#Gold Investing Hub
theworsthistorynerd · 2 months
"In the late 6th century, a new monotheistic religion called Islam was founded by its prophet Muhammad, whose followers became known as Muslims. Muhammad united the tribes of Arabia into a religious polity, a caliphate, whose domains he and his successors extended into a vast empire through holy war (jihad).[296][ci] They conquered Palestine in 636 to 640.[247][cii][ciii]
Society in the caliphate formed a pyramid with five layers.[297] Arabs were at the top, followed by converts to Islam (mawali) (this distinction disappeared after the Abbasids seized power).[297] Below them stood dhimmis, followed by non-Muslim free men and slaves at the bottom.[297] The dhimmi (meaning "protected person") were Christians, Jews, and Samaritans, who the Muslims designated as "peoples of the Book" (ahl al-kitab), meaning that they, like the Muslims, based their worship on a book God had given to them, which, in its essence, was identical to the Koran.[298] Unlike the previous rulers, the Muslims allowed them to practice their religions in peace. However, non-Muslim men had to pay a special tax (jizya) and they had to be submissive to Muslims.[298][civ] Dress regulations were imposed on non-Muslims, but it is uncertain whether they were ever enforced in Palestine.[299][cv] Muslim men were permitted to marry non-Muslim women even if the latter choose to remain in their faith. Muslim women, however, could not marry non-Muslim men, unless they first converted to Islam.[300][cvi] The Muslims also lifted the Romans' centuries-long ban on Jews in Jerusalem.[301]
The Muslims organized the territory of the Byzantine Dioceses Orientes (Syria) into five military districts, or provinces (jund, pl. ajnad).[302][cvii][cviii] The territory of Palaestina Prima and Palaestina Tertia became Jund Filastin and stretched from Aqaba in the south to the lower Galilee in the north and from Arish in the west to Jericho in the east.[303][cix] The Tulunids later expanded the borders of the province eastwards and southwards to include regions in modern-day southern Jordan and north-western Saudi Arabia.[304][cx] The newly founded city Ramla became Jund Filastin's administrative capital and most important city.[305] Jund al-Urdunn corresponded with Palaestina Secunda, covering most of the Galilee, the western part of Peraea in Transjordan, and the coastal cities Acre and Sur (Tyre).[306] Tabariyyah (Tiberias) replaced Scythopolis as the province's capital.[307]
Throughout the period, Palestine was a sort of gold mine for the caliphate and among its most prosperous and fertile provinces.[308] Palestine's wealth derived from its strategic location as a hub for international trade, the influx of pilgrims, its excellent agricultural produce, and from a number of local crafts.[309] Products manufactured or traded in Palestine included building materials from marble and white-stone quarries, spices, soaps, olive oil, sugar, indigo, Dead Sea salts, and silk.[310] Palestinian Jews were expert glassmakers whose wares became known as "Jewish glass" in Europe.[311] Palestine was also known for its book production and scribal work.[312]
The Muslims invested much effort in developing a fleet and in restoring seaports, creating shipyards, fortifying coastal cities, and in establishing naval bases in Palestine.[313] Acre became their chief naval base from which a fleet set out to conquer Cyprus in 647.[314] Jaffa came to replace Caesarea as Palestine's main port due to its proximity with Ramla.[315]
Though Palestine was now under Muslim control, the Christian world's affection for the Holy Land continued to grow. Christian kings made generous donations to Jerusalem's holy sites,[cxi] and helped facilitate the ever increasing pilgrimage traffic.[317][cxii] Pilgrims ventured for the adventure, but also to expiate sin.[319][cxiii] Many pilgrims were attacked by highwaymen which would later be cited by the Crusaders as a reason to "liberate" Jerusalem from the Muslims.[320]"
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lullabyes22-blog · 8 months
Snippet - Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO - The Council
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Silco meets the Council. And ponders his history.
Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO
Hatred rises like a toxic effervescence in Silco’s veins.
(These Pilties, eh, Vander?)
(These fucking Pilties.)
In a city whose lifeblood is old money, they are the crème de la crème: an elite group steeped in Piltover's rich heritage of trade and commerce. A century ago, the city was a drowsy backwater, a middling port of fishing settlements and warehouses. The Council's forefathers were Shuriman midshipmen, Ionian merchants, Noxian brigands and Demacian bureaucrats. Men and women who made their fortunes through sheer tenacity and hard graft.
Then came the boom.
Beneath the settlement lay caverns with rich deposits of minerals. Soon, smelters dotted the waterfront, and shipyards sprang up along the bay. Steel became gold. Iron turned to platinum. The age of industry dawned: Piltover blossomed into a manufacturing metropolis.
Then came the Void Wars. In a trice, the city's population doubled. Zhyunian refugees fled by boat; Noxian merchants came by steamships; Demacian scholars boarded trains and Freljordians rode in on zeppelins. Language diversified; the city grew cosmopolitan.
In the coming decades, successive waves of migrants were swept onto Piltover's shores: from noble families seeking to expand their power across Valoran to small-town traders laden with cheap luggage and big dreams. By the century's end, they'd propelled Piltover into a global megacity of palatial mansions, art deco skyscrapers and pristine streets hosed clean every morning before the business hubs threw open their gilded gates to the bon ton.
The population boom meant more houses to build, more food to eat, more clothes to wear. All of which required labor, capital investment, and raw materials.
All of which came from the Fissures.
In theory, the Undercity should have prospered hand-in-hand with Piltover. Yet little of the riches from the Fissures’ recesses was ever relished by the Fissurefolk themselves. They were cut from a different cloth from their over-the-Pilt brethren. Their ancestors were miners and craftsmen, not shipmasters and merchants. Their culture was a clotted stew of customs and dialects; most didn't even speak Piltovan. They weren't born in the city itself but in its shadow, living in close-knit riverside settlements and twilit caverns.
Physically, they resembled deepwater piranhas compared to their sun-kissed kin—narrow bones, wan skins and sharp teeth. Culturally, they were foreigners. And socially, they were inferiors.
Their economy was a rich relic of the Oshra Va'Zaun empire. Their gemcraft and metalworking industries were well-established. Their artisans were peerless and prolific. Their alchemical scholars were the backbone of innovation. They had a robust labor force, a thriving entrepreneurial class, and a history of keen ingenuity.
Their forbearers traded along a flourishing network of maritime ports and river routes. They bartered with Bilgewater; bankrolled the gold mines in Shurima; forged trade deals with Ionia. They even had stakes in the black markets of the Shadow Isles and the mercenary guilds of Noxus.
They did business with every corner of Runeterra. And they did so proudly.
A century's time would turn the glad tidings into bitter tides.
During the first wave, the Undercity's wealth was a windfall for Topside. The demand for labor and resource was insatiable. But the Undercity's resources were finite. When Piltover's population ballooned after the Void Wars, the Fissurefolk were forced to compete. Lacking the natural advantage of fertile terrain and plentiful sunlight, they had no choice but to cut corners. In a trice, the factories and mines teemed with orphans and the elderly, each one paid starvation wages and offered none of the protections aboveground. By the century's end, the Undercity was squeezed dry, a sweatshop with a single employer.
As the upper-city's wealth quadrupled, mercantile clans rose up, each vying for control over the mineral deposits in the Fissures. These overlords were no friends of the poor. Their purview was profit, and profit meant one thing above all else:
Their first order of business was stymieing the Undercity's trade routes and keeping its resources under lock and key. The collapse of the old Sun Gates and the flooding of the Undercity’s ports gave them the perfect pretext. The borders were sealed off in the guise of a safety net. The only routes were now through Piltover's Bridge, and each shipment was heavily taxed.
In time, the Undercity’s local markets choked. A slow strangulation of wealth reduced former artisans and alchemists to scavengers. Tariffs trapped them in a perpetual cycle of debt and debasement. Once-proud traders stooped to selling their own daughters for coin. Others tipped over into outright smuggling.
Then Piltover launched its second phase: a systematic strangulation of the Undercity's voice.
Fissurefolk were barred from owning or leasing property aboveground. Their children were denied access to Topside schools. Their customs were deemed barbaric. Their traditions were branded as backward. Their dialect was derided as guttural filth. They were derogatorily referred to as Sumprakers—as if their entire existence was an aberration.
By the century's end, Piltover had transformed from a trading partner into a hegemony. The Fissurefolk were no longer perceived as citizens, but as the Other.
An enemy within.
Soon, Topside began consolidating power by buying up land around the Fissures. Displacing the poor and demolishing their homes, they drove them deeper and deeper belowground, while putting the leftovers to use. Historic districts were privatized. Temples were razed. Marketplaces were shut down. The Undercity was reduced to a febrile womb of raw material, ready to be ravaged.
And ravaged it was.
When the first mining rig was installed, the Fissurefolk rioted. The unrest was put down. More mines followed, and more violence. It wasn't until the Enforcers were established as a body of justice that the tide turned in Topside's favor. These overseers were a law unto themselves, their ranks composed of mercenaries and miscreants. Their uniforms were black; their hearts were blacker. Their methods were a brutal amalgam of medieval torture and modern bureaucracy.
Under the banner of peace, the Enforcers were tasked with quashing dissent belowground.
They did so—brutally.
Piltover's third phase was total dominion.
The first mercantile houses had grown rich off the Undercity's spoils. But the new generation hungered for something more: absolute rule. They were no strangers to political maneuvering. Their forefathers had been shrewd tacticians: men and women who'd honed their wits through war, diplomacy and backroom deals.
They knew how to twist the knife, and keep their own hands clean.
Before long, they'd allied with Piltover’s industrial magnates and the monied elite. Together, they formed a cabal of oligarchs, each as ruthless as they were influential. Thus, the Council was born: a body of seven self-appointed sovereigns charged with regulating trade, enforcing laws and levying taxes.
They saw the Fissurefolk as a means to their own end. Disregarding their petitions for better sanitation, downplaying the contributions of their labor, and turning a blind eye to the rampant pollution, they proceeded to carve the Undercity's soul from its body.
When the Fissurefolk protested, the Council responded with Enforcer raids.
And bloodbaths.
By century's end, the Council had built a wall of bureaucracy between themselves and the Fissurefolk—most of whom were treated with neo-colonial contempt. Meanwhile, their wealth continued to reach dizzying heights, with every merchant ship that sailed through the port's grand arches and every sculpture patronized by celebrated virtuosos in their mansions.
The Hex-Gates only quadrupled their fortunes. With every invention by Talis, investors flocked and the Council’s influence grew. The wealth they had hoarded was now limitless. They could build a brand-new city, if they so desired. But why should they, when the Trenchers had already done the hard work for them?
Today's Council—Hoskel, Salo, Bolbok, Shoola, Medarda, Kiramman—are Piltover's pivotal political force, decreeing laws with a gesture from their grand parlors. They're the ones who decide whether jobs are created or lost, how many schools are funded, what taxes are levied.
They make decisions that affect every citizen in the city—every bloody day.
They are also corruption incarnate. Yearly, they’ve swallowed over one-third of the allocated Undercity budget, without accounting for a single cog. Between them, they preside over an empire of private business interests in everything from real estate to racehorses, stowing away their wealth in Demacian bank accounts, Noxian jewelry splurges and private islands dotting the annexed Ionian shores.
To them, Silco's coal-mining origins are as offensive as a rat turd in their caviar. Among Topside's upper-crust, he's a social climber, a rabble-rouser, and a scabrous opportunist. He wasn't born into privilege: he made his wealth through the cutthroat crudeness of industry.
More offensive still, he keeps a singlehanded stranglehold on his fortune, no different from a smuggler stowing all his coins in his codpiece. He never invests in stocks or allows Piltovans to buy shares in his enterprises. Like his factories, everything he owns belowground—publishing houses, restaurant chains, repair garages, gyms, nightclubs, salons—employs Fissure-bred workers, and is rumored to be a front for funding anarchism.
As if that weren't bad enough, he has no inhibitions in debating money or politics in their glittering ballrooms. Worse, he mocks them for entertainment—all while displaying impeccable manners.
Case in point—
With grave courtesy, Silco bows his head, "Councilors."
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vergilsama922 · 5 months
Right. You know the drill by now. (人◕ω◕)
A. Who's faster between Ayame, Akane, and Aoi? (人◕ω◕) ... I jest. Let's keep these serious so you can have fun reflecting... Hmm. Alright, I'll lob an easy one for Ayame-chan. What's she do for a living after graduating from Hope's Peak? What's her day job? (人◕ω◕) I can respect she may participate in official athletic competitions a lot, but I confess that I have no earthly idea what those professional athletes do off of the track.
B. And now for the question that might cause liability issues for you. Maybe. (人◕ω◕) Kizuna makes a living off of encouraging others. Such a spirited girl. (人◕ω◕) Have there been any incidents where she's cheered a schoolmate on when it's probably best to stay quiet? Like during a presentation or a chess match? You know, a generally quieter event, and she brought the...liveliness? (人◕ω◕)
(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕) To answer question A since you're an agent of chaos. It depends. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕) Ayame is obviously faster when it comes to sprinting especially for short distances. Akane however specializes more in endurance and stamina given she's a gymanist. That being said her running regiment would focus more on longer distance running and having great pacing. So Ayame might or might not be able to beat Akane in terms of more consistent laps depending on her own training regiment. Aoi would be slower than both of course on the field depending on if she is training for track. Aoi already has incredible cardio and would just need to learn the tricks of running to quickly get up to their speed or above them. Although of course, she beats them both in swimming easily. Now for the real question, Ayame of course post-graduation managed to win the gold medal and break records for the 100m sprinting event at the Olympics. After that? Of course, she aimed for the 200m, 300m, and even 400m which she earned gold medals in. And that comes with tons of sponsorships, deals, etc. Some of that money of course gets saved for future investments or even retirement but that level of popularity alongside cash payouts for even winning a gold medal ($45,000 per medal from the government of Japan. So that's $180,000 right there every 4 years alone.) means she's never short in terms of doing brand deals, advertising, etc However, as time goes on, once Ayame hits her 30s she's going to consider retirement and possibly working full-time with Akane as a coach/fitness instructor. Right now she's of course working with Akane's business to get more eyes on it but Akane needs someone like Ayame to really help with the more cardio-minded aspects of her fitness hub. Aoi of course helps a lot with the swimming programs and even is a co-founder alongside Akane. (人◕ω◕)
Yes. Despite your intent Joker, these three are rivals but more importantly. F A M I L Y (人◕ω◕)
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Ah and for Question B, you expose your position and your intent. (人◕ω◕) Shame Joker. SHAME. But I am merciful and shall rise above your attempts to get me in trouble. Kizuna is a great cheerleader even if she's.....more err..... 'central-focused' than others. This means Kizuna obviously knows when and when not to push the cheer button. People in chess don't need encouragement (Unless it's Makoto or her own children playing against those losers) or any other similar event. Kizuna despite what some might think isn't an idiot. (人◕ω◕) And she also knows who is and isn't worthy of her cheering power. (Why bother wasting time trying to encourage some toxic bitch like Toko or some pompous phony like Celeste after all?) Have faith in Kizuna's ability and have faith in her own judgment Joker. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕) Kizuna only cheers in big places that appreciate and require her skills. Not libraries and whatnot. (人◕ω◕)
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blazescompendium · 1 year
Blaze's Compendium Entry #4: Take the long way home, and avoid the Obairyon!
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Normally described as a local Yokai in the Niigata prefecture in Japan, this creature supposedly has a childish and mischievous personality, and not always dangerous. This creature was also known as ''Piggyback Demon''
It's main feature, and the thing it is more known for, its their habit to jump in random travelers backs, always screaming ''Obairyon''. If nothing is done to repel it, the person will have to carry this being in their back, in a sort of demonic piggy back ride. Each step, Obairyon gets more and more heavy, eventually becoming unbearable to carry. At this point, the person will probably collapse and the Demon will make fun, and play with the poor victim until it gets bored and go away. Usually this is not fatal, but extremely inconvenient. If you consider yourself a strong person, and would resist more to the crescent mass of Obairyon's body, it will simply start to nimble your head until you eventually give a wrong step.
However, by bringing Obairyon homee and managing to beat him in its own game, lands yourself a very good reward...
If, a person can reach home with the heavy Obairyon, they will be rewarded with the Demon transforming into a heavy bag of gold, making the person instantly rich! But since the creature's torture was so exhausting, that was a very rare case. So, don't go into Niigata's woods trying to get rich, you will probably end up in a wheelchair.
The site yokai.com (which is a great English source and research hub about Yokai) States that people would often use iron bowls in their heads to repel the Obairyon. It would often protect them from the creature's habit to bite their heads, so many villagers started using an iron bowl as an ornament, in order to protect against this Yokai.
Other skills this Yokai can have are more mundane and general,(that is, for a Yokai...) like being invisible. It's also very hard to be removed from a person. It's unknown on what the creature feeds. In my research, i could not find anything about it eating parts of, or whole Human beings.
The name Obairyon, also according to multiple sources including Yokai.com, means something like ''Give me a piggyback ride!'' in the local Niigata prefecture dialect. It also attends by other names, like: bariyon, onbu obake, ubariyon, obusaritei. This big variety in naming is due to regional dialect changes, but their behavior is always the same.
It's origins are very uncertain. As it happens with a lot of Yokai, it's hard to pin down exactly where it started, because usually it's more of a folk and oral tradition. Of course, many Yokai have their origins pretty detailed, some examples being like Nekomata and Karakasa-Obake. But Obairyon is a bit more shrouded in mystery, in this regard.
The most accepted and sourced idea of its origin, according to yokai.com is That the Obairyon tale is an analogy to the duty of raise a children. The creature's childish manner is a direct link to this idea, and it can be seen as ''Those who can resist the weight of raising a children, will be rewarded.'' Those who can endure the Demon's exigences and heavy weight, will prosper with treasure. Just like the parents who can raise their children and endure the weight of helping another human being develop, will also be rewarded with treasures in their lifetime.
As a metaphor to parenthood, Obairyon exigences are abusive and sometimes unbearable, but when reaching home after all the hard work you had, you will notice that your investment was worth the suffering.
Of course, this is only a rough idea. The origins for this particular Yokai are indeed shrouded in mystery.
Being if that's the case about Obairyon's tale, parenthood here is treated in such a sincere way. It's a very complex and delicate phase of Human existence in Earth, that is not always treated with that much needed grain of truth to all of their aspects.
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Obairyon being a somewhat popular Yokai, this demon is featured in a multitude of pop culture media. Besides Megami Tensei, Obairyon is well known to appear in the legendary Ge Ge Ge No Kitaro anime franchise. It's not the first time our friend Mizuki appears in one of our Compendium Entries.
As said before, as a local folk legend it's pretty hard to pinpoint the origins of this myth. The language barrier poses a difficulty in trying to identify their first origins and first sources, but as far as my research has gone, Obairyon is a more local tradition incorporated in Yokai Folklore, with no discernible origin date.
So, what i am doing in this text is basically complying every information i could gather from valid sources, so i can bring this local obscure Yokai legend to more people in the world.
But honestly, most of the versions follows the same description, with few to no variations! Obairyon is a very heterogeneous entity. Although it's origins are traced to the Niigata region, there's similar Yokai around Japan, that shares elements of Obairyon's narrative.
For example, there is the Konaki Jijii. This interesting creature has the same habit to harm lone travelers traversing woods. I wont go in details here, because it's not their spotlight, but the major difference from Obairyon is their murderous intent. After getting in the victim's back, this demon will grow heavier and heavier, and eventually it will be fatal for the victim. Konaki was also present in GeGeGe, and you can read more about it here
Obairyon by itself does not change its modus operandi too much, except for sometimes biting people, and its name.
There's also some scholars who divide other Yokais into sub-species of Obairyon, or some term like this (the translation was not that much clear about it) There's for instance the Oigakari from Hiroshima Prefecture, which is described as a shadow being that jumps into people's back. I could not source this one in English, sadly. But it definitively has some similarities. This association was sourced by the work ''Weekly Excite''. I could not find any more about it, so...take it with a grain of salt. The Yokai by itself does indeed exist, i just could not confirm it was once associated with our Piggyback friend from Niigata.
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Yo, what's the little guy doing????
There's also the well sourced Oppasho-Ishi from Tokushima, which its said to be related from a Sumo wrestler. Much like Obairyon this peculiar creature jumps into people' backs, getting more and more heavier. The famous 20th century Japanese Folklorist Kunio Yanagita has associated this creature to the Obairyon in his book: ''Yokai Dangi''.
Another writer specialized in Yokai, Kenji Murakami specifies in his book ''Yokai Encyclopedia'' that Obairyon and similar Yokai are normally associated to specific locations, such as paths in the woods, abandoned houses, tunnels and other likely places.
While tracing Obairyon's origins from written accounts and sources is very hard, specially for a non-Japanese speaker, it's very noticeable how common and popular it is in the Yokai culture. Or at least, it is a very diffused legend around Japan. Enough for some scholars to ponder about its relationship with other Yokai, and the true tales that gave it birth.
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As said before, Obairyon is the embodiment of hard work. We often see ourselves in situations where our suffering and labor seems to never end, and our way home becomes more and more heavy and distant. But, as it is human to strive and use our spirit to go where we never were meant to go, those who can endure the heavy weight of their journeys will always be blessed by treasures.
The next time you think about giving up on the hard and long path you chose, remember it must be an Obairyon in your back, biting your head. Just focus in reaching to your destination and this suffering will become fruits for your to sow. Who knows? Maybe it transforms into piles of gold.
Or i don't know, it may really be a Demon... In this case, call someone more indicated to help.
(Please note that i do not speak Japanese. All those books mentions something that i brought about Obairyon, but i could have mistranslated something because of machine translation. If i did, please send me a message!)
Yokay Encyclopedia, Kenji Muramaki
Yokai Dangi, Kunio Yanagita.
Inhabitants of the Fantasy World Volume IV, Tatsumi Tada
Dictionary of Myths and Legends, Asakura
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Why Property Conveyancing On The Gold Coast Is Unique To The Region?
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Property conveyancing on the Gold Coast is unique due to the region’s unique geographical location and the unique challenges posed by its coastal environment.
Gold Coast, located in Queensland, Australia, is a popular tourist destination known for its pristine beaches and vibrant nightlife. However, it is not just a place for tourists but also a hub for property investment. Property conveyancing is a legal process that involves the transfer of property ownership from the seller to the buyer. In this article, we will explore why property conveyancing on the Gold Coast is unique to the region.
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enderphoenix11 · 2 years
Mary sues
Honestly I have a very big love for “mary sues” and all other ”cringe” characters (esp sparkledogs).
I think this is because of both the recent movement of killing cringe culture/finding joy in things despite them being labeled Cringe, and just the general internet atmosphere of Nostalgia and reminiscing about our childhoods.
And maybe it’s also a point of maturity to be immature, and make stuff for the fun of it, to not constantly worry what other people think. 
I wasn’t completely entrenched in the social media hubs and fandom discourse like some of my peers (and in part of that, either being too young for the demographic or just not knowing of its existence at the time, I now feel left out), I never had a true sense of community online. Deviantart was already dying when I got on, and as much as I watched youtube, I never had the means / got into making videos of my own. I suppose there's nothing stopping me from building a community, or joining one. Try to bring back the old time vibes of all the internet subcultures I idolized. (However.. that takes time and investment, two things that are hard to maintain for me)
Sorry, tangent- 
Anyways, I love bright colorful crazy designs because they’re just so unabashedly, unapologetically, loud and proud to be themselves.”I exist to challenge fundamental design concepts and make your eyes bleed. I will fight God and win” This Absolutely extends to Sparkledogs and Scenedogs. I love them so much. The floof, the eye bleed, the ungodly amount of emo style and accessories.
This recent resurgence in fondness is probably also influenced by me getting into Speedcore and crunchy edm club music. 
(Also, as someone who doesn’t really express themselves outwardly through fashion (aside from the occasional fandom t-shirt), I can live vicariously through the rainbow colors and emo fashion. just a little, as a treat.)
I don’t really know where I was going with any of this, aside from sharing my fondness for old cringey ocs and a bit of introspection. If you actually read all this, or, :O *gasp* took something from it, I’m glad and you get a gold star :3
(...Or should it be a black and neon rainbow half-demon-half dragon star? Ya know, to keep with the theme :P)
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ugrush-the-merciful · 2 years
A Merchant, a Pirate, and a Librarian Walk into a Bar: Session 1 (part 2)
I suppose at this point I should stop being so coy about the story unfolding - while I don't intend to chronicle everything, I don't want to make it seem like I'm just here to talk about myself.
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The players arrive individually in Voltaire, a trade hub and haven for inventors and entertainers, each with their own purpose. I designed the campaign with several small stories linked together to paint a picture of the history of the city, and ultimately to give them a reason to transform it, should they choose.
But first, they'll need to understand the kind of place that it is - a sort of medieval Vegas, bright on the outside and full of shady characters and a dark past. Guard shakedowns and talkative inventors are just the start, but that first bit of conflict gets them all in the same space.
So, we've got a party now - one mysterious former-servant Drow by the name of Alencia (Way of Mercy Monk), A merchant traveler seeking fame and fortune called Clifford (Arcane Artificer), and a Tiefling pirate with a heart of…gold? bronze? named Talisman (Rogue Swashbuckler).
Getting them together was a bit messy, but it gave them an excuse to meet Barnabus Bride the inventor and immediately adopt him. This will be a running theme for this party and the NPCs. His character immediately balloons into a source of plot hooks and conflicts, because we are officially off-script. Lucky for me, and to my complete confusion, the players move methodically through the entire square - meeting blacksmiths and guards and politicians and getting a feel for what's here. What they learn quickly is that all roads lead to Urgush the Merciful, the mayor of the city.
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By now, Clifford has taken charge of the itinerary, and already has a bone to pick with the mayor over being taken for a ride by his guards. They meet the mayor together, and Clifford in particular is completely charmed by the man - assurances are made, intentions laid out, agreements come to, all without a single insight check or investigation.
This is DnD, after all - What would be the point of lying to the players if the dice won't let me get away with it?
Again, it's the one thing I don't expect - I prepped a game where the party could come in loaded with suspicion and itching to start trouble...and instead it's practically a diplomatic mission with the most easygoing (and gullible) PCs ever!
The immediate consequence of this meeting is that the guards are 'fired' and the players are off to celebrate with a drink…making them vulnerable to an ambush by the newly-fired guards themselves, and I get to say what I've been dying to say since we first set on….
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As an aside, so far 5th edition has been allowing me to play to my strengths - character improvisation, exploration & discovery, investigation & intrigue - all of these have pretty loose rules to make room for individual style and intention.
That freedom goes out the window when combat is initiated.
This is not a criticism - the rules are there to place constraints on the players and reward their decisions with interesting consequences, but it is also by far the hardest part to learn as a new DM. I was determined to get a little piece of the whole experience in the first session, so I made sure to have a few encounters prepped. I used Kobold Plus Fight Club to balance out the combat as best I could, and we used Loke Battlemap books and all the appropriate miniatures to get the full show. (Sorry, no pictures of this one)
The tactile part of this was completely new to me - I joined this player group well into a roleplay-focused long game that only rarely features maps-and-minis. It's an expensive investment, and takes up time and space groups don't always have. Our main DM, playing Clifford in this game, hand-builds maps and props for special events and it's a labor of love.
I prefer to buy my way to happiness.
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Speaking of Clifford, it shouldn't be forgotten that part of the purpose of this game, besides my own desire to try it all out, was to give him a break after years of DM'ing for us and let him reset. I'm happy to report success on that front:
Now we switch modes into more adversarial play. I've got stat sheets and rules tabbed in the book, and my DM screen has some basic reminders, but it's all a lot to keep track of. Again I deeply appreciate my players for not getting fed up during a rule check or a correction midstream... probably because this is new for them too: New PCs going into combat is a learning experience for them as well. Everyone started at level 3 - part of my ill-fated attempt to keep the Voltaire campaign short - and this gives them a possible subclass to specialize into, with a whole host of perks and features to get to know.
We're all in this together, is what I'm saying.
Plenty went wrong on both ends of this encounter - the players were still adjusting to their level3 PC selves, with all the squishiness and limited arsenals that entails, and I was shocked at how many obvious, important rules are kind of...murky. Stealth attacks? Off-hand strikes? Potions? Flanking? Thrown Weapons? It all came up with such speed - just because the encounter design was simple, didn't make it simple to run.
The PCs didn't have it any better, Talisman dropped to 0HP with frightening speed, and early rolls were giving the bad guys the upper hand. Tensions rose as players scrambled to protect one another and identify main threats - but this process is team-building, and desperate players try interesting things to gain the upper hand...so long as you allow it.
So here's the next tip: Know your PCs abilities, because they might not. Players want to do cool shit, but you're the one who has to decide whether it works. I stuck to the rules as written as far as I could for this game; I knew I had enough on my plate without making my own ruleset!
(this is foreshadowing)
Luckily for all involved, the fight had an exciting cadence and allowed our session to end dramatically - Did Ugrush send those men? Are the players already under suspicion? Has anyone we've met been truly honest?
And just to hammer the point home, we closed on the sound of an explosion outside, near Barnabus's tent...
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I spent the next two weeks fending off theories and carefully considering how much pain I wanted to inflict after that little cliffhanger....
because I'm drunk with power.
I couldn't be happier with our first session. It helps to be surrounded by friends who want you to succeed, and that's the last advice for new DMs today: Play with people you trust for your first game. If your table is a comfortable place to be, you'll be empowered to try new things without fear.
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Stay tuned for session 2, where I learn that, yes, you should re-check your notes before continuing on!
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enemarkjansen42 · 2 years
Gold Coast Real Estate Agent - Helps to Manage Your Investment Properties Better
From a remote isolated hub, since it was once treated at some time of your time, Gold Coast has slowly but steadily made its presence felt within the markets and from now on its stands to be one of many top preferences of not only the realtors and also a massive area of property aspirants as well. Furthermore, with further growth and development of infrastructure, Gold Coast has turned out being an even better destination to are in. The place is readily accessible from various areas of the united states as with all of those other world at the same time; due to its connectivity to Brisbane International and local domestic airport. People prefer owning investment properties here primarily due to the terrific facilities and resources that small coast has in store because of its dwellers. Firstly, the place is known for its spectacular orchids, rich landscapes and buzzing sea beaches. The colourful beaches in the east as well as a tropical jungle inside west provide spectacular views that attract a great number of tourists from some other part of the entire world throughout every season. Apart from this, the place has numerous sightseeing attractions, fabulous shopping destinations, top quality colleges, universities, science centers, and great facilities for several physical activities and any devices that could be expected from a modern city. At present, you'll find a large amount of investment properties ready accessible in different locations over the Gold Coast. When it comes to purchasing properties in Gold Coast, hiring the assistance of an experienced realtor is obviously better as not merely are they highly experienced, hardworking and dedicated to their works but in addition to this, they have the technical expertise to guide people through the property purchasing process. The realtors in Gold Coast will be the leaders in property management solutions. With a lot of professional experience under their belts, they know the ideas and tricks of property management and so are fully alert to the legal side in the business also which will make it safer, simpler and convenient for the clients. Houses for rent Tugun from the local realtors offer emergency services which means that they'll always be accessible whenever your situation demands. Apart through the prospective property aspirants and the tenants, the agents have a very bigger role to try out to the home owners as well. Being trained in in working with Investment Properties, they have got a detailed summary of every house in Gold Coast- year of construction, income amounts of people moving into a locality, market price of land, demographics and other statistical data. Therefore, they are able to assist the buyers to find a suitable investment property inside their budget. At the same time, with respect to the market values, they're going to also ensure that the landlords get proper remuneration for his or her properties. Moreover, in instances where landlords sell or rent properties via real estate professional in Gold Coast, the agent will stand like a alternative party legal mediator and in addition conserve the landlord or tenants if any legal issue arises at some time of your energy later.
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investoxpertblog · 21 hours
Buy Commercial Property in Noida
Noida is a city where there are various excellent business and investment opportunities. So if you're looking for a Commercial Property in Noida then you have initiated your first step towards success.
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Easy to Reach:
Noida's location is pure gold for businesses. It is a place close to Delhi which means you can tap into the capital's market easily. Along with the highways and the upcoming metro, getting around very much easier. Therefore clients and customers won't have trouble finding you.
A Hub of Business:
Noida city a home too many big companies, tech parks, and factories. Whatever your business is Noida surely has space for it. Whether it's an office, a shop, you will surely find the perfect spot here.
Modern Spaces:
The buildings in Noida are like the city itself, modern and stylish. Imagine an office with all the latest gadgets, or a shop with a perfect design. These commercial properties in Noida come with top-notch facilities, like security systems and parking spaces.
Growing Demand:
Noida's popularity these days is only going up. More and more businesses are setting up shop here, which means the demand for space is rising. So if you invest in a commercial property now, you will surely get the double or maybe more of its value over time.
Smart Investment:
Investing in commercial property in Noida is a smart move. Not only can you earn rental income but the value of your property is most likely to increase too. It's a win-win situation ensuring you a steady stream of income.
In short, commercial property in Noida is a golden opportunity waiting to be grabbed. With its thriving business scene, modern spaces, growing demand and investment potential Noida is the perfect place for your next investment or business. So hurry up it is the time to take the chance and watch your business grow in the city of Noida.
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adityaguptablogs · 2 days
Business Setup in Dubai: Your Ultimate Guide with South Bridge Legal
Dubai, the gleaming jewel of the Middle East, has transformed itself from a modest trading port to a global business hub. Entrepreneurs and investors from around the world are drawn to its strategic location, tax incentives, and dynamic business environment. If you're considering a Business Setup in Dubai, South Bridge Legal is your trusted partner in navigating the intricacies of the process.
Why Choose Dubai for Business Setup?
Dubai offers a strategic location at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa, making it an ideal hub for international trade and commerce. Its state-of-the-art infrastructure, world-class amenities, and business-friendly policies make it a magnet for businesses of all sizes. South Bridge Legal can guide you through the legal and regulatory landscape to ensure a smooth Business Setup in Dubai.
Understanding the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC)
The Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC) is a free zone dedicated to fostering trade and investment in various commodities sectors, including gold, diamonds, and tea. As one of the largest and fastest-growing free zones in the UAE, the DMCC offers a range of benefits for businesses, such as 100% foreign ownership, 0% personal and corporate tax, and full repatriation of profits. South Bridge Legal can assist you in leveraging these advantages for your Business Setup in Dubai.
Types of Business Entities in Dubai
When it comes to Business Setup in Dubai, entrepreneurs can choose from several types of business entities, each with its own set of regulations and requirements. These include:
Free Zone Company: Ideal for businesses looking to operate within the DMCC, a free zone company offers 100% foreign ownership and various tax incentives.
Mainland Company: For businesses looking to operate outside the free zones, a mainland company requires a local sponsor but offers access to the local market.
Offshore Company: An offshore company is perfect for international business operations and offers tax optimization benefits.
South Bridge Legal can help you determine the most suitable business structure for your needs and assist you throughout the Business Setup in Dubai process.
Steps to Business Setup in Dubai
The Business Setup in Dubai process involves several steps, each requiring careful consideration and adherence to local regulations. Here's a simplified guide:
Choose a Business Activity: Determine the type of business activity you wish to engage in and ensure it complies with DMCC regulations.
Select a Business Name: Choose a unique and meaningful name for your business that aligns with DMCC guidelines.
Apply for a License: Depending on your business activity, you'll need to apply for the appropriate license through DMCC.
Obtain Visas and Permits: Secure the necessary visas and permits for you and your employees to work in Dubai.
Open a Corporate Bank Account: Choose a bank that meets your business needs and open a corporate bank account.
Office Space: Select a suitable office space within the DMCC free zone to establish your business presence.
South Bridge Legal can assist you at every step of the way, ensuring compliance with all legal requirements for a successful Business Setup in Dubai.
Benefits of Business Setup in Dubai with South Bridge Legal
Partnering with South Bridge Legal for your Business Setup in Dubai offers several advantages:
Expertise: Our team of legal experts has extensive experience in assisting businesses with their setup in Dubai, ensuring compliance with all regulations.
Tailored Solutions: We offer customized solutions tailored to your specific business needs, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free setup process.
Peace of Mind: With South Bridge Legal by your side, you can focus on growing your business while we handle the legal and regulatory aspects of your Business Setup in Dubai.
In conclusion, Dubai's thriving economy, strategic location, and business-friendly environment make it an ideal choice for entrepreneurs and investors looking to expand their horizons. With the support and expertise of South Bridge Legal, your Business Setup in Dubai can be a smooth and successful journey. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in realizing your business goals in this dynamic city.
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goldinvestinghub · 2 years
American Hartford Gold: An Unbiased Review
Based in Los Angeles, American Hartford Gold is a family-run company that helps investors get into the precious metals market. Not only do they deliver gold and silver into TSPs, IRAs, and 401(k)s, but they also offer home delivery. The company helps its clients diversify their investments, and every order of gold or silver coins […]
<p>The post American Hartford Gold: An Unbiased Review first appeared on Gold Investing Hub.</p>
Originally published here: https://www.goldinvestinghub.com/investing/american-hartford-gold-an-unbiased-review/
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jewelsnav · 10 days
Business Setup in Dubai
Dubai, the gleaming jewel of the Middle East, has transformed itself from a modest trading port to a global business hub. Entrepreneurs and investors from around the world are drawn to its strategic location, tax incentives, and dynamic business environment. If you’re considering a Business Setup in Dubai, South Bridge Legal is your trusted partner in navigating the intricacies of the process.
Why Choose Dubai for Business Setup?
Dubai offers a strategic location at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa, making it an ideal hub for international trade and commerce. Its state-of-the-art infrastructure, world-class amenities, and business-friendly policies make it a magnet for businesses of all sizes. South Bridge Legal can guide you through the legal and regulatory landscape to ensure a smooth Business Setup in Dubai.
Understanding the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC)
The Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC) is a free zone dedicated to fostering trade and investment in various commodities sectors, including gold, diamonds, and tea. As one of the largest and fastest-growing free zones in the UAE, the DMCC offers a range of benefits for businesses, such as 100% foreign ownership, 0% personal and corporate tax, and full repatriation of profits. South Bridge Legal can assist you in leveraging these advantages for your Business Setup in Dubai.
Types of Business Entities in Dubai
When it comes to Business Setup in Dubai, entrepreneurs can choose from several types of business entities, each with its own set of regulations and requirements. These include:
Free Zone Company: Ideal for businesses looking to operate within the DMCC, a free zone company offers 100% foreign ownership and various tax incentives.
Mainland Company: For businesses looking to operate outside the free zones, a mainland company requires a local sponsor but offers access to the local market.
Offshore Company: An offshore company is perfect for international business operations and offers tax optimization benefits.
South Bridge Legal can help you determine the most suitable business structure for your needs and assist you throughout the Business Setup in Dubai process.
Steps to Business Setup in Dubai
The Business Setup in Dubai process involves several steps, each requiring careful consideration and adherence to local regulations. Here’s a simplified guide:
Choose a Business Activity: Determine the type of business activity you wish to engage in and ensure it complies with DMCC regulations.
Select a Business Name: Choose a unique and meaningful name for your business that aligns with DMCC guidelines.
Apply for a License: Depending on your business activity, you’ll need to apply for the appropriate license through DMCC.
Obtain Visas and Permits: Secure the necessary visas and permits for you and your employees to work in Dubai.
Open a Corporate Bank Account: Choose a bank that meets your business needs and open a corporate bank account.
Office Space: Select a suitable office space within the DMCC free zone to establish your business presence.
South Bridge Legal can assist you at every step of the way, ensuring compliance with all legal requirements for a successful Business Setup in Dubai.
Benefits of Business Setup in Dubai with South Bridge Legal
Partnering with South Bridge Legal for your Business Setup in Dubai offers several advantages:
Expertise: Our team of legal experts has extensive experience in assisting businesses with their setup in Dubai, ensuring compliance with all regulations.
Tailored Solutions: We offer customized solutions tailored to your specific business needs, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free setup process.
Peace of Mind: With South Bridge Legal by your side, you can focus on growing your business while we handle the legal and regulatory aspects of your Business Setup in Dubai.
In conclusion, Dubai’s thriving economy, strategic location, and business-friendly environment make it an ideal choice for entrepreneurs and investors looking to expand their horizons. With the support and expertise of South Bridge Legal, your Business Setup in Dubai can be a smooth and successful journey. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in realizing your business goals in this dynamic city.
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fiori-jewels-dubai · 10 days
Diamond Jewellery in Dubai: Where Luxury Meets Elegance
Dubai, often called the "City of Gold," is renowned for its opulence and extravagance. It's a place where luxury knows no bounds, and when it comes to diamond jewellery Dubai sets a standard that's truly exceptional. In this blog, we delve into the world of diamond jewellery in Dubai, where luxury seamlessly intertwines with elegance, with a special spotlight on Fiori Jewels.
The Dubai Difference
Dubai has long been a global hub for the diamond trade, and its reputation for quality and craftsmanship is unparalleled. When you think of Dubai, images of towering skyscrapers, lavish hotels, and luxurious shopping come to mind. It's no surprise that the same level of extravagance extends to the world of diamond jewellery.
A Wealth of Options
In Dubai, you're spoiled for choice when it comes to diamond jewellery. From timeless classics like solitaire rings and diamond-studded necklaces to unique, custom-made pieces, Jewellery stores in Dubai offer a vast array of options to suit every taste and occasion. Among these, Fiori Jewels stands out for its exquisite designs and attention to detail.
Fiori Jewels: A Shining Star in Dubai's Jewellery Scene
Fiori Jewels has earned a stellar reputation as a premier destination for diamond jewellery in Dubai. Known for its commitment to excellence, Fiori Jewels combines traditional craftsmanship with contemporary design, resulting in jewellery pieces that are nothing short of extraordinary.
Exceptional Craftsmanship
Fiori Jewels takes pride in its skilled artisans who painstakingly craft each piece of diamond jewellery with precision and artistry. Whether it's intricate filigree work or modern, minimalist designs, Fiori Jewels is known for its exceptional craftsmanship. When you purchase diamond jewellery from Fiori Jewels, you're not just buying a piece of jewellery; you're investing in a work of art.
Unmatched Quality
Quality is paramount in the world of diamonds, and Fiori Jewels is synonymous with top-tier quality. The diamonds you find at Fiori Jewels are not just beautiful; they are certified for their cut, clarity, color, and carat weight. This commitment to quality ensures that your diamond jewellery is not just a fashion statement but also a valuable asset.
Customization at Its Finest
Fiori Jewels understands that your jewellery should be a reflection of your unique style and personality. They offer a bespoke service that allows you to bring your vision to life. Whether you have a specific design in mind or want to create a one-of-a-kind piece, Fiori Jewels can turn your dream jewellery into reality.
The Complete Dubai Experience
Shopping for diamond jewellery in Dubai is not just about making a purchase; it's an experience in itself. From the opulent showrooms to the impeccable service, Fiori Jewels, along with other renowned jewellers Shops in Dubai, goes above and beyond to ensure that your buying experience is as memorable as the jewellery itself.
In Dubai, diamond jewellery is not just a commodity; it's a symbol of luxury, elegance, and enduring quality. Whether you're a resident or a visitor, exploring the world of diamond jewellery in Dubai is an opportunity to indulge in the finest craftsmanship and to adorn yourself with treasures that will be cherished for generations. Diamond jewellery Dubai isn't just about accessorizing; it's about making a statement—one that speaks of luxury and elegance in the heart of the Middle East, with Fiori Jewels shining brightly among the stars of Dubai's jewellery scene.
To know more information visit us:
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psgold · 12 days
Buy gold bars in Dubai
Dubai, known for its luxurious lifestyle and thriving economy, has long been a hub for investors looking to diversify their portfolios. One popular investment option in Dubai is buying gold bars. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of investing in gold bars, the process of buying gold bars in Dubai, and why it’s a smart investment choice for both seasoned investors and newcomers alike.
Investing in gold bars is a popular choice among investors due to the stability and security they offer. Gold has always been considered a safe-haven asset, retaining its value even in times of economic uncertainty. By investing in gold bars, investors can protect their wealth from inflation and currency fluctuations, providing them with a sense of financial security and stability.
One of the primary advantages of buying gold bars in Dubai is the wide range of options available. Gold bars come in various weights and sizes, making them accessible to investors with different budgets and investment goals. Additionally, gold bars in Dubai are of high quality and purity, ensuring that investors get the best value for their money.
The process of buying gold bars in Dubai is relatively straightforward. There are numerous reputable dealers and gold souks in the city where investors can purchase gold bars with ease. These dealers often provide certificates of authenticity, ensuring that investors are getting genuine gold bars for their investment.
In conclusion, buying gold bars in Dubai offers investors a reliable and accessible means of diversifying their investment portfolios and protecting their wealth. With their stability, security, and accessibility, gold bars are considered a cornerstone of investment in Dubai. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or new to the world of gold investments, exploring the potential of buying gold bars in Dubai is a smart move for anyone seeking long-term financial security and prosperity.
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Experience Elevated Living: 3BHK Apartments in Signature Global Deluxe DXP Gurgaon
The extensive infrastructural development, strategic location, and premium amenities have brought excellent buyer traction in the residential segment of Gurgaon. The city is experiencing a substantial demand for premium and comfortable homes. In addition, high-end residential properties with open spaces and wellness amenities are becoming the centre of attraction. Apartments in Gurgaon boast features like custom designs, high-end finishes, and extensive recreational facilities.
Demand Trends: Preference for 3BHK Apartments
A research surveyed that almost 50% of home buyers prefer buying 3BHK apartments, and around 75% of property seekers seek properties with balconies. Amidst the increasing housing demand, the demand for 3 BHK apartments is growing in the Delhi-NCR region. The ask for more open spaces within homes is a significant change from earlier years when the focus was more on utilizing every square inch.
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The Emergence of Residential Projects Along the Dwarka Expressway
Further, the presence of the infrastructural marvel, Dwarka Expressway in Gurgaon, describes ambience and connectivity in a true sense. Most premium properties along the expressway boast of being in an ideal location, promising proximity to lifestyle amenities and offering panoramic views. Buyers always seek a location that keeps them close to all the city’s hubs, and the residential properties along Dwarka Expressway further elevate the living experience.
The average housing prices along the Dwarka Expressway have increased 83% in the last ten years. As per the realty experts, the housing demand along the corridor is high and is anticipated to increase 10-15% in the coming months with the functioning of the 19km Haryana stretch of the expressway.
Connectivity and Infrastructure: Driving Factors for Growth
The development around the expressway has welcomed various residential projects in Gurgaon, redefining luxury and bringing well-connected routes to major hubs. The expressway’s proximity to IGI airport, established infrastructure, and connectivity to other Delhi-NCR parts have made Gurgaon a lucrative destination for buyers and investors.
Moreover, with the Haryana stretch of the Dwarka Expressway being operational, the future of the real estate sector looks bright in the region. Developers are investing in land parcels to curate premium 3 BHK apartments in Gurgaon and are gaining momentum across the region.
Signature Global DE-Luxe DXP in Gurgaon
Signature Global with its projects promises an opulent lifestyle with easy access. Signature Global DE-Luxe DXP is located in Sector 37D, in close proximity to the Dwarka Expressway. It offers its residents a lifestyle and easy connectivity to Delhi-NCR and within Gurugram. DE-Luxe DXP is a residential sanctuary with top-notch premium facilities, catering to the area's growing demand for residential projects due to outstanding connectivity and infrastructure developments. The project boasts a grand triple-height entrance, an emblem of sophistication. Further enhancing its architectural allure, the distinctive double podium design seamlessly merges aesthetics with functionality. Comprising eight towers ranging from 25 to 40 floors, the project offers a range of breathtaking views from expansive deck balconies of 3.5 BHK and 4.5 BHK apartments for a refreshing living experience. The premium project also has Miyawaki Forest, a meticulously planned feature to help control carbon emissions as part of its dedication to green living. For water enthusiasts, De Luxe DXP boasts seven pools, including two indoor heated pools for year-round indulgence.
DE-Luxe DXP, an IGBC Gold Pre-Certified Project, is more than a stunning architectural masterpiece; it has beautiful modern amenities. Because safety is of the utmost importance at DE-Luxe DXP, the project is outfitted with a robust 5-tier security system that provides homeowners with peace of mind. The project also includes a high-end retail space spanning across 1 lakh sq ft. and two massive clubhouses of 80,000 sq. ft. each, complete with cutting-edge exercise facilities, wellness rooms, and leisure spaces. DE-Luxe DXP contains seven pools, including two indoor heated pools for year-round enjoyment.
In addition, specific residences in Signature Global DE-Luxe DXP in Gurgaon provide special personal lounges in their units, enhancing the area's luxury and combining seclusion and elegance. So, one can find all the premium amenities within a 3 BHK Apartments in Signature Global Deluxe DXP Gurgaon. Furthermore, for buyers seeking the pinnacle of luxury, DE-Luxe DXP provides 16 exceptional high-end limited edition penthouses with double-height living rooms and private elevators, accessible only by invitation, assuring a truly elite living experience.
Gurgaon's residential properties exemplify beauty and modernism. These houses, with lush green settings and cutting-edge technologies, are intended to enhance your lifestyle. As the Dwarka Expressway becomes the pinnacle of luxury living in Gurgaon, these mansions' appeal will only grow, altering the area's future of prosperous living.
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oisterglobal · 15 days
     How Have Private Markets Evolved Over the Years Tracing Roots Key Players in the Private Market Ecosystem The Unlisted Intel
Tracing the Roots of Private Markets
If you think about it, private markets are much older than their public counterparts. We can trace it right back to ancient civilisations and the oldest recorded instances of assets changing hands.
However, partly because of the air of mystery and lack of access that always shrouds the private markets, we don’t generally associate alternative assets with historical investments.
The evolution of private markets takes us right through the different stages of progress, innovation and economic development. In this module, we’re going to take a deeper look into how the private markets have evolved over the years. Join us as we journey through the ages and explore the development of the alternative investment space. This first chapter is dedicated to tracing the roots of venture capital.
Early Beginnings
Long before the term “venture capital” was coined, the ancient kingdom of Abyssinia, (now modern-day Ethiopia) was demonstrating the principles. This kingdom was founded in the 13th century and it continued till the early 20th century. To date, it remains the only African country to avoid colonialism!
Of course, the early applications of venture capital look quite different from what we envision it to be today. But at the core, the premise remains the same. Wealthy individuals would provide capital to merchants and fund their traditional expeditions to different areas.
The expectation? It was quite simple — they received a portion of the profits.
Imagine an explorer, if you will, who wants to discover what lies beyond the mountains. He expects to find more settlements and more food sources. But, he will need enough supplies for at least a month. How will he arrange for that?
He runs to the wealthiest man in the village and asks to borrow from his store. As for the repayment, he agrees to share whatever he finds on his quest in equal proportion. So, too, the deal is finalised and the explorer sets off on his journey!
If this sounds familiar, it is because this is still how we function. Wealth has long since been concentrated in the hands of a few people. But to make this wealth productive, it has to be used to fund business ventures. This can range from trade expeditions to building a new mud hut to excavating for a new kind of material.
Abyssinia, with its strategic location in the Horn of Africa, was a bustling hub in the ancient trade networks. Its economy thrived on commerce, extending from the interior highlands to the Red Sea coast, connecting Africa to the wider world through trade routes that spanned across the Arabian Peninsula and beyond to India.
Abyssinia’s traders were the venture capitalists of their time, investing resources in expeditions across challenging terrains and perilous waters. These ventures were fraught with risks, from the unpredictability of weather to the threat of bandits, mirroring the uncertainty faced by modern startups. The rewards, however, were substantial. Goods such as gold, ivory, and frankincense were traded, bringing wealth and prosperity to those who dared to invest in these risky endeavours.
The Voyage of Christopher Columbus: A Risky Investment with the Possibility of a High Payoff
The year was 1492, a time of kingdoms and explorers when the known world was ripe for discovery. Christopher Columbus, an ambitious navigator, approached the Spanish throne with a daring proposal: a westward voyage across the Atlantic Ocean in search of a new route to Asia.
Columbus’s plan needed substantial support, and it found favour in the eyes of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. The Spanish monarchs, intrigued by the potential of expanding their empire and gaining a competitive edge in the lucrative spice trade, decided to finance his expedition.
The Agreement
The terms of the agreement, known as the Capitulations of Santa Fe, were negotiated in April 1492. Columbus was promised a tenth of all riches found, the governorship of any lands encountered, and the title of Admiral of the Ocean Sea.
The Spanish crown provided three ships – the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa María – and a crew. The total cost of the voyage is estimated to have been about 2 million maravedis (a Spanish coin), equivalent to roughly $100,000 today.
The Outcome
This investment was a significant gamble. The risks were enormous – many believed Columbus would simply sail off the edge of the world or perish in uncharted waters.
Columbus’s voyage did not lead to the discovery of a new route to Asia. Instead, it led to the unintended discovery of the New World, opening up the Americas for European exploration and colonisation. He returned with gold, exotic plants, and Indigenous peoples. The voyage also laid the groundwork for Spanish colonisation in the Americas, leading to immense wealth for Spain in the following centuries.
The US Whaling Industry: A Prequel to Modern VC
According to Harvard professor Tom Nicholas,
“Although other industries across history, such as gold exploration and oil wildcatting, have been characterized by long-tail outcomes, no industry gets quite as close as whaling does to matching the organization and distribution of returns associated with the VC sector.”
In the 18th and 19th centuries, whaling expeditions can be compared to investing in high-risk high-reward tech startups. It was the allure of the ultimate mother lode, an immense source of valuable whale oil and baleen. This is what attracted investors to fund whaling expeditions despite the obvious risks. They would equip ships and crews, in exchange for a portion of the profits.
The probability of payoff, in this case, was low, to say the least. But when you did get that payoff, it was worth it. The success of a whaling voyage depended on numerous variables, making each investment a gamble. Yet, this did not deter investors.
The Power Law in Action
This is a concept in venture capital that suggests a small number of investments will generate the bulk of returns. Just as a single successful whaling expedition could cover the losses of several failed ones, a single successful startup can return an entire venture fund.
The power law was as true for whaling as it is for today’s tech ventures. Not every ship returned laden with whale oil, but those that did often brought wealth beyond measure. This early application shows the fundamental allure of venture capital: the pursuit of outsized returns through high-risk investments.
The Early 20th Century
As the 20th century dawned, the landscape of venture capital began to morph from ad hoc investment adventures into a more structured and formalised industry. This era was marked by the entrance of some of the most influential families in America, who saw the potential in providing capital for ventures that promised high risks but equally high rewards. Among these pioneering investors were the Rockefellers, the Whitneys, and the Vanderbilts, among others.
The Rockefellers, for instance, extended their investments beyond the oil industry, exploring opportunities in emerging technologies and new companies. Laurance S Rockefeller, son of John D. Rockefeller Jr., played quite a pivotal role in the development of the venture capital industry. In the 1930s, he invested in companies like Eastern Airlines and McDonnell Aircraft.
In 1969, Venrock was established to formalise the investing activities of the Rockefeller family. Venrock was not just another venture capital firm — it focused on long-term value-driven partnerships with innovative companies.
Under the leadership of Laurance Rockefeller and later, Peter Crisp, a Harvard Business School graduate, Venrock financed numerous companies. By 1998, it had financed 262 companies, which together employed some 440,000 workers and had total revenues of $110 billion, resulting in a market capitalisation in excess of $600 billion!
Venrock: A Series of Fortunate Events
The company started in 1969 with a modest capital of $7.6 million. It made a few risky early bets in startups you may have heard of — $500,000 for 10% of Apple Computers, and $600,000 for 10% of Intel. As you can imagine, it made quite a killing on these investments.
Multifold Returns in a Matter of Days
Venrock’s investments in Neoforma.com and Niku.com grew exponentially in a very short span of time. The former involved a $6.5 million investment that grew to $275 million. The latter saw a $10.5 million investment grow to $700 million.
Current Position
Venrock has established a position for itself as a top venture capital fund in the US. Most recently, the company closed its new fund, the Venrock 10, with $650 million in funding!
Similarly, the Whitneys created J.H. Whitney & Company in 1946, one of the first venture capital firms in the U.S. John Hay “Jock” Whitney, alongside Benno Schmidt, put up $10 million after World War II to finance entrepreneurs. The aim was to institutionalise the venture capital industry so that innovative businesses that were deemed too risky by banks, got enough access to funding.
One of the firm’s most renowned investments was in Florida Foods Corporation. This company, which later came to be known as Minute Maid orange juice, was sold to the Coca-Cola Company in 1960!
READ MORRE...OISTER - We Invest In Top-Tier Venture Capital Private Equity Funds
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