#Galore's Glorious Gifts
flightrising · 6 months
Psst! Hey. You. Yes, you. We heard one of Galore's colleagues dropped off a gift for players, but it's only available until April 4th.
You got that? Galore's Glorious Gifts before 06:00 server time, Thursday April 4, 2024.
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cataboliccarrd · 2 years
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◇ Flight Rising Marketplace icons 1/2
reblogs & likes appreciated if using, but never required <3
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blushingtendertiel · 7 months
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The most glorious gift of them all, Galore himself!
Thanks to @dire-vulture for commissioning me, my commissions are open!
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beneathsakurashade · 3 months
ᴳᵒᵈ ⁱˢʰ ᵀʷˢᵗ ˣ ⁱᵐᵐᵒʳᵗᵃˡ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ CH: 1
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“I’m dancing with a ‘ish’ wordbook, excuse me”
Y/N's current alias:
Hanakato L/N
Alias No. 917
Date: wait-
    You're bored of life, find it utterly dull.  So you had the brilliant idea of challenging a god, a god that slept within the ancient mountains outside of your tiny village.  Crossing the well worn trails that wove through the mountains with nothing but the clothes on your back and a bracelet from your father.  You were fully prepared to die, having handing the last funds that you had saved to your family as you approached the weathered temple buried deep within the mountains.  The forest had long since claimed the temple as it's own, the once glorious place was now spotted with large patches of moss.  What was once a mere sapling was now a large tree that supported the temple at it's left side, the branches poking in from the open windows.  The temple of a goddess that was said to be from another world, Rukka, was famous centuries ago, when the townspeople lived in the mountains.  But such a time was no longer, since the village moved from the great mountains to the humble plains of the valley, the temple had been left in a state of disarray.  Gazing offhandedly to the scrolls that were left neatly in their sections, some were left on the floor, open and you could see faint scribbles next to some worshipper's words of wisdom. Bracing yourself for your doom as the huge stone statue that loomed before you cracked and chipped as the god sealed within moved awake.  You were sure to pass on without regrets, as you noticed vines zip towards you.  Completely opposite to your plan however, Rukka, was considerably weak, and it was no challenge beating her.  She actually admitted that she had no idea that someone would actually challenge her.  Fate had blessed you with victory, and the goddess had blessed you with what every human desired…
Eternal life
Or so she believed that every human desired, she was perplexed at your negative reaction to such an honor.
    Since you were bestowed the gift, you wandered the world, adopting so many new identities that you could fill a book with just their names.  You kept a journal to keep track of your travels, forgetting to add dates after a single journal turned into a pile.  You kept that pile in a little cottage that you found and renovated, though you barely visited it, too occupied with your travels.  It was nice to have a place to return to after all that adventuring, it was rather far from the village that you grew up in.  You never did visit your family after the fight, you wanted your family to believe that you perished in the fight, perhaps then they'd finally acknowledge your existence.  Speaking of which, your family were humble farmers, you were the unwanted extra child that they couldn't afford.  Your brother was their eldest son, their pride and joy, he reveled in that growing up, but as he reached adulthood he realized that his efforts would be for naught.  Your family expected him to settle down and continue the family farm, he hated farming, he wanted to become a great scholar in the city.  To have people from all over the world attend his lectures, to be heralded as a genius.  What was his name again?...You practically all but forgot about him, he hated you and you hated him, the only way that you remembered him was from your journals.  The family that you once knew weren't even wrinkled and white-haired, they were buried in the village's cemetery, along with many other's that shared your last name that you didn't recognize.  You passed by them on a visit to your village, their gravestones marred by mud, the fields that your parents once toiled in were now overgrown with weeds.  
    You left the cemetery, leaving a few wildflowers for their ghosts.  The small village was now a sprawling city of cars and stores galore. Passing the home that you grew up in, you noticed an unfamiliar family now inhabiting it.  As you paused and stared through the open window, you saw two young ladies sitting in the kitchen, fawning over a baby.  The memories of you as a child playing in the kitchen with your brother flashed in your mind.  They seemed happy with their child though, so as long as the home was filled with happiness, you couldn't be bothered by who lived in it.  The former homes of your friends were now shiny department stores, and the well that you used to reenact plays with said friends was a large shopping center.  How many years had it been since you walked these paths? Even the paths were different, the once dirt roads were now paved over with asphalt.  Your brother...you ponder as you walked through the new village.  Your brother was older than you, and he was a student at Night Raven College, a prestigious school for magic users.  You never received an invitation to attend though, that was something else that your brother used to fuel his hatred of you.  He bragged to your parents about his amazing grades and potential that the teachers said he had.  Your father received an invitation, but couldn’t afford to attend, you remembered that you took his letter from his drawer out of spite.    Why not use it now? Use the excuse that you were his son who shared a name.  It wasn't like the principal would notice, your brother told you all about the good-for-nothing Headmage that ran the school during his time there.  Dire Crowley was his name, he called himself a model educator, but did nothing to earn that title, your brother observed.  He accepted frequent bribes from certain dorms, and conveniently forgot important information regarding certain students, as well as took vacations often.  You knew that you wouldn't like him, but that would make your admission all the easier...
      Gripping the letter in your hand, you placed it gently into your pant pocket, and tossed a few coins to your village's ferryman and followed the small group of people onto the ferry.  The ferry was one thing that never changed in your town, the family that ran the ferry made sure of that, they had been sailing for centuries, all sea-loving people.  Except for a girl that you grew up alongside with, she was truly terrified of the ocean.  Walking over to the railing by the side of the boat, you gaze out wistfully, staring at the small island that grew larger as you approached, Sage's Isle, the home of Night Raven College.  Taking in the familiar scent of the salt and sea, the noises of parents shushing their little children, and the sight of lovers holding each other near.  The closer you got to your destination the more you looked back on your home, even though it hadn't been your home since humans had yet to discovered electricity, nor had any notion of such a concept.  It was still jarring, to think about how different things were now, when you left it was a simple village of plain wooden houses, population was a mere hundred or so.  Now, it was a humongous city, the houses were made of materials that you never would've thought of...wait...how many years had passed again?  You had forgotten in your travels...
    Stepping off the boat and onto solid ground was relieving, you walk around the island till you approach a town, one that offers transportation to Night Raven.  You hand payment to the driver of the car and wait with bated breath as you're dropped off near a school that resembled a castle, guarded by ominous black gates.  It just as your brother described it, majestic and filled with wonder. 
    You walk near the gates and froze when they opened slowly.  Taking in a sharp breath, you enter the school's grounds.  Watching entertained as students rush about prepping for the Orientation later today, other student's bark orders at the one's laboring.  Some students are chatting with friends about the latest chapter of their favorite manga, while one of their friends is crying about the death of yet another favorite character, whose life was taken so bitterly by the author's choice.  Some are doing nothing at all, and sleeping peacefully. 
   Hours pass as you wait for the Orientation to start, having handed your father's letter of admission to the head of the school once you arrived at his office.  Crowley was just as your brother had described, as flippant as a crow fluttering about pieces of bread.  Your brother had an odd way of describing things, always inserting extravagant words that he learned from school in whatever sentence that he could.  Most of the time it didn't make much sense, but you didn't care enough to correct him, not like he would listen to you anyway, so you let him drawl on his stage.  Unaware that his audience was fast asleep with boredom.  Thankfully, Headmage accepted your letter of admission, albeit with some suspicion.  But a few hundred thaumarks shut him up.  While you waited you brought out your journal to take note of everything that had happened so far.  Writing in peace until you looked away from your journal pages and noticed someone passing glances to you from their spot on the ground, scrolling on their phone.  You study the student, tall-ish, pale skinned, ginger haired, with his bangs pulled away from his face and green eyes.  With a little red diamond painted on his right cheek.  Dressed in uniform, with a red and black band with a logo labeled Heartslabyul. 
    You write down a quick note in your journal, 'stranger staring at me, for some reason, praying that he murder me, but it'll probably never happen'.  The student puts away his phone and gets up, walking over to you.  "Hiya! I don't think that I've seen you around here before.  I'm Cater, Cater Diamond.  Heartslabyul junior".  You look up at him and nod "My name is Hanakato L/N.  I'm a new student, do you need something?" he smiles "Nope! Just wanted to say hi.  It's nice to meet you, if you ever need anything trendy you can come to me!".  You look back down to your journal, "Alright, it's nice to meet you Diamond".  He takes your silence after as a cue to leave.  Leaving you to yourself and your thoughts.
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Author's Thoughts
Cater Diamond - 'An annoyingly cheerful guy.  Don't like him'.
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A/N: i thought of this during school, and i scrambled to write my thoughts down. fun fact the chapter images align with the lyrics written down :>. i hope that u all have a wonderful week ^^ also Ado's cover of God-ish is 🔥.
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besideprimroseshade · 2 months
ᴳᵒᵈ ⁱˢʰ ᵀʷˢᵗ ˣ ⁱᵐᵐᵒʳᵗᵃˡ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ CH: 1
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“I’m dancing with a ‘ish’ wordbook, excuse me”
Y/N's current alias:
Hanakato L/N
Alias No. 917
Date: wait-
    You're bored of life, find it utterly dull.  So you had the brilliant idea of challenging a god, a god that slept within the ancient mountains outside of your tiny village.  Crossing the well worn trails that wove through the mountains with nothing but the clothes on your back and a bracelet from your father.  You were fully prepared to die, having handing the last funds that you had saved to your family as you approached the weathered temple buried deep within the mountains.  The forest had long since claimed the temple as it's own, the once glorious place was now spotted with large patches of moss.  What was once a mere sapling was now a large tree that supported the temple at it's left side, the branches poking in from the open windows.  The temple of a goddess that was said to be from another world, Rukka, was famous centuries ago, when the townspeople lived in the mountains.  But such a time was no longer, since the village moved from the great mountains to the humble plains of the valley, the temple had been left in a state of disarray.  Gazing offhandedly to the scrolls that were left neatly in their sections, some were left on the floor, open and you could see faint scribbles next to some worshipper's words of wisdom. Bracing yourself for your doom as the huge stone statue that loomed before you cracked and chipped as the god sealed within moved awake.  You were sure to pass on without regrets, as you noticed vines zip towards you.  Completely opposite to your plan however, Rukka, was considerably weak, and it was no challenge beating her.  She actually admitted that she had no idea that someone would actually challenge her.  Fate had blessed you with victory, and the goddess had blessed you with what every human desired…
Eternal life
Or so she believed that every human desired, she was perplexed at your negative reaction to such an honor.
    Since you were bestowed the gift, you wandered the world, adopting so many new identities that you could fill a book with just their names.  You kept a journal to keep track of your travels, forgetting to add dates after a single journal turned into a pile.  You kept that pile in a little cottage that you found and renovated, though you barely visited it, too occupied with your travels.  It was nice to have a place to return to after all that adventuring, it was rather far from the village that you grew up in.  You never did visit your family after the fight, you wanted your family to believe that you perished in the fight, perhaps then they'd finally acknowledge your existence.  Speaking of which, your family were humble farmers, you were the unwanted extra child that they couldn't afford.  Your brother was their eldest son, their pride and joy, he reveled in that growing up, but as he reached adulthood he realized that his efforts would be for naught.  Your family expected him to settle down and continue the family farm, he hated farming, he wanted to become a great scholar in the city.  To have people from all over the world attend his lectures, to be heralded as a genius.  What was his name again?...You practically all but forgot about him, he hated you and you hated him, the only way that you remembered him was from your journals.  The family that you once knew weren't even wrinkled and white-haired, they were buried in the village's cemetery, along with many other's that shared your last name that you didn't recognize.  You passed by them on a visit to your village, their gravestones marred by mud, the fields that your parents once toiled in were now overgrown with weeds.  
    You left the cemetery, leaving a few wildflowers for their ghosts.  The small village was now a sprawling city of cars and stores galore. Passing the home that you grew up in, you noticed an unfamiliar family now inhabiting it.  As you paused and stared through the open window, you saw two young ladies sitting in the kitchen, fawning over a baby.  The memories of you as a child playing in the kitchen with your brother flashed in your mind.  They seemed happy with their child though, so as long as the home was filled with happiness, you couldn't be bothered by who lived in it.  The former homes of your friends were now shiny department stores, and the well that you used to reenact plays with said friends was a large shopping center.  How many years had it been since you walked these paths? Even the paths were different, the once dirt roads were now paved over with asphalt.  Your brother...you ponder as you walked through the new village.  Your brother was older than you, and he was a student at Night Raven College, a prestigious school for magic users.  You never received an invitation to attend though, that was something else that your brother used to fuel his hatred of you.  He bragged to your parents about his amazing grades and potential that the teachers said he had.  Your father received an invitation, but couldn’t afford to attend, you remembered that you took his letter from his drawer out of spite.    Why not use it now? Use the excuse that you were his son who shared a name.  It wasn't like the principal would notice, your brother told you all about the good-for-nothing Headmage that ran the school during his time there.  Dire Crowley was his name, he called himself a model educator, but did nothing to earn that title, your brother observed.  He accepted frequent bribes from certain dorms, and conveniently forgot important information regarding certain students, as well as took vacations often.  You knew that you wouldn't like him, but that would make your admission all the easier...
      Gripping the letter in your hand, you placed it gently into your pant pocket, and tossed a few coins to your village's ferryman and followed the small group of people onto the ferry.  The ferry was one thing that never changed in your town, the family that ran the ferry made sure of that, they had been sailing for centuries, all sea-loving people.  Except for a girl that you grew up alongside with, she was truly terrified of the ocean.  Walking over to the railing by the side of the boat, you gaze out wistfully, staring at the small island that grew larger as you approached, Sage's Isle, the home of Night Raven College.  Taking in the familiar scent of the salt and sea, the noises of parents shushing their little children, and the sight of lovers holding each other near.  The closer you got to your destination the more you looked back on your home, even though it hadn't been your home since humans had yet to discovered electricity, nor had any notion of such a concept.  It was still jarring, to think about how different things were now, when you left it was a simple village of plain wooden houses, population was a mere hundred or so.  Now, it was a humongous city, the houses were made of materials that you never would've thought of...wait...how many years had passed again?  You had forgotten in your travels...
    Stepping off the boat and onto solid ground was relieving, you walk around the island till you approach a town, one that offers transportation to Night Raven.  You hand payment to the driver of the car and wait with bated breath as you're dropped off near a school that resembled a castle, guarded by ominous black gates.  It just as your brother described it, majestic and filled with wonder. 
    You walk near the gates and froze when they opened slowly.  Taking in a sharp breath, you enter the school's grounds.  Watching entertained as students rush about prepping for the Orientation later today, other student's bark orders at the one's laboring.  Some students are chatting with friends about the latest chapter of their favorite manga, while one of their friends is crying about the death of yet another favorite character, whose life was taken so bitterly by the author's choice.  Some are doing nothing at all, and sleeping peacefully. 
   Hours pass as you wait for the Orientation to start, having handed your father's letter of admission to the head of the school once you arrived at his office.  Crowley was just as your brother had described, as flippant as a crow fluttering about pieces of bread.  Your brother had an odd way of describing things, always inserting extravagant words that he learned from school in whatever sentence that he could.  Most of the time it didn't make much sense, but you didn't care enough to correct him, not like he would listen to you anyway, so you let him drawl on his stage.  Unaware that his audience was fast asleep with boredom.  Thankfully, Headmage accepted your letter of admission, albeit with some suspicion.  But a few hundred thaumarks shut him up.  While you waited you brought out your journal to take note of everything that had happened so far.  Writing in peace until you looked away from your journal pages and noticed someone passing glances to you from their spot on the ground, scrolling on their phone.  You study the student, tall-ish, pale skinned, ginger haired, with his bangs pulled away from his face and green eyes.  With a little red diamond painted on his right cheek.  Dressed in uniform, with a red and black band with a logo labeled Heartslabyul. 
    You write down a quick note in your journal, 'stranger staring at me, for some reason, praying that he murder me, but it'll probably never happen'.  The student puts away his phone and gets up, walking over to you.  "Hiya! I don't think that I've seen you around here before.  I'm Cater, Cater Diamond.  Heartslabyul junior".  You look up at him and nod "My name is Hanakato L/N.  I'm a new student, do you need something?" he smiles "Nope! Just wanted to say hi.  It's nice to meet you, if you ever need anything trendy you can come to me!".  You look back down to your journal, "Alright, it's nice to meet you Diamond".  He takes your silence after as a cue to leave.  Leaving you to yourself and your thoughts.
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Author's Thoughts
Cater Diamond - 'An annoyingly cheerful guy.  Don't like him'.
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A/N: i thought of this during school, and i scrambled to write my thoughts down. fun fact the chapter images align with the lyrics written down :>. i hope that u all have a wonderful week ^^ also Ado's cover of God-ish is 🔥.
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saltminerising · 1 year
complaining about not getting free Sandsurge stuff is outrageous. Does anyone know the name of the dragon who gives us gifts? That’s right! It’s Galore! And what is his stall at the trading post called? Galore's Glorious Gifts! It has the word GIFT in the title! No one is entitled to a gift!!! Is it nice to receive one? Yes of course, but no one is required to hand out GIFTS! Complaining about that is giving spoiled child who never had to work or be patient before. I’ve seen people bring up the ‘well what about the minors who can’t spend money on gems’ card and guess what. I was in that boat too, but now I’m an adult with adult money and I still don’t by gems! I earn them through other ways and I’m not even that active anymore. We literally got a familiar from galore, thats easy gems right there! Your telling me you can’t log in once a day, put that familiar on a dragon and click it? Yeah it will take time but you’ll eventually get to chests and gems. Just be patient!
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stellara-palette · 2 years
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Galore's Glorious Gifts
#8EA0A2 | #435B4A | #5B4019 | #817253 | #DBAC5D | #F0CF82
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mperosx · 1 year
Everything Under the Sun (The Feast of this Saint) || AmaEros
Because no feast day should ever go uncelebrated!! Thank you for waiting my dear as I did dual feature days, battled being sick and dealt with stress. May this thread more than make up for the delay! @amaterasuxmp
   It had been the children’s idea. He had told them why he had been artfully arranging the massive bouquet of flowers in their mom’s day room and the wealth of their combined imaginations had taken over. The more they rattled off ideas and Eros quickly wrote them down on paper, the more he liked what they had in mind!
   They had only hours to bring about the wellspring of their efforts but Eros and his children were quick when it came to weaving the spell of creativity over any space. They had clearly inherited it from him as Eros carted them off to the stores they chose and gathered both gifts and crafting supplies galore. Their small hands created with more swiftness than they thought they possessed paper cranes on strings, tissue paper roses that they trailed to her special room, and colored drawings of their little family with such care that even Eros stared in surprise as he wrapped gifts.
  When they had finished decorating the house in glorious shades of sunrise and hiding their presents all over, the trio began on making the feast. Can’t have a feast day without a real feast!
   “No dad,” Evander corrects as he squeezes the icing pipe firmly with both of his tiny hands. The red of a thin squiggle flows from the tip of the pipe and onto the brown icing atop the cupcakes that Cordelia had made. Mocha flavored icing to top chocolate and vanilla mini cupcakes complete with thin red icing designs. Evander squeezes until he’s satisfied and then looks at Eros who peers down at it. It’s a horrid little ball of a shape but his youngest looks beside himself with pride.
   “It’s a heart!” The little one declares triumphant. His sister comes over to have herself a look and makes a face. Eros watches her with an expression that reads equal parts fear and indignation should she say anything mean.
  “That’s all wrong,” she says pointing at it. “You didn’t kiss it after! You know the love magic doesn’t work if you don’t add the kiss!”
   Eros’ shoulders visibly relax at this and Evander’s scrunch up close to his ears much like his father’s had been. He brings it to his lips instantly and lays on it a gentle kiss, the design smooshing a bit with the effort. “MAGIC!”
   The children set about kissing each treat they made for Amaterasu and calling their elder half brother Alexios to ask for further advice. Eros steps just slightly back from the table and where he can still see them to text his wife with a little smile. He quickly arranges to collect her for the surprise.
{txt to: Sunny D}: We’ll be there soon! But forgive the kids if they crash later! I believe in their thrill to create a special day for you they may fall asleep sooner than planned tonight!
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ilopisara · 5 months
26.04. 21:41 | Ilo Pisara vs Royal Danglers 4 - 0
Ladies and gentlemen, gather 'round as I regale you with the tale of our latest hockey conquest where Ilo Pisara emerged victorious in a clash that will be etched into the annals of history—or at least until next week's game. Our adversaries, the Royal Danglers, decided they had enough fun for one day and opted for an early shower, handing us victory by not finishing what they started. Ah, to see warriors retreat before the battle is done! It brings to mind visions of squirrels scampering away at the first sign of a cat. Our shining knight on ice was none other than Macho Fantastico—scoring all four goals like he mistook their netminder for Swiss cheese. Konsta Terde turned playmaker supreme with assists so magical; Houdini would've blushed in admiration. Teppo Winnipeg patrolled our blue line like it was his own backyard—interceptions galore and passing sharper than my wit. As we bask in this glorious 4-0 win (or should I say gift?), let’s remember: victories are sweeter when earned through sweat and skill rather than opponents' sudden disappearances. But hey, a win is a win! To future foes considering an early exit: Remember—the only thing worse than losing is quitting. See you on the ice... if you dare stick around long enough!
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authoraudreyg · 1 year
Snow White: The Cursed Years (Chapter 2)
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In the years that followed, Snow White had changed. No one could say when the change happened for certain. The family portraits were the best indication of Snow’s shift in personality. The formerly happy child was morphed into an unhappy and moody teenager. Nothing could rouse her from her ennui. How could she ever be happy when she knew what laid in store for her? Still, as she rose from her bed that morning, it wasn’t every day that one turned fourteen. As soon as she left her room, she was greeted with a cacophony of noise and happy turns of her family.
“Happy birthday darling!” Her mother kissed her forehead.
“There’s my birthday girl!” Her father roared with laughter as he hoisted her up onto his shoulder. “Are you ready for your big day?”
“I guess I am,” she replied unsurely. Birthdays were a complicated affair for her. Each year brought her closer to an eternal rest.
“Atta girl!”
“We know you’ve been feeling low, my darling,” her mother cooed as Snow was escorted down the lengthy hallway and into the throne room. “Adolescence for our family has always been complicated. Why, when I was your age, I dreaded every birthday I had!”
“You did?” Snow softly gasped as she was placed back on her own two feet. Inside the throne room, it was decked out in style for a young princess. In the very middle of the room, there was a large present.
“Oh, yes. I was terrified, but you know what I realized?”
“That I was going to get my happily ever after! And soon,” her mother gave her a present as did her father. In her mother’s present, there was a stunning tiara. Made of gold and diamonds galore, it was a tiara fit for a young princess. In her father’s present, there was a golden scepter, worthy of a soon to be ruler of the realm. “You too will be living happily ever after, my dear. Go ahead, open your next present.’
A million thoughts raced through Snow’s mind. A tiara and a scepter…would the next present be her own throne? She was going to be a queen one day. She hadn’t anything that could compare to her thrones. Snow tore the wrapping paper away with gusto. She was so excited until she saw what awaited her.
A beautiful glass coffin that shined like the sun with flowers lining the lid and weeping angels at the front and back. Snow’s breath quickened. All she could think of was her Aunt Lily and how now she would share in her fate. Her grip on the scepter tightened. Her fear rose exponentially.
“Surprise!” Her parents cheered.
“We had it custom made for you, darling!” Her mother cooed.
“It’ll fit you now. It’s very comfortable. You’ll have the best sleep of your life in that thing. What do you say? Want to test it out now?”
“NO!” Snow screamed. “I don’t want to! I never want to see this stupid ugly thing EVER again!” With all the force she could muster, Snow smashed the coffin with her scepter. No one would have been able to stop her. She was like a wild beast as she destroyed her soon to be resting place. Snow didn’t stop when the glass cut her fingers or struck her face. It felt good to feel pain rather than fear all the time. When the coffin was thoroughly smashed, Snow ran away to her room, throwing the scepter and tiara away.
All further party plans were put on a permanent hold. Her parents attempted to rouse Snow from her barricaded bedroom, but no one could get her to unlock the door. Her parents were thoroughly puzzled at their daughter’s behavior.
“Whatever could have gotten into her?” Her mother fretted later that night. “She acted like we had gifted her a severed head!”
“Snow has always been a sensitive child,” her father reasoned. “Perhaps, a simpler coffin would have been better? I did tell you that the gold one was a little too ostentatious for her.”
“As if my child would rest in anything but a gold and glass coffin. It’s practically tradition at this point to have a glorious coffin. I don’t want people to think that our daughter is some sort of peasant! She’s a princess for goodness sake. Our family line goes back generations!”
“Yes, yes, I know, but this is Snow that we’re talking about. She’s never been one for grandeur. She’s always preferred the simple things in life.”
Queen White scoffed. “Peasants prefer the simple things. Fresh bread and a little entertainment and they’re satisfied. That can’t be the lot for our daughter. People need to see her as the regal princess she is, not a commoner. Princesses get happy endings, peasants do not. Oh, where did we go wrong?”
“We didn’t do anything wrong. Snow is going through adolescence. She’s becoming a young woman.”
“Yes, and at the rate she’s smashing coffins, she will be a young woman who no one will ever kiss her. Her behavior is completely unroyal! What are we going to do with her!? She’s fourteen! The curse is officially in play!”
“I know, I know,” he attempted to soothe. “We’ll think of something. Don’t you worry
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ghostharpies-fr · 5 years
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flightrising · 6 months
Important Dates & Times for This Week
Happy Wednesday!
There are two important dates and times you should be aware of for the rest of this week.
Galore's Glorious Gift expires Thursday April 4th at 06:00 server time.
There is a scheduled maintenance happening on April 5th at 06:00 server time. This maintenance is for backend work.
So be sure to stop by Galore's to pick up your gift before 06:00 server time tomorrow April 4th (if you haven't yet!), and be ready for some scheduled downtime on Friday, April 5th, starting at 06:00 server time!
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olessan-lokenosse · 5 years
Concept for tomorrow:
Galore: oh no is that an abandoned egg, I’ve never seen anything like it
Galore: there are thousands more of them in this ditch, wtf
Galore: ok I’m going to give these away, they need safe nests and I don’t need this many babies
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panicrobotdragons · 5 years
Galore walks into the Trading Post wearing this sweater:
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silanahredwing · 5 years
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Oh???? Why though? I can’t find an explanation
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pebblesfr · 5 years
So did everyone on flight rising forget that male guardians have beards or
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