Why did GilvaSunner give Super mario bros all stars and donkey kong Jr special treatment by naming the titles of they’re rips differently from a whole pie of rips and games on the channel
Why do they call it super when you soup her the mario bros of him donkey play the bros
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echoequinox · 1 year
Silvagunner's mugshot revealed... indictmentgunner...
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minindo · 11 days
random trivia time i made this rip (of a gilvasunner april fools 2017 track) for puyo puyo day cause it was february 4 and that's the anniversary of gilvasunner's deletion
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7grandmel · 1 year
Todays rip: 08/07/2023
I've won, but at what cost
Season 6 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume FF
Ripped by eg_9371
Requested by @undertale-vs-fortnite-who-wins
Season 6 of SiIvaGunner is immensely interesting to look back on, as it sort of carries an air of melancholy throughout. Though it had its fair share of average SiIva events, it was a season that, perhaps as a sheer coincidence, both began and ended with very important farewells. The Season's ending is a story for another time. Today, we're here to mourn the loss of GilvaSunner, the channel that arguably laid the groundwork for VGM on YouTube as a whole.
As I'm sure many are aware, GilvaSunner - thats with an L, not an uppercase i - was one of the leading channels for accessing video game music on YouTube, particularly from Nintendo music, in the 2010s and late 2000s. The channel's branding, thumbnails, description and mission statement of providing quality above all else were all things adopted by SiIvaGunner, both to help sell the original idea of impersonation whilst also building on it as a form of parody. The two existed in harmony, with GilvaSunner mostly inactive and SiIvaGunner existing as a giant tribute to video game music on the site as a whole. Through an increasingly heated copyright battle between himself and Nintendo, the channel admin of GilvaSunner was eventually forced to close the channel down, officially commencing on the 4th of February 2022. With him, a giant archive of video game music was lost, alongside all the voices and comments that had once occupied each and every upload. It didn't matter that the content that was lost wasn't original: In a way, an entire community was lost that day.
On the day of GilvaSunner's deletion, the entire SiivaGunner channel paid its respects through an event. The event posted several dozen rips in just one day, with per-game batches uploaded simultaneously to mirror the upload schedule of the original channel. In the end, it was all capped off with rips from Tengami: the very game that GilvaSunner and SiIvaGunner's header image is sourced form.
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As the event's final rip, I've won, but at what cost (known otherwise as Loneliness - Tengami on the YouTube channel) holds that melancholy feeling more than any other that day. The rip initially appears to be the typical SiIva melodyswap medley, only it doesn't swap to any of SiIva's own themes. Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Mario Kart 64's Rainbow Road, Super Mario Galaxy, Mother 3: The track throughout all its melodyswaps celebrates everything that the original GilvaSunner channel itself loved, what its most remembered uploads were, and gives them an exceptionally emotional touch through the source track. Its only at the very end that Snow Halation from Love Live is added to close the theme out, as the visuals and song both fade.
Divorced from its original context in Love Live, Snow Halation on SiIvaGunner has to me always held weight as a theme of hope and revival, as the theme that originally brought SiIvaGunner out of the Reboot in Season 1. Arguably, its the theme most emblematic of the passion found in SiIva audience, from its initial hatedom to the wave of people now woefully attached to it - myself included. In mourning Gilva's closure and moving on throughout the 6th season of SiIva, Snow Halation playing here feels like a passing of the torch - as a reminder that, though we've lost one, the passion and spark of the SiIvaGunner channel refuses to ever let it die.
A cherry blossom falls
Death's embrace
A new beginning
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dokidokitsuna · 9 months
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★Melty Star★
...I have a feeling this is gonna be one of those AU's I just "make" and then not really do anything with (the funny/slice-of-life ones usually turn out that way) and if so...I don't really mind, I had fun just coming up with this. ^^ In case you couldn't tell, this one is Earthbound-inspired~
Kirby A "good kid", as his fathers often call him. One day he met a fairy from a faraway land, and decided to help her out. After all, it's the neighborly thing to do.
Ribbon An alien girl from the planet Ripple Star. 500 years ago, give or take a few decades, her friend Adeleine went missing, and now she's beginning to get worried. Her only clue as to her whereabouts is the strange planet known as Shiver Star, which is now teeming with life. Everywhere she goes in this resurrected world, she feels a dreadful power in the air...
Dedede Kirby's sometimes-rival, sometimes-best friend. When he heard that Kirby was traveling to the center of the earth with some magical bug girl, he knew he wasn't about to be left out of the adventure.
Marx A mysterious boy who lives in the Impact Crater, an area of the world that the others were somehow completely unaware of before. He has a lot of interesting abilities, and seems just as eager to find Adeleine as Ribbon is. Why? No one knows...
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lulu2992 · 3 months
Ask meme!
I was tagged by @simplegenius042 and @strafethesesinners :) Thank you!
Rules: Put your music library on shuffle, then list the first five songs that come up in a poll to let people vote for which one they like the most.
To be honest, since I have a lot of unreleased music (mostly from video games) in my library, I did this several times until I got five consecutive “official” tracks.
All the links to the official videos are under the cut so you can listen to them :)
1. “遠ざかる日々のこと (Of Bygone Days) - Sorrow Without Solace” - Yoko Shimomura & Natsumi Kameoka - Piano Collections Final Fantasy XV: Moonlit Melodies
2. “Hey Girl” - Lady Gaga & Florence Welch - Joanne
3. “Conceal, Don’t Feel” - Christophe Beck - Frozen (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
4. “When the Eagle Screams” - Motörhead - Motörizer
5. “Praying” - Kesha - Rainbow
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The about link in your pinned is broken ,, may I ask which flags are in your profile picture ;0?
ngl the about link is broken cuz i deleted the page cuz it's kinda pointless and was also outdated fskldjksljdjkljklfsjfds- i need to update my pinned post. anyways the flags are (from left to right) ace, lesbian (technically lesbiflexible), agender, polyamorous, rhythmheavengender, bigender and fictoaesthetic. there's also the adhd butterfly symbol thingie idk what to call it n also the catkin flag. :3 i have lots of flags-
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initforthecache · 2 years
The day GilvaSunner left us, a part of me died as well.
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spirefan · 2 days
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melblur · 1 year
Todays rip: 15/05/2023
File Select Fusion Collab
Featured on: GilvaSunner's Highest Quality Video Game Rips: Volume 7, SiIvaGunner: Starter Kit & Essentials Ripped by tunedlink & The Gang
The last post made me nostalgic for Season 1's ending, so fuck it, here's another rip from back then - the File Select Fusion Collab, a rip with close to 20 creators involved. What a "Fusion Collab" entails has changed quite a fair bit over the years, as the collaborations have grown larger in size with each year. Nowadays, they now tend to focus on individual artists rendering a specific track in their own style across a longer video, such as with Season 2's Wood Man Fusion Collab. But with Season 1, the meaning was a lot more nebulous - they were almost all made under the direction of tunedlink (used to go by "toonlink" and "toonlinkirl"), and were made more in the style of YTPMVs, having a base song to build off of with an everchanging barrage of styles and sources intermingling at once.
These were released every now and then over the course of Season 1 and were always appreciated, yet today's choice in particular stands out among them. Being released during what was effectively presented as the ending of the channel, it has a unique kind of emotional baggage to it, it leans into celebrating the entire legacy of the channel and all of its inside jokes. The full-circle moment of getting Joel Vinesauce himself to narrate a section in the middle of the track was perfect - the person whose joke got the entire channel started, now gets invited to formally close it out, with a speech still very much rooted in that niche joke culture SiIva itself thrives in. And it just keeps going in that direction - the rip builds in a congratulatory, yet bittersweet way to truly signal that the channel is about to end, a giant thank-you letter to the entire community that had been fostered over the channel's small 9-month lifespan.
Of course, its rendered a little bit moot by the channel...not ending, which some folks are still bitter about. Yet I still think this rip works wonders as part of a sendoff to the original era of SiIvaGunner - we're never going to get anything like Season 1 again, and I've grown to accept that.
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chocobosdungeon2 · 1 year
Ive never seen Seinfeld. Everything I know has been through a slow cultural osmosis. I saw Bee Movie in theatres and had 0 idea who Jerry Seinfeld was, so hearing Jerry talk just makes me go "whoa he really is Barry the Bee." I didnt know what Seinfeld was until I had a teacher that talked about it a lot in high school. I dont remember how I figured out its a sitcom. There was a poster of the characters in the Home Ec room that looked kinda Sitcom-y. Someone once showed me a GilvaSunner (the namesake of I was also utterly unfamiliar with) thing that turned into the Seinfeld theme expecting me to recognize it. They kept expecting me to react and i just sat there listening. So I vaguely know what that sounds like. That transitional baseline ive heard in enough memes to be familiar with. Tumblr has helped me understand the structure of its conversations through others emulating it for their own jokes. At this point I have a mediocre grasp on the major characters.. Jerry, Elaine (who I saw first in Arrested Development as that "blind" lawyer), George (funni baseball bat man), and uhhhh I dont actually know the scraggly guy's name I think and Im trying to not look anything up for this post. My wife watched a video about how Sitcom's handle death, as in the end of the series, and it was interesting so I watched it with her and it used Seinfeld as its primary case study. So now I know the basic plot of the final episode of Seinfeld and have watched the final scene. I kinda understand the character dynamics but my grasp isnt solid enough to attempt to describe. I know it takes place in New York.
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With the double-anniversary of my favorite Nutshack episode (TTBoy & Kid Utut) and LocoRoco installment (Cocoreccho) coming up in 13 days, I cooked up another piece of crossover art.
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raphraconte · 1 year
2023年08月25日 Le début des playlists
Depuis que j'ai commencé à écouter de la musique sur Internet, j'ai crée d'immenses playlists dans lesquelles se trouvaient toutes les musiques que j'écoutais. Je n'ai jamais considéré les playlists comme un moyen de catégoriser la musique que j'écoutais, mais plutôt une sorte d'archive de tout ce que j'aimais bien.
Quand j'étais petit, je n'étais pas passionné de musique et je n'écoutais aucun artiste si ce n'est les musiques qui passaient à la radio quand on allait quelque part en voiture. Cependant, quand j'ai commencé à être passionné par les jeux vidéos, j'écoutais les musiques provenant de plein de jeux différents, dont beaucoup que je n'avais jamais joué !
Des chaines YouTube du nom de BrawlBRSTMs3 et GilvaSunner postaient des musiques de jeu vidéo, et c'était les chaines référence pour les amateurs qui voulaient écouter leurs bandes-son préférées sans avoir à télécharger quoi que ce soit, en plus de la partie commentaire où la communauté pouvait interagir. Ainsi, j'avais une playlist composée majoritairement de vidéos provenant de ces chaines. Malheureusement, poster ces musiques sur Internet s'avère être illégal pour Nintendo, qui a fini par céder et supprimer toutes les vidéos les concernant pour droit d'auteur.
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Dans le cas de BrawlBRSTMs3, c'est arrivé le 15 mai 2019, soit un jour avant que je ne découvre Casiopea ! Ma playlist avait deux ans, et plus de 1100 musiques, et voilà que deux tiers venaient de partir en fumée...
Depuis, j'écoute toutes ces musiques directement depuis mon ordinateur, et je les stocke sur un disque dur externe. Je n'ai pas réussi à retrouver toutes les musiques tellement il y en avait, mais je suis sûr qu'avec le temps j'y parviendrai !
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@kingfucko replied to your post “silvagunner was a legit rip channel before it was a mashup channel. vivi remembers this.”
i thought the legitimate ost rips channel was GilvaSunner and SilvaGunner was a separate channel purposefully meant to make you think it was GilvaSunner specifically so you'd think it was going to be rips and be surprised that it wasn't. Same people yes but two completely separate channels the entire time??
Oh, haha
No I was thinking they were different channels, since the "GilvaSunner" channel seemed to exist primarily for ripping old music/game soundtracks. I haven't seen a whole lot of them, and their track lists are all of music albums, not random songs, so the idea of a mashup channel for just rips seemed to make sense.
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7grandmel · 4 months
Todays rip: 17/05/2024
Athletic Doctor
Season 1 Featured on: GilvaSunner's Highest Quality Video Game Rips: Volume 1 Also on: SiIvaGunner: Starter Kit & Essentials
Ripped by Psynwav
I haven't slept in so long...I forgot what dreams were like.
Honestly - what better way could there be for me to celebrate the 365th main post on the blog, than to be fashionably late by a whole weekend? It's unfortunate, but...oddly befitting, really. Back when I was first starting out with the blog, I actually forgot about posting daily for a solid two weeks - and so, some old-ass posts like Chillin’ Like A Villain and (YTPMV) Bob​-​Omb Battlesources were made in quite a hurry retroactively. Nevertheless, it was on May 17th 2023, over on my main blog @melblur, that I suddenly decided that I wanted to write about one SiIvaGunner rip a day just for fun. After File Select Fusion Collab, I realized that it made more sense just to put these on their own blog, and with Snowball Park - Super Mario 3D World I moved everything onto here. It's all been a bit of a bumpy ride, is my point. But today, I've reached the big milestone that I was originally aiming for all the way back with Running Through Cookie Country - a year's worth of almost-always-daily posts on the weird and wonderful world of SiIvaGunner. And what better rip to discuss alongside this milestone than the channel's biggest hit, the milestone rip to stand above all others: Season 1's Athletic Doctor.
Now, I've been following SiIvaGunner since some of the earliest moments of Season 1, following along with the initial GiIvaSunner termination, the entire Reboot saga discussed in I Saw a Brainwasher Today, the Mashup Crusaders arc of Mr. Rental [B Side] ~ Out of Options, the channel ending of Epic Flintstones... Basically, I was there for just about the entire initial 9-month run, and have with but one Season's worth of an exception (Season 5) been following the channel damn near obsessively since. The point is that, through this, I have been able to follow the channel's most popular videos chart up and down with each passing month: I recall, for instance, how Nintendo GameCube Startup - Console/BIOS Music soared past all other rips back in the day and stayed on top for five month's time. That was, of course, before finally being surpassed by we are number one but with outdated memes over it and subsequently helping kickstart the entire We Are Number One meme trend (funny enough - you can actually find a youtube comment left by me on the rip in late December 2016/early 2017 expressing mild annoyance over the rip's popularity...). Athletic Doctor in comparison was of course always popular, but it took a while to truly climb its way up there - it was in the top ten, then top five, always rising, bubbling in the background. Eventually, starting with Season 3's premiere, the team decided to just make the rip the trailer for the channel for new viewers - where it still sits today, now as the far-and-away most popular rip on the channel.
I feel like the reason the rip became used as the defacto channel trailer, the reason it keeps being referenced in videos demonstrating what SiIvaGunner is all about, is pretty obvious. I've talked a lot in posts like Live and Ooooooooooooooh about how outright *effective* many of Season 1's rips were, and Athletic Doctor is the most prime example of that imaginable - it is a damn near pitch perfect joke executed shockingly well for the time of its upload in the channel's history. EVERYONE knows the music to Super Mario World, either through its usage in the game itself in the 90s, its appearances in games like Super Smash Bros. Melee in the 2000s and Super Mario Galaxy 2 in the 2010s - or just through sheer overexposure to it in just about any era of gaming YouTube. The game's soundtrack is the perfect blend of being immediately recognizable and incredibly easy to hum along to given the entire game basically only has three or so melodies, relying on its central leitmotif to a degree bordering on parody. Likewise as well, EVERYBODY knows Witch Doctor, either through excessive radio play, being a big hit with Alvin & the Chipmunks...or the 2007 Live Action Alvin & the Chipmunks movie that I myself grew up with, it's the kind of vaguely obnoxious (also arguably quite racist) nonsense novelty music that's incredibly appealing to young kids, the same way something like Crazy Frog or its ilk was in the 2000s as well.
Put simply, Athletic Doctor was a match made in heaven - and the joke is pulled off so expertly that it feels redundant to put into words. The Athletic Theme intro is iconic enough to where you're led into a false sense of security right off the bat, the melody swap is subtle enough as to not immediately be noticeable, making the moment you notice it even more noteworthy - only for the track's second loop to become a full-on mashup with the Witch Doctor track. Absolutely perfect escalation, just the right amount of buildup - but most importantly, it ends up actually sounding really good! The joke's great to be sure, very much like Live and Ooooooooooooooh - but I feel like the core reason why Athletic Doctor has continued to endure for so long on the channel, why it keeps getting remixed and referenced and paid tribute to on so many instances, is because it's just a genuinely good listen once the joke sets in. In other words, it is the purest distillation of SiIvaGunner's appeal - a joke so simple, yet pulled off with a magical appeal that remains even all these years later.
Through running this blog, it's that very specific appeal that I've wanted to try and encapsulate with the rips I cover, with what I write about them, to uncover that elusive magic of this dumb shitpost channel. Joel's big Grand Dad reaction that kicked the channel off is a good bit, to be sure, but its not a bit that could've lasted eight years and counting: In its earliest days, its easy to see how the channel could've just become naught but a novelty and fallen off the face off the earth once interest in it died. Yet through each year of the channel's life, with every Season that passes, it's evolved and adapted. Be it the spontaneous chaos of Season 1, the building storyline of Season 2, the mystery and nostalgia of Season 3, the sheer talent on display in the King for Another Day Tournament in Season 4 Episode 1 and the sheer joy of celebration found in Season 4 Episode 2, the whimsical experimentation of Season 5, the sudden introspection and moodiness of Season 6, the pure adoration and love for everything the channel stands for in Season 7, and the ongoing pure silliness of Season 8 - each period of this channel feels as if it's growing in a new direction, never content sitting in one place for too long - and yet the appeal of a rip like Athletic Doctor remains oh so core to the entire SiIvaGunner experience. The experience of which I've made my best effort to cover across all 365 posts on this blog. To show everyone the layers in which this channel goes in.
That's what I've been wanting to show you... but now, before I end this post, I want to briefly talk about what you've shown *me*. I know its a cliché thing to say, but really - it warms my heart EVERY time I receive messages about the blog. This all began as just a way for me to practice my writing ability, but suddenly I was having the actual rippers - the names that I'd admire from my MP3 player but hardly ever considered able to actually interact with - messaging me in private to express how happy my posts made them...not to mention the people in SiIvaCord discussing rips with me, digging into my writing, sharing anecdotes I'd never heard of, and everyone who requested rips genuinely eager to see what I had to write about them...like, again, its the biggest cliché on the planet, and I know this blog really isn't all *that* big in the grand scheme of things - but I never expected to even get more than five people actually engaging with what I post? To everyone, and ESPECIALLY to the silent majority reading my posts without a Tumblr account, the ones engaging from a distance - thank you SO much for validating all that I've done on here.
Now, there's still plenty of posts I have left in me, plenty of ones already in the drafts and unfulfilled requests well in the dozens. But like...tons has happened since when this all started 12 months ago. I got a summer job! I'm wrapping up what's hopefully my final three school courses! I've started listening to so much new music, expanding my music tastes, in huge part thanks to all the digging this blog has made me do! And, of course, getting to be this open about what's likely my absolute weirdest special interest has honestly made me feel more confident in myself as a person, made me a more outgoing individual in general. And so, to get all of my ducks in a row, to help straighten things out for a bit...I'm going to take a break from regular posting on here. I'm aiming for it to be no longer than a month's time - again, I have much I still wish to write about!! - but you'll of course still see me reblogging fanart and other such things on here just from using Tumblr casually. And hey - if you haven't already, I recommend you take the time to go scavenging through The Archive for daily posts that you might have missed! Having a blog with so much writing on it, so many posts, so much to discover for readers old and new...In a way, I've basically made it so that navigating the blog feels just like navigating the vast seas of the SiIvaGunner channel itself. And isn't that just the most fitting way to leave it all on - an ocean of posts, waiting for you to uncover them?
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