#Genshin Ningguang
kaveh-a-day · 13 hours
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Day 59
72 notes · View notes
kurogane2512 · 2 months
I can treat you better
A little concept I wanted to try for a while, I see this done with male characters a lot and I wanted to experiment on my waifus.
Game: Genshin Impact
Characters: CEO!Ningguang, Teacher!Lisa, Milf!La Signora (referred as Rosalyne) x fem!reader
Type: Fluff hcs and drabble, Modern AU
Contains: Broken marriages, infidelity (not with reader), comforting, teacher-student relationship (Lisa), age-gap (Lisa and Signora)
Marriage is supposed to be the ultimate union between lovers, a symbol of togetherness and eternal love. However, not every marriage ends as well as it began. Love shouldn't fade away but sometimes it does, or perhaps it never existed in the first place and was just a matter of convenience.....
CEO!Ningguang who owns the most successful business in the country that she started by her own efforts. A meticulous and hard-working woman who has lines of suitors but everyone knows she's already given her heart to her husband, a simple man she met in college and fell in love with. He promised to support her in her business venture and always stuck right by her side the more she built her empire.
Ningguang is highly successful in life, she has money and a loving partner- what more could one ask for? You are her secretary, her right-hand woman, who has assissted her since the beginning. The first and only secretary she has had because you are perfect for the job. You have had a crush on her for the longest time, but you knew how happy she is with her husband so you simply continue supporting her from the sidelines.
However, her marriage started becoming rocky recently. Ningguang spent too much time at work, doing overtime almost every day for the last 6 months and rarely spending time with her partner. Ningguang never stopped climbing the success ladder, she wanted more and she was determined to work for it. Her husband, on the other hand, became a stay-at-home husband because.... why does he need to work when his wife is the richest woman in the world?
Ningguang became more stressed as days passed, she was making deals with all these demanding companies all the while trying to keep her marriage at bay. Many times, you heard her arguing with him on the phone, his voice would be so loud that you could clearly make out the curses and accusations he threw at her. It frustrated you. How dare he say all that to her? How dare he think of her this way?
Ningguang was working hard for her future with him, she was not greedy for money. She wanted to give him and her eventual children the best life she could, all of this hard work was for him. Yet, he seemed to have never realized that. The more days Ningguang spent cooped in her office, the more apart she became with him. Until the day you heard her crying for the first time in your life....
"Ms Ningguang, the documents you want—" you stepped inside Ningguang's office but stopped mid-sentence as you heard her sniffle. She was seated on her table, holding her head in frustration and looking at something on her phone.
"Ms Ningguang, are you okay? What happened?" You were genuinely worried, the woman you loved was crying and you wanted to do something. Ningguang quickly wiped away her tears and switched off her phone screen before standing up and looking at you firmly, "Ah, Y/n, thank you. I had been looking for these for a while."
She avoided your question. You knew something was seriously wrong now. You wanted to ask more but decided to not pester her and continued with the work you had brought in, she came into her 'work mode' almost immediately. She always impressed you so much. The two of you finished the work for the day then you invited her to a diner for a simple meal, hoping to lighten her mood. You had a hearty meal together and drank a few glasses of alcohol to unwind, she became a bit tipsy and leaned on the bar table while you prepared to leave the place and escort her home.
"Earlier.... my apologies for avoiding your question." Ningguang suddenly spoke causing you to stop your actions and listen to her.
"N-No, ma'am, it's okay. You are not obliged to tell me everything...."
She sighed then took out her phone and scrolled to a particular photo then showed you the screen, your eyes immediately widening in shock.
"Is this.... your husband? And that woman...." Yes, it was a photo of her husband with another woman, and they looked very intimate like a couple. It could be brushed off as friends but the position was.... too intimate for friends, the woman was all over him and he was very much into her as well. Now, you realized why Ningguang was potentially crying at that time. You stayed silent and looked at Ningguang with sympathy while she simply let out a bitter chuckle.
"What do you think? They are just friends? That's what I want to believe as well but I have never seen her around him before, we know each other's friend groups well enough. Either she's a new addition during the time I have been away or...."
She trailed off and you noticed tears forming in her eyes. You felt infuriated. She did not deserve this at all.
"....I suggest you should talk to him and clear up things, having doubts and misinterpretating can lead to unnecessary conflicts between you two. You should take some time off from work, I'll handle everything for you, ma'am."
Ningguang pinched her temple and pondered for a moment before nodding, "I know, you are right. But hypothetically speaking, if this is what I think this is then.... what should I do? I....I don't know how to face him."
"You shouldn't think of that possibility, ma'am. He loves you, doesn't he? You should trust that and talk to him openly. I....don't think he would do this to you; you are amazing and so beautiful, it could just be a misunderstanding."
You wanted to comfort her and give her some hope but deep down, you weren't so sure yourself. The picture was too obvious to be misunderstood, but you didn't want to see Ningguang upset. She finally smiled a little and nodded then you helped her stand up and escorted her to her car. She was more drunk now and leaned on your shoulder, wrapping her arms around your body and snuggling into your neck.
"....It's my fault, isn't it? It's all because of how neglectful I have been, I have barely spent any time with him. Everyone says I'm married to my work now, he waits for me every day and I come home late then leave early morning without talking to him at all. This was bound to happen, it's all my fault..."
She was rambling, blaming herself for everything. You hated seeing her this way, you knew how much she loved him. "But...But I have been holding back so much as well. I also have needs! We haven't touched each other in so long....and he goes and finds someone else."
CEO!Ningguang who later talks to her husband and finds out it was a misunderstanding, the woman really was a new friend he made. The smile on her face returned and she became more relaxed, there was no greater joy for you than to see her being happy again. She thanked you for your advice and started having a better work-life balance.
You supported Ningguang even more and sent her home early so she could spend time with him; although, you never stopped doubting him because that photo was way too suspicious and you felt he was lying just to take advantage of her and her money. You became a comfort person for Ningguang, a shoulder to cry on whenever she needed it. She shared with you her personal things and regularly asked for suggestions for her love life.
You thought all things were going well until one day when you came across another photo of him with that same woman from before. Once again, Ningguang was sobbing in her office that night while holding you close and rambling. She revealed that she had planned to talk about having children with him soon and also booked a vacation to spend time together but now she could no longer go about it.
You couldn't see her this way. You comforted her and slowly told her that she should reconsider her marriage. He was cheating on her and using her money. You didn't know if his love was ever real, but you were bound to believe it wasn't. It infuriated you to see such an amazing woman like Ningguang go through this, you wanted to be there for her and help her as much as possible.
She eventually divorced and cut all connections with him and his family, even buying a separate house for herself and sending him far away. You could see her true self returning, she felt liberal and free after all this time. And she wasn't blind to ignore all the help you gave her; spending late nights in her stead to complete her work so she could enjoy.... why were you so supportive of her? She started seeing you differently and wondered if there was more to you.
"You are an idiot, Y/n." Ningguang overheard you talking with a colleague one day during your coffee break and she hid around the corner and listened in.
"Who in their right mind helps patch up the marriage of the woman she loves?! If it was me, I would have used that to come between them and taken her!" your colleague spoke with a chuckle, Ningguang's eyes widening at the statement. You loved her? You did all that.... all the while being in love with her? The time you spent advising her and helping her be with her husband.... you loved her all that time?
"Don't be ridiculous! She.... she loved him and I just wanted to see her happy, even if not with me. Besides, I'm not in her league at all. I'm fine with how things are and now that she's no longer bound to him, she can be herself and do what makes her happy."
Ningguang's heart skipped a beat, you did so much for her just to see her happy.... even her ex-husband never did that. It was always her being the giver in the relationship and she barely received anything in return from him, now she realized the true meaning of love. She realized how blind she had been, there was someone doing everything for her just the way she had been doing for him.
CEO!Ningguang who starts falling for you, seeing you as more than just a secretary or friend. She tries to be around you more, makes you accompany her to more places than before. She invites you to her house under the guise of working, just to spend more time with you because your presence is so comforting to her. She is still recovering from her broken marriage, but with you she feels loved.
She plans to confess in the near future if you don't, and till then tries to understand you better as a person. She realizes how much she has always liked you but was too blinded to see it. But what she didn't see coming was when you handed in your resignation notice one faithful day....
"Resignation? Why all of a sudden? Is the salary not up to your requirements? Is there too much work pressure? I don't see how there isn't any room for negotiation if you find something unsatisfactory here, Y/n." Ningguang was perplexed, almost on the verge of breaking down. Why were you doing this? Were you really going to bury your feelings and leave?
"No ma'am, none of that. Everything is good here; the salary and work environment, I like everything and I don't mind the work pressure either because it's very rewarding."
"Then why? I believe I deserve to hear a proper reason for this. You are one of my oldest and best employees, have you been offered a better deal somewhere else?"
Ningguang attempted to negotiate with you to make you stay; aside from how used to she was to you and your working style, she truly didn't want you to leave.
"....Are you really going to leave just like this? Without even telling me your true feelings?!" Ningguang's voice raised as she paced around the table and stood in front of you, looking at you firmly. You were confused as to what she meant, but she soon answered your doubts.
"This is how your love is, Y/n?! You'll run away without speaking a word?! You also want to leave me?!"
Your eyes widened, how did she know? And why was she being this way? You were about to say something but Ningguang grabbed your collar and pulled you into a passionate kiss, her lips kissed yours feverishly as if she wanted to own you and keep you here forever.
"Don't you dare leave me.... Is that clear?" Ningguang whispered against your lips as she pulled away from the kiss, leaving you breathless and astonished. You had no idea when she found out about your feelings but now that the cat was out of the bag, you didn't want to hold back either.
"Yes, I'm sorry. I....I love you very much, Ms Ningguang. I want to be with you and I promise to treat you well, I want to keep you happy forever."
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Teacher!Lisa who is the sweetest and most beloved teacher at your university. Currently in your first year, she teaches you chemistry and let's just say the entire university has a crush on her to some extent, teachers and students alike. A kind, hardworking and sincere woman who has been teaching for 6-7 years now and has never had a complaint against her. But to everyone's vain, she's happily married for 5 years to a man arranged by her parents.
Lisa loves teaching and interacting with her students, she's always ready to put in the extra effort for struggling students and very patiently deals with problematic cases. She's usually soft spoken and pleasant to be around, but anger her and she can be quite strict and terrifying as well even if it's extremely rare to see her that way. As her student, you don't miss any of her classes due to how much you love to attend them.
Lisa eventually became your class tutor and you showed utmost enthusiasm to be the class representative in order to help her, but truthfully you just wanted to be with her more. Your classmates called you a teacher's pet but you didn't care, you genuinely wanted to help Ms Lisa and care for her just like she cares for you. You eventually grow close with her as you spend time outside of classes, doing some work or the other and chatting along.
Lisa rarely talked about her family which wasn't surprising as you were just a student, but you discovered that even with her colleagues she rarely ever shared anything and seemed to dislike the topic altogether. Everyone assumed her marriage was good considering how sweet and lovable she was, she'd make a perfect wife. But little does everyone know her dark reality....
"Ah, Y/n. Do you mind opening the window? It's gotten really warm these days...." Ms Lisa sighed and fanned her face as sweat trickled down her forehead, the two of you were sitting in the staff room during afternoon. She had called you to do some work and you agreed as it was your free lecture; coincidentally, the staff room was also empty right now as other teachers had gone for classes.
You nodded to her and stood up to slide open the nearby window and let the cool breeze flow in. You then turned around to walk back to your place when you saw Ms Lisa remove her coat and pull up her sleeves which caused you to glace at a peculiar cut on her wrist.
"Ma'am, did you get hurt?" you came closer and asked in a concerned tone. She realized where you were pointing and quickly slid her sleeve back down to hide the scar before letting out a forced smile.
"Oh, it's nothing. I accidentally brushed my hair straightener there."
"....I see, please take care of yourself."
You weren't easily convinced that's all it was but you were unable to know more. You worried about her, you hoped everything was fine.
Teacher!Lisa who actually has a toxic good-for-nothing husband living off her hard-earned money. A regular drunkard who lost his job after their marriage, she was forced to marry him because he used to be well off but in reality, he was doing illegal work that eventually got him caught and put on house arrest. She is the sole breadwinner of their household and struggles every day to make ends meet.
Lisa never let anyone know the truth about her marriage, not even her parents. She knew they wanted the best for her when they made her marry him and he did appear to be nice back then. She regularly argues with him and looks after him when she comes home, all the while managing work from the university and her basic duties.
Lisa's husband recently became violent and started hitting her during their arguments. She was coming to her breaking point but she couldn't leave him; after all, she fell in love with him after their marriage. He was handsome and gentlemanly in the beginning; despite being an arranged marriage, they got along and liked each other. She hated seeing him in this state and promised to keep supporting him even when nobody else does.
But everyone has a breaking point, and Lisa was nearing hers too. She hated having to tolerate such treatment every day, she wanted to be a good teacher and be with her students who bring her joy without having to worry about going back to a dreadful home. Then one day, her husband crossed even more borders. Now she had to live with him cheating on her as well? How could she walk into her house just to find another woman in bed with her good-for-nothing husband?
Lisa had no words and packed up her essentials then left, she did not need any explanations or excuses. How could he do that? What did she not do for him? And how is she lacking in appearance or sex drive that he'd go for some random woman? She gave him everything and he never recognized it, she had enough. She found herself at a bus stop, eyes filled with tears and no idea of what to do. That's when a miracle happened.
"Ms Lisa?! What are you doing here at this hour?!" your voice called out to her from behind, and she turned around to see you walk up to her with an excited look.
"I'm just...." she trailed off and your eyes fell on the bag she was carrying, tear stains on her face.
"What happened? Are you okay?" you asked softly and stepped closer, gently caressing her arm.
"...What about you, Y/n? Why are you out so late?" she averted your question.
"O-Oh, I'm just returning from my part-time work. My flat is nearby, would you like to come?"
"Do you live with anyone else?"
"No, it's an independent flat. I.... didn't really want a roommate."
Lisa ponders for a while and eventually agrees to come with you. A humble abode perfect for a single person, she found a strange sense of calmness and comfort in your apartment. You offered her some beverage and you found out she hadn't eaten anything since afternoon, feeling appalled and immediately went to cook for her. She trusted you, she wanted to be away from her life for now.
"Uh, sorry, I don't have too many ingredients right now. I was going to go shopping this weekend, I hope you don't mind pasta...."
Lisa looked at the plate you put in front of her, a small smile appearing on her face. "Pasta is my favorite dish, actually. But it's been a long time since I had it, thank you."
You smiled back, you knew something was up. The cheerful Ms Lisa was strangely quiet, seemingly holding back a lot of her emotions. Eventually, she finally opened up to you and told you everything about her husband- from the abuse to cheating. You were terrified hearing the horrors she faced, yet presented herself to be happy at the university, nobody could guess she faced all of that every day.
You offered her to stay at your place for as long as she wants, and that she should report him to police and talk to her parents. A divorce was the obvious couse of action, but you were in no place to advice that to her. You only hoped to comfort her and provide her a home until this passed. That night, you laid in bed together and Ms Lisa held you as she cried out, eventually falling asleep in your arms. If only she knew how much you loved her, right from the first day you saw her....
Teacher!Lisa who talks to her parents the next day and tells them everything. They feel devastated hearing what their daughter went through, and they assist her in a successful divorce where she gets maintenance claims and a secret property he had. It was a messy court case given the illegal work of the husband, but she triumphed and obtained her justice.
The case went on for a few months and Ms Lisa lived with you all this time. She helped you in your studies and enabled you to become the topper in her class, though she never used any unfair means to help you. It was sometimes hard to hide the fact that you were living together, but you both made it work. Ms Lisa wasn't open for a new relationship yet, It was true she really loved him and it was hard to move on despite all the terrible things he did.
Ms Lisa and you grow closer than ever during the time she lives with you. You act like a happily married couple more than she ever did with her ex-husband. She said she'll do all household chores to pay you for allowing her to live there, though you really didn't mind either way. You cook together, watch movies, laugh and share past memories, study, have shopping dates and what not.
Lisa did not know it yet but she was deeply in love with you, she had forgotten how it felt to be treated with love and given importance. She wondered about your love life now, if you have someone you like or wish to date. You tell her you want to focus on studies and career, but there is indeed someone you like. She becomes curious, even slightly jealous realizing the gap between you and her.
One night, you were out until late drinking with some friends. You returned home in a drunk state and Lisa was ready to tend to you. While she was surprised you had this side to herself, she was more pleased to know more about you and wanted to care for you. She was already an expert in tending to drunkards, and you were unironically so adorable acting as one.
"Ms Lisaaaa~ You are so beautiful, you know thatttt?~" you slurred as she carried you to the bed, chuckling along the way.
"You teach... so welllll.... and you are so sweettttt~"
"Yes yes, I know. You have said that even as sober~" she whispered, laying you down then going to fetch some water for you. You curled up in your pillow and when she came back, you looked so cute to her.
"I love you... Ms Lisa... I love you so much...." you slurred in a drunken state, catching her by surprise.
She smiles and gives you the water then you immediately pass out while hugging her, your head laying on her soft bosom. Lisa caresses your head and kisses your forehead in return, "Say that when you are sober, I'll give you an answer you'll like~"
It was last day of your second year, you still had 2 more years to spend at the university. You wanted to wait till graduation but couldn't anymore, you wanted to confess. And it seems, Ms Lisa was having similar thoughts. Only you both knew how much you held back when you lived under the same roof. You find her in am empty classroom waiting for you.
"I love you, Ms Lisa. I have loved you since last year, and I want to date you. But um... I understand if you don't want to, so please don't feel forced to give me—"
Your words were blocked as Lisa pulled you close and connected her lips with you in a passionate and loving kiss. Her arms wrapped around your neck as she pushed you to the wall and continued kissing, her tongue already slipping in and dancing with yours.
"Took you long enough to say that, Y/n~"
"You... knew? Since when?"
"Hehe, that's my secret~" she winked at you then jumped in for another kiss, completely devouring you this time. She knew you would treat her well, she felt at home with you and she was confident she would love you forever now.
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Milf!Rosalyne, a 31-year-old who is your new neighbor. She recently moved to the apartment in front with her husband and 4-year-old son. You were 16 when the family moved in, you welcomed them along with your mother and acted as good neighbors. Rosalyne was a pleasant housewife while her husband worked in the military hence often leaving her and their son home alone.
Rosalyne used to take home tuitions and manage the entire household by herself, you eventually ended up visiting her to help around and just give her company. She was lovely and overall amazing to talk to, you discovered she did the same course you were planning to do and took some advice from her.
You often had dinner at her place on the days her husband was home. You would play with her son and secretly observe how lovey-dovey they were, it was clear they deeply loved each other and nothing could come in between. You used to watch them giggle in the kitchen, cuddle on the sofa and share small kisses throughout the day.
Rosalyne often commented how you were like a helpful big sister for her son as you helped him in studies and played together, which meant she likely saw you as a child which wasn't surprising. She found you mature for your age and admitted liking your company and it was a bonus that her son did too. She was a great mother, extremely loving and supportive.
However, you moved away to another city at 18 for studies for 4 years. Now you have returned as you found a job in your hometown and decided to live in your parent's apartment as they moved out. You harbored a crush on Rosalyne back when you regularly met her, you couldn't help but feel jealous of her husband.
You reminisced your memories of your home as you climbed the steps to your apartment. 4 years passsed yet much didn't change about the place, and you were having a sense of deja-vu. The first thing you noticed was your neighbor's door, hoping the nameplate was still the name you remembered and, it indeed was. You felt happy as well as nervous meeting her again; how was she now? would she have changed in all this time?
Once you settled your things in your apartment, you decided to finally visit the woman you have had a crush on for years. You thought being away for 4 years would make you let go of these feelings, but you never stopped thinking about her. You didn't know what she thought of you, but it was more than likely she would only see you as a friend at most.
You rang her doorbell and waited in anticipation until the door finally opened, and your breath was taken away. She looked as beautiful as the day you first saw her, it felt like you fell in love with her all over again. She scanned your figure from head-to-toe until her eyes widened as she realized who was standing in front.
"Y/n?! Oh my god, it's been so long!" Rosalyne chimed and lunged forward to hug you affectionately, hearing her call your name sent butterflies in your stomach and the hug made your heart skip a beat. You were glad to see she remembered you so fondly.
"It's been long indeed. How have you been, aunty?"
"Awh, stop that. Just call me by my name, I don't want to feel old~" Rosalyne giggled and lightly punched your shoulder before holding your wrist and pulling you inside her house. Her house mostly looked the same, but there was something strangely missing that you couldn't pinpoint. She made you sit on the sofa while she brought some water and snacks for you.
"How is Ray?" that was her son's name.
"Oh, he's been fine. He's at school right now, I'm sure he'd be delighted to see you again!~"
You chatted away as you caught up with each other, you told her you are back to living her as you found a job and she seemed really happy to have you around again.
"How's uncle been? Will he be coming back anytime soon?" you asked in a casual manner, but the answer was unexpected.
"Rostam.... passed away 3 years ago. He died on a field mission."
You didn't know what to say. You observed her looking down with a sad look and touch her wedding ring, likely reminiscing about him. You apologized for speaking that but she assured it was fine, your parents never mentioned that he died 3 years ago otherwise you wouldn't have asked. You felt deeply saddened for her and wondered how she was handling things on her own all this time.
You went back to your place with a happier remark, you offered to help her whenever she required and promised to be there for her. You later on met her son in the evening and had dinner at her place, it felt just like old times for you and you were glad she was still here and you could meet her.
Milf!Rosalyne who works multiple jobs a week to make ends meet. The military provides for the housing out of respect for her husband's service, but she has to look after everything else on her own. She takes tuitions on the weekend and works as a receptionist in a hotel during the week, also doing some additional online work whenever she can.
She had wished to find a job related to her degree but all those jobs require long working hours away from home and she couldn't do that, her son was her first priority. She was fortunate to have a pretty face and a model-like figure even at her age, but it was also a curse sometimes in this field of work.
You ended up meeting her at her place of work one day, you had come there for a meeting. You were shocked to discover she had to work this kind of job now, you really wished to help her. You tried asking your boss if there was an opening but they were not hiring, and Rosalyne also denied due to the unsuitable work hours but she appreciated your thought.
Rosalyne also faced problems in dating life now. To no surprise, not many people were willing to get together with a 37 year old single mother. Some expressed disgust without even bothering to know what happened to her husband, while some were unwilling to take on the responsibilty of a child so soon. She had not moved on from her husband but she was trying for her son's sake, to give him a father. But none of the people she met made it easy for her.
It was a Saturday evening and you were planning to stay home to rest. You had been working a lot ever since you moved here and hadn't got much time for yourself, you even weren't able to meet Rosalyne as much as you had hoped to. An unexpected ring of your doorbell called you to the front door and you find none other than Rosalyne standing with a soft smile on her face.
"Are you free by any chance today, Y/n?"
"Oh, sure I am. Do you need some help?"
"Well.... want to hangout together at my place? We can order some food and just watch some movie or show if you'd like."
Your eyes widened in surprise at her invitation, you were ready to accept right away but didn't want to appear too eager.
"Ah, that would be great. But what about Ray?"
"I sent him to my mother's place for the weekend. He had been wanting to visit for some time."
You suddenly became nervous realizing you'd be alone with her at her house. You accepted and made your way to her apartment, you offered to bring some food out of respect but she assured you it was fine and that you can order whatever you like. You ordered some pizza and snacks, while Rosalyne also bought out the wine she had and offered you a glass.
Now, here you were sitting on her couch with wine in hand and watching some random movie you both agreed upon. You had not talked much all this time, you mainly exchanged some work stories and vented frustrations. Rosalyne shared some things about her son that happened to him at school, she always appeared so happy to talk about him. She really was a great mother.
Some time passed and more wine later, she was clearly tipsy. She leaned on your shoulder and was in a soppy state now as she started venting about how hard things have been for her in finding a new partner, and the constant harrassment she faces at work yet nobody is ready for a serious relationship as soon as they hear about her son.
"Tell me, Y/n.... what am I lacking? There's all these men who flirt with me all day but the moment I set up dates and reveal the truth, they all leave.... How is it so wrong for a 37 year old single mother to find someone new?!"
She was babbling in a drunken state while holding you. There was absolutely nothing lacking in her, she was perfect in your eyes and you wouldn't even think twice about dating her, heck even marrying her. You wanted to be there for her not just as a friend but more. But you had no idea if she ever saw you that way, or if she even liked women in the first place and how her son would react to that.
"I never wanted this, Y/n.... what did I do wrong? Ray doesn't deserve this, I want to give him a complete family.... I want to have a complete family.... But Rostam... he betrayed me...."
You were caught by surprise, "Betray you? What do you mean, Rosalyne?"
"He.... he cheated on me, I found out he cheated on me years ago after Ray was born. He hid it all this time.... I discovered this at his funeral.... I don't know what to think, I can't even remember him the same way anymore.... How could he?! What did I do to deserve this....?"
She was crying while holding you now. You felt anger rise in you hearing this secret, it was quite unbelievable to you he did that when you recall how lovey-dovey they used to be and Rostam seemed like a good man. Your desire to support and love her increased even more now, you couldn't bear seeing her in this state. So much happened to her while you were away, you wished you were here.
"No! Nothing is wrong with you and you are not lacking anything! You are beautiful and strong! You are an amazing mother, Ray loves you very much! You have been so resilient all this time, I actually admire you so much for doing everything on your own. I.... Please know I'll help you! In any way! Please don't put yourself down this way, Rosa!"
You chanted before hugging her tightly, trying to convery how serious you were and really wanted her to be well. You pulled away to look at her and saw her face reddened up as she gazed at you with a needy look before placing her hands on your shoulders and leaning close.
"Any way? Then.... date me, Y/n." You were shocked beyond belief but the next thing she did was worse. She leaned in and softly kissed you, it was a gentle kiss at first then you felt her push you down and straddle you then kiss deeper. You knew this was wrong, she was clearly drunk and swept away by her emotions. But the feeling of her lips on yours made you entranced, you have wanted to kiss her for so long.
"Yes... you will be good. Ray likes you too... I can explain to him.... Be with me, Y/n, please?"
She pulled you closer by your collar and went in for another kiss, you didn't expect to make out with her this way. You felt she was being desperate by choosing you this way, you could tell she likely didn't love you and wanted you just for her son's sake as you are the only one who gave her attention and expressed willingness. Rosalyne passed out before you could answer her, and you almost felt relieved.
Rosalyne apologized to you the next day for all her actions, she genuinely felt guilty for all the things she said and did. It gave you enough indication that she really didn't like you romantically and that you stood no chance. You forgave her rather easily, you really couldn't complain experiencing that. She saw you as a good friend and you'd try to maintain that.
However, your feelings started overwhelming you and you tried to make some distance from her for some time to be able to move on and remain a friend. You ended up ghosting her texts and calls, and also rejecting all her invites to spend time together by making up some excuse for work.
Rosalyne felt you were avoiding due to that day, and she hated that so much. You were the only one she had, she didn't realize when she started liking you romantically. She knew it was wrong of her to use you but she didn't mean to, she wanted to make amends and do things right. She couldn't bear being away from you.
"Y/n, may I borrow some rice?" Rosalyne came to your house one day asking for some rice like a good neighbor.
"O-Oh sure, come in." you subsconsciously let her inside and asked her to come to the kitchen. She watched you take out the rice then silently walked up to you and hugged you from behind, catching you off guard.
"I'm sorry.... I'm so sorry for that day, Y/n. I know I did something very wrong, but please don't punish me this way..... You have become so distant, so closed off, you avoid me so much. You can hate me all you want, but please don't leave me.... not you too, please...."
Her arms tightened around you and you could tell she was weeping. You hated seeing her in this state, you never wanted to make her cry.
"....I can never hate you, Rosalyne. And I'm not ignoring you because of that. It's just.... I like you. No, I love you. I love you very much, I have loved you for years. I loved you 6 years ago too.... I want to be there for you and help you, I really do. But... I need some time to move on and forget these feelings so that I can be a true friend for you...."
Rosalyne let go of the hug and enabled you to turn around to face her. Her eyes were filled with tears, a tear rolled down her cheek and you gently smiled then wiped it away and cupped her face.
"I don't expect you to love me, it's okay. But just.... give me some time. I'm not strong enough to move on from you if you keep doing these things...."
Rosalyne's heart skipped a beat and before she knew it, her body moved on it's own to push you towards the counter as her lips relentlessly seeked yours. Her arms wrapped around your neck and she passionately kissed you, this time she was completely sober and knew what she was doing. You kissed for god knows how long, you were a panting mess by the time she stopped.
".....I love you too, Y/n. I want to be together because I love you and not for Ray's sake. I want to spend the rest of my life with you...."
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eatmyson · 3 months
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espikola · 9 months
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princepeachu · 5 months
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fem reader. cock can be interpreted as strap. wlw. this is to make up for that unfinished silverwolf post.
women who pound into you relentlessly, not even letting get a breather after your previous orgasm. your walls are just spasming around them, clenching and sucking them in every time they pull out. your pussy is so overstimulated, it makes you tear up when you feel the knots in your stomach snap again.
"give me one more 'kay?" she murmurs as her hips stutter for a few moments, letting you ride off your high with loud cry. she caressed your hips, soon leaning down to kiss your sweaty forehead.
"such a good girl, f'me.." she breathed, gradually now starting to slowly fucking your greedy pussy again n' moving her finger down to rub slow circles on your neglected clit.
"love my darling soo much.."
— SILVERWOLF, SERVAL, COCOLIA, kafka, ningguang, YELAN, YAE MIKO, DEHYA, navia + all ur faves <3
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xilmaaaaa · 19 days
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Ningguang in hanfu! I hope I drew it correctly, there were so many variations 😭🙏 I need to draw more side profile art cuz it's lowkey way easier than drawing front view
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zahauku · 7 months
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Hold me with your lonesome eyes 🎶🎵
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luxthestrange · 1 year
G.I Incorrect Quotes#25 Cold Sweat
Y/n: Zhongli annoyed me today so I told them that I can’t wait to see what he has planned for our special day tomorrow
Ning: There is nothing special about tomorrow
Y/n: But there is something special about watching the color leave his face as panic takes over~
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akutasoda · 9 months
🦭 anon here! Hope you're doing well?
I was just thinking about like genshin chars helping you distress after a long day, just purely pampering you
Pure fluff basically if you don't mind
And take all the time you need to write this!:D
there for you, always
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synopsis - they will always help you in your roughest times
includes - amber, diluc, ningguang, childe, wriothesley
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, comfort, wc - 390
a/n: hello 🦭anon, im doing alright hope you're doing okay!
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amber ★↷
amber who drops everything to help you, despite the scolding she might receive from jean later. notices how stressed you are and hates it, being stressed is not good at all! she knows people have different ways of de-stressing so will be willing to help with anything - although she still encourages you to get more rest as she thinks that's exceptionally helpful no matter who you are.
diluc ragnvindr ★↷
diluc who would take the time to look after you himself and shooing away his maids. as soon as possible he is all over you, doting on you and do whatever you needed to de-stress. anything you say he will see to it, but knows already what really helps you and does that first out of muscle memory. no hesitation if you requested to cuddle with him, he normally has stressful days and this helps him calm down aswell.
ningguang ★↷
ningguang who can be guilty for not properly looking after herself, but will not stand you doing the same. she is very busy and often gets quite stressed - not that people notice - so if you're hoping she would help you, you might have to wait. but she would make the effort to try and get to you as quick as possible to make sure you're properly dealing with the stress. buying, doing or getting you anything to help you de-stress no hesitation.
tartaglia childe ★↷
childe who would do anything to get you back to your best. knows being stressed is awful and is ready and willing to help. no matter what it is, if it'll help you he's doing it as quick as possible. would be very open to cuddles and just enjoying each others embrace, totally not his personal opinion.
wriothesley ★↷
wriothesley who is very familiar with stress and therefore familiar with ways to de-stress - him actually doing them is another topic. again, may take a while to actually look after you himself as he is very busy but in the meantime if you would like he will ask sigewinne to keep you company. but when he can spend time with you he will do anything to help you de-stress as he knows just how bad that can make one feel.
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kaveh-a-day · 20 days
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Day 40
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kurogane2512 · 2 months
All this talk about catgirl!reader but what about puppy/dog girl!reader? Give me a big fiercesome dog girl!reader whose protective of her charge and is constantly scaring off would be assassins or steering people away from bothering a clearly stressed out Ningguang! And then on the flipside, dog girl!reader whose such a service top, loves to take such good care of Ningguang. Only for Ning to call her a good girl or a good puppy and things just click in reader's brain and she's going to town, breeding Ningguang and growling and rumbling in her ear. Aghhhh.
😩🥵 I need this so bad ughh
Game: Genshin Impact
Characters: Ningguang x doggirl!Reader with a dick
Type: Smut and fluff
Ningguang treasured you to a great extent. She had a custom-made collar for you made from the best materials and her name engraved on it with her own jades, proudly showing everyone who you belonged to. And you didn't ever let her down either. You were loyal beyond measure to her, and you didn't hesitate to show that whenever required. Whether she used you as a guard when roaming Liyue or as a partner when attending parties, you never disappointed her.
Ningguang didn't miss to reward your exceptional behavior either. Just like today, when an unnecessarily long meeting frustrated her to no end. The conclusion reached nowhere and just wasted her precious hours, she was furious by the end and ready to throw out the investor. Thankfully, she had you. The moment everyone went out, you locked her office door and wasted no time to drop to your knees and lap away at her folds.
Ningguang sighed in exhaustion and grabbed your head, gently gripping your hair and petting your ears as your tongue licked her walls hungrily. She looked at you with hooded eyes, chuckling in a sultry tone as she pulled you deeper. Your tongue plunged inside her and prodded her sweet spots, her head shooting back in ecstasy and her chest heaving as she approached her release.
"Aaah~ Yes... good girl....right there.... pleasure your mistress like a good puppy!~"
You whined and wrapped your lips around her clit then sucked on the bundle of nerves, her fingers gripped your hair harder and pulled you even closer as her thighs enclosed your head. Your own cock was tight in your pants and leaking pre-cum by now, desperate to be released, but you valued Ningguang's pleasure above yours. Ningguang's body arched up with a deep moan as she released, your tongue lapping her release and cleaning her up.
She watched your tail wag happily the whole time and your ears drooped, followed by her gaze dropping to your hard cock struggling to be held in your pants. Ningguang sometimes liked to tease you and make you wait, only because she loved it when you got riled up and fucked her out of her mind. But today she was impatient herself. She grabbed the leash on your collar and pulled your face up, then pulling your body closer as well.
"Who's my good puppy, hm?~"
Your tail wagged happily showing your excitement, "Me, mistress!"
She smirked and wiped away her juices still coating your lips then raised her leg to settle between your own, her knee grinding against your cock.
"Does my puppy want to cum?"
"Aah... yes, mistress!"
"Will my girl breed me like a good puppy she is?~"
"Yes! Yes!" you were ready to lunge forward and start right away but Ningguang stopped you with a flick of her finger.
"Now now, be patient. Go to my room and prepare yourself. I'll see you soon~"
You happily nodded and licked Ningguang's fingers before running to her room. She chuckled as she watched you excitedly run; she was so eager for later. Sometime later, you finally had Ningguang seated on the edge of the bed as you ate her out once again. Both of your clothes completely discarded now, her foot rubbed up and down your hard length to stimulate you.
"Mmh, that's it... good girl... come here now, put it inside me~"
You pulled away and watched her turn around to crawl atop the bed and stand on all fours, her butt facing you and clearly inviting you in. You practically jumped at her and mounted her from behind, wasting no time to slip your hard and girthy cock inside her. You moaned together at the contact; her tight walls held you so well you felt you would burst right away.
You grabbed her hips and began thrusting in and out, forming a rhythmic motion. Your tip penetrated her deep inside and touched all her pleasure spots, her back arched as you pushed forward with all force. You growled and leaned forward on her now, resting your body on her back while your hands planted on the bed and your hips continued plowing deep and hard.
"Aaah! Aahhn! Yes! Fuck me! Archons....oh yes—! Faster! Good puppy! Fuck your mistress well!~"
Ningguang's pleasured cries excited you to no end. Your tail wagged intensely and slapped against the bed, your tongue lolled out as pleasure took over you and you could only think of breeding Ningguang now. Your cock became harder at the thought and Ningguang could swear she felt you go even deeper as a loud moan was pushed out from her throat.
You grabbed her arms and pulled her up on her knees then hugged her closely and continued moving. Your arms wrapped around her torso, while hers looped around your head as she moaned in your ear and you growled against her neck.
"Aaah~ That's right.... you are doing so well, my sweet puppy~ Mhmmm f-fuck!~"
You licked her neck and shoulder as growls and whines left your mouth feeling your release coming close. Ningguang already felt your knot continuously slapping against her thighs, she was waiting for you to put it in. You let go of her body and pushed her all the way down, making her lie flat on the bed while your hips hammered down into her.
Your cock slammed in and out, sounds of skin slapping, Ningguang's moans and your growls resounding in the room. You finally couldn't hold on longer, your hips violently jerked down making your knot slip inside and plug up Ningguang as your cum poured out. She moaned out loudly feeling your hot and voluminous cum fill her up, her eyes rolled to the back of her head.
You grinded into her a few more times as your cum kept pouring out, she knew you had stored away a lot since morning and she was ready to have it all in. You panted out and rested on her back as you finally stopped cumming, Ningguang caressed your cheek and scratched your chin to praise you.
"My sweet puppy, always doing so well~"
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sunnyskiesv2 · 5 months
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rkgk of everyone's favorite tianquan of the liyue qixing!
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Ah. I didn't finish the last one, so you could discard that one. Maybe a few girls of your choosing plus Yelan with a super nice, caring, and gentle S/O that doesn't want to have sex and the reason to that is because he has a 4 inch pp. Maybe he feels insecure that when they found out they would leave him? Maybe some reassurance from the girls that they wouldn't leave him or something.
Powerful Genshin girls comforting a small S/O
A/N: I hope you like it, anon!
Characters: Yae Miko, Yelan & Ningguang
CW: Male!Reader, smutiness.
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Miko narrows her eyes as you speak. When you're done, she keeps still, staring you dead in the eye. Then, she blinks once. Twice. 
"You can't be serious."
You look down, ashamed. But before you can apologize, Miko quickly steps towards you, aiming her finger at your chest. Her eyes glimmer pink with Electro. You instinctively raise your hands and start backing up. With every word she jabs your chest. Not nearly enough to hurt you, but painful all the same. 
"You are telling me you didn't bed me because you were insecure about your dick? Is that right??" 
You nod shyly. "Yes…" 
"And…" She looks you square in the eye. "... you were scared that I would leave you for a dick???" 
"I… yes…" 
You're against the wall now. Miko growls, and pins her hands on the wall on the sides of your head. 
"Oh, this is not only idiotic, but downright insulting."
You look down, blushing slightly in embarrassment. It really was stupid of you to think that. You open your mouth to apologize, but she immediately covers it with her hand. 
"You've said enough. To think so low of me… Hm! Let me make something clear, Y/N." She points at your crotch. "This? The appeal of this is that it's attached to you, and not the other way around. I don't care if it's microscopic or monstrous, because as long as it is yours, I want it. Did I make myself clear?" 
You nod. 
"Good." She grabs your chin with her hand, forcing you to look in her eyes. "Now… I want to take you, you big idiot, for a test ride. You'll be lucky to have a single thought after what I'll do to you, my dear."
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Yelan smiles softly. 
"Oh? Is that right?" Yelan chuckles. "That's a relief, actually. You got me thinking that you want to break up, or you don't really like me."
"Well… sorry."
Your girlfriend raises her brow and smirks. "For what exactly?" 
"For being this way, I guess. For not being able to satisfy you."
“You're really quick to make assumptions, aren't you? What makes you think that?"
Yelan moves behind you, dragging her fingertips over the curve of your back."I… well, if it's small there's no fun, right?" 
She laughs, and snakes her hands around your stomach. You feel her chin rest on your shoulder. 
"You're so cute, you know that? And a little oblivious as well…" She caresses your chest, scratching at it lightly with her nails. "You can use much more than just your shaft, hm? How about those hands? They give the best massages I've ever experienced… You're also a great kisser with a more than agile tongue… Oh, just look at me. Daydreaming about just what mileage I can get out of your body…" 
She slowly pulls her hands and face away. Before she fully retreats, she gives you a small kiss on your cheek. You turn around, blushing. “Yelan…?”
She laughs, mockingly, but there’s no bite to it. 
“What? Now you want it? Oh Y/N…” She stretches out her hand towards you. “Alright, but no more of those pointless anxieties. I love you no matter what you have or don’t have. Can you do that for me?”
You take her hand.
“I will… thank you, my love.”
“No problem. Now come on, there’s no time to waste. I need some… answers.”
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Ningguang inhales her pipe calmly, looking at you with her signature, expecting expression. She exhales the smoke, and shakes her head. 
"You men are all the same, aren't you?"
She sighs. "It's all a competition for you. Even the stupidest things. Like who has the biggest salary, status, cock. It's so infantile."
She raises from her seat, and approaches you slowly. Her every step echoes through the Jade Chamber. She stands before you, hands crossed over her chest. 
"It's foolish because you never compare what actually matters. You never compare what's here." She places her hand on your chest, right over your beating heart. "You never compete over how big your heart is, how beautiful and colorful your soul is. Loyalty, passion, devotion… Do those not matter to you?" 
You avoid her eyes, embarrassed. 
"I'm sorry for bothering you, Ningguang." 
"No, don't be. It's a natural concern. Does it make you feel any less of a man, perhaps?" 
You don't answer right away, instead taking your time to think over her words. Before you can answer, she continues. 
"A man's value doesn't lie in what he carries between his legs, my love. It lies in what he holds dear, in his values and his personality. You are caring, loving, protective and loyal. You know how to treat me right. Is that not enough proof of your validity?"
"I… suppose you're right. Thank you Ningguang." 
She smiles, and sets down her spent pipe. She places her hand on your cheek, and closes in for a kiss. 
"You're welcome. Any time you feel like you're not enough, come to me and I'll remind you of just how valuable you are to me. Alright?" 
Your lips meet in a soft kiss.
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Thanks for reading!
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lilliangst · 2 years
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love wins but this lesbian civil war had me STRESSED OUT
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absaart · 11 months
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"You don't need that babe"
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