#Galaxy Hunters
josephkravis · 1 year
Blue Rose Of Fantasy And Mystery
The "Blue Rose" of fantasy and mystery are uniquely located on Epsilon Eridani A.  The medicinal benefits outweigh the dangerous asteroids. 
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without-ado · 11 months
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Full Hunter's Moon 2023 l Rami Ammoun
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mroddmod · 5 months
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she’ll be alright because she had you.
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riyo-soka · 6 months
Omega: so am I force sensitive?
Ventress, looking at Omega’s family of emotionally unstable men who would try to blow up the entire galaxy if she got anything worse than a paper cut: if you are it’s not my problem
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spacewonder19 · 11 months
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Partial Lunar Eclipse © Alessandro Bianconi
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kanamesengoku · 1 year
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あしたのジョー2 · さよなら銀河鉄道999 · 超時空要塞マクロス · ゴルゴ13 · 北斗の拳 · 吸血鬼ハンターD · ドラゴンボール · デビルマン 誕生編 · AKIRA · らんま1/2
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troutwithfur · 8 months
I like when a boss in a game is large enough for the player to crawl on it. When bugs and other vermin crawl onto us, we can easily squish them or get them off, so when some massive behemoth does everything in its power to try and fail to shake a measly human off, it means something. You're not another parasite on it's skin, you're so much more, you were just born too small.
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moggettt · 1 year
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Tried my hand at the color wheel challenge! 🎨 Boy howdy this was a Doozy
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tessalation · 2 years
The best trope is enemies to found family. This either works as “we all used to try and kill each other but now we fight for each other” or as “you were sent to assassinate my found family but we simply adopted you, and now you’re on a redemption arc like no one’s ever seen,” and they both mean so much to me
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la2yn0va · 1 month
Apathy Bias
CW: None, unless apathy is a trigger for ya… wait I lied, slight religious/cult topics
Plot: Reader is apathetic towards everything and one, but shows emotions towards others who’re his favorites.
Characters: Herta’s Spacestation, Belabog, Xianzhou Alliance, Penacony.
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Everyone always knew you were.. emotionally detached. But your dear acolytes still craved your attention. Your cold and narrow eyes accidentally glaring down at everyone as you play the game, yet there’s some characters whom gain your softer gaze.
Everyone was curious. Why did your facial muscles seem more relaxed? What was it about these characters that made you more calm? They knew the answer, however, jealousy kept them from admitting it.
They simply couldn’t believe it. GOD having favorites? Impossible! Even if that were the case, what made them so special!? Was it their playstyle? Their looks!? Their backstory!!? PERSONALITY!!!? Did those characters simply pray more?
They tried every excuse in the book, perhaps those characters somehow drugged you? Or perhaps they simply did more damage?! Or maybe you just like the path they follow!! But, all the excuses disappeared once they managed to summon you.
While you showed everyone the same amount of neutrality and respect, your… favorites, got special attention. And who were your favorites? Well…. (I don’t know yall’s favorites so imma just use mine)
Herta’s Spacestation — Ruan Mei:
This was the least surprising for all your acolytes. After all both of you were smart, attractive, and emotionally detached. You showed interest in her creations and liked to use her in all your teams.
Ruan Mei was pretty surprised. Yes she craved your attention and DNA, but she always believed you would’ve been disgusted with her. How morally ambiguous she was, how much of an outcast she was in the genius society also didn’t help.
So to see your eyes become gentle whenever she’s mentioned or on the screen made her feel happiness—hell, that was selling it short, she was over the fucking cosmos, she was on cloud 9 24/7, she felt love like she never felt before.
Ruan Mei, once you descend, always provides you with sweet and desserts she personally makes. She also makes one of those ‘cat pillows’ for you that has a mixture of her and your DNA. Gifting it to you as a present.
Belabog — Luka:
Pretty surprising, considering how introverted you were/seemed to them. They mearly chalked it up to you respecting his fighting spirit, until you descend.
Luka felt his heart beat faster. He always thought you’d like Seele or Bronya more considering they were in the main story quest! He’s definitely a bragging little shit about it, but only to Seele, who’s second place in your favorites in belabog.
Luka always fights to his fullest potential, believing it to be a sin if he doesn’t fight at his best for your entertainment. He gets completely ashamed of himself when he lost to Svarog, he tried his fucking damnest but still lost.
When he woke up from his coma, he felt completely embarrassed, he felt like a failure. He immediately tried to go back and fight Svarog again, it took Natasha, Oleg, the trailblazer, and Seele to stop him.
Ultimately, he stopped when he heard your voice, telling him to just ‘take the L and train harder. There’s always next time’
Luka prays more and trains infront of your statue, making sure to put on a show for you. He doesn’t want you to see him as unworthy after losing to Svarog.
Xianzhou Alliance — Feixiao (I know, your shocked)
At first, your favorite was Jing yuan. After all he fought with a fucking Susanoo. Until feixiao came out. You fell in love with her INSTANTLY. The hair, the eyes, the drip, the smile, the weapon, everything about her was fucking awesome.
Jing yuan had never known betrayal or pain in his entire life. He felt like rain of arrows constantly pierced his already damaged heart. But no one cares about him anymore, let’s talk about feixiao.
She took this as the ultimate win against all the generals. The youngest general who also has the supreme one’s favor. She also uses you and your favoritism to dodge paperwork.
When you decide, feixiao is quick to become your bodyguard of the xianzhou. She also picks you up bridal style or gives you piggy back rides for free… well, not really, she does tease you about it.
Feixiao will personally teach you how to fight if you want to learn. After all you get her out of doing paperwork and she’s your favorite acolyte in the xianzhou. It’s only fair right?
One day when she didn’t want to do paperwork, the most shocking yet loving gesture that ever happened to her in her life, slapped her in the face. You took her paperwork… and so it for her.
She would’ve proposed to you right then and there if she didn’t get stage fright/believed she was imagining it. Why would you torture yourself for her like this?!
When you were finished, she felt IMMENSELY guilty for abusing your favoritism the way she did. Your words after didn’t help quell her guilt “There. No more paperwork…! We can.. hangout now, right?”
From that moment fourth, feixiao never used your name to skip any paperwork. Also she tries to flirt with you, which goes over your head. Every. Time.
Penacony — No one.
“Eh… everyone here is just kinda average for me…”
The IPC — None
“I ain’t friends with the FUCKING FEDS!!” “These dicks aren’t villains, they’re just assholes! 700 years ago they promised to help belabog and they never did! They’re like the friend that promised to pay you back your 20 bucks and never does!” “I would rather defend Griffith then hang around these waste of human organs”
-The End-
I was gonna do more but I started getting tired/bored/stressed due to the impending doom that is school. Also, I’m so bored… I wanna do a QnA.
Ask questions IN THE COMMENTS OF THIS POST!! If you ask a question in the request box, I’m slapping you diagonally.
Deadline is… idk Saturday or Sunday
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She's Barbie and he's just her proud but worried dad
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archivistofnerddom · 3 months
In the last few years, Star Wars has really been giving some great content about:
Girl Dads and the (adopted) daughters they love, support, and protect completely
Bail Organa and Leia Organa (“Obi-Wan Kenobi”)
Hunter and Omega (“The Bad Batch”)
Master Sol and Osha (and Jecki as well, if I’m being honest) (“The Acolyte”)
Boy Moms/Mother Figures who love and fiercely defend the boys they’ve adopted
Beru Whitesun Lars and Luke Skywalker (“Obi-Wan Kenobi”)
Maarva Andor and Cassian Andor (“Andor”)
With bonus points to:
Girl Mom Breha Organa who is a moderating force to her husband and daughter while also being a loving and supportive guiding figure
Boy Dad/Uncle Owen Lars who just wants to keep an innocent boy safe in a terrible galaxy for as long as possible
Boy Dad Clem Andor who also saw a scared boy and gave him a safe place to call home
Girl Dads/Uncles/Big Brothers Tech, Wrecker, Crosshair, and Echo who also give Omega everything she needs to survive and a family to love completely
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without-ado · 11 months
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October's full moon & partial lunar eclipse l Bogeeeephoto l Hungary
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the-wolf-and-moon · 2 years
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Orion, The Hunter
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spacewonder19 · 2 years
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October’s Full Hunter’s Moon © astrofalls
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echo-lover · 8 months
Hunter in Season 3
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