ex0skeletal-undead · 17 hours
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⏃⍜⌿⊬⌇⏁⟒ (detail) by Anato Finnstark
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ipilokko · 2 days
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Roy & I -14-
Hi hello 😀
bye 🤭
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madcat-world · 23 hours
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Stone Head set piece Concept art - Alexander Forssberg
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gtgotcha4gaza · 3 days
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Hello G/t Community,
Thank you so much for spreading and bringing awareness to this event! We currently have a little over 20 Volunteers who have offered to help out so far!
If you would like to sign up as a creator for the G/t Gotcha for Gaza event you have 3 days left to do so! Please be sure to sign up if you have the ability to do so.
For additonal information about the event please check out our Carrd!
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macromen13 · 2 days
“When I bounce my pecs, I GROW!”
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voraciousvore · 1 day
Giganterra (Chapter 28)
Prologue/ TOC | Previous (27) | Next (coming Monday)
Content Warning: Threat of vore, nudity
Word Count 4.3k
------ Chapter 28: Lemonade ------
The giant gardener grumbled under his breath as he entered the castle to access the kitchen. The nerve of that bratty prince, to order him around, when he was only there to tend to the plants! As much of an inconvenience as the errand was, though, he knew better than to refuse. He stepped into the chaos of the kitchen and accosted the first person he ran into, Chef Cruor. Cruor was holding a jar, stroking the glass reverently with the tip of his finger. 
“Prince Ronny demands food and drink,” the gardener informed him. Chef Cruor frowned and looked over at the giant covered in dirt with a curled lip.  
“Ask somebody else. I’m busy,” he growled. He turned his violet eyes back to the glass with a softened expression. The gardener glowered at the snooty chef but left to find someone else. He went up to Chef Gore, who was washing dishes with such violent movements that the gardener was surprised none of them shattered. 
“Prince Ronny is requesting refreshments,” he repeated. 
“I’m busy,” Gore grunted. Bucky, who happened to be walking by, stopped. 
“Gore! Get that taken care of!” he barked.  
Gore groaned loudly. “I said I’m BUSY! Why are you always heckling me when I’m in the middle of something?” 
Bucky slapped his hand on Gore’s brawny shoulder and wrapped his thick, hairy arm around his fat neck, leaning in close. “Gore…” he drawled with a nasty sneer. Gore pulled his head back and winced at the reek of his breath. “Get it done, or else I’ll make you work more overtime…” His voice raised at the end of his sentence in a teasing tone. Gore scowled and his face flamed hot to match his beard. 
“Ugh, fine,” he mumbled, shoving Bucky away roughly. Bucky grinned with crooked yellow teeth. Gore shook his head, muttering curses as he slapped together an assortment of snacks appropriate for a hot summer day. He finished off with some chilled lemonade with ice cubes. Hunter, the royal sorcerer, had provided the kitchen with magic-infused stones that emanated cold, so the chefs had access to miraculous luxuries like ice and cold water. 
Gore lumbered over to the human tanks, planted his hands on his hips, and surveyed his options. Most of the humans cowered in fear, but Eren glared back with her arms crossed. Gore glowered at her darkly before baring his teeth at her in the grin of a feral beast. He remembered this obnoxious human: how she refused to cooperate, threw clumps of risotto at him, fought him and yelled at him. He would get his revenge. Eren blanched but stood her ground. 
The chef plucked her out of her tank by her leg and dangled her high up in the air, upside-down at his eye level. He continued to grin as Eren swung her arms towards his immense face and swore viciously. He glanced down at the tray, stroking his beard as he debated what to do with her. Normally, he’d just stuff her in the fruit salad or something, but with how uncooperative she was, he knew she wouldn’t stay in place. Besides, he wanted to make the experience awful for her. 
He plunked her into one of the tall glasses of lemonade. Eren yelped in shock as she plummeted a long distance and was suddenly submerged in frigid cold liquid. Sticky sweetness forced its way into her mouth. She gasped for air and oscillated her arms to stay afloat. She clawed at the walls of the glass, too slick and high for her to climb out, and tried to scale monstrous cubes of ice larger than her entire body. The ice rotated with her weight, foiling her frantic efforts to climb out. She slid down the slippery edges and plopped back into the drink with every attempt. 
“H-hey! Let me out!” she shouted, but this time she sounded more afraid than angry. Her teeth chattered and her flesh quivered with the freezing cold. The giant chef, miles above her, looked down his nose at the tiny woman with a devious smirk. He was enjoying her suffering. 
“Okay, it’s ready,” Gore announced, directing his attention to the gardener as he shoved the tray into his dirt-encrusted hands. Eren cried out as the lemonade became a tumultuous sea and she was battered by titanic chunks of ice. She was not the strongest swimmer under the best of circumstances, but with the cold paralyzing her muscles and choppy waves threatening to pull her under, she could barely keep her head above the yellow liquid. She tried to grab the lip of the glass when the lemonade splashed higher, but the top was too far away for her hand to grasp. 
“Ahh! Help!” she sputtered as another wave doused her head and stung her eyes with sour lemon and sugar. The giant gardener ignored her. He wanted to deliver the tray and be done with his errand already, so he picked up the pace to reach the prince faster. Eren bumped into the hard glass and shouted in frustration as she was slapped directly in the face by a wall of liquid. The clink of the ice and sloshing of the drink was much louder to her ears, like a battle between ships at sea. She became dizzy from all the rocking and floundered to stay afloat as she was dunked under another wave. Eren began to fear she would drown. 
In a last-ditch effort, she called out again with the limited breath she could spare: “Help! Help! Get me outta here! I-I can’t swim!” To her surprise, the giant strides stopped and the tray was set down, allowing the liquid to settle. Even so, with her muscles chilled and exhausted, Eren still had to strain to keep from sinking into sugary death. She blinked lemon juice out of her eyes and squinted up. A plaintive shriek escaped her lips as she saw the fate that awaited her. 
There were two giants towering over her, and she recognized them both with dread. One giant was the prince, the man she had insulted and berated at dinner before he threatened to crush her bones and then swallowed her whole, without a second thought. The other was the giant she attacked with arrows, who had grabbed her in the forest. She had barely escaped with her life, saved only when she valiantly stabbed his finger with an arrow. He was also a member of the giant party that hauled her in a cage with the other humans to Giganterra. Eren realized she was doomed. Neither of them had any reason to show mercy, and both had ample reason to hate her and cause her harm. 
Prince Ronny’s dark eyes landed on her, chilling her even more than the ice cubes in the drink. His giant hand wrapped around the glass, obscuring her view of the outside world with layers of skin, and effortlessly lifted up the lake of lemonade she was swimming in. Eren splashed in the drink as the waves licked at her again, trying to drag her into the depths. Fresh terror stained her heart as the prince’s giant lips perched on the edge of the glass. She wasn’t ready for the horrors of being swallowed alive again. She recoiled to the opposite end of the glass, but the flow of the liquid pulled her toward the prince’s mouth with an inescapable force. She cried out sharply as her hands contacted the giant lips and she pushed hard against them. 
“NO, STOP!” a giant man’s voice thundered, shattering the air. The powerful suction dragging Eren in halted. She exhaled, heart slamming into her ribs, as she splashed back into the center of the glass. 
“What?” Ronny questioned, cocking a brow with a frosty stare at Joey. Eren shivered, realizing how close she had been to disaster. 
Joey gulped. “You’re not… actually going to drink up that human, are you?” he inquired in a tremulous tone, still stricken with shock at what he’d nearly witnessed. 
Ronny’s black eyebrows turned down. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I?” He absently swirled the glass in his hand. Eren squeaked as a vortex spun her in erratic circles. 
“S-stop, I can’t-” Her terrified voice was drowned out as a burst of cold lemonade submerged her head. She flailed to resurface, sucking in air greedily. 
Joey started to sweat. “You can’t do that…” 
Ronny glared at the lowly squire, radiating the full force of his regal authority. “Excuse me?” Joey was cowed into silence, his eyes darting from the giant prince to the poor victim drowning in his drink. Ronny raised the glass back up to his lips to take another sip. 
Joey panicked, not knowing what to do. Defying the prince was extremely dangerous, but he couldn’t just sit there and watch him swallow down a poor innocent girl. Not only did neglecting a maiden in need violate his code of chivalry as a knight in training, but also such an act was morally reprehensible. He owed her his protection, especially after what he had done to her. Before he could second-guess his foolish decision, he surged forward and wrenched the glass out of Ronny’s grip. He pulled the miniature woman out to rescue her from drowning and clapped her to his chest protectively. 
Ronny blinked in shock, not believing for a moment that Joey had been insolent enough to steal his drink. Joey stared back at him, wide-eyed and mortified, with his hand clasped firmly to his body. He could feel Eren’s small form trembling against him. He wasn’t sure if she was chilly or afraid, or a mix of both, as her body was very cold. All he knew was that he would protect her to the death, if needed. 
“Joey!” Ronny roared, finding his voice again. “What have you done?” 
Joey opened his mouth, but no words came out. His heart was racing. Ronny’s countenance darkened with rage and he took a deliberate step forward. Joey stumbled back, nearly toppling into the fountain, but recovered his balance. 
“Give it back,” the prince ordered with an intimidating scowl. 
“No,” Joey answered, hardening his resolve. The prince clenched his fists and advanced another step. Joey responded by thrusting the glass in his face and emptying the contents all over his white fencing outfit, staining it yellow. Ronny flinched back as the ice cubes tumbled down his sticky suit, shedding sugary droplets.  
The prince bristled with fury. Joey realized he’d made a terrible mistake, but he couldn’t turn back now. He prepared himself for the worst: If the encounter turned violent, he would not be able to defend himself. Ronny’s face turned red and he raised his hand to strike. Joey settled his lips into a firm line and wrapped both his hands around Eren. Ronny stared, ready to destroy the squire, poised in place like a statue. His eyes rotated from Joey’s determined face to the protective cocoon of his hands. All at once, he was reminded of Tanya. 
“Why?” he finally choked.  
Joey, expecting a violent smack rather than a question, paused. He knew he needed to weigh his words carefully. “She’s a person, and a woman,” he answered firmly. “She deserves basic respect and care.” He held her tighter. As he dug in his heels, his voice raised with passion. “You can’t just... eat her! That’s sickening!” 
Ronny’s expression tangled into a conflicting knot of emotions. Joey wasn’t sure if he was about to scream, lash out physically, or crumble into a sobbing heap. The prince lowered his hand. He flashed Joey a hateful scowl before spinning around and storming off, trampling on the flower beds instead of the paved pathway and kicking over the smaller plants near his feet. The gardener, who had been eavesdropping on the whole commotion from a safe distance, grunted with intense annoyance. 
Joey watched him leave with a shuddering sigh. The tension drained out of his muscles and he slumped down on the side of the fountain. His heart was pounding so hard he thought it might burst out of his chest. He took a moment to recover, breathing heavily. He wasn’t sure what terrible consequences he may face for his actions down the line, but at least for now the tiny human was safe. 
Eren had listened to the whole exchange with increasing bafflement. When Joey snatched her away from Ronny, she didn’t understand what was going on. She was highly disoriented as she anticipated being imbibed in a drink, only to be tossed around, grabbed by giant fingers, and smashed against a vast warm chest instead. Initially, she believed Joey had saved her for selfish reasons, to keep her for himself. As the two giants bickered, with Joey’s enormous voice blaring through his chest and rattling her bones, she could do nothing but shiver from cold, fatigue, and fear. She was too overwhelmed to resist.  
The giant’s hands and body were burning hot and throbbing with his vitals, but after swimming in icy liquid the heat felt like heaven. Eren appreciated the fleeting moment of comfort before the horrors resumed, despite how small and defenseless she felt pressed up against a man of unfathomable proportions. The giant’s body shifted around her and he exhaled with the bluster of a hurricane. Eren cringed. She was so scared and exhausted; she felt, for the moment, as if her spirit was breaking. She couldn’t handle another giant with his hands and mouth all over her, ready to take advantage of her and devour her—least of all one who held a grudge against her. 
His hands peeled back from his chest, exposing Eren to the sunlight. She ducked down in his palm helplessly as she stared up at his gargantuan face. She started to hyperventilate. Her hands compulsively searched the folds of the larger hand encompassing her, seeking an out that failed to materialize. 
“Are you alright?” he asked in a soft voice that rumbled through the walls of flesh towering above her. Eren couldn’t seem to comprehend what he was saying as his warm chocolate eyes, as big as windows, examined her from behind his glasses. 
“D-don’t hurt me...” she breathed. Joey couldn’t hear her, so he leaned in closer. To Eren, the sight was like a living mountain collapsing down over her. She yelped in terror and covered her head with her arms. Joey’s expression softened and he backed off. 
“Sorry... I didn’t mean to frighten you. I’m just trying to help.” The vibrations of his voice through his body reminded Eren of just how miniscule and vulnerable she was. She was completely at his mercy. The giant went quiet as Eren failed to answer. He opened his hands more so she wouldn’t feel so trapped, though he curled his fingers over her head to conceal her and keep her from falling. 
Joey glanced around to ensure that nobody was watching him. The gardener had disappeared, not wanting to deal with Ronny’s mess. He realized now was his chance to help her. “Let’s go,” he whispered to her. “I can save you. I can free you. I’ll get you out of here!” He jumped to his feet and began to hurry away from the castle. 
“W-wait!” Eren protested as she was jumbled in his hands. Joey stopped and looked at her intently. Eren hesitated. She was sorely tempted to take him up on his offer, even if she didn’t trust him, since he was a giant, an enemy. She wanted to be free of this hell, back at home where she belonged. She didn’t want to be eaten again. She didn’t want to be treated like a piece of meat, naked and on display in a glass box for all the giants to gawk at or drool over. 
Yet, she hadn’t forgotten her reason for coming here. She hated giants. She thirsted for blood. She’d feel like a failure if she didn’t succeed in her quest. She wanted more than anything to slay a giant, to prove she could kill one of the behemoths. Even more, she wished to slaughter the repulsive king, or the prince. Now that her enemy possessed a face, a head to claim, she couldn’t just give up. She was done with being powerless. 
“No,” she asserted. “I’m not going anywhere.” 
Joey tilted his head and adjusted his glasses on his nose. “Huh?” 
“Give me a weapon and take me back to the kitchen,” Eren requested. 
“What? No way! I can’t do that!” Joey balked. 
Eren folded her arms. “Why the hell not?” 
“Because—because that would put you in danger!” 
“So? What do you care? Since when did you care about any of us humans? Weren’t you one of the giants that collected us from Minimaterra?” She punched one of his fingers for emphasis. 
Joey crumbled as the truth of her words sank in. “Y-yeah…” His legs lost their strength and he leaned against the trunk of a tree. “I didn’t want to do it.” He knew any excuses or abdications of responsibility would ring hollow. He hung his head with shame. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I-I felt like I didn’t have a choice.” 
Eren scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Sure.” Joey felt even worse as he looked at her. As saucy as she was in her defiance, to a giant as big as him she looked fragile and small. He was fully aware how easily he could close his huge fist around her and squish her like a bug. How could he have been so beastly, to bring harm to such a tiny being?  
His face crinkled up with poignant sadness at his own moral failures, and tears began to form at the corners of his eyes. He was a horrible person. He should be ashamed of himself. He should’ve resisted and protected her, like when he stood up to the prince. He wanted to pour out his apologies, to show the little woman just how remorseful he was, but the words stuck in his throat as it grew thick with despair. 
“Are you… crying?” Eren asked with confusion. Joey sniffled and averted his gaze, too embarrassed to answer. “Oh my God, you are. You’re actually crying.” Eren shook her head. “I didn’t realize you giants could be so sensitive.” Truthfully, she didn’t believe that giants were capable of feeling any empathy for humans. To see this huge man crying over her was shocking. 
“I’m so sorry,” he repeated. “I wish I had never gone to Minimaterra. I don’t want to hurt anyone. I just want to make things right.” 
Eren pointed up at him aggressively. “You know how you can make it up to me? Do what I asked for! Give me a weapon so I can kill the giant king!” 
Joey’s eyebrows shot up at her blatant statement of treason. “But-” 
“No buts! Don’t you dare think you can just override my wishes because you’re bigger than me! That makes you no better than the rest of them!” 
Joey perceived the truth in her logic, and realized using his size against her would hardly be chivalrous, but he felt he should at least try to dissuade her from her perilous intentions. “But you’ll get eaten! You’ll die! I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I let that happen!” 
Eren stared at him. “Don’t you know?” 
“Know what?” 
“Being eaten isn’t pleasant by any means, but it’s not a death sentence around here. There’s a magic serum they give us that protects us from digestion.” 
Joey gaped. “What? No way. So the prince... wasn’t about to kill you just now?” 
“No.” Eren gave Joey a pointed look. “Do you not eat humans?” 
“Of course not!” Joey replied hotly. “I would never!” 
“Oh.” Eren was surprised. She had assumed that all giants were barbaric man-eaters, but she could plainly see that the squire was telling the truth. She was learning more about giants than she ever cared to know. They weren’t all the same after all.  
“Well, okay then.” Another awkward pause hung between them, before Eren decided to get the conversation back on track. “Now that we got that all sorted out, do you have something I could use as a weapon? Please?” 
Joey sighed, knowing nothing he would say could convince the stubborn warrior to choose a different path. “You’re sure this is what you want?” Eren nodded. “Alright.” Joey thought for a moment before pulling his sewing kit out of his pocket. He removed a few needles, but each one was as long as Eren was tall. 
“Those are too big,” Eren admitted. “I need one I can hopefully conceal on my person somehow...” She looked down. With all the excitement, Eren had forgotten she was stark naked. Apparently, Joey had been too preoccupied with saving her to notice as well, nor had he properly seen the details of her delicate bits with how miniscule she was. His face burned as hot and red as metal heating up in a furnace when he abruptly became aware of her nudity. He turned his eyes away, but he couldn’t avoid the incontrovertible fact that he was holding a tiny nude woman in his hand. His nerve endings lit up as his skin touched hers. He could feel in his palm her dainty limbs, soft and shapely, but still sticky from the lemonade. 
“S-sorry,” he stammered, mortified by the inappropriate desire unexpectedly aroused within him. He needed to set her down, but he feared someone would see her and try to steal her. He brought her back to the fountain and placed her on the ledge, shielding her from view with his body while keeping his visual focus on the ground. 
“It’s okay,” she consoled him. “It’s not your fault. I’m used to it by now.” She shrugged. “It’s not like any of the giants here actually see me as a person anyway.” 
Joey handed her one of his fabric scraps so she could cover up. He finally got the courage to glance at her, his eyes sad and soft. “I’m sorry.” 
“Stop apologizing,” Eren insisted. 
“Sor—I mean, okay.” Joey sheepishly searched through his sewing kit. He found a sharp sliver of a broken needle. “How about this?” Eren gripped the metal strand, about as long as her forearm, and flicked it around like a sword. Joey smiled down at the mini warrior, so fierce and ready to fight, yet so cute. 
“This’ll work. I still need to find a way to hide it though.” Eren frowned with concentration, which made her look even more adorable to the giant squire. Joey, not wishing to offend her, made an effort not to acknowledge these sentiments or act patronizing. 
“I have an idea.” Joey tore a strip of cloth that was roughly the same flesh tone as Eren’s skin and handed it to her. “You can affix it to your arm. You’re so small, I doubt anyone would notice unless they were looking closely.” He considered helping her tie it on, but he worried he might break her skinny arm if he accidentally twisted it the wrong way. 
“Thanks! That will do.” Eren looked down at her sticky skin. “I need to wash first.” Before Joey could react, Eren cast aside her new possessions and jumped into the fountain. Joey gasped and reached his hands into the flowing water to rescue her. 
“Don’t worry, I’m fine!” Eren assured him as she resurfaced. The water was cold, but not as frigid or tumultuous as the iced lemonade. Even so, Joey cupped his hands beneath her tiny feet so she had a base of support. Eren appreciated his consideration for her needs as she rinsed herself off. He tried to avoid staring at her as she bathed in his hands. When she was done, Joey gently lifted her out and gave her some cloth to use as a towel.  
Eren attempted to secure her weapon to her arm by herself, but she struggled to tighten the knot with only one hand. After some hesitation, Joey pinched the edges of the cloth with his fingertips and cautiously pulled the ends snug. He couldn’t help but observe that her entire head was smaller than his smallest fingernail. He removed his fingers and examined her. From his height, he couldn’t discern the needle fragment concealed under her arm, unless he squinted. He doubted a metal splinter would be enough to slay a giant, although he could see how a jab from the inside might be sufficient to cause internal bleeding. 
“Are you sure about this?” he asked a second time. Eren affirmed, her eyes blazing with determination. She had reclaimed her fire with a fresh chance at success. Joey sighed. He didn’t want to send her back to the kitchen: Such a fate seemed too cruel. More than anything, he wanted to rescue the damsel and spirit her away to safety. 
However, he had to admire her bravery and resolve. He couldn’t bear to crush that indomitable spirit with his own hands and betray her trust by using his power as a giant against her. To overpower her will through brute force felt immoral to him, not to mention ungentlemanly. He offered her his hand. Eren paused, a fleeting doubt passing over her features, before she climbed up into his gigantic palm. He curled his hand around her and raised her up to his chest level. 
“By the way... I never caught your name,” Joey admitted. 
“I’m Eren,” the little woman informed him with a smile. “You’re Joey, right? Thank you for helping me. And... for respecting my autonomy.” Her bright eyes shined as she stared up at him. 
“I hope to see you again, Eren,” Joey said to her solemnly, a trickle of melancholy in his tone. “I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors.” Weighed down by the gravity of his decision, Joey reluctantly chauffeured her back to the giant kitchen. He hoped he wouldn’t come to regret his choice. 
Chapter 29 (coming Monday)
Tag list: @yummynomms @tinycoded360
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whereserpentswalk · 28 days
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ex0skeletal-undead · 11 months
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Edge of Darkness by Ben J
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ipilokko · 1 day
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the panel is from here 🤭
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madcat-world · 2 days
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Ancient Temple - Richard Wright
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version two
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macromen13 · 2 days
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