fuckyeahgoodomens · 3 days
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meatballlady · 2 days
There have been so many posts from people believing in Aziraphale during the Final Fifteen (my comrades in arms), but I love seeing some faith in my dude Crowley too.
Is he actually heartbroken, or is he like 20 steps ahead of the Metatron?
Is he so so sad about Aziraphale, or did he actually pick up what Aziraphale was laying down immediately?
Is he about to go drinking in his car, or is he going to go on a covert mission?
Was he on a totally different wavelength than Aziraphale, or were they on the same page the whole time?
can't wait for s3(!!!!)
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ineffableaddiction · 5 hours
After watching GO yet again, my happy places are far more numerous than my sad places.
Happy places (not a full list):
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Sad places (mostly a full list)
(The Final 15 is a given)
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So yea…. I’ll keep torturing myself with the heartbreaking parts because they are so impactful. I’ll continue laughing and smiling because of the happy/funny parts, and the writing and acting that bring these two to life.
I’m excited to see Season 3, and send love and positive vibes to all involved.
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hg-aneh · 6 months
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good omens season 3 predictions
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sebthesmoll · 3 months
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Watching the morning Light ✨
A matching sketch illustration to my last sketch illustration of Crowley in the morning light~
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yami-no-kokoro · 6 months
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Can I hear a fucking wahooooo??!??!?!!
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yamisnuffles · 6 months
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Taking a break from writing angst because I'm too happy. They get to be happy too because of it and because I'm sure they will be, eventually. ❤️
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twilightcitysky · 6 months
The cottage we’re getting the cottage they’re going to film the cottage THIS IS NOT A DRILL
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antlerx-art · 6 months
And they aren’t talking…
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 3 days
Hiya again! I thought the Good Omens fandom would like to hear that David “is feeling very good about” season 3, and that he’s “got one more episode to read” and is “so far so very excited”!
(Thank you all for the advice, David was so so kind!)
Thank you! :)❤
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WIP Update here!
Hey the Good Omens fam. Having fun?
Me? I'm very well. I just discovered David Tennant played Richard II - Yeah, I'm late, I know :-D
So, just a sneak-peek. My own kind of "They're not talking". Still a WIP...
See you soon...! <3
Edit (2024, January 14th): this. Is. Getting. So. Wild. Thank you so much for your likes and reblogs, I was a little bit disappointed about my skills, now I am fine and I WANT to continue to publish. I am currently trying to improve my skills with a Good Omens Daily Sketch personal challenge, so feel free to discover it (link). When this Challenge is finished, I will definitely come back and complete this "Richard-II kiss-inspired" sketch. Thanks you all for your support, you are amazing 😊
My previous GO works: #ElenthyaAndGoodOmens
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giantmushyfriend · 5 months
Listen I know everyone is excited for petty Crowley in series 3, I am too. HOWEVER, I also desperately need a super bitchy Aziraphale. Because here is the thing, in what little we know about Series 3, we know that the Second Coming is on its way and Crowley and Aziraphale aren't talking. And we have to remember that Aziraphale is also angry with Crowley, just as Crowley is angry with Aziraphale. To Aziraphale, Crowley is the one who walked away when he needed him. So when I tell you that both of them are going to be petty as hell to the other, I mean PETTY. I wouldn't be suprised if they didn't directly talk to each other for an entire episode but instead just passive aggressively had someone else be the middle man. Like Aziraphale will come into the bookshop where Crowley is moping (definitely not trying to keep an eye on Aziraphale), and Muriel has to be in the middle of this:
"Oi, kid, tell the sUpReMe ArChAnGeL to shove his apology up righteous ass"
"Muriel, will you please tell Mr. Kiss and Run that I'm not here to apologize when I was doing my JOB"
"Tell his most holiness that his only job is licking HEAVENS BOOT like a pratt"
And on and on.
Now, do I think that Aziraphale and Crowley will spend the season learning how to communicate with each other and actually discuss what they were trying to say in the last moments of season 2? Absolutely. Do I want to see Aziraphale really fight for Crowley like Crowley fights for him? Yeah, a bit. Do I need them to make a big love confession scene where they make up and finally say I love you? Yes, and I think we will get something adjacent to that. But I think they are going to be serving up divorcees in a sitcom that end up together again before that.
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yowlthinks · 4 months
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Little known fact: while Hell has hellhounds, Heaven has divine pooches. Despite their typically miniature size, these are instrumental in brining about the end of the world. In this footage we see Crowley stealing one of the four pooches of apocalypse and frantically searching for Aziraphale who will then complete their sabotage plan while Crowley distracts everyone.
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vroomvroomwee · 6 months
I don't know if I'm the only one, but after season two I've noticed a horrible rise of aphobia in the Good Omens fandom. Just to clarify it's not the cast and crew's fault for this, nor is it the result of A and C "finally" kissing on screen (a kiss does NOT mean they aren't aspec despite what many people are saying)
There's simply been a staggering amount of fans, posts, comments not necessarily about hate towards headcannoning the two as aro or ace, so much as there has been a rampant wave of erasure happening. And yes aphobia doesn't just mean outright insults and hate crimes, it also comes in the form of dismission and inconsideration. Of acting like ace and aro identities are a disgrace or something inferior. Like aspec people are unimportant and something to be pitied.
And I think it's mainly due to new fans joining the fandom who only joined because they heard about two "men" kissing. Now, I too love my fair share of queer rep in media, but when someone is new to the fandom, the least they could do is research. Research the book, research past posts, research the fandom itself and what people generally stand for, instead of barging in and acting like the place is there only for them and demanding a thousand more kisses in season 3 with several sex scenes (yes I've come across a dozen of those people by now. No they were not joking)
The more fans the merrier because the show is incredible and beautiful and lovely and everyone should be able to watch it, but please for the love of God have respect for other fans.
And that's why I think it's so important for other fans to call this behaviour out, because guess what? A and C are supernatural entities with no concept of gender or sexuality, at least not one that aligns with that of humans, and they're STILL up for interpretation just as they've always been. As much as people love their own headcannons and want them to be respected they should also give that same courtesy to others (even though you might "not like it" but that's another conversation entirely)
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gretchenzellerbarnes · 6 months
Nina: Why are Aziraphale and Crowley sitting with their backs to each other?
Maggie: They had a fight.
Nina: Then why are they holding hands?
Maggie: They like holding hands. They get sad when they fight.
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carowleysposts · 6 months
The fact that after Crowley says “then i’m coming back, i won’t leave you on your own” AZIRAPHALE ANSWERS “I know”.
He knows. He trusts Crowley. He knows his demon will come back to save him. UGHHHHHH.
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