#Google Ads Support
karanjhurani · 2 years
Google Ads Training
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ozelsohbet · 2 years
Tiktok Sohbet Nedir. ?
Tiktok Sohbet Nedir. ?
Tiktok Sohbet Nedir? Tüm dünyada kullanılan tiktok sohbet müzik, fotoğraf ya da aklınıza ne geliyorsa kısa video paylaşımları yapılan bir platformdur. Hatta en çok indirilen uygulamalar listesinde başlarda. Genelde kullanıcılar maksimum bir dakikalık videolar ile eğleniyor ve aynı zamanda tanışma ve tiktok sohbet ortamı oluşuyor. Tiktok Kuralları Kullanıcı profili oluşturmak için alt yaş sınırı…
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twilight-deviant · 2 months
Watcher fans sure are entitled and a little insane, ngl. "No one is going to sign up for your service! We're all poor! You've made the worst decision, and you'll be back in no time!" Saying this directly to the creators really reminds you of how low the respect for people you don't personally know has gone. I miss the forth wall between creator and audience.
I get and fully understand not having the money to support them, but... Watcher does have fans with money. A lot of them actually. They have merch sales. Their live tour sells out most venues. They have thousands of supporters on Patreon, where the cheapest tier is $5. They're able to gauge the rough finances of their staunchest supporters; that's how they landed on the subscription price. Yes, this move will reduce their viewership in sheer numbers, but to say all of their fans are broke and none will follow/support is factually incorrect.
It may not be a decision everyone agrees with, but severing the limitations of advertisers and youtube in favor of artistic freedom is a good thing. Yes, even if it comes with a loss of revenue. They understand that risk.
Also, I'm begging people to stop treating this like "another Netflix" or something and instead look at it as, "I am supporting a creator I like, similar to Patreon." They literally said in the video that they don't care if you share accounts. Get five friends, and you'll pay $1/mo.
I hate feeling compelled to rant in favor of their decision because I have my own reservations about whether it's the best move. However, I know it's not a choice they made lightly, and I like to think they understand that they'll need to branch out like crazy to entice subscribers.
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Hey, does anybody know where/how to get the Gravity Falls OST? Like, actually buying it? I searched in iTunes, and it didn’t have a price listed so I naively and wistfully hoped maybe it was free, but noooo. Greedy hacks don’t want us to actually own it.
Anyway, if someone can clear this up for me (or hit me up with a high quality pirated soundtrack), please do.
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lizclipse · 10 days
yoooo! apple will finally let you move apps on the homescreen wherever you want! only 15 years late!!
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ereborne · 2 months
Alright. Alright. All the problems I've been having with work, all the uncertainty and stress and anger. I have to set them aside. I have to figure this out. What. What the hell do I do with this. A white yankee cookout.
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I just got added to this contributions planning gdoc. It has existed for nearly two months, and been edited seventeen times. These are the only three people who have signed up for anything. I am. Crying.
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kaslashnikov · 2 years
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I  CRAVE  SOMETHING  PEACEFUL  BUT  I  THINK  I  LACK  IT  IN  MYSELF.   ind.  sel.   priv.   blog  written  by  kristine.   mdni.
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punisheddonjuan · 2 months
So You've Finally Switched to Firefox: a Brief Guide to a Some Very Useful Add-Ons.
This post is inspired by two things, the first being the announcement by Google that the long delayed Manifest V3 which will kill robust adblocking will finally roll out in June 2024, and the second, a post written by @sexhaver in response to a question as to what adblockers and extensions they use. It's a very good post with some A+ information, worth checking out.
I love Firefox, I love the degree of customization it offers me as a user. I love how it just works. I love the built in security features like DNS over HTTPS, and I love just how many excellent add-ons are available. It is a better browser than Chrome in every respect, and of the many Chromium based browsers out there, only Vivaldi comes close.
There are probably many people out there who are considering switching over to Firefox but are maybe putting it off because they've got Chrome set up the way they like it with the extensions they want, and doing all that again for Firefox seems like a chore. The Firefox Add-on directory is less expansive than the Chrome Web Store (which in recent years has become overrun with garbage extensions that range from useless to active malware), but there is still a lot of stuff to sift through. That's where this short guide comes in.
I'm presently running 33 add-ons for Firefox and have a number of others installed but disabled. I've used many others. These are my picks, the ones that I consider essential, useful, or in some cases just fun.
uBlock Origin: The single best adblocker available. If you're a power user there are custom lists and scripts you can find to augment it.
Privacy Badger: Not strictly necessary if you're also running uBlock, but it does catch a few trackers uBlock doesn't and replaces potentially useful trackers like comment boxes with click-to-activate placeholders.
Decentraleyes: A supplementary tool meant to run alongside uBlock, prevents certain sites from breaking when tracker requests are denied by serving local bundled files as replacement.
NoScript: The nuclear option for blocking trackers, ads, and even individual elements. Operates from a "trust no one" standpoint, you will need to manually enable elements yourself. Not recommended for casual users, but a fantastic tool for the power user.
Webmail Ad Blocker: The first of many webmail related add-ons from Jason Saward I will be recommending. Removes all advertising from webmail services like Gmail or Yahoo Mail.
Popup Blocker (Strict): Strictly blocks ALL pop up/new tab/new window requests from all website by default unless you manually allow it.
SponsorBlock: Not a fan of listening to your favourite YouTuber read advertisements for shitty products like Raycons or BetterHelp? This skips them automatically.
AdNauseam: I don't use this one but some people prefer it. Rather than straight up blocking ads and trackers, it obfuscates data by injecting noise into the tracker surveillance infrastructure. It clicks EVERY ad, making your data profile incomprehensible.
User-Agent Switcher: Allows you to spoof websites attempting to gather information by altering your browser profile. Want to browse mobile sites on desktop? This allows you to do it.
Bitwarden: Bitwarden has been my choice of password manager since LastPass sold out and made their free tier useless. If you're not using a password manager, why not? All of my passwords look like this: $NHhaduC*q3VhuhD&scICLKjvM4rZK5^c7ID%q5HVJ3@gny I don't know a single one of them and I use a passphrase as a master password supplemented by two-factor-authentication. Everything is filled in automatically. It is the only way to live.
Proton Pass: An open source free password manager from the creators of Proton Mail. I've been considering moving over to it from Bitwarden myself.
Webmail/Google Drive:
Checker Plus for Gmail: Provides desktop notifications for Gmail accounts, supports managing multiple accounts, allows you to check your mail, read, mark as read or delete e-mails at a glance in a pop-up window. An absolutely fabulous add-on from Jason Saward.
Checker Plus for Google Drive: Does for your Google Drive what Checker Plus for Gmail does for your Gmail.
Checker Plus for Google Calendar: The same as the above two only this time for your Google Calendar.
Firefox Relay: An add-on that allows you to generate aliases that forward to your real e-mail address.
Dark Reader: Gives every page on the internet a customizable Dark Mode for easier reading and eye protection.
Read Aloud: A text to speech add-on that reads pages with the press of a button.
Zoom Page WE: Provides the ability to zoom in on pages in multiple ways: text zoom, full page zoom, auto-fit etc.
Mobile Dyslexic: Not one I use, but I know people who swear by it. Replaces all fonts with a dyslexia friendly type face.
ClearURLs: Automatically removes tracking data from URLs.
History Cleaner: Automatically deletes browser history older than a set number of days.
Feedbro RSS Feed Reader: A full standalone reader in your browser, take control of your feed and start using RSS feeds again.
Video Download Helper: A great tool for downloading video files from websites.
Snap Link Plus: Fan of Wikipedia binge holes? Snap Link allows the user to drag select multiple hyperlinks and open all of them in new tabs.
Copy PlainText: Copy any text without formatting.
EPUBReader: Read .epub files from within a browser window.
Tab Stash: A no mess, no fuss way to organize groups of tabs as bookmarks. I use it as a temporary bookmark tool, saving sessions or groups of tabs into "to read" folders.
Tampermonkey/Violentmonkey: Managers for installing and running custom user scripts. Find user scripts on OpenUserJS or Greasy Fork, there's an entire galaxy out there of ingenious and weird custom user scripts out there, go discover it.
Browsing & Searching:
Speed Dial 2: A new tab add-on that gives you easy access to your favourite sites.
Unpaywall: Whenever you come across a scholarly article behind a paywall, this add-on will search through all the free databases for an accessible and non-paywalled version of the text.
Web Archives: Come across a dead page? This add-on gives you a quick way to search for cached versions of the page on the Wayback Machine, Google Cache, Archive.is and others.
Bypass Paywalls: Automatically bypasses the paywalls of major websites like those for the New York Times, New Yorker, the Financial Times, Wired, etc.
Simple Translate: Simple one-click translation of web pages powered by Google Translate.
Search by Image: Reverse search any image via several different search engines: Google Image, TinEye, Yandex, Bing, etc.
Website Specific:
PocketTube: Do you subscribe to too many YouTube channels? Would you like a way to organize them? This is your answer.
Enhancer for Youtube: Provides a suite of options that make using YouTube more pleasant: volume boost, theatre mode, forced quality settings, playback speed and mouse wheel volume control.
Augmented Steam: Improves the experience of using Steam in a browser, see price histories of games, take notes on your wishlist, make wish listed games and new DLC for games you own appear more visible, etc.
Return YouTube Dislikes: Does exactly what it says on the package.
BlueBlocker: Hate seeing the absolute dimmest individuals on the planet have their replies catapulted to the top of the feed because they're desperate to suck off daddy Elon sloppy style? This is for you, it automatically blocks all Blue Checks on Twitter. I've used it to block a cumulative 34,000 Blue Checks.
Batchcamp: Allows for batch downloading on Bandcamp.
XKit Rewritten: If you're on Tumblr and you're not using whichever version of XKit is currently available, I honestly don't know what to say to you. This newest version isn't as fully featured as the old XKit of the golden age, but it's been rewritten from the ground up for speed and utility.
Social Fixer for Facebook: I once accidentally visited Facebook without this add-on enabled and was immediately greeted by the worst mind annihilating content slop I had ever had the misfortune to come across. Videos titled "he wanted her to get lip fillers and she said no so he had bees sting her lips" and AI photos of broccoli Jesus with 6000 comments all saying "wow". Once I turned it on it was just stuff my dad had posted and updates from the Radio War Nerd group.
BetterTTV: Makes Twitch slightly more bearable.
Well I think that's everything. You don't have to install everything here, or even half of it, but there you go, it's a start.
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greenflowerceo · 1 month
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Here's how you can help Palestine!!
Educate yourself and spread awareness with the help of these sites:
Al Jazeera - This is a news site that gives constant updates and information on Palestine.
Decolonize Palestine - This is a website that informs you about the history of Palestine, debunk myths, and gives out a lot of resources to look into.
Visualizing Palestine - This site creates infographics that can help people visualize the statistics from data collected about Palestine. They are free to download and share around.
US Campaign for Palestinian Rights - This website includes numerous campaigns and resources you can look into and support.
The Palestinian Museum Digital Archive - This site features a collection of many things from Palestine that archives documents, letters, and other items that show the lives and experiences of Palestinians.
Ways you can donate to/support families in Palestine:
Arab.org - Just do your daily clicks and you get to donate for free. Please take the time to donate to all of the causes.
Gaza Funds - Every time you refresh the site, it leads you to a different GoFundMe page for the people who need help.
Care for Gaza - This is an organization that sends aid out to Palestine, you can find more in their Twitter/X account. They also have a PayPal.
eSims for Gaza - You can send an eSim to people in Palestine to help them connect and reach out.
Emergency Relief for Gaza - This is a campaign that gives food, medical supplies, and other humanitarian aid to families from donations.
Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) - They also give medical aid to the people in Palestine and you can also support by donating to them as well.
Palestine Children's Relief Fund (PCRF) - Donate here to give funds and support to the children in Palestine as they specialize in pediatric care.
Google Docs/Spreadsheets:
Make sure to look at the other tabs within the spreadsheets as they lead to more options/resources!
Help Gaza - This is a spreadsheet with a list of fundraisers for different families/causes that need support! Look through and donate when you can!
Operation Olive Branch - This is a spreadsheet with many links and ways to help in the project! There are campaigns, fundraisers, volunteer work for other parts of the causes and such! Make sure to check it out!
★RESOURCE LINKS AND INFO★ - A google document made from Twitter/X user: para_docx. This includes links, resources, and information for the other ongoing genocides as well.
Some of these documents intersect and have similar resources and links, but I'm adding them just to make sure as they may also have some that aren't listed in this post either.
Free Palestine.
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3rseo · 3 months
Transforming Google Ads Support: A Strategic Vision for Enhanced Client Success
An Open Letter to Google Ads Support team
In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, your ad campaigns speak volumes. Amid clicks, conversions, and fierce competition, having a guiding voice for Google Ads is not just useful — it’s crucial. But what if that guiding voice is more about selling than helping clients succeed? Here, we analyse Google Ads support to pinpoint areas needing improvement and propose a stronger, more supportive structure for better results.
The Nature of Google Ads Support – When Support Strays from Support
Official Google Support is typically the first stop for help with digital advertising. While it started as a tech support resource, it has shifted in some cases towards a sales-focused approach. Partner company “specialists” now often use quarterly outreach as a chance to promote new services rather than purely addressing advertisers’ technical needs.
The problem arises when advertisers seeking technical help are faced with sales offers instead. This change dilutes the troubleshooting experience, making it feel more transactional. Clients end up feeling let down and overlooked by what used to be a dependable support channel.
Challenges in Current Support Structure
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Google Ads relies on unique campaign details. However, the advice from official channels is often generic, missing the mark on individual advertisers’ specific needs. This blanket advice approach creates a problem – the more advice given, the less effective it is, harming campaign performance.
Navigating the Call – The key point here isn’t just the quality of advice but the timing. Campaigns change constantly; what’s crucial is real-time guidance. Clients can’t wait for support calls that come too late, missing out on opportunities or dealing with setbacks.
The Case for Consistency – When each problem gets a different fix, ad campaigns receive a mix of well-meaning but conflicting advice. Advertisers end up juggling suggestions as if Google were a group of consultants with different opinions.
Understanding Partner Support Roles – The Sales-Centric Approach
Specialist partners like TTec and Teleperformance create valuable connections, but often these interactions focus too much on sales goals. While sales have their place, it can cause confusion when the main goal is troubleshooting and technical support.
The key difference lies in how support is directed towards sales targets. Upselling has its time and place; however, support calls should prioritize support. Presenting a sales call as a support chat undermines trust and value.
The Need for Qualified, Accountable Support – When Expertise is Key
Every campaign faces crucial moments where expert advice outweighs generic support. These pivotal points require focused expertise, not just a listening ear.
Tailored Solutions for Success – While tailored solutions may take more time, they result in quicker resolutions and happier clients. Choosing bespoke strategies over generic advice contributes to campaign longevity and success.
Striking a Balance – Support staff must provide solutions that drive campaign success. Prioritizing sales metrics over quality support diminishes client satisfaction.
Proposals for Enhanced Google Ads Support
Building a More Supportive Ecosystem – It’s not just about finding the problem but mapping a clear path to solve it. Here’s how we see the plan to improve Google Ads support for a better advertiser experience.
A Single Point of Contact – Imagine if each advertiser had a personal trainer – a dedicated account manager. They would fully grasp the campaign and provide a consistent strategy.
Strategic Incentives –Support should focus on client success, not just selling more products. By adjusting team incentives to prioritize client wins, we can foster a service-oriented culture in the support system.
On-Demand, On-Point – Support should be flexible, ready when needed, and prompt. Waiting for answers is outdated; the future support should act promptly and effectively.
A Vision for Collaborative Improvement
Mutual Growth Through Enhanced Support – The vision goes beyond just improving support; it involves Google committing to creating an environment where support becomes a collaborative element for growth rather than just a service.
A Collective Goal – All involved—Google, partners, and advertisers—should work together towards a common goal of achieving success through actionable steps. This shared vision ensures a high level of success in digital advertising.
Benefits for All Parties – Better support leads to more effective advertising strategies, benefiting advertisers. It also fosters pride and partnership among Google and its affiliates, encouraging innovation and motivation.
Enhancing Google Ads support is crucial for bridging the gap between technical troubleshooting and strategic campaign optimization. The outlined issues emphasize the need for a more cohesive and supportive framework, aiming to boost client satisfaction and campaign performance. 
We propose a shift to a personalized support system driven by experts, offering timely and tailored advice to meet each advertiser’s unique needs. Prioritizing client success over sales targets can lead to mutual growth and maximize digital advertising campaign potential.
For those looking to surpass current Google Ads limitations, 3R is here as your dedicated ally. Our expertise and commitment ensure your campaigns are not just supported, but empowered. Contact 3R today for all your Google Ads needs and elevate your digital advertising strategy in the marketplace.
This open letter, written from the perspective of a Google Ads partner, addresses the challenges faced in the current Google Ads support system and proposes strategic improvements to enhance client success and satisfaction.
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agencybd06 · 3 months
Hi, I am a digital marketer and social media manager.
I know how to manage your business. If you want to promote your business please message me.
www.agencybd.net is our website, we are a team.
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bornt-urnge · 6 months
⚠️ Fandom is Moving Forward with Generative AI ⚠️
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As of December 15, Fandom has announced their plans to continue using AI to "enhance" their articles.
In short, they claim to have primarily used AI to
Scan images for "appropriateness" (be that NSFW content or just fitting in with the theme of the show), which still involves scraping tons of images and comparing them to a potentially unethically sourced database. As with all machine learning using images, it is still wildly inaccurate.
Optimizing edits - something they admit is still severely lacking because it can't read tables or variants on simple things like "birthday"
Optimizing SEO - this is clearly what they care most about, since Google likes the "Quick Answers" - as shitty as they were - this means they can continue to dominate the search results and gain more ad revenue.
This is a good time to remember that Fandom is a for-profit company with inverstors, which means their end goal is always to make the most money possible. They don't care about "The Fans" (despite the lip service), and they don't care about the authenticity of user-generated content if they can figure out how to automate the process.
Indie Wiki Buddy is an extension that will redirect you to non-Fandom versions of wikis if it's in their database.
BreezeWiki displays all Fandom wikis in a clean, ad-free format with just the article content (no links to their forums, autoplay videos, etc)
If you must use Fandom, install UBlock Origin. It's available on all desktop browsers and Firefox Mobile. Hit them where it hurts. And encourage the wiki teams to leave Fandom if they can.
Also, be sure to support independent wikis! You can disable adblockers while on their sites, as they usually have much less obtrusive ads which directly fund server maintenance rather than CEO salaries. Change links on your posts/pages to direct to non-Fandom Wikis (even wiki.gg is better).
Keep information free from corporatization.
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hazzzyrider · 6 months
Found out today that the Word Processor I've been using since high school was recently boight out by a Chinese tech startup a few years back and today it forcefully updated itself and now I can't edit documents without signing in.
A Word Processor. A tool famous for not needing the internet to function surely won't have any issues with forcing all its functions behind a internet-based sign in.
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I need help with a thing I think the costumers, cosplayers, and disability bloggers might be able to help with!
Does anyone know of a corset that focuses pressure on the front and back of your torso? I have slipping rib syndrome and walking often pulls my ribs more out of place. I'd love to be able to find something that supports and encourages them to stay in a little more!
I've had many corsets, I know how to size and season them and all. I've just found that the more modern corset styles (and the more femme ones) tend to encourage my ribs to slip even more. Basically the corset pressure goes into my side and *up* because it wants to make the hourglass shape, which shoves my ribs up under the layer in front of them.
Any help would be massively appreciated!!
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thetreetopinn · 7 months
Sources for Somerton's Plagiarism from Hbomberguy's Video (as much as I could get)
I went back through Harry's video, focused entirely on the sources James Somerton pulled from in the hopes of creating as much of a comprehensive list as I could--though my Google-Fu is not very strong. I did however find something I thought was forever lost and that made me very happy--specifically the magazine Midlands Zone containing the column by Steven Spinks that Harry poignantly used as an illustration of gay erasure... while Somerton uses it to sound like HE is waxing remorseful about the very subject.
This is not a complete list, I'm sure. For one thing, I was only able to attempt to pull sources that Harry himself mentioned in the video. Surely there's so very much more out there. I expect there to be a great deal more internet archeology to unearth just how much writing and culture Somerton has stolen like he's the British Museum of Natural History but for gay people.
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Harry's list of mentioned youtubers:
Alexander Avila - https://www.youtube.com/@alexander_avila Matt Baume - https://www.youtube.com/@MattBaume Khadija Mbowe - https://www.youtube.com/@KhadijaMbowe Lady Emily - https://www.youtube.com/@LadyEmilyPresents Shanspeare - https://www.youtube.com/@Shanspeare RickiHirsch - https://www.youtube.com/@RickiHirsch VerilyBitchie - https://www.youtube.com/@verilybitchie
Harry created a convenient playlist of videos by these and other people he wants to bring to everyone's attention.
Please give them your support.
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Midlands Zone Magazine - Column by Steven Spinks
After a great deal of searching, I found an archive of the "Midlands Zone" magazine, where you can read through past issues dating all the way back to February 2014. I have also found the issue from which Somerton took Spinks' poignant discussion of gay erasure: Overall archive Specific Issue - Pages 16-17
It will not allow you to download it, but you can read it exactly as it appeared in print form.
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My best effort to find the exact book or article Somerton lifted from to be able to get attention to the original writers
Tinker Bells and Evil Queens By Sean Griffin
The Celluloid Closet By Vito Russo Wikipedia article about the book Wikipedia article about the documentary My weak google-fu could not find where you can access the book or documentary. Check your local municipal or university library for book or documentary, or if you know a good source for one or both, please reblog with it added
Camp and the Gay Sensibility By Jack Babuscio
The Groundbreaking Queerness of Disney's Mulan By Jes Tom Personal site with links to social media accounts
Why Rebel Without a Cause was a milestone for gay rights By Peter Howell
Why "The Craft" is still the best Halloween coming out movie By Andrew Park
Opinion: From facehuggers to phallic tails, is 'Alien' one of the queerest films ever? By Dani Leever
Women and Queerness in Horror: Jennifer's Body By Zoe Fortier
[Pride 2019] We Have Such Sights to Show You: Hellraiser and the Spectrum of Queerness By Alejandra Gonzalez
Revealing the Hellbound Heart of Clive Barker's 'Hellraiser' By Colin Arason
Queering James Cameron's Aliens (1986) By Bart Bishop
Demeter and Persephone in space: transformation, femininity, and myth in the 'Alien' films By David Greven
Fears of a millennial masculinity: Scream's queer killers By David Greven (Scholarly site, unable to access original work, offers a way to request a full copy of the text in PDF)
Queer Subtext in Stephen King's It - Part 1: 'Reddie' Character Analysis By Rachel Brands Rachel is the very unfortunate lady who found out she was being stolen from because she supported Somerton through Patreon and saw one of his videos early with her writing--lacking any form of citation or credit
How 'It: Chapter Two' Leaves Richie Tozier Behind By Joelle Monique
When Horror Becomes Strength: Queer Armor in Stephen King's 'IT' By Alex London
Why Queer People Love Witchcraft By Amanda Kohr
'The Favourite' Queers The Past And The Present By Giorgi Plys-Garzotto
(Wuko) Crush (Mako x Wu) By MoonFlower on YouTube
5 Terrible Movies With Awesome Hidden Meanings By J.F. Sargent
The Radicalization of Sexuality: The Queer Casae of Jeffrey Dahmer By Ian Barnard
Netflix's 'Dahmer' backlash highlights ethical issues in the platform's obsession with true crime By Shivani Dubey
The Possible Disturbing Dissonance Between Hajime Isayama's Beliefs and Attack on Titan's Themes Original Article by "Seldom Musings" (Author has made all posts not related to Attack On Titan private and has retired from the blog)
Everyone Loves Attack on Titan. So Why Does Everyone Hate Attack on Titan? By Gita Jackson
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The following people are otherwise named in the video. There are no direct citations of articles or books by them in said video. I am unable to guarantee that I have identified the correct individual.
Darren Elliott-Smith Michaela Barton David Church Claire Sisco King Amanda Howell Jessica Roy
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Telos announced and cancelled a film likely based on this book: The Final Girl Support Group - By Grady Hendrix
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I refrained from including certain sources.
First off only focusing on Somerton's work.
Secondly not including anything that might be visible enough to not require amplifying their voice (I cannot speak for all of those I have found links to, but journalism is frequently a thankless job).
Thirdly any source that is of a nature that is antithetical to the very existence of the queer community, such as the right-leaning source that didn't make it into Somerton's video, but Harry was able to identify as a source he had considered using.
If you feel I have missed a mentioned source--or you know of a source from material that was not covered in Harry's video--please do not hesitate to reblog with added details.
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Please share this information far and wide, and please add to it if you find more material that can be positively identified and linked to the creator/writer.
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medicinemane · 11 months
My youtube feed right now: "ah, you want to watch truck simulator"
I'm... I'm not sure why it thinks this, I've never actually watched truck simulator. The most I've watch are clips of people I like playing truck simulator because it's just not really my game to the point where I can't even watch someone I like playing it (I get enough multi hour drives in real life, you know?)
So yeah... just love the way youtube knows what you want to watch and refuses to let you actively feed it information so it could give you stuff you actually wanted
Also bonus complaint, I hate this banner it's thrown at the top of my screen that's like "oh, you could hit this tab for 'gaming' or 'blizzard enterainment' or..."
Bro, I fucking hate blizzard. I watch one dude play starcraft because I like his vibes, but I hate blizzard as a company and I kinda don't like most of their games (I enjoyed starcraft 1, but while I've never played it I've seen enough about starcraft 2 where I could complain to you about it so... liking one game out of their whole catalog kinda not what I'd call a fan)
Let me get rid of that stupid bar that like... anime? That's... that's such a broad term... that's like saying I like "books", like sure, it's true but that's also not gonna help me find something I want to read
Let me get rid of the bar, let me go in and tell you what I like cause your algorithm is clearly dumb and doesn't understand what I like and just goes by tags on videos. Let me tell it what I want, and let it serve me more content so I can stay on your platform longer
Been saying this for years, and they'll never listen cause they need to be in control
#I legit kind of worry that youtube may crash and burn in the next couple years... which much as I hate them; that would be bad#my worries stem from like their cracking down on adblocking combined with that thing about how... hmm... how to simplify this to fit in tag#people found out that they aren't serving ads the way they're supposed to#and that you might pay for an ad that's supposed to only run when clicked and be on a decent site#and it would be autoplaying in the bottom left of a weird ass little shit site no one wants or likes#so google's taken a big hit in confidence from companies as to their ad model#and seeing as youtube is pretty much pure ads...#like that's (as far as I can tell) the real reason they're pushing so hard about adblock and premium and stuff; cause they're not doing wel#and you combine that with looking around at all the other ad supported sites like reddit and twitter and see how they're doing#and you see that... maybe the ad based internet is kind of not sustainable#(though the advertisers will fight to the death to have the ability to track you; you fucking extremist)#like legit there's a conference where this guy was basically going 'they're coming for the internet itself by saying we can't track people'#anyway... circling back; this is why I worry about youtube#and while fuck the company; it's the content I worry about that's on there; it's the massive amounts of videos#and on a personal note; a lot of the people I like watching are fully on there (which is good; I dislike watching things on twitch)#but it's also bad cause... all their content is in only that one place... and if it ever went down...#anyway... I guess in conclusion fuck pretty much every company#they all suck so bad and are out to bleed the world dry while providing as little value as they can#and when they do provide value by god do they want to fuck it up and break what they're doing that's working#and... and we depend on them for a lot of tech infrastructure
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