#Genius inc Headcanons
glitterandsparkels · 9 months
Genius inc Headcanons
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tell me I'm wrong!!👁👄👁
A woman kisser😚🤯
we literally went on a a ice cream date!!🥰😫
Mc x Petra Canon!!
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choochooboss · 1 year
Ohayo- I know that you are busy but uh- I would love to hear your own headcanons about Ingo and Emmet! I read some from some magma posts! So if you have more I believe that people would love to know too!! 💗
Ohhh who wouldn't be excited for this question!! I share many HCs with the majority of the fandom, but I also have some less popular ones which I hope you find interesting or fun! I want to get sharing these thoughts and ideas soon but I really want to draw them out first!
I would like to give an idea where I personally draw inspiration for the twin's personalities and demeanor!
The main source for the twins is of course their english VAs from Pokémon Masters EX! The voice actors give them so much color, I can even imagine many little gestures they could make while speaking!
The rest of the resources are pretty widely scettered and mainly in western media! I catch vibes from lighthearted classic american movies; for example the lively MCs in Singing In The Rain & Some Like it Hot, and the chimney sweepers in Mary Poppins. I don't have sources for twin energy but I draw close buddy energy and personality conflicts come from Sully & Mike (Monsters Inc.) Miquel & Tulio (Road to El Dorado) and Woody & Buzz (Toy Story). And for high energy dramatic posing & maintaining rules and justice: old school Power Rangers, haha!
For Emmet, I draw a lot of inspiration from Basil the mouse Detective (which in turn is inspired by Sherlock Holmes). For me he is a hyperfocused genius who loves logic and experimenting, and takes great pride in his work. Infodumps you into oblivion if you question him.
Ingo on the other hand doesn't have any clear inspiration, or I haven't figured who they are yet (except for butler Ingo specifically I look at Clank from Ratchet & Clank). I see him as a formal, thoughtful & enthusiastic gentleman of great emotion! He won't tolerate injustice and freaks out troublemakers with his explosively loud, commanding voice.
While I often like to explore how they would deal with difficult and serious situations and how they would use their professionalism; at heart they are two excitable grown up kids who love fun and games!
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veranda-larkspur · 1 year
Welcome To The Masterlist!
I've decided to create a writing/headcanon tumblr to improve my writing. (Also it seemed really fun!!!) So here I've decided to make a masterlist and rule sheet for requesting. Please be sure to read carefully before you ask, as I won't write anything I'm uncomfortable or uninformed in. (I also might post the chapters of my Ao3 fics on here as well.)
Everything here is subject to change in time.
(If you can't see the ask box, you can go ahead and just send me a message of your request in dms if you'd like. I don't mind)
Have a great day!
Identity V: Ithaqua (Night Watch), Alva Lorenz (The Hermit), Joseph Desaulner (The Photographer)
Nier Automata: 9s
Alter Ego: Es
Star Ocean (The Last Hope): Faize Sheifa Beleth
Persona 3: Minato Arisato, Ryoji Mochizuki
Persona 5: Ren Amamiya, Goro Akechi,
Mall of the Dead (Genius Inc): Weber/Zero
Land of the Lustrous: Antarcicite, Phosphophyllite
What I won't write:
Full on NSFW. Implied is fine, but I won't actually write it.
Full Abuse. Same with NSFW.
Poly Relationships (I have NO CLUE how to write them I'm so sorry T_T)
Anything else I find in an ask that I'm uncomfortable with. The rules will be updated accordingly.
What I will write:
Mild implications or references of past abuse.
Anything else that I find passible enough to write.
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beevean · 1 year
I want to know Eggman for the character thing! Evil guy evil
do I like them: Yep! He grew over me with time.
5 good qualities: Confidence, determination, impeccable style, great sense of humor, a genius in robotics
3 bad qualities: Childishness, rashness, tendency to ecoterrorism :P
favourite episode/etc: Forces! While it severely lacks in Eggman actually enjoying the world he conquered, I love how smart and prepared he comes across <3
otp: No one
brotp: No one
ot3: No one
notp: Uhhh most of the main cast that isn't sonic
best quote: "You fool... away. Before I make mincemeat out of you."
headcanon: He was an utterly spoiled child who was never told "no" by his rich, uncaring parents. He inherited Robotnik Inc. but he also earns a ton of money through places like Casino Night or Studiopolis.
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sly-oasis · 2 years
Reaction to ex trying to hug/kiss their S/O
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@tsukane-chan: Hai !! How are you? I hope your day is good :)
I hear that request is open so I wanna ask : soul of yokai react to other men (ex-boyfriend kaito) trying to hug or kiss you :D I hope this is ok to ask 💕
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Fandom: Soul Of Yokai
Characters: Hayato, Karasu, Yukio, Sakuya
Pairing: x reader
Reader: Gender Neutral
Warnings: Harassment, Violence
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Hayato would go violent if Kaito even dares to touch you.
Kaito grabbed your chin suddenly and the next thing you knew he was on the ground his cheeks swollen.
Honestly, you'll need to hold Hayato back if you want to keep Kaito breathing.
You can feel Hayato's anger as you try and hold him back from throwing another punch at Kaito. His eyes full of anger and is ready to send Kaito to the other side.
"Try that again and I'll do more than that"
Hayato would leave with you and would make sure you're ok while trying to hold himself back.
Once Hayato made sure you're ok he'll come down a little.
Rest assured that Kaito would never approach you again.
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Karasu mood sours as he sees Kaito talking to you.
He quicken his pace when he notices that you're not comfortable talking with your ex.
Then Kaito grabbed you and tried pulling you against his body.
Karasu was immediately by your side and pulls you close to him while glaring at your ex.
"Don't even try to come close"
Karasu's grip on you tighten a little and his eyes glared into Kaito's soul. You watch as Kaito grew angrier when Karasu started spouting harsh words at the man. Soon Kaito left and Karasu's hold started to loosen.
He asks if you're ok and smiles at you after.
Karasu doesn't want to be violent but if Kaito tried to harass you again he doesn't know if he can hold himself back.
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When Yukio saw that Kaito was about to kiss you he immediately put his body between you two shielding you from your ex.
Yukio can feel his anger starting to grow but first he needs to make sure you're ok.
Yukio focuses his attention on you and when he sees you're not comfortable being around Kaito he would immediately escort you away.
With a hand around your shoulders Yukio walks with you while he talks to ease your mood. He looks back at Kaito, his sweet gaze was replaced by an icy stare. "Do not come near them again."
You can feel the temperature drop down but when you look at Yukio he still had his sweet smile on his face.
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Sakuya would immediately pull you away the moment Kaito tries to grab you.
He put you behind his back shielding you from Kaito.
He knows how much you hate Kaito so he's not exactly pleased with your ex as well.
Sakuya would stare at Kaito like how he usually stare at someone but you can feel the anger from his gaze.
Sakuya said one word but that was enough for Kaito to run away, deeply intimidated by Sakuya's glare. Even with Kaito gone, Sakuya's anger didn't subside.
Sakuya made sure you're ok but after that he was completely silent.
It was a good thing that Kaito ran away or things might have escalated.
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sly-writings · 2 years
Reaction to S/O getting into a fight
Fandom: The Rondo Of Oblivion
Characters: All
Warnings: Mention of murder
Reader: Gender Neutral
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Watches from the sideline
Lachlan have known you for so long that he knows you can handle yourself
He won't get involved if you don't want him to
But the moment you get one scratch in your body this man is throwing hands
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He's fighting with you
He's extremely proud of you
"That's my lover right there"
Of course if things get a little out of hand he's stepping in...
...to help you fight that is
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He's very amused but just like Lachlan the moment you get hurt his playfulness is gone
Will probably try and pull you aside because he's worried
But if you want he'll deal with the person you're fighting with himself
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He's standing at the side with a worried look
Acts innocent and worried and he will pull you back
"Let's go. You might get hurt"
Murders the person you're fighting with later on
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Also in the sideline but unlike Lachlan she's extremely worried
She doesn't want you to hurt anyone or get hurt
She will pull you aside and try to calm you down
"Let's just go, their not worth your time"
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sixknight · 2 years
Taking the Villains out for a motorcycle ride
He won't show it but he's a bit nervous about this, this thing hardly seems safe, especially compared to those metal carriages you'll be riding alongside.
He has a bit of a problem with the helmet. You end up having to give him a hair tie so he can tie his hair in a bun so it won't get in his face. He also complains about the helmet being too stuffy but when you tell him the alternative is having bugs hit his face at high speed and the possibility of instant death in a crash he quiets down.
He is... awkward for the whole ride. Mostly because he has to hold onto you. He's very stiff at first, trying not to hold on too tightly, but the moment you make a turn and have to lean you feel his arms wrap around you more, he isn't even sure if it's because he's nervous if you'll fall off or if he's nervous that he will. He will ignore any comments on him hanging on tighter as his cheeks dust pink under the helmet.
You try to keep to slower, less busy roads so he can relax a bit. Once you make it home is when he truly relaxes though. While he can see why you'd enjoy riding around like that he'd prefer a different form of travel. Although being that close was rather nice.
He's ecstatic that'd you want to take him out on a drive with you! Especially since it'll be just the two of you. ;)
Oh? What's that? He has to hold on to you the entire time? "Don't mind if I do!" he'll say wrapping both arms firmly around your waist with a wide grin. If you're taller than him he'll lean his head against your back during the ride, if you're shorter then he'll lean it on your shoulder.
He is having an absolute ball on this ride! He's amazed at how fast you two can go and finds the whole drive to be fun. And it helps that he gets to hold you the entire time.
Once you two get home he asks if you can take him for a ride on it again. He might even ask if you can show him how the contraption works so he can drive and have you hold onto him next time. ;) This is a bad idea do not teach him he will try to show off for you and possibly get hurt.
Grimm is a little cautious of this machine you call a "motorcycle", it doesn't look very safe. Wait? That helmet is the only protecting you? Yeah this definitely isn't safe. Still, he'll give it a try, you obviously know what you're doing on it.
Absolutely flustered the moment you tell him he's going to have to hold onto you while you drive. He hesitantly wraps his arms around your waist. At least this helmet hides his face so you can't see how much he's blushing.
Once you actually get out on the road he has a great time! He's enthralled by absolutely everything around you two, from the trucks to the buildings you pass, and he's amazed at the speed of this thing! He sees why you ride around for fun now!
Once you get back home he asks if you two could go for another ride again soon! He'll also have a ton of questions about how the motorcycle actually works. And you can teach him to drive it if you want to, he'd be a safer driver than Hook.
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What’s up, Anshiiii? Hope everything is well with you! I have 3 headcanon requests (❤️💋👑) for my dearest Fuegoleon Vermillion 💕
The AU is Modern AU and he’d be a college student or a professor (your choice), but something related to college life 😄 thank you so much!!
SHYNAAAAAAA ITS BEEN SO LONG I recently came back from my long break so please take this as a gift🥺💞
❤️ - Romantic Headcanon
Fuegoleon loves to wear matching clothes with you. Sometimes it’s subtle, sometimes, it’s definitely meant for people to know. Either it’s the same colors, accent pieces, or the aesthetic
You look beautiful in anything and matching with you, or wearing accessories that pair together reminds him of you even when you aren’t there with him.
Anything like matching cloak pins, earrings, even a wedding ring ;)
👑 - AU Headcanon
Fuegoleon Vermillion was a star student with an immaculate work ethic and great honor. He was also on the student council, which to everyone, seemed like an obvious position. Some could even argue that he deserved to be student body President. But he couldn’t be, no thanks to his cousin and long-time rival, Nozel.
Nozel insisted on fighting with him so much that they were both distracted from the real fight. The position slipped out of their hands and landed in the lap of their friend, William Vangeance.
Fuegoleon was outraged at first, but he conceded the position reluctantly because William seemed to be good at the job.
But when Fuegoleon is not out competing with Nozel on one thing or another, he focuses on his classes as a business major.
He is set to inherit his Father’s Company, “Crimson Lion Kings Inc.” so he needed to do his best in his classes and prove himself to be worthy before he could lead it. His genius sister had always overshadowed him, but he believed his hard work, determination, and his willpower, can and will make up for all his shortcomings.
When Fuegoleon wasn’t caught up in his ambitions, he liked to cook, read books, and hangout with his “friends,” which is essentially the student council.
He didn’t know how it came to be, but when they were in their first year of college, when they were all junior council members, they just hung out on a whim one weekend and never stopped.
They would all pretend to meet for work outside of meeting days and do no work. If the student body saw how they behaved, all their reputations would be in the negatives.
Fuegoleon knew he was uptight and sometimes difficult to talk with, but with them, his colleagues, his peers, his equals, his ragtag group of friends, he wasn’t any of that.
He was a part of them. Once upon a time, he believed that there would be no one he could seriously rely on, except himself. That’s why he was strong and strove to be stronger, but with these kids, well, they prove him wrong everytime.
Fuegoleon believed that he would go to college, focus on his academics, prove himself to be worthy of his father’s consideration, but with everyone by his side, he was coming to learn that there was so much more in life.
Now he wasn’t too sure about joining his father’s company, forever living in his shadow, being accused of nepotism. Fuegoleon saw a new future with his friends, a startup, a new lease on life where they could maybe just change the world.
💋 - Sex Headcanon
Fuegoleon is usually gentle and considerate of you when he is making love with you. He trails soft kisses down your body, pays special attention to places he knows you would like, makes you cum first before finding his own please, all the good things.
But it's too good.
You want him to ruin you. You want him to lose his mind and fuck you rough until you are begging him to stop.
One evening, you had the courage to just tell him when he was fucking you nice and slow, watching his own cock pump in and out of you with a pleased smile.
"Please stop playing around," you whined as you fisted the pillows above you. "I need you to fuck me like I ruined your life."
He raised a brow in amusement.
"Are you sure you can take it, dear?"
"Yes!" You gasped as you arched your back off the bed, pushing into his hips. "Please!"
He leaned forward, one arm wrapped around your waist, latched onto your nipple and snapped his hips to yours, pistoning into you relentlessly.
"Yes! Just like that! Ah, Fuego!"
He turned you around, pressed down on your back, making your ass arch up into him and he continued. He reached parts of you didn't know you could feel.
Fuegoleon growled as he held himself back for you. The heat, the friction, the grip on your hips, the way he kept brushing against your sweet spot, it was getting all too much for you.
You screamed into the tear-stained pillows as you came, yet he still kept going, his heavy balls slapping against you, forcing another orgasm. Seconds later, he came with a throaty grunt.
You two laid side by side and as Fuegoleon caught his breath, he turned to you with a smirk.
"Was that rough enough, love?"
You laughed.
"It was perfect."
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glitterandsparkels · 9 months
genius inc Headcanons
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I'm right try and tell me I'm wrong!!
She literally asked Mc to go skinny dipping together!😚😫
Jessie is a fem for fem but would date a masculine fem
Literally my Girlfriend!!!!
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peeks in, runs, and yeet stella for that list, runs away--
send me a MCSM character and i’ll list:
Favorite thing about them
Oh boy I love how over the top ruthless and terrible she was. It was like watching a classic 90s anime bad guy and all we needed was the evil 'hohoho' laugh to complete it. She was cheesy, rude and power hungry but eventually with time started to grow to be better.
I adore how dorky she was and how one sided her rivalry was with the crew. At least in my games.
Least favorite thing about them
She hit Lluna >:(
Favorite line
"Lesser minds often do mistake true genius for madness." G I R L PLS
If not for the whole blowing up her city and everything she loved I could see her and Romeo being friends. Or if he hadn't done that they would be super evil amigos together for sure. (More of a friendship of necessity at that point though, due to fear of what he would do if she wasn't on his side.)
Got a few! While I don't talk about him often I have a coward Jesse who would be head over heels for a strong, mean lady (old art inc)
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I do like her with almost any Jesse but someone has me on the Jesstellra train.
Mmmm probably her with Radar? If only because I'd worry about a power imbalance between the two.
Random headcanon
Is part of a NOOTs fanclub but wears a disguise when attending meetings because NO ONE can know she admires her rival.
Unpopular opinion
Song I associate with them (Imma cheat and do 2)
Favorite picture of them
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This. This was everything because it was a moment of true loss.
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illumiru · 3 years
Ooh can u talk about ur theory where batcest fucked up fanon?
okay sorry for taking so long anon- i was very sleepy when i got this. take all of this with a grain of salt bc i joined the fandom late and i made a huge guess on what might have happened based on patterns from previous fandoms and my knowledge of fandom history. and hearsay from older fans.
BUT okay, my THEORY is that people who made b*tcest content then at the initial rise of the modern dc fandom probably watched young justice first and then go on to read a few comics here and there to discover their favorite robin. young justice was around the time new 52 became a thing so for a lot of fans at that time, that's usually their introduction to the rest of the batfam.
fandom does and fandom is wont to do though and since the batboys p much look like each other, they skewed their characterizations into easily digestible shallow tropes to make it easier to distinguish one robin from the other.
dick got saddled with the sunshine cuddle-monster (highly suspect this was influenced by young justice and n52), jason is the bad boy with the heart of gold, the draco in leather pants (possibly rhato influenced), tim is the sad uwu twink coffee super genius (red robin influenced) and damian's personality is either hellspawn or diagnosed 13 years old. (depends if they like damian or not).
the thing with the batfandom though is that a lot of them tend to be insular. so when it comes to dc content, they consume batfam content ONLY. knowing fandom, they can't consume content without shipping so they're like why not with each other? around the time, people are also a lot more likely to ship incest and don't consider adopted siblings actually related so it's seen as "not as bad."
that said, b*tcest has existed way before this period. even in batman year one: deluxe edition, there was a comic that said that some people saw batman and robin as a metaphor for homosexuality. (what the fuck)
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and there were livejournal groups for batslash. that said, fandoms were very small pockets of community at the time instead of the consolidated mass it will be on tumblr. so from what i heard from older fans is that at the very least people who were making any kind of fan content have read the comics. i think i read a meta that dick's fanon self at the time tended to be a bit like his outsiders self.
anyways, there wasn't even a reliable archive besides fanfiction dot net. so if people made ooc b*tcest fic or art then, it won't have the reach it has now in influencing fellow fans. (that said, dc managed to hire a writer who ships br*dick, giving these b*tcest shippers fuel. the resulting mischaracterization of the way devin writes dick will help fuel his fanon self later on. so that's one example already of how b*tcest fucked up fanon)
so with the influx of new fans from young justice and the rise of tumblr, modern dc fandom was born and in came the b*tcest shippers with fanon characterizations based off the show and n52 comics and their own headcanons.
with the way tumblr is set up, it's easy for non-fans of the franchise to see content from your fandom so people who haven't read the comics started coming in as well because they liked the fan content they saw. comics is a very daunting medium for people to get into because of the amount of material that can conflict with each other there is. so a lot of these new fans like to consume only fanon.
with the amount of b*tcest artists and writers there was, even people who didn't ship it would see non-explicit fanon content from these creators and assume it's is accurate. and so, the fanon characterizations became slowly accepted and popular and they end up adapting these b*tcest shippers' headcanons as well.
it did not help that a lot of b*tcest shippers will make meta to make certain batfam members closer than they actually are. and people took this plus the out of context panels as word of god of how they actually act around each other.
for example of fanon things that might be influenced by b*tcest
batfam living all in the manor (they don't.)
jason and tim's closeness with another (besides that one lobdell page where jason said tim's the only one he can stand and we shouldn't even consider bc lobdell does jackshit to research, they weren't very close at all.)
jason's use of the baby bird nickname for tim (major red flag)
dick being promiscuous/a womanizer/someone who likes getting naked (he's not. there's much canon evidence of him being uncomfortable with being objectified, unsure about nudity and being extremely monogamous. it's just a mischaracterization perpetuated by devin grayson (br*dick shipper) and tim seeley (hack)
i could list more (or you guys can comment more) but i'm honestly losing steam writing this. jnfenf i think as a fandom, we're getting better at debunking fanon at least - especially since the influx of batfans has slowed down compared to its peak. plus, inc*st is being more and more widely denounced in fandom spaces at all.
anyway, those are my rambling thoughts on how b*tcest shippers influenced fanon jkfnjkenf
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arowrimo · 4 years
AroWriMo 2021 Roundup
Here is the compilation of all 48 works submitted to AroWriMo 2021!
We have a lot of variety this year - short stories, poetry, non-fiction, a play, song lyrics, a zine, flash fiction and some novel/novellas! Check out the impressive writing collected here and support the writers themselves - links to their other sites/accounts are included where possible. Give them a look/follow, and share the works you really enjoy!
Thanks to all who submitted and shared for a wonderful AroWriMo 2021, and I look forward to doing it again in 2022!
Leaving: A (very) Unfinished Stage Play by charcharcharace (blogspot)
Post, direct link (blogspot) Summary: A fractured personal narrative on entering and leaving an unhealthy relationship and the pain of being aromantic without that knowledge. Word Count: 1200 Theme: Humanity Language: English Genre: Personal CW: Depression, manipulation, unhealthy romantic relationship, processing self-blame
Syrinxian Diamond: Chapter One by charcharcharace (blogspot)
Post, Direct link (blogspot) Summary: After a heist gone wrong, our hero is caught up in an interdimensional prophecy that just may bring them answers to the questions they don't know how to put into words, a feeling of difference, of not feeling right acting how they're supposed to act - but what other way is there to be? Follow our hero through desert ruins, the Wild West, a royal ball, and of course, a midnight trip to the library. Word Count: 2539 Prompt: Hope Theme: Fantasy, Ancient World Language: English Genre: Portal Fantasy, Heist CW: Unsupportive sibling, chapter one features the absence of knowledge of aromanticism, and doesn't feature aromanticism directly.
Oh, the truth shall set you free by @amanita-cynth
Summary: “I know exactly four things about Alway.” She said wryly. “She’s 23, a genius, she keeps at least three feet between her and other people at all times, and she can root out the truth like nobody else.” Of course, coming from another profiler, such an assessment carried a lot of weight. Eden Alway, the newest member of an FBI profiling unit, is odd even by their standards. But as they begin to pry more into her life and struggle with some of what they find, her past is racing to catch up with her and drag them into the storm that was her life. Featuring misunderstandings, odd behaviour, the constant problems of amatonormativity, and a rapidly escalating series of bizarre problems that they are in no way qualified for but definitely isn’t magic. Word Count: 11000 Prompt: Non-romantic Relationships, Self-reliance Theme: Fantasy Language: English Genre: Crime, portal fantasy CW: Romance, Violence, Gore, amatonormativity, religious imagery, mild body horror later on, currently a WIP
Embers by @clad-in-sunshine​ (Wordpress, Twitter)
Post, Direct link (tumblr), Direct link (wordpress) Summary: I’m terrible at picking titles. But I have been enjoying writing songs, and this is one I wrote for AroWriMo and the Valentines theme of ‘Love, Romance and Friendship’ at my local folk club. The middle part is entirely uninteresting to me, so this is more about love and friendship than anything else, and the various forms that can take. The tune is called 'Midnight on The Water'. Word Count: 479 Prompt: Non-romantic Relationships, Self-reliance Language: English Genre: Singer/songwriter, Folk
Games/Interactive Media
Superheroes Inc. by charcharcharace (blogspot)
Post, Direct link (blogspot) Summary: It's time for your first day as the Supervising Hero Response Manager at Superhero Incorporated, the largest collection of super heroes on the US West Coast. It's a big step up from your last job managing a team of five up-and-comers out of Chicago to supervising a nearly a hundred teams. Your priority, of course, is choosing which of the 12 big league heroes to have Shadow teleport to high crisis events. Word Count: 3000 Prompt: Future Theme: Sci-Fi Language: English Genre: Sci-Fi CW: Death, Bigotry
My Aro Heart: A Zine by charcharcharace (blogspot)
Post, Direct link (blogspot) Summary:   A short zine about loving the aro community. Word Count: 50 Language: English Genre: Zine CW: Love (non-romantic)
Flash Fiction
#3 by @fuckin-fudge-nutter
Post link, Direct link (google docs) Word Count: 304 Prompt: Future Theme: Defying Expectations Language: English Genre: Realistic Fiction CW: Mild internalized arophobia
A Moth And No Flames by @voidpunk.kenku on Instagram
Post, Direct link (toyhou.se) Word Count: 337 Category: Flash Fiction Prompt: Hope Language: English Genre: gaslamp fantasy CW: insects
Future by 27twinsister on Ao3
Post, Direct link (Ao3) Summary: Hikari would be alone forever. He liked that idea. The note contains my headcanons for Hikari and what the words mean. Word Count: 146 Prompt: Future Language: English Fandom: Ressha Sentai ToQger, Nonomura Hikari Genre: Character study CW: None
Loveless by 27twinsister on Ao3
Post, Direct link (Ao3) Summary: Takeru and Akari love each other (not like that, this is genfic). Mentions “ love potions or something” in one line. The note contains my headcanons for Takeru and what the words mean. Word Count: 231 Prompt: Romo/loveless Language: English Fandom: Kamen Rider Ghost Genre: Fantasy/Supernatural, hurt/comfort CW: None given
Music by 27twinsister
Post, direct link (Ao3) Summary: Shinnosuke didn’t like silence. He liked being in an environment with other people, or with background noise. That only caused a bit of trouble at home once he lived with Kiriko. Word Count: 223 Category: Flash Fiction Prompt: Music Language: English Fandom: Kamen Rider Drive Genre: Character study CW: None
Freedom by 27twinsister
Post, direct link (Ao3) Summary: Eiji likes his freedom. The note contains my headcanons for Eiji and what the words mean. Word Count: 140 Category: Flash Fiction Prompt: Freedom Language: English Fandom: Kamen Rider OOO Genre: Character study CW: None
Mirror by 27twinsister
Post, direct link (Ao3) Summary: Tsukasa doesn’t dwell in any world. He just stays for as long as he needs. The note contains my headcanons for Tsukasa and what the words mean. Word Count: 223 Category: Flash Fiction Prompt: Music Language: English Fandom: Kamen Rider Decade Genre: Character study CW: None
Hope by 27twinsister
Post, Direct link (Ao3) Summary: Haruto is nervous about coming out. Word Count: 150 Category: Flash Fiction Prompt: Hope Language: English Fandom: Kamen Rider Wizard Genre: Character study CW: None
Self-Reliance by 27twinsister (Ao3)
Post, direct link (Ao3) Summary: Tsubasa likes to be alone. The note contains my headcanons for Tsubasa and what the words mean.   Word Count: 161 Prompt: Self-reliance Language: English Fandom: Mahou Sentai Magiranger             Genre: Character study CW: None
Non-Romantic Relationships by 27twinsister (Ao3)
Post, Direct link (Ao3) Summary:   Jiro doesn’t know if his relationship with Yuki is romantic. But it’s special to him. The note contains my headcanons for Jiro and what the words mean   Word Count: 209 Prompt: Non-Romantic Relationships Language: English Fandom: Dogengers Genre: Character study CW: Romance mention
Thursday Thoughts: AroWriMo Week 1: Romo/Loveless & Future by @sophieakatz​
Post, Direct link Word Count: 562 Prompt: Romo/Loveless, Future Language: English CW: Romance mention
The Future Is Arospec by aceofarrows
Post, Direct link Summary: This blog post talks about the nature of romantic attraction, why getting rid of amatonormativity is a worthwhile project, and how arospec people can help bring this about by getting involved in political activism and queer liberation. Word Count: 800 Category: Non-fiction Prompt: Romo/loveless, Future Language: English CW: None
Freedom and Music by @nzcienif
Post, direct link Word Count: 488 Prompt: Freedom, Music Theme: Defying Expectations Language: English Genre: Non Fiction CW: None Link: https://nzcienif.tumblr.com/post/642572547990421504/arowrimo-week-2-freedom-and-music Promo: https://nzcienif.tumblr.com/
The Demand for Freedom to Be Oneself  by @graces-of-luck​
Post, direct link Word Count: 363 Prompt: Freedom Theme: Defying Expectations Language: English Genre: Narrative CW: None
Thursday Thoughts: AroWriMo Week 2: Freedom & Music by @sophieakatz​
Post, direct link Word Count: 647 Prompt: Freedom, Music Language: English Genre: Non Fiction CW: None
Defying expectations by @aallotarenunelma
Post, direct link Word Count: 986 Prompt: Hope, Mirror Theme: Defying Expectations Language: English Genre: Essay CW: Romance, Amatonormativity
Aro Visions and Hopes by @penandquillcafe ( @aroacechillzone )
Post, Direct link Word Count: 729 Prompt: Hope, Mirror Language: English Genre: Nonfiction CW: amatonormativity, arophobia, loneliness (metaphor)
Thursday Thoughts: AroWriMo Week 3: Hope & Mirror by @sophieakatz
Post, Direct link Word count: 201 Prompt: Hope, Mirror Language: English Genre: Non-fiction CW: Romance mention, Sex mention
Relationship Anarchy and Hugs by charcharcharace (blogspot)
Post, Direct link (blogspot) Summary: Applying relationship anarchy to family relationships and hugs. Word Count: 522 Prompt: Non-romantic Relationships Theme: Defying Expectations Language: English Genre: Non-Fiction CW: consent issues, boundary breaking
Thursday Thoughts: AroWriMo Week 4: Non-Romantic Relationships & Self-Reliance by @sophieakatz
Post, Direct link (tumblr) Word Count: Prompt: Non-romantic Relationships, Self-reliance Language: English Genre: Non-fiction CW: Romance mention
Untitled by @brilliantsnafu
Post, Direct link Word Count: 38 Prompt: Romo/loveless, Future Language: English Genre: Nonfiction CW: Bigotry, arophobia; amatonormativity
Little Boxes by anon
Post, Direct link (Google docs) Word Count: 456 Prompt: Freedom Theme: Choosing to be Yourself Language: English Genre: Poem/non-fiction
To My Dear and Loving... by @writingthingsilike​
Post, Direct link (tumblr) Summary: A poem about being aromantic but still wanting a life partner Word Count: 165 Prompt: Non-romantic Relationships Theme: Choosing to be Yourself Language: English Genre: Non-fiction CW: None
AroAce by Catolica (Ao3)
Post, Direct link (Ao3) Word Count: 254 Language: English CW: Choose not to use warnings
icarus' stone by @franzimaya  (@witchreyna on Twitter)
Post, direct link Word Count: 199 Prompt: Freedom Theme: Choosing to be Yourself Language: English Genre: Poetry CW: Grief
The End of the Rouse Family Tree by @turnovers-and-coke (@arbys-chocolate-turnover, Wattpad)
Post, Direct link Word Count: 144 Prompt: Mirror Theme: Choosing to be Yourself Language: English Genre: poetry CW: None
Care, uncoupled by @graces-of-luck
Post, Direct link (tumblr) Word Count: 149 Prompt: Non-romantic Relationships Theme: Humanity Language: English Genre: Free Verse CW: Romance
Human = ( X - Y ) / Z by charcharcharace (blogspot)
Post, Direct link (blogspot) Summary: A poem about human essentialism Word Count: 129 Theme: Humanity Language: English Genre: Poetry CW: Mentions of essentialism and touches on dehumanizing ideas
Short Stories
Chasing Shadows by @secret-arrow-man
Post, Direct link Summary:  A questioning aro discusses relationship problems with an old friend. Word Count: 660 Theme: Choosing to be Yourself Language: English Genre: Fiction CW: Romance, Alcohol mention
My Valentine by @bimboztown on twitter
Post, Direct link (Google docs) Word Count: 305 Category: Short Stories Theme: Choosing to be Yourself Language: English Genre: Coming of Age CW: Suicide attempt mention
Made on the Shore by @clad-in-sunshine 
Post, Direct link Summary:  Cora had never had much interest in people, and had chosen to live alone on the shore for years by this point. When a ship sails close, she has to deal with both her interest in it and the Captain’s interest in her. Based on the song ‘Fair Maid on The Shore’. Word Count: 2129 Prompt: Romo/loveless, Future Theme: Choosing to be Yourself Language: English Genre: Fiction, Ambiguous historical fiction CW: Romance, Guns, Alcohol
What is given by @amanita-cynth (Ao3)
Post, direct link Summary: A short exploration of a woman helping a traumatised, adopted girl come to terms with her newfound freedom. Word Count: 5645 Category: Short Stories Prompt: Freedom, Music Theme: Choosing to be Yourself Language: English Genre: Mildly Science Fiction CW: mentions of human experimentation
Lady in the Mirror by @amanita-cynth (Ao3)
Post, direct link (Ao3) Summary: Everyone knows the story of the lady in the mirror. How she picks those she appears to is unknown. What she offers and why it is offered is similarly a mystery; those few that have interacted with her and speak of it are reluctant to share details. Maybe that is why the stories are so well-known, so far-travelled. The mystery calls to people and they want to believe they can solve it. Word Count: 1799 Prompt: Hope, Mirror Theme: Choosing to be Yourself Language: English Genre: Fantasy CW: None
Lights, Camera, Aro! by charcharcharace (blogspot)
Post, Direct link (blogspot) Summary: An aromantic actress is conflicted over how to engage with a romantically coded improv challenge. Word Count: 1885 Theme: Choosing to be Yourself Language: English Genre: Literary CW: a ghost, pressure.
Dark secret love by @aallotarenunelma
Post, Direct link (part a), Direct link (part b) Summary:  What if an aspec Wicked Lawless Love MC was paired with the incubus Sascha? Word Count: 6941 Language: English Fandom: Wicked Lawless Love (Lovestruck app), Sascha Orosco x MC (Suna) Genre: Fantasy CW: Death, Romance, Sexual content
Thought That Cupid Shot Me With Love But It Was Only An Aro by @entity9silvergen (Ao3, FF.net)
Post, Direct link (Tumblr), Direct link (Ao3) Summary:  Soulmates were supposed to be the other half of your soul. Your one true love. Ino always dreamed of finding her soulmate. Sai never wanted one. Still, they cared for each other so they were going to make it work. Somehow.
Word Count: 10000 Prompt: Romo/loveless, Future Language: English Fandom: Naruto. Characters: Sai, Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, Kakashi Genre: Friendship/ Relationships CW: Mentioned Canon Death, Minor Aphobia
Mosaic by @entity9silvergen​ (Ao3, FF.net)
Post, Direct link (tumblr), Direct link (Ao3) Summary:  We are just mosaics of everyone we love and that mosaic shows everyone we love how beautiful they are. Bean doesn’t think she can love like everyone else but maybe that’s okay. Word Count: 2000 Language: English Fandom: Disenchantment. Characters: Bean Genre: Friendship, Self-Reflection CW: Internalized arophobia,  some self-deprecation, sex mention, drug mention, mention of canon interspecies relationships in fantasy setting Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29230041 Promo: entity9silvergen on Ao3, FFN, and tumblr
We Dance To Fast Music by @entity9silvergen​ (Ao3, FF.net)
Post, direct link (tumblr), direct link (Ao3) Summary: Zuko didn’t like to dance. Neither did Mai. But Ty Lee did and they’d do it for her. Fortunately for them, Ty Lee cared about how they felt and wanted to show them just how wonderful music could be. All Zuko and Mai knew were slow dances, the things of ballrooms and romance. Ty Lee only knew the dances of friendship, freedom, and fun. Word Count: 8000 Prompt: Freedom, Music Language: English Fandom: Avatar The Last Airbender. Characters: Zuko, Mai, Ty Lee, Sokka, Suki, Aang, Katara, Toph Genre: Friendship CW: None
Oblique  by @entity9silvergen (Ao3, FF.net)
Post, Direct link (Ao3) Summary: Unable to experience romantic attraction, Remus feels incomplete. Unable to feel sexual attraction, Roman feels less than. Maybe as the King, they decide, they will feel whole again. Their partners and friends, however, know this isn’t the solution and seek to help them realize there’s nothing broken about them before it’s too late. Word Count: 12000 Prompt: Mirror Theme: None Language: English Fandom: Sanders Sides. Characters: Logan, Patton, Roman, Virgil, Nate, Remy, Emile, Seth, Toby, Janus, Remus, Unnamed Orange Side, Romulus, Dragon Witch Genre: Friendship, Hurt/ Comfort CW: Romance, Sexual content, Violence
He Is Mild And He Is Meek by @entity9silvergen (Ao3, FFN)
Post, Direct link (Ao3) Summary: He is mild and he is meek, he is Momo and he is what I seek. Suki always wanted three things in life. One was to become a professional soccer player. The second was to live in a cute apartment filled with succulents. The third was to get a cat. Momo probably wasn’t anyone’s first pick as a pet but Suki was determined to get this cat to love her as much as she loved him. If only he’d accept he had a home now. Word Count: 6500 Prompt: Non-romantic Relationships Language: English Fandom: Avatar the Last Airbender. Characters: Suki, Momo, Sokka, Aang Genre: Friendship, Hurt/ Comfort CW: Mention of sex, non-excessive swearing
sick of all those love songs (sing to me about my friend on the moon). by nwhrs
Post, Direct link (Ao3) Summary: Johnny has always tried to follow the game, Ten has always stood out like a sore thumb, Chenle has always been quite vocal about himself, and Jisung really has absolutely no idea just what is going on (or does he?). And this is just a little part of their story. Word Count: 16413 Prompt: Non-romantic Relationships Theme: Choosing to be Yourself Language: English Fandom: NCT // Park Jisung, Zhong Chen Le, Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul | Ten, Suh Youngho | Johnny Genre: Slice of Life CW: Romance, Discussions of romance & amatonormativity
he loves you (he loves you not) by @ternaryflower53
Summary:   "Who's your companion?" the man asks.   "This is Jango," he says, not adding his last name. They have a false one, a name Jango sometimes uses in undercover missions when he doesn’t  want to risk being recognized as the Mand’alor’s son, but better if they can avoid using it. "He's my husband."   The man frowns down at his datapad, then looks up to study Jango. "I wasn't expecting you to come with a partner, Master Jedi."   or, jangobi fake dating au, but make it aromantic. Word Count: 6270 Prompt: Non-romantic Relationships Language: English Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jango Fett) Genre: Fanfic CW: Romance, fake/pretend relationship, request to be in a romantic relationship that gets shut down
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luminaryphantom · 3 years
Ask Box Guidelines
-Obey Me
-Ikemen Prince
-Keeper of Mine (A maybe; Interactive story)
- Rune Factory Frontier
- Rune Factory 4
- Fire Emblem Awakening
- Fire Emblem 3 Houses ( disclaimer: I still haven't finished the game 🥲)
- Greek Mythology (and similar deities)
- Cafe Enchante
- Hetalia
- Tears of Themis
- Avatar the Last Airbender
- Genius Inc. Otome games; A Villains Twisted Heart, My Mystic Dragons, (more soon)
General Info
❤️ Platonic and Romatic requests are both awesome, but if left unspecified in a request I will choose for myself the nature of their relationship.
❤️ I write short stories, headcanons, and scenarios. You may request up to (3) characters at a time for a scenario and up to (5) for headcanons. For short stories I will only be accepting (1) character at a time.
❤️ My short stories, headcanons, and scenarios are all reader-inserts. This is not a shipping blog. The reader inserts will be written with feminine pronouns unless specified in the request. (They/Them friendly). Other features like the inserts appearance will be left ambiguous by default
❤️ This is a LGBTQ+ friendly blog. There will publications including non-cisgendered characters and queer relationship dynamics. If you have a problem with this please don't interact.
❤️ I write NSFW content but that is not all I'll write. This makes my blog 18+, but I will be tagging any adult content and posting disclaimers. Subjects covered in these posts may be sexual or violent in nature and have morally questionable aspects. I do not condone toxic or harmful behavior IRL- I just enjoy writing yanderes.
❤️ I am a nursing student in college so please be patient if you don't see your request published within a week after submitting.
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anxiously-going · 4 years
April 7: Talk about autism in the media. Do you think that autism is typically portayed well? Badly? Is there anything you'd like to see more of when it comes to autistic representation? Who are your favorite autistic characters? Do you have any headcanons?
I don't watch much television, so my experience in this area is fairly limited. So just more in general would be nice, but I think mostly it would be nice to see characters that weren't one extreme cliche or the other. It seems like there's either the "high functioning/super genius" or "low functioning/nonverbal", but it would be nice to have more characters that are in the middle so to speak. The ones where when they mention being autistic someone says "I would never have guessed!"
It would be a good way to explain why phrases like that aren't a compliment. It would be a good way to show that autism is far more diverse than people like to think it is.
I'd like to see those characters that you watch them at first, and you have a suspicion, but you're not quite sure until it's confirmed. And then you get to do a little happy dance because you were right.
As far an canon characters...I enjoyed the first couple seasons of The Good Doctor, but I haven't really watched recently. Like I said, I'm not really in the know about much canon wise.
That said, I do have headcanons.
Leonard McCoy, both AOS and TOS.
The Doctor of Doctor Who (all regenerations)
Burton Guster of Psych
Parker of Leverage.
Fred Jones of Scooby-Doo (particularly Mystery Inc series)
Jillian Holtzman of the New Ghostbusters
Bodhi Rook of Rouge One
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sly-writings · 3 years
MC dying of old age
Warning: mention of death
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Kagura was once human so he knows that you would soon die
He would immediately offer to turn you to an immortal like him
Even though he had Shiro and Akito by his side, he felt very lonely
But you came into his life and changed that
You freed him from his curse and made him feel loved again
Kagura loves you and doesn't want to loose you but he also doesn't want to chain you to him
He knows how hard it is to become immortal
See your friends and family die while you stay young
He doesn't want to subject you into that kind of pain
Kagura feels guilty that you were dragged into the shrine's mess in the first place
If you want to stay as a human he would respect that
He doesn't cry the moment you die but instead shows you his rare smile
He tells you that he will be fine so that you should be in peace and not worry about him
Kagura would keep a calm expression after your passing
Some may think that he doesn't really care
But he does. His heart ached every day
The pain was even more painful than Akanojaku's curse
Sometimes the other would see the God gazing at the distance silently
His eyes longing for a certain someone that once filled his days with laughter and joy
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He doesn't want to accept this
No, he WOULDN'T accept this
You were the one who saved him
You were the one who helped him to be better
You led him out of the darkness
He waited for 500 years just to hold you in his arms
And now you're slipping away once more
Just like the night he first met you
You were leaving him again
And just like that night, he can't do anything
He can't save you
He begged Kagura to turn you to an immortal but if you don't want to then there's nothing the God can do
Shirogitsune wants to respect your wishes, he really do. But the thought of loosing you is just too much for him
After your passing he would drink sake more frequently to escape the pain
But he knows that this is what you wanted so he slowly pick himself up
He would try to live his daily life as usual even though every second he feels like someone is stabbing his heart
At night he would hold that hairpin he gifted you and his mind would be occupied by you
Shirogitsune would never love anyone again and would hold you forever in his heart
You were the only person to catch this fox's heart and no one would ever replace you
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Akito deeply knows how painful it is to loose someone
Especially someone you love
He knows that you're death is inevitable but he can't help but blame himself
He feels that he failed on protecting you
Akito would spend his time with you
You would walk around the shrine everyday creating more memories
If there comes a point that you would be too weak to get up he would carry you and go on with your walk
He would send you off with a smile to not worry you but deep inside he feels like he's breaking apart
You were buried in the forest you two love to walk on
He always visit your grave everyday and spend hours there talking to you
He would sit and talk about his day with a smile
But he knows that he would never receive a response from you
And that breaks his heart
He would silently cry as he sit in front of your grave
Hoping to feel your warm embrace once more
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Akanojaku would do everything to not loose you
After all the trouble he went through getting you do you really think that he would let you go that easily?
He knows that you're not immortal like him and you would soon die
He would soon loose you and he would never let that happen
He would make you an immortal if that's what it takes
It's not easy but he would find a way for you
No one can stop him...except for you
Akanojaku respects your wishes as much as he loves you
He would never do anything against your will
So if you tell him that you don't want to be an immortal he would be very conflicted
He wants to respect your decision but at the same time he doesn't want to loose you
But he just loves you so much that he would do what you want
He would spend every second of his life with you
Treasuring every moment with you
He was there when you died silently crying while holding your hand
The moment you took your last breath wrath filled his heart
The heart that was once occupied by you was now replaced by rage and anger
He wants to blame someone, someone to take his anger
But who would he blame? You? Himself?
He wants to go back to the human world and wreck havoc there once more
But for what?
You're gone. You're not coming back
Even if he destroys the world. Even if he killed every last human being you won't return to him
Unlike before, you are not coming back
Akanojaku wanders around the spirit realm knowing that no matter how had he search he would never find someone to fill his heart the way you did
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bizarre-alien · 5 years
What is ur fav gorillaz song from each album?
Bruh, this took me an hour or two... This is the best/worst question to ask me! Now, I have to decide on just one song per album! Lmao! 😂
I’m gonna go IN on this because I LOVE going in on music... Here we go!
Gorillaz: Sound Check (Gravity) 
I love the ambiance and urgency they put into the sound design. The building method of the instrumentation was also genius as hell... I love the strings, I love the drum pattern, and I just love the lyrical concept even though I’m not 100% clear (yet) on what the real meaning of the song is... I guess it’s up for interpretation. A part of me is thinking that it explains how depression feels, and another part of me feels like it’s about how reality breaks through your daydream life and tries to steal your hope of being okay... I guess it’s the same? I don’t know. But, I feel something deep with this.
Demon Days: Feel Good Inc.
For sure, it’s the classic bop. I like the sound design, I like the mv concept, but above all, the lyrics are gold. The concept is just amazing. Gorillaz wants revolution from how society has money, celebrities, and pleasure as their Shepard. De La Soul represents said false Shepard. It further proves my pov towards society as sheep being herded by a visible Shepard instead of the one true one. God. I say this because God is love. Gorillaz wants us to live by love, and, whether they know it or not, that’s who God is basically! (Note: This was a really hard choice because Dirty Harry and El Manana were fighting for the spot as well. I had to do a serious lyric study in order to choose.)
Plastic Beach: Cloud of Unknowing
This one makes me cry. I’m about to cry as I type this, um... Okay, so it’s simple yet super impacting. The sound design really keeps the track open causing you to wonder, Bobby’s vocals sound a little distant like it’s a memory... It’s a song of reflection for sure. To just open up and be vulnerable to your experiences, and just see what the next day will bring. It’s hard as hell to let go and let the chips fall because you’re scared and hopeful at the same time. You just don’t know what’s gonna happen. And, it’s extra personal right now because I had to learn this exact lesson this month. My God...
Humanz: Ticker Tape
Okay, this one was hard! I was gonna say Ascension because that was for me and my people... But, I went deeper (the shit that the black community go through is still deep but I wanted to go to the soul with my choice because... Well, I’ll just not go in. This post is already long.). Strobelite was another choice because it was something that hit like Feel Good Inc. did... But then, Ticker Tape kinda takes it one deeper. So you know how society is distracted based on the lyrics of Feel Good Inc., and yes that affects us as people... But, this blindness and distraction keeps us from saving the planet as well. So not only do we destroy our souls with social media distractions telling us what our lives are supposed to be (and if you don’t fulfill what this one successful bih did at your age... you ain’t shit, so die.), but since we’re so obsessed, we destroy wildlife and all habitats by using oil to create more flashy cars, deforesting to have more Gucci stores, and neglecting global warming because look at what this celebrity did over there! That’s more important! We work hard through the nightmare we put ourselves in just to live the life that social media tells us to. I hope that made sense, bruh. I just... There’s so much I want to unpack, but my sister is the English major. I just make beats.
The Now Now: (Help. This one is gonna hurt) Sorcererz
As much as I love The Now Now as a whole, Sorcererz really hits home as a reminder to stop and evaluate yourself and how you’re acting. I also like how the sound design is soothing and still a bop. Like, it makes you wanna just chill and think about where you are in life, man. And with all these distractions, it’s easy to get caught up and act out of character, too. Time to time, you’re gonna need to take a moment and mine out your true self from all the bullshit that you ingested on the internet and skull fucking politics... Also, I want to add a quick headcanon that Ace co-wrote this song because he’s on the visualizer a lot when they performed live (If I can remember clearly). It stemmed from a midnight conversation on the balcony of a hotel and neither him or 2D could sleep. They just ended up talking about life at a deep deep level.
I hope this wasn’t too much for you, anon. I really appreciate the fact that you took the time to ask me this question. I’m also really honored that you wanted my opinion. It means more than you know! I hope your day is great! Love you! 💖
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