#Gamecube Hobbit
pistachiozombie · 1 year
How would Leanna react to meeting the Gamecube version of Bilbo?
Ah! Honestly GameCube Bilbo was the reason she became "Leanna" and was another long hyperfixation back in 2009-2012. 'Pre-Bofur' Leanna used to have amnesia and didn't really hide her likeness for Bilbo lol (Arachnophobia TW) Here are some more recent (2019) and old (2010 art). Sorry, but to answer your question! Probably think he's the cutest thing ever and have tea with him lol.
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but-how-do-you-drive · 4 months
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Okay! friends who had a GameCube growing up (or still have one, like me), does anyone remember playing this one? I haven't ever, and I found it at a used media store recently so I thought I'd give it a shot. I'd love to hear any of your feedback or game tips or overall memories!
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glimmerkey · 1 month
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DMag Issue #22 (December 2003)
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sybilius · 1 year
@shiny-good-rock I know this video is edging on 3 hours but I highly highly recommend it. it's so earnest and relaxing, great way to turn off your brain, has an absolutely WILD middle-of-video twist, and is just very heartfelt! and it's about the best game ever ;)
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miharuhebinata · 4 months
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heaven-dope · 6 months
by every means, i should like lord of the rings and its kind of a hilarious miracle that i do not
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holytrickster · 6 months
every time I cut my hair I end up walking a fine line between "gay ass mullet" and "secret cryogenically frozen fifth beatle"
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dmdarius · 9 months
Following the trio that split from Frodo and Samwise, we now aid the elves in slaying all the Orc and Uruk-hai that riddles the land. Or at least all the ones in this little maze of rocks.
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patrickbarrett1996 · 2 years
A Blindfolded IL Speedrun of the level Dream World in The Hobbit
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corndog-patrol · 1 year
ranking hobbit media by how sexy thranduil is okay go
first up we have 1977 rankin bass thran. and what a fucking mess he is.
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they made him bald??? why?? he’s an elf where are the beautiful locks?? you can’t tell me that smidgen of hair on the side is beautiful elf locks. also that hunched posture is terrible for his back. 0/10
2003 Hobbit Game
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okay this one earns some points for nostalgia but he is so fucking polygonal. that gamecube crust just DESTROYS the quality of his... everything. he does look a bit better in the cutscenes tho
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kind of a serve. 5/10
The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II (2006)
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cant even find any good images of him from this game. he looks okay? ive never played it. 3/10
2012-2014 Peter Jackson Hobbit movies
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okay this is where we peaked as a sexy thranduil society. lee pace thranduil is amazing and his absolutely fucked characterization can be overlooked cuz the aesthetics are literally peak ✨✨✨✨✨ Perfect In Every Way 10/10 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
The Hobbit LEGO game (2014)
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not really sure how to rank this on the sexy scale considering he’s a LEGO but he’s still based on the lee pace thran so that gives him some points. the  best part of this game was smashing shit as sauron after beating it. 7/10
lord of the rings online (LOTRO) (idk when they added him, it looks like 2018 but i have no clue if that’s really true)
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The combat in this game is fun but why are half of the quests to fetch animal hides? anyway this thran looks weird, like an older white guy who doesn’t believe in tipping servers. 3/10
finally the new gollum game (2023)
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he just looks off? the crown is cool but there’s just TOO much happening with this design. also the game sucks shit. 4/10
and that’s it. they should put more thranduils in media so i can rate them.
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necromancelena · 9 months
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Oh for fuck's sake! Well initially I had an idea for a little themed stream that was going to be called shovelware sunday where people pick out shovelware games for me but I'm not even sure this counts as shovelware! this came out years before the Hobbit movies and decades after the book so I think this just constitutes a shitty adaptation. I guess it came out right after the Peter Jackson LOTR movies. It says "The prelude to the Lord of the Rings" right behind my tits and Halberd there. so it's at least a little bit shoveled. Anyway Chicory picked out the game for me and then made a stream promo so there's no arguing with it at this point.
sooo uhhh. Streaming The Hobbit for the Nintendo Gamecube today at 4:00 PM EST/ 1:00PM PST!
You can watch the stream Here!
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randomthefox · 2 months
When did your dislike of SatAM, Archie, and IDW comics start to form? I'm just asking out of curiosity
I mean I don't think I ever liked SatAM. I watched episodes as a kid, I even owned a VHS tape. And I vividly remember watching it and being like "who are all these people? Why isn't Tails doing anything? That guy doesn't look anything like Robotnik. None of this looks like the games." And pretty much the same reaction whenever I'd look at an issue of Archie.
Actually I vividly remember having an issue of Archie that took place after the Sonic Adventure 2 storyline, and being VERY confused by it. Sonic came back to earth and everyone thought he was dead for some reason? And he went to Sally who was at his grave and they made out. And then Shadow crash landed into a crater nearby, and when he woke up he immediately punched Sonic in the face for no reason I think (or the other way around?). And then they both had to run off together to deal with something going on, and they were like >=o at each other the whole time.
And again, my response at the time was "what the fuck is even happening? Since when did anyone think Sonic died at the end of SA2? Who the fuck is this chick, shouldn't Sonic be kissing Amy? Why is Shadow somehow alive? Why doesn't any of this look like the games?"
I can't remember if I played the games first or if I saw the cartoon first. I didn't actually have cable for a long time, as a kid. We had basic TV for quite a long time. I vividly remember when we finally got network cable, my entire family danced around in a circle singing "we got cartoon network~!" lol. So I don't remember if I would have had access to the Sonic cartoons before I had a Genesis and played Sonic 2 on it. But I do know regardless of whichever I was exposed to first, video games were my jam and I played Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 CONSTANTLY. I absolutely loved Tails. He is the reason I am the foxeh you see before you. And I remember viscerally despising that Tails was treated as this useless stupid little kid in SatAM. (AoStH was much better, because Tails even got his whole little episode where he got to Home Alone the badniks while protecting a petrified Sonic).
I got a Dreamcast FOR Sonic Adventure 1 and 2. And when Sonic Adventure 2 Battle came for the gamecube I played that game religiously. Just, constantly. I'd replay the story over and over. And around that time I was really into Dragon Ball Z too, and there weren't any good Dragon Ball games besides Budokai which could only do so much for me. So I remember that I would play Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 and just recast all the Sonic characters as Dragon Ball characters in my imagination. Sonic was Goku, Shadow was Vegeta, Knuckles was Piccolo, Amy was Chichi, Tails was Gohan, Chaos was Cell, Eggman was Dr. Gero, Rouge was Android 18. I played those games over and over and over again, I loved them. And every single time I was ever exposed to Archie or Sonic X, my reaction was the same as it had always been: "Who are these people? Why doesn't this look like the games?"
I don't know how my feelings might be different if I hadn't played the Sonic games, but did watch the cartoons/read the comics. Frankly, I doubt the cartoons and comics would have had much interest to me just on their own. They were very drab, had boring colors and a loooooot of dialog, and when it came to Archie it was incredibly bad art back then. Why would I watch SatAM/read Archie when I could watch more Dragon Ball Z and Pokemon and Sailor Moon/read what was being released in monthly Shonen Jump? Even if I hadn't been a Gamer (tm) I was also too much of a weeb. Around that time I had also become a pretty voracious reader thanks to Harry Potter too, so I had branched out into the Artemis Fowl books and The Hobbit. Sorry to be a dick, but... I was consuming a LOT of really high quality media as a kid, fucking SatAM/Archie didn't have a CHANCE x3 I would have thought that shit was boring and stupid no matter what. And the fact I loved the Sonic video games so deeply only sealed the deal - that shit WASN'T the Sonic I knew and loved, so it was worthless to me.
I was predisposed to look unfavorably on IDW Sonic from the moment it started, but I DID give it a chance. I read the first four issues when they were being released on that weekly basis launch rush. And I was NOT impressed. It was exactly what I expected it to be. And all I could say was "who are these people? and why doesn't it look like the video games?" Nothing had changed. After issue #7 I fucking dropped it, I think seeing that fight between Sonic and Shadow really angered me and I didn't even bother looking at the comic again until well after the Metal Virus arc had been resolved. I only started reading the comic again within the last couple years for the sake of making my longform critical riffs on it.
I don't think I'd have EVER liked these fucking comics or shows. But it was my deep lifelong love for the video games that caused me to start HATING them. My hate towards SatAM/Archie/IDW is equal to my love for the video games. And god damn do I love the video games, always have. And it is because of my love for the video games that whenever I see a new piece of Sonic media that is not the video games, beit Sonic Prime or IDW or the movies, or any of the spin offs of yore, my question will always be "who are these people? And why doesn't it look like the video games?"
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pistachiozombie · 1 year
Was actually wondering what the story was behind your switch from Bilbo to Bofur? I love your work and have been following your art since your early DA days (the animation you made of Leanna, Sven, and I think Bilbo (+your old ringwrath boi) riding in a minecart was how I found you) but I think I missed this turning point in the PistachioZombie epic, and I'm super curious!
Oh man, that was sooo long ago! Wish flash still worked cause i would definitely dig out that animation you are talking about. It was so long ago, leanna was still a self insert lol
Loving 2003 GameCube Bilbo was the start of my infinite love for Tolkien... though I was introduced way before, somehow playing the game inserted me into that world even more... but after that phase, I moved onto Fallout and other fandoms for a few more years. Then I wanted to replay that game... rewatch the hobbit, and fell into the Bilbo spell again.
Bofur was my favorite dwarf when I saw the films I'm theaters but wasn't to that level of hyperfixation... but when I rewatched them years later, I was reminded of how charming he was!
Here came the first fan art of him and Leanna, a casual friendship... nothing more, but then I said "what if?" and drew them in a "AU"... here's the old art from 2019:
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then the rest is history... I fel in love with the dynamic almost instantly! Seeing it in motion kind of... changed how i felt, not to mention the music playing at the same time made it even bette. I had to delete all the Bilbo x Leanna stuff cause now that they are cousins, it made me feel weird lol! Gonna redraw that first one...
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bayrad · 1 year
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Tumblr Sexyman Bilbo haunts me in my sleep, but I need to continue what I started in The Hobbit for the Gamecube
Live Now!
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greypetrel · 1 year
8 Videogames to Get to Know Me
Thank you @n7viper , @idolsgf and @demandthedoodles for tagging me!
I'm... EHR, let's say I've been out from the gaming world for long xD but...
1. Dragon Age (the saga)
2. Final Fantasy X
3. Kingdom Hearts
4. The Sims 4 (I love building houses ok)
5. Sky, Children of Light (for phone, it's the perfect thing to relax, it's just... Soothing.)
6. Tekken (loved it as a child!)
7. Sacred
8. The Hobbit... The version for GameCube before the movies came out (...I was little, ok)
Necessarily tagging @karmicblackhole and whomever likes this post!
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novafloofeatsbirds · 1 year
Bloodborne is hard sorry Gehrman I’m going back to playing The Hobbit on the Gamecube
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