kaisooficrec · 1 year
Nini Planet Round 17 (Chance Encounters)
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The monthly Bottom Jongin fest is back with their 17th round and this time their theme is: Single Parents AU.
Love Me; Love Us
Genre: Single Parents, Hurt/Comfort, Self-Hatred, Intersex Jongin
Rating: R
Length: 3,998 w
Summary: Jongin thought falling in love was a mistake, but his daughter was a miracle. Luckily he finds someone to open his heart up to again and teach him how to love himself.
Blue Jeans
Genre: Mpreg
Rating: PG
Length: 3,991 w
Summary: Jongin has to suddenly live with his ex and their young daughter. Jongin really wishes that he had made better decisions in his past, then maybe his couch surfing ex would not be getting on his last nerve.
perfectly, i'm so into you
Genre: A/B/O, Alpha Kyungsoo, Omega Jongin, Single Parent Kyungsoo, Tutor Jongin, Fluff
Rating: PG-13
Length: 3,055 w
Summary: The biggest obstacle that Jongin had to endure as a private tutor right now was not his student, no, in fact, the kid had been the most cooperative one he had so far. It was actually the extremely attractive and happened to be single alpha father of his that really made Jongin all hot and bothered all the time.
You're like the sun, you wake me up
Genre: Implied Mpreg
Rating: PG-13
Length: 3,999 w
Summary: Jongin is a single dad who moves to a small town. He has a scary and stressed out boss and his daughter is a brat who loves to run away from home.
Love that Shines Through the Stars
Genre: Alien Jongin, Human Kyungsoo, Angst, Light Fluff
Rating: R
Length: 3,347 w
Warnings: Major Character Death, Violence
Summary: Kyungsoo made Jongin the promise that he would give him a life better than spending his days in a brothel; however, when word comes that his lover was killed on a job to make ends meet, Jongin is left devastated. The arrival of their son gives him a new reason to live, but he is always worried if he is capable of keeping the promise his lover made to him to his son in exchange.
The Winter You Came Back
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Reunions
Rating: PG
Length: 4,023 w
Summary: Perhaps the story of redemption starts with the act of forgiveness. Besides, he is sure his son would want to know of his daddy.
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soulhusbands · 1 year
"He imagined family would be like this, when he was growing up. Sitting around a table, playing games and not cleaning weapons, laughing and teasing and not conjugating Latin verbs. He wonders if he could fit into this picture, Dean and his friends, this small town. If Dean would let him."
What Remains by merrin
Podfic by litrapod
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Au - Canon divergent
Amnesia - Outsider POV
[more on pinboard]
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kpoppwriter · 2 years
An Apology - Laundry
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❧ Genre: hurt/comfort
❧ Words: 390
❧ Warnings: mentions of arguing
❧ A/N: have y’all heard ateez’s new album? it fuckin slaps
~※ An Apology - Masterlist ※~
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"I need some space right now.”
That was the last thing you said to Seonghwa before you went to bed. You'd been arguing for way too long and you just needed some time to think. You honestly didn't mean to fall asleep. You just needed a moment.
You actually woke up to the sound of your dryer. It was playing the song it plays when the laundry was done. But you hadn't done laundry the night before so you weren't sure why it was going off. You got out of bed and made your way to the living room. There sitting on the couch was Seonghwa. You could tell he'd slept on the couch, a blanket and a spare pillow were tossed to one side of the couch. He didn't notice you were in the room. His focus was on something else.
"Are you folding my laundry?"
Seonghwa jumped slightly at the sound of your voice. He turned to face you putting a neatly shirt down.
" Oh, you're up,” he hummed, "I made some food if you're hungry."
"What're you doing?”
"I'm folding some clothes right now-"
"No, I mean why? What’re you doing all this for?" you asked
"I'm doing this for you.”
He got up from the couch and approached you. He took your hands into his own keeping his eyes locked with yours.
"Things got a little out of hand last night and it bothered me. I took care of some things for you as an apology.”
"You didn't have to do that.”
"I know," he kissed your hand, "I wanted to."
You immediately wrapped your arms around Seonghwa trapping him in a hug. He instinctively snaked his arms around you returning the hug. You'd only been separated for a few hours but somehow you missed him. You burred your face into the crook of his neck.
"I'm sorry. Things got carried away last night and I shouldn't have just left you alone,” you mumbled into his skin
“It's alright. You just needed some space, I get it.”
You pulled back just enough to look Seonghwa in the eyes. From that look alone you could tell how much he loved you. You pressed a soft kiss to his lips.
"You really didn't have to do all that work though."
"I know but I really wanted to."
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babbiweeb · 10 months
the night we met-kyojuro rengoku (one shot)
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(anime in gif:unknown)
tw:(none, just emotional damage)
initial tags:pre-established reader background, kyojuro rengoku, senjuro rengoku, female reader, one-shot, demon slayer:kimetsu no yaiba
genre:hurt-no-comfort, romance
one shot theme:the night we met-lord huron
authors note:no story playlist for this one, only one song that flows through! i wanted to give writing a one shot/drabble out, see how i like it! i based this story off of an idea that popped to mind during my millionth listen to one of my favorites songs ever! while writing this, i truly had quite a bit of fun! this felt a bit more fast paced, which i love! you kyojuro stans, i do hope you like this one! talk soon!
Master Kagaya is a dutiful man, he never once strayed far away from his obligation. Though, beneath his gentle demeanor, he bore a deep hatred. A descendant of an evil birthed a millennium ago, the Ubuyashiki family is cursed to forever pay for this sin. Blind and yet painfully aware of the impending doom that awaits his children, he remains level headed and supportive. 
His children know of such a curse, it is no surprise the Master is in need of constant assistance. His wife, needing every bit of support in the aid of her husband. In turn, certain kakushi bless the home of the Ubuyashiki family, providing a sense of relief. 
It was one of those days that further blessed the heart of a certain Hashira. 
While required to dress accordingly to protect the identities of the kakushi, Lady Amane took a rather peculiar liking to an outspoken young woman. Perhaps it was the moment she came to realize this young woman shared similar beliefs to her own. Or perhaps, it was the utter care she presented as she cared for young Kamado. While the two kakushi remained transfixed in scolding the young boy for not understanding the gravity of his own fate, she stayed still. Calm, though the glare in her eye spoke otherwise. It was as if Lady Amane saw her younger self within her. That same hunger to simply bring order around her. Order, regulation, and peace–
Y/N had earned her own spot in the Ubuyashiki Estate, hand picked by Lady Amane herself. Her attire changed as well–
No longer in uniform, she dawns a kimono that signifies her status within the home. Awake at first light, she even stays up throughout the late hours of the evening providing support to their Master. This change in pace brings quick relief felt throughout the Estate. 
A meeting with all his children commenced on a morning that left the Master particularly ill. Since dawn, he had stained every cloth in red. But, his children deserve an update. They must see him, even if it shall bring a terrible ache. 
Walking slowly by his side, Lady Amane and Y/N bring support by holding tightly onto his arms. This morning starts anew for Y/N, as this is to be her official debut without dawning a uniform that strips away her identity. Her name to be addressed after today, her purpose to be solidified. 
A line of 9 individual strengths lineup mere feet from the edge of the engawa, and with the approaching sight of Master, they all take form. A sign of respect to the man that had given their lives purpose. Faint voices of greetings escape from the line of bowed heads. 
“Good morning Master”
At the center, the two women leave him to sit but remain close. Arms at their front, hands interlocked as attention is focused forward. Y/N however, took a moment to trace her eyes along the line. She had never seen the brave 9 up close before–stories of fortunate kakushi that were able to lend aid to injured Hashira were the only bits of information she gathered of their existence. The adrenaline kicks in swiftly as the heads of the courageous lift-
Her eyes, while not quite done being utterly nosey, meet with a fiery gaze.
“I had all and then most of you”-
Time had stopped, even just for a second, this was undeniable. Within an instant, the interest sparked. He wears fire and resembles light. A soft, gentle man with the look of pure determination. The spark of interest indeed. 
Quickly, she looks away from him, completely embarrassed by the sudden gaze. The bright flush in her supple cheeks caught all by him. The smile that curves onto his face is welcomed, as he dare not hide his joy. Why hide such an interest for such a lovely sight.  
The meeting ran for less than typical, Master could not handle the overwhelming warmth and topic of conversation. The sacrifice of his most treasured time with his children had to be cut short to his dismay. His cough worsened, words leaving him as he is left winded. Y/N had recognized his discomfort moments prior, due to this, she was by his side in an instant. Like a mother with a child, she nurtured him as Lady Amane guided him up. 
Given the circumstance, it was entirely inappropriate to witness this woman and feel attracted. And yet, here he watches her so intently as they walk away. Her gentle hand caresses his back as she seems to whisper into his ear. Her face is soft, and yet concerned. Everything about her is no less than intriguing. 
“Oh how I wish to see you once more.”
Nothing could have kept him away from the Ubuyashiki Estate. Whether he was training with Lord Tengen, or sharing sticky dango with Mitsuri, he found himself walking along the path just outside. His head turned every so often to maybe catch her. He did not understand why he felt this intense drive to see her more, but he couldn't take it much longer. How is it he had never seen her until now? 
“What is her story? Would she allow me to peek inside her mystery?”
He returned in the night–
His younger brother wondered where he had run off to. Senjuro knew Kyojuro was not assigned to duty. There hadn't been anything worth worrying about in the neighboring villages, surprisingly, it had been relatively peaceful. Though, this wasn't any cause for concern, as he would come to find out what kept him away from their quality time soon enough! 
Like the rest of this side of the world, many had begun to prepare themselves for well deserved rest. All but for her–the duty of the aid is never done. The garden had become her sanctuary while keeping watch. A peaceful stream of water flows through as she steps along the stone. The back gate had remained open to the unknown. 
At last, she sees him just before she can make her way to close the gate. Once again, they are left to their own pocket of time. The air thin as she chokes slightly on her own breath, not knowing what to say or what to do, they just stare for a moment. 
All at once, that spark ignites something within the bottoms of their feet–wanting nothing more than to get closer. Standing across from one another, they finally share a moment of bliss. 
The night they met-
“She is an outstanding woman! One of care and pure heart! Not to mention stongwilled!”-He continued eagerly.
“Can you believe she caught the interest of the Master? To be hand picked out of all the kakushi? Wow-”
Snickers among the group follow right behind the man of flame as he daydreams-
“The master isn't the only one she caught the attention of.”-
“Oh please calm yourselves, he’s utterly oblivious! This is just cruel teasing!”
“What’s cruel?”-As if to prove them right, Lord Tengen shakes his head as he looks to his best buddy, completely dumbfounded. 
“Oblivious and seemingly dense. It’s a miracle she spends time with you buddy-”
The faint giggles now become hearty laughs as the group begin to feel defeated. Perhaps time will be kind and make haste of the two. Hopefully. 
Meanwhile, Y/N had taken liberty to prepare a quick meal for the humble family before Lady Amane notices. She has this sense of duty to be the only one that fulfills the household tasks. Incessant that Y/N relaxes while she can, as in her words-
“You help enough.”
But of course, being that same outspoken woman, there is no way Y/N would ever leave the workload to one person. Especially not after how accommodating they have been with her. This is the least she could do! Plus, this serves as a wonderful distraction! Y/N has become completely engrossed by the Flame Hashira, all her thoughts consist of just him. 
The night they met proved to be something special. Nothing could compare to the late night talks they continued to have. Stories of his adventures far and wide engulfed the woman in such passion. She never heard of anyone acting the way he does–he is gallant, thoughtful.
It had become routine for Kyojuro to simply make time to visit her in secret, making it obvious to everyone but him that this is simply more than friendship. Kyojuro is just grateful to have met someone so interested in his story. She is someone who sees him, never once looking through into the next person. It’s refreshing to have more than just his brother to speak to so freely with. 
Oh–and yes, Senjuro is all too keen on one day meeting this special lady. Children are incredibly observant, sometimes though, a little too observant. Some nights are longer than others, while other nights, he comes home with a slight pink hue. It’s all too refreshing to see his eldest brother finally meet his match.
 “I had all and then most of you, some and now”-
He met his match alright-
The nights leading up to the mission, Y/N felt a chill crawl up her spine. Something wasn't right, in fact, the world felt as though it had shifted. Yet, he never seemed to understand it. He was so driven by his own pride and determination, the dangers meant nothing to him. 
But it meant everything to her. She never meant to strip him of his manhood. In fact, she was always the one to remind him nightly how much he truly did for our world. Our twisted, violent world full of creatures that plague the midnight sky. It wasn't in her character to be overly selfish, but for tonight, she must-
“Kyojuro, do not leave the base. Pass this along to another Hashira, someone who is more experienced in years-”
Cut off, the tension is thick.
“Now you say I am not experienced enough? What next? You think I should retire now because I’m simply not strong enough?”
His anger is palpable, though he does his best to keep it within him. It wasn't in his character to be angry. He simply just did not have it in him to be angry, and he could never direct his anger towards her. Though, his livelihood is now being questioned by a woman he had met not too long ago. Who gave her the right to disrespect a Hashira? 
“N-No! K-Kyojuro, please you misunderstand-”
His boiling point. What was it with the people around him that seemingly had no faith in his ability to think for himself? He had been called oblivious, dazed, and whatever else behind his back. Now, the one he had come to adore, claims he misunderstood her words? As if she did not speak them into existence? 
“No. I think it’s best if we simply let go for tonight. I must prepare to leave within the hour. I still have much to do.”
The silence was deafening. The night sky blanketed over their feelings. There was more–so much more. There was just not enough time, not enough here to confess. They had just met. They only had mere hours late in the night to spend with one another, and each conversation consisted of his glory-
Her words failed to make it above water. She felt as if she was drowning in a sea of pure agony. Everything was right there-
This silence was more than enough for him. This ride was not meant for her, they could not ride together.
 Please, please-
All is quiet, but not all is calm. All 9 had gone through the motions of this morning’s news. Day break had brought on a cloud of sadness and grief. Nothing could have prepared her. 
Last night’s silence brought on this morning’s guilt. Was there nothing that could be done? Why couldn't she have been enough for him. The breeze remained still after the final blow, as the trees came to a full stop. Yet another deafening silence that will forever imprint on her mind of things to despise. 
In the distance, the familiar caw of the most trusted guides known to the slayers grow louder-
And louder, then louder. 
Until further silence. The ring in her ear being the only thing that reminds her that she is still alive and left behind. Meanwhile-
He is dead.
 “I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you.”-
Please, please…please-
“Take me back to the night we met, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. I’m haunted by the ghost you.”
authors end note:you know what i had to put on after i wrote this after listening to the night we met on repeat for this??? super bass by miss ma'am minaj. i was twerking with tears (i should email back my therapist). i just really miss my best comfort character. wahhhh!!! i hope i still did you kyo stans proud! i promise i have more comfort fics coming! okie! talk to you all again soon! don’t be a stranger! teehee! 
word count:2325
many thank! -babbi₊˚⊹♡
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honey-oak · 1 year
You’re growing tired of me - AO3 link :) 
Reigen Arataka x Reader
Word Count: ~2k
Genre:Hurt/Comfort, Mild nsfw (Minors dni because I am Old)
Also thanks to @milky-fixx for reading this as I was writing it and convincing me everything didn’t sound awkward. ily.
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lustrouslee · 2 years
New fic! It's pretty short and simple, just something to blow some steam off and get away from the filthy hands of jhs :']
Father And Son Arc Between Swk and Mk
Genre:Hurt/Comfort(sort of), 400-500 words.
Defeat, something that is usually not taken so well. Most people take it as a token of shame, it is one the keys to break down the wall of pride. The Monkie Kid, A well known hero and protégé of the great Monkey King, who was now laying in shame as he tasted the bitter taste of defeat.
He slammed his fist, not accepting it lightly. He wasn't used to this, in all reality he wasn't used to carrying the burden of a hero. He never was and never will, tears started to run down. The heavy feeling was too much to handle, he couldn't do this anymore, he was sick of it, it made him uncomfortable, he badly wanted to be swallowed by the floor. He knew he could never been good enough to be the next Monkey King.
He had no real skills or even experience on the battlefield. He was just yet a another fan of a legendary hero, he was never really ready. He hated how he depended on his friends he only bluffed, that he could do anything just because he's the Monkey King, he only burdened them with putting them into dangerous situations.
He really was nothing but a stupid kid who tends to lead everyone in trouble.
"Hey kid, you alright?" a soft voice caught his attention, their heavy yet gentle hand laid upon on his shoulder, it was none other than the Monkey King. He had a solemn look on his face, resembling pity and empathy for him, he looked away. He couldn't stand to see Monkey King after he just experienced a horrible defeat, he couldn't let him see the tears.
The grip on his shoulder became tighter, but not enough to physically hurt him. "kid..." He looked at the Monkey King, his eyes were puffy because of the salty tears. The Monkey King crouched down scratching his chin, "It's alright to be defeated kid, don't take that as a sign of.. Negativity, don't give up easily." He said with a serious expression on his face, but he accompanied it with a soft smile.
"Just try to do better! Just because you failed this doesn't mean you'll keep getting defeated, I promise you you'll get better soon in the future, the road of a hero is a rocky one." However his smile faltered as soon as Mk said something that shocked him to eternity.
“What’s the point of trying if it just proves that I’ll never be good enough?”
Sun Wukong's lips had frowned, feeling more than pity and empathy for the kid. He knew this feeling all along, the feeling of uselessness and he can't let Mk feel this horrible feeling either way. He pulled the young hero in a tight hug, so tight yet not enough to physically hurt him.
"Look kid, I know failure is a hard thing to overcome and i experienced that. So it's alright to fail and experience defeat because you'll learn something special within it." He felt Mk hug him tighter as he pats his back, the tears seemed to be making his clothes get wet but he didn't mind.
"I'm here for you, always. I know that might be not enough but that's all I got." Simple words yet they bring warm and comfort to the young adult that is stuck in the warm embrace of the King.
Things may not be getting better, but at least his friends and the monkey king will be always there.
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varchiefanfiction · 4 years
Author: causemoinot
Rating: NR.
Length: multichapter.
Summary: “Don’t you make me say goodbye to you, Archie Andrews” She begins to cry.
Inspired by the 3x06 and 3x07 Promo.
Within days after a successful old fashioned prison break Veronica has initiated, the once happily in love couple briefly rekindled has to cut all ties because Archie suddenly broke up with her.
Veronica explores the truth on Archie's whereabouts and as she try to trace Archie the only certain thing she has left in her life begin to feel uncertain; Unlike last time, finding Archie is actually just the beginning of a whole new mess. Prison, rejection of the town and double escapes has shaken Archie's soul, and his dread has been unfilled by another being, a new home that offer acceptance after being denied by the city he once saved. Something too familiar, someone from a place called the farm. Both Veronica and Archie faced the uncertainty of their relationship, their feelings for each other, and things they fight for.
don’t forget to give the author some feedback!
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sebaekficrec · 5 years
Author: immerfurSH
Genre: Greek Mythology!AU, Fantasy, Gods and Goddesses!AU, Romance, Angst, Hurt/Comfort 
Rating: PG-13 
Length: Chaptered 
𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐥 — 𝘢 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘺𝘢 𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘵:
𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙨.
“how wonderful; how strange. to be loved by something that hates all else.”
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h50fanficdirectory · 6 years
via AO3 works tagged 'Steve McGarrett/Danny "Danno" Williams'
by MissSlothy
A flu-epidemic sweeps through HPD.
Written for Comfort-Fest 2018.
Words: 3970, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Hawaii Five-0 (2010)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Steve McGarrett, Danny "Danno" Williams, Tani Rey, Junior Reigns
Relationships: Steve McGarrett/Danny "Danno" Williams
Additional Tags: Comfort, Sickfic, Pre-Slash, Hurt
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exofanfiction · 6 years
Kyungsoo and Jongin have been best friends since they were little, and now that they’re older Kyungsoo has some feelings that are more than he should have for a ‘best friend’. It’s bad enough, but even worse when Jongin is handsome and well-liked, and Kyungsoo is the pale, bullied, and slightly on the chubby side boy who will never be Jongin’s type.
Kyungsoo doesn’t actually know what Jongin’s type is, though. 
+ High school au, popular/nerd au, chubby Kyungsoo
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7fics · 7 years
Can I have a fic where yugyeom got more upset instead of relieved by the hidden camera on got7ing ep.8? hurt/comfort plz :)
Warnings: literally one swear word
Author: Keannah
Word Count: 907
A/N: Wheezes hello new author Keannah here with my very first fill! I included the Markgyeom tag in there mainly because it became a little more platonic!Markgyeom than I intended… I hope you like it, anon!
If there was anything Yugyeom hated most in this world, it was upsetting and angering his hyungs. He loved and adored them, and as the youngest he craved their praise and affection, but all that ever stuck with Yugyeom amidst all the love and care was all the times he was a hindrance to them.
He missed the snickers and stifled laughter of his members when Jaebum stormed up to him, jaw tight and eyes set afire. Immediately, he cowered, and felt the heat of his anxiety rising from the pit of his stomach into his throat - a wave of nausea washing over him, gasping for air in attempt to push down the wavering feeling between passing out and bursting into tears.
His heart sunk the moment his members ran around the room triumphantly, successfully lulling him into another hidden camera. But this time he didn’t cry - he would only seem weak, he wasn’t weak, at least, he didn’t want to seem weak. So he played along, chest constricting and cheeks aching as he forced on a smile, playfully trying to get out of their vice like grips.
The moment they reached home, Yugyeom shut his bedroom door behind him and buried himself under his blankets, trying to drown out the booms of laughter and joy that sent a ringing through his ears. Hearing how much fun they were having without him only made him sink further into his bed, and he thought for a moment that it would be better for him to just lay there and rot rather than face his members.
The creak of his door opening went unnoticed while he sobbed, only making the effort to muffle his hiccups and sniffles in his pillows when he felt a presence next to his bed.
No words were exchanged - Yugyeom didn’t have a clue who it was, but by the way the delicate hand smoothed over his back, it told him it was Mark.
“Go away.” Yugyeom pulled the sheets just below his nose to reveal his puffy eyes and runny nose.
“Hey.” His voice was stern yet gentle - there was nothing condescending or commanding about Mark’s voice. “Gyeom, you know you can always talk to me.”
That was the thing about Mark. No matter how much he stumbled over his words or how little he spoke, he always listened. Yugyeom couldn’t be anymore grateful that it was Mark that came to find him instead of someone else.
“It’s stupid.”
Mark moved from his kneeling position to sit on the edge of Yugyeom’s bed, fingers weaving their way into the youngest’s hair as a form of therapy to calm him down. “A problem is still a problem. Tell me what’s up. It’s okay.”
“I-” he starts, but then stops. “I told you, it’s stupid.”
“Stupid problem or not, I’m still going to listen to you, Gyeomie. Feelings are feelings. Don’t bottle them in.”
Yugyeom sat up, untangling Mark’s fingers from his hair wordlessly. “Is this about earlier?”
Mark earned a meek nod and he pulled the younger into a tight embrace, not blinking an eye when he heard the younger began to sob again. He rubbed soothing circles on his back, rocking their bodies from side to side in attempt to calm him down. “God, I’m so sorry, Gyeom.”
As soon as Yugyeom’s crying ceased, Mark pulled away and wiped his tear stained face, sighing and pressing their foreheads together. “I’m so sorry. Please, if we hurt you, don’t keep it in. We never want to be the reason you’re hurting. We never want you to hurt.”
“When things like t-that happen… I hate it. I hate disappointing you, I hate frustrating you, I hate making you angry. I hate myself for being such a nuisance.”
“You’re not a nuisance. You’re our lovable, sweet, maknae, okay? Please, always tell us - or if you’re not comfortable telling everyone, at least tell me when something is wrong. It’s the most I can do as your big brother. I’m doing a pretty shitty job if I can’t even do it right.”
“Thank you, hyung.” Mark pursed his lips into a tight smile, wiping some left over tears. “We love you. Don’t ever forget that.”
A knock came at the door before the knob twisted it open, Jinyoung’s head poking in. “Hey, you guys were taking a while so…” He trailed off and walked inside as soon as he saw Yugyeom’s face, and Yugyeom couldn’t help but tear up at the sight of Jinyoung, who immediately tugged him into a tight hug.
Mark enveloped the two in his arms, rubbing up and down on Yugyeom’s back, and somehow the other members caught on and dogpiled onto Yugyeom’s bed, the maknae in the center of the embrace.
“Why are we hugging, though?” Youngjae piped up, cheek resting on Jinyoung’s shoulder blade.
Yugyeom forced out a giggle at that, pushing his hyungs off him with a smile. Mark ruffled his hair, wiping the fresh tears with the pads of his thumb.
Jaebum and Jinyoung didn’t need to know what Yugyeom was crying about - they could read it in Mark’s and Yugyeom’s faces, the way Mark gazed at him with the utmost affection, care, and worry, all at once. Jackson, Youngjae, and Bambam needed a little more explaining, but Yugyeom didn’t mind at all.
“We love you, kiddo.” Jinyoung brushed Yugyeom’s red locks from his face. “We would be nothing without you.”
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kaisooficrec · 2 months
In sickness and in health
Author: K_Borealis
Genre: Heavy Angst, Hurt/No Comfort, Sad Ending, Blind Jongin
Rating: PG
Length: 2,720 w
Warnings: Major Character Death, Plane Crashes, Poisoning
Summary: How do you escape the darkness when your biggest light is gone?
Admin’s Note: From Round 8 of the No Happy Ending Fest.
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soulhusbands · 3 years
"Maybe two dead things can’t tell that they’re dead when they’re together."
Undead Verse by hathfrozen
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AU - Canon Divergent
Codependency - Horror
[more on pinboard]
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kpoppwriter · 2 years
An Apology - Silence
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❧ Genre: hurt/comfort
❧ Words: 280
❧ Warnings: mentions of arguing
❧ A/N: I didn’t want to do the same group twice but this fits for San pretty well
~※ An Apology - Masterlist ※~
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You were upset. You knew you should’ve calmed down by now but you couldn’t help but replay the argument over and over in your head. And that just made you more upset. Upset at the situation, upset with yourself for letting things get as far as they did. You weren’t upset with San though. You couldn’t be mad at him. Yeah, you both said some things that were a little harsher than expected but you both knew it was just a heat of the moment thing. 
You sat at the edge of your bed just zoning out. You let out a long sigh as you ran a hand through your hair. You laid down on the bed wrapping yourself up in the soft duvet. You could hear the soft padding of feet in the hallway slowly getting closer to the bedroom. The door opened and the footsteps stopped. After a moment, the door closed quietly. The bed dipped as San slipped under the covers. His arms hesitantly wrapped around your waist waiting to see if you’d react before pulling you close to him. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered 
“No, I’m sorry,” you shimmied further into his embrace
Neither of you spoke. You didn’t need to. Just being this close was enough. 
You turned around to get a good look at your boyfriend. He kept his arms wrapped around you even as you moved. He wasn’t letting you go any time soon. You cuddled up with him burying your face in his chest. He traced small shapes into your back as you started to drift off. You knew you still had to talk things out but for right now, this was enough.
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beizhiwendy0318 · 2 years
The most important meaning
One shot
Tom’s character:Loki
PAIRING:Loki / reader
Hi, everyone, It's Beizhi Ning. It was my first time to try to write a story in English. It was very difficult for me, but I found it very interesting after I tried. If I have some bad English usage or wrong grammar, please forgive me, I will learn and correct slowly. A big thank you and love to my dear friend F@tomhiddlestonfanfic , whose encouragement gives me a lot of confidence, and who I think is the best writer ever.
Please let me know if you like my story, it means a lot to me. Or if you have any better criticisms or suggestions, just send them to me. Thank you and love you.💕❤️🌸
"You're always so mean, Loki." Before you slam the door and run away from the house, you shout at him and tears flow out of your eyes.
In fact, after confirming your relationship with Loki, this is one of the few times you yelled at him. It's never because you are afraid of his divine identity, but because you love him.
Every time he says mean words, you can turn it into a self-protection mechanism when he loses his sense of security. The young god who lacks love should eat more sweet candy in love, so you should be an adult who gives him sugar.
However, you are no less insecure than him. Every time he say those words to you after he is sad and angry,you don't seem to be hurt, but in fact, you will be very frightened.
Although you firmly believe that he will not hurt you from the bottom of your heart, you will be stung by his words such as "in fact, I don't love you at all, Little girl".
You think so, wandering at the crossroads, you only feel heartache like fragmentation. You know he'll know where you are - as long as he wants. But whatever.
You laughed at yourself and looked at the traffic in front of you. You just felt that the scene in front of you was a little unreal.
You murmured, "Loki, is it really the right decision to love you?"
The sound of the door being slammed was infinitely amplified in his ear.
Loki looked at your departure in amazement. After a long time, he paced slowly and sadly to the sofa. "She'll never come back."
He sighed, with a sad look in his eyes. He doesn't know what happened in just a few minutes ago. He just remembers that you came back later than usual today. Then, under a strong sense of insecurity, his words changed their tone after seeing you - it seems that such hurtful words have become his ability to protect himself. In fact, he didn't want to.
He looked around the empty room and looked at the picture you painted on the wall. It was you and him.
He was even more sad. "Even you are lying to me..." His eyes moved away from the painting, memories came to his mind, and he closed his eyes painfully
—— They're all the same. I don't deserve to be loved. I just a monster that people trying to beat.Odin,Frigga,Thor... Even you. You're all liars. You're all lying to me.
Loki didn't even realize,in a state of extreme tension and depression, he broke the glass on the table by magic.
You finally returned to your home. Loki is lying on the sofa and looks like sleeping.
Looking at the mess on the table, you sighed. As soon as you were ready to clean up, the sound came from the side.
"... who did I think it was? Didn't you say you'd never come back?"
As always, with cold ridicule, his voice is a little more trembling in your ears.
You ignored his cold words, just silently buried your head and picked up the pieces of glass.
Loki looked at you without saying a word. The panic in his heart and the determination that you will eventually leave were clearer, and the words he spit out were more mean. "Listen, I don't need your mercy at all."
"I don't need your cheap sympathy for me. Do you understand, Y/N, I don't love...,"
You finally couldn't help it. When you slapped him in the face, you saw his amazement and disbelief. When there was only an echo in the room, you noticed that your whole right hand was shaking.
"... Sorry." You looked at him carefully, and your eyes were red. He seems to have calmed down in this slap,too. He lonely sat back on the sofa and looked at you who didn't respond for a long time.
"You don't have to leave, it's me to leave. Asgard, Jotunheim, or anywhere else in the atrium, I can..."
"No." You interrupt him, "no one needs to leave, Loki. I'm too tired. I just want to go back to bed. Let's discuss this tomorrow."
When you ran away from the living room against his eyes and went back to bed to wrap yourself in the quilt, you still couldn't accept the fact that you slapped him.
Not good memories emerge from your mind.
You think of your predecessor. In those days, you were still an innocent little girl, who automatically assumed the position of protected requester in love, and your predecessor, he also promised to protect you forever.
Until you slapped him in a fierce quarrel. He slammed the door. And when you panic through the streets of the city to apologize, you find that he is laughing with other women. He looks much happier than when he is with you. You will never forget that moment when the whole world that belonged to you fell apart in an instant.
After that, your temperament has changed greatly. You fall in love again after a few years, but it's not the same as it was then. You become sensitive and worry about gain and loss in love.
You can toss and turn all night for a lover's word, and even constantly lower your bottom line and change your principles.But, without exception, they all broke up with you.
Before you met Loki, you thought you'd never fall in love again. But you still fell in love with him and walked into the life of the God of mischief.
You don't know how long later, when Loki calmed down from the living room and returned to the room, you were already asleep.
But you didn't sleep well. Because you're crying.
You seem to have a long dream.
In your dream, you see your cheating first love and your predecessors who complain about you. Just as you were almost swallowed by them, Loki appeared. He drove them away from you and hugged you tightly.
When you wake up, the sun is already shining in the whole room. You look around the room and Loki is not there.
You breathe. In fact, you haven't figured out how to face your lover, but when you go out of the bedroom and find him coming out of the kitchen, you're still stunned for a moment.
"... Good morning." You try to say morning to him, sit at the table and watch the breakfast he prepared for you,which something that hasn't happened before.
You suddenly think of yesterday's dream again. You look up at him and your voice is a little choked. "Great breakfast. I like it very much." He felt the change in your look, "but you're crying." "I'm moved." You shook your head and put a sandwich in your mouth to suppress your emotions. "Loki, do you God cook so delicious...?"
Loki suddenly squats down and looks at you. "In fact, you can show your real emotions, honey." You look at his flashing eyelashes and deep and sincere eyes, and tears suddenly fall down.
You spoke almost at the same time, which almost broke your tears into laughter. He motioned you to say first, so you whispered, "I'm sorry I hit you yesterday..." You sighed.
You thought you would hear his cold hum, but you only felt that he helped you smooth your messy hair. "It doesn't matter. It's not the first time I've been beaten..." His voice grew smaller and smaller in your reproachful eyes. Finally, Loki kept silent and smiled gently. "But I do want to say, baby, you beat far worse than Jane's slap at that time."
You pretend to lift your arm again, when he suddenly wrapped his big hand around your little hand.
"Darling, listen to me."
"I'm very, very, very sorry about yesterday and the past."
A trace of disbelief flashed in your eyes and was well covered up by you. If you remember correctly, this is the first time he apologized to you.
You suddenly feel very sour in your heart. You shake your head desperately, "No... Loki, in fact, you don't need to apologize. It's me..."
He interrupted, "it's my problem. I haven't been able to know so many things you've experienced before for so long..." This time it's your turn to freeze. You look at him in a daze until he speaks again and can't speak.
"I'm sorry I entered your memories and dreams without your permission yesterday."
"Why haven't you mentioned this before?" Your softest and most vulnerable place seems to be pierced by him. You shake your head, "I don't want you to see the fragile me. I want to protect you.I know you are God. In fact, you are much stronger than me, but I just want to protect you."
He reached out and wiped the tears off your cheeks. "I know."
"You don't know." You shake your head gently. "Loki, no matter what you think, my love for you has never changed." You look at him firmly, "I hope you will always be yourself in your relationship. I want to give you as much security as possible."
It seems that he didn't expect you to say this. Loki's hand wiping your tears suddenly stops. You raise his hand, hold it and continue talking. "Moreover, you should believe that there are many people in the world who love you.Odin, Frigga, Thor, the people of Asgard, and me. We all love you very much."
"You were born with a glorious purpose. You are a very important and important existence in the universe. If you don't trust others, at least trust me."
Seeing the tall figure in front of you, who dodged your eyes like a child while you were talking, and became trembling and choking,you touched his cheek softly and kissed the corners of his eyes gently.
"You are neither a monster nor a bad person. You are my lover."
You have never said these words to him before, even if they have been hidden in your heart for a long time. You are always afraid that such words will make him fall into the vortex of emotion in the past, but today, at this moment, you think it's time.
"As long as you like, I will always be by your side. I'm just a mortal, maybe it doesn't matter to you, but I swear, in my limited life, I won't leave you."
You always looked into his eyes sincerely. After saying these words, you hugged him tightly, and he firmly responded to the hug in a moment. He shook his head and revised your words. "No.You never unimportant. You are my most important meaning in the universe."
"I swear in the name of Asgard that I will protect you forever and will never leave you, my love."
"I love you."
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taekaifics · 9 years
Define home
Author: hyeongsoap Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort Rating: G Warnings: fem!taemin, het!taekai Summary:
“You think I will wake up the next week, have the guts and walk up the stage?”
“One day you will. I know it.” Taeyeon murmurs. She takes Jongin’s hand, makes it look like it is the most natural and necessary thing to do, playing with their fingers, slicing Jongin’s chest open, taking the heart, ripping it apart only to patch it up the moment later, putting it back where it belongs.
Status: completed Length: oneshot Link: (x)
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