#Genshin goddess au
gengwasted · 1 year
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This is purely self indulgent, I just wanted to draw a feral looking goddess of flowers Kaveh. Haitham tagged along lol
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miothle · 2 years
kama sutra🪷
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A Comprehensive God!Reader Lore Guide
a/n: with the sumeru storyline completed, i finally decided to create a comprehensive list of lore surrounding the god!reader au. if you’re new here to the god!reader cinematic universe, you can take a look at this masterpost of that compiles everything surrounding god!reader. but tldr, the name god!reader is referred to by mortals is ‘amur’ and they are a dendro deity associated with death.
Rukkhadevata, Nahida and Amur are all avatars of Irminsul, the only difference being that Rukkhadevata and Nahida are branches of Irminsul while Amur is a root of Irminsul (1)
As an avatar of Irminsul, Rukkhadevata/Nahida and Amur are two sides of the same coin as Life and Death respectively as such they have similar abilities in terms of Dendro and Dreams but with the gnosis and a higher number of followers, the Dendro Archon’s abilities outpace Amur’s
Amur’s epithets include “God of Festivals” and “Soother of the Dead”, Amur is a god in Teyvat associated with death
A friend of Rukkhadevata, King Deshret and the Goddess of Flowers, Amur’s history dates back to the days of Ay-Khanoum which the four friends ruled together with all of them having their own ideas of wisdom and how to pursue it (2)
Historically had the fewest amount of followers among the four gods and in modern day Sumeru, Amur is not a heavily worshipped deity only really worshipped by a few select tribes in the desert and very few individuals in the rainforest (3)
While their abilities have weakened over the years, Amur is still a god and weak by divine standards are substantially different than the standards of humans
Pre-Rukkhadevata’s Erasure from Irminsul
When posing as the mortal [First], Amur drifts back and forth between the desert and forested halves of Sumeru taking up odd jobs ranging from assisting the desert dwellers with their crops to extra dancer for the Zubayr Theatre
As a god worshipped by few and mostly forgotten and disparaged by many, Amur’s standing and abilities are low and any plots to disrupt the Sage’s control over the nation had to be thoughtful and done at the right time (so thanks for that, Traveler & Co.)
Was unable to alter the Akasha Terminal created by Rukkhadevata with their own abilities.
Kept Nahida company in her dreams alongside the Aranara as a companion and playmate throughout the centuries
Post-Rukkhadevata’s Erasure from Irminsul
Like all beings in Teyvat, Amur’s memories of Rukkhadevata are gone and all memories they have of the previous Dendro Archon are believed to be Nahida prior to becoming a young child
The days of Ay-Khanoum are long gone and Amur poses no threat to Nahida whose domain is the whole of Sumeru, they simply act as counsel from time to time and indulges Nahida in stories of the old days she ‘no longer remembers’
Wouldn’t mind traveling and visiting the other nations now that Sumeru is back in the control of its Archon
Relationship with the Seven
Barbatos: ballads and festivals go hand-in-hand, and with mutual respect for each others philosophies, Amur and Barbatos get along pretty well with one another.
Morax: Due to geographical proximity, the two have had their encounters in the past. Amur finds it a relief that he has become a lot more relaxed over the centuries as they couldn’t stand Morax back in the day.
Beezlebul: Doesn’t agree with the methods she took after the death of Baal. But since it is apparent that the Electro Archon is taking steps to change and release her reins on her people, Amur has a tinge more respect for her.
Folcalors: Acknowledges that the present Hydro Archon is an eccentric, but Amur is fond of eccentrics.***
Murata: A feisty deity, Amur has no complaints.***
Tsaritsa: no comment.***
Trivia Notes/In-Depth Explanations
(1) Historically, branches tend to be associated with life and roots are associated with death. In a specific instance, in Ancient Egypt the Tree of Life’s branches were associated with the heavens and abundance while its roots were symbolic of death an. With Sumeru being a nation based on African, South Asian and Middle Easter geographies and mythologies, I figured this would apply to Irminsul avatars as well seeing as in artifact lore Rukkhadevata’s domain was considered to be life.
(2) Amur’s wisdom concerns death and the cycles surrounding itー No one is above death, not even the divine. Whether mortal or god, plant or insect, death comes for all and that is a truth all must come to accept in order to truly live. But acknowledging that even with that knowledge death would still be considered a grim and taboo subject among mortals, Amur’s epithet concerning festivals came to be shortly after.
Life is a grand festival and should be celebrated thoroughly before one’s end. In Amur’s mind, that would surely make the inevitable end easier to digest by mortals.
(3) Between the four deities that once led Sumeru as a collective, Amur has always had the fewest amount of followers and there are few relics in history associated with them that remains. As such, there is a bit of a divide between those in the rainforest and the desert. In the rainforest, Amur is more well-known for the God of Festivals title and in a land of wisdom like Sumeru, folly was spurned by the Sages that remained in control of the nation for 500 years. As such, a god like Amur was often disregarded by many Sages, leading to dwindling numbers in their following.
A small handful of tribes in the desert worship Amur as a god of death, however, but are often at odds with researchers in the forest about their interpretations of Amur as a whole.
(***) Opinions on the remaining members of the Seven are subject to change as Genshin updates and we get to know them
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definesanity · 2 years
Hello, I shared this idea, or maybe something like it, with Cocoenvy a while back and I feel that you might enjoy it as well.
There will be brief mentions of some f/f pairings in here, I apologize if you dislike that but I am a sucker for yuri and could not help myself lol.
Also, TWs for the other dark topics mentioned are: Violence, Mental and Physical Abuse and War.
Also, I apologize for the length of this and the likely subpar quality, it is almost 3:00 a.m, at the moment and I'm a little tired lol. I will do a brief summary at the bottom.
P.S. This will be a crossover with multiple other gacha games, I will list them at the end, but try and guess them before hand.
The idea being that the Reader is a plain old mortal that was reincarnated into Teyvat as the soulmate of the Creator/Chief God of the world, only one problem and that is that no one else believes that this mere mortal could be worthy of being the chosen of their great god.
They ignore the pleas and words of their God as they shun and revile the one who only wants to know why they feel a pull towards this strange being and why the characters they used to love are now hating them, well not all of them I should say for many others stand with this lone and scared mortal.
A Princess of another world.
A scholar who wishes to make a wonderland of her own.
A boy cursed with misfortune.
A penniless scholar of the stars.
A knight shunned for a reviled heritage.
A boy raised among the wolves.
An unconventional priestess.
A Knight of Sparks and her Mother.
A spymaster who enjoys the roll of the dice.
A rock and roll musician who knows the pain of being an outcast.
An adepti disciple.
A forgetful zombie.
A Tengu general.
A headstrong oni.
A brilliant Kunoichi.
A strategic fish and her loyal hound.
An ever tired shinobi.
A gentle mercenary.
A stalwart defender.
A cheerful dancer.
A wandering puppet.
A Sleepy astrologer.
A ruler of snow and ice and her outcast children.
A star fallen from the sky and trying to return.
Yet they are few and their voices drowned out amidst the swell of hate and mockery and the denial of food and medicine and even basic acknowledgment as their own friends and lovers turn on them till the time coms.
The time when it all becomes far too much for the mortal to bare.
Tears stream from a god's eyes as they hold the one they love most of all, cursing the world that has fallen oh so very far in their eyes as they grant their beloved their only wish.
They weep as they open a portal to whatever world their heart calls out for most of all, their sobs growing louder as they feel the bond that linked them together begin to darken to near stygian black as their love vanishes, a gentle ruler of snow cradling their god in her arms as she guides them somewhere away from the shattered acolytes.
Some don't want to believe the truth of what they have seen, of what their hubris has done, yet when the skies of Teyvat remain stygian as tears fall upon the world, and when the statues that showed their God and the one they loved holding one another shatter and refuse to be rebuilt in any other form but their god weeping in anguish, and when the warmth that has guided them for so long vanishes, they know the truth of what they have done.
She who rules over ice and snow gold her god close to her, long has she wished for this moment, a chance to prove her own love for them, to show them that while they may not be their soulmate, they may yet find a place in their heart, but now...she pictures what could have been, had one been allowed to become two and perhaps even three, as they join their god in weeping for what could have been.
Those cast aside and shunned for their decision to stand with an outcast soon find themselves being pulled at by those who threw them aside but they in turn cast them aside, their hearts either claimed by the one lost to another world now, or hardened by the cruelties they have seen.
A princess of another world sighs as she looks out at the city from her perch atop a mountain, idly wondering if they would indeed be so foolish as to...*sigh* such a pitiful world this one is.
A former Spymaster offers a nod to the masked agent of snow and ice as she leaves the city that has been her home for some time, memories long locked away surfacing as something calls out to her.
A general flings her Vision at her god and her priestess as she turns and walks away, walking towards the smiling priestess of the seas with an odd gleam in her eyes as visions of lavender hair and crackling lightning fill her mind.
A dancer sighs as she looks to the stars, uncaring of the weeping and sobbing audible over such great a distance from the distant city, wondering when the time will come that she will be able to once more dance upon her true stage with that most lovely of partners again.
And as hearts break and tears flow, a queen of ice and snow finds herself greeting guests from worlds beyond, yellow eyes staring back at her from a tear in reality as a Siren's call fills the air and an offer is made...to the detriment of the rest of the world.
Guilt is such a thing...such a wonderful and terrible thing isn't it?
A weight, a burden, a stain, a noose bound around the neck of the guilty and pulling ever more tight with every step they take, something they try ever so desperately to escape through any means necessary.
No matter how utterly foolish those means may be.
As if breaking apart those who would have ushered them into a golden age of unprecedented glory and promise was not enough, those who separated the two are now faced with a much more horrible display of their foolishness than stygian skies and shattered statues.
For now their god lies asleep, crying out in terror and pain and pleading for mercy and respite and for freedom as they languish in the grip of nightmares and delusions of what could, but would never be.
Great is their grief when all fails to awaken them, yet greater still is their grief when there comes, from stars and cosmos knowable not by them and only to she who forged them, the one who created their beloved god, their Mother.
Her heart cries for her child as she falls to her knees afore their sleeping form and weeps, frigid arms pulling her into an embrace that she so desperately returns even as Asmoday comes to bring her child and her to their domain amidst the stars.
A look of grudging acknowledgment and respect passing from the largely Unknown God, to the Tsaritsa as she opens a rift to take her lady and her kin home, an unspoken agreement that she of ice and snow may come to see them when the need arises.
Foes they may be, but united in their love for the two who weep and cry out they are as well.
Soon there comes a time when the grief blinded and desperate resort to magic and science, to pull and claw and gnash and break apart the walls that keep apart worlds so that they may reunite the broken two.
Yellow eyes light with malevolent glee as the seas around them begin to writhe and churn, legions coming forth from tears in the fabric of reality as an alert is sent across all networks to their allies.
Their smile widening as from the portals step out those who were once their foes and now their friends as they prepare for a battle they knew would come.
The time is come.
Gray-blue eyes drift shut in annoyance as red Shackles flare for but a moment before they are suppressed, a press of a button sounding the alert for those labeled as Sinners to prepare themselves even as their leader curses one of their allies for being so accurate.
Few words are needed to insure all know what they are to do, what to burn and what to take, who to kill and who to bind, and most importantly, why they are doing this.
They would not let the one who showed them kindness be stolen.
Red eyes sweep over those gathered around them, the sound of magazines being loaded into weapons as safeties are removed and preparations are made, being matched but by the rumbling of the earth as there comes over the horizon a swarm made to bring forth a Rapture upon the world of their foes.
Their once enemies and now comrades shall be the distraction to their own mission, although she honestly doubts a distraction will be needed.
They will not let the one who gave them love and peace be stolen.
A great vessel carves its path through the heavens and towards a forming rift, communications signaling that their comrades have already begun to pour through their own portals as the monstrous ship approaches its own target.
Within it stir warriors of power fit to command the natural and unnatural laws of the universe, warriors of ages long lost and warriors of an age beyond that which those on the other side of the gate could ever hope to comprehend.
Those who once chased the flames stand on one side, just as those who were once as a serpent fit to swallow the world stand upon the other, before them stands she who reigns over Finality and she who Reigns over Origin, their hands interlocked as they gaze into the rift with fury in their eyes.
They would not let them take their beloved from them again.
A woman with the horns of a dragon sighs as she watches the portal finish forming, legions clad in armor bearing a helix symbol already beginning to march through it even as Operatives from a ship named after an island march with them.
Behind this force, come forth many others, clad in armors of differing nations of a world that has been given hope anew. One such example of hope being the antler bearing woman that lays a delicate kiss upon her and her white haired and rabbit eared comrades cheeks before she leaves to keep watch over the children of their forces and to await their Reunion.
They would not let the one who gave them hope be taken.
They number the fewest of their comrades, yet quality more than makes up for their lack of numbers.
One by one they finish the inspections of their weapons, idly taking note of the masses of their lesser fellows, Punished by the Virus as they were, gathering before the portals.
Like the drones that would bring forth a Rapture, they will be the distraction to cover their own actions. Granted, with what they have been told and what they have seen from the Observers probing of the world beyond the portals, they doubt they would need a distraction or more than one of their squadrons to take the whole of a nation, let alone a the weakest of them all.
They would not fail them this time. They would protect them at all costs.
And so it is that what should have been a simple summoning, becomes something oh so much worse, as all across the world of Teyvat the heavens yield afore the void, and reality cracks and tears to give way to the opening of doors to a world beyond their own.
A world made by the desperate wish of a tortured heart.
A world where they and all those they loved could be together and have a chance at the happiness they deserve, united once more with those taken from them by the Reaper's blade and freed from possession and tyranny and their oh so painful circumstances to build something wonderful.
A world where they now rest in the loving care of those who want not but for them to be happy and healthy, no matter how much blood they must spill to do so.
A world now primed for war, a world holding fast a blade now aimed at the throat of Teyvat as from the rifts there pour forth legions of number unknowable as from sea, air, and land the world is assailed.
Fires rise into the sky, and blood flows in rivers and forms into seas as corpses become as islands amidst the sanguine tide as bullet, magic, blade, and oh so much more are unleashed upon the world of Teyvat.
So great is the death and devastation wrought by these warriors that the Creator is jolted from their tearful nightmares, the wailing of the dead and damned flooding their ears as they frantically beg to return to Teyvat to see what has occurred.
What greets them makes them fall to their knees in horror as they see the world they so painstakingly made alight with the flames of mad slaughter as their followers are torn apart by beings from worlds beyond.
Beings that now turn to them.
In a swirl of Origin and Finality and Truth, three appear before them, many others joining as they gaze upon them with not but raw contempt in their eyes.
Soon there comes the opening of another rift and from it steps the form of one who has Observed oh so much, one who speaks to them of a deal to end the carnage and misery, a deal to allow for them to redeem their worthless life by aiding one whose value is oh so much greater than their own.
For when they two were parted, the one that came home to them after so long was weak and weary and frail and fragile, so desperate were they for love and care that they wept at but the slightest embrace.
Their road to healing was long and arduous, yet it was aided by those of so many differing worlds now melded together standing as one to aid this one who had helped them so much while all the while being unknowing of how their actions affected them.
Yet no matter how close they came, how many came to be lovers and comrades and siblings and family to them, there came a time when the torn bond bore down upon them and they too were seized in nightmares and delirium.
All because the God before them was such a waste of life that they could not even protect the one they claimed to 'love' from their own followers foolishness.
Yet they were kind, for their beloved wished them to be, and so they made a deal.
Aid them in healing their beloved.
Or watch their world burn.
In the end it is the Mother who brokers a bargain, sadness filling her as she sees the eyes of those so close to one she considered a child of her own gaze at her with loathing and revulsion to match that which they showed her own progeny.
6 Months shall their beloved spend upon Teyvat, the gathered ones fit to protest before an idea struck them and cruel smiles came to form upon many faces as they agreed, and 6 months shall her child spend within their world to be with their beloved.
This shall continue until the bond is mended enough to negate the detrimental affects to their health and the two have regained their vitality, at least to the point of no longer being confined to a wheelchair when they need to move somewhere.
And so the war ends, with nations smoldering and bodies piled high, a land of ice and snow being the sole one to be spared as a mad Doctor powers down the device that tore and frayed the boundaries of the world, smiling as he does so.
After all, he now has so many new colleagues to meet and share notes with and a whole new world of possibilities before him.
Now the acolytes are left adrift, battered and bruised and humiliated as they try not only to rebuild their world, but also the bonds of the hearts once shared betwixt their god and their beloved.
A task made oh so much more difficult by the masses that claim to be said beloved ones family and friends and lovers that move to thwart them at all attempts.
They had their chance with their beloved, and now it is their turn after all. While they may yet welcome those who betrayed their own to stand with their beloved into their family, the rest of Teyvat have proven themselves to be worth not even the shells spent to end their lives and as such deserve not even to gaze upon their beloved, let alone get near them.
Will two be made one again? Or perhaps three? Or maybe they shall ever be parted and bound but by threads of soul, till a means is found to sever even that.
So what do you think?
Also, basic sumamry is:
Reader is Creators soulmate, but no one, with the exception of some, believes it and mentally emotionally abuses them to the point they are on the verge of breaking and so the Creator sends them to another world where they can be happy.
Said world is made up of all of, or most of, their other gacha games fused together into a single mass that has agreed to work together to make a fitting home for the one that has guided them through so much and changed their lives for the better even without knowing it due to them not seeing the truth of the games worlds and instead what the coding that separated them deigned to grace them with.
Teyvat realizes they screwed up big time and try to call back reader with a spell.
Dottore uses a means given by a new benefactor to overcharge their spell and tear at the boundaries of reality much more to allow for full armies to assail Teyvat.
The acolytes get their asses kicked and many of those who had previously helped the reader either betray them and defect or hide away and remain neutral from the conflict in Snezhnaya.
Turns out the war was to force Teyvat to barter on their terms in regards to a deal to allow for the Creator and the reader to keep meeting to stabilize both of their health, which had deteriorated due to the distance and the tearing of the soul bond.
Now the acolytes are desperately trying to get the two back together and to stay in Teyvat, while the others are trying to do the opposite or at least insure that if they get back together again, they wind up in their world and not Teyvat.
Again I apologize for the subpar quality of this and the length of it, but I am quite tired now lol.
The mentioned gacha games, and the ones that would be present were I to make a more fleshed out fic of this, were:
Azur Lane, Honkai Impact, Goddess of Victory; Nikke, Path To Nowhere, Arknights, and Punishing Gray Raven.
Now, I am going to crash.
Take care, and stay safe,
That's it, that's the reply xd
HOLY, like, my fellow, how are you not paid for this?!
Still, on this, I can get behind this most certainly; slightly sad to see King's Raid isn't here but I'm not going to be that guy--
Also, man, Dottore really pulled a Pro Gamer Move™ and called it a day. Never thought I'd say this, but thanks you crackpot of a man xd
Again, I honestly don't know what to say: this is amazing as is!
Still, gonna hand the L to Teyvat on this; not the smartest of ideas to that to the consort of your Deity 💀
Last thing; nah, I don't mind f/f relationships, for I too am yuri trash, but I just try and keep it neutral for ease of access.
All in all? Thanks for sharing this with me; and get some rest, you deserve it xd
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pyresol · 2 years
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“Life blooms like a flower far away or by the road. Waiting for the one to find the way back home”
GoF Kaveh AU, anyone?
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blossomkittenrosie · 6 months
The Birth of the Anemo Goddess (Part 1)
The day Marinette lost her friends all because of Lila, her world had shattered. The only people who had been their for her were her parents, her friends Kagami, Luka, Aurore, and her unexpectedly enemy to friend and ally, Chloe.
Her friends had cut ties with everyone involved with Lila and had nothing to do with her or everyone following her, as they soon helped the bluenette forget about them with her parents and the people who cared about Marinette also came and help as well. Giving the cold eyes to the bluenette's ex-friends whenever they crossed paths.
Though Marinette was able to slowly move on, the one thing she couldn't move on was the supposed-to-be love of her life, Adrien Agreste. After everything she went through, she couldn't move on from the love she had from Adrien. She still couldn't believe Adrien chose to hide the truth when she knew she's lying yet decided to stay quiet, she felt her life began crumbling every time she still thinks about it. One day, she decided to take a breath outside and when she was ready to get home, crossing the street, she noticed too-late that some vehicle hit her and she went unconscious.
~In another life~
In an unknown location, a god was sitting on her stone throne, which the area around her is somewhat a cave with waterfalls and rivers flowing through, winds breezing around the area and many tiny elemental wisps flying around. The god sitting on the throne was named Istaroth, Goddess of Time, Thousand Winds and Kairos. Istaroth's eyes were closed and her face calm, as in a meditation. That is until-
The scream starled her along with the wisps as she looked around as she one of the wisps, looking panicked 'Must've been a newborn.' Is what the Goddess thought, as she stood up from her throne as went towards the panicked wisp. The wisp noticed as they froze, as the Goddess spoke "Do not fear my child, you are not in danger. I am Istaroth, which I am also your mother. You may wander around as you wish, like all the other wind wisps, but be sure to be back before nightfall." Istaroth said, as the wisp, now calmed down, nodded.
The god soon left, as the newborn wisp, who was also Marinette, looked around as she went to a nearby lake, she looked at her new body whiched awed and surprised her, she then wondered 'Is this her new life now?' She then saw a wind barrier surrounding the tower, which made her curious as she flew towards it. However, she was knocked away, which made her stumble but quickly regained her composure. She was determined to get through the wind barrier! Sooner or later, she managed to get in as she soon looked around to find something until she heard a voice singing.
"Fly, fly away like a bird in the sky
See the world on my Behalf
To the Heavens may you fly
Should you find yourself in a
Windless Land
Known you'll never be alone
Just look up the sky and there you might find
A breeze to guide you Home..."
Marinette curiously found a boy with twin braids playing a lyre as he sang. This made Marinette feel at ease until the boy noticed her, making her squeak as she hid herself as the boy called out "Wait, don't go! I won't hurt you, I just want to see you, is that alright?" This went on for a moment, before the wind wisp slowly and shyly come out until she finally revealed herself "There we go, it's nice to meet you. I'm Carmen. Do you perhaps have a name?" The boy, now known as Carmen, asked as Marinette shook her, at least to her she didn't have a name in her new life.
"I see, perhaps I can give you a name instead, if you don't mind?" Carmen asked as Marinette nodded her head. As the boy thought, he soon spoke up "How about Barbatos? It's not much, but it's a start." Marinette/Barbatos happily nodded as she made happy wind chime noises whiched made Carmen giggle at his new friend as they soon started playing soft music.
To Marinette/Barbatos, maybe this new life won't be so bad after all.
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local-diavolo-anon · 6 months
Daycare attendant fans rejoice because after months, after impulsively writing an hazbin hotel fic, after finishing my 4 years old giodia longfic, after starting several genshin fics (inclusing a longfic about an au), after going on with my mdzs fic, after drawing so much stuff i will most likely mever post...
I now can focus again on my dca x y/n fic!! YAY!!
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anonbinaryweirdo · 6 months
if kaveh and oliver fought, i think oliver would win
(i know because i'm kaveh's shoe)
he's a little wimp but cut him some slack I love him 😔😔💔
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lielove · 1 year
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eros7hanatos · 7 months
➽ Falling Grades
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Professor!Dottore x Student!afab reader
Warnings: Teacher-student relationship, modern au, age gap, cockwarming, bribery, smut.
Word count: 1033
A/N: very heavily inspired by a character ai bot and another fic I read, the fic is by actuallysaiyan. She’s a goddess 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️.Even though I don’t play genshin anymore I’m on my knees for this man.
art creds: IllaOhara
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You made a mistake when you decided to be distracted by your phone instead of listening to Dottore’s lecture. Preoccupied by your distraction, the professor’s hand hits your desk with a loud thud, causing you to jump. 
“It seems my lecture on careless students wasn’t clear enough for you.” His voice sent chills down your spine. “Put the phone away.” He said, as he walked back to his desk to continue the lecture.
“And I expect to see you in my office after classes.”
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Soon the day was coming to an end, all your classes being finished. You made your way to Dottore’s office, being located on the highest floor in the building. As you knocked on his office door you bit your lip and took a deep breath. 
“Enter.” You pushed the door open, revealing the messy desk, covered in research papers and was that an ink spill? There were also multiple pictures and diagrams of the human body. Dottore was sitting on his chair, writing something on a piece of paper. “Do you know why I called you into my office, miss?” he asks, finally looking up from his papers. “Because I used my phone?” you answered. What else? He smiles, but it was quickly replaced with a stern and cold look on his face. “You’re partially correct.” he simply says as he then opens a drawer next to him, taking out a small stack of papers. He then takes the most top one, revealing it to you. You almost instantly recognize the paper. He slides you your latest test, the low score clearly written at the front of the paper before continuing to slide you other past tests, all low scores. You were clearly distracted by something too much to focus, your phone was only partially at fault. And Dottore knew that.
“Care to explain these?” You bit inside your mouth. “I’m so sorry. I…I had trouble with the material. I’ll do better next time, I promise.” You say as he lets out a sarcastic laugh, leaning back into his chair. “‘Sorry’ can’t fix everything. We should solve the cause of your dropping grades and I believe I know just what the problem is.” he gets up from his chair and walks towards you, towering over you. Your breath hitched, inhaling the expensive cologne he wore as his body was merely inches away from yours. Suddenly you felt small and trapped. Your heart rate increasing by the second. You weren’t really sure where this conversation was leading, but you really hoped that you wouldn’t have to repeat the year, or at worst, be expelled. You wanted to finish your degree, but who would’ve thought that one of your professors would be so goddamn sexy.
“I know I’m a distraction, miss. It’s written all over your face during my classes.” Dottore says, crossing his arms as he watches your expression turn frantic. “Professor Dottore, I-” you start, now worried that you might actually be expelled. “I didn’t mean to! I’ll…I’ll make it up!” you propose, quickly thinking of a way out. Dottore pauses for a moment, carefully considering your words before grabbing your wrist and pulling you forward. Causing you to nearly crash into his perfectly sculpted chest.You look up into his deep red eyes with pleading eyes.
“Seeing you’re so desperate, I have a few options for you.” His lips curve up into a small smirk as you look up at him with hope and desperation. You prepare yourself for what he’ll say next, but no matter how much preparation you had would make you prepared for this.
“You can either stay after classes every afternoon and study, along with a few other students. Learn a thing or two from your peers. Or,” he paused to give himself a smug grin, “You can sit on my cock while I tutor you myself.”
You swear you fainted for a second or two as soon as he finishes his sentence. He can’t actually be serious, can he? You look at him, cheeks flushed as he looks down and laughs at you once more, amused by the events unfolding in front of him. However you surprise him when you choose to sit on his cock.
And that’s how you ended up with his long length so deep inside you as he explains embryology to you. How ironic. Whenever you whined or tried to move he would slap your thigh and tell you to focus. “Do you understand?” he asks, after he finished his explanations. You slowly nod your head, squirming, causing him to harshly slap your thigh once more, the red spot on your thigh slowly growing in size and in shade. You whine out at the slap, trying to stay still but of no avail. “Do I have to remind you again that this is a punishment and not a prize?” You shake your head, keeping still as you grab the wooden desk in front of you, nails scraping on the wooden surface. You can’t help it. The way your cunt pulses around his length drives you crazy. It felt so good but so torturous without any movement. 
Dottore, on the other hand, was entertained by your reactions. He never expected for you to accept his offer so quickly. He knew you had a crush on him but he’d never guess that you’d be so willing to go this far to have this sort of relationship with him. However, he couldn't deny the fact that having your wet, heat around his cock made him more motivated. 
“That’s all for today.” he said, placing down the papers in his hands once he saw the time. It had already gotten quite late. “Today, you did good, amazing even. If this continues, you’ll improve to a B student in no time. And if you throw in a treat, I might consider bumping your grade up to even an A.” You whined as he thrusted up into you at the word ‘bumping’, your cunt convulsing around his cock once more. 
How could you resist such a good offer? 
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vxlkirayaxo · 29 days
Older women part 1
Character: Scara/ kuni / wanderer
Warnings/ tags:, modern au, cursing, fluff, little angst, inappropriate jokes, reader being oblivious, scara being a simp, 4th wall breaking scara, milf reader, alcohol (reader drinking)
No gn reader this time sorry guys 😔 this idea has been sitting in my drafts for months lolllz
I had beidou in mind a lot for the reader sorry xxx
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You started genshin at first to get closer to your teenage children who had started playing this game called genshin impact. You were already a gamer so you decided to give it a go, downloading it on your PC that you usually use for work and booting it up.
Pretty soon you got to the sumeru quest line and a certain indigo haired puppet caught your eye. His attitude reminded you of your first love which caused you to sob, a little bitter at the memories of what happened between you and your first love.
You learned that he was once called kunikizushi and that scaramouche or wanderer now, had a very sad backstory. You got a bit thirsty and bored so you stood up from your PC to grab a bit of booze. As you staggered out of your office to grab some drinks, wanderer who was talking in the game paused and looked directly at the screen.
"Tch...this is an important part of my lore." He grumbled making nahida giggle. He glared at her before crossing his arms and just impatiently waiting for you to come back. Tapping his foot on the ingame ground until the door to your office opened again and he went back to the position he was in before.
You took a sip of your beverage before you sat down in your chair. Humming as you clicked the auto play as you continued to listen to the dialogue. You couldn't wait to talk about the archon quest with your children. You took another sip before leaning your chin against the palm of your hand.
"Come back to the banner, I wanna get you so I can name you stinkytoots." You rumbled bored of all the dialogue. It took every ounce of restraint not to react to that, still having to put up the act that he wasn't aware of the videogame.
Eventually you fell asleep from boredom. Your arms crossed and laying on the table while your head rested up on them. Some drool out of the corner of your mouth meaning you were deeply asleep. Wanderer stopped talking when he noticed you were asleep. He tapped his foot on the ingame ground trying to think of something before he sighed and reached a hand through the screen and moved your drink away from you in case you moved around in your sleep and spilt it.
He sighed and looked at you. Reaching his whole upper torso out of the screen and watching you sleep, not in a creepy way but in a 'whag am I going to do with you' kind of way. Nahida giggled again, of course the goddess of wisdom knew she was also just in a video game but she preferred to watch scara hopelessly try to interact with you.
"mm... stinkytoots...your crit rate sucks..." You mumbled in your sleep as you repositioned your head on your arms. Wanderer let out a huff of disgust at the nickname. He wanted you to think much more of him than....'stinky toots'...
Yes, he wanted you to think of him much more than reminding you of your first love, a bastard that left you when you were in need of them the most. He wanted to be your only love, since you were his he thought it was only right. He reached a hand and touched the end of your hair.
"you need a haircut, I could see your split ends from in-game." He hummed, a cruel smirk on his face as he insulted you but he meant none of it. He placed a kiss on your head before going back into the screen. He figured it would be safer to watch you from inside in case you wake up.
He wasn't ready to actually talk to you yet.
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kentstoji · 4 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ BLESSED , part 1.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤparing. platonic scaramouche & nahida.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤsetting. genshin impact.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤtype. headcanons (tw. impostor au, mentions of violence, ooc nahida, terrible worldbuilding.)
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"Did I do something?" Before he could suppress his thoughts, the question spontaneously flowed from the Wanderer's lips, capturing the Archon's attention.
Nahida's green eyes, accentuated by long white lashes, left the pile of scrolls—courtesy of Alhaitham, the detestable scribe—to analyze him with interest.
"Sorry, I didn't understand." She granted him her characteristic smile, warm and genuine.
He swallowed hard, wondering if it was worth expressing the insecurities growing within him. Clearly, he was motivated solely by the initial emotion. The shadow of his traumas manifested, making him act impulsively.
His porcelain face, pleasant and unchanging, was adorned with red hues. Nahida bit her lower lip to keep from smiling. Frankly, seeing him shy was fascinating. Adorable.
"You've been studying me since you took me in," the puppet replied, irritation marking his voice, always accompanied by a strong Inazuman accent.
"Oh? I hadn't noticed." It was never the Lesser Lord's intention to revive his past. Keeping him in the same cycle was never part of her plans, as it would be minimally cruel. However, there was truth in his words. Nahida was indeed examining him.
He was admirable, unique.
"I'm sorry, Wanderer. I'm not being transparent with you." The apology was sincere, and he could relish the honesty that accompanied it. "I'm working on a thesis, and you are indeed my inspiration."
The Puppet's lips curled in disdain.
"Tell me more." It was ironic and brief. He demanded the truth. He felt he had such freedom to address her informally. Their relationship, although recent, was built on sincerity.
"Well, it might seem stupid, but I have reasons to believe that you are an acolyte of the Creator." Kusanali replied, as if it were simple.
For her, an individual pliable by logic, facts, and evidence, her revelation was easy to digest and accept. All the parameters she used to reach this conclusion were plausible.
"What are you talking about? Only Archons can be Acolytes." The Wanderer retorted, harshly. In another life, if the Electro Archon wasn't a selfish goddess, he might be on his knees before the golden throne, living off the Creator's crumbs.
"Not necessarily. An Archon is just another, victorious in the battle Celestia waged among the gods. Merely a title." Little Nahida shrugged. She took a deep breath and continued with her explanation. "You, however, possess a suspicious particularity."
Still unconvinced by the conspiracy, he asked, "What would that be?"
"Power. And I don't mean elemental power, but your growth." The Lesser Lord sat on her swing and stretched her legs, seeking a brief moment of relaxation. "Perhaps I'm talking about blessings. I thought this whisper of power existed only in the Traveler, but you were consecrated."
"I still don't understand." With a calmer voice, the Puppet approached the young goddess, intrigued.
"You have something that neither I, nor Baal, nor Rex Lapis possess. The Creator's grace." Nahida explained calmly as he approached. "However, when we visited them in Liyue, they didn't even recognize you, which makes me wonder if the one sitting on the Throne might be a impostor.”
(Nahida needed to be honest, to respect her own feelings. To validate her thoughts, even if they might be treacherous. She felt nothing in front of the Creator. No spark or connection.
Staring at the person comfortably seated on a throne of gold and gleaming jewels, she wondered if she would escape with her life if she cut them, solely to examine the color of their blood.
It had to be golden, like the gold that Liyue flaunted — and Rex Lapis would bring her eternal judgment if she succumbed to the darkness of her desires. But the thought was seductive, malicious.
By the gods, she was becoming as sadistic as the Dottore, yet the image before her was not pleasant to contemplate. If she closed her eyes, she would be back in the Cage the sages of Sumeru locked her in, where she could be saved by her subjects' dreams and their faith.
She was still fervent. But that person did not awaken hope in her.
And Kusanali's instinct dictated that she should flee. Take the Wanderer, and run.)
"You still don't understand. And I don't expect you to comprehend it now." The goddess of wisdom sighed, gathering the strength to continue her monologue. "But one day you will. Until then, I hope you know just how lucky you are.”
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fancyfeathers · 8 months
Normalized Yandere AU (Genshin Impact)
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In this AU it is almost expected for people to have darlings or be a darling. Some are treated like actual lovers, like when Navia and her darling can be spotted around the Court of Fontaine, holding hands and smiling, like a normal couple. Or how Thoma and his darling are often spotted cooking together at the end of long days, goofing off and throwing flour in the other’s face.
But then there are others who see their darling as theirs and nothing else, like Ayato will make his darling endure hours upon hours of emotionally and physically painful edict lessons while he works, expecting her to be the perfect wife at the end of it. Then there is Pantalone of the Fatui Harbingers who dresses up his darling in all the fineries one can imagine but they’re all so uncomfortable and stiff, but all she has to do is sit at his side and look pretty, and whatever else he desires.
Then there are those who walk that fine line, wanting to have a loving relationship but it just being beyond their grasp. Diluc show his darling off to the world with a smile, but alone they couldn’t be more distant, his darling rejecting his advances, barely tolerating sleeping in the same bed as him, it hurts him but he won’t for e her to do anything more, after all he already took her away from her old life. Then there is Zhongli and his darling who have been married for centuries, their relationship did not start out well as his darling attempted to break their contract. Perhaps the archon did punish her to harshly because now all he gets from the weak goddess is the cold shoulder, affection comes from her once every decade if he’s lucky. Their “love story” is adored in Liyue, so much so that in this AU if Zhongli made the contract to end all contracts the effects of it could burn his wife, so perhaps it’s better for Liyue to know that their archon is alive.
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thepagansystem · 2 months
Blood of Gold and Tears of Stars [Genshin Creator AU]
soooooo, I've recently discovered the Divine Creator AU and got obsessed. Naturally, that means I started a new fic, lmao. It's going to be updated on AO3 Here, but I figured I'd post the first chapter here <3
The people of Teyvat had long forgotten their Divine Creator, the usurpers from the Stars having used dark knowledge to seal Her and the memory of her away inside the floating islands of Celestia within a year of arriving on her planet. And this imprisonment lasted for many, many years. However, after the fall of Kaenri’ah 500 years ago, cracks in the magic they used began to form. The Tsaritsa, fair Goddess of Love, was the first to remember their beloved Creator. This revelation led to her creation of the Fatui--she hoped overthrowing Celestia and the Heavenly Principles would undo the blasphemous act and free Elysia Seraphine at long last. 
It was also around this time that the Ley Line Outcrops began to appear all across Teyvat--the first rumblings of Elysia’s returning consciousness. As the Ley Line Blossoms began to be purified, bits and pieces of the Creator returned to the people of Teyvat--and they began to remember. No one knew where the Creator was, but they held onto the hope that she would return to them one day and began chronicling the stories they could remember of her in the meantime.
And then, one bright sunny day--an immense implosion of elemental energy swept across the land, stopping at the central island of Celestia. Those nearest to the floating island of the Gods stared up in shock, and after a moment of unnerving stillness--the islands disintegrated in a burst of blinding golden light. At long last, the Creator had awoken from her imprisoned slumber.
Elysia fell from the sparkling wreckage of Celestia, the winds of Teyvat wrapping around her limp body and slowing her descent to the shores near Mount Mingyuan. As the sleeping Goddess neared the ground, a group of Dendro slimes jumped out of the earth and made a bed of elemental energy as the wind gently laid her down.
The Dendro slimes bounced around her protectively, as the teal-haired protector of Liyue appeared in a sudden burst of smoke--wide amber eyes staring at the peaceful form of Elysia Seraphine. He deflected the bursts of dendro the slimes shot at him, scowling at the interference as he swiped at the largest of the slime. “I’m here to protect her Grace, back off.” He glanced back at the Creator as he snapped at the slimes, suddenly worried he might disrupt her slumber. After assuring she still slept soundly, he squinted back at the slimes as they plopped back into the ground one after another--deeming him safe. The Vigilant Yaksha released his hold on his spear, letting it disappear as he carefully approached the Divine Creator.  Stepping inside her aura made him pause, a look of surprise crossing his face as the years of karmic debt he had accumulated just...faded to silence. The relief was as blessed as it was unsettling, but Xiao shook his shock off as he gently crouched down. It felt blasphemous to touch her so casually, but Morax had ordered her safe retrieval until the Creator awoke. Shaking his head again, Xiao gently lifted Elysia into his arms with her head cradled into the hollow of his neck and shoulder, before disappearing in another cloud of smoke. 
A pair of pink eyes narrowed in irritation as the two disappeared from sight, as the white-haired woman stepped out from the rocks she had been hiding behind. As the Dendro Slimes popped out of the ground to attack her, the woman materialized her sword and cut all five down with one strike of her blade. Glaring at the spot the Divine Creator had been, she scoffed before tearing open a rip in space and stepping back through.
Zhongli sat at the stone table he, Guizhong, and Cloud Retainer used to eat at atop Mount Aocang, lost in thought as he awaited the arrival of Xiao and Lady Elysia. To think that Celestia had locked away everyone’s memories of their Divine Creator...it angered him greatly. Now that she had been freed at last, all the hidden memories had rushed back--and he finally understood what the Tsaritsa had been working towards these long years. 
He blinked away his thoughts as Xiao appeared in a cloud of smoke, standing and walking towards the oft scowling Yaksha. His eyes immediately went to the still form of his Goddess, as he fell to his knees. She looked so peaceful asleep in Xiao’s arms, and the golden dragon of Contracts had a sudden spike of envy. Shaking himself from his stupor, Zhongli stood back up with a clearing of his throat, before turning to walk back towards the stone table with a hand beckoning Xiao to follow. He paused upon reaching the table, conflicted on laying his Goddess upon such an uncomfortable surface. Before he had a chance to think of a solution, the trees near the table shivered as dendro energy pulsed through the area, while a gentle breeze brought soft bedding of flowers and leaves to rest atop the stone table. Awed by the reverence the very land seemed to bestow upon her, Zhongli nodded to Xiao as the Yaksha stepped forward and hesitantly layed Elysia upon the created bed. 
The two stood in silence for a few moments, before Zhongli shook himself and took a few steps away from her, Xiao following behind him. “Did you have any trouble bringing Her here?” 
Xiao shook his head, crossing his arms across his chest. “No, Lord Lapis. She was being protected by Dendro Slimes when I arrived, but no one else was around.” He paused, contemplating his thoughts before hesitantly asking his Archon. “Do you really think anyone wishes to harm Her Grace?”
Zhongli hummed, looking back at the sleeping Creator, slowly answering the question. “I believe it is a distinct possibility that Celestia put fail-safes in place. It seems best to not risk Her injury until we know for certain.” Xiao nodded in understanding as the Geo Archon continued, “Everyone likely knows what the implosion of energy meant, and will come searching for her--with good and ill intent certainly. I’m sure the other Archons are like to trace her aura here before long, though I do not know if any will show themselves.”
Xiao nodded again, looking back at Elysia before scanning the surroundings for potential threats. “Have you summoned the other Adepti to guard her until she wakes?”
Zhongli nodded slightly, his eyes still locked on the sleeping form of his Creator, entranced. “Indeed, they should arrive before too long--I find it imperative to protect Her Grace from further harm.” As he spoke, he abruptly turned to stare out across the sky, sensing the abnormally shifting winds as he spotted a green and brown-clad form shooting towards them. He immediately stood and shot his arms out, “Solidify!” The pillars shooting up around Elysia caused Xiao to jolt, immediately drawing his spear and facing towards the inbound figure as a protective geo field formed around the Creator.
Zhongli only slightly relaxed upon recognizing Barbatos, the short windborne bard gracefully landing before the pair with an unusually somber and serious expression on his face. Xiao remained in his defensive stance, unsure if the bard posed a threat or not and unwilling to take the chance. “What brings you to my domain, Barbatos?” Zhongli’s tone was guarded and weary, his arms crossed over his chest and back rigid. 
Venti gave a shallow dip of his head, leaning to the side to see around Zhongli--eliciting a small gasp as he saw Elysia. He took a few steps towards her, before Xiao sliced his spear out to stop him as Zhongli unwittingly let out a low growl deep in his throat. Venti stumbled to a stop, blinking owlishly at the two of them before giving a weepy-eyed pout. “Why are you keeping Her Grace to yourself Morax? We all want to see her now that she has been returned to us.” 
Zhongli’s eyes and ends of his hair started to glow slightly, as his draconic instincts picked up, golden scales spreading across his cheeks. “I am ensuring her safety from those who may wish to harm her--we do not yet know for certain that Celestia has not sent people to attack her.”
Venti’s eyes widened, his already pale skin going ashen--he had been so excited to feel her presence that the thought of her safety hadn’t crossed his mind. “Oh.”
As the three continued their heated debate, Elysia’s golden eyes slowly opened. She stared up at the open sky in awe, slowly lifting an arm up in muted curiosity and disbelief. As she slowly sat upwards, she turned to look at the three who were serving as her protectors, a bemused smile on her face. With a whisper of wind helping her stand for the first time in at least 10,000 years, she took a careful step towards the three. Seeing the shimmering geo energy around her, she skimmed a hand over the surface and the shield dissolved. 
Xiao was the first to notice her, the angry voices of long dead gods quieting as she drew near. Dropping his spear, the Yaksha fell to his knees with his face upturned towards her. The two ex-Archons ceased their bickering to look over--freezing upon seeing their Divine Creator gazing at them mere feet away. Following Xiao, Zhongli and Venti both knelt on the ground, bowing their heads to Elysia in supplication. Of all the denizens of Teyvat, the Archons felt the most guilty at forgetting their Goddess--and bowing to her usurper.
She tilted her head slightly to the side, her long elegant tail whispering along the ground as it swayed back and forth. Taking another step towards them, she cupped each of the gods cheeks in one hand to lift their heads up. “Do not bow your heads in shame, my dear Cherubim. You are not to blame for my entombment and expungement from memory.” As the two gods looked up, Xiao felt a bitter sense of longing for her caress as well. As if she could read his thoughts, Elysia turned towards him and ran her fingers through his hair in a gentle caress. “Thank you for bringing me somewhere safe while I regained my strength, my brave and sorrowful Yaksha. You have done well, so please don’t view yourself so lowly.” She gave him a soft smile, drawing her hand back as she clasped both behind her back and watched the three with bemusement. 
Xiao blinked his eyes rapidly, trying to fight back the tears prickling at the corners of his eyes. After a moment of silence, Zhongli rose to his feet--causing the other two to follow in his lead when Elysia nodded encouragingly. Zhongli was also the first to break the silence, sounding uncharacteristically unsure of himself in the presence of his Goddess. “Your Grace..Is there anything we can do for you? I am sorry that you were so sacrilegiously treated for so long without us doing anything to assist you.”
She chuckled softly, her smile brightening at the sincerity in his words, “Do not fret, dear Morax. Even if you had learned sooner, there is not much more that could have been done. The usurpers used dark knowledge they brought from beyond the stars, and I was unprepared for such an attack.” As she spoke, her tail swished and she raised her head to look towards the glowing blue waypoint as it pulsed with energy. Curiosity sparked in her eyes at the unknown technology, another bemused smile passing onto her face as Zhongli and Xiao took up protective stances in front of her. 
They both relaxed as the form of Shenhe, Ganyu, and Xianyun stepped onto the grass. “One does not understand why ones charges do not visit unless there is some dire situation!” Zhongli cleared his throat, getting Xianyun’ attention before she could continue ranting at the half qilin and exorcist pair. 
Ganyu and Xianyun both let out a small gasp upon seeing Elysia, while Shenhe studied the Goddess with an impassive expression. Ganyu bowed deeply to her, while Xianyun dipped her head respectfully as she took a step towards them. “One is pleased to see you in good health, Your Grace.”
Elysia stepped between Xiao and Zhongli, smiling at the new arrivals as she neared them. “Thank you, Cloud Retainer. It is wonderful to see the sky after so long in slumber.” 
Venti, who had remained quiet this entire time, stepped around Zhongli and Xiao to stop beside Elysia. “Is there anything you wish to do, Lady Elysia?” 
She turned to look at him, her long sparkling hair draping across her shoulder as she tilted her head in thought, tapping a finger against her chin. “I would like to travel across Teyvat, and see what has become of my land.” She turned back towards the newcomers, walking towards them as she studied the waypoint with her hands once again clasped behind her back. “How do I use this curious device? Is it connected to my Irminsul network, as my memory blossoms are?”
Unsure how to interact with the curious Creator, the group shuffled together to look at her, before Zhongli answered her question. “I believe so, Your Grace. Anyone who can control the elements is able to access the system by touching the device, and it connects to all the other waypoints or statues in the area.” He hesitated as she hummed in contemplation, walking around the device thrice as she studied it. “Would..you allow me the honour of showing you my city of Liyue Harbour?”
She glanced up to him with a slight smile, but was unable to respond before Venti cut in. “Your Grace, my city of Freedom, Mondstadt, would be an excellent place to begin your journey~ It is where wayward travellers often start!”
Before any more bickering could begin, she raised her hands up in a placating manner, “Patience, please, my cherubim. I intend to visit all of the stations, and will gladly welcome a knowledgeable tour-guide.” She noticed Ganyu nervously wringing her hands, and tilted her head at her. “Is there something wrong, dear Ganyu?”
The half-qilin looked up at her with a nervous smile, “I’m sorry for my forwardness, Your Grace, but Lady Ningguang asked me to invite you to her Jade Palace if you felt so inclined.”
Elysia smiled at her, nodding her head in acceptance. “Very well, that is where we shall start then.” She looked over each of her welcoming party in turn. “I greatly appreciate your concern for my well-being, however...I do not wish to travel with a large party.” She smiled softly, dampening the bluntness of her statement.
Those gathered each bowed their heads, with Venti waving his arms in front of himself to ward off her apology. “Of course, Your Grace! We will gladly accept whatever you wish of us!” Zhongli and Xiao both nodded their agreement, with Xianyun giving a slight harumph. 
Xiao bowed to her with a hand on his chest, “If you have need of me, Your Grace, merely call out my name and I will be there.” 
“One shall return to Yilong Wharf for the time being! Come Shenhe, one wishes to ‘catch up’ with you, as they say.” The tall adepti smiled at Elysia, bowing her head once again. “One hopes you have safe travels, Your Grace, and that we may meet again soon.”
Elysia smiled after the two, as Shenhe gave her a nod as they passed to touch the waypoint and teleport away once again. Venti looked like he was fighting the urge to latch onto her, as the stormy-haired woman turned back to the waypoint with a nod to Ganyu. “I shall ask you to input where we are going, Ganyu. I will meet with Ningguang before beginning my exploration.”
“O-of course, Your Grace.” Ganyu bowed to Zhongli with an apologetic grimace, before she walked up to stand right beside Elysia. “U-uhm, I will have to touch you to teleport us both together, Your Grace, I’m very sorry.” The nervous adepti selected the Jade Chamber teleport point, looking at Elysia for confirmation.
She smiled encouragingly at her, placing a hand on the younger womans’ shoulder. “There is no reason to apologize, dear adepti, it is quite all right.”
The two disappeared, with Ganyu’s cheeks growing rosy pink.
When it was only Xiao, Venti, and Zhongli remaining, the anemo god sighed as he sank to the ground. “Whoah.”
Zhongli chuckled slightly, crossing his arms across his chest. “Our Goddess truly seems to be a kind soul. I am glad the history that we were able to regain was right.”
Venti let out a nervous laugh, nodding along. “I was honestly a little worried that she would be like the Heavenly Principles. The winds of Teyvat sing in her presence though!”
Zhongli nodded as well, “As does the earth.” His expression turned more serious, as he looked at Xiao. “Nonetheless, I wish for you to stay near her, Xiao. We must ensure she is not harmed, as it would be a great sin for her to have any more pain. We must ensure her happiness and safety now that she is finally free to roam her land again.”
“Understood, Lord Lapis.” Xiao nodded, bowing to both Venti and Zhongli before disappearing in a cloud of smoke. 
Venti stood back up, stretching his arms high above his head before grinning widely at Zhongli. “Well! I’m off to Mondstadt to sing praises for our wonderfully beautiful Creator! I’ll make sure everyone in my City of Freedom is awaiting her arrival~” With a giggle, the anemo god propelled himself into the air on a gust of wind, waving goodbye to Zhongli before flitting away.
Zhongli shook his head at Barbatos’s always carefree nature, before using the waypoint himself.
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sarahsartistportfolio · 4 months
Sarah's Genshin Masterlist
AO3 Link Here
Ok two important forewarns. #1 I don't write imposter au and cult au. Sagau characters will have yandere tendencies but not full on yandere behavior. Reader is always AFAB/female. SAGAU universe takes place post end game.
#2 I am new to writing fanfiction. Please be patient with me. Some writing is very just self ship, I will use my name, but sometimes I want to use Y/N. Its a learning process 🙇‍♀️
Multi Characters
The SAGAU post that started it all
Self Ship Children with the Men
SAGAU: A Rumor Spreads 18+
SAGAU: Which Characters would offer themselves up to you 18+
(UPCOMING) SAGAU: Mispronunciation
(UPCOMING)SAGAU: Them calling YOU a good girl
SAGAU: Which characters would have no reservations about being in a relationship with goddess you
(UPCOMING)SAGAU: Asking them for a baby/breeding
Single Characters
Sharing a bed with him
(UPCOMING) Venti eating you out in his church
(UPCOMING) Albedo will help you <3
Knight X Princess AU
Sharing a bed with him
(UPCOMING) Falling asleep on his lap
Making Out 18+
Fucking to de stress 18+
(UPCOMING) Falling asleep on his lap
(Honestly I have a ton of SAGAU fics ideas for Cyno so if you're also a fan of yu gi oh man you'll love it here💜)
(UPCOMING) Artist!reader X Kaveh
Scaramouche X sagau goddess situation 18+
(UPCOMING) Biggggg long virgin!reader smut piece with Wanderer like seriously its been in the wip stage for months lol
Fucking to de stress 18+
(UPCOMING) "Lyney fumbling the bag"
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