#SHould I start tagging for him. Am I this dedicated. Fine.
dankovskaya · 2 years
Batman Annual 14 is really the definitive Two-Face origin in my opinion largely because it does the best job of emphasizing the steady barrage of horrific events and general stressors leading to his complete loss of faith in the efficacy of the law and the judicial system down to the most basic assumption of safety from violent assault as an attorney in a goddamn courtroom and it fleshes out the childhood trauma that parallels him with Bruce not as the REASON for him becoming Two-Face but as just another horrible stressor that is dredged up on top of everything else while his coping mechanism and outlet for it crumbles before his eyes. The circumstances make the acid bath a believable “final straw” (rather than the 1:1 acid made him crazy thing 😭) and it doesn’t portray Two-Face as an “inevitability,” but rather the idea that it was inevitable and he never had a choice is something Harvey himself clings onto to rationalize and distance himself from the guilt of his actions and the perceived “badness” of his anger. The emphasis on the unstoppable force-immovable object conflict between his intense desire to do and be good against his anger and despair and disillusionment tempting him to become the “bad” that he’s always feared he fundamentally is and the immense distress that causes him is very central here and I appreciate that. And most importantly it shows GILDA as someone firmly in his corner all throughout and utterly convinced of his “goodness.”
I can’t speak fully on the Loeb version until I’ve re-read Dark Victory too for the whole story but in general I find some issue with that version of Harvey. The psychological/traumatic aspect of Two-Face is minimized which is fine in theory but there’s also a severe minimization of the factors at play that lead to Harvey’s snapping so as a result he’s portrayed as cynical, pessimistic, and a bit bloodthirsty all throughout the story as sort of his default state, which I’m not a big fan of. The distance between this version of Harvey and Two-Face is not very big, which helps with “believability” I guess, but it’s just not how I prefer to interpret Harvey Dent, District Attorney personally. I want him to fall far because that’s what makes the tragedy imo. There doesn’t seem to be a destruction of faith and an ultimate “snapping” here so much as Harvey taking the burning of his face as an excuse to run off and just do exactly what he’d been itching to do the whole time. However this all clearly works well with the central mystery of finding out who the Holiday killer is, because by the time even Bruce and Gordon are nearly convinced it’s Harvey, it makes sense why they feel that way. Harvey had been dropping red flags throughout the whole story Lmao. BUT in terms of him being suspected of serial killing I have more thoughts in the next one 👇
Two Face: Year One is NOT an ideal version of the story either for a few reasons with its biggest sin being the unforgivable complete and utter omission of Gilda but it also adds/emphasizes some things I really like, such as the friendship between Harvey and Bruce from long before Harvey was DA. The most interesting part of this version to me is that Harvey’s history of mental illness is exposed and that is what is used to cast doubt on him (as opposed to like. his personality lmfao) leading to basically the whole city suspecting that he’s become a serial killer and watching everyone up to and including his good friend Bruce Wayne (and not to mention his dedicated therapist who he considers a father figure😭) seemingly turn on him overnight and expect the worst with genuinely NO evidence other than his imagined instability as a human being which becomes a very tragic and unfair sort of self-fulfilling prophecy moment. But I HATE the fact that it completely skips over his recovery period after the attack and goes straight into Two-Face (which is also sort of true of Long Halloween) bc I think the agonizing depressing recovery is vital in making it clear that. Once again. The acid didn’t make him crazy. But the senseless excruciating pain and physical disfigurement that externalizes the part of him that people are scared of certainly would not have helped things.
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animeyanderelover · 6 months
Can I ask  NSFW headcanon for Muzan? Thank You 😊
What would the reaction be like if Yoriichi, Muzan, Carla and Reiji with a s/o who had an extremely complicated pregnancy, they almost lost their s/o and the baby, pls pls 🤧
I am no doctor so I would appreciate any corrections of errors I might have made. This might also be somewhat more extreme but I went with what I found on the internet.
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, toxic relationship, abduction, manipulation, gaslighting, clinginess, controlling behavior, pregnancy, forced pregnancy, labor, high-risk pregnancy, premature labor, birth, cannibalism, illness, cardiac arrest, C-section
Tags: @leveyani @kanaosprotector
Extremely complicated pregnancy
Reiji Sakamaki
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☕️A life with Reiji is thoroughly scheduled as he always needs to have control over every little thing in your life. The already tight leash you had on you only becomes tighter the moment you manage to get pregnant with his child. He oversees everything strictly in your life from that day on from the food you consume to the drinks you choose. He’s very adamant that you stay healthy and deliver him a healthy child. A child that he has been planning to have with you for a longer time now. He has read every available source, he has created a diet schedule for you and he feels validated in his speculation and research when you actually find yourself craving occasionally blood which he immediately provides you with since you carry a vampire baby. You normally refuse the consumption of blood from humans because you’re still human yourself which leads always to him forcing it past your lips and down your throat. Consider the health of your baby before being such an unreasonable and neglectful mother-to-be. His own mother always ignored him so Reiji is extremely dedicated to ensure that you are a good mother to his own child.
☕️The first few months of the pregnancy go rather well. Besides the common morning sickness, some headaches and mood swings the baby develops healthily inside your womb. Reiji monitors everything extremely closely and you have him checking on your condition and the condition of the little one almost daily. Whenever you lash out on him due to his restricting schedules, he always quickly puts you back in your place by sharply scolding you for your immature behavior. He's designing the nursery room for the baby, accompanies you whenever he deems that it's time for you to take a walk outside and get some fresh air. The baby starts visibly moving around and kicking your insides when you are 19 weeks along and from that day on Reiji even starts observing the movements of the baby because any lack of it or very frequent movements can also indicate whether the baby is feeling fine or not. He has even already chosen a handful of names although he decides to wait until the baby is born and he can see them for the first time.
☕​It's within your fifth month that you start experiencing complications. There is an increase in your headache, you suffer from shortness of breath, your vision is blurry or you see dark spots dancing in front of your eyes and you also experience abdominal pain. You would like to think that this is normal but you can't deny that some of those symptoms scare you and the way Reiji's eyes narrow when you are forced to tell him about it only adds to your growing anxiety. When he runs some tests on you and realizes that your blood pressure is elevated, he starts getting worried. This shouldn't happen. He has always hated it when something didn't go according to his plan but your current pregnancy only heightens the stress he is feeling because right now he can't afford that anything goes wrong. The slight panic he initially feels manifests itself into accusations against you as he questions if you have done something that has caused your high blood pressure. His preparations should have been perfect. It is not his fault.
☕​Soon he is too busy closely monitoring your increasingly worsening condition to put the blame on you though as your symptoms have worsened. Your vision randomly blurs or darkens, your headache has led to increased nausea and has made it difficult for you to stomach food, your hands and face have swollen and Reiji has even started suspecting that the blood supply to your placenta doesn't work as it should. The baby doesn't grow and develop as it should due to the lack of blood supply and with each passing week he starts worrying more and more about it. He tries everything he can think of to cease your dizziness and your nausea, the abdominal pain and the lacking blood supply to your placenta but nothing seems to really work. There is no medicine or cure to your symptoms and when Reiji realizes that he can't do anything, the only choice he is left with is trying to prolong the pregnancy long enough to guarantee the survival of his darling and his baby. He starts mentally preparing himself to perform a C-section on you if worst should come to worst.
☕​The worst case scenario happens in your 30th week when premature labor starts together with intense abdominal pain. You are weakened from weeks of dizziness, nausea and stress and the sheer exhaustion from labor proves too much for you as you faint after a few hours. This leaves Reiji with pretty much no choice but a Caesarean section, especially since the fetus is in breech position. Normally he would be pretty confident in his skills but there is too much on the line for him and this stops him from staying as level-headed as he would like. The little girl he pulls out from your womb during the surgery is worringly small even if she is a prematurely born baby. The most difficult step should have been overcome but instead dread fills him when he notices that she isn't breathing. Suddenly he feels like he is carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders as he spends minutes trying to keep the baby alive until his daughter finally manages to breathe independently and starts weakly crying and even then he can't allow himself to relax. Neither you nor the baby are out of health risks after all.
☕​You are quite weakened after the difficult pregnancy and the surgery and it takes you a few weeks until you feel somewhat healthy enough again to walk longer distances without any help and do certain tasks without experiencing any pain. Just because you can theoretically do it though doesn't mean by a long shot that Reiji will let you. He has become overly cautious after the birth. He's extremely skittish whenever he monitors the health of the baby due to her breathing issues upon birth and worried for any lasting damage she might have suffered due to her restricted development in your womb. You find yourself spending the first few weeks after the surgery mostly spending time with your daughter whilst Reiji is doing everything else. He monitors the health of his darling and their daughter, he cooks for his s/o and he assists whenever and however he can. He feels stressed out even after the condition of you and the baby stabilize because in his mind he can't stop agonizing over the fact that he could do little to nothing to help you in any way.
Carla Tsukinami
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🔮​If you wind up being Carla's darling and can biologically bear children, prepare yourself for giving him a child. Carla expects his darling to give him a healthy and strong heir and there will be no room for discussion. You will bear him his child and you will be a good and attentive mother to his baby. All of this happens only after Carla has already broken your mind down enough for you to be completely putty in his hold. Pregnancy is the final step, the final claim he can lay on you to mark you for all eternity as his and at that point you will happily accept his wish of wanting a baby with you. You love him after all and you're sure that you'll love a child with the same golden eyes as his just as much. It is extremely pleasing to see your quick embrace of the idea and he wastes very little time after he has told you about his plans to see it through that you are pregnant as soon as possible. It doesn't take long for him until he senses the new life deep within your womb. He couldn't be more pleased in that moment.
🔮​Similar to Reiji, Carla will be very controlling as soon as he has confirmed that you are expecting his heir. You are always kept within his vicinity and you aren't allowed to go anywhere without informing him. He wouldn't want anything to happen to you, especially with his brother around. That rarely happens though as you are pretty obedient and listen to him which means that you allow him to lead you outside and go for a walk. You feel pretty sick quite often and spend a lot of time on the toilet whenever nausea grabs a hold of you. Shin has made fun of you once when he saw you hanging over the toilet which struck the wrong cord in you in that moment and actually led you to shed tears of shame. You only know that Carla wasn't too pleased when you started crying because of Shin and told you that he'd talk with his brother. Ever since Shin has been trying his best to not say anything within your presence although he looks like he has a lot of snarky stuff he could say. You spend a large amount of time only with Carla though, basking in his affection and joy due to your pregnancy.
🔮​As soon as your bump really starts showing is when other symptoms start to appear. Your hunger increases significantly as soon as the baby bump shows and this makes it difficult for you since Carla has put you on a diet to keep you and the baby healthy. You have troubles keeping your temper under control when he initially always denies you your cravings but you try your best to stay quiet. Until the intense craving for blood starts one day and you start feeling sluggish and weak. That is when Carla starts paying more attention to your cravings. You’re only human, you would under normal conditions never want to consume blood. Is it the baby that makes you crave blood? He has obviously speculated how a pregnancy with a vampire baby would go for your mortal body but speculations don’t necessarily have to line up with the reality. He decides to give in to your new cravings this time as he notices how your energy gets drained. The blood seems to replenish your energy for a while.
🔮The bigger the baby swells though, the more it seems to drain your energy. You grow more tired and exhausted with each month that passes by no matter how much blood Carla lets you consume or how much you eat. Very little of the food you digest is actually used for your own energy as the baby seems to take all the nutrients it needs and leaves very little for you. You lose weight and feel dizzy and exhausted whilst the baby is thriving. Soon it starts getting so bad that you can’t even walk properly on your own anymore without the danger of collapsing. Carla has to assist you even when you go to the toilet and despite your weak protest and tears of shame, he doesn’t allow you anything anymore without his help. The baby sucks everything out of you, he can see your clear struggle everyday as your energy drops and your pain increases due to the heavy weight of the baby inside of you and its strong kicks that feel like it’ll burst out of you any moment. The closer you get to your due date, the weaker and thinner you become. This isn’t good.
🔮Miraculously you make it to your due date until your water breaks but it comes with a heavy price. You’re exhausted, you’re tired and you barely have any energy left to even push properly. All of this is made even worse by the fact that the baby has grown a lot whilst it was protected inside of you. They are big which makes the entire process even more arduous as your body tries its hardest to squeeze the infant out of your body and down your birth channel. When the shoulders of the baby get stuck though and prevent you from giving birth to the baby, everything takes quickly a turn for the worse. Nothing seems to help. That’s when Carla takes action, fully aware that being stuck could end up harming the baby. You can vaguely recall the burning feeling when he abruptly reaches his hand out into your vagina in an attempt to turn the baby around. It’s a painful and uncomfortable feeling that is the final push you need before you finally succumb to unconsciousness which leaves Carla alone to guide the baby out of your body.
🔮You suffer from a fourth-degree tear and malnutrition for weeks after birth which leaves you completely bedridden under Carla’s guidance. His son on the other hand suffered from fractures to his upper arm bone. All of this is rather upsetting and frustrating to Carla who didn’t expect a shoulder dystocia to occur during the birth of his own heir. He spends nearly all of his time in his chambers where he nurses you and the baby back to health. Shin rarely runs into his older brother for that reason. Every time he does spot Carla, he’s always tempted to ask him mockingly how you and his nephew are doing, considering that you went through all of this hell only because of Carla’s wish for an heir. The piercing glare Carla gives him whenever he opens his mouth to ask that question keeps him from doing so though. The younger Tsukinami brother isn’t allowed to visit you and the little boy either, especially not when neither of you has fully recovered. Until that day comes, no one will see you two.
Kibutsuji Muzan
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🩸​There have never been any records of demons and humans procreating. If there would have been, Muzan as the King of Demons would have known about it. Technically speaking he has no real need nor any interest in any children of his own. He doesn't need any heir for he is immortal and doesn't plan to ever give up his position to anyone else for he plans to become the perfect existence. Perhaps there is a spark of curiosity though as soon as he has you in his life as it is a thought that often crosses his mind when he dumps his cum inside of you. He has a fondness for science after all but none of it has ever led him to actively try for a baby with you. Then one day he senses the little heartbeat inside of you, senses the new life that has been spawned in your womb. Whilst he isn't actively thrilled about the pregnancy and might even consider an abortion, ultimately it is his scientific interest that manages to stop him from removing the thing from you. A part of him hopes that this child will be able to develop an immunity against the sun due to being only a half demon.
🩸​Since Muzan has always gotten his way with you, you are left with little to no choice but accept his decision to keep the child for now. Your feelings about the little baby currently developing inside of you are confusing as you despise him for forcing you to keep it. Yet you bow down in fear whenever you are faced with his displeasure when he sees you expressing those feelings and thoughts in front of him. This little life inside of you has been directly created by him and perhaps this plays a large fact in why he won't tolerate you thinking about it in such a way. Because the baby will have more from him than any of the demons he has created throughout his entire life. Muzan views himself in the highest light, as a near god, so something that will have his genetics must be strong too. You don't seem to realize that your unwillingness to embrace the thought of having his child will only make him more determined to keep it since he won't allow you to reject something that has been directly created by him.
🩸​Too prideful to show any lingering questions he has in regards of the unique biology his baby will have due to being created by a demon and a human, Muzan just monitors your pregnancy very closely. Partially because of his fascination to finally know that such a pregnancy will be like and partially because he doesn't know what might happen. It is this selfish mindset that soon leads you down a path of misery. Your body is unable to handle the creature inside your womb that seems to suck out all the energy and proteins meant for you whenever you force something down your throat despite your growing nausea. The growth spurt the baby has is abnormal for the first few months but all of this comes with the cost of your own decline of health. Everything is painful and everything is tiring and the little baby is incredibly strong starting from their first kicks. At this rate it is already far too late for Muzan to do anything. Through your pain and your exhaustion you sometimes bitterly blame him for what he puts you through but you never get any apology from him and you know exactly why. He would never admit it after all.
🩸​Then everything suddenly stops though. The growth of your bump and the kicks and hits of the baby inside. There is suddenly no movement anymore at all and despite your not so positive feelings, you slowly start to worry about it. Your own condition isn't improving too greatly though as your food either gets thrown up by you or still seems to be received by the fetus instead. Muzan has already noticed it too. He can still sense the heartbeat within but to his own growing dread it seems to get weaker by the days. His mind is racing as to why and the steadily weakening condition of you and the baby only seem to be a reminder that the time he has to find a solution is limited. Eventually he starts considering that the baby you bear is technically still a demon too. He starts considering that the baby might have reached a phase within their development where the current food you consume isn't sufficient enough anymore. Maybe they need some human flesh. Even though you refuse when he first brings up his theory, Muzan doesn't care as he shoves it from that day on down your throat and to his satisfaction his idea was right.
🩸​Yet he can't enjoy the fact that his theory was right for too long. Your body, unable to handle the large amount of energy and nutrition the baby steals from it, goes into premature and sudden labor in the seventh month. Neither of you two two are prepared for it and even the baby seems to be unhappy about your body giving up on them as they start making a ruckus inside your womb, only adding to the pain you are already feeling. Muzan is unable to calm the irritated baby down. Everything happens too fast for him to even prepare anything. Your body is in a rush to expel the baby from inside you and their frequent and wild movement only cause them to slide down your birth channel faster. The frequent activity of your baby soon comes to a hold though. Their umbilical cord got flattened and Muzan is met with deafening silence when the bloody infant lays in his arms. It is this silence that makes him suddenly lose his composure as the motionless child reminds him vividly of his own birth. Not his own child too. He spends minutes frantically reanimating the infant before she finally lets out her first weak cries.
🩸If your own condition should have worsened any more, Muzan probably would have turned you into a demon. Somehow your fragile body pulled through though and in a way he’s relieved about that. Because for now it would be more beneficial to let you stay human and care for the little girl you gave birth to. With her black hair and her red and bleary eyes she looks a lot like Muzan and perhaps it’s her visible similarity to him that fills his heart with pride. She recovers quicker than you from her troublesome birth, probably because she is half demon. Her appetite is as insatiable as it was during her time in your womb though and to your slight horror she still has her preferences to the taste of human blood and flesh together with your breastmilk. Muzan gives her what you don’t want to give her as he has realized that she probably needs the different nutrients to develop properly just like she needed whilst being in your belly. Now that the baby is born, he forbids you from expressing any hesitation and confusion when you’re taking care of her. This girl is his own flesh and blood and he won’t tolerate you not loving her who is so much like him.
Tsugikuni Yoriichi
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☀️Pregnancy should be a joyful occasion for parents yet despite the expected happiness and joy Yoriichi feels when it becomes known that you are expecting his child, there is also a gnawing fear that haunts him. He can't help but recall the heart-wrenching fate that befell Uta and the unborn baby. Even if he has you now in his life, this is a memory he is unable to forget as he often still blames himself for their deaths through the hand of a demon. The slow growth of your bump triggers those haunting memories and sometimes he dreams of the same scene he saw when he returned home to Uta, only that it is now your body torn apart with the precious child murdered before it even had the chance to live. Yoriichi becomes very protective and paranoid over you as he doesn't think that he could bear a repeat of what has already once happened to him. There is always this underlying fear and paranoia that make him much more aware of his surroundings even as he rejoices when he witnesses the first kicks of his baby. His katana is always kept close, especially when night comes where he finds himself often lying awake.
☀️​As winter is already awaiting, Yoriichi makes an effort to keep you warm and protected and your home as cozy as possible. He never leaves you as soon as the sun goes down as he now knows better. All tasks are usually finished within the day so that he can stay by your side and protect you as soon as it gets dark. Despite his efforts to always keep you warm and healthy though, you seem to catch a cold. It is nothing to be worried over though. You have a light headache, your throat hurts whenever you swallow and you cough. You are not really worried though and even assure Yoriichi that it'll pass by soon. Despite feeling already a bit more fatigued due to your pregnancy and now your illness, you still feel fine. You decide to stay inside nevertheless as he fetches you a doctor to monitor your condition. After all you know of his loss of his first pregnant wife so you try to make him feel better and calmer by letting a doctor tell him that you are fine and that you will be fit in a few days again. When Yoriichi returns with the doctor, you feel slightly febrile.
☀️​What should have been only a mild cold soon turns into a serious condition though. Maybe it is because you are pregnant and are just more prone to bacteria yet such explanations do nothing to help Yoriichi's terrified heart. Despite your weak protests to leave the room so he doesn't catch what you have, he stays faithfully with you as your fever soon feels like it is burning your skin and sweat coats your skin. Every swallow is a small challenge as it brings you uncomfortable pain and you are often thrown into coughing fits, your throat coated with phlegm and constantly itching in a dry way. With your worse condition, Yoriichi has asked the doctor to come by every day. He does whatever he can do to help you. He cooks for you and feeds you even if you should have no hunger or simply feel too tired and he heads the advices of the doctor when giving you the medicine that should help your condition. His chest is tight with fear and worry as he feels anxious whenever he sees your bump and wonders how your sick body may also negatively impact the baby.
☀️​Perhaps it is just his fate to watch helplessly as he loses everyone he loves in his life. First his brother, then Uta and his unborn child and now you and the baby you are carrying. Yoriichi can only watch helplessly how you grow weaker and weaker as the days pass by. Your lips are chappy and dry and your skin coated in ill sweat as your whole body is uncomfortably hot due to your fever. Yet even in this condition you try to soothe Yoriichi in his silent despair and promise him that it'll soon get better even as he has to support your weak body when you want to walk around. Your sick appearance always tears his heart apart, his sorrow growing by the day yet he tries to stay strong for you. But this thin threat snaps when your contractions start at only 30 weeks. His whole body is shaking and silent tears cascade down his face as a the doctor and a midwife he brought with him try their best to help you to deliver the baby. He feels small, insignificant and terrifyingly helpless as he stays by your side and with every scream and cry you let out he thinks he is more desrving of death for not being able to save anyone in his life.
☀️​Even after you have made it through birth and have delivered a little boy does his torment continue. Your health plummets down after labor as your body is left severely weakened after the physical exertion that leaves you in a nearly unconscious state as you are too exhausted and sick to even leave. Your sickness soon spreads out to his newborn son and even if his heart is already tattered and torn enough, Yoriichi only continues to suffer. Wherever he goes, he is only reminded of his cursed fate. He spends his time either catering to your needs, his heart screaming whenever you ask in your weak condition for your son or he silently watches over the baby whose little body is desperately battling against the deadly cold. He is too terrified to fall asleep anymore at night, too afraid to wake up one morning to your cold body or to the motionless body of his baby. Instead he lays awake at night, his heart beating anxiously as he listens to your troubled breaths and the breaths of the little baby. Sometimes it becomes too much for him and he is left muffling his sobs with his hand at night.
☀️​Many days pass before you finally start feeling better. You're still feeling slightly feverish but you are able to move by yourself anymore. Yoriichi, who is feeling an overwhelming urge to hug you, kiss you and show you how grateful he is that you are still alive, has to hold himself back as you aren't fully cured yet and still need recovery. You're finally able to interact with your son and the sight of you holding the child that both of you created is a small remedy for his bruised and broken heart, even if the baby is also still sick. He slowly starts recovering though together with you as he receives all the love and care he could possibly get from you, Yoriichi and the doctor. It still takes weeks until his son as well as you are fully recovered and well again and for the first time in a while he feels like he can see the light again. Despite his own exhaustion and tiredness from all his fear he is especially attentive and loving with you and his little son. He just wants the both of you to know how much it really means to him that both of you are still alive and with him.
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f1byjessie · 7 months
sometimes the right words are hard to come across, and sometimes everything you need to say can be captured in an image.
( lando norris x photographer!reader )
━━ part nine.
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri, and 714,148 others
tagged: yourusername
mclaren As we get closer and closer to the start of the 2024 season, we thought we’d take the time to introduce new fans to the team that works behind the scenes! Starting us off, we have Y/N L/N, our personal paddock photographer! Y/N has been here with us at McLaren since 2019, and is the genius mind behind many of the photos we’ve posted throughout the years. She’s an important part of our community and helps tremendously in not only capturing our drivers in action, but also in getting the other behind the scenes members of our team the recognition they deserve. We’re glad to have her back here with us in Bahrain, and we can’t wait to see what beautiful concoctions she comes up with this year! 🧡
view all 9,147 comments
user if there is 100 y/n fans, i am one of them. if there is one y/n fan, it is me. if there are no y/n fans, i have died.
user love love LOVE that mclaren takes the time to recognize the hard work of everyone who supports the drivers
↳ user i feel like f1 promotes the racers, team principals, and pit crew so much and forgets about everyone else that makes sure these teams are able to function so seamlessly
user i bumped into y/n back in silverstone 2021, like literally bumped into her, and she was so sweet!!
user she’s my photography inspo 🤩
user her dedication to the mclaren team is so apparent when you think about the fact that she DOESN’T get the same recognition as the drivers, but she has chosen to work for them for what will be 6 years as of this season. she could have easily move to a different formula 1 team or even another sport entirely, but she still comes back and that’s a dedicated artist
↳ user the fact that she did a little stint over at manchester city fc and STILL chose to come back to mclaren even tho i imagine f1 has a much harsher and stricter schedule with the intercontinental travel than football does
user this is who we have to thank for all those beautiful shots of lando??? cuz if so, bless her omg 🙏🙏🙏
user in this household we appreciate the crew that works tirelessly to keep us entertained
user so tired of seeing ppl disregard her skill as a photographer just bc of who she’s dating
↳ user OMG SAME
yourusername glad to be here, can’t wait to travel the world with these amazing people 🧡
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liked by oscarpiastri, mclaren, and 214,051 others
tagged: mclaren
yourusername locked in and ready 😎
view all 1,514 comments
oscarpiastri so glad you’ve gotten over your temporary obsession with blue 😁
↳ yourusername so glad you haven’t lost your ability to get on my last nerve 😁
↳ oscarpiastri so glad you’re still insufferable even on your best days 😁
↳ yourusername now that’s a comeback i can be proud of 🥹
user oscar looking fine asf these days 😩 that winter break treated him well
mclaren The boys are back in town!
↳ yourusername dare i say my milkshake brought them to the yard?
↳ mclaren It certainly called us 😍
↳ yourusername you flatter me mclaren admin 😌
↳ mclaren Only the best for our best 😘
user that’s some pretty intense eye contact from lando in the last image…
↳ user he ain’t even looking at the camera
↳ user nah bruv is def looking at y/n 👀👀
↳ user i think we should probably respect their privacy and understand that something happened (presumably in the off season) that we weren’t privy to. so long as they can both maintain professionalism around one another, they don’t have to do or “get over” anything. does it suck to see two very close friends no longer get along in the way they used to? absolutely. but we don’t know what happened or if anything even did happen. in the event that something did, we don’t know who’s involved or who, if anyone, is at fault. they’re both justified in choosing to end a friendship due to a falling out, or even if they just grew distant. but even as i say all of this, it’s still speculation.
↳ user we don’t actually know if they aren’t friends any longer or if they’ve just moved their friendship off of online platforms. it should be noted that y/n is very publicly dating someone, and idk about you, but i know firsthand how delusional fans can be. her bf’s fans could easily attack her over banter with another man, and lando’s fans could just as easily start reading into that same banter which runs the very real possibility of putting all three of them in an awkward situation where y/n is being shipped with a man that ISN’T her bf.
↳ user what about the banter she has with the mclaren admin? 🤔
↳ user context is super important here. the flirting between y/n and the mclaren admin is very obviously fake. it has been from the beginning, and when ppl “ship” the two of them together it’s for the bit and to play along with their fake bromance. lando and y/n have both been legitimately shipped together since they both started working with mclaren, which changes the undertone of the shipping comments bc ppl often genuinely misconstrue their banter as REAL flirting.
user why do comment sections related to y/n always turn into debate sessions
↳ user REAL like ain’t no way i’m reading all that
user oscar’s hair sticking up in every picture is my roman empire
user wait i didn’t even realize until now that this is the first post in like a month that’s actually had public comments turned on
↳ user probably bc her bf’s loser fans have finally stopped harassing her
jackgrealish must be nice having all that sun 😒
↳ yourusername it really is, bet you’re jealous
Testing goes fine, until it doesn’t.
“A drain cover?” Lando’s voice echoes across the garage. “Another fucking drain cover?”
You purse your lips.
Yesterday, he’d been upset on Oscar’s behalf when they’d cancelled the remainder of the morning session after only a couple hours to solve the problem of the track’s dislodged pieces. He’d complained and cussed out the incompetence, and then reassured Oscar that things would be better for the third day.
But the third day is here now, and he’s even more upset now being told to pit after a measly thirty minutes for the same issue.
“This is the second fucking time━” he cuts himself off with an angry huff and runs his hands roughly through the curls of his hair, letting his fingers catch on the tangles and yanking through them in his frustration. Sweat glistens on his furrowed brow. His cheeks are still flushed from the heat of the car.
It’s the most emotion you’ve seen from him since you’ve come back.
The time you’ve already spent in Bahrain has been stilted at best. Lando continues to stick with his attempts at avoiding you, but it’s harder to do so here when your hotel rooms are on the same floor and you’re limited to the confines of the garage for most of the day. Even when he isn’t in the car, there’s not a lot to do wandering around the paddock and even if there was they’ve encouraged him to stay where he can easily be reached.
You’re trying not to be smug about it, but every time you glance over your shoulder and catch him watching you━ catch him quickly looking away when your eyes meet and he realizes he’s been caught━ you feel pleased.
If there’s one thing you’ve learned about Lando, it’s that he’s always got a limit.
If you wait long enough, stand your ground and prove that you really have no intentions whatsoever of giving in and breaking the ice between the two of you, eventually he’ll cave. When he realizes he won’t get what he wants, that he’ll have to actually put in the effort to repair what he’s broken rather than having it magically fix itself, he’ll have no other choice but to do so.
“They might not cancel the session,” Oscar chimes in, attempting to placate his aggravated teammate. “Since they already had to yesterday, I doubt they’ll do it again today.”
Unfortunately, that doesn’t actually calm Lando down at all. If anything, it just reminds him again of the fact that this is the second time this same complication has happened which has him huffing angrily again and running his hands through his tangled curls even rougher.
You wince at that.
Andrea, McLaren’s team principal, steps forward. “Take a breath,” he orders, resting a heavy hand on Lando’s shoulder. “Go walk a lap around the garage or something, whatever, but I need you to calm down.”
You’re prepared for that to be the end of it, but then Andrea looks over and catches your eye. “Y/N,” he says, nodding his head towards Lando. “You go with him. Keep him out of trouble.”
You like to think you do a much better job at keeping your emotions off of your face than Lando, which isn’t hard when his features scrunch up into a pained scowl at Andrea’s words, but you can feel the pinch of your own eyebrows furrowing and the smile you send towards the team principal probably looks more like a grimace if Oscar pursed lips in your peripherals is anything to go by.
Lando storms out and you follow reluctantly after him.
He can’t really go very far, not if he wants to be within a reasonable distance when━ if━ they call him back to continue the morning testing session. So he paces back and forth and back and forth just outside the garage’s exit out into the paddock.
Your phone tells you that ten minutes pass like this. It’s the longest you’ve been alone with him in a while and his distraction lets you focus on the finer details that you’ve missed when he’s going out of his way to avoid you.
There are deep, dark, bruise-like circles that hang heavily beneath his eyes. His skin is sun-kissed and tanned from his time out catching rays during his travels, but there’s a pale pallor beneath the added color that makes him look sick. Despite his current anger and the tension coiled in his muscles just waiting to lash out and strike, his shoulders seem to droop beneath the invisible weight of whatever he’s carrying with him.
He looks small.
Lando’s always been on the shorter side, but he’s never before looked small. Not like this. Never like this.
The longer you watch, the more the back and forth pacing starts to transform into the anxious stride of a cornered animal.
You aren’t arrogant enough to assume he’s like this because of you entirely, but it does occur to you that maybe he’s having just as rough of a time as you are with the newfound distance between yourselves.
You watch him silently, for a little while longer, observing the way his stride hitches every few steps and he just barely manages to stop himself from stumbling over his own feet. He’s still running his hands through his hair. By the seventh time he practically claws his fingers through his curls you heave a sigh.
“Quit that,” you snap.
“Quit what?” He fires back with just as much bite.
You roll your eyes. “You’re gonna rip your hair out if you keep pulling on it like that.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” he stops in his tracks and turns on his heel to face you with a sneer. His words drip with sarcasm. “I forgot you must be used to Grealish now, right? And I bet he’s got at least a ten-step hair care routine. I wonder, does he use unicorn sweat and essence of rainbow to keep it that smooth and bright? There’s no other possible way!”
“You’re being an asshole, Lando.”
“My sincerest apologies,” he says. “How could I ever think Grealish would use unicorn sweat of all things? He uses pixies tears, my mistake.”
You’re not sure how a few words managed to turn into this━ you’d just wanted him to stop pulling at his hair. It looked painful and he’s always been a bit tender headed. Now, instead, you can feel the anger bubbling up inside you and it seems like Lando’s frustrations about the testing delay, and your friendship with Jack apparently, have made things worse.
Like throwing gasoline onto a flame.
You scowl, “Seriously. You’re being a fucking prick.”
He throws his arms up into the air, “Why not just run off to Grealish then? Since he seems to be your new best friend and you tell him everything.”
If your life were a movie, this is the moment in time when the stars would align and fate would force everything to position itself perfect in place. Like the pieces of a puzzle, it would all work out and you’d calmly explain to Lando what happened back in January with Garrett and Manchester City, and he’d understand immediately and apologize, and you’d hug it out and then both return to the garage just in time for them to announce the testing session would re-commence.
But your life isn’t a movie, and reality feels significantly different to the scripted perfection of fiction.
The precarious security of the perch you’ve settled yourself upon comes crashing down, and the tentative balance you’ve managed to maintain since the start of February when you were back in papaya again shatters with it. Something inside you snaps. The dam has burst and everything held back comes rushing to the front like a torrential wave.
“At least he was there for me when some prick blackmailed me into a relationship at the threat of my livelihood,” you snarl.
Lando pauses for a moment. He makes a couple different faces before settling on a mix between pissed off and confused, and his arms cross over his chest. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“I didn’t want to be in a relationship with Garrett Ward, Lando!” You exclaim. “He threatened that if I didn’t pretend to be his girlfriend, he’d fake some misconduct rumor and ruin my career and I was too afraid to say no because this is all I have!”
This isn’t how you’d wanted it all to go down. You’d always imagined you’d get the satisfaction of an apology, and that Lando would get drunk on cheap wine with you like old times, and you’d explain what all happened with the confidence of being a little tipsy and you wouldn’t feel ashamed because Lando’s your best friend and he’d reassure you that you did what you had to, and then you’d listen to him shit talk Garrett for the rest of the night. In the morning, he’d have some idea of how to fix it all without ruining your career, and then you’d be able to put it all behind you and go back to how things were before the winter off-season ever started.
This is far from that, but there’s a sense of relief that comes nonetheless from getting it all off your chest to Lando━ to the person you’ve wanted to talk to from the very beginning
You feel tears burning your eyes, blurring your vision. “I can barely pay my rent as is, and I’m only actually living there for a few dumb months out of the year anyway. Do you know how much worse it would be if I got kicked from McLaren too? Nobody else in the country would hire me if he followed through with what he was threatening.”
“Well,” Lando shrugs his shoulders, looking properly chastised. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I fucking tried, you muppet!” You throw your arms up in exasperation and then wipe at your eyes in frustration when the tears start to roll down your cheeks. “I called you every day for a week and you ignored me! I sent you text after text after fucking text━” your voice breaks, “━and you didn’t even read them! Did you know I locked myself in the bathroom and cried every single day I had to work there?”
You glare at him.
“The only thing that made it better was Jack fucking Grealish coming into my office and telling me I could at least go to him if I ever needed anything,” you snap. “So fuck off with this whole holier than thou bullshit. You left me, and Jack took your place because I was drowning!”
Crying hadn’t been a part of your plan, but the tears won’t stop now that they’re going. It’s embarrassing. You’re already worried about just how many people heard you shouting, and now you’re even more worried about someone coming back to look for you both and finding you sobbing your eyes out.
“I’m sorry━”
Lando’s arms wrap around you, warm and strong and sure.
━━ tags: @maih23 @urfavnoirette @leclercsluv @f1luvur @formulaal @a-disturbing-self-reflection @starlightpierre @chezmardybum @marshmummy @405rry @sideboobrry11 @d3kstar @mcmuppet @happylittlereader @casperlikej @5starl1ght @bellezaycafe @whentheautumnleavesfall @mess-is-my-aesthetic @ssprayberrythings @landosgirlxoxo @lifelessfan @81ja @wcnorris @a-disturbing-self-reflection (CLOSED).
���━ a/n: and there we have it folks. lando is finally back in the picture! this part was a lot of fun to write, because i've been waiting for this moment since the initial fallout in the beginning. on that note, i finished getting it all whipped up this morning while watching the qualis, so if there are any mistakes that i haven't caught that's why. i was a bit distracted, so please pretend they aren't there haha!
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celestoria · 1 year
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In Your Arms Tonight
Summary: Dan Heng keeps on getting nightmares so you decided that he should sleep in your room for a couple days. After another episode, he thought it was best to help him get his mind off it~
Pairing: Dan Heng x fem!reader
Tags: bottom!Dan Heng, nightmares, reader is a service top, clothed, overstimulation, handjob, penetration, dumbification, creampie, ig this is like comforting him so like a bit of fluff here and there
Word Count: 1.4k
A/n: Dedicated to a close friend, @scarlettjskipper. This took a while to make but i hope you enjoy!
Do not interact if you are 16 or below (17+)
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A terrible nightmare is no stranger to the man who resides by the archives of the Astral Express. Every so often you’d find him strolling down the hallway of the train during late hours, trying to take his mind off the reoccurring horrors that haunt him.
Out of worry, you decided to let him sleep in your room for a couple of nights until he feels better.
Dan Heng felt more assured with you by his side, curled up under the same sheets and his head resting on your chest where he could listen to your peaceful heartbeat as he drifted to sleep. If only he could take you to his dreams too, then maybe he wouldn’t pray for more dreamless nights.
But alas, it seems the aeons had not heard his pleas when he thought he was safe in your grasp.
You awoke to his head lightly shifting on your breast paired with mumbled words you can’t seem to decipher. “Dan Heng, wake up,” you said as you tried to shake him awake. “Dan Heng!”
The man’s eyes shot wide open and gasped for air by the time he rose. Cold sweat covered him and the darkness felt disorienting. If it wasn’t for your voice trying to comfort him the moment he woke up, it would take longer for him to calm down.
Dan Heng groaned and rubbed his temples. For him, this is starting to feel like an endless hunt where he was the prey and the predator was hiding somewhere he cannot see. The last thing he wanted to do now was go back to sleep.
Anxiety and concern rushed through you as he faced this dilemma. You tried to imagine how it felt that even during sleep, you were still not at peace. All you can think of is that it must be difficult to go through something as tough as that.
“Is there anything I can do for you? Probably fetch you some water or….” you said, trying to provide him a bit of solace.
He shook his head. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. However, I do need something to get my mind off it right now,” he replied. “How about we lay down for a while,” he requested.
You agreed and laid back down on your bed, with your limbs wrapped around the man to cuddle him. Your lips pressed on his forehead as you combed through his hair and his face buried in between the low cut of your nightwear. Your warmth was a haven for him but it seems that the memories of the dream still lingered in his mind.
He wanted something more.
Your eyes locked for a second when he called out your name before his lips met yours. His fingers snaked up from the back of your head to push you closer to him. Taken aback by his abrupt actions, you slowly pulled away.
He looked down, unable to face you with such an absurd request. “I am aware I might be asking too much of you tonight, but-“
“It’s alright. I understand,” you cut him off short to spare him from his bashfulness. “But are you sure you don’t mind?”
He nodded. “I promise it will make me feel better.” Dan Heng found himself to be a fortunate person to have you by his side. Someone so understanding and caring whenever these sorts of things happen to him. Deep down he is thanking his lucky stars for helping both of you cross paths that fateful day.
Without another word, you mindlessly perched yourself on Dan Heng’s lap as your mouth sucked on the side of his neck, causing a silent gasp to leave him. One hand held onto his bicep, while the other made its way under his pants and teased his tip slowly starting to coat itself with precum. Your thumb swirled on its smooth surface before you began pumping him, making it harder than it was earlier.
Dan Heng shuddered. The cloth of your nightgown tightened around your waist as he clasped its fabric and you sensed a pang of pain when his teeth bit down on your shoulders to muffle out any loud noise coming from him. Indulgent mewls and sinful moans crawled to your ears the more you teased him.
“Don’t stop,” Dan Heng begged. His hips struggled to stay in place and his teeth dug deeper into your skin. Heat flushed his body as his abdomen felt like it was getting coiled with a spring.
Soon after, strings of white liquid squirted out of his dick and coated the gaps of your fingers. You brought your hand to your mouth and slowly licked the cum off. “Do you feel any better now,” you asked with sympathy oozing out of your lips.
“I still want more,” he pleaded with a huff, clearly trying to recover after being pushed off the edge like that. “Please.”
Unable to dismiss his request, you hiked up the skirt of your negligee and inserted a small portion of his cock deep in you while the lining of your panty pushed itself aside to make way. As you sank on him, cool hands made their way under his shirt and grazed his skin, leading him to shiver.
Your walls wrapped around him and your slick pooling underneath you the more your pussy frantically bounced on his cock, causing the bed frame to loudly creaked.
His hot breath tickled your collarbone as his face pressed itself on the crook of your neck, hiding the pink flush growing brighter on his cheeks. Dan Heng's mind was already in a haze, unable to think other than how your name feels when it escapes his mouth. It’s as if your touch and intimacy brought him more tranquillity compared to the times he’d spend his nights alone on his bed where he knew he'd wake up with shock and fear making his heart race.
Your movements started to get a little sloppy by the time you were pumping him balls deep in you.“Dan Heng,” you moaned. Even if you were the one in control tonight, you can’t help but debaucherously cry out his name, especially when his cock never misses your G-spot with the angle it’s curved.
However, you tried to get a hold of yourself in case anyone would walk by your room and realize what the both of you are up to right now. A part of you worried about that scenario turning into reality but the other side didn’t care when you were so close to experiencing such an earth-shattering high.
Your back arched and Dan Heng’s body quaked as if both of you were seeing stars. White painted the walls of your cunt while his dick was still inside you twitching.
You knew he’s been holding it in with how his body squirmed under you and his whimpers became uncontrollably louder. His tired body trembled and leaned on you for support. For a moment he was refusing to let you go out of his grasp. Sadly, you gently slid off his arms that clung to you and reached out for the box of tissues in the drawer of your side table.
You wiped off his dick, still sensitive after an intense night, and Dan Heng jerked. “Are you all right,” you asked off the bat while you crawled back to your side of the bed and saw him leaning on the bed frame.
He nodded slowly, his body leaning on the headboard and his tired eyes fluttering as his lids began to feel heavy. It seems he won’t be thinking about the dream until it’s time for everyone to walk up again. You helped Dan Heng rest his head on the pillow and pulled the blanket to keep him warm. For the first time in days, he was sleeping soundly again without staring at the ceiling for hours on end.
After sweeping his bangs off his forehead to get a better look at him, your lips pecked the side of his mouth and smiled at him as you whispered.
“Sweet dreams, my love.”
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fayes-fics · 1 year
A Blessing
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader, Modern AU
Summary: Turns out the father of your favourite pupil, could end up being your favourite adult
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Warnings: none really… this is flirtation and fluff. Developing relationship.
Word count: 2.1k
Authors Note: This is a request fill for Anon (ask HERE) about a meet-cute between single dad Benedict and teacher reader. This is also dedicated to my lovely mutual @bridgertontess on the occasion of her birthday this weekend. Happy birthday my dear! Thank you for choosing the name of Benedict’s daughter in this fic. Many thanks to wonderful @colettebronte for giving this a read through, the title and for her generosity in creating the lovely artwork above. Enjoy! <3
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You sigh as you fiddle with your nameplate, awaiting the start of Parents Evening. It’s always a night you dread - having to be polite to the parents of nightmare kids. There are a few pupils you simply adore, but somehow, those parents seem to linger less than those you struggle to find nice things to say about.
One of your favourites - yes, you know you’re not supposed to have them, but you do - is little Georgia Bridgerton. She is cute as a button with blue eyes and chestnut curls, but mostly, it’s her sweet temperament and intelligence you admire. You hope her parents turn up. You are intrigued to meet whoever created this little blessing, although you have only heard her talk of her Dad.
About an hour in, you have talked to six sets of parents of mostly middling pupils. You are just sneaking a look at your phone when someone flops into the chair opposite, and you hasten to drop it back in your bag.
When you look up, your lungs feel tight. Quite the most beautiful man has taken a seat, and you are temporarily dumbstruck as you glance at his name sticker. In the ‘hello my name is’ box, he has written Ben in large looping black letters. The ‘my child’s name is’ box has been left blank.
“I’m sorry, Ben,” you stutter, slightly distracted by his hazy eyes. “I don���t see your child’s name on your tag; who are you here for?” you ask.
He glances down at his navy shirt. “Ah shit, sorry.” Then he immediately winces. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to swear.”
“It’s fine,” you bat a hand. “The kids aren’t here tonight. You should hear me when they aren’t within earshot,” you jest, attempting to break the ice, even as you feel your face prickling hot at just the sight of him.
He laughs heartily, his face creasing up in quite the most handsome way, and you squeeze your legs together reflexively, hidden under the table. Good lord, he’s beautiful.
“I’m Georgia’s dad,” he explains as he stops laughing.
“Oh, my star pupil!” you gush, then have to stop. “Shit, I’m not supposed to say that,” you confess, eyes darting around the buzzing gymnasium to all the other parents and teachers, but no one seems to have heard.
“Or swear…” he adds for you, with a wink.
Oh fuck. You could be in trouble here.
You briefly dip your head, cheeks heated, until he starts talking again. “But it’s wonderful she’s doing so well. She talks about you a lot, to be honest. Always saying Mrs y/l/n is her favourite teacher,” he smiles. 
“I am her only teacher,” you remind drolly, even as you can’t hide how pleased that makes you. “Should we wait for another parent before we dig in…?” you ask, gesturing to the empty chair to his left.
His face clouds slightly, and you worry you have made a faux pas. “Oh, she, uh, won’t be making it tonight,” he says quietly.
“Gosh, I’m sorry that was rude of me to presume,” you cringe.
“No, no, don’t worry,” he placates kindly. “Georgia’s mother left me when she was just a toddler. But six months ago, she cut off all contact and moved abroad. It’s been…” he pauses to sigh and roughly rubs his eyebrow,  “…a tough adjustment, to be honest, mostly for Georgia. It’s been challenging trying to explain gently but honestly to a six-year-old that, in essence, her mother wants nothing to do with her.”
“I’m so very sorry,” you murmur, and part of you itches to reach out and give his hand a sympathetic squeeze as he picks his cuticles, probably unconsciously. “I can’t imagine why anyone would abandon her; she is quite the sweetest little child imaginable.” 
You know it’s unprofessional to say so, but you want to comfort him human to human. And for some reason, you feel completely at ease being open and honest with him. His eyes flick up from his hands, and they are so soulful you once again feel tongue-tied.
“Thank you,” he demures. 
“She talks about you a lot, too, in class. My dad did this; my dad did that. She looks up to you so much. You must be an excellent single parent,” you reassure, then lean forward over the table. “Umm, please don’t let anyone know I said any of this; it’s very unprofessional.”
His face morphs into a look of surprise, and then a lopsided smile tugs at the right corner of his mouth as he mirrors your stance, leaning in. “Your secret is safe with me,” he chuckles as you feel your blood run warm. “But it will cost you….” he adds teasingly.
Your eyes dart to his uncertain. “W-what?” You stumble, genuinely concerned for the first time about your job.
He leans back in the chair, assuming a very relaxed stance, that crooked smile growing more prominent. “Yes. The price is your apple crumble recipe. Georgia brought some home; she said you had made it for the class to commemorate the school centennial. And it was quite the best dessert we have ever eaten.”
You exhale the breath you were holding, relieved and can’t help the giggle that bubbles up. “Deal,” you agree.
This is quite the most casual and flirtatious you have ever been with a parent, and you suddenly become cognisant of it. Sitting up straighter and clearing your throat, you shift gear a little, discussing the details of his daughter’s progress. He listens intently, nods, and asks questions at appropriate moments.
“Usually, I would conclude with suggested things you can do at home to assist your child,” you wrap up, “but, to be honest, for Georgia, I have no suggestions. She is just a delight and could not do any better. Just keep doing as you are; she will go far in this world.”
He clutches his chest, patently proud of his little girl, but you find yourself fixated on the crisscross of raised veins mapping the back of his large hand. Your traitorous brain chooses this moment to give you a vivid flash of that hand grabbing your flesh, making you squeak in your throat and a shiver run down your spine involuntarily, goosebumps breaking out over your arms. 
“Are you alright?”
“Sorry, must be a draught from somewhere,” you fib, tugging at your cardigan sleeve. “Old school buildings and all,” you titter nervously.
He nods in understanding, but his eyes linger slightly longer than necessary on your body.
“Why are you a Mrs if you wear no wedding ring?” he blurts, then looks mortified. “God, I’m sorry, that is really none of my business,” he admits, blushing endearingly.
Your heart leaps into your throat at the idea he checked, but you maintain composure by waving a dismissive hand. “No, don’t worry, it's fine. I’m, umm, actually a widow,” you confess, seeing his eyes soften with sympathy. “Oh, it was a few years ago now,” you preempt the platitudes, “and I never took his last name for work, but I did change to Mrs at the school’s suggestion. I keep thinking I will change back to Ms one of these days, but all my pupils know me as Mrs you know,” you shrug with a nonplussed look.
He chuckles understandingly. “I’m sorry that happened,” he offers more soberly, and you nod.
“And I’m sorry for what happened to you and Georgia. She is doing remarkably, considering.”
Your time together is naturally wrapping up, but you are reluctant to voice it, and he seems in no hurry to move.
“At the risk of sounding completely inappropriate,” he hedges with a very beguilingly almost sheepish mien, “may I have your phone number?”
Your heart pounds, and you resist the temptation to squeal like a teenager or even show it on your face.
“Certainly,” you respond brightly. “I am always available to parents to discuss anything to do with their child’s education,” you try to justify as you scribble your number on a new page of your notepad.
“And what if I don’t want to discuss my child?” He asks quietly, his tone turning smoother, “may I still text you?” 
You almost rip the paper straight through as you try to detach it from the metal spirals. You are certain your face is giving you away now, feeling flushed from your toes to your eyes.
“Yes,” you whisper, nervously glancing to meet his eyes for a brief second that feels blistering as you fold the paper and push it over the table towards him.
His fingertips brush yours as he takes the paper, and your body riots at that simple touch. 
“Thank you,” he says sotto voce. “I look forward to connecting more,” he adds as he stands. You try your best not to ogle his body in his fitted dark wash jeans as he tucks the note in his pocket, but it’s at eye height now. And you try to ignore how his shirt hangs off his broad shoulders when you look up, but mostly, you fail.
You stand too, feeling awkward, and hold out your hand to shake, as you do with every parent.
He looks briefly bemused, then takes your hand in his. It’s warm, the skin soft except for some callouses where he holds a pen or maybe a paintbrush, and the size engulfs yours. You never want to let go. Fireworks explode behind your ribs as his eyes dance even under the harsh gym lights.
“It was wonderful to meet you, Mr Bridgerton,” you parrot your usual parting line at him, but somehow, it feels weighted with additional meaning. 
“Likewise, Ms y/l/n,” he replies pointedly, not using the Mrs, as his thumb swipes distractingly over the back of your hand, not letting go. “And please call me Ben,” he requests duskily, finally stepping away, his fingers gradually slipping from yours.
You just nod, almost unable to speak, not trusting your tongue at this moment. You try not to watch Benedict walk away towards the exit, but again, you fail miserably. 
Less than thirty seconds later, your phone buzzes in your bag. It’s a number you don’t recognise.
BB: I’ll need that apple crumble recipe for tomorrow if you don’t mind. I have a big family lunch on Saturday and have been roped into bringing dessert.
You giggle, your fingers fly over the screen, composing a response in your lap, even as the next parents pull up to take a seat. 
Y/N: Okay… but good luck. Most of the secret is in the prep…
BB: Hmm, then a demo might be best. Fancy being a culinary teacher tomorrow after work?
Your heart flutters hard, and you must mumble an apology to the waiting parents as you can’t resist firing off a flirty response.
Y/N: But what if I don’t want to give away my trade secrets just yet? 😉
BB: Fair. Then my family will have to settle for Tesco’s finest cake instead…
Y/N: I can’t in all good conscience let that happen. OK, you have a deal. 7pm tmrw?
BB: 👍😁
You spend the rest of the Parents' Evening floating on a little cloud. You even smile through the meeting with Damien’s parents, who couldn’t be more aptly named. 
The next evening, when his front door sweeps open, Benedict and Georgia are wearing matching pinstripe aprons, faces so eager. They look so adorable you crack a smile from ear to ear. 
“Where’s your apron, Mrs y/l/n?” Georgia pipes up.
You smile, then reach into your shoulder bag and pull out your trusty apron with a flourish.
She breaks into giggles and does a happy little dance as Benedict gestures for you to come in with an exaggerated bow.
By the time you leave, hours later, they have a delicious apple crumble for their family lunch the following day, and Georgia is sleeping soundly. You have an apron dusted in flour, a tingle on your lips from his wondrous kisses and a lightness in your being that fizzes like champagne.
The following day, he texts that the apple crumble was such a success his mother demanded the recipe on the spot. Then, a few seconds later, another message asking you to drop by. You practically trip in the rush to get out the door.
When his front door sweeps open this time, he’s alone and dressed handsomely in a white shirt with those jeans. You are powerless to do anything but push up onto your tiptoes and kiss him immediately. And when he whispers hotly in your ear that Georgia is staying with her cousins for the night, you almost melt right into his doorstep.
It turns out Georgia was not the only blessing you got from the Bridgerton family.
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Benedict taglist: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @colettebronte @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @margofiore @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat @baebee35 @crowleysqueenofhell @bridgertontess @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld @angels17324 @broooookiecrisp @queen-of-the-misfit-toys @eleanor-bradstreet @divaanya @musicismyoxygen84 @benedictspaintbrush @miindfucked @sorryallonsy @lilithseve @cayt0123 @hottytoddyhistory @truly-dionysus @fictionalmenloversblog @zinzysstuff @malpalgalz @panhoeofmanyfandoms @kinokomoonshine @causeimissu @delehosies @Mlovesbridgerton @m-rae23 @last-sheep @kmc1989 @desert-fern @starkeylover @corpseoftrees-queen @jeanfreau @magical-spit @bunnyweasley23
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lizard-queen-izzy · 7 months
Everyone shut up and sit down. I'm talking about TMA. I am listening through for the first time, I'm through S1 and halfway through S2, and I already have many Thoughts. Today, we will be focusing on my evil ship thoughts, because I missed my chance when this was coming out so now I will subject you all.
I know Jon and Martin get together at some point, and yknow, that's all fine and good.
There is so much potential for something there, and they would be so incredibly messy after the S1 finale.
[I've lightly scrolled through the jontim tag, and I truly don't think there's enough of you talking about how tragic they are. Platonic or romantic, they're so so sad.]
They both worked in the research department before Jon was made Head Archivist, and even though they definitely weren't close, they were definitely friendly. My Firm Belief is that Jon was the only one who took Tim seriously despite his more lax attitude, he saw his strong work ethic and his dedication and treated him accordingly. And Tim was the only one who listened to Jon, the only one who thought he had anything to add and took his suggestions.
I believe they were hired around the same time, and once they met there was a silent understanding that they were there for eachother. It was nice to just have someone in their corner in this new environment.
When Jon got promoted to Head Archivist, he was adamant about Tim being on his team, because he knew Tim would help get the results needed. [I have a whole, how everyone got assigned to the team timeline thought out but that's not why we're here]
Tim is the only member of his team who Jon doesn't think would have written Antonio Blake's statement as a joke to scare him. Which means he trusts him the most out of all of them. Which wouldn't be as important if he showed distaste for them equally, but he regards both Tim and Sasha highly, and only really seems to have an issue with Martin at this point. So why would he trust Tim to not have written it but not Sasha? Unless he's known him the longest and has reason to put that faith in him.
AND THEIR CONVERSATION AT THE BEGINNING OF MAG 33?? You're gonna listen to that, the first time we as the audience meet Tim, and tell me you don't hear how much these two care for eachother? Even when Jon starts getting upset/loud, he calms quickly for Tim, and doesn't let himself fully yell at him. He also leaves it up to Tim to fix the mistakes, an example of him trusting Tim's judgement and work. And Tim is so calm with him! The man keeps getting worked up and starting to get loud, but Tim stays calm and let's him self correct and say what he needs to before proceeding himself. He knows Jon is stressed and has a lot on his plate. He knows these mistakes needed to be discussed with him and corrected somehow, but he's still not going to force Jon to re-record the statements if he really doesn't want to, he's willing to find another solution. And then he leaves to go work on it so Jon can get back to recording the statement.
And Tim telling Jon he doesn't understand the filing system and Jon explaining it calmly to him, admitting he doesn't really get it either but that's how it is.
You also have to see my vision for how the S1 finale effects them. A traumatic experience where they were both scarred mentally and physically in the same ways. Something that should have brought them even closer, maybe finally made them feel comfortable being proper friends outside of work. But they both react to it SO differently. And that is the beginning of their downfall. That is the beginning of the end.
Because Jon spirals. He stops trusting everyone. He pushes them all away and starts crossing boundaries. HE SPIES ON TIMS HOUSE. And he can't even calm down long enough to see why this bothers his coworkers. Why this hurts Tim.
The beginning of S2 from Tim's perspective is awful. Your first friend in this workplace is overworking himself, throwing himself back into work the second he's cleared physically well enough to go back. But he clearly hasn't moved past it, and you can't blame him for that. Everyone copes differently, but then he turns on you. He stops trusting you, starts pushing you away, starts spying on you. Can you imagine how much that hurts? To have the first person in this terrifying new job who ever put their trust in you, who ever believed in you, to turn on you just when you need them the most.
Anyway. I very well may be back with more JonTim thoughts as I continue to listen. But this is what I have for you today.
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jewish-culture-is · 1 year
Shalom!! Welcome to @jewish-culture-is, a blog dedicated to celebrating, talking about, and occasionally complaining about jewish culture! This blog receives submissions in the form of both asks and submissions, and operates on a queue system. Currently, the queue is set to post four times a day.
about me: I am a pro endogenic system, so by nature this blog is pro endogenic systems. if that makes you uncomfortable, you can just leave. he/him or they/them are fine for us collectively. we consider ourselves trans and sapphic. we're also alterhuman and love our fellow alterhumans.
ALL kinds of jews are welcome here, regardless of how you feel you identify with the term -- secular, non secular, orthodox, reform, converted/in the process of converting, and any other jew is welcome here! If you aren't jewish and just want to learn about jewish culture, you're welcome here too!
please if you are not jewish/do not identify with judaism, do not submit a post here. I obviously won't be stalking your page to figure out if you are or are not jewish, I just trust you're going to be normal about it. goyim are welcome to reblog posts, as long as you're being respectful.
things I will not be posting include but are not limited to any antisemitic asks, which will get deleted. please also refrain from discussing the israeli-palestinian war. nsfw submissions are allowed, and will be tagged as such so they can be avoided by people who do not wish to see them, but that is not the primary purpose of this blog.
all submissions should start with "jewish culture is" and then a statement. this can be lighthearted or entirely serious! discussions are welcome and encouraged under any posts. I reserve the right to delete/not post any ask or submission that I receive for any reason.
if anything that isn't a jewish culture post is submitted and I feel it should be posted anyway, or if I make a post on this blog that isn't a jewish culture thing, it'll be tagged with #not jewish culture. important blog related things will also be tagged with #important
check out @jewish-vents for more jewish content; I would prefer if you sent your vents to jewish-vents, and will probably stop posting them here because of the existence of that blog. thank you! for any jews in fandoms, especially artists or writers, check out @jewsinfandoms (they have their own rules, please be mindful of that)!
feel free to send me cat (or any other pet) pictures! all pet pictures even if they aren't cats will be tagged with #cats, and then their respective animal if they aren't actually cats (:
thank you for being here, and reading this far! shalom!!
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legitalicat · 7 months
Out of Time
Chapter 6 - "I'll Beg You Nice from my Knees"
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AN: I am so sorry this took so long, I have had some medical testing done and had some health episodes so I couldn't dedicate as much time as I wanted to with this chapter. I hope you like it! This dedication has been removed. Also the title is a line from "All I Wanted" by Paramore cause that song went through my mind a lot during this chapter. In another life, reader would be with Erryk.
If you love this header go check out zaldritzosrose for more amazing work! She is tagged on the series masterlist and on my welcome post!
Please feel free to leave any thoughts below! Definitely not required but so appreciated.
Find the series masterlist here!
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Summary: Three weeks. That is how long it took Y/N to get any of the men back in her company after the horrific dinner. She didn't spend the entire time angry, though. She just didn't understand what she did to make them avoid her. All she wanted was to have them.
TW: A lot of reflection on the Driftmark incident, a lot of anger, vaginal fingering, mentions of substance use, mentions of violence, angst, talks of injury, character death of sorts but in the past and not anyone major, profanity, Aemond being dirty af
Relationship: Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon!Reader, talks of Jacaerys Velaryon x Twin!Reader, talks of Aegon Targaryen ii x Velaryon!Reader, Alicent Hightower x Rhaenyra Targaryen (not explicit but realized it's a thing)
Word Count: 4.8k
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Mother and Alicent had come to help escort me back to my room after the dinner. Ser Erryk provided the physical support I needed while they were providing me some emotional. It was nice to be with them and not be expected to say anything about the dinner.
Time began to pass in a blur in a way that made me unable to distinguish the days from one another. I was aware of Mother and Alicent both agreeing, given how hurt I still was, that the homecoming feast should wait a few weeks. It was fine with me, as I did not want to even have a feast to begin with. The mornings were spent in the dragon pit with the children.
The five of them loved that I went with them. The keepers helped me to bring Vhaela out so that the two of us could get reacquainted while the kids learned with an adult dragon. It was always nice to spend time with her. Feeding her was one of my favorite things. She was so proud of herself when she blew fire to cook the meat provided she always looked to me for approval.
And in the evenings, I soothed my aches with a warm bath and biscuit. That part was nice too. Something about feeling the water wash over me as the fuzziness took over my brain allowed me to truly relax.
Well, as relaxed as I could be when neither of the men that declared my hand was theirs came to speak with me. At first, I would’ve only accepted them talking to me to apology for making a scene. Aemond and Jacaerys truly could not get past the stupid competition they alone create, and that had caused such a fuss so many times.
Then morning came and I just hoped one of them would at least come to check on me. Hours passed by that day and still neither came to find me. Even after sending my new handmaid, a young girl named Elayna Tyrell, to bring them to me, they did not come. Why were they avoiding me?
Though what made less sense was how Aegon avoided me. Correction. How he avoided me during my conscious hours was what didn’t make sense. I could tell by the way my pillow smelled of him that he would lay beside me as I slept. Knowing him he probably held me.
After it became several days without sight of any of them, I began to deflate. And then it became nearly three weeks. What did I do wrong?
Mother and Alicent were with me as the Maester were doing their daily examination. It was how I started most of my days. Mother and Alicent would bring breakfast to me and they sat with me until the exam was finished.
“Any pain the last few days?” he asked as he ran his fingers along my ribs.
“No. I have not needed to use the biscuits for physical pain, only at night to ease me to sleep,” I said to him. It no longer felt painful or inconvenient to move. My busted lip had healed. Finally I felt like myself.
“Any memories or visions further than what we’ve discussed?” he asked me quietly, so low that Mother and Alicent would not hear.
That was a more complicated matter. Every night I dreamt of being in complete darkness, only for the small red vial to turn up and be the only light source. I would walk towards it. Hours could pass and I would only be just approaching it, when a woman would appear just as it had.
This woman was devastatingly beautiful. Her hair and eyes looked to be made of flames, contrasting greatly against her pale skin. If one could imagine the ideal woman’s body, I believe they would imagine this woman. Full breasts yet an otherwise slender figure, the way any man preferred his whores. She constantly wore robes that matched the red of her hair and eyes. And around her neck laid a golden choker embedded with rubies.
This was not a woman I had memory of ever seeing. Believe me when I say she was so beautiful I know I would remember her. Her haunting my dreams every night was enough to make me certain of that.
None of that was new. What was, however, was her speaking. She would reach out, taking the vial in her hand, only to offer it to me while saying the words, “Gūrogon bisa skori ao jaelagon naejot sagon lenton.” It was Valyrian, and roughly translated to, “Take this when you want to go home.”
Only telling the Maester of this woman felt the best way to go about it. If Mother knew, she would tear the whole Kingdom brick from brick until she found this woman. I could not predict anyone else’s response nor did I really want to think about it.
“Nothing I am certain of,” I responded, which only garnered a nod.
He stepped away from my body and turned to Mother. “She is as healed as she can be. The damage done to her bones may always be there. You can feel an indent in the fifth and sixth ribs, where I suspect the bones ended together.”
“That will not affect her further?” Alicent asked him, speaking for Mother.
My jaw tightened. While I was not entirely sure what was going on between them, I was not a huge fan. Alicent speaking for Mother, the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, as though she still had any right. How was it fair or possible that Alicent got to sit at the side of the Iron Throne for so long?
“No, Your Grace,” he said to Alicent before turning to look to me. “Though I would recommend caution. Bones once broken could be easier to break.”
“Luckily I have no plans of being further beaten or tortured,” I muttered, earning a sharp look from Mother. “Sorry.”
I thought it was hilarious. Though I always thought I was funnier than those around me. Jace found me funny.
“And what is your opinion on me flying?” I asked him. I was aware how eager I sounded.
“I see no reason to restrict you further,” he said.
Whatever else was said between Mother, Alicent, and the Maester was lost on me. Slipping behind the partition, I pulled on my riding dress.
It belonged to Mother when she was young, before the way her body changed with pregnancy. It was a simple black with grey fastenings. A slit ran up the middle of the skirt so that while standing it appeared to be a normal skirt, yet it parted when I would be mounted on Vhaela. Black scale accents adorned the shoulders and the lower quarter of the sleeves. The fabric was heavy, helping avoid any chill.
I did not do anything particularly special with my hair. The front section on either side, less than an inch, got pulled back away from my face into a small braid. With that, I was ready.
When I stepped out from behind the partition, the Maester was gone. Thank the gods.
“I do not think you should go flying yet,” Mother told me as she stood from her chair.
“You cannot stop me,” I said firmly.
“Y/N” she said, beginning to explain her reasoning.
“No. No. I have been reasonable and compliant this entire time. You two want to play house and pretend the past did not happen, and I have not spoken a word. You both prepare a grand feast that will happen in two days time and I accept it without argument despite not wanting it. Being poked and prodded by the Maester every morning before I even have finished my breakfast has been irritating to no end but still I stayed silent,” I said, feeling a fire build up inside of me. “I went eighteen years, waiting for a dragon while all my brothers’ eggs hatched! Aegon and Helaena had a dragon before I could even form a thought! Even Aemond had Vhagar by the time he was ten! And yet I only had weeks with Vhaela before five years was stolen from me!”
“Rhaenyra, she has a point,” Alicent said to her, taking her hand. The way Mother relaxed made me freeze.
That was what it was. Why Mother allowed Alicent a seat, even still. Why Mother had clung to the idea of the Alicent of their girlhood, even when Alicent was a nightmare. They were in love.
“You would need to chain me in the black cells to keep from her,” I whispered, stepping forward to take her hands in my own. “I am not leaving. I am not disappearing. But Vhaela more than anything is my birthright as a Targaryen.”
She looked between me and Alicent. I could see the thoughts brewing in her mind, trying to find a way to convince both of us to keep me here. Yet, I was my mother’s daughter, blood of the dragon. There was nothing keeping me where I did not want to be.
“Take Aemond or Jace with you,” she instructed me.
Despite not wanting to give them more opportunity to ignore me, I did not want to keep arguing with Mother. Any fight between Targaryens could turn explosive rather quickly. It is why I am grateful that there was no war for Mother’s crown. Had there been, I imagine our entire family would be gone, if not the entire kingdom.
Without another word, I left the room. Erryk was immediately by my side. His presence was comforting, as I found in recent weeks he was my greatest company. And in truth, he wasn’t a bad looking man either. If he hadn’t taken the oath preventing him from taking a wife, I may have said screw the other three and just chosen him.
“Where are we headed, Princess? I assume the Dragon Pit?” he asked as we walked. He looked me up and down, giving a small smile at my attire.
“First we need to find either Jace or Aemond,” I muttered.
“You have not desired to see them for a while now. What’s changed?” he asked me.
“I have been permitted to fly again. Mother, however, insists I take one of the two of them,” I explained. He said nothing else.
As we walked, I knew where both men would be. Aemond would most likely be in the training yard. Despite having been a very accomplished swordsman by his sixteenth nameday, he continued training just as obsessively as before. And Jace? On days like today, where the sun was hidden just enough to avoid hurting one’s eyes but glimmered through the clouds like a treasure waiting to be found, he liked to go down to the shoreline and watch the boats.
My heart pulled me in two different directions. Jace was who my head told me I should want. He truly had been my other half. There was no way I could ever exist without him. Yet still he stayed away. He was the type of person to use the silent treatment as a punishment. Whenever I had made him angry, he would go long bouts of time without saying a thing to me. The longest he went was three months.
Yet Aemond felt like who I wanted to spend time with the most. He was who I wanted to make see my side of things. These last few weeks had driven me crazy because he had refused to come to me. He had never stayed far from my side for more than a few hours if we were in the same place.
My heart decided I needed Aemond. I needed him like one needs to breathe. It felt as though without him life did not make sense.
Instead of turning right at the end of the corridor to leave through the main doors of the Keep, I turned left. It was the fastest way to the training yard. Well, actually, from my room there was a secret corridor hidden behind this dragon statue that lead directly to the training yard, with a few offshoots to get to other rooms around the Keep. But given the fact I don’t want many people knowing about it, including Erryk, it was smarter for me to take this way.
“You look well, Princess,” Erryk commented as we passed several members of Court.
Members of Court were lords and ladies who came from houses that felt they deserved to live among us, yet were evidently unimportant enough that they could abandon their holdings to play dress up with royals. In truth they disgusted me as a general rule. What bothered me was not that they were not royalty, I truthfully couldn’t care less about birth status. No, it bothered me that they would so carelessly abandon their duties at their own homes to come and live in mine.
Perhaps if they just were happy to live here it would not be so terrible. Yet, they would eat the food we had and take the benefits of being a member of court to live lavish lifestyles, all while spreading rumors of our lives. I did not like liars. I did not like people who benefit from lies they spread.
That’s not to say all members of Court were bad. When I was little I had a handmaid named Tarla Greyjoy who was absolutely lovely. She was kind to me, got along with the rest of my family without trying to insert herself into relationships. She didn’t try to get Jacaerys to marry her instead of me like some girls did. And most importantly, she was a very good secret keeper.
She had died when she was thirteen and I was fourteen. We had been sailing to Driftmark so that Jace and I could visit our grandparents, and naturally I had her with me. I didn’t know how scared she was of storms. We sailed right into one and in a panic, she slipped on the deck. To this day I don’t really understand, but she fell in such a way that her neck broke and she died instantly. I was inconsolable for days. She had been my friend for nearly ten years, stood by my side every day during that time. I missed her dearly, but if I gave her too much thought it resulted in a crippling panic attack.
When we stepped out into the training yard, it was not a surprise to see Aemond. He moved gracefully with every swing of his sword. It was like watching Caraxes do his mating dance for Syrax in a way. Which if I were honest sounds a lot dorkier than it was.
He didn’t notice me at first, I don’t think. He was solely focused on his opponent, who I vaguely recognized as another member of Court. The opponent came from a lesser house, I think House Redwyne, and those types of men always liked the chance to get close as possible to us. They also always liked to flirt with Helaena and I to try to make us fall in love and get all gooey when we see them so they can improve their station.
With a swift jab of the sword’s pommel into the shoulder from Aemond, the Redwyne lordling stumbled. In mere seconds, Aemond swept his legs out from under him then held the tip of the sword to his throat. I couldn’t help but to smirk.
Aemond hadn’t used wooden swords to train since about a year after he lost his eye. He said there was no joy for him in it if there was no danger in it. To me, it always sounded like he secretly wished to be injured again.
Mother allowed me to stay by his side for a month after the incident in Driftmark. That month was the worst time of his life, I think. He had to begin to relearn everything before he had even stopped feeling pained from his injury. His depth perception was completely off which hindered his ability to feed himself, to traverse the Keep by himself, or really do much of anything.
He was angry, too, angrier than I had ever seen him. He was angry at my brothers, my mother, his mother, even the gods could’ve feared his wrath. Yet, I was the one person spared his anger, and all he wanted was for me to stay by his side. His reasoning?
That night on Driftmark, I told the truth. That Aemond had woken me up to share with me the chance to claim Vhagar. That when he got back from his inaugural flight, Rhaena was angered by his claim on Vhagar. That her and Baela’s anger caused them to attack Aemond. That he pushed me out of the way before defending himself. Then my brothers jumped in, and eventually it became all of them beating Aemond.
I think what really sealed it that night, at least for Aemond and especially for Alicent, was that I confirmed it was Jace who had brought the knife. He was the one to introduce it.
Jace filled in the words. How Aemond was vicious and violent in his words. That Aemond had called my brothers bastards. Which Jace made sure to glare at me that night as he said that, as to remind me that meant Aemond called me a bastard. And he made sure to point out that Luke only did that to protect his family. Completely ignoring the fact that Aemond was family.
I want to be very clear that I do not believe Luke should have lost his eye as punishment. Alicent suggesting that made my stomach twist and turn back then, and still does to this day. I do, however, believe that my brothers never received punishment for anything they did.
Like why did it matter more to Mother the words that Aemond said rather than the fact her sons were among the attackers? Why did Jace continue to get to carry a knife while I returned home and was forbidden from Jace’s side for three months? When it was I who saw that the actions of those four weighed just as heavily as the words of Aemond? Why did Mother completely forget that Jace made Aemond’s life hell for not having a dragon, making him feel lesser than, while I sat there and listened to him belittle someone in the same position I was in?
And to be honest, it wasn’t as though Aemond was wrong. Yes, it was technically treasonous of him to say it out loud. But again, he wasn’t wrong. Vaemond Velaryon was not wrong. We are bastards. Our blood is Harwin Strong. Not a drop of Velaryon blood resides in our veins. Though, they could’ve said it less disgustedly.
It was doubtful anyone could understand how frustrating these thoughts are. They made me feel as though I betray Mother and my brothers by acknowledging the circumstances of our birth. But, if I denounce Aemond for speaking that, it is like I am calling him a liar, which he isn’t. Truly, it feels like no matter what I feel about that situation, I am screwed.
Aemond noticed me at that point. Given the way his head snapped up in my direction, I imagine I let out a grunt of frustration. He looked almost ashamed when he saw me.
“Prince Aemond, a word if you will,” I said loudly to him. We were about five feet apart, so I did not have to practically yell it to him. But I spoke louder than needed so that he would have no choice.
Wordlessly, he put his sword in its scabbard and walked over to me. Just having him within arms reach again was enough to make me feel my heart rate increase. Fucking Seven Hells, I love him so much.
“Princess,” he said quietly, giving me a subtle nod of his head.
“You are to accompany me in flight, as requested by Her Grace the Queen,” I told him firmly.
Sometimes, I really liked pulling rank. It was truly the only thing he would listen to at times. He was annoyingly stubborn. Not in the way that most anyone with a cock was, but in a special and overwhelming way.
“And where are you wishing to go, Princess?” he asked me.
“I think perhaps Felwood. A short flight from here, three hours tops,” I said, shrugging a bit.
He nodded and motioned for me lead the way. I tried to relax my jaw as it tightened in annoyance. He was still wanting to put a distance between us.
“Ser Erryk, you are dismissed for the time being. I shall seek you out when I return,” I said to Erryk. The sweet knight nodded and took his leave.
Now there was no buffer between Aemond and I. He could not feign interest in anyone else’s life. He could not ignore me.
We walked in silence from the training yard, though he did still give me his arm to hold. The walk from the Keep to the Dragon Pit typically talk about an hour and a half. They were about five miles apart. When I went there with the children, we always took a carriage. When I was with Aemond, though, he preferred the walk.
Passing by several shops on the streets of city, several shopkeepers and their patrons stared at us. I wasn’t entirely sure why but they had never approached us. Mother always feared they would mob me. Though they didn’t seem to care most of the time. Maybe it was because I had spent so much time among them they saw me more as a person.
“It wasn’t just us that missed you,” Aemond said quietly. I looked to him immediately, my heart speeding up as he pulled me closer. “The people of the city missed you as well.”
He was probably right. Before my disappearance, I worked hard to gain the love and respect of the citizens of King’s Landing. It wasn’t that I needed everyone in the world to like me. But I knew, more than anything, that one day these people would be my people. One day I would be their Queen. And it is easier to rule people that love you.
“You hurt me,” I told him as we kept walking.
He sighed rather loudly. “I know.”
“I’m not speaking of the dinner, Aemond. Which, by the way, was a dick move for a lot of reasons. But I’m talking about the fact that today is the first time since that you’ve spoken to me,” I said.
I was trying desperately to hold my voice steady. Every part of me wanted to scream at him. It wasn’t even necessarily anger that made me feel this way. It was just there was so much crap in my head and in my heart, and he didn’t seem to get it.
“I was embarrassed,” he admitted.
“Gods, I can’t imagine why you would be,” I muttered rather harshly.
Immediately, he went back to being quiet. I wanted to kick myself in the head. Why did I have to say that?
This was not the first time in my life I had said something that caused instant regret. Hells, it was not even the first time since I’ve returned that I’ve done it. I tended to speak before I thought at times when I really should just be quiet.
The rest of our walk was in silence. In the near hour and a half it takes to walk from the Red Keep to the Dragon Pit, he only said maybe twenty words to me. I longed for his voice, his declarations of love. Yet, because of who I am I could not receive them.
Aemond discussed with the keepers that we wish to fly. He spoke quietly with them, so quietly it was obvious he did not want me to hear, telling them they only need bring Vhaela. They had nodded in understanding near immediately before shuffling off to bring Vhaela to me.
“You do understand the rules are I have to take you with me, yes?” I asked him, raising an eyebrow.
“I shall fly on Vhaela with you,” he said simply.
My face heated up as blood rushed to my cheeks. Aemond had always told me that I needed to fly on a dragon before I had my own. So we went weekly into the skies, grateful to Vhagar that she was so good. The last time we rode on the same dragon was before I had Vhaela. It was not the feeling of flying that I remembered from that trip. No, it was the feeling of his cock buried inside me that was the only thing I could remember.
I caught him looking at me and smirking. That caused my cheeks to heat up even more. My breath caught in the space between my lungs and my throat and a fire burned inside me, nestled in the svalley between my thighs.
“You remember,” he said quietly. We were all alone in this moment.
“How could I not?” I whispered. Feeling emboldened by his obvious or perhaps just stupid, I changed our position. Now I stood chest to chest with him.
“Which part do you remember most, my love?” he whispered to me. His hands found my waist to hold me close. Though they didn’t stay there, slowly working their way back and down.
I took a deep breath. He was looking at me with such an intensity it felt like he could burn a hole in my soul. All I could think was how the ache between my thighs was becoming overwhelming. If he could hear my heart, he would hear it thudding against my chest harder with every passing second.
“Or how about you tell me your memories of it?” I whispered, smirking up at him. “After all, you’re the one who needs to make up for your behavior.”
He chuckled as his hands worked their way over my ass and around to my front. “Always been a brat, haven’t you? Can’t do as you are told?” he asked. His voice was quiet and deep.
“I listen to those who deserve it,” I said to him. My breath caught in my throat as his fingers moved past the parting of my skirt. They brushed against my clit through the thin material of the shift I wore underneath. The touch was so light one could miss it.
“And if I beg you for forgiveness?” he whispered, watching my face intently as he increased the pressure of his touch. There was no denying the pleasure of it.
“Get to begging,” I practically commanded him. I couldn’t help but to inch my hips forward.
Gods if I had any ounce of self respect I would push him away. I wouldn’t allow him to touch me like this without a proper apology. In fact, I perhaps should’ve championed for Aegon to accompany me just to prove my point to Aemond. That it was not fair of him to ignore me when I had done nothing wrong.
But as he rubbed my clit through the flimsy skirt of my shift, I couldn’t help but lean against him. My forehead was pressed against his chest, my breathing becoming ragged. I gripped his wrist tightly as I felt that all too familiar band tightening behind my navel.
“That’s my girl,” he whispered when I finally let out a breathy moan. “Should’ve been doing this for you the entire time. I promise, baby, I won’t be so stupid ever again.”
With his free hand, he lifted the shift up enough to where he could touch my clit directly. I let out a loud moan, one that caused him to chuckle. His thumb stayed firmly pressed against my clit, moving in tight little circles, as he moved his other fingers to my entrance.
“So wet for me, baby,” he whispered in my ear before pushing his fingers inside. Right off the bat he started with two. His fingers were long and slender, feeling heavenly inside me. “You deserve the world you know that?”
“Fuck, Aemond,” I moaned as he pumped his fingers in and out.
He eagerly worked my cunt as he continued to rub my clit. My grip on his wrist tightened as I began seeing stars.
“That’s it, such a good girl,” he praised me as the band behind my navel finally snapped. Orgasmic bliss washed over me. “Such a perfect girl. Do you forgive, princess?”
I only just managed to pull myself away as the Keeper surfaced with Vhaela in tow. Aemond was smirking at me. He maintained eye contact with me as he brought his fingers to his lips and licked them clean. I swear to the gods he moaned.
“Perhaps,” I told him quietly, smirking a bit before walking over to Vhaela.
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mentally-a-slut · 5 months
I'm not new to tumblr by any means, but I am restarting my blog and (hopefully) keeping up with it. I've had many blogs in the past where I've written fics for different fandoms, but always ended up mass deleting them out of embarrassment. (Stupid of me, I know.)
But I am returning and instead of dedicating my blog to one specific fandom, I'm going to just ride with whatever hyper fixation I fall into. Right now, it's Baldur's Gate 3 and Red Dead Redemption 2.
I write for female readers, simply because I feel most comfortable doing so, and I love doing OC fics. I have a few long fics in the drafts that I'm working on that I may post if this blog gets enough interest with some OCs, so we shall see!
I will write fluff and smut, but there are some things I will not write. I don't really know exactly where I draw the line, at least not enough to explicitly list my yes and no's, so just be mindful of the fact that I have boundaries and that sometimes I'm not comfy writing certain things! Just use common sense and it should be fine.
I will not write for certain characters, simply because I either do not like them, or don't know how to write them yet. I can confidently say I will never write for Micah Bell, because that makes me severely uncomfy (sorry Miach simps!)
I'm not so sure about writing for Dutch, but if enough people are interested I might give it a go. I mostly write for Charles and Arthur (and yes, I will write them together with reader.) In fact, I'm working on a long fic rn that's poly Charthur x fem!OC, so if I ever finish that and anyone is interested, lmk!
For BG3, I'm mostly into Gale, but I will write for Astarion the best I can. I love Rolan as well, and would LOVE to see some requests for him. I'll try my best to write for multiple people, but I am specifically interested in certain characters, so sometimes I won't want to write for others.
Please send requests, and feel free to ask me questions! I'll likely write up some quick blurbs so y'all can get a feel for my writing style and decide if you're interested.
By the way, you can call me Azi, or Z!
Much love! <3
(I have started tagging my posts for better access. Any reblogs will be tagged with #azi's bs, fic recs will be tagged #azi's fic recs, and any original works of mine will be tagged #azi's creations.)
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seaside-writings · 1 year
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Hello, again all you wonderfully, wicked people!
As we know black cats are an essential part of the spooky season as well as an essential part of everyday life! So in honor of that, I made a prompt list dedicated to one of my favorite black cats Salem Saberhagen, who in my opinion had some of the most iconic dialogue in TV history!
I hope you all like this prompt list, and I hope it helps you create! And if you do use it, please credit/tag me so I can check out what you've made!
I hope you all stay blessed and safe throughout your day.
Lots of Love & Wishes: Celia 🖤🎃🕸🔮
P.s. I did change some of the dialogue so it would flow easier when it came to writing for different types of characters.
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“You’re the only one who understands me,” “Yeah, but it doesn’t mean I care,” - “What are you doing?” “Nothing!” “You’re in a chatroom again pretending to be a woman, aren’t you?” “I like the attention.” - “I have lighted the fuse. Now I just have to wait for the kapowie! Muahahaha!” - “I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you; I just wanted to rule you,” - “You’ll be able to look back on all of this and get revenge,” - “Show me the tuna!” - "I never cared for the name Mildred," - “And let’s give a big warm welcome to sadness,” - “Someone’s gonna end up crying. Probably me,” - “Finally, someone whose life is more pathetic than mine!” - “You don't have to order me a pizza, but make it half sausage, half clam,” - “I need a little fresh air and a latte,”
“As long as you drop everything and stay focused on me, I should be fine,” - “Dogs guard. Cats watch and judge,” - “When I’m happy, I eat! When I’m upset, I eat!” - “Hooray, the toast is stuck! Danger, here I come!” - “They left behind. Be strong. Don’t cry,” - “Still want to take over the world?" - "Cheetos should be served at room temperature, you know,” - “Curse my sarcastic nature!” - “If you misbehave for just one instant, I’ll cut you, man,” - “Dear lord, you picked up a guy at the bus station,” - “It's the 90s, no one eats mortals anymore,” - “I’m rich! Rich, I tell you!” It’s only a few hundred dollars,” “I’m well-off! Well-off, I tell you!” - “Let's destroy everything that's dear to him. Let's indoctrinate him into the cathedral of agony,” “I'm going to write him a very stern letter,” “You're a regular Mad Max, aren't you?” - “A tassel! Don’t you toy with me, you saucy minx!” - “Wow, you must feel like a huge loser,” - “Would you be terribly upset if I threw up in one of your shoes?” - “You laugh, you die,” - “I will not be ignored!” - “All I’ve done all day is eat, sleep, and stare off into space. What an awful existence,” “Hey! I don’t dump on your lifestyle," - “Could you either remove the bandages or kill me?” - “Sorry, thirty waffles is my limit,” - “You think a mirrored ceiling would be too much?” - “Why didn’t you stop them!?” “I was busy,” “Doing what!?” “Playing with my scrunchie,” - “We need a plan,” “How about we weep uncontrollably,” - “I urge you to accept me as your ruler!” - “I’ll be having a quiet weekend, curled up with Memoirs Of A Geisha,” - “Delivery. I want a pizza as fast as possible! And don’t forget the crazy bread!” - “And your face is a bit of a trainwreck too,” - “Tell Elton John he can’t start singing now,” - “I wasn’t always the stud muffin I am today,”
“You owe her an apology. Now! “I’m thinking of how to word it,” “Try 'I’m sorry,'” “Somehow, that just doesn’t feel right…” - “I’d rather be locked in the dishwasher again,” - “Does she know who you are?” “Why does everyone think that’s a necessary part of love,” - “I’m the ultimate bad example,” - “Don’t ask me, I was an English major,” - “Hey, leave the sarcasm to the professionals,” - “Get a real job. And some pants,” - “I’m a cat, I’m curious, so kill me,” - “Still want to take over the world?” “Yes! Wait, no! I meant no!” - “I’d be more nervous if I weren’t so good-looking,” - “Hey chicks, what’s the haps?” - “I’m trying to set the world record for grooving,” - “Sometimes I just like to hear myself talk,” - “You know me any excuse to wear taffeta,” - “Oh, right, I forgot. I’m an animal, I have no self-control,” - “Why am I finding it hard to summon sympathy?” - “Wow, I love a woman who can take charge!” - “I’ll be downstairs creating a distraction,” - “I’m trying to concentrate on expanding my intellectual horizons,” - “Wake up, woman! You’re not a princess, you’re a dragon!” - “Her new obsession is doing wonders for my wardrobe!” - “Please hurry! I’ve been in here for over an hour!” “Why didn’t you call us sooner?” “It wasn’t a problem until I ran out of peanut brittle!” - “So it's true. Taste does skip a generation,” - “I want to say something wise and wonderful right now, but I can't think of anything. Except I love you, and I hope the band knows some Ohio Player,” - “BOO!” “You look ridiculous,” “You were terrified, and you know it,” - “Halloween. Is it just another date on the calendar, or is a state of mind, or is a state of… being?”
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Much like s3 this is going to be all over the place because I need to vent about the newest episode and the season as a whole because I have really tried to remain optimistic and positive but episode 6 is pushing my limits. And if you liked the episode, and are enjoying the direction s3 is going in that's great, love that for you, there's a reason why this post has a critical tag keep it moving it ain't for you.
I am starting to get so annoyed with this show, and the more I think about it the more annoyed I get, and ultimately I'm left at a place of dissapointment and disillusionment with this season. It had so much potential, so many roads that could have been explored, and it started out so well! Then turned into a sloppy, inconsistent mess that made what used to be the main character into a side character and seemingly forgot all about his journey. And I won't pretend like there haven't been things that I've enjoyed this season because there have been, there's even things I've really liked in this latest ep, and there's been episodes I've liked, but six eps in it's time to accept the fact that this season is not as well written as the past two. The episodes by themselves are inconsistent in tone and quality, and the season as a whole doesn't flow as smoothly and cohesively as seasons one and two did. I'll be fair to the show and say that maybe this season should have been dropped all at once because maybe if it's binge watched instead of week to week it's different but I doubt it, I'm pretty sure that when I do binge it I'm just gonna notice the issues even more.
I've never made it a secret that I would love to see Din as Mand'alor, I think he'd be a great leader and think the show has shown that even giving us a glimpse of that this very season with ep 5. But, I'll echo what others have said, if he wasn't meant to be Mand'alor, if that's not the direction they wanted to take the character in that's fine but take me on the journey with him. Let me see him struggle with the decision, with the weight of possibly having to rule his people, let me see his journey as he decides that ruling would not be for him, let him actually use the darksaber, let him try to learn to wield it and not just in a training scene of the spinoff. But don't give him this weapon that's so important for his people, tease us about him becoming a leader, only have him use it like 3-4 times, not properly adress that he has it, and then have him give it back to Bo-Katan through a loophole. Because let's not lie to ourselves it was a loophole. And then expect me to be okay with it!
My problem is not that Din is not Mand'alor. My problem is the way that it's written.
We are not getting to see and know his feelings and thoughts, on anything! I'm gonna bring up an issue I had with the last episode which was the Armorer suddenly being okay with Bo-Katan removing her helmet. For some reason, a lot of people failed to understand why some of us found it sus or didn't like that of her. She had known Din his whole life, he had dedicated his whole life to his covert yet she didn't give him a chance to even explain why he had removed his helmet in the first place. And maybe the Armorer has realized she's wrong, maybe she's had some character growth and she's changed her opinion. Fair. Valid. Show me. Show me her reaching that growth, show me what her thoughts are, better yet show me her talking to Din about it, she doesn't have to tell him about the Mythosaur but show me them talking about this, show me what Din's thoughts and feelings are towards this. Din removing his helmet was made into a big deal but I'm supposed to take this at face value and not want acknowledgement of it in any form because...it was solved within the first two eps? No.
The thing is also that I could deal with the season storyline being inconsistent and not cohesive if it at least the magic and emotion and personality was still at the same level. But because we're not actually going on the characters journey, and we're not seeing their thoughts and feelings explored more than a surface level, and we're barely getting Din and Grogu which was the most special part of this show a lot of that is lost.
The writers either genuinely want me to just take things at face value, or trust them, and neither works for me.
And I've been optimistic that it's all been leading up to something, and maybe it is there's still time, but the way I'm feeling right now it's as if the writers are playing with fans - Din fans to be specific - and I don't like that. I'm just very disillusioned with how this season has been handled and I'm worried that regardless of how it ends I won't end up liking it- especially if the rumors are true which I hadn't been paying attention to but now I'm starting to wonder if there's some truth to them and Din will either be fully written off or he'll officially become a side character.
There's still two episodes left, hope is low but not dead, maybe we'll be surprised and they'll do a 180 and reveal everything was leading up to something and it'll be amazing......I'm not optimistic but I really want that to be the case because I do still love this show.
And maybe once the season ends I'll look back on it and- I can't even type it I was gonna say maybe I'll look back on it and see the genius but I'm done lying to myself. But maybe I will look back and like it more, and have a more positive view of the season as a whole.
Show, please, get your shit together.
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greetingfromthedead · 6 months
C59: Comfort in Knowledge
For more information on the series (tags, CW, etc) click the banner!
Series Rating: 18+ / Explicit
Chapter: 59/84
Words: 1.9k
Warning: This chapter handles some very dark themes including nonconsensual human experimentation, dehumanization, torture, mutilation, impregnation, and miscarriage! You'll find a chapter summary in the end.
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You are still in his embrace; you barely breathe as your mind races, the pictures and shards of information flowing through your mind. There are still a lot of details missing; years worth of logs are lost, or at least haven't come up yet. You have no idea of the extent of the experiments that were done; this is but a small sliver. And you're still missing a crucial detail.
You pull free from Vash's arms and look for the tablet; your eyes lock on it. From this angle, you don't see what exactly is happening on the screen; you just see movement, and since you've learned that the videos don't loop, you can only assume the video is of the same experiment. Your hand reaches out for the device, but Vash grabs your fingers instead.
"Maybe you should take a break. This is a lot, and it is horrible." His voice is sad, and as you look into his eyes, you see sorrow in them.
"There it is... the pity I don't want. Don't feel sorry for me... Don't take it on yourself to make it better. It's not your job; you didn't do this, and you have nothing to be sorry for. Nothing will ever make this okay anyway. Now give it back; there is still more. If you don't want to see it, then I can go on by myself. You can go to Brad and tell him I'm fine; I'm sure he still beats himself up over it for whatever reason."
"But you aren't fine. You shouldn't be. You have every right to be angry, sad, and horrified." Vash's gaze is tentatively on you, looking for any hint of the different emotions that must be boiling in you, but there is nothing but neutrality.
"Don't tell me how I should feel about this. It is what it is; it can't hurt me anymore. That man is dead; that's the past. Nobody will strap me to a table again and pull me limb from limb; they won't cut me open like a roast tomas; I will not feel this pain again. I am fine." Your voice is calm and collected, with unwavering stubbornness reflecting from your face. It reminds Vash of the early days; your headstrong nature has captivated him since the beginning, your bravery, and your willfulness.
"If that is what you want," he lets go of your hand and picks up the tablet, swiping away the video before handing it to you. "I am not leaving your side."
"That is your choice." You sound a little bit sad, but Vash is unsure why.
December 20th, 2455
0325's body has rejected now all of the 25 human embryos I've tried to implant; none have been attached. Her body destroys the cells completely in a matter of hours and absorbs them, similar to poisons. I have little hope for Plant cells, but perhaps they are more resilient. I will start with the first set tonight.
The results for Plant cell implantation are the same as with human embryos; the body rejects them completely, making me believe that her immune system rejects everything that is not biologically hers and makes the body attack it. I wonder what it includes, how it would react to sperm cells, whether impregnation inside the body is possible, and how her egg cells would react outside the body. I have more work to do; I need more of her.
The period dedicated to research on her reproduction has had interesting side effects. To provide optimal conditions for fertilization, I have cut down on physical experimentation, only dabbling in cloning as per previous reports, and it seems her consciousness has returned to some extent. She is no longer a mere husk; she appears to have an understanding of her surroundings and has vocalized distress, but she doesn't appear to have memories. This requires further research.
January 10th, 2456
It has all been a failure. Subject 0325's body reacts to all foreign cells. Impregnation with the current means is futile; the only unexplored path is that of Independent Plants. In theory, the biological makeup could be similar enough to hers, but I have no way of testing that. I am inconsolable, my Eve is useless, and the only comfort these days is her music of agony. But her cell rejection goes further; her body seems to learn from previous experiences. At some point, she has started to reject Plant organs, no longer working to adapt them but instead destroying them and replacing the missing part with her own. I am not aware when this change took place.
I have delved into research on the soul and the Higher Plane. I believe there is a connection between subject 0325's mental state, her soul, and the plane of the Plants. As a short recap: for a while during my extensive research into her regeneration, she was wholly unresponsive, and she triggered the ship's sensors about the disturbances in the fabric of our world. Her body reacted strongly to it, but at the time I believed it to mean little more than her healing ability kicking into higher gear and her subconsciously drawing out more energy from the Higher Plane. My theory has changed slightly. I believe the signals stemmed from her fake gate widening as her healing abilities hastened after those incidents; the difference was so small I missed them previously. I believe her soul is slipping into the Higher Plane, and this action has something to do with her memories.
Today I showed her old recordings while measuring her brain activity. They seemed to trigger memories, meaning they weren't deleted completely even during the experiments. This means that not only do the cells regenerate with full data of what they need to be, but for brain cells, it also contains information about all the connections since, after experiments 2567 and 2843 (attached), all brain matter has been regenerated from zero. The other possibility is that the memories are connected to the soul and are being stored in the Higher Plane.
[attachment missing]
[attachment missing]
You look at the messages appearing as you swipe away from the text. There are no videos, but a slightly blurry thumbnail in the background depicts you inclined on the table and the robotic arms all honed in to the top of your head. You don't see anything more, so you keep going.
January 31st, 2456
I have hit a wall with my research; my current skill is not enough to delve into memory modification through manual rewiring of neural pathways, but I have found no other way to prove my hypothesis of her regeneration being so advanced that her cells remember everything, perhaps though there being a version of her blessed with instant regeneration existing on the Higher Plane.
Pain acts as a stimulant, keeping her soul from slipping into the Higher Plane. It is unclear what makes her travel or if there are alternatives to my current methods. I have found a compound that will continuously attack her nerves, but it is just a matter of time until she has developed resistance to it. Physical means remain the only alternative. She sounds beautiful as she sings.
It is unclear if she is capable of learning to control her fake gate, and if so, it would mean an end to her slipping away. Maybe the Higher Plane is simply preferable to this world, her soul desiring to be there in comfort but being forced back because of its tie to the body. This could mean she is immortal as long as her soul is tied to this realm.
Eve has yet to bear children; my research is stunted by her defect. She repents with her screams for each of her failures.
"Disgusting." You have never heard quite a tone like that in Vash's voice—the condemnation dripping from the word. This is the first time he vocally reacts to anything he has seen on the tablet.
"Yes," you simply acknowledge it and swipe, but the next text coming up is not dated after January 31st of 2456, but instead dates all the way back to 2446. You keep swiping without reading the logs to see that the following reports are all jumbled up, their titles probably got damaged and don't align anymore, and the attachments that might have been once added don't pop up. It's just more text.
You go back into the folder view to see that you have tens more text files to read, but instead go to the other media files. You open them and start going through them. You don't linger on any for too long; your brain takes in most information at a glance. There are hundreds of pictures of you, cut open one way or another; on many, you seem to be conscious; on others, your eyes are closed. It is hard to date them; you always look the same, with the only exceptions being some pictures and videos from the beginning of his experiments. The videos are mostly of either the doctor dressed head to toe in surgical attire or the robotic arms performing surgery, removing organs, replacing them, or just taking samples. There are videos of you thrashing on the table as you're tied up, screaming at the top of your lungs, praying and begging to die, with tubes and wires covering your body. They all start to look the same to you—just more and more horrors that you've mostly forgotten. Only a few new memories pop up, stemming from the tail end—the months leading up to the crash. The buzzing in your head is gone; you know, they were the machines constantly working around you, the robotic arms and devices. The screams are gone. There is no more noise pushing against your skull; the pain and discomfort have disappeared.
"How are you feeling?" Vash asks quietly; his arm has remained reassuringly around you all this time.
"Disappointed. You'd think that the man who tortured me for his own sick desires for over a decade would know everything about me... Yet he still didn't give me the full answer I was looking for." You stare at the screen, a list of chemicals and doses written neatly in a table.
"That's not what I meant." His voice is soft.
"Oh," you sound like you only now realize what he said, "I'm fine."
"Yes. Don't worry your pretty head about it," you smile at him brightly.
His eyes remain concerned and sad. He is shaken to his core by this information; never could he have imagined the extent of this kind of cruelty. He remembers Tesla, her remains, and the brief overview of her given on the ship's computer; it was enough to nearly drive him mad. But this was worse. Not only were there notes about what was done, but he also saw the pictures and videos of the procedures. All the pain, suffering, and death that one man caused. He doesn't have the right to fall apart at this information, but you do, so how could you smile and say you are fine? Your screams of pain ring in his head.
"At least I know," you say, looking back at the tablet. "I know how I became this way; I don't know why or what exactly I am, but I have an understanding. Maybe it's true that the Higher Plane or whatever held my memories; maybe my soul yearned to be there because it's comfortable; maybe that's why I slipped into madness, the voices calling me back. Maybe that's where the desire to lay to rest stemmed from. But now I am bound by more than just my body to this mortal coil. Maybe now that I know the truth and remember more... maybe my soul will want to stay. I have you. You feel like home to me. Maybe my days of slipping away are past, and maybe if they come again, you can guide me back like a shepherd."
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Chapter summary: The doctor continues his experiments to make Iris bare children, but human embryos and Plant cells fail, her body destroys the foreign matter. It is unclear if a male Independent would yield results, but all other explored options fail. With less torturous experiments, Iris' memories starts to return. Instead of adapting transplanted organs, Iris' organism destroys them and generates new ones. During experimentation the doctor came to the conclusion that her fake gate has the ability to rip itself even more open and that hastens the healing factor, he also theorizes that all of Iris' memories are stored in the Higher Plane and that causes her to slip into the other dimension, because it is more inviting and comfortable with all the knowledge there. This could mean she is immortal as long as her soul is tied to this realm. Years worth of information is missing from the logs and a lot of it is jumbled up. Iris doesn't regain many new memories from this, but the noise and buzzing in her head disappear. Vash seems to be more shaken up by the information than Iris who assures him she's fine.
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For more information and chapters, check out the MASTERLIST.
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glowyskull · 10 months
hi i am Not Familiar with nyru, i basically only know her from that piece of writing you did re: being a healer and from the little timeline of her life i found in her tag is "testing medicinal plants on herself" (gigachad btw. dont try this at home but shes so real for that dedication) literally her ONLY education in medicine? or did she actually find some resources before people started looking to her for treatment
(Indeed do not try that at home!!)
Well, I like to think that during the time she spent w the knights, she got a bit of training on healing and sneaked books out of the royal library whenever she could.
She neglected it for a bit cuz ppl would shit on the idea of healers and she felt she should just focus on fighting (based solely on the fact that when I play mobas, I’ve noticed ppl don’t like using supports)
The idea of being able to help and havin knowledge on how to is what kept her from fully giving it up
Eventually she found herself in Ordon. It’s a small village so she doesn’t get a lot of books or proper training there so she went “fine, I’ll do it myself” (insert Thanos voice here idk) and started her own lil journal w what she knows and the plants she’s tried.
If she ever met Renado, she probs would pester him forever
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Seven Snippets, Seven People
thanks to @sleepyowlwrites​ for teh tag! but i’mma be cheating and put in lines from stuff i’ve posted. aside from some snippets. shameless self promo with links included.
Tagging, no pressure tho: @charlesjosephwrites, @fiercely-raging-writer, @sculpture-in-a-period-drama​, @idreamonpaper, @cherrybombfangirlwrites, @cryptid-s-wips, and @eli-writes-sometimes.
also you can interact with this post, if you’d like to be a part of my tag game list.^^
and away we go. <3
from a vivid display, a loasti short: x.
“Where are we going?” Hwan asks, looking out at a window.
“Just a cool spot close by,” Tegan answers, parking her car in an empty space.
Unlocking the doors, she opens one and slips out of the driver’s seat. Both of them walk into a pavement. Ahead of them, there’s a building with space-themed posters displayed above an entrance. People go in and out of glass doors, which seal open for them to go in.
Beside Tegan, Hwan slows down on her pace. She blinks.
She’s been thinking about it for a while. About showing her around Enrevarde and what cool places it’s got to offer.
After all, Hwan’s been abroad for about six years. There’s tons of sights to visit and see how it’s different.
Hwan’s eyes widen slightly. “This is what you invited me to see?”
from a fic set in a DC au. i’ve been having a blast writing dceu!carter hall! can you tell how much i love hardison that i love him too? and dang, i’d pay to see him interact with the arrowverse versions of leonard snart and ray palmer!
T.W: some suggestive lines.
"Whoa, it isn't all that bad," Ray replied, tossing his hands up. "I did a small nudge to allow her to pursue a one-night stand. That's all."
"Merde," Carter muttered. He pinned him with a wide-eyed glare. "Do you realize how stupid that idea is? For cripse's sake, man, she's into you! And you went ahead and told her to. . . Oh, God. I wish Kent was still here, so he'd put some sense into you."
Uh oh, he thought, twisting his spoon. Once Carter started swearing in another language, it was a warning for how things would get bad.
"Well, she should think of how I need to be saved from myself more."
Carter rolled his eyes. "Saved from yourself? Or your own stupid decisions? There's a major difference."
Ray gulped, looking away. "I am so not having this conversation now."
"Too bad, we're gonna having it, anyway," Carter muttered. "Ray! This will not go well! Whether Claude likes to admit it or not, she's got a guilt complex! What if she finds out you feel the same but she did that, huh?"
from an upscale composition: x.
Setting his violin back on it’s case, he ruffles his hair. He shakes any tingles from his hands while his pulse moves quick.
Gah, this evening, he’d be performing in an with a local orchestra. He’s been practicing for hours, quaking with anticipation. He needs to be fully prepared if he’s gonna do it.
Zubari’s gonna perform in front of an audience alongside with other orchestra members. It’s been a while since he’s done it and he wants to be sure he isn’t rusty or anything.
Of course, he knows his friends are gonna be grateful for him. He’s been playing the violin since elementary school. He’s got a panache for it and he attended music lessons for this.
Sometimes, people try to drag him down. To convince him to see how what he does isn’t worth it. To put his efforts into anything else. And if he doesn’t, he’s gonna be a workaholic. Even though, he’s done his best to avoid going in too deep.
Then there’s this weird feeling as if he hasn’t done anything right at all. His dedication’s driven some people away from him. They often refuse to understand what this means for him. How much it’s a solace whenever he’s in distress. It’s a gift that he’s willing to share with others. And if they don’t get it, it’s fine by him.
Besides, he isn’t doing this for them. He’s had to figure out on how to do what he wishes. To believe in himself even if no one else does. It’s a difficult path yet he’s picked it. He managed to make things work out for himself. If not for anyone else.
my unposted sambucky outsider pov, where scott and joaquin are up to no good. <3
Scott just moved his stick across the screen, pointing at their matching expressions filled with adoration.
"Do you see what I mean? They're aren't subtle yet they're so oblivious, and it's just. . . it makes me wanna rip my hair out!"
Joaquin winced, flicking his eyes at the audience. "Yeah, I've seen the toll it's taking on Scott. And he's in such low spirits because of them."
"And that's why!" Scott threw his arms, pointing at the screen. "We're gonna have a plan on how to bring these two together! They've been pining and I've seen too much to let it go on any longer! Thank you for listening to this rant. I apologize if it was. . . a bit lengthy."
The audience gave a slow round of applause, tainted by confusion in their expressions. Joaquin switched the dim lights back to it's original setting. He exited PowerPoint on his laptop, disconnecting it from the projector.
Katy stood up just as he shut his device down.
"That's it?" Katy asked in disbelief. "Is this why you brought us here? To announce that you're going to help the Captain America and Bucky Barnes get together? I'm not buying it yet I'm not opposed to it either. Just confused."
from unleashing the grand treasure: x.
“A pleasure to see ya, matey,” Titanrin replies, tipping their gaudy hat of the day. “My, my. What items do ye got there, you ol’ scallyway?”
“The usual,” the sailor answers with a proud grin.
The usual? Well, perhaps, they should leave without causing a scene that can turn the business into a frenzy. Nothing caught their interest for it’s only the same items. At least, they can get to keep their money.
“Titanrin, we have a mighty offer for you,” General Vitali says, approaching them. “My squadron manages to capture a rare creature so magnificent that I think you’ll be dazzled by it.”
Ah, yes. This infamous rogue, who stormed a palace of islands, and squandered for treasure that no other person could before. It was rumored that it’s she, who slayed a dragon meant to serve a crooked queen, who swam in piles of valuable coins.
They follow Vitali languidly while she guides them to a secluded area, where they find an edge of a rope attached a handle of a barrel. A unicorn, pale and ethereal, lays down with it’s eyes shut. Their jaw drops at the sight of it.
“A unicorn?” Titanrin asks, knitting their brows together. “Where on Earth did you acquire a rare creature such as this?”
from Reach to the Sky, a Cisco Ramon-centric Swan Lake AU: x.
Now that they were by themselves, Cisco couldn’t help except notice he reached the prince’s shoulders. Even in person, he looked. . . impressive. Okay, not just impressive but. . . but he was a total dreamboat.
Of course, he might be exaggerating due to his nerves. Since he laid eyes on the prince, his bundle of nerves kept on being jittery. Probably from meeting actual royalty face-to-face.
“Thank you, you saved me,” Prince Emerick said, his deep voice filled with gratitude.
He looked up at him, finding his dark eyes sparkle.
“You’re welcome, I guess,” Cisco replied, chuckling. He ran a hand through his hair. “As long as I have this crystal, I’m protected. So, technically, I didn’t do much really. I wasn’t in much danger.”
His mom would be scolding him for his lack of proper manners. Gosh, he shouldn’t be this agitated. And for goodness sake, he needed to calm his breathing!
“Really? You were sort of a bad-ass back there when you rescued me. I don’t know what I could have done without you.”
from A Secret Retreat, an original short: x.
Glancing at a clock, they snorted at the hour displayed.
They pressed a button on their phone and tapped it’s screen, changing their playlist.
As a librarian, who outsiders regard as too eccentric, they had so much time to rest. Yet they would rather be at the library, where things were too quiet. Or noisy, depending on any specific situation.
One of the relatively interesting things of working in a library were it’s visitors. To witness students search for information from a textbook. To see regular workers trying to escape into a story’s world. To see professors completing their paper work. To provide a check-out for a reader, who wished to bring a book with them.
No doubt that they all shared one thing in common: sleepless nights. Whether from their stress or procrastination, they probably couldn’t sleep.
Sometimes, a reader could get too caught up with a story. To the point they ignore sleeping altogether. In order to finish on discovering what occurred at a story. A rather impressive dedication in their standards. They could still read, however, they didn’t lose sleep over it.
The only troubling thing, though? They often had to watch students cram with their work. They often scoffed, . They heard they only went to the library was because of how they didn’t have wi-fi.
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jumicocrimson · 1 year
Meeting A New Friend
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I wanted to make this because of Mysta graduating. Thank you for the memories and good luck with the future. I added Subaru because I am feeling nostalgic over Diabolik Lovers. It was a favorite several years ago. I still like it, it is just on the side lines.
Also, there is hints of Subaru x Yui. But I am not putting it in the tags because it is not the focus and just talked about by Subaru. There is Diabolik Lovers spoilers.
This is in dedication to the vtuber Mysta Rias and the multi media series Diabolik Lovers. Remember, even if things change, the memories are still there.
Mysta ended his last ever stream. He would miss streaming, but it is for the best. After all, he feels like he got everything he wanted to get done. Mysta also just feels like he ready for the next step in his life. He sees a portal appear in front of him. “Come on! I was just about to do something for my mom.” Mysta says and stands up. He looks at the portal and it sucks him in. Mysta lands on the ground with a thud. Mysta screams in mild annoyance, hoping he can go back home soon. He sees a younger looking man with white hair. This stranger fell out of a different portal. The man gets up and sees Mysta. He tries to run off, but Mysta runs after him.
            Mysta catches up to the guy. “It looks like we are in the same position. We should help each other if possible.” Mysta says in a more serious tone. “You get away from me. I am not worth your time!” The guy yells. “Fine, I will leave you alone.” Mysta says and is about to walk off. But the other person stops him. “Wait, you seem different. Like I can understand you somehow despite our homes probably being different. I am Subaru, nice to meet you I guess.” He says to Mysta. Mysta smirks a bit in response. “So, you can sense it so. I am Mysta, lets figure out this mess together.” Mysta replies and the two of them start walking.
A Hour Later
            “This is an odd mystery. Like not just in where we are and why this happened. But also, in why we understand each other.” Mysta admits to Subaru. “Yeah, you sound like you are from England. Are you British?” Subaru asks Mysta. “Yep, I am from England. By the looks of the signs here, this is the USA.” Mysta replies, then points out. “Got you, I am from Japan. So, this may be some magic or supernatural thing. I have never been to the USA.” Subaru says, the two them share a not so awkward silence as they walk around. Mysta sees a place he can get his money fixed so he can buy stuff. Mysta hopes he will not have to buy too much though. Mainly because he needs to save up until he finds his next case. Mysta gets his debt card changed so he can buy stuff in this place.
            Subaru takes the hoodie off that he is wearing while Mysta is doing this. The sun is setting, so Subaru is safe from the sun. Subaru ties it around his waist when Mysta looks back over. He thinks nothing of seeing Subaru’s hoodie off. “I will pay for a hotel, don’t worry about it.” Mysta says and leads the way. Subaru follows Mysta close behind. They find an average hotel and enter it together. Once they enter the room, Mysta collapses onto the bed. Subaru goes to the bathroom to get ready for bed. “I am so sleepy and confused. But at least I have someone that can help me figure this out.” Mysta says to himself and yawns. Subaru comes in and lays on the other bed. He is tired because of the time difference. It would be late day time for him now, which is when he sleeps sometimes. “I am tired to; we can talk in the morning.” Subaru says and falls asleep. It is weird though because it is different than his sleeping arrangements. Mysta falls asleep soon after and has a better time sleeping then Subaru.
The Next Morning
            Subaru wakes up before Mysta and gets a cup of coffee. Subaru takes a sip and sighs. It is hard dealing with this human society. He just wants to go home to see his wife. Subaru hears Mysta wake up. Mysta stretches and gets some water. He takes a sip and looks at Subaru. “You okay Subaru? You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.” Mysta says and orders some breakfast. “Well… I just miss my wife.” He replies and is a bit embarrassed. But hides it with his normal cold expression. “I see, I kind of get that. I miss my mom. That is why we need to find a way back to our respective homes.” Mysta says, trying to help Subaru feel better about it. That does help the pale haired man a bit more than he expected. Mainly because Mysta is not close to him. They both finish their drinks in another set of not so awkward silence.
            The food soon arrives and Mysta grabs it. “You want some Subaru?” Mysta asks and smiles. “I am good, not that hungry… wait, is that black pudding?” Subaru asks and looks at the food. “Yeah, I was surprised they have British breakfast here. You can have it if you want.” Mysta offers and puts the black pudding on a plate for Subaru. “Thanks…” Subaru whispers and eats. This will have to do for blood until he gets weak. Mysta eats the rest of the food and checks the time. “We should get going soon. Let me just get ready.” Mysta says and stands up. “Okay.” Subaru replies and looks outside. He just wants to see Yui again. Mysta gets ready and soon the two of them leave the hotel.
At Noon
After looking around and finding nothing. The two guys are a bit annoyed. Mysta is about to cuss about it, but he then sees something. “Subaru, I finally see something!” Mysta cheers and picks up the object. It is the mug made for him reaching a million subscribers. “This is odd, so we must be in a different place in my world or an alterne version of it. Because this mug is connected to me.” Mysta tells Subaru and shows him the mug. Subaru takes a good look at it. Hopefully it can help us fix this mess. “I hope so to Subaru.” Mysta says and the pair sit down for a bit.
At first, Subaru does not care about the mug. But soon he gets a bit more curious about it. “Why is that mug so special?” Subaru asks him. “It is my mascot, that is for something I retired from.” Mysta tells him, Subaru looks at the mug. “Not my thing, but it is cute. I am not going to ask anything about why you stopped doing that job.” Subaru says in a respectful tone. “Thank you for understanding that. Life changes after all.” Mysta replies and looks at the mug. “I know that feeling, but it is okay.” Subaru replies and thinks about how much he went through before marrying Yui. “That is true, I agree with you there. Now, then, lets looks around some more.” Mysta says and gets up. Subaru nods and the pair walk around looking for more potentially helpfully things.
Only a few minutes pass before Subaru finds something. It is the silver knife he had back home. Not just the same type, but the exact same one. “Why is this here?” Subaru asks himself, a shiver going down his spine. Mysta looks over at him with concern. “Is something wrong?” Mysta says and sees Subaru trying to hold back emotions. “It is just, this deep dark feeling.” Subaru admits and falls to his knees. Mysta does not know what is going on. But he feels bad, he knows what this kind of feeling can be like, just in a different way. “I know I proably have a different experience than you. But I understand why you are feeling this.” Mysta says, Subaru looks at him in surprise. “You do? You understand my pain?” Subaru asks, Mysta nods. “Yeah, emotions can be like that. Hard to understand why you can be happy at one moment then serious and uncontent the next. I have dealt with a lot to. Even if I may have had happier moments recently.” Mysta tells Subaru. He looks up at Mysta and then stands up. “I see then, I guess I am just hurt because of my past and who I am.” Subaru admits to Mysta.
“Your past? The past can be hard to deal with. But the future and your good memories are more important.” Msyta gives a tip as the two decide to sit down on a park bench. “That is true, thanks for not getting upset.” Subaru says, feeling a bit better and happy he did not snap like how he would have when he was younger. This brings the stuff Mysta has on his mind to the surface. But he forgets that once he remembers his own advice. “You have anyone back home?” Subaru suddenly asks Mysta. “My mom and friends, if that counts.” Mysta replies and smiles thinking about that. “I see, those are nice. I just have my wife. She is my light.” Subaru says and smiles, but hides it from Mysta. “Aw that is so sweet.” Mysta says, half happy for him half light hearted teasing. Subaru rolls his eyes, but lets out a small chuckle. Both him and Mysta are opening up to each other a bit more.
Subaru then looks at the knife again. “This knife can be seen in a good way to, I guess. It shows I have held onto it this long. I have stayed strong this long.” Subaru says as the wind blows past. Subaru grips his hoodie so the sun does not hit him. “That is the spirit Subaru!” Mysta cheers and helps Subaru with the hood of the hoodie. “Are you okay?” Mysta asks him as the hood is fixed. “Yeah, Thank you for the help. My skin is sensitive to the sun.” He replies and notices the wind is now gone. “Are you a vampire or something?” Mysta jokes quietly, still ready to change to a serious tone if needed. “Actually, I am one. Is that to creepy for you?” Subaru asks, not wanting to have to fight. “Not at all, I have met other non-humans. That explains the knife as well. You don’t have to worry about that upsetting me.” Mysta tells him and smiles. A sense of comfort comes to Subaru.
“You are interesting you know.” Subaru admits to Mysta as they look around. “How so?” Mysta asks, genuinely confused. “Like, you are serious some, but other times you are funny and kind. I know we just met, but it is hard for me to find a person like that to talk to. Well, I am not talkative, but you get it.” Subaru explains. “I see, I am not use to a stranger saying that to me. It is nice, thank you.” Mysta says in appreciation. Both him and Mysta start to think about the positive things, the ones that care about them It does not take long for the two of them to find a clue. Mysta runs over to the clue. Subaru follows him.
“It is, a note?” Subaru asks and tilts his head. Mysta nods and starts to read it out loud. “You two are probably confused. That is okay, you don’t need to know who I am. But Subaru may know. Yes, I am still confused as well. Not that I really care in general. This was not on purpose after all. Whatever, you two seem to have some connection or something, I don’t know and I don’t care about that really. But all I know is some how you both dealt with something recently I can sense that. I need to figure out why I can feel that. That connection sent you two to my world’s version of the USA. Well, I am to tired and don’t care enough to write more.” Mysta delivers out loud the words on the page. Mysta is happy to know how it and the possible why but one thing still needs to be solved. How to get back. “That is my brother Shu for you. I am surprised he even wrote anything.” Subaru says and reads the leader in his head. “You seem to like him. It is good to know you have family you like. Why did you not tell me?” Mysta asks. “It is complicated. But yeah, I do care about him, at least a bit.” Subaru admits.
They both sit down to think and talk about this. “A connection he said… Have you had a new step in your life recently?” Mysta asks Subaru. “Well, I made up with an enemy of mine and am trying to support my wife. I am the only one of my brothers working at the moment.” Subaru says. This makes something click in Mysta’s head. “We both did something for family! Even if mine came to a close and yours is new. That must be it.” Mysta says. “You think so? It can be that and we both dealt with change. Me getting something new. I don’t need to know yours unless…” Subaru says, but is stopped by Mysta. “It is okay, I had an entertainment job and got all my goals done. So, I am moving on. Maybe a mystery to solve. Maybe a simple job. Whatever it is, my mom and friends have my back. I am thankful.” Mysta says. ‘That is good to hear. I have to support my wife now. From loner to working for my loving wife.” Subaru says, the two of them smile.
“Here, maybe we can update each other and chat. I have not told you enough jokes.” Mysta says and gives Subaru his phone number. “Thanks, here is mine. I am not talkative though.” Subaru replies and gives Mysta his phone number. “It is all good I am talkative some days and not so much other days.” Mysta says and pats Subaru on the back. Subaru nods puts the number in his contacts. Mysta does the same for Subaru’s number. “I made your ring tone the song Dragula.” Mysta says in a teasing and light hearted way. Subaru lets out a small laugh. “If you need to talk about what is bugging you. Let me know, I have seen a lot and can just listen.” Subare says. “Thank you, Subaru.” Mysta says. The two men smile at each other, before looking serious again. “This has been nice, but we need to find a way back.” Subaru says. “Yeah, I need to get back to it.” Mysta says, Subaru nods and two portals open. They both shrug and Mysta runs in with a lot of energy. Subaru looks at him leave. Subaru then walk into the other portal.
Mysta ends up at the front door of his home. “Well, time to tell my friends about this.” Mysta says to himself and can’t help but find it funny. But it was interesting and annoying to. At least he met a new friend. Mysta goes to his bedroom and gets on a discord call with some of his friends from his past job he had with Nijisanji. This will be a interesting thing to say that happened after his graduation stream.
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gaydiekane · 1 year
new year new about me pin! (the abm pin cycle starts in may lol)
hey! i’m elle, this is my writing account! i’ll also post about anime/manga and music on this account (NOT spoiler free but i will do my best to tag). if you want to check out my accounts specifically dedicated to books you can check out @rcl-stan and for other cartoons @edricrights . this is pretty much my main and where i will be most active but my main under tumblr LAW is @rcl-stan so if you get a notification from that account that is me!!
i’ve just posted a short story from my english class! My Dear Brother-In-Law is about an assassin, Everett Dixon, assigned to kill a leader of the nation’s government, Anton Knight. To accomplish this he poses as a relative of his target’s wife, Malcom Gray. Moving in with the target and the target’s whole family — wife, son, and daughter — Everett must figure out how to carry out his hit without involving the rest of the family, as well as figuring out what it is about Chairman Knight that makes him so persuasive, all under a time limit of two weeks. I will be continuing this into a hopefully full length novel and also writing a (probably shorter) sequel.
another story i’ve been working on is currently titled The Gifteds. It is a sci-fi inspired by our world’s cycles of mass extinction. After the world gets destroyed due to natural causes, Anna returns to the living in another world connected to her original one. It seems like a perfect utopia, the natural world is still alive as opposed to her industrialized world, the people are completely at peace with one another as opposed to her world full of prejudice and bigotry. But there is one problem: the gods of this universe are very real, very present, and very angry with one another. And what better way to get to a gods heart than by crushing the one thing they love the most: their people.
i’m writing some plays too, a short one act i will have more details on later, and a play version of My Dear Brother-In-Law!! (but the version of it before the magical realism class requirement lol). i’ll share some of the music i write too eventually, but i am only in the very beginning stages of being a composer so it will probably be a while lol
about me vvv
my fav band is set it off
my fav book is both the perks of being a wallflower and the catcher in the rye tied (believe me, if you love one you will love the other)
i have so many opinions on music so if you have any questions my ask box should be open!
i have experience in band, percussion (mainly), orchestra, theatre, and choir
my fav anime/manga is jujutsu kaisen but chainsaw man is a close second (dont ask me about them i will be speaking forever) (or do i love to talk)
fav movie is la la land/perks of being a wallflower
i’m genderfluid but i’m fine with any pronouns
other name spellings are el and L, im fine with any
thanks for reading!! hope you enjoy :)
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