#Glenn Rhee Fanfic
frost-queen · 10 months
Sibling's sport (Teen!Reader & Glenn Rhee ft. Maggie)
Requested by: anon ,Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex–awesome–22 @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
Summary: You are Maggie's teen sister. One day you ran away from Alexandria to explore. When coming face to face with Glenn you nearly shoot him, thinking he was a walker. When Glenn starts scolding you, you call him an asshole as he can't help it but comment back to it. Bickering and toying around like siblings all the way back to Alexandria where Maggie has the laugh of her life, upon seeing you and Glenn.
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A window slit open in the morning glow. The sudden sound sending a flock of birds flying that had been nestling on the roof for a morning rest. A backpack got send through, falling with a thud on the grass. Then a foot, up to a leg and half a posture. Grabbing onto the top of the window, you kept your balance. Sticking your other leg out to join them together. Setting your hands down you changed position. Slowly lowering yourself to decrease the fall height. Arms stretched out holding on to the railing, you let do, falling down. You landed down on the grass beside your backpack.
Gravity having pushed you down and knocked you off balance down below. Getting half up, you dragged your backpack closer to you over the grass. With one sweep it was over your shoulder. Set and ready, you took a run for it. Alexandria as quiet as ever. Everyone still fast asleep. You went towards the back avoiding being spotted by Daryl, who was sometimes an early bird too. If he saw you, he’d question where you would be going. He’d either tell your sister Maggie or decide to tag along. You liked Daryl but this was something you loved doing on your own.
Running up to the fence, you started to follow it down the line. Searching for that spot to easily get over it. There it was. You smiled in delight running up to it. All was left to do was climb over it. Seeing the garbage can nearby, you dragged it closer to the fence. Crawling on top of it, you got over the fence, landing down, sinking to your knees once over. Dusting your hands off, you started to run for it. Leaving Alexandria for what it was to explore. You kept running till you got to a clearing. Slowing down. You pulled out your knife, keeping it close for when you needed to use it.
Nearing the danger zone. The woods were a dangerous place for walkers to roam. Easily for them to sneak up on you and catch you by surprise. In the distance you spotted a walker walking mindlessly, their head slightly tilted to the side, close to their shoulder. They were far enough to not see you. Without making any sounds, you kept a close eye on them, going a different way. They got out of sight as you neared a creak. Taking a leap. Jumping over flawlessly. The sudden sound of walker’s snarling caught your attention.
Turning your head instantly out of instinct, you exhaled loud. The tension slowly leaving your stiff posture. Not far from you was a walker tangled up between some wires. Their legs dangling in the cold water. You walked over to it holding your knife out. It began to snarl louder and squirm in your presence. Wanting to have a bite as it hungered for it. Kneeling down you grabbed a hold of it’s head. Their jaw violently snapping your way. A few teeth already missing. – “I give you mercy.” – you whispered before jamming your knife deep down it’s skull.
It pierced easily through the skull as the walker went silent. Jaw hanging loose as you retracted your knife from it. The blood on it dark and smelly. Their brain must have been rotten for a while now. Getting back up, you continued your way. Finding peace in solitude. After a while you looked up. Seeing how the sky was pure blue. Not a cloud in sight. You thought back of Alexandria and how everyone must have already woken up.
Shaking your head you didn’t want to think longer about them. The trees cleared way, fewer trees standing tall as you neared a small town. Mushy leaves made way for hard streets. Cars parked carelessly around. You rounded a car leaping back when a walker thudded their head against the glass. Aware of your sudden presence. They kept bumping their head against the thick glass, hands gripping wildly before them, held back by the belt. You backed away. Walking in the middle of the road to avoid the cars.
Who knew what was hiding behind them or in them. You went over to a convenience store. The windows dusted, some broken. Nearing the broken window, you took a peek inside. Not seeing anything at first sight. Kneeling down you removed your backpack. Unzipping it to search it. Taking out a pebble, you moved your backpack over your shoulder again. Throwing the pebble through the broken window you heard it clatter against the ground. Waiting and watching carefully for any walkers. Whispering the counts till you rounded at thirty and still nothing had surprised you.
Finding it secure enough you broke the window more to crawl inside. With a thud you landed on your feet, broken glass underneath your boots. Moving your backpack to the front, you kept it open to stuff useful supplies in it. The first shelves were empty. Plundered. You went down each row looking for something useful. By the middle you found some interesting things. For some reason a wooden spoon. You bagged it, thinking Carol could find use for it. Some canned food that still looked worth consuming. Further down the back you found a dusted bunny.
Already missing an eye and a rip in the side where the filling was coming out a bit. You thought off Judy and how she would loved it. There must be some needles and thread back at Alexandria to patch it up for her. You carefully pushed some filling back into the bunny before putting it in your backpack. There was some more canned food and some dry snacks. You also took every medicine you came across. Who knew when you needed it. Going back outside you looked around the deserted town. Something about this silence making you feel small yet grand as well. You went to sit on the hood of a car, taking out a snack.
The city’s was yours. An overwhelming loneliness. Time seemingly standing still as everything around it began to dust. The glory of the town long gone. Now but a shimmer of it’s former glory. Something in the distance made you narrow your eyes. A walker dragging her feet between some cars. You set your snack aside taking out your gun. Pointing it at firm at her. Deciding whether to shoot her in the head from up here. The shot could alarm others. Sighing loud you knew you had to get up and knife her. She disappeared behind some cars out of vision as you waited for her to reappear again.
Yet she didn’t. You kept waiting finding it odd you hadn’t seen her walk by. She must have. It started to alarm you that you hadn’t seen her walk past. Grabbing your things, you jumped off the hood. Gun in the ready you went over to the car. Wanting to see for yourself what happened. Did she find someone to feed on? Did she get stuck. Trip? Got killed? A thousand alarm sirens were going off in your head. Slightly frightening you. Holding your gun out, you neared the car. Going round you expected to find her. There was no one. Till you spotted her on the ground. Blood staining the street as she’s been stabbed in the head. It meant someone was out here with you.
Having a sudden sense, you spun around ready to shoot. Glenn shot his hands up at the sight of your gun pointing at him. – “Glenn!” – you called out. – “Are you insane I could’ve killed you!” – you lowered your gun. – “What the hell are you doing here by yourself?” – he shouted back lowering his hands. – “It’s dangerous to go out on your own. What were you thinking. You could’ve blown my head off with how jumpy you are!” – He called out. – “Then don’t sneak up on people asshole!” – you replied angered that he was threating you like a little child. – “Wow.” – Glenn breathed out with half a smile.
“I’m the asshole when you’re the one who pointed a gun at me.” – he answered. You rolled with your eyes, putting your gun away. – “Hey! Did you just roll your eyes at me!” – Glenn shouted as you walked away from him. His cheeks bloated with frustration that you’d just walk away carelessly. – “Y/n!” – Glenn said coming after you. – “Maggie was worried sick.” – he called out trying to catch up with you. You blabbed some annoying words out, using your hand to show him he was nagging. Glenn came to your side blabbering mockingly at you. It made you look bothered at him. – “How mature.” – you told him. – “I’m just mimicking you.” – he teased back with a sneer.
“You want an applause for that?” – you replied sarcastically. Glenn laughed annoyingly to let you know he found you ridiculous. You slapped him annoyed against his shoulder. Glenn narrowed his glare slapping you right back. It only angered you more as you slapped him right back against his shoulder. Glenn slapped you back as well. – “I can do this all day!” – he told you. – “So can I!” – you answered giving him a slap against the back of his head.
Nothing too hard, just a playful slap. Glenn and you were making your way back to Alexandria as he moved his leg up to bump it against your bottom. It made you stumble a bit forwards. As a response you gave him a nudge. Glenn nudged you right back. You wanted to nudge him back as Glenn’s expression hardened. He grabbed you by your wrist, pulling you closer to him. You stumbled forwards, lowering your head a bit when he moved his gun over your head. Firing twice to send a walker down. – “I could’ve gotten it.” – you told him. Glenn laughed loud. – “I didn’t know you had eyes on the back of your head.”
“Didn’t you know Glenny I do.” – you had crossed your arms, throwing him a teasing smile. – “Then I suppose you see this coming.” – he spoke tapping the back of your head. – “Hey!” – you called out as he took a run for it. You started to run after him. You wanted to push him as he grabbed your hands keeping you on a distance. – “Not close enough.” – he responded pushing you away. He jogged away as you went after him.
He darted away from your attempts to push him. Like a cat and a mouse playing around. The two of you neared the gates of Alexandria still playing around. Bickering and toying around like siblings would do. Maggie was waiting at the gate’s seeing Glenn give you a little nudge. It made you stumble a bit to the side as you nudged him right back. Maggie smiling at how she saw the two of you get along. Laughing as it reminded her of when they were younger and teasing each other.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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vilentia · 1 year
Glenn Rhee x reader who allready has a child and like He tries to like get to know them and get along with them
Survival and Serendipity
Glenn Rhee x reader
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In the desolate world overrun by the undead, where trust was as scarce as hope, Glenn Rhee found himself facing a challenge he hadn't expected: getting to know you and your 6-year-old child, Mia. His heart, once solely focused on survival, now fluttered with uncertainty and a longing for something more meaningful.
It all began one day when you stumbled upon the group of survivors that Glenn called family. In the midst of your weary travels, there was a glimmer of hope that led you to their camp. As Glenn watched you approach, holding Mia's hand tightly, his heart skipped a beat. You were cautious, guarded, and rightfully so. In this world, trust was a fragile commodity, and Glenn respected that.
He approached you with a warm smile, though he knew the smile could never truly match the warmth he felt inside. "Hey there," he said softly, crouching down to meet Mia's curious gaze. "What's your name?"
Mia's eyes, big and innocent, studied Glenn for a moment before she mumbled, "Mia." She clung to your side, her tiny fingers clutching your shirt.
Glenn nodded, understanding her apprehension. "Well, Mia, I'm Glenn. And this is your mom, right?" He glanced up at you, offering a reassuring smile.
You nodded, a mixture of gratitude and skepticism in your eyes. But there was something in the way Glenn spoke, something in the kindness that radiated from him, that made you want to believe that maybe, just maybe, there was still goodness in the world.
As days turned into weeks, Glenn took small steps to win both your and Mia's trust. He'd often sit with you by the campfire, sharing stories of his own childhood, his dreams, and the world before it all fell apart. Mia would listen, her eyes wide with wonder as she started to view him not just as a stranger, but as a friend.
One sunny afternoon, Glenn brought out a deck of playing cards he'd found in an abandoned gas station. He knelt before Mia, his eyes twinkling. "Hey, wanna learn a card game?" he asked, offering her a playful wink.
Mia's face lit up with excitement as she nodded vigorously. Glenn patiently taught her the game, his fingers showing her the tricks of the trade. It was in these moments that a bond began to form, a connection built on trust, patience, and the simple joy of being together.
Through countless encounters, Mia began to see Glenn as a surrogate uncle, someone she could turn to for comfort and laughter amidst the harsh reality of their world. And as for you, you couldn't help but admire the way Glenn had taken a genuine interest in your child's well-being.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, you found Glenn and Mia sitting together on a log, sharing a quiet conversation and laughing. It was a sight that warmed your heart and filled you with a hope you thought had long disappeared. Glenn Rhee had become more than just a fellow survivor; he had become a part of your family.
As the days turned into months, Glenn's bond with both you and Mia deepened. His protective instincts grew stronger, and he couldn't help but smile at the sight of Mia clinging to his side, her tiny hand in his as they navigated this treacherous world together.
One evening, under the starry sky, you found yourselves sitting around the campfire. The flickering flames danced in the darkness, casting a warm and intimate glow. Glenn's voice was soft as he recounted tales from his past, stories that spoke of a time when life was simpler, filled with laughter and love.
You couldn't deny the warmth that Glenn's presence brought into your life. He had a way of making you feel safe, cherished, and understood in a way that no one else had in years. It was as if the world had conspired to bring you together in this bleak reality.
One night, after Mia had drifted off to sleep in her makeshift bedroll, you and Glenn found yourselves alone by the campfire. The silence between you was comfortable, a testament to the deep connection that had grown between you.
Glenn turned to you, his eyes filled with a mixture of vulnerability and longing. "You know," he began, his voice barely above a whisper, "I never thought I'd find anything worth holding onto in this world. But then you and Mia came into my life, and everything changed."
Your heart skipped a beat as you met his gaze, the intensity of his words leaving you breathless. "Glenn," you whispered back, your voice trembling, "I feel the same way. You've brought hope back into our lives."
In that moment, the world around you seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you illuminated by the campfire's gentle glow. Glenn reached for your hand, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. Slowly, he leaned in, and your lips met in a tender, heartfelt kiss—a kiss that spoke of the love and connection that had blossomed between you.
From that moment on, your relationship with Glenn deepened into a love that was both fierce and tender. You faced the dangers of the world side by side, finding strength in each other's arms. Mia, too, began to see Glenn not just as a friend but as a father figure, and her trust in him only solidified your love for him.
In this harsh and unforgiving world, you and Glenn had found something rare and precious—a love that had grown from the ashes of despair, a love that would endure the trials of the apocalypse. Together, you forged a family, bound not by blood but by the unbreakable bonds of love, trust, and survival.
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collecting-stories · 1 year
I have a TWD request if your up for it! I just started the series again and was thinking of a Daryl or Glenn x reader where the reader was a senior microbiology student in college at the time of the outbreak and was doing an internship at the CDC. That's where she meets them and ends up joining their team when they leave
CDC - Glenn Rhee
Summary: Glenn reassuring the reader as they drive away from the CDC.
A/N: I couldn't remember everything that happens at the CDC and didn't wanna rewatch the episode/s so this just a short blurb that takes place directly after the place blows up. Also I killed Andrea to further my "Emily hates Andrea" personality trait.
The Walking Dead Masterlist
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“I delivered pizza,” Glenn mentioned, the RV hitting a pot hole as it pulled off the curb. It rattled your whole body, shaking you left to right and knocking you against Glenn. He steadied you with an arm around your shoulders over the back of the booth seat.  
The fire that was raging behind you was bright in the middle of the day and you were almost convinced that you could still feel the warmth of it inside the RV with the windows up. You could definitely hear the sound of the walkers that were attracted to the fire, moaning and dragging themselves into combustion.  
“What?” You turned your head away from the window for the first time since you sat down in the booth seat of the RV and looked at Glenn.  
It had been Rick that had offered you the chance to leave with them when Jenner locked all the doors. It’d seemed silly to agree to the notion of leaving when you knew the steel doors were impenetrable once they came down. But you agreed anyway because dying wasn’t on your list of things to do. And now you were here, in the RV with Dale driving and Glenn sitting next to you, following the other cars of the other survivors in the ragtag group that had broken into the CDC the night before.  
More had happened in 12 hours than had happened in the last two months.  
“Before, you know...dead people started roaming around.” Glenn explained, moving his arm from off your shoulder and leaning his elbows on the table. His arm was still pressed against yours in the small space.  
“You delivered pizzas?” You clarified.  
“Yeah. Yup.” He replied, “I know that, whatever that was, was way more important than delivering pizza, just figured...it might make you feel better?” Glenn scrunched his face up to show his confusion as he ran a hand through his hair. When he’d started talking he was sure he had an actual point to make but now he was struggling to remember what it was.  
When you’d agreed to come with them he’d offered a spot in the RV right away. With Jackie and Andrea gone it seemed somehow like he’d jinxed the situation and he was trying desperately to say something to make up for the silence that lingered in the two women’s absence. You hadn’t said much in the CDC and you’d said even less since they got outside but Glenn had spent the entire dinner the night before unable to stop stealing glances at you. Not in a creepy way, he’d assured Dale when the older man inquired, he just thought you were beautiful and he hadn’t exactly been in the position to see too many attractive people lately.  
“I was doing my co-op at the CDC...it’s like an internship while I was in school...I was working on my senior thesis when the outbreak happened and, didn’t know what else to do so I went to work. Which I guess was better than staying at my dorm, in hindsight, but maybe also worse cause I got stuck with Jenner.” Being away from most of civilization for even the short period of time that you had found yourself had clearly given you a knack for oversharing.  
That and a cute guy was currently giving you all of his attention, which was also a bonus.  
“You all seem pretty familiar with what exactly is going on out here.” You mentioned, looking back out the window as the RV continued down the freeway, back toward Atlanta. “I’ve studied some postmortem samples up close but haven’t actually seen anyone like...be undead?”  
“Oh man, you should’ve seen Rick and I. A couple weeks back, I think, got stuck in the city on a run...it was gross...” Glenn launched into the harrowing story of his survival through a crowd of the very undead that you’d referenced, adding a few embellishments for the sake of keeping you interested in the story. 
As he spoke you looked up toward the front of the RV, catching Dale’s eyes in the rearview mirror. He turned and smiled at you before looking back at the road ahead. In the back, T Dog was sleeping, though you were completely bewildered as to how someone could sleep after what you had just witnessed.  
“If that’s what I have to look forward to,” you finally said as Glenn’s story came to an end. You had missed bits and pieces of it but could put together all you needed to know, you were far in over your head. Alive, but over your head.  
“It’ll be okay,” Glenn promised. He laid a hand over yours and squeezed, the reassuring look back on his face again, “we’re together and we take care of each other. I promise.” 
You nodded, “I’ll just stick close by you, how’s that?”  
“Yeah, yeah, that works. Stay by me, I won’t let anything happen to you.” Glenn replied. It wasn’t exactly a promise that he could make, especially when he had no idea where they were going to end up now that the CDC was out of question, but he fully intended to do everything in his power to keep it. He couldn’t let anything happen to you, he felt far too much hope when he looked at you to let go of that.  
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alexiswritingstuff · 2 years
Anything to make you happy.
Pairing: Glenn Rhee x gn! reader. 
Request: Him getting you comic books on a run, a cute small lil drabble.
AN: I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it. I honestly couldn’t describe how much I like Glenn as a character. He’s so comforting :((
Please keep the requests for him coming in!! I would love to write more for this guy!
Warnings: Nothing too bad. There are general descriptions of an apocalypse and the consequences of one. Little mentions of death (not Glenn or the reader.)
This also might be very long as I like to add in moments between other characters as well as the main one it's centred around, so... Yeah, get yourself comfortable.
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An apocalypse is something people can prepare for depending on the amount of time they have. They can get food supplies, weapons to protect themselves, extra clothes if needed.
But the one thing people don’t think about in that moment... is entertainment.
I mean, sure, if the world was ending right in front of your eyes, having something to do when you were bored wouldn’t really be something that would be on your mind. Except... 
What happens when that time does come?
Your group had finally secured a place to stay after moving around for weeks on end. You went from house to house, neighbourhood to neighbourhood, and even in a literal circle because of the events of the farm.
But now you had something.
You had a home.
The only downside, however... was that the place was in fact a prison. Meaning that you had to live whatever life you had left inside a prison cell.
At least in this world, it was optional.
You currently found yourself residing in the cell that you chose. You were sitting on the lower part of one of those bunk beds, with your back leaning into the cool stone wall that the bed was up against.
The answer to the previous question of ‘what happens when the time of boredom comes’ in your case, was reading.
Well, it wasn’t like you just pulled out a full on novel and started following these characters on an emotionally descriptive journey that never left a thought unknown.
They were comic books.
The last contact you have with your previous interests before this whole zombie invasion thing.
You flick onto the next page, wide eyes concentrated and eager as they scan over the action taking place across the smooth paper. An edition of a Batman series you used to follow growing up.
It may have been the same scenario over and over again. You know, some form of evil occurs or someone turns bad, makes a racket, and may even take someone to get Batman’s attention.
But every single time... he gets there.
The moment there is that feeling of success from the evil doers, or that sense of surrender from the hostage taken to rile people up, he appears and fights until things are safe again.
He barely gives up, and even when he does, it just shows you that he’s human. He’s just-
“Y/n, hey,” 
When the sound actually caught your ears, you began to blink rapidly. The action scene that was previously playing through your head began to fade away until your focus now landed on a figure that stood in the doorway. Your doorway.
Glenn smiles for a second, waiting for the book in your hand to lower before he continues on, “Uh... Daryl is planning to go on a run in like five minutes? And-- And I’m going to go with him.” the man explains with a few nods of his head as if trying to convince himself of what he was saying.
Now because of an introduction like that, you were expecting some sort of implication, or a reason as to why he was telling you this... 
However, nothing else was said.
After staring at the man for at least five more seconds, your eyes narrow, “... Why are you telling me this?” Glenn blinks for a moment. Probably replaying the last few minutes in his head before his eyebrows raise, “Oh, I, uh... Sorry, would you.... Do you want to join us?”
“That’s what I was going to... ask.”
You suppress a smile, giving the guy a few nods of your head in attempts to ease him a little, “Um, I kind of said that I would help Rick with the farming today already... I mean, I can get someone else to do it, I’m pretty sure Carl would--”
“No, no, no, that’s fine! That’s fine!” Glenn suddenly insists with his hands held out in front of him for further emphasis, “That’s-- That’s okay, um...”  
“I’ll see you later then, huh?” the guy continues while you watch in amusement, finally letting a smile take over your lips when he looks back one more time, “I hope you enjoy your... Wait, is that-- Is that a Batman comic book?”
Glenn’s entire body twisted in a matter of seconds after the words left his lips, and before you could even properly answer, he was sat down on the bed beside you, taking the book right out of your hands.
“Uh... Yeah, it is,” you confirm regardless of your confused state, just watching as Glenn flipped the book round so that the cover was visible in front of him. “Whoa, it’s in great condition,” he then points out before turning to you with narrowed eyes, “I didn’t know you liked comic books.”
“What?” you question almost instantly while you lean back a little, making Glenn feign fear as he gave them back, “I don’t know! It just-- I mean, no one else here likes comics, apart from Carl.”
“Besides, I’ve never... actually seen you read one... Ever. Not even back at the camp.” he adds on, and you let your fingers lightly graze back and forth across the book spine, “That’s mostly because I’m scared of ruining it.”
“It’s the last connection I have with my previous life.”
You know, whenever the topic of the world before the apocalypse came up, barely any of you had anything to say. It was mostly because it would end up with people having an existential crisis, but what else could you do about it?
There was a sudden sigh that passes through your lips after a moment. Your eyes flickered over the book in your grasp, it now being Glenn’s turn to watch, “It is my last one though,” you start up once again and turn to look at the guy beside you.
“Gotta make it count, right?”
The guy in question held no response. His eyes were practically glued to the comic book you held to the point that you thought he was going to make it float in the air or something.
“Glenn?” you question with a mild tilt of your head, becoming a little concerned at the lack of movement, but that at least mildly faded when his expression changed.
It was this sort of smug look that spread across his features. Like, he had this thought inside his head that he knew would gain praise if he said it... But he never did. “Shame.”
Without anything else, the man abruptly began to move. 
He ducks his head a little and quickly pulls himself towards the edge of your bed before getting his body upright, all the while you just stared in utter confusion yet again, “What... Uh, Glenn?” you call out to gain at least a little bit of insight...
But he just walks out of your cell.
“See ya.”
The sun was right in the middle of the sky.
It was strong, every beam from that star spreading warmth across anything that the rays touched.
Especially your back.
You were doing what you previously said, which was helping Rick with the farming. The man himself had duty over the seeds, while you were the one doing the actual heavy work.
The tip of the garden hoe in your hands was placed against the dirt about a meter away from your feet. You took a moment, making sure that the tool was in the right position, letting it dig slightly in, before pulling it towards yourself. 
Thus creating a small, shallow trench.
Once happy with your previous work, you let yourself move to the side, allowing Rick to do his part of the job.
Which he indeed did.
The man picked up one of those little pouches of seeds that the other guys managed to grab on a run, and began to sprinkle the little things throughout the newly dug line at an even distance, “Now,”
“I may not have experience when it comes to gardening, but,” Rick began with that usual gruff voice of his and leans back when he’d fully emptied out the small pouch, “I think within the next few weeks we will have some vegetables.”
“Or a new decoration for the yard,” he then adds on with less confidence, and you let out a mild scoff in response.
The two of you share a look, grins appearing on both pairs of lips, before you move back to the trench, using the smooth side of the hoe to reposition the dirt.
You let the tool in your hands drag down the new line of soil on the side, which in return covered up the seeds. And once at the end, “Or...” you dug the head of the hoe into the ground right beside it. “You could just look at the packet...”
“If you’re not too sure, that is.”
Your right arm was placed on top of the garden tool’s handle, the weight of your tired body now leaning onto it, while you wiped your sweaty forehead with the back of your hand.
It was now his turn to scoff.
The man shook his head, giving you a look of fake annoyance which ultimately failed as a smile curled at his lips yet again, “Yeah,”
“I guess you’re right.”
Before either of you could say anything else, there was a certain thing that you spotted beyond Rick’s shoulder.
It could barely be seen, considering the distance between both you and the oncoming thing. But it could be heard.
A motorbike.
Your face lit up in an instant. Your once tired and slightly nagging self fading away all at once as the sudden want to run surged through your veins.
And the moment Rick had turned back in your direction after looking at the bike himself, your eyes were on his, begging for permission to succumb to your feeling, but also apologising as it would leave him to do the work by himself.
“Go,” was all he said with a mild tilt of his head, and your feet moved before your brain did.
You did manage to get a “thank you” out to Rick when you ran past him, however, since you weren’t focused in that moment, you had no idea if he had actually heard.
Your legs were quick, one foot moving right after the other, while your eyes stuck on the transport coming closer and closer to its final destination.
However, it was far enough that you could make a quick pit stop at the barrel of water just on the outside of the farm area. There was a need to get the sweat and dirt off your warm skin anyway.
You shoved your hands in the cool liquid, swishing them round for about a second and even splashing some on your neck. But then you were on the move once again, wiping your hands on your trousers to get rid of the excess water.
It took you a moment to get to the first gate as you were kind of in the middle of the field, but thankfully someone was already there giving you a head start.
“Let’s go, Carl!” you yell out as the kid began to slide the huge gate open, trying to give him some sort of praise while also trying to distract the walkers from the incoming delivery.
Once the opening was now enterable, both you and Carl were quick to run through. “Okay, okay-- I’ll get the ropes, you get the gate,” you instruct, patting the kid on the shoulder before carrying out your mission when he showed an understanding.
Your feet skidded against the gravel underneath you in a matter of seconds when you got to the second gate, not even giving yourself a chance to take a proper breath as you hastily grab at the ropes without a moment to spare.
It was a new system. A reinforcement added after the whole Woodbury thing to ensure a safer entrance and exit.
It wasn’t much, but it was as good as it was going to get.
“Go, go, go!” Carl calls to you when he got the gate unlocked, and as soon as he started to pull it to the side, you had begun moving yourself.
The rope in your hands was yanked down in such a way that had your body practically floating as you used your weight to pull at it. And soon enough, after about a minute, the new doors began to open.
Your teeth were gritted, your arms were growing tired and the pungent smell of rotten flesh became practically the only thing in the air. But that wasn’t going to make you lose your focus.
Because as soon as those red doors hit against the lines of wooden spikes behind it with a whine that echoed through the visceral growls from rotten bodies, the bike made its way through, “All right, Carl! Move it back, move it back!”
With one last pull to the ropes, that felt like they had cut off your circulation, the set of blood covered doors closed right as the walkers had finally found out that it was an entrance.
You let out a huff of air, giving your now extremely tired arms a shake while Carl made sure that the official gate of the prison was completely secure.
“Good job,” was all that you said, giving him a gentle pat on the shoulder, which in return earned you one of his small smiles, probably more grateful of the fact that you didn’t call him a kid.
And with that, you were off once more.
The motorbike had stopped outside the first gate that you opened, and as soon as your eyes caught onto the figures that appeared with it, a smile returned to your lips.
They made it back.
A feeling of pure relief was passing through your veins when you watched Glenn hop off the back of the bike. He was unharmed and looked the exact same as he did this morning... with the additon of walker blood, “D’you guys have fun?”
But he was alive.
The guy smiled when he saw you, that light energy he always carried when in a good mood just radiating off of him, which is something that everyone who knew Glenn enjoyed, regardless of if they admitted it or not.
“Hey,” he breathes out when you were finally close enough, letting one of his hands raise up to your opposite shoulder once your body had concluded its movements next to him.
“Was it successful? Did you get good stuff?” you question, looking between the two boys while mirroring Glenn’s position, and Daryl slightly snorts before twisting round to take one of the backpacks attached to his bike, “Well...”
“Considering that this guy right here almost got himself taken out just to grab something,” he starts up through a voice that turned into a grunt halfway through when he pulled himself back into his previous position, “I would hope so.”
Sorry... What?
“Hey! You said you weren’t going to tell anyone!” Glenn points out after huffing out a breath, removing his hand from your shoulder to snatch the backpack from Daryl while you could only stare. “Oops.”
Your eyebrows were raised, lips parted with many sets of words aching to pass off the tip of your tongue until you finally decided. “Wha... You what?”
Glenn sighs when he saw Daryl’s amused expression. He gave him a playful yet meaningful glare, but then he steps towards you, letting his hand reside itself on your back once close enough before giving you a push as a signal to move.
This man better explain himself.
Back in your cell, as weird as that sounds, the pair of you sat on the old, ragged bunk bed. Both yours and Glenn’s legs hung over the edge of the tattered mattress which had sunk from the weight of two bodies after so long of nothing.
The man beside you was talking. Finally letting that story of his spurt from his lips, in a very dramatised manner.
“No, there was literally nothing! We didn’t see anything or hear those... those weird zombie noises-- I mean, Daryl didn’t even sense it or whatever.” Glenn ensures with frantic hands. Reliving the moment, “It just... All I did was reach for something.”
“That’s it... I looked at it and then went, ‘oh wow, you know? This-- This is exactly what I’m looking for’ and then BOOM! Walker.”
Even though this man was in fact talking about a near-death experience, there was a tinge of amusement that appeared in your chest. The frantic movements, the stumble of his words, the expression he held on his face.
He knew how to tell a story.
“Well, I’m glad Daryl was there then.” you comment before slightly turning your head, shielding the smile that begged to appear on your lips. 
“What-- I mean, yeah... I guess,”
“But I could have got out myself.” Glenn points out, mildly offended at the lack of faith his best friend seemed to have in him, but you simply raised an eyebrow in his direction, “Could have? Meaning... that Daryl did save you.”
After going to speak, the man paused. His parted lips maintaining their position before they came to a close, while Glenn’s eyes averted from your own once you had faced him like before.
“Well... Again, yeah...” he began reluctantly before sighing, “But look, I was in an awkward position, okay?”
“I had the lower hand, I admit, however, it was literally grabbing at me from the other side of a shelf. I got jump scared!” Glenn exclaims, his voice raising in pitch, especially when your head jokingly shook, “I mean, I have played many horror games in my time-- Many, but nothing-- Nothing! Could’ve prepared me for that.”
The certainty in both his voice and his expression had your head shaking once again. It really was maddening to hear someone explain an experience like that in such an entertaining way.
... However, that feeling of amusement seemed to fade by the time your eyes were back on Glenn.
There was a new emotion that took over his face. It was unreadable at first; his gaze aimed towards a wall, lips closed, shoulders slightly sunk.
A memory.
“What are you thinking about?”
The question seemed to take a minute to process in Glenn’s mind. He remained as he was for about another second before he slightly leans back, a quiet exhale seeping between his lips.
“Uh,” he began through a sigh after closing his eyes with a shake of his head, “Nothing... Sorry, It’s nothing, it’s just... It was a weird moment.”
“Yeah, well, that’s understandable.” you point out before the cell could fill with silence again, “I mean, getting attacked by those things isn’t supposed to be fun, is it?” you then add, the continuation thankfully gaining a slight smile in response, “No.”
“No, no-- I know. I know... but.” Glenn insists, clasping his fist in his other hand, “It just made me think about all the times that things like that happened to other people, you know? And... How they weren’t lucky.”
“Or how some didn’t even have the chance to react, or--”
Those dark eyes had finally fallen to yours again, the expression on your face making him realise that he may have started to ramble.
He put his hands up all of a sudden, another sigh of air passing out his mouth when his palms reach up to his face, “Sorry! Sorry-- Oh, man, I didn’t mean to ruin the mood.”
“Hey, no,” you say quickly, placing a gentle hand on the top of his thigh before you could even think, “Glenn, listen, It’s fine! It’s a big thing to process... You’re doing great.”
Glenn kept his hands to his head, clearly still feeling the guilt regardless of what you said, but nonetheless the words prompted him to at least turn his face in your direction.
“Did you get what you were looking for, at least?” you question simply once his eyes met your own. It was an attempt to distract him, change the subject, so he could move on from self-pity... 
However, you seemed to have created something much different.
Glenn sort of stared at you for a second. He blinked once... then again... and again, “Oh...”
Suddenly, his eyebrows raised, realisation stricking in those dark brown eyes before they began darting around the room like he was trying to find an invisible fly, “Oh-- Oh, the thing!”
“The thing-- Oh, hold on!”
There was not a single chance to get a word in yourself, as before you could even open your mouth to speak, his body had sprung up from the stiff mattress and hurled through the cell door.
“Gle-- Glenn?” you called when your eyes had caught up with your mind, but by the time you poked your head out of the cell for an answer, he had disappeared behind the curtain that hung in front of his own.
“Glenn?” you attempted again. Confusion was stretching across every feature on your face in a matter of seconds, and it wasn’t leaving anytime soon, as within the next second, the man himself reappears with a bag in his hands. “What is it?”
Inevitably, you were left without an answer. In fact, the only response you got was a grin forming on Glenn’s lips, and then he began to, gently, push you back into the cell.
At this point, you couldn’t even be bothered to question the man as he sat you back on the bottom bunk. 
He retook his spot next to you with an eagerness that left your eyebrows furrowing, watching him unzip the pack as soon as it was in front of him for whatever mystery lay within.
And the next thing you knew, literally after blinking once, his hands were held in your direction, palms balancing an item that took a second for your brain to process.
However, even when it did, Glenn suddenly put a hand on top of the first thing and pushed it which lead to multiple other items spreading out underneath until it looked like a fan.
Comic books.
“Some are for me, so don’t go stealing all of them,” Glenn chimes in while the cogs in your brain finally turned the right amount, and after staring at the books like you just saw Jesus, your eyes went up to meet his. “Holy shit.”
“Holy shit, man! No way!” Within seconds, the books were in your hands. You flicked through them one by one, staring at each cover in absolute awe at the condition they were in. “They look great!”
“Man,” Your head shook, many emotions flooding through your head as you looked back at Glenn, who looked very chuffed with himself, might I add. “You almost died for these?”
“Hey, I mean, it was worth it, wasn’t it?! Like I said, these weren’t just for you.”
“And anyway, people would usually just say thank you, instead of taking a personal dig at the giver,” he then adds on in defence, even placing a hand over his heart as if you hurt him there.
A huff of air filtered out from your lips as you tried not to smile. But after looking at him for another second, however, it seemed to have failed.
With a mild shake of your head, you place the books, so that they sat in a pile to your side, before your arms decided to reach out towards Glenn.
A movement that had him reciprocating within seconds.
Your head landed on his shoulder when your arms were finally around each other. Even though there was no one to see it, that smile never had a want to leave their place on your lips.
“All right,” you say after a sigh, repositioning your head so that it was in the crook of his neck, “I will say thank you for risking your life for such incredible art...” Glenn’s body shook you as he tried not to laugh, “Just don’t do it again.”
“You’re welcome.”
You pull yourself out of the hug after the echo of his voice, “Seriously,” Your eyebrows were raised, each hand placed on each of his shoulders as you looked right into his eyes, “It’s like when I stayed with my grandparents.”
“If you showed even a smidge of happiness when you ate something in that house, the next thing you knew, there was like a hundred packets of it in the cupboard and the fridge.”
“Oh my god, I know, right?” Glenn beamed when a memory of his own struck his mind, and now the two of you were sat laughing in remembrance of the past.
Even the little moments were things people didn’t expect to miss.
“For real though, Glenn. Next time either take me with you, or don’t even try,” you began once the amusement had managed to die down, your eyebrows raising once again to make sure he got the message.
And he did. That sweet smile of his reappeared just for you, with the addition of little nods of his head.
Seriously, I hope you guys enjoyed this.
I’m watching the walking dead... Again. I’m on like season 5 now and I can’t stop looking at Glenn.
ANYWAY, please send in more requests if you want them. There seems to be a lack of Male reader stuff when it comes to twd fics, so feel free to send me ideas if you want that changed, or just some more gender neutral fics!
Thank you for reading!- Alex :)
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smt-obsessed · 5 months
Glenn Rhee
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☆ n/a ☆ infj ☆ cancer ☆ 5'9 ☆
Each symbol portrays a different genre.
💋= smut, 🚨= angst, 👑= darkfic,
🩹= sickfic, 🧸= fluff, 🌦= hurt/comfort
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ☆ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ☆ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
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yeollie-plz · 1 year
Hi everyone! I would like to know what you guys want to read so here’s a poll!
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-Everyone at a small gathering in Alexandria-
Carl: If you put 'violently' in front of anything to describe your action, it becomes funnier.
Enid: Violently studies.
Glenn: Violently sleeps.
Maggie: Violently looks over expansion plans.
Spencer: Violently checks out Y/N.
Y/N, looks worriedly between Spencer and Daryl: Violently kisses Daryl.
Daryl: Violently stabs the head lady’s kid.
Rick: Violently worries about the previous statement.
Y/N: Violently takes Daryl home.
Rick: Violently appreciates that.
Carl: Violently wonders how that escalated so quickly.
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noodlewritez · 4 months
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The apple of his eye (MDNI)
Pairings: Carl Grimes X Fem!Reader
Warnings: Ron is alive blegh, smut (EVERYONE IS 18+), jealousy sex, established relationship, kinda long
Ever since Carl lost his eye to Ron, you had hated him from the root of your being, you couldn't even stand to be in the same room as him, let alone speak to him. I mean, how could you? He shot your boyfriend in the eye....
Until Rick assigned you on a run with him. Amazing.
“It’s only a run, Carl-“
“I don’t care! Do you know what he’s capable of? He almost killed me, what if he puts your life in danger to, the things I would do, Y/N..”
“Carl…” You tried to ease his mind but if there’s anything he gets from his father, it’s his stubbornness.
“You’re not going, he’s putting your life in his hands and I can’t take that risk.” You sighed and connected your forehead to his. “I’ll be fine..” I’m sure you’ll hear me scream if he tries anything...” You chuckle lightly.
But he took it much more seriously than you did.
The day of the run, while you grabbed your gun, he sat on a chair, watching you anxiously. He knew you were probably gonna be find but he couldn’t not worry about you. When you were ready, you turn to him and smile, spreading your arms out for a hug.
He completes the hug, getting up from the chair, smoothing out your hair and kissing just below your ear. “Be careful. I’m serious. He tries anything and you fucking tell me.” You nod, blushing and smiling then head out the door.
On the run, it was mostly Ron just trying to brag about one thing or another and you didn’t necessarily like it. You ignored him. You spit a way into the pharmacy but only by a high window. “Hey-shut up-get me up there.” You tell him and he follows, boosting you up by the feet and helping you in. “Anything good in there?”
Except you can’t see. You shine your flashlight around, looking for the things on the list Rick sent you with. “I don’t see anything! Might need some help looking!” You call out. “I’ll find a way in!” He responds.
And you wait...and you wait and eventually it's fucking dark out.
"Fuck me." You thought.
You grab a rope and just pray to god it's long enough to get you out of the building. You throw it and it barely gets you out. You climb out, keeping your gun loaded and ready if walkers find you. Only a few do, one at a time and you barely fight past them, scratching yourself up on the ground. You make a run for Alexandria and the guards see you. "It's me! Y/N!"
They open the gate and start asking you what happened and how'd you take so long. But you shove past them, planning to explain later. Right now, you're pissed. You walk to Carl's house and open the door to Carl yelling at Ron and demanding to know where you were.
"Carl..?" As soon as he sees you he's hugging you, asking if the scratches on you were from walkers, if you were okay, what had happened. You explain quickly what had happened while staring at Ron. As soon as you're done, Carl is seething.
"You fucking animal." He growls and punches Ron in the mouth. "Get up. You left her out there?!" He demands. Ron tries to lie, saying he couldn't find a way in but Carl doesn't care about that. He cares about Ron getting karma.
"You left her out there, you fucking dog.” He starts punching him, hard, when you pull Carl off of him. "Carl...Enough. come on don't beat the kid to a pulp."
"Out. Now." He growls and Ron runs out quickly with a busted lip, bloody nose and a bruised eye. Carl hugs you and smooths your hair down to comfort you. "I'm so sorry. I tried getting him to tell me where you were, what had happened..." You smile slightly and hug him back when he scoops you up and carries you to his room.
He starts a shower for you where he washes your hair for you and worships you, kissing your knuckles. You just hum in response to his actions as he kisses up and down your neck, leaving hickeys. An once you get out, he scoops you up onto the counter, making out with you, breathing heavily and the only thing between you two is a towel around his waist.
His hands trailed the small of your back as you sat on his lap on his bed, kissing each other heatedly, breathing heavily and whimpering into each other mouths. "Put it in?" You whimper. He nods, looking down, his hat falling partially in front of his face. You giggle and put it on your own head as he slides across your clit. "Ah-! Fuck.." You cry out and he smiles while still looking down, pushing up into you.
"Y/N.." He says, breathless. "Fuck, you are all fucking mine."
And he fucks you senseless, not making you do any of the work, just letting you take him inch by inch, babbling in your ear, praising you.
"Fuck...all mine...all mine...So fucking pretty.." He would say breathlessly as he tilts his head slightly. You lay your head on his shoulder, biting into the skin and leaving a bite mark for everyone to see. You can only let out a string of whimpers from how good he's fucking you and eventually the tight knot in your lower stomach tightens and you claw at him "Close..Carl-!"
"Make a mess on me. Make a fucking mess, let everyone know you're mine."
And with that, the tight knot snaps and you collapse against his chest and he holds you so you don't fall as he continues fucking you through your orgasm, he starts kissing your cheek letting you know he’s there.
As he feels you clenching, he thrusts 1, 2, 3 more times and groans deeply, shooting into your womb as he buries his face in your hair.
"Fuck, I need to make you jealous more often.." You joke.
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thewhoreforhordes · 4 months
Shielding Glances
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐫𝐮𝐧 (𝐮𝐧𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐭𝐨 𝐎𝐥𝐝 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 & 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞)
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐲!𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥, 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭, 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐱𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐞
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐞𝐫𝐚 : 𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐚
(not proofread!)
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You and Carl had been dating for a while, and everyone in Alexandria knew. It hasn't really been a secret since Ron's sleepover, where you and Carl were fawning all over each other especially following what happened.
It also didn't help that one night at Carl's house, you and him had been watching a movie and got too caught up in kissing, and Rick had come to check on the two of you, only to be met with both of your lips locked on one another's, and Carl's hand up your shirt.
That certainly was.. a day, for sure.
Despite having to keep the door open at Carl's house from that night onwards, you two were happy. You would spend your days sitting at the pond with Carl, laying on his lap and talking until the sun sets, or lazily watching movies in bed with him until one of you had to go on watch. Usually him.
However, he couldn't ignore the immense anxiety he felt when you had to go on watch. Realistically, he knew you weren't leaving the walls. He knew you would probably be safe and he didn't need to worry, but he couldn't help it. He had already lost so much, and he couldn't lose you too.
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Now, he was sat next to you, during an important group meeting as Rick goes on and on about a plan for a run, as you play with Carl's fingers mindlessly. These meetings always stress you out, but being with your boyfriend made everything better.
You run your thumb over his palm, gently caressing the calluses that formed from all the fighting and work he does, you squeeze his hand then proceeding to loosen your grip, over and over until you were sure he was sick of it, yet of course, he wouldn't admit to it, after all it helped calm you.
You continue to fidget with your boyfriend's hand, prior to Rick proposing a question to the group. "Alrigh', y'all, this is serious and we need as many people we can get that are willin'." He addresses, that classic sheriff southern drawl evident in his voice.
You grip your boyfriend's hand before dropping it, raising your hand in the air so the constable can see you amongst the people. "I'll go. You said you need people, right?"
It's not like going on runs were new to you. You always went on them before you got to Alexandria, you had just decided runs were usually a lot more than they were worth. You were fine with patrol and such, just took a break from runs.
Nonetheless, when you realized your community needed help, you were eager to put yourself back in the game to assist them, much to Carl's dismay of course.
The room falls silent at the thought of a teenager willing to risk their life, especially on a run this dangerous. The tension in the air seems so thick, as if you could take your pocket knife to it like butter.
Carl shoots a glare at the man he calls his father, almost to say, 'Don't fucking do it.' Although, the leader doesn't care to pay attention to his son's pleas and nods at you, scribbling something down before proposing the question once more to the group as Carl sits there terrified.
There was no fucking chance of you going on that run, and he was going to make sure of it.
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After the meeting, you feel rather excited to go on this run, as your boyfriend trails behind you, a gleam in his eye like you've never seen before. You approach the front door of your home with the Rhee's, as Carl taps you on the shoulder causing you to jolt.
"Jesus.. Carl, you scared me.." You giggle, turning the handle and going to walk into the house as Carl follows suit. "What the hell were you thinking?" He spits, seeming to be fuming mad.
"Excuse me?" You cock an eyebrow at him, confused as to how your boyfriend could speak to you like this.
"Back at the meeting? You're not going on that run, Y/N."
"Yes I am, Carl. You can't stop me."
"You're not going, Y/N." Carl continues, stepping closer to you. You feel your heart flutter at the sheriff's boy protectiveness and care, but you need to stand up for yourself.
"You don't control me, Grimes. I'm not a kid, and if you're so worried about me, march up to your dad and ask him to go with us. Fuck's sake, I just want to help my community." You glance up at him as he glares down at you, the glimmer in his baby blue eye melts your heart.
"Jesus, Y/N! Would you just listen?! I've lost enough and I'm not fucking losing you too. One slip-up is all it takes, and I won't have it." He exclaims, taking a step back.
You can tell just how scared he is, and you sympathize with him, but you need to help your people. There's no question about it.
"Carl.." You pause for a moment to gather your thoughts. "I have to go. I'm sick of being stuck in Alexandria all the time, and I can take care of myself."
"You heard my dad, he said it's one of the more dangerous runs! I need to protect you, Y/N. Please." He begs, and you begin to see his tough facade slip. You stand there for a moment, staring into Carl's eye, thinking the whole thing over.
"Does this really mean that much to you?" You soften as he slowly nods.
"Please, Y/N.. I don't want you to get hurt.." He pleads, as you wrap your arms around him. Shocked by your sudden embrace, he stands there before hearing mutters fall from your sweet mouth. One word that washes away all his worries.
"Okay." Your velvety voice whispers against his chest, burying your face in the cloth of his gray shirt.
His eyes trail down to you, a finger carefully slipping under your chin as he raises your head so your gaze meets his. His relieved smile eases you completely as he bows his head to connect his full lips with yours.
It begins to feel like hours pass as Carl's arms stay firmly wrapped around you and you soul kissed one another.
In reality, it was only a few moments before Carl pulls away to murmur a soft thank you. You slowly nod, placing a kiss to his cheek before burying your face in the crook of his neck.
Carl's breathing returns to a state of contentment and his heart-rate follows as he can rest easy knowing that you're where you belong,
safe in his arms.
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Author's Note: Sorry this one took so long!! It was really tricky to find out where I wanted the story to go to and to find the motivation so again, I apologize if parts seem rushed!! Also my requests are open and I would love some because I SUCK with story ideas!!
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sukunasbow · 1 year
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jealous girl, maggie greene.
summary: in which you and your wife visit the sanctuary after the war, but some of the saviors take a liking to you!
warnings: fem!reader and not yet proof read!
notes: most of my fics are gn!neutral but this was part of the request! the request was anon so i hope this finds you bby and ty for the lovely request, maggie is one of my favs too!
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Now that the war is over and Negan’s living in a cell, the remaining Saviors are left in Daryl’s care at the sanctuary. Your wife isn’t all that happy about this, but the two of you decide to go to the sanctuary with Rick and Daryl in order to help keep things in order.
Rick finishes his speech to the people in the building, then taking Daryl upstairs to discuss things. Meanwhile, you and Maggie walk around the rundown factory, watching the Saviors sort their cans of food.
“Well, hello there.” A voice catches your attention, making you turn around. Your greeted by a man with his hair half-tied up, wearing a grey sleeveless tank top. You shake your head and laugh at him, knowing he has no chance, your wife just a bit in front of you, talking to another Savior. “What’s funny, baby?” He grins, letting out a small laugh of his own. You let out a long sigh, “I’m taken.” You put your hand directly in front of his face, showing off the nice ring Maggie managed to get for you back at the prison. “Oh, I see.” He nods, pausing for a moment. He’s making it seem like he’s going to back off, but he proves you wrong when he opens his smug mouth again.
“Does that really have to stop us?” The man mumbles. “Us?” You raise an eyebrow. “I’ll stop you.” Maggie suddenly walks up to the two of you, “Hey, I’m her wife.” She seethes. The guy looks shocked, simply walking away as the girl stares him down. “Hot.” You joke, Maggie snaking an arm around your waist, letting the other guys that were staring you down know you’re hers.
This doesn’t seem to stop some of the men, however, as another one approaches you now that you’re once again separated from Maggie. This time, Rick and Daryl are surrounding you, the three of you discussing the future of the sanctuary. “Hey, ma.” The unknown man smirks, interrupting Rick. “Excuse me?” Rick glares at him. “Oh, you her husband?” The guy backs up a bit. “Nah, but she’s married and you’re a pervert, so back up.” Daryl defends you this time. “Oh, so you’re the husband?” He laughs.
You scoff, “I don’t have a husband, dumbass, I have a wife.”
“Oh, ya like girls?” His tone grosses you out even more than before.
“I like my wife, now go sort your food cans with the other’s before I starve your ass and take them.” You huff. He rolls his eyes and storms off.
“We aren’t going back there.” Maggie presses her lips into a firm line as the two of you enter your shared home, back from the trip to the sanctuary. “You don’t have to tell me twice.” You laugh, still feeling icky after the situation. “I’m serious, those men are pigs, all up on you like that.” Your wife takes off her flannel jacket and tosses it on the ottoman in the small living room as you grab a snack from the pantry. Taking a bite into a cookie, you raise an eyebrow, “Are you okay?” You ask her. She’s obviously not, she’s still seething after everything, angrily sitting down on the couch and sulking like a toddler that was denied a candy bar. “I’m fine.” She mumbles with her smooth southern accent. “You’re not fine, stop being like that.” You join her on the couch, offering her a cookie, which she denies. You eat the cookie instead, “You know you’re my wife, right? You’re the only one for me.” You turn to face her, looking into her beautiful green eyes, a small smile starting to form on her face. “I love you, hm?” You press small kisses all on her face until you reach her lips, waiting for her to say the phrase back. “I love you too.” She laughs. “Good.” You kiss her lips.
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frost-queen · 5 months
Bodyguarded // part 5 (Reader!Grimes x Daryl Dixon)
Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly @denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat , @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn , @niktwazny303 Tag: @strangerthingslover69 , @ankhmutes , @yoowhatthefuck , @sseleniaa, @deansapplepie , @abbiesxox, @skulliecadaver-blog, @winterassassin1804 , @love-zami
Summary: When there is a need for supplies, a select group goes to the city. Shane and you are forced to be together. How will this play out? Will you find a way out savely out of the city with the others? [ read part 1 & part 2 & part 3 & part 4 & part 6 & part 7]
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Shane slammed his hand on the hood, alarming everyone they were set to ride. Rick kissed Lori goodbye and gave Carl a hug before joining Shane by the car. Glenn already stood by it, wanting to drive. Shane came standing before him with a glare. Glenn swallowed nervously getting the hint. He moved to the backseat as Shane got in the front. Rick joined Shane on the other side. Daryl was by his motorcycle with Carol. Carol was speaking to him, telling him to be careful.
He listened half, finding her motherly concern a bit overrated. You tossed an empty bag in the trunk, shutting it. You were about to get into the car when Daryl whistled loud. It made you look back at him, seeing him ask you over. Smiling, you went up to Daryl. The car door opened as Shane set one foot out, standing up. – “In the car!” – he ordered. – “She’s riding with me!” – Daryl called back.
“Y/n! the car!” – he made clear. Daryl let the engine roar of his motorcycle to overpower Shane’s overrule. You went over to Daryl anyways, grabbing his back as you swung your leg over the motorcycle. Shane puffed annoyed getting back in the car. Your hands were on Daryl as he took them, wrapping them tighter and closer to the front around him.
Daryl rode off, passing by the car. Shane easily caught up with him, riding past him. Shane then slowed a bit down so Daryl and you were still close by. Daryl wasn’t speeding much to not attract any walkers with the noise of the motor. You were leaning against his back, watching the trees pass till it would eventually make way for the highway. – “Hey Y/n.” – Daryl said catching your attention. It made you lift your head up from against his back. – “Yeah?” – you answered.
Daryl turned the steering a bit, getting closer to the woods as you were confused to what he was doing. – “How about a little detour?” – he chuckled out. – “Daryl!” – you called out slapping him against his back. Daryl steered back to the middle of the road where the car drove a few meters up front. – “Shane would go feral.” – you told him. – “I don’t care.” – Daryl answered back.
“Yeah cause having him drive after us like a maniac with Glenn and my brother in the car is so thrilling.” – you teased with a roll of your eyes. Daryl chuckled already picturing it. – “It’s not funny!” – you called out giving him another slap against his shoulder.
Wrapping your arms tighter around him, you snuggled closer against him. – “Just enjoy this.” – you mumbled out. Daryl kept tailing the car till they made it up to the highway. There they started to speed up knowing they had to have daylight at their side. If they would be stuck in the city by night, it would be hell. By the edge of the city, they parked. Not wanting to attract the walkers that roamed the city. Their city now. Fallen a few years ago.
You got off Daryl’s bike as he held you in place by taking your wrist. You turned confused at him. Daryl pulled out a gun, putting it in your hands while his gaze was on Shane up ahead with the car. – “I don’t want my girl to be unarmed.” – he told you, pushing your hand closer to your body. You turned your back to the car, putting the gun away out of eye’s way.
Daryl knew Shane would never let you have a gun. It was even a surprise that were allowed on this run for supplies. You leaned down resting your arm over his shoulder. – “I always have you to save my ass.” – you told him smirking. Daryl inhaled deep bringing his hand on your back down to your bottom. – “A fine one too.” – he answered making you snort.
Daryl and you kissed quick before he got off his motorcycle. You went over to Glenn, taking an empty bag from as well. Glenn stepped away when he saw Rick approach you. – “Nervous brother?” – you asked when he slid his arm over your shoulder. – “Only for you.” – he responded. – “I’ll be fine. I’ve dealt with walkers more than you.” – you laughed out patting him against his cheek.
Rick chuckled giving you a little shove. – “Hey you’re the newbie here.” – you teased giving him a bump with your hip. Shane came walking around you and Rick having a little comment to say. – “Try not to scream at a walker Y/n.” – he said making you smile sarcastically back at him. You left Rick’s side going after Shane wanting to reply to that. – “Try keeping him alive now.” – you commented hinting your brother.
Shane’s eyes widened briefly but before he could reply, you had joined the others. – “Here you go.” – Glenn said offering you a machete. You accepted it, looking over at Daryl. You didn’t think you would be given a weapon. You then looked over to Shane, wanting to see what he would do about it. He didn’t comment on it, so you got to keep the machete.
Glenn took the lead as he knew some good routes to a nearby store. Daryl and you walked at the back, keeping a good eye on your behinds. The streets were silent. Papers and trash scattered around. Some moving with the wind. Glenn stopped at the front of an alleyway that led up to the main road. Shane and Rick right behind him. Daryl turned his back at you, holding his crossbow up to the other end of the alley in case one would dare to sneak up.
Glenn overlooked the main road, seeing some walkers stand mindlessly still. Some wandering a bit at the slowest pace. Almost unactive from not having eaten so long. – “And?” – Shane asked keeping his voice low. – “It’s a risk.” – he answered seeing a walker sniff the air, making him pull back into he alleyway. – “The stores are up ahead across this street. I don’t think we can make it across unnoticed.” – Glenn spoke lowly looking at Rick and you.
“What if we distract them with noise?” – you suggested making everyone look at you. – “This way we’ll clear the road for you all to cross.” – you finished. – “And who are you suggesting to sacrifice themselves?” – Shane asked with crossed arms.
“It’s not a sacrifice if you do it right.” – you replied with a glare. Shane puffed loud. He then pushed Glenn forwards amidst you all. – “He’ll go.” – he put up. Glenn stared angry at him. – “No, Glenn is the fastest runner, besides he knows the place.” – you countered, backing Glenn up. – “I’ll do it.” – you proposed. – “Y/n no!” – Rick let out, shaking his head. – “It’s not up for discussion.” – you told your brother. Daryl joined having been on guard the entire time. – “I’m coming too.” – he said.
Shane shook his head, pinching his nose bridge. – “We need focus, not more distractions.” – Shane let out. Daryl came up to Shane. – “You got a problem?” – he asked. Shane puffed up his chest to appear larger. – “Enough!” – you shout-whispered coming in between them. Now was not the time and place to argue and fight.
“I don’t care who comes with me, but if we stay here any longer there will be an army of walkers feasting on our flesh!” – you said frustrated. Shane grabbed you by the elbow, pulling you away. Apparently he was coming with you. Daryl wanted to go after you but Rick held him back. – “We have to be ready when they clear the road.” – Rick told him.
You pushed Shane’s hand off you. The two of you rounded the back of some abandoned houses. Shane knocked some wooden planks off that boarded up the broken windows. – “After you.” – he said gloating. It made you roll your eyes. You gave him a little shove out of the way so that you could crawl through the window. Shane got in after you. With his gun up, he sneaked through the dark room to scout for any walkers.
You heard some faint groaning sounds walking up to it. Amidst the rubble was a walker. Stuck underneath parts of the ceiling that had crumbled down. The walker started to groan louder, reaching out to you to grab. You stood in front of it, shoving your machete down in it’s head. Giving it a twist so it surely was dead. Shane found one as well stuck as he knelt down, taking out his knife.
He stabbed it in the head. Blood spattering up. Shane wiped his knife clean on the walker’s dress. Shane and you rejoined in the middle of the room. – “All clear.” – he said making you nod. The two of you started to search for something to cause noise. – “What do you see in him anyways?” – Shane asked from across the room, going through some stuff.
“You mean what don’t I see in you?” – you responded back. Shane’s eyes widened brief, stopping his search, caught off guard. You came over to him. – “That’s what you want right? For many years now.” – you added finding something useful in a dusted box. An football horn, you so hoped still worked, but didn’t want to test out now. You showed Shane the horn as he came over to you.
Grabbing you tight by your arms. The way he stared at you, made you feel uneasy. His hard stare with that struggle deep inside of him. For a moment you thought he was going to kiss you forcefully. Having wanted nothing more. Ever since you were teens perhaps. The making fun of you, the teasing, always coming around.
It was clear now that he liked you but never dared to show it openly because of your brother. Now that he was older, his methods might have become more violent. Cursing at you and threating you bad just because he knew he never had a chance with you.
“What are you going to do.” – you dared him feeling him squeeze your arms tighter. – “Why can’t you just…” – Shane began nearing with his face. It made you gulp, thinking he might actually kiss you now. He kept coming closer with his face as it made you turn your head away. Shane’s forehead came in contact with your side as he shut his eyes hard. Then he tore himself away, taking the horn from you.
Letting out a loud breath, your heart was pounding. This could’ve taken a different direction. You followed Shane back out of the broken window. Jogging after him, you went further down the street to head into one of the next alleyways. Shane looked around and spotted a few cars parked in the middle of the road. He ran over to it, you right behind him.
Shane got up on the car, standing on the roof. He pressed on the horn as it let out a loud sound. Shit you thought, opening the car door and trying to see if the car worked. The walkers were alarmed. Groaning and calling it out as they collectively all turned towards the sounds. Shane horned again and long to lure them over. You kept turning the key, trying to start the car.
Looking briefly through the window, you saw the others carefully look before running across. This car was no use as you got out and went over to another car. Shane horned again, firing at some walkers that were coming near. Anxiously you were trying to start the next car. It was great that all the walkers were coming your way, but you still needed to escape. This car wasn’t working as well as you got back out and checked the hood. The engine stolen.
“Shane!” – you called out. Shane turned his head to you. – “None of them start!” – you yelled at him. Shane aimed his gun your way as you thought for a moment he was going to shoot you. His gun fired making you jump out of your skin. Then you heard a body drop to the ground. Looking over your shoulder you saw a walker down.
Gasping loud, you saw more walkers come from alleyways or hit their heads against glass to get to the noise. With no other way out, you climbed on the roof of the car with Shane. Taking out the gun Daryl had given you. You noticed Shane taking a moment to stare with wide eyes at it. – “Shut up.” – you said not wanting to hear complaints.
Some walkers were below at the car, swaying their arms around to grab for your feet. You started shooting at them. Each hit right through their skull. Shane blew the horn again luring more walkers to you. A walker threw himself on the hood, snapping his mouth around. Shane moved his arm over your shoulder, shooting at him. You shot a few by the trunk as their dark blood splashed the car. The space on the roof was just manageable for two if you didn’t move too much. You gulped feeling a hand grab at your ankle.
You felt yourself slip back off the roof. Before you could fall down reacted Shane. He had taken a hold of your wrist, holding you in place as your back dangled over the walkers. He pulled at your wrist, pulling up against his chest. With an arm around you, he continued to shoot around. Your heart was pounding still trying to recover from your almost fall.
The walkers were snapping their jaws at you and swaying their arms around. Gurgling loud with their calls. You so hoped they raided the place quick. Not sure how much longer you could hold them off. You fired at them one by one. They dropped down like flies but kept coming closer in tenfold. Shane stepped on a walker’s fingers as they reached the roof.
“Give me that horn.” – you told Shane. He gave it to you as you took a hairband from your wrist. You pressed the horn in, wrapping the hairband around it so it kept blowing. You were about to throw it away yourself, but offered it to Shane instead, knowing he might throw further than you. Shane accepted the blowing horn from you, throwing it further down the street. Some walkers were drawn to it that hadn’t smelled your flesh yet.
The others staid around the car, snapping beastly at the two of you. Shane and you fired at the remaining one’s. You furrowed your brows seeing a walker slide down the car side with an arrow in his head. Looking up, you saw Daryl, Glenn and your brother up ahead. They had come back from their raid. Rick was shooting as well, clearing a way for the two of you.
Walkers dropped down lifeless with each hit. Shane jumped off the roof first. You jumped after him, falling through your knees. Shane jerked you up by your arm. He then started running with you. The two of you met up with the others as Shane let go of you. You ran straight in Daryl’s arms, hugging him tight. Daryl exhaled relieved, hugging you back.
“Let’s go.” – Glenn called out knowing more would come soon. The five of you started to run back towards the alleyway. You were hallway through when a few walkers appeared on the other end. It made Glenn stop, you bumping against his back. – “Go back.” – he called out as you already turned around. Shane took about a few steps before he stopped. From the other side walkers now as well. They were closing in, having cut off your escape routes. – “Up!” – Rick called out seeing a ladder hanging a few feet above the ground. 
Rick grabbed you, picking you up for you to reach the ladder. You grabbed it, pulling yourself up by your hands before your feet could touch the first step. After you, Rick helped Glenn up. Daryl didn’t need any help as he jumped grabbing the first step with his hands. Rick and Shane joined last climbing up to the roof. Up, you helped Glenn from the ladder.
Daryl, Rick and Shane joining moments later. Glenn looked down the alleyway, seeing the walkers cramped up together, arms up trying to grab for you all out of reach. – “How are we going to get to the car now?” – Glenn panicked with his hands in his hair. Rick stood by the edge, overlooking the town from above.
You looked around the rooftop trying to look for a way out. Daryl joined your side, pulling you closer to him for a moment. Over his shoulder, he glanced at Shane close to Rick. Wondering what had occurred when he wasn’t near. You checked your gun, seeing how many bullets you had left. It wasn’t enough, perhaps to kill a few walkers. Rick whistled loud to round you up. – “We either wait for it to calm down or we take a risk.” – Rick suggested.
“If we wait they’ll just keep roaming below mindlessly cause nothing attracts them anymore.” – Glenn answered. – “Glenn’s got a point.” – Daryl spoke in agreement. The five of you set out to look around the roof top for anything useful. You neared the side of the roof towards the back, feeling that the foundation beneath your feet didn’t feel stable.
Rick was nearing as you stopped him. – “Stop!” – you called out, standing completely still. Rick stopped confused, setting his foot back. – “It’s unstable.” – you explained standing in the middle of it. This part of the roof probably rotten from damp and rain. It wasn’t sturdy cement. The others neared as well, standing by Rick.
You tried to set a foot down back towards them, but felt the foundation crack underneath you. – “Careful.” – Glenn called out. Perhaps if you ran, you could outrun it crumbling away. Eyes locked on Daryl, he knew what you were going to do. He nodded holding his hands out to catch you if he needed too.
You started running towards him, feeling the foundation crack underneath you. The foundation sunk below you, making you leap for Daryl. Daryl sucked in a breath holding his arms further up to you. Your hand touched his hand, swiping down it as he couldn’t catch you in time.
The foundation gave way beneath you, getting sucked into the building. – “Noooo!” – Daryl called out as you screamed loud, disappearing into the gaping black hole. Swallowed by the gaping gap left by the rotten foundation. Your back hit the ground, leaving you in complete darkness.  
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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vilentia · 1 year
Starlit Confessions
Glenn Rhee x reader
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Glenn leaned back on the makeshift couch in the prison common area, his arm draped casually over your shoulder as the two of you gazed up at the stars through the bars of the courtyard fence. The quiet of the night enveloped you both as you sat in comfortable silence, lost in your own thoughts.
After a while, Glenn broke the silence. "You know, sometimes I can hardly believe we're still alive," he said softly, his voice low and contemplative.
You nodded in agreement, snuggling closer to him. "I know what you mean. Sometimes it feels like this is all just a really vivid nightmare."
Glenn chuckled, his breath warm against your neck. "Yeah, I get that feeling too. But then I look at you and I remember that it's all real."
You smiled, turning to look at him. In the dim light of the prison yard, his features were softened, his eyes reflecting the starlight above. "What do you think our future will be like?" you asked, curious to hear his thoughts.
Glenn was quiet for a moment, his gaze turning back to the sky. "I don't know," he said at last. "But I do know that I want you to be a part of it."
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, and you turned to face him fully. "Glenn, I..."
But he cut you off, his hand coming up to cup your cheek. "I love you, you know that, right? And I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy."
Tears pricked at your eyes as you gazed at him, overwhelmed by the depth of his feelings. "I love you too, Glenn," you whispered. "And I can't imagine a future without you in it."
As you leaned in to kiss him, the world seemed to fade away around you, leaving only the two of you in the stillness of the night. And for the first time since the apocalypse began, you felt a glimmer of hope for the future, knowing that no matter what lay ahead, you would face it together.
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storywriter12 · 5 months
What nicknames do they call you🥰
Rick:he will call you:baby, sweetheart, snuggle bug, and bunny
Daryl:he will call you:mine, hunny, sweetheart
Negan:he will call you:baby, his girl,doll, sexy, kitten,bun and gorgeous
Simon:he will call you:beautiful, boo, peanut, kitten,baby, lovely, cutie and wifey
Glenn:he will call you:babe, beautiful, angel, marshmallow,love,his,boo, cute and honey bee
Abraham:he will call you:tough lady, little one (because you are a lot smaller than him) baby, hot stuff and dear
Paul rovia “jesus “ he will call you : sunshine, pookie, baby boo, sassy (only when you are being sassy to gregory), pudding, cutie bear and snuggles
Dwight:what he calls you: baby,my love, twinky, pretty one, baby girl, beautiful, the one and sweetness
King ezekiel:he will call you:Queen, treasure, his rose, love, baby, beautiful, my lady and sweetie
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grimesrhees · 2 months
Let the Light In
"Ooh, let the light in At your back door yelling 'cause I wanna come in Ooh, turn your light on Look at us, you and I, back at it again”
pairing: maggie rhee x fem!reader
genre: idk romance i guess
warnings: very suggestive, so minors beware !!!
summary: maggie's bedroom seems to have become a revolving door for the reader. They find themselves frequently sleeping together in the dead of night even with the ever present hesitation on maggie's end.
notes: i was yearning and inspired by the "Let the Light In" lyrics by Lana Del Rey from above. takes place at hilltop 2.0 from dead city i suppose.
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Your heart pounded in your chest like it always did whenever you found yourself back at her door. It was as if there was a magnetic pull between this door, her door, and you. Every time you went out walking at night because you couldn’t sleep, you desperately tried steering yourself in the other direction. But the yearning was too strong, and you were too weak to put up a fight. The possibility of falling into her arms and onto her bed was like a drug, you were ever chasing that high.
Extending your hand, you rapped your knuckles on the back door softly and waited. Faint creaks from her descension of the stairs came from within before the porch light flicked on beside you. A sigh of relief slipped from your lips while a blooming warmth began spreading inside you. The deadbolt clicked and the chain jingled as it slid out of the lock.
Light poured in from the outside inwards, illuminating the doorway. Maggie stood before you with her arms folded across her chest, that same look that was always on her face when you showed up at her door in the middle of the night. It was a mix of “seriously?” and indescribable desire. She tried to control it carefully, but her eyes never lied, and it never lasted long.
You scanned over her from her legs upwards, letting yourself gradually take in the curves of her body. When your eyes finally landed on her face you could see she had already dropped the façade. Raising an eyebrow, you smirked at Maggie’s obvious shift in demeanor and stepped closer to her. You reached over and started unfolding her arms. She didn’t even flinch, immediately grabbing your hand to pull you inside.
You closed the door behind you quietly and turned back to Maggie, who was lifting her pointer finger to her lips as to say “shhhh Herschel’s asleep.” Carefully leading you up the stairs by the hand to her bedroom, stopping just short of it to shake her head to herself. You let go of her hand and pressed up behind her. Maggie sucked in a sharp breath as your hands traveled up to her hips. You pulled her body into yours and whispered softly in her ear, “Please.”
After entering her bedroom, you both collided instantly. You teased each other, biting the other’s sweet spots and brushing fingers underneath one another’s shirts. Maggie kissed you slowly but tenderly, slipping a hand up to grip the back of your neck and bring you closer to her. She nipped at your bottom lip and pushed you back onto the bed, straddling your lap. You ran your fingers through her short waves as she kissed you harder. Her warm, soft thighs against yours driving you insane.
Every shaky breath you and her shared deepened the feeling of need in the pit of your stomach. You lifted Maggie’s night shirt over her head so her body could be as close to you as possible. She did the same to you and trailed her fingertips down from your sternum to your waistband, causing a low groan to escape your mouth. Maggie smiled deviously at the sound and swiftly removed your pants off you. Her fingers crept below your panty line, playfully snapping the band. You instinctively grabbed her by the throat, bringing her face close to yours so you could look into her eyes. Maggie gasped but never broke eye contact with you. What little light there was coming from the outside cast onto her face and the burning passion behind those green eyes was even more evident. She was so beautiful in every way. How thankful you were that she let you into her life. And for always turning the light on whenever you came knocking.
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buckyslittlegirl · 3 months
Blood, guts and Pokémon cards
Daryl Dixon x Reader
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Warnings: none just pure fluff
On a supply run you come across something from your childhood making daryl feel old having no clue what it was
Daryl, Glenn and myself had been searching an abandoned mall we came across during a supply run for the prison.
We found a couple medical supplies and some canned food which isn’t much but you take what you can get when it’s the damn apocalypse.
You and Glenn walk alongside behind Daryl. Glenn was rambling on about how in love he is with Maggie which was amusing and quite cute, Daryl on the other hand was fed up babysitting us.
“She’s so beautiful I’m the luckiest man in the wor-“ confused as to why all of a sudden he stopped bragging you turn to look at him. Glenn was paused in his track and looking bewildered. Following his gaze my jaw dropped to the group at the store infront of us.
“The hell are y’all doing” Daryl grunted also stopping and just watched us unimpressed.
“A frickin GameStop! I can’t believe it” Glenn gleefully said.
“I completely forgot about these stores!!” You commented, the both of you wearing massive grins on our faces.
Daryl scoffs “ain’t nothing but junk in there c’mon”
Before he can turn around to keep walking I speak up
“Come on Daryl please let us look. We will be super quick! We’ve done so good this supply run so pleaseeeee” you say giving him my best puppy eyes while Glenn nods enthusiastically beside me.
Daryl pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration
“5 minutes then we are gettin the fact outta here”
Glenn and I jump up and down and squeal before bolting in the store.
“Be fuckin careful there ain’t no dead in there” he called after us groaning in frustration as we run in the store way too carefree for his liking.
“Why do I gotta be the damn babysitter” he mumbles to himself following us in.
The store was surprisingly pretty empty, I guess gaming is still some people’s top priority even during the end of the world. Daryl looks out for us as we search the store. Broken game disks scattered around the floor which hurt you both to look at.
“Kay times up let’s go” Daryl impatiently said while we groan in disappointment.
Just as we were about to leave a shiny small packet catches your attention from underneath a shelf. Immediately recognising what it was you squeal like you had done before, immediately grabbing both of their attention.
You run and pick it up shoving it in Glenn and Daryl’s face.
“GUYS LOOK!!!” Daryl gave you a highly unimpressed look but Glenn on the other hand gasps running over.
“Fucking Pokémon cards” he says with wide eyes.
You both continue geeking out over the nostalgic packet in front of you both, bringing memories back to simpler times when all kids had to worry about was collecting as many cards as they could.
Daryl raised an eyebrow as he watched you and Glenn huddled over an unopened pack of cards, looking like excited children. He had no idea what you were doing or why you were so excited about some stupid piece of cardboard, but he couldn't help himself from feeling amused by your childish glee.
"What are you two doing?" Daryl asked, stepping closer and peering over your shoulder. He couldn't fathom what could be so fascinating about some cards, but the excitement on your face intrigued him.
Glenn looked up at Daryl, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Man, you're not going to believe this," he said, holding up the pack of cards. "These are unopened Pokémon cards! I haven't seen these in years. They're like the holy grail of collectibles."
Daryl just looked at Glenn like he was speaking a foreign language. "Pokémon?" he repeated, his voice laced with skepticism. "You mean those cards with those weird looking cartoon animals on ‘em ?"
"Yes!" You exclaimed, practically bouncing with excitement. "And these ones are from the first generation! They're worth a fortune in mint condition."
Daryl rolled his eyes, leaning against the counter and crossing his arms trying to hide his amusement. He couldn't believe you were both getting so worked up over some stupid cards, but damn if it wasn't cute to see you so excited.
“We should open them and each keep one! Like a cute lil friendship card” you beam
Glenn grins excitedly at your idea, feeling a surge of nostalgia as he looks down at the cards. He looks over at Daryl, who is watching the two of you with a mixture of amusement and bewilderment. “Daryl, come on man, let’s do it! It’ll be fun!”
Daryl grumbles, feeling like he’s being pressured into something completely ridiculous. But the hopeful looks on your faces makes it hard for him to say no. “Fine,” he relents, rolling his eyes. “But this is stupid, you know that, right?”
You and Glenn both let out happy noises, overjoyed that Daryl is going along with your silly idea. You quickly take the cards and split them into three equal piles. Each of you picks a card, feeling a rush of excitement as you finally unveil what's inside the wrapper.
You pick up a card with oddish on it “this one looks like Carl! He can have this one!”
Glenn grins, agreeing that the oddish card does resemble your friend Carl. Daryl can't help but chuckle at your observation, finding the connection amusing. "So you're gonna give Carl a weird looking cartoon plant?" he teases.
I nod proudly. Glenn picks up one of his and shows us “this one reminds me of Maggie, I’ll give her this one!” He says happily showing us a card with Eevee on it.
Daryl can't help but crack a small smile at your goofy exchange. "You're really picking these cards based on resemblance to people we know?" he says, trying to maintain his gruff exterior.
Yep! We say I’m unison Daryl picks up a card and snorts before showing us “this one kinda looks like rick huh?” He says showing us a card with Grimer on it.
You and Glenn burst into giggles at Daryl's observation. "Whoa, yeah it sure does!" Glenn says between laughs. "Rick as Grimer. Now that's a match made in heaven."
Daryl grins now, clearly enjoying the lighthearted moment. "Who's gonna give that card to Rick?" he asks, his eyes glimmering with mischief.
You and Glenn look at each other, both trying to conceal your grins. "Not it!" we shout in unison.
"Oh my god, Rick is going to be so confused. I almost want to be there when you give it to him!" You say laughing
You pick up another card, this time of Snorlax
“Daryl this is your one” you say with a proud smile handing it to him
Daryl takes the card from you, feeling strangely touched by your gesture. He looks down at the Snorlax card, trying to hide a grin. "You think I look like this Snorlax thing?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.
Nodding you explain your choice “well you’re just so big and cuddly looking it’s perfect! What do you think Glenn?!”
Glenn pretends to consider your answer, pretending to study Daryl intently. “Yeah, I can see it,” he says, still trying not to laugh. “Big, grumpy, and sleepy. Sounds like Daryl to me.”
Daryl rolls his eyes, trying to act annoyed but secretly enjoying the banter. "Y'all are idiots," he mutters, but there's a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth as he looks at the card knowing damn well he’s gonna keep it on him all the time.
“And Glenn this one is totally you! What do you say Daryl?” You ask for his approval showing him a card of ditto
Daryl looks at the card and then at Glenn, trying to see the resemblance. "Huh, yeah I guess that does kinda look like you," he says, chuckling. "All squished and goofy looking."
Glenn grins, pretending to be offended. "Hey! I'm not goofy looking!" he protests, but his grin betrays him. He secretly loves being compared to ditto.
Daryl looks down at his other card. A small cute looking little pink ball with big eyes “s’pose this one reminds me of y/n” he says scratching the back of his neck.
You feel your heart skip a beat as Daryl hands you the jigglypuff card. The thought of him comparing you to a cute pink puffball makes your stomach do a little flip. "Y-you think I look like jigglypuff?" you ask, feeling a mix of surprise and delight.
Daryl shrugs, trying to act nonchalant but a faint blush appears on his cheeks. "Yeah, I dunno," he says, looking away. "Just thought the pink and the big eyes kinda matched ya."
You can't help but beam at him, feeling warm all over. You hold the jigglypuff card close to your heart, feeling like it's the most precious thing in the world. "Thanks, Daryl," you say softly, unable to contain your happiness.
Glenn watches the exchange between you and Daryl with a knowing smile on his face. He can tell that there's something special blossoming between you two, and he feels a pang of happiness for you both.
“Well I’d say that’s a successful supply run! Let’s get back to the prison and give the others our little gifts huh?” Glenn smirks
Daryl grunts in agreement, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him. He had secretly enjoyed your little game with the cards, and he found himself looking forward to surprising Rick with his Grimer card.
"Yeah, let's get going."
You look Daryl in the eyes and give him a warm smile, cheeks still pink.
Daryl notices you staring at him and he feels his heart rate increase just a bit. But Glenn's voice snaps him out of his own little world and he clears his throat gruffly, feeling a little flustered. "Yeah, let's go," he says gruffly, avoiding your gaze as he walks towards the exit and for once in what felt like years he feels himself smiling.
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28gaugeshotgunshells · 2 months
.- TWD, Rick Grimes x F!Reader x Shane Walsh -.
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A/N: I think this will be at least two parts, but enjoy the first for now! This is written as a bit of an AU? lol, not sure how to exactly describe it. Reader is in Lori's place and it is set during mid or so season 2. I started TWD awhile ago and wanted to write for it. I've never really posted my works before, so hopefully this will be enjoyable for y'all. --------------------------------------------------
Above the sanctuary that was Hershel's farm, was the marmalade sky; perfectly painted with the color of the setting sun. Gentle clouds existed there, and the sight almost made you forget about the disquiet horrors that laid just outside the property line.
A tired sigh falls past your lips as your now callused fingers dig into the damp fabric of the shirt you sit and wash. A dark ragged cloth is clutched in your hand as you use it to scrub and scrub at the clashing red marred into the cerulean material.
In the past, you'd only ever really see it when Carl got a bloody nose or whenever you managed to get a paper cut. Now it was anything but a rare sight. As your thoughts wander, your gaze pins into soapy scrubbed out shirt below, eyes burning into the stain. You knew it would never come out, and yet you still promptly dunked it into the cool water of the bucket below. Because you still had to try.
Try and hope. It felt like that's all you ever did anymore, two things that never ever guaranteed pay off. You swish the shirt around in the lukewarm water below, being faintly reminded of the washer you used to have; the haunt of the sweet domesticity you used to know ravaging your mind, possibly even sanity.
"..." You sigh out the built up inner tension, and switch your focus towards wringing out this shirt. Your hands diligently work to twist and curl the wet fabric, squeezing out the water it holds inside.
The only thing interrupting the motions you go through however is the distinct noise of crunching grass, one that usually alluded to nearby footsteps. Your head turns, preferring not to be ignorant to what the source was.. just in case. Although as soon as you spot the source in question, you curse the curiosity driven by your own paranoia.
It was Shane, his figure standing tall and imposing. Most of his impose being due to.. your history. His deceit about the death of your husband, what the both of you shared amidst his lie, the stinging sentiment you felt at the mere thought of him.
God, you really didn't want to talk to him right now.
Your grip on the shirt tightens as you swiftly turn your head back around, stand up, and then speed walk away towards the clothes line. hopefully he'd take the hint from your cold shoulder move. Alas, that hope of yours was severely underestimating just how stubborn Shane Walsh could be.
Within an instant you heard the simple crunches of grass become more urgent as Shane increased his charge towards you. He called out your name, his tone commanding and yet speckled with a sort of desperateness. He wanted you to hear him out.
"Hey hey- Let me tell you somethin'!"
No. You weren't going to do this, not today. He knew you were upset with him, why couldn't he just let you be? And so, without stopping you reach the clothes line and throw up the newly washed shirt, dead set on ignoring Shane.
It was regrettably, not as easy as that though, because as soon as you turned around you were face to face with the former officer. Instantly your face scrunched in annoyance as your mouth flew open to protest his presence, maybe even to berate him, but Shane spoke quicker.
"No no no- wait, just a minute. We need to talk."
"I don't have anything to say to you." You practically growled back as you hurriedly move to leave.
He steps directly in your way, hands reaching out and grasping your hips. "(Name)."
You hiss at him, "Don't touch me!"
This earns an exasperated sigh from him, "Ho-"
"WHUT!" You hear a shout from the distance, your heads turn instantly. It's Rick and he is MAD. "WHUT THE HULL!" Rick comes running full speed at you guys, and while Shane's distracted you take the opportunity to shake him off and step back.
"SHANE WAT ARE YOU DOIN' MANE!?" Rick says super mad as he speed walks over with his hands on his hips.
You have no fucking clue what he's saying because his accent goes crazy!
"YOU KNOW I'M THE BETTER MANE RICK!!" Then Shane and Rick get so mad they press their foreheads together and start shouting a bunch of southern insults.
"You're an egg-suckin' dawg, Shane lemme tell you what!!" Rick shouts.
"Oh nawh mane!" Shane yells back, "YOUR FACE REMINDS ME OF A RUN-DOWN HONKY TONK!!"
"AY AY AY!" Rick growls Rick throws his right hook at Shane, knocking the other on his ass. Then Shane lunges forward like a fury-filled Chihuahua and tackles Rick to the grass.
"YOU BETTER STOP!! STOP!!" You shout to no avail, watching in anger as the two bros duke it out on the ground.
You get so mad that you pick up a large rock and hurl it at Rick's butt, earning a loud "OW!!!!!!" It doesn't stop them though.
Luckily though, you aren't the only ones on the farm and soon enough Hershel comes running out onto the grounds. "OH NOAT ON MAH FARM!" Hershel says, storming over.
"Hershel you have to stop them!" You plead to the old man, wanting help with their outburst.
"STOP IT YOU TURDBURGULARS! YOU-" then Hershel says a REALLY REALLY bad word and it makes you gasp and cover your mouth in shock.
You look over at Rick and Shane and they are also really shocked, instantly they stop fighting and take ten steps away from eachother. Shane looks.. traumatized, but Rick looks pissed!
Apparently Maggie was there too because you see her storm up behind Hershel. "Dad!!! You can't say that!" She whisper shouts at him all mad.
Then Maggie ushers Hershel off, leading him back into the house quickly. They BASICALLY run away to avoid Rick cancelling them. Distantly you hear Hershel shouting about how "Itsa mah farm!" and "I miss the old days!"
You're also pretty sure you heard him let out a large old man fart, and then you saw a lump form in the back of his pants.. But anyway! You hear loud aggressive breathing and you look back at Shane and Rick who are both now pissed again. You think Rick knows you cheated now.. you didn't want to deal with that.. so...
"Sorry guys Sophia wanted me to braid her hair today." You say before dinking away as fast as possible.
"But Sophia is gone.." Shane whispers quietly to himself.... as he stares at your butt disappearing into the distance..
As you dink away you sigh in relief, literally thanking god that you didn't have to deal with those bumfucks! Although.. you aren't relieved for long because suddenly just then your stomach starts hurting like a bitch!
"WHY DO YOU HATE ME!" You shout at your belly as you boom over next to Dale's RV.
You fall to the ground and clutch your stomach in pain. Oh no.. Diarrhea! You prep yourself for a shart or something but then you just end up puking so you're like oh ok. You hurl into the grass next to the trailer and it kind of gets all over the side of Dale's RV because you don't puke straight down EVER. After like a minute of straight hurling, you finally finish and then Dale jumps out of the RV.
You look up at him from the ground.. his jaw is dropped and his eyes are fully widened. "HOLY COW! I almost thought I was in the exorcist for a minute!" He exclaims.
"Um what..." You reply.. cringe...
"Are you okay?" Dale asks.
"Yes." You reply, not wanting to talk about it..
"Marriage problems..?" Dale asks again..
"How did you know?!" You reply, finally looking up at him in surprise.
Dale shrugs, "I don't know I just guessed."
"Um okay Dale.."
Then Dale comes up next to you and crouches, placing a sweaty hand on your shoulder. "So.. (Name).. It's very common for married couples to fight when the hankypanky gets boring.." He begins. "I am actually a twister champion just so you know.."
"No Dale."
Dale looks down at the ground all sad. "At least tell Rick I like his armpits."
"Aw.." Then Dale walks back into the trailer.
You shake your head! Bro was wilding after his crazy wife died! First the exorcist and now he's trying to form a threesom- wait.. the exorcist.. Your eyes trail up to the puke on the RV. You remember what the bathrooms always looked like while you were pregnant with Carl.. insanely puke ridden. OH NO! WAS SHANE EVEN PULLING OUT WHILE YOU WERE BUMP AND DUMPING?! (dumping turds and wasting all the toilet paper btw)
Immediately you jump upwards, you run all the way over to Daryl's hobo homeless core set up on the side of the farm. You see Daryl sitting on the ground next to a weird little stick built fire.. he was diddling with a dead rabbit.
"EW!" You gag at the sight. "UGH! DARYL!"
"WHut!" Daryl shouts back, angry as always.
"I NEED YOU TO GO ON A RUN!" You hiss.
"OH HELL NAW OLIVE OIL YO ASS TRIPINGN!" Daryl roars back, clearly not going to do what you ask. What a WHORE!
"URRGGH!! FUCK OFF!" You flip him off, run up to his fire, kick dirt in it to make it go out and then you run away to find Glenn.
"WHERE IS HE.. WHERE IS HE!!" You search the farm like a hawk as you look around for that sumabitch.
"Glenn! There you are!" You hiss at him. He looks so confused and concerned.
"Uh- wha- huh?"
He flinches slightly when you shout, clearly surprised at how you're directing your random fury onto him. ".. For what?"
You calm down a bit as you pause to explain the predicament at hand.. you take in a deep breath.. "Well it's a special stick that changes patterns when you go pee on it.."
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