#Ghost has a tiny baby dog who he has a tattoo of
I'm gonna die on my deathbed explaining why Ghost is actually a normal person outside the military and he's extremely mischaracterized.
You will never be able to convince me that Simon "Ghost" Riley doesn't do normal person things outside of his job. Sure, his information his top-secret, but that's all the more reason for him to be a normal person outside deployments.
Here's examples of Ghost being domestic:
- He goes grocery shopping every Thursday at 2:30PM because it's when the store is the least busy.
- He wears a black fabric surgical mask when he's not at home. He's more comfortable covering his face but it's not an issue if he's somewhere where he can't have a mask.
Was strangely comforted when COVID happened because it normalized wearing face masks.
- He sits in the mirror of his bathroom every two weeks so he can chop his hair when he grows too long.
- He's a phenomenal sniper but when it's time to shave his face then suddenly his hands are shaking and he's cut himself at least 4 times. (Prolly that sharp jawline 🤭)
- Loves dogs. Will ask people if he can pet their dog. (They're shitting themselves bc this giant masked man just asked to pet their dog in the most monotone voice)
- Has called Price to ask for advice on dating. He's got a crush on the girl from the coffee shop down the street from his flat and he needs some help on asking her out.
- when he's not on a deployment, he's probably at home eating pocky while watching Top Gun. Ends up falling asleep on the couch and snores like a dad.
- he's probably in his late 20s-early 30s and owns a flat somewhere in Manchester. (He was never able to fully separate himself from where he grew up)
- has a pet beta fish named Toes that the old neighbor lady takes care of while he's on deployment.
- He secretly pulls pranks around base when he's stationed somewhere. Nobody knows it's Ghost secretly leaving tiny plastic babies from Amazon around the entire base. He never gets caught and it's still a mystery where these babies keep popping up at.
- drinks milk, probably
- Will get violent if he watches an American microwave tea in front of him.
- Like Price, he WILL correct the word "soccer" into "football" like he's got some type of vendetta against the audacity.
- Sneezes like a fucking dad
- He's severely allergic to cats so the second he sees one, he will instantly abort mission. It's a whole scene watching a 6'5 skull-masked man jerk back the second a cat steps in front of him while he's on a mission.
- Hates spiders. He's not the spider killer around the base. Will not go into a room if he's seen a spider in there unless someone else killed it for him.
- He listens to Queen, you can't convince me otherwise.
- (Killer Queen is his favorite)
- He actually has an entire tattoo sleeve on his left arm, not just a forearm sleeve. If you look close enough, you can tell that it's actually just the most cliché military tattoo sleeve that's ever existed. He didn't even care what the tattoo was, he just wanted one to look cool.
- Bad Santa is unironically his favorite movie.
- Plays first-person shooter games with Gaz sometimes and always loses.
- Is the guy who brings beer to literally any event ever. Without fail. And it's always a beer that only he likes so he can have it all for himself. Everyone else started drinking them despite how disgusting they are just because they figured out that he was trying to hoard it for himself.
- Sucks at playing Monopoly. Absolutely no strategy.
I can keep going lmao. I have ideas for days lmaooo
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mermaidsirennikita · 9 months
Top romance novel moments that live rent free in your mind.
(I take it back include derek this time I want to read that wild mf again and I need the inspo)
Dreaming of You: obviously, the scene where Sara is all "oh no don't!!!" because she's breastfeeding at the end and he's like "OH YES" and purposefully drinks it because he's a real man; the scene where he thinks she's a ghost and is a blubbering mess of emotions; the "sometimes I want to punish you a little" scene; the "YOU'VE HAD ME LIKE A DRAWN DOG" scene... Like.... That shit.... is so nasty. And I. Live. For It.
The Duke's Perfect Wife by Jennifer Ashley: there's this scene where Hart fucks Eleanor when she literally has her arm in a sling and he's like "Iiiiiiii don't know if we should be--" and she's all "UM YES PUT IT IN ME" and I love her a lot; there's a scene where after they fuck for the first time in years they're on a boat and he pulls the whole yOU COULD BE WITH CHILD!!!! thing and she's trying to turn down his proposal but then she looks in his eyes and realizes he like, super wants a baby, his womb is EMPTY, and she's like *sigh* yes I will marry you; of COURSE the whole *Eleanor straddles Hart while he scowls and growls at her and she boops him* moment
When the Duke Was Wicked: Rum! On! Lips! Obviously! But I also really love the moment when Lovingdon is like "well we must get married now that we've had sex and I think it'll be great because we're really good buddies and do sex good" and Grace is like "... what" before gathering the blankets up around her being all "GET OUT" in a very dignified manner. He was flabbergasted
The Bride Goes Rogue: lol similarly Preston Clarke doing a "BUT WHAT ELSE IS THERE?" proposal and Katherine politely turning him down, to which he reacts by stumbling to her dad, who he hATES, all she *sob* won't *sob* marry *sob* me!!!!
The Duke Gets Even: the entire book but especially--"I'm going to cover you in bite marks, darling"; Nellie finding out Lockwood's Secret and clearly falling for him in that moment and him being like "pls calm the fuck down I'm only like dying basically"; the pool scene; the scene where he gets trashed to impress her cousins and they're all lmao Nellie isn't a virgin and he goes "THANK CHRIST FOR THAT"; "I'm keeping you, Eleanor" both times; the scene where he finds out nobody in law enforcement cares about him being a duke, like, at all; the scene where he manfully walks away from her and you can tell he's thisclose to bursting into tears the entire time
Mafia Madman by Mila Finelli: when Gia bites Enzo right before they have penetrative sex for the first time, like fully bites into his bicep so that it's dripping blood and his response is "stop, you'll make me come"; him returning to her after slaughtering like 20 people to save her sister, covered in bled, being all "suck my dick in the shower while I tell you about all the people I killed" and he looks down during and realizes she's touching herself and is all "THIS IS THE IDEAL WOMAN"; the scene where he keeps her chained to his bed and fingers her while his home reno employees work like six feet away; the scene where he's having a panic attack and she teaches him how to breathe through it and then they have emotional cowgirl eye contact sex and she says "make me your good girl" because... lmao.... the grovel... THE BOOK, basically
Mafia Target: this is one of the only books that has ever pulled off love at first sight so jot that part down; Alessio blowing Giulio in the club and then Giulio getting sent a pic of the guy who's been sent to murder him and realizing it's Alessio lmao; when Giulio finds Alessio chopping wood on the tiny island where they first fell in love, barehanded because he's angsty following a failed grovel, and Giulio is all "oh my god you're fucking up your murder hands you IDIOT" and takes him inside and makes him pasta
The Dragon and The Pearl by Jeannie Lin: the tattoo scene. that is all
Waking Up with the Duke: Ainsley and Jayne's parting and him telling her that he lied before and he'd rather be in her husband's place than in his own; Jayne feeling the baby kick and impulsively taking Ainsley's hand to put it on her belly and him being like "it CAN'T be mine" and freaking out because he wants the entire marriage baby thing with her now
Shadowheart: Allegreto telling Elena to take confession and Elena refusing because she can't handle the idea of going to Heaven if he's not allowed in; conversely lol, a scene where she visits him in prison and like... mouths his dick through his clothes.... and it's reeeeeally hot, especially because they have something of a femdom dynamic lol
New Camelot Trilogy: obviously, every threesome scene; the scene where Greer asks Embry to do CNC with her so she can work through some shit and also, if we are being VERY REAL about that series, CNC is absolutely Greer and Embry's Deal Together; Ash and Embry's Last First Time (and also their first first time tbh); there's this scene where Greer is all "WELCOME HOME CHEATER" because she thinks Embry cheated on them! with her cousin! and I think she like confronts him and is all does she taste sweeter than me is she prettier than me is she softer than me super meanly and he's like "NONE OF THE ABOVE" and goes down on her and it's GREAT
The (ongoing) Lyonesse Trilogy: uhhh in an extra scene there's a moment where Tristan goes "sir?" and Mark replies "Yes, puppy?" and I literally can't stop thinking about that shit. I also really love the face sitting scene in Salt Kiss. More m/m face sitting in romance novels plsthx.
Heated Rivalry: when Shane is on the phone with Ilya after Ilya's dad died and he's like "well just tell me everything that's bothering you in Russian, I don't speak it, just vent" and Ilya vents for five minutes about how he thinks he's in love with Shane and he doesn't know what to do about it and then switches to English all "ANYWAY"
The Kingmaker: the sweatshirt scene. GIRL.
Thief of Shadows: Winter taking the pins out of Isabel's hair; Winter going down on Isabel for the first time and being like "I'm sure I can figure it out somehow" lmao; Winter holding Isabel after she tells him she can't have children and just letting her cry and admitting that he would've loved to have had biological children with her but he wants her above all else oh my HEART
Duke of Midnight: TAKE MY COME FOR IT'S ALL I CAN GIVE YOU.... that whole sex scene is.... insane
Kingdom of Dreams: Royce calling Jennifer a bitch and grumpily dragging her bodily to the altar because he doesn't wanna be there any more than she does!!!
Scandal's Bride: Richard coming back to rescue Catriona from a fire only for her to yell at him after to which he basically says "WHAT. YOU CRAZY BITCH". Also, Catriona going "nobody will believe we had sex Richard" and Richard immediately sketching a pic of her ass and going "lmao well how do I know about your ASS BIRTHMARK" then because of course, he'd just been fucking her from behind like six hours prior.
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g0sts · 1 year
Guillermo, salmon, coconut, death 🥥
jamie u MENACE droppin all three ask memes at once, come over rq i just wanna talk (talking is code for fist-fighting you on behalf of how long this is gonna be)
(from this ask meme, this other ask meme, and this third one!)
first up Let's Talk About Gyemmo!
My favorite thing about him - he's Nice, sort of, when it benefits him, but he's definitely not A Good Person. he's just like me in that he's got that baby-faced Charm combined with a polite disposition that enamors people to him, but he's ruthless. he's just sweet about it. only this bitch can give up almost everything in his life in pursuit of pure selfishness and then struggle to accept that there's consequences ♥
My least favorite thing about him - mans has got to stop Leaving For Good For Realsies This Time at least once a season (twice in season two!!), he's gonna be the boy who cried Gone For Ever ('whale eyes at the coming finale but pretending i don't see it' voice)
My favorite canon relationship - you know im a nandermo bitch. they make each other worse and they might just turn out better for it. it's like watching two dogs who both want to play but are both just doing the little bow thing bc neither dog is taking the bait to chase so they're just whimpering and pawing at each other thinking "why doesn't he wanna [redacted] 🥺" it's pathetic, sort your shit out guys
My favorite non-canon relationship - That Year In London With Nadja. they never showed it to us but we all know it happened. they did mani-pedis and nearly killed each other multiple times and then she hired him as her accountant
The sexuality I headcanon for him - baby boy canonically gay and that's such a win ♥ i do hc him as trans but you knoowwwww that's some juicy little projection i like to do~
What I’d do if I could spend the day with him - in all honesty i do not anticipate that we would get along! like if i'm lucky he lures me home to be dinner but probably we would end up somewhere with a line unable to surpass our own giant social walls enough to do anything Cool. like, ok. is this pre s5? if i watch someone take a fork and knife to a burger i am Leaving Immediately
Random fact about him I like - the little snippets we get about his family life and what he gets up to off-camera. tell us more about the meat dress for your cousin's quinceañera!! u freaque, gimme more of this shit!! i'm obsessed!!
Salmon: How many pairs of sunglasses do I own? triangles, tiny shades, blurple circle shades, alien circle shades, ghosts, cat circle shades, and i think i still have the coral foldable shades but i haven't seen em in a while? so 6 or 7. for now.
Coconut: A subject I enjoy learning about crafting historyyyy how shit's madeeee show me the machinesss show me vintage vintage patterns, show me how vikings made yarn and then make a scarf out of it
Death: 3 things I wanna do before I die 1) go to New York City 2) get a tattoo 3) i wanna get married 👉👈 specifically i am holding out hope that i can connect with someone and forge that level of love trust and commitment that makes you decide "yeah this is a Forever thing" even if Marriage Specifically isn't on the table for whatever reason. thot i had it once! so i can get there again! just gotta do the hard part and meet the right person, which includes meeting a lot of Not the right people 🤷‍♂️
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pitoftheplum · 25 days
[Ode to Being Brought Up by White Trash Punk Rock Party Kids Who Never Fully Grew Up]
A tattoo of me as a tiny devil on my dad’s arm. Tail and trident and horns and all. In the style of an old poster he had of this band we still love. Gap toothed girl in the back of the truck singing along. I can smell stale cigarette smoke old car must and a forgotten under the seat can of pina colada. Classic y2k baby blue baby tee that said “Angel” bookended with pearly glitter wings from my grandma. Going to our best friends’ house. Running around Vicentia with the fellow half-pint hoodrats until some stick up the ass neighbor got tired of the party and called the fucking cops. In all fairness most of the time the garage was popping off until dawn. Soberest teen took the daewoo to Del on Main for a shit ton of tacos and burritos and scorcho sauce. That place has seen me in states I can’t begin to recall. Laid them out on the table and drunks gathered round like the last supper, squeezing into a child-sized breakfast nook. Judas took the last red bean and cheese. Nobody really liked liked green but me. If you’re gonna be dumb you gotta be tough; Jackass DVD looping on the TV. Outside someone’s blasting Social D. Sick Girl, always. Babies and littles asleep on beds in the back of the house. Innocent things kept safe from various bad decisions being made. Last coors light (gross) crushed. Slumped in my dad’s arms as he carried me to the truck. Tuckered from children of the corn activities. Still buzzed mom cruising us down the predawn ghost town of Ontario. Church street. Fog clouding. Going home to my behemoth black cat and bubblegum pink sheets. Up at noon to drag ass down Sixth, meeting at Chuck Wagon for spongy pancakes and keno and bloody marys. Full of sugar and coffee and no longer able to sit still in our seats. Adults say we gotta either chill or leave. Sprinting across the street about 10 maniacally laughing kids deep. Messing around at the skate park until hair of the dog resurrected our parents back to the land of the living.
That’s home to me.
- Crown Town Baby
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mlmxreader · 1 year
Eeee! Hello, hello! Hope you'redoing well, my friend! OMG THE COLLECTION OF BABIES!!!! 😫🥹😭 They're so adorable, I absolutely cannot for my heart can only take so much of the cuteness!
Alright, these are for the "Want to know me better, send a number" asks, if you're still taking them:
5: Book/series I reread?
138: Do I believe in second chances?
150: What is the best decision I have made in life so far?
107: Guilty pleasure?
212: Was I named after anyone?
216: Favourite fictional character?
215: What is the weirdest talent I have?
193: What motivates me?
191: What makes me the happiest?
192: What is “home” to me?
78: Early bird or night owl?
98: 3 things I love?
99: 3 things I hate?
65: What fictional universe would I like to be a part of?
62: Am I vegetarian/vegan/pescatarian?
60: Pet peeve?
59: Afraid of heights?
41: Do I have any strange phobias?
39: Am I superstitious?
25: Actor/actress you trust enough to watch whatever they're in?
20: Favourite video games?
19: Song that I always start my shuffle with/wake-up song/always-on-a-loop song?
17: Pirates or ninjas?
6: Aliens or ghosts?
Take care and until next time, keep safe! (Will get to the Delaney fic, eventually, hoping I'll be able to get to it this coming weekend or the weekend after but I am so freaking excited to read about our babe James!!)
hi!!!!!!!!!! I am doing well, thank you - I've got work every day this week in the AM, with the exception of Thursday and Friday bc I'm doing double shifts but I've got Saturday and Sunday off, so that's good!
SIX babies!!! Hanzo is the only literal baby, he's only a couple of weeks old and he's 1.2cm so he's a TEENY baby 😭 teeny tiny baby scorpling 🥺
alright!!! let's go!!!
5: American Psycho, All Quiet on the Western Front and The Great Gatsby I tend to read more than once a year, so I'll go w them lmfao
138: it depends. if someone didn't mean any actual harm and they're willing to change and they're doing so ACTIVELY, then yes. but if it's bc of some form of bigotry (racism, transphobia, misogyny, homophobia, classism, ableism, sanism, islamophobia, antisemitism, etc)? no. get fucked.
150: getting tattoos and exotic animals lmao I love my reptilian and arachnid children and I love my tattoos
107: classic Monster!! I personally love Assault the best, but I can never say no to classic!
212: Llywelyn comes from the name Llywelyn ab Iorwerth, aka Llywelyn Fawr (Llewelyn the Great), a Welsh king; it's a chance to show off my culture and my heritage and my history that - for the most part - has been erased by the English.
216: definitely Aragorn. cannot lie. it's Aragorn
215: I have an odd talent for being able to calm down snakes, including wild ones, and getting them to chill out - which I discovered during college whilst working w a 10ft python who was really defensive, but it also happened at work bc we had a load of grass snakes and a few adders in the cat pens
193: spite
191: heavy metal!! you stick on some Sabaton and I'm happy as a pig in shit
192: home is safety. it's the wag of a dog's tail. it's acceptance unconditionally and it's unconditional support. home can be a friend, it can be a family member, it can be an animal.
78: some weird mix like a chronically tired raven
98: heavy metal, tattoos, reptiles
99: Englishmen, the English crown, Tories
62: yes!! I'm vegetarian and have been for... a long while lmfao
60: people who walk their reactive dogs off lead.
59: nope
41: nope, no phobias
39: yes and no; there's some superstitious beliefs that I hold that come from my culture, but I wouldn't say I 100% think they're real
25: Damian Lewis, Tom Hardy, Angela Bassett, Laverne Cox
20: rdr2!!
19: my alarm has been The Last Stand by Sabaton for 2 years now, so I always start my day w that
17: ninjas
until next time!!! (there's no rush!! I'm working on the next chapter as it is, so there's plenty of time lmfao)
0 notes
ratsoh-writes · 3 years
Masterlist 11
(*) means suggestive
never have I ever (all)
secret admirer (horrors)
who can date a mafia
who has tattoos (mutt lilac star snipe G green charm sugar) 
crush hanging with the old lady squad (sf fsr fsg)
SO invited them to play a dance game (ut us uf sf dt)
can they take care of kids that aren't their own? (all)
crazy dreams (oak green pop bruiser peaches)
avatar kid (all)
SO collects rocks (pluto uf ht mt)
random frisk/chara (ut us sf)
SO and sibling fight a stranger
kids are sneaking out (ut mt ft)
pet cuddles SO (uf ht mal)
kid is bullied
how to get them interested (wink wink)*
SO is turned into a baby
I'm gonna climb you like a tree (all papyri)
SO has a huge family (main 10 + horrors)
bestie uses them to get away from pushy dog owner (uf fs ht hs us)
crazy sib is covered in mud (G sans oak jupiter noir)
SO gets a puppy (us ut ht)
seagull god (all)
ghost SO (green rancher slim rhythm)
what clothes they like on their SO (ul fsr fsg dt ot)
how they fluster their SO 
crush got a makeover (ht hf ot)
kid made a love song (all)
crush rejects them (honey edge sf fsr hf)
SO makes a tiny breakast (coffee peaches mal ace)
random romantic with mutt and wine
sister is holding SO hostage 
a cat barks (papyrus cash red rust pluto)
SO never sleeps (star, cash)
CRYPTID HUNTING 2 (willow honey edge rancher bruiser mutt)
toddler runs away in a grocery store
SO makes a doll
random fluff (hs gt ot)
which of his clothes he gives to SO
favorite chips (all)
poor tree
a bear/crocodile is stuck in their house
first kiss (hf hs)
shiny bird brain
crush looking at them dopily
blind crush (hs fsr fsg ot gt)
stranger is walking a chicken (fsr hs mf)
SO collars skele (all)
adopted sib steals hoodies (ht sf fsr fsg)
they choose between SO and child 2 (ul fsr fsg)
romantic headcanons with noir and coffee
SO is jigglypuff
flustering bilingual SO
catnip prank (uf dt mt)
crush is high as a kite (us ht sf fsr hf)
SO accidentally summons a demon
SO can transmit feelings (uf hf fsg ul sf)
sleepwalking SO wakes up naked in the front yard
stranger tries to seduce crush (ft + horrors)
caught in the rain with date 
on the go snacks (all)
SO leaves for a week but leaves behind love notes
sibling dresses up their pets (uf ht mal mutt rancher)
Their eyes
fighting rules
soul checks manners
monster gender and babies
monster pregnancy
skeleton differences
skeleton hybrids
healing magic
more on magic
allergies with wine and honey
the aus aren't related
the skeletons other parent (not gaster)
boss monsters
different types of magic
sans and charm poly hcs
thoughts on sans
underlust and farmtale
The Mafias
Madame and Don poly
cheating SO 
family hcs
ace and butch as a bodyguard
the boys reacting to Madame and Don getting a third partner 
brother’s SO creepily stares at butch
how they feel about roulette
bad parent is harassing SO
teasing brothers with SO
mal answers about collars*
embarrassing cash
pigs blood part 2
SO cant function
Fellswap Gold
wholesome brothers
coffee putting henna on SO
dating hcs
toriel and asgore jobs
doomfangers victims
doomfanger and baby bones
Fellswap Red
mutt’s regret tats
rancher is a beast
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lets-just-daydream · 4 years
Masterlist - July 2020
S/O who is the Talon commissar
Doomfist with touch-sensitive reader (NSFW)
Domestic HCs
Seeing S/O remove fake lashes for the first time ever
S/O has their glass heart in a lockbox
Comforting S/O whose family member is in hospital
S/O who is presumed dead is found alive
“Be you, no one else can.”
S/O with sensitive skin
Reactions to an S/O with SPD and ASD
Reaction to S/O who feels worthless
Genji is moving things a little too fast
Genji cheats on you and Hanzo saves the day
“Do you like it when I touch you like that?” and “You have no idea what you do to me”
S/O is a meme
“Open up” and “Good girl” (NSFW)
“Are you okay?” and “About the baby… it’s yours”
“No strings attached” NSFW
“I haven’t slept in four days” with nurse!S/O
Young!Genji in an arranged marriage with his best friend
Comforting S/O who’s insecure about weight and height HCs
Reactions to tiny reader in huge armour
Genji cheats on reader, Hanzo saves the day
Reader loves touching Genji HCs
Sick reader comes to a meeting
Genji and male reader’s first time (NSFW)
Genji’s reaction to S/O being afraid of the dark
Reader is Moira’s daughter and runs away after the Venice incident then reunites with Genji and McCree
Genji comforts sexually abused reader
Child comes out of the closet
Genji smut (NSFW)
Reader has a son who Hanzo adopts and they develop dragons
Seeing S/O remove fake lashes for the first time ever
“Are you hitting on me?”
S/O has their glass heart in a lockbox
With an S/O who has wings
Undercover kissing Avengers style
Hanzo’s dad sabotages your relationship
Hanzo confessing his love for chubby reader
Reader spends all day teasing Hanzo
Hanzo proposes to pregnant long time love
S/O who is presumed dead is found alive
“I didn’t think you could get any less romantic”
"You can't banish me! This is my bed too!" and "How is my wife more badass than me?"
Quiet S/O has to body slam a jerk
S/O with sensitive skin
Reaction to S/O who feels worthless
Reader is Moira’s prized experiment
A birthday surprise for Hanzo
Hanzo asks S/O to sing to him
Genji cheats on you and Hanzo saves the day
Reader is afraid of Vampire!Hanzo
Reader is “initiated” into Okami!Hanzo’s pack
Learning languages
“I lost the baby”
“I hate you” and “Why do you hate me?”
“You’d be a great mother”
“If you’re bored; wanna have sex?” and “What did you just say?”
“Do you believe in ghosts?”
Comforting S/O who’s insecure about weight and height HCs
Young!Hanzo tries to win reader’s heart at a Dragon Festival
Reader walks into work with bruises on face and neck
Reader doesn’t take injury seriously
Powers like Polaris
Hanzo has a crush on McCree’s little sister
Genji cheats on reader, Hanzo saves the day
Quiet, insecure reader
Playing with Hanzo’s hair
College AU
Hanzo the ice-cream man
Hanzo spots your tattoo
McHanzo’s pregnant S/O
Skin Clouds (Soulmate Tattoo AU)
Reader cries because she finally belongs
Reader is obsessed with Hanzo’s tattoo
Blind fem!reader
Reader is accused of something they didn’t do
Child comes out of the closet
Scion Hanzo likes waitress reader
Reader breaks up with cheating Hanzo
Waking up next to Hanzo for the first time
Hanzo shows off for reader
Reactions to S/O expecting a baby
Developing a crush on reader
Kissing HCs
What it’s like being in a relationship
Trying to seduce crush
“Can I kiss you right now?”
Reader comforts crying Junkrat
Jealousy HCs
Junkrat falls in love with lesbian reader
Secretly strong fem!reader
Reader breaks up with cheating Junkrat
Self conscious chubby S/O HCs
Junkrat goes down on virgin fem!reader (NSFW)
Injured S/O drabble
Reactions to S/O expecting a baby
Lucio comforts suicidal S/O
Reactions to tiny reader in huge armour
Quiet, insecure S/O
Playing with Lucio’s hair
When reader is made fun of, protective Lucio strikes
Reader learns to skate in Lucio’s skates
Reader changes her appearance and surprises Lucio
McCree walks in on reader and Lucio (NSFW)
“Stop being so cute”
S/O brings a cute lunch and everyone is shook
Undercover kissing Avengers style
Reader and McCree reunite years after the fall
Comforting S/O whose family member is in hospital
S/O who is presumed dead is found alive
“I lost our baby”
“The ladies love a man who’s good with kids”
Quiet S/O has to body slam a jerk
Reactions to an S/O with SPD and ASD
Reaction to S/O who feels worthless
Reactions to S/O expecting a baby
Reader has huge wings
McCree gets blackmailed by Talon agent
Developing a crush on reader
Cuddle HCs
McCree saves abused reader
Injured S/O
Anaemic reader
Kissing HCs
What it’s like being in a relationship
“I lost the baby”
McCree with a loud S/O sequel
McCree with a S/O who has violin hips
Trying to seduce crush
Reader and their S/O are caught sneaking around by McCree
“Can I touch you?”
Comforting S/O who’s insecure about height and weight HCs
McCree with touch-sensitive reader (NSFW)
McCree and reader are happy until a spy brainwashes him
Reader comforts crying McCree
McCree and D.Va swap bodies and reader confesses her love to the wrong person
Reactions to tiny reader in huge armour
Reader walks into work with bruises on face and neck
Jealousy HCs
Quiet, insecure reader
McCree likes lesbian reader
Playing with McCree’s hair
McHanzo’s pregnant S/O
Loud S/O comforted by McCree
Reader is Moira’s daughter and runs away after the Venice incident then reunites with McCree
Reader is Moira’s daughter and runs away ... part two
McCree comforts sexually abused reader
McCree walks in on reader and Lúcio (NSFW)
McCree helps bigger reader with anxiety and self-confidence
Reader is accused of something they didn’t do
Child comes out of the closet
Reader dies in McCree’s arms
Reader breaks up with cheating McCree
McCree comforts S/O going through phantom pain
Reader has a crush on McCree and he slept with someone else
Young reader with joint pain
Waking up next to McCree for the first time
McCree finds S/O after she showers (NSFW)
McCree cares for sick reader
Gabriel meets mermaid!reader
S/O has their glass heart in a lockbox
S/O brings a cute lunch and everyone is shook
Undercover kissing Avengers style
Busty S/O drabble
Reaper saves Reader from Talon fire
Injured S/O drabble
Comforting S/O whose family member is in hospital
Celebrating Prefall!Reaper’s birthday
Reader is turned into Reaper
S/O who is the Talon commissar
Reaction to S/O who feels worthless
S/O calls Reaper “boo”
Anaemic reader
Reader is basically a storage unit
“It’s lonely here without you”
“It’s lonely here without you” part two
Quiet, insecure reader
Waking up next to Gabe and he spots your tattoo
Convincing Reaper to leave Talon
Short fic of Gabe doesn’t love reader anymore
Reaper comforts sexually abused reader
HCs of Gabe doesn’t love reader anymore
Reader is accused of something they didn’t do
Reaper76 vampire AU
Reader has a crush on McCree and he slept with someone else
Gabe helps exhausted S/O
Gabe helps reader with body hate
Fluffy pre-fall Gabe
Reader has a self-harm relapse
Gabe doesn’t have time for games
Cuddle HCs
Reader walks into work with bruises on face and neck
Reader steps up to help Reinhardt with a flashback
Reinhardt helps reader catch her dog
Developing a crush on reader
Kissing HCs
What it’s like being in a relationship
Trying to seduce crush
Reader comforts crying Roadhog
Jealousy HCs
Waking up next to Roadhog and he spots your tattoo
Roadhog finds S/O after she showers (NSFW)
Reader is turned into Reaper
Reader is Moira’s prized experiment
S/O switches coffee to decaf
Reader accepts her fate with Slasher76
Reader is basically a storage unit
Sick reader goes to meeting
Child comes out of the closet
Reader dies in Soldier 76′s arms
Pre-fall Soldier 76 helps reader catch her dog
Reaper76 vampire AU
Soldier 76 deals with annoying clients
Soldier 76 helps reader with body hate
Reader has self-harm relapse
S/O builds Ana a mechanical bodyguard
“Mommy, could you please pass the salt?”
Fluff and kisses
Argument before Brigitte leaves for mission
Injured S/O
Domestic HCs
“Shut up  and kiss me” and “Is that my shirt?”
Fluff and kisses
Reader would like to sponsor her work
Reactions to an S/O with SPD and ASD
Reaction to S/O who feels worthless
Noticing self-harm scars
S/O shapeshifts into D.Va
D.Va doesn’t feel the same way
S/O is a meme
D.Va with a S/O who is getting famous
D.Va introduces reader to Korean food
Reader loves touching D.Va
Fluff and kisses
D.Va cheats on reader
Fluff and kisses
Helping reader quit vaping
“Welcome to fatherhood”
Reader would like to sponsor her work
S/O with sensitive skin
Sleepy and cuddly drabbles
S/O builds Mercy a mechanical bodyguard
Reader is turned into Reaper
Reaction to S/O who feels worthless
Noticing self-harm scars
Reader has huge wings
“Are you high…?”
“Mommy, could you please pass the salt?”
S/O switches coffee to decaf
Reader is basically a storage unit
Mercy with tied up reader
Reader loves touching Mercy
Sick reader comes to meeting
Mercy finds out she’s pregnant HCs
Fluff and kisses
Mercy cheats on reader
Mercy wakes up next to reader for the first time
Reader finds vampire Mercy drinking blood from a donor bag
S/O brings a cute lunch and everyone is shook
S/O builds Moira a mechanical bodyguard
Learning S/O can shapeshift
Moira thinks rabbit!reader is self-aware
Moira reacts to crush almost dying
Reader is Moira’s daughter and runs away after the Venice incident then reunites with McCree
Reader is Moira’s daughter ... part two
Moira finds out she’s pregnant HCs
Fluff and kisses
S/O gets overwhelmed and cries
Tracer sets you up on a date
Sleepy and cuddly drabbles
“Mommy, could you please pass the salt?”
Male S/O meets Pharah’s parents
Pharah and S/O fight before S/O faces death
Fluff and kisses
S/O can teleport
Clingy Sombra is jealous of S/O’s ex
Reader would like to sponsor her work
Sleepy and cuddly drabbles
S/O who is the Talon commissar
Reaction to S/O who feels worthless
Noticing self-harm scars
Reader has huge wings
S/O switches coffee to decaf
S/O shapeshifts into Sombra
S/O is a meme
Learning S/O can shapeshift
Moira thinks rabbit!reader is self-aware. Sombra thinks Moira is crazy
Sombra reacts to crush almost dying
Sombra and roommate finally kiss
Pregnancy HCs
Fluff and kisses
S/O gets overwhelmed and cries
Fluff and kisses
Seeing S/O remove fake lashes for the first time ever
S/O can teleport
Reaction to S/O who feels worthless
Fluff and kisses
S/O can teleport
Reader is Moira’s prized experiment
“Mommy, could you please pass the salt?”
Assassin reader defending Widowmaker
Learning S/O can shapeshift
Widowmaker shibari
Widowmaker reacts to crush almost dying
Widowmaker is bad at flirting
Widowmaker almost leaves reader for dead
Forest nymph/dryad reader discovers injured Widowmaker
Widowmaker finds out she’s pregnant
Fluff and kisses
S/O gets overwhelmed and cries
Injured S/O
Domestic HCs
Zarya doesn’t know you can speak Russian
“Fuck me”
Fluff and kisses
Zarya cheats on reader
Zarya and fem!reader on first date
Reader is panicked and Zarya helps
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babybottlepop96 · 3 years
Sweet Melody - Ino x Kiba
Day 14 prompt: Melody
Warnings: Slightly NSFW, it’s not detailed and its very brief but it is there, so be warned. Slight manipulation as well.
song used: Sweet Melody by Little Mix
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Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo
Doo-roo-doo-doo, doo-roo-doo-roo
Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo
Doo-roo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo
In a whole other life, there was this boy that I knew
He made me feel like a woman, we were young and silly fools
Anyway, he was in a band, wrote love songs about me
I wasn't crazy 'bout the words, but the melodies were sweet
Went something like
Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo
Doo-roo-doo-doo, doo-roo-doo-roo
Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo
Doo-roo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo
 Kiba was never one for long term relationships, he had dreams and goals he wanted to achieve and he would achieve them, no matter the cost. That's just how the man was, he wanted to skiing even if he was going to have to live off ramen for the next three months? Done. He wanted to achieve the look he has been wanting? He waited until his dad officially left him and his family, buying band tees that showed off his impeccable muscles and ripped, black skinny jeans that was a little too hard to walk in, got a few tattoos and piercings to top it all off. He wanted to get in a certain blonde, punk girl's pants? Easy as taking candy from a baby.
Kiba has wanted to become a musician, a career his father had repeatedly told him was a silly child's dream. That he wouldn't make it in the music industry because of his cocky attitude and horrible communication skills. So to prove to himself and his father that he could do this, he took the girl. He would write songs about how her grey blue eyes, the way her tattoos would smoothly curve along her waist, the way her hair would cover just one eye, leaving a small mystery about the blonde beauty for him to figure out. He would write about how adored her personality and the way she would giggle at his stupid jokes.
 Every time we go dancing, I see his straying eyes
Gave him too many chances, push my gears too many times
And when he start acting dumb, then I'll be on my way to leave
But I stopped in the tracks, when I heard this melody
And it went like
Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo
Doo-roo-doo-doo, doo-roo-doo-roo
Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo
Doo-roo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo
 Ino eyed the man who weaseled his way in her life, the way he would dance with other women at the club and then act like it was just a little friendly chat with an old friend, acting like he didn't know why this bothered her. An old friend? Just a friendly chat? Did he take her for some stupid barbie doll? She saw the way his pelvis grinded against her, obvious, fake ass. The way he would lean down to ghost his breath on her neck and say something filthy in her ear to cause the bitch to giggle. But she was falling for him. There was no stopping it now, she wanted him and he made her believe he wanted her too.
 He used to sing me sweet melodies
He played me, made me believe it was real love
Sing me sweet melodies
But the day he did me wrong
The song couldn't go on and on
He used to sing me sweet melodies
He played me, made me believe it was real love
Sing me sweet melodies
But the day he did me wrong
The song couldn't go on and on and on
He would lie, he would cheat over syncopated beats
I was just his tiny dancer, he had control of my feet
Yes, when he came along, that's when I lost the groove
There was no song in the world to sing along or make me move
Sounded something like
Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo
Doo-roo-doo-doo, doo-roo-doo-roo (it was, oh)
Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo
Doo-roo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo
 God she wanted to end this game, to get away from the overly confident alpha dog, but god did he have a way with words. "Come on pretty girl, you know I love you." "Sweet pea, she means nothing to me, she could never make me feel the way you do." She even caught him fucking some pink haired crybaby, his hand tangled in her terribly dyed pink hair, yanking on it till the tears slid down her flushed face. "But baby, it was a mistake! I promise, I'll never do something like that again! Please, baby, give me another chance. You know there is never anyone that could really make me feel the way you do." But it was always the same shit, sneaking out to fuck some new girl, making excuses that he had late night band practice. But she could never really believe him, not when she didn't get the chance to prove he was cheating on her.
 He used to sing me sweet melodies (oh)
He played me, made me believe it was real love
Sing me sweet melodies
But the day he did me wrong (yeah, yeah)
The song couldn't go on and on and on (couldn't go on, no)
He used to sing me sweet melodies (sing sweet melodies)
He played me, made me believe it was real love
Sing me sweet melodies
But the day he did me wrong (me wrong)
The song couldn't go on and on and on
 Kiba enjoyed his life, he had a girl to write about. A sweet little melody, his song, his ticket to the game he so desperately wanted to prove he could gain. So what if he fucked around a little bit? What did it matter to him when he knew Ino would never leave him, not when he could make her shake and scream his name like that?
 Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo
Doo-roo-doo-doo, doo-roo-doo-roo (ay, ay, ohh)
Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo
Doo-roo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo (oh whoa)
On and on
 So Kiba kept up his little game.
 On and on
 Until one day, Ino never came home and all her belongings were absent from the shared room of their one bedroom apartment.
 He used to sing me sweet melodies
He played me, made me believe it was real love
Sing me sweet melodies
But the day he did me wrong (me wrong)
The song couldn't go on and on and on
(On and on, and on, yeah)
 Ino left that dog for good, no longer able to take just being words for lyrics he never meant. 
 He used to sing me sweet melodies (melodies, yeah)
 He played me, made me believe it was real love
 Sing me sweet melodies
 But the day he did me wrong
 The song couldn't go on and on and on
  What was this that Kiba was feeling? His heart… ached. It felt like he was missing something and he couldn't figure out what the hell it was. He had everything! His band was starting to get more recognition, he had a plethora of women to fool around with. So why was he wanting the only woman he no longer had? It was then that Kiba realized he lost, he lost the only person who showed him any kind of actual support.
  Sing me sweet melodies (sing me sweet 
melodies, yeah)
 He played me, made me believe it was real love
 Sing me sweet melodies
 But the day he did me wrong (me wrong)
 The song couldn't go on and on and on, no
  Ino smiled as she stepped off the bus in her home town of Konoha. She was starting over and would find someone who actually treated her like a Sweet Melody.
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hollenka99 · 4 years
Unus Annus - November
354. Accepting the Truth, 6:11, 2.8M (Nov 1st) - While sitting by the pool, Mark and Ethan announce that a livestream will happen on the 13th so that the audience can join them in reminiscing over the past year and watching the channel be deleted live.
355. The Unus Annus Last Supper, 26:58, 2.6M (Nov 2nd) - Amy creates a 7 course meal for Mark and Ethan based on various past videos. This includes eggnog with bug biscuits, them having 3 minutes to eat a raw onion and edible items of a mature nature.
356. Being Brutally Honest with Each Other, 26:14, 2.2M (Nov 3rd) - Mark and Ethan reflect on how well they have worked together during the course of the channel’s run. Some things that were revealed consisted of them having to re-evaluate their communication after the wall punch, Mark committing to bits even if they start going a little far and how Ethan could build his acting skills. There is a heartfelt moment where Ethan expresses how grateful he is to have Mark as a friend and someone to learn off of, which ends in tears.
357. Recreating Every Single Unus Annus Video, 45:11, 3.2M (Nov 4th) - Amy reads out the title of videos in chronological order while Mark and Ethan do something quick to re-enact that video. Alexa misinterprets a command, some episode segments are just them wondering who came up with the titles and Amy gets confused by a few titles that state she shouldn’t know about them.
358. All Our Video Ideas That Never Happened, 25:13, 1.8M (Nov 5th) - They discuss the videos that never were, including potential collabs, things the pandemic prevented from happening and ideas that were best left not attempted. 
359. Who’s Cutting Onions In Here???, 22:24, 2M (Nov 6th) - The two of them spend the entire video cutting onions and talking about the channel. They discuss their expectations when they started the channel, how they were affected by the deaths of family members and how they would like to die.
360. The 1st Annual Unus Annus Roast, 16:41, 1.7M (Nov 7th) - On Twitter, they invited the viewers to send in their roasts. They just laugh at most of them but a few they roast the poster back. One of the cameras produced corrupted footage so they had to lipsync at times. 
361. God’s Fitness Test, 22:58, 1.9M (Nov 8th) - Along with their personal trainers, they form two teams which consist of Mark and Alex vs Ethan and Andre. They do push ups where you have to have all four limbs airborne during part of it, a burpee hybrid, a race where Mark and Ethan carry their trainers on their backs, weightlifting with squats and a sprinting challenge. 
362. Saying Goodbye to All Our Guests, 39:44, 2.2M (Nov 9th) - Mark and Ethan call up some of the people they’ve worked with in videos over the past year to thank them. Upon learning The Basement LA (where they did the escape room in December) was in financial trouble due to the pandemic, they offer to donate the ad revenue from the escape room video to help them out.
363. Everything’s Legal If You’re Dead, 24:50, 2.2M (Nov 10th) - Mark and Ethan attempt to make breakfast with sex toys again. However, this time they steal the products they got from the shop and Mark’s lawyer Ryan tries to discourage them from their plans of insurance fraud.
364. 7 Minutes in Heaven | 7 Minutes in Hell, 12:41, 1.9M (Nov 11th) - In new inflatable saunas, they are sent to Heaven and Hell with items previously featured in past videos. Ethan goes to Heaven where he receives the scent of essential oils, kiwis, a cupping session using a mouth instead of the cups and wax on his face. Mark, meanwhile, is subjected to Hell where the aromatherapy is of the onion variety, his mouth is filled with hot dogs and the straw his dogs may have used as a toilet is laid at his feet.
365. The Unus Annus Annual Sleepover, 17:17, 2.3M (Nov 12th) - Ethan goes to Mark’s home to spend the night. They shoot cans while the other hides behind the targets, make popcorn as well as friendship bracelets and play truth or dare. Ethan decorates his bracelet for Mark with 'My Pal Annus' while Mark puts 'EEF' inbetween Takis that had been in his mouth. Towards the end, the two of them share a glass of champagne before settling down for the night. At various points, the signature ticking sound is heard.
366. Goodbye., 12:00:00, 1M (Nov 13th - Nov 14th) - This is the farewell livestream. The two of them sit with a television that displays the timer inbetween them. Throughout the 12 hours, they show the editors’ highlight reels, watch and comment on a few videos, look through fanart and memes as well as welcome guests. When there’s around 3 hours to go, Ethan gets 00:00:00 tattooed on his left arm by DanielleSkyeee. They promise that if the stream receives 1 million likes, they will reveal the inside of their coffin and possibly get inside. With less than an hour to go, this does indeed happen, with the fake eulogies making them emotional and the coffin is dubbed the ‘Cry Box’. As the hours become not only minutes but seconds, Mark, Ethan and Amy gather around the laptop so they can press the delete button together. The clock finally reaches 00:00:00, leaving the audience with a black screen as well as a channel that no longer exists.
1. Unus Annus, 1:52, 10M (Nov 15th) - Introductory video explaining the premise of the channel.
2. Cooking with Sex Toys, 12:42, 4.6M (Nov 15th) - The guys buy a bunch of sex toys and use them to make some bacon, eggs and pancakes. Towards the end, someone spots Mark being fed while wearing a gag.
3. Purging Our Sins with a Neti Pot, 11:18, 4.8M (Nov 16th) - They clear their noses with Neti Pots, essentially flooding it and triggering a drowning sensation. Towards the end, the spiral screen appears where Mark and Ethan thank the audience for their initial reaction to the channel, which lead to the intro video becoming #1 on trending. They announce that if the channel reaches 1 million subscribers within a week, a viewer who helped spread the word will be hand delivered the button. Otherwise, Mark will have his nipples pierced.
4. Hot Dog'd To Death, 11:18, 3.3M (Nov 17th) - They attempt to eat 60 hot dogs in 10 minutes. Ethan struggles to work out how long 360 seconds is. The are certain Chica could beat Joey Chestnut's record of 71 any day.
5. Making Our Own Sensory Deprivation Tank, 13:44, 2.7M (Nov 18th) - They filled a pool with salts, blindfold themselves and put headphones on. To mess around, they pretend to try drown each other.
6. The Good Kind of Cupping, 11:59, 2.7M (Nov 19th) - They attempt cup stacking. Mark is better at it than Ethan. The two of them end up trying to walk on all fours while wearing the cups like some sort of cryptid. This is also where they announce the winner of the 1M play button (Kingkasuma 2.0). The next challenge is also announced, get it to 2M subs within a week so a viewer has the chance to meet Mark and Ethan while appearing in a video or Ethan will destroy the Barrel with a bat.
7. The Bad Kind of Cupping, 13:36, 8.8M (Nov 20th) - Mark and Ethan place suction cups on each other. At one point, Ethan is unable to detach a cup and gets very stressed about it.
8. The Worst Kind of Cupping, 10:17, 3.1M (Nov 21st) - They react to Two Girls, One Cup before trying to see if they can find out where the girls are now. This is Mark’s first time watching it and he does not have a good time.
9. Ethan Will Be Kicked in the Balls, 7:30, 4.2M (Nov 22nd) - They plan to use those inflatable balls that you can run around in. Ethan struggles to inflate his so he goes to a shop to ask they can help him with a pump. The staff are nice and chuck it to him via a window. He reaches his car, only to realise he can't fit it in without deflating it a little. Ethan does indeed get kicked in the balls at the end.
10. Doing Each Other's Makeup in the Dark, 12:08, 2.2M (Nov 23rd) - Mark and Ethan blindly apply makeup to one another. There is a risk of blackface when Mark gets into the bronzer but Amy is able to warn him to be careful. Ethan uses blush for its intended purpose and as lipstick. When they look at themselves in a mirror, he compares himself to the little girl wearing makeup while in a carseat. You can tell Amy is the one editing due to her written comments.
11. Baby Hands Operation, 8:29, 2.7M (Nov 24th) - Mark and Ethan assemble and then play Operation while wearing baby hands. When Calamity Pete's buzzing annoys them, they begin waterboarding him and are only able to remove the foreign object after hitting him hard enough to accidentally project the piece. This is where the 'Oh My Fucking God' meme originates.
12. Mark and Ethan Summon a Ghost, 18:02, 4M (Nov 25th) - This is framed as a kind of found footage documentary. While at Ethan’s home, they form a pentagram out of candles before playing Bloody Mary and Charlie Charlie. It ends with them getting attacked by a ghost.
13. 2 Truths and 1 Lie -- Waxing Edition, 16:49, 4.5M (Nov 26th) - They play 2 truths and a lie where getting it wrong means a body part gets waxed. The body part is determined by a spinning randomiser wheel. Korea is mentioned during both times the spinner lands on pubic hair.
14. Poopsie Sparkly Critters (a slime surprise...), 12:24, 4.3M (Nov 27th) - Mark and Ethan buy Poopsie Sparkly Critters, a toy that will eject slime from either their butt (poop) or mouth (spit). They play around with the toys, adding glitter to the slime as instructed. This is the first time ‘Martha Maywho’ (Martha May Whovier from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas) is mentioned.
15. Play-Doh Thanksgiving, 10:35, 2.2M (Nov 28th) - They create a thanksgiving meal with only Play-Doh. A tray full of ‘food’ that are the appropriate colours is created, including a tiny live turkey made by Ethan. A mega turkey is also made using a conglomerate of the remaining Play-Doh. Mark and Ethan then sample their creation.
16. Helium Therapy, 14:55, 3.3M (Nov 29th) - The two of them inhale helium then discuss various topics, including how they’d kill each other, childhood misadventures and their romantic pursuits involving an abundance of Abigails (plus a Sarah).
17. Drawing Memes from Memory, 10:53, 2.6M (Nov 30th) - With drawing pads and scented coloured markers, Mark and Ethan attempt to draw old memes with Amy telling them their prompts.The ‘This is fine’ dog, dat boi, Rebecca Black, dancing baby, the Numa Numa guy, dikbutt, condescending Willy Wonka and trollface all make an appearence. They spend nearly as much time sniffing the markers as they do drawing.
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Survey #352
my head’s a mess and a half, i can’t think of lyrics to put here so yeah here’s the survey
What’s the last vegetable you ate, and when did you eat it? Uh I think it was a pepper in this Healthy Choice dinner bowl I had yesterday. What was your last Facebook notification for? A friend liking this photo I shared of some beautiful, small rock and pebble sculptures of people. What bands have you seen live? Just Alice Cooper. Tell me an interesting fact about your mother: She only has one kidney due to the other being taken out because of kidney cancer when I was a kid. Coincidentally, her father was actually born with only one as well. What do you think is the most important thing to happen to you before the age of 13? Nothing really comes to mind. What were you super against as a young child but aren’t anymore? SUPER against? I dunno, man. What are your plans later today? I don't know. Yesterday my mother informed me that Jason's mother died, and since then I've been in shock. I was in awful condition yesterday because I absolutely adore(d) her like she was MY family, and once upon a time I thought she would be officially, and I still feel very, very dead. I doubt I'll get anything done today. Are you doing anything exciting this weekend? Definitely not exciting... Mom and possibly I are probably bringing Jason's family food for the family get-together they're having (we're not staying for... obvious reasons), but she's unsure because it might be a bit too awkward. I'll stay in the car because I don't want to disrespect Jason's space, but I REALLY want to go through with this. His mom was so important to me, and I don't want to just... do nothing as if she meant just that. I want the family to know I never stopped caring just because there was a breakup. Plus I wanna give Jason his favorite chocolate bar to try to bring him a bit of happiness. I can't imagine what he's feeling, and my instinct of "I need to protect him" absolutely never went away. Who do you talk to the most? My mom. What are some things you do regularly that make you feel old? Go to bed before 9PM, sometimes even before 8. And my knees pop like a motherfucker. Who is your best guy friend(s)? Girt and Sam. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? Neither; instead, I just wish it was clearer. I have extremely dry skin, especially on my arms, so I have little bumps and marks there, as well as little freckles over my body. Having like, porcelain skin would be amaaaazing. If you had a tiny scar on your face, would you get it removed or just keep it? Keep it. Look more badass, haha. Have you had an x-ray in the past year? I think so, on my legs. It may have been over a year ago, idr. Do you think your first love still loves you? I don't want to know. I really don't. What is something that is “going right” in your life? *blinks* When did you feel ready to start dating? Seriously, probably late middle school. When was the last time your pet bit you? If you don’t have a pet, have you ever been bitten by someone else’s? My snake Venus has never bitten me. Meanwhile, my cat Roman lightly (and sometimes not so lightly...) bites me pretty much every day when I play with him, lol. Where were you the last time you made out? My bed. When was the last time you cried tears of joy? I probably haven't done that since I met Sara irl. How do you type your sad smileys? One of these three: :( or :c or :< Do you have “decorative hand-towels” that cannot be used in your house? No. What was the last soda you drank? Mountain Lightning, a Mtn. Dew ripoff bc we're cheap, lol. What was the last thing someone made fun of you for? I don't know. Have you ever had any type of surgery? Yeah, a cyst removal as well as tubes in my ears. Should kids be allowed to get tattoos/piercings without parental consent? Uh no????? Who was the last person to hit on you? That I'm actually aware of, Sara. I'm quite sure nobody has since. What was the last thing you decided not to do, that you were supposed to? I was too weak to even clean the litterbox last night. I just wanted to go to bed. I need to do it today. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to tell someone? Hm. Maybe that I didn't love Joel? It was just really awkward and I felt awful about the whole situation. What do you put on hot dogs? Ketchup and mustard. Ever fallen in the shower? I've fallen OUT of the shower. I was extremely dizzy and was trying to get out, and I just passed out onto my chin. Broke some molars and got a concussion. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever called someone you care about? Probably a bitch or something. Do you think that things will get better? I sure hope so. Have you ever legitimately saved a person’s life? I guess I kinda have. My WoW friend Lisa and I were talking, and she wasn't feeling well at all when she suddenly disappeared. Coincidentally, her husband got home RIGHT when I messaged her again, wanting to check up on her, and he heard the alert so checked it out. Lisa was knocked out on the couch having some medical emergency with a name I can't remember, and he just thought she was sleeping. Because of seeing the chat, he took her to the hospital when she probably would've died otherwise. She insists I saved her. What’s your favourite book genre? Fantasy. Have you ever walked out of a movie at the theatre? No. Do dogs like you? They definitely seem to. Animals in general honestly do. Would you say that you project an air of authority? Definitely not. Have you ever jumped off a high dive into a pool? No. I've always wanted to, but I was too scared at any opportunity. Do you use one towel when you shower or two? (one for hair, one for body) I just use one. I dry my hair first, then my body. Have you ever been to one of the great lakes? No, but I did see one of them from a plane when I was flying to Sara's. Who do you know that had a baby recently? My high school friend had her daughter Persephone literally a couple days ago. Cute little thing. Do you like Usher’s songs? Oh wow, what a blast from the past. I don't even recall the names of any, but I remember I enjoyed some as a kid. When was the last time you went to a waterpark? Wow, it has been YEARS. Like, not since I was a teen. Have you ever ridden a train? No. What do you eat your French fries with? Ketchup, sometimes. Do you have family problems? Not really. What’s the last food you ate that was stale? Bread, I think. How do you like your grilled cheese? Just a normal 'ole grilled cheese. What is the most challenging meal you have ever cooked? I don’t cook. What was your favorite thing to do as a little kid? Play video games. Have you ever been close to drowning? Yikes, no. Have you ever had a panic attack? Countless. Do you like doing housework? No, who does? Would you ever get implants? Nah. Do you own a robe? No. Do you have a little sister? What’s her name? Yeah, Nicole. Do you like crust on pizza or do you cut it off? I don't trust people who don't eat pizza crust. What was the last song you listened to? "The Ghost of You" by My Chemical Romance. It's making me cry, but I really need to. Have any of your family members been to jail? No. None that I know of, anyway. Is there anyone that you feel you still need some closure with? An old friend, yes. Can you remember when you first learned how to read? No. What event in your life has transformed your personality the most? My mental illnesses as a whole. Have you ever had any teeth pulled? No. Do you still want to be what you wanted to be in elementary school? No, but only because it's not realistic. I don't want to travel. What’re some TV shows that you would like to get into? I don't care about TV 'til MM resumes, and then absolutely whenever The Edge of Sleep is released. Mark is a key actor in it. How would you feel if you were drafted for the military? I couldn’t be. What is your favorite Queen song? Ha, I'm aware this is probably everyone's answer, but "Bohemian Rhapsody" is the bop of all bops. Do you know how to use any foreign currency? No. Been kissed by someone who you knew was “bad” for you? BEEN kissed, yeah. By Juan. Ever taken an at-home pregnancy test? No. When was the last time you were at a loss of what to do? Now. What did you do on your favorite date with a guy/girl? It was a group date where we went to this big arcade one night. What’s a movie you have seen in the theater more than once? None. What is the reason you’re still alive? That's a big answer that I'm not in the mood to ramble about. Have you ever had sex in someone else’s bed/bedroom? Yeah, oops. Do you ever brush your hair before you go to bed? No. Have you ever had a dream about sleeping with a celebrity? (You don’t have to give details.) HAHA this was the only lucid dream I've ever had lmfao. Has anyone ever told you that they needed you? Do you think they meant it? I don't remember. How did you feel when you woke up today? What was the first thing you thought about? Like shit. "Virginia's still dead" just bitchslapped me. Do you still tell your parents that you love them? Well yeah. Have you ever said “I love you” to someone you weren’t going out with? Yes, because I really did. Have you ever been threatened before? Yes. Would you date someone with a physical disability? Yeah. Think of the last person you had sex with. Do you think they’ve slept with anyone else since they last slept with you? Probably. The last time you dyed your hair, what color did you dye it? Red. Think of the last time you went out to eat. Who paid? My mom. Do you save at least 15 percent of your income? What income? Do you ever go on Reddit? If so, what are some of your favorite subreddits? No. Were you ever a flower girl or ring bearer in anyone’s wedding when you were little? No. Are your parents in good health? Not especially. They're both probably unhealthier than the average person. Dad smokes way too much to be healthy, and Mom has a plethora of issues. Have you ever been a caregiver to a sick/disabled relative? No; it sounds awful, but I'm very doubtful I could be because I canNOT clean another human being. Is there any type of medicine you can’t take? For what reason? No. Do you have a favorite pair of pajamas? What do they look like? They're black Pokemon pants with Pikachu jumping by the logo. Do you have any interesting pillow cases? No. If something on your body hurts, which part is it most likely to be? My knees. Are you more afraid of spiders or bees? Both, but situationally. Have you ever worn fake nails? If so, what did the last pair you wore look like? Only once for prom. They were maroon, like my dress. Wait... or maybe I didn't wear them? Fuck, idr. Is Russian or Native American history more interesting to you? Native American history is way more fascinating to me.
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stattic-writes · 4 years
Game Fight
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androidsfighting · 6 years
The Adventure Zone fic rec masterlist!
surprising no one, I read WAY TOO MUCH FIC so here’s an incomplete list of some of my fav fics in this fandom! mostly Taakitz and Taagnus, of course. Not in any particular order - adding most recent additions to the top. i made an effort to provide commentary but as you can see i gave up quickly
UPDATE (7/24/19) - added a bunch more fics i’ve read recently, and a couple amnesty fics at the bottom :)
The Winter Prince by tactfulGnostalgic
Taako is nobody’s saboteur. He’s just an ordinary assassin just trying to make ends meet, staying out of trouble (mostly) and keeping his nose clean (sometimes). But when a mysterious buyer makes him an offer he can’t refuse in exchange for the head of the neighboring prince, he ends up falling headfirst into the tangle of a foreign court — and the arms of its ruler, Prince Kravitz.
Blood and Bones and Photos by Evitcani
Kravitz has always dreamed of cities: wrapped in vines, streets peaceful and empty. He never knew the world before the end. Still, life goes on and on and on. The homes he's known are in compounds of chain-link fences patrolled by armed guards, feral zombies creeping around the edges who sing to him in the unsettled night.
There is no cure. There is no hope. There is only what little the survivors scraped together.
Then there's Taako.
And the new world that Kravitz was born into ends too.
Wrong Number by argentoswan
Taako texts a wrong number. Kravitz responds. Everyone else is confused, but they're going with it.
(6:32) so we have moved from strangling to murder (6:39) This is… still the wrong number. (6:41) i know i’m crowdsourcing ideas. quick, best way to hide an extremely tiny body?
A Bit Alarming by argentoswan
Taako gives up his freedom in exchange for the safety of his friends, and ends up locked in an enchanted castle with a surprisingly polite skeleton. Beauty and the Beast AU.
"'I’m afraid your friends were trespassing on my property. It was exceedingly impolite.' 'Yeah, and it’s super polite to lock them in the fucking dungeons.'"
study in light by weatheredlaw
He tells you things, things you don’t know what to do with. They fall out of his mouth and into your open hands, and you fumble them.
Deflection Toward The Relative Major by AuthorGod
He means to say all of this, but all that comes out is, “Why? Why choose me?” Instead of someone better suited he means; a warrior, a wizard, a priest.
I come back to this fic constantly. I love Kravitz-centric fic (surprise surprise) and this is one of the best there is I think
of aspen crowns and catskin down by mildlydiscouraging
The streets of London are slick and dark, and not just literally, although they are so often that too. Here there is not only murder, mystery, and mayhem, but magick as well. Here people go through their everyday tragedies and refuse to see the depths behind their troubles. Here two (and a half) detectives search for the truth.
In the dusk of autumn, with wind slicing down alleys, the good people of London are disappearing. It's up to Kravitz and Taako and, honestly, mostly Angus to solve the case, and maybe a couple other mysteries along the way.
those afternoons and evenings and does he project, does he have ideas? by mildlydiscouraging
The moments and years in between, in which feelings take root despite the constantly changing landscape. Alternatively: The world has been ending for forty years and Taako and Kravitz can't stop falling in love.
tazswap with Kravitz on the Starblaster, absolutely gorgeous prose
Reverie by Itdominic
There was a time Taako really could have taken or left it - life, and the world and whatever. Things aren't like that anymore, he tells himself, luckily, because this whole situation might get to be a real fucking drag otherwise.
heartbreaking but absolutely gorgeous
finale by teacuptaako
After everything, the distinction between alive and dead fades to a confusing grey.
In the wake of ‘The Day of Story and Song,’ Taako and Kravitz start to build their futures together: a labour of love, compromise, trust, and a slowly unravelling web of secrecy.
While the two of them grow closer and closer together, they and the rest of the world get further and further apart.
kravitz centric again, this is such a WEIRD fic and i literally haven’t stopped thinking about it since I read it
Drag Your Cities to the Sea (No Light, No Light) by  Desiree_Harding
"The months in Her retinue are long, and the work is hard. Her standards are high, and to satisfy them, Kravitz must be ruthless. But his conviction never falters. She is omnipotent. She is the avenging force of Justice, and Kravitz Her hand. She will keep the kingdom free, and for Kravitz to do her bidding is the greatest honor on this earth."
"Taako’s fingers curl tightly around the ropes of the Starblaster’s rigging as the ship cuts smoothly through the waves of the Sea of Souls below, his heart pounding in his chest and his eyes on the horizon...In these moments, it’s freedom that hangs sweet on his tongue and settles in his lungs, and Taako loves nothing better."
It's a pirate AU! You know the rest!
i live for AUs
All the Things You Prayed For by @anonymousalchemist​ and @marywhal​
Taako's been dead for two years. Taako's been dead for seven decades. Depends how you count it.
Her brother is dead and Lup’s a whole lifetime into the future. It’s a brave new world out there and she’s trying not to think about it too hard. She gets the feeling that if she starts thinking, she won’t ever stop, and she can’t afford to be out of commission. She's the only Captain America the new century’s got.
Lup is Cap, Taako fell from a train, and eventually all ghosts come in from the cold. You guessed it—it's a TAZ/Marvel shakeup baby. We're bringing the party to you.
The Shape of Our Days Neverending by anonymousalchemist and marywhal
After the epilogue, Taako and Kravitz have a really good day. 
just some heckin good fluff amidst all this angst
Other Lives by marywhal
When Kravitz signed up for the job in Phandalin, he didn’t expect adventuring to become his life. He was bored playing for the well-to-do of Neverwinter, sure, but not this bored. He was supposed to make some quick cash, pay off his gambling debts, and go back to his comfortable existence as a bard. He wasn't supposed to join a secret organization trying to save the world.
But here he is, paralyzed on the floor of a crystallized laboratory, and he has yet to keep a suit intact through a single adventure
more tazswap! this is unfinished rn but it’s real good so read it anyway
Bury the Lead by marywhal
Taako’s senior year at Neverwinter High could be going better. Faced with a choice between joining the school’s floundering newspaper or being expelled, he opts for a career in journalism.
Lucretia, the paper’s editor, kind of wishes he'd gone the other way.
if you haven’t read this yet what are you doing with your life
These Unfinished Creatures by marywhal
Someone in Neverwinter is stealing souls from the astral plane. The Raven Queen’s favourite reaper is undercover and on the case.
Relearning how to be human is entirely incidental.
MORE spooky Victorian AU what did i do to deserve this fandom honestly
(you should read everything by marywhal but these are my favs)
our get-along suit by anonymousalchemist
"So, let me get this straight," the reaper says, scythe held flush against Kravitz's neck. A trickle of blood drips down toward his collar. Kravitz swallows shallowly. "You picked up a suit, and the suit happened to be a lich, and the lich wouldn’t let you go, so you just rolled with it?"
"His name is Keats," Kravitz says. "And. Er. Sort of?"
Our own, soft hearts by Wildgoosery (series)
Stories involving a Moon Wedding, its attendees, and its aftermath, written in wildly different formats.
you should read everything Goose has posted but this is one of the first Taakitz fics I read so I have a real soft spot for it
The Body Eclectic by SpaceJackalope
In which Kravitz has many feelings about being dead, having a body, and liking people and things.
A Quiet Refrain by @inkedinserendipity​
It starts with some of the most mediocre eggs Taako's ever clapped eyes on. Seven out of ten for taste. Zero out of ten for plating. Somehow, they're still the best damn eggs he's ever eaten.
(Or: Taako realizes he loves Kravitz back.)
it was your heart on the line by @inkedinserendipity​ and it’s sequels (links here)
one of many fics that inadvertently inspired synecdoche
Istus must be laughing. by writersstareoutwindows
"Whenever people talk about tattoos, Taako rolls down his sleeve. They’re sitting in a circle, usually drinking, laughing and elbowing and sometimes kissing. Whenever they realize Taako hasn’t said anything, he sips his drink, arranges his hair artfully over his shoulder, and says, 'Nah, nah, nah, my dudes, I don’t hold to that,' wiggling his fingers, 'mumbo jumbo tattoo fate-or-whatever bullshit. Chaboi Taako’s a free agent.'"
The present going forward. Memories in a jumble. Not a very neat story, but it's theirs.
another fic that inadvertently inspired synecdoche which i forgot until now!!
things left in the stars by mechanicalclock
You don’t collect things from places that you will never visit again, that’s foolish. It's about learning to let go in all the new ways, adapting quicker and quicker, having fun and forgetting.
Taako and Lup learn to remember.
a moment to bathe in our victory by AnonymousPuzzler
The apocalypse comes and goes. In the aftermath, Taako takes a bath, Kravitz worries too much, and some new feelings are reflected upon.
The end of the word does come and go, Page of Cups, Reversed, and Taking the dogs home by anonymous
About how the world is still here, and how going on can be done.
yellow by weatheredlaw
Washing the dishes, their fingers brushed in the soapy water of the sink and Taako felt a jolt.
Magnus turned and gave him a smile.
Strange Bedfellows by treshornybros (IamJohnLocked4life)
It quickly becomes a habit, and then routine. Magnus is oddly good natured about it. But then Magnus is good natured about everything, so maybe it's not that odd. No one else seems to notice.
They always sleep back to back.
Taako should find that comforting, and he does, at first. It's just like sleeping with Lup.
Sort of.
unremembering by  bluebatwings (series)
Their lives divided up into three parts: before, unremembering, and after. Love stories.
At the Interval by AuthorGod
Time grows stagnant. Taako watches as world become fractured and consumed, cultures and civilizations wiped out. All the potential a single person is capable of in a lifetime, just ripped away in a moment.
It doesn't get to him, and it doesn't get to him, and it doesn't until it does.
breaking the same old heart by tardigradeschool
Taako and Magnus in triptych: before, during, and after the Bureau.
The Blue Hours of Morning by daisybrien
Refuge takes its toll. Magnus and Taako talk it out, drunk on the living room floor.
the only life you could save by @epersonae​ and hops (series)
this could also go in the Other category bc it’s All The Ships (including magcretia which isn’t even my thing but they write is so so so well that now it is my thing!) but I’m digging through my ao3 history and not finding much taagnitz that’s not  pwp/mine (a travesty) so it’s going in here. it’s also about taako and lucretia working their whole Thing out and it’s VERY VERY GOOD
no blinding light by provocation
Elves live much, much longer than humans. By the time most humans die, elves are just reaching adulthood.
Kravitz, on the other hand, is going to live forever.
the fic that made me ship taagnitz
in the focus by weatheredlaw
The sky was clear and the arms of the galaxy that surrounded them arched overhead as they lay in their sleeping bags, staring at the stars.
or: Kravitz knows there's room in all this for something between him and Magnus — he's just not sure what that looks like.
Dust by levelone
It was supposed to be simple: Taako was on TV, and Kravitz is a writer here for some pull quotes. Instead, when they meet in an empty diner in the middle of a desert, Taako says something impossible—and Kravitz believes him.
Oak and Mahogany by hideki16seiyuu
“Don’t try to pull one over on me, handsome. He’s going gray already.”
“He’s in his fifties now, Taako.”
“How much longer is left?”
“Longer than you’d think.”
Human lives can never match that of elves in length.
Take Up a Place Beside Me by goodnicepeople
"It's gonna be hard," Taako says, when they're alone again. "You can't... do that. Every time."
Or: Taako and Kravitz move in. Others move on. Some get dogs.
you are the life i needed all along by iwillbeyourgoal
along with the other memories he's gained from the stolen century, taako starts remembering his relationship with magnus on the starblaster.
these small hours by  ShowMeAHero
Taako and Magnus get their memories back, and now they need to negotiate some emotions, because they're having a hell of a lot of them all at once.
Other ships/Gen
I Have Seen the Fields Aflame by Desiree_Harding
She hadn’t meant to disappear. Had she known what was going to happen, that one weekend was going to lead to seven entire years without her brother, she never would have gone. But that was all it took.
A modern au in which Lup goes missing, and discovers that the coming home is maybe the hardest part of all of it.
i cried for like an hour after reading this
a thousand points of no return by anonymousAlchemist
Since wizard's daemons often settle as birds and urban legend says that elves are separated from their daemons, no one looks too closely at the fact that Taako and Lup are both single entities, missing the other halves of their hearts. They walk like people, they talk like people, and if they're hard to read because their daemons aren't fluffing up their feathers or swatting playfully with their paws, well, elves are notoriously enigmatic anyway.
This lasts until their first death.
All deaths on the Starblaster are strange. When Magnus first died on the animal planet, I'morko followed right after, both of their bodies dissipating into golden sparks, a strange inversion of the natural order. The pattern holds. Year after year, person and daemon alike dissipate into a fine mist of dust, knit together by the bond engine in the new plane.
During their fifteenth year, Taako is shot through the heart with a well-aimed magic missile. Lup screams and casts one last firebolt, spell-sculpting around their bodies, before unspooling into a fine golden sand.
snake eyed, with a sly smile by faehunting
The circus is a mystery that sets itself up for people who track its movements, for people who are desperate to find it, to find anything. The circus is a mystery that sets itself up for people to stumble upon.
In the morning, the circus is nothing but negative space and the revellers it left behind. They sit up. They try to wet the dust in their mouths. They start the journey anew.
creepy fae weirdness!!!! yes!!!!!
I’m With The Band by redqueentheory, Wildgoosery, and Woven_Gulch (series)
A series of connected stories, equal parts sentimental and horny, about how Brad and Taako and Kravitz fall in love.
wacky BDSM crack ship becomes Greatest Romance Novel I’ve Ever Read, has made me cry multiple times
these strange creatures by anonymousalchemist
Taako sweeps himself into the common area of the Starblaster with all the drama and panache that he reserves for alternate Tuesday afternoons. Barry ignores him with all the practice he has from a decade of alternate Tuesday afternoons.
“I’m exhausted,” Taako whines, draping himself across Barry’s shoulders, the sharp point of his chin poking into Barry’s collarbone. “I’ve been up since for-ev-er, working on this dumb transmutation thing for Lulu.”
“Go meditate, then,” Barry says, absently reaching up to pat Taako’s head.
“You know, meditation? Isn’t that, uh, one of your elf things??” Barry finally looks up from his book, barest hint of a wrinkle in his forehead. Taako shakes his head.
“Never heard of it, homeslice. Musta skipped that day at elf practice.”
Barry laughs.
“Elf practice, sure.”
you know... elf practice
all your saints and saviors by anonymousalchemist
It’s not so much that she wants to die per se, as much as it is that she’s done living. The female human life expectancy is seventy-two years on this plane (it was seventy-four years on her home plane) and she’s lost count of her birthdays. But the math is easy. She was twenty when she boarded the Starblaster. A hundred-twenty when they landed in Faerun. A hundred-thirty when the Hunger was defeated. She’s fifty six years overdue.
She’s done her job, is the thing. She saved the world, in exchange for youth, friendship, family. She gave up everything but determination. She considers it fair trade. But now Lucretia is a single-use tool whose purpose no longer exists.
In Her Bones by epersonae
She lives through the destruction of her home, but still they're separated, until Julia sees the green light, and the blue light, and has to figure out what to do next.
better give that heart a listen by tardigradeschool
Barry needs a fake husband if he wants to stay undercover. Magnus is more than willing to help him out. Davenport needs a vacation.
herald of a new dawn by inkedinserendipity
When Lucretia is five years old, she meets her familiar. At seven, she remakes it; at eight, she remakes it again.
Seventy years later it saves her from an unkind world. And a Century after that, it fixes a family that had started to break.
from me to you, with love by inkedinserendipity
Magnus shuts the drawer and says, almost absently, “Tell her I love her, okay?”
Kravitz pauses, debating. He takes a deep breath. “Magnus,” he says, and Magnus, detecting the shift in his tone, looks up immediately. “You know that she already knows, right? She knows that you love her,” Kravitz says gently. “You do tell her every time.”
Magnus chuckles, rubbing a sheepish hand along the back of his neck. “I know,” he says, turning a bit pink. “I just - I love her, you know? I really do. And I guess, when you love someone, you want to tell them that every chance you get.”
your stitches are all out (but your scars are healing wrong) by tardigradeschool
When it’s over, and she can barely feel what makes her herself anymore, the umbrella is tattered beyond repair. With her last traces of energy, Lup grasps for shelter, reaching out for somewhere to store her torn soul until she can be helpful again. At the edge of her awareness, she feels a familiar shape, a familiar warmth -- in her exhaustion she could almost mistake it for her own body. She reaches for it and pulls herself clumsily inside.
Safe and contained, she lets consciousness go.
Voidfish (Reprise) by inkedinserendipity
Angus McDonald is many things — the boy detective, for one. The youngest member of the Bureau of Balance. The unofficial little brother of the THB, however Taako insists he's actually their mascot. He’s a researcher, and a scholar. He's not a fighter. He’s not a hero.
But he can save the world all the same.
Patterns of Migration by goodnicepeople
Magnus builds a house. Angus finds a home. Migration brings things back, in turn.
Hard to Starboard  by BlueColoredDreams (series)
In the best world, it ends like this:
By starting over.
and the warmth will never die by Junkyard_Rose
Taako's been gone for maybe two years when Lup thinks she sees him shoplifting from a Hot Topic.
you ever read something that makes you astral project and you can't think about anything else for the rest of the day? me too
(in this category because it's mainly about the twins but it's also taakitz and blupcretia aka the ideal fic)
and at a certain age the child is grown by bimaukery
There are people in his grandpa's house.
AU where the IPRE family all moves in together and find the place less empty than they've been led to believe.
i left a light beside the bed for you by SyllableFromSound
"If she stares at the ceiling without blinking long enough, it starts to look fuzzy. Like there's a grainy film of static over the surface of the plaster. It makes her think of mist outside a window, of the big old tube TV that had sat in the living room of her house for her first few years of life and that had tingled warmly when she pressed her hand to the screen. Everything feels a bit fuzzy now, maybe because it's 3AM. Everything feels warm and a bit familiar.
Finally, Dani says, quietly, 'This is what I imagined it would be like if...if things had gone differently.'"
In which a couple of outcasts have some late-night chats and Aubrey ingests a foreign object to prove a point.
older than the trees by lamphouse
Summer is returning to Kepler, bringing with it humid late nights, not as many tourists as there used to be, and a certain moth man. Unfortunately, they're not the only ones.
Duck talks some shit out. Aubrey chills. Ned gets grifted. Indrid learns to see.
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nicosmh · 5 years
╰ * ✧ ˖ SHE WAS LOVELY. THEN THINGS CHANGED. ‖ have you seen NICO HAMADA at the beach recently? i remember them being so PASSIONATE, but they seemed a little HESITANT today. it must be tough going through such hard times at only TWENTY-THREE. even then, they still remind me of PERMANENTLY EXHAUSTED FEATURES, MUSIC SHEETS SCATTERED ALL OVER THE ROOM, ODDLY SHAPED CLOUDS, and BALLS OF FLUFFY, PASTEL YARN.
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i’m dee, and i never sleep. let’s get it started -- shall we ??
tl;dr and headcanons --- big family, big money and even bigger pressure. a whole ass cutie. true personification of an exclamation mark at times. memes, memes, memes. says and writes things that sometimes make one wish they were jared, nineteen. will steal your dog, cat or literally any animal, ever. a toss up between the mom friend and the wine aunt. most likely to befriend everyone’s parents ( probably because she can’t stand her own ). a terrible cook, -5/10 would not trust her in the kitchen. will refuse to get out of the car because her favourite song is playing on the radio. puns. yoda jumped out. many would say she’s a trust fund baby on the lowkey, and they would be two hundred percent right... unfortunately.
nico mei hamada was born to a pretty affluent and strict family that moved to the states when she was just five years old. she may have not experienced the so-called ‘culture shock’ too much, seeing as she was tiny, but she still kind of feels out of place to this day ( not that she would ever have the guts to admit it, though ).
with her mother being a composer, herself, nico’s parents decided to sign her up for piano classes. safe to say, she didn’t particularly enjoy being told what to do from day one, and she didn’t know what she disliked more -- the pressure to do something she didn’t want, or the classes themselves.
but... later, she grew to appreciate the fact that they’ve decided to put her through something like that. nico had found new hobby, her new passion -- something that she could possibly consider her one true love. she fell in love with the technique, the music and everything else that entailed the magical world of instruments. she could go ahead and admit that this was the only thing that was making her truly happy.
as the time went on, she had picked up guitar and violin, having been focused on piano nonetheless. she didn’t necessarily wanted to overwhelm herself with the amount of instruments she had to keep up with. but, was it really hard for her? not really. it was her hobby, something she genuinely enjoyed doing. she was convinced that if she ended up doing what she liked, she would never have to struggle with it.
juggling between attending private high school and music school didn’t exactly belong to the easiest of tasks, but she managed to find the perfect balance. she could admit that having one or two friends and that’s it was pretty helpful. if she wanted to be the best of the best in her craft, she had to make some sacrifices and nico was aware of it.
after years, upon years of hard work ( majoring in music production in college and so on ), nico joined the ranks of an orchestra and she finally felt like she’d accomplished something that could make her family proud. they weren’t necessarily as vocal about it as she’d wished them to be, so maybe this thing would change it? and it did. if one could only imagine her mother’s face when nico told her the good news...
unfortunately, having found it too stiff and boring ( her words, not mine ) for such a charismatic being she was, she decided to leave. no hard feelings. nothing. it was just that. even her parents expressed that they weren’t exactly that surprised about her decision. apparently, they knew her daughter all too well, and it showed. they were still, however, disappointed... which wasn’t a new thing to her. nico was grateful for their calm reaction, no matter what -- she wouldn’t know what to do if they reacted in a different way, really. 
her decision made her father think that she was thinking about taking over his business -- he couldn’t be any more wrong, though. it’s not that nico wouldn’t want to help her parents out with anything, it’s just that she clearly had no interest in anything business-related. and that made mr. hamada change from a supporting father to someone who was giving her an ultimatum. all or nothing, so to speak. she was supposed to either take up necessary classes and learn about everything that has to do with owning a tech company, or at least make sure to help them out when they needed it the most.
how could she do that when there was no prior motivation, nor reason for her to be there? why did they put her through music school and everything else if they wanted her to become a businesswoman? it made no sense to nico. when she explained her point of view to her father, he lashed out, deciding to end all the forms of contact with her -- not without telling the girl how disappointed in her he was, of course.
nico’s mom tries her best to keep in touch with her, but every single conversation they have just ends with an argument. that doesn’t necessarily stop her from allowing nico spend their money, though. she thinks this might be something that will persuade her to change her mind. little did she know... it won’t do anything. she wants nothing to do with it.
now, without that much to do, nico is considering having a little bit of a break to experience everything she didn’t have the chance to do when she was growing up -- whether it be parties, getting a first tattoo... chopping a huge chunk of her hair off, things like that. she figured, that having a social life will be so much easier now that she has the time to actually indulge in all of these things. she’s got a whole new world to explore, and she won’t stray from throwing her parents’ money around. 
once she decides that her time off moment is over, she wants to find a job that she will actually feel satisfied with. she sells the songs that she’s composed and written the lyrics for, but she also wants to start recording demos for herself, and maybe even do some odd jobs on the side. but... that is something she definitely needs to take her sweet time with -- nico had found herself enjoying the lavish lifestyle she secretly craved ever since she was a teenager.
it’s more than safe to say that her closet and most shelves are filled with notebooks containing unfinished songs and random thoughts that were too precious to her to throw away. lyrics about falling in love, heartbreak -- anything one could expect from someone who went through it in such a short amount of time.
during summer vacation, three years ago, nico met elise. the two quickly hit it off and became each other’s first everythings. the pair was inseparable for the time being -- with elise choosing to pursue her degree in politics, the girl had to move a couple of states away. they swore to each other that it would never let it affect their relationship. at first, everything was going swimmingly well, as it should, but then... things started to get messier and messier. obviously...
nico couldn’t possibly put the blame on the girl, at first. after all, she was busy, right? well... as the time went on, elise started to avoid any means of contact with her, chalking it up to being buried under the books and working on essays and whatnot. seemed believable enough. again, nico couldn’t really question it, because she knew that her major was one of the toughest ones out there. it wasn’t quite right, still.  
after a long month filled with nothing but waiting and sleepless nights, nico decided to officially end the relationship only to find out that her now ex had found someone new, someone who goes to the same university as her. safe to say, it drove nico mad. how could she even think she was good enough for someone like elise? it made her wonder whether she was just a temporary place in the other’s bed, and even if her feelings for her were real. at this point, it could literally be anything.
it’s already been a year since it all happened, and while she might not act like she’s been affected by her ex-girlfriend ghosting on her without giving her a reason and finding someone new, nico is definitely FEELING it all. she’s just... not vocal about it, because why should she be? apparently, that’s what happens when you trust someone so much, and let them lead you on for so long. nico was convinced that having a long distance relationship with someone would be a piece of cake, but boi, was she dead wrong...
nico decided not to look for any kind of consolation from people. she is just... there, aimlessly going through the day, making a complete fool out of herself, probably as a defense mechanism. despite not seeking help for herself, she’s always down to talk about everything with just about anyone, because she’s That kind of person, really. don’t let that fool you, though! she’s grown a backbone over the years of acting like a doormat, and she truly won’t hesitate to voice her opinion if something is bothering her. she is a nice person and that will truly never change, though. 
more headcanons:
she is, and i cannot stress this enough, baby
but you know, she’s a baby that can snap
( yes, that’s a thing, fight me )
a pretty good dancer ( duh ), doesn’t do anything about it, though
a gym rat -- eats healthy most of the time, works out four times a week
music-wise, nico’s songs are a mix of nina ne/sbitt, king pr/incess and to/ve lo
ghostwrote a couple of songs for famous and semi-famous artists
and with that come the royalties, obviously......
...royalties that can cover up the cost of everything she needs, but you know... she’s saving that up and still uses the family’s money -- very Smart™ of her, lbr
( still under an nda, so... she can’t talk about it... yet )
huuuuuuge paramore fan
doesn’t drink much, prefers to smoke a bowl... or five
has to wear glasses most of the time -- does not do that
fluent in three languages -- japanese, english and french
sarcasm is up in there, as well, but i am convinced that it doesn’t count
knits a LOT
connection ideas ( not limited to only that, of course !! ):
fellow musicians ;; you know these people that fire off the creativity fuse ?? jam sessions until the early hours of the morning ?? staying on the phone for hours on end ?? friendly banter on social media ?? things like that. and who knows ?? there might be a few collaborations on projects, too ?? ( open ;; 1/?? )
saltmates ;; honestly, their entire relationship is based around the two of them being bitter together. whenever one of them is pissed, they just let the other know and they get together, pour a glass of wine or juice or what-have-you, and hash it out. ( open ;; 1/?? )
bad timing ;; for some reason or another, something always gets in the way of whatever they have. maybe they’re just not ready to commit at the time when the other is, or one’s in a relationship with someone else when the other was finally available. ( open to f ;; 0/?? )
unrequited feelings ;; is it just friendly, or is there a lot of sexual tension? either way, this can be plotted whether nico is the one to have feelings, or vice versa. they’re not entirely deep where one person is madly in love with the other, but enough to the point where tension is sparked. ( open to f ;; 0/1 )
unlikely friend ;; someone nico thought she would never be friends with but finds herself being friends with regardless. she definitely admires them for being who they are and genuinely has a great time whenever she hangs out with them, despite all their differences. ( open ;; 0/?? )
acquaintance ;; if you asked nico about that person, she would probably say they just “know” each other. she doesn’t ask them any questions, they don’t talk or meet up as much, but they still somewhat do care about one another. they just trust each other like that. they seem to be passing each other by a lot. ( open ;; 0/?? )
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lets-just-daydream · 6 years
Doomfist with touch-sensitive reader (NSFW)
Domestic HCs
Genji is moving things a little too fast
Genji cheats on you and Hanzo saves the day 
“Do you like it when I touch you like that?” and “You have no idea what you do to me”
S/O is a meme
“Open up” and “Good girl” (NSFW)
“Are you okay?” and “About the baby... it’s yours”
“No strings attached” NSFW
“I haven’t slept in four days” with nurse!S/O
Young!Genji in an arranged marriage with his best friend
Comforting S/O who’s insecure about weight and height HCs
Reactions to tiny reader in huge armour
Genji cheats on reader, Hanzo saves the day
Reader loves touching Genji HCs
Sick reader comes to a meeting
Genji and male reader’s first time (NSFW)
Genji’s reaction to S/O being afraid of the dark
Reader is Moira’s daughter and runs away after the Venice incident then reunites with Genji and McCree
Genji comforts sexually abused reader
Child comes out of the closet
Genji smut (NSFW)
Hanzo asks S/O to sing to him
Genji cheats on you and Hanzo saves the day
Reader is afraid of Vampire!Hanzo
Reader is “initiated” into Okami!Hanzo’s pack
Learning languages
“I lost the baby”
“I hate you” and “Why do you hate me?”
“You’d be a great mother”
“If you’re bored; wanna have sex?” and “What did you just say?” 
“Do you believe in ghosts?”
Comforting S/O who’s insecure about weight and height HCs
Young!Hanzo tries to win reader’s heart at a Dragon Festival
Reader walks into work with bruises on face and neck
Reader doesn’t take injury seriously
Powers like Polaris
Hanzo has a crush on McCree’s little sister
Genji cheats on reader, Hanzo saves the day
Quiet, insecure reader
Playing with Hanzo’s hair
College AU
Hanzo the ice-cream man
Hanzo spots your tattoo
McHanzo’s pregnant S/O
Skin Clouds (Soulmate Tattoo AU)
Reader cries because she finally belongs
Reader is obsessed with Hanzo’s tattoo
Blind fem!reader
Reader is accused of something they didn’t do
Child comes out of the closet
Scion Hanzo likes waitress reader
Reader breaks up with cheating Hanzo
Waking up next to Hanzo for the first time
Hanzo shows off for reader
Kissing HCs
What it’s like being in a relationship
Trying to seduce crush
“Can I kiss you right now?”
Reader comforts crying Junkrat
Jealousy HCs
Junkrat falls in love with lesbian reader
Secretly strong fem!reader
Reader breaks up with cheating Junkrat
Self conscious chubby S/O HCs
Junkrat goes down on virgin fem!reader (NSFW)
Lucio comforts suicidal S/O
Reactions to tiny reader in huge armour
Quiet, insecure S/O
Playing with Lucio’s hair
When reader is made fun of, protective Lucio strikes
Reader learns to skate in Lucio’s skates
Reader changes her appearance and surprises Lucio
McCree walks in on reader and Lucio (NSFW)
Cuddle HCs
McCree saves abused reader
Injured S/O
Anaemic reader
Kissing HCs
What it’s like being in a relationship
“I lost the baby”
McCree with a loud S/O sequel
McCree with a S/O who has violin hips
Trying to seduce crush
Reader and their S/O are caught sneaking around by McCree
“Can I touch you?”
Comforting S/O who’s insecure about height and weight HCs
McCree with touch-sensitive reader (NSFW)
McCree and reader are happy until a spy brainwashes him
Reader comforts crying McCree
McCree and D.Va swap bodies and reader confesses her love to the wrong person
Reactions to tiny reader in huge armour
Reader walks into work with bruises on face and neck
Jealousy HCs
Quiet, insecure reader
McCree likes lesbian reader
Playing with McCree’s hair
McHanzo’s pregnant S/O
Loud S/O comforted by McCree
Reader is Moira’s daughter and runs away after the Venice incident then reunites with McCree
McCree comforts sexually abused reader
McCree walks in on reader and Lúcio (NSFW)
McCree helps bigger reader with anxiety and self-confidence
Reader is accused of something they didn’t do
Child comes out of the closet
Reader dies in McCree’s arms
Reader breaks up with cheating McCree
McCree comforts S/O going through phantom pain
Reader has a crush on McCree and he slept with someone else
Young reader with joint pain
Waking up next to McCree for the first time
McCree finds S/O after she showers (NSFW)
McCree cares for sick reader
S/O calls Reaper “boo”
Anaemic reader
Reader is basically a storage unit
“It’s lonely here without you”
Quiet, insecure reader
Waking up next to Gabe and he spots your tattoo
Convincing Reaper to leave Talon
Short fic of Gabe doesn’t love reader anymore
Reaper comforts sexually abused reader
HCs of Gabe doesn’t love reader anymore
Reader is accused of something they didn’t do
Reaper76 vampire AU
Reader has a crush on McCree and he slept with someone else
Gabe helps exhausted S/O
Gabe helps reader with body hate
Fluffy pre-fall Gabe
Reader has a self-harm relapse
Gabe doesn’t have time for games
Cuddle HCs
Reader walks into work with bruises on face and neck
Reader steps up to help Reinhardt with a flashback
Reinhardt helps reader catch her dog
Kissing HCs
What it’s like being in a relationship
Trying to seduce crush
Reader comforts crying Roadhog
Jealousy HCs
Waking up next to Roadhog and he spots your tattoo
Roadhog finds S/O after she showers (NSFW)
S/O switches coffee to decaf
Reader accepts her fate with Slasher76
Reader is basically a storage unit
Sick reader goes to meeting
Child comes out of the closet
Reader dies in Soldier 76′s arms
Pre-fall Soldier 76 helps reader catch her dog
Reaper76 vampire AU
Soldier 76 deals with annoying clients
Soldier 76 helps reader with body hate
Reader has self-harm relapse
“Mommy, could you please pass the salt?”
Fluff and kisses
Injured S/O
Domestic HCs
“Shut up  and kiss me” and “Is that my shirt?”
Fluff and kisses
S/O shapeshifts into D.Va
D.Va doesn’t feel the same way
S/O is a meme
D.Va with a S/O who is getting famous
D.Va introduces reader to Korean food
Reader loves touching D.Va
Fluff and kisses
D.Va cheats on reader
Fluff and kisses
“Are you high...?”
“Mommy, could you please pass the salt?”
S/O switches coffee to decaf
Reader is basically a storage unit
Mercy with tied up reader
Reader loves touching Mercy
Sick reader comes to meeting
Mercy finds out she’s pregnant HCs
Fluff and kisses
Mercy cheats on reader
Mercy wakes up next to reader for the first time
Reader finds vampire Mercy drinking blood from a donor bag
Learning S/O can shapeshift
Moira thinks rabbit!reader is self-aware
Moira reacts to crush almost dying
Reader is Moira’s daughter and runs away after the Venice incident then reunites with McCree
Moira finds out she’s pregnant HCs
Fluff and kisses
S/O gets overwhelmed and cries
“Mommy, could you please pass the salt?”
Male S/O meets Pharah’s parents
Pharah and S/O fight before S/O faces death
Fluff and kisses
S/O switches coffee to decaf
S/O shapeshifts into Sombra
S/O is a meme
Learning S/O can shapeshift
Moira thinks rabbit!reader is self-aware. Sombra thinks Moira is crazy
Sombra reacts to crush almost dying
Sombra and roommate finally kiss
Pregnancy HCs
Fluff and kisses
S/O gets overwhelmed and cries
Fluff and kisses
Fluff and kisses
“Mommy, could you please pass the salt?”
Assassin reader defending Widowmaker
Learning S/O can shapeshift
Widowmaker shibari
Widowmaker reacts to crush almost dying
Widowmaker is bad at flirting
Widowmaker almost leaves reader for dead
Forest nymph/dryad reader discovers injured Widowmaker
Widowmaker finds out she’s pregnant
Fluff and kisses
S/O gets overwhelmed and cries
Injured S/O
Domestic HCs
Zarya doesn’t know you can speak Russian
“Fuck me”
Fluff and kisses
Zarya cheats on reader
Zarya and fem!reader on first date
Reader is panicked and Zarya helps
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ask-thehappykids · 6 years
The Visitor’s Guide to My OCs (and Cantolope’s)
I wanted to make a list/key that I could update easily without drawing a whole new reference sheet for everyone, so here’s a list of all my OCs with short descriptions you can recognize them from. Also including @cantolopejeevas‘s OCs because I mean they show up here so often why wouldn’t I?
Anyway, all under a cut!
Firefly: Very rarely called by his birth name, Evander. Big gold eyes, always being followed by fireflies. Brown curly hair. Cheerful but tired. Snail: Punk fuckboy-looking one with lots of piercings and sometimes tattoos. Usually involved in smut. Really likes their boyfriend Daniel. Andy: Blonde robot with bright blue eyes. They dress like a fashion forward mom and talk like they don’t know lying is an option. Bo: Tall bat boy with a lot of flair, usually holding some type of booze. British accent, incredibly obnoxious. Esky: Short bunny with four eyes. Usually has a gun in her hand. Also British. Bailey: Bright pink hair, chubby with a crop top and piercings. Loves art and painting. Megan: Long red hair with a big pink bow. Constantly done with everyone’s shit. Physics major and enthusiast. Nikki: Half buzzed blonde hair and lots of ear piercings. Plays the bass, usually talking about her band. Cookie: Soft, round sheep boy. Loves his mom and his boyfriend Mortar. Also bakes a lot. Maxim: Absolute garbage disaster demon. Muted blue hair with black eyes and a red hoodie. Asshole. Just an asshole. Gigi: Looks like she stepped out of a 40s Disney cartoon. Short little lesbian. Rory: Big, buff, long hair. Farm boy. Has scars across his eyes. Seer. Ellie: Emotional blonde skinny white girl. Sometimes glows purple. Wolf: Werewolf boy with ripped clothes. Doesn’t get enough sleep. Has a thing for vampires. Ant: Tiny elf child with four eyes, one of which is scarred. Very very dirty. Adara: Elf ears, deer legs, fire hair. Half of their body/face is scarred. Full of self-hatred and love for animals. Balthazar: Big ol’ teef, big ol’ ears, big ol’ armor. Stoic. Very royal king. Lorna: Kinda looks like a mime. Completely white eyes, pretty blind. Gay for a cute demon girl. Anubis: Four armed dog goddess. Not to be trusted. Wears an amulet around her neck. Cici: Part bunny, part deer, part beaver, part buffalo. Wears a giant sweater. Gentle. Kind. Soft. Azzie: Purple forest witch with green magic energy. Talks in broken third person. Always trying to sell you something. PJ: Bird mask with a high ponytail. Wears a trench coat. Tall rebel child. Pepper: Mouse mask with long hair and buck teeth. Wears a tutu. Leader rebel child. Pudding: Cat mask with twin pigtail puffs. Wears a leather jacket. Mediating rebel child. Dolly: Sometimes looks like a lizard, sometimes looks like a human. Loves to run so much she summoned a demon to do it. Trying her best. Arden: Dragon dumbass that loves crystals and fashion. Especially fond of crop tops and slushies, but also newspapers and princesses. Ilor: Mermaid princess. Long red hair, one eye is scarred. Melodic voice. Gay for another princess. Gillian: Fish girl. Loves to work out. Drinks protein shakes on the regular. Mimi: Snail and Daniel’s adopted child. Loves to play video games. Bright red hair and pikachu hoodie. Snarky little shit. Talyn: Cookie and Mortar’s son. Black sheep boy. Wears a leather jacket like his dad, but he’s actually a doctor this time. Zelda: Andy, Rory, and Daniyal’s daughter. Big poofy golden hair. Can wield the Master Sword but also just loves getting dirty and hurt. Good at bike tricks. Micah: Little maid alien boy. Has three eyes and bright blonde hair. Can only see in auras, but still loves to clean. Crys: D&D Tabaxi boy. Loves everyone even if they don’t love him back. Desperately trying to adopt some feral wolves. Nadia: Monster punk goth girl. Loves theater. Green skin and mismatching eyes. Loves her pastel punk girlfriend. Juliette: Peterbald cat adopt. Wears cute sundresses. Looks like she belongs in a furry rendition of a summer picnic renaissance painting. Felix: Bunny boy adopt with his eyes fully covered. Gray hair, gray sweater, sunny attitude. Wears a little carrot necklace. Kai: Little mouse with wings adopt. Pink beans!!! Looks like he’d cry if you blinked at him. Bones: Grim Reaper from Cryptid Haunters. Doesn’t have a mouth. Murders to make friends. Lola: Ghost girl from Cryptid Haunters. Has a big mouth and lots to say with it. Just wants to go home. Edgy 13 year old goth phase.
Canotlope’s OCs: Aurel: Vampire boy. Looks classy. Has hypno eyes, but also teef. Lucas: Actual Satan. Mostly just sleeps and supports Avery. Has the >:3 face on his t-shirt. Avery: Glasses and sweater nerd. A beautiful and innocent child. Just trying to get by and maybe make a friend. Shiloh: Cat boy who loves anime. Wears a lab coat. Scrawny and probably not eating correctly. Someone help him. Mortar: Tiny badass knife-wielding organ salesman. Sometimes also wears sweaters his boyfriend knitted for him. Fuck you. Shian: Dragon lesbian. Badass queen of dragons. Kinda cold, but we love her anyway. Anthea: Snake lesbian. Wears a magical blindfold. So sweet, so gentle. Carves wooden gifts for her friends. Daniel: Sassy and classy. But also a slut. Usually depicted being a slut. Sometimes wears a suit, other times wears nothing at all. ;) Daniyal: Farm boy with a heart of gold. Just wants the best for his loves and his friends. Sometimes shown with a chicken he calls Cluck-Cluck. Solace: Tiny ghost demon child. All black with white eyes. Full of terror and smiles. Hadrian: Spotted bunny boy in a jester’s outfit. Hates his life almost as much as he wants to slay a dragon. Xania: Dark summoner with way too many eyes to be necessary. There’s five of them. Has a lot of dark shadow demon babies that she loves. Lumeria: Big ol’ moth. Loves bright lights. Is soft. Ash: Dark red hair, thick jacket. Looks like they ride a motorcycle. Would and could punch you unconscious. Nito: D&D tiefling. Sweet summer child with long blue hair, wings, tail, and horns. Trying their very best. Sielya: Fae princess that doesn’t know they’re fae. In love with a mermaid and friends with a dragon. Fang: Vampire magician. Really good at magic, really bad at talking. Wears a hat with a face on it. Dianthus: Pink pastel punk lesbian. Loves flowers and her girlfriend. So many bright pink eyes.
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witchxng · 6 years
I’ve had a bunch of new followers lately, so I wanted to do a get to know the blogger tag!
1. What have you eaten today?
I had eggs and fruit for breakfast, and I’m making a salad for lunch rn
2. Who was your last kiss with? Was it pleasant?
It was with my ex, and it was delightful, but thinking about it makes me sad
3. What color shoes did you last wear?
Black, big surprise there
4. Who has made you laugh the hardest in the last week?
My best friend, Kaelyn!
5. What is your favorite scent?
Pine needles
6. What is your favorite season? Why?
Autumn, it is so beautiful
7. Can you do a handstand or cartwheel?
Neither, nope!
8. What color are your nails?
They are currently baby blue
9. If you had to get a tattoo on your face to save your life, what would it be?
I would get a crescent moon, I kind of want that anyway ha
10. What is something you find romantic?
Long walks at dusk
11. Are you happy?
I think so
12. Is there anything in particular making you happy or sad?
Adding to my crystal collection always makes me extra happy!
13. Dogs or Cats?
15. Which do you prefer:a museum, a night club, the forest or a library?
The forest, I identify as a green witch!
15. What is your style?
Witchy :)
16. If you could be doing anything you like right now, what would it be?
I would be in a cottage in the woods, working on an altar
17. Are you in a relationship or single?
18. What makes you attracted to the person you like right now?
He’s nice to me at work, but that’s about it. Super high standards, ha.
19. If you could replace your partner/best friend with a celebrity of your choice, would you? Who with?
Hell no
20. Are you holding on to something you need to let go of? If so then what? 
I’m holding on to a lot of resentment and regret, I hope I can let it go soon
21. How did you celebrate last Halloween?
Did some tarot readings and handed out candy to the kids!
22. Have you recently made any big decisions? 
Not really, life has been pretty mundane
23. Were you ever in a school play?
No, I was always too shy in school
24. What movie would you use to describe your life?
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
25. Is there something you have dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?
I’ve dreamed of owning my own flower shop, but you know, money
26. Complete this sentence, “I wish I had someone with whom I could share…”
I wish I had someone with whom I could share my passions with
27. What are two things that irritate you about the same sex?
Girls can be very catty, and superficial
28. What are two things that irritate you about the opposite sex?
Boys can be very rude, and aggressive
29. What is the best thing that has happened to you this week?
My aunt found out she is pregnant!
30. What is something that makes you sad when you think about it?
Oh, there are a lot of things.  Thinking about how I can barely afford rent is currently making me sad.
31. How long was your longest relationship?
A year and a half
32. Have you ever been in love?
Yes, I miss it
33. Are you currently in love?
I don’t think so
34. Why did your last relationship end?
A lot of reasons. He was mean to me, he found someone new, I didn’t make him happy.  The list goes on.  It was a mess.
35. What jewelry are you wearing right now, and where did you get it?
I’m wearing an amethyst pendant that I got off of etsy, and a couple rings I’ve gotten from different craft fairs!
36. When was the last time you cried and why?
Yesterday, because of Jacob ha
37. Name someone pretty.
I think Emma Watson is so pretty
38. What did you receive last Valentines Day?
Sunflowers and a very sweet note
39. Do you get jealous easily?
Unfortunately, yes
40. Have you ever been cheated on?
Again, unfortunately, yes 41. Do you trust your partner/best friend?
I don’t currently have a partner, but I trust my best friend with my life
42. Ever had detention?
I did fairly often in high school, I was a little shit
43. Would you rather live in the countryside or the city?
44. What do people call you? 
Hannah, Han, Anna, Hannah Banana, Han Solo
45. What was the last book you read? 
The Book Thief! It was so good!
46. How big of a nerd/dork are you? 
The biggest nerd
47. What kind of music do you listen to?
I like indie/acoustic music!!!
48. How tall are you?
5′3″, I’m a shrimp ha
49. Do you like kids?
I like babies, but kids stress me out
50. Favorite fruits?
All of the above, ha. My top favorite though is pineapple.
51. Do you wear jeans or sweats more?
Black jeans :)
52. What’s your earliest memory?
Running around my grandma’s yard during the spring
53. Ever had a poem or song written about you or to you?
I wish! That would so romantic
54. Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
Behind it, I am so shy
55. Do you have a collection of anything? 
I have too many collections!  Crystals, tarot cards, shells, postcards, and pressed flowers are my biggest collections
56. Do you save money or spend it? 
I try to save when I can, but I have so many expenses to keep up with
57. What would your dream house be like?
Tiny cottage in the woods, covered in ivy with a wildflower garden (I’m a basic witch, I know)
58. What top 5 things make you the angriest?
Animal abusers, people who litter, bigots, people with no respect, out of touch wealthy people
59. What top 5 things always brings a smile to your face? Witchcraft :), my best friend, cats, rainstorms, good movies
60. You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
Save the dog, every time
61. 72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
I would tell only those closest to me, I would spend my remaining days do whatever I really wanted to do that day, and I wouldn’t be afraid at all.
62. Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
December 7th
63. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
I’m going to Salem!!!
64. Do you like the beach?
I do!
65. Ever sleep on the couch or a bed with someone special?
I used to all of the time.  I miss it, I hate sleeping alone.
66. Do you have a middle name? If so what is it!
It is Amelia!
67. Do you talk to yourself?
All of the time, I probably look crazy
68. Describe your hair.
Shoulder length, fading from box dye blue to an ashy gray
69. What is the meaning of life.
The meaning of life is to live
70. What is your ideal partner like?
Kind, faithful, funny, passionate, and supportive.
71. Do you want to get married?
Maybe one day, if I can find the right person
72. Do you want to have kids?
I don’t think so
73. Like or dislike your family?
They try their best, but my family is dysfunctional and it can be hard to get along with them
74. Are you Chunky or Slim?
A lil chunky
75. Would you consider yourself smart? 
I would say yes
76. What would you change about your life? 
My financial situation, ha
77. Religious or Not?
I’m a practicing wiccan!
78. You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?
My best friend, Kaelyn!  She’s the outgoing/outspoken one between the two of us
79. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?
It would be a HUGE problem, I don’t think Jacob and I can be in the same room anymore
80. Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you?
Kaelyn does :)
81. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now?
We would be in his car, parked somewhere late at night, and just talking and laughing
82. So, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in?
My better judgement would say no, but I know I would always let him in
83. Do you like when people play with your hair? 
84. Do you like bubble baths?
I do, but I like oil baths better!
85. Have you ever been pulled over by a cop?
Yes, I drive way too fast :X
86. Have you ever danced in the rain?
I try to whenever I can
87. Do you trust anyone with your life?
I trust Kaelyn with anything and everything
88. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?
“I want to go back to bed”
89. If money wasn’t an issue, what top 10 places would you travel to? (You get to stay at each place for a week) 
Salem, Paris, Dublin, Yosemite, Amsterdam, Brussels, Montreal, Sicily, Switzerland, London
90. How was your day today?
It’s been alright, just kind of boring to be honest
91. Play an instrument? 
I used to play clarinet in school
92. Describe the what you think of the ocean.
It is breathtaking
93. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts?
94. Honestly, are things how you wanted them to be? 
95. Do you have a mean bitchy scary side?
No, I’m a big softie
96. When are you vulnerable?
Um all of the time ha
97. How much free time do you have?
I work two jobs, so not much
98. Do you like to go hiking?
99. Odd or Even Numbers?
Odd 100. Would you ever go sky diving, bungee jumping , cliff diving, wing suit gliding, parasailing, snorkeling, or other extreme activities?
Yes to all of the above!
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