#GODDDD it was all so hype
mwagneto · 8 months
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memento-morri-writes · 3 months
So, it's been a million years since I've done any real writing, but I was toying around with potential descriptions for one of my dnd campaigns, and I'm really proud of how it turned out:
tw for graphic description of an injury
Every inch of [Rook's] back and shoulders is raw, covered in dozens, maybe hundreds, of small cuts. They overlap and merge so that his entire back is one giant wound. But you can't even get a good look at the cuts, because they are covered by a thick layer of dried blood, almost black in some places.
This will be part of the description the party gets upon seeing Rook for the first time after he was kidnapped by Captain Wolf, and dear god I can't wait to see their reactions both in and out of character. :)))
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wisebilly · 1 year
weeps sobs cries i love fontaine so fucking much :''']]]
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arolesbianism · 1 year
4. Favorite character from each unit
6. Favorite commissioned song?
27. Least favorite alt vocal?
29. Least favorite 4* you have?
4. Favorite character from each unit
Oghhhh my favorite l/n member tends to flip flop between Ichika and Saki, but I thinkkkk rn it’s Saki? I fucking love Saki so soooo much. For mmj probably Haruka, love that cringe fail guy, and vbs is another one I flip flop between but right now it’s circled back to An every now and then I just look at her and go she’s just like me fr and lose my mind for a while. For was I’d say probably Emu but that could change any second. Annnnd we all know that I physically cannot chose a favorite 25ji member lol
6. Favorite commissioned song?
Fuckkkkkk I genuinely have no idea it pains me so… but I cannot deny that parasol cider is probably the one I’ve listened to the most I adore it sm
27. Least favorite alt vocal?
Mafuyu villain. Mafuyu fucking villain. I cannot even begin to express the levels of grudge I hold against this damn solo. I despise it so. The way Mafuyu was the worst choice to have as the second singer, the way it’s a half of a Mizuki and Mafuyu duet, the way it’s overrated as hell, and most importantly, the way it simply sounds bad. I want Mafuyu villain dead <3
29. Least favorite 4* you have?
I considered saying id smile Mizuki for the bit but no it’s this bitch she’s my only Saki and I’ve gotten her like 3 times die
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gxtzeizm · 2 years
yg ent you gotta be kidding me....what do you mean jisoo solo soon????
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aimseytv · 1 year
i have this huge thing about au!sunshipduo that i NEEEEED to put into the universe. i am so in love with both of the characters’ growth. like oh my GODDDDDDDDDDDDDD anyways i love au!sunshipduo but there will always be a part of me who misses the times before things ‘went wrong’ in a way, like the possession of au!guqqie (also its insane how that was ELEVEN MONTHS AGO!!!) and how that ARG!GUQQIE broke of au!aimseys horn. (never forgiving arg!guqqie 😡. leave our king ALONE!!!) but although i do miss them i love their character growth and how they are still together throughout it all!!!!! anyways i want my silly guys to be happy they deserve happiness the date stream omgomogmgokgmg i love love love love love love love. Like oh mu GODDD. aftermath was not too good though. again the possession. WHICH U ARE INSAAANNNEE FOR BY THE WAY slash j. but like oh my godddd au!subshipduo they are my little GUYS!!!!! i am so happy they found eachother again. anyway i realised i was sypposed tobhave a na ctual point before typing this all out but this has been a whole ass rant in ur tumblr asks. MY BAD! but anyway thank u so much for being so awesome. love u aimsey
also side note loved the angst when au!guqqie & au!aimsey were seperated. also very hyped for more area unknown :D
i love au sunshipduo too we are the same
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hiemaldesirae · 5 months
Swap AU:
Vox and Alastor's breakup/Fight was huge--and messy as fuck. Quite simply, unlike what canon is hinting at where Valentino came to Vox's rescue and Alastor ruined one of his Antenna it didn't happen here--and for those 7 years, Alastor lived with the belief he'd killed his beloved Vox. Which is the main reason why Alastor took over the entertainment district--too keep anything of Vox's alive. So yeah, Alastor runs the Vees. TV isn't as powerful--Radio is in every house, but huge televisions are on every corner, running 24/7 informing sinners of news and such and you can rent a tv alongside videos. (And the big TVs show Valentino's porn for a few limited hours at night. Val is....not someone Alastor cares alot for, especially once it comes out Vox sent an SOS to him. Once Velvette and Nifty become friends however, Alastor can see what Vox saw in Velvette.)
Vox's deal with Lucifer is alot more freer then whatever canon Alastor has going on. Lucifer's only command is this: Help and Protect Charlie to the best of your abilities and I'll give you power. The more you help her the more power you'll get in return.
So Vox doesn't really want to free himself at the moment--why would he, when helping the Princess would get him ridiculous amounts of power? (And with this power, he could protect himself from Alastor? He'd never be afraid of dying a second time again.) And that's why he avoids radios, knowing if Alastor picks up his voice the deer will know he's up and alive.
Upon his return and realization that Overlords aren't solo acts anymore and that Alastor owns the Vees and the entertainment district, Vox gets in contact with a hidden Overlord that owes him big time--after all, Vox did stop him from betting his soul and well seeing how Valentino's life is absolute shit at the moment it's a good thing he did.
Husker is, of course grumpy as ever, but agrees to take on his overlord status again and Join Vox at the Hotel--both of them proclaiming themselves as allies and the Hotel and the area around it their territory, easily surrounding the land with hearts, spades and lightning bolts.
While the two overlords are decorating, Angel Dust lifts up his phone, and takes pictures of Vox, and sends them to Valentino.
Valentino prints them out, and drops them off at Alastor's desk, murmuring about how having Angel Dust at the hotel might be a good thing after all.
HI AGAIN SWAP NONNY!!! youre so cool marry me. I mean what wait who said that
oh my GODDDD fuck the idea that alastor thinks he fucking KILLED vox when the other disappeared... im gonna be SICK he thought he killed his beloved and because of it even though he hates modern technology and all the buzz and noise that comes along with it he decided to take control of the entertainment district because itw as the only thing he thought he had left of vox... do you think he kept like voxs old heads or something and like has a makeshift grave or something. and he hates val because vox went to ask him for help but he didnt come in time so he thinks its BOth their faults that vox is gone... oh my god. oh my fucking God........ im really gonna be sick nonny why would you do this to me THEYRE SO FUCKIGn .OWUAUGAHHHHH TEARS MY HAIR OUT
YEAHH husk and vox friendship here is so sweet to me. i like to think that vox and husk join in on the bonding activities at the hotel with charlie and hype her up sometimes. also since theres no niffty here would vox also act as a niffty type person? like he and husk share duties between them of being concierge/janitor/bartender.... imagining vox in a bartender suit and a maid outfit was probably not the best thing to do for my fragile mind tbh but. You know. You see my vision right nonny dont you (i am shaking you gently)
GET A JOB STAY AWAY FROM HIM!!!!!!!! is angel acting like double agent like here or something? or are he and val in less of an employee/abusive boss relationship here and more of a comrades-in-arms relationship here united under alastor's tyranny? whatever it is im excited to hear more :) please dont stop with this nonny the brainrots getting to me
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fandomwe1rd0 · 14 days
The Rick and Morty anime is insufferable
Now, just to be clear, I am NOT making fun of anyone who likes the anime! If you like it, that's great! I'm glad that you are able to like it, everyone has different tastes, and I won't hate on you for liking something that doesn't hurt anyone…butttttt that being said, I am going to be VERY harsh towards the anime, so if you like the anime, this probablyyyy isn't the post for you, now if you want to kindly and respectfully disagree with me, then that's completely fine! Now, for everyone that wants to see me hating on this anime, all of my problems and reasons for disliking it under the cut!
Okkkk first off, I am going to say the things I actually like about it!
I like the art style! It feels weird seeing Morty with a neck lol. I like how they kept his big ass head though. The proportions are a little weird, but I feel like it adds to the charm of it in a way
Guys…I FUCKING LOVE THE THEME SONG OH MY GODDDD! I'm ashamed to admit I like it more than the show's theme song. It's just so fucking good and it always gets me hyped even if I know the episode will be bad!
I really like the fluidity of the Tammy and Space Beth fight scene! Like it was fucking awesome! The way it was animated is really good, it made the 2nd episode my favorite actually even if the 2nd episode is still…still not good.
On that note, I feel like they improved Space Beth's character, I mean I didn't really like her in the show, she kinda just felt like Beth (Ik the point she's mean to be like Beth but shush) with no noticable differences besides being ruder. Her getting with domestic Beth is also weird af so I'm glad they ignored that plotline.
And uhm…uhm…I uh…baby Morty was cute andddddd uh…..well….uh….okay onto the cons!
There's like no humor, and even the like, 2 jokes in the first episode weren't funny (The joke about the galactic federation using sex toys as torture toys for clone Rick came off as more uncomfortable than funny to me) and the joke (I think it was a joke?) about Morty clutching his vr helment and crying about how he'll never find love again in the 2nd episode just made me mad, they turned Morty into some pathetic crying helpless baby, but more on that later. Like ik it's meant to be different from the show, but if you're gonna to make an anime verison of a comedy show…it should be funny..even the jokes they do make just…aren't funny.
Too much fan service, ok, ok, ok, before anyone says anything YES I do know that the original show is no stranger to fan service, like in season 6, yes, they did show Rick in a suit, and yes, they did show Rick with 6 packs, but in the show's defense, if you're a show with 71 episodes so far, it's completely fair to have some fan service, but in 4 episodes, their seems to be too much, I mean they show Rick naked twice in the span of 4 episodes, and Morty constantly calling Rick Grandpa (Even with a Rick that didn't want to be called Grandpa) feels a lot like fan service.
Rick and Morty not interacting, this is a big one for me, Rick and Morty are the heart of the show, their dynamic is a huge part of what makes the show great, I mean the show is literally called RICK AND MORTY but they don't interact at all, they did interact in season 4, but it's literally just a few sentences and that's it. I was hoping they would get their own episode but nope! It should be called Morty and Elle because so far they are the only ones that interact a lot. And hohohoh…don't worry….I was absolutely talk about Elle…now again, with the show, Rick and Morty don't interact every episode, and they don't have to, obviously, but if it's a Rick and Morty show, you should set up their dynamic as soon as possible. Even when you see a little bit of their dynamic, it's really bad…literally the best thing about their dynamic is that Rick loves Morty but is scared to show it, but literally in the first minute where they ACTUALLY interact Rick says "Worst case scenario, I just need a strand of your hair to make a clone" ??? WHAT!? I hate that line soooo much. Rick couldn't handle it if Morty died, but here he doesn't care when Morty's life is in danger??? DID THEY EVEN WATCH THE SHOW?? Did they watch a Rickle In Time??? Where Rick literally SACRIFICED HIMSELF FOR MORTY!? Ughhhh I fucking hate that lineeee.
The tone is off. It lacks the energy the original show has, whether you like or dislike the show, you can't deny that it has an unmistakable energy put into it, even with the worst episode, cough RICKDEPEDENCE SPRAY cough there's still a certain energy to it. Like for example, the energy in Rickfending Your Mort always cheers me up when I'm having a day, hyped me up or makes me happier on a good day, but the anime feels so soulless. It lacks the energy. It just feels so tired if that even makes sense. Maybe it the colors or the voices or something, but it lacks the soul and energy that the original show has, like with the show, you can tell that love was put into it, but with the anime, it feels so bland.
It doesn't have to be a Rick and Morty property, now, if this was just some random sci-fi anime, I probably wouldn't care about it, hell, I probably wouldn't even watch it, and that's the point, I feel like the director knew nobody would watch this if it was a random sci-fi anime, but an easy way to get viewers is to use an already popular sci-fi property, that's where Rick and Morty comes in, it doesn't have anything specific that makes it HAVE to be Rick and Morty, like I know the galactic federation is there, and the infinite universe thing, but other than that, there's not a lot of specifically Rick and Morty things it does, I mean nobody's in character, Rick and Morty's dynamic isn't correct, there's no side characters from the original show, hell, I don't think Rick even makes a portal, I don't think we ever saw his portal gun, it could've just been a normal sci-fi anime, it would've still been bad, but it wouldn't be shitting on a show that means so much to me that I love, it doesn't feel like they wanted to make it out of love for the original show, it feels like they wanted to make a sci-fi anime, and wanted a quick way to gain viewers.
The relationships are built very unnaturally, 3 words, show don't tell, that's the main rule in storytelling, I'm just gonna be honest, the relationships in the anime are the prime example of tell don't show, again sorry for comparing it to the show so much, but I just want to show where it fails where the show succeeds, even if I wasn't comparing it to the show, these are still issues if the show wasn't connected to Rick and Morty, it's not bad just in the context of it being a Rick and Morty show, it's bad in general, good? Good. Ok let's move on, in the show, Rick and Morty's dynamic and them caring about each other is built in a very human and natural way, but in the anime, none of the characters have any chemistry, and, an example being Morty and Elle (Fuck you Elle) they tell us Morty feels comfortable and safe Elle, it tells us that Morty and Elle love each other, but it doesn't show it through their interactions, they feel more like friends when they aren't kissing or anything, Elle also kissed Morty without his consent so fuck you Elle!
It doesn't feel like they watched the show. Along with nobody being in character, besides like, maybe Jerry, it doesn't do anything that makes you feel like they watched the show, it's hard to explain, but for example like with Rick and Morty animatics, you can tell they watched the show, but the anime just doesn't have the feel, humor, characters, or really anything to make you feel like they watched and understood the show. Again, I know it's the anime, it's not going to be exactly the same, but it wouldn't hurt for them to make it clear that they watched the show.
The character assassination. Whew this part is gonna be long, buckle in, I'm only going to talk about Rick and Morty, Elle will have her own section (I hate her so fucking much you have no idea)
Rick and Morty are the worst character assassination in the anime. Not all of the characters were assassinated, but they massacred my boys and I will not stand for that.
Rick isn't likable. I'll just say it right here. Rick is amazingly likable in the show and is actually my favorite character. But in the anime, he's just unlikable. Not only does he casually state that he'll just make a clone of his grandson if he dies, but he's an asshole, not in a lovable way, he's so boring, he lacks the chaotic energy that makes Rick entertaining. The thing is, I think he's actually a nihilist which uhm..isn't interesting to watch. He isn't funny, interesting, complex, he doesn't get called out, he doesn't have character development, he's not pathetic, he's no charismatic, he doesn't seem to have a heart, literally everything I like about the original character is gone. They absolutely massacred him.
Morty…oh nooooo! LOOK AT HOW THEY MASSACRED MY BOY! They literally just make him into a pathetic shivering fragile sensitive baby and that's not who he is. It's pathetic. They also make him into a helpless baby who always need someone to hold their hand, mainly Elle, and that's just not who he is. Sure he needs help at times, and of course he cries sometimes, but he isn't just a helpless crying baby who always needs people to do things for him, they try so hard to make him a cute kid, they call him "Grandpa" so many times, even when long-haired Rick didn't want to call him Grandpa, it's just so unnatural.
I FUCKING HATE ELLE OHHH MY GOOOODDD! She makes the animes feel like a self-insert fanfic. Everyone loves her, everyone trusts her, she's strong, pretty, smart, like COME THE FUCK ON! She is a weird mix between a self-insert and mary-sue. There's nothing wrong with her, she's pretty, people love her, she gives the characters the advice they need, she saved Rick and Morty's lives, she's very important to the story, she's the worst of all worlds, she sucks, I HATE HER! She's so annoying, she's actually infuriating. She turns the show into a self-insert fanfic. Actually ALL of the characters feel like they are from a bad fanfic, but I believe that's totally Elle's fault. FUCK ELLE!
Now, I know I'm really harsh towards the anime, but that's because I love Rick and Morty and I want the anime to be great, and I believe it can be great, and I really hope it improves before the seasons ends!
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angelfruittree · 4 months
SAILORRRR I TOOK A SHORT BREAK FROM MARGIPOD BC U KNOW... SUDDENLY THERE WAS A BLACK DOG AND A KISS ASSGDSDF AND SHIT IS ABT TO GO DOWN... I HAD TO MENTALLY PREPARE... BUT I AM CLEANING MY FLAT AGAIN AND AM FINALLY BRAVE ENOUGH TO CONTINUE LISTENING (sorry for the all caps i'm hyping myself up for what i know is abt to come... i just know i'll end up lying on my floor, a puddle of emotions, instead of actually cleaning my flat... i blame @spindrifters and you for when my flat will never be clean again bc of margipod...) OK THATS IT BYEEEE 🫶🏼🫶🏼
DEAREST CAT OMGMFMFMFMF NOOOO. You are going into the trenchessss you are going up and over into no man’s land and oh godddd I’m so excited actually Im so glad zo and I can accompany you on your clean 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 !!!
Margipoddd omg please tell me how you’re feeling and I just 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
Blesss youuuuuuu
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racecarcat · 6 months
You know, I just finished rereading Part 1 of CSM after about a weak and ohh myyy godddd… how is this level writing achievable. I strive to write something this great and dooming every thing day. Anyway, here is some thoughts about part 1 I had after rereading.
• I originally didn’t understand the hype about Reze when first read the manga, like I loved her design and personality, but I came to appreciate her a lot more this time around. Especially after realizing that once the fight with Denji/Reze that Reze actually does try to go to the cafe—idk why I interpreted the first time around as she just trying to escape Japan.
• Denji… really does talk like a teenager no matter how depressed he is. I feel like I don’t feel like I see I don’t see that so very often. Especially during his monologue(?) while cooking and eating Makima.
• Being famous KILLS Denji. I’m sure there’s some symbolism im not in the intelligence level to understand.
• Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE in Public Safety has always been doomed. Aki was doomed to die the worst fate, Denji was doomed to have all his happiness taken away, Makima was doomed to be a Public Safety dog, Angel was never meant to find solace in others without them dead—I CANT STAND IT.
• I hate Makima, don’t get me wrong. But seeing the scene of Pochita explaining how violently lonely and isolated Makima was because of how she was raised and how her version of love was sick and cruel because she didn’t know how else to tell people was just so… fjdjxjdjf
• Hirofumi Yoshida is a lot sillier than I remember. He has this stupid little :) I think is cute.
• Cosmo is such a fun character. Her whole “Halloween” thing is something I wish I understood more but I will take what I can get.
• I finally understood Quanxi’s whole arc when she shows up to the point she dies.
I’m sure there’s more but I read chapter 97 at 5:30 AM this morning. Anyway, if you were to ask me if I like Part 1 or 2 better, I would definitely say Part 1.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m going to reread part 2 so this may change but just… Part 1 has such a charm to it.
(Also Power comeback when)
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I was just doing my nightly routine of “sad emo depressed “you can’t fix a broken heart”🖤🥀” music so I can sleep like a new born baby
Me after my “sad emo depressed “you can’t fix a broken heart”🖤🥀” music
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And then it occurred to me that these two songs are so insanely Y/N and Megumi coded I feel the need to explain it right now.
I just threw out the love of my dreams - weezer:
This is Y/Ns literal anthem idec. Sure to me when I just listen to the song I typically feel like it’s more about a breakup since it says “I just threw out the love of my dreams” and “want for him to stay” as in hes leaving bc they aren’t tgth anymore but flip it and reverse it and you get a whole new meaning, if you focus on different words. The first line imma focus on is “never before have I felt this way” well we know that for a fact Why Enn(Y/N I’ll do anything but call Y/N Y/N these days‼️)is literally emotionally constipated like she’s unable to work out why they feels the way they do because they’ve never felt that way before about anyone, esp someone they’re meant to hate. And let’s go back a little to the start of the song when it says “I’m so tall can’t get over me I’m so low can’t get under me” and “I must be made of steel” they also really represent Why Enn and again, they’ve been emotionally inept thus far, they’re a stubborn person and they stand their ground, people can’t move them yk? And then the “for I just threw out the love of my dreams” if we take this in a new light, look at it differently, Why Enn knows deep down they like megumi but they refuse to admit this fact and that’s leading to complications in their current relationship which could COULD ultimately wedge a gap between them. Also the “even though my love is a world a way” is kinda megumi coded bc Why Enn be so delusion I think they be living on planet zog Gaddamn🙏😭
I don’t smoke - Mitski
Again, the meaning of this song is absolutely not this, but idk music is music and I’d be damned if it wasn’t up for interpretation. Anyway this song is the EPITOME of megumi for many reasons, first the most obvious part of the song “if you need to be mean be mean to me” this is megumi coded bc he literally didn’t care WHAT Why Enn did to him so long as they acknowledged him, he also just wanted to help them the best he could. Another part of this song is “being with you makes the flame burn good” again, so megumi, bc as I already mentioned he would do anything at one point so long as they acknowledge him. Another line, tbh all of them show the same thing bc that’s kinda what the song is about “you can lean on my arm as you break my heart” again, being told by the “love of your life” (quotes bc at this point it wasn’t set in stone) to not play a joke on them is pretty painful but he still took it and literally bounced back yk like a king🙏🙏
Okay anyway i think this should be more of a message to me bc instead of putting this much analysis into a song why don’t i do this for my literature revision‼️‼️🤣🤣🤣🙁 sorry for the long ask I needed to get this out into the world (or onto smth just out of my head)
BAE BAE BAE BAE COLLAPSES TO MY KNEES AND HAS A HEART ATTACK OH MY GODDDD UR FUCKING MIND????? THE WAY THESE R SO ACCURATE ??? i adore u . i adore when people psychoanalyze and assign characters or situations songs i’m going to eat ur brain . i was hyped and nodding and agreeing the whole time i was reading this… thank u…
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andromedavwrites · 7 months
i’m glad!!! i’ve had it written for quite some time and i FINALLY finished rendering it yesterday-
it’s looking pretty good and i enjoyed working on it! it’s not too long, but it was the best place to end the prologue from what i have done, i hope you all will forgive the brevity of it!
i won’t say much more but i’m looking foreword to your guys’ feedback!!!
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Love island
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A/N: I got super bored and I was on an love island binge and got really inspired to the point where I decided to make a story out of it I wanted to do like a mini series off of this but I’m not sure just know there is gonna be a part two with smut😏
Another note: In this it’s not y/n the character actually has a name so yea I’ve actually had this written for longer than you think but I just decided not post it until now and I didn’t proof read this either so- if there’s something i miss spelled or it doesn’t sound right mind your business!!!! 😭😭😭✋🏽
You used to watch love island with your family every week there was a new episode you were so excited when you got the call that you will be on love island
“Oh my godddd mir!!!!!” Your sister said excitedly
“I know I fly out there in a couple of days!!” You said it was true you had to fly out there soon because you we’re gonna be one of the new arrivals
On the plane ride you kept thinking about how awesome this was and you were excited if anything there was one boy that you did have interest in
And that was Jack
You thought he was cute
Watching him on the island you knew he’s the one you wanted to go for
When you got off the plane you weee met with a person driver he greeted you before putting you stuff in the trunk and opening the door for you
The ride was a little long but it was also peaceful
Once you got there you couldn’t believe it You knew that you weren’t going into the villa right away because they had the girls go out for drinks while the boys stayed and…. Did boy things
You did you introduction about your self while waiting you met two of the other girls
Bee and Abby
“Hii I’m mir nice to meet you girls” I said they both smiled
“Your really pretty” Bee said in her Australian accent
“Thank you so much” you said
“I fucking love your hair how did you do that” Abby said
You laughed You explained to her how you did my hair until it was time for you guys to go into the villa
All the girls were nervous but they pushed it aside walked straight in
“Heyy boys” bee shouted at them they all shouted
They walked over to them
You were a bit nervous but you were so happy because you finally get to meet Jack after crushing over him on tv
“Hey I’m mir nice to meet you all” you said they All smiled at you but one of them stuck out
“I can’t believe this is happening” Aj said he was a cute boy he had a fro a couple of tattoos
Eventually all the boys settled down you wanted to talk to him so bad you talk to bee about it
“Girl your in here for a reason I really think you should try and talk to him while the girls are still gone” she said and she was right you weren’t really gonna have time to talk to him with Diamond all over him
“Alright I’m gonna do it” you said she hyped you up about it you walked over to where he was sitting
“Can I sit” you said
“Sure” he smiled
“Hii I’m mir nice to me you” you said obviously he knew who you were because you already said that but you wanted to start a conversation
“Jack nice to meet you” you thought you we’re gonna melt he was so cute
“So how are things in here besides the obvious” I said
“I mean for me it could be better” he said
If one thing you’ve been keeping you know that diamond said she didn’t know how she felt about her and Jack she was playing with his feelings
Maybe you coming into the villa you would change things
“Look I’m gonna just be straight forward I came in here for you” I said
“Oh wow okay!!!” I nervously laughed
“Yea I’ve been watching and I know who I have my eye on” you said
“Well I’m open to try” he said smiling at you
Wanting to just kiss him so bad you knew you couldn’t because it’s really too early and you just met
“Well I’ll catch you later jack gonna go talk to more people” you said
You walked around getting to know the other boys there was Ben,Aj,mark,Alex ,and Jack
And honestly out of all of them you still wanted jack
You were talking with Alex when you heard the girls come back they all look puzzled to see three new girls talk to there men
One of the girls came running to you her name was Alison
“Omg welcome!!!” She said she was really sweet
“Thank you so much”
All the girls greeted you except the diamond she just stood there you got the impression and you already knew you wanted to try to talk to her and see for your self
“Heyy” you said
“Hi” she said kinda dry
“I’m mir nice to meet you” you said holding out your hand but she swiped it away
“Mhm” she said walking away
Unsuccessful if you ask me
The day went on it and night time began
You were sitting by yourself collecting your thoughts thinking about how this experience was gonna go you felt someone sit next to you looking over you smiled
“ so how has you experience in the villa been so far” jack said
“Ehh besides one of the girls not liking me” you paused for a second
“Good I’m liking it just a little bit” you said
“That’s great” but before he could say something somebody had gotta a text
“I GOT A TEXTTTT” they yelled
Jack and Mir both ran over to them
“Tomorrow all the boys will get a chance to talk to the 3 new girls
#newgirls #changingthegame” Alex said
You smiled you had been talking to Jack but you wanted to get to know him even more so going on a date with him and getting to know him was the perfect thing for you
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banorawhite · 3 months
for the music ask game :D how about 5, 14, 20?
5: a song that needs to be played LOUD
i would be lying if i didn't plug love me right again. as soon as i hear the opening i am turning this song ALL the way up and having a jam session!! i love it so so much.
i believe by lyn for persona 5 royal. it brings back all of the emotions playing the end of that game, and it hypes me way too much to play quietly! dover beach by baby queen - this song is very much an oc song and i always get very into it. and no light no light by florence and the machine. i go a little insane every time i hear this song.
14: a song you would love played at your wedding
eyes locked, hands locked by red velvet. this song is just way too beautiful.
also soundtracks: feast of starlight by howard shore. not only is it gorgeous but it plays during one of my favourite scenes. and flowers blooming beneath the church, nobou uematsu. probably one of my favourite pieces of music ever and just. ah. so, so pretty.
20: a favourite song with a person's name in the title
i'm in my shameless julie and the phantoms propaganda era - unsaid emily. godddd this song. this scene.
also georgia by vance joy <3
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supercharged-streamer · 10 months
Just beat Venam in 13.5 so here's some quick thoughts.
-Does anyone remember Venam's introduction back in V12? It is still the part I remember the most LOL you actually got tricked by her straight up.
-THE LAYOUT OF THE CITY IS SO MUCH BETTER. The old one was much more spacious but it was very easy to get lost in it. Not to mention how certain key area's like Venam's house are easy to miss. Its much more condensed and the important areas got a well needed overhaul so they stick out.
-Speaking of which... Venam's gym got a overhaul as well. Instead of mixing colors, you have to go through panels with various effects and turn on switches. It's much more straightforward by design as you can tell what each panel does. The previous one you had to like... Look at a easy to miss portrait... It also fits Venam's character very well. I was curious to see how they would make this different from Amber's gym... Assuming her gym here still has the same "HYPE!" building gimmick.
-Does anyone know how rare the Black Prisms are? I finished Mr. Luck's quest but was curious as to if they're as rare as shinies are in this game. I WAS NOT expecting him to have a full on shop system now... I uh. Learned that the hard way.
-Glad there is now a difficulty designed for people (Like me) who just play for the story. I feel kind of bad for the hardcore players though.
-Various QOL changes such as being able to start quests by talking to the initiating NPC are very nice to have.
And I think that's all I have for now. For being a "half update", they really did change a lot here. And this is only the first half of the first chapter!!! ....Wish me luck because I am going to need it when I encounter that fruity rift man and his massive fish.
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harryfeatgaga · 1 year
i know if you got in award or something he’d be so excited for you 😭 you’re trying to downplay it like it’s not a big deal and he’d be like “it’s a big deal, look at you getting recognized 😁” and it gets you all shy ☺️ he’d be there at the ceremony and when you get up to make you little speech he’d be taken back when you thank him in it 😭
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