#Gemma 💕
ominousmotion · 7 months
Hey Kai😊 15, 24 and 29 for the ask gameđŸ«¶
Thank you Gemma 💕💕
15. Lucky number
I dont really have one i think i just have a number that i like slightly more then others which is 5 lol
24. Tattoos you want
Oooo boy i have plans i want to get finally awake lost society lyrics on my knees and i want to get a we came as romans lyric i survive in my sleeve and maybe get like a giant sword or something lol i really only have plans for little ones rn
29. Sweet or salted popcorn
Salted tho it depends on the mood both are good lol
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lonelycowgirls · 7 months
Just little old me brainstorming because I have a beloved character who is a midwife
 time for a one shot methinks ✹đŸ„č
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girl-stuck-shenanigans · 9 months
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mookidmp3 · 6 months
charlieeeee i miss youuuuu
im back and with more ill-informed, asinine drivel than ever !!!
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evies20dollars · 2 years
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Thank you for tagging me @sparklestheunicorn​ đŸ’•â€ïžđŸ’•
Three ships: I’ve done this one a few times for the most part it’s unchanging, definitely Evie and Sam from the Diviners and Catra and Adora from She-Ra are my top two, it’s hard to pick a third, but probably either Jude and Cardan from the Folk of the Air or Leah and Fatin from The Wilds
First ever ship: Sam and Freddie from iCarly
Last song: Sofia by Clairo
Last movie: Dating Amber
Currently reading: A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K Leguin and A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms both for school and then i’m also still trying to finish The Sweet Far Thing, the third book in the Gemma Doyle Trilogy, but it’s long and i got busy, and I was reading Harrow the Ninth but I didn’t finish it before i had to leave for school and it had to go back to the library and yeah, have to either buy that or wait ages to get it from the local library where i study ://// oh and yeah i also read like 160 pages of The Atlas Paradox but same deal as Harrow had to go back to the library and also i wasn’t really enjoying it too much so i tried to prioritize Harrow, I’d only started The Atlas Paradox first because it came in faster from the library anyways yeah can you tell i’m incredibly chaotic lmao
Currently watching: I started rewatching H2o: Just Add Water which i haven’t watched since I was a kid because i needed a comfort show, besides that not really much atm, I don’t have the time, but I want to get into more Portuguese language shows soon
Currently consuming: I’m assuming this means food in which case nothing, but the last thing i had was a bit of a raspberry white chocolate brownie I got from one of my favorite cafes earlier
Currently craving: That brownie, but it’s night time and i make a general rule not to eat close to when i’m going to bed
Tagging: @vfd-inked-kid @all-you-had-to-do-was-neigh @protectcosette @zarazara510 @lunasink @let-tyrants-fear @conflictgoblin @annalimons and @astrarche-x 💖
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1d1195 · 5 months
Ding - Round 2
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Read Ding here | ~6.2 k words
WARNING/spoiler there's a scummy guy in this part that tries to be forceful with our MC to go with him back to his place when she doesn't want to. Nothing will happen and nothing will be described in detail but be kind to your mind and heart ♄, trauma, anxiety, pining, and fluff.
From me: I actually know VERY little about boxing and even less about throwing a punch. I do however feel I'm well-versed in sprinkles so do with that what you will. Some parts of this got a little away from me again. I hope you like it 💕
Summary: Harry and Cupcake are both really busy and haven't seen each other in two months. But when Cupcake gets into trouble, she has no choice but to run into Harry.
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Harry learned to fight when he was ten years old. He didn’t have his dad around much to teach him. Mum and Gemma may as well have been pacifists and as such, they weren’t much help when it came to defending himself. Harry watched his little girl friends get teased by boys. The same boys that told him he was weird for liking girls when they had cooties. Even if he didn’t (always) like them like that and was just merely defending them. Mum and Gemma may have been pacifists, but they taught Harry to be a respectful young boy. Especially toward girls.
One too many mouthfuls of sand at recess was enough to make him finally do something about it. He was angry. Angry because the girls didn’t like him because he was a boy (although they tolerated him since he was protecting them). Angry none of the boys in his class wanted to be friends with him because he was being nice to girls filled with cooties. Angry that he didn’t have a dad to teach him how to be a boy’s boy.
For a ten-year-old, he was really angry.
Mum took him to a gym—an introductory class to kickboxing. Just to get some of his anger out in an appropriate manner (and so he wouldn’t be sent to the principal’s office during recess again). Harry took a liking to the punching bag. He cried the first time he used it with the help of an older kid who was helping him learn to punch the right way. The poor teen watching him get so frustrated that his punches and kicks weren’t landing right—even though it was his very first time throwing a punch—saw something in him. Alerted his boss, encouraged Harry, worked with Harry every time he came in. He was a great mentor and even though he left only a couple years after meeting Harry to go to university and all that, Harry was forever grateful.
His first amateur match was at fifteen. Then there were only ten rounds at most, and he won by a landslide in five. By then he met Louis—someone who saw the same thing that teen kid saw in him and offered to be his manager. It wasn’t anything serious at the time. Harry was still in school and only using his time after school to get better at boxing. Louis was only a few years ahead but knew enough to help him be great.
By the time he turned eighteen, he had won three state-titles and people were watching him. At least in a way that those who cared about boxing did. Throughout university he trained and got better and won more and more.
Now Harry was twenty-five. He had to be nearing at least a hundred thousand punches since he was ten—eitherthrowing them at someone or at least in training against the punching bag he loved so much. Maybe more. He couldn’t even begin to think or count how he would figure out that number. Harry’s whole life was training, working, and fighting.
The only joys he had outside of boxing were his car and the sweet little niece that Gemma had kindly brought into his life—but that was only a recent change.
Only one other very recent change had left him a bit tongue-tied and flustered. Harry didn’t get flustered. Not since he was ten and knew he could beat the crap out of someone. There was no ringing bell to prepare him to make eye contact with a complete stranger and just feel like he had never ever felt before.
Was it love? Who could say, really. Harry had never loved anyone in his life that wasn’t his family or his friends. It made his stomach flutter like the first time he fought in a ring for something other than a trophy. A mere two hundred dollars on the line, all to get punched a whole bunch of times. Now he was still getting punched a few times over for a decent amount of money, but the thought of that pretty girl and her sprinkles made him unbelievably excited. Knowing she was there really made him feel different.
He knew next to nothing about her, but he was certain he was going to fall for her given half a chance. Even if she gave him a half a chance—a quarter!—he would do everything he could to have her in his life. If anyone else had damaged his car, he might have lost his shit, but there was something about her kind face, her doe-eyed expression in the rainy lamplight that made him rethink his entire life in the span of twenty seconds.
But whatever it was that he felt for her, he knew it started with her ringside. Beside his best friend waiting for the end of the fight that never seemed to end.
Normally, Harry’s matches finished in an average of nine rounds. But he was seated in the corner, sipping water like a hamster from the bottle, while Louis put Vaseline on his face where the cut on his eyebrow split between the tenth and the eleventh. “How you doing?”
“Is she impressed?” He asked.
“Cupcake. She’s sitting next t’Niall,” he was breathing heavy. Good as he was, it took a lot of energy to punch someone for a half hour as it was.
“Who?” Louis repeated, then thought better of it. He shook his head in frustration. “Can you focus on what you’re doing, Harold?!”
Louis didn’t get it. Harry rolled his eyes and sighed. To be fair, she was probably the reason it was taking longer than normal. Not that he minded. As long as she was impressed by the end, of course. Harry was on his feet, shadowboxing briefly with Louis, that boyish smile on his face. “What the fuck is your issue?” Louis hissed at him. “You’re acting like a lunatic!”
It seemed like a cliché to say he was in love, so he refrained from doing so. He felt it spared Louis further frustration as well. Cupcake, Cupcake, Cupcake. It was the only thing his brain could think. Fortunately, the bell rang, signaling the beginning of the next round and knocked a bit of the sense back in his head that had floated away from him on the thoughts of the pretty girl nearby.
His opponent was just as tired (although Harry believed his opponent was more so) as himself. He could see the exhaustion setting in as he held his gloves up near his face blocking a few jabs Harry threw to get the excitement of the new round going. He was waiting, searching, nearly taunting for a window of opportunity. Right as his opponent swung aiming for his face, Harry dodged his punch; smirking as he did. A blinding weak spot, his guard was down for only a fraction of a second but that was all Harry needed.
Poor guy didn’t stand a chance.
Harry looked like he was going to fall asleep sitting there in the bakery kitchen. He was a bit cut up; his eyebrow, the corner of his mouth, and his cheekbone had little cuts. Soothed with Vaseline, but it didn’t seem to bother him. His eyes were droopy. “Is Niall still around to drive you home?” She asked.
He shook his head. “I can drive,” he murmured.
He wasn’t really looking at her, but her look and tone screamed skeptical. “You look too tired to drive.”
“Mm,” he hummed. She was busy bustling back and forth through the kitchen. Cupcakes were in the oven. She only made a dozen, but Harry didn’t seem to notice it was a small amount. He was sitting at the big table in the middle of the kitchen. A seat dragged in from the office. She had her laptop open in her office running the report she needed while Harry held his head propped in one hand. She busied herself with prepping dough for scones and pastries while Harry tried not to loll off to sleep. She smirked at him.
“I could call you an Uber if you wanted,” she offered. “You don’t need to stay with me.”
His eyes were hardly open. “I’ll get a second wind in a minute,” he yawned. “S’jus’ the adrenaline wearing off,” he explained.
“Does that hurt?” She asked gesturing to the cuts on his (otherwise really perfect) face.
He shook his head. “Stings a little.”
“Will you be sore tomorrow?”
“A little. Stiff really... Why y’want t’give me a massage, kitten?” He smiled flirtatiously. Maybe she should have felt uncomfortable, alone with a man she only just met. But honestly, she thought Niall might be her new best friend and if Niall could vouch for Harry, then she wasn’t all that worried about him. Regardless of him knocking out his opponent with one punch. Truthfully, it was nice of her to walk her to the bakery. It was later than she expected and while the town they lived in was pretty safe, the college safety tips of never walking alone flooded her mind each time she did walk alone. She blushed at his forward assumption, but fortunately she was prepping something and stuffing it in the fridge, so he didn’t get to see. Plus, his exhaustion probably made him even flirtier.
“Thanks for being m’good luck charm, Cupcake,” he murmured sleepily.
“I didn’t know you didn’t need one.”
“Can never have too much luck.”
She smiled, continuing her prepping quietly. Harry watched her for a while. Eventually, his arm dropped to the table, and he rested his head on it. After another moment, a soft snore escaped his lips, and she smiled a little brighter. Only for herself, really, since Harry was asleep. She continued working. She was used to late nights. Maybe he really was going to get a second wind—honestly, she couldn’t imagine boxing and punching someone for almost forty-five minutes with only one-minute breaks in between rounds. Sometimes while she was baking, she would try to do other tasks while the timer counted down to take the treats out of the oven. It always surprised her how long and how short a minute could feel in the same breath.
But while she worked, she was mindful to not make too many loud noises. Harry needed sleep it seemed. She prepped for nearly an hour while waiting for the cupcakes to cool long enough to scoop out the middle and fed the sugary raspberry filling into the empty space. Frosting a dozen cupcakes took all but ten minutes then she packaged them in two half-dozen plastic containers with A Pinch of Sprinkles label taping it shut. Gently, she put her hand on his upper arm, and she really shouldn’t have been so surprised by how taut his bicep was beneath her hand, but she was. He was unbelievably strong, and she was in slight awe and shock of touching him—and he wasn’t even flexing. But rather than be creepy, she gave him a gentle shake. “Hey, Harry... Uh...it’s late. I’m gonna get going,” her voice was soft.
Harry startled almost jumping out of his seat and rubbing his eyes with the heels of his palms. “Sorry, sorry. Wow,” he turned his neck to the left and then right. “M’sorry I dozed off there.”
She shrugged. “Probably needed it,” she assured him with a gentle smile. She pushed the dozen cupcakes forward, across the table. “For you.”
He blinked then looked up at her. “Did you make these for—”
“Well, yes, I made them. You were unbelievably kind to me even though I dented Clay. Plus, you won so it’s like a job well done, you know?”
“You made me cupcakes,” he repeated, his gaze unmoving from her face.
“We really need to work out this whole repeating what the other one says thing,” she felt her cheeks warm as he stared at her, but she smiled, only feeling slightly awkward.
He turned his attention to the two plastic boxes and tilted his head at them. They were identical. His fascination with her precision was immense. “What kind are they?”
“The raspberry filled ones. You said you liked them.”
His gaze went right back to her, and he felt hungry, but not for cupcakes.
Well, at least not the baked good kind of cupcake.
“Thank you, Cupcake. That was sweet of you. I hope it wasn’t too much trouble.”
Her smile seemed to transcend to a feeling of relief. “Not even a little...um... I just have to grab a couple things. Would you... mind walking me to my car? Unless you need to leave right now. I know it’s crazy late. I’ll be okay. I walk to my car on my own usually but it’s always a little creepy. But I feel bad I made you—”
“’Course m’gonna walk you t’your car,” he rolled his eyes. “Besides I don’t want you t’ding Clay again,” he winked to ensure she knew he was kidding. Because yes, he loved his car.
But rapidly, when it came to her, the car didn’t matter in the slightest.
She hadn’t seen Harry in two months.
It wasn’t like she was avoiding him. Part of her knew he was a mere social media friend request away. In fact, she was trying her hardest to not stare at the pictures of him on social media, the PR plug for his matches, and all the things that she saw Niall, Louis, and all his other friends shared. But she didn’t want to come off too forward. It seemed weird to be so into a man she only talked to for no longer than ten minutes total.
Besides...she had her routines. Work, family, and more work.
Also, if Harry was really infatuated with her the way Niall alluded to, he knew where her bakery was—he easily could come and find her here. But she did notice there was a tag to her shop on Instagram with raspberry filled cupcakes in the picture. (All it would take is for her to press the Follow button and wait.) While she didn’t know Harry all that well, she assumed he was probably just as busy. Her brief cyber-stalking showed that Harry was often at the gym—although she wasn’t sure which one. He was also an amazing uncle. That much was clear. It warmed her heart, and she would never want to tear Harry away from that kind of time. Family was extremely important to her. She wholeheartedly understood how much his free time was probably monopolized by the little baby.
But it was so strange that she didn’t know him yet there was some part of her that wanted to see him. It was bizarre. She never got all up and arms about a guy. There was work and there was her family. That was it. That was all she could afford to balance. She didn’t need a guy to mess with her routines or upset the balance of her life.
However, every time she walked alone to her car at night now, she wished that Harry was with her to assure her safety—even though she had done it hundreds of times before. The night they met, he walked her in silence, opened her door and made sure she was safely tucked inside. “Good night, Cupcake,” he smiled almost dreamily.
“Good night, Harry. Congratulations,” she responded with a smile too.
Harry’s smile grew and he looked away briefly before patted the top of her car and turned to Clay, put his cupcakes on the passenger seat and moved to the driver’s side. He gave her a wave and pulled out of his parking spot.
It was two months ago.
But after just one month, it was hard to deny she didn’t miss him.
That had to mean something. Just one brief night—not even a date. Most of that night was spent with Harry in the ring or asleep at her kitchen table. Hell, she got to know Niall more that night. But it was Harry’s smile that plagued her thought—crooked and perfect. The way his eyes glittered as he convinced her to follow him with a picture of his niece.
“Are you baking something in here or burning in here?” Maeve asked.
Maeve was her best employee—her right hand nearly every day. More importantly, her best friend. Shaking her head of the thoughts surrounding Harry, she sighed and turned to the oven where her fudge brownies were surely overdone. “Shit,” she whispered.
“I don’t think you’ve ever burned anything. Are you okay?” Maeve asked gently. It was a loaded question. It took a lot of time to dig the answer out of her friend, but Maeve did. She knew asking if she was okay was probably the wrong thing to say.
But if it was, she didn’t mind. Of course she didn’t. Her very best friend was sweeter than all the treats in the display case. “Just a little distracted,” she mumbled grabbing the tray and setting it in the sink to cool off (and hopefully so she didn’t have to scrape the bottom of the tray later).
“Harry on your brain?” Maeve giggled.
She rolled her eyes but felt the way her cheeks warmed at Maeve’s (correct) assumption. Maeve was shocked to learn that her strong-willed friend was convinced by a stranger to go see a boxing match. She couldn’t believe it. Granted, once she saw the picture of Harry, she couldn’t disagree. I think I would let him punch me in the face if he wanted to.
She decided keeping Maeve as far away from Harry as possible was probably necessary.
Rarely did she and Maeve work together. As her best employee and best friend, it was like asking her to hold her child when Maeve was on shift. There was no one she trusted more. So, when Maeve wasn’t there, she often was and vice versa. But every so often, usually at the shift change, Maeve got to see her best friend in her element. “Well, the good news is, you can go think of him at home,” she winked at her.
She didn’t even look at her. “You’re disgusting,” she deadpanned.
Maeve snorted. “That’s not even what I was insinuating. Your mind went directly to the gutter. Good for you. I bet he thinks about you while he’s doing it too.”
“Jesus Christ,” she was blushing brightly now. “I just want to fix the display case and then I’ll go.”
“Any fun plans for tonight?”
She hesitated briefly. “Uh yeah...actually. I have a date,” she mumbled.
“Oh!” It was silent for a long beat. Rarely did she go on dates. There were only a few since she moved into town three years ago. Mostly because the bakery took up so much of her free time. The remaining bit of time she had and didn’t go on dates was because of the guilt she felt. Maeve’s surprise was palpable. It made her cheeks turn pink and she bit the inside of her cheek. “Good,” Maeve smiled encouragingly. “Online?” She asked.
She nodded. “We’ve been messaging back and forth for like...” she shrugged. “Two weeks.”
“Are you excited?”
No. “Yes,” she sighed softly. “Been a while,” she smirked. There was a huge part of her brain that told her she didn’t want to go because it wasn’t Harry. It was like a neon sign had been posted in her frontal lobe reminding her that it was pointless to even consider this date. She should have just requested to follow Harry and be done with it—he would probably drop everything if she asked him on a date. “Just...nervous.”
“It’ll be good!” Maeve said reassuringly. “Share your location with me and text me when you get to where you’re sleeping,” she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.
“I will be sleeping at home,” she promised snorting through her laugh at her best friend.
Maeve smiled heading to the front and leaving her to finish with her burned brownies.
The front of the bakery was dark in color; she was aiming for warmth. The floors and baseboards were dark walnut brown. It contrasted sharply with the wall she wall-papered by hand with a white and brown marble pattern behind the display cases. It made the black chalkboard menus with the same walnut brown frames stand out. The lights were always set to dim when they were on. Her goal was to recreate the feeling of her childhood home—particularly the den where her father set up the most beautiful Christmases. The bakery lacked a fireplace (she joked with Maeve that it was an oven or a fireplace, and the oven did a better job at cooking croissants evenly).
The front of the bakery wasn’t massive. There were five little tables to sit and enjoy their treats if people wanted but it was really a grab and go kind of place. The back had more treats stored so the main room didn’t look overwhelming. The front display cases still contained more treats than anyone could think of eating. I wish I could buy one of everything was heard frequently from the line. Eventually she wanted to invest in coffee but for the time being she liked just her treats and was happy to recommend the coffee place down the road. If she ever got a hold of more space, then she would consider buying all the machines for coffee.
The bakery was honestly warmest when it was rainy. Which was frequent. She was reorganizing the main cupcake display, a tower of three tiers with one of each type of cupcake she made. The raspberry filled cupcake was the one that had been on top for the last two months. Each time it was bought, she replaced it with another. While people raved about her brownies, cakes, and even the croissants, it was the cupcakes that people came for; and so, she took care of the display as much as possible.
“Which one do you recommend?” She turned to the voice and saw a mom and little girl waiting patiently. She smiled fondly.
“Raspberry filled,” she pulled it from the top tier and handed it over. “Try it,” she offered.
“Oh, we don’t want to get you in trouble,” the mom said quickly while her daughter grabbed for it almost immediately.
She laughed. “Don’t worry, I know the owner,” she promised. “Maeve! I’m leaving!” She called but was delighted by the little girl’s approval. Silence, cake and filling on her cheeks immediately, and a delightful look in her eye.
“Have fun!” She called back.
“Enjoy the cupcakes. I also like the lemon vanilla ones.”
“I think raspberry filled is the winner,” the mom smiled.
She nodded, unable to keep herself from grinning back. “A fan favorite.”
She should have stayed home. The bad weather should have been an omen. But maybe it wouldn’t have been because she met Harry in bad weather, and everything was fine that night. It soured her mood and made her feel infinitely worse to think about the comparison.
I’m home. Not a great date. I’ll tell you later. She wished she had gone to Maeve’s. Maybe she would have doted on her. But she didn’t want to fall apart the way she planned on in front of her.
:( sorry babe. Sleep tight. Talk to you tomorrow :(
She locked her apartment door and checked at least fifty times that it was truly locked before she moved to her bathroom. Her heart was still in her throat and her eyes felt raw with tears. Maybe she was overreacting.
The rational part of her brain reasoned against her handwaving casualness. She had good instincts. Obviously. If this same situation happened with Harry, then maybe she would have considered it her own poor judgment. It was more reason that someone as terrifying as Harry could have be sweet as her cupcakes that it was her good judgment that helped her get out of there tonight.
She hurried to get out of her clothes. Part of her considered throwing them away. She didn’t want them any longer. She wasn’t sure she would ever wear them again. She turned the shower on as hot as she could stand it and pushed it a little further.
He didn’t hurt her physically. He tried. It was obvious his intent was to force her into the car... or worse. Which was disgusting in its own right. Until that moment in the dark, rainy parking lot, it was almost identical to her moment with Harry. But it wasn’t. Harry didn’t make her feel unsafe. Harry didn’t make her feel threatened. Harry gave her an out even though he wanted to hang out with her. She knew she could leave at any moment and Harry wouldn’t have blamed her.
She rubbed her arm so hard with her loofa in the shower stream it burned for a new reason. Tears blurred her vision and she felt so stupid. So completely idiotic. How could she let it get that far? That was so dangerous. So close she could have been hurt in so many ways that she didn’t want to think about, ever again. She closed her eyes and let the water wash the night away, feeling completely alone and dreadful.
She never wanted to date again.
She finished her shower, sniffles plaguing her, and she got into her comfiest pajamas. Her heart was still beating too fast as she crawled under the covers. She felt so ashamed. It felt like her fault. All of it.
There was a tiny rattling in her brain that Harry could have prevented it all. She should have just requested Harry on social media when she met him. If she had, she would have had his number by then. He would have helped her for sure.
Without thinking, she scrolled on her apps, and clicked on the various follow buttons. Every platform she could think of to request his social media friendship—looking like a lunatic be damned. Almost everything had a phone call button now, she could use it as backup if she needed. For good measure she requested Niall too. It was nearing midnight, and she couldn’t bring herself to care. She was scared. Nervous. Heartbroken.
Yet, within moments, Harry returned the request along with a direct message in her inbox.
Thinking of me at midnight, hmm?  😉
She snorted despite her uneasiness. One sentence and she melted. But she couldn’t let him know that. 🙄 it was nice while it lasted. Just going to unfollow you...
Aw, c’mon Cupcake 🙁
Oh alright... No, not really... just can’t sleep. Popped up on my people you may know while scrolling. It wasn’t a complete lie, and she was glad she wasn’t having a phone call. He would have heard her sniffles and then she wasn’t sure she would have been able to stop herself from inviting a total stranger over. Right now, she didn’t trust her judgment fully.
Been dying to press that Follow button, Cupcake. Didn’t want to come on too strong after that first night.
She couldn’t help but smile. The contrast between the night she met Harry, and her present night made her sad but relieved at the same time. I see you enjoyed the cupcakes.
Louis made me run laps for two hours because of you. I ate all twelve in less than 72 hours. Do you put drugs in those? They’re addicting.
Lol, no drugs. Well... sugar. So, pick your poison I guess, right? 😇
Well, thank you, Cupcake. That was delicious. I hope you liked the match too. We didn’t get to talk much. I know I fell asleep đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž I was really happy you were there.
Her heart felt so warm already. Despite how much she didn’t want it to. Thank you for inviting me. Because she was nothing if not polite. It was really exciting! I don’t know much about boxing. But it’s obvious you’re very good—not that you need me to tell you that. Were you really going to make me look like an idiot and not tell me you were undefeated?
You’ll make me blush, Cupcake. Didn’t think you’d come with me if you knew.
Sneaky... 👀
Just... wanted you there, kitten. I promise. Nothing more... I know I came off a little too strong and I know I was a little...pushy. I would have let you go to your store if you really wanted to... But...
The three dots on his message disappeared and reappeared a few times over.It was cute to imagine him holding his phone thinking about what to type, erasing it, typing it again.
I can’t explain it, Cupcake. I’ve been going CRAZY these last two months. Niall’s calling me a stalker and I haven’t even SEEN you. The sentiment doesn’t give her any bad feelings. Because despite how much she wanted to be guarded, especially after her evening, she couldn’t help but believe him. Trust him, implicitly.
I swear something in the universe pulled me to you... I woke up just in time to see you blowing up my phone tonight 😍😍
She snorted and felt her body warm with his kindness, his gentle adoration through her phone no less. You’re insane, Harry Styles.
About you 😍
Oh my God... Now she really was blushing, but she couldn’t help but notice she felt so much better chatting with him. Well... we can talk tomorrow if you want.
I’m assuming you’re tired and I’ve already hogged more than enough of your time at midnight, as you pointed out.
Oh, no.
No way, Cupcake. I’ll stay up all night to talk with you ❀
Her heart felt so heavy. It was unfair. How could she be so stupid? Her dad would have killed her for being so naĂŻve. It was his worst fear while she was growing up. It was everything he always talked her through when she was going through puberty and telling her about boys teasing her. Her dad reminded her constantly that a man has no right to make her feel scared or fragile.
But she could feel his grip on her arm trying to coerce her back into his car. She shook her head of the thoughts, refusing to let him poison any more of her time than he had. She was talking to Harry. She was okay. It was alright. It didn’t happen. She got in an Uber, and she’ll never see him again.
Harry was talking to her. Harry made her feel safe. Harry didn’t make her stomach unsettled with a bad gut feeling. Here’s my phone number if you want it.
Within moments, she had a new text message alert. This is better than an undefeated record 😍
The following morning, she felt less terrible about herself and her stupidity, but she never wanted to feel that way again. She was also so tired from texting with Harry for hours. It was nearly three in the morning catching up on all the things he did in the past two months before she wished him a good night. There wasn’t much to report about their lives. They both seemed to be workaholics, but he did offer her some really cute baby pictures of his niece (and a pretty cute picture of Niall falling asleep on Harry’s couch after an intense workout).
While she sipped her coffee—staving off the sleepiness, she Googled self-defense classes. Her dad would have approved. He wanted her to do it back when she was in college, but she refused for whatever reason. She regretted that too.
It was telling that she debated whether she was overreacting for several minutes. If she was overreacting, she would have brushed off the idea of self-defense classes like she did in college. But this wasn’t something to overreact about, right? Before she could overthink it any longer, she paid for the class. Honestly, in that parking lot she was smart to do this. Worst case scenario, for one reason or another, it was the smart decision.
She cycled through the next stage of grief feeling angry and bitter that he made her feel this way. She was incredibly lucky it was raining and slippery and she managed to get away from him in the chilly spring air. He left her so rattled. She was defenseless, so a class was needed.
God, she missed her dad.
Fuck, she missed Harry.
She never wanted to feel that helpless again.
With the class paid for, she put an apron around her waist and headed to the front of A Pinch of Sprinkles and turned the closed sign to open.
The following Monday, after a full day of flour, sugar, and plenty of customers, she headed to the gym.
It felt awkward. She hadn’t been to a gym since her college days, and she was already frustrated from her horrific night out. She and Maeve told each other they would go together but they were terrible influences on one another and opted for shopping trips with the promise they would pretend their shopping bags were dumbbells.
When she arrived, she headed to the front desk and introduced herself. She even admitted she felt awkward and the woman behind the desk smiled encouragingly. “I’m Sarah. Let me show you around,” she came from behind the desk and headed toward the side room. “It’s safe here,” she assured her, like she knew. The assurance made her throat tight with emotion and she nodded stoically. “This is the locker room; you can change in here and you can leave your stuff locked up or in the front cubbies and I can watch it. Whatever makes you more comfortable,” she smiled kindly and glanced her up and down briefly. “Do you own that bakery downtown?”
She smiled and nodded, looking at the flour handprint on the thigh of her pants. “Thought I got all the flour off,” she brushed at it with a chuckle. “Yes, I do.”
“My husband is going to think I met a celebrity today,” she laughed. “We love your blueberry scones. They taste like heaven.”
“Aw, thank you so much, that’s so kind. I’ll bring some next time,” she promised.
“Oh stop, I’ll divorce him,” she laughed and headed back for the front desk.
She quickly changed, feeling safe and relieved once more. She brought her belongings to the front and sat in one of the seats across from Sarah’s desk. “Kickboxing is just wrapping up and your instructors will be right over,” there was a group of several other women milling about. Obviously, they at least knew how to be in a gym by themselves. A few came as a small group. Maybe she should have brought Maeve.
While waiting, she scrolled through emails from her landlord, her college alma mater group, and all the coupons she had ever subscribed to. “I have got to unsubscribe,” she murmured to herself. She scrolled through photos of the beautiful little area she lived in now, and as sad as it was to get here, it was nice. Her shop was nice. Despite how scared she was over the weekend, things were good.
The only thing that wasn’t nice was that stupid, awful man.
“Holy shit, he’s hot,” she heard someone whisper. It was peripheral. She didn’t even register it really because she was sending Maeve a picture of the sale that was happening at their favorite clothing store on Thursday. If she paid attention, she might have noticed sooner.
“Ladies, self-defense class, this way please!” The voice was familiar, but she couldn’t place it. Maeve sent about ten heart eyes to her, and she smiled, stuffed her phone in her bag, and waved to Sarah.
“Blueberry scones,” she repeated with a firm nod and followed the line of women. She sipped from her water taking in the banners around the gym and realized too late why Louis’ voice sounded so familiar.
He stood at the front of the room, along with another familiar face.
“Oh shit,” she whispered to herself and turned immediately back toward the desk.
She bumped into another woman who steadied her and kindly looked her over. “Sorry—are you alright?” she was nearly motherly in her demeanor and her head felt woozy. She couldn’t do this. Harry would know.
Why was Harry attending her self-defense class?
“Yes, yes, sorry,” she shook her head. “Wrong—”
“Hey,” Harry’s voice was right there. She stepped out of the room trying to get more air to her lungs and head.He wasn’t attending. He was teaching. This was his gym. The boxing rings in the main room should have been a clue. The sound of Louis’ voice. Oh, you stupid idiot, her brain scolded.
“Cupcake?” Her head responded to the nickname instinctively. Harry’s suspicious green eyes gazed back at her. “What are you doing here?”
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @tiredinwinter @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach @straightontilmornin @freedomfireflies @littlenatilda @kathb59 @babegoals @angel-upon @lilfreakjez @mleestiles @ameliaalvarez06 @canyonmoondreams @summertime-pills @daphnesutton @l4rrysh0use @perfectywrong @foreverxholland @lovrave @st-ev-ie @pandeebearstyles @toosarcastic03 @luvonstyles @tenaciousperfectionunknown @classychalamet @love-letters-to-uranus @emmaawbr @crossyourpeter @kissitnhekitchen @kittenhere @stylesfever @harryscherri @indierockgirrl @michellekstyles
I'm sorry if I missed anyone in the taglist. Please let me know if you'd like to join, if it didn't work, if you no longer want to be included, etc. :)
If you like this, check out my masterlist here
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harrysfolklore · 1 year
Heyyy I you need fc I suggest kiana davis!! I love her hairrrr it’s so pretty
okay this ended up being suuuuper long but i hope you like it ! tell me your thoughts <3
ask me anything | masterlist | likes and reblogs are appreciated !
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liked by yoursister, harrystyles and 178 others
yourinstagram romance is not dead, if you keep it just yours 💖
view all 35 comments
yoursister gorgeous
yourbestie i guess those dates are going fine 👀
harrystyles ❀
friend1 omfg why is harry styles in this comment section
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liked by jefezoff, yourinstagram and 2,312,685 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Tokyo II. March, 2023.
view all 47,791 comments
harryfan1 BABYYYY
annetwist ❀
harryfan2 harry being single on tour is the best thing that happened to us
yourinstagram bestie best 💕
harris_reed blue denim bunnies 🐰
harryfan3 i want him
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 8,927 others
harryupdates Harry just followed this account on Instagram ! We’re not sure who she is and the account is private👀
view all 1,002 comments
harryfan1 OH?
harryfan2 who is that omfg she’s so pretty
harryfan3 everyone be normal
harryfan4 weird
harryfan5 oh gemma also follows them
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liked by yourbestie, harrystyles and 297 others
yourinstagram this is a
 how do you guys call it again? a hard launch ?
i can’t wait to travel europe with you this summer, lover boy đŸ„ș @harrystyles
view all 70 comments
yourmom đŸ‘đŸ»đŸ‘đŸ»đŸ’–
gemmastyles Have fun kiiiids and see you in London đŸ«¶
harrystyles This is going to be the best summer ever x
↳ yourinstagram đŸ„č
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liked by jefeazoff, yourinstagram and 2,255,903 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Horsens I. May, 2023.
view all 43,920 comments
harryfan1 BABYYYY
harryfan2 baby is backkk
yourinstagram summer of dreams 💕
↳ harryfan3 this is the priv acc harry followed 👀
alessandro_michele 🍒
harryfan3 the beginning of the end
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 8,962 others
harryupdates Harry out in Paris with a crew member today !
view all 986 comments
harryfan1 BABYYYY
harryfan2 how do u know she’s a crew member ?
harryfan3 i hate to break it out to you but that looks like a date
↳ harryfan4 no don’t say that
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liked by harrystyles, pillowpersonpp and 261 others
yourinstagram i made my pit debut last night in paris, definitely want to do it again
view all 39 comments
madidiaz Gorgeous gorgeous girl
yourbestie i can’t wait for my turn
harrystyles Look at you, a proper fan ❀
↳ yourinstagram look at you, a proper smartphone user with emojis and all
harry__lambert Outfit on point đŸ‘đŸ»đŸŽ€
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liked by sza, yourinstagram and 2,355,983 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Paris I. June, 2023.
view all 49,381 others
harryfan1 BUB
harris_reed our little space cowboy
yourinstagram like we were in paris 💕
harrystyles liked this comment
harryfan2 do you have a gf yes or no
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liked by gemmastyles, harrystyles and 246 others
yourinstagram amsterdam was a whole lotta love (on tour) 💛
view all 45 comments
yourmom 💕
jefezoff Can I third wheel next time?
annetwist See you soon lovelies !
harrystyles Not to be corny, but you were the prettiest work of art in the gallery x
↳ yourinstagram HARRYYYYđŸ˜©
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liked by jenniferaniston, yourinstagram and 1,722,351 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Amsterdam II. June, 2023.
view all 46,295 comments
harryfan1 GO BABYYYY
harris_reed đŸ€đŸ–€đŸ€đŸ–€đŸ€
mtv i love arm
harryfan2 slay
yourinstagram đŸ„ș
↳ harryfan3 who are YOU
jefezoff đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 8,937 others
theharrytea What do you guys think about this?
view all 987 comments
harryfan1 i don’t know how to feel
harryfan2 lol that’s definitely fake
harryfan4 if it’s true i feel so bad people are leaking his stuff for interactions
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 9,927 others
harryupdates Harry out in London today !
view all 1,012 comments
harryfan1 ahhh bub
harryfan2 he looks PISSED
harryfan3 i can’t help but feel like he looks upset bc of the leak
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liked by harrystyles, pillowpersonpp and 254 others
yourinstagram when you want to go on a walk with your boyfriend but paparazzi are around so you have to walk a mile behind
wouldn’t change it for the world tho
view all 32 comments
yourbestie rockstar girlfriend diaries
jefezoff đŸ„ș
harrystyles I love you, thanks for being patient
↳ yourinstagram i love you <3
gemmastyles girlfriend of the year
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 7,937 others
theharrytea Anne and YN, Harry’s rumored girlfriend hugging tonight 😳
view all 968 comments
harryfan1 OH?
harryfan2 isn’t that gemma?
harryfan3 is getting real
harryfan4 MAN
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liked by sza, yourinstagram and 3,139,758 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. London IV. June, 2023.
view all 42,735 comments
paulithepsm đŸŽ„đŸż
yourinstagram london boy 💕
↳ harryfan2 accept my follow request please
lloyddddddddddddd 💃
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 49,982 others
view all 8,027 comments
harryfan1 OH
harryfan2 yeah i don’t like this at all she can go
harryfan3 YIKESSSSSS i hope she goes away soon
harryfan4 omfg this comment section
harryfan5 WH*REEEEE
bradgouldtraining Disappointed to see media outlets invite someone else’s private lives for clicks, but more disappointed to see this vile comments.
↳ harryfan1 wtf brad???
↳ harryfan4 y’all are going to hell
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gifs by @sue <;33
liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 9,726 others
some fans say that he was reacting to a sign, while others who were close by yn and brad in the pit claim that he was actually interacting with her, since they saw her mouthing stuff to him.
view all 1,002 comments
harryfan1 harry is unhinged that’s all i’ll say
harryfan2 im crumbling over here
harryfan3 looks like she asked him to make out or something 😭
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liked by jenniferaniston, yourinstagram and 1,661,405 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Cardiff I. June, 2023.
view all 45,556 comments
harryfan1 LOVIEEE
musicariza 🐉🐉🐉
harryfan2 come online and address the rumors
yourinstagram đŸ•ș ily
↳ harryfan2 OH
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liked by gemmastyles, harrystyles and 235 others
yourinstagram another day, another country, another love on tour fit 💕
view all 44 comments
yourmom My pretty girl ❀
bradgouldtraining The queen đŸ•ș
jefezoff Slay bestie.
yourinstagram i love my fans
harrystyles Gorgeous x
↳ yourinstagram like i said, my fans đŸ„°
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 10,827 others
harryupdates “NO! No more trying to shoot your shot with me! I’m taken! I’m taken! My girlfriend is here and this is a family show” Harry confirming he’s in a relationship on stage tonight 😳
view all 2,927 comments
harryfan1 WTFFFFF
harryfan3 man he’s insane
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liked by pillowpersonpp, harrystyles and 298 others
yourinstagram my honest reaction to harry hard launching us tonight lol
view all 49 comments
annetwist đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚â€ïž
paulithepsm I mean it was about damn time
↳ harry__lambert Word
harrystyles I love you. That’s all x
↳ yourinstagram ily more sappy boy
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liked by jefezoff, yourinstagram and 2,248,754 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. DĂŒsseldorf II. June, 2023.
view all 41,664 others
harryfan1 BABYYYY
paulithepsm 💙
harryfan2 that’s boyfriendrry i can’t
yourinstagram best show đŸ€
↳ harryfan3 i’m so jealous of you right now
iheartradio i am in fact harry’s girlfriend
taglist: @lightsoutstyles @waitingroomharry y @willowpains @straightontilmornin @sleutherclaw @gimsaysay @hazzassmirk @platinumbarbie143 @musicforcinemas @celesteblack08 @scntfrhs @eleanordaisy @lomlolivia @iceebabies @iloveshawn @be-with-me-so-happily
tell me if you want to be added <3
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daisyblog · 2 months
Big Brother, Little Sister
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Our Story Masterlist Summary: YN, Harry and Grace find out Baby Burton is going to be a girl.
Based on this request.
“I think boy”. Harry spoke as he continue to prepare his and YN’s breakfast. Moving around the kitchen like routine.
“You’re wrong, they’re having a girl!”. YN politely argued back as Grace was asleep next to her in her bouncer.
The pair went back and forth for a while, determined that they were correct. A smirk appeared on YN’s face, one that made Harry panic inside because that particular smirk meant she was up to something.
“Wanna make a bet?”. YN was confident in her feeling that Lottie was having a baby girl, but the look on Harry’s face suggested that when he didn’t answer straight away that he wasn’t. “Not so confident now are ya bubs?”.
Knowing he wouldn’t hear the end of it if he said not to the bet, he gave in. “Fine
let’s make a bet, Mrs Sassy!”.
YN’s smirk only got bigger as she looked at her husband with mischief. “Okay
if I’m right and they’re having a girl”. YN thought carefully at what Harry would have to do if he was wrong. “You have to post on instagram!”.
To some the bet would seem easy, they would say that Harry had the better option. But Harry hardly used social media, especially for personal use. His instagram was very professional these days and was only used for work purposes, and before posting anything he would think about it carefully.
Harry stared back at his wife with a ‘really?’ look. When YN nodded to show she was serious about the bet, he knew he had to take the chance. “Fine
but I get to chose what I post!”.
“Sounds like you think I’m right
shall we just end the bet here?”. YN couldn’t help but laugh as she continued to wind her husband up.
“Oh no
I have a bet for you too my love!”. YN wasn’t overly concerned about it, she was for the challenge but the minute Harry mentioned two words, one and direction, she began to pray that she was right. “If they’re having a boy
you have to stop asking when One Direction are getting back together!”.
YN was going to find that difficult to do, she asked multiple times a week. But not wanting to show her weak side now, she gave Harry a big grin. “Bets on Styles!”.
YN paced for what felt like hours as she waited for her phone to ping with a message from Lottie. Today was the day they found out if their were having another niece or nephew.
Although Lottie and Lewis wanted to share their gender reveal with both their families at the same time, with everyone living in different areas or having other commitments, they decided they would share the moment with a small video.
The sound of YN’s phone pinging, caught both their attention. She quickly swiped and tapped the screen before clicking play on the video.
The cream cake with ‘baby’ written across it could be seen as a slice was being cut out, and the minute pink icing came into view, YN jumped from her seat.
“IT’S A GIRL!”. She bounced around the room, a large grin on her face, showing off her pearly white teeth. “We’re having a niece
it’s a girl
Grace you’re gonna have a little girl cousin”.
YN jumped into Harry’s arms as he held her tight, sharing the excitement of another little one joining their growing family. Agreeing they needed to FaceTime Lottie immediately to share their excitement, YN had one question for Harry.
“Do you need help using Instagram?”.
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liked by annetwist, ynstyles and 5,723.091 others
harrystyles Wife. Daughter. My World. View all 9,621 comments
annetwist What a beautiful wife and daughter you have💕
lottietomlinson ❀
louist91 Did YN post this?đŸ€” ⌞louisfan9 😂😂 ⌞ynstyles No you cheeky shit! My husband loves međŸ’đŸŒâ€â™€ïž ⌞ynrryfan3 I miss tour days when we would get constant yn and louis updates 😱
niallhoran Oh Styles you big sap
gemmastyles Sister-in-Law. Niece. My Favourites. ⌞harryfan6 Not Gemma taking the piss out of Harry’s caption😂😂😂
harryfan7 Harry’s first of the year and it’s of yn and graceđŸ„čđŸ„čđŸ„č
jonnyharvey93 Cute photo mate! Can’t wait to see you all soon!!
Tag List:
@pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @harrys-flower @platinumbarbie143 @frickin-bats@harrysbbyh0ney @chronicallybubbly @goldensunflowe-r  @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite@kaverichauhan @peterholland04 @panicattheuc @or-was-it-just-a-dream @hittiesontour@bunnyharold @fanfictioncafe @lilfreakjez @iamahallucinationnn @theekyliepage @indierockgirrl@buckybarnessimpp @ashleighsss @jerseygirlinca @fake-coolbeans @itsmytimetoodream@treehouse-mouse @mrs-anna-styles211994 @macy-tpwk
160 notes · View notes
eltoshaw · 6 months
holidays with you- A. frederick (atv)
a/n or a holiday soft launch with arthur tv through the lens of a fan
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liked by arthurtv, faithlouisak, gkbarry and 3,000 others
italy archives with you 💕
gkbarry looks gorge 😍😍 happy for you too babe xx â†Șyourusername thank you darling it was most amazing time 😍😍
faithlouisak omg! i need the place of where you stayed and those espresso martinis omg 😍😍 â†Șyourusername i’ll dm you hun. it wasn’t too pricey tbh
fan1 since when did y/n have a bf? happy for her though she seems so happy now than when y/e/n gave her that shit. â†Șfan2 i think she’s literally starting to soft launch. so happy for her though too 😍😍
arthur tv
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liked by yourusername, arthurfnhill, georgeclarkeey and 30,000 others pov: I went to italy and only got these three pics
fan3 shut up. â†Ș fan4 ??? â†Șfan3 y/n was in italy too and was posting with a man that suspiciously looked like arthur!
arthurfnhill any excuse for you to take your top off for a photo â†Șarthurtv any excuse for you to pretend to be harry styles for a photo
georgeclarkeey looking gorgeous as always arthur 😍 â†Șarthurtv yeah looking gorgeous for your mum
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liked by gkbarry, arthurtv, max_balegde and 3,000 others
well that podcast launch went well, thank you everyone for the support and showing your faces đŸ€Ł. p.s. last photo is how i ended up last night.
gkbarry so proud of you babe, have to get together sometime soon. â†Șyourusername yeah defo!! lemme know when and I'll sort something for us!!
faithlouisak thank you for letting me stopping being a mum for one night. And big big congrats to you honey đŸ„ł â†Șyourusername thank you honey and your defo welcome hope you had a great time!!
fan1 since when did y/n have a podcast â†Șfan2 since last week when she announced it. its easy to miss, honestly i missed gemma style's baby announcement đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł
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liked by georgeclarkeey, yourusername, chrismd10 and 30,000 others
lastnight was great thank you @yourusername for inviting me to your podcast launch
yourusername happy to!! did you enjoy yourself? â†Ș arthurtv was a great night! did you? â†Ș yourusername I think you can tell by the photos i took last night đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł
georgeclarkeey cant believe we turned up wearing the same outfit. â†Șarthurtv we didn't I just had to just change because my girlfriend spilt rose on mine when we arrived 😒 â†Șyourusername whoops! sorry! â†Șfan3 WHAT? â†Șyourusername whoops. Again
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liked by gkbarry, faithlouisak arthurtv and 3,000 others
cats out the bag, i am indeed dating arthur tv. this wasnt meant to happen until next weeks podcast. puts a whole new meaning to dumb blonde, sorry honey xoxoxox
arthurtv its okay darling, you're not a dumb blonde love you xx â†Ș yourusername i am though, love you too xx
faithlouisak the amount of times I was trying to get peoples cameras to dodge you two and you just let it slip on his comments. fucking hilarious. happy for you two though 💓💓 â†Șyourusername i know. im so sorry. it was a genuine accident, i don't know.
gkbarry oh ffs, hahaha the amount of times youve almost slipped that your dating arthur then it actually happened. hilarious. love you babe and happy for you 💓💓 â†Șyourusername cant let it slip now. hahaha but yeah love you too babe xx
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liked by yourusername, georgeclarkeey, chrismd10 and 30,000 others
riiiight so the beautiful @yourusername outed herself as my girlfriend so i guess this is me hard launching?? it was meant to be done on the first ep of her podcast on monday but immensely proud of you darling xx
yourusername thank you honey xoxoxo love youuuu â†ȘArthurtv anytime darling xx love you too xx
georgeclarkeey who’s this and what are they doing with my boyfriend. â†Șyourusername george. you know full well that arthur’s MY boyfriend and stop trying to steal him from me. â†Șarthurtv you can both share me. i have enough love to go around. but george please stop calling me your boyfriend.
330 notes · View notes
ominousmotion · 6 months
For the Fandome you are not in ask game^^
Fandome: Little Mix
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Question: What are their names and which two are my favorites? 😆
Thank you Gemma 💕
Okay so from left to right we have jillian sabrina megan and Adelaide and i think i like jill and sabrina the best
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kdogreads · 1 year
The Last to Know
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Chibs Telford x f!reader
Part 2 of Very Soon, a continuation of the Chibs x reader origin story💕
Warnings: S M U T minors buzz off, marijuana use, mentions of alcohol, choking, slight dom/sub (but only a little), size kink, praise kink
Check out my masterlist for more Chibby content and follow #kdogreads to keep up with my self-indulgence 😉
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It had been a few months since you first kissed Filip Telford and your life had flipped itself upside down in that time. Not in a bad way, necessarily, but in a way that changed the way you spent every moment of your time.
Your life started dividing itself as before Chibs and after Chibs, like the damn second coming of Christ. After a 12-hour shift on your feet at St. Thomas, before Chibs, you’d go home and crash, sometimes not even making it your bed and sleeping on the couch for the night. After Chibs, though, you’d head straight over to the clubhouse, a change of clothes already there waiting for you, and a wave of energy somehow surging through your veins at the anticipation of seeing your man.
Tonight was one of those nights, fresh off an 11a to 11p shift and straight to the clubhouse. As you pulled into TM the sounds of a raging party filled your ears and you could see groups people standing around smoking, drinking, and dancing.
You made your way into the sea of leather, smiling and nodding at those who recognized you. It was Tig who greeted you first.
“Hey, sweetheart. How you doin’?” He gave you a warm embrace and a kiss on the cheek, his breath smelled of cheap whiskey and weed, but it brought a smile to your face.
“Ready to party, Tiggy,” You wiggled your eyebrows at him, and he laughed his signature goofy laugh before pointing back towards the dorms where Chibs must have been waiting for you. You leaned in to peck him back on the cheek before heading that way.
Making your way to the dorm you’d spent many nights in, you passed Clay, Piney, Bobby, Gemma and several of the other guys who gave you smiles and wolf whistles. You did a silly little spin for them and were met with cheers and encouragements to “Give it to him!” Laughs echoed through the room as you rounded the corner to find your man.
Turning the knob and entering the dimly lit room, your eyes stumbled onto Filip seated at the small desk inside rolling a joint.
“Party’s out there, handsome,” You walked over and wrapped your arms around his shoulders.
“Aye, but I’ve been waitin’ for my date ‘fore I make an appearance,” He joked and kissed your hands.
“I’m sorry, baby, last minute code kept me over,” You plead with a fake pout on your face.
“Ah, lass, I couldna be mad at you if I tried,” He turned in your arms to give you a long, sweet kiss.
You hummed in response, your lips melting happily into his for a long moment before pulling away to change out of your work clothes. Filip turned back to continue rolling a second joint, lighting one up after admiring his work.
It was only once you’d stripped down to just your bra and panties that Filip stood up and stepped towards you, bringing the burning joint to your lips. You took a long drag and felt only a slight sting. Filip always brought the good stuff out for you.
He took one step further into your space, reaching over your shoulder to stub the joint out on the dresser behind you and letting his rough hands glide down your bare skin. You shivered as he gripped one of your hips tightly and drew absent-minded circles on your lower back with the other. His lips danced from a sweet kiss on your forehead, your nose, your cheek before landing on your neck. God, the things he could do to you with such little effort.
“Baby,” You whine as best as you can, trying not to get lost in his kisses, “I’m sweaty and gross. Let me shower.”
Your words did little to slow him down as his free hand worked it’s way over the curve of your ass and squeezed hard. His thick fingers close enough to your aching heat to make a gasp escape your lips.
You tried whining his name this time, still feeling self-conscious about your post-work condition.
“I,” kiss, “dinna,” kiss, “care,” kiss, “lass,” kiss.
The way he punctuated each word with a wet, sloppy kiss to your neck and chest pushed every ounce of embarrassment out of your mind. You couldn’t help but stare at his beautiful lips as he made his way down your body, pausing only once he landed at the very top hem of your panties. He looked up at you once more for permission. You nodded and gripped his shoulder to keep from tumbling over as he jerked the lacy fabric down your legs all the way to your feet.
Filip couldn’t hold himself back once he was face-to-face with your glistening folds. A groan tumbled out of his chest as he threw one of your legs over his shoulder and nearly dove into you. Your back hit the dresser behind you with a thud and knocked a few things down onto the ground with a crash.
Neither of you could have been pulled out of this desire-fueled trance for anything. Anything.
Filip’s skilled tongue worked it’s way through your folds and over your pulsing clit. You cried out when he flicked his hot tongue over the bundle of nerves just right and sent your thighs squeezing together.
With a grunt he yanked them apart again and slapped one thigh sharply. A warning not to do that again.
You felt the familiar pressure building deep in your belly right as Filip slid a thick finger into your weeping hole, curling it just the way you needed. It was only a few more flicks of his tongue until you fell apart. A broken string of curse words falling from your lips as the white hotness of the intense orgasm washed over you. He worked you through your high — not stopping until you a trembling mess, panting and clawing at his hair to drag his face back up to yours.
He stood up, holding tightly onto your reeling body, and met your gaze. A devilish smirk spread across his glistening lips as he reached down to grab your shaking thighs and pick you up.
Your eyes fell shut as he laid you gently onto the dark cotton sheets of his bed. You felt him pull back swiftly to pull his shirt over his head and step out of his straining jeans.
“My poor girl,” He cooed in that quiet tone you’d come to love, “Fucked dumb already, hm?”
Your eyes snapped open at his teasing and you were met with a dark look of lust in his eyes. It only spurred you on and sent a new wave of heat straight down to your core.
“Not even close, Telford,” You spat back, quickly sliding a hand between you and grasping his hard cock in a firm hold.
“Aye, ah,” You began stroking him though his boxers, a grunt escaping his lips as he tried to keep his composure, “I see not, lass.”
He leaned in close to kiss you and you took your shot, yanking Filip’s body down beside you, allowing you the room to climb on top of him and straddle his aching cock.
An amused grin spread across his face as you leaned in to leave wet kisses on his neck and chest, lewd noises spilling from his lips all the while. You slowly made your way down his body, kisses turning into love bites here and there.
He lifted his hips slightly to begin to tug his boxers off when an idea popped into your head and out of your mouth before you had the chance to second guess it.
One of your hands gripped his wrist while the other wrapped around Filip’s throat, your slender fingers doing their best to squeeze even a little bit.
“I’ll see to that, love,” You purred into his ear, an excited mumble tumbling out of his mouth. He grinned at you a moment longer, this new side of you driving him wild.
You used all your effort to give his wrist and his neck an extra squeeze, showing him you meant business.
“Yes ma’am,” He growls, his free hand coming up in surrender. You loosened your grip on him and sat up straight, his hard cock pressing deliciously into your aching core.
You reached around your back to unhook your black lacy bra and slide it off, Filip’s mouth opening at the sight your taut nipples. He reached up to take of your mesmerizing peaks into his grasp, but you smacked his hand away, not yet done with your little game.
A sharp, “uh-uh” came from your lips and Filip groaned in frustration, but slides his hands away like you said.
Using your teeth for the first few inches, you peeled his black boxers down his thighs, slowly at first. His throbbing cock sprung free, the swollen tip already leaking an inviting drop of precum. The sight made your mouth water and you decided to stop the teasing.
You yanked them the rest of the way down and discarded them on the floor with your clothes. You wasted no time licking a long stripe down Filip’s cock then taking his head between your lips.
A deep grown rumbled out of his chest as you wrapped your lips around him and took as much as you could into your mouth, your hand making up for what your throat couldn’t reach.
Before long, Filip tangled his fingers into your hair and guided your movements, his willpower no longer strong enough to keep his hands off you. Your head bobbed up and down at a leisurely pace, Filip’s cock gagging you when he pushed your head all the way down. He relaxed his grip and you released his head with a pop before licking your lips and smiling up at him.
He furrowed his brow slightly before his hand swung from your hair down to your neck, pulling you up by the throat to his face.
You whined as he took your lips in his, sucking your bottom lip out in your favorite way. You felt his swollen tip swirling around your dripping hole.
“You had your fun, kitten,” He growled into your lips, his head sliding into your center, “Now I’ll have mine.”
You gasped as he sank all the way into your tight hole, he held you there a moment before he pulled back out and slammed into you again.
Your mind spun as he plowed into you over and over, one hand on your hip lifting your tired body up, the other sliding down from your throat and straight to a hard nipple that he rolled between his fingers.
The familiar pressure built deep in your tummy as Filip held your hips firmly against his and worked your core forwards and back. The friction against your clit and the way his cock felt nudging against the deepest parts of your velvety walls drew your release closer and closer.
“So, fuck, so fuckin’ big, Filip,” You panted nonsensically, a mind-fogging pleasure taking over your senses, “Please—please, baby, don’t stop, ah!”
A slew of groans that sounded almost pained spilled from Filip’s mouth as your release flooded through your veins. You fell into his strong arms as he kept pounding into you, your core fluttering around his throbbing cock. Your eyes practically rolled into the back of your head as Filip growled into your ear, prolonging your rolling pleasure.
“Tha’s it, pretty girl. Cummin’ all over my cock like a filthy whore,” His accent grew even stronger as he tried desperately to hold back his own release, still rutting his hips into yours as pleasant aftershocks coursed through your body, “My good lass, takin’ what I give ye.”
You had barely a moment to recover before Filip was flipping you over and throwing one your legs over his shoulder, sliding his aching cock back into your dripping hole.
Not yet satisfied, even with your blissed-out face contorting in over-sensitive and mind-numbing pleasure, Filip reached down to the place where your bodies connected and brushed this thumb roughly against your clit.
A sharp hiss escaped your parted lips, “F-Filip I ca-n’t, s’too much.”
“Shh, lass, jus’ one more,” He continued the bruising pace of his cock sliding in and out of you, fingers circling quickly over your throbbing clit, “Let me fuckin’ feel you one more time.”
It hit you like a fucking train out of nowhere, a muffled scream fell from your lips as the all-consuming pleasure invaded your senses. Your thighs shook against Filip’s hips as your fingers clawed at his broad chest, desperate for something to ground you.
Filip’s head fell back, his lips parted as his own release rushed through his body. Hot ropes of his cum flooded your pulsing walls as he slurred out a string of curses and praises.
“Fuckin’ love this tight fucking pussy; my good lass, fuck-fuckin’ gorgeous when ye cum on m’cock like tha’.”
Your eyes met as you both started coming down from the high. You reached for Filip’s face and pulled him down to kiss you, hissing into his mouth as he pulled out of you slowly and placed two fingers on your tired pussy, anxiously wanting to feel his seed weeping out of you.
You gasped at the contact and bucked your hips into his thick fingers. He huffed a laugh onto your connected lips and withdrew his wet fingers from you, bringing them up to your lips and pressing softly into your mouth.
Both of you laughed lowly as he rolled off of you and pulled you into his still-pounding chest. He kissed your forehead as you snuggled into his embrace.
“We’re awfully good at tha’, huh lass?” A soft laugh rumbling from his chest.
You laughed sweetly as looked up at him, “Yeah, yes we are.”
It was a brief moment of peace, wrapped up in each other’s arms and post-sex bliss before a pounding fist at the door interrupted your rest.
“Chibby! Dove! Wrap it up. Need ya’s out here,” A booming voice followed the knock. You couldn’t make out who it was but, based on the angry Gaelic phrase Filip spat back, he must have known right away.
“Boys got into it, bleedin’ all about the place,” The voice boomed back and Filip let out a groan.
The knock returned briefly before Filip was shouting back, “Christ, two minutes for me to put my cock away!”
You let out a chuckle as the the floor squeaked outside, granting you the moment you needed to put yourselves back together.
“Always something, hm?” You quipped as Filip stood and gathered his clothes before tossing you some shorts and one of his t-shirts.
“Aye, always somethin’ to shite on our day,” He groaned and brushed his fingers through his hair.
You took a moment to stretch while Filip already had his hand on the door knob, ready to handle whatever was awaiting him outside. Before he could open it, a thought popped into your mind.
“Filip?” You sat up a bit, “Am I your old lady?”
He laughed lovingly before stepping back over to your side.
“Seems yer the last to know, love,” He smiled and placed a tender kiss to your lips before turning back towards the door and heading out into the madness.
Oh boy, you are in trouble.
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dreamyyesenia · 1 day
Always Keep Simming - Some Much Needed Family Bonding Time!
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The last days of the Blackburn‘s vacation were wonderful. They focused on enjoying each other’s company and the beautiful surroundings and, most importantly, relax and be in the moment.
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Evangeline (Aileen‘s mother) with Gemma and Gavin 💕
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All in all, it had been a good vacation- especially for the kids and Aileen‘s grandfather. Hopefully the watcher would find a way to move him to Willow Creek soon. Messy and mischievous Gemma and her partner in crime Gavin - being with them made him feel needed and loved as they adored and respected him. All would be well again. đŸ©·
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daezedglownut · 1 year
I really love how the game starts out with you saving Gemma, and you think “ok, they’re obviously pulling the ‘childhood friend to lovers card’ here” except you finally leave your hometown, meet a twink in prison, see the world, and if you CHOOSE to, you can “marry” him, and end up closing the game with you saving him in the same way IN THE SAME PLACE.
Only this time the scene has bedroom eyes.
Idk, I just love how the game lets you play the Luminary 100% straight if you want, OR as “the only gay in the village” who only really seemed to emote and smile when he was taking part in a pride parade, and got a less than traditional happy ending - and it’s played completely straight! (Pardon the pun
Don’t even get me started on Sylv’s Act 2 adventure, and how it subverts the “those evil gays are recruiting our innocent kids” trope, and instead tells this beautiful story of queer community and how, with the right support, all these closeted guys felt safe enough to Be Themselves and start their new life - despite their age (Tetsu đŸ„ș💕)
And again, none of this is played off as a joke.
I truly love this game like no other.
355 notes · View notes
scarlettshazam · 6 months
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It’s OFFICIAL! My book This Dissonant Princess is out as of today, 4/4/24 — which happens to be the main character’s birthday đŸ”„
This Dissonant Princess is a book that follows a messy, passionate girl named Gemma through a mental heath journey, queer unity across generations, redemption, and a love story. It’s for every person who has been told they’re “too much.”
Learn more about the This Dissonant Princess characters here 💕
Bonus picture of my dog Frumpkin “helping”
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goldsainz · 2 years
POPSTAR!Y/N — series.
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pairing: harry styles x reader
NOTE: this is to celebrate 1k followers!!! thank you guys so much, it is actually insane that so many people follow me and like my content, so i'm very grateful. harry is back, and with a trope/series i have not planned out but i feel will develop beautifully!! also i added “‘s finsta” to celebrities bc i was too lazy to search if they had them or not
 i too wanna thank @harrysfolklore for all of her help while i made this!! happy reading đŸ€
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liked by harrystyles, livkatecooke and 13,104,826 others
yourusername i can love me better.
view all 196,572 comments
devonleecarlson hugeeee slay
ynfan2 miss y/n stop giving me heart attacks pls
user1 when’s she gonna let liam go omg
ynfan3 new album alert!!!
gemmastyles I’m obsessed already
↳ harryfan1 gemma what are you doing here?????
ynfan4 this new era is gonna slay
billieeilish 👏mother👏
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liked by ynfan21, ynfan22 and 31,928 others
alistupdates Y/N Y/L/N was seen arriving at a restaurant in NYC! We don’t know for sure who she was meeting, but word has it Harry Styles was also there!
view all 479 comments
harryfan21 what would harry be doing there tho?
↳ ynfan23 maybe going on a date w her
↳ harryfan22 as if harry would go out with someone like her
user21 This John Galiano look on her đŸ”„
ynfan24 MOMMY!!!!
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liked by harryfan31, ynfan31 and 187,254 others
ynupdates y/n’s reaction when asked about harry styles!
view all 2,809 comments
harryfan32 “harry’s
 um, i haven’t had the chance to meet him properly
↳ user31 girly was struggling hard to deflect the question
ynfan32 her face was priceless
ynfan33 best bit was when she mentioned her manager to stop herself from revealing anything
↳ ynfan34 How so?
↳ ynfan33 jimmy asked if the rumours of harry being on her upcoming album were true and her eyes slightly widened and then went “i guess you’ll just have to wait and see, i mean
 i see my manager glaring at me, i hear you loud and clear, sharon!”
user32 ugh get her away from harry now
harryfan33 they’d be a better couple than him and olive for sure..
↳ harryfan34 anything is better than that
liked by florencepugh, selenagomez and 11,897,032 others
yourusername i’m very excited to announce that my latest single ‘Flowers’ will be out this week! this song is for anyone who was heartbroken over a relationship but knows they are worth much more than that relationship. love yourself because no one will do so better!
view all 178,455 comments
ynfan41 already a bop!!!!!
harrystyles đŸŒșđŸŒžđŸŒŒ
↳ harryfan42 the flowers😭😭😭 i love him sm
sabrinacarpenter so mother of you
↳ sabrinafan41 i just know her management team is sighing
ynfan43 the queen is back bitches
user41 i can feel myself relating alr
dualipa this song is pure beautyyy ✹
↳ yourusername you’re pure beauty!!! đŸŒŒ
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liked by bellahadidsfinsta, harrysfinsta and 147 others
yourfinsta me and my (alleged) bf out in the wildđŸ”„
view all 7 comments
harrysfinsta Looking good! 😊
↳ yourfinsta can’t tell if you’re being narcissistic or complimenting me
↳ harrysfinsta Always compliment! ❀❀
victoriapedrettisfinsta You guys are so cute it sickens me
bellahadidsfinsta MY BABIES!! 💕
↳ devonsfinsta ours***
↳ yourinstagram i love you both sm💋
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liked by ynfan61, ynfan62 and 76,430 others
ynfanclub guys someone sent this account which is supposedly y/n! it has a childhood pic as the pfp which we could not find ANYWHERE!! there are no apparent celebs who follow it, so it could be fake
 what do you guys think???
view all 1,146 comments
user61 if it is her, respect her privacy. there’s a reason she made a finsta
ynfan63 i don’t think it’s her tbh
↳ ynfan64 same here!
↳ user62 not the first time someone faked being her

ynfan65 i’d be so annoyed if i had a finsta and someone exposed it, just saying
user63 if it has that many followers, im betting it’s her
ynfan66 i requested too!!!!
↳ ynfan67 as if she would accept😭😭
734 notes · View notes
1d1195 · 4 months
Ding - Round 6
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Read Ding here | ~6.3k words
Warnings: some smut 18+ only, oral, fingering, cockwarming if you squint; angst, car accident, trauma dumping, sucky parental figure. Please read with caution. You might also see one of my cliffhangers.
From me: I feel like the beginning is messy to read--almost like it's out of nowhere? But it's pretty intentional, tbh. I hope it doesn't detract from the story. Hope you like it 💕
Summary: Cupcake and Harry are busy. Harry has his big fight. Cupcake was right about throwing her life out of balance by adding in a boyfriend. They miss each other. They don't know how to deal with that either. At least not while they're apart.
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It was not Harry’s fault. Even though he thought it was.
But to be fair, it wasn’t her fault either. Even if she felt it was.
Harry grew into adulthood knowing he was stubborn. Everyone in his life told him so. It was obvious. He didn’t get to be an undefeated champion without grit. His entire gym was named as a near synonym of the word. But she continued to surprise him, and it was clear that he had very much met his match—she was competing for his crown of stubbornness. If Harry wasn’t so mad about his current state, he might even acknowledge that she was winning.
At first everything was new and completely fine. He was enamored with her. Finally she was all his. He took her on a real date—several real, authentic dates. He danced around with her in the bakery kitchen. Brought her food for movie nights in her apartment. (He also licked her when the movie lost his attention, and she looked too good to be sitting there without his head between her legs.) He even brought her bouquets of flowers simply because it was Monday.
She stayed at his place, wrapped close to him. It was as if they had done it for years. When he woke up early for a run, she joined him, assuring him to go ahead and circle back for her since he ran way better and faster than she did. But he enjoyed the way she massaged his muscles in the shower most. (The way she wrapped her hand around his dick most of all.) She made him breakfast before they left for work and Harry thought if the bakery wasn’t to her liking she could open a breakfast place as a second choice.
She chatted with Sarah while he worked out and trained. Without any kind of asking, she helped clean equipment when he needed to focus more on training. She organized his desk in his office because it was a disaster and it stressed her out. Whenever she cleaned, she hummed and didn’t notice. It made Harry fall deeper in love with her. Every moment he was with her was magical.
Until she was exhausted.
He missed her. For the first time in his life, he had felt completely in love with someone. The way he wanted to be in love. He finally had that. They were inseparable. Nights spent cocooned under Harry’s covers. His finger tracing her features in the dark. “So pretty,” he murmured.
“You can’t even see me,” she whispered.
“S’how I know you’re so pretty. Can feel it.”
So not having that for two weeks was like trying to swim through cement.
She had what could only be called a complete meltdown. Frosting and cupcakes everywhere. She was overwhelmed—said yes to too many functions in a row and spread herself too thin. She was frustrated with Harry and his time training and just missed him.
But she didn’t say it.
Because Harry was frustrated too. He tried to help her, but she didn’t let him in. There was the whole not knowing her family—even though she had effectively wormed her way into Mum and Gemma’s heart. Though he wasn’t surprised in the slightest; honestly, he thought his niece liked her more than Harry and she had only met her twice.
So, when she exploded, for lack of a better word, it was magnificent. It was nothing he had ever seen before. The exhaustion in her eyes, the worry on her face, the tears that spilled down her cheeks. Harry was sick with worry and frustration just to hear her cry but was nearly impressed. The cupcakes overturned on the floor were nothing in comparison to the way she cried.
“Cupcake, you are overreact—”
“Do not finish that sentence,” she hissed at him. That was entirely on him. Gem had taught him better than to tell a woman she was overreacting.
“Lemme take something off your plate, kitten,” he tried instead. He was ignoring her frustrated tears even though he wanted to brush them away. “Tell me what’s going on,” he figured it had something to do with her dad because she kept checking her phone and she hadn’t mentioned going to see him in over a week. But her car was overdue for an oil change, and she didn’t want to drive it that far but hadn’t a moment to deal with it. She also complained about something regarding her eyebrows, but Harry didn’t fully understand it because quite honestly, he had never thought about her eyebrows.
But if it meant caring for herself, he wished he pushed further.
Their schedules hadn’t lined up in two weeks. No more than an hour or two alone. She saw him plenty while she chatted with Sarah at the gym while he trained or worked. He and Maeve had started a competition of who could sprinkle the most cupcakes in fifteen minutes (Harry was willing to admit defeat once in his life—he would never beat Maeve) even though she didn’t like that they were having fun when she was stressed.
They hadn’t practiced her self-defense moves in nearly a month.
So, it felt like her fault.
But what she hadn’t anticipated was Harry’s sour attitude reflecting right back at her. Harry didn’t take her frustration lying down. He snapped back at her which felt so heinous to do but he was grumpy.
But he was tired of arguing with her. Tired of feeling frustrated, begging her to let him in when it was obvious she didn’t want to. So, for the first time in his life, he stopped fighting.
It pained him to no end. He could see in her eyes that she was exhausted. It hurt him so badly. Each time he said, “Whatever, Cupcake,” he felt like the worst boyfriend in the world for not taking her frustration away. But she wouldn’t let him in. She wouldn’t let him take away her frustration. It was like she wanted to argue with him. It was entirely unfair, but she was mad about his indifference. It didn’t make any sense for her to be mad when she had just as much blame to take for his sour mood.
“Why don’t you just go home?” She suggested. Bitterness coated every word.
“Yeah?” Harry looked up at her from his phone, his eyes narrowed. She could see his muscles tense like they were in the ring, and she was aiming for his head. “Jus’ leave?” He repeated.
“Obviously you don’t want to be here,” she muttered.
He slid back from the table, the chair scraping against the floor with a screech that made her teeth hurt. “No, cupcake,” he shook his head and made his way for the door. She hated itwhen he said the sweet name like that. She knew it wasn’t her nickname when he said it. It wasn’t filled with the love he liked. It was sarcastic. Mean. It hurt her more than an actual punch would have, she was sure. “You don’t want me here,” his voice was low. She closed her eyes, trying to keep as calm as possible. It was hard because she was anything but calm. But she said nothing. “You don’t want me in your life,” he snapped finally letting all the emotion out that had been building over the last week. “You keep things from me. You build up walls that I can’t break down. Every time I get to the top y’add another layer of bricks.”
She stayed silent.
“Go on, cupcake. Say m’wrong,” he challenged. “Say y’let me in.”
But both knew she couldn’t say it.
It was eerily quiet in the kitchen. The pinch of Harry’s brow made her sad. She wanted to smooth it out with a kiss. “Tell me to stay,” he whispered quietly.
But she couldn’t say that either.
“Yeah,” he sighed and turned. “S’what I thought.”
Maeve wondered if her best friend was going to have a heart attack a lot during her time at A Pinch of Sprinkles. The opening in town nearly sent her to the ER. She was running on fumes at the time. Christmas always made her anxious. Anytime they were chosen for a wedding also had Maeve worrying about her medical history. But in comparison, those were nothing. If Maeve had known what not talking to Harry would do to her, she would have told her that Christmas was a tropical vacation.
Harry stopped coming to see her.
“Did...” she swallowed, nervous to infuriate her best friend further but out of care for her, she had to know. “Is... Harry still...”
She glared at the cupcakes she was frosting, squeezing the icing bag a little too tightly. “I don’t know,” she grumbled. She hadn’t gotten a text from him nor seen him in a week after she told him to leave.
Maeve’s heart cracked. “Babe,” Maeve murmured softly.  “He... he adores you... what happened?”
She shook her head unwilling to go over it again. The nights were filled with tear-soaked pillowcases, and she was exhausted from stress and crying. “I just can’t be in a relationship. It’s too much.”
Of course.
Maeve was sick of her best friend’s loneliness. “That is bullshit,” Maeve rolled her eyes. “Did you push him away?”
“Maeve, shut the fuck—”
“Oh, good luck pushing me away, babe. No,” she shook her head and grabbed the bag of frosting from her hands and threw it at the sink to gain her attention.
“I was wor—”
Maeve ignored her words and continued on with her own. “I might not be a boxer, but I can take a punch or two all the same. You pushed him away. Now you’re sulking. You’ve been punishing yourself for so long because you think you don’t deserve to be happy. Harry did nothing but love you and try to help you and you wouldn’t let him—”
“I am going to fire you,” she muttered bitterly. Harry never said he loved her anyway. How could he love her after all that? How could he love her if he didn’t even know the truth?
Maeve continued anyway, immune to her threat because she knew that wasn’t true at all. “You deserve to be happy, and Harry made you happy. That scares you,” she finished.
Angry tears filled her eyes and she ground her teeth together.
“You’re not going to say anything?”
Maeve was her best friend and knew more about her and her family than anyone. “I don’t get happy things.”
“But you do. You have me, number one,” she snorted, fortunately. The tension eased just the slightest bit. “You have this bakery. And more importantly, you have a guy that is so crazy about you, he has been calling me every night to make sure you’re home safe and sound.” Her heart fluttered. She didn’t know that.
“Every time I love someone, they go away,” she whispered.
Maeve felt nothing but sympathy for her sweet friend. “You have to give Harry a chance. You have to tell him why you’re doing this. I have a good feeling about him,” Maeve reminded her. For the first time in a week, she felt her body untense.
“He calls you?” She asked.
“Every night.”
She bit the inside of her lip. “That’s nice,” she whispered.
Maeve nodded. “Really nice,” she agreed. “Plus, he’s like super hot. Did you even sleep with him yet?” She blushed at her words and reached for a new frosting bag out of the fridge. “You bitch! You didn’t tell me?!” Maeve screeched. She smacked her arm repeatedly. “Tell me everything! When did you do it? Where did you do it? Harry must have a massive dick, right? I feel like he’s—”
“Maeve,” she laughed. The first time in a week. It felt good to laugh. “I...”
“No, you have to spill. Something.”
Her cheeks were flaming. “I think I’m addicted to it,” she whispered.
“Thank. God.”
Harry refused to go back to the bakery for the rest of the week uninvited. His workout sessions were horrific. Louis yelled at him for missing his marks and he felt everything about his footwork was sloppy. The way she ignored him made him feel terrible. But naturally, he didn’t help either. He hadn’t texted her in over a week.
But it didn’t stop Harry from waking up to a call at eleven thirty at night.
“What?” He grumbled. He didn’t want to fight. He was tired of arguing with her and was tired of being frustrated. She would have to do the work if she was going to try and fix this when he needed sleep.
The sound of her shaky breath snapped his eyes open. “Can you come get me?” She croaked.
That did him in within seconds. The vulnerability in her voice. “Cupcake, s’matter?” He was awake instantly. It wasn’t sarcastic. It was her name. The one he used that made her feel adored. It was sweet and made her feel better almost as if he was already at the bakery. He quickly slid into trainers that he didn’t even untie; the back of the heel was smushed down and uncomfortable against his foot, but it didn’t matter. Her sniffling made him insane with worry. It was like the last few weeks hadn’t happened. “Kitten, talk to me,” he ordered. His heart racing and his fear taking over. He wasn’t sure he locked his door, and he was lucky he even remembered to grab his car keys before he descended the stairs to the parking lot.
“I’m alright,” she promised, tears filling most of her voice.
“Y’don’t sound alright.”
“I’m fine,” she repeated.
“Cupcake, I swear t’God,” he threw his car into drive before it was fully turned on.
“I just miss you. I’m sad and scared. Okay? I’m physically fine, but I’m a mess. I want you here,” her voice wobbled, and Harry felt like he was breaking. “Please,” she sniffled.
Harry felt crushing relief and he watched the needle on Clay’s speedometer lower from a felony charge to a healthy speeding ticket.  “M’five minutes away, kitten. Stay put.”
“Okay,” her voice was quiet, sad but Harry didn’t mind.
“You’re okay?” He repeated. She nodded. He couldn’t see that though. “Cupcake?”
“I’m okay,” she promised, it was punctuated by a sniffle.
His heart felt so broken feeling the anguish in her voice. “I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he whispered to the phone. “I wasn’t nice,” he mumbled.
“It’s hard,” she whispered. The remainder of his drive was silent. Just her sniffles and the hum of his tires on the road to accompany the small miles between them. Harry sprinted to her bakery door. She was there pacing the front and unlocked it as he approached. Harry dropped his phone right inside the entryway, the bell signaling his arrival, finally.
Within one second of crossing the threshold, she was in his arms. The door only clicked shut once he was around her. His face buried in her hair, his arms tightening around her like he was trying to keep her afloat in the middle of the ocean. “M’here,” he hummed. “M’here, Cupcake,” he promised. She squeezed her eyes shut, her heart finally slowing after so much anxiety had plagued her over the last couple of weeks.
“I’m sorry.”
“I know, baby, I know,” he assured her. “S’okay.”
“It’s so hard,” she repeated, herself from the phone call. Harry wished they were home. Even though it was late and private Harry wanted the comfort of her bed or his sofa to let her fall apart. The bakery was warm, but he wanted pillows for her head and blankets for her body to comfort her while she whispered secrets to him.
“I know, kitten. I know s’hard. But I... I adore you, Cupcake. Don’t y’know that? What do y’think all this is between us? I want t’meet your dad. He’s obviously a huge part of your life... and keeping secrets from me? S’not fair.”
“I know it’s not fair.”
“You know everything ‘bout me. S’like I don’t get t’know anything ‘bout you. Do y’think I’m suddenly not going to like you? I assure you that’s never going t’happen.”
“You don’t know that. You don’t know what I did.”
“What could you possibly have done? You’re made of sugar, Cupcake. You have to let me in. I told you everything. You know my family. You know my friends. You know why I bought Driven and why I have been fighting since I was ten years old. You have kept me out of everything. I don’t even know why you opened A Pinch of Sprinkles. I know you have a dad. You never talk about your mom. I don’t know about your childhood best friend or your favorite pet. There are these walls you keep up and I don’t know why, and I don’t know how to break them down.”
“You don’t eat cupcakes when you’re sad,” her jaw shakes as she pulls from him. The space between them feels worse than the last few weeks without her combined. It’s cold and lonely. More so than not speaking to her. More so than not sleeping beside her. His heart hurt instantly. But not as much as it hurt to watch her lower lip move almost independently of the rest of her face.
“Cupcake, what does that have t’do—”
But before he could finish his thought Harry could see it did have to do with what he just asked about. The way her eyes were shining with tears. It felt like someone clipped his vocal cords. All words escaped him, and he just stared at her as she continued. “You eat them at baby showers, weddings, and at birthday parties,” she listed. Harry stayed quiet. “You don’t eat them when your mom leaves when you’re six years old because it’s too much to be a mom,” her voice was so broken as she spoke. Harry felt her pain in the air. Like needles stabbing every inch of his exposed skin. It seemed impossible that someone wouldn’t want her. To willingly choose to leave her. Her mum no less. She was looking at her hands like they were going to give her the answer to a test she forgot to study for. “You don’t eat them at funerals or when you break your arm,” she continued. Harry wondered who had died and which arm she had broken and how. “You eat them when you get a good grade on your math test or on an anniversary.” Harry’s heart was breaking. He always wondered about the things she kept hidden in her personal life and she laid it out right there for him. In the one place that she probably loved more than anywhere else on earth. “You don’t eat them when you’re sick or sad. They’re for when you’re happy. You can’t be sad while eating sprinkles.”
It clicked effortlessly. Obviously. “A pinch of sprinkles,” he murmured softly. He crossed the space that separated them. Immediately, he cupped her cheeks in his hands, they felt cool compared to the warmth that emanated from her skin. Hot, frustrated tears started to spill over. He swiped at them with his thumbs below her eyes in tandem. He caught as many as he could but there was an overwhelming number of teardrops. It was impossible for him to keep them all from falling in rivers down her face.
She nodded. Her tears continued to spill over, rolling down her cheeks and sliding down his thumbs as he tried to stop them. “A pinch of sprinkles,” she repeated softly. She inhaled sharply. Turning against his hands holding her in place. A new wave of anguish crossed her face that Harry didn’t know could exist on someone’s face—especially not her perfect features. All the art museums he went to in university for his art history requirement made sense. The distortion of features on someone so beautiful was right before him. He understood. “You don’t eat cupcakes when your dad is in a car accident and becomes paralyzed from the neck down because you were too tired to drive even though you were the one that wanted to go to the drive-in and the only thing you can do is bring him to an entirely new town with a place to help him the way he deserves because it’s never going to be enough to thank him or repay him or—” the words were cut off by sobs that she could no longer control. Her heart was breaking right in front of him.
Harry knew how to fight. He knew how to stand with poise and grace that no one would expect a boxer to have. He knew how to throw punches that could knock a grown man out in one hit. The correct form to kick was ingrained in his mind from when he was ten years old.
Harry didn’t know how to begin to fight her sadness.
“Cupcake,” he whispered. She covered her mouth and the noise that came out of her body was so sad, so broken. Harry wondered how she could still be standing. Harry always thought he was pretty tough. That stubborn nature of his thought he was one of the toughest people in a room.
But he wasn’t. Not even close.
The pretty, sweet girl who was constantly covered in sugar and frosting—she was the strongest person he knew.
He couldn’t begin to imagine what she went through—how she still coped with it. It was a miracle she got in a car ever again. She was braver than he ever was or could be. “And he doesn’t hate me,” she whispered through her sobs. “My mom left him because of me. He is in a wheelchair and unable to live a normal life because of me.”
“Kitten,” he warned worried she would work herself up too much beyond his ability to help her. Harry was an idiot for making her feel this. He couldn’t leave well enough alone. If he only knew...
“Why doesn’t he just hate me?” She whimpered and Harry finally pulled her into his embrace. Her tears immediately soaked his shirt. She got snot all over him and Harry just kept her close to him he let her cry for longer than he ever wanted her to, but it felt good to hold her again. Regardless of the pain.
“How could anyone hate you, Cupcake?" he asked after a minute.
“I hate me,” she whispered. The question was rhetorical, but she responded anyway.
He kissed the top of her head. “If I had a kid like you... S’not anything I wouldn’t do for them. Your dad doesn’t regret that.”
“Of course he does,” she sniffled. “I couldn’t even take care of him.”
“It wasn’t your job, Cupcake.”
“But it was my faul—”
“Take me t’meet him,” he interrupted.
She blinked, confused. “What?”
“Take me to meet him. Y’go every week, yeah? Take me,” he asked. She felt so vulnerable. Her heart felt heavy.
“Meet him?” She whispered. Harry didn’t even comment that she repeated him again.
He nodded. “He saved your life for me, Cupcake. M’sure of it. S’least I could do t’meet him.”
Her heart felt something dangerously close to hope enveloping it. It was too good to be true. Her dream job, a cute apartment, a best friend, and the perfect guy. “You don’t hate me?”
He scoffed and buried his face in her neck. He missed her smell—vanilla and sugar (although he wasn’t sure that was truly her natural scent but merely from spending so much time in the kitchen). He missed her voice and the warmth he felt just holding her in his arms. “Christ, Kitten. Course not.”
“But I was so... awful. And I... I ruined his life. I'm cursed or something. I'll... I'll ruin your life too.”
"Sweetheart," he cooed. "Y'don't really believe that, do you?"
"I'm not a good luck charm, Harry."
"You are, Cupcake. You are the luckiest thing s'ever happened to me."
She looked at him miserably. "I've done nothing but made your life confusing and hell."
He pulled back a little so he could get a clearer look at her face. He smiled. The first genuine smile he felt in a week. “I can take a punch every now and again,” he promised. “Think Louis would say I could be knocked down a peg or two every once in a while,” he winked.
It wasn’t fixed. But she looked slightly less broken. She felt a little more whole. Harry’s smile did wonders for her.
The next day, Harry stood in the hall outside of the dining room. Other residents were in various activities, but her dad sat in his chair, slumped slightly, and he smiled at her entrance.
“Dad,” she said softly sitting across from him.
“Busy week you had it seems,” he smiled.
She blushed. “I know. I’m so sorry. I should have called. It was one thing after another—it’s no excuse I should have been here, and I was—”
“Honey,” he shook his head slightly, one of the few movements he retained from the crash. “You’re living a life. It’s okay.”
Her heart broke to see him in his chair. Unable to live the same kind of life.
“I... brought... something.”
“Something or someone?”
“How do you know?”
“I don’t see a cupcake box, so this must trouble,” he joked, smiling brightly.
“Harry is here. He wanted to meet you,” she explained.
“He wanted to? What about you?” He asked. She looked at him nervously. Her eyes said everything she didn’t say out loud. Her dad continued to smile. “Well, it’s about time, honey.”
She rolled her eyes and waved him over. Harry hurried, stepping right beside his wheelchair. Without hesitating, he grabbed her dad’s limp hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you sir,” he said shaking it firmly with both hands. When the handshake was through, Harry ever so gently placed his hand back on the arm rest of his chair.
Her dad smirked and winked at the sweet girl. “I’d offer you my seat, Harry, but I’m afraid I’m stuck in it.”
“Jesus Christ,” she covered her hand over her eyes.
Harry chuckled, taking the seat on the side of the table between them. “No problem, sir,” he assured him, taking the joke in stride. Adoration for them both squeezed around her heart. “Cupcake, do y’mind getting us some water?” She blinked in surprise. Normally, Harry wouldn’t let her lift a finger.
“Oh... um... sure,” she said and hurried off to find a nurse to help.
“Cupcake?” Her dad repeated.
“Yes, sir. She’s quite sweet like one,” he smiled gently. Her dad stared Harry down for a moment. Not maliciously. Just watching. Waiting. If they were in the ring, they would have been eyeing one another waiting for someone to make a move.
Her dad made the first one. “She said you wanted to meet me.”
Harry nodded. “I adore your daughter. With everything in me. M’going t’protect her every moment of every day. I wanted you t’hear that from me. I wanted you t’know that.”
“She can be a little feisty sometimes,” he warned, but the smile didn’t leave his face.
“M’aware,” he didn’t want to tell him about their stalemate over the last few weeks. That didn’t matter anymore and it wouldn't paint either of them in a good light.
“She said you have a big match coming up.”
He nodded. “Yes, sir. Biggest one of m’career.”
“Think you’ll win?” He asked.
Harry was confident. But he didn’t like to let his confidence overinflate his chances or make himself sound presumptuous. Anything could happen. But he was going to try his hardest and best. That would be good enough for him. “I believe so. I’ve worked hard for this. I want it more than most anything,” he promised.
“Most?” Just like his daughter, he caught the key word.
“Most,” he repeated. There was a significant pause as Harry considered his next thoughts. The words he didn’t want to explain but what he wanted her dad to know anyway. “Did she tell you about Jack?” Harry asked quietly.
The name didn’t ring a bell. He shook his head. “No. She doesn’t always tell me everything.”
Harry smiled sadly. “At least she’s consistent,” he murmured. “My manager Louis and I teach self-defense classes... she joined one several months ago,” he let another pause tell her dad the words he didn’t want to say. The story he probably shouldn’t be telling him in the first place. “M’confident she could protect herself. But m’hoping she won’t ever have to. M’going t’keep her safe,” he assured him. “I promise.”
He could only imagine the wave of emotions that took over his brain. Harry obviously wasn’t a father, but he didn’t need to be one to know he would murder someone for his daughter. Paralysis or not. “And you?” He asked quietly. Digesting the bit of information Harry alluded to.
“Me?” Harry repeated.
“Are you going to hurt her?”
“Never,” he assured him. “I’d... I’d take a bullet for her,” he promised.
“Speaking from experience, that might hurt her more than just letting her take the bullet,” he chuckled and winked. Harry snorted but nodded.
She returned with three glasses of water and an extra long straw for her father. “You guys sharing war stories about me?”
“I was jus’ ‘bout t’tell him how you’re trying t’fatten me up with raspberry lemon filling,” Harry stood and held her chair out for her to sit.
“You are more than capable of saying no to cupcakes, Harry.”
“I beg to differ, honey. It’s a sin to say no to them,” her dad smiled. “A sin to say no to you,” he winked again.
Their reunion in Harry’s home was carnal to say the least. Harry missed being inside her. He wanted to fall asleep with her wrapped around his dick. Harry had spent many years of his teens taking care of his own sexual needs and yet somehow the weeks apart from her were worse than all those years combined.
Perhaps it was the noises she made. Begging Harry for a release. Her body craved his. It felt like a part of her had been missing for the duration of their silly stalemate. It may have only been a few weeks, but it was a few weeks without orgasms made possible by Harry’s mouth, fingers, and dick.
“I wanna stay inside you the rest of m’life,” he moaned into her ear in the middle of the night. They would both be tired in the morning. Louis would probably hate her (even though Harry assured her that was impossible) but it was worth it.
They started going over her self-defense moves again in between dinner and TV shows. Harry was encouraging. Making sure she followed the right move and not her instinct. Correcting her form and making sure she knew he would always be there for her. She told him more secrets that made Harry feel so whole.
She watched him train. Harry walked her to her car after falling asleep on the table in the bakery kitchen. They hadn’t spent a night apart since Harry met her dad. They fell asleep watching a movie or show nearly every night. Harry would simply lift her in his arms and carry her to the bedroom. She would coax him out of his slumber and snuggle up to him as they made it to a more comfortable position in bed.
That was the case one week prior to Harry’s big fight.
He had fallen asleep in her lap (after he had lazily brought her to orgasm with nothing more than stroking his finger messily around her clit. Simply because he could and thought her sleep shorts looked lonely without his hand inside them). Now he had an arm wrapped around her waist, face nuzzled against her T-shirt. “I love you, Cupcake,” he mumbled sleepily. She ignored it. Thought that maybe he was asleep because surely someone so big and strong—someone so scary yet boyish—couldn’t love her after all she put him through. No matter how good her mouth was on his dick. “Hear me, kitten?” He asked rolling to look up at her.
She smiled, blushing. “I heard you, thought you were sleeping.”
“Well, I love you in m’sleep, too,” he turned again, rubbing his nose against her shirt. She giggled, rubbing her fingers through his hair and massaging scalp. She was so enamored and so surprised she felt speechless. “So you’re supposed t’say it back,” he turned and looked up at her. “Unless...y’don’t feel the same way...or I said it too soon or something and it’s—”
“Oh no way,” she assured him. “I love you very much,” she laughed and brought her face down to his and kissed him.
The morning of his fight, they woke up early. Harry headed into the shower, and she followed right behind him. With a sleepy smile he enjoyed the feel of her mouth on him as he always did, gripping her hair in his hands while he thought about how a $100,000 would change his life and allow him to spoil her.
But after a healthy breakfast (and another blowjob from beneath the table while he ate because she simply thought he deserved a relaxed morning) there was no use denying it.
Harry was grumpy.
By the time they got to Driven, he snapped at her a few times (more than a few times) and she took it like a champ. In fact, she was planning on ignoring it entirely. It wasn’t his fault. Stress was natural on a day like today. His warmup wasn’t supposed to be heavy the day of a massive fight like this even though he tested Louis’ patience to no end.
“Again,” he snarled at Louis. Louis looked at her for support.
“Baby, you need—”
“I said, again. I know what m’doing,” he growled ignoring her.
Louis let him have one more round of practice. But it was Louis’ comments on his attitude that he found her around lunch time in his office setting up a light lunch from one of his favorite restaurants nearby. Tail between his legs. “M’sorry I snapped, kitten. S’jus’ the nerves.”
She smiled. “I know, baby. It’s okay.”
“S’not okay, though.”
She shook her head grinning at him. “I’ll yet at you later when you eat the frosting off my cupcakes.”
He nodded. “M’gonna hold you to that,” he promised.
“I know it’s silly to say. But don’t be nervous. You’re going to win, I can feel it,” she assured him and draped herself in his lap while he ate his carrot sticks.
“Course. M’good luck charm will be there,” he brushed his finger on her cheek.
“You know, I hate when you get hit. It's been my least favorite part of this whole experience.”
He shrugged. “So, I won’t get hit,” he smiled knowingly.
She laughed. “I don’t think I’m much of a good luck charm when you were already undefeated when I met you,” she reminded him.
He felt everything soften in him. The tenseness, the anger, and the frustration all disappeared. “Oh, kitten,” he shook his head. “You have been m’good luck charm for so much more than boxing matches.”
Louis was ready to explode with anger. Part of her wondered if he had ever followed through on his threats of getting in the ring to throw punches at Harry. She thought it might be cathartic for him. Before she can blink, the introductions are over. The sound of the bell chimes through the arena room.
Round one was over and she was holding her breath so she seriously considered the idea that she had blacked out and missed it. But Niall had murmured to her that he didn’t get hit once and she felt so proud, so excited. The kind of money Harry was going to win would do incredible things for his life. Maybe in addition to holding her breath, she had squeezed her eyes shut and turned to Niall.
His opponent was big, strong. He wasn't facing Harry because he wasn't good. It terrified to think the kind of damage an opponent like him could do to him.
“Looks like he forgot extra towels,” Niall murmured to her bringing her back to reality. She could see the irritation in Louis’ eyes and Harry holding his hands up with the gloves. How did y’expect me t’grab them? She could imagine him grumbling back only further irritating Harry. There was enough for the time being but she knew they would go through a stack of them in no time at all.
“I’ll get them,” she offered standing waving at him in some silent sign language neither discussed but Louis knew what it meant. He looked the slightest bit more relaxed by her standing. Part of her thought for the first time in their relationship he didn’t hate her. Even though Harry assured her repeatedly that he didn't. (He was utterly kind to her throughout the self-defense classes and when Harry reminded her of such, she alluded to the fact that she paid for that kindness.)
“Cupcake, you’re the best,” Niall squeezed the back of her arm as he stayed put. “Want me to come with you?” He asked.
“No, I got it,” she smiled. “I’m going to use the bathroom and hit the concession stand too. So, if I’m not back at the end of the next round I didn’t fall in the laundry basket,” she promised. Niall chuckled and waved her off.
After going to the bathroom and making her way back to the locker room, flashing her badge around her neck, she found the extra towels laid out. The noise was deafening—even from inside the locker room. She grabbed an armful's worth and made her way toward the entrance to the arena.
When she turned around, the last person she ever thought she’d see was waiting just inside the door. The volume behind him hadn’t changed. But she swore in that moment, the crowd, the bell, the thudding of her heart, everything got louder.
She knew he was trying to intimidate her just by standing there. There wasn’t a single person around. Everyone was in that arena. Her legs felt like lead, but she walked forward anyway. The towels in her arms provided extra space between them as she started to walk right past him. “Excuse me,” she muttered.
He’s just trying to intimidate me. She repeated to herself.
“Round two is about to begin!” She heard announced from behind the door followed by a delighted cheer.
It was nothing.
Jack was just trying to scare her. She hadn't done anything wrong.
All she needed to do was walk by him confidently. Then she would watch Harry win life-changing money. She was home free. Leaning into the door, the metal bar squeaking as it released the hold on the frame to let her through to the main room.
But at the last second, the towels fell from her arm in a heap as he grabbed her arm and yanked her away from the door. “I don’t think so.”
Round two was starting.
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