#Garth of shayeris x reader
butwhyduh · 3 years
Night Swim
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Garth of Shayeris/Tempest x batsis!reader
Summary: pinning over him. I know like 7 people will read it but he’s too cute. Canon has no home here and timelines don’t matter.
Warning: dash of innuendos.
The apprentice of a justice league member that went on his own. That could describe almost all of your brothers but it also described the beautiful man standing before you. That currently didn’t even notice you were staring at him puppy dog eyed.
“So, are you ever going to do anything about it or just stare at him until he jumps back in the sea again,” Kori said beside you. You jumped and gave her a look. “Noise cancelling glass. He can’t hear us and no one is looking over here,” she reassured you.
“That obvious,” you asked turning to face her. She nodded with a little smile. Of course she thought it was cute. She had told Dick the first time she knew she was attracted to him. That’s how she was raised. No fear of rejection or shame in sexual attraction. You were raised by batman and had a healthy dose of both.
“There’s not like it would do any good. He’s never given me a second thought and I don’t even think he likes surface walkers anyways,” you deflected. She snorted.
“He dated Donna.”
“That shouldn’t count. She’s Themyscirian. They’re like perfect,” you rolled your eyes.
“I don’t know. I find Dick very appealing and he is human. Is his powers what attracts you to him?” She asked leaning on a desk. Her long curly red hair flowed over her shoulder in a way that only Kori could.
“No, of course not. I mean, they’re cool for sure. But it’s.. he’s nice and honorable and funny,” you said and she grinned almost proudly.
“And you can be nice and honorable and funny without any meta powers. Don’t put yourself down. And if you need help..” she started.
“No no no. No wing woman,” you said quickly.
“What do you need a wing woman for?” Dick asked behind you. Your eyes widened before you turned around.
“Nothing. Just some guy from college. That I don’t like,” you said in possibly the worst lie of your life. Dick narrowed his eyes at you.
“I can tell you’re lying but if I don’t know the truth, I can’t lie to Bruce about what you’re doing so don’t tell me,” Dick said. Wally, Donna, and Garth walked in the room.
“Wait, did I hear that Nightwing’s little sister is seeing someone? Is he ready to die,” Wally laughed clapping Dick on the shoulder.
“I’m not having this conversation,” you squeaked out before squeezing between the heroes, feeling yourself far too close to Garth for just a moment. Thank goodness M’gann wasn’t there to read your thoughts or feelings. Kori stayed mum on the subject and concentrated on the mission that Dick was prepping the team for.
You didn’t go on missions now. An injury that put an end to that. You just couldn’t maintain the level a vigilante needed. Sometimes you’d help with the computers but mainly you worked at Wayne Enterprise with Tim. You were just visiting on this trip and wasn’t involved in the mission.
“Wish us luck,” Kori said giving you a hug. You couldn’t help but watch Garth in his new blue suit that fit perfectly as the rest of the team walked by.
“Woah,” you said barely above silent but Kori hugging you caught it all and giggled quietly. You flushed and tried to stutter out some excuse.
“He is very handsome. Wish him luck,” she whispered in your ear. You made a little noise to disagree and she simply grinned at you while walking away.
“What was that,” Dick asked, suspicious.
“Nothing, just a joke. Good luck. Be safe,” you said to him and Dick didn’t argue but definitely didn’t believe you before joining his team.
As they left, your mind wandered to the first time you met Garth. It was a mission in a warehouse fire that had homeless people camping out on the second story. You walked carefully to the back office through dense fog with flames threatening any moment to see if there was anyone in there. The fire was getting really close and it was kinda dicey. But it was your first job away from Gotham and you were 14 and you felt the need to prove yourself.
You entered the room bent low with smoke overhead. You saw something move in the back of the room and you made your way towards it. But just as you crossed to the back half of the room, part of the ceiling collapsed, trapping you in the room and knocking you to the floor. You jumped back against the wall. There wasn’t a window and the movement? A toy.
You shrank against the wall and pushed your panic button. The fire was hot and you cursed wearing shorts. “Shit,” you breathed as it started moving closer. The air was starting to get thick. The flames jumped and you pressed against the wall with your eyes covered, expecting flames to hit you.
But instead you felt cool wet air and you opened your eyes to see water surrounding you. It appeared to float in air and you reached a hand out to touch it, confused. As soon as you felt the tips of your fingers dampened, the water crashed to the floor causing you to jump.
In there place was a teenage boy only a few years older than you, grinning. You stared at him in silence. He had just saved your life.
“Did you- how did you-“ you stuttered and his smile grew even wider.
“Aqualad, at your service. You wanna leave before it crashes on us?” He said and you took a step to wince in pain. Oh yeah, when you jumped you twisted your ankle. Your plan, like all the other bats, was to suck it up and hobble out. But Garth had other plans and he quickly scooped you up bridal style as soon as he noticed you couldn’t walk.
“Just hold on. I’ll carry you,” he said walked down the charred stairs carefully. You couldn’t take your eyes off his handsome face the whole time. Your heart pounded and your lack of experience with dating or liking anyone had you completely dumbfounded. “You can let go,” he said with a little smile.
You were out of the warehouse clinging to him past the time necessary and quickly moved away from him, feeling your skin flush. Dick gave you a look over before give Garth with a look you couldn’t recognize.
“She’s catatonic, Bro.”
“Feed her something.”
“Wally, food isn’t always the answer,” Dick said giving your shoulder a shake. You jumped and knocked over a glass of water.
“Sorry!” You yelped reaching over to grab a towel.
“I’ve got it,” Garth said and with a flick of his wrist the water started to pour in the sink rather than off the counter. As you watched the water jumped before flowing down the drain. You laughed a little and looked up to see Garth grinning at you. Dick stared suspiciously at you both before being pulled somewhere by another Titan.
“So was the mission okay?” You asked, not knowing what to say. Your crush was more ‘stare across the room’ rather than do anything about it.
“It went well,” he answered grabbing a water bottle and chugging it. You tried not to stare.
“Cool suit,” you said and immediately felt stupid. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Thanks,” he said without adding anything else, leaving an awkward air to hang.
“Damn, you might be from the sea but are soo dry, Garth,” Roy said clapping him on the back on his way to his room. Garth looked at you confused.
“It’s been awhile since I’ve been land side. Is being dry an insult now?” He asked.
“I mean, kinda. It just means boring,” you answered with a shrug. “You know Roy.”
“But you are dry. I mean, you live on land. Not that you’re boring,” he said with an awkward laugh. You smiled back at him before taking a sip of your drink nervously. “Does that mean you want to be wet?”
You coughed as you choked on the liquid. He tapped you on the back. “You okay?” He asked concerned. Donna walked by with a raised eyebrow but said nothing.
“I’m fine. No, that’s not how that works. It’s just we aren’t really dry. We’re like 80 percent water. Dry means like sand or something. Too dry,” you said and he nodded humoring you.
“It seems pretty dry here,” he said playfully.
“I can knock over more glasses. Get this place all wet again,” you quipped.
“Tempting. Or you can go swimming with me,” he answered back.
“Haha or I could- what? It’s nighttime,” you answered. “And doesn’t that do something to the currents or something?”
He gave you a dry look. “The currents come in at night? Yep. You’d be the safest person in the water swimming with me. I could navigate night swimming as a squirt. Come with?” Garth asked.
“I-“ you stared before mumbling.
“You what? I didn’t hear the last part,” he said.
“I... can’t swim,” you said and he stared at you and you felt like sliding under the counter and through the floor. Then Garth’s lips curled into a smile and he laughed a little. You looked down awkwardly.
“Oh you’re serious?”
“I’m sorry. I forget that swimming is learned skill here. I apologize,” he started.
“It’s okay. Really,” you insisted.
“Come with me. We’ll stay shallow,” he offered. You looked at him before nodding.
“This is a bad idea but let’s go,” you said pulling him along. Garth laughed as you pulled him out the back door towards the beach. “I forgot a bathing suit,” you admitted.
“I guess you could go insi-“ he trailed off as you pulled your shirt off and shorts to swim in your underwear and bra. He quickly looked away as you ran in the water to your waist.
“Coming in? Can’t believe I have to ask, merman” you said and he pulled off his shirt to quickly join you. You splashed him with water which quickly turned into a splashing war.
“Okay, you win!” You yelped as he bombarded you with water. He splashed you one last time and you turned away. Garth grabbed you by the waist as a wave splashed over you. You simply watched each other for a moment. You noticed your feet didn’t touch the ground anymore. You clung to him.
“I can’t touch,” you said a little panicky. He held on to you.
“Don’t worry. I’m right here. I won’t let you drown. It’s my job, remember?” Garth smiled. “Look around. Look at the moon.”
You looked up to see the luminous globe hanging above the sea. It lit a silvery path through the water, highlighting waves crashing. The beach seemed far away. The only sounds were the sea and a few night birds as well as Garth’s breath from being so close. You looked back at him and almost froze. He was gorgeous. The water truly was his element. His dark hair curled in the water and the moon glow highlighted his nose and collarbones. His purple eyes looked almost black in the darkness but the way he looked at you said a ton.
He looked down at your lips and you couldn’t help but lick them, tasting salt water. Garth bent a little and you turned your head up to touch lips softly. His arms wrapped closer around you as you kissed. Garth easily kept you above the water. Your brain was broken. You were kissing Garth, who you’ve had a crush on for a long time.
Suddenly water splashed over your head as a wave crashed on you both. You leaned away with a cough as water invaded your mouth and nose. Your eyes stung and watered a little.
“Sorry, I forgot to pay attention,” Garth admitted sheepishly.
“It’s okay,” you said with only a little cough. “Can we?”
“Get you on land? Yeah. You’re getting cold anyways,” Garth said before swimming towards the shore. It wasn’t a rough choppy swim the way people did. He seemed to simply glide through the water gracefully. So beautifully. Which was broken when he fell over on the beach.
“You’re the most graceful swimmer and trip on your feet when you hit ground,” you said with a laugh as you attempted to help him up. He was far too heavy to lift but appreciated the effort.
“Atlantean,” he shrugged. “Don’t make fun of me too much. You can’t even swim.”
“Yeah? You wanna take a dip in Gotham Harbor?” You asked and he laughed.
“Absolutely not. I don’t want to get some unknown cancer from whatever pollution they have. Or whatever rouge is living there,” he added.
“That’s why I can’t swim,” you answered. It really was cool in the wind and you quickly pulled on your clothing.
“But doesn’t batman have like multiple pools?”
“Yeah but I never used them. I was 15 when he took me in. Too old to learn,” you shrugged.
“You’re never to old to learn to swim. It’s important for safety,” Garth said. “Especially here,” he motioned at the beach.
“Especially if I keep kissing Tempest in the water?” You quipped.
“That’s just a bonus,” he said pulling you close by the hips. You grinned up at him and wrapped your arms around his shoulders.
And a spotlight shined glaringly at you both. You covered your eyes and looked away.
“Come inside,” boomed the voice of your brother. “Now.”
And that’s how you got a 20 minute lectures on the danger of night swimming and risk of hypothermia and Garth got the shovel talk. But despite the fact that Dick was really angry, you didn’t regret a thing and went to bed with wet hair and smile on your face.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
“Okay!” he yelled, gathering everyone’s attention. “Something’s occurred and I wanna talk about it.” The Titans looked expectantly at Wally who in turn was looking at Dick.
“Well, get on with it, good buddy,” Roy said, cocking his leg on Donna’s thigh.
“Right.” Wally said. “Dick, yesterday I saw a video on the news where your sister was in the background and there were a couple kids being comforted by Tim, and how come your sister never does that anymore?” he asked. “Because I distinctly remember her being really nice to us as kids and then she’s all…‘fuck them kids’ when it’s anyone else.”
The others snickered while Dick merely sighed. “Yeah, that’s kinda how she is. Truth be told she doesn’t handle any kids anymore, especially if it’s to tell them to stop committing crimes.”
“Why’s that?” Garth inquired and he groaned.
“Well, the last time my sister tried to stop a fifteen-year-old from dealing drugs, she threatened to kill him.”
“What?” Wally asked, just as shocked as the others.
Dick nodded. “Yeah, asked to borrow Jason’s gun and put it in the kid’s face and said, and I quote, ‘If you ever come here again, I’ll fuckin’ kill you’. It did the trick of course, but the old man was not happy with how she did it.” he looked at Wally. “Does that answer the question?”
Wally scratched the back of his head, nodding as he mumbled, “Yeah, that actually answers a lot about her, now that I think about it.”
“Dick, your sister’s a simple woman, but by God, she’s a simply wonderful woman.” Roy professed and he scowled.
“Hey, keep it in your pants, ‘kay, Roy? That’s my older sister you’re talking about.”
“Mhm,” Roy agreed. “Key word…older.”
“Dude, are you still into her? It’s been almost two decades?”
“One day she’ll want me, Dick. You’ll see.”
Wally smirked at the archer and nudged Dick in the ribs. “It’s almost cute, isn’t it? How sure of himself he is.”
Dick snorted, watching as Roy started pouting. “I’d rather call it pathetic, but yeah, sure. It’s cute.”
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imagineyoungjustice · 6 years
Rae! I wish that you would write a nsfw-ish fic about making out with Garth after a frustrating meeting with the UN! ;) -Pander anon
Pander anon please marry me, I love you so much
This is gonna be more fluffy than nsfw tho so sorry about that. -Rae
Send me an anonymous (or not) summary of the fic you wish I would write. (maybe I will write a tidbit) [CLOSED]
The door to your apartment opened and slammed shut loudly, indicating that he was here.
You stood up from your spot on the couch and rushed to the foyer to greet him. The sight of him made you frown, he looked beyond frustrated and extremely exhausted. “Hey.”
Garth sighed and pulled his hair out of its bun. “Hi.”
“I saw what happened.” You pushed his bangs out of his face. “I’m sorry today was so tough on you.”
He curled into your touch as your hand moved to cup his cheek. The look in his eyes was a tired one, but still tender. “I would just like to forget about it.”
“Let me help.” You gave him a simple kiss. “Please.”
Garth nodded and kissed you again, his hands wrapping themselves around your waist.
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butwhyduh · 3 years
Alone Time
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Garth of Shayeris x batsis!reader
Warning: smut, being cockblocked so many times. Canon has no home here.
It didn’t take long for you to figure out that you needed your own place in San Francisco. The tower was nice, free, had food and friend. It even made work simple. But there was absolutely no privacy besides at 3 am in your locked room and with certain metas, you weren’t even sure that was private.
You been dating Garth for a few months and there had been a learning curve for sure. He was not used to dating land dwellers and you had never dated an Atlantean and that provided a challenge. Garth learned gentle was not actually as easy as he thought. And you found Atlantean biology unique.
Garth had to hold back. A lot. The first few times he had gotten farther than a few chaste kisses had you pulling back with the intensity. “Softer, please. Not so rough,Garth,” you breathed after his tongue had darted in your mouth like a military invasion.
“Sorry! Sorry,” Garth had quickly answered, his cheeks reddened. His kisses had gone back to simply chaste. You had to encourage him to kiss you more because of his fear of hurting you.
Another time you came across something no land dweller had: gills. Garth had figured out how to gently explore your mouth and was pretty good at it and you finally had some alone time for once. You pulled back just enough to kiss along his jaw. Little nibbles and licks that had him moving toward your touch. Garth’s hands were feather soft against your skin.
You kissed his chin and down the center of his throat with your eyes closed and moved to kiss the pulse point that most air breathers liked but you felt something different and Garth kinda froze. You pulled away to look at him and realized you kissed his gills.
“Did I do something wrong?” You asked concerned. Did that hurt? Or was it bad?
“No. I mean, it was just weird. I’ve never been kissed there. Kinda like getting kissed on the lung, you know?” He said with a little smile as if to say ‘I’m fine.’
“Not really. If you can kiss my lung, I’m in a very bad spot,” you joked and Garth chuckled and nodded. “But I won’t do it again if you don’t like it. On us,” you said, pulling hair from your throat to show him. “There are spots about here and here,” you motioned to your pulse points. “That are sensitive and feel good. They’re probably different on you.”
“Here?” Garth said, pressing his lips to your throat. You breathed in quickly and nodded. “And here?” He asked before straight up licking the other side. You moaned softly. You nodded and Garth had a mischievous smile on his face. He licked and kissed and nipped at your pulse points until you were holding his shoulders, making little noises.
“I’d say a similar structure on Atlanteans are here and here,” he pointed to spots near his collarbones. “As far as reactions.”
“Noted,” you said looking at the spots. “But they’re pretty sensitive on us too,” you replied before kissing them. You nipped at one spot and his gills fluttered slightly and you pulled back.
“Are you okay?” You asked and he opened his eyes confused. “Do you need water?”
“Why do you ask that?”
“Well, your gills..”
“Oh,” Garth said, turning red. “You know when you breathed in fast when I kissed your neck? That’s kinda the same thing. But we pull from both the lungs and gills. It’s isn’t... weird, is it?”
“No. Of course not. I just didn’t know. The only time I’ve seen you do that was when you needed water,” you admitted.
“It can happen other times...” he trailed off.
“Don’t think twice about it. Just wanted to make sure you were okay,” you said before kissing his lips. Garth tried to pull you on his lap to almost toss you on the floor. You grabbed his shoulder to stop yourself with a yelp.
“Sorry! Again,” he said. “I forgot how light you are,” he said and compared to Atlanteans of similar size, you were probably at least 50 lbs lighter. They are so much denser in muscles.
“It’s okay-“
“Is Garth in your room? We have a mission,” said Kori knocking at your door and you sighed. Garth winced and shrugged.
“Yeah, he’ll be there soon,” you called. “It’s okay. We’ll hang out later,” you said before kissing his cheek and climbing off the bed.
It was a few weeks later and you were at the tower alone in his room. A pizza box sat empty on a chair and a movie played on a laptop. But it was completely ignored by you both.
Currently you were on top of him, with your mouth on his. Your hand had slid under his shirt and he was squeezing your breasts through your shirt. You pulled back and pulled your shirt off.
“Hmm,” he said making a little pleased noise before touching all over your bra. It and his shirt soon joined your clothes on the floor and you were flipped over. Garth had kissed down the column of your neck and across your upper chest before finally playing with your breasts. He left soft wet kisses across the skin before wrapping his lips around your nipple unexpectedly. Your body arched off the bed into his touch and you made a little moan.
Your phone started to ring and you smashed the side button without looking. Garth switched sides to give both breasts attention. Your phone rang again. You sighed.
“Do you need to-“
“Ignore it. We’re busy,” you breathed pushing the side button again. Garth kissed the valley between your breasts. He kissed down your stomach and you inhaled quickly with each kiss. When his lips were near your hipbones and his fingers were pulling at the button of your pants, your phone rang yet again. You groaned loudly before grabbing it.
“What?” You said roughly. Garth simply laid his head in your stomach to look up at you on the phone. “Now? Why on gods green earth do I need to be in Gotham, now?.... I’m a little busy..... not a case. Fine! I’ll be in Gotham soon.... I can’t tell you exactly-soon!” You said before hanging up. Garth looked up at you wistfully.
“I’m guessing you’re leaving,” he said.
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I really want to stay but...” you said throwing on clothing.
“Gotham. Batdad?” He suggested and you nodded.
“Yep! Batman,” you said before leaning over Garth to give him a slow deep kiss while holding his jaw. “I’ll make it up to you, I swear.”
“Sure. Be safe.”
It was almost 4 months and the farthest you had gone was shirt off makeout and honestly you were losing your mind. You were never alone. The tower was full. Bruce kept call you for minor Gotham emergencies. You were half a second from blocking him on your phone.
You were at your own apartment. After M’gann had informed you that you think loudly in an embarrassed tone while you were imagining Garth absolutely railing you in the kitchen as you stirred pasta, that was the final straw. You moved out of the tower and it was a little bittersweet. You didn’t have a perfect saltwater pool for Garth to swim in so he couldn’t stay over for days at a time.
But then again, you couldn’t climb into his lap and toss his game controller on to the coffee table at the tower. Garth made a small ‘oh’ sound before sliding his hands up your thighs. You grasped his jaw with both hands and roughly kissed him. You didn’t worry about being too much. He was Atlantean and could handle it.
You pulled back and yanked your shirt off and Garth pulled his off as well before attacking your chest. You held his hair in your fingers as he licked and sucked at your breasts. One of Garth’s hands slid down to unbutton your shorts. You felt fingers move into your panties to play in your folds. Okay, yes. Finally, you thought.
Garth kissed back up to your lips before sliding a finger inside you. You moaned against his lips. “Yes,” you breathed and you could feel his smirk against your skin. After a little bit, he slid in a second finger and your hands moved down to his belt.
“Anyone hooo-mme....” Tim called out before stopping. You froze in your position. You were both shirtless, Garth’s hand was in your pants, and you were frantically trying to open his belt. You turned to see it was much worse than you thought it was going to be.
Tim was staring at the ceiling, Dick had his hand over his face, and Jason was looking with a face that could murder. You both moved your hands and you went to get up but Garth stopped you quickly. His face was red and you realized he was obviously hard and only your body was blocking the view.
“What are y’all doing here?” You asked furiously. Jason was now also looking at the ceiling.
“We thought we would take our sister to lunch but I guess you’re pretty fucking busy,” Jason said. “Gillhead? Really?”
“That’s pretty rude,” Garth said with a frown and you felt him tense a little. You placed a hand on his chest to calm him.
“Anyways, we’re going to leave now,” Dick said practically dragging Jason along. “Lock your damn door next time.”
“We’ll call next time,” Tim said quietly.
After the door closed, you sighed before standing up to lock it. You walk back over to Garth with a hopeful smile.
“Back where we were?”
“Lost the urge. Seeing most of your brothers kinda does that to me,” he said and you nodded, sitting beside him.
“Yeah. Next time I am going to lock the door with traps so elaborate that it would make the Riddler blush so no one can come in,” you said and he smiled.
“Now I see the resemblance between you and your brothers.”
“Okay so I rented us a hotel room at a place I’ve never stayed under a fake name I’ve never used before and told the staff that we will have no visitors. I also paid off the bellhops and maid that we were never here,” you said pulling off Garth’s shirt as you walked towards the large bathroom.
“It’s it all necessary?” He asked a little bemused. “Pretty,” he commented looking around.
“They asked if I wanted it romantic and I said sure and they chose this but I can’t say that it doesn’t works,” you said as you both looked at the bathroom. Probably 15 candles were lit on every surface and roses floated in a giant stone hot tub style bath that was steamy with warm water. The room smelled faintly of vanilla.
Garth touched the water with his fingers while watching you pull off your clothing. You pulled off your shirt and shimmed out of your pants and Garth made a little humming noise at the sight of you in a simple shear lacy black set. It wasn’t crazy but was just perfect.
You suddenly felt a little self conscious. This was the first time he’d seen you without clothing on. Garth pulled you close and kissed your forehead and cheek and shoulder. “This might be a bit much but I definitely appreciate it,” he said. His hands ran along the lace around your waist before pulling you close by the ass. “Really appreciate it.”
You pulled at his belt and Garth shrugged his pants and boxers off in one move. Atlanteans were not really prudish with clothing. He pulled you to the bath and you both in while you still wore clothing. You yelped and laughed as some of the water sloshed out.
“I’m still dressed, you nut,” you laughed.
“I can fix that,” Garth answered with a roguish grin. “Shit, I forgot condoms.”
“I’m going to kill you,” you said, glaring at him. “You know what? I’m clean and on birth control. You?”
“Clean as a clam.”
“Are they? Are they clean?” You asked.
“Yeah, they clean the water around them and everything,” he answered.
“Okay, new info. We’ll talk about how bad clam metaphors are later. Anyways, I’d be willing if you are,” you said and he looked you over.
“Like I’d say no to that kind of offer,” Garth mumbled, kissing the side of your mouth. He pushed your underwear to the side and before he could do any kind of foreplay, you lowered yourself on his cock. You inhaled quickly. He felt amazing and it had been a long time coming.
“God, Garth,” you whined, just sitting on him.
“Yeah,” he breathed in the crook of your neck. You started moving. The roses and water sloshed around, ignored by you both. You arched your back in pleasure and he took the opportunity to hold your waist and pepper kisses all over your chest. He popped the wet bra off and tossed it somewhere unseen before going back to your chest.
You felt his abs and crazy buff arms. The markings along his skin. You almost smiled at the sight of both his lips open in breath and his gills fluttering slightly. He thrust up into you and you made a mewling noise. There was so many advantages of his strength. Garth held you up and thrusted up into you quickly. You gripped his shoulder as you saw stars.
“I- I- I’m close,” you gasped before clenching around him. Garth groaned but kept up the pace through your high before burying himself deep in release. You both rocked against each other in the afterglow.
“That was something,” you said breathlessly kissing him.
“Do you think we are done? I see a made bed in a hotel room. What an awful thing to waste,” Garth said giving you a look before picking you up leaving a trail of water from the bath to be bed.
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butwhyduh · 3 years
Gill Gunk
Garth of Shayeris x batsis!reader
Summary: he takes care of the reader with a cold. And I refuse to apologize for the amount of ocean puns in here.
You woke up feeling awful. Your mouth was dry and head pounded and you sneezed 7 times when you tried to stand up. You sighed and looked for some pain meds for your massive headache.
“Hey are you ready for- what’s wrong with you?” Dick said in the doorway. You glared at him.
“I’m sick,” you answered.
“Ah man you got Roy’s cold.”
“I’m gonna kill him,” you grumbled. “Can you get me some water?”
“I guess,” Dick said backing away from you slowly like you’ll attack him with the cold. He went to get your water and called Alfred on what to do. Alfred sent an entire care package with instructions.
“How are you this morning,” Garth asked as you moved around the kitchen trying to find food. He tried to kiss your cheek and you ducked away.
“I have a cold,” you answered.
“You’re cold?” He asked.
“No I have a cold,” you said. He looked at you confused. “I’m sick. A virus or whatever.”
“Oh, I get it. Gill gunk,” he said wisely and before you could ask what the hell that was, Dick showed up with a large basket of stuff Alfred had zeta tubed over.
The basket was overflowing with tea and honey and cough syrup and muscle cream and all kinds of things someone might need for a cold. Dick grabbed the cold medicine and tried to scoot it over towards you without getting within 10 feet of you.
“What are you doing, boy wonder?” Garth asked casually slinging his arm over your shoulder.
“I don’t want that cold!” Dick defended himself. You grabbed the medicine and took a dose before gagging at the taste.
“Yeah, Garth you should probably get back so you don’t get it,” you said taking a step away from him.
“I can’t get surface illnesses,” he said with a shrug. Both you and Dick looked at him before Dick shrugged. “I can’t get airborne illnesses. I’m Atlantean.”
“That doesn’t sound right but I don’t know enough to disagree with you and if you’re sure, you can take care of her so none of us will,” Dick said.
“Yeah, I’ll take care of you. Gill gunk and all,” he said with a smile before pulling things out of the basket. “Want tea? It has a 9 step laminated instructions attached to the box. Wow is he thorough.”
“Garth, what is gill gunk?” Dick asked from the other side of the room. He sanitized the counter.
“It’s what I’ve always called getting sick. You know, your gills get all gunky. Like your sister’s nose right now,” Garth answered. “More mucus than a sea slug.”
“Hey,” you protested.
“Since you’re good here, I’m going to go because I’ve got a lot going on and I don’t want that,” Dick said as you blew your nose. He was gone before you could respond.
“What do you want?” Garth asked.
“Just to lay down. Take a nap,” you answered and he nodded.
“We can lay down. A lazy day would be nice.”
“Are you sure you can’t catch it?” You asked.
“I’m sure. Don’t worry,” Garth said before climbing on the bed. “It’s very hard to catch an Atlantean.” You rolled your eyes and crawled over and laid on his chest, his body felt warm and nice against your shivering achy self. Every once in a while you would lean away to cough or blow your nose until your body finally settled. Garth pet your hair until you fell asleep while tv played in the background.
You woke up a few hours later, feeling a little better but not good. Garth was great. He warmed up the soup according to Alfred’s instructions and gave you some more medicine. He did this for the whole day, taking care of you being a sweet boyfriend. The next day you had a bit of a cough and headache started to feel better. Garth took a few hours for a mission before coming back to care for you again.
Finally on the third day you woke up without a dry mouth and sore throat. Your head wasn’t pounding and you didn’t have any fever or a runny nose. You yawned and stretched and turned over to kiss your boyfriend but stopped. Garth was snoring heavily and was dead asleep. He was usually up faster than you.
“Garth,” you said gently to wake him. He groaned and rolled to his back before sitting up with a cough.
“Barnacles, my head hurts. Holy Neptune, how did I get gill gunk?” He croaked. His voice sounded so pained. Garth crawled out of bed and out of the room. You followed him, worried he was confused.
“Garth? You okay? Did you get my cold?” You asked, feeling really guilty.
“Need water,” his voice grated. He didn’t even check that no one was around before stripping out of his clothing and sliding in the pool. You looked away, embarrassed that that was the first time you saw him naked. Hell, you should have realized what a big deal it was for Garth to sleep in your room but you were so sick that you were just glad he was there. Garth popped his head back up above the water. He looked better but not good.
“Do you need anything?” You asked, very determined not to look underwater.
“Uhh maybe some Seaweed soup?” He asked.
“I can see if we can get some. Is it Atlantean?”
“No it’s usually Korean,” he said. Garth leaned his head against the edge of the pool and looked terrible. You wished you could hold him like he did you.
“Oh, I can definitely get that,” you laughed feeling a bit like an idiot.
As you turned around to leave, Dick stood in the doorway with his eyebrows raised. He had a ‘big brother seeing something he didn’t like’ look to him.
“It’s not like that. Garth caught my cold. Sorry,” you said to Garth behind you.
“It’s fine. I’m going to take a nap and I’ll be fine,” he said before sneezing the biggest wettest sneeze you’ve ever seen as you turned around. Dick had a little smile.
“I’m no longer worried,” Dick said as you both walked down the hall. You gave him a confused look. “There is no way you are doing anything with him like that. He’s super gross. Did you see his gills?”
“Don’t even think about telling me,” you threatened and Dick burst out laughing as he walked away.
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butwhyduh · 3 years
This is no where near done but it’s a good start
DC Masterlist
Smut 🔥
Fluff 🥰
Angst 😭
Dick Grayson/Nightwing
Valentine’s Day
Only One Bed 🔥
Sex Pollen🔥
Dick x Reader x Kori 🔥
A Little Box
Family Picture Day 🥰
The Littlest Bodyguard 🥰😭
Appreciative 🔥
Jason Todd/Red Hood
Peeping Between the stacks 🔥
Dead Clown 🔥😭
Late Night Thing 🔥
Last Night Thing 🔥
Scared 😭🥰
Fit to be Tied 🔥🥰
Sex Pollen🔥
Muscle Cramps 🔥
Distracted Reading 🔥
Dad!Jason at the park🥰
Screaming 😭
A Little Video 🔥
High sex 🔥
Stealing food blurb
Bratty 🔥
Tim Drake/Red Robin
A Few Kisses
(Series) the Maid pt 1
Only One Bed 🔥
Texas Sun 🔥🥰
Stay home 🔥
Sex Pollen🔥
Loving Tim 🔥
Praise Kink 🔥
High sex 🔥
Shift change 🥰
Workaholic 🔥
First Apartment 🔥
Lingua Franca 🥰
Damian Wayne/Robin
A Date to Remember 😭🥰
The Bridge 😭
Holiday Party🥰
In the Darkness😭
Out of the Darkness😭
X kitten!reader blurbs one two 🥰
X short chubby reader 🥰
The Farm (X Jon Kent) 🥰
Cassandra Cain
Cleaning Up 🥰
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Sex Pollen 🔥
Confession and a gun 🥰
Roy Harper/Arsenal
New Place🥰
Tainted Rain 🔥 (sex pollen)
Hot Days 🔥
Been Awhile 🔥
Garth of Shayeris/Tempest
Night Swim 🥰
Gill Gunk 🥰
Kyle Rayner/ Green Lantern
Intergalactic Superhero 🥰
Work Calls 🥰
Kon Kent
Dating him headcanon
The Batboys
Sexy Teasing🔥
Making out🥰
Pregnancy scare😭🥰
First Time Falling Asleep🥰
How the Batboys Sleep🥰
How They are Thirst Traps 🔥
Under a Spell (sex pollen part 1) 🔥
Dressed in the 90s
Their houses
Seduced 🔥
Kissing as a Distraction
Partner with a high sex drive 🔥
New Years Eve
Boxing Day
Self Care 🥰
Trash TV 🥰
Playing board/computer games one two three
If they find out about x reader fanfic
For your birthday
Period hornE 🔥
Adventure in inter-dimensional babysitting 🥰
Orange theory classes 🥰
Work out clothes 🥰
Their friend getting their sister pregnant 4 stories in one 🥰🔥
Shifter AU
Shifting Together (Jason Todd) 🥰
Shift change (Tim drake) 🥰
Reverse Robin Au Tim first
Rise of Batboy and Spoiler 🥰
Baby bird 🥰
Asks about this dc au best
Marvel Masterlist
Bucky Barnes
Peter Parker
Sam Wilson
About me
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butwhyduh · 3 years
Me: write a simple smut about Garth of Shayeris. There is basically none. Something easygoing. Don’t do too much.
Also me: writes at least 3000 words of him and the reader getting cockblocked by the batfamily first.
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butwhyduh · 3 years
uhh hi! i love your blog and all your writing and i have binge read all of your works so far i guess? so i was wondering if you have any favorite batfam writers like yourself here on tumblr or ao3 that you enjoy reading from? anyways, admire you lots you seem so sweet and cool!
🥺 thank you. But also 😳you’ve read it all?? That’s a uh bit of reading. I’m very flattered but also don’t forget to sleep and eat. Here’s my ao3 too butwhyduh
It’s not a comprehensive list by any mean. And I’ll be kicking myself for not adding someone the second i post it. Some of them write more on their ao3 or tumblr but I’ll link tumblrs first.
@invisibleanonymousmonsters @catxsnow @psychovigilantewrites @littleredwing89 @arestorationofbalance @ereawrites @batshit-birds @ragingbookdragon @shyestofhearts @prettylittlebrownskingyal @citrinesparkles @barelyalivebutnotdead @rainbow820 @batarella @dibs4ever @superhero--imagines @sohotthateveryonedied @internalsealpanic @glorified-red @thychesters @scarletbirbs @lostoctaviaaugusta @tadpole-san @thegirlwiththebambooblade @uncpanda @quillsareswords @magicalbeanie @magicalbeanie-recs @pricetagofficial @rason-rodd @gangrenados @daringyounggrayson @river-bottom-nightmare @angelz-dust @birdy-bat-writes @anothertimdrakestan
@spiderjizz doesn’t write fics but has smut fic recs and many are dc.
Ao3 fics I liked. They are randomly placed.
Wally West x Dick Grayson (whump)
Wally West x Dick Grayson (smut)
Damian Wayne vs Santa Claus
Bruce gets Damian as a baby
Tim w/ cigarettes (funny)
Damian and Tim when the school explodes
Romani Dick Grayson fic
Jason todd takes a gap year
Garth of Shayeris x Reader who is a star sapphire lantern (it explains what that is in the story)
Through the mirror series (reverse Robin au)
In for a pound (baby Damian is brought to Bruce)
Tim drake is a fae au
Another reverse Robin au
Talon!Dick Grayson
Jason Todd is colorblind
Neurodivergent batfam series
Batboys body swap
Dick Grayson becomes blind
Pizza girl’s guide to Gotham (Jason todd x reader)
Wing au (Tim Drake whump)
Another body swap batboys fic
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