#Godfather of AI
mentorshelly · 1 year
He was Google's AI Pioneer...So Why Did He Just Quit?
Video Referenced In the ever-evolving world of artificial intelligence, a seismic event has rocked the tech community. The Godfather of AI, a brilliant mind behind groundbreaking advancements in the field, has unexpectedly left Google, leaving the industry buzzing with speculation. Join us in this intriguing conversation as we delve into the possible reasons behind this astonishing departure. As…
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filosofablogger · 1 year
Do We Really Need Artificial Intelligence???
AI, or Artificial Intelligence, quite frankly scares me.  It scares me in much the same way guns and nukes scare me, for while almost every tool ever invented was developed for a valuable purpose, every single one has also been used by evil people for evil purposes throughout the course of history.  When even the man who has been dubbed the “Godfather of AI,” Geoffrey Hinton, steps down from his…
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coinatory · 1 year
The dark side of AI: Geoffrey Hinton's resignation highlights the need to address AI's risks and consequences
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The "Godfather of AI," a pioneer in artificial intelligence (AI), has left his post at Google to talk more candidly about the risks related to the technology. Dr. Geoffrey Hinton spent more than ten years working on machine learning algorithms at Google before leaving. According to reports, his lifetime research into neural networks is what gave him the nickname. In contrast, Hinton clarified in a tweet on May 1 that he quit his job at Google "so that I could talk about the dangers of AI." In the NYT today, Cade Metz implies that I left Google so that I could criticize Google. Actually, I left so that I could talk about the dangers of AI without considering how this impacts Google. Google has acted very responsibly. In an interview with the New York Times, he expressed worry that many people won't "be able to know what is
Read more on The dark side of AI: Geoffrey Hinton's resignation highlights the need to address AI's risks and consequences
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goodgarbs · 1 year
Tech| Google's Leading Scientist for AI, Dr. Geoffrey Hinton aka "Godfather of AI" Resigns & Leaves Concerns About AI
Dr. Geoffrey Hinton, also known as the “godfather of AI” technology has decided to leave his position at Google so he would be able to speak freely about the technology’s risks. In a recent interview with the New York Times, Hinton spoke on his sincere concerns about AI. “It’s hard to see how you can prevent the bad actors from using it for bad things,” he stated. “Look at how [AI technology was]…
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alwayshinny · 2 months
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AU where Sirius raises Harry
The bedtime routine was the worst. Every night, Harry cried out for Lily and James. The day he stopped was the hardest for Sirius because his godson finally realized they weren’t coming back. That night, Sirius didn’t sleep for a minute and just held his godson the way his best friends used to, so he would know that he would be there for him for as long as he lived.
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chuntaro-dango · 4 months
"I wish I was special🤖🤖🤖🤖"
hello here is michael corleone singing creep by radiohead full ver at the request of someone on twt (so sry for the late upload)
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daylighteclipsed · 1 year
Not the creators of AI quitting their jobs and advocating against AI cause they’re legitimately worried of the harm it can do to humanity including literally killing us 💀
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poopybaby · 2 years
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and she fits well
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theartoftheprompt · 6 months
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An offer not to be refused.
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Fairy Godfather
Sometimes you need a little help. That's when your fairy godfather steps in.
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bestluckfan · 1 year
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The godfather of cinema, the young and handsome Alfredo James Pacino, solitary, contemplative, cinematic art
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alwayshinny · 2 months
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AU where Blackinnon raises Harry
Harry copied everything Sirius did. You could basically call him Sirius' little shadow. From his speech to his stance, from the way he ate and held his knife and fork, from the way he dressed, from the way he read the newspaper (even though he could only read a few words), and even the way he got angry. Marlene would have found it annoying if it wasn't so bloody cute. She quickly learned that persuading Harry often required convincing Sirius first, which was a challenge in itself with Sirius's own childlike tendencies, sometimes even mirroring the tantrums of their 3 year old godson.
So when the healer prescribed glasses for Harry, Marlene knew he'd resist unless Sirius led the way. Sirius, however, was convinced he could sway the child, despite Harry's attempts to avoid wearing them. But after days of hide-and-seek with the glasses (including her finding them in a dug-up hole in the backyard, which Marlene wasn't entirely convinced was just Harry), and near accidents due to squinting, Sirius finally admitted defeat.
As Harry sulked over breakfast after Marlene put his glasses on, she was just telling him how handsome he looked when she stopped as soon as she saw her husband. Sirius walked towards the kitchen, sporting not only the same colored shirt but also the same glasses as Harry's, with hair tousled and shorter just like their godson's. Leaning down, he used a tone reserved solely for Harry, asking, "Do I look as brilliant as you, mate?". Harry stared at him in awe and then burst into a fit of giggles as he pointed at Sirius. His giggles were so infectious that Marlene and Sirius couldn't help but laugh as well. "Dada," he said in between his giggles as he pointed at the photo of James and then Sirius. Sirius froze as the color drained from his face and the blood rushed to his ears. He looked into the mirror, and Harry was right. With his glasses and his shorter, tousled hair, he looked eerily similar to James Potter.
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creativecuquilu · 1 year
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Every time I prompt something, I always look away to avoid spoiling myself. Plus, to avoid really cursed material because this is for you.
Anyway, six more Pertwee things. What can I say? Third is my doctor 💕
Hope you like them!
Bonus Tommy due to the good turnout of Outlast 2 -
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iwan1979 · 1 year
WASHINGTON: A computer scientist often dubbed "the godfather of artificial intelligence" has quit his job at Google to speak out about the dangers of the technology, US media reported on Monday (May 1). Geoffrey Hinton, who created a foundation technology for AI systems, told The New York Times that...
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chuntaro-dango · 6 months
yes I did spent days learning rvc and a tiny bit of coding to do this random ai cover of michael singing stronger than you no i regret nothing😁
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