dominimoonbeam · 1 year
What's Happening?
Gavin/Freelancer sickfic I wrote for @glassbearclock my beloved!
Early early relationship, Freelancer has a cold but is worried that if they cancel on a date with Gavin he won't come back.
tags: sickfic, relationship uncertainties, gavin is a caregiver, light angst
What's Happening?
Freelancer felt like shit. They’d been sucking on throat lozenges like their life depended on it all morning. And it sort of did. At least their sex life did.
Gavin was a daemon, so it wasn’t like they could get him sick, they just had to not be disgusting when he came over tonight.
Fuck, they were so tired, but they dragged themself to the pharmacy and tried to find the strongest cold medicine that wouldn’t completely knock them out. They read the label on another bottle and had to bite off a laugh when it said not to operate heavy machinery. Did Gavin’s dick count? Were they the one operating it? No.
When they noticed someone sneaking a glance at them, they realized they’d laughed aloud. Oh shit, were they acting weird? They felt like a furnace in their hoodie, even though everyone else was wearing big jackets and it was snowing out.
The walk home felt twice as long as ever before. They were so worn out. They had to resist the panicked urge to pop the bottle in that shopping bag and take a few drinks. They needed to get their shit together. They needed to perk up. They had an incubus coming over!
Oh god, what if they couldn’t get it together? What if he realized they were sick? If they weren’t any good tonight, then would he come back again?
They liked Gavin. A lot. And not just for the sex. The sex was amazing, of course. It was the stuff of fantasies that Freelancer had only read and daydreamed about before. Their own brief sexual encounters with other people had been okay, but nothing like this. And Gavin made them feel like they were the deviant, like they were just as prolific and skilled as he was. It felt amazing and empowering and fun. They weren’t ready to give that up, but more than that, so much more than that, they were worried about losing Gavin.
They wanted to believe they were more than just a good meal to him, more than just benefits. They wanted to believe they were friends. But the level of worry they had over not being able to perform tonight was making them realize they really weren’t sure.
And if he didn’t come back, how would they find him? How would they ask how he was doing or if he wanted to hang out?
They were lightheaded by the time they got to their building and leaned heavily against the wall in the elevator. The ding seemed impossibly loud.
Okay. They just had to get to their apartment, chug some of that cold medicine, take a shower, and act like they weren’t ready to sleep for twelve hours.
The elevator dinged and the door rattled open. Freelancer walked down the hall, surprised by how it stretched and wobbled. That can’t be good. They managed to get their keys out and in the door, pushing it open and stumbling in.
“You’re late,” Gavin called from the living room, sounding seductive and guarded like always. “I was starting to think you were standing me up, Deviant. I was about to—Deviant?”
Their knees hit the floor just inside their apartment and they dropped their backpack and the shopping bag, somehow fumbling both in an attempt to hang on to them and to themself while their vision turned too bright and the ground kept sliding under them.
“Deviant?” He was closer. Was that panic in his voice? Shit.
They tried to say they were okay and to apologize, maybe even laugh at how clumsy they were, but everything went dark.
Gavin had only gotten there a few minutes before them. He’d actually been late, largely because he was struggling over how eager he was to see them. It wasn’t normal. He shouldn’t be that invested in one of his charges. They came and went. They were there for a good time, a good time he delivered, but he’d always been careful not to get too attached.
So, he’d been intentionally late.
And it hadn’t even mattered because his deviant wasn’t home yet anyway. So he sat on the couch and wondered where they were, if he should leave, if they were over him and onto other things…
And then the door had opened and he’d stayed on the couch, trying not to act overly eager.
And then his deviant had stumbled.
Gavin was there in a flash, standing over them and trying to understand what had happened. Their aura was…strange, and they were breathing fast. They mumbled out a tangle of what he assumed was supposed to be words before their body keeled forward in a dead faint.
Gavin caught them, one hand cupping their head before it could hit the floor. Panic stampeded through him. “Deviant?” he spoke gently, picking them up in his arms and carrying them to the couch. With a thought, he’d closed the front door.
He put them on the couch and their eyes were already fluttering open. “What’s happening?” he almost pleaded, touching their face and neck. They were so hot. This couldn’t be normal for humans. He used magic to search for injuries, for anything he could heal, but there was nothing.
They looked teary, pressing their lips and swallowing hard. They flinched, like that hurt. “Shit… I’m sorry, Gav…” They sat up. He stayed on the coffee table, hands roaming their upper body, afraid they’d tip over again. They coughed and tried to hide it against their arm.
“You’re sick?”
“I’m okay.”
“We should take you to a hospital.”
They smiled a little. “For a cold? No. Seriously, I’m fine.”
“You fainted!”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize for it!”
They caught one of his hands. They were so warm, but they looked up at him so calmly through those glassy eyes and past those flushed cheeks. “It’s okay, really. I just overdid it, I guess. I probably shouldn’t have gone out.”
“Why did you?”
They deflated, looking down. “I was getting cold medicine. I thought if I could get something to shake the symptoms… you wouldn’t notice.”
He blinked. “I mean, I’m glad you want me that bad, but I’m not sure my dick is actually worth dying for.”
They snorted a laugh and then coughed again, curling an arm over their face. “I mean, I wouldn’t say it’s not... But I just… I didn’t want to disappoint you.”
Gavin felt like the world had dropped out from under him. He stared at them. “What?” Disappoint him?
“I know you hang out with me for…” Their aura flinched and twisted, filling with self-doubt and delicate fear. “I didn’t want you to leave or… not come back,” they confessed quietly, shoulders sagging.
Gavin tried to absorb all of that. They had gone out when they were sick to try to get this cold medicine in hopes that he would somehow not notice they were sick so he’d fuck them, not because they wanted to get laid, but because… because they thought that was his only reason for hanging out with them? And why wouldn’t they think that, when he’d definitely always put it that way for himself and for them. But they wanted him to hang out with them… Enough to go through all this effort. Enough to put out when they were definitely not into it. There was a lot about this he hated but the crystal clear center was what almost had him choking up.
Fortunately, his deviant was definitely too sick to notice at the moment.
“I like you,” Gavin said, a little terrified to say it and sort of hoping that fever would keep them from remembering.
They looked up at him, their aura smoothing out with hope. It was beautiful. And it had cost him nothing but the truth. “So… You’ll come back sometime?”
He sighed, pushing some of their hair out of their face. “Oh, deviant… I’m not leaving you like this.”
They blinked and then straightened where they sat. “Y-You want to… I was worried the whole sick thing would be a turn off…”
He laughed darkly. “It’s not, but we’re not going to fuck. You fainted from walking down the hall. What I do with you might kill you right now.”
His deviant chewed their lip, leaning closer. Their weak aura even flared with interest. He smiled. They were incredible. “I don’t think it would… We could try.” They started coughing again, this time rooting around in the pocket of their hoodie, dumping little wrappers before coming out with what looked like a candy. They shoved it in their mouth and sucked.
Gavin ignored the way his dick jumped in his pants. No. Nope. He was not going to take that bait. He snagged one of the wrappers and spread it out, reading it. Medicine.
“We should put you to bed, right? The right way, I mean,” he smirked, floundering a little. What did people do with sick people? “We should get you in your pajamas and into bed and then… water?”
“Yeah, I’ll go to bed… You don’t have to stay, Gavin. I know this isn’t fun—”
“Who says it’s not fun? I’ve never taken care of a human before. Maybe I’ll be good at it…” He smiled. “I’m good at most things I do.”
His deviant smiled. “I believe you.”
He shivered pleasantly and scooped them up. The deviant gasped, throwing arms around his neck in surprise when he picked them up. Somewhere between the living room and their bedroom he vanished their clothes, enjoyed their surprised gasp against his neck and the naked skin in his arms for a split-second, before putting their favorite pajamas on them just as quickly. He settled them on the bed and pulled the covers up over them. He’d never actually pulled the covers up before…
For a second, he stared at them and they stared at him. They were so cute.
What else?
Fluids? That was an illness thing, right? He used magic to make a big glass of water and then considered their sore throat and added a cup of tea.
Deviant smiled, their aura practically shining with happiness despite.
Was it so easy to make all humans happy? Or just his human? He changed into his own comfy sweatpants and crawled in bed with them. “What else do you need?” He pulled their body against his, again surprised by the heat radiating off of them.
“No, that’s great. Thank you. You don’t have to stay.” Their eyelids were heavy.
He stroked their hair the way he knew they liked, of course, usually he did it as a part of aftercare, but care was care, right? “Do you want me to go?”
“No,” they whispered, half-asleep already but the answer coming fast and easy.
“Then I’ll stay.”
They smiled to themself and curled into his chest. He kissed their head. When they were asleep, he magicked their phone from their bag to his hand. He googled colds and what to do. When they woke up, he’d make soup and make sure they drank some of those liquids. It looked like he’d need a thermometer and maybe medicine to reduce a fever if they kept this up. He was going to be a fucking expert when they woke up, but, until then, he stroked their hair and their back and relished the steady pulse of their aura.
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renaerys · 11 months
Yes Night (ShiSaku)
It was Shisui's birthday yesterday and also Täti did some bomb vintage art for ShiSaku that burrowed a hole through my head. Here's 3.5k+ words for Roaring 20s lasciviousness.
Inspired by this art by @coloriza
Rating: M
Summary: Shisui is about to find out the delightful way that it's yes night at The Bush Clover speakeasy.
Read it on AO3
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mistresshasty · 9 months
Good day one and all. I've taken part in the Miraculous Ladybug Secret Santa Exchange 2023 and was given the chance to write a fluffy Lukanette for Pensulliwen! Hope you had a good holiday season and enjoy this gift from me.
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@nho-jungle Your gift for the @qsmp-secretvalentine event is a small BBH/Foolish ficlet, set in an au where Foolish scavenges the remains of crashed or shot down spaceships and sells what's left, and Bad is the trader he sells it to. In this ficlet, Bad has been commissioned to get his hands on something very specific and so hired Foolish to take him to a wreck likely to have it. Not that they get there in this story - space has many shinies to distract the two men.
I hope you enjoy it <3 It was a delight to write for you.
They are three sectors out from their target when Foolish turns off the autopilot. The ship computer reads off a series of warnings about it, summoning Bad back through from the kitchens.
“Did we get there early?” Bad asks, sitting to strap himself into the co-pilot’s seat.
“Nah,” Foolish confirms. “Spotted something off to port. Might be debris from a fight? I wanna check it out.”
“We’re not getting involved in a spacefight.”
“Nope, don't worry, it's just the debris. But it wasn't there last time, so might still have some good shinies.”
“I’m not paying you extra for this."
Sure, but that is not a no.
“Yeah, well, I’m sure someone else will buy this off me.”
They’re both perfectly well aware that it will be Bad buying the scrap off him, anyway. It will not be at the best price, but if Foolish cared about the money he was receiving, he would have found a new trader years ago.
Really, Bad is more trouble than he’s worth – he’s a trader, not a scavenger, and still demanded personally accompanying Foolish on this trip. He was commissioned by someone with more money than sense to track down some item or another – one likely near the wrecked ship that is their first target – and wants to collect it personally.
Foolish might not care that much about the money, but splitting the earnings 50/50 after repair costs is tasty. And the company is almost nice.
Except for when Bad claims to be a competent copilot and proves to be another big, fat lie.
But then, it’s not his flying skills or his money that Foolish keeps him around for.
So Foolish laughs at his ineptitude, and corrects their flight path, and leads them off on a little side quest for some extra, potentially valuable, scrap.
It will only be an hour or two’s detour; their hire will not even notice.
“Hey look at this!” Bad holds up a lump of burnt out hull.
Foolish, for his sins, does turn and look. He is confused what is so special about it. He pulls a face at Bad, before remembering that the spacesuit prevents him from actually seeing it.
Annoying but, given they are combing through that debris he spotted, absolutely necessary. Foolish has seen people die to the space vacuum, and it looks a nasty way to go.
“It’s kindaaaaa,” Foolish squints, trying to make out any details. There are plenty of them, but none with sense. A joke, then. “Oh! I know! It looks like Dapper!”
“Foolish!” Bad yells, kicking off of another piece of junk to come closer. “Dapper is far too handsome to be compared to space junk! And if it looks like Dapper it looks like Leo!”
“Hey!” It is Foolish’s turn to be offended on his child’s behalf. It has been a while since he saw her, but at least he knows she is home and safe. “It does NOT look like Leo!”
“Well no!” Bad replies. “It’s a sheep! You know? Baaaa!”
Foolish squints, desperately trying to work out what Bad is talking about even as he plays along, “it is kind of lumpy, I’ll give you that. I didn’t think sheep were actually lumpy though?”
“The textures are just like their fleeces!” And Foolish cannot tell if Bad is excited or bullshitting him. “And here’s it’s face, and here’s it’s little tail…”
Yeah, definitely bullshitting.
Foolish looks around for an appropriate piece of debris for himself. He does not find a perfect one – it will take a lot of imagination to make this work, not that that has ever been Bad’s problem – but he does find something. He grabs it, pointing the lump in Bad’s direction, and kicking himself that way.
“Wroof!!!” he calls as he ‘chases’ Bad’s ‘sheep’ down. “This one’s a sheepdog! And naughty sheep have to get back into the pen.”
Bad cackles as he also kicks himself into motion, heading deeper into the debris. Both of them are careful with their lines as they dance deeper in, dog chasing sheep further and further within.
Near the centre, Bad pauses. Foolish, only half paying attention crashes in to him.
He looks up, and around, looking for whatever Bad saw.
After a few minutes he spots it; in the centre of the torn up bits of ship is a cloud of shattered dust, ice and crystal. Most likely it was not a fight at all, then, but rather a particularly large ship crashing particularly badly into a large asteroid.
It is beautiful, though; unlike the chunks of metal from the ship, the cloud of chips and dust reflects the lights from their helmets back at them, glistening almost. With the quality of their suits it is not especially dangerous, bar how it dazzles and blinds them, so… Foolish pushes himself towards it, and looses himself in the dust.
Bad follows him.
Because of course he does.
It is hard to make each other out, with the light reflecting every which way about them; Foolish feels Bad tug on his rope, following it to find him. At first there is just the beautiful light, and then there is Bad right in his space.
Foolish wants to kiss him.
He cannot, not without taking off his helmet, an act which may as well be suicide, but he wants to.
Bad seems to agree; he taps their helmets together.
Foolish takes his hands.
Their eyes meet.
In the dazzling haze of crystals they stare into one another’s eyes…
“Baa!” Bad calls, and laughs. He pushes against Foolish’s chest, knocking him deeper into the cloud even as he escapes at speed.
“You muffin!” Foolish yells after him.
With nothing to kick off of he tugs himself on his rope, picking up speed. The moment is gone, the beauty shattered just like the asteroid, and they are back to their usual games.
But, perhaps next time, it will happen somewhere they can actually kiss.
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matrixaffiliate · 1 year
New Story! FFN and AO3
Sometimes, all Harry and Ginny need to do is linger in the moment together. A post-Hogwarts Harry/Ginny fluff story. For the fabulous deadwoodpecker, I hope your day is as wonderful as you!
Ginny basked in the sun, settling further into her pool chair as the cruise ship floated atop the waves. Her wet hair clung to her skin but she refused to move the twelve inches for her wand hidden in her bag. It was Harry's turn to entertain their children and her turn to sit poolside and enjoy the warmth for the week they'd have it.
The Potter's had vacationed enough with their children at this point to have a system, trading off so that they each managed to have a bit of a vacation from the vacation. Those years leading up to their system taught Ginny to not waste one second of that precious time.
So her wet hair clung to her back, likely tangled in her bikini tie, and Ginny chose not to care.
She drifted off for a much needed kip.
At some point, strong arms wrapped around her and she curled into Harry's embrace as he shifted them to share the chair.
"The children decided to go with your parents to see some of the game rooms."
"Good." Ginny yawned. "They can keep Dad out of trouble."
"Who's going to keep us out of trouble?" Harry nuzzled the side of her head.
Ginny tilted her head so that she could look up at him. "We have a suite, love."
"Not that I'm not willing." He brought his lips close enough to speak against her. "But I'm rather happy right here."
He pressed a soft kiss against her lips and Ginny melted into him, into the laziness of his pace, into the smell of sunscreen and chlorine and overpriced fizzy drinks.
"Me too."
Harry shifted, bringing his hand to cup her cheek, his green eyes holding hers for a long moment before he leant in again. His lips caressed her, slow, savoring, as if he never wanted it to end. Ginny brought her hands to rest against his bare chest, sliding against his skin until her right hand found the beat of his heart, slow as his kiss. Harry's hand drifted from her cheek, meandering against her skin, tracing her, till coming to rest on her hip.
Their kisses slowed, the sun grew warmer, and before Ginny knew it, they both fell asleep.
Their children managed to find them and get them moving so dinner would not be missed. Showered and changed, children fed and currently raiding the dessert buffet with her parents, Ginny leant into Harry's arm around her shoulders.
"This was a good idea." She smiled up at him.
"I think the good idea was bringing both our children and your parents. I'd be far too tense to bring your parents on a Muggle cruise with only the two of us. And letting the kids run loose on their own isn't a good idea just yet. But having the five of them stick together lets me relax."
Ginny nodded, letting her eyes linger on the way his hair was getting a little long, the crinkle of skin around his eye as he smiled down at her, his green eyes shining behind his black rimmed glasses.
She leant into him, her kiss brushing his lips, her eyes fluttering close. Harry pressed forward, deepening the kiss, but not increasing the slow pace that had followed them from the poolside.
"I like you relaxed." She said, speaking each word between the brush of lips and teasing slides of tongue.
"I like you relaxed." His arm around her shoulder pulled closer.
"Ew! Mum! Dad! Gross!"
Ginny sighed and looked over to see their kids returning from the dessert buffet.
"Jamie, it's only kissing." She gave him the glare she'd learned from her mother.
"Doesn't mean you have to do it where I can see it." Jamie huffed and sat down in his seat.
"Where you can see what?" Arthur sat down next to him.
"Mum and Dad being gross." Jamie said around a mouthful of dessert.
"I was kissing my husband." Ginny rolled her eyes at her dad.
Arthur chuckled and winked at her.
"Well, I think I can help with that." He stood and pulled out Molly's chair for her as she helped Al and Lily with their plates. Once the two youngest were settled, Arthur pulled Molly into him and kissed her soundly.
"No!" Jamie cried and covered his eyes. "Not you too, Grandpa!"
"Is he going on about kissing again?" Molly laughed when Arthur released her.
"Seems to think we're scarring him." Ginny nodded.
Molly ruffled Jamie's hair. "One day when you're all grown, you won't mind kissing."
"I wish Teddy had come." Jamie looked back down at his plate, face nearly as red as Ginny's hair.
Ginny laughed, Teddy had already promised Vic he'd spend the Easter hols with her when the Potter's invited him on this cruise, and if things went the way Ginny thought, it would only take a year or so more before Teddy would be kissing a specific blonde haired, blue eyed niece of hers.
"We'll hold off for the sake of your sanity." Harry chuckled and squeezed Ginny's shoulder.
She turned to give him a bit of a pout. She had no intentions of stopping.
Harry kissed her nose.
"You reminded me earlier that we have a suite."
Ginny laughed and rested her forehead against his.
"Yes, I suppose we do."
They entertained their family for a few hours more before leading the children to bed and sending Arthur and Molly to watch the musical playing that evening.
Finally shut in their room, Ginny crossed the massive expanse of their bed to curl around her husband.
"Well, hello." He smiled down at her.
"You owe me kisses, Mr. Potter." She pouted.
Harry laughed. "Really? And how many kisses do I owe you, Mrs. Potter?"
"Well, you fell asleep by the pool."
"After you had already fallen asleep."
"And then you put off kissing me to appease our son."
"Which made the rest of the evening significantly more enjoyable for everyone."
"And the whole time we've been all alone in our room-"
"All five minutes."
"You've yet to resume kissing me."
Harry moved so fast, Ginny didn't see it coming. One minute, she was on her side wrapped around Harry, the next she was on her back with Harry looming above her.
"I don't care for debts." He smirked and slowly brought his lips within a breath of hers. "I think I'll pay you in full, plus a good amount extra."
"Then I'd be in debt to you." Ginny slipped her hands beneath his shirt and slid them along his chest.
"I'll be happy to have you pay me back when I'm done."
He brought his lips to hers in a kiss that stole every ounce of air from Ginny's lungs, and cut off any snarky remark she might have thought of before he claimed her with his kiss.
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sullustangin · 1 year
For @starknstarwars
This was my gift for the SWTOR Summer exchange. I got the lovely Sixth Line to work with, and it was a joy to make something for one of the nicest folks in the SWTOR community.
Vexa Pasan dutifully performs her meditative exercises, but her mind wanders. The Battle for Odessen will eventually come -- and then where will she be?
One eye cracked open.  The blue one.  Halfway.  Didn’t want to be too obvious.
The rocks, a few yards away from her, were all in flight.
There was one for each of them:  Vexa herself, Papa, Master Praxis, BD-4, Zallia,  Master Nightstar.  Six for the Sixth Line.  (She’d considered adding one for Theron, but then she’d have to add one for the Commander, and then she’d absolutely have to add one for Lana, and that was getting ambitious, even for Vexa.)
And all of the rocks were all off the ground and steadily rotating around her. 
“It counts!” she crowed to herself.  Slamming the eyelid shut, Vexa squeezed her face all tight to make sure she didn’t jinx it.  “BD, can you take a holo?  I’m not gonna be able to hold this until Master Praxis gets back.”
She knew this, because Zallia was on Odessen, and the two of them had a habit of wandering off whenever they were in the same vicinity without an immediate mission.  (Most of the time.  Sometimes, they did wander off right before a major mission, and Theron stomped around until they shook loose from somewhere in the base.)
The droid whirred happily and with a ‘beep!,’ the moment was captured for posterity and for Morff Praxis.  A job well done. 
On the other hand, maybe she should have asked Papa.  He was just a dozen yards away, trying to lurk and hide as best as his large form could. 
Pasan Powin didn’t know it yet.  And maybe Vexa wouldn’t tell him until she was too old to hide it.  But there were a lot of benefits of being able to sense people and read their identity like the spine of a library datapad.  Everything was laid out: names, titles, and depending on how ‘dense’ they felt, how many years.  Or least, how many lightyears they’d travelled, as Zallia would put it.  Some people had more than others, even if they were the same age. 
Vexa was rather pleased she’d come up with the datapad comparison herself.  It would be useful in explaining it to a non-Force User one day. 
(Some of the best things were the secrets you kept to yourself.)
…The Commander was much, much heavier than she looked.  So was Theron, but somehow…. They were like acrobats, keeping each other flying through the air, defying gravity, always making the next handhold, the next knee hook over the trapeze --
  Master Praxis… well, he looked as heavy as he felt now, most of the time, so that wasn’t exactly a big surprise. 
(If the adults still thought she was ignorant of what Master Praxis had done as The Hand and as a spy, they were really trying to pretend her childhood would last forever here on Odessen. Giving her Holonet access in her room for ‘homework’ was apparently part of this delusion.)
When Master Praxis didn’t look drained, Zallia was in the room, and she was the strangest adult Vexa had ever met, Imperial or Republic. 
In so many ways, Zallia was the worst adult: she couldn’t get to work on time, she couldn’t dress as anything other than ‘smuggler,’ she always seemed to be out of credits, she was always on the verge of losing her contracts, she drank a little too much (a lot too much), and she said things that would get Vexa into trouble if/when she repeated them….
And yet she knew exactly how the universe worked, and she was the very best pilot the Alliance had, and she helped Vexa make friends, and the Sixth Line just couldn’t work without her.  Somehow –
What was it Master Nightstar had said?  “Affinity and balance.”
Master Nightstar worked very hard to keep herself light and unburdened.  Attachments worked against her mission.  Strangely, Lana was the same way: she was free of weight. Lana rarely mentioned her life before meeting Theron and the rest of the Sixth Line.  Master Nightstar and Lana (“just Lana, thank you.  No ‘Lord Beniko,’ please”) were sparring partners and well-matched. Lana was a Sith and had done things, but they seemed to fit inside her without too much trouble.
But for Master Nightstar, there was perhaps one very deep, well-hidden weight inside of her… one she never revealed to anyone.  Vexa could feel it, but she couldn’t identify it.  Sometimes, it unbalanced her, and she stumbled in saber practice against Lana (who always stilled her hand for the other woman). 
The feeling – it felt like her own mother and the space left behind. 
And how Vexa felt about it.  How it gave her weight.
She could tell how much the datapad’s storage unit weighed; she couldn’t tell what was on it.
Vexa didn’t want to dwell on that anymore, especially since Papa was relatively close.  Grief kept itself very well-fed, and such feelings started both of them down grumpy paths. 
Zallia weighed differently than anyone else, as if she had a different storage system.
…Vexa didn’t like it when she noticed her own father. 
That was when she thought she weighed most like Zallia.  Different storage systems, similar weight…and maybe because of the connection between father and daughter ---
Oh, she was going to have to explain this to Master Praxis or Master Nightstar one day, if only to make herself less uncomfortable with the comparison.  Her father was nothing like Darmas Thane.  Never!  Ever!
But sometimes the lightyears between father and daughter, both for real and not for real (like, a metaphor: raining cats and dogs) were very similar.
The rocks hit the dirt, and Vexa felt the impact and imagined the little ‘poofs’ of dust that came with it.  She finally opened her eyes.
That wasn’t a little ‘poof’ of dust or a series thereof.
That was a massive ‘poof!’ of dandelion fluff exploding as a few of the rocks had landed on small bunches of them. 
Where had they come from?
…where had they all come from? 
…Vexa had read about Jedi Masters who could meditate for extended periods of time, but she very much doubted she’d managed to meditate for three-quarters of a year from the hot dry days of Odessen summer to its spring. 
Vexa had started this exercise in a dusty little clearing just off the side of the main door to the speeder pool. 
Green was everywhere and all around her.  Grass of deepest emerald.  Wildflowers, small and white and tall and yellow, even blue ones.  Even the bushes that Master Nightstar had been fairly sure “weren’t going to make it” (due to an incident involving Theron and a speeder bike with a stuck throttle) had grown and flourished in the short time that Vexa had been meditating.  They were blooming out of season.
In the Pasan family records, the garden bloomed on the day of her birth. 
She’d done it.  Not her father.  Not her mother.  Her. 
In her pride, Vexa couldn’t stop herself from looking right at her father.  She turned around and defiantly sought his face, demanding his attention.  Did he see?  Did he see her?
Did he see her?
Papa had given up his attempts to be stealthy and had found a few outdoor storage crates to perch upon.  He sat, hands clasped in front of him, as he watched his daughter become a Jedi, just like her mother before her, before him.
Vexa was going to be a Jedi Master.  She was going to save a lot of people.  She knew it.
And not even Papa could stop her now.  Not with spring all around her in the last, dry gasps summer before the autumnal rains finally arrived on Odessen.
Papa steadily walked toward her, his eyes on her.  Yes, he did see her.  And her. 
There was no profound proclamation.  Simply:  “It’s time to make supper.”
He didn’t like this at all. 
Mostly, he was mad at himself; Morff shouldn’t have left Vexa for so long…even if it was to make sure Zallia was fine (more than fine.  Exceedingly FINE, stars).  Now it was suppertime and she was gone…
And he was very discontent.  
A garden had bloomed.
He had missed it.  He didn’t think Powin did (because Powin would love to think he was suave and sneaky and smooth, and he just wasn’t when it came to Vexa, especially as she was getting older). 
Now the garden – how could he describe it? 
Morff stroked his beard in consternation as he watched the garden wither, as if some darkness was attacking it at its roots.  If this was what he thought it was, it was indicative of some deep problem within her –
It was when she was breading the Baatu chicken that the image overwhelmed her vision.
Vexa saw the brief spurt of blood on the beautifully tiled floor, before her father could get to her, before the wound could cauterize.
Her mother screamed –
Vexa flexed her hands and looked up at the ceiling for a moment, before returning her attention to the chicken.  The egg yolk dripped from her hand into the crumbs.  Its viscosity rolled over the crumbs, sticking to them---
The blood spurted onto the dry dirt, out of green skin, and it behaved like the yolk and the crumbs, the dirt rolling up into the slick blood before it dried down in the heat –
Vexa closed here eyes and flexed her now-cold hands.  Dinner.  Focus.
Papa noticed.  He always did.  “What’s troubling you, child of mine?” 
“Visions.  The same sort that began my journey as a Jedi.”  Vexa didn’t want to tell him the details. 
They lapsed back into silence as she continued breading the cutlets.  The thoughts seemed wary to come back now that someone else had been alerted to their existence. 
They talked about Divinia a lot, these days.  How she always masqueraded while she was in the Sith Empire.  How Light she truly was.  How Light she knew Vexa was.
They didn’t talk about the end.  It didn’t matter – it was one moment in time that changed it all …but nothing could be undone.  Nothing could be fixed.
…but why was it coming to her now, paired with a vision of her father falling in battle on Odessen?  Near the dirt by the speeder pool. 
Where a garden used to grow…
Fear of loss.  Of the attachment being severed.  That led to the Dark Side.  Maybe her father slipped that much further down after, now unable to clamor toward the Light that Divinia had lived in and that drew Vexa into its mantle. 
It was fear.  It wasn’t the future.
Unless it was.  Jedi had a bad habit of seeing beyond themselves, interpreting what they saw as incorrect.  Master Praxis had warned her of this, while at the same time acknowledging…. He was confident in his own visions on certain matters.  “One will come to pass on Odessen,” he had said, and Vexa totally noticed how his eyes trailed after Zallia as she crossed the docking bay, datapad in hand to talk to Aygo.
So that was a bit of a wash, in terms of assuring herself it wasn’t going to happen (but then again, one didn’t need the Force to see Master Praxis and Zallia coming, really). 
Zallia could be delightfully direct with others.  Vexa sometimes ached for that liberty of speech, even if the audacity made her squeal and the adults groan.  Other times, she did like the waltz of the Sith, with careful words and deliberate steps.  The elegance reminded her of her mother and how she got what she wanted and needed, without need for violent or cruel action. 
…today, while covered in egg, panko, and a little bit of chicken fat, Zallia’s route seemed the best.  “Father, when it comes time to defend Odessen –”
“I want you nowhere near here,” Papa cut her off before she could finish the question.  “You are a padawan, not a knight.  And I’ll not lose you yet –”
“But what if I lose you,” Vexa pressed the question to her father.  “Should you die –”
Despite the mess on their hands, Papa grabbed Vexa’s wrist.  “Please don’t think  it –”
“I need to know whether –”  Now Vexa’s courage quailed; she thought of a little bird with a feather atop its head, wobbling in fear.  She’d found the word in a holonovel.  But she was brave, just like both her parents, and --- “If you were to fall… would you expect me to fall to the Dark Side?  Become like you?”  A split-second hesitation and then the searing point of the question:  “would you want me to?”
Powin Pasan had always been torn about his daughter’s path.  If she was Sith, he could always protect her.  He could always watch over her and guide her to be a reasonable and sane person in their complicated culture.  But if she was a Jedi, she would fly free and inevitably part from him, once the Eternal Empire was defeated. 
Sith do not do well in letting go.  It is not part of their understanding of the universe.
Morff Praxis knew that was part of why Powin didn’t want him to train Vexa.  He would lose her, though not in the same way he had lost her mother, but in a way, the permanence would be the same.
But then there was Vexa’s nature, which the Light called for, LOUDLY.  VERY loudly.  Apparently, from the moment she entered the galaxy. 
There was always going to be a war for Vexa Pasan.  The events of her life drove her down one path, but the nurture of those around her  -- not to mention her own choice – was driving her another way. 
…There was always a waxing and waning of faith.  It was to be expected; only the greatest of Jedi were utterly steadfast.  Mistakes were made, doubt appeared…
Morff let out a sigh of relief as he sat down on the crates not far from the garden patch.  Yes, it had withered, for a while. 
But then it had started to bloom again, as if a crisis had passed or a vital question had been answered. 
As long as the garden could return, especially out of season, then all would be well.
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shapooda · 2 years
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Shades of Blue
By Shapooda For Northern_Lakes
Summary: Grimmjow is wearing shades. Ichigo is determined to find out what he's hiding under there.
Read it here!
Adopted by my friend Lakes uwu Mood ring enthusiast
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summonerluna · 5 months
Gratuitous Xu/Seifer smut for @irishais
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ambrosiaswhispers · 2 years
Get Lost; Be Found
Get Lost; Be Found
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It wasn’t the first time Seth Gecko felt like he was lost and it wouldn’t be the last time, well then again maybe it would be. He was fucking cold and there was no end in sight to snow falling around him. He knew better than to sit down, but he was so damn tired. His legs were stiff and fighting through the snowdrifts wasn't getting any easier. He kept moving toward the obscure light in the distance. He could practically hear Richie’s voice in his head yammering about the odds of survival being better if he’d stayed in the vehicle. But Seth couldn’t risk being found in a stolen car.
The ground under the snow was uneven and while he’d been stumbling for the last, for however long he’d been walking, he finally tripped. He hit the cold snow face first. Fuck him. He was done. He closed his eyes and hoped hell would at least be warm when he crossed over.
“Are you happy now? He’s in your truck. You don’t even know the guy. What if he’s some kind of criminal?” There was an angry, male voice muffled, but close.
Oh, he wasn’t dead. He was warmer too. The whine of a heater and the smell of flowers was all around him.
“Kyle, I wasn’t gonna leave him in the snow. He was facedown and there isn’t a car for miles! He could have died! I’m takin’ him to the hospital and that's that. It’s fine.” A woman’s voice, possibly angrier than the guy.
Seth wanted to raise his head and look, but also didn’t want to press his luck. A hospital wasn’t really an option. One look at his wallet and he was as good as handcuffed or worse in a small town. Backroads were good for avoiding getting caught, until you got caught.
“Katie, I know you said going out into the world was good for you, but you’ve changed and you’re taking risks that the girl I knew would have never.”
“First of all don’t call me Katie, it’s Kate. Second, I am helping someone and I learned that in church. And third, it’s none of your concern what I do, I just needed your help with his weight”
“Kate, I know you’re this angry with me. But this trip was your idea.”
“This trip was my idea for us! Until you and I quote ‘didn’t mean for me to find out about her’ when I caught you naked on the couch with a girl you were supposed to be teaching to play guitar.”
“That’s not exactly…”
“It’s exactly what happened. And now you’ve got the nerve to show up with her to a trip that I planned for us. What did you think was going to happen?” There was a long pause then an exasperated scream from the woman, “You're a moron! You thought it was going to be okay if you were sleeping with both of us? I’m going to stay at another hotel tonight and then I’m driving home tomorrow, alone. You made your bed now you can sleep in it, with her, because you’re certainly never getting into my pants again!”
Hmm. Seth couldn’t help the smirk that formed on his lips. He was a sucker for a spitfire. The truck door slammed and a small hand pressed against his forehead.
“A little warmer. That’s good. Let’s get this other blanket on you. I warmed it up on the vents on my side.”
A soft and warm blanket was tucked around him. He tried to stay relaxed to fake being asleep but it was getting harder.
“We’ll get you to the hospital and they’ll be able to thaw you out better than me.”
He grimaced so much for enjoying the warmth and peace for a minute. He shifted and while startled to be nose-to-nose with the kindhearted woman. Her eyes were hazel. Kate had hazel eyes and looked like the-girl-next-door from all the best Hollywood films. He tried to ignore her panicked expression and kept his game face on. He narrowed his eyebrows and did his best to sound threatening. “No. No hospitals.”
She blinked. “The hospital won’t care if you don’t have insurance. They need to treat you if you come in.”
Oh, that was adorable. She thought he was worried about money. He tried to move, but his muscles burned in protest.
“I can’t go to a hospital. Hospitals call the law.” He had a gun on him, but he really didn’t want to point it at her. However, he also really didn’t want to get caught.
“Oh. Oh!” She looked nervous and glanced back at the other car, which was already pulling away. “I can give you the truck and I have some money, but I did save you from the cold, so I think it’s only fair if you don’t leave me out there to freeze.”
She was practical. He’d give her that. “I don’t wanna leave you in the cold. I just need to warm up and call my brother to come get me. Hand over your cellphone, please.” He wasn’t taking the risk of her just bailing out and calling the cops.
“What did you do?” She folded her arms over her chest.
“What. Did. You. Do.” Kate spoke slowly pausing at each word before continuing, “If you’re a thief or someone just trying to make money that’s one thing. But if your a rapist or something, I’mma pepper-spray you and kick out you out of my truck.”
“You shouldn’t tell people if you’re going to attack them." He explained exasperated at her ill-advised warning. "That’s not a good strategy for dealing with a criminal.”
She arched her eyebrow. “Try to move right now.”
Seth ground his teeth and she was right. He could barely move.
“You sound like you’re from Texas. The winters are harsher up here in Colorado. I know how your body’s reacting right now. I don’t want to hurt you, but I also don’t want you to hurt me. What did you do?”
“Stole a bunch of cash with my brother. I was the distractions while he got away with the take.”
“Okay?” Seth was confused. She was okay with him? Just like that? Who the hell was this girl?
“Yup.” She buckled her seatbelt and the truck lurched back onto the road. “I’m Kate by the way.”
He should give her a fake name. But did it matter? Probably, not, so he opted for abridged honesty. “I’m Seth. Where are we headed?”
“Well Seth, since you don’t want a hospital I’m gonna take you to the local ‘no questions’ motel.”
“You seem like too nice a girl to know about places like that.” He noticed the snow had stopped. How long had he been face down? He licked his lips, they lasted like cherries. That was weird.
“Gotta have a spot to party after prom, for ya know.” She blushed and fiddled with the radio.
Seth barked out a laugh and immediately regretted it. He started coughing and folded himself into a ball to try and stop it. Kate put a hand on his back.
“There’s coffee in the mug in the cup holder, you’re welcome to it.”
She removed her hand and he instantly felt colder. He took a drink of the lukewarm, bitter liquid and shuttered at how cold he still was. They drove in silence for a bit then the motel came into view. Damnit he was closer to shelter than he thought. He should have forced himself to keep going, kept this girl outta his mess.
“Keep your head down. Sign says there are cameras so it probably points out at the parking lot.” She clicked on the turning signal and the truck began to slow down.
“You a secret criminal? Seem to know alot about this stuff, Princess.” Seth pulled the blanket over his head.
She chuckled, “Naw, just listen to a bunch of true-crime podcasts. And I'm no one's princess, Seth. Just ask my ex.” She was out of the truck and back in less than five minutes. The truck reversed and rolled slowly until parking again. Kate sighed heavily. “This weekend is far crazier than I planned it to be.”
He pulled the blanket down and made eye contact with her. “Why are you helping me? I don’t understand. It’s one thing if you just thought you were helping out some dumbass in the snow, but you know I’m dangerous. Why are you doing this?”
She inclined her head to the side as if considering his words. “I guess, I wanna help you. Come on we need to get you warm and dry.”
None of that was a real answer, but Kate was out of the truck and opening the door on his side before he could question further. He managed to get his feet on the ground but stumbled immediately. Expecting to hit the ground again he winced, but instead, Kate grunted and held him up.
“Just shuffle with me. It’ll get better if you move.”
They managed to get into the small room and Kate helped him sit on the bed.
“I’ll be right back.”
Every criminal lesson he’d ever learned was screaming for him to pull his gun on her and keep her in sight, but he flopped on his back on the bed. If she bailed and called the cops, so be it, at least he wasn’t gonna freeze to death.
The door opened and he pushed himself up on reflex but failed to pull his gun because it wasn’t there…How had he just fucking noticed that? His hand patted the back of his pants where he'd left it, but nothing. Fuck, had he lost it in the snow?
“Oh, yeah, I took that when I got you into my truck.” Kate kicked the front door closed with her foot and was holding an armful of what looked like Christmas presents.
“You knew I was armed and you still helped me?!? Are you insane?!?” Seth was freaking out. He wasn’t gonna hurt her, but he could have. Where was this girl’s self-preservation? He could have murdered her or worse and she just helped him anyway? What the hell?
Kate looked annoyed. “It’s Texas. I have a gun, but it’s at my house. Although, I have yours so technically I am armed at the moment and you’re not.”
He blinked a few times as the situation fully set in. Seth was going with it, whatever was happening, was happening, whether he got it or not. “What’s with all that?”
“Well, we need to get you warm and dry. So you’re gonna take a shower and we’ll lay out your things to dry. But I didn’t figure you'd want to be naked. So you’re gonna be stuck with the pajamas I bought my dad for Christmas.” She started unwrapping one of the boxes, unshed tears clinging to her lashes. “Frostbite is a bitch and you don’t want it. This is an object and you are a person, regardless of whatever, you were up to before. You shouldn’t be left alone to suffer and die.”
His brain short-circuited for a moment. Why was she so worried about him? “Did I miss something? You okay?”
“You were almost dead.” A single tear ran down her cheek, as she looked into his eyes. “I saw you in the snowdrift but I panicked. Thought it might be a trick to rob me, so I called Kyle, my ex-boyfriend, because I knew he close by. Then I sat there in the truck and watched you while I waited. I realized you were too still. I got out to check on you in spite of everything and you weren’t breathing. I almost let you die, because I was worried about getting robbed.” She drew in a shaky breath, “I was more worried about my purse than a person. What’s wrong with me?"
She was clinging to the white box in her hands like a lifeline as if she had something to feel guilty about. "I gave you CPR and thank god you responded. Kyle pulled up as you gasped and then I saw the gun. Everything just happened so fast.”
Her voice was barely above a whisper. “If you save someone’s life, you’re responsible for them. I couldn’t just let you die.”
Seth toed off his shoes and forced himself up to his feet, unsteadier than he liked. He paced over to the still-trembling girl, resting one arm against the door over her head. He leaned into her space and tipped up her chin, before kissing her forehead. “Thank you, Kate.”
The boxes clattered to the floor and she wrapped her arms around his waist hugging him tightly. Seth looped one arm around her, but the other arm he kept braced against the wall. He didn’t trust himself to hold his entire weight.
“This is so stupid.” She muttered into his chest. “I don’t even know you.”
“Just makes you a good person. I on the other hand am a bastard. But for the time being, I owe you, so I’m your bastard.”
Kate’s laugh was instant, which made him smile as she warned. “Don’t give me that much power.”
Mischief sparked in Seth’s eyes and he forced her to look at him, “Why? You wanna take advantage of me?”
“Um, you should get in the shower and warm up.” Kate’s cheeks instantly stained pink. “Get your wet clothes off for sure.”
“Okay.” He smirked and took half a step back shrugging off his coat and loosening his tie before dropping it to the floor. He didn’t miss Kate's hard swallow at his movements. “Might need help with the buttons. My fingers aren’t working all the way.”
“Sure.” She moved back into his space, biting down on her lower lip as she undid the buttons to his waist. “I’m just gonna untuck this okay?”
“Yeah. I trust ya. Thanks for the help.” He couldn’t keep smile off his face, not that the blushing woman could see it, as her eyes were on the fabric directly in front of her.
“You’re…you’re welcome.” She finished the buttons and went to move away, but he looped his arm back around his waist pulling her flush to him.
“Katie, I just thought of something.”
“I’m gonna need you to test the water before I take that shower. I might not know how hot it is, that would be bad.” He calculated the risk and cupped her cheek coaxing her closer, ghosting his lips over hers. “You wanna help me with that shower, Princess? I can show you how grateful I am for the rescue. No strings, no pressure.”
.:. 8am .:.
Richie Gecko knocked on the motel room door. Jesus, he hated the cold. Seth, missing a shirt and wearing the gaudiest pair of green Christmas-themed sleep pants he’d ever seen, opened the door.
“Did I miss something?” He adjusted his glasses as he entered the room and shut the door behind him. “You rob one of Santa’s elves for a new outfit?”
"Limited options available." Seth rolled his eyes and patted the suit hanging over the motel heater. “Almost dry.”
Richie was even more confused looking around room at the unmade bed and wrapping paper all over the floor. “Did you steal someone’s Christmas presents? That’s wrong, even for us.”
He might have continued his rant further but the bathroom door opened and a slip of a woman exited came into the room sporting a top that matched what his brother was wearing.
“Hi.” The auburn-haired girl offered a meek wave.
“Did you kidnap a girl?”
“I saved him from freezing to death actually.” She lifted her chin, “and my name is Kate.”
Richie was exasperated.“I left you alone for less than twenty-four hours. How did you almost die and pick up a chick in that timeframe?”
“I have a particular set of skills.” Seth bit into a piece of jerky and offered a piece to his brother who waved it away.
Kate giggled and covered her legs with the motel bedspread.
“Is this a thing now?” Richie questioned.
Seth shrugged. “If she wants it to be.”
Kate smiled as she braided her hair back.
“You are,” Richie smacked his hand on his forehead, growling at his brother, “as bad as a Disney princess. Five minutes and you catch feelings.”
“It was longer than five minutes.” Kate supplied then yelped and pulled the blanket over her head to hide in what was likely embarrassment.
“Great. Compliment him.” Richie deadpanned before admonishing, “I hope you’re happy, 'cause he’ll never want you to leave now.”
“She can cook and she has a truck we can use to get over the border.” Seth flopped on the bed next to Kate.
“And now we’re a trio.” Richie took out his pack of cigarettes. “I’mma go smoke both of you put on some more clothes while I do that.”
A gift for a friend. Listen, I don't know if this is what you had it mind. It went all off the rails. Anyways. I had a blast writing it and I hope you enjoy it.
Love to my Loves.
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aero-erin · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sakaki Yuya/Yuto Characters: Sakaki Yuya, Hiiragi Yuzu, Gongenzaka Noboru, Yuto (Yu-Gi-Oh) Additional Tags: coffee shop AU, sorta?, Fluff, Pining Summary:
Yuya is supposed to be catching up with his friends over coffee, but he can't take his eyes off the beautiful boy at the corner table.
Happy Birthday @blue-needle 💖
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etherfalling · 2 years
out a window, into the void
ace attorney | athena cykes/apollo justice f/m | teen & up | 2.2k | creator chose not to use warnings
tags: angst, hurt no comfort, tragedy
Athena Cykes falls out a window.
written for @aaholidayrare, dec. 26 fire/ice. it’s late but at least it’s here!
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evil-robot-cat · 2 years
Rating: General Pairing: Barret/Reeve Tags: Post-Game, Enemies to Friends to Lovers
Summary: Shortly after Meteorfall, Barret goes to Junon to meet with Reeve.  Is he keeping tabs on Shinra's spy? Or is he worried about a friend?   Without knowing the answer himself, Barret opens the door...
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ivyentwined · 2 years
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Her Queen – AO3 | FFN
The Targaryen Queen's eyes shone golden and dragonlike in the firelight. "You will be my consort."
Perhaps it wasn't only Stark men who shouldn't venture south.
Fandom: GoT Complete: yes Pairing: Daenerys/Sansa - pre-relationship Rating: teen Length: 4,091 words
Tags/Warnings: Canon Divergence
Written during the rarepairsexchange 2019 exchange for starforged
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jaimebluesq · 7 months
OMG OMG I got the most wonderful gift in a discord server exchange!!! It's got One Braincell Trio, comedy, and a surprise pairing that made my day!!! Highly recommended ;)
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matrixaffiliate · 1 year
New Story! FFN and AO3
Sirius isn't letting anything get between him and fixing things between him and Marlene. He's just grateful she isn't willing to rip her new jeans to get away from him. A Blackinnon Muggle AU for your reading pleasure. For my dear friend HazzaP, may today be a reminder of how much you are loved.
Sirius strode into the coffee shop, trying to maintain an air of calm he didn't feel.
Lily stood behind the counter, staring daggers at him. It was especially unsettling as he was the only patron in the shop this close to closing.
"Evening, Red." Sirius nearly flinched under her stare, but as scary as Lily looked, she had nothing on Walburga.
"Look, I know you're trying to protect your friend-"
"I'm trying to protect my coffee shop." Lily scoffed. "Marlene is known for throwing things when she's this upset."
Lily had a point, but Sirius wasn't going to back down.
"Then we'll go out to your back patio." Sirius walked around the counter and flashed Lily a smile. "Thanks for understanding, Red."
"Sirius!" Lily yelled, but didn't bother to move from her spot at the cash register. "I forbid you from going back there."
So much for approaching Marlene unannounced.
He turned, glaring. Lily waved a delicate hand at him and grinned.
"Well played."
"Don't make her break anything." She blew him a kiss. "Now go."
Sirius did just that.
He finally found Marlene attempting to scale the fencing that wrapped around the patio seating Lily had set up in this garden space.
"Really, Marls?"
"If my jeans weren't stuck it would have worked." She swore as she tried to free her leg.
"Don't rip them." Sirius reached her in three long strides and gently untangled her jeans from the fence. "Can we talk?"
"What's there to talk about?" Marlene snapped but climbed down from the fence so Sirius took it as a good sign.
"Oh, I don't know." Sirius didn't keep the sarcasm out of his voice. "We could talk about what the Iron Lady is up to, or perhaps Her Majesty's most recent tour, or how about this morning when you knocked me senseless by telling me you loved me and then ran before I could get enough of my brain to function to say it back?"
"You didn't say it back!"
Sirius heard the crack in her voice and tried to pull her into his arms but she backed up against the fence.
"I didn't." He dropped his head. "And I'm sorry. I haven't had anyone say that to me since Mia passed. It…well to be perfectly frank with you, I was completely baffled to feel like you'd managed to fill a hole in my soul and to simultaneously miss Mia so brutally all over again that it scrambled my brain."
Marlene stared at him. Sirius watched the fight drain out of her wide eyes as the reality of his words settled.
"Surely someone…" Marlene trailed off, her jaw slacked and he saw the pain shift to a new anger in her ice blue eyes. "You mean to tell me James didn't have the decency to once tell you he loved you in the last six months! You're his bloody brother! I'm going to ki-"
Sirius didn't let her finish. He took her face in his hands, bringing his lips to her in a gentle kiss, cutting through her anger, healing the hurt he'd caused, and proving the three words he spoke next.
"I love you."
She pulled him back to her lips, devouring him, running her nails against his scalp, pulling him closer. He pressed her against the fence, letting his hands roam, giving into the passion that Marlene always stirred in him.
"Go home!" Lily yelled from the door. "I absolutely refuse to let you shag in my cafe."
"Technically, we're not in your cafe, Red. We're behind it."
Marlene snorted, but Lily pointed towards the cafe's front door.
"Go celebrate at home. I'll close up without Marlene."
"Thanks, love." Marlene blew her a kiss and grabbed Sirius' hand. "I'll come in early the day after tomorrow."
"Because you'll be late tomorrow." Lily laughed. "Get out of here."
Sirius didn't wait for Lily to change her mind. He pulled Marlene out the door, dropping a quick kiss to Lily's cheek as they passed.
"Thanks, Red."
"Oh." Marlene stopped. "Tell James I'd like a word with him at some point."
Lily frowned but nodded. Sirius suspected she saw the same danger in Marlene's smile that he had.
Not willing to let anything more escalate, he pulled Marlene to the curb and his waiting motorcycle.
"Hey." She grabbed his shoulder before he could climb on. "I love you."
Sirius cradled her face again and kissed her in the fading sunlight.
"I love you too."
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liass-21 · 9 months
hey if you sent me the anon fic request and you’re comfortable with it please send me a dm! i’d like to actually gift it to you instead of just posting it <3
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