#Godbrand x reader
Yooo askbox open :]
Could I get a Castlevania matchup, one female and one male character? I am fine with poly, and also the more background characters :]
I'm a bisexual guy. Once I'm past my initial `terrified of everything' and 'extremely withdrawn' phase of anxiety, I'm very energetic (though not very loud) and flirty. l love all fields of science, especially mathematics and physics. Very nerdy/ geeky, and I also paint and practice
l have a very impulsive and ADHD -type of humor, though it always takes me a moment to recognize any word-play. I'm very much a thrill-seeker, and things that tend to make other's squeamish don't bother me in the slightest. I suppose for the sake of the series, gore and acts of sadism don't really phase me, at least, to the extent that I am a spectator.
A/N: Okay for you, my Flirty, ADHD-Humor Anon, I think your best Castlevania matches would be Godbrand (Male) and Greta (Female)! [Note: The writer of this ask dmed me specifically to say they were fine with more minor/background characters, just in case you were wondering how I ended up choosing these two for them.]
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Godbrand, believe it or not, would be a great match for you! He is very energetic, and flirty when he wants to be. Well, he tries to be flirty, but more often than not he comes off as kind of an ass, but that’s just part of his charm!
As a Viking and a sailor, Godbrand has a particular interest in science, mostly astronomy, and geography, but he enjoys listening to all the knowledge you’re willing to share about mathematics and physics. Despite what you may think, Godbrand is rather intelligent. He may be brash and lack tact, but he does pay attention to the emotions and behaviors of others. Every once in a while his arrogance gets in the way, but for a vampire, he’s rather attuned to the mental state of those around him. 
I think he’d pick up on your impulsive tendencies and ADHD-type humor fairly quickly, although that may not be a good thing, as he can be rather impulsive himself lol. The both of you are thrill seekers, so neither one of you is there to act as the stubborn voice of reason in all the escapades the two of you get up to. It drives all the others crazy, but neither you nor Godbrand pay them any mind. 
Godbrand loves to show off all his combat skills to you, and he is so glad you don’t run away screaming when he demonstrates how he takes down a five-man human army all by his lonesome. He wants to show just how strong and capable he is as a mate, and this is his way of doing so. (It’s kinda sexy if we’re being honest lol.)
Godbrand will ask you to bear witness to his prowess, and then paint him something that captures his essence. You’re gonna need A LOT of red paint for such a scene. 
As an INTJ you balance out his ESTP. You tend to be on the introverted intellectual side where he’s all about the immediate action. You are a great value to him, especially in how you can talk over his ideas, and help him think about them in a more nuanced way. You’re impulsive as well, but also an analyst at your core, so you are all for cheering him on: it’s just that you want him to go forward most successfully. 
Who knows? The two of you together might have even changed the course of S2. Godbrand would want to act on Dracula’s noncommittal attitude, and you’d be the perfect partner to talk out a well-thought-out plan with. Instead of brashly confronting Isaac with his half-cooked idea of betrayal, perhaps the two of you as a team could have spoken to Dracula, and see if you could change his viewpoint on erasing all the humans and vampires of the world. 
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Greta is also a great choice as a partner for you because she’s smart and no-nonsense, but also wise enough to appreciate the energy and zest you have for life! 
Greta is quite understanding in your, as you called it, ‘terrified-of-everything’ phase of anxiety. In a world full of creatures who are constantly trying to kill you, who in the hells wouldn’t be? So many of her people live with the same anxiety and fear, and as their leader, she feels responsible for reassuring them all will be well. She knows what you need to hear to calm down, and she understands this is something you need to undergo to take any next steps.
She is drawn to your energy, and how flirty you are. She, being the self-assured woman she is, flirts right back. Your fire is a welcome addition to her otherwise very realistic, sort of strict outlook on life. 
She’s a leader, she needs control. She manages everyone, and it’s a difficult job. To make things easier rules and orders that are put in place. You on the other hand are impulsive, and rowdy at times. You challenge the stubborn rule-follower in her and push her to be more spontaneous and to accept the things she cannot control or change. This is also very much in line with your MBTI types, with you an INTJ, and her an ESTJ. 
You’re similar enough to have a great understanding of one another, but just opposite enough to push a little where they pull. Greta challenges you to stay grounded, and to think ten steps ahead, to consider the logical consequences of potential actions. 
She appreciates your love for science. Science is the future after all, and her people will need all the knowledge they can get if they are to advance their lifestyles and survive. 
The fact that both of you enjoy a good thrill is great and very much necessary in this universe. She understands you’re not keen on combat, but not everyone is. She’s just very grateful you aren’t constantly breaking down or throwing up when you catch a glimpse of her spearing a night creature through the middle. It would be very disheartening for her to protect the love of her life and be met with only fear and disgust. 
The other trait you share is that both of you are freakishly nonchalant at times. Night Creatures? Eh. Attempted murder? Eh. Vampires? Eh. It’s all just another Tuesday for you, and so long as you have each other, you figure the both of you will end up just fine.
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sl33paholics · 1 month
Could you write smut of Alucard from Castlevania. Maybe light praise kink and telling the reader how well she's taking him. Definitely have Alucard eat her out and grinding against the mattress while giving head.
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You taste incredible
Alucard x fem!reader
Warning(s): smut (eating out), kinks involved (praise kink)
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"Just like that, my dear, you're taking me so well."
The long white blonde hair man would say. With a pillow that was placed under your hips, Alucard tilts your pelvis so your feet are resting comfortably on his shoulder blades. Alucard gently pushes up on your abdomen, helping himself expose the clitoris from underneath the clitoral hood. Your legs tighten around him as he lowers himself to kiss down your thigh and slowly inch your knees higher up to make sure the friction is right. Alucard works in silence for a while, then breaks into a grin when he hears you moan. His tongue traces the outer edge of your thighs, before finding your clit again and circling it. You gasp at the jolting sensation.
Alucard is gentle with everything he does. From when you first meet him. From when you first touch his bare skin as you walk around. From when you first kiss. The man's hands move smoothly and easily, as though they've done this before and he knows exactly what to do. The vampire prince wanted to award his princess for being an amazing woman with a fantastic body. Alucard wasn't very good at giving gifts, but he did want to make you happy. So he decided he could show you how much he loved you. Not just through a physical relationship, but by showing the love in your eyes every time you look at him.
You run one of your hands through his hair, feeling the silky strands against your palm. A small groan escapes your lips, and you feel yourself getting wetter with desire.
"Do you like that?" Alucard asks in between nips on your inner thigh, his intoxicating gaze looking up at you as he watched your face contort into a blissful expression, quickly nodding as he went back to work. "You're such a treasure, my love."
Your body tingles all over, goosebumps erupting all over your skin as you let out a low moan and Alucard squeezing your legs tighter, you cohuld feel his fingers work wonders on your swollen clit. Throwing your head back and letting out a loud groan, "You're doing so good, baby, I know you can pull through." You bite your lip when Alucard removes his finger from your clit, giving it gentle kisses. His breath is hot against your skin as he moves back to sucking on your clit, your moans turning louder as Alucard continues to massage your pussy. You writhe under him, "Who’s my beautiful girl?"
"M...m...me~" You moan and clutch onto the bedsheets as you watch Alucard continuing to work on you, his tongue flicking across the tip of your clit as he sucks gently. He doesn't miss a beat. It feels like you're losing your mind. Alucard was driving you crazy with pleasure. All you could think about were his fingertips moving inside of you, and the way he sucked your clit like he owned it, even when he knew it would get hard. It felt too good not to enjoy. You needed more. More stimulation. You needed him.
The rough movements you felt against yourself made you slowly come back to reality, your cloudy thoughts fading away until you realized your fiancé grinding against the bed, his eyes glazed with lust. It was only reasonable for him to pleasure himself while doing the same to his darling.
You squeal and try to sit up straight, pushing away his head, your pussy now drenched and a throbbing mess. You watched as Alucard's pupils dilate, he watches you with hungry eyes, the muscles in his jaw clenching, and the bulge in his boxers making you squirm. It looked like Alucard was ready to explode, but he couldn't restrain himself for any longer.
He moved in front of you, leaning down to capture your mouth in a heated kiss. You kissed him back, wrapping your arms around his neck as your hands caress his shoulders. This was it. This was it all you've been waiting for. You both finally had your moment after months of not being able to. "Mmh, Alucard, please… please…"
Alucard didn't even need to position yourself on the bed. Your pussy soaked and exposed, legs high up and bent, an exhausted expression on your face was all he needed.
"Take it for me, I know you can. I'm going to make sure everyone knows you're mine~"
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villainsimpqueen · 3 months
Eternal Bloodlines
Adriana tepes/ Alucard x Male Dhampire reader
This fanfic is for 18+ Audience's due to it containing gorey themes and later on smut.
Also available on A03
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chapter 12
Blood dripped down the man's back, the stinging slap of thorny metal enwrapped in leather clashing on own back wasn't a sound he had expected. 
The last meeting was a shit show, while his younger companion he made during these so called war conciles was able to get one of the human generals to turn head towards her plans, this one had seemed diligent at staying loyal to the old man. Something he would have done willingly if the Old man had not declared death on his only son, one the woman he even bothered to create a war for tried so dedicatedly to give him after years of wrong borns much like his own little mother baring him a son like you. 
He attempted to approach the other human general to ease him into working with Camillas approach, He struck a nerve he hadn't seen being more vulnerable than the others, and as the thorny metal leather strap was ripping through his own flesh around his neck, Godbrand could feel every single moment of it. 
Red splattering away from him like a fountain he had once seen before long ago in a dinning hall, with a silhouette of his little mother dying in front of their son's eyes. 
He could feel a soft gentle hand on his chest making his eyes cast down to the silhouette, even in death her body was warm.
Her hand moved up his chest to his decapitating head as if lifting it and turning to make him see what she had seen at the moment of your conception. 
Blazing E/c eyes boring through the darkest shadows of the tower. Ever consuming the Red that sprayed from him.
Not a man.
Not a vampire.
but a beastly thing conjured up from hell, Escaped it, long before Dracula's little pets army. 
“I will give a son, and he will be stronger than any man of your bloodline.” 
A statement that he took as some promising threat that he now realized was a deadly curse that left his little mothers lips, before she begged him to conjure a spawn of death like you. 
He was correct in picking his name for you, even if he had little doubts about it before, seeing the visions the ghost of your mother was showing him was proof enough. 
He could hear the human, Issac grunting as he tore the leather strapping through his neck, as he was fixated over the very red fountain pouring from his neck, his gurgling starting to cease as laughter started to leave his dying lips.
“Why do you laugh?” The human man spoke, human, the thing that would kill him was a human, the irony of it all as he felt the ghostly hands of your mother on his breastplate. 
Mother killed by a vampire.
Father slain by a human. 
“You'll die in a room filled with blood.” He laughed as he focused in more of the silhouette of your mothers figure,
“What makes you so sure?” Ah the tone of slight arrogance, he knew it well, the strap only tighten snapping through bone
“He was reborn in blood.” 
His head went rolling, his body fading soon after leaving nothing but clothing behind to be discarded. 
Yet A small delicate hand in his own pulling him away, He did not question what or where the ghost of your mother was leading him. 
He owed it to her to follow, and shall she take him in vengeance as a pet then she had earned that right and yet she took him to you.
slumbering the day hours away on horseback. Chatter of two humans, and the mad king's son in a mere carriage away. 
He only watched as he felt his and her soul fade away. A final goodbye to the child they both brought into the world, and the curse of  monsters, The Man they leave behind. 
The meeting went well, all according to her plans and by the help of her surprising companion. The humans pushed for Braila, The waterfronts will be taken by her advantage with the help of the Viking General himself…and Yet..While she won this small victory it came with its already forming problems and questions. 
The first one was simple: Where the bloody hell was Godbrand? 
Camilla had searched the castle's walls, even the courtyards, and yet while all his men seemed to be counted for, He was missing. 
An alley missing only led to a foe who believes themselves to be threatening. 
Carmellia would not give one such satisfaction of her concern about the missing General. She knew well to save her face under anyone's eyes, and yet as soon as daybreak appeared and the only two beings that dared walked it was the humans who busied themselves to their so called great works for the king, she broke her sleep cycle to search the missing comrade room, finding nothing and yet everything. 
She could tell by the borrowed rooms affairs that Godbrand had not packed and left, as his weapons lay by his bed amongst other things that she would deem important enough to the man to want to grab before leaving. Yet the room seemed moved around as if someone themselves came to disarray the room. 
A window messily thrown open to give an appearace of a suicide, had one not known him. 
To give the appearance of a coward's way out. 
And he was nothing of that sort. 
She shut the door before the piercing light of death dared touch her own unbeating flesh. 
Later surrounded in deep pools of the midnight moon she took a stroll through the forest that surrounded the mad man's castle. It's gloaming light being the only other thing the Queen of ice could trust, as the moon was nothing but a woman shining down on her with welcoming arms. 
And like all women, her moonlit shadows loved to gossip as any other, a small flash of dull glittering brought the queen of ices steps to a halt in the first layers of fallen snow, failing to hide what the moon was so eager to whisper about. 
Carmella bent, grabbing the frozen metal into her hand as she stared at the golden carved medallion that bit at her fingers as she wrapped them tightly around it. 
Her surprising companion permanently Silenced. 
How their past conversations plague her mind as she turns following the trail of her footsteps back to the castle. 
The promise she made burned on the tip of her tongue and scorched the scowl of her lips. How she had celebrated the meeting too earnestly.
“A discussion that I think even Godbrand would be happy with.” 
She sneered as she slashed her claws against the bark of a tree. 
Breathing harshly as she mourned her scream that she would now have to revise to her advantage, her placement. 
And mourn a  friend who had proven to be a damn good alley Amongst all the old fuckers that sat around merely talking with no bite behind their words. 
Her gleaming eyes staring at the medallion freezing her already frozen hand.
By the time she step up the castle steps, her composer was perfect, face collected and mind seemingly at ease as she moved through the castle walls, the eyes of the old fucks upon her, surely plotting in their own ways disinterest her as she climb stairs up to a tower. 
The human mutt that seemed such an easy play thing pounding away at a corpse. 
And yet her scheming mind played out her plans in front of her as she moved towards him letting sweet nothings fall from her lips as she toyed with the mongrel's mind. 
“Just this once, send one of them for me?”
“What's the harm if one night creature did something a little different?” 
A gentle cunning caress here, a bat of her lashes there and a venomously sweet pull of her lips there had the mad king's dog listening to her false honey commands. 
Her eyes watching the dead crow fly in the moonlit sky away from the tower, a letter tied to its leg and a medallion secured tightly in its beak, flying seaming nowhere to find a half breed. 
She shook the thoughts away as she turned descending down steps to her chambers.
To her friend's  son
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misscastlevania · 2 years
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CASTLEVANIA BOYS + Scatterbrained S/O
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ALUCARD tries to be the brains for you. He’s organized, and tries to put things in order for you. Sometimes he even finishes your sentences for you because of how long it takes you to search for the last word. Also, when you forget where you placed things as well, Alucard knows where they are. He does find it cute though as this characteristic of yours makes you very sweet.
TREVOR doesn’t like how absentminded you are. You could get hurt when he’s not there because of how easily distracted you get. He keeps in mind to keep you out of very dangerous battles. Thumps your forehead to make you focus sometimes. It’s a form of “clearing your mind” for him. Doesn’t like the excessive talking or fidgeting, he can hardly keep up when you forget something.
ISSAC snaps his fingers at you to get you to focus. Like Trevor, you getting distracted easily is a big danger, and it worries him. He’s even wondered how you’ve survived for so long. Doesn’t mind your excessive talking, but your fidgeting is what gets him because you can’t stay still. Somewhat apathetic to your scatterbrained mindset, but loves you regardless.
HECTOR is the same way? Only when the time calls for it. Loves when you rant about something, the conversation can go on for hours. Disorganization comes with the package, but he’s good at locating things. He too thinks that being too birdbrained can lead to unwanted dangers so he tries to protect you.
GODBRAND is more confused than anyone when he sees how distracted you get it. He too finds it cute how you switch from one thing to another so quickly. Well, he is a Viking and they do live for dangerous thrills so he doesn’t consider your lack of concentration, “dangerous”. Does keep an eye out for you because of how hyperactive you are.
DRACULA isn’t naturally worried. You are in the castle most of the time and he doesn’t mind your lack of attention of things because there’s so much to explore. He does try to make you focus on one thing sometimes, even seeing how long you concentrate on that one thing. He’s good at keeping conversations and loves when you ask him many questions about him or his castle.
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makeitcanoncowards · 4 years
Dark Thoughts
Requested by Anon: What if Dracula, Alucard, Godbrand, Trevor, Hector, or Issac develop feelings towards the reader who is funny kind thoughtful but is feeling suicidal?
Hey anon, I hope you like these and they are what you had in mind–
I just wanted to say that if you’re having these thoughts or something similar, know that there are things worth sticking around for (like petting cute dogs and cats who look up at you like you’re the most beautiful person in the world, or finding/listening to the perfect playlist for long car rides at night, or meeting that one person who gets you completely and you can tell everything to) little things that make the world a little brighter, even in your darkest times. You are so unbelievably loved. You don’t have to go through things alone, reach out to someone okay? It gets better even if sometimes it doesn’t feel like it will. [Sorry if I sound preachy, I understand though]
| Masterlist |
Warning: Mention of Suicidal Thoughts
I’m going to put the headcanons below the link so that anyone who doesn’t want to read these don’t have to scroll past them. (I also made them pretty long)
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Dracula loves you. Like he LOVES you.
He’s an immortal being (obviously) and throughout his very, very long lifetime, he’s never found someone so amazing as you were.
You were the only human who he had ever tolerated before – you were also the only intellectual being that could make him laugh as hard as he did.
Once, over a romantic candlelit dinner, you told a joke about something you had seen in the nearby village you had passed through while picking wildflowers, and he laughed so hard wine came out of his nose.
Yea, the most dignified man on the planet spewed wine all over his dress shirt and the tablecloth. He was so embarrassed afterwards but seeing that made you laugh so hard you knocked your own wine into your lap.
So, there you were, both covered in wine with tears streaming down your faces because it was such a ridiculous situation to be in anyways.
Moments like those were his favorite to think about when it came to you – the times where he could let his walls down. He was taught to be a refined gentleman who behaved with a higher sense of elegancy than the lowly humankind who were basically barbarians.
With you, though, he was just a boy in love.
When he heard you sobbing quietly in the library one night, he was immediately at your side begging you what was wrong.
It took a bit of convincing, but you came clean about your thoughts and the way that your own mind suffocated you with the idea.
At first, he didn’t know how to react. You were so beautiful, so funny, so carefree – for a moment he forgot you were still a person with your own demons.
He wrapped his arms around you and coddled you as you cried into his chest and you fell asleep. It was scary for you to tell him about it and talking about it took a toll on you. He understood that much.
After that, he began checking up on you more often and keeping a closer eye on you. Not in a smothering way, though.
He would ask you how you were a few times every day, genuinely wanting to know if you needed some time to decompress or take a nap.
Eventually he became able to tell when those thoughts were weighing you down, and those were the days he made extra sure to let you know how much he loved you.
He would ask you to snuggle with him in his favorite armchair in his extensive library and read a book with him. (He was always conveniently reading one of your favorites) And he would stroke your hair and kiss your temple as simple ways to let you know that we loved you unconditionally.
You were the light of his life, and he did everything he could to make you as happy as you could be.
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Alucard was always very good at reading people.
It was a skill of his that he was particularly proud of.
When he first met you, he could tell right off the bat that you were a good person. He witnessed your kindness firsthand in the way you helped a baby fox out of a hunter’s trap in the woods.
He was passing by, just walking to clear his thoughts, when he saw you crouching over the poor creature and trying to unravel it from the metal and rope.
You were so focused on freeing the pup that you hadn’t noticed (what Alucard assumed was) the hunter emerging from the woods to yell  at you. He claimed it was his dinner and that you were stealing from him.
Alucard intervened shortly to scare the man away, threatening to eat him (even though he swore to you later on that we would never have done it).
That was the start of a beautiful relationship.
It took him a while to convince that he was attracted to you because he thought you were far too good for him. On top of that, he had convinced himself that you knew that you were too good for him and you would leave him because of his confession. So he kept quiet.
On one particularly hard day for you, you finally blew your top and went off on him. You angrily confessed how you had convinced yourself that things would just be better if you were gone, and he was dumbfounded by the outburst.
You were never one to yell at him (at other people sure, but never him), and the topic you were yelling about brought tears to prick at his eyes.
He blamed himself at first. He thought that maybe it was because he had started treating you coldly after discovering he had feelings for you, but he realized he couldn’t reasonably put blame on anyone for it.
He didn’t know exactly how to help you, but he started by being honest about how he was feeling every time you asked how he was.
Eventually, you started being upfront with him as well. When you had bad days where the thoughts became a little overwhelming, he would listen to you talk about it intently and do what ever he could to make you feel better.
There isn’t always something for him to do but having someone to talk to had helped you gain at least a little relief.
Eventually, he gathered up the courage to tell you how he felt about you. Sort of…
You asked him how he was one morning, and he just blurted out: “I’m in love with you!”
You were quiet for a second before a small smile and a blush adorned your face. “I am love with you as well.”
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 Godbrand: [not my gif]
Godbrand was never very good with emotions or the concept of kindness.
He did, however, know that you were gorgeous, funny, and pretty smart (for a human).
He’s one of those big, strong, Viking men that are extremely blunt and honest about his feelings.
It’s not often that you have to guess what he thinks on a subject because he will tell you the moment the sentence leaves your mouth.
You, on the other hand, were a bit of a closed book. He had to work to know what was going on in your head, poke and prod until you told him what was bothering you.
When you were having a bad day and really didn’t want to talk he would beg for an answer to why you were upset and you’d lash out, “Right now, you’re the one who’s making me pissy so fucking leave me alone!”
That didn’t happen very often though.
Otherwise you were very patient, loving, hilarious… he wanted to know what was going on. Especially since you had been even moodier and temperamental as of late.  
He thought that maybe it had something to do with the war and the stress it may be having on you, so he planned on giving you a good, stress free day.
He set up a ballroom filled with tapestries, candles, and food that you had told him about before when you had first started becoming a couple. He had hoped that this gesture might let you realize that he still loved you on your good days and your bad and would let you decompress for a little while.
He brought you into the picnic/ballroom area, and you nearly broke down into tears seeing the view.
As the two of you sat down and ate your food, you talked about anything and everything.
Well, Godbrand talked and you kind of butted in every now and then with your opinion.
Suddenly, his stories stopped, his smile faded, and he looked at you.
“Y/n, what’s made you upset lately, my love?”
Your lower lip jut out with his question. You tried so hard to pretend everything was fine, you didn’t want him to worry about you – especially on a day where he went to all the trouble to do something nice for you.
It was always difficult for you to say no to him though, “Lately I’ve been feeling… down.”
He waits for you to continue, something he doesn’t usually do. Usually, he’d be all over you asking the why, what, where, when and how. His silence showed you just how serious this conversation was about to become. An emotion you had swallowed down for months was bubbling in your throat like acid, and you felt yourself speaking about it slowly.
“There are times when I feel like I should just…” You trailed off, knowing he understood when his eyes widened.
“Why haven’t you said anything?” He asked softly. His voice held no note of accusation or disgust, he sounded heartbroken.
“I don’t want you to worry-“ You choked as your words turned into sobs that raked through your body. Godbrand rushed to your side and embraced you as you cried into his shoulder.
Godbrand took every moment he had with you after that to show you just how much you meant to him. He never wanted you to think for a second that his world would be better without you there, in fact it would be his own personal Hell.
It’s not an overnight fix by just talking about it once and hearing nice words, the both of you work together as you try to erase those thoughts from your mind.
Some days, breathing gets easier,  you smile more, and you kiss your pretty boyfriend. Life is good, you are good. You aren’t perfect, but you are content and happy.
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You and Trevor had been travelling together for years.
He knew you well, knew your strengths and weaknesses – knew that sometimes you had thoughts to end it all. He understood.
In your line of work, however, it wasn’t very often that someone as kind and caring as you could thrive under the pressure of it all. It’s difficult to move somedays, difficult to eat the breakfast Trevor insisted you choke down, and even more of a challenge to smile and tell jokes.
But you did it all anyways.
If not for yourself, then for Trevor. You were the only family he had left, and he was the only thing that kept you going some days.
He wasn’t oblivious to the fact that sometimes your laugh was forced and smile was strained, but he pretended he didn’t notice. He just kept telling jokes until one genuine laugh slipped through.
You were his favorite person in the world, he never wanted to see you sad. In fact, you were the love of his life (but you didn’t know that).
He’s wanted to tell you for so long, but he didn’t want to scare you away. You’ve been friends for so long he didn’t want to risk you hating him for being attracted to you.
It wasn’t until a particularly bad day on your part, where you couldn’t save everyone in town from a demon attack, that he confessed.
He hadn’t meant to, but while you laid in his arms, sobbing over the child that was hurt because the two of you weren’t quick enough, he whispered sweet words to calm you.
“Shh angel we did what we could, please don’t cry my love, hush darling. I love you; I hate seeing you cry.”
Your body stiffened at his words, as did his, but neither of you acknowledged it. You fell asleep in his arms, and he held you until you woke again the next morning.
Eventually when you were ready, you told him that his feelings for you were mutual and that you loved him too.
So sorry this took me like 4 days to write! I had to keep taking breaks from it for my own mental health, and I didn’t want to go into detail on the thoughts because they are triggering to some people. I didn’t include Hector or Isaac because I really didn’t think I could write two more instances for this. I hope you liked it, and remember there’s always someone waiting for you to reach out to them when you’re ready. You are beautiful and loved
-The Coward.
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queenofallimagines · 5 years
This is super self indulgent
The idea is that the castlevania boys want to date you(godbrand I guess??? He’s too horny on main Idek) and you’re completely unaware of it
Song rec: baby hotline- Jack stauber
“This is ridiculous.”
“I agree.”
The five men sat in a room staring each other down.
“I think these hedonistic desires toward her are disgusting. I only wish to court her.”
The other vampire in this room sneered.
“As if I don’t.”
“Why don’t we let her choose.” Trevor said having to be the rational one in this room.
“I agree with the Belmont why don’t you all let me fuck her.”
Everyone face palmed.
“Godbrand for once just shut up.”
Silence befell the room as a pair of footsteps Walks down the hall.
“You are absolutely a pleasure as always my dear.”
“As are you Dracula.”
You and Dracula had walked into the main hall. They all felt a twinge of jealous. Hector, who had been silent all until now put on the biggest smile and broke the conversation.”
“How are you doing miss?” You turned to give a smile just as big. “HECTOR BABY HOW ARE YOU DOING?” You flug yourself wrapping your arms around his neck and playing with his hair. “How’s Cesar doing?”
“Just fine. He misses you in the study.”
“I’ll be sure to drop by then. Hello alucard,Issac, Trevor.... godbrand.”
Nobody missed the way said his name. With slight disgust. Or was that something else? Trevor can’t quite tell. He’s known he had feelings for her since they met. He had no idea he would be competing with 4 other men for her affection. It was almost too much of a pain for him. But seeing her bright smile and sassy attitude was enough for him to get back on the race. “I’ll see you guys later, gotta go run down to the village. To grab some stuff for a spell.” They we’re all about to request to accompany you but it seems Dracula had other plans. “Be save. We will see you at dusk I must talk to my son and and the others.” Absentmindedly you smiled and went on your way. Once you were out of range the vampire gave a Stern look.
“I see her as if she were my own daughter. If any of you hurt her in the slightest there will be hell to pay. Even you Adrian.” With that he walked to his study. There was a sharp silence that they all shared.
‘He knew.’
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multi-lia · 5 years
Hcs of Godbrand trying to woo vamp!reader (female) who's short, adorable and is a bookworm?
Who doesn’t love a Scandinavian vampire
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^The only gif I found of Godbrand lol
Godbrand trying to woo a short and adorable bookworm reader. Fem!
~Godbrand isn’t the most romantic to say the least
~He kind of just wants to get in your pants.. we both know it
~He’s also not the best at trying to get into your pants
~“Yeah, I just wanted to know if you wanted to hunt with me?”
~“That’d be nice, Godbrand.”
~“Yeah, we can fill up and then fuck like wild animals in one of the human’s house.”
~Smooth Godbrand... smooth
~But Godbrand can learn new tricks
~One of these tricks is knowing how to actually get to know you
~He isn’t the best at trying to talk to you, but he makes a great effort
~Godbrand might not seem like it, but he actually has a thing for literature
~He probably hasn’t read as much as you have, but really does love reading books regarding Scandinavian culture and folklore
~He’ll also share these books with you and that’s how this sort of kicks off this odd relationship between you and him
~It’s a relationship filled with awkward silence, side eyeing, lingering glances, smirks and tons of sexual tension
~Godbrand will make fun of your height
~He doesn’t do it to hurt your feelings, but just loves how cute you are
~Like, look at you!!!
~“You’re my fun sized, darling.”
~He’ll probably call you this a few times, but if you don’t like it he’ll stop
~Godbrand will also help you if you ever need assistance with something because of your height
~Just let him know and he’s to your rescue
~This doesn’t mean that Godbrand sees you as some damsel in distress
~He gains a lot of respect for you and realizes that you may be an adorable, bookworm, but you got some fight in you
~A lot of fight and will beat his ass if need be
~He lightweight finds it really attractive if you can pin him down onto a bed or against a wall
~It’s really cool to see someone as adorable as you doing something like this
~Godbrand will slowly, but surely fall in love with you
~This is the first time he’ll understand the feeling of butterflies in ones stomach
~I mean he gets a little nervous every time he’s around you know because he just doesn’t want to fuck it up with you
~“You look good in that, y/n.”
~“Just good?”
~“Beautiful, I mean have you seen yourself? You look good with and without clothes.”
~“How do you know what I look like without clothes? You creep.”
~There’s a lot of moments like this, I mean he just drowns you in compliments every day.
~It isn’t just about getting in your pants anymore, even though he still wants you sexually
~He actually wants to purse more than just a quick romp in the woods
~Godbrand will invite you on these little dates to the library
~He’ll lay his head in your lap and let you read to him
~Vice versa if you’d rather be read to
~If you fall asleep, he’s gonna stop reading just to admire your features
~You look even more adorable fast asleep and will run his fingers down your cheek as you soundly sleep
~Godbrand will bring you books he finds out and about that he thinks you’ll find interesting
~He’s really trying and will appreciate it if you do give him a chance
~If you decide not to, he’ll mop and feel betrayed, but will respect your decision
~Let’s be honest, you’re gonna want to keep this Scandinavian vamp in your life
~He fucking loves you and will protect you with his life
~He understands that you can fight for yourself, but will still be protective of you
~You’re his own personal princess and will take good care of you
That’s all I have and I hope you have enjoyed it. I don’t feel like I’m the greatest at writing Godbrand, but I hope I did good. Thank you for your request!!!
Requests are open ✨🌈
~Lia’s Work
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kkeidawrites · 4 years
Kids with Castlevania Boys
What if Dracula, Issac, Hector and even Godbrand had kids?
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-Come on guys, we all know his character from the game to the animated series and buddy here has not had an ounce of kindness in life up until recently.
-Issac having kids would be something I could see happening later on down the road after realizing that ending humanity was a dead end mission.
-I mean the man literally had his childhood stolen when he was working as a servant or student? To an abusive master back in Africa
-When you tell him that you are pregnant, he literally had to take a couple of days to process the new information.
-Of course, he is there during the term of the pregnancy, getting everything you need; including making the nursery to the occasional massages.
-When the babe is born, it’s like he became a new person altogether. He always had the baby in his arms, lamenting to them about how human life is a dangerous life and such.
-There were a couple of times you would find him meditating with the babe in his lap just cooing away, watching him.
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-Eh, I think Hector would be kind of hesitant to want to have children actually be in a relationship long enough to make it that far.
-We’ve all seen the way he took care of Cesar and the other forged animals but, its not the same as taking care of a human being.
-He’s not against the idea of having children, it’s the simple fact that he never really had any parental figures, just the animals he would bring back to life.
-Discipline would be a huge challenge when it came to his children.
-Hector is a go with the flow type of parent, if he sees his kids playing with something that looks harmless he won’t make a big deal out of it, but if he hears one cry from them he’s right there beside them, comforting them and making sure they didn’t hurt themselves.
-Cesar would most definitely be the family dog that his kids would love to play with all the time and would never have to worry about him dying because...you know he literally is a zombie dog.
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-A/U Where Lisa didn’t die and lives happily with her husband and son in the castle and the war didn’t happen.
-Most certainly Dracula and Lisa would have more than one child. Most definitely, how many? Who cares, just know they are going to have a whole brood of children either with Lisa’s golden hair or Vlad’s red eyes.
-As we know, Dracula and Lisa were both loving and caring parents to Alucard and it would seem that they are all about their kids being educated.
-Lessons with Dracula was a fun one. Everyday, the lessons would begin and one of the children (possibly Alucard) would say something to disrupt him and everyone would be having fun instead. The lesson would most definitely be forgotten.
-The abilities they would gain would be an experience like no other, one child can change into a cat, another can phase through walls, just pure mayhem and Lisa and Dracula would be through it all the way.
-Dracula would be proud of each of his children, no matter what path they take in their futures, he will love them still.
-If they had a Daughter or daughters? Trust me, no man or woman would even come close to them with Dracula AND Alucard around, overprotective was an understatement when someone caught the interest of their sister/daughter.
-Don’t even get me started on him trying to keep up with all of them when they were young, it was damn near impossible. You have a large castle with a bunch of kids that have supernatural abilities that perhaps surpass your own makes hide and seek the most impossible game to win.
-Bedtime? What even is that?
-When discipline would be in place, that was always Lisa’s job Dracula couldn’t help the puppy eyed looks they would give him knowing whatever they did was wrong.
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-Just three words for this red haired bastard: YES HE WOULD
-I mean come on, the fucker likes to have sex, I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a brood of children somewhere in every part of the country.
-And wherever he’s from, he must have at least 50 kids lol probably more.
-The first Rolling Stone was a red haired vampire Viking
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castlevaniafics · 4 years
The cast's choice of icecream flavors
Castlevania Cast’s Icecream Flavors
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A/N: Thank you for requesting this it was a joy to write!
Vlad Dracula Tepes
Choclate (hehe Count Chocula)
Alucard Fahrenheit Tepes
Vanilla (He’s a classic boi)
Trevor Belmont
Rocky Road 
Sypha Belnades
Rainbow Sherbet 
doesn’t really even eat ice cream, buys it just to watch it melt though if he had to pick a flavor it’d be Mint chocolate chip
Cookies and Cream 
Strawberry or Cherry flavored 
Tripolitan ice cream (He’s got many flavors)
Lisa Tepes
like mother like son she likes vanilla, she even like the cross of vanilla and chocolate occasional 
Rest of the war council:
Green tea, mango, strawberry, pistachio, birthday cake, and banana split
Have a request? Hit me up in the Ask Me Anything box and be sure to check the rules!
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Men Walking in on Fem!S/O naked
Trevor Belmont
He just blatantly stares
He won’t make himself known either he’ll just watch
He might give himself away with a playful growl followed by a sexy comment on your figure
His eyes are mainly on your boobs
Those things are perfect
He’ll offer to get naked for you to even the odds
He will stare a little and immediately excuse himself without you knowing
He’ll spend hours just thinking about the pure beauty he just saw
He may confront you and tell you everything and ask if he can get a better look st you later
He will strip for you upon request, he’ll even make it sexy for you if you want
He feels a little bad he got to see you without your consent and will go above and beyond to make it up to you
He gets one look and immediately slams the door shut
For the next couple hours your naked body is burned into his mind
And he loves it
He feels so awful and he doesn’t know how to handle it
He may tell you what he saw and ask how he could make it up to you
And that’s how you get the forgemaster wrapped around your finger
He is very nonchalant about it
He immediately apologized and excused himself
He does find himself thinking about your body every so often
He’ll smile lightly and just imagine having your body at his mercy
He’ll apologize to you and ask politely if he could admire you later on
He doesn’t really think of it sexually, more like he just finds your form beautiful
It’s breathtaking
He’s letting out long whistles and harassing you on sight
He keeps going on about how hot you are and how he’s the only person that can tame you
He doesn’t ever want you to get redressed.
If you’ll allow him he’ll probably fuck you right there right now
He’s practically ripping his clothes off too
He is calm and apologizes but will ask if it’s alright for him to stay
He doesn’t look at this situation in a sexual way
Your body isn’t a toy. It’s a fragile mechanism that’s very beautifully made
He’ll maintain a normal conversation while you’re getting dressed and won’t bring up your nudity at all
He has to admit he’s very attracted to you but now is not the time for that.
He’s another one that may offer to strip in solidarity
It’s the least he could do for barging in.
-Mod Alucard
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sl33paholics · 1 month
    ── sl33paholics masterlistᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
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Alucard | ☪︎
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villainsimpqueen · 3 months
Enternal bloodlines
Adrian tepes/Alucard x Male Dhampire Reader
This fanfic is for 18+ Audience's due to it containing gorey themes and later on smut.
also available on A03
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chapter 2
The birth of the King and Wife child came to a surprise to the council heads of Dracula's Court. 
It wasn't one at all for Godbrand. 
The outrage it brought to the King and His human wife's Son was the very reason He was glad he kept your existence hidden. Many Generals pulled back even if it would mean going against the King of Vampires and having themselves killed. They truly believed they could hold up against the old man. 
They did not. And new Heads were put in their positions to fill the council. 
Godbrand had been an absentee to most of the meetings after the young half-breed prince was born. His presence wasn't missed nor did it raise many questions, He was always rather Absent to the majority of them in the first place, only coming when his presence was demanded. 
He had more pressing matters to focus on, You were one of those matters. 
While he did tell your mother she could leave once you started walking, She had stayed forming a bond with you despite it all. 
And while he didn't like what she could put into your head, Godbrand didn't take your mother from you, since when he was once human, he had both of his parents. 
He didn't want you to be given less. 
The woman did try to keep you out of the way and it was something he liked. You being His son would get second pickings to any feeding humans that were brought back from pillages. He being the first and despite him being first to feed, you tended to choose whatever feeder he chose. Causing him to pick you up and hold you to the feeders gaping neck after he had his fill and watch the small reflection of himself feast as he held you in his arms. He allowed your mother to take a look at any of the loot taking whatever pleased her or she could use for you. 
Other than that he stayed away and distant from You and the Woman completely. He was waiting until you were a bit older before he would start teaching you, before he would test your different abilities you possessed. 
Your mother is already getting you more than used to the sun, making you a day walker as much as a night walker. Your skin barely even formed a sunburn under the sun's rays, she would allow you to play in the river while she washed your clothes. 
When she moved to do the laundry at night instead of the day once, merely had forgotten, Godbrand had come leaning against one of the riverbank trees watching you splash around in the flowing river. 
You could entertain yourself, which was a good thing due to there not being any other child in the clan. 
Your skin turns red forming a rash alongside it when you'd leave the river but you would heal pretty fast enough for burns that would have your father dropping limbs permanently.  You being almost immune to the water had Godbrand wanting to take you on the ships getting it in your head young but you were still in your toddler stages and so he couldn't. 
While he did maintain to stay at arms lengths from you, it seemed you had inherent his stubbornness to raid others spaces. 
  When he was working at a table at the dinner hall, with his maps spread out on the table and sipping ale. The sound of a chair being dragged made him move his eyes over to watch you climb up into the chair and turn to the table smacking down a clean sheet of parchment. You had a charcoal stick in your hand and while he tried to ignore you and map out the next pillage, your loud obnoxious scribblings made him look up to see how you very messily tried copying his map and when he moved to mark something you would copy his actions. 
Messy, uniformed, lacking in the knowledge in it.
Godbrand frowned before reaching over the table grabbing you from your tunic and plopping you down on the table in front of him just before the map.
 "You need to know this boy. No son of mine is gonna be shit at map reading." 
 It was easier to watch your mother raise you from afar, only having small moments with you where you came running into his space. 
You grew faster, faster than any human child and he learned that the King's son also seemed to have accelerated growth. 
He wondered how long it would take you to reach the age where he can start taking you on the ships. When will you have your first Pillaging and when he could name you making you his son properly known to the clan. Your mother had seemed to be calling you Y/n. You have been responding well to it but he made it clear to her one night that she must also put it in your head that it wasn't your true name, that you haven't earned a name. 
You still seemed to be responding to Y/n.
By the time you were eight years of age you had the body of a young preteen. Your growth stops as your mind races to catch up to your body's age. 
Plague seemed to sweep the lands even over the ocean and you watched as your human mother grew sick and weak due to it. You were kind to your mother helping her around, helping with chores. Ignoring the snide comments the other villagers of the clan made towards you and your meek mother. You helped your mother to the river easing her down beside it as you splashed into its softer currents to wash your laundry.
Your mothers coughs ringing in your ears like nature's cruel clock slowly ticking her time away. 
"Y/n.." She breathed and you looked up at her stopping in washing tunics.
Your mother made a motion with her hand for you and you moved to her quickly. A gentle hand against your cheek.
"My dear..boy." She said between coughs. 
"Do be your own self..Don't let him change you." She whispered to you and you looked at your mother in slight confusion.
"Father wouldn't change me, moma." You told her but your mothers eyes filled with tears.
"Find love, promise me y/n you will find love, true love." 
You had promised even though you didn't understand her words.
Your mother did not live much longer after that promise. An allied clan had come onto your fathers lands, a great feast was made in the meal hall and you had left your mother at the table you both shared to watch men spare or tell tales. Entertained greatly by the spontaneous entertainment of the night and drinking from feeders who gladly bled into giant cups to state the vampire thirst. 
You enjoyed the music and rough housing around the meal hall as you sipped from your goblet of blood. 
Until there was the sound of screeching chairs and a sharp pain gasp rung over the music and into your ears causing you to freeze. 
When you turned your eyes immediately falling onto the table you shared with your mother, a vampire from the allaying clan face ripped from your mothers neck, her blood spraying from her down her body and onto the table. 
You saw behind the table your father standing from his own, a fierce look on his face, one that could have been murderous rage for your mother, despite how he never showed any real care for her. 
The Allaying Chieftain also standing, seeming confused by such an reaction.
Your fathers eyes moved to find yours but you never saw him as you saw red dripping down your mothers gown.
Red pooling at her feet.
Red dripping from the table.
Dark and dripping.
And For the first time in your life that was all you could see as your body moved against your mind. 
How sweet humans blood was,
The vampires were so much more tart. 
Like the cherries your mother picked from trees for you in the spring. Cherries that had stained your hands and lips with their dark red hue as you both had giggles in the bright sunlight. The fleeting moments you both had alone in the day before the moon fell and the clan was awake once more.
Like your fathers hair that he always kept undone, you had once tried to tie it back when you had stumbled into his quarters one day. Finding him despite how he stayed away. How he woke up to see your much smaller hands than in his hair fumbling with the leather ties your mother would use to put your own hair out of your face. 
He hadnt shoved you away that day but he did pick you up and half assed carried you over his shoulder through the underground tunnels back to your mother dumping you to her.
"Keep the boy contained, woman." 
Like the sunsets you enjoyed so much, how at one point of day and dusk you truly felt like you belonged. A creature that can live between being prey and predator. Where you felt like you could be just yourself. 
You never liked the sunrise or the moonfall. 
But you love the red in sunsets.
The red that you had pooling everywhere around you.
The red you were consumed with.
You were named that day, after the food hall was covered in torn and shredded bodies of that allaying clan. You did not know how you got the dripping ax in your hand or how you managed to even lift it. 
You were heaving and your once crystalline tears of your mother bow stained with red of your father as you watched them fall from your face into the pools of blood by your feet.
Your fathers clan was silent, only steps could be heard and a sturdy hand on your shoulder squeezing.
Your fathers face staring down at you as you look up.
"Antiphonus stand boy." 
in revenge of blood. 
That was what your father chose to name you. You started as he pulled you from the food hall and out to the moon filled sky of the night. Your mothers corpse on his shoulder as he dragged you away to the river. 
Godbrand had given your mother a proper death. 
Even if he only gave her a poorly made boat and didn't bother changing her gown or anything more respected, but your father only gave her this much was because of you. 
You screamed as you walked into the River pushing her boat into his depths and screamed more when you watched her boat be set blazed. Your father let you scream, let you cry out the rest of your mothers side out of yourself.
When you could shed another bloody tear for your mother you left the river, your skin no longer feeling the painful stinging of your rash as you left it. 
The much kinder and somewhat caring boy y/n leaving and the cruel indifferent bloodthirsty monster your father wanted, Antiphonus came taking place. 
"It's time for you to grow up boy."
And you did. 
You stared out of the sea as you led the ship to a nearby land, it was a simple strip of land, a simple village that livestock had colonized and was turning it into something. You looked at your mean moving the ship your father gave you to do this pillaging row moving it along until the sails catch a strong wing and do most of the hauling work. 
You moved down heading to the bow of the ship climbing up on it and enjoying the wind in your hair as your eyes moved over the oceans icy waters. You'd glance up at the stars making sure your ship was still on course to the village you were going to lead this pillage. 
You did not think of how many humans lived in that village. 
Nor how many would die as soon as your ship was ported and a small army of vampires came rushing out to feast and take. 
You had no remorse for them, not anymore, all sense of feeling guilty for needing to feed from them left you shortly after your mother had died. You felt no need to feel guilt about feasting and killing them like the livestock they were. It wasn't like there weren't any warnings of their land being too close to your fathers, they had to move through so many burned and destroyed villages before settling. If they were smart, they would've never settled so close, but livestock wasn't smart. They can only be led, That is what your father had told you, had shown you. 
While many would die during the raid, a plenty of them would be tied and forced onto the ship with whatever else is deemed worthwhile and taken back to the clan.
This was your responsibility when your father was away, traveling back and forth to do what vampire generals do. Rush to the king's call and demands, very rarely is your father actually summoned. 
You watched the sky as the wind jerked into the ship's sails picking up the speed of your journey. There was a swirl in your gut, a feeling of apprehension you were unfamiliar with. 
Something was happening. 
Something is coming. 
And whatever it was, it wasn't good. 
You closed your eyes, your jaw tightening as that feeling grew stronger and stronger as the hour seemed to be taking painstakingly slow to sail to the targeted village.
  The raid went fast as soon as the ship hit the muddy soil of the village's banks. The men jumping over the ship and rushing into the village you stayed and watched it get ripped into by the night walkers. The screams and prayers falling on the gleeful and blood thirsty ears of Vampires. 
You watched your fathers men rip through them, the humans, the livestock. Feasting themselves as if they never ate a night in their life. You soon smirking before flinging yourself off the bow grabbing your ax clean from its belt strap and rushing into the village sliding on slicken bloody mud as you swing watching the blade rip through tendons and bone of a human's neck, their blood spilling on your face as you licked your blood stained lips. 
Your apprehension waning as you tore through human after human enjoying their blood as you feasted upon them. Their huts and houses soon went up in flames with fire as soon a herd of them were dragged onto ship and thrown underneath its docks. 
You ordered the men to start rowing the ship back into the deep waters for the night's wind to snatch the sails once more and head back to the clan. 
The raid was longer than liked as the night sky started to lighten, marking the need for the crew to hide for themselves under the docks with the fearful livestock. Leaving you to man the ship alone as the skies hues danced with fading stars and hues of pinks and oranges and as the golden rays started to climb above the oceans horizons coloring your face and skin with your mothers kind saving grace.
A saving grace that couldn't save who you had lost that you looked too so dearly.
And also a reminder that you were no longer that little boy who was once touched by his humanity.
You were now a man, at the young age of twenty two, who is nothing but a bloodthirsty monster not damned in the sun's harsh light of the oceans glittering waters.
You were Antiphonus the son of the Viking general Godbrand…
But when you're alone basking into the warm humanity saving light that could not kill you, Alone with your thoughts and memories of the woman who raised you and loved you, who had foolishly stayed instead of abandoning you.
You were Y/n, The son of a human woman. 
An unwelcome half of humanity. 
And as you stared at the sun's golden light you wondered, if there were others out over the oceans waves and bitter winds who were a little more like you. 
chp 3
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misscastlevania · 2 years
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ALUCARD isn’t the best at these situations, as no one was there for his grieving until you came along, comforting someone has never been in his favor. He will come sit beside you, either in silence or if you wish to talk to about your problem to him, he’s a great listener.
TREVOR is a bit better than Alucard in this situation. Like Alucard, he’s used to dealing with his sadness alone. However, he does know how to cheer you up whether it’s doing something you love or spending time with you. Also a great listener, and is completely fine with leaving you alone if that is what you suggest.
ISSAC tries to sympathize with your pain, and it normally works, nine times out of ten. Issac is very open with allowing you to have your space. He checks on you later to see if you are sleeping or still in your terrible mood. He comes to lay with you and allows this to be a way to show that he is here for you.
HECTOR does everything he can to make you stop crying. He’s literally panicking inside because of how much you are crying. He instantly tries to find a new tactic to cheer you up since his old ones aren’t working. He tries to make you feel special, and show you that there is no need to cry.
GODBRAND mouth shapes into a big ‘O’ when you start crying from the argument you two are having. Godbrand won’t admit until later, but he feels bad after making you cry. Especially when you cry a lot and he can’t make you stop. His words might sound mean but deep down he’s trying his best and he genuinely cares for you.
DRACULA notices that stress has taken a toll on your mental health. His accusations are correct when you break down in the middle of dinner for no reason. Nothing was said and Dracula was focused on putting you to bed. You eventually stop crying when you lay down to go to sleep. Sort of watches over you before leaving the room.
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makeitcanoncowards · 5 years
Godbrand Coping with Being in Love with a Human
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Awww! I never even thought about this before. 
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Godbrand was unquestionably devoted to you.
You were the best thing that had ever happened to him in his (very long) life.
He adored you so unbelievably much that it was insane. It didn’t matter to him that you were a human, he was finally happy and he wasn’t going to let a little thing like that get in his way.
He was able to look past it, but many others were not.
To those who were unaffected by your species, they loved you.
You were lively, told amazing jokes, and they couldn’t get enough of you.
Hector and Isaac were especially fond of you, mostly because it was nice to have another human in the castle. But, Godbrand didn’t always think that their relationship with you was platonic.
He’s easily jealous, and those other humans made him extremely self-conscious.
There were a few vampires who were also quite drawn to your beauty, and this made him become overly sensitive to others when the topic was directed at you.
They were always singing your praises, but they occasionally made you blush and that made Godbrand shake with anger.
He was supposed to praise you constantly, he was supposed to make you blush constantly. Who did theses fuckers think they were?!
You had to constantly reassure him that you loved him and only him, but he was still rather clingy.
Those who decided you were below them, though. Dude it was bad.
One vampire had openly declared her distaste for you to you and Godbrand. He had to watch as your eyes shown with tears and you excused yourself from the room so that you may cry without them seeing.
That vampire may or may not have gotten thrown off a balcony???
Who did that???
Eventually they all learned not to fuck with you, lest they have to deal with an angry Viking. 
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queenofallimagines · 5 years
Hello could you write nsfw headcanons about Godbrand and the reader who is on her period?
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Godbrand with reader on her period
-an he have his meal now??
- “Yknow babe orgasms help with that kind of thing.”
- Just hit him lmao
- He will lay on you and make sure you’re comfy and warm
- Brings some magic stuff from Dracula’s lab to make you feel better
- Is actually super soft if you don’t want to sit in his face
- He don’t care he’s so t this to plenty of mortals
- Blood is blood 🤷🏿‍♂️
- He’s gunna take good care of you
- Anyway you want
- Gets a lot of human food you like
- He really like chocolate
- It taste good to him
- Tummy kisses
- Massages
- Hell tell you stories of when he was human
- And his Viking fights
- Hell coddle you the whole time no matter how long
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mouisorange · 3 years
☰ Asks — how to send
★ I don’t actively do requests, but I will use them as warm-ups or use them if I’m really into the idea. 
★ Currently accepting requests! Ready to reload and focus on something! 〔 ⅰ. 〕Open to Write & Draw
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☰ Accepted
〔 ⅰ. 〕 Yandere — Horror  — Gore — Fluff  — Brain-rots / whatever type of ‘request/ask’ comes to your mind — Non - Explicit Smut / Not SFW — drabbles — concepts — building off of things I’ve written already — etc…
☰ Not Accepted
〔 ⅰ. 〕 Explicit Smut / Not SFW — Explicit Suicide . both the process of it and the act itself — Real Persons . ex-please do not ask me to write something for real breathing people, like celebrities  — Character x Character . this is mainly a Character x reader blog ...
☰ Please do not...
〔 ⅰ. 〕...ask for continuations of stories — or at least not repeatedly. 
〔 ⅱ. 〕...send asks with extremely detailed readers . having a lot of identifiable features somewhat defeats the purpose of being a reader-insert.
〔 ⅲ. 〕...send extremely detailed concepts and the like unless you just wanna share something! I’m happy to read your ideas but sometimes if something is too detailed, I won’t be able to build off of it. If that’s not your intent, then go wild!
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☰ Fandoms / Characters
[FANDOM] ★...Current Favorite — ✦...Also Writing For.. [CHARACTERS] ❤...Current Favorite — ♡...Also Writing For... Bolded characters are my most liked out of the category they’ve been placed in.
〔 ★ 〕My OCs ❤ Clover... Freisya... ♡ ...
〔 ★ 〕Genshin Impact ❤ Childe... Zhongli... Kaeya... Xinyan... Yoimiya... Traveler(s)... Sucrose... Albedo... Venti... Razor... Diluc... Kaedehara Kazuha... Kamisato Ayaka...  Sangonomiya Kokomi... Xiao...  ♡ Amber... Barbara... Beidou... Bennett... Chongyun... Eula... Fischl... Ganyu... Hu Tao... Jean... Keqing... Kujou Sara... Lisa... Mona... Ningguang... Raiden Shogun / Ei... Rosaria... Xiangling... Xingqiu...  Yanfei...
〔 ✦ 〕Twisted Wonderland ❤ Carter Diamond... Deuce Spade... Jack Howl... Azul Ashengrotto... Jade Leech... Floyd Leech... Rook Hunt... Idia Shroud... Malleus Draconia... Silver... ♡ Riddle Rosehearts... Ace Trappola... Trey Clover... Leona Kingscholar... Ruggie Bucchi... Kalim Al-Asim... Jamil Viper... Epel Felmier... Vil Schoenheit... Lilia Vanrouge... Sebek Zigvolt...
〔 ✦ 〕Demon Slayer ❤ Tengen Uzui... Shinobu Kocho... Kyojuro Rengoku... Kyogai... Enmu... Rui... Kokushibo... ♡ Kagaya Ubuyashiki... Giyu Tomioka... Mitsuri Kanroji... Obanai Iguro... Sanemi Shinazugawa... Gyomei Himejima... Akaza... Douma... Gyutaro... Daki... Hantengu... Kaigaku... Muzan Kibutsuji... Tanjiro Kamado... Inosuke Hashibira... Zenitsu Agatsuma... Tamayo... Yushiro...
〔 ✦ 〕Jujutsu Kaisen ❤ Yuji Itadori... Megumi Fushiguro... Yuta Okkotsu... Kento Nanami... Aoi Todo... Choso... Suguru Geto... Junpei Yoshino... ♡ Satoru Gojo... Masamichi Yaga... Nobara Kugisaki... Maki Zenin... Toge Inumaki... Utahime Iori... Kokichi Muta... Mai Zenin... Kokichi Muta... Kasumi Miwa... Naoya Zenin... Mahito... Sukuna... Toji Fushiguro...
〔 ✦ 〕Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures...up to part 7 ❤ Majority of characters... (there are way too many characters) ♡ Majority of characters... (there are way too many characters)
〔 ✦ 〕Magi ❤ ♡
〔 ✦ 〕Attack On Titan ❤ Reiner Braun… Etc ♡… etc
〔 ✦ 〕Castlevania ❤ Alucard… Hector… Dracula… ♡ Isaac… Sypha… Trevor… Carmilla… Godbrand… Striga… Lenore… Morana…
〔 ✦ 〕Beastars / Beast Complex ❤ Legoshi… Haru… Louis… Ibuki… ♡ Gohin… Riz… Pina… Raul… Melon… Bill… Agata… Juno…
〔 ★ 〕Greek Mythology ❤ Apollo... Ares... Hades... Eros... Zagreus... Hermes... Achilles… Patroklus… Hercules… Helios... Hektor... Orpheus... Odysseus... Bellerophon... Helen...  ♡ Athena... Hypnos... Thanatos... Nyx... Aphrodite... Artemis... Hera... Demeter... Dionysus... Poseidon... Zeus... Persephone... Gaia… Zephyrus… Boreas… Hestia... Amphitrite... Paris... Nyx... Hyponos... Atlanta... Harmonia... Selene... Asclepius... Hekate... ↳ If you wanna talk about / see me talk about a god(dess) that is not on this list, go ahead and ask! I’d (probably) love to look into them! They might not be on the list solely because I’m not familiar with them.
〔 ★ 〕Norse Mythology ❤ etc ♡ etc
〔 ✦ 〕 Arcane ❤ Viktor… Jayce… Vi… Silco… ♡ Ekko… Mel… Jinx… Caitlyn… Sevika…
258 notes · View notes