#Cute nicknames
storywriter12 · 5 months
What nicknames do they call you🥰
Rick:he will call you:baby, sweetheart, snuggle bug, and bunny
Daryl:he will call you:mine, hunny, sweetheart
Negan:he will call you:baby, his girl,doll, sexy, kitten,bun and gorgeous
Simon:he will call you:beautiful, boo, peanut, kitten,baby, lovely, cutie and wifey
Glenn:he will call you:babe, beautiful, angel, marshmallow,love,his,boo, cute and honey bee
Abraham:he will call you:tough lady, little one (because you are a lot smaller than him) baby, hot stuff and dear
Paul rovia “jesus “ he will call you : sunshine, pookie, baby boo, sassy (only when you are being sassy to gregory), pudding, cutie bear and snuggles
Dwight:what he calls you: baby,my love, twinky, pretty one, baby girl, beautiful, the one and sweetness
King ezekiel:he will call you:Queen, treasure, his rose, love, baby, beautiful, my lady and sweetie
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emilythedog661-tf2 · 16 days
Don't call Soldier 'Honey'
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He only lets 2 people call him honey so if you call him honey, he won't like it 😁
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hersurvival · 1 month
I need dark/spooky/gothic cute/affectionate pet names to call a boy.
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miss-star-dust · 1 year
Safe to say that I've added "Sweetheart" to my list of nicknames I'd like my future partner to call me, and I'm only half way through Crimson Rivers
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Seventeen reaction nickname they call you
Warnings for suggestiveness otherwise enjoy, you can read my stray kids version HERE
While I imagine all the boys calling you a wide range of nicknames I was thinking if there was a name they would use most often? Used in both sexual and non-sexual settings!
Seungcheol - Honey
I feel like this so fits him like I can so picture him saying the cliché "honey I'm home" but on a less cliché note he would just say Honey in all settings, "of course honey, honey, are you ok? are you going to cum for me honey"
Jeonghan - Angel
To him you are nothing short of his Angel so of course he's going to call you that, the way you smile has him smiling. not to mention the way you squirm when "are you close angel?"
Joshua - Baby
This was the nickname that was screaming loudly at me to use for Shua. Not to mention all the ways he can say baby like when he whines it so that he can have more cuddles or cutely whispers it in the morning to ask if your awake, or use full force when he wants something in the bedroom.
Junhui - Babe
I feel like Jun isn't that big on nicknames so he likes to stick to simple ones like babe (or even just a shortened version of your name) but he always says it with love or sometimes lust.
Soonyoung - Kitten
He's such a menace so at the start would call you this to tease you until he found out how much you would blush after so he knew you really liked it, now he uses it to tease you in bed.
Wonwoo - Sweetheart
The name got the most adorable reactions when said everyday but the most sinful reactions when said in bed so Sweetheart it was plus he's always thought that name was cute and it can ground you if you ever travel too far off into subspace.
Jihoon - Princess
You will forever be Jihoon's princess and you can't change my mind, he loves all the reactions he can get from you when he says it whether it be a smile or a moan.
Seokmin - Sweetie
He's such a sweet man and your his sweet girl so it was a no brainer when choosing sweetie be prepared for the many types of sweeties the adorable and cute one vs the breathy and low moaned one for starters.
Mingyu - Babygirl or Babydoll
Alternates between the two mostly or even just doll sometimes. All he needs to do is call you over in that sultry way and you'll do whatever he asks, whether it be he just wants cuddles or something more arousing.
Minghao - Precious
You are just so precious to him so the name was fitting, you blush so hard when it's said and you squirm a lot too, wanting nothing more than for him to say it again.
Seungkwan - Kitten
He would so say this in such a cute way like "your my pretty little kitten" "why's my kitten so upset hmm?" it just falls off his tongue so easily and the way you moan so loudly when it's said in a lower tone like "stay still kitten let me play with you"
Vernon - Babe
Another member that I see not being a huge fan of nicknames, so he chose babe and he loves that you love it, even when said in the bedroom it gets you going.
Chan - Gorgeous
Chan just thinks you're so gorgeous so why not call you that? you love it and he loves it so it's a win win plus he can have you putty in his hands when said in bed.
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☠OPLA Nickname Headcanons🍖
So the show has seriously taken over my mind, that and those damn turtles, so here are some other nicknames that the crew and company would call you if you were in a relationship.
🤡Buggy-Sea Glass/Little Sea Glass (As established previously) becuase it's what my angsty brain had come up with at the time. Something like My Star or #1 star that shows your place in his heart would also be good but then he's also calling you My little minion or baby, baby cakes, and sugar. Depends on the day.
🍊Nami- It depends if your older or younger than her but I feel like Honey or Sweetie would be her go to. Let's out a babe once in a while. Having had to learn to trust and love people I feel like her way of love would be the most normal.
🍖Luffy-Most likely calls you something based on what you look like when you smile. Sunshine or sunflower comes to mind or maybe something dumb like Primecut or Premium Sirloin becuase he loves meat and it's the only way to describe the feelings you give him.
🍺Zoro-He's a simple man and I think he would call you Love or My *insert name here* but only when it's the two of you.
🍽Sanji-He would sprinkle in all the names in any language he knew! Especially in French but that's no surpise. Mon Amor, Mi Amor, Cara mia, My darling, my love, light of my life, sweatheart, ext. Very extra.
💣Usopp-Babe, baby cakes, sweetness, hot stuff, baby girl, cutie pie is right up his alley. Really wants too look cool infront of others but not too cool.
🗡Mihawk-A man of refinment for sure and like Zoro is more affectionate behind closed doors. Simple sweartheart, love, dearest, darling are the usual but if he's really feeling it, My love is on the table for sure.
🐬Koby-Being new to puting himself out there I think he'd use Sweetie exclusivly. He's not sure of himself entirly just yet but he's getting there.
🏴‍☠️Shanks-This man I feel will call you everything under the sun and more. My Treasure, my star, my heart, my soul, my love, some type of flower or just my flower are some good ones and when he's drunk off his ass it devolves into my siren or my little seagull. Dumb shit that catches his eye but it's cute. Calls you Mollusk once and never again.
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I had a nice time thinking about these. I never thought I'd get into One Piece again after all this time. I'm even thinking of picking up the anime again...
We'll see if that happens.🤭
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superbeans89 · 4 months
Give your significant other cute nicknames like
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azures-bazar · 2 years
Hey was just wondering if you could do an Arthur x reader and Arthur being in the saloon and his wife is also there and the guys he’s with are teasing him about how single he is and Arthur’s like bet I can get the girl to leave with me and there like there is no way in hell that woman would leave with you but she’s his wife and Arthur downs his drink and walks up to his wife like hello gorgeous, how would you like to ride home on a real cowboy I got a six pack of cold ones and my roomie is out all night so you can scream my name as loud as you need to sugar and they walk out together and everyone’s gobs smacked and the readers like will you just stop and tell people I’m your wife and Arthur’s like nah I love the surprise on there faces when the see a beautiful woman like you wants to date me plz
Lonesome Pretty Boy 
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Hello there anon, and thank you for this request ! I wrote this shot by night (again), please don’t mind my awful mistakes ! I loved the plot btw !
I hope you'll like it ! I kinda struggled with the teasing lol
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Arthur Morgan x Female!Reader 
Word count : 2.6k
Short summary : Sometimes, Arthur likes impressing folks around him, not usually being able to score with women. But tonight, this woman is you. 
A/Note : set relationship - Arthur is married to Reader 
Tags : chapter 2, Arthur being flirty af, Roger Clark’s intimate voice lines with horses inspiration, teasing, cute nicknames
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Oh, finally ! Dutch had finally decided to give Arthur some sort of day off for him to relax ! Morgan did not get the chance to have a break for weeks, and Sean’s rescue party was just a very quick glimpse of what some rest and carelessness could feel like. Just a day off, away from the rest of the gang, away from chores, away from endless requests from Strauss or Grimshaw, from Swanson’s drunkenness, Uncle’s complaints about his lumbago… or Sean’s overall presence. Just one day off felt like an entire holiday for Arthur. You two headed to Smithfield’s saloon in Valentine, Arthur wanted to be with you, to enjoy his rare free time by your side. You had even chosen your best gown for this occasion !
You had been a member of the gang for a long while already. It felt like ages, especially since you could remember welcoming a teenage Mary-Beth and lend her your old clothes. Arthur’s relationship with had always been quite peculiar, to say the least. He had displayed evident signs of attraction since the very first day you stepped foot in camp, with Dutch firmly holding you by the shoulders. He had stumbled upon you as you were on your way to a prison, while a couple of "old rich degenerates", as he called them, were begging the sheriff to hang you. The cause of their complaints ? Ten dollars you had stolen from that old man’s pocket to buy yourself some food after not being able to eat anything but grass for days. Living in the streets was no easy thing, especially when you were a young woman at the mercy of these men surrounding you, whether they were good or bad. 
Arthur had welcomed you wide-open arms, offering you one of his old mattresses and blankets for you not to be cold. He had willingly asked Dutch to watch over you and had spent a few weeks taking care of your wellbeing. He had watched you swallow Pearson’s stew in one go after starving for days, drink gallons of coffee, caress the new clothes Grimshaw had given you, enjoying its soft fabric after being mostly used to torn jeans and dirty shirts.
"It’s for me ?" you had asked 
"Of course, dear." Grimshaw had chuckled. "We can get you more clothes if you like, I just need to tell Dutch."
"No, that's alright." 
What made Arthur fall for you was most certainly the way you held yourself and your beautiful facial features he could not help but gaze at for endless minutes. He was not good at expressing his feelings, feeling awkward most of the time. But, after a few months, you felt like the two of you had known each other for years. A few kisses and many wild nights in bed after his very first move towards you, Arthur had proposed to you under a large oak tree… and you would have been a fool to say no to these beautiful puppy eyes and soft smile. 
You had been married for months already, the gang was aware of it. People did not ask about what you were doing when Arthur’s tent flaps were closed, or why the two of you would not get straight back to camp after a successful robbery. You had been with Dutch during the Blackwater Ferry Heist and had nearly died while escaping the city, which led Arthur to become even more protective towards you, being awfully traumatised after watching you bleed from your numerous wounds. This was mostly why he wanted you to go to the saloon with him. He wanted to have you nearby, close enough for him to feel alright, to be sure you were safe. 
"Take a seat, sweetheart." Arthur told you as you two walking into the saloon. "I’m gonna get us something to drink." 
You sat at a nearby table while Arthur went to the counter to order some whiskey for the two of you, one shot for him, and a bottle to share with you. Three fellers were talking about women beside him, he found himself listening to their conversation. One of them was married and was proud enough to boast about it, while the other two kept lamenting on the overall absence of women in their lives. Indeed, after spotting Arthur so close to them, waiting alone at the counter for his whiskey, they quickly reacted. 
"Hey you, pretty boy." one of them said 
Arthur lifted his head up, glancing at these three men near him, frowning a little. He absolutely hated being called pretty boy, you were mostly the only person who could call him such… without him grumbling about it. Whenever you would mention his handsomeness, Arthur would quickly blush and attempt hiding his face by tilting his hat forward for you not to spot his reaction… and this was probably the most adorable thing he would do on a daily basis, along with smiling at you when you were getting dressed.
"Yeah, you, cowboy." that same man restarted. "No woman by your arm tonight ?"
"That ain't your business, partner." Arthur answered with a smirk 
"Can’t be easy to be a lonesome pretty boy, ain’t it ?" the married man laughed. "With all these women around..."
"Them women are too great for a dusty cowboy." another one laughed. "You ain’t gonna get a nice catch tonight." 
What this man told Arthur almost felt challenging, if not rather funny. He did not mind them telling him about all the dust covering him… it was somewhat true. Despite having washed himself earlier this evening, the ride to Valentine’s saloon did not help him staying clean, especially considering its muddy streets. Arthur approached these men while placing his hands on his gun belt. He was a few inches taller than them, but they did not mind. 
"I’d get all ‘em women on a plate if I wanted." one of them smiled. "All of them."
"That’s why you still ain’t got a wife, Henry." the married man sighed 
"Ain’t you a smart one, feller." Arthur sighed, patting so-called Henry’s shoulder. "Go get your chance with a prostitute, maybe you won’t finish your night alone."
"I bet you’ll do the same. Prostitutes are a better catch than a nice woman for a man like you." 
Arthur’s eyes widened as he quickly glanced around, noticing you were still reading your book. He could remember Hosea offering it to you following Sean’s party, you could not take your eyes away from it. He laughed a little as these men started joking around, still not feeling comfortable about them teasing him. He looked at his whiskey-filled glass and sighed, turning his head back to those three men, ready to prove them wrong by getting a nice catch tonight. 
"Well, ‘bet I can get that girl right here." Arthur said, pointing toward you
"That one ?" the married man asked, looking at you. "With the nice gown ?"
"No way." Henry laughed. "Look at her, she’s dressed so well ! She’s too good for you, you’re just a dusty cowboy."
"Let’s see that." 
Arthur gulped down his whiskey in one go, carefully taking two glasses and another bottle to your table while smirking at the group of men nearby. It felt like a challenge, something fun to do. He could still hear them talk behind him, mostly excited and amazed by this sudden courage Arthur displayed. Had it been with another woman, Arthur would have remained alone all night long.
"Hello there gorgeous." he said in the most flirtatious way 
"Arthur ?" you turned your head up as you noticed him leaning on one of the wooden columns near the table
"Would you like some whiskey ?" 
Arthur did not dare sitting next to you, feeling that these three fellers laughing at the counter would spot his sham. One single mistake and this scam would be over. He handled you the glass, causing you to rise from your seat and stand beside him, gently placing your small book inside your leather satchel Pearson had crafted for you. Arthur kept smiling, tilting his hat a little as you blushed. He had never been this confident with you, despite the two of you were married for a while already ! 
"Ain’t you such a beauty, m’lady."
"Arthur, what’s going on ?" 
"It’s a shame to see you alone tonight." 
You raised your eyebrows, felling quite confused by his peculiar speech and overall attitude. You had known Arthur for a while to get to understand his psychology and flaws, noting his self-hate and disgust towards his appearance which was, for a vast majority of people, absolutely amazing. Everyone you met, aside from people who owed money to Strauss and who got beaten up by Arthur, for instance, genuinely thought he was a very handsome man, healthy and well-built, with a rather friendly face. Arthur never felt confident enough with anyone, and the night he had asked you out to propose to you almost felt like a miracle. 
"Why are you acting like this ?" you asked. "Just… sit down, you’re making me nervous."
"Well, Miss, would you like a ride on a real cowboy ?" Arthur said, pouring some whiskey in your glass while looking straight into your eyes 
"What ?"
"I've got a large box filled with cold beers at home, you know." 
"Sorry ?"
Your eyes widened as you did not understand what was going on, and why Arthur was behaving the way he did. Riding on a cowboy ? What did he try to asl you ? You spent a few seconds trying to process the meaning of his sentence as Arthur bent over your shoulder and gently bit your earlobe, causing you to shiver. His breath so close to your skin made you feel great, but the way he just came to you like this was quite suspicious. Just like Jack behaving like an angel with Abigail in order to hide the truth after messing around, Arthur’s overall attitude at the moment made you feel like he was hiding something. 
"Oh, and my housemate is out all night…" he whispered so intimately, causing you to smile a little, and leading men to suddenly stop talking
"Arthur." you chuckled. "What the hell is wrong with you ?" 
"Don’t worry, you’ll be able to scream my name as loud as you need to, sugar." 
You chuckled louder after taking a sip of your whiskey. Arthur had tried many nicknames with you, but both "sugar" and "gorgeous" were the ones he had never used. In fact, Arthur mostly called you sweetheart or dove, believing these sweet nicknames were suiting you enough for him to nearly forget your real name at some point. 
"So, gonna let me take home home ?" Arthur smirked. 
"We’ve only been here for a few minutes !" 
"This ain’t a place for us… we better go." 
"Let’s go, sugar." 
You gasped as you barely had time to place your empty glass on the table while Arthur wrapped his arm around your shoulders, leading you out of the saloon while passing by the three men he had encountered that same night, looking at him with wide-open eyes. Their’s jaws dropped as they saw how beautiful you were, so gentle-looking under his large arm. Who would have thought you would be willing to go with him ? Common people did not know about the two of being actually married. 
"And you said he’s just a dusty cowboy." one of them told Henry 
"Damn it." the latter grumbled, swallowing his beer in one go
Arthur gently opened the saloon’s door to allow you to walk outside, you went downstairs, closer to his horse as you felt like you were about to get into an argument. This was his quiet evening, you knew Dutch would not allow him going out by night again, purposefully keeping him around on guard duty while you would be doing chores with the rest of the girls. 
"What the hell was that ?" you grumbled, crossing your arms on your chest. "We barely had time to sit and enjoy our whiskey !"
"Sorry, err, ‘em men were teasin’, I told ‘em I was gonna get you." 
"Gonna get me ? I’m your wife, damn it ! You already have me !" 
You wanted to slap Arthur for his sudden lack of consideration towards your relationship but quickly avoided raising a hand towards his face by taking your book out and storing it in the horse’s satchel, not even bothering to look at Arthur. You hated when he was playing foolish games and your rather angry face led him to come closer to you, his hands behind his back. 
"I’m sorry, darlin’." he sighed, genuinely sorry. "I… I just wanted ‘em fellers to see that even dusty cowboys can get women they want."
"You saw their reactions, right ? Tell them the truth." 
"No, no. I ain’t gonna do that." 
You turned back to look at Arthur who was smiling, despite begging you to forgive him for his foolish mistake of not telling these men the truth about himself right away. Arthur tilted his head a little, sending you one of his most pleading looks he usually gave you when he knew he had done something wrong.
"Will you just stop behaving like a kid ?" you snarled. "Now, you get back inside and tell them I’m your wife."
"Nah !" Arthur laughed. "I loved that surprise on ‘em faces when they saw that a beautiful woman like you is willin’ to go out with me."
"If you don’t tell them, I will."
You really wanted to walk back inside the saloon to explain these three men that Arthur had lured them into a very believable lie, pretending that you were just a random stranger while being is actual wife. His blooming smile made you forget about your desire to get inside and break down his lie, his pleading look did not help one bit either ! 
"Please, Y/N ?" Arthur asked 
"Fine." you groaned. "Now that we’re out of the saloon, what do we do ?"
Arthur moved slightly closer, gently placing his large hands on your corseted waist, causing you to blush unexpectedly. You were still somewhat mad at him for lying the way he did, but did not care much anymore. Whenever your eyes would meet his, you would be quick to forget about his flaws and crimes, mostly focusing on the positive aspects of your relationship. 
"I can still get a large box of cold beers." Arthur smiled, giving you his eternal puppy glance. "And… since I don’t have any housemate, I believe a night at the hotel would be a great deal before comin’ back to camp tomorrow morning. Don’t you think ?"
"You’re hopeless, really." you sighed, unable to say no
"Ain’t that why you love me ?" 
You loved him for who he was, but his childish side would always make you chuckle. In fact, you could not resist him at all, no matter what he was doing or how he was doing it. Arthur was everything to you and you knew that, despite this nice moment at the saloon being cut short by his rather boyish behaviour, you were going to spend a wonderful and probably sleepless night with him, going wild in one of the hotel’s bedrooms. Neither you nor him would look fresh tomorrow on guard duty, but did this matter ? You were about to spend a wonderful night without feeling the need to worry about the gang. The rest of the world did no longer matter as long as you would be with Arthur, husband or not. This night was going to be great, and you would probably laugh about it someday. 
"Let’s go, Mrs. Morgan." Arthur smiled as you headed to the hotel 
"I can still scream your name as loud as I need ?" 
"You sure can. I even hope you will."
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minrubyi · 2 years
Ꮺ 𝗥𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗺 𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗸𝘀 Ꮺ
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る! 🌷 . 𝗡𝐚𝐦є 𓏲 𖧶 𓈒 .
𝄒 𖥻 ִ ۫ 𖣯 ࣪ ٬٬ . ⩇⩇
ᨦ𓏲 ، ݃♟❜ ℕ𝗮m̶є ᘏ ࣪ ٬٬ . ݁ ۰ ࣪
ִֶָ ⩇⩇ ꜥ 💭 ◖ 𝗻𝗮𝐦e̶ 𖥔 ࣪˖ 💒 ᐢ..ᐢ
ִֶָ ャ ›🐭 𓊔 𝐍𝐚𝗺e ★̲ 🧠 ꐑꐑ
ִֶָ ،،̲ 🍏✶ ᨨ 𓏔 n𝐚m𝗲ֹ❕◗ ˊᯅˋ
𓂄 ׅ ‹𝟹 🧠 ▨ 𝗡𝐚mǝ 𝘁࡛𝗶ny ᨑ︕
★̸̲ 🎀 𖥔࣪ ˖⨳ ¡ nick 𔘓's ult ! ᨏ 🥛 𓂅̸
ᯤ̸ 🐇 ᨎ ¡ nick ! ✫ 🧠 🜸
𔘓̸ִׂ 🐄១ 𓄲 ¡ nick ! 𖧧🥛☆᤻᤻
𐚁𓎖🧂 〆̣ nick 𔘓's ult 𖥻‎̸ ⚡︎ 🍽 🜸
⚠︎̶ ៹࣪🐇 𒄬 ¡ nick ! ᨎ 🌷ꞌꞋ 𐌎
𖨂 🎀ꞌꞋ ࣪˖ ⌕ ¡ nick ! ⬕̸ִ ៹࣪💭 Ꮺ
like or reblog, follow me please ෆ
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loveeryeon · 1 year
𑄽୧ ׅ !! ᥒіᥴkᥒᥲmᥱs !! :3
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꒰ㅤㅤᨦïᨩㅤׅ ㅤ nameㅤֺ ʚɞ ㅤ ੭ ㅤ゜ ○ ੭ 𓈒 ׄ name ꒱ ۟ ᜊ〞 ㅤ ꒰੭ㅤ 𓂂ㅤֺㅤ꒰ㅤnameㅤ꒱ㅤㅤׅ୨୧ㅤㅤᨦ ㅤ ᨦïᨩ ㅤ୨ㅤֺㅤׅㅤ𝗍ׄѡɩׁ𝗇𝗄ᥣɥㅤᨳ᭬ nameㅤֺ ୧ ꣑୧ㅤ𝆹 ㅤ f⍺۪ncׂɥ nameㅤ ׄ ୨ּ୧ ੨ ゚
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storywriter12 · 7 days
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Look at daniel here okg he is so cute that pose 😍 iike a little moose 🫎 🥺
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icespur · 10 months
Akiren calling Akechi cute embarrassing pet names
1/3 edit: Uncensored
Two scenarios:
Platonic Rivals. So Akiren would be calling Akechi cute nicknames just to be a little shit.
Or Akeshu/ShuAke version. They are official boyfriends and they both have different views on public affection. Akechi would rather keep their relationship a secret, so no public affection (which is not unlike actual Japanese citizens).
Akechi: (covering his beet red flustered face with his hands) “If we weren't currently an item and I didn't love you I would choke the life out of you right now.”
Couple Akeshu/ShuAke during a Palace or Mementos Shadow fight. Joker passes the baton to Crow. Crow gets in battle stance ready to tear the enemy to pieces when—-
Faintly in the background Joker enthusiastically cheers “FUCK ‘EM UP, BABE!”
This causes the mood to completely change. Crow’s manic expression drops instantly, replaced with blush.
The other Thieves are in the background, Ryuji the most confused “What did he just call him, what just happened???....”
Pet names abbreviated from name:
Akechi = Aki or Chi/Chi-Chi (What makes the “Chi-Chi” nickname even more hilarious is that's a babyish alternative word Japanese kids use to refer to their fathers. So it's a babyish version of “Papa”. Take Anya from Spy X Family English Sub for example)
Goro = Go-Go and Go-Chan
When in Metaverse Attire:
Goes for both Robin Hood & Loki/Black Mask form = Birdie
Specifically Loki/Black Mask Form =
Loki = Lulu, Lou, Kiki,
First time Akechi heard the above nicknames while in Black Mask form, he immediately locks eyes with Akiren and stares at him for a couple seconds, internally trying to talk himself out of sending the leader of the Phantom Thieves on an express trip to Velvet Room Purgatory. Ultimately fails and Kasumi and the rest of the Thieves have to physically restrain Akechi from murdering their leader.
In future instances, Akechi just responds by either tuning Joker out or “”CaLmLy”” correcting Joker that it's “Loki”. If Joker refuses to behave and continues, gentle route goes out the window and Akechi goes straight for the throat.
So basically referring to Black Mask Akechi by cute abbreviated nicknames is a speed run of “How fast can I get Akechi to lose his cool and try to kill me?”
The Thieves don't understand why Joker willingly puts himself in those deadly situations but Joker just weakly laughs, on the floor with probably a few fractured and broken bones. He just raises his arm up and forms a thumbs up, managing to wheeze out a “Worth It..”
(Abbreviated pet names in Romance scenario, Akechi wouldn't react by attempted murder, obviously. But just be incredibly flustered and embarrassed. The game for AkiRen in this case would be “How fast can I make my boyfriend a blushing mess?”. Especially since he seems to pull out the pet names at intentionally the worst times, when in public or mid-Metaverse battle)
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rk-tmblr · 1 year
Hikoboshi -Oikawa Tooru [Haikyuu!!]
[Note: When you're late early for Tanabata...] ⭐︎...⭐︎
"What are you doing up here?"
Oikawa jolted a little surprised, but managed to conceal it as the cold night breeze run through inside his sweater. Having recognized his voice (that same voice that seemed to pester his mind way too much for his own liking), he didn't turn his way to look at him.
"I can ask you the same question," he huffed when out of the corner of his eye saw him taking a sit besides him.
"But I asked first."
Annoyed, Oikawa turned to glare at him with a bitter remark ready to spit on his tongue but he ended up chocking on it: he was sitting with his arms around his legs, making himself so little despite his long limbs, and he had a cheek against a knee to look up at him so intently. There was the shadow of a gentle smile on his thin lips.
"Altair should be visible tonight," the setter could have managed a lie (anything) but he felt stripped bare by that reverent look and honesty spilled unintentionally from his heart, "But it's quite cloudy..."
"Mmm, it's the light pollution," he finally moved his gaze to the sky and Oikawa obliged himself of doing the same, "Where should it be?" he asked as if he was genuinely interested.
"Right there," he pointed behind a big fluffy gray cloud, "So? What are you doing here?"
"Couldn't sleep," he simply shrugged.
No way in hell that Oikawa would accept that kind of answer.
"Be honest," he demanded.
He side-glanced him and a light of guilt shone inside those dark eyes before an "I'm being honest," was murmured.
"Spit it out," he insisted and crossed his arms waiting (not so patiently) for a real answer.
"Fine, fine!" he gave up showing his palms and then putting them beside him to stir his legs, "I'm gonna confess it to you, but you have to promise you won't tell anyone..." he made him swear.
"Yeah whatever, now what is it?"
"Nosy," he humored and before Oikawa could snap a remark, he took something from his hoodie pocket and put it between the two of them.
"What is-" he scrunched his little nose while reaching it with his fingers and then he realized "Oh my g-"
"You promised you won't say a thing!" he stopped him right there with a pointed finger.
"It was just a reaction!" the setter protested swatting his hand away and picking up the little packet, "You smoke!?"
"As I said I couldn't sleep and I didn't want to disturb the others so I just-"
"Came here on the rooftop to smoke!" Oikawa finished his sentence.
He laughed a little for his surprise, looking at those big shining eyes under the raised eyebrows and that lips curled in to a little "o". "Is it really that shocking?"
"It's shocking you still manage to do your run exercise after these!" he exclaimed "You're an athlete, you can't use this kind of habit!" he scolded him and made him shrug.
"It's nothing serious, once in a blue moon-" he curled up again.
"It's already empty!" the setter stated peeking inside and counting just three cigarettes left.
"I have them counted: one for each day, but I didn't smoke everyday!" he justified himself.
Oikawa shook his head disappointedly, "I can't believe you smoked all this week behind our backs!"
"Did you like me to share...?"
He let him calm himself by keeping it quiet for a while, meanwhile he was trying to figure out what to say to break that tension but...
Unexpectedly Oikawa did it first.
"Do you really need these?" he asked softly, less angry, "...to rest, I mean."
"Not really," he confessed honestly, "They help me stray away when my mind gets too clouded..."
He just nodded and stared at the packet, the three handmade cigarettes inside it.
"It's nicotine, right?"
"Yep, I made them before coming here because I can totally control myself," he bragged humorously, "Just one puff?" he asked innocently.
"Aw, c'mon!"
"Each puff is a breath close to death," the setter reprimanded him.
"Each breath is one close to death," he replied smirking a little.
"It's different..."
"Not really, but I wouldn't mind either way," he shrugged and that caught all of his attention.
Oikawa stared at him for so long as if he was scared he could really dissipate in that exact moment, in just an eye-blink. It was rough -he got to know- life was harsh with him but... did he really-
"Are you telling me that you would accept it if it was now?"
He sat up straight and picking his ankles with his hands, shuffling on the spot to make both of them stand perfectly in front of each other.
"If this was my last minute, I would lovely smoke my last breathes and ask you just one thing: for you to smoke the last puff, and only then I could die happily," he smiled and Oikawa shivered realizing how much he meant it.
He didn't say anything,
"What are you doing?"
just picked one of those cigarettes and giving it to him.
"Did I manage to persuade you?" he raised an eyebrow.
"Wouldn't be cruel to deny a man's last wish?" he said making him laugh.
"Such a benevolent prince!"
"Shut up," he hissed feeling his ears burn at the silly nickname.
"Make me," he challenged him and Oikawa just presented him the little dose of nicotine.
But he didn't like that lack of reaction.
Daring, he picked it directly with his own lips from his fingertips. He smiled slyly, looking up at him and nodded when he commanded "Just one puff, that's it!" and put a hand on his heart to swear it.
He waited for him to click on the lighter: the setter's face all crunched up in a concentrated pout, while his thumb slipped uselessly on the spark wheel one two three times...
"Try like this, so you don't risk to hurt yourself," he ended up mimic how to switch the lighter on correctly.
"I know how to do it," he puffed his cheeks but listened to his advice, "It's not like I've never been at parties... but did you?" he just tricked him to burn the tip, opting for a banter first.
"Not really a fan of them," he shook his head, "Also I never smoke or drink things people bring at those parties, for both precaution and mistrust," he explained keeping the cigarette in his place between his teeth.
Oikawa finally leaned the little flame and burnt the tip off it. He couldn't tear his gaze away from the butterfly shake of his eyelashes as he inhaled so deeply, the pretty light warming up the apple of his cheeks and the relaxed release of his shoulders when the breeze run through his hair.
"Oh my god, please! I know I said just one puff, but breathe!" he said noticing how long he was trying to keep that drag, (not at all because he wanted to tear himself away from that scene).
He snorted, a big open smile shining through the gray of the smoke, a deep but clear ringing of voice echoing through the night. "Sorry sorry," he giggled and Oikawa took advantage of his distraction to steal the cigarette away from his fingers.
"They used to lit it for me, not the other way around," he mumbled thinking about that time Hanamaki and Matsuwaka wanted them all to try a joint at some party.
"As they should," he agreed pointing his elbows on his knees.
He made his last wish come true by taking a little drag, "Why is it so bitter?" the setter stuck his tongue out disgusted but tried again to take a normal puff, "Disgusting," he commented at the end and giving him the cigarette to put out.
But he didn't.
Keeping the eye contact through heavy lids, he stole another drag putting his lips there where were his the right second before. "But it's so sweet to me," he whispered and smirked a little at Oikawa's blushing face of realization.
"That's it, put it out!" he reminded him and obediently he obliged, carefully letting the flame die without crashing the whole thing on the butt, "Wha- why are you giving it to me? Throw it away!"
"Am not a madman: I can still smoke this one, just put it back with the others," he replied.
"As if I'd let you," he did as he said, but didn't return the packet, "You won't smoke anymore."
"Have you ever hide a packet of smoke?" he asked cynical, "Gimme and you won't have any trouble, I can promise you not to," he tried to reach for it but failed.
"Stop it," he batted away his long hands, "I won't give it back, forget it!"
"Alright," he surrendered and turn to look up to the sky, "Y'know it's really sad that Altair can't be seen at all," he whispered after a while, turning back at the start of their conversation, "But I think it's kinda glad there's still someone who try to look out after it no matter."
That was a weird way to put it, but Oikawa couldn't deny the earnest and happy feeling in his guts at the proof that he didn't dare to belittle him at all, that he really cared about (him) it... and he snickered at the not so subtle way of meaning something else instead.
"It's glad...?" he repeated humoring the star's personification that he just made.
"I read books, don't act surprise if I wax poetry!" he replied and made him laugh and he was really going to follow his lead when he saw him shiver again, "Better get inside, it's getting quite chilling, mh?" he stood up and as the knight in shining armor as himself proposed to be, offered Oikawa a hand to do the same.
They silently walked back inside and then down the halls to get to their rooms, but they didn't decided when they were supposed to separate and so the setter turned to him. Dammit, he was way too close to his face like that!
"What?" Oikawa shouted quietly to brush his own embarrassment off.
"Last change to get rid of the packet," he answered.
"Forget those disgusting things! Go to rest, tomorrow morning I'll give you hell!" he slapped him on his chest to get him going.
"Was worth a shot anyway..." he sighed with a small smile, "Okay then, goodnight little prince," he bowed his head a little and then he disappeared into the dark leaving a fluttered Oikawa behind.
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going-to-superhell · 1 year
Gender neutral romantic nicknames for bae:
Gum Drop
Sentient Gummy Bear
Felis Catus
Office supplies
Fucking tree
Green Eggs and Ham
Unfathomable Horror
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inightcor · 3 months
Endearing Love Names I Like
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🤡My OPLA headcanon for Buggy is that he calls his lover Sea Glass or Little Sea Glass.
Idk I like it.
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