#Gemini spark
grammars-doodles · 8 months
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It's that day again!
Using Wave Change for the purpose of them both getting their preferred ice cream flavor. They deserve a moment to relax.
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em-dualism · 1 year
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so, the grimace shake, huh.
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dertherck · 2 years
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I have bad taste and I will NEVER learn so jot that down
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Megaman Production Art Scan of the Day #775:
Shingo Adachi's Story of Meteor Artbook: Page 40
While there are a couple stray images that are from the first season on the next page, this page more or less is the end of the original season, as tomorrow will transition into Tribe artwork.
Full Resolution Scan: https://imgbox.com/05SINPJV
English Translation Scan: https://imgbox.com/7UxPgUbz
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starry-space-galaxy · 7 months
Been thinking about this for some time now, but I forgot to post it.
Would anyone else be hyped if Capcom made a Mega Man Star Force beat-em-up spin-off with Gemini Spark as the main character?
(See below for my ideas.)
I'm envisioning an open-world game where Pat and Rey are just going around, beating up EM viruses while progressing through a story to stop some kind of villain (my mind defaults to an alternate version of Sigma, who is trying to control viruses to take over the world). Geo is also trying to stop this villain, but since Rey has some "unfinished business" with Geo after the events of the first game (and also sort of the second game), Geo ends up being a rival character who Pat has to fight at multiple points in the story.
As for gameplay, just incorporate Pat's attacks from the games into attacks that he can perform, then give him some stuff to go along with the theme of his electricity-based abilities. Rey would also be there, but he'd use different abilities to differentiate himself, and the player would be able to swap between the two of them whenever they wanted to. There would also probably be some challenges and gimmicks that the two can only overcome with the help of each other.
This also serves as a good opportunity to flesh out Pat, since he (and I swear I said this once before) got demoted from "major antagonist" to "background character". He shows up in a single post-game bonus boss in Star Force 2, and only gets mentioned in Star Force 3. This could be a chance to help characterize him more.
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jack-shadow · 1 year
Mega man Crossover Fanfic: Chapter 1
(my first mega man fanfic! I included a few drawings just to paint a picture of the scene. I said I was bad at art, not that I don't love it.
This was based on an idea I had randomly for a unique Crossover between all mega man series but chapters 1 & 2 will be almost entirely focused on classic. We will move on to X, Zero, and all the others soon. Without further ado, enjoy)
For Rock it was just a normal day at Dr. Light's laboratory,they were performing some much needed repairs on the repurposed robot master, Wood Man. "Rock, hand me the new weapon chip" Dr. Light asked his son.
 "On it!" Rock said, handing a green chip to his father. 
Dr.light slid the chip into a slot in Wood Man's body. "Alright, that should be good. how are you feeling?" Dr.light asked.
Wood Man hopped off the examination table, and stretched his arms. "Just fine" he Answered, "but do you have a cleaning station nearby? My leaf shield protected my armor well, but I still want to scrub these burn marks off".
"Right over there." Roll pointed over to a door, " there are some in there" she said. 
"Before you go can you tell me how you got burned so badly" Dr. Light asked with a hint of concern in his voice.
 "Oh right it's actually kinda weird. I found this cloaked robot and he asked who built me, and I answered Dr.wily. He just grinned and before I knew it there were two of him. He tried to attack me and I tried to block with my leaf shield. It didn't keep me from going unconscious but I at least didn't get too hurt." Wood Man spoke casually as if it wasn't that big of a deal.
Dr.light looked confused and worried, "there's a dangerous robot on the loose and you didn't think to tell me."
" Well he didn't hurt the forest and that's all I really care about." Wood Man said defensively.
"Sigh~ Well thanks for informing us now I guess" Dr.light groaned.
"You're welcome, and thanks again for repairing me, I'll just clean up and get back to work.” Wood Man went into the door that Roll pointed out earlier.
 "Did Wily forget to program his robots with brains?" Roll said sarcastically.
 "Roll, be nice. He's just very dedicated to his job." Rock protested.
Roll rolled her eyes"Just saying, if there's a dangerous robot on the loose informing us is kinda higher priority than getting a shower"
Dr. Light spoke up, "Given the description and how it split into two separate robots, I'm thinking-"
"Gemini Man?" Roll guessed correctly.
"Wily must have rebuilt him!" Rock said.
Roll thought about it, "But I didn't think Gemini Laser left burn marks like that, and if it really is Gemini man why would he have to ask if Wood Man was built by Wily?"
"Trust me, gemini laser can leave some pretty nasty marks," Rock said.
"And Gemini Man was built long after Wood Man" Dr. Light added
Roll thought about it, " I guess that makes sense but we shouldn't rule out the possibility of it being another robot.”
" Yeah, this whole thing is rather suspicious," Rock agreed.
" Well at least we know he's probably after Wily bots" Dr. Light said with a grin, "and nearby The forest Wood Man watches over is the weather station where Air Man now works"
Rock beamed, " That means we can Ambush him! And keep Air Man safe"
Dr. Light smiled at his son, "yup, just don't let your guard down. If Leaf shield didn't protect Wood Man, then that means Wily probably upgraded Gemini Man. Please be careful."
Rock looked up at his dad with a reassuring smile, "It's okay dad, I've got this. Plus I'll have Air Man as back up if I need it"
"Alright just be safe out there" Dr. Light gave his son a hug before activating the teleporter to send Rock to the Weather Station.
Upon arrival Rock had already been transformed into Mega Man, ready for action. He was about to go in and inform Air Man before he heard an all too familiar whistle in the wind behind him.Rock looked all over for the source of the sound before realizing it was coming from above as Proto Man jumped down from the top of the Weather station.
 "Bro!" Rock shouted before jumping to give his brother a hug, it was clear that Blues (or Proto Man as he preferred to be called) was still not used to hugs. Rock realizing his brother's discomfort got off of him, " I assume you already heard."
" Yes, unfortunately Air Man is refusing to listen to me, he says he could take down any threat that comes his way. I tried to tell him that it took out Wood Man but he just kept talking about how superior he was."
Rock laughed, "Do you want to remind him he's weak to leaf shield, or should I ?” Proto Man didn't laugh, it was just awkward silence. "So what's the plan?" Rock asked, trying to break the silence.
"Simple, wait here and ambush Gemini Man, or whatever bot wily sends our way.”
 Rock grinned, "Sounds like a plan!" 
The two of them proceeded to wait there until well after dark. "For the last time Tempo's just a friend!" Proto Man shouted in annoyance. 
"Hey I was just saying," Rock teased, putting up his hands to defend himself.
Suddenly they saw a dark figure dash into a nearby alley. Both of them immediately stopped joking around and drew their busters .Rock went in while Proto Man stayed behind , the alley eventually opened up into a more open space, Rock Walked around a bit trying to find whoever it was that jumped into the Alley. He was suddenly hit with a jolt of electricity hitting  his back  and knocking him to the floor. He was nearly knocked unconscious by the hit but could still hear the snapping of lighting. Rock reared his head around to see what hit him, it was clearly not Gemini Man.
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It was a white robot  with a golden arm constantly sparking with bolts of lightning. The design of the robot was like nothing he had ever seen before, it vaguely reminded him of Duo with the arm and the alien-like design but it was still strange.
"Rock tried to speak but the mass amounts of electricity were frying his voice box causing his words to be Glitchy.
"Watch your back," the unknown robot said, looking over at a robot that could have been his clone except for his armor being black instead of white. This one's expression was a twisted grin whereas the white carried a neutral expression.
 " Thanks!" The black one said, looking at Mega Man's malfunctioning body, "HA! Is this the Mega Man of this world? And here I thought he couldn't get any more pathetic!"
Mega man turned his head, what were they talking about? His voice box was still malfunctioning but he eventually managed to ask, "w-wh0 aR3 Y-Y0u?" 
The black one heard this and turned to his counterpart , "why didn't you kill him?!" He asked.
The white one kept its expression neutral, " It's a robot master,  no threat,  there wouldn't be a point."
 The black one sighed at this, like he heard it a million times," Alright then I'll do it."
Just as he said that a shot of nuclear energy came from out of nowhere. The mysterious robots jumped out of the way and looked towards the alley to see who fired the shot. It was Proto Man who threw Mega Man an E-tank and continued to fight the bots. Mega Man drank the E-tank and stood up still hurt from the blast but he could at least stand.
Proto Man was losing despite how powerful he was. These two were just too fast and even the blasts that did hit seemed to have little effect.
Proto Man was taking multiple fatal lightning blasts and he fell to the floor.  Rock couldn't tell if he was unconscious, just badly damaged, or even dead.  No, he couldn't be dead, Proto Man was too powerful to be killed so easily.
The robots landed next to where Proto Man laid broken, the black one picked him up. " Red armor, Yellow scarf." They both looked over at the wall which was badly damaged from Proto Man’s shots, " and powerful, he might be of use, more than Wood Man anyway. I'll take him back for further study you stay here and see if you can grab anything else"
Mega man raised his buster, he wasn't sure what he could do to these... things, but he couldn't let them take his brother. The white one noticed he was up and glared menacingly at him before moving so fast he became a blur. Before he knew it, Mega Man was struck from behind with another lightning blast. Before he could even react White was grabbing him by the neck and slamming him into the ground.
" You go, I'll kill him,"  White said to his counterpart.
The black one grinned, “That's the spirit!” he said before opening a strange portal and entering it with Proto Man still in his grasp. As the portal closed Mega Man felt a sense of failure wash over him, Proto man was gone.
He looked over at the white Bot that was still pinning him to the ground, and he was going to die. The robot let loose bolts of electricity straight into Mega Man's body. He screamed in pain! If he didn't think of something soon he'd die and then Proto man would be gone forever. Mega Man switched his weapon to Bounce ball hoping the parts of his body that were now covered in rubber would help keep his vital circuits intact, it did seem to have some effect, but it still hurt.
Rock once again asked through tears, "wh0 ar3 y0u?" 
The robot kept the same blank expression as if this was an everyday task for him, "Gemini Spark." he said simply. Gemini Spark continued to blast Mega Man with electricity suddenly a gust of powerful wind coming from behind Gemini Spark knocking him off Mega Man.
Mega Man looked and saw Air Man, " get out of here I'll handle this!" Air Man shouted. Mega Man nodded and ran out of the alley as Gemini Spark got back up for a fight. Mega man knew that there was no way Air Man would survive, and he felt bad leaving him behind, but he's in no condition to help his friend fight. He’d never felt so helpless, he could only hope that Air Man could be rebuilt later.
Mega Man stumbled his way back to the lab and collapsed just in the doorway. Dr. Light was startled from his worried pacing back and forth.  “Rock!" he shouted, rushing to his son's beaten and broken body,  "oh my goodness, what happened!" 
Rock tried to speak but his voice box was still malfunctioning, so he could only cry.
Dr. Light got to repairing him and as soon as Rock could talk again he blurted out the words that were weighing on his mind  "Blues is gone". When he managed to recompose himself he informed Dr. Light about everything. Dr. Light seemed to be even more worried than he was before, "Who could have built such a thing!" he thought out loud. "He's as fast as Quick Man and can control a larger amount of electricity than Elec Man."
"And he shares a name and ability with Gemini Man, " Roll added.
Dr. Light nodded, " I don't think Wily is capable of building something like this, or anyone I know for that matter," Dr. Light said, his words trailing off.
"Do you think that it's another Alien like the Star-droids or Duo," Rock asked. "Maybe,  I don't like resorting to saying something's an alien when we don't know what it is but at this point I think it's the only possible explanation"
"Then we'll inform Duo and take him out together!" Rock shouted
"Actually Duo will have to take him out alone," Dr. Light said.
"Why"  Dr. Light looked down, not daring to look his son in the eye. " You were nearly damaged beyond repair, and if Blues was defeated by this thing then you clearly aren't prepared to fight it." 
"Then I'll just have to prepare, upgrade myself with new abilities and a rubber coating, find his weakness and exploit it!" Rock said triumphantly
" No rock, I'm not sending you back out there and I'm not further weaponizing you.”
"But dad-", 
" Please, I already lost one son to this thing, I don't think I could take it if I lost you," he looked at his son with sad pleading eyes. Rock understood, he nodded and gave his dad a hug, he could tell this was a tough situation for him,too.
 "I just want to save him," Rock said, tears streaming down his face.
 " I know,”  Dr. Light said.     
(Alright folks hope you enjoyed, chapter 2 is in the work. Shout out to my awesome mom for both Beta reading and Editing)       
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swampgh0stt · 2 years
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Gemini, I know what we’re gonna do today—
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decaffeinated-heads · 5 months
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Big mistake @angelveiins
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🎉Throws glitter at you🎉
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angelveiins · 5 months
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old drawing from around january-ish where my demons took over and made me draw ddlc but with some of the thirds,,, (who did that guys.. not me!!) (+ BONUS SHITTY WHITEBOARD DOODLES GO!!!)
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stardestroyer81 · 9 months
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Just in time for Mega Man's thirty-sixth anniversary, I've whipped up a wallpaper themed after Mega Man 3, sized at a comfy 1280x720— I think that this one may just be my most detail-oriented anniversary wallpaper yet... as well as my favorite, too! 💙✨
Previous Anniversary Wallpapers: 1, 2
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xenonb · 2 years
3rd Numbers
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ninebaalart · 9 months
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Mega Woman 3
honestly this might be my favorite set of robot masters so far in this series
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grammars-doodles · 4 months
Thoughts on the anime and/or manga (if you've read the manga) versions of Gemini Spark?
Ahhh the other medias. Very conflicted feelings about those.
I... really wish I could like anime Gemini Spark. The fights with them and Mega Man are great to watch. They're like cartoon villains causing problems on purpose for most of the show. And I think I'd like them a decent amount... if they were different characters and not Gemini Spark. I don't know how else to word it, but that ain't Pat there. That's Gemini and Gemini 2 and they're the same. And I get their appeal if the anime was someone's first exposure, but... after playing the game? They stripped any character traits Pat may have had just to make him Gemini's puppet for the whole show. It is genuinely hard to think of character traits that anime Pat has. He doesn't even like flowers. Tragedy. Rey not being there at all doesn't help. I... don't know why they decided to take such a different route with them in the anime compared to the game, but I can't say I really appreciated it.
Is it bad to say that if I had to write either anime or manga Gemini Spark, I'd pick manga? Since anime Pat aforementioned doesn't have much going for him it's not really a high bar to clear but... still. The manga's tone is... a mess, in my opinion. It's full of low-brow humor at every turn, but then they also took Gemini Spark's whole backstory and motivation surprisingly seriously. Which does not fit everything else at all but... it at least makes them compelling. They retained Pat's backstory from the game! That's a plus! And I think both of them being driven to fight to prove the worth of their existence since they've only ever been seen as garbage is... weirdly sweet considering everything else happening in those books. And Crown Thunder being their mentor! I liked that!
Gemini Black's expressions are wack though, let's just. Let's just get that out of the way. He's freaky. And also the part where they fuse into their "perfect form"?? That was. A thing. I really don't know how I feel about that to be honest. It's kinda cool but also very silly. those guys just digivolved for real
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i-look-like-my-mother · 6 months
Taylor Swift Zodiacs Part 3: Speak Now
Hi! I'm listening to each of Taylor Swift's albums to get ready for TTPD, so here is Speak Now and my interpretation of the zodiac signs!
Aries: Speak Now & I Can See You
Taurus: Haunted & Superman
Gemini: Mine & Better Than Revenge
Cancer: Innocent & If This Was A Movie
Leo: Enchanted & Foolish One
Virgo: Never Grow Up & Ours
Libra: Last Kiss & When Emma Falls In Love
Scorpio: Long Live & Castles Crumbling
Sagittarius: The Story Of Us & Sparks Fly
Capricorn: Back To December
Aquarius: Dear John & Electric Touch
Pisces: Mean & Timeless
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m0ch1gh0st1 · 1 month
Drawing Analog Horror Creatures ☆ Day 1
"The Iris is with us now. Laughing at us."
"The harbinger guards in vain."
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The Iris from Gemini Home Entertainment
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decaffeinated-heads · 5 months
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Quality doodles (and ddlc and mm3 stuff- original idea from @angelveiins)
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