#Goat lovers unite
helengie · 8 months
Goats: The ultimate multi-taskers 🐐🌿🌾🧀
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Looking for a sustainable way to mow your lawn, fertilize your garden, and produce delicious, healthy cheese? Look no further than goats! 🐏 These furry creatures are the perfect multitaskers. They'll happily graze your lawn, leaving it looking neat and tidy. 🏡 They'll also add valuable nutrients to your soil, helping your plants grow strong and healthy. 🌱 And of course, they'll provide you with fresh milk, which you can use to make your own homemade cheese. 🥛 So if you're looking for a fun and efficient way to take care of your property, goats are the way to go! 👐 The T-shirt and other merchandise with this motif are available in the HelenGie store on TeePublic 👕👚:
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Round One - Bracket Thirteen [Dimension 20 NPC of All Time Sidequest Edition]
Doug Meat vs Master Buttons
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Propaganda under the cut (May contain major spoilers for Never Stop Blowing Up)
Doug Meat - He/Him
Campaign: Never Stop Blowing Up
Who is he?
Doug Meatskin(previously Doug Meat) is one of Kingskin's goons.
Why is he the NPC of All Time?
I’m sure he’s been submitted already but seriously he is the best character. he is the mvp he is the goat he is the second president of the usa in the eighties like how there was two popes one time.
The "party adopts a random background mook so they're a character now" of all time
He loves his mob boss boss. He's co president of these unites states of America. La familia.
That's my fucking president right there <3
It's GOTTA be Doug. The loyalty, the emotion, the love for the people he trusts. And his name is DOUG MEAT
He’s buff, he’s emotional, he has unknown depth and vague feelings for his drug lord boss.
DOUG MEAT!! he is a lover he is a fighter he has ideas for how to improve a criminal gang!! most loveable NPC of NSBU he is gorgeous and wonderful!! he just wants to hold someone's hand :((
It's Doug Meat, man
He stapled a mask to his face just to remove it within five minutes of talking
I just love him so much <3 (you do not have to use this I just don’t really know what to say sorry)
Master Buttons - She/Her
Campaign: Tiny Heist
Who is she?
Master Buttons is the leader of the Heapers and the Abbess of the Watermelon Temple.
Why is she the NPC of All Time?
A BAMF old lady. She has a great voice and gives good advice. She is the Abbess of the Watermelon Temple, show her some respect. *bows head* Hell yeah.
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coleskingdom · 5 months
Jay White x f reader
NSFW Minors DNI 18+
For @madhatterbri you wanted jealous the man is United Empire green. Thank you @midwestmade29 for reading and going back and forth with me.
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���You look fantastic. What are your plans with Skye tonight?” as Jay helped clasp the necklace as I put on lipgloss. “Honestly not sure, she just said we were going out for dinner and drinks. It’ll be fun.” knowing the question coming next. “Is old golden boy and his boyfriend going out joining you and Skye this evening ?” I roll my eyes in the mirror looking at him “Honestly I’m not sure, but if you weren’t t so grumpy you should come with me.” smiling sweetly. “No thanks but if you want to stay in, I can think of a few things more interesting than taking dinner and drinks.” his beard tickling me as he leaned into kiss my neck. “ Jay, I’m looking forward to this , but those interesting ideas I want to hear about them when I get back.” Pulling away and heading out the door.
Of course my luck would have it that Will and Kyle both were there. I tried to relax as I sat next to Skye, “You okay” she asked a bit of concern in her voice, “Yeah I’m alright, but I can already feel my phone going off.” Sighing reaching for my phone. Answering the FaceTime, “Hey, what’s up?” my voice cheerful, “How’s dinner? How’s Skye?” his voice too cheerful “We’re good, here with Kyle and Will” my voice hesitant but Skye leaned in “Hey Jay” Skyes voice “I’ve got our girl and I’ll get her home safe tonight.” I could tell from his quick answer back that he wasn’t thrilled . He let her go, and Skye handed me back the phone. “Shake it off. Have some fun.” ordering another round for the table. Dinner was so much fun, and I agreed to go out dancing with them. I dance with Kyle , Skye and Will when some girl spilled her drink on my top. “Hey take my jacket, go clean up in the bathroom.” Will stripping off his jacket. “ Thanks I appreciate it more than you know. Whatever it was. It’s sticky “ taking it gratefully. I went to the bathroom and changed glancing at my phone.
You didn’t mention anything about spending the night grinding on Will.
I found Skye “ Hey I’m gonna go, I need to get home.” she hugged me, “Go home and get your man” I laughed half heartedly.
I was outside the door of the house when I realized that I was in Wills jacket, the united empire green with the Billy goat symbol. I had no choice but to walk in.
“Sweetheart there you are coming home in your new lovers jacket” the bottle of scotch on the table nearly empty . “Jay a girl spilled her drink on me. Will offered me his jacket that’s all.” my voice calm. “Did he lick you clean?” the jealous tone maddening. “ Yes Jay, he took off my shirt in the middle of the club, and licked my chest. Then I got to wear his jacket as a prize.” throwing my wet shirt and bra at him.
“Bravo, the award for pretending that she didn’t enjoy grinding on Golden Boy goes to you my dear.” Raising his glass to me. I reach for it “Your obsessed with this thing with Will. Is that what you want to see me fuck him Jay while you watch? Do you want me to take him in my mouth? Do you want me to straddle him and ride him all night ? Since you already think he licked me what if he puts my knees to my shoulders and just ruins me. Which is it?” looking him dead in the eyes as I drink his scotch.
I saw the flash in his eyes before he was on me. “There she is my little vixen. No the only one that gets any of that is me. “ He kisses me roughly , his mouth tastes of the scotch , his hands threaded through my hair holding me to him. Releasing me his hands reach for the zipper of the jacket, pulling it down and throwing it in the floor. I moan as his mouth finds my neck tilting my head giving him better access as one of his hands grips the back of the neck walking us backwards. My ass hits the back of the dining room table,as his hands now focus on the buttons of my jeans. My hands going to the hem of his shirt pulling it off of him. He let me run my hands over him and kissing him, the man was intoxicating. “I’m going to give you something golden boy could never .” I bite his lower lip “ Shut up about him and fuck me.” a low growl in his chest. “That’s it darling girl tell me, tell me what you want.” His breath against my ear my nipples hard against his body. “Turn around” the heat in his voice sends a jolt of desire through me. I do as he asks my bare torso against the cold wood of the table. He finishes pulling off my jeans and panties as I spread my legs a little bit further apart, and arch my back at him. My lips part as I feel the first slide of his fingers. “You’ve been thinking about this, the question is which one of us gets you this wet?” His fingers moving faster, then disappear from my body. “I asked you who Sweetheart?” I feel his cock pressed against my entrance “Jay it’s always been and will forever be you “ I moan as he slides all the way in.
This is the Jay White of the early days in the ring and in our relationship. The seemingly cold, volatile arrogant bastard who intrigued me like no one else, who took me where and when he wanted, with no apologies but full of passion.
Rough, calloused hands slide over my curves to fit beneath me, one settling on my clit, seizing the bundle of nerves between his thumb and finger; the other to cup the front my neck, securing me gently as his body folds over mine, until his chest meets my back, all while he continues mercilessly driving into me.
"You're mine."
"I'm yours."
"I want this to work between us."
"Yes!" I manage to get out through pants.
"You're about to come," he grits out, his cock swelling more inside me with each thrust, telling me he's not far behind me. His fingers, now slick, work against my clit with a sense of urgency, hard and fast circles that make me want to spread my legs wide for him.
The rush hits me and my muscles begin to contract. In answer, he angles his hips to thrust harder into me, the sensation so overwhelming I'm unable to hold back my cries of ecstasy as a mind-paralyzing, explosive orgasm rips through my body, leaves me a quivering mess.
"Fuck!" Jay presses his mouth against the back of my neck to muffle his cries. I can feel his cock pulsing inside me, spilling his release into me, leaving me slick and sore and so utterly satisfied.
Silence surrounds us as we lie on the table, limp, him draped on top of me, his heartbeat pounding against my back.
He pulled himself from me ,then left as I tried to regain my composure. I heard the bath tub running, he came back from our room with my robe and put it on me gently. “Go get in the tub while I make you something and get you a bottle of water.” he kissed me and sent me on the way. I hear my phone ring Jay answers it as I settle deep into the tub the warmth enveloping my body as I close my eyes.
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antispopausandstuff · 5 months
when you get into a series and then stupid shit happens.
so, i got into a podcast from 2019 called 'The Two Princes', and i love it. it's very charming, basically like a show in audio form, and full of queer. listen to it frequently, got into the tags on my socials, found some fanart and fics and a bit of inspiration.
but during my searches of fanart, i came across two things.
people calling the main relationship ( rupert x amir ) an EtL
some people comparing it to c//a
both of these severely bothered me, and i'm gonna explain why.
for the first one, it's very simple. rupert and amir were not really enemies, in terms of their actual dynamic. according to this red herring of a prophecy, though, they are 'meant' to be enemies.
however, rupert lies about not being the prince of the west ( amir is prince of the east ), saying he's a thief, that his name is fitz, and that he wants nothing to do with his kingdom. this isn't because he holds any ill-will to his own kingdom, but because the east and the west are hostile and he didn't wanna get killed by amir leaving him behind in the forest.
so, their actual dynamic was more of 'unfriendly strangers to friends to lovers'. because amir was a bit uppity and micromanaged, while rupert was more soft(?) and tended to overreact // overly panic. that, and the span of the first season is 3 days. you can't really go from being enemies to lovers in 3 days. in most cases, i guess.
anyway, moving onto the even more frustrating point.
the princes are nothing like catra and adora. absolutely nothing alike. not even a little.
i'm guessing part of the reason is because amir asks rupert to stay. but the context of that situation vs catra repeatedly demanding asking adora to stay is entirely different.
amir asks rupert to stay because, despite being prickly, rupert saved his life and continued being kind to him. he doesn't ask him to stay because of any self-importance, or because he wants rupert to do dirty work, or for any other reason but because amir likes him and wants them to be friends.
that is entirely different from why catra kept demanding asking adora to stay. she kept asking because she couldn't take no for an answer. because adora's ideals didn't align with hers. because she wanted adora for herself, and took any other options as a personal attack.
and another reason this comparison exists, i'm guessing, is because of the whole "they saved the world // universe // kingdom // wtv by kissing and being gay", which. that's still. no. but okay.
the prophecy in 'The Two Princes' is a red herring because it's misleading. it's not intending to be, but it is. everyone thought it meant that the two princes would fight to the death and one kingdom would rule over, when it actually meant for one kingdom to unite the east and west.
and amir and rupert figured that out by kissing and later on deciding to get married ( that's a general way of saying it, but it's cute, aight? they're very cute ).
in the final episode of spop, there was no actual reason or explanation for why any of that happened. it just happened because the show wanted it to.
why did a viral infection go away the moment catra kissed adora? THE FUCK IF WE KNOW!
why did that activate she-ra? 'CAUSE- LOVE! EVEN THOUGH THEY'RE SISTERS, BUT WHATEVER!
why did the heart get destroyed by that? WHO CARES? WE DON'T!
final assumed reason is, again, because of the whole EtL thing.
like i said, 'The Two Princes' is not an EtL story.
and spop was never supposed to be an EtL story. but it is one, so there's that.
anyway, the writing isn't perfect, but if you like podcasts and wanna hear a cheesy-ass queer show with a disaster gay prince, disaster bi prince, a badass lesbian knight, a bi diva, a feral gay twink, a pathetic flirty gay twink, and a dragon and a dog, then give it a listen.
and there's a goat unicorn.
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satureja13 · 9 months
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As promised, Jack took Ji Ho to the Temple to meet Arturo. And even though Kiyoshi left the tree, there must still be a connection between them. The orbs in the tree are still there and glow brightly...
First they meditated and eased Jack's pain. It seems Arturo added even more bird deco to the temple ^^' He's so happy that the man that became a tree and came back is united with his beloved 'Bird' again...
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Jack felt so much better after Arturo eased his pain so he started to do the chores around the temple to help Arturo and pay back for his help. He can't remember how often he said 'Don't eat this!' to the goats today... (Kiyoshi's Little Goat and Kumo are here too. They seemed to have missed the tree. They also spend decades with him.)
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Ji Ho went to talk to Arturo about Vlad. He told him their whole story. Arturo: "You went through a lot." Ji Ho: "Yes. I know it's only him for me and it's only me for him. We can feel us through the bond. We know anything from each other. We don't even have to talk. And I know how much he loves me. Why can't I love him? I was able to love Luci. Luci was basically him - and I still can't. And even though we were so close and even woohooed and kissed a few times it's still so awkward between us."
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Jack and the goats had finished their chores and joined them.
Arturo: "It seems you skipped a few steps, huh?" Ji Ho: "Skipped?" Arturo: "Or should I say you started from the wrong end? Usually you start a relationship with some carefree time together, go on dates, chat and laugh together, get to know each other - and then youfall in love. But you were first afraid of him, then he died, then you were afraid a curse could hit you... You had to do things only lovers do and had the weight of the world upon your shoulders. These are no conditions for love to grow." Jack: "Gods, you are right! They will do all of this and Ji Ho will fall in love! And I will help them!"
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'Here comes the rain again. Raining in my head like a tragedy. Tearing me apart like a new emotion. I want to breathe in the open wind - I want to kiss like lovers do Want to dive into your ocean. Is it raining with you?
So, baby, talk to me - like lovers do Walk with me - like lovers do'
Eurythmics - Here comes the rain again
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On their way back, Jack showed Ji Ho a bit around. They also went to the little beach where Vlad and Jack were before. Ji Ho: "It's just so amazing here. I can't believe we will live here. It's just like paradise. How do we deserve this?" Jack: "I think we really do deserve it after all we went through, don't you think?" Ji Ho: "Haha oh my - right you are!"
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They swam around a bit and admired the stunning scenery. Ji Ho: "These wooden stilt houses are just so beautiful. They would be perfect for a weekend trip to the beach." Jack:"That would be awesome! I wonder if we can buy a lot here to build one. Let's ask Arturo next time."
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They lay on the beach for a while. The warmth is relieving Jack's pain. Ji Ho: "I wonder what Vlad will say about us dating, chatting and laughing ö.ö" Jack: "Hahaha - he will hate it. But don't worry. I'm there."
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Ji Ho: "But Arturo is right. We only had hardships together..." Jack: "I'm sure it gets easier for you when you get to know him. How he really is. You can find no better man."
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🛺 'Home happy Home' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: 🛺 'Home crappy Home' from the beginning ▶️ here 🌴 'The Expedition' from the beginning ▶️ here 🎤 'Putting the Boys Back together' from the beginning ▶️ here 🥀 'Disbandment of the Group' from the beginning ▶️ here
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aylish91 · 1 year
Sentience Pt? Ch? 1
You would have never thought that you would someday somehow screw the zombie virus over when everything fell. You also never would have thought you'd help set up a utopia as said zombie either...
Life, and death, is beyond crazy it seems.
~ ~ ~
“U-undyne don’t! Please g-go!! I love you! Go!!”
“I-I’m sorry!”
Sometimes, in your own sense, you dream about that day.
How could you not? The heartbreak of those two helped you gain the courage in your muddled mind-numbing stupor to act. They gave you enough determination to break your bloodlust and fear to fight back against your monstrosity and that of one hell of a sentient. Though it was built like an elephant in both mass and strength, their devastated pleas were enough to break through to your mind and shatter your hesitation.
They deserved to live, and you were the only one capable of helping them against him and his horde.
You were able to fight back.
Amazingly, against all odds and with a bit of magical help from the fish Undyne, you defeated the goliath, gaining not only his life energy but all his special abilities and the horde of dead that he commanded. The sheer amount of energy gained from consuming his tainted and decayed life force had burned, pooling in your sockets and melting what was left of rotting flesh from your bones. It filled in missing pieces of yourself, pushing the corruption back and clearing your mind further than you ever thought possible.
You gained a semblance of life back.
They got to keep their life.
You can remember quite vividly the look the fish woman had given you as you slowly pulled back the horde. Your sockets, still burning bright with that newfound energy, had locked with hers as she pulled her lover from beneath heavy rubble. You didn’t dare move until their friends had finally arrived and began to fire, thankful for how the fish held them back as you left.
How long had it been since then?
You have yet to find another with your level of awareness that hasn’t been consumed by the overwhelming corruption. None of the others you have run into had figured out how to combat the darkness from their life energy, nor wanted to…
It didn’t matter.
You may have lost your living life a long time ago, but that one choice helped you gain back and understand your humanity. You owed those two strangers a lot, wherever they were.
~ ~ ~
Somewhere in a compound far away…
The old goat queen sat clad in stained battle armor, several maps spread out in front of her on an old desk in an office. The evening Sun filtered through an open window, breeze rustling a few of the papers. At a knock on her door, she rose to meet her summoned guest.
For a brief moment, it felt like old times deep under their mountain, her captain standing as ready as ever to do her bidding. Huffing, she turned her good eye away and down to her maps. 
She had put her tyrannical ways away upon reaching the surface. Just like the child had taught them, kindness was the only way to keep her people united, safe, and loyal up here amidst the madness. The new bonds that had been made proved such…
She wasted no more time, straightening her back to reinforce her seriousness.
“I have received word from the council. We won’t be able to sustain ourselves here much longer, similarly, the other clans' representatives have claimed to be in similar circumstances. The suggestion to merge clans and join forces has been brought forward. I have agreed. There is safety in numbers and some of the others have knowledge that would benefit us all.”
She took a breath, eyeing the captain when he remained silent. 
“For such things to happen… there have been rumors of an area to the east near Tale territory large enough and rich enough in resources to potentially support multiple clans indefinitely. However, rumors have also claimed that those particularly nasty fallen roam in higher numbers around there. With this in mind, I have also agreed to send a team to join with those of Fell to look into these rumors and dispatch any needlessly unwanted threats.”
Making several marks and notes on the top map, the queen gingerly rolled it and handed it to the captain. With a knowing look, he accepted it but still held his tongue. 
“I am tasking you, Black, to be point on our team. I trust no one more capable than you to take on such a feat. Do I have your support on this? Captain?”
Grinning, the skeleton monster in front of her bowed. “WHATEVER IT TAKES TO FURTHER AID YOU AND OUR PEOPLE, SO IT SHALL BE, YOUR MAJESTY.”
She couldn’t help but snort. He hadn’t changed at all. Still as sturdy and loyal now as back then. More so since her change in antics.
It was reassuring.
“Good. Ready yourself. You leave first thing in the morning. Scar will give you the necessary information for your meeting with the Fells.” Hesitating, she allowed herself to put a paw on his shoulder. “May the angel grant you success on your mission. My friend…”
Grand Master Post
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koggthryn · 1 year
xii. asters & goldenrod
once, we lay with our skin stripped off us in a field, the grass growing up around us two, your jacket bleeding out beneath our bodies. we watched the wind mills turn over, the cattle slide down into valley villages with butchers and cleavers, the aster and the goldenrod root in the heavens above, rotting there. we exhaled exhaust and moaned against our mouths until the sorrow left us. OH OH, OHHHH GOD. we curled together, strong knees and proud chins and jaws, set. AM I HOPELESS? HAVE I DONE THIS TO MYSELF?
xiii. lamprey
she has learned of cain, condemned, and sinned against her own brother with the jawbone of an ass, blood under nails and adolescence brought to an end. she has been taught to unhinge her jaw and grown to shed skin in sunday school, has tasted the real paleo diet—plucked a lash from her eye, pierced a nail in the rind, peeled the flesh from her thigh—her moon-hungry pack of teeth have sunken into the pungent and the spiced, the wet meat smell of memory in a fine china skull.
xiv. final rites
YOU HAVE RETURNED. YOU HAVE RETURNED. they found your skin smoldering out back, where the dog pisses against the fence and motor oil leaks into the yard. they called in every prayer tree over the phone lines, bowed their necks and heads and lives over you, and the preacher didn't shut his eyes—how lustful—didn't even blink. he pleaded for your soul and made sure you knew it. SHE IS RISEN, PRAISE THE LORD.
xv. trespassing
you're out when you're not supposed to be, tipping your head back, back, back on the church's stoop and looking up. looking, seeking, searching, you find hollow-eyed grief gazing back down, the crucifixion looming over you. the garden angel out back is cracking, paint peeling from its cheeks, from her cheeks, but the wood carving of christ himself, christ almighty himself, doesn't bleed. doesn't cry. and you, you cry: LOOK AWAY LOOK AWAY.
xvi. below
and below us, below us garnets churn, minutes unfurling like leaves. we are still waiting. we are still watching out truck windows, watching our faces grow dark in the side mirrors, watching the statelines and welcome centers and exit signs all blur together.
xvii. not a lover
the story goes like this: she looked away for more, and he went missing instead. right there, quick and quiet. light bends and withers around the hole left in this town, avoiding his empty seat, the road sign at his bus stop, the boots left molding on his front stoop. they'll say her name was carved into his gut or wrist or web page. they'll say you can see her calling for him in the tree line, with the strange eyes of a goat. and when he turns back up, if he turns back up, he's lighting up sheet music and staring through cops, face wretched. calling himself PRAGMA LIBER. updating his status just the one time: ONLY HERE TO PROMOTE A SONG. THIS COMMIE PLATFORM CAN SUCK A MOTHERFUCKING DICK.
xviii. study group
WHAT'S YOUR NAME, AGAIN? she wants to apologize, wants to say KATHRYN LAUREN, but KATHRYN LAUREN sounds like windchimes and rose water, like a mother's hopes and dreams, and she is more of a million spider march down the back of a gas pump. she is houses that look like faces and bitter pine needle tea she steeped as a child, was baptized in as a child. she is wild blackberries and clotted blood, ripped-up psalms and an incisor for the tooth-fairy, a headless doll trailing the undergrowth, hand in hand with her. IT DOESN'T MATTER, she says. IT DOESN'T MATTER. WHAT UNIT SHOULD WE START WITH?
xix. vantage
and besides, you breathe differently down here.
xx. rosary
in a box by the bed, there's some tinny sound. our father, and his father before him, left us their dog tags. DALE LYNN. PROTESTANT. we remember his singing in church. we remember his weeping. PORTER, LEONARD. some rust and rot. a dent in the name. we can wait with them, can count every pearl in the chain, keep the seconds in hand, feel them move through us. the days, the months. this is religious, this careful observation of time. and in a darker place, with dust storms and corpses curling into one another, our father counts the pearls. our father before him counts the pearls.
xxi. questions to ask your mother
mom—the word MOM hides a prayer: PLEASE, LOOK AT ME, AFTER ME, PLEASE LISTEN, LISTEN TO ME, PLEASE, PLEASE STROKE MY HEAD, WASH MY BACK, LET ME STAY IN YOUR HOME TONIGHT, PLEASE FEED ME, FEED ME, FEED ME—and you never stop calling her MOM. when you are her height, when the garden angel fractures its wing and cheekbone in a move and dad shoves his hand in your mouth, index and middle finger in the shape of a gun, when the ambulance comes for you and you change your name for the twelfth time, she'll scream THIS IS HOW YOU TREAT ME in your face. you'll want to break the entire length of your life over her head, want to ask DID YOU BRING PRECIOUS THINGS INTO A HOSTILE PLACE OR HOSTILE THINGS INTO A PRECIOUS ONE, but you'll only scream back WHY WON'T YOU JUST HOLD ME?
xxii. observer
look away, please. look away.
'23 september prompts days 12-22 | @nosebleedclub
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fhjdbvhj · 5 months
The Brewing Culture: Exploring the World of Coffee
Introduction: Coffee, with its aromatic allure and rich flavors, has woven itself into the fabric of human culture for centuries. From its humble origins in the Ethiopian highlands to becoming a global commodity, coffee has evolved into much more than just a morning pick-me-up. It's a social lubricant, an art form, and a cultural touchstone that transcends geographical boundaries. In this article, we delve into the fascinating world of coffee exploring its history, cultural significance, brewing methods, and the modern coffee revolution.
A Brief History: Legend has it that coffee was discovered by an Ethiopian goat herder named Kaldi in the 9th century. Observing his goats frolicking with unusual energy after eating berries from a certain tree, Kaldi sampled the berries himself and experienced a similar invigorating effect. The news of this mystical fruit spread, and coffee cultivation began in the region.
Coffee soon made its way to the Arabian Peninsula, where it gained popularity for its stimulating properties. By the 15th century, coffee houses, known as qahveh khaneh, began to appear in the Middle East, becoming centers for social interaction, intellectual discourse, and even political debate. From there, coffee spread to Europe and beyond, catalyzing the rise of the coffeehouse culture that persists to this day.
Cultural Significance: Coffee holds a revered place in various cultures around the world. In Italy, espresso is a cherished tradition, enjoyed as a quick shot or savored slowly at a café. In Ethiopia, coffee ceremonies are an integral part of social gatherings, symbolizing hospitality and community. In Brazil, coffee cultivation is not just an industry but a way of life, shaping the country's economy and culture.
Furthermore, coffee has inspired art, literature, and music, becoming a muse for creativity. From Vincent van Gogh's "The Night Café" to Bach's "Coffee Cantata," its influence is undeniable, permeating every aspect of human expression.
Brewing Methods: The journey from bean to cup involves various brewing methods, each with its unique flavor profile and ritual. From the simplicity of pour-over and French press to the precision of espresso and AeroPress, coffee enthusiasts have a plethora of techniques to explore and master. The rise of specialty coffee has led to a renewed focus on quality, sustainability, and ethical sourcing, with roasters and baristas pushing the boundaries of taste and innovation.
The Modern Coffee Revolution: In recent years, the coffee industry has undergone a renaissance, fueled by a growing demand for specialty coffee and artisanal experiences. Third-wave coffee shops have emerged, prioritizing single-origin beans, direct trade relationships, and meticulous brewing methods. Consumers are increasingly discerning, seeking not just a caffeine fix but a sensory journey that engages all the senses.
Moreover, the rise of home brewing equipment, online coffee subscriptions, and coffee tourism has empowered enthusiasts to explore the world of coffee like never before. From Colombian microlots to Ethiopian naturals, the options are endless, inviting coffee lovers to embark on a global tasting adventure from the comfort of their homes.
Conclusion: Coffee is more than just a beverage; it's a cultural phenomenon that unites people across continents and generations. Its rich history, cultural significance, and diverse brewing methods make it a source of endless fascination and exploration. Whether enjoyed alone in quiet contemplation or shared among friends in lively conversation, coffee continues to enrich our lives in ways both profound and delightful. So, the next time you take a sip of your favorite brew, savor not just the flavor but the centuries of human ingenuity and camaraderie encapsulated in every cup.
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guess-that-ship · 1 year
Guess That Ship Tournament: S2 Round 2
Mad Scientist Harem
Mad Scientist Girl who rules a city of monsters and her two main love interests (also Mad Scientists) who started off fighting over her in a love triangle but who she just straight up refuses to choose between because who’s gonna say she can’t marry both, she’s got an army of monsters? The love interests are your classic childhood friends to childhood enemies to college nemeses to rivals to lovers trope.
Highly volatile explosives
Almost as soon as they got together one of them asked for a divorce. They only got married because they had a child and then that child died (twice!) leaving them both distraught. They simultaneously hate eachother and are the only ones they can trust. They're united by the shared goal of bringing their daughter back. One of them was the person who killed their daughter both times.They are so broken but they love each other oh god they love eachother and that's terrifying. Neither of them deserve this. The suffering or the joy. Insert lyrics to no children by the mountain goats here.
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Round Two - Bracket Seven [Dimension 20 NPC of All Time Sidequest Edition]
Avanash vs Doug Meat
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Propaganda under the cut (May contain major spoilers for Never Stop Blowing Up)
Avanash - He/Him
Campaign: Escape from the Bloodkeep
Who is he?
Avanash was an insane blacksmith who was kept in Karradkar for 250 years.
Why is he the NPC of All Time?
What's so crazy about wanting your bones?!?!?
He is WORRIED about his BONES. he's a perfectly normal guy except he's a freak about his bones. he's insane. he is one of the most classic bit NPC's. what's not to love
The whole bit of him not wanting his bones stolen is literally one of my favorite dimension 20 bits to this day
He just wants his bones man
Doug Meat - He/Him
Campaign: Never Stop Blowing Up
Who is he?
Doug Meatskin(previously Doug Meat) is one of Kingskin's goons.
Why is he the NPC of All Time?
I’m sure he’s been submitted already but seriously he is the best character. he is the mvp he is the goat he is the second president of the usa in the eighties like how there was two popes one time.
The "party adopts a random background mook so they're a character now" of all time
He loves his mob boss boss. He's co president of these unites states of America. La familia.
That's my fucking president right there <3
It's GOTTA be Doug. The loyalty, the emotion, the love for the people he trusts. And his name is DOUG MEAT
He’s buff, he’s emotional, he has unknown depth and vague feelings for his drug lord boss.
DOUG MEAT!! he is a lover he is a fighter he has ideas for how to improve a criminal gang!! most loveable NPC of NSBU he is gorgeous and wonderful!! he just wants to hold someone's hand :((
It's Doug Meat, man
He stapled a mask to his face just to remove it within five minutes of talking
I just love him so much <3 (you do not have to use this I just don’t really know what to say sorry)
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indecentpause · 1 year
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A Playlist for Meara Ryanne
or: when you’re a musically inclined ‘gifted’ gen-xer as a child and grow up to be an underachieving mess; it’s okay because life is meaningless and nothing matters and that’s a good thing
heads up - Bo Burnham’s ‘Nerds’ contains slurs, although they are used in solidarity with people who are bullied
ninja sex party - danny don’t you know // bug hunter - point to prove // will jay - by now // the front bottoms - be nice to me // the narcissist cookbook - good morning sunshine // axis of awesome - 4 chords // len - steal my sunshine // third eye blind - semi-charmed life // bo burnham - nerds // the presidents of the united states of america - video killed the radio star // peachcake - souls have no drum machine // nine days - absolutely (story of a girl) // blink 182 - story of a lonely guy // le tigre - punker plus // blink 182 - dammit // jr jr - in the middle // la grande sophie - du courage // the limousines - internet killed the video star //  tim minchin - some people have it worse than i // jimmy eat world - the middle // beck - loser // ok go - here it goes again // goldfinger - superman // reel big fish - you don’t know // big d & the kids table - l.a.x. // the mighty mighty bosstones - the impression that i get // coin - i don’t wanna dance // scissor sisters - music is the victim // men without hats - safety dance // capsule - idol fancy // skybox - various kitchen utensils // paramore - fake happy // rhett and link - so dang dark // bears in trees - ibuprofen // thomas sanders - recipe for me // half alive - still feel // jr jr -gone // tim mcgraw - humble and kind // the mountain goats - dance music
Meara tag
Sheraton Academy tag // wattpad // all grown up
Sunflowers and Ink tag // ao3 //wattpad
Cafe Latte tag // ao3 // wattpad
The Most Beautiful Puzzle tag
The Black & Blues tag
General taglist:  @ohsugarfoot​​​​​​​ @abalonetea​​​​​​​ @only-book-lovers-left-alive​​​​​​​ @poore-choice-of-words​​​​​​​ @leadhelmetcosmonaut​​​​​​​ @jasperygrace​​​​​​​ @drippingmoon​​​​​​​ @viskafrer​​​​​​​ @thelaughingstag​​​​​​​ @athenswrites​​​​​​​​ @kaiusvnoir​​​​​​​​ @magic-is-something-we-create​​​​​​​ @fictionalbullshitter​​​​​​ @idreamonpaper​​
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brookston · 3 months
Holidays 6.12
Anne Frank Day
Bedstraw Day (French Republic)
Blue Galaxy Day
Children’s Day (Haiti)
Crowded Nest Syndrome Day
Dia dos Namorados (Brazil)
Flag Day (Brazil; New Zealand)
Ghost in the Machine Day
Grimace Day
Helsinki Day (Finland)
Idol Day
Indiana Jones Day
International Adobo Day
International DDX3X Day
International Dubbing Day
International Shia Day
Interracial Marriage Day
June 12 Commemoration (Lagos State, Nigeria)
Lancaster Day (UK)
Little League Girls Baseball Day
Lover’s Day (Japan)
Loving Day
Magic Day
Man of Steel Day
Mother’s Day (Luxembourg)
National Automotive Service Professionals Day
National Black Men Don’t Cheat Day
National Button Battery Awareness Day
National Cancer Thriver Day
National Chiropractic Health Assistant Day (Canada)
National Control Room Worker’s Day
National Cougar Day
National Dairy Goat Awareness Day
National Dame Day
National Esther Day
National Great Dane Day
National Harm Reduction Day (Canada)
National Hospital at Home Patients Day
National Magic Day
National X Day
Orlando United Day (Florida)
Peace Day (Kosovo)
Perfect Game Day
Portland Trail Blazers Day (Oregon)
Pulse Remembrance Day
Queen’s Birthday (Pitcairn Islands, Tuvalu)
Railway Day (Japan)
Red Rose Day
Rock Around the Clock Day
Russia Day (Russia)
Science Day (Turkmenistan)
Senior Race Day (Isle of Man)
Sharon Needles Day (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
612 Day (Minnesota)
Spoonful of Sugar Day
Spousal Abuse Day
State Protection Service Day (Poland)
Stock Market Employees Day (Ukraine)
Superman Day
Swiss Army Knife Day
Tear Down This Wall Day
Valentine’s Day (Brazil)
Welsh Bands T-Shirt Day (UK)
We Remember 612 Day (Hong Kong)
Women’s Veterans Day
World Day Against Child Labour (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chuy’s National Taco Day
International Cachaca Day
International Falafel Day
National Apple Cinnamon Muffin Day
National Jerky Day
Peanut Butter Cookie Day
Pink Spaghetti Day
Poultry Day
Independence & Related Days
Act of Settlement Day (UK; 1701)
Bill of Rights Day (Virginia; 1776)
Chaco Armistice Day (Paraguay)
Constitution Day (Turks & Caicos Island)
Democracy Day (Nigeria)
Philippines (from Spain, 1898)
2nd Wednesday in June
National Time Out Day [2nd Wednesday]
Worshipful Company of Vintners of the City of London Annual Procession [2nd Wednesday]
Weekly Holidays beginning June 12 (2nd Full Week)
California State Parks Week (thru 6.16)
International Listening Association Week (thru 6.16)
Raggedy Ann and Andy Days (thru 6.13)
Festivals Beginning June 12, 2024
Emmett Cherry Festival (Emmett, Idaho) [thru 6.15]
Ice Cream Days (Le Mars, Iowa) [thru 6.15]
Mattituck Strawberry Festival (Mattituck, New York) [thru 6.16]
North by Northeast [NXNE] (Toronto, Canada) [thru 6.16]
San Diego County Fair (Del Mar, California) [thru 7.7]
Taste of London (London, UK) [thru 6.16]
Teapot Day (Tea, South Dakota) [thru 6.15]
W. C. Handy Blues & Barbecue Festival (Henderson, Kentucky) [thru 6.15]
Feast Days
Adriaen van Stalbemt (Artology)
St. Anthony’s Day Eve (Portugal)
Antonina (Christian; Martyr)
Bannocks Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Basilides, Cyrinus, Nabor and Nazarius (Christian; Martyrs)
Be More Paranoid Day (Pastafarian)
Bob Katz (Muppetism)
St. Charles Borromeo (Positivist; Saint)
Dave Berg (Artology)
Egon Schiele (Artology)
Enmegahbowh (Episcopal Church)
Eskil of Sweden (Christian; Martyr)
Feast of the Blessed Polish Martyrs of World War II
Festival of Mut (Ancient Egypt)
First Ecumenical Council (Lutheran)
Gaspar Bertoni (Christian; Saint)
Gerard Hoffnung Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Gin Day (Pastafarian)
Guy of Cortona (Christian; Saint)
Henry Scott Tuke (Artology)
Hildegard Burjan (Christian; Blessed)
Johanna Spyri (Writerism)
John of Sahagún (Christian; Saint)
Korean Rice Farmers Stream Hair Washing Day (Everyday Wicca)
Len Wein (Artology)
Leo III, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Media Ver VII (Pagan)
Odulf (Christian; Saint)
Onuphrius (Christian; Saint)
Peter of Mount Athos (Christian; Saint)
Sparky Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Ternan, Bishop of the Picts (Christian; Saint)
Zeus’ Day (Ancient Greece)
108 Martyrs of World War II (Christian)
Hebrew Calendar Holidays [Begins at Sundown Day Before]
Shavuot, Day 2 (Judaism) [6-7 Sivan] (a.k.a. …
Feast of the Harvest
Feast of Weeks
Festival of Weeks
First-Fruit festival
Wheat Harvest
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 163 [38 of 72]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [34 of 57]
Admission Free (Betty Boop Cartoon; 1932)
All About Dogs (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1942)
Andy Warhol’s Blue Movie (a.k.a. Fuck; Adult Film; 1969)
Are You My Mother?, by P.D. Eastman (Children’s Book; 1960)
The Brighter Buccaneer, by Leslie Charteris (Short Stories; 1933) [Saint #12]
Bullet Park, by John Cheever (Novel; 1969)
Can’t Hardly Wait (Film; 1998)
Chesapeake, by James A. Michener (Historical Novel; 1978)
Chuck Berry Is On Top, by Chuck Berry (Album; 1959)
Clash of the Titans (Film; 1981)
Cleopatra (Film; 1963)
Clockwork Angels, by Rush (Album; 2012)
Coming Up for Air, by George Orwell (Novel; 1939)
Deep Throat (Adult Film; 1972)
Donald’s Garden (Disney Cartoon; 1942)
Donovan’s Reef (Film; 1963)
Farmer Al Falfa’s Bedtime Story (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1932)
Food, Inc. (Documentary Film; 2009)
Foundation and Empire, by Isaac Asimov (Novel; 1952) [Foundation #2]
Go Bo Diddly, by Bo Diddly (Album; 1959)
History of the World: Part 1 (Film; 1981)
The Horse Soldiers (Film; 1959)
I’ll Chase the Blues Away, recorded by Ella Fitzgerald (Song; 1935)
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, by Rebecca Skloot (Science Book; 2010)
Jurassic World (Film; 2015)
Line of Duty (BBC TV Series; 2012)
Love and Kisses, recorded by Ella Fitzgerald (Song; 1935)
Mariah Carey, by Mariah Carey (Album; 1990)
Me and Earl and the Dying Girl (Film; 2015)
Moon (Film; 2009)
Palestrina, by Hans Pfitzner (Opera; 1917)
Predator (Film; 1987)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (Film; 1981)
Rhapsody in Blue, by George Gershwin (Orchestral Jazz; 1924)
The Sailor’s Home (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1936)
She’s Not There, recorded by The Zombies (Song; 1964)
Some Time in New York City, by John Lennon (Album; 1972)
Speedway (Film; 1968)
Superman vs. The Elite (Animated WB Film; 2012)
Surfer Girl, recorded by The Beach Boys (Song; 1963)
Swingers (Film; 1997)
Take Off Your Pants and Jacket, by Blink-182 (Album; 2001)
Testimony of Two Men, by Taylor Caldwell (Novel; 1968)
Toreadorable (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1953)
2 Cool 4 Skool, by BTS (Album; 2013)
The Witches of Eastwick (Film; 1987)
Today’s Name Days
Florinda, Guido, Leo (Austria)
Bazilid, Gašpar, Leon (Croatia)
Antonie (Czech Republic)
Balisius (Denmark)
Eskel, Esko (Estonia)
Esko (Finland)
Guy (France)
Florinda, Guido, Leo (Germany)
Onoufrios (Greece)
Villő (Hungary)
Basilide, Guido, Onofrio (Italy)
Ija, Narda, Nora (Latvia)
Anupras, Dovė, Kristijonas, Kristis, Ramūnas (Lithuania)
Sigfrid, Sigrid, Siri (Norway)
Antonina, Bazyli, Jan, Leon, Onufry, Wyszemir (Poland)
Onufrie, Pavel, Petru (România)
Zlatko (Slovakia)
Juan, Onofre (Spain)
Eskil (Sweden)
Onopriy (Ukraine)
Ahmad, Ahmed, Aisha, Asia, Mohamed, Mohammad, Mohammed (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 164 of 2024; 202 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 24 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 4 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Geng-Wu), Day 7 (Ding-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 6 Sivan 5784
Islamic: 5 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
J Cal: 14 Blue; Sevenday [14 of 30]
Julian: 30 May 2024
Moon: 36%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 23 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Charles Borromeo]
Runic Half Month: Dag (Day) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 86 of 92)
Week: 2nd Full Week of June)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 23 of 31)
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j31cy-johannblogs · 8 months
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●When using any of these transformations your HP can go down when you receive damage without needing to gitearce even if it is very little.
●With any of these Faces his GITCHES can be better controlled and are not a problem for Churra when fighting.
💛💙🧡SKELETON FORM (sans+papyrus+justice+papyrus+Valentia): they obtain the abilities of both sans and papyrus, becoming a skeleton like them, in this face they can use teleportation well, as well as blue magic and karmic retribution repowered, just like the gaster blazers and blue and orange bones. These souls are used together as it is a way to pay homage to their sans and papyrus as the united brothers that they were, this way it gives the opponent the opportunity to surrender by giving them mercy and the option to be a pasifist, but if they do not accept it , will finish him off.
💚💛❤️GERRERO FORM (Undyne+kindness+Justice+Determination): in this face her hair grows and is dyed orange and red, having the appearance similar to undyne, here she can use undyne's spears with 90% repower in speed and damage, instead of stopping his opponent's soul, leaving him static to take the damage for about 10 seconds. Then the lover can flee or dodge again. After 10 more seconds, Churra Pobra uses the green attack again, immobilizing him again.
💜💙VIOLET FORM (Moffet + PERSEVERANCE + Integrity): this is his favorite form that he calls here, he turns into a spider and can shoot purple threads from his fingers capable of erasing codes, in addition to immobilizing the opponent, making cobwebs appear around you to control the playing field and summon corrupted spiders to attack.
💛❤️🧡FACE DREMUUR (Asgore+toriel+bravery+Determination+Justice): Here you get the form of a humanoid goat, you get fire and healing powers. He uses both souls at the same time, to honor the memory of his parents... ●You can also use the souls of the monsters individually but always using a human one as bae. This is because since it is a bug, its codes are corrupted and are not compatible, but by placing 1 or 2 human souls as a base, the monster's soul is tamed.
●Al usar cualquiera de estas transformaciones tu HP puede bajar al recibir daño sin necesidad de gitearce aunque sea muy poco.
●Con cualquiera de estas Caras sus GITCHES se pueden controlar mejor y no son un problema para Churra cuando pelea.
💛💙🧡FORMA ESQUELETO (sans+papyrus+justice+papyrus+Valentia): obtienen las habilidades tanto de sans como de papyrus, convirtiéndose en un esqueleto como ellos, en esta cara pueden usar bien la teletransportación, además de magia azul y retribución kármica repotenciada, al igual que los blazers gaster y los huesos azules y naranjas. Estas almas se usan juntas ya que es una forma de rendir homenaje a sus sans y papiro como los hermanos unidos que eran, de esta manera le da al oponente la oportunidad de rendirse dándole misericordia y la opción de ser pasifista, pero si no lo acepta, acabará con él.
💚💛❤️FORMA GERRERO (Undyne+bondad+Justicia+Determinación): en esta cara su cabello crece y se tiñe de anaranjado y rojo , teniendo la apariencia similar a undyne, aquí puede usar las lanzas de undyne con un 90% de repotencia en velocidad y daño, en lugar de deteniendo el alma de su oponente, dejándolo estático para recibir el daño durante unos 10 segundos. Entonces la amante puede huir o esquivar nuevamente. Luego de 10 segundos más, Churra Pobra vuelve a utilizar el ataque verde, inmovilizándolo nuevamente.
💜💙FORMA VIOLETA (Moffet + PERSEVERANCIA + Integridad): esta es su forma favorita a la que llama aquí, se convierte en araña y puede disparar de sus dedos hilos morados capaces de borrar códigos, además de inmovilizar al oponente, haciendo aparecer telarañas a su alrededor para controlar el campo de juego y convocar arañas corruptas para atacar.
💛❤️🧡FACE DREMUUR (Asgore+toriel+valentía+Determinación+Justicia): aquí obtienes la forma de una cabra humanoide, obtienes fuego y poderes curativos. Utiliza ambas almas al mismo tiempo, para honrar el recuedo de sus padres...
●También puedes usar las almas de los monstruos individualmente pero siempre usando una humana como base . Esto se debe a que al ser un fallo sus códigos se corrompen y no son compatibles, pero al poner 1 o 2 almas humanas como base se doma el alma del monstruo.
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oatmilkenjoyer69 · 1 year
March 2023 Media Breakdown
Honor Among Lovers (1931) - Dorothy Arzner
One Week (1920) - Buster Keaton, Edward F. Cline
The Goat (1921) - Buster Keaton, Malcolm St. Clair
Hard Luck (1921) - Buster Keaton, Edward F. Cline
The Stunt Woman (1996) - Ann Hui
Clue (1985) - Jonathan Lynn
The Slumber Party Massacre (1982) - Amy Holden Jones
The Velvet Vampire (1971) - Stephanie Rothman
Inside Women Inside (1978) - Christine Choy & Cynthia Maurizio
Clotheslines (1982) - Roberta Cantow
La cigarette (1919) - Germaine Dulac
Falling Leaves (1921) - Alice Guy-Blanché
My Scientology Movie (2015) - John Dower
Silence of the Lambs (1991) - Jonathan Demme
The Aristocats (1970) - Wolfgang Reitherman
The Matrix (1999) - Lilly Wachowski & Lana Wachowski
Suspense (1913) - Lois Weber and Phillips Smalley
Cocaine Bear (2023) - Elizabeth Banks
Fruit of Paradise (1970) - Věra Chytilová
Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin (2018) - Arwen Curry
I’m Not There (2007) - Todd Haynes
65 (2023) - Scott Beck & Bryan Woods
TV Shows:
The Last of Us - Season 1 (2023)
Books: Completed
Bitterblue (2012) - Kristin Cashore
Hitler's American Friends: The Third Reich's Supporters in the United States (2018) - Bradley W. Hart
Blindsight (2006) - Peter Watts
Coraline (2002) - Neil Gaiman
Love on the Brain (2022) - Ali Hazelwood
Crime and Punishment (1866) - Fyodor Dostoevsky
A Far Wilder Magic (2022) - Allison Saft
Whose Names Are Unknown (2004, but was originally written in the 1930s. Steinbeck used her notes for WNAU to write The Grapes of Wrath, which is ultimately why this book wasn’t published until the 21st century.) - Sanora Babb
Books: In Progress
River Woman, River Demon (2022) - Jennifer Givhan | DNF
The Once and Future Sex: Going Medieval on Women’s Roles in Society (2023) - Eleanor Janega | 41%
Trick Mirror (2019) - Jai Tolentino | 63%
This is How You Lose the Time War (2019) - Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone | 30%
Top 3 Albums:
Melodrama - Lorde (2017) | pop/art pop
five seconds flat - Lizzie McAlpine (2022) | indie pop
Landmark - Hippo Campus (2017) | indie rock
Honorable Mention Album: So Much (For) Stardust (2023) - Fall Out Boy | pop rock/pop-punk
Worked on my scrap yarn blanket
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Celebrate your love for goats with our Goat Sunflower Spare Tire Cover. Durable and vibrant, it's the perfect gift for goat lovers and enthusiasts! Durable Protection for Your Spare Tire: Goat Design Celebrate Your Love for Goats Showcase your passion for goats with the Goat Sunflower Spare Tire Cover, designed specifically for goat lovers. This charming accessory features a delightful combination of vibrant sunflowers and playful goat imagery, making it the perfect way to express your love for these adorable animals. Whether you're a proud goat owner or simply an admirer, this tire cover adds a cheerful touch to any vehicle and sparks conversations wherever you go. Durable Protection for Your Spare Tire Crafted from high-quality, weather-resistant materials, the Goat Sunflower Spare Tire Cover is built to protect your spare tire from dirt, debris, and harsh weather conditions. Its robust design ensures that the bright colors and intricate details remain vibrant and intact, providing long-lasting style and functionality. Easy to install and remove, this tire cover combines practicality with a fun aesthetic, making it an essential accessory for any goat enthusiast. The Perfect Gift for Goat Lovers Searching for a thoughtful gift for a friend or family member who adores goats? The Goat Sunflower Spare Tire Cover is an ideal choice. This unique and heartfelt gift is perfect for birthdays, holidays, or any occasion to celebrate their love for these lovable creatures. Delight your loved ones with a present that brings joy and personality to their daily travels, reminding them of the beauty of farm life. Product Detail For Goat Sunflower for Goat Lovers Women Girls Spare Tire Cover rproof PVC leather material, this cover is both functional and stylish, with unique sublimation printing on the surface for a personalized touch. With a soft, non-scratch backing and easy-to-clean surface, this tire cover is perfect for use on Jeeps, trailers, RVs, SUVs, trucks, or any other tire with the corresponding size. Note Please note that due to varying monitor and light effects, the actual color of the item may slightly differ from the images displayed. Printing technology DIGISOFT™ and Dye-sublimation Style Spare Tire Cover Gender Adult, Youth Color Printed with different colors Size Types: No Camera Hole, With Camera Hole Available in a range of sizes, including 27 inches, 28 inches, 29 inches, 30 inches, 32 inches, and 34 inches, our PVC Leather Spare Tire Cover is designed to fit most spare tires with ease. Brand Sparetiredepot.com – Premium Printed Brand Shipping from United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Poland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, HongKong and China An African Victory Menelik II Battle Of Adwa Spare Tire Cover, Rav4 Spare Tire Cover Key features: Our covers are UV-stabilized and water-resistant, ensuring they can withstand tough weather conditions, and each one is custom made just for you. Plus, our simple slip-on design makes installation a breeze, so you can protect your spare tire from sun damage, bird droppings, rust, and dirt in just seconds. Feedback Us: Should you find dissatisfaction with your acquisition, we sincerely urge you to get in touch with us so we can rectify the issue at hand. On the other hand, if you find your purchase satisfactory, we kindly ask that you consider leaving us a positive review. Your feedback not only aids us in maintaining the quality of our products but also assists potential customers in making informed choices. Our ultimate aim is to ensure absolute satisfaction for each and every customer we serve. *IMPORTANT TO KEEP IN MIND* There may be a slight variation in the hues you see on your screen
and the actual colors of the product, due to the discrepancy between digital and printed color tones. This product is custom-made, so we kindly ask you to verify the size, color, and other specific requirements to ensure your utmost satisfaction with your purchase! You are given a 12-hour window for any cancellations post-purchase. Beyond this period, our production process commences, and it becomes impractical to halt once initiated. Ensure your SPARETIREDEPOT address is accurate and comprehensive. Once the order processing begins, we might not be able to accommodate changes to the shipping address. We appreciate your patronage and invite you to reach out to us if you have any queries! [thien_display_attachment_images] Care instructions: Machine washable. Better wash with cold water. Source: https://sparetiredepot.com/ Source: https://sparetiredepot.com/
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ldstradingsblog · 2 months
LDS Trading is excited to offer our premium Kashkaval Cheese to the Middle East, serving food lovers in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, and Jordan. Our Kashkaval Cheese is made using an ancient Bulgarian recipe, ensuring you get a taste of authentic tradition with every bite.
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