#Gay Jumin
lucystarclub · 1 month
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The “Assitant Kang, please make sure Elizabeth the III gets her fresh food on time and add up to the project list that we need to make a coffee she can drink. I’ll be workin until late on the Cat’s Hair Color seminar” Jumin Han in the flesh 🍷🐈📄
Another one of the MM collection :) Hey Mr. bussiness how do you do? 👀👀
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prazardous · 4 months
calling tintin gay is ace/aro erasure. it's does jumin han is gay all over again. never showing interest in a woman ≠ gay
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mitch4tune · 4 months
I headcanon Grim as demi, and no one can stop me (unless Two and a Half Studios confirms something else).
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I also think the same for Jumin Han.
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–Edit(s)– More queer headcanons: 🂡 Bakugou Katsuki - aroacespec 🂡 Akemi Homura - sapphic and/or queerplatonic
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fishshapedbun · 3 months
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He is here. My man has finally arrived.
(sorry June)
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dragoneezz · 8 months
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two smaller drawings i made for jaehee’s and jumin’s birthdays while ago, respectively! 💖
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jewishjesper · 4 months
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Happy gay month cuz you know you gay and stuff,
Does anyone like mystic messenger anymore ?
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jafndaegur · 2 years
Love like You
Mystic Messenger
Jumin Han x Reader
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Calling Jumin feels awkward. You've only been in the messenger for two days and hardly know anyone. But the nagging feeling of the conversation between Seven and Jumin leaves a horrible pit in your stomach.
"I heard Jumin is gay..." Seven had said.
If you said the statement hadn't piqued your interest, you'd be lying. After all, no one believed you when you said you weren't a girl—just because Seven had disclaimed it and said you looked like a girl. Your voice being so high doesn't help the case, but a book cover can be very different from the actual story it holds.
I'm very open-minded. The statement you make was hurried and quick, you had wanted to make sure you had mention something in case Jumin is...well, is like you. Yet somehow that simple text of yours was turned on itself and made into another joke.
"Isn't it rather late to be calling?" Jumin's voice suddenly and tersely cuts through the line.
You want to make it right.
"Jumin." Your voice is much more serious than you intended.
On the other end, you can hear him sit up a little more, readjusting and assessing. "We just spoke in the messenger. Is everything alright?"
"No." You say evenly, taking a deep breath. Knowing with the corporate heir, the best way to approach this would be calmly and logically. "At least I don't believe so."
"I'm sorry, " he says it so genuinely, that you wish you'd clarified why things weren't okay first. "While I'm not equipped to handle formal complaints in regards to the RFA, I will be sure to pass on any concerns to V."
"No, I wanted to apologize. To you."
"To me? As far as I know, you've made no transgressions."
"For what happened in the chatroom, I wanted to apologize to you." You say earnestly.
The sigh he makes is less understanding and more annoyed. "It's a ridiculous prank that Luciel and the others enjoy prolonging. The fact that you too have jumped on such a joke is not surprising—"
"I meant what I said!" You interject quickly, hoping you catch him before he decides to hang up. "Really and truly. Such affairs to gossip like that, they're private and personal. And to make light of it is a slight on that trust of privacy. But...I genuinely meant what I said."
He says nothing, his breath a soft and steady pattern for you to listen to. You close your eyes and wonder what he looks like in that moment. Is he disgusted? Intrigued? Or entirely disinterested altogether?
"It is no one's business in regards to who you love," you say softly. "And who, whether it's a man, a woman...or just a person making their way—it shouldn't matter. If you love them and they love you in return, and you're willing to treat each other as equals as you work through life together...then what does it matter?"
"You surprise me by the hour," Jumin finally says. It is a gentle and murmured comment. "I admit I've never given it much thought. But I like how straight-forward you've made it."
"So you're not—?"
"It's never been a forefront concern of mine, but I suppose I don't have a preference either way."
You smile to yourself.
"Perhaps, at the end of the day, I would love a person making their way, doing their best." You swear there is something knowing in his voice and you can't help but wonder...
"Jumin, I—"
And once again he cuts you short. "I'd like to disclaim, I do not wish for you to feel like you must share your own experience as I've shared mine...if there's something you're not inclined to disclose yet, don't feel like you must."
Your heart beats a bit against your ribcage. It's a lovely and anticipant flutter. "In my defense, I don't think I've been subtle."
"Oh?" He asks, bemusement seeping through the tone.
"I did, after all, come distinctly forward and say I wasn't a girl," you laugh.
At Jumin's hesitation, you can practically hear the gears turning in his head. "...are you a man?"
"Perhaps..." You smile. "Perhaps I'm just an ordinary person making my way and doing my best."
He chuckles, it is low and warm. You can't help the feeling of your heart and chest warming, like the slow steep of liquor once you've taken a drink.
"Well said," Jumin murmurs.
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killjoy-prince · 1 day
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Ok two things. One, I'm sure they meant best friend when they wrote 'bf' but I keep seeing it as boyfriend. Two, the profiles can only be seen by people who have the RFA Chat App. Which is a private app. That Seven made. The guy who wrote this status. Your bf isnt gonna see it he's not part of the RFA
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deathssunshine · 1 year
*Jumin Han and Victor Li cross over Head Cannon*
🤍A cross over of Jumin (mystic messenger) and Victor (Mr love queen's choice)🤍
~Description: I never really saw any fan fics out there of victor and jumin crossing over. I think they would be good friends in all honesty.~
Warning: bad language, two idiots being two idiots, jumin driving 😟 and victor almost dying several times. I tried to be serious for four dot points but ended up failing on the fifth, my shit taste in humor I'm sorry if the jokes are that bad 😭, SOME INFORMATION IS PROBABLY WRONG LMAO
Genre: man I love guys tits, I'm just bored
Word count:
Game: mystic messenger, Mr love queen choice
Pairings: no pairing just them being best friends
Character: Jumin Han and Victor Li
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*Victor Li and Jumin Han cross over*
When they first meet it's for business reasons. Let's just say their fathers used to be good friends in university and haven't seen each other since then. They met at LFG for the first time and instantly knew they would get along. They shook hands and introduced themselves "I'm victor Li" "nice to meet you I'm Jumin Han".
From there they would go out to souvenir to get to know each other on the request of their fathers.
Earlier that day victor had made croissants that were still in the oven by the time he got back. He pulled them out of the oven and smiled at how good they looked. He then cut the croissants in half and put the best ham and cheese around and put it between the croissants. He brought the plates out to jumin and asked Mr mills to bring the coffee he had made.
They talked for a bit and jumin really admired victors cooking.
Jumin then went into a 30 minute rant about his cat Elizabeth the third.
"She sheds 3 to 28 strands of fur a minute" Jumin says proudly as he was showing victor shakey images of Elly. "... Why would you even count that? And why are you talking about her as if she is your daughter?" Victor would respond looking at the man as if he were insane. "Well first off, because she's my daughter and second of all, because she's my daught-... That reminds me of a conversation I had awhile ago about making scarves out of cat hair" "fucking what" "I should start looking into that again" "please shut up"
Jumin would then offer to drive (😟) victor somewhere, claiming he saw a nice place in the way to LFG. He would use the car driver Kim was using which was a loan and is great for city roads. At first it wasn't so bad, just a little rusty but not too bad for victor to worry over it. But then he takes a detour and drives off road onto a nature path somehow not crashing the car as he turns on the radio for it to be on a highosh volume where they have to raise their voice for each other to hear. Victor clings on for dear life starting to worry "How did you get your licence!" Victor yells as he thinks of any possible ways to get out. "Oh! It expired actually! Around I don't know.. 2 or 5 years ago?!" "WHAT" Jumin smiles as he turns the radio up even higher. The song playing is free bird specifically the "free bird yeah*guitar solo*" part which is at the very end of the song.
As the guitar solo plays jumin ends up driving off the cliff and they both end up in hospital 🤍
After recovering the two hang out again at the penthouse jumin is staying at. "I don't know anymore victor.. it just feels loose?" Jumin says standing in front of Victor, in only a bathrobe. "Why would your dick feel loose? It's not like it's screwed in. Are you missing a nut or something?" Victor says with a cocky grin. "Maybe.." he says. A nut and screw falls onto the floor then metal dick falls and all they can hear is the metal pipe sound. A rocket then shoots out of the tip and into victor sending him back to the hospital.
They become best friends and victor has this bathroom where they can shit AND arm wrestle at the same time!
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How sweet is that!
Their cats would definitely be good friends too. Maybe they might fall in love.
"are you gay?" "Fuck you victor."
Lol thanks for reading -etchartfan
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coronangelic1 · 2 months
this is the year im fully going cringe. like yea im doing all the stuff younger me wanted to do freely. whos gonna judge me? myself? dont think so. im blasting s3rl while i do my makeup and play my silly otome games
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zarophod · 3 months
i’m replaying mystic messenger (god help us all) and god i forgot how gay Zen and Jumin are
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eyemint · 2 years
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juminies · 11 months
I want to talk about how I feel about the June and Jumin situation properly because I'm still kind of deflated about the whole thing but I'm conflicted. I don't want to jump the gun because I want to hold onto the tiniest smidge of hope that everything that doesn't make sense will be explained, but on the other hand I'm still rather convinced they just didn't care for continuity at all and needed an easy way to rope in more mysme players
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entireinevitable26 · 3 months
Does Jumin Han is gay?
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ajax-mew · 4 months
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gureshinlover · 9 months
I think we can make a mystic messenger musical. If someone writes and sings songs I can make animatics lol (not that my animatics are good 👍)
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