#Git classroom training
bubblegump-1-nk · 10 months
Can’t Catch Me Now
Matthew Riddle x Fem!Reader
summary: Mattheo’s father sent him on a mission: make you fall in love with him, then lure you into a death trap. He should’ve known you wouldn’t let him forget you that easily…
Disclaimer: mentions of death, toxic relationships, cursing, slight mentions of torture
Song: Can’t Catch Me Now by Olivia Rodrigo
- First time writing for Mattheo! Wanted to do another fic abt my baby Theo but this idea came to me and couldn’t bring myself to write something so toxic about him 😭. Also there’s a lot of time skips in this so I hope it’s easy to follow!
“I love you.” You said sweetly.
“Me too, see you tonight.” Mattheo responded.
You kissed him on the cheek and entered the Transfiguration classroom as Mattheo left to go to Divinations. Tonight… if only you knew what was in store for you. Time past forward quickly, and now Mattheo was knocking on your dorm door, and you walked out, ready for your date.
“You look beautiful” He said
“Thank you. You don’t look to drab yourself.” You said, causing him to chuckle before taking your hand and leading you out of the castle.
You two had been walking for ages, getting farther and farther away from Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. Not a soul in sight.
“Ok seriously, where are we going Matty? We’ve been walking for years.” You say, dragging out the last word.
“Soon. We’ll be there soon.” He said, tensing up as he did.
You were now at a location, heavily secluded from everyone and everything. You joked that no one would hear you scream out here. Only you had meant it in a different way than what was actually held in store for you. That’s when they appeared, the Death Eaters. You looked at Mattheo in shock, but he was already tearing his hand away from yours and stepping back, taking his wand out.
“Mattheo?” You whispered, tears in your eyes. A look of horror on your face. No wand in hand.
You screamed when the Crucio hit your chest, soon followed by a spell that left you unconscious on the floor.
You had been sitting in the chair for hours. You hands and legs tied back. About 5 Death Eaters were in the room, Mattheo making up the 6. He never hit you with a spell, but he never blocked one either. Just stood there, watching, his face wiped clear of any emotions. As you were focused on him, you made eye contact with him for the first time since being in the room. The spells had stopped for about 20 seconds now. Was it finally over? Were you free to go? That’s when it hit you. The green light. You fell unconscious, never to be seen again.
“Mattheo wake up! We’re here.” Said Theo (😍), having been shaking Mattheo vigorously for about 3 minutes.
“What?” He asked, still shaken from the dream he just had. He’s been having it for weeks now. Ever since the incident. Your death has followed him even into his unconscious mind. He can’t escape you.
“We’ve arrived at Hogwarts you idiot.” Said Draco, exasperated at Mattheo’s constant zoning out.
All the boys knew about the mission, they all knew what happened in the late days of May. They were all at the meeting after your death, Voldemort congratulated all of them - which is something you don’t simply forget. Y/n’s father was a powerful wizard, who declined all of the Dark Lord’s advancements of recruitment. So, Voldemort decided he might just need a little push, that being the death of his beloved daughter Y/n. It didn’t work, of course, and instead your father and mother ended up fleeing to some desolate place.
“Git.” Mattheo said, before slapping Draco across the head and collecting his belongings to get off the train.
Draco lifted his arm as to hit Mattheo back but Blaise grabbed his arm and gave him a look that made Draco forget about hitting him. They all knew Mattheo never actually loved you, but it doesn’t change the fact that he was still responsible for killing someone. Doesn’t change the fact that he’s turning out just like his father.
They soon entered Hogwarts and took their seats at the Slytherin table.
“What’s taking the first years so long?” Theo asked, wondering why the sorting ceremony hadn’t started yet.
“Beats me but I’m fucking starving.” Said Blaise.
Mattheo was about to speak but was cut off by Dumbledore, who now stood in front of the podium.
“Welcome all back to Hogwarts. Now, I’m aware that you must all be very hungry, but this is a statement I must make, and we’ve decided it’s better made without the first years present.” He paused for a moment, adjusted his glasses, and continued. “As I’m sure you all sadly know, one of your classmates has died this pass summer.” A complete hush fell over the Great Hall, everybody knew about what happened to you. What happened to your family. Except, no one knew who or what caused it. Your death and your parents ‘disappearance’ was all a mystery to everyone except for the 4 Slytherin boys sitting at the middle of the table in far right.
“Y/n L/n was a strong witch, who was kind to all who…..”
Mattheo began to zone out, not wanting to be reminded of you more than he already was. It all started about 2 weeks after your murder. The first time was when he awoke in the middle of the night, you had infiltrated his dreams again. He went outside for a smoke, when he heard it.
He turned his head swiftly to the left, where the sound came from.
It came again, but this time from behind him. Your voice. It was your voice.
This reoccurred about once a week. Sometimes in the dead of the night, sometimes while eating lunch or reading the Daily Prophet.
Mattheo tried his best to forget about you, to have a good year, but it was hard with you stalking his every move. It had worsened now. He heard you calling his name almost every day, your face appeared in the flames of the fire in the common room for a split second last night. He’s already found three of the letters you wrote him in the past on his desk, letters he was sure he had burned. And the worst part was, he couldn’t tell anyone, couldn’t say anything. He would just appear weak and crazy.
It was now early November, and the days were getting colder. Mattheo found himself walking alone outside, going to retrieve the jumper he left by Hagrid’s hut. As he was nearing the hut he heard a strange sound. Almost like heavy footsteps. He turned around, and looked around swiftly but not a soul was outside. He shook it off and continued walking, except this time the footsteps were louder, and closer. He turned around again but not a person was in sight. He began to walk faster, the footsteps did too. He stopped abruptly, looking around one last time, when he saw them. Footprints, leading all the way up to right by his side. His heart beat faster, and the wind began whistling as it passed through the trees. The world was silent.
“Mattheo” Came a voice right beside him.
Mattheo jumped back, a quiet shriek leaving his throat.
“Mattheo” It came again.
“Get the fuck away from me! Stay the fuck away from me!” He called out. It was silent for a few seconds, Mattheo thinking his warning had worked.
“Catch me.” The voice said. Your voice said.
Mattheo was confused, what did you mean ‘catch me?’ Was that even what you said? Your voice was a breathy whisper, so the words were hard to make out.
“What is wrong with you?” He called out again.
“Can’t. Catch me. Now.” You said, your voice circling around Mattheo.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Mattheo practically screamed this time.
All was quiet, before the footsteps slowly started walking away. It appeared as though you were walking backwards, by the looks of the prints.
Mattheo stood there, shocked, watching as you walked away from him.
Then the footsteps were gone, just as quickly as they had come and the landscape returned to a quiet and peaceful one. The sky was getting darker, and by the looks of it, Mattheo had missed dinner. He slowly began dragging his feet in the direction of the astronomy tower. Once he reached the top, he let out a sigh and pulled out his cigarettes and a lighter.
He’s beginning to think he might just be going crazy.
“Figured you’d be up here.” Says a voice from behind him.
“Yep.” He says, as Theo comes to stand next to him.
“Pass me one.” Theo says, holding his hand out for a cigarette. Mattheo hands him one and Theo lights it.
The smoke in silence, appreciating the view along with the cold air. The smoke from the cigarettes blending with the smoke from their breath.
“She’s everywhere you know.” Mattheo blurts out.
Theo’s silent for a moment, staring out at the sky.
“I know.” He says, finally.
“You do?” Mattheo asks, turning to face Theo. A confused expression painting his face.
“Yeah. I hear her laughter.” Theo explains.
“Her laughter? That’s it?” Mattheo asks, temper rising. How come he has to endure all this pain and Theo gets laughter?
“Yeah, she sort of just laughs lightly every now and again. It used to scare me shitless but now I’ve gotten used to it.”
“Yeah we’ll count yourself fucking lucky. She calls out my name. She fucking followed me today, her footprints were everywhere. Her voice was saying some shit about how I can’t catch her anymore. This shits so fucked up.” He says, growing angrier by each word.
Theo let’s out a laugh.
“You think this is fucking funny, do you?”
“Well, I mean, she’s right. You can’t catch her anymore.”
“Does it look like a give a fuck? Why doesn’t she whisper to you this shit, huh?” Mattheo asks, annoyed.
“Maybe because she never loved me. Maybe because she loved you.”
“Yeah, well, you were just as responsible in her death as I was.”
“Right… but it was you she trusted.” Theo says.
“Alright mate are you on her side or mine?”
“Yours obviously. She’s coming for me too.”
“You know, I miss her, now and then.” Mattheo says, reluctantly after a bout of silence
“Yeah well that’s no good is it? She’s still dead whether you miss her or not.”
“I fucking know that! Don’t you think I fucking know that?!” Mattheo yells, throwing his cigarette at Theo
“Calm down mate. It’s not doing you any good getting worked up about it.”
It’s December now. All the leaves have left their trees and the the weather’s gotten harsh and bitter. Mattheo can’t escape you no matter what he does. You’re here, you’re there, you’re fucking everywhere. He hears your voice when the wind blows, hears your laughter in the rustle of the trees. The other boys all know of Mattheo’s pain. They’ve experience it too, but like Theo, they only experience it now and again. It seems they’re not your priority on your haunting list.
Mattheo’s laying in his bed, trying to find sleep. You haven’t let him sleep properly since about 3 weeks ago. As he turns to the side, he sees the curtains around his four poster shifting, getting moved to the side. He intakes a sharp breath. The curtains fully open now, and he’s met with a cold wind.
“Won’t you just leave me the fuck alone?” He whisper-shouts.
He’s met with no answer. The room is now completely silent, and before long 10 minutes have past. Was that really all you came to do? Move his curtain? Whatever it was, he’s thankful for your departure because now he’s really feeling the exhaustion kick in. His eyes begin to shut and his body relaxes as it melts into his mattress. Just as he feels like he’s about to get the sleep he’s so desperately been needing…
“See you tomorrow” You whisper, right into his ear, mocking the words he had said to you the night of your murder.
Sorry if the ending sucks, this idea came to me late one night so I began to write but I didn’t really think it out before I started 😭 I didn’t want to have this in my to-do list for forever so I’m really sorry if this feels rushed! I hope you guys enjoy it anyway
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Life Is Short So Make It Sweet
Chapter Twelve: When It All Feels Like Home
Summary-8.4k Curtis x Plus!Sized Reader. The beginning of December brings on the cold, snowy temperatures that are associated with holidays in Michigan. It also means Curtis is working in the craziness that comes with the outdoor elements. The biggest difference now is that his house is becoming a welcoming home after those long exhausting days.
Warnings- smut, because I love to give these two good times. Also discussion of co-parenting and upcoming holiday
A/N- so there will be a couple chapters right in a row as I want to release my holiday chapters near the week of the 25th. Thank you so much everyone for rooting for these two so much and embracing the growth happening. Special thank you to @what-is-your-plan-today for undertaking the editing of this project and making time among everything you are doing yourself, as well as the text message pictures to add to this chapter. Dividers made by @firefly-graphics
Chapter Eleven / Masterlist
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December came and it seemed that winter did too in full force. It made for long days at the freight yard for Curtis and his crew. The cold froze up the engines, the moving parts of the train seizing up, which meant parts would snap and kill the trains right on the tracks. So in the bitter cold, the crew worked until they had to take breaks in the office to warm back up when it became too much. 
Tanya was always prepared for these days it seemed. Using the company's allowance, she stocked up on hot drinks and plenty of snacks. Every morning she made rounds at the local bakery for freshly made donuts and croissants, feeling the crew deserved only the best. 
Curtis was particularly grateful that Friday when he burst into the office with the wind blowing at his back, seeming to penetrate right through his layers to chill him to the bone. Yanking off his gloves to shove them in his jacket pockets, he huffed in his palms, breathing in relief. Tanya looked up from the counter where she was processing incoming orders with a sympathetic look. “I just put a pot on. Be done in a minute.” 
“Thanks Tanya.” Curtis said gratefully while right behind him Edgar and Grey followed as well seeking warmth. “She got coffee and hot water on, go warm up guys.” Curtis encouraged them, and they didn’t waste any time darting into the heated break room. Curtis leaned against the counter, still rubbing his hands warm. “How did we get so lucky to have you?” 
Tanya glanced up from the computer screen. “Nam pays pretty fucking good and has excellent benefits for Timmy and me. Also, everyone but you guys leave me alone.” She deadpanned. 
“Well, there is no arguing with that.” Curtis laughed and Tanya shooed him out of the lobby. 
“Git, I got phone calls to make and you got trains to fix.” 
Still chuckling to himself, he wandered into the break room to see the guys hovered over steaming cups and donuts that they were picking at. Curtis flipped open the box to grab a flakey croissant for himself and poured a cup of black coffee to sit across from them. 
He took this moment to check his phone, seeing your typical good morning text along with a picture of your cup of honeyed tea that you were sipping from. Curtis could tell from your background that you were already in your classroom, the periodic table as your background from the large poster you had hanging behind your desk. 
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Curtis wasn’t expecting anything right away but you were quick. Your incoming text was just a picture of your cleavage peeking out the top of your shirt and he snorted in amusement at your following sentence. 
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Curtis couldn't hide that bit of a grin as he texted his own goodbye. When he put his phone away and went to take a sip of his coffee, he glanced up to see both Grey and Edgar staring at him with matching smirks. “What?” He scowled at them. 
“Y/N send you a fun text?” Grey dunked his donut before taking a bite, Edgar next to him wiggling his brows. 
“From the way Curtis actually looks like he is enjoying using the phone, I would say so.” 
Curtis flipped them off but was a bit smug since they were right and it felt so good. 
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Things never seem to work out the way they are planned, and today proved no exception. Curtis had really wanted to leave on time today after a whole week of staying late to arrive home to an empty house. However, each night there had been a small something to look forward to, as you had started to leave him something in the fridge ready to be warmed up. These were usually accompanied by a post it note containing the reheating directions and a little pick me up joke, you also ensured that when his six-pack of favorite beer seemed to be running down mid-week, you’d restocked that too.
So life wasn’t all bad, but as he’d told you in his message earlier that day, he was looking forward to his Friday night, more so taking you out and then you spending the night. It was the thing that he’d focussed on all week, what was keeping him going and sane through the demanding schedule and workload. 
But Gilliam then asked for one more thing to be done before the weekend, and that one last thing turned into a project and a half for him since Edgar and Grey left, not knowing Curtis was sticking behind. He didn’t tell them, knowing they were just as tired as he was. Finally, he finished and was making his way to his truck with a sense of relief the day had ended. And it was then that Tanya came rushing over, trying to keep warm with numerous layers of clothing on. He urgently rolled down the window to check in with her.
“Curtis, the car won’t start.” 
He had her get into the cab of the truck to keep warm while he jump started her battery. Giving it a few minutes, Curtis had it charged once more and it had started snowing heavily at this point. Pulling away his battery cables he paused at Tanya’s car as she worked on getting it to warm up. “I’m gonna follow you, home. Just make sure the car doesn’t give you any more trouble.” 
“You don’t have to-”
“Well, I wasn’t asking Tanya.” He pushed off her door and went back to his own truck. That killed another half hour, maneuvering the roads now that the snow decided to start piling up. Once he was sure she was safe back home, he went to message you that he would be home soon, but circumstances would have it his phone was dead.
“You got to be fucking kidding me.” He muttered as he shoved it back in his pocket. 
Luck was not on his side. 
It had been a while since he had been this thankful to get home, but relief filled him when he pulled up to his house, the lights twinkling in various rooms and the garage light lit up for him. Your car was stuck off to the side, which he made a mental note to go get your keys so he could pull it into the garage for the night. 
Fuck, shit, fuck…
His eyes fell to his dashboard clock. It was so late already and he had promised you date night. He knew just how much you had been looking forward to it since he had been so busy all week that you two hadn’t been able to do anything together. He was going to have to make it up to you and just hope that you wouldn’t be mad. 
That said, it was possible for him to still salvage some of the night; it was Friday so Paulie’s would be open till at least two in the morning, he thought to himself a bit grimly as he gathered his stuff to make the dash from the warm truck to inside. Steeling himself, he made a quick jog along the edge of the house and stomped his boots on the steps to get rid of the loose snow before stepping inside. 
Inside was so warm, it hit him in the face at first before he sunk into all the sensations it brought. It smelled like you had something cooking, the warm yeasty smell of bread greeted him as well as a thick rich brothy aroma. He set everything he had down on the door side table. 
“Y/N?” He called out while pulling off his boots and shrugging out of his jacket. “I’m sorry Honey, work was crazy. Gilliam needed this last thing done and then Tanya’s piece of shit car died from the cold. My phone died or I would have called…” He went on, not entirely sure where you were but you padded out of the living room and he paused, taking in the very domestic scene you presented. 
In your hand was a book, still open to the page you left off at, your reading glasses perched at the end of your nose and you were bundled in fuzzy PJs and a tank top with the couches crochet lap blanket wrapped around your shoulders. You didn't say anything for a second, just blinking at him and he muttered. “I promise… I will make it up to you Honey.” 
“Curtis.” You finally broke the silence as you were sure to tuck a slip of paper in your book and set it down. He felt his heart hammering suddenly in his chest, not wanting you to be disappointed when you gave him a smile as you approached him. “Welcome home and I already know, Tanya called me to let me know what happened.” You went to your tiptoes to pluck off his beanie and you cupped the back of his neck to give him a proper kiss. “I have dinner on the stove, hot might I add. What about you go take a shower and get comfy?” 
“Y/N, I promised to take you out tonight.” He mentioned, his brow furrowing at you as he pointed out the facts that he did indeed assure you that tonight would be your night. “We can still make it to Paulie’s if you wanted.” His hands fell to your waist, pulling you in closer like he craved, but keeping you well enough away because his work clothes he still had on were indeed grimy as well as his face from where he half crawled into an engine today fixing parts on it. 
For you it was incredibly sexy, easily recalling your last reaction to when he came in from the garage after working on the Camaro. You also didn't miss the tired drawn look he had or the worry lines as well as his eyes taking on that worried expression. “I mean… if you really want to we can go out, but I’m pretty comfy right now with my book and thought maybe we can go get breakfast instead tomorrow?” You plucked at his shirt, missing his necklace that you knew was tucked away for now. 
“Breakfast…” He pondered on it, his fingers flexing against your fluffy PJ bottoms till he slipped his chilly hands up further, seemingly craving the bare skin under your shirt. It sent a shiver through you but you kept quiet, waiting on him to make a choice. “You are really okay with that?” 
“Absolutely, if I don’t have to redress and go out in that mess, I’m all for that.” 
“You are the best.” He finally sagged a bit, letting himself finally relax now that he wasn’t worried. You grinned cheekily up at him and winked. 
“I know. Do you want dinner first or a shower?” 
His head lifted curiously to glance towards the kitchen and then his stomach gave off a growl that could rival just about anyone. “I am starving, Y/N, what do you have? It smells friggin amazing.” 
You laughed while tugging him towards the kitchen and pushed him gently into the kitchen chair. “Chill, I got this. Do you like beef stew? I made it right after work today so its had time to simmer for a few hours.” Your eyes flitted up to the clock hanging to take note of the late hour. 
“Love it, I would love anything you gave me.” He admitted as you scooped out a full bowl for him, then added a dash of pepper and salt.
“Bread? You can even have the best piece.” You teased as you cut off a thick slice of crust, the steam still rolling off it. 
“The crust? With butter?” He said almost wistfully and you glanced over to see him all wide eyed and looking like he was ready to pounce on either you or the bread, you couldn't quite tell. But it still made you giggle seeing him look like you were his personal saving grace right now. 
“Of course Curtis.” You dunk a spoon in the thick stew and brought it over to sit on the table, taking some pleasure at just how grateful he looked, one arm going around you in a loose hug and his face pressed to your breasts in a comforting move.
“Fuck I’m the luckiest man right now.” He muttered and you ran a hand over his short hair. When he let you go, Curtis eagerly ate his food while you made some for yourself, sitting across the table from him. 
It was quiet, there wasn’t a need to share in conversation right now. You were happy enough to see him enjoying his food while messaging a check-in with Tanya and letting Edgar know that they wouldn't be coming for the traditional Friday night game from his phone he had plugged in while you were getting the food. You had picked up your book, reading a few more pages when he chuckled across the table.
“Ella sent me this, I guess Sophia is loving the snow.” Handing over his phone for you to watch the video, he gathered his dirty dishes to rinse at the sink. 
“I know I just met her… but I want to get Sophia something for Christmas.” You chuckled at the video of the toddler jumping in the snow piles. “What does she like?” 
Curtis started to take care of food after asking if you wanted more. “Dollhouse stuff, Grey’s father is making her one, baby dolls, stuffies, she seems to be into dressing up now.” 
You perked up. “Really? I have some stuff for the drama department that we are not gonna use. Ella or Grey wouldn’t care if it's slightly used?” 
“Nah, that wouldn’t bother them. Sophia would be thrilled with something like that.” 
You took the last bite of your stew and swiped your bread through your bowl. “Ella and Grey, they are great at co parenting.” 
“They are, as soon as they found out Ella was pregnant, they just worked it all out, a few bumps now and then. There was never an actual relationship there, just a drunken night on both their parts. But I think that's why it works out. No anger or hurt feelings of having been in a relationship before? I don’t know but they have always been good friends and Sophia just cemented that part for them. They are both adamant though that they don’t want to be together.” Curtis shrugged at the situation as he washed a few of the dirty dishes built up in the sink. “The day I found out, Ella came over and said “So I have twenty bucks on Grey kicking your ass but guess what, your bestie knocked me up, you are gonna be an uncle!” 
You snorted out laughing and Curtis joined in with a hearty laugh at the memory, taking your dirty dishes to wash up quickly as well. “Sounds… very on point for your cousin.” You admitted and he nodded. 
“Yes, I’m gonna head up and shower now. Wanna watch a movie in bed instead of down here?” 
“Sure, I will be up in a bit.” You gathered your stuff and while Curtis went up the stairs, you finished cleaning up the kitchen as well as went to bump the heat up enough so that the bathroom upstairs would warm up for him. You made the rounds around the house to make sure everything was closed up so Curtis wouldn't have to and then made your way upstairs with your book firmly tucked under your arm. 
The bathroom door was ajar and you could hear the water running as well as the warm billow of steam escaping now and then. You flicked on the tv while crawling into the large bed after you pulled down the blankets to settle under them. You heard the water cut off and then the light dimmed, knowing he had left a nightlight going to use in the middle of the night.
“Did you find something?” He asked and you screwed up your face while going through the guide. 
“No, are you interested in anything?” 
He had a pair of sweatpants slung low on his waist as he padded around the bedroom, getting himself ready. “No, I’m going to be honest, I will probably fall asleep pretty quick tonight now that you fed me and I got that hot shower in.” 
You watched him pick up his dirty clothes, his bare back flexing with his movements, and every time he twisted around to face you once more, his silver chain would bounce against his chest. Your eyes roved over the light hair dusted tattoos, then your gaze fell down to the line of hair traveling his softer belly to disappear in his grey comfy sweat pants, fuck. You knew he wore them just because they were comfortable, but they had your libido growing fangs, like always. However, you could see that he was tired and you shoved the blankets on his side down while you settled back into the pillows. “I have a better idea. Instead of watching television.” You set the remote aside after turning off the bedroom tv while he finally came to settle on his side of the bed. 
“What's that?” His arm circled around your hips while he let his head rest against your breasts, pressing his face into the curves to nip the plump tops your sports bra made before he properly laid down, settling finally with a sigh. 
“I’m not in the mood for tv and you're just wanting to sleep. I will read to you.” You plucked your book from the nightstand and put on your glasses. His gaze lifted from under heavy black lashes to flash with interest. 
“You want to read to me looking like a sexy teacher in your glasses and expect me to sleep.” His hand squeezed your hip.
“Yes, if you close your eyes and listen, Curtis.” You smirked at him, your nails scratching lightly over his scalp and the back of his neck. “If I can resist the sweatpants and chain…” You looped a finger in his chain and moved it enough to rub against the back of his neck before scratching your nails lightly down his bare back. Soon heated red streaks started to color his pale skin. “You can resist the glasses.” 
Curtis groaned and he pushed his face in the softness of your belly, resettling himself comfortably. “Point taken, If I wasn't whipped I would remedy that though.” 
“Tomorrow.” You hummed as you flipped your book open. 
It didn't take long, between the steady hum of your voice and the warmth of being against your soft body, Curtis was soon out. His snores were rougher and more frequent than usual, he was still hugging around you and when you would stop moving your hand against his upper back, he would groan in his sleep seeking out that touch once more, but he was out. When you finally tired yourself a couple hours later and eased out from under him, he never woke up. You were quiet as you went to brush your teeth and slip into something a bit more comfortable. 
When you eased back in, on Curtis’s side of the bed since he was sprawled out in the side you slept in, you pulled up to his back and hugged around his waist while you kissed a bare shoulder, sure that you two were covered comfortably as the wind howled louder outside and snowflakes softly beat against the window’s pane. 
“Night Curtis.” You whispered, not expecting anything from him but he gave a sleepy sounding reply.
“Night Honey.” 
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Curtis woke the next morning feeling refreshed. The morning sun was just seeping through the snow covered window and with a quick glance to check on you, he eased from bed to go look out the window to see the damage. 
It was enough to warrant him shoveling. But, that wasn’t so bad since he had most of the day to get it done. Going to use the bathroom real quick, he eased back into bed and hugged around your waist, pulling up behind you. You sighed in your sleep, and pressed your ass back into him for warmth. But you were still very much asleep. 
He was careful to press kisses against the back of your neck while his hand inched over your belly. Softness, you were soft and giving all over and he loved feeling your warmth. He wished he could tell you how much in a way that you would accept it and one day he would. 
You were so inviting, when his hand went into your sleep shorts and stroked along your inner thighs, you spread your legs apart, little noises starting to escape you as he dragged you from wherever your dreams took you.
Curtis knew he should let you continue sleeping, but he was being selfish, wanting to feel you around him.  
The scuff of his beard against the sensitive area behind your ear had you tilting to find it again and escape it at once. His fingers teased, giving strokes to your slit till you were shifting to meet his touch. His thumb did a barely there little twirl against your clit all while Curtis rubbed himself against you from behind, his groin pressing firmly against your ass. You hid your face into a pillow while his arm wedged underneath you, cupping your breast through your nightshirt and giving firm pushes and pulls.
“Mornin’” He whispered in your ear as you whined into the pillow. You wanted more, your hand shooting between your thighs to grasp his wrist and move him against your pussy in the way that made you cuss into the pillow. 
“Fuck, need you.” 
More kisses and lashes of tongue covered your neck and shoulder while he groaned in your ear. “Lift your hips up.” He pulled his hand out of your sleep shorts and you whined at the loss of contact but did as he said. It was enough for him to hook his fingers at the elastic band and drag your sleep shorts down. You kicked them off while his bare chest brushed against your back and his hand pushed his sweats down enough to be able to ease his cock out. A thigh pressed behind yours while he hissed against your pulse point. “Open up for me Honey.” 
You were still in a hazy sleepiness that had you moving slow, so much that Curtis grasped your knee and lifted your leg enough to hook it over his, his cock pressing between your folds to glide easily in your slick. You gave another impatient whine that made him chuckle roughly while he tilted his hips and his cock pressed into you to stretch you open for him. “Shit Y/N, like you were made for me, I swear.” He teased a nipple through your sleep tank, making them perky and sensitive against the fabric. 
“Yeah…” You agreed with him while velvet warmth squeezed his cock nestled deep inside of you. You wanted him to move, almost ready to beg him for it when he folded your leg up to press against your belly and he pushed himself harder against you. The move tightened you, making you gasp at the sensation of his thick cock pulsing in you, every drag pushing and pulling into you, you could feel the way his cock filled you, dragging thickly against your sensitive walls and eased your slick from you to coat the back of your thighs. 
“Squeezing so hard, fuck Pretty Girl.” He grunted as he fucked into you faster, holding your back against his chest. His hand flexed against the back of your thigh, somehow folding you tighter. You both were rocking hard enough for the bed to thump against the wall, the bed frame creaking from motion. 
But he didn’t notice, all he could feel was how giving you were, arching back into him with these soft little pleas and cries. Your head tilted to find him and he pushed himself over you enough to give a sloppy kiss, huffing against your mouth when his hips started snapping harshly against your ass, skin slapping and the wet squelch of your pussy filling the quiet space of the bedroom.
“Curtis… fuck you are so deep.” Whining against his mouth and pushing your hand between your thighs to spread your fingers around his cock pulling out, adding to the sensations of you gripping around him. 
“Jesus Honey.” He bit at the back of your shoulder as he rutted his cock deep inside of you, making you cry out in just the way he wanted. “Good girl…” He pressed the praises right in your skin, scratching beard flaring your skin while he pounded into you just like that till you couldn't hold out any longer. You gave a shuddering cry as you let go. “Fuck Honey… You’re just too sweet.” He groaned as you felt him jerk himself in you, warmth spread through you and you both sagged against each other. 
You pried his hand off the back of your thigh and let your leg drop with a quivering motion. “Shit…” he muttered, his cock softening in you but made no move to pull out just yet. His arm circled your waist and kissed all over your shoulder. “Morning Honey. You still with me?” 
You grasped his hand pressed against your belly, weaving your fingers through his. “No, no I’m not. I don't know when I will recover.” You retorted, feeling him laugh behind you and he spooned up behind you further, smirking as his lips pressed against your neck. 
“I’m a patient man.” 
You two laid like that for a while but then Curtis eased from you, in which you twisted to face him, seeming to study him while you reached to twist your fingers in his chain, giving him an almost shy smile. “Morning, you look like you got some much needed rest.” 
His leg pressed through yours and he hooked your leg over his while he cupped your face and pulled in to kiss you deeply, drawing you into him till you were tucked in closer while looking all wide eyed. “I did, thank you for taking care of me.” Then there was that little bashful smile he was growing accustomed to. 
“It was nothing.” You tried brushing it off as no big deal but Curtis hugged you against him. 
“Not to me Honey.” 
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Later after you got ready for the day, Curtis insisted you two go to breakfast like you had suggested the night before. Together you both bundled up and brushed off the vehicles of last night's snowfall. You might have gotten a few well-tossed snowballs at Curtis’s back which had gone down the collar of his jacket and made him sputter while shaking his shirt to get it to fall out. In return Curtis scooped up a handful of snow to toss back at you, making you yelp. 
“All’s fair in love and war Sweetheart.” Curtis helped you wipe off the snow crystals, but not before he ducked you flicking more at him. 
Taking you to the Wayside, you cringed at all the booths lining the wall, but Curtis reassuringly led you towards the back next to a small little stove that proved to be just the nice quiet setting you weren't expecting. “No one comes back here so they miss this nice little feature.” Curtis hangs both your coats near the pellet stove to dry from when you two were goofing off earlier. 
Settling at the little table, as soon as you two had your orders placed and drinks brought to you, the conversation turned to the upcoming holiday. 
“Are you sticking around here for Christmas?” 
You squeezed the packet of honey into your mug and ducked your tea bag a few times. “I was face timing Mom last night before you got home about what they are planning on doing this year. I guess Jade wasn’t coming up from Florida. Frank’s Mom was flying in from Boston to spend it with Mary and she didn’t want to disrupt their plans since her grandmother doesn’t come very often.” 
Curtis let his fingers wander up and down your thigh, listening intently as he always did with you. He had probably been the only boyfriend you have had that actually focused entirely on you when you spoke. “Too bad they didn’t plan that a bit better, considering your parents and Evelyn are not too far away.” 
“Right, like a three hour drive.” You shrugged and shook your head. “They probably didn't even think of that. But I will probably plan to fly home around when the kids take spring break at this point.” Curtis took all that into account, filing it away. “How about you Curtis?” 
“Well, the past couple of years I have gone to Ella’s in the morning for Sophia and have lunch with them. Then they head off to Grey’s parents. I don’t really know what is happening this year. I guess Grey’s folks have rented this big cabin to do this huge family Christmas. So right now, not entirely sure.” Curtis didn’t want to push but he did throw it out there for you to ponder about. “If you want to do something at your place, I’m open to it. But only if it's something you want to consider.”
You sipped from your mug, flashing him a smile and nod. “Never know, how about we play it by ear for now? I hate to make you feel like you gotta come see me if Sophia wants her Uncle Curtis to open presents with.” 
“I think that my time can include all the important people in my life Honey.” Curtis assured you with a grip on your chin and pull you in close enough to press a sticky maple syrup kiss to your lips, making your cheeks heat up while licking off the sweet taste. 
Shortly after the Christmas convo, you both were finished with breakfast with a push of your plates that still had bites of syrupy french toast and hash browns with groans complaining of being too full. After settling the bill, Curtis and you took a brief walk down the main street, window shopping for ideas for friends and family. You made a couple purchases for your sister and niece in a second-hand vintage clothing store as well you went into a local goods store that had walls lined with jams, pickles, and the most golden honey that you simply couldn't pass up. Bundling up some jams, a golden rich looking jar of clover honey, and several dripping slices of honeycomb, Curtis then suggested heading home as the wind off the lake was picking up, making everything drop well below freezing. 
Once back to the house, Curtis had you go inside while he snagged your car keys to pull your car into the garage, something he had originally planned on doing the night before. Once indoors, you filled the ancient looking tea kettle on the stove to start heating water and you unraveled your newest treasures. 
You had started accumulating teas and cocoas you enjoyed in Curtis's cupboards for when you were staying over and now you had the perfect sweetener to pair off with it. The jar went right into the cupboard above the stove, but the honeycomb was too much of a temptation. 
You heard Curtis come in from the garage as you were prying off the mason jar top to dip a spoon into the comb, pushing it to break off a chunk that was laden with honey. You scooped the nibble into your mouth, chewing the wax slowly to savor it when Curtis came up behind you to hug around your waist, something that you associated as a comfort thing for him. 
“I was hoping you would be opening it right away. I wanna taste.” He informed you. You had to smile to yourself hearing him, he had made sure to word it just so you wouldn't feel guilty about opening the sweet treat. You went to push the spoon back into the dish to give him a taste when Curtis eased you around. “No Honey, I want a proper taste.” 
He caught you by surprise with the kiss, his lips pressing heatedly to yours and a sweep of his tongue collecting the sweetness that coated your lips till you opened for him, giving him room for a more thorough kiss. Exploring the warmth you provided, his hands pressed past the clothing you were wearing, emitting a impatient groan at the way he had to tug and pull your clothing out of the way till he found your silky softness underneath it all, his fingers grasping your curves till he had a sturdy grasp and lifted you to the kitchen counter. 
It still caught you by surprise, giving a gasp against his mouth that made him smirk momentarily before claiming your honey dipped tongue once more. If only he could always be with you like this, a natural sweetness just enhancing the moment, he knew Honey was so fitting a name for you. You always tasted of wildflower sunshine. 
Your hand slid up his chest to his shoulder, digging in to hold on. Curtis could overwhelm you in all the best ways. Any doubts that might have snuck in suddenly didn't exist as this blue-eyed man just kept exploring and dragging out soft moans and gentle yet urgent desires from your body. What were you even doing, you forgot as he pulled away, studying your dazed expression before easing you back from your high, less urgent, and gentler hands cupping your face, sweeping gentle patterns along your jawline as he said something to you.  
“Hmm?” you hummed, still processing the tingle in your lips or the wonderful way your body felt heavy, wanting that hard press of him against you. 
“The kettle Y/N, its whistling.” The corner of his swollen kissed lip tilted up in amusement at your daze and you blinked at him before it registered. 
It was indeed screaming at you, a glance over showed steam pushing from the top and you reached over to turn it off, slipping the kettle to the other burner before turning back to your menace. 
“I don’t know where you learned to kiss like that Curtis, but give a girl a warning.” 
He scoffed as he smoothed his hands along your thighs, shaking his head. “No way, it's way too much fun to get you to give me that look.” 
“What look?” You slipped down from the counter when he stepped back, cutting out a chunk of comb to put into your cup. ‘Do you want one?” 
“No, I rather taste it on you.” He took the kettle to pour it into your mug while you gave the neediest whine at his words, feeling your face heat up at just the implication he just dropped. 
“That dazed look where you look like you seemed to have forgotten where you were at.”
Reaching over you while you stirred your cup to melt some of the honey in it, he took a chance at picking from your tea selection and handed you a lemon zinger, which you happily accepted. 
You blinked wide eyed at him while taking a cautious sip from your steaming mug. “Like we just did?” 
Curtis popped a shoulder, smirking as he could see you squirming like you were and trying not to be obvious. He reached over to brush his thumb over your lip, collecting wet droplets from it and sucking on the bad of his thumb. “Among other ways. All those soft curves…” He let his gaze lower, so bluntly checking you out that you felt yourself stop breathing. “Well I can think of plenty of ways to use that sweetness on you Honey.” 
You gave a squeak unlike anything he had ever heard from you and you stuttered, like your brain short circuited. “I-I gotta go do that thing. Yes, that thing. They need that thing done.” You suddenly turned on your heel and stomped from the kitchen towards the living room where you were working on the drama club's costumes. Curtis could hear you sputtering to yourself. “I’m never gonna survive him, how am I supposed to respond? ‘Yes Curtis, eat me up’ Oh god Y/N.” 
Curtis laughed softly to himself, calling out. “What are you doing Honey?” 
“THE THING CURTIS. THE DRAMA THING.” Came your distressed tone and he decided to give you a moment's reprieve, escaping to the garage, a bit smug with himself for getting you flustered. He was definitely going to have to see how willing you would be to let him use the honey on you. 
At his workbench, he settled down to pull his papers closer while looking over the repair plans on the Camaro that he still had to do, including the cost of getting these parts either online or by some sheer luck at one of the few junkyards in the area. They all had his number on file, but it wasn't often a vintage Camaro came through that he could salvage parts from. He might get the call a few times in the summer typically. 
His pet project had been something he worked on since a teenager with his grandfather and as much as he hated that it's taken this long to finish, he knew that Wilford would have been proud. Sometimes he swore he felt him in here, puffing away at one of the cigars that he enjoyed once in a while, the hint of smoke coming up to tickle his senses. 
Even now Curtis didn’t feel quite alone in the garage, it wasn't a bad feeling, but comforting. Like knowing you were just on the other side of the garage door in the living room working on your costumes while sipping the hot tea you just made. It made him feel almost complete for the first time in a long while. His grandparents did what they could when he was suddenly an orphan, but he always felt a little out of place. Maybe because they had already raised their children, and yet Curtis came to them going from a happy carefree child to one who didn’t understand why the world would be so cruel. 
It was a rocky few years for him to accept. Losing someone scared him all that much more now. Why he never had a serious relationship with someone, until now. 
His mind drifted as he twiddled his pencil on the spreadsheet, thinking about what this meant for him. It had been so easy to just let you into these private parts of his life. He didn’t even think twice about bringing you to his home or letting you know the stories of his life. Everyone before, well, he always kept that door shut to them, rarely bringing women here to his home. He’d certainly never had any of them meet his cousin or her daughter, including them in things like holidays. Now look at him, Christmas was around the corner trying to figure out how to include you and already he had celebrated one holiday he never expected to again because it meant so much to you. Then there was Thanksgiving where you had embraced his friends who are essentially his family. 
And you were such a softness in his hard life, it was one of his favorite things. Every time he got to be in the same room as you, you just made it better. Getting to touch you or hold you, you just fit so well with him, and hated letting you go. Curtis wasn't afraid that his size ever intimidated you, you seemed eager for him every time. The times you closed up on him, letting past insecurities get in the way, you struggled to meet him on the other side, willing to go halfway and work on what was going on. He didn’t have the whole story yet, but he was determined to continue showing you that he loved every inch of you that you would let him. 
The man was certainly falling hard for you. You made it feel like he was home. 
While he was contemplating exactly how much of an impact you'd already made in his life in the short time you had been in it, his phone buzzed in his pocket, bringing him out of his thoughts. Giving it a glance, he noticed a text from Edgar inviting the two of you to Paulie’s for a game night. Curtis pushed up from his workbench to wander into the house.
“Y/N?” He called out, poking his head into the living room to see you curled up in an easy chair, the costume stretched across your lap as you pinned lace along a collar to sew on. You flashed him a look, wary about what he had to say. 
“Coming to get me all flustered again Curtis?” 
He grinned at the earlier teasing, wiggling his brows. “Just wait Honey, I’m gonna bring it up when you least expect it. No this is an invite from Edgar, wanted to know if we wanted to go over this evening to have a few beers and a few games?” 
You glanced at your phone to look at the time. “Sure, that sounds good. Catch a light dinner at the diner next door or I can reheat that stew?” 
“Let's grab some dinner out, and treat ourselves this weekend.” Curtis said and you moved to get up, straightening the costume out to press it against yourself for Curtis to check out. 
“What do you think? Do I look dashing in this?” You swayed a bit to make the bottom of the dress sway a bit, over exaggerating batting your lashes at Curtis. He tilted his head with a smirk. 
“My my my, what a lovely ankle you have my lady, how scandalous for you to show off in such a way.” He made grabby hands at you, making you squeal in a laugh as you dodged him, swatting at him to get away from you. “Makes me feel all… worked up inside.” 
“What a way for a gentleman to woo a lady.” You scoffed as you went to your sewing machine and promptly sat down, sticking your tongue out at him. 
“Who ever said I was a gentleman?” He informed you before turning to his phone to answer Edgar. 
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Later you two went out again and went to the same burger joint that he had taken you to on your first date out in the field, this time the winter chill drove you two to eat in the little restaurant. You two once more picked at each others fries, Curtis still claiming he didn’t like the sweet potato fries but was more than happy to steal some for himself. 
By the time you two left to make your way to Paulie’s, it was dark and the bar was starting to get busier. You bundled inside out of the cold to shake the snow off your jacket before Curtis took them, loping them over his arm. “You see Edgar?” He asked while looking in the regular area they hung out at near the dart boards, but no one from there regular group could be seen.
“Paulie, where’s Edgar?” Curtis asked when you two reached the bar and Paulie hooked his thumb over his shoulder. 
“Back, beyond the storage room.” 
Taking your hand, Curtis led you around the bar and through the swaying door to bypass through the kitchen that was busier then you thought it was going to be. He greeted a few people in passing before leading you two through another door, and then through one more that was in a storage extension with concrete flooring and swaying overhead lights. “Edgar?” Curtis called out and at the other end was a ‘over here’ from the man of the hour. 
Approaching the spot where you two had heard Edgar, there was a table with a scattering of food and drinks, Grey and Claude balanced on some bar stools. Another table with what looked like various hatchets and Edgar stood at a white painted line, aiming for what looked like an over sized bullseye. “What all this?” Curtis set your jackets among a pile of the others. 
You wandered over to where Claude was, giving her a hopeful questioning look that earned you a wink to confirm your suspicions. Her and Grey were indeed on a date. 
“Told you Paul wanted to set this up. He is giving us first crack at it to see if it's a good time.” Edgar stated as he heaved the hatchet to spin through the air before hitting the wooden bullseye. Far off the mark, but the weapon didn't bounce off. “Better than I was doing.” 
“Let me try.” Claude bounced off her barstool with a brush of her hands to clear them of crumbs. Grey took an interest in what she was doing, trailing along behind her. “Help me throw?” She asked him and the man was more than eager to. Curtis came up alongside of you with a brush of his hand against your back, looking at the setup with interest. 
“I didn’t think he was going to do it inside.” 
Edgar came up to the table now that Grey and Claude were at the throwing line. “Nah, he is thinking this summer out back.” He reached for a nacho and scooped an extra topping on it. 
“This indoor one is only for the regulars to come use he said. You know… We could do a tournament this summer.” 
“What are we going to call ourselves this time?” 
“Hmmm, Freight Yard Pounders?” Edgar threw out there and Curtis busted into a laugh, his hand tightening on your waist as he slapped his chest, head thrown back in a real genuine hard laugh. 
“You can call yourselves the Tail Enders. Knocking out all the competition on the way to the top.” You offered while watching the others take their turn. “And I want on the team if you make one.” 
Edgar looked shocked and Curtis didn’t seem too surprised as he helped himself to some of the snacks. 
“You do? I mean, of course! The more the better.” 
“Sure. You’ve seen me play darts, I’m pretty good at getting close to the bullseye. Once I get the hang of this, I’m sure I can kick ass.” You winked at the guys as you went to the table, checking out the hatchets, trying to find one that felt right for you. Curtis smirked to himself while watching you, saying loud enough for Edgar to hear him. 
“Fuck she is hot.” He grabbed a beer and took a swig. “Okay, I wanna throw, come on you two.” He motioned for Grey and Claude to hurry up while joining you at the table. Curtis ended up choosing a large heavy set, with short handles but a good size head that added weight to it. Yours was far more slender and looked like it would move fast when given a toss. Claude and Grey cleared out of the area, most of the hatchets they threw were littered on the board, a few scattered around the base. You set yours down near your feet, plucking up that first one and dropping your hand till about halfway down. “What do you think?” You questioned Curtis. 
He chose to move in close behind you, knocking your feet a bit wider with a tap of his boot and sliding his hands up your arms, looking over your shoulder at the target. 
“I think this is a good position. Put some real power into that throw, use your upper body to give some swing momentum.” He instructed before stepping back.
You took his tips to heart, lifting the hatchet up higher, when you swung it, you put your whole upper body into it, pushing hard in your throw till that thing went whizzing through the air and landed with a thunk close to Edgar’s, closer to the first inside ring of the bullseye. It wobbled a bit, seeming it was going to fall, but it didn't and you gave a cheering fist pump in the air. Curtis grinned next to you, checking it out. “Fucking hell Honey, good first throw.” 
“It’s gonna take some time to build up the upper arm strength, but I’m pleased. Alright, let’s see what you got.” You stepped aside so he could position himself. 
Curtis always went into this frame of mind where he got quiet, very concentrated. Even now you saw him zone out everything around him as if it was just him and the target. His features went from laid back and joking with everyone to serious. His brow furrowed and mouth thinned as he gripped the wooden handle, shifting his hands where it would give his throw the most power. Under his flannel shirt, you could see the way his biceps bunched in preparation and his forearms flexed with power as he lifted the heavier hatchet up, and then with a grunt, he swung it to fly through the air and landed with a heavy thud, the hatchets head half buried in the soft pine wood. 
You gave an audible aroused gasp at the show of power and immediately felt your body heat up, your thighs tightening and your hands twisting in your sweater to keep from rubbing against your suddenly overheated sensitive body. Butterflies exploded in the lower part of your belly. 
This might be worse than the gray sweatpants for you and you knew that you were screwed at how turned on this one display of power had you. Curtis took one look at you with your blown pupils and hooked a forefinger under your chin and dragged the pad of his thumb against your suddenly quivering lip. “Breathe Honey.” He whispered to you, chuckling deeply when you took a drag of air in your aching lungs and tilted his head to press his lips to yours. You melted into it, completely lost in the moment. “Fuck you’re always so sweet, Y/N.” 
“Hey, you two taking more throws, or are you going to move so the rest of us can go?” Edgar whined and Curtis flipped him off while you tossed your arms around Curtis’s neck to give him one real lip-smacking kiss, not caring that there was an audience hooting and cheering for the display of affection that you never would have dared to give before.
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pickinglilahs · 10 months
Blackeclipse for the soul
The real reason there had to be two moons over break AO3 link if you prefer to read there Part 22; Part 23; Part 24; Part 25; Part 26
For breakfast, they asked the elves for another picnic and took it, along with Remus' new cushions, to the Shack. By 9 o'clock, the 3 of them were snuggled up and munching on an assortment of fruit.
They had to stay inside the Shack this Full, even with most of the student body absent. There was too much of a risk that someone would be wandering the grounds. So, they wrestled and played downstairs.
By the time the Full set, they were covered in dust and dirt. They brushed off and sent cleaning charms at each other before sitting down for a late lunch.
The cushions were stored in a chest to keep them clean, and the empty basket was shrunk to fit in James' pocket. They made their way back to the castle, where Poppy was waiting for them in the Entrance Hall.
She gave Remus a once-over, before nodding and sending them on their way. So, they returned to Gryffindor Tower, took turns showering, and lounged on the bed to wait for the feast to start.
Remus was taking his time packing up, waiting for everyone to leave so that Regulus could take the cloak off. Unfortunately, he wasn't the only one waiting around.
Snape was lingering off to one side of the room. Remus, not wanting to deal with him today, made to leave; they could find some other empty classroom.
Naturally, as Remus neared the door, Snape cut him off. The room was empty now; the door swinging closed on its own.
Remus could feel Regulus' hand tighten around his wrist, but he just shook his head. "I don't want to deal with this today, Snape."
Sneering, the greasy git cut right to the chase, "I know what you are."
"What I am?" Remus laughed, not even hesitating. "And what am I, exactly?" The best way to deal with Snape was avoidance, he was almost certain the boy was trying to make him give something away.
"You're a werewolf." Snape managed to look both disgusted and gleeful. "Don't even try to deny it, I've been watching you."
Regulus' invisible hand disappeared from his wrist as Remus smiled pityingly at the other boy. "You've been 'watching me'? And you think I'm a werewolf?" Remus brought his voice down at the end, making his disbelief—and slight concern for the boy's sanity—clear.
"I know you are! You used to disappear every Full Moon, but now you just get tired which is a side effect of the Soulbond. You weren't at the castle during break, but you also weren't on the train. Those days also happened to be Full Moons. Not to mention your scars are indicative of a werewolf's tendency for self-mutation when locked up for transformations. The only thing I can't figure out is why you aren't mutilating yourself anymore. Even with the Soulbond, you would still need to spend time in the Hospital Wing and acquire new scars."
Remus blinked at him. Sticking with his avoidance tactic, he kept his voice soft and pitying, "You really are obsessed with me, aren't you? I can't imagine why. I always thought you were after James because of his pursuit of Lily." Remus paused, exaggerated his revelation, then, "Though, I suppose if it was James you were after all along, it would be natural to come after me because of our bond."
Snape was sputtering now, face turning red.
"Have you confronted Regulus as well? Is he a vampire? Or maybe a Siren? He is beautiful enough."
"This is not about Potter," Snape snarled. "This is about you being a disgusting monster."
He couldn't hide the flinch at that. He was a monster, and even if he could walk away from this without confessing, Snape could still tell people.
How many people would believe him?
Even with James and Regulus helping with the symptoms, he was still absent while the moon was up. Deciding this conversation needed to end, Remus sighed.
"What is it you want Snape? Are you going to run to Dumbledore? Tell the whole school I'm 'a big bad monster'?" He made sure to keep his tone mocking and discrediting.
Snape paused; Remus was getting to him. There was uncertainty in his posture now, even if his face was still set.
Remus took it and ran. "Look, I'm flattered by the attention, really, but why do you think they'd let a werewolf into a school full of children? I'm sure the board of governors and the Wizengamot would have something to say about that."
The spark of righteousness in Snape's eyes faltered.
"I suppose I can't stop you from telling the whole school, but I doubt anyone would believe you. Seeing me during the next Full Moon is all it would take for people to know you're lying."
A plan was already forming in Remus' mind; so, when Snape started to sputter again, he gave the git one last pitying look and stepped around him, knocking into Regulus.
He must have positioned himself in between them just in case. Remus smiled and rolled his eyes to himself as he went to the door, feeling Regulus' hand close around his wrist once more.
Down the hall, Remus glanced around and pulled Regulus into a broom closet.
It was occupied.
By James.
He was tucking the map away as Regulus shed the cloak. Remus threw locking and silencing spells at the door, sighing as James pulled him into his arms.
"What happened?"
Regulus' answering growl came as he too wrapped himself around Remus from behind, "Snape knows."
James stiffened and Remus was quick to add, "I don't think he'll tell, but we are going to need some polyjuice."
He could feel both boys' confusion and quickly went on, shifting around so he could see Regulus as well, "In that book you gave me for Christmas, it says they did a study with polyjuice. The person who changes into the werewolf isn't affected by the moon at all. I assume that, should anyone really look at that study, it will become illegal for anyone to turn into werewolves trying to hide their status. Not that there are a whole lot of people who would be willing to do that to help people like me but..."
James had already caught on. "Sirius."
Regulus seemed about to ask, but understanding lit his face as well. He shifted gears, "We don't have time to brew it."
"We don't need to; Slughorn has some in his office." James' pranking brain was whirling; eyes unfocused and hands twitching against their backs like they were working with something only he could see.
Once he started muttering to himself, Remus laid his head on Regulus' shoulder. "This might take him a minute."
He could feel Regulus' chest moving with a silent chuckle. He brought a hand up to brush Remus' hair behind his ear, dropping a kiss to the top of his head before resting his chin there, "How are you feeling, Moonbeam?"
Remus hummed, considering. "Exhausted, but more from the conversation than the Full, I think."
Remus felt Regulus' hum more than he heard it. As dysphoric as his height made him, Remus loved when Regulus held him like this.
Still, he turned his head into Regulus' shoulder, grousing, "It's not fair that you get to be so tall."
Regulus huffed, "Well it it's not fair that you hardly ever bleed; so, I think we're even."
An annoyed, disgruntled sort of sound came from Remus as he nuzzled further into Regulus' shoulder.
It was then that James snapped back into himself. He tightened his hold on both boys and grinned. "Lunch?"
Remus and Regulus rolled their eyes, allowing James to herd them out of the closet and towards the Great Hall.
Operation Discredit Snivillus
Regulus stays during the week randomly
Steal Aquire polyjuice from Slughorn
Warn Dumbledore of Snape and ODS
Tell Kinzie (and Siri)
Diversion Prank (Peter and Benji)
Check Thursday class schedule
Alibi for me and Reg (polyjuice girls?)
Monitor the rumor mill
Confer with Poppy
"Check Thursday class schedule?"
"Polyjuice girls?"
Remus only intervened on stealing the polyjuice, otherwise, he had left James to his list. Now that he had pushed it over for Remus and Regulus to inspect, they knew he was ready to explain.
By way of answering Regulus' question, he only said, "Next one's on a Wednesday."
Remus and Regulus nodded in understanding before Remus asked again, "You really want to bring the girls into this?"
James smiled deviously, "No. We bring the girls in for the Diversion Prank."
Regulus looked around Remus to James, "And what is this Diversion Prank?"
Impossibly, his smile got more devious. "Up to Peter."
Remus groaned and dropped his head on the table.
Regulus winced at the loud 'thunk' and cast a weary look at James. "I'm missing something."
Sirius, who had been engrossed in his conversation with Kingsley, turned to his brother, "Peter comes up with the...strangest pranks."
Regulus arched a brow at his brother, the marauders had done quite a few strange pranks over the years.
Sirius rolled his eyes, "Like, remember when the quidditch pitch was wrapped with ribbons and bows? Or when there were all those bouncy balls on the stairs?"
James jumped in, "Or when all of the desks in the potions hall were stuck upside down and the chairs were stuck to the ceiling?"
Remus picked his head up and turned to Regulus, "It's not that his ideas are the strangest; it's that they're always the most involved."
Peter sat down beside Sirius with Benji, "Whose ideas are the most involved?"
Remus gave him a look and Peter smiled down bashfully and started to load his plate.
@starchasersunseeker @poetrypirate @niad4827 @bradley-95147-blog @shyshadows430
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businessa · 14 hours
Full Stack Developer Courses in Pune: SyntaxLevelUp’s Path to 100% Job Success
In today’s fast-paced tech industry, full-stack development skills are in high demand. Companies are seeking developers who can handle both front-end and back-end tasks, making full-stack development an essential skill set for aspiring professionals. If you’re looking to become a proficient full stack developer in Pune, you’re in the right place. Pune is a hub of top-tier IT training institutes, and SyntaxLevelUp stands out with its comprehensive full stack developer courses in Pune, offering hands-on training with guaranteed 100% job placement.
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Why Choose a Full Stack Developer Course in Pune?
Pune is one of India's fastest-growing IT hubs, hosting numerous multinational corporations and startups alike. By enrolling in a full stack developer course in Pune, you gain access to a thriving job market and networking opportunities. Not only do you learn to build robust web applications, but you also prepare yourself for high-paying positions in leading tech companies.
Here are some of the top reasons to choose a full stack development course in Pune:
Comprehensive Curriculum: A full stack development course covers everything from front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like React or Angular, to back-end technologies like Node.js, Python, or Java. Many institutes, including SyntaxLevelUp, offer specialized programs such as the full stack Java developer course in Pune.
Industry-Relevant Training: Institutes offering full stack developer classes in Pune ensure that the curriculum is updated according to industry trends, providing real-world projects and hands-on experience.
100% Job Placement Support: One of the key features of full stack developer courses in Pune with placement is the assurance of job placement after completing the training. Institutes like SyntaxLevelUp provide dedicated placement support, helping students land their first jobs at reputed companies.
What Makes SyntaxLevelUp the Best for Full Stack Developer Training in Pune?
When searching for the best full stack developer course in Pune, there are several factors to consider. SyntaxLevelUp has earned a reputation as one of the top institutes providing full stack training in Pune, and here’s why:
Experienced Faculty: At SyntaxLevelUp, you are guided by industry experts who bring real-world experience into the classroom. Their mentorship ensures that you are not just learning theory but applying it through practical projects.
Full Stack Java Developer Course in Pune: For those specifically interested in Java, the full stack Java developer course in Pune at SyntaxLevelUp is tailored to give you mastery over this powerful backend language, combined with frontend and database management skills.
Flexible Learning Options: Whether you prefer online or in-person classes, SyntaxLevelUp offers both. Their full stack classes in Pune are designed to fit into your schedule, making it convenient for both working professionals and fresh graduates.
Guaranteed Job Assistance: As part of their full stack web development course in Pune, SyntaxLevelUp offers 100% job placement support. Their dedicated placement cell works closely with leading companies to place students in roles that match their skillsets.
Curriculum Overview: What You Will Learn
In a full stack course in Pune, like the one offered by SyntaxLevelUp, you’ll cover a range of topics, ensuring you are proficient in all aspects of web development:
Frontend Development:
HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
Modern frameworks like Angular, React
Responsive design principles
Backend Development:
Node.js, Python, or Java (depending on the specialization)
Database management with MySQL, MongoDB, and more
Version Control & Collaboration:
Git, GitHub, and working in teams
Hosting applications on cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Docker.
Capstone Project:
Build a complete application from scratch to showcase your skills to potential employers.
Why Pune is Ideal for Full Stack Development
Pune, with its growing tech scene, is a prime location for individuals looking to enter the software development field. Many tech companies are looking for full stack developers in Pune, making it easier for graduates to secure a job quickly after completing their full stack developer course in Pune with placement.
Investing in a full stack web development course in Pune is one of the smartest moves for anyone looking to break into the tech industry. With comprehensive training, real-world projects, and 100% job placement support, SyntaxLevelUp provides one of the best full stack developer courses in Pune. Whether you're a fresh graduate or a working professional, enrolling in full stack classes in Pune at SyntaxLevelUp can be the catalyst for your tech career.
Start your journey today and become a skilled full stack developer ready to take on the challenges of the modern tech world!
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syntaxlevelup1 · 11 days
Which Class is Best for Full Stack Developer in Pune? | SyntaxLevelUp
If you are looking to become a full stack developer classes in Pune, you’re likely searching for the best training programs to enhance your skills and boost your career prospects. In the competitive tech industry, finding the right course can make a huge difference. Pune is home to a growing tech community, with numerous institutes offering courses in full stack development. However, SyntaxLevelUp stands out as one of the top providers of full stack training in pune.
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Why Full Stack Development?
Full stack developers are highly sought after because of their ability to handle both front-end and back-end development. A full stack developer is proficient in:
Front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Angular, etc.
Back-end technologies like Node.js, Python, Ruby, and PHP.
Databases such as MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL.
Version control systems like Git.
Server management and DevOps practices.
A good full stack developer can design, develop, and maintain web applications from start to finish. This versatility makes full stack development an attractive career option for both beginners and experienced developers.
Why Choose Full Stack Development in Pune?
Pune has established itself as a thriving tech hub. With its proximity to Mumbai, the city has access to top talent and investment. Moreover, Pune’s education ecosystem is known for its quality institutes and technical courses. A full stack developer training in Pune can benefit from the vast opportunities in the tech industry, from startups to multinational corporations.
Best Full Stack Developer Classes in Pune: SyntaxLevelUp
When it comes to choosing the best full stack developer class in Pune, SyntaxLevelUp is a top contender. Here’s why SyntaxLevelUp is one of the best training institutes for full stack development:
Comprehensive Curriculum: SyntaxLevelUp offers a carefully structured curriculum that covers all the key aspects of full stack development. Whether you are looking to master front-end technologies like JavaScript and React or dive deep into back-end development with Node.js and Express, the course has you covered. It also focuses on databases like MySQL and MongoDB, making it a complete package for aspiring developers.
Experienced Instructors: The trainers at SyntaxLevelUp come with years of industry experience. They bring real-world insights into the classroom, ensuring that students not only understand the theory but also know how to apply it in real-world scenarios. Their hands-on approach helps students gain practical experience, which is crucial in full stack development course in pune.
Flexible Learning Options: SyntaxLevelUp offers various learning formats to suit different needs. Whether you prefer in-person classes or online learning, SyntaxLevelUp provides flexible options to help you learn at your own pace. Their weekend batches are perfect for working professionals looking to upskill without disrupting their work schedules.
Project-Based Learning: SyntaxLevelUp emphasizes practical, project-based learning. Students are encouraged to build real-world applications as part of their course. This approach ensures that you graduate with a portfolio of projects, which is invaluable when applying for jobs or freelance opportunities.
Job Placement Assistance: SyntaxLevelUp provides excellent career support, including resume-building workshops, mock interviews, and job placement assistance. With strong industry connections, they help students connect with top companies in Pune's tech ecosystem.
Affordable Fees: Despite offering a comprehensive and high-quality training program, SyntaxLevelUp’s course fees are affordable. They also offer payment plans and discounts, making it accessible to a broader range of students.
What to Expect from Full Stack Developer Classes at SyntaxLevelUp?
At SyntaxLevelUp, you can expect a structured program that takes you from the basics to advanced levels. The course typically covers:
Front-end Development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, React, and Angular.
Back-end Development: Node.js, Express, Python, Django, and more.
Database Management: MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL.
DevOps and Version Control: Git, Docker, CI/CD pipelines.
Students get access to:
Live projects to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios.
Code reviews to ensure they follow best practices.
Mentorship and support from industry experts.
For anyone looking to become a full stack developer course in Pune, SyntaxLevelUp offers one of the best training programs. With its comprehensive curriculum, experienced trainers, flexible learning options, and strong career support, SyntaxLevelUp provides everything you need to succeed in this fast-growing field.
If you're serious about starting or advancing your career as a full stack developer course in pune , SyntaxLevelUp should be at the top of your list. The combination of quality education, practical experience, and career support makes it the best choice for full stack developer training in Pune.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer looking to upskill, SyntaxLevelUp will help you achieve your goals and stand out in the competitive tech market.
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Top Full Stack Developer Courses in Pune: Your Path to Success
If you're aiming to build a successful career in technology, Full Stack development is among the most sought-after skills today. Pune, as a prominent IT hub in India, offers numerous opportunities for aspiring developers. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, choosing the right Full Stack developer course in Pune is crucial for your success. In this blog, we’ll guide you through the essentials of Full Stack training in Pune and how to select the best program tailored to your needs.
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Why Pursue Full Stack Development?
Full Stack developers are the multi-talented professionals of the tech world. With the ability to manage both front-end and back-end development, they are highly valuable assets in any tech team. By mastering Full Stack web development in Pune, you can open doors to a rewarding career within the city's flourishing IT landscape.
What to Expect from Full Stack Training in Pune
Enrolling in a Full Stack developer course in Pune equips you with a broad understanding of different programming languages, frameworks, and tools. Whether you're drawn to a Full Stack Java developer course in Pune or interested in exploring other tech stacks like MEAN or MERN, Pune’s institutes provide diverse learning opportunities.
Core Elements of a Full Stack Developer Course:
Front-End Development: Learn the essentials of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like Angular or React.
Back-End Development: Master server-side programming with languages such as Node.js, Python, or Java.
Databases: Gain practical experience with both SQL and NoSQL databases like MySQL and MongoDB.
Version Control: Understand Git and GitHub for effective collaboration and code management.
Deployment: Learn how to deploy applications on cloud platforms.
Top Full Stack Developer Courses in Pune
Pune hosts several reputed institutes offering Full Stack developer classes. When choosing a course, consider the curriculum, instructor expertise, placement support, and feedback from past students.
Leading Institutes Offering Full Stack Classes in Pune:
Institute A: Renowned for its industry-focused curriculum and seasoned faculty.
Institute B: Specializes in a Full Stack Java developer course in Pune with robust placement assistance.
Institute C: Provides flexible learning options, including online and weekend batches.
Placement Assistance After Full Stack Training
A key advantage of enrolling in a Full Stack developer course in Pune with placement is the job opportunities it presents. Many institutes have strong industry connections, ensuring students are placed in reputable IT firms after completing their course.
How to Select the Best Full Stack Course in Pune
With numerous options available, choosing the right Full Stack course in Pune can be challenging. Here are a few tips to help you decide:
Review the Curriculum: Make sure the course covers all critical aspects of Full Stack development.
Faculty Expertise: Choose an institute with instructors who bring real-world experience to the classroom.
Placement Support: Opt for courses that provide strong placement assistance.
Student Feedback: Research online reviews and testimonials from alumni.
Whether you're just beginning or looking to advance your skills, enrolling in a Full Stack developer course in Pune can significantly impact your career trajectory. With the right training and mentorship, you’ll be prepared to excel as a Full Stack developer, ready to tackle challenges in the dynamic tech industry.
Don’t delay—explore the best Full Stack classes in Pune today and embark on your journey to becoming a skilled web developer!
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gitengineering · 1 month
AI engineering college in Kerala | The Advancement of AI and Data Science Education across India
Explore the evolution of artificial intelligence and data science education in India through GIT Engineering College AI engineering college in Kerala, renowned for its premier AI courses in Kerala. Discover our comprehensive programs preparing students for the future of technology.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science have emerged as transformative technologies reshaping industries worldwide. In Kottayam, the demand for skilled professionals in these fields is growing rapidly, highlighting the importance of quality education and training. At GIT, a pioneer among AI and Data Science colleges in Kottayam, we delve into the evolution of these technologies and their impact on education.
 The Rise of AI and Data Science
AI and Data Science are revolutionizing sectors such as healthcare, finance, retail, and more, by leveraging data to derive insights and make informed decisions. In India, the adoption of AI has accelerated, fuelled by advancements in machine learning, natural language processing, and robotics. This technological wave underscores the need for educational institutions to equip students with advanced knowledge and skills.
 AI and Data Science Courses at GIT Engineering College
As one of the leading AI courses in Kerala, we offers comprehensive programs designed to meet industry demands. Our curriculum combines theoretical foundations with practical applications, preparing students to tackle real-world challenges. From machine learning algorithms to big data analytics, students gain hands-on experience through advanced labs and industry collaborations.
 Industry-Relevant Skills and Training
We emphasizes hands-on learning and industry exposure to ensure graduates are job-ready. Students engage in projects that address contemporary issues in AI and Data Science, enhancing their problem-solving abilities and critical thinking skills. Our faculty comprises experts who guide and mentor students, fostering a conducive learning environment.
 Career Opportunities in AI and Data Science
The demand for AI and Data Science professionals continues to soar, with lucrative career opportunities in India and abroad. Graduates from GIT Top engineering college in Kerala are well-equipped to pursue roles such as data scientist, AI engineer, machine learning specialist, and more. Our strong alumni network and placement assistance further support students in securing rewarding careers.
 GIT Engineering College: Leading the Way in AI and Data Science Education
We stands out among AI and Data Science colleges in Kottayam for several reasons:
- Advanced Infrastructure: Our campus features advanced AI and Data Science labs equipped with the latest tools and technologies.
- Expert Faculty: Experienced faculty members bring industry expertise and academic rigor to the classroom.
- Holistic Development: Beyond technical skills, we focus on soft skills, entrepreneurship, and leadership development.
- Industry Partnerships: Collaborations with leading companies provide internship opportunities and industry insights.
As AI and Data Science redefine the future of technology, GIT Engineering colleges in Kottayam remains committed to fostering innovation and excellence in education. Our programs empower students to become future-ready professionals capable of driving positive change in the AI landscape.
For more information about our AI and Data Science courses and admissions, visit our website or contact us today.
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Master the Future of DevOps with the Microsoft Azure DevOps Training Course (AZ-400)
In the fast-changing world of IT, DevOps has become an essential field that connects development and operations, enabling smooth software delivery and improved teamwork. As businesses worldwide increasingly adopt cloud services, proficiency in Microsoft Azure DevOps is becoming indispensable for IT professionals looking to stay ahead in their careers. The Microsoft Azure DevOps Training Course (AZ-400), offered by eMexo Technologies in Electronic City, Bangalore, is designed to equip you with the necessary skills to excel in this domain.
Why Choose Microsoft Azure DevOps?
Microsoft Azure has firmly established itself as one of the leading cloud platforms globally, providing a comprehensive suite of services that cater to various aspects of cloud computing, including storage, networking, and analytics. However, what truly sets Azure apart is its robust DevOps capabilities, which enable organizations to automate and streamline their software development lifecycle.
Azure DevOps services offer a unified platform for CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment), source code management, and agile project management. Mastery of these tools is critical for anyone working in a modern DevOps environment. By completing the AZ-400 certification, professionals demonstrate their expertise in designing and implementing DevOps practices using Azure technologies, making them valuable assets to any organization.
Comprehensive Training at eMexo Technologies
As the best Microsoft Azure DevOps Training Institute in Electronic City Bangalore, eMexo Technologies is committed to providing a learning experience beyond the basics. Our Microsoft Azure DevOps Training Course (AZ-400) is meticulously structured to cover all the essential concepts, tools, and techniques needed to master DevOps on Azure. Here’s a glimpse of what our course offers:
In-depth curriculum Aligned with Industry Standards Our course content is constantly updated to reflect the latest trends and practices in the industry. The curriculum is aligned with the Microsoft AZ-400 certification exam, ensuring that you are well-prepared to pass the exam with flying colors. The topics covered include: Introduction to Azure DevOps: Understanding the basics of DevOps and the Azure DevOps platform. Version Control with Git: Learn how to manage source code effectively using Git repositories hosted on Azure Repos. Continuous Integration (CI): Setting up automated builds and integrating code changes seamlessly using Azure Pipelines. Continuous Deployment (CD): Automating the deployment of applications across various environments using Azure Pipelines. Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Implementing and managing infrastructure using tools like Azure Resource Manager (ARM) and Terraform. Monitoring and Logging: Setting up monitoring and logging solutions using Azure Monitor and Azure Log Analytics. Security and Compliance: Implementing security practices and ensuring compliance with industry standards.
Hands-on experience with Real-World Projects We believe in learning by doing. Our Microsoft Azure DevOps Course in Electronic City Bangalore is packed with hands-on labs and real-world projects that allow you to apply the concepts you learn in class. These projects are designed to simulate real-life scenarios, giving you the experience needed to tackle challenges in a professional environment.
Expert Instructors with Industry Experience Our instructors are experienced experts with extensive backgrounds in DevOps and cloud computing. They bring their industry insights into the classroom, giving you a deeper understanding of how Azure DevOps is applied in real-world situations. Their guidance will help you gain the practical skills needed to excel in your career.
Flexible Learning Options Understanding that professionals have different schedules, eMexo Technologies offers flexible learning options. Whether you prefer weekday classes, weekend batches, or even online learning, we have you covered. Our flexible schedule ensures you can balance your learning with your other commitments.
Post-Training Support and Placement Assistance We offer comprehensive post-training support, including doubt-clearing sessions, access to recorded classes, and additional learning resources. Furthermore, we provide placement assistance to help you land your dream job. Our committed placement team works diligently to link you with leading employers in the industry. Why eMexo Technologies is the Best Microsoft AzureDevops training institute in Bangalore Here’s why eMexo Technologies is the preferred choice for aspiring Azure DevOps professionals in Electronic City, Bangalore: Proven Track Record: We have successfully trained thousands of professionals who have gone on to secure high-paying jobs in top IT companies. State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: We provide excellent training facilities equipped with the latest technology and tools. Personalized Attention: We keep our class sizes small to guarantee that every student receives individualized attention from the instructor. Affordability: Our world-class training is available at competitive prices, making it accessible to everyone. The Future of DevOps and Cloud Computing The demand for Azure DevOps professionals grow in the coming years as more organizations adopt cloud-based solutions to enhance their agility and scalability. By mastering Azure DevOps, you position yourself at the forefront of this technological revolution, opening up a world of opportunities in the IT industry. Conclusion The Microsoft Azure DevOps Training Course (AZ-400) offered by eMexo Technologies in Electronic City, Bangalore, is your gateway to a successful career in DevOps. An all-encompassing curriculum provides you with the expertise and understanding necessary to thrive in the industry. Enroll now and join the ranks of successful professionals who have transformed their careers with eMexo Technologies.
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login360seo · 2 months
Unlock Your Potential with Our Comprehensive Full Stack Developer Course
In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the demand for proficient full stack developers is higher than ever. Whether you're a novice looking to break into the tech industry or a seasoned professional aiming to expand your skill set, our full stack developer course is the perfect stepping stone to success.
Why Choose a Full Stack Developer Course?
Embarking on a journey to become a full stack developer means mastering both front-end and back-end development, which empowers you to build complete, functional applications from start to finish. Our full stack development courses are designed to equip you with the knowledge and practical skills required to excel in this versatile role.
Our full stack web development courses offer a balanced blend of theory and hands-on practice, ensuring you gain a deep understanding of key technologies and frameworks. From HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the front end to server-side programming with Node.js, Express, and database management with MongoDB, you'll learn to create dynamic, responsive web applications.
What You'll Learn in Our Full Stack Development Courses
Our curriculum is meticulously crafted to cover all essential aspects of full stack development. Here’s a glimpse of what you can expect:
Front-End Development: Master HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and modern libraries like React.js to create visually appealing and interactive user interfaces.
Back-End Development: Dive into server-side programming with Node.js, Express, and explore database management using MongoDB and SQL.
Version Control & Deployment: Learn to use Git and GitHub for version control and deploy your applications to cloud platforms like AWS and Heroku.
API Integration: Understand how to integrate third-party APIs to add functionality and enhance user experience.
Project-Based Learning: Engage in real-world projects that simulate professional scenarios, helping you build a robust portfolio.
Why Our Full Stack Developer Course in Chennai Stands Out
Choosing the right learning environment is crucial for your success. Here’s why our full stack developer course in Chennai is your best bet:
Experienced Instructors: Learn from industry experts who bring years of real-world experience and deep technical knowledge to the classroom.
Comprehensive Curriculum: Our course content is continuously updated to reflect the latest trends and technologies in full stack development.
Hands-On Training: Gain practical experience through live projects, coding assignments, and collaborative exercises.
Career Support: Benefit from our dedicated placement assistance, resume-building workshops, and interview preparation sessions to kick start your career in tech.
The Future is Full Stack
The versatility of a full stack developer opens doors to numerous career opportunities in diverse industries. With our full stack development course, you'll be well-equipped to take on roles such as:
Full Stack Developer
Front-End Developer
Back-End Developer
Web Developer
Software Engineer
By completing our full stack web development courses, you’ll have the skills and confidence to tackle any challenge in the tech world.
Enroll Today and Transform Your Career
Ready to embark on an exciting and rewarding career path? Enroll in our full stack developer course today and unlock your potential. Whether you aim to develop innovative web applications or lead complex projects, our full stack development courses will provide the foundation you need to succeed.Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from the best and join the ranks of skilled full stack developers. Start your journey with us and pave the way to a promising future in tech.
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Global Institute of Technology: A Premier Destination for B. Tech in Computer Science in Jaipur
In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, obtaining a Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in Computer Science (CS) from a reputed institution is a significant stepping stone towards a successful career. For aspiring engineers, selecting the right college is paramount. The Global Institute of Technology (GIT) in Jaipur, recognized as one of the top B.Tech colleges in Rajasthan, stands out as a premier institution offering exemplary education and unparalleled opportunities for students. This blog delves into the reasons why GIT is a top choice for pursuing a B.Tech in CS, highlighting its academic excellence, state-of-the-art facilities, and holistic development approach.
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Academic Excellence and Distinguished Faculty
One of the critical factors that distinguish GIT as one of the top B.Tech colleges in Jaipur is its unwavering commitment to academic excellence. The Computer Science department boasts a robust curriculum that is continuously updated to align with the latest industry trends and technological advancements. This ensures that students receive education that is both relevant and forward-thinking.
The faculty at GIT comprises seasoned educators and industry experts who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the classroom. Their expertise not only covers the fundamental principles of computer science but also extends to specialized areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, cybersecurity, and data analytics. The faculty’s dedication to teaching and mentoring fosters an environment where students are encouraged to think critically, innovate, and excel in their chosen fields.
Cutting-Edge Facilities and Infrastructure
Global Institute of Technology takes pride in its state-of-the-art facilities, which play a pivotal role in providing a conducive learning environment. The campus is equipped with modern laboratories, including dedicated labs for programming, networking, and hardware, that are essential for hands-on learning and experimentation. These labs are outfitted with the latest software and hardware, enabling students to work on real-world projects and gain practical experience.
The institute’s library is another invaluable resource, housing an extensive collection of books, journals, and digital resources covering various aspects of computer science and engineering. Additionally, GIT provides access to online databases and e-books, ensuring that students have ample resources to support their academic pursuits.
Industry Connections and Placement Opportunities
One of the standout features of GIT, making it one of the top B.Tech colleges in Rajasthan, is its strong industry connections and impressive placement record. The institute has forged partnerships with leading technology companies and organizations, facilitating internships, workshops, and guest lectures. These collaborations provide students with insights into the industry’s workings and help them stay abreast of the latest developments.
GIT’s dedicated placement cell works tirelessly to ensure that students are well-prepared for the job market. The cell organizes regular training sessions, mock interviews, and resume-building workshops to enhance students’ employability. As a result, GIT boasts a high placement rate, with graduates securing positions in renowned companies such as Infosys, TCS, Wipro, and IBM.
Holistic Development and Extracurricular Activities
At GIT, the focus extends beyond academic excellence to include the holistic development of students. The institute encourages participation in a wide range of extracurricular activities, including technical clubs, cultural events, and sports. These activities are designed to nurture students’ talents, foster teamwork, and develop leadership skills.
The Computer Science Club at GIT is particularly noteworthy, providing a platform for students to collaborate on projects, participate in coding competitions, and attend tech fests. These activities not only enhance technical skills but also stimulate creativity and innovation.
Global Exposure and Research Opportunities
Global Institute of Technology recognizes the importance of global exposure in today’s interconnected world. The institute actively promotes student exchange programs and international collaborations, allowing students to gain a broader perspective and experience diverse cultures. These opportunities are invaluable in preparing students for global careers.
Research is another cornerstone of the academic experience at GIT. The institute encourages students to engage in research projects under the guidance of experienced faculty members. This emphasis on research fosters a spirit of inquiry and innovation, enabling students to contribute to the advancement of technology.
Choosing the right institution for pursuing a B.Tech in Computer Science is a critical decision that can shape the trajectory of one’s career. Global Institute of Technology in Jaipur, with its commitment to academic excellence, cutting-edge facilities, strong industry connections, and holistic development approach, stands out as one of the top B.Tech colleges in Jaipur and Rajasthan. By choosing GIT, students are not only investing in their education but also in their future, equipping themselves with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the ever-evolving field of technology.
Embark on your journey to success with a B.Tech from Computer Science at GIT, where excellence meets opportunity, and dreams transform into reality.
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mohalicareerpoint12 · 2 months
Best Full Stack Development Training in Mohali
Full Stack Development has become one of the most sought-after skills in the tech industry. With the ability to handle both front-end and back-end development, Full Stack Developers are in high demand across various industries. If you are in Mohali and looking to become a Full Stack Developer, finding the right training institute is crucial. This article highlights the best Full Stack Development training institute in Mohali, detailing what makes it the top choice.
Why Pursue Full Stack Development Training?
Versatility: Full Stack Developers have the skills to work on both client-side and server-side applications, making them versatile and valuable in the tech industry.
High Demand: The demand for Full Stack Developers is high as they can handle end-to-end development processes, making them crucial assets for companies.
Career Growth: Full Stack Development skills open up numerous career opportunities and can lead to higher salary prospects.
Comprehensive Skillset: Training covers a wide range of technologies and tools, providing a well-rounded understanding of web development.
Criteria for Selecting the Best Full Stack Development Institute
When choosing a Full Stack Development training institute, consider the following factors:
Comprehensive Curriculum: An extensive curriculum covering all aspects of Full Stack Development.
Experienced Trainers: Trainers with substantial industry experience and expertise in web development.
Hands-on Training: Emphasis on practical, project-based learning.
Placement Assistance: Support for job placement post-training.
Positive Reviews and Reputation: Strong industry reputation and positive feedback from former students.
The Best Full Stack Development Institute in Mohali: ThinkNEXT Technologies
ThinkNEXT Technologies is widely regarded as the best institute for Full Stack Development training in Mohali. Known for its excellence in IT training, ThinkNEXT offers a comprehensive Full Stack Development course designed to equip students with the necessary skills to excel in the industry.
Why ThinkNEXT Technologies?
1. Comprehensive Curriculum
ThinkNEXT Technologies offers a well-structured curriculum that covers all aspects of Full Stack Development, including:
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Front-End Frameworks (React.js, Angular, or Vue.js)
Server-Side Programming (Node.js, Express.js)
Database Management (MySQL, MongoDB)
RESTful APIs and Web Services
Version Control (Git, GitHub)
Deployment and Cloud Services (AWS, Heroku)
DevOps Basics
Security Best Practices
Real-world Project Work
2. Experienced Trainers
ThinkNEXT Technologies boasts a team of highly experienced trainers who are experts in web development. These trainers bring their real-world experience into the classroom, ensuring that students not only learn theoretical concepts but also understand their practical applications.
3. Hands-on Training
ThinkNEXT Technologies emphasizes hands-on training, allowing students to work on real-world projects and case studies. This practical approach helps students gain the confidence and skills needed to tackle real challenges in their careers.
4. Placement Assistance
One of the standout features of ThinkNEXT Technologies is its strong placement assistance. The institute has tie-ups with numerous companies and provides dedicated support to help students secure job placements after completing the course.
5. Positive Reviews and Reputation
ThinkNEXT Technologies has received rave reviews from former students and holds a stellar reputation in the industry. Testimonials often highlight the institute’s effective teaching methods, supportive staff, and successful placement record.
Choosing the right institute for Full Stack Development training can significantly impact your career trajectory. ThinkNEXT Technologies stands out as the best Full Stack Development institute in Mohali, offering a comprehensive curriculum, experienced trainers, hands-on training, and excellent placement assistance. Whether you’re a beginner looking to start your journey in web development or an experienced professional seeking to upgrade your skills, ThinkNEXT Technologies is the ideal choice to master Full Stack Development and advance your career.
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mernfulstack · 3 months
Full Stack Development ClassRoom Training Free Demo
Attend Class Room #Freedemo On #FullStackDevelopment with #ReactJs by
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Demo on: 21st June @ 10:00 AM (IST).
Contact us: +91 9989971070.
WhatsApp: https://www.whatsapp.com/catalog/917032290546/
Blog link: https://visualpathblogs.com/
Visit: https://visualpath.in/full-stack-mern-classroom.html
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businessa · 11 days
Which Class is Best for Full Stack Developer in Pune? | SyntaxLevelUp
If you are looking to become a full stack developer in Pune, you’re likely searching for the best training programs to enhance your skills and boost your career prospects. In the competitive tech industry, finding the right course can make a huge difference. Pune is home to a growing tech community, with numerous institutes offering courses in full stack development. However, SyntaxLevelUp stands out as one of the top providers of full stack training in pune.
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Why Full Stack Development?
Full stack developers are highly sought after because of their ability to handle both front-end and back-end development. A full stack developer is proficient in:
Front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Angular, etc.
Back-end technologies like Node.js, Python, Ruby, and PHP.
Databases such as MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL.
Version control systems like Git.
Server management and DevOps practices.
A good full stack developer can design, develop, and maintain web applications from start to finish. This versatility makes full stack development an attractive career option for both beginners and experienced developers.
Why Choose Full Stack Development in Pune?
Pune has established itself as a thriving tech hub. With its proximity to Mumbai, the city has access to top talent and investment. Moreover, Pune’s education ecosystem is known for its quality institutes and technical courses. A full stack developer in Pune can benefit from the vast opportunities in the tech industry, from startups to multinational corporations.
Best Full Stack Developer Classes in Pune: SyntaxLevelUp
When it comes to choosing the best full stack developer class in Pune, SyntaxLevelUp is a top contender. Here’s why SyntaxLevelUp is one of the best training institutes for full stack development:
Comprehensive Curriculum: SyntaxLevelUp offers a carefully structured curriculum that covers all the key aspects of full stack development. Whether you are looking to master front-end technologies like JavaScript and React or dive deep into back-end development with Node.js and Express, the course has you covered. It also focuses on databases like MySQL and MongoDB, making it a complete package for aspiring developers.
Experienced Instructors: The trainers at SyntaxLevelUp come with years of industry experience. They bring real-world insights into the classroom, ensuring that students not only understand the theory but also know how to apply it in real-world scenarios. Their hands-on approach helps students gain practical experience, which is crucial in full stack development course in pune.
Flexible Learning Options: SyntaxLevelUp offers various learning formats to suit different needs. Whether you prefer in-person classes or online learning, SyntaxLevelUp provides flexible options to help you learn at your own pace. Their weekend batches are perfect for working professionals looking to upskill without disrupting their work schedules.
Project-Based Learning: SyntaxLevelUp emphasizes practical, project-based learning. Students are encouraged to build real-world applications as part of their course. This approach ensures that you graduate with a portfolio of projects, which is invaluable when applying for jobs or freelance opportunities.
Job Placement Assistance: SyntaxLevelUp provides excellent career support, including resume-building workshops, mock interviews, and job placement assistance. With strong industry connections, they help students connect with top companies in Pune's tech ecosystem.
Affordable Fees: Despite offering a comprehensive and high-quality training program, SyntaxLevelUp’s course fees are affordable. They also offer payment plans and discounts, making it accessible to a broader range of students.
What to Expect from Full Stack Developer Classes at SyntaxLevelUp?
At SyntaxLevelUp, you can expect a structured program that takes you from the basics to advanced levels. The course typically covers:
Front-end Development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, React, and Angular.
Back-end Development: Node.js, Express, Python, Django, and more.
Database Management: MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL.
DevOps and Version Control: Git, Docker, CI/CD pipelines.
Students get access to:
Live projects to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios.
Code reviews to ensure they follow best practices.
Mentorship and support from industry experts.
For anyone looking to become a full stack developer in Pune, SyntaxLevelUp offers one of the best training programs. With its comprehensive curriculum, experienced trainers, flexible learning options, and strong career support, SyntaxLevelUp provides everything you need to succeed in this fast-growing field.
If you're serious about starting or advancing your career as a full stack developer course in pune , SyntaxLevelUp should be at the top of your list. The combination of quality education, practical experience, and career support makes it the best choice for full stack developer training in Pune.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer looking to upskill, SyntaxLevelUp will help you achieve your goals and stand out in the competitive tech market.
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syntaxlevelup · 4 months
The Best Institute for Full Stack Developer Training in Pune: SyntaxLevelUp
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In today's fast-paced technological world, having a robust skill set in full stack development is more valuable than ever. Whether you're an aspiring developer or an experienced professional looking to upgrade your skills, choosing the right institute for your training is crucial. If you're in Pune, look no further than SyntaxLevelUp. Here's why SyntaxLevelUp stands out as the best institute for full stack developer training in Pune.
Comprehensive Curriculum
SyntaxLevelUp offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers everything you need to become a proficient full stack developer classes in pune The course includes:
Front-End Development: Learn the latest technologies like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and modern frameworks such as React and Angular.
Back-End Development: Gain expertise in server-side technologies like Node.js, Express.js, and databases such as MongoDB and SQL.
Version Control and Deployment: Master Git, GitHub, and deployment strategies using platforms like AWS and Heroku.
Project-Based Learning: Engage in real-world projects that simulate actual industry scenarios, helping you build a strong portfolio.
Experienced Faculty
The quality of education largely depends on the instructors. At SyntaxLevelUp, the faculty comprises industry veterans with years of experience in full stack developer course in pune. They bring real-world insights and practical knowledge to the classroom, ensuring that you not only learn theoretical concepts but also understand their practical applications.
Hands-On Training
SyntaxLevelUp believes in learning by doing. The institute emphasizes hands-on training, ensuring that students spend a significant portion of their time working on live projects. This approach helps in solidifying concepts and making students job-ready from day one.
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure
The learning environment at SyntaxLevelUp is designed to inspire and motivate students. The institute boasts state-of-the-art infrastructure with modern classrooms, high-speed internet, and all the necessary tools and software for a seamless learning experience.
Placement Assistance
One of the key features that set SyntaxLevelUp apart is its robust placement assistance. The institute has a dedicated placement cell that works tirelessly to help students land their dream jobs. With strong ties to leading tech companies in Pune and beyond, SyntaxLevelUp ensures that its students have ample opportunities to kickstart their careers.
Flexible Learning Options
Understanding the diverse needs of its students, SyntaxLevelUp offers flexible learning options. Whether you prefer weekend classes, evening batches, or intensive boot camps, there's a schedule that fits your lifestyle. This flexibility makes it easier for working professionals to upskill without disrupting their current job.
Success Stories
The true measure of an institute's success is the achievements of its alumni. SyntaxLevelUp boasts numerous success stories, with graduates working at top tech companies and startups. These success stories are a testament to the quality of education and training provided at SyntaxLevelUp.
Affordable Pricing
Quality education doesn't have to come at a high cost. SyntaxLevelUp offers competitive pricing for its full stack developer courses in pune, ensuring that students get the best value for their money. Additionally, the institute provides various financing options and scholarships to make education accessible to everyone.
Choosing the right institute for full stack developer training in pune can make all the difference in your career. With its comprehensive curriculum, experienced faculty, hands-on training, and strong placement assistance, SyntaxLevelUp is undoubtedly the best institute for full stack development in Pune. If you're ready to take your skills to the next level and embark on a rewarding career in tech, SyntaxLevelUp is the place to be.
Enroll today and start your journey towards becoming a full stack developer with SyntaxLevelUp!SyntaxLevelUp offers the best full stack developer course in Pune, designed to equip you with the skills needed for a successful career in web development. Our full stack training in Pune covers both front-end and back-end technologies, ensuring comprehensive learning. Enroll in our full stack web development course in Pune and benefit from our placement assistance. Join our full stack developer classes in Pune to master Java and other crucial technologies. Secure your future with the top full stack course in Pune today!
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Global Institute of Technology: Shaping Future Leaders in Engineering in Jaipur
In the vibrant city of Jaipur, the Global Institute of Technology (GIT) stands as a beacon of excellence in engineering education. Renowned as one of the best colleges for engineering in Rajasthan, GIT has carved a niche for itself by consistently delivering top-notch education, fostering innovation, and producing industry-ready graduates. If you are aspiring to join one of the top BTech colleges in Rajasthan, look no further. GIT is not only one of the top engineering colleges in Jaipur but also a pioneer in shaping the future of engineering education in the state.
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A Legacy of Excellence: Why Choose GIT?
Established with a vision to create an academic environment that fosters innovation and excellence, GIT has been at the forefront of engineering education for years. Here’s why GIT is considered among the top BTech colleges in Jaipur:
World-Class Faculty: GIT boasts a team of highly qualified and experienced faculty members who are dedicated to imparting quality education and mentoring students. The faculty members bring a blend of academic rigor and industry experience, ensuring that students are well-prepared for the challenges of the engineering world.
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: The campus of GIT is equipped with modern facilities, including well-equipped laboratories, advanced research centers, and smart classrooms. These facilities provide students with a conducive learning environment and hands-on experience with the latest technology.
Innovative Curriculum: GIT’s curriculum is designed to meet the evolving needs of the industry. The institute offers a range of BTech programs, each with a strong emphasis on practical learning, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. The curriculum is regularly updated to incorporate the latest advancements in technology and industry trends.
Industry Collaboration: One of the distinguishing features of GIT is its strong industry ties. The institute collaborates with leading companies and organizations to provide students with internship opportunities, industry projects, and placement support. These collaborations ensure that GIT graduates are job-ready and in high demand.
Research and Development: GIT encourages a culture of research and innovation. The institute has established various research centers and labs where students and faculty work on cutting-edge projects. GIT’s commitment to research has resulted in numerous publications, patents, and innovations that contribute to the advancement of technology.
Holistic Development: At GIT, education goes beyond the classroom. The institute emphasizes the overall development of students by encouraging participation in extracurricular activities, sports, and cultural events. GIT believes in nurturing well-rounded individuals who are not only academically proficient but also socially responsible.
Programs Offered: Diverse Opportunities for Aspiring Engineers
GIT offers a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in engineering. The BTech programs, in particular, are designed to provide students with a strong foundation in their chosen fields. Here are some of the popular BTech specializations offered at GIT:
Computer Science and Engineering: This program focuses on the principles of computer science, programming, and software development. Students learn about algorithms, data structures, artificial intelligence, and more.
Electronics and Communication Engineering: This specialization deals with electronic devices, circuits, communication systems, and signal processing. Students gain expertise in designing and developing electronic systems.
Mechanical Engineering: This program covers the fundamentals of mechanics, thermodynamics, and manufacturing processes. Students are trained to design, analyse, and maintain mechanical systems.
Civil Engineering: This specialization focuses on the design, construction, and maintenance of infrastructure projects such as buildings, roads, bridges, and water supply systems.
Electrical Engineering: This program deals with electrical circuits, power systems, and control systems. Students learn to design and manage electrical systems for various applications.
Placement Success: Launching Careers with Confidence
One of the key indicators of an institute’s success is its placement record. GIT takes pride in its robust placement cell, which works tirelessly to ensure that students secure lucrative job offers from reputed companies. The institute’s strong industry connections and dedicated placement support have resulted in impressive placement statistics year after year. Graduates from GIT have been placed in top companies across various sectors, including IT, manufacturing, consulting, and more.
Campus Life: A Vibrant Community
Life at GIT is not just about academics; it’s about creating memories and building lifelong connections. The campus is a melting pot of cultures, ideas, and activities. Students can join various clubs and societies that cater to diverse interests, from robotics and coding to music and dance. The annual tech fest and cultural fest are highlights of the academic calendar, providing students with a platform to showcase their talents and creativity.
Your Journey to Success Begins Here
Selecting the best engineering college is an important choice that will affect your life. The Global Institute of Technology, one of the best Btech college in Jaipur and Rajasthan, provides a life-changing educational experience that gives you the abilities, know-how, and self-assurance you need to be successful in the engineering industry. GIT offers an ideal platform for pursuing a career in software development, civil engineering, or electronics innovation. Join GIT to continue the tradition of outstanding engineering education. Here is where your success path starts.
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swaroopvs · 6 months
Cloud in a box
Everything you need to operate your business from Amazon, Microsoft Azure and Private Clouds.
Cloud in the box offering
A holistic approach to your infrastructure needs by combining services from the following disciplines to give you a seamless experience: DevOps: Your infrastructure is automated and built out right the first time SRE: Your infrastructure is configured for fault tolerance, resilience, monitored 24×7 and sends out alerts on critical failures DevSecOps: Your infrastructure is built to comply with security posture
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CI/CD for cloud
Releasing features first to the market without sacrificing quality differentiates a company from its competitors. Mirketa will help you define CI pipelines to provide quick feedback to your developers to write better code by implementing industry leading open-source CI tools.
Build CI/CD pipeline: Our CI/CD pipelines integrate code quality, and test coverage tools to ensure quality is maintained as the teams move faster and implement change management integrations to provide compliance. Our expertise includes Jenkins, Kubernetes, Docker, and other open-source tools.
Branching strategies: Branching strategies are impacted by team structure, release processes, and even team skills and willingness to change. We recommend branching model blueprints that best fit your needs for efficient code management to increase developer productivity and reduce build and deploy time.
GIT migration: Our GIT migration services include taking your source code for legacy SCM tools like SVN and Perforce to GIT
CI/CD training: We provide classroom training on Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment concepts and tools with hands-on exercises.
With Mirketa’s CI/CD methodology, you will see a significant reduction in cost per story point as the holding cost will drastically reduce without losing quality and sacrificing compliance.
Ready to discuss your clouds needs? Contact us for a free consultation.
Contact Us to know more
Infrastructure modernization
Legacy infrastructure not just hampers businesses from lost productivity but also impacts growth potential. We at Mirketa take a cloud native approach and build infrastructure via open source DevOps automation tools to provide an error free and repeatable process.
We have expertise in docker, Kubernetes, AWS, GCP, Azure, serverless architecture.
Infrastructure Modernization Include:
– Assess current state and needs for Cloud Infrastructure
– Select the platform and architect to-be state
– Migrate from one platform to another
– Upgrade monitoring/ security tools
Whether it is an application migration journey from on-prem data centers to cloud or a brand new infrastructure built in the cloud, you can entrust Mirketa to have a smooth journey.
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