluewords · 7 months
I sense an Auradon Mapping Project in my future…
I’m still making my way through the giant stack of Descendants tie-in books I bought a while ago, and the more I read, the more I want to dive into the actual kingdom divisions of the “USA”
(it’s critical that you all know I am making the most exhausted possible air quotes around USA - if the mashed up fairy tale kingdoms in this franchise are mostly referred to as KINGDOMS and REGIONS they would not also be STATES! It’s a weird choice for an acronym that doesn’t make that much sense in the first place!)
This page got to me:
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Let me break the start of this one down—
Sherwood Forest is six hours away from Auradon City.
Sherwood Forest is located in Westerly.
Westerly is one of the nineteen (19) regions of Auradon.
great, makes sense!
Except, does it? Because this raises SO many more questions for me, and I’m not even getting into any of the maps that are provided earlier in the book, because frankly they’re sort of a nightmare and provide NO useful sense of scale.
My initial questions:
Sherwood Forest is six hours away from Auradon City. Great! This gives us a sense of scale to measure from for the other kingdoms.
The other kingdom/region pages don’t mention how far they are from Auradon City, so this probably means six hours is pretty far.
Because they’re measuring from Auradon City, we can reasonably assume that Auradon Prep is located in Auradon City, or possibly a small town directly adjacent to the city.
In the movies it looks like Auradon Prep is on a pretty big campus, with open space for sports fields, and a forest on the edge of the property. Cities don’t…..usually have that much open green space to allocate to a school, so Auradon Prep is probably located in a smaller town close to the city. Maybe they’re making an effort to be walkable, and the Museum of Cultural History is on the edge of the city closest to Auradon Prep? Maybe they want the students to be involved in the Auradon City civic processes, so they take students into the city regularly? We don’t know for sure!
As a follow up question, is Sherwood Forest six hours from Auradon City by car? Carriage? Ship? Moped? Private jet?
Because they’re calling this the “USA”, I’m going to assume the answer is car. That feels like an appropriately US-centric method of measuring travel times.
Sherwood Forest is located in Westerly! One of the nineteen (19) regions!
It’s fine, I’m fine, this is all cool. Regions. Nineteen of them. With towns within them, like Sherwood Forest and Locksley, Robin Hood’s hometown. Both located within Westerly. One of the nineteen regions.
if we’re going back to Robin Hood lore, these locations all get way more complicated . I’m choosing to believe that Locksley is the smallest town/holding, located within the larger Nottingham/Nottinghamshire County, which is located in the region of Westerley, in the USA. That’s four levels of governance to deal with. Yay, local politics!
Are the nineteen regions of the USA mostly kingdoms? Do they each have a royal/noble family? We know that each of the classic Disney Princesses has a kingdom, but are there multiple kingdoms per region? Are some regions not considered kingdoms?
In conclusion:
I’m more confused than when I started.
Someday I’m going to make a master list of all the movies I want to fit into this world and just spend an entire weekend making a region/kingdom/town map for Auradon so I can keep track of the nineteen (19) regions.
I got really fixated on this nineteen regions thing while reading, and will be structuring my personal headcanons for Auradon government around this number.
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priestessoffurina · 3 months
Hiiii thereee! Okay so I know you're a big Furilumi fan, so I was wondering if you could help me collect all the info and events that imply it, and their general dynamic and stuff??? Anything about their relationship in all canon or semi-canon content. I'm working on the Traveler x Genshin chars list again, and I'm honestly undecided on how to interpret Furina's feelings for the traveler, so I thought you could help :>>>
Hellooo~ and gosh I'm flattered that you think so.
I will say that while I am a fan; I'm not as die-hard as others maybe. I'm very much a characters-before-the-ship kinda gal when it comes to Furilumi (also in general with other characters).
Like if you were to put a gun to my head and ask me what is my top Travelver X Character ship "canon wise", Furilumi wouldn't even be top five. (also I am adult enough to admit that I'm very much wanting to fuck Furina a Furina x Reader shipper more than anything)
But even with all that, I think they are cute together together and they have an interesting dynamic that can be explored.
I'm wasn't quite sure how you wanted the information or how much you wanted. I'm just gonna go through certain moments from quests Furina & Lumine have been in together so far. And just talk about them.
Also if I forget a scene or something please forgive me!
When Lumine first meets Furina at the very start of the Fontaine Archon quest, she isn't being herself.
As we all know, Furina was acting as the role of Hydro Archon. So calling it a proper meeting isn't accurate, since I tend to believe we don't meet the real Furina until much late. This isn't just in reference to her identify, but also her true personality.
Also it was just basically Furina going "We are rivals now!" and Lumine being like "....sure I guess?".
But I thought it important to high light it since it does establishes their early dynamic.
Furina knows about what The Travelver has done and sees her as an answer to her problems;
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She has been chasing the one trial to end all trials; the one case that is so spectacular that is will save Fontaine from the impending floods. And what better opposition than the famous Outlander?
And she says at much at Lyney's trial:
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Although there is perhaps a bit of fear at what the The Travelver could do, Furina is sure that their face off will soon happen. And that the odds will be in her favour (even though she kinda doesn't know what she is doing lol), with her being determined to save Fontaine.
It is always hard to truly know what the Travelver themselves is thinking. But I would guess Lumine also views Furina as a means to an end. It is the reason she is traveling Teyvat finding her brother.
This shows that while they both are different, they are very willing to do what they can to obtain their goal. Whether that means playing a role for 500 years, or travelling all over the whole continent, they will searching through any scarp of information to find the answers.
While Furina does lose and is, from Paimon's own words: "...like a deflated balloon now." I think Furina is more sad that it wasn't "The Trial" more than anything. Especially since she is "...unable to contain her joy at seeing you and Paimon enter.", when coming to protect her while meeting with the Arlecchino. Showing that she doesn't have any ill will towards Lumine.
Granted this could be because Furina is utterly terrified of The Knave as well trusting in Neuvillette very much. But still that rivalry is put on hold. But from this little tea party Lumine starts feeling distrusting of Furina, thinking she is hiding something. And from the events of Poisson, this just grows.
While Lumine is willing to go through the plan with others to trap Furina, this is very much a last resort;
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Lumine doesn't want to be feuding with Furina; this rivalry that Furina has thrusted upon them is something she doesn't want. And while Lumine is reluctant to do this, she knows there is no choice. The Travelver doesn't think Furina is a bad person. But they need answers, and as such it seems that they are both destined to be on oppositions at court.
But Lumine still tries one last time to get through to Furina.
This part of the Fontaine Archon quest is one of my favourites; this is where Furina's thoughts and feeling finally start to poke out.
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It happens because Furina's greatest fear is coming true, but still. Pretty good.
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Lumine is very much on to the act that Furina plays. She knows that is she isn't godly or uncaring as she may give off. Lumine tries to show to Furina that it is okay to let go:
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If Furina had been quicker and had told her the truth, Lumine very much would have stopped the plan. But from what we know, Furina would have never told. She was dedicated to the very end.
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Skipping to after the Hydro Archons trial and the crisis being averted. We don't get anything until Furina's story quest.
Story quests are in general kinda a mixed bag. They are can be great in show casing the playable characters, well character. As well as expanding on the world as a whole. But sometimes they just focus on the second part a bit too hard and the character suffers from.
Now looking back at Furina's quest, it probably wasn't as bad as I thought originally. Well at least looking through just the lines by themselves is fine (Paimon is still...well I have thoughts on how they utilise Paimon's character when it comes to story. They use her as comic relief/to lighten it up when it is not needed...But that's a convo for another day).
There are at least some good bits to take from.
The first being that the reason Furina even helps the Troupe in the first place is because the Travelver drags them (literally and figuratively) into the plot. By the way of hand-holding no less.
After the ordeal that Furina has been through she is actually quite reluctant to be out and about. Furina strikes me as someone who is introverted, this very well could because she has had no real personal relationships.
On topic of personal relationships, Lumine is properly the only person who knows about what Furina truly felt during her 500 years of acting. This is cause of Furina unconsciously trama-dumped on Lumine, but still. Having someone who has seen the many sides to you, can be nice. Furina can be candid with Lumine, not needed to put on a performance. But I'm sure Furina also feels it is kinda awkward. Because 'Oh archons this person knows all about me', it crates an unexpected power imbalance, which can make for an interesting dynamic with the Travelver.
Another good moment is when they are back in Poisson;
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If there is one ideal out of the seven that The Travelver embodies most, it is freedom. Freedom is very important to Lumine and I think it's very telling when she tells Furina that freedom is her reward. She is saying to her that it's It's over, and that she is free to begin a new chapter of her life.
So I think it's no coincidence after this quest Furina ends up being a director in "Roses and Muskets". She breaks out of her shell a bit and once again comes along on the Travelver's behest. Granted there aren't that many scenes/moments with them since this was very Chevreuse forward event. This is also similar in the Lantern Rite, but we did get a cute diagonal where Lumine says "I have keenly felt the passage of time since our last meeting." so that was cute.
Unfortunately since Furina has only been out for 7 months we'll have to wait for more. Hopeful in 4.6 (if it follows the same patterns) we will get her second story quest, and that it's a little bit better.
But there are voice-over and teapot stuff! (Had to get these from the wiki since I don't have Furina fully unlocked. yeah yeah know)
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These are pretty self explanatory. Just Furina wanting to spend time with the Travelver and taking about the next chapter of her life having Lumine in it.
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I thought this one has particularly cute. Furina would make macaroni for Lumine.
This one is a favourite
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Lumine only needs her.
Now on to the teapot, there is a very cute scene where Furina talks about teaching Lumine to dance;
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Another where Furina talks about them doing acting together and writing a script.
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And that's all I can find! Like I said, I probably missed some stuff, but I think I'll call it quits here. I hope I was able to get the info you needed, but if not you can ask my specific questions if need be.
Also I'd love to the list when you are done!!!
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brieandbrioche · 10 months
love the 4ggravate + collei dynamic because they’re all neurodivergent
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muchi-no-namida · 1 year
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Hurry up iconic from beyond the desire
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arataka-reigen · 1 month
"Omg why do people ship X and Y when X and Z are so much better?" You know, I think it's because people are different and each has their own unique taste.
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l4plac3s-4ng3l · 4 months
I’ve got a thing to share because unfortunately for you I still like Genshin
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lavenderr-starrs · 7 months
You know someone’s got Heavy Daddy issues if they relate to/Kin a yugioh rival
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razorblade180 · 1 year
A very important question
Nilou:Mona? You know the agreement about relationships involving Aether?
Mona:*reading* Yes, I was there when it finalized. Those were simpler days.
Nilou:Okay, so, question time. I understand not impeding on anyone’s date or anything of the sort, but there’s no rule saying a scenario such as Kokomi and I choosing to go on a date with Aether at the same time can’t happen. Yet I never see interactions like that.
Mona:That’s because in several cases, one of us is involved with outside relationships. Technically speaking, Scara doesn’t care what I do so while I could plan something with Amber, Eula may not be okay with that. After all, Amber and I aren’t dating each other. There should boundaries and respect for what goes on outside of this open relationship.
Nilou:Ah, that makes sense. I guess that is an unspoken rule of sorts.
Mona:Ganyu is a real sweetheart with her own social circle and Keqing will always respect that. I haven’t interacted with Gorou much but considering how multiple people want a piece of him and his bond with both Kokomi and Aether, I’m sure he’s more relaxed if you did want to plan something with Kokomi.
Nilou:Oh that was just a hypothetical. Even if I did, I feel like Ayaka might challenge me to a dual later on in the form of “sparring”
Mona:Nah I’m sure she’d be a little pouty and Aether would spend the day with her. As for Yanfei, she’s single and pretty innocent. Poor girl might get overwhelmed.
Nilou:….So what you’re saying is I can spoil both you and Aether?
Mona:*closes book*…Excuse me?
Nilou:Scara doesn’t care, and I’m single. There’s no other partner in Sumeru and countless nights I decide to stay in teapot I keep finding you two being-
Mona:Cozy! Call it cozy!
Nilou:So it’s no problem if I get cozy with you? You wouldn’t feel the need to leave or stay late whenever Aether and I are here. I’m all for it. We are both in a relationship with him.
Mona:Are you seducing me?
Nilou:A little bit, yeah.
Paimon:All right! Commissions done! Let’s go home and rest!
Aether:Do you ever feel like a day is going to be incredibly exhausting and long?
Paimon:Sometimes. Why?
Aether:…Let’s camp tonight. We can go to the teapot later when I’m positive everyone is asleep.
Paimon:Whatever is going through your head, Paimon is confident it’s a personal problem. Good luck! *goes into teapot*
Aether:This is the thanks I get for giving you a house!?
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hoetao · 4 months
pls can someone explain how is it humanly possible to NOT simp zhongli. please
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