#Garu's Mother
theangrycomet-art · 2 months
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See? Was that so bad?
Addressing the rampant monster problem sometimes requires alliances that would otherwise never happen, even if they are temporary.
Yin and Jinho dynamic is a strange one in the eyes of Sooga Village. Every interaction inevitably ends up in a fight that takes out half the town yet neither seem to make any effort to avoid each other. There is two seperate betting pools for when they will get married when in reality the two find the other to be the only worthy adversary in a 500 mile radius.
Not that Jinho would object to the idea of courting such a fierce and deadly warrior
Armor Ref w/o the blood
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kitthespaceboy · 1 year
i am very normal about him
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princekirijo · 10 months
Today I learned that one of P5X's new characters, Seiji, uses a rapier and a flintlock rifle like Riku did lol
Yeah I noticed that too lol makes me glad I changed it plus pretty sure Kasumi uses both of those two 💀
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pwurrz · 2 months
honestly.. the yokai can probably smell when you start your period.
kuya and garu can smell the changes in your hormones so they’ll know before you even start that it’s about to happen. you notice that kuya starts brewing your more soothing tea blends than usual but as always he brushes you off. silly you, always thinking too hard about things.
even if garu doesn’t understand what your change in scent means, both him and yakumo certainly start to panic when they smell blood. yakumo especially goes into mother hen mode, frantically checking you all over to see where you’re injured.
you just have to sit them down and explain to them what’s going on. after that, they’ll focus on doing anything they can to make you more comfortable. yakumo’s dishes, each made with extra love and care, work wonders to make you feel better. he’ll do whatever you ask, like a doting housewife. if you need anything, he’ll get it for you. if you need him to just stay with you, he won’t dream of leaving you. he sort of understands how difficult it can be to go through something like this alone, as he vaguely remembers his brumation periods as a young serpent.
meanwhile karu stands near you the entire week to ‘protect you’. he says the smell of blood can attract enemies, so he’ll keep you safe while you’re recovering from your ‘weakened state’. you’re appreciative of the effort even if he doesn’t quite understand what’s going on.
quincy is warm. he is warm and wonderful to snuggle with and he doesn’t mind laying with you for hours. if anything needs to be taken care of, he’ll do it, but he’s coming right back to your side afterwards. he seems extra reluctant to leave you alone, and he probably is. partially because he doesn’t want you to have to be in pain by yourself, but also because if you’re in bed, he’s in bed. there’s nowhere else he wants to be than by your side.
(i’ll do the other boys at a later date… maybe)
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nucarnivalmadness · 3 months
Also thoughts on ch14, may be spoilery so under the cut
what happened there how did he end up with Huey's dirty paws all over his life, involving Garu too ugh
Also, Eiden thinks that Karu is a result of something traumatic happening to Garu but I have two theories:
1. Karu is Cashiel SOMEHOW, may have to do something with Rei too
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shycroissanti · 1 day
Do you still have your oc list?
ಡ⁠ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಡ
Yeah, and I kind of had to update this, I still need to make a list with a summary/information of each OC, but for now I have the list with the name of all of them :3
Irina Gonshira
Kishin Yakuni
Satoshi Senomi
Sebastian Delyon
Liliya Gonshira
Takahiro Shinkirou
Yudi Kazan
Daniil Kazan
Nikko Mochizuki
Sayuko Saki
Renji Toyosaki
Taichi Toyosaki
Yumi Toyosaki
Yijin Yakuni-Gonshira
Yuliya Gonshira
Masato Gonshira
Kota Hiramatsu
Kosuke Hiramatsu
Kenta Najiro
Taiyou Kaitatsu
Satoshi's father
Satoshi's younger brother
Satoshi's older sister
Irina's grandmother
Sebastian's mother
(I haven't thought of their names yet)
Medovik (Irina's bear)
Caramel (Irina's owl)
Gohan (Irina's crow)
Otto (Kishin's hummingbird)
Garu (Satoshi's crow)
Ikki (Liliya's gecko)
Yakisoba (Sebastian's "crow")
Ton 618 (Takahiro's black hole)
Phoenix A (Takahiro's black hole)
Patrick (Yudi's Stone)
And I'm thinking about more new OCs and pets, but it will probably take a while for me to work on them xD
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askrikkaiandhyotei · 1 year
Moment of truth, everybody, and one per season
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zizz-asdf-re-r-o-u · 2 days
Flaming trial kuya theories
Warning for spoilers! And death.
In FT room 1, Eiden is in an improv game and pretends to die via stabbing. Kuya witnesses this, and then there is a giant glitch sound + shaking screen while he has a shocked expression, before the reveal. This is a very similar reaction to when Garu gets his trauma flashbacks.
Some additional context:
Kuya has a breeding kink (Fallen Leaves) and has pretended Eiden is the mother to some random kits (Neon Carnival year 1)
Has a serious gripe about how short lived & dull or annoying humans are. Like he constantly repeats this.
For some reason, he has a lot of thirsty in-universe admirers (Tanuki, random bar patrons, Master of Elysium), he is heavily displeased by them and in the past would burn them (or kill them).
Used to serve Lord of Yokai and was Huey's right hand man, but now no longer likes being subservient to others
Has offered to keep Eiden at his home (Fallen Leaves) and in an illusion (Fancy Capricio/Forest Night) forever
Kuya & Huey were on a boat trip from Saia back to Klein. For some reason, Kuya transformed back into his yokai form, the ship burned down, and we have no information on Huey's wereabouts after that.
Not officially canon, but Quincy & Kuya have divorced vibes. Also, Quincy & Kuya are the only surviving biological OG clan members. I'm not counting Blade since he's manmade and does not have a lifespan/cannot die by biological means.
It's pretty established by now that Kuya is suicidal & depressed
Preexisting theories:
I forgot how it started, but its been a theory for a while that at some point when Kuya was a fox, he had a mate/family with kits, but they're no longer alive.
It's also been theorized Kuya (when human formed) also had (a) human lover(s), that also died.
Possible additional theories I haven't seen yet:
He had a mate/lover/family killed via stabbing, hence his reaction to Eiden's improv death and frequent displeasure towards human lifespans. And never got over that grief.
He had a mate/lover that he had a direct involvement with their death, though not necessarily via stabbing. Possible suicidal ideation & depression due to guilt and everything that comes with it.
He might have witnessed Huey's disappearance/death on that boat or been the one to cause his disappearance/death.
Other OG clan members that must have died or we wouldn't have several other generations of clan members, and we know some of them were humans since Dante, Olivine, Edmond are human (and Rei has human family). Huey didn't have sex with his clan members, so they all must have had sex with each other for essence regulation (including Quincy). Perhaps he was close with some of them and witnessed their deaths.
Great Serpent was an OG clan member and he did have a human lover that died. Perhaps Kuya witnessed that whole thing go down too.
Thoughts/anyone else got other ideas?
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3xm-draconic · 6 months
Daybreak (werebat Cyris and Astarion story)
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Summary: shit happens…
Astarion awoke to be…alive.
Well as alive as a vampire could be.
Cyris was nowhere to be found, bandages were on his neck and Withers (a lich they had found captured by Cazador and helped free) beside his bed talking with a rather sullen looking Halfling in a white priest robe…
“Urogalan, I thank you for coming with Yondalla to help me watchover the vampire, I can only hope that his beloved is found soon and still retains enough of himself to talk with him…” Withers looked at Astarion “oh, yee be awake now spawnling” he hummed in his strange echoing voice…
“What’s going on?” Astarion panicked, “easy there mate, don’t want you to hurt yourself, you've lost a lot of your blood” Urogalan said as he stopped Astarion from getting out of bed, the god’s dog, a great black hound placed it’s head in his lap.
“Are…are y-your really?” Astarion gawked at the halfling “are you truly one of the halfling gods?”
The man smiled faintly “yes I am, I be the halfling god of funerals, death and of mourning” he sadly sighed.
“Did…did I..I?..”, “no you did not die” Withers assured him “Urogalan, Brandobaris, Yondalla and Cyrrollalee have come to help our party find our sanguinthropic friend, before it is too late…”.
“What…What will happen to Cyris!?” Astarion turned to Withers, “when a therianthrope drinks from a vampire they go…feral…become something known as a Garu…most times there is no hope for them to return to human form, but if they can manage to give him a special potion Cyrroll has brewed for him in time before day breaks…then there is a chance…for him” he said.
 “That does the potion do?” Astaion worried, “it will kill him…once he dies I will resurrect him safely…”, “THAT IS BARBARIC!” Astarion hissed, “it’s the only way lad…he ain't in there no more”.
Tears ran down Astarion’s face…
“You are wrong”
Astarion focused, he had done this once before…
He had once again assumed the form of a little white bat…
He hopped out of his bed, to the window and gilded down to the street….he..he had yet to figure out how to actually fly.
“I’am coming, Cyris…” he swore to himself he’d find him and he’d get through to him.
But traversing the city as a bat was difficult when he was unable to fly, he could only really hop a few feet and then rest “(huff)…(huff)… I…need…energy…” he groaned and wheezed…
He found a butcher shop…the window was open.
The blood that stained bowls on the floor was cold and thin but it would have to do…
As Astarion…Batstarion?...lapped up the remnants of cattle blood he saw something at the window from the corner of his vision…a BIG something
He turned around to see A huge fuzzy black mass looming past the window, the scent to his little batty nose…
“Cyris!?” he panicked.
Astarion hopped to the window and saw his worst nightmare…
Cyris…covered in wounds…self-inflicted claw marks covered his hide, blood oozed from his wounds deep into the stones beneath…and he, he looked like he had just eaten…
His maw was stained crimson and his furry belly was as plump as a plum, “Oh gods Cy please tell me you did not EAT our friends…or anyone” Astarion prayed.
Astarion transformed back into himself and approached his love…
…Hungry…never full…
He crawled through the City, his wings hurt, the cuts on them…how did he get them?
He smelled the air…he wanted food…to feast…
…must feast…must eat…
 He smelled what he was looking for…MEAT…raw…fresh…bloody.
He broke the lock on the storehouse and ate…but then he smelled something else…
Something…familiar…to him, he found a box full of little red fruits…
 He ate his fill of them…they reminded him of a place he had once been…of…people…he had once known…no…he remembered…
He remembered home…but where was home?...How does he get home?
He walked down the cold stone, he could not remember…
Remember why he was out here anymore…
“Cyris” called a sweet voice.
He turned around, there was a…a pale vision before him…
A familiar scent filled the air…
Mossy stone in sunlight…rich deep cologne…sweet young spiced wine… 
…star…my star?…
He curiously approached the figure…
…no…you cannot be him…
He growled…
…I…KILLED…my sweet little star…
“Pleas, sunshine…” the figure pleaded “it’s me…Iam right here…”
He approached and got close enough to see him better…
It was him.
But how?
“Darling…” his star knelt down and embraced him, hugging him tightly “please remember who you are…”
He purred…and he embraced his Star again.
Astarion brought Cyris back to their room at the inn, a nice place called Monty’s Chalice. Withers and Urogalan  wanted him to give Cy the potion but he still refused.
“He’s still in there!” he snapped “I’ll get him out, just you watch!”
His friends arrived and told him the same thing, “You're wrong…he’s…he’ll come back on his own! HAVE SOME FAITH” he screamed.
 “You really wanna take this risk and lose him?” Gale told him, Astarion shook his head “no…but I’am not letting you just kill him and resurrect him…he already has had enough of that.”
Karlach, Allegra and Roger stepped over to him, “I guess we can give this a try, we still have a little time”, “1 hour…we have 1 hour and then we WILL need to give him the poison…” Roger lamented.
“C’mon buddy you remember us…” Karlach said as she patted Cyris, Cyris only growled in response.
“Nothing…none of this is working” Allegra sighed, “we just need things that remind him…of him” Astarion said.
So they got to work…they all did.
Jaheira baked a strawberry pie according to one of Cyris’s recipes (taught to him by his mother).
Halsin and Allegra wildshaped into bats and kept him company.
Roger and Lae’zel whent and got pink lavender and made garlands and flower crowns to put on him.
Karlach cooked him his favorite breakfast (black pudding-blood sausage, eggs toast, mushrooms and bacon).
Wyll played the violin.
Shadowheart and Gale used illusion magic to make the room look like a halfling Shire.
The halfling gods recounted to him their stories of adventure and of mischief.
And Astarion brushed him and told him everything was going to be ok.
Withers watched, amazed and intrigued…
The dawn came…
Cyris sat with Astarion in his room, alone together.
Astarion hugged him tightly, “I knew you’d come back”, “thanks for not giving up on me starry”, “I would never give up on you, never ever” Astarion kissed him.
Cyris pulled away.
“Cyris?” Astarion worriedly said, “Starry…I think…”
“I think we should not be together…”
“WHAT!?”,  “Astarion I nearly killed you, You should not be with someone who hurt you like that”, “Cyris, NO! I…I don’t care” Astarion pinned him to the bed “I love you, I love you and I just spent the night bringing you back from the brink of losing your humanity, cy!” he kissed him “I don’t want you to leave me…please”.
Cyris was quiet…
“Starry…I love you too…but I just don’t think it’s…it’s health for us…for me to be with you right now” he whimpered, his voice full of pain “I…I need time…time to think about what I’ve done and I think YOU need it too” he gently pushed away from him “starry I hurt you, I nearly killed you…that ain’t love darlin”.
“I’am not breaking up with you”, “...then we’ll just…be distant…” Cyris sighed.
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theangrycomet-art · 1 year
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Sooga Back Then
Sooga Island's Monster problem has only recently gone down to a reasonable level. Even 15 years ago it wasn't considered unusual for the village to have to be rebuilt twice a month.
Luckily, things have changed since then. Between new sources of food and the alliance with the local Goblins, Sooga Island is now a thriving community.
It just took some time to get there.
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idololivine · 9 months
karu & olivine (or garu if you cant think of anything for karu). also... morvay & olivine. and maybe (even tho they never interacted), Rin & olivine? and just food for thoughts, what about if olivine ever met huey?
Oh boy, a lotta characters! Gonna try to keep each section shorter.
Karu & Olivine
Olivine has a parental-ish sort of demeanor towards the wolves; in Forest Carnival, he says that he can't help but want to look after them. At the same time, he doesn't infantilize them - he acknowledges that Garu and Karu are very capable and can take care of themselves (also in Forest Carnival).
A quote:
Olivine (Hmm, if I remember correctly, Garu and Karu spent a long time living in the wilderness of the Dead Zone.) (As such, I'd guess... they're far more adept at outdoor activities than myself.) Olivine Sorry for fretting so much, Garu. I can't help feeling the urge to watch over you and Karu. Garu Ah? No need to watch over us. Plus, we really wanna help everyone out!
At the same time... the way Olivine interacts with Karu specifically does make me think of a preschool teacher trying to convince a toddler why they should play nice lol. It's because Olivine is very milfy big brotherly and Karu is just a real brat.
Ship-wise, I think Olivine is possibly the only person in the clan who would be happy to bottom to Karu, but I also think it's infinitely funnier if Karu is just... a really bad top. Olivine has to speedrun figuring out how to fake an orgasm. Also if Karu started calling Olivine Human Slave No. 2 I think Olivine would just roll with it the same way you nod and agree when a kid tells you they're a magical alien princess.
Garu & Olivine
More or less the same first paragraph as Karu & Olivine. Garu's much less bratty and snippy than Karu, so there's a lot less of the "humoring a cranky toddler" vibe. I think he'd respond well to Olivine lightly mother henning him, even though he's fully capable of taking care of himself.
Ship-wise, they're just too "and so they were both subs". Mutually disinterested, but a hypothetical fanartist/ficwriter could Manufacture Circumstances in which something might happen. (I say, as I continue to make agonizingly slow progress on an OliGaru fic for the Garu & Karu Fanweek.)
Morvay & Olivine
They're canonically besties who go shopping together!! They mean so much to me you don't understand. They're so opposed on the surface but so similar deep down. A demon and a priest... A man who has never been accepted by society and doesn't care to change himself to become more palatable, and a man who is perfect in the eyes of society and is learning to be true to himself even if he ceases to be perfect... Two men who are just incredibly horny and both love sucking cock.
I don't think we'll see much of it in canon because Morvay is banned from the regular event rotation, but listen, you could take all the potential they have and make an incredible yaoi manga out of it. Criminally underrated ship. My kingdom for a Halloween event with Morvay in an angel costume and Olivine in a demon costume.
Rin & Olivine
It's hard to speculate on a character we know fuckall about, and I honestly don't really give a damn about Rin. I know that a lot of people really want him to be playable but like,, I just Don't Care about him. I think unless he gets a redemption arc and/or personality overhaul he just can't fit into the clan, story-wise. There's no way Rin as-is is going to play nice at Kleinmas.
If Rin conjured a fake Eiden to target Olivine, the same way he did to Dante/Edmond/Blade in chapter 10, I imagine that the fake Eiden would insinuate that Olivine has betrayed the God of Klein and failed in his duties as a priest by giving in to his desires.
Huey & Olivine
Another character we don't know much about! All we really know is that Huey was a real asshole, and that it's implied that some (a lot?) of how Kuya behaves was also how Huey behaved.
I think it depends on where in the timeline he meets Huey and what about him Huey criticizes. Earlier on, Olivine's more unsure of himself and would be more sensitive to being insulted for his desires, both sexual and not. Later on, when he's more confident, he'd be able to shrug it off and maybe even stand up to Huey. No clue how Huey would react to being told no, but I doubt it'd be good.
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pwurrz · 3 months
i mean logically i knew rei was really old but knowing that he was an adult when garu’s grandfather was a child is.. off putting!! it’s nice to finally get confirmation that he is royalty, specifically being a prince as his mother was the queen.
also i kind of figured that karu was formed because of trauma because that’s.. kind of how that works, but i thought it would’ve been the trauma of losing his grandfather and living all alone in the dead zone. turns out he formed specifically to protect garu from the traumatic memories of the experiments rei’s old colleague most likely did on him. because of rei’s guilt and karu’s protectiveness (that’s why he came into being after all), they have an agreement not to discuss any of those memories with garu, karu even deciding to let garu take the front as long as rei is around.
but the way garu’s body is reacting to just seeing the people responsible for his trauma… there’s no doubt those secrets rei and karu are trying so desperately to keep hidden are going to come to light at some point.
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yuriosakawa · 3 months
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The Jokerettes - Persona 5 AU (Part 1)
Name: Annie Amamiya-Takamaki 
Age: 17
Grade: Second Year
Personality: Fashionable & Trendy 
 •   Her family 
 •   Modeling 
 •   Following the latest trends 
 •   Fashion 
 •   Her family being judged 
 •   People judging her due to her appearance 
 •   Envious people 
 •   Pervs 
Persona: Canola 
Element: Wind/Garu 
All-Out Attack: "May You Drift Back To Sleep"
Long range weapon: Spears that come from her lyre 
Melee weapon: Lyre  
Annie is one of the most beautiful girls in school, and while this doesn’t bother her too much, it also brings a lot of trouble and more than once her older sisters have to come and rescue her from some creep or jealous girl 
She sometimes joins up with her biological mother Ann who by now has become a world famous model, being an unstoppable mother-daughter power duo in the modeling world 
Even though Annie can appear as shallow sometimes, in truth, she has a beautiful caring heart and loves all of her sisters equally as well as her dad’s many wives and always helps them by designing the most fabulous outfits for them for any occasion 
Because despite liking to model alongside her bio-mom, her true calling is fashion, being a huge trendsetter and with dreams of becoming a fashion designer one day 
Something that may not be so hard to accomplish, considering how well connected and influential her dad’s many wives are 
Regarding family, the sister whom Annie gets along the best is Tomiko as they share much of the same interests and trends, while she’s in constant odds with her sister Sachiko due to their clashing personalities 
Besides her biological mother, she gets along the best with Ohya as she’s something like a cool aunt for her that always brings her to the best places to party (with Ann and Ren’s permission, of course!), while she doesn’t get along so greatly with Futaba due to their individual ideas of bonding time
While on the Metaverse, Annie is known as Harper is the team’s mistress of disguise. She is very theatrical and enjoys making a huge spectacle out of her battles. Even if having a lyre for a weapon may sound dumb and unconventional, she has made the most of her situation by using it with a lot of out of the box thinking, or just simply whacking a Shadow on the face with it
Name: Rin Amamiya-Nijima 
Age: 18 
Grade: Third Year
Personality: Brilliant & Polite 
 •   Her family
 •   Practicing aikido
 •   Studying 
 •   Order 
 •   Her family being in danger
 •   People judging her family 
 •   Being called a stuck up 
 •   Disorder 
Persona: Bia 
Element: Phys/Physical 
All-Out Attack: "Please, Excuse My Defeat Over You"
Long range weapon: Revolver 
Melee weapon: Brass Knuckles 
Rin has a sweet disposition and is very polite, even to her opponents both in the Real World and the Metaverse 
She is a perfectionist to a fault and will become easily aggravated if things don’t go her way. She is also highly dedicated to physical training but outside of the gym she’s pretty easy-going.
Rin enjoys training in their Home Gym to better perfect her fighting skills and she is almost always found sporting earbuds so she can listen to her favorite punk rock and metal bands.
Whenever she’s not crunching it at the gym, she’s crunching it at school
Rin is easily one of the most academically intelligent of all her sisters alongside Junko, something her biological mother instilled on her since she was very little 
By this point in time, Makoto has become the chief of the Police Department of the city, cleaning it from the ground up from its corruption. Mostly, at least…
She passed on onto her biological daughter the values of justice that her own father once passed on to her, something that to this day, Rin still follows like gospel
Regarding the rest of her family however, the sister whom she gets along the best is definitely Junko as they’re pretty similar and they almost consider themselves as twins given how close their date births are to each other with Junko just being a month or two older than her 
While the sister whom Rin has the most trouble getting along with is Satomi due to her general disregard for the rules, something that the slightly older girl lives for 
Besides her biological mother, she gets along the best with both Kasumi and Sadayo, the former because of their shared interest for working out and they often share the Home Gym in different occasions, and the latter because she can learn a lot from her 
However, Rin’s relationship with Chihaya isn’t the best as she doesn’t really believe in superstition like she does 
While in the Metaverse, she is known as Princess because in her words, her mother is the Queen, so that makes her a Princess and has the role of the team’s muscle/tank with her brute physical strength that somehow the Metaverse has amplified. She could’ve easily been the team’s leader too, but that role has already gone for someone else
Name: Mari Amamiya-Sakura
Age: 16 
Grade: First Year
Personality: Quirky & Joyful 
 •   Her family 
 •   Video games 
 •   Anime 
 •   Computers  
 •   People judging her family 
 •   Her stupidly frizzy hair 
 •   Being called weird 
 •   Not being to properly navigate her family through the Metaverse 
Persona: Gamayun  
Element: Support Skills 
All-Out Attack: "Looks Like You Just Got Yourself A Glitch"
Long range weapon: None (As the Navigator, she doesn’t require one) 
Melee weapon: None (As the Navigator, she doesn’t require one) 
Mari is the embodiment of a ray of sunshine and has 10000% charisma. 
She genuinely loves everyone he meets and enjoys putting smiles on people’s faces, is very silly and has a very childish sense of humor. She also has a lot of energy and has a habit of rambling without realizing it, especially if it’s about anime or anything else she may like 
However, Mari can be self-conscious and always worries what others may think of her 
Out of all the Jokerettes, she is the most like her biological mother, who at this point in time is a very popular and successful Twitch streamer and gamer with a whole lot of sponsors 
Both are prone to random singing outbursts of their favorite anime openings, goofy jokes and harmless pranks to make people laugh.
Regarding family, there’s no sister who Mari gets along better or worse as she loves them all in equal amounts and they make sure to always show her how much they all love her back, same thing with her dad’s many wives 
While in the Metaverse, she’s known as Glitch and is the team’s navigator. Her Rebel’s Garb has special rocket boots so she can quickly fly to anyone in battle who needs assistance. Her boots have a button on the heel to activate them, and she likes to click her heels together to turn them on much like Dorothy on her favorite story from her childhood. Though she never complains about her job, she sometimes worries about her ability to navigate and support the team and sometimes wonders if she’s doing a good job and sometimes worries of what if she’s late the next time something awful happens and she’s not fast enough to save her sisters 
Name: Sachiko Amamiya-Takemi
Age: 17 (Slightly older than Annie, Toshiko, Tomiko, Akari and Mizuki, but younger than Satomi) 
Grade: Second Year
Personality: Reserved 
 •   Her family
 •   Books 
 •   Animals 
 •   Candy  
 •   Her family being in danger
 •   Injustice 
 •   Sickness 
 •   Her mother being called 'shady' 
Persona: Metradora 
Element: Curse/Eiha
All-Out Attack: "You Missed Your Doctor’s Appointment"
Long range weapon: Sniper Rifle
Melee weapon: Syringe needles
Sachiko is very reserved and quiet with people, but that is because sometimes it is difficult for her to relate to others 
Although many believe that she is a girl with a tough and indeferential character, in truth, she is very sensitive and does not tolerate injustice or mistreat towards any living being.
Sachiko wants to follow in her mother's footsteps, who at this point in time became a respected member of the medical community once again and actually works in Tokyo’s biggest and best hospital, and become a doctor who takes care of others.
Regarding family, the sister whom she gets along with the most is Mizuki since both have the same values of spiritualism and interest in the occult, while the sister who gives her the most grief is Annie as she’s not as pinky or girly like she is and all the glitter and bright colors that her little sister uses at a near constant basis hurts her goth eyes 
Besides her biological mother, Sachiko gets along great with both Sadayo and Makoto as she feels like if the older women can keep her safe no matter what, while her relationship with Ohya is a bit iffy and many times did she and Takemi had to work together to stop her from drinking 
While on the Metaverse, she is known as Shade and is the team’s main healer, but her Dia/Healing spells takes a lot of energy from her so can only do so much at a time. Strangely enough, and despite her introverted personality, she also has a “mood-boosting” ability, where she can positively affect the emotions of others. This can only be done by making direct contact with someone and the effect only lasts temporarily. Though she never complains about her duties, her sisters often worries about her need to please others and reminds her that she can’t help others if she doesn’t help herself first.
 5. ISIS 
Name: Junko Amamiya-Kawakami
Age: 18 (Few months older than Rin) 
Grade: Third Year
Personality: Strict & Demanding 
 •   Her family
 •   Being the best   
 •   Leading others  
 •   Study sessions with her sisters 
 •   Her family being in danger
 •   The dark  
 •   Rowdiness  
 •   Disobedience
Persona: Hathor 
Element: Bless/Kouha 
All-Out Attack: "Outta my Way!" 
Long range weapon: Rope dart
Melee weapon: Khopesh 
Junko is can be extremely royal, so she expects everyone to treat her like it. 
Usually, her attitude is selfish, arrogant, and sassy, plus extremely competitive
But deep down, Junko’s a very caring, kind, and thoughtful girl who cares about her family.
She is the Ying to Sadayo’s Yang, who by now became Shujin’s new principal and turned the school who at first only cared about its reputation to a true place where students can both learn and feel safe, as both complement each other in the oddest but bestest ways
Regarding the rest of her family, Junko is closest to her sister Rin as both are closer in age and actually consider themselves as twins, while she has issues with both Satomi and Akari with both of them being the reckless daredevils of the family 
Besides her biological mother, she gets along the best with Haru and even helps her manage Okumura Foods alongside Tomiko when she runs her own cafe while her relationship with Ohya could be better as she can’t understand how free-spirited she could be at times 
While on the Metaverse, she is known as Isis and due to her being the oldest and her dominant personality, she’s the natural leader amongst her sisters. However, despite being leader, she’s not the Wildcard as that particular honor goes to another of her sisters 
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fangirlshrewt97 · 2 years
Terribly Thought Out Help
My brain feels like it was ...fried. Like in those cartoons where a character sticks a finger in a socket and gets electrocuted? Why is real life so hard? 
Anyways, I saw this post by @rambheemlove​, and this idea popped into my head. As usual, somehow writing fic has become my way to destress. I can’t promise this is as funny as it was in my head. Or coherent. I may be half-asleep. Hopefully it’s...not terrible. 
Here we go...
Shobana was tired. She had a mile-long list of things to get done once she got home, chores her husband would likely not help with. She had to help her son with the science project due by Friday. And she had just been called three different kinds of incompetent and irresponsible by the parents of one of her most obnoxious students. It had taken every ounce of professionalism and self-control she had accumulated over her five years at this school to not scream back.
And now the second parent meeting. At least Loki would be sympathetic.
“Ah, Loki garu, I apologize for the delay-” Shobana froze when she realized that instead of the kind-eyed mother and friend she had been expecting, two strange men were sitting at her desk, heads bent in a furious whisper that had cut off as soon as she opened the door. She assessed them.
One was in a green shirt that looked like it could burst any moment, stretched across his shirt. His hair was puffed up around his head, and his eyes were the most earnest she had seen outside of people her student’s age. His beard was neatly tripped and he was sitting straight up, eyes totally focused on her. His…friend was in a light white jacket and white shirt underneath, with neatly combed hair and an impressive moustache and clean chin. While he was sitting back in the chair, he exuded the same amount of nerves.
Devuda, what now?
She cleared her throat. “Gentlemen. I’m sorry, but who are you?”
The one in the green shirt looked at the man in the white jacket. That man sighed. “Shobana garu?”
Shobana nodded warily. The man gave hr a weak smile in apology. “We uh-, we are Malli’s …uncles. She mentioned her teacher needed to speak to someone and since her parents are out of town, we thought we could come see you instead. It sounded urgent, and we didn’t want to wait till her parents returned.”
Out of…were these clowns serious? Loki had specifically told her to be ready tomorrow so they could go to the market to look for birthday gifts for her son. She plastered her most professional smile and entered the classroom properly, sitting opposite of them. Both men leaned forward in sync, resting their arms in front of themselves. They seemed to gravitate towards each other, shoulders touching as they waited for her to speak.
Oh, Malli, why all this drama?
Shobana cleared her throat again. Right. Let’s see how this went. “Alright. What are your names?”
“I am Bheem, and this is my…cousin. Ram.” the one in green, Bheem, replied. Shobana’s brows furrowed at the break in the middle of the sentence.
“Uh-huh, right. Bheem garu, do you know why I wanted to talk to Malli’s parents today?”
Both men shook their heads. In sync. What the hell?
“Malli got in a fight with another child. Shoved him. I need you to understand this type of behavior is not tolerated at this school, and if it happens again, we will expel her.”
As Shobana had spoken, both men had grown more rigid, even as their smiles stayed plastered on their faces.
Bheem laughed nervously. “Shobana garu, are you sure? It doesn’t sound like Malli at all.”
Shobana sighed. “I agree gentlemen. That is why I wanted to ask if everything is alright at home, and why she could be acting…so unlike herself.”
Bheem shook his head forcefully while Ram’s face adopted a troubled expression. “No, ma’am. Nothing like that.”
“Madam, could you tell us what instigated the incident? Malli would never just throw a punch?” Ram added.
“I wasn’t there myself, but the teacher said that during lunch time there was an argument among the students that culminated with Malli shoving another student into a wall. The boy ended up getting a twisted ankle.”
The two men exchanged looks.
Bheem was hesitant when he spoke next. “Madam, any chance the name of the boy was Indra?”
Shobana nodded her head.
Bheem bit his lip as he looked at his clasped hands. Ram sighed as he looked up to the ceiling, bringing his arms to fold across his chest.
“Is…has Malli spoken of him before?”
Indra was notorious among the staff. His parents were rich, and donated a lot to the school so he often believed he could never get in trouble. And Shobana had just received an earful from his parents for allowing one of her charges to get hurt on her watch.
“She… she had mentioned he was picking on one of the other girls in her class…could it be possible this was…self defence?” Ram offered.
Shobana frowned. “I…did not know about this. Indra has been known to be disruptive. I shall look into it, I promise.”
“Is…does that mean Malli isn’t in trouble?” Bheem asked, a hopeful light in her eyes.
Shobana grimaced. “Indra’s parents were adamant for her immediate expulsion. Given Malli’s record we did not think such extreme measures were necessary. She will be suspended for the rest of the week.”
Ram’s brows furrowed. “It’s Thursday.”
Shobana pursed her lips, holding back a smile. “She cannot come back till Monday.”
Both men caught on, the concern falling of their faces, replaced by gratitude.
Bheem pressed his hands together. “Thank you so much Shobana garu.”
She nodded. At least they were polite.
“Is there anything else?” Ram asked.
Shobana shook her head. “No that is all.”
Both men exchanged nods and rose up. Shobana rose as well and led them out of the classroom. When they were a few steps away she called out to them. “Oh, and gentlemen? Can you tell Loki I will be ready to meet her at the market by 5? I just need to do some paperwork before I leave.”
Both men whipped back to her in panic, but Shobana pressed her lips together. “It’s getting late. You should go home and tell Malli the news.”
She walked back into her classroom, giggling when she heard furious whispering start on the other side.
Both men sat on the ground, arms crossed in front of their bellies. Malli was sitting next to Bheem, but absolutely furious and giving her back to both of them.
Loki had just finished her 10th minute of tirade and entering her 11th.
It was impressive. And terrifying. Ram would rather get humiliated by his boss than suffer through this again.
“-grounded for a week!” Loki finished, chest heaving and eyes blazing.
“But Amma!” Malli’s whines died at Loki’s glare.
“And you two!”
Ram and Bheem stiffened, not daring to make eye contact with the woman. “Look at me!”
They looked at her with as much guilt as they could. “You ever pull a stunt like this again, and I promise you will not like what I do? Do you understand me?”
“Yes Loki” “Yes Akka.”
“Also you are banned from the house.” she said.
“Akka!” Bheem gasped, utterly betrayed.
Loki glared at him, making him shrink to half his size as he curled inward. “For ten days. You come near this house, or Malli makes contact, I will know and no one will see each other ever again.”
Ram thumped at Bheem’s arm. “Yes Loki.”
Loki harrumped at them, grabbing Malli by the arm and dragging her up to her room. The girl shot them pleading glances they looked away from in utter cowardice.
“I told you this was a bad idea.” Ram said.
Bheem whined. “I just wanted to help.”
Ram sighed and leaned against the wall. “What do you think gave us away?”
“The way both of you seemed ready to burst into giggles when I sat at my desk.” Shobana said as she entered behind Jangu, who looked between them all with an amused grin.
Ram and Bheem paled and blushed furiously in turn, jumping up from their seats. “Madam!”
Shobana shook her head. “I looked into Indra, it seems he made a comment, and Malli was defending her friend. I cannot retract her suspension but the headmistress agreed it won’t go in her record.”
Both men’s shoulders slumped in relief. “Thank you Shobana garu.”
Jangu cleared his throat. “I suggest you get out before Loki catches you again, I don’t think she was actually done with her rant.”
Both men’s eyes went wide with terror and they fled the house with their tails tucked between their legs. Hopefully they could think of a way of earning Malli’s apologies later.
The photo that inspired it:
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Tagging (Please please work, Tumblr I beg you):  @rambheem-is-real @budugu @bromance-minus-the-b @junebugyeahhh @hissterical-nyaan @obsessedtoafault @hufhkbgg @yehsahihai @rorapostsbl @bluesolace1 @fadedscarlets @alikokinav @chaotic-moonlight @rambheemisgoated @rambheemlove @jaganmaya @burningsheepcrown​ @lovingperfectionwonderland @rosayounan @iam-siriuslysher-lokid​ @thewinchestergirl1208​ @dumdaradumdaradum​ @ronaldofandom​ @jjwolfesworld​ @jrntrtitties​ @kashpaymentsonly​ @jeonmahi1864​ @zackcrazyvalentine​ @stanleykubricks​ @m3gs1mps4a​ @tulodiscord​ @teddybat24​ @sally-for-sally​ @ssabriel​ @jadebomani​ @stuckyandlarrystuff​ @veteran-fanperson​ @ohfuckoffpls​
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When the night changes. Part-3
Ram Bheem and Malli reached Alidabad forest after a long, tiring but equally delightful journey
Ram couldn't remember when was the last time he felt so happy. Just a mere presence of Bheem brought immense joy to him. Bheem was really the bright light in his life which was mostly covered in darkness. Through out the journey Bheem took great care of him. He applied medicine to his wounds which were healing under his love, cooked food for him and Malli. Ram had the privilege to listen to Bheems melodious voice when he sang lullaby at night for Malli. He also could vitness the absolute joy on Bheems face when he played with Malli. He admired the immense knowledge Bheem had about plants, animals, birds etc. He was really the beloved son of the mother nature. According to Ram this was the best journey of his life, because in this journey he had fallen even more in love with the Gond protector, who was a angel of his life.
He could remember particular night of their journey when it started raining and they had to take shelter in a big cave near a forest. That night the weather was freezing cold and it was pouring cat and dogs. Bheem, Malli and Ram had taken shelter in a big cave to save themselves from the rain. Bheem had quickly started a fire from the little firewood that they carried for emergency and also gathered some dried leaves from the cave. He was very much worried about Malli, Ram and their two horses because it was freezing cold. He had covered Malli and Ram with some thick blackets and made them sit near the fire hurdled together. He had used remaining covers on horses and he himself stood near the fire without any coverings. That night Ram had looked at Bheems worried face which illuminated because of fire and called him near. Bheem without registering anything had asked him " do you need anything? Are you feeling cold?. For that Ram had smiled at him and called him near and had drapped himself and Bheem with the same blacket bringing him closer. Malli had quickly taken place in Bheems lap and fallen asleep by clutching his one hand and his other hand on her head. Ram had also shifted closer craving for Bheems body heat as he laid his head on Bheems shoulder. That was the best night of his life.
The thought of that night brought a smile on his face.
Now he was in Bheems Village. When the trio arrived here the whole village was ready to welcome them. Malii had a emotional reunion with her mother and family. And others were just surrounding Bheem to know about his adventures and his time in city. That time Bheem had introduced Ram to his villagers. They were happy that Ram had contributed to free Malli and they had welcomed him wholeheartedly. That afternoon there was a feast arranged for them where they could eat variety of dishes after a long time. Bheems face had lit up looking at the food and had chocked himself while eating. Ram was quick to make him drink water and had scolded him for eating too fast. For that Bheem had replied, " I can't help it, because I'm eating this food after a long time. You don't no how much I craved for this food when I was in city, so you can't blame me for eating fast." For that Ram had smiled and shaken his head.
Right now he was sitting outside a hut after a wholesome meal served by the villagers and he was enjoying the sight infront of him where Bheem was busy conversing with the tribes children. He could see how Bheems doe eyes light up hearing something the kids have said. His smile was so infectious. He could stare at this man for lifetime still it wouldn't be enough.
He came back to reality when he saw some people approaching the hut. . It was a elderly man along with him some villagers that he had met before and a young man who looked like elder man's son. By looking at them Bheem had approached them with smile. "Aree Bhallanna garu, how are you?" Bheem had asked touching the elders feet. "I'm good bidda, I just heard that you have returned from your adventurous journey so I came to visit you and your childhood friend Rudra was very eager to meet you" the younger man Rudra smirked at Bheem for that. Bheems complete denamor changed after that. He could tell Bheem was little uncomfortable but he managed to smile at everyone. Then Bheems peddayya called everyone inside including Ram and everyone went inside. But Ram noticed Bheem still looking outside with a thoughtful look. He wanted to ask him the reason for his sudden shift in mood but refrained from doing it infront of everyone. He could ask him when they are alone, when Bheem is comfortable to share.
He had no clue a big hurricane had just entered their life.
Will they be able to survive this new challenge?
Is Ram's love enough to save both of them?
Or their hearts will be shattered forever?
@bromance-minus-the-b @rambheem-is-real @eremin0109 @thewinchestergirl1208 @eenadu-varthalu @rorapostsbl @budugu @the-gayest-tree-you-ever-did-see @fadedscarlets @foxglovedforest @jeonmahi1864 @kafkaesquebestie @hufhkbgg @how-is-it-in-london @hissterical-nyaan @fangirlshrewt97 @juhiiiiii @justmeand-myinsight @kalavathiii @kookiries @itsfookingloosah @lovingperfectionwonderland @mizutaama @rambheemisgoated @reallythoughtfulwizard @rosayounan @rambheem
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jmcdifferentweirdo · 2 years
Hello! your Pucca ships seem interesting and im curious about your headcannons to them ^-^
:O well, let's start with my AU in general so you can understand. Also this is part 1 i will make a post later Continuing with the other characters.
After the last season Ring Ring became ""friends"" with Garu, pucca and others( she is still rude but more tolerant), Ching left her love for abyo behind and started to hang out with Soso more and everything is getting very nice;so now we are going with the headcannons:
- her favorite color is purple
- she's an Empath
-she listen to these music artists/bands:
Mitski, Tomoko Aran, lamp, sing(Super Impassioned Net Generation) and PSY
- she's a pansexual
- Ching likes to watch horror & romance movies
-sometimes she listens true crime and make-up tutorials/tips while training
-She has probably more than once become ill from eating too much of one food.
-Ching taught Pucca how to make flower wreaths
-she sleeps with a few plushies
-She organises a lot of sleepovers.
- he is learning french
- he listens to lofi hip-hop
-he definitely watch Animals documentaries
- he is a rabbit person
- he is scared of cockroaches
- he likes to play horror games with Garu and Abyo
- he once ate Abyo's playboy Magazine because he was bored and hungry
- he is bad at playing videogames but he's trying :D
- His "friendship" with Ring Ring is very awkward (of course its like that, after what happened in Dong King vs. Goh Rong Part 2, there is a bit of resentment against Dong King)
- he knows these lenguajes: English, japanese, Korean and Chilean Spanish
- he listens to these music artists/bands:
Kim Kyung ho, lamp, Miranda, Luis Miguel, Melanie Martinez
- he loves to read books about international gastronomy
- He watches action movies and food documentaries.
- He probably stole Pucca's dumplings and cupcakes more than once.
- The only thing he remembers and has about his family is a photo of his mother.
- he has Asperger (because I said so)
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