#and seeing as youtube is pretty much pure ads...
medicinemane · 11 months
My youtube feed right now: "ah, you want to watch truck simulator"
I'm... I'm not sure why it thinks this, I've never actually watched truck simulator. The most I've watch are clips of people I like playing truck simulator because it's just not really my game to the point where I can't even watch someone I like playing it (I get enough multi hour drives in real life, you know?)
So yeah... just love the way youtube knows what you want to watch and refuses to let you actively feed it information so it could give you stuff you actually wanted
Also bonus complaint, I hate this banner it's thrown at the top of my screen that's like "oh, you could hit this tab for 'gaming' or 'blizzard enterainment' or..."
Bro, I fucking hate blizzard. I watch one dude play starcraft because I like his vibes, but I hate blizzard as a company and I kinda don't like most of their games (I enjoyed starcraft 1, but while I've never played it I've seen enough about starcraft 2 where I could complain to you about it so... liking one game out of their whole catalog kinda not what I'd call a fan)
Let me get rid of that stupid bar that like... anime? That's... that's such a broad term... that's like saying I like "books", like sure, it's true but that's also not gonna help me find something I want to read
Let me get rid of the bar, let me go in and tell you what I like cause your algorithm is clearly dumb and doesn't understand what I like and just goes by tags on videos. Let me tell it what I want, and let it serve me more content so I can stay on your platform longer
Been saying this for years, and they'll never listen cause they need to be in control
#I legit kind of worry that youtube may crash and burn in the next couple years... which much as I hate them; that would be bad#my worries stem from like their cracking down on adblocking combined with that thing about how... hmm... how to simplify this to fit in tag#people found out that they aren't serving ads the way they're supposed to#and that you might pay for an ad that's supposed to only run when clicked and be on a decent site#and it would be autoplaying in the bottom left of a weird ass little shit site no one wants or likes#so google's taken a big hit in confidence from companies as to their ad model#and seeing as youtube is pretty much pure ads...#like that's (as far as I can tell) the real reason they're pushing so hard about adblock and premium and stuff; cause they're not doing wel#and you combine that with looking around at all the other ad supported sites like reddit and twitter and see how they're doing#and you see that... maybe the ad based internet is kind of not sustainable#(though the advertisers will fight to the death to have the ability to track you; you fucking extremist)#like legit there's a conference where this guy was basically going 'they're coming for the internet itself by saying we can't track people'#anyway... circling back; this is why I worry about youtube#and while fuck the company; it's the content I worry about that's on there; it's the massive amounts of videos#and on a personal note; a lot of the people I like watching are fully on there (which is good; I dislike watching things on twitch)#but it's also bad cause... all their content is in only that one place... and if it ever went down...#anyway... I guess in conclusion fuck pretty much every company#they all suck so bad and are out to bleed the world dry while providing as little value as they can#and when they do provide value by god do they want to fuck it up and break what they're doing that's working#and... and we depend on them for a lot of tech infrastructure
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venusacrossthestars · 2 months
sharp or dull
pairing- Lando Norris x fem!reader
summary- Lando has begged you to stream with him, you will on one condition- it has to be an ASMR stream
wc- 1.7k
a/n: I wrote this in one sitting bc I cooked this up as a nighttime scenario, because I am an ASMR hoe, hope you enjoy! I also tried something a little new, I added the 'chat' section of the stream, you'll see what I mean. idk if I'm a fan of it or not.
f1 masterlist
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Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, or better yet known as ASMR, had taken TikTok, YouTube, and nearly every other social media platform by storm. To you, ASMR was a calming and relaxing way to unwind after a long day. And as an ASMR-artist you were constantly trying to find new ways to bring that experience to your viewers
Lando, however, could never understand the appeal of ASMR. He didn’t find it relaxing, calming, or anything of the sorts. He much preferred to fall asleep in pure silence, maybe the sound of a fan once in a while. While he didn’t understand it that didn’t mean he didn’t support you and your ‘art’. 
“Babeeee,” Lando whined. 
“Stream with me, pleaseeeee.” 
You rolled your eyes for what felt like the hundredth time. Lando had been begging you for days to with him. Why? Well, when you asked him his exact words were, “Because I get lonely.”  And while you loved Lando, sitting there while he played whatever random game he could find just to keep him company, did not sound appealing. 
“Landoooo,” you draw out in response to his whining. 
“Baby please,” he begs again, “I’ll even let you choose what we do, I swear.” 
A lightbulb goes off in your head. “Anything?” 
“Yes?” He replies, curious to your response. 
Your face breaks out into a grin, “And you promise you’ll do it.” 
Lando takes a big gulp, “What are you planning woman?” 
“Promise?” You hold out your pinky and shake it at him, awaiting his answer. 
He takes your pinky in his, “Promise.” 
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Its a week later when Lando is finally able to stream and you couldn’t be more excited. You still haven’t told your boyfriend of your plans. 
“Babe, what are we doing? I need to know so I can set up.” 
“Don’t worry about setting any of your games up. We are going to be doing something else,” You tell him. 
Lando shoots you a confused look, “Care to let me in that pretty head of yours.” 
You giggle, “Well since you said we can do anything of my choosing we will being doing an ASMR stream!” You throw out your hands excitedly. 
Lando looks less than thrilled, “No.” He says flatly. “I meant like you could pick out the game or a challenge. I am not doing ASMR.” 
“You should’ve specified the terms then Norris. And if I am remembering correctly you pinky promised on ‘anything’, can’t go back on that.” 
“Babe I'm not doing ASMR.” 
“Fine then you can stream by yourself.” You cross your arms across your chest and give Lando a pointed look, you were not backing down. 
“You wouldn’t even have to do anything! I would be doing all of it!” 
“Not even a head massage?” 
“Not even sharp or dull?” 
This is when you know you have him hooked. Lando can tell everyone that he doesn’t care for ASMR, that he doesn’t find it relaxing, all that jazz. But you know something they don’t. You know that this man is a sucker for the ‘sharp or dull’ genre of ASMR, and since Lando has sworn you to secrecy you were unable to share this juicy piece of information with the world. 
“... fine, I am only doing this because I love you.” 
As Lando was setting up the stream you were busy gathering your supplies that were spewed about Lando’s streaming room, which at times doubled as your recording studio when you filmed for your YouTube channel. 
Lando went live, muting his mic while being black-screened. You could see the comments flooding the chat:
landonorizzzzzzz- LANDO STREAMMMMMMM pizzaparty124003- about time!! we were in a drought! carlando4lifeeee- HE”S BACK FROM WARRRRR justaninchident- WE CAN”T SEE YOU papayaboyzzz- LANDOOOOOOOOO
Lando unmutes his mic, “I know you can’t see me chat.” 
You whack his arm, “Lando, be nice.” 
carlando4lifeeee- IS THAT WHO I THINK IT IS???? landoandy/naremyparents- MOTHER IS HERE justaninchident- DEFEND ME MOTHER PLEASEEEEE sofishdicatedaf- OMG WE ARE GETTING A Y/N AND LANDO STREAM??
Lando finally turns on the camera and chat continues to lose their mind, “Yes chat, Y/N is here.” 
You wave at the camera, “Hiiiiiii!” 
“Do you want to tell them what we are doing today or do want me?” 
“I can tell them. Chat, today we are doing something I am a literal professional at.” Lando rolls his eyes, “Don’t roll your eyes at me mister, you begged me for a literal week to stream with you.” 
landoandy/naremyparents- HE BEGGED HER TO STREAM WITH HIM?!?!!  y/nismymotherfrfr- RELATIONSHIP GOALS papayaboyzzz- lol simppppppp
You glance at chat, laughing at their reaction, “Yes, he’s been begging for me to do this for a long time! I only agreed once he pinky promised that we could do whatever I want. And I chose,” you pause in suspense, “to do ASMR on my lovely boyfriend.” 
“Yay,” Lando says enthusiastically. 
“Stop. You are going to love it.” 
“If you insist.” 
You launch into explanation, “So as some of you know I run an ASMR account on YouTube and TikTok and today I’ll be doing a couple different ‘triggers’ on Lando.” 
“A couple? I only agreed to one,” he interrupts you. You shoot Lando a pleading look and it takes only a few seconds before he is admitting defeat. “Fine, only a couple though.” He glances at the screen where the chat is displayed, “Call me a simp all you want, at least I have a girlfriend to simp over.” 
“Chat, don’t mind him, he only found out what I wanted to do like 20 minutes ago. But as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted is that I’ll be doing a couple different ‘triggers’ that are pretty popular amongst my audience such as- sharp or dull, head massage, hair brushing.” 
After your explanation you get up from your seat and gather your supplies as Lando messes with the camera and mic. 
“Lan, can you scooch back just a tad?”
“Hmm? Oh, of course baby.” 
“Thank you,” you give him a small kiss on the crown of his head.
“So I am going to start of with the head massage and hair brushing first,” you explain to chat, moving to speak in your softer, slower tone that you use while filming, “Then for the grand finale I’ll do the sharp or dull.” 
Lando always turned to putty when you played with his hair, you weren’t expecting this to be any different, well minus the fact that a bunch of fans were watching. At first you weren’t sure if the mic was even picking up on any of noise but one quick glance at chat seemed that they were all enjoying it. For multiple reasons, you were sure of it. 
After five-or-so minutes of head scratching you decide to check in on your completely silent boyfriend. “Still doing okay baby?” You ask, voice nearly a whisper. 
“Yeah, I’m doing great,” Lando response at full Lando volume. 
papayaboyzzz- MY EARSSSSSS sofishdicatedaf- tell me why I had my volume all the way up and this man decided to talk FULL VOLUME WHAT THE HELL LANDO ass-mr- this man has no idea how to asmr asmrismycrack- no bc why? his gf is literally an asmr PRO
You chuckle at the comments, “Baby you have to be quiet.” 
“What? Why?” He turns around, looking at you confused. 
“Because having people talk loudly, or practically screaming in your case, isn’t really relaxing to listen to.” 
“Oh, sorry,” Lando drops his voice to a much quieter tone, giving you a sheepish smile. 
“That’s okay baby.”
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You go move through a couple other triggers, and around the 20-minute mark you decided to wrap things up, “Ok, since I don’t want to bore all of you we are going to move onto the sharp or dull. Then, I don’t know, maybe a Q and A or something.” 
Once again you explain the sharp or dull concept to Lando and the chat, “By the way chat this is Lando’s favorite genre.” 
“Lies, I don’t watch ASMR.” 
“You’re the only one telling lies. You love sharp or dull ASMR, it’s the only one you watch.” 
“Babeeee,” Lando whines, “You were sworn to secrecy.” 
You shrug your shoulders, “Whoops.” 
“Now no one will think I’m cool.” 
“I don’t think you needed any help with that.” Lando looks at you offend that you would say such a thing, you grab his head and turn his face back to the camera. “Okay close your eyes and tell me if this is sharp or dull,” 
You alternate between poking Lando's face with the Q-tip or the toothpick that you have in your hand. Lando gets every guess correct but as you go on you can tell by how his voice gets quieter that he is getting more and more tired. Maybe doing this stream late at night wasn't the best idea. 
“Ok, I think that’s enough.” 
Lando groans at his cut off, “Chat I don’t think I’m gonna make it.” 
You giggle at his sleepiness, “Next time we can do something you want, but for now I think it’s time for bed.”
Lando hums in agreement, “Goodnight everyone! Thanks for tunning in!” 
You wave at the camera, “Goodnight!!” 
Lando shuts down the stream along with his PC and slumps in his chair, “What did you do to me. I’m ready to pass out.” 
“It’s the magic of ASMR.” 
“Fine, I guess it was the magic of ASMR,” Lando sighs out.
“Does that mean you like it now?” You ask, pulling him out of his chair. 
Lando collapses against you, his arms wrap around you as the two of you waddle towards the bathroom. “I only like it when you do it. That’s it.” 
“I’ll take it.” 
The two of you brush your teeth in silence, you watch as Lando can barely keep his eyes open. His sleepiness at your ASMR was a compliment in the highest regards. Lando reattaches himself to your back as you make your way into your shared bedroom. 
As you climb under the covers and reposition yourself in Lando’s arms you can feel his breathing steady out. 
“Babe?” He whispers. 
“You meant what you said?” 
“Meant what?” 
“That we could do whatever I want next time you come and stream with me?” 
“Well, anything within reason.” 
“Promise,” Lando wiggles his pinky.
“Promise,” you whisper back, interlocking his pinky with yours.
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taglist- (crosses out names mean I couldn't tag you)
@arieslost @customsbyjcg-blog @gr1mes-cc @styl1shl1v @landoscardotcom @poppyflower-22 @blancastans @katiezdiarysblog @mrsstylez @jamieeboulos @xfuckoffx @motkanykodas @emi0358 @ab-127 @alrightysyaphrodite @sya-skies @liacoresstuff @leathersuitrry @travelingece1995 @kageyamas-milk @ugfuchvvvz @jupooo @alex0808 @caleysblog @jess-wither @cassymendezz164445 @rattiefattie69 @sadisticfries @lou-larcher5 @harrietstylinson7 @inlovewithdeadboys @rickyrivera11 @cleverpeachheropersona @loveyatopluto @elysyannemimi @arayofsunshineme @lilyevanswhore @slaygirlbossworld @jupooo @heyheyheyggg @eringaitskill
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starseed-twenty · 2 years
💫 Jupiter in the signs 🪐
Not enough people talk about how Jupiter is special in describing the kind of life you want and your version of success in this world. Jupiter is all about the bigger picture, so the sign you have in Jupiter can weigh heavy on the kind of life you want for yourself to feel fulfilled, because it is the larger picture, the bigger image, the story of your life that you see. And your approach to that can be determined by the sign Jupiter in.
You grab life by the balls and run with what you have in mind. You decide on what you want and live by that. This can then make life easy for you in terms of decisions. You're decisive because of your fierce and daring nature. This can make people intimidate by you (and not like you because you make even come across as selfish). Or love you for your honesty. At the end of the day, you'll stay being resilient to what you have in mind for your life.
Your image of success is being able to browse through life doing exactly what you want to do and not what anyone else tells you to do, or if they do tell you, it should be something that makes and comes from an authoritative figure, not someone similar to you (by age and circumstance) or younger.
The things you usually need and want to feel fulfilled vary, but they always stand on one ground: that they need to be true to who you are. The image you want to set up for the picture of your life, the true story of your life. So you rarely oblige by living out what people want from you. You don't care. And you never will. [If you do care though, it was probably a matter of life or death].
You're probably the most peace-loving being in your circle or with people that know you. And I don't mean you always seek peace and are a peace-giver or people-pleaser. I mean peace is just the theme of how you go about life, you get bored by up & down and in & out theatrics. You like relaxation.
Your version of success is most likely being surround by your favourite things (and perhaps looking like a million bucks is an added bonus). You want luxury and you want comfort. You don't want to ever feel discomfort or tension or hardships in your life, you like the finer things and you appreciate the finer things.
Things you usually go for in order to feel fulfilled are then anything that makes you feel comfortable and make you think 'Ah, this is plush. This is nice'. And most likely, the things you seek and desire are always things that connect with your five sense. A delicious taste, a pleasant smell, a soft touch or nice grip, an aesthetic view or a beautiful sound. These things fulfill your life's desire [comfort].
You go through life in a happy go lucky way, so much so that you actually get confused sometimes about what to really do and which path of fun to take. Because there's so much to do and you want to be busy at it all. You just wish you split yourself in two (or three or four) and do it all at once. But… you end up just moving in little steps and dabbling in a bit of everything.
Your version of success is having a bunch of achievements under your name, small and big, and then feeling fulfilled that you enjoyed the journey. Because life for you is pretty much learning and exploring and talking about everything there is to life (and I mean everything), you don't have this whole big, grand idea about life or about yourself, you just take little steps and walks in everything and call it 'part of the journey'.
Things you like and want to feel fulfilled are most likely things that are just easily obtainable for the moment you need them. For example, a camera to start or continue your YouTube channel, or a waist trainer to motivate your physical health journey, etc. These useful things leave you content enough to feel fulfilled and lively.
The angelic energy swoops in the minute you think about life in the bigger sense. You seem like a sincere and pure figure of art. Down under? You're boiling with so many plans on what you want to do on life. And you act on them day by day. You want it all to be taken care of. But not with a rush. Steadily, and always in a manner where you care about others as well.
Your version of success is pretty similar to Taurus where you want comfort, but the kind of comfort you envision isn't really about having plush things that meet the eye like Taurus, but that meet the heart as well. And success for you is knowing that you touched people's hearts as well. In whatever way, you just had some kind of beautiful impact on them.
Things you need and want to feel fulfilled are pretty much things that bring out the softness in you. That allow you to feel good inside. You want to be surrounded by an energy that feels like home; a house that feels like home, a job that feels like home, a partner that feels like home, etc. These are things that most likely make you feel fulfilled and satisfied in life.
You go about life with a 'king' or 'queen' mindset. And I don't mean you are cocky or think you're the best (which you may be, but just not in a bad way). I mean that you love yourself and think of yourself in a respectable way, so it's more of a deeper energy. You have a dignified and gracious way of thinking of yourself and your life + the bigger picture of it.
Your version of success is most probably having things people can envy. It doesn't have to be material things, but it can be as well (like a luxury house, car, beautiful body, etc). It could also be attributes like just being an amazing person, a grounded yet confident person, a person who can you use their heart and their mind well, a person who's humble but also a king/queen. You aspire to be what people can aspire to be.
Things you need and desire to be fulfilled are things that reach the level of greatness you have in mind for you and your life. People that are great, a body that is great, a car/house that is great. You don't want to feel like you're settling. You see yourself as amazing, so it's only right to be surrounded by such as well.
The way you go through life is very interesting. It's a beautiful mix of both organized and chaotic. You have number things you see for yourself and try to handle, which gives your life a bit of a chaotic feel to it, but what makes it organized is the way you try to put things into a smaller perspective that's easier to handle, and you through life that way.
Your version of success is… A clean image. And I don't mean your life is perfect and you don't have any wrongs that have happened or are happening. But that you can handle all of them, and you handle them with grace. The emphasis here is that you handle it all with grace. So to you, being successful is being an image of grace and having things under control.
Things you look for and want in order to feel fulfilled are things that you can really build from and work through, whether it be objects that help you out with your career, or connections with people for the life you want to create. You want things to make sense, so your reality must be one where there are substantial things and substantial connections with people.
You are the definition of 'they are goals' and you understand that. It's what you pretty much live by, subconsciously and consciously. And when I tell you this placement births so many stars, I mean that. This placement is a priceless treasure. In whatever field of work you choose (art, sport, business, etc), success follows you.
Your version of success is being literally being successful. You are a visionary and have a lot of talent and ideas (being an air sign), and one by one you conquer them because of your cardinal and Venusian combo. That bold energy of being a cardinal sign as well as the nature of beauty & peace that Venus brings, you're just naturally a loveable character.
Things you desire and need to feel fulfilled are pretty much things that bring you peace. Anything that brings you peace. And you want joy, peace and beauty to be your niche as well, so looking good and being good to people leave you satisfied. You see life in the lens of beauty, so you don't desire anything else other than beauty and good energy.
'There's not enough to know, to think about, to create, to personify, to dig deep on' are words you most probably relate to more than others as a Scorpio Jupiter. Life doesn't end at just A and B. There's more to it and your walk through life consists of you trying to find more and do more, but all of this really is just for internal storage, it rarely actually ever leaves the inside - to the world.
Your version of success is.. put simply, power. Power being at play is what gives you a sense of drive and energy. That power could be one that's shown off or one that's hidden, but if it's there, it's what subconsciously translates as success to you. And so if you get put or put yourself in a position of power, you're most comfortable there and try to get the most out of it.
Things that you want and need to feel fulfilled are things that aren't really easily obtainable or that even meet the eyes. Anything that's kind of out of reach, or that's a little mysterious… you feel more satisfication in diving deep in those areas. And you may also want to look like the image of mystery or the unattainable; that can fulfill you sometimes.
Okay well this is obviously the best sign for Jupiter to be in, because well, Jupiter rules Sagittarius. So having this placement, you're living in the best state and alignment to what Jupiter wants: exploring the wonders of life, looking at life in an abundance mindset, trying to gain and give the wisdom life has to offer, etc.
Your version of success is becoming a master. I was going to say become a master at very specific things like the composition of music, or crafting images with sand, or of the making of wine, etc. But honestly, it's being a master at everything and having the highest knowledge (and knowledge you think is right. Don't know why you guys never think you're wrong lmao)
The things you need and want in order to feel fulfilled? I mean obviously everything. There's no limit to what can make you feel happy; from the little things to the big things. Deep down though, it is actually energy that feels good (and has fun in it too as a bonus). That's what brings out the best in you and what you truly desire to feel fulfilled.
I'm sure giving and receiving a lot of respect from many people is a major theme for you. Because the way you go through life and handle things isn't easy for you, but you still choose to show up and shine each time. You conquer and defeat, even if the odds where against you. Simply because, you're strong. And your strength is extremely admirable to many.
Your version of success is a well planned out life, and these plans coming into fruition. That's really all you ever want and see as success. You probably also think a lot of times about what you want and what can be the picture or trajectory of your life. The story you want told and how much hard work you put into creating this story, these are important to you. And no should disrespect you in those aspects.
There are probably a number of things you want and need to feel fulfilled, ranging from deep and wholesome things like a nice family with your nice partner, or tangible things like a grand house in a certain state with a luxurious car to suit it, but at the end of it all, it should all come from a place of 'this story is being written well'. You're just writing your story of life your way.
This is where Jupiter comes to play here. The cool, quirky, friendly energy of Aquarius really allows Jupiter to blend in well and make for a charismatic and diplomatic journey through life, where pretty much you think in free ways and don't give much attachment and depth to everything, but just simply have fun. And have everyone feel the joy and cool vibes.
Your version of success is most likely when you are able to see everyone eat because of you. I mean that probably sounds selfless (when in essence you're probably selfish sometimes), but the bigger picture for you is just really that you want people to either receive a piece of the friendly love you can give or at least become inspired by you. That is success to you.
Things that you yourself need and want to feel fulfilled (besides wanting to see everyone eat) are most probably things that just allow you to build a greater life for you and close ones. A connection to a place that makes money, or a tool that helps you get to making money. These are things you prioritize for fulfillment of life.
Your journey through life is met with a lot of sentimental moments and a fluctuating energy to so many things, like, "So many things matter. But when you think deep enough as well, nothing matters and life should just be lived however." You see and think things like that. And that pretty much becomes the story of your life. You value a lot, but you also think deep enough to just let it all go and let be.
Your version of success is then constantly throwing yourself in spaces of joy. That's it. Joy and happiness are all you seek and simply the energy you want to lay in. Though when times get tough, emotions hit like a hurricane, but you rise above it all swiftly, because you always choose joy (or perhaps because you're okay with sweeping it all under the rug).
Things you desire and need to make you feel fulfilled are actually things that can't even be described. It's little things, like that good morning text from your s/o or that one time a stranger gave you a hug when you needed it. As well as vague things, like idea of going through life with this one person or the idea of travelling to a specific place and what it will be like. Little things just somehow keep you fulfilled.
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gabessquishytum · 11 months
I hope you are feeling better!
I'm blaming this one on nail polish fumes.
Hob gets Dream to allow him to paint Dream's nails. Sure, Dream could change them with a thought, but Hob wants Dream to spend some time on himself, as a form of self care or even just self-indulgence. Of all the ideas Hob reels off getting his nails painted is one of the more favorable options to Dream. It means Dream gets Hob's hands on him after all.
Hob goes all out with the idea. He might not have known how to do a manicure before, but he's had a week to plan and access to YouTube. When its time for the manicure to start, he massages Dream’s hands gently and makes sure everything is as relaxed as possible. Dream doesn't have anything as mundane as cuticles or nail ridges, but Hob still pays each flawless nail close attention.
Dream is already fighting off the need to squirm, and Hob hasn't gotten to the actual painting yet. The color that he pulls out is the deepest black Hob could find, of course. Hob is oh so careful when he pulls the brush from the bottle, making sure there is not too much lacquer on the bristles. Dream can't help but draw the parallels between Hob's movements and the care an artist takes with their masterpiece.
Hob, not unaware of how this is affecting Dream, holds each finger rock steady as he applies the fist coat.
Dream had not considered until he sees the wet lacquer that the nail polish would mean that he would not be able to get his hands on Hob in return until it dried.
When Hob finishes up with the last nail, he smirks at Dream and tells him to keep his hands still and not smudge anything as he goes from sitting across from him to kneeling between Dream's legs. Hob quickly unbuttons Dream's pants and gets to work on the feast presented to him.
Dream's first instinct is to grab at Hob's hair and direct him to exactly where Dream wants him, but that would certainly smudge to lacquer. Dream could make his nails dry instantly, but he promised to do this the human way, and he is a creature of his word. So all he can do is keep his hands spread to the side while he uses the little bit of leverage his spread legs can manage to try and buck until Hob's tongue is exactly where he wants it.
Hob manages to orchestrate it so that Dream cums about the same time his nails are ready for the next coat, only taking the time to clean off his hands before starting on the next layer. When he finishes up with the lacquer, his mouth right back on Dream. He starts up the third layer after he has made Dream cum for a second time.
Hob has been told that the trick to a smooth, long-lasting manicure is many thin layers, and Hob intends to give Dream only the best.
When Hob finally decides he is on the last layer Dream has cum enough times that he is floating on pure endorphins. He doesn't even notice that the top coat Hob has chosen is embedded with tiny holographic glitter leaving the black struck through with a rainbow sheen.
Hob is definitely looking forward to being made to pay for that choice when it is noticed in the morning.
Ajsjdbfhs!!!! Make Dream do self care!!!! I love it, I love it so much. Particularly with added blowjobs.
Oh the torture of having to let Hob totally do all the work and dedicate himself to Dream’s pleasure! Dream just has to sit there and enjoy himself! It's genuinely A Task for him to just. Have a nice thing without thinking that he's doing something wrong. Hob is starting to think that nail polish is the most effective type of restraint ever. Dream is too vain to risk fucking up all those perfectly painted layers, so he has to sit still!
Hob also happens to be pretty fucking excellent at sucking cock. Like, Dream is acquainted with actual Sex Gods who don't give head as good as Hob. So that's. A lot.
Hob also ramps up the "torture" by spending the entire time he's painting Dream’s nails, telling him how wonderful he is. How he's beautiful and lovely and amazing and so loved, and how Hob would do anything for him, and how he deserves the world.
Dream is a total mess by the time Hob is done with him. All that praise, plus the fact that he's cum five or six times in pretty quick succession, means that he's a bit tearful and floppy. Hob carries him carefully off to bed and tucks him in, with one final check to be sure his shiny nails are perfect. Each finger gets a kiss, and by the time Hob has done all that? Dream has passed out. Bless him.
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tyrantisterror · 29 days
Can you give us a full review of The Devil and Daniel Mouse plz? Both as an adaptation and as its own story?
So it's not really an adaptation of the story its title homages, The Devil and Daniel Webster. Outside of the base concept of "a guy has to face the devil in court to save his friend's soul," they don't have much in common, with The Devil and Daniel Mouse instead focusing on the extended metaphor of entertainment industry careers functioning almost identically to Faustian contracts.
Which is a concept that even a casual glance at the nature of the entertainment industry throughout history will show holds a lot of water, and which The Devil and Daniel Mouse explores pretty thoroughly in a more or less family friendly way. The main characters are pretty simple but effectively portrayed by both the voice actors and the animation - Daniel Mouse is as pure-hearted as a lawyer who beats the devil should be, Janet is deeply sympathetic in her aspirations even if we can see how they're leading her down a dark path, Weasel the agent is sleazy and fun the way a henchmen should be, all pretty much what you need.
But the real star for me is the demonic music producer, B.L. Zebub, who's portrayed with equal parts charm and menace in heaping dollops a piece, with some of the best character animation I've ever seen. The guy is a shape-shifting supernatural wish-granter many years before Disney's Genie and I'd argue he's equal to that achievement, if not outshining it entirely. You clearly get how he's not natural even in a world full of talking animals, and there are several moments where the animation makes him tremendously terrifying for a villain of a family-friendly cartoon short - and you can see how the animators who made this would end up making Rock and Rule, another Faustian story of record contracts with a nightmarish demon that has the added benefits of being feature length and very much NOT for an all-ages audience.
Honestly, I don't feel there's much that needs elaborating - The Devil and Daniel Mouse is only 25 minutes long and you can find it on youtube. Give it a watch and appreciate it for yourself:
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corevoid · 1 year
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AAYYY some refs for my turts!! Still tryna work out a name for this au lmao. Rewrote the text under the cut, apologies for my atrocious handwriting ahddhhdjf
Really vague story synopsis: “villain” donnie au where he doesn’t become evil exactly but instead snaps and goes on a violent revenge quest to avenge the death of someone close to him. He believes he has to be the one to kill the one who did it, and leaves his family and becomes a sort of antagonist to them as well while they try to help him and bring him back so they can tackle this together.
I don’t know if I’m gonna make it a fic or if it’s just gonna live in my head lmao (motivation to write is sucks) but I’m definitely gonna be doing a good chunk of art for it :D
(ALSO IMPORTANT: their origin is very rise esque in that they were mutated with the intention of them being weapons. They have some genetic enhancements (pain tolerance and strength, most notably) and have some added dna from wolves and cats.)
(Also also forgot Mikey and Donnie’s flags they’re genderfluid and demiboy respectively)
Hamato Leonardo, 17 y/o, he/him, 5’9”
-Headphones are Bluetooth
-yellow pupil, tends to unnerve people
-most doglike of the 4, lets him pull some terrifying expressions
-in regards to knee brace, pain from an old break
-pure white nictitating membrane
-inferiority complex + anxiety
-most wolf dna of the 4, shows in snout and teeth. Behaviourally very doglike. Incredible sense of smell and hearing.
-quiet but not shy. Scarily observant.
-adorably polite, massive people pleaser
-the most hungry for his dads approval, has gotten him and his siblings in trouble trying to get it
-music enthusiast. Has a YouTube channel dedicated to making electronic remixes of literally everything under the sun (huge nerd)
Hamato Raphael, 17 y/o, he/she, 5’7”
-Alligator snapping turtle, second youngest
-plastron chip is as healed as it will get. Is what remains of a near complete left shoulder to right hip crack.
-chews his mask tails when he’s nervous
-red pupil, black band horizontally through iris
-files her spines down, back is flat and smooth
-strap on back for carrying a skateboard like Mikey has
-light bluish iridescence to his nictitating membrane
-kept the most turtle features through mutation out of the 4. Iris band, mostly intact beak, can’t process a lot of foods, higher skin/scales ratio, etc…
-hot headed + short fuse, but also good hearted and gentle
-self proclaimed protector of the family. Made it his duty to be the only killer after seeing how Leo’s first (and only) kill affected him.
-it affects Raph too, but she pretends it doesn’t (get this child therapy!) Only ever talks to Casey about this.
-incredible cook, but only cooks for family. Own diet is just a normal turtles and entirely raw. (Still sometimes eats stuff he shouldn’t as a treat)
-loves animals, mad she isn’t allowed a cat
Hamato Donatello, 17 y/o, he/they, 6’2”
-Spiny softshell, youngest but tallest sibling
-one end of staff is a flamethrower :)
-top compartment of battleshell also acts as storage!
-self conscious about their height
-flexible and very flat shell, spines are soft
-removed several spikes so his battleshell would fit more comfortably —> no longer allowed in his lab unsupervised
-yellow iridescence to their nictitating membrane
-shell doesn’t come up past their shoulders when he stands straight
-very quiet and rather shy, confident in his intelligence but not much else
-doesn’t speak often, and when they do it tends to be very succinct. It’s a special treat whenever they actively participate in a conversation
-Mikey is very special to him. Rarely ever see one without the other. Mikey frequently acts as Donnie’s voice, always knows exactly what he’s feeling and thinking (like twin telepathy pretty much)
-enitrely carnivorous, and a good hunter
-struggles to keep their animal nature separate from their human nature. Prone to slipping into a feral state, especially under stress, and is always feral during fights
-VERY self conscious and embarrassed by this, tries very hard to stay in a human mindset
-robotics hobbyist. Participates in robot fighting and currently holds champ title. Attends remotely via a metalhead-esque robotic body. His persona/stagename is Dondroid :)
Hamato Michelangelo, 17 y/o, any pronouns, 5’ even
-Ornate box turtle, second oldest but still the shortest
-doesn’t wear elbow pads 🤨
-very tall and round shell
-pink iridescence to her nictitating membrane
-excitable and energetic, but like in an easygoing sort of way
-VERY emotionally intelligent,can understand someone’s emotional state via vibes alone
-closest with Donnie, they understand eachother on an insanely deep level. Frequently acts as Donnie’s voice and is his primary support
-they’re the most human of the 4. He’s incapable of making the more animal sounds his siblings can and has to just approximate them with the voice box he has.
-she’s also the only warm blooded turtle. Makes them a prime hug target.
-An artist! Loves any 2d medium. Has an ongoing comic (6 books and counting) about a self insert superhero lol (her sidekick is based off Donnie, too)
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im-not-a-l0ser · 4 months
The Michie Playlist
Happy Valenties Yall. You may have seen my post about making a Michie Playlist. This is my review of songs already on it, originating from @wildrottingworms michie playlist. Barring Granger Danger (because they told me to) and adding another song, because it fits with another.
Here's the playlist on youtube if you want to follow along, and here it is on Spotify.
Nerdy Prudes Must Die: This is, for me, just on there for the sake that it is literally the song they share. That is the only reason it's on here. Also why it's the first song on here.
Take Me Back: This, however, I have no idea why it's on here! Nevermind, secret relationship michie; I'm an idiot. Okay, yeah, I think I can see it. Especially with them having regrets about keeping it a secret. Like, I'm listening to Tom's verse right now and it's like "oh, Max,, maybe you should've just openly loved Richie back thennn." Becky's verse now, okay. I see it a little less. I like the idea of 'i remember something someone asked me back in school,' being Max saying something like "if we could, would you go to prom with me," because of the following line; I think that's cute. Weirdly enough, I think this'll stay.
First Date/Last Night: Yes, I love this for them. Very cute, very nice. Derek Klena's character for max; perfect.
Blast From the Past: So, uh. I skipped this at first. Because I did not like it. This is the last song of these I've listened to because I am/was putting it off. But here we go i guess. Okay, it's not that bad. It kind of reminds me of Will Wood. But it also makes me realise that the musical Zombie Prom isn't the same as the Wizards of Waverly Place Episode, it seems to be about a single zombie who goes to prom. Which I guess makes sense. I'm keeping it, but it's like. That's all I got from it mostly.
Stupid With Love: So I technically added it, because the reprise was on it, I think it's a little silly to have on here, because I don't think Cady is much like Richie, but I think I'm keeping it for purely after (s)he meets Aron. Like, I've literally put that quote where Cady is essentially fantasising about him in tags about Richie and Max; feels wrong to not include it.
Stupid With Love Reprise: So, listening to it makes me nervous because I haven't actually watched all o Mean Girls the Musical, but it's fine. We're gonna do it anyway. Oh, wait, there's a BMC animatic of this, I've seen this, I'm stupid. Okay. I see why the og put it on here. It is very cute, I love it. I don't know enough about factorials to know if that's actually what you're supposed to do with them, and if it's not then it's hilarious. If it is, then it's like... well, I guess PJ did a good job tutoring Max.
Be Nice To Me: I like this song generally speaking, I never thought of it for Max and Richie, but I'm kind of into it. Like, I might do song fics with some of the songs from this playlist, and this is definitely a high high contender.
Two Birds: Thanks og, you mother fucker. I'm sad now. Luckily, I've already thought of them during this song so I can just skip it.... unluckily, it's already started playing and I can't turn it off now. Thems the rules.
Sex with a Ghost: I don't know why this is on there. It's obviously more of a Jagertity song, but I'm still going to listen to it with their context to see if I can figure it out. Okay, listening. I don't get it. I'll probably keep it because it fucking slaps, but i do not understand why it's on a michie playlist. The only thing I could see is like. 'The only time I ever see her is when she's behind me in the mirror," Because Richie dies in the locker room. But I dunno.
Daft Pretty Boys: I've never heard this song before, so. Right off the bat though, I'm dissapointed that it's not gay. The title makes it sound so gay, but immediately with the she/her pronouns. Maybe I should pull up the Genius Analysis so I can understand better, because I'm just confused. Okay, after checking Genius, I think I understand. I will be keeping it.
Beachboy: Another song I've listened to before, I'm excited to listen to it under Michie context. Like, I could type the lyrics along if I wanted to, I love this song. Yes, this is amazing. Aside from the fact that it's, again, straight, it's absolutely great.
Bloom: We begin the ones where I'm going to have to look up the english translations to these songs. Which I'm fine with, I've listened to all the BSD character songs. It's actually pretty fun to follow along, which is why I'm linking english translations through te name titles, which is why some of the have underlines and others don't. Anyway. HEY SORRY TO BUT IN! APPARENTLY THIS WAS IN SCOTT PILGRIM TAKES OFF! I LOVE SCOTT PILGRIM! ANYWAY BACK TO IT! Okay, upon reading the lyrics, I will say, it makes perfect sense that it was written for Scott Pilgrim, also that I rememer hearing it and taking note of what it was called because I liked it. Basically, on a surface level, it's like 'id like you no matter how many times you change your hair' but I think beneath that, as an overthinker, it's about loving someone even as they're going through changes in their life.
Necromantic: As much as it hurts to face the reality, I am glad that there are some songs on here that represent a realistic relationship for them, and this is definitely one of them. I think I would do a poor job on describing it, just look up the lyrics, you'll see.
Sihouette: Okay, reading the lyrics was a little harder bc I'm listening at home, and my family just got back home from Astronomy Club, so just bare with me. I think it's good, I think we'll be keeping it; I like it I think.
Kuchizuke Diamond: Oh I immediately love the vibes of this. I like this song so much for them that I didn't follow along with the lyrics, I read ahead; I love this. It's so cute for them.
Kawaikute gomen: I'm back and forth whether this applies to them, but it's funny enough that I don't even care. Like Stupid With Love and such. I definitely feel it for them, I just can't explain why.
Zenzenzense: This reminds me of Sonic. Not a bad thing, just a thing. I definitely love this song. It's "Now that we've finally met at galaxies' end, i don't know how to hold your hand so that I don't break it" that got me.
Nandemonaiya: Okay yeah. This got me at Verse 1
Kick Back: Oh my, I'm like flustered reading this. Definitely keeping it for them. Works for whichever pov imo.
Death By Glamour: I do not know why this is here, but as an undertale fan, I'm lowkey here for tho.
Uwa!! So Temperate: Again, I don't know why this is here. But it's like 45 seconds, it's whatever.
Murder On The Dancefloor
You & I: Any song from Bare is gonna make me sad, so I might take them off purely for that reason. But I need someone to cosplay Max with me so we can do a long form tiktok to this song. I'm willing to be Max, actually, yeah.
Best Kept Secret: Any song from Bare is gonna make me sad, so I might take them off purely for that reason. But I need someone to cosplay Max with me so we can do a long form tiktok to this song. I'm willing to be Max, actually, yeah.
This is where the song diverges into songs I've added! To continue, go to the post explaining why I've added those songs! To skip those songs, go to the post about songs that were suggested!
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moonfeatherblue · 22 days
Of Gods and Cogs
“… Ben.”
I stand below the gazebo and say his name.
His name is all I say. Never been much for confrontation, I suppose—goddamn, it had to be me who stumbled upon Ben’s trespass. A dim lamp strapped to his forehead, he crouches over the Elders’ contraption, all brass and gears and pressure gauges. The frantic clicks and pops of Ben’s tinkering through the cool, clear night keep discordant time with our misted breaths: his shallow and agitated; mine quick and afraid.
My lips tremble on calling for help. Something pointy and cruel digs into the pit of my stomach, telling me that would be the worst idea I’ve ever had. And I’ve had some pretty God-awful ideas—I wound up here, didn’t I?
No, it’s Ben and me.
… God help us.
I say his name again. “Ben… please…”
One extra word croaks out of me.
“Don’t move!”
My entire body jolts as Ben spins to face me. Half-tangled in copper coils and silhouetted in my quivering pool of lantern light, he clenches one jittery hand over his head. A bundle of wires snakes from his fist into the unknown innards of the contraption.
Horror spills up my spine.
Oh, no…
“What will this achieve?” I try, my eyes an anxious hummingbird flicker up and down the wires that connect Ben to the Elders’ contraption. “What could you possibly hope to—”
Ben’s molten glare tightens around my throat, stealing my speech, the very idea of language spooling away in meaning as I—predictably—freeze.
“I thought Ellious and Martha were pathetic. But you?”
Ben sneers, his disdain laced with venom. I lurch backwards—not only at his expression, but as something shatters by my feet. My lantern, it seems, has escaped my grip. Its oily flames snuff out on impact with the gazebo step, plunging the garden into darkness. Now the only light remaining, besides the quiet glitter of stars through tree limbs, is Ben’s head lamp. Its beam glares directly at me. My blinking eyes prickle with bewildered spots, blotting the traitor into a smear of shadow.
“You’re the worst of the lot,” Ben says, panting. “You *adore* them, don’t you?”
“Adore who?” I squint at him, the cogs barely creaking in my stressed head. Glass crunches beneath my shifting boots. “The Elders?”
“Of course the Elders—sycophant!”
He spits on the pristine lawn at my feet, adding his own fluids to the galaxy of dew clinging to the blades. “You call this a sanctuary? A place of healing?”
Ben’s laugh is terrible, pure aural poison.
“They’ve bound us to them—don’t you see? Every last stray they’ve collected! We’re theirs, now! You think they’ll just let us leave here?”
I gasp as Ben’s wild gestures jerk the deadly bundle in his fist. Behind him, the contraption makes an unnerving fizzing sound. “Ben, you can still s-stop this!”
“I’m ending this.”
Turning his back, Ben again hunkers before the contraption like a worshiper at an altar, his fisted threat still held overhead. “You stay the hell away from me! Get out of here—get out! While you still can.”
Panic froths and bubbles up through my digestive tract. I stand by, as good as vacant, my body stiff and lips sealed shut. “S-stop…”
*For God’s sake…*
I grind my teeth so hard my jaw moans—forget this! If the entire garden’s going to burn, it won’t be because I can’t hold my fucking nerve when it counts!
I gather resolve around me like an armoured cloak and step forward. Ben doesn’t notice, too hellbent on sabotage and too convinced I wouldn’t dare.
Another step.
No, *this* is the worst idea I’ve ever had.
Somehow, I don’t care. I’ve never felt more certain in my life and—holy hell—confidence is crack.
Give me more.
I seize Ben’s wrist, feeling the hectic tick of his pulse and whir of machinery through his papery skin.
“I… said… STOP.”
From mountaintops with fire-streaked skies to bathwater predicting the end of days, relax for a minute or two with your beverage of choice and dip into some fantasy flash fiction with Blue.
Listen to the audiobook version on YouTube @moonfeatherblue
Also available on Wattpad, Inkitt, and Scribble Hub. Eventually also on Tapas (once I figure out why the site doesn't like me) and my yet-to-exist website (when I eventually get on top of that) ~
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adultswim2021 · 2 months
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Yappy Broads #1 | February 22, 2010 (online) | Pilot
Yappy Broads isn’t too complicated to explain. It’s a The View style women’s program with five “women”, four of which are men in drag doing very little to actually act like women. We got Larry Dorf, Tommy Blacha, Earthquake, and Dino Stamatopoulos all wearing freaking dresses and dang-ass woman wigs. Their straight woman is Shandi Finnessey, an actual former beauty queen. One could sexistly say that she is there to look hot, but that would suggest that anyone else involved had some other higher purpose for being there.
First they talk to a woman peddling a workout for your face called “Facersize”. There’s chatter about various topics of the day, and then Corey Feldman stinks it up by hawking his CD and his bad Lost Boys sequel. Have you seen it? I haven’t, but I bet it’s bad. The closing credits feature a close-up of Shandi holding a shaky bunny rabbit, which is pretty nice. 
The entire thing is ad-libbed, with a group of funny fellas all chiming in with attempts to be funny. There are moments that show promise, and they usually involve Dino being cantankerous. It seems highly edited down, yet the highlights are still sparse. The single defining moment of this show is Earthquake commenting on a nose exercise: “you know how much cocaine you could do with your nose like this? (no audience response) You be tore up! (no laughter).” To be fair to the show, I did laugh at that, but not in a nice way.
There’s something special about watching TV go off the rails. But this seems like it was designed to already be off the rails. I didn’t really enjoy this. I can’t tell if the problem is that they’ve edited it down too much or if they didn’t edit it down enough. I would love to see the unedited taping of these segments to judge for myself. Even if this were especially funny, it still seems a little wrong to air something like this on a weekly basis.
Anyway, Shandi Finnessey has only done one nude photoshoot and it was for Peta.
The Simpsons has killed off its beloved character Larry Dalrymple or "Larry The Barfly." Thoughts on this development? Memories to share? Comments? Questions? Dyns?
I actually watched some of a YouTube video about this and the commenter took issue with the story of the episode being about Larry being lonely and left-out Homer and his friend's fun adventures, because they observed that Larry seemed like he was friends with the hat guy, and that it was a horrible omission. Like the writers should just be presenting an episode that strives to not contradict the previous 800 episodes instead of doing a specific, interesting story. Seemed like a baby-brained way of complaining about the show. My baby-brained takes on cartoons are the only takes that truly matter.
Soul Quest Overdrive has the leader of the proud boys as a voice actor on the show. He was the one who spearheaded that whole January 6th insurrection thing back in 2021, the one that every news outlet was comparing to 9/11 when it was really more like the world's biggest temper-tantrum. He blamed the show being cancelled on the other VA's "Not being as funny" as him.
It's weird how I've hated that guy for as long as I've known about him, and him doing a 180 politics-wise did nothing to affect his standings. But January 6th is maybe the hardest I've ever laughed at anything, so I guess he does deserve some credit.
I don't really know WHY they changed them to sports equipment, this is pure conjecture, but maybe AS felt like having 2 food shows on at the same time was a bit too cheap/cash grabby, so they changed them to differentiate it a bit more. I know they've shot down shows related to hell and food when Development Meeting was still running since they hit that well so many times.
Yeah, that actually does sell the case for it being a creative decision. Maybe it's not sneaky at all, what they're doing.
As for "Eggball", if you look closely on the pinball machine you can see black shake as a decal on it, still on (HBO)max. They can erase a HNIC but they can never erase history.
I had read about black guy cup being on the machine, but I simply must admit that I did not notice it myself!!! Not sure what those letters mean there, but I'm going to assume that none of them are slurs and publish this immediately without looking it up.
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About the background lore/world building, I cant help but wonder about twisted wonderland's media/pop culture or artistic movements and the like. Like are morally grey characters and antiheroes really a facet of their popular media and if so why doesn't Vil try to lean more towards those roles? If they arent really a part of their media and storytelling then what happened or didnt happen to cause them to be absent?
They have magicam which is pretty much magical Instagram so do they have other sites like tumblr or facebook or ao3? Or even specific nonconsensual parts of pop culture, like is there a twisted wonderland equivalent to the muppets? A magical adjacent Monty Python? Unsolved mysteries with Robert Stack? Or if they had an equivalent to Forensic Files would it focus on the same aspect of our Forensic Files or would it tend to follow the magical sector of their police forces and criminal investigations?
I just think it would be interesting to see how their media develops differently from ours considering various factors, like the proven existence of ghosts and monsters, or the elongated life spans of the fae, not to mention the elephant in the room of the undeniable presence of magic. Like without a doubt they wouldn't have all those true haunting and ghost hunting shows because they would most likely be considered rude and invasive, and there probably isnt going to be any equivalent to the Lord of the Rings, but what would they have, ya know?
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cbksdbjebew I’m sorry 😅 I live under a rock like Patrick Star, so I’m not familiar with most of the specific pop culture examples you named 💦 I won’t be speaking on those, since I have little to no context for what they are. But!! I do wonder how Twisted Wonderland’s media and pop culture scene is similar to and/or different from ours!
In the real world, there are definitely instances of people writing a certain genre (for example, Battle Royale), but the genre not really “blowing up” until a popular modern rendition (ie Hunger Games) of it is done, thus thrusting pop culture into an era of oversaturation of that genre (ie more teenage/young adult dystopia novels). It could be that Twisted Wonderland has not yet hit that “popular modern rendition” for morally grey characters/antiheroes yet? A lot of the media and public opinion actually referenced in the main story seems to imply that the current media being offered paints its characters in absolutes (good/evil).
The other possibility is that Vil has too much pride in his profession to take morally grey/antihero roles. He’s been painted as a wicked villain for the entirety of his childhood; it wouldn’t surprise me if his personal ambition, desire to prove his nay-sayers wrong, and rivalry with Neige (the epitome of pure and good) spurred Vil to want to be perceived as the other extreme (the same insane "pure and good” image that Neige has). Vil would want to go “all the way”, not go only “halfway there” or take the role of something far more ambiguous. I would actually argue that Vil only gets around to embracing ambiguous and morally grey roles in episode 6 (whereas he was very black-and-white about it in episode 5). Overblot Idia taunts Vil by calling him a “hero” come to save the day, but Vil rebuts him by saying, “there are no heroes or villains”.
If Twisted Wonderland has Magicam, then I don’t see why they wouldn’t have other social media platforms and sites too! I think in episode 5 Cater shows a video on an unnamed site which required them to watch an ad before they could view the actual video…? So that might be Youtube or another video sharing platform? Azul mentions streaming in episode 6, so there must be some equivalent to a streaming site like Twitch??? There might be other examples that I’m not thinking of off the top of my head.
I think that having magic on set would actually be super useful! For productions like hand-drawn cartoons and films, it could help animators (at least the ones that can use magic) minimize physical strain (since they use their hands so much). For live action productions, magic can be used for special effects instead of like... I don’t know, fog machines, stunt doubles, or whatever else is normally used 😂 And since different races and species exist (fairies, ghosts, merfolk, beastment, etc), maybe there would be more of a push to educate the public about the different races and species? Like more documentaries and resources so that the general public is more culturally competent!
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llazyneiph · 2 years
I thought EA would have addressed this by now so I didn’t mean to keep anyone hanging for 2 days but I’ve come to a decision about early access.
As I’ve always kept in line with EA TOU - I will continue to do so, I will be removing early access from patreon and replacing it with other ways to thank you for pledging. 
All of my CC and smaller mods will be free from day 1 (which I did most of the time before anyway) For my much larger mods I will be taking a leaf out of SimRealists book and I will be holding beta testing on Discord with a version of the mod that is not finished enough for public release, then I will fix all reported bugs and upload the finished and final version for free either to my website which is currently being built or patreon if the file is too large (e.g. RM). Some of my mods are massive and need extensive testing (don’t even get me started on SURVIVE!... I have no idea how long that will take to test omg).
I think this is in-line with the TOU? Anything on discord is in an unfinished state and will not be the final version of the mod. If it isn’t then I will make sure to change it! :) I still really hope that EA makes a post legally defining this as the post is so vague and we’ve been getting mixed responses from the live chat (they can’t speak for anything on the legal side of EA anyway).
New Rewards
- I am currently looking into patron's physical reward system, e.g. stickers and stuff and seeing if that would financially viable for me. - I’ve also added small mod requests - Tutorial requests to one of my tiers (these are on tier 3 purely just because I wouldn’t be able to keep up with requests if I added it to the others)
Become a Modder series
I am also currently making a ‘Become a Modder’ series on Youtube to help people learn how to create mods for TS4! If this interests you, I would really appreciate it if you subscribed to the channel! I am also going to be making written tutorials too, if you prefer those!
New site
I’m currently building a new site on squarespace, where I’m going to be hosting most of CC and mods with their how-to guides and installation instructions all in one easy to find place! (I had such a bad experience with the old site that I thought it wasn’t worth it lol, but squarespace is going pretty good so far!) Hopefully I can enable adsense on that down the line to at least cover the cost of the site’s monthly hosting fee. 
I hope you feel these new rewards are worthwhile for your pledge! I know many of you pledged to me just purely out of your own generosity and some of you have sent me the loveliest messages. I just want to thank you for that. Like, so much. I hope that no one feels like it was ever my intention to take advantage of the community or that I only made mods for money - that was never ever my intention. I made (the shittiest lol) cc for TS3 long before I ever got into modding, purely because I loved it and thought it was so fucking cool to be able to do that.
If anything I posted or if me waiting to see what the legal terms were surrounding this were left a bad taste in your mouth, I apologize. To be told you may no longer have an income when you can’t work is terrifying and I hope people can relate to that.  All I could see was people no longer supporting me because I couldn’t offer early access but I’ve received so many beautiful messages and comments telling me otherwise. I hope I have still earnt your pledges and continue to do so.
If you’ve pledged to me in the past, or currently do, or plan to - from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I will always be transparent about the fact that I am currently able to support myself because of the kind people in this community and I am so grateful for that. Hopefully I will be able to sort my health issues out soon and get back into the workforce!
Thanks, Seb :)
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thepeachyouhadtopick · 6 months
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ANYTHING BUT ORDINARY | Chapter Twenty-Eight
It's finally Ell's gig, and her new songs bring up a lot of emotions for her audience, particularly for Johnny and Steve-O.
I am using a number of songs in this chapter and I have provided links to them all so you can further imagine Ell playing them on stage. As always all credit goes to the original writers and I'm not claiming them as my own. I did adjust the lyrics to the last song ever so slightly just to fit the narrative even better. I've included YouTube links but I think they're all on Spotify too.
Content warning for mentions of abusive relationship, brief mention of smut at the end
Taglist: @lizey-thornberry @babybammargera @zolofts (let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!)
“Thank you!” Ell beamed at the crowd as she finished her first song. “It feels so good to be playing for you all, it's been so long!” The small size of the venue meant that Ell could see pretty much the entire crowd before her, who were all applauding and cheering as she grinned uncontrollably back at them. There was a moment - just before she’d stepped on stage - where she’d got so nervous that she’d seriously considered sneaking out of the back door and running away without telling anyone, but right now she couldn’t be more grateful that she hadn’t done that. And, amongst the adoring fans in front of her, she could see her friends - the whole bunch - with pure pride radiating back from them. And Johnny. Her gorgeous, perfect PJ, whose eyes hadn’t left her for a moment since she’d stepped on stage.
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tate-lin · 1 year
Heyy, happy Storyteller Saturday!! 💙
I would love to know a bit more about the magic in Joker of Ashes! What kinds of magic exist? Can everybody use it?
- @poetinprose
Thanks so much Jay!! 💖
So basically my magic system is called ethra and yupp it's common for people to have it. The people who can't are ethrically disabled and referred to as disthrens. There's actually a rare disorder called ethritism where people are born with no ethra at all.
In the world of JOA, ethra is an element discovered in 2015 (the books are set around 2150) and ever since then, it had diffused into people's bodies. After over a hundred years, people have now developed a new system in the body called the ethra system and it follows along the spine and circulatory system. It's a solid obsidian black in liquid form and iridescent in its pure gaseous state. It usually appears as an aura or membrane around a person's body and they can be different colours.
There are many ways to wield ethra but the six foundational pillars of it are: augmentation (enhancing something), manipulation (controlling something), effusion (extending one's ethra), injection (imbuing into sth with one's ethra), metamorphosis (transforming one's ethra into something else), and fabrication (creating an object out of ethra).
With those six basics, a person can mix and match and basically do anything with their ethra. However, how one is able to use their ethra depends on their knowledge, experience, and physical ability. For example, if one wants to have a mastery over air, they would need an in-depth understanding of gas molecules and extremely fine control over their ethra to be able to pull it off.
Which is hard as hell to do!! So impossible that it's basically unheard of. If someone wants to be able to do that, they'd pretty much be buff Einstein 😂
So when it comes to knowledge, you'd need a good understanding of what you're doing in order to, well, do it. And for physical ability, you need to train your body to be able to control your ethra well. This usually means strengthening your body and exercising your ethra to be able to control it finely.
What does this mean for experience though? Some may see it as an extension of knowledge, but it's actually a different concept entirely. For example, like I've mentioned in this post, after Minh got burnt alive, she began being able to conjure fire. Or something close to it, at least. It's like how when artists experiment with a particular material, they're able to understand how it works. After that experience, she now knows how fire feels like and involuntarily creates an ethra version of it (metamorphosis at work!) as a trauma response.
More importantly, the reason why I wanted to go with this magic system is that it basically works like a normal irl skill. If you want to be able to learn how to use it, you need to work at it (which is why there's also a booming industry of ethra hacks and how-to videos on JOA's future version of YouTube). 'Cause of that tho, how ethra is used largely comes down to choice (one of the book's running themes!) rather than genetics and natural talent.
What kind of ability one trains and/or develops will say a lot about them and their character ^w^
Let me know if you want to be added or taken off!
@justahalfling @ihaventpickedausername @iced-ginger-tea @andromeda-grace @kaiyo @iriswords @yors-truly @words-after-midnight @islanded-in-a-stream-of-stars @sabels-small-sphere @leebrontide @pure-solomon @mattresses-and-macaroni @thepixiediaries @sternenmeerkind @arowanaprincess @hd-literature @freedominique
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pillowxtalk · 9 months
"you're the prettiest thing i've ever seen." { quin to Joshua }
Send "you're the prettiest thing i've ever seen." to see my muse's reaction.
Joshua had asked Quin to come pick him up after the filming of the newest episode of "Dream journal" a series they posted on his group's YouTube channel. They had been filming the Chuseok for this year in which they acted like a family again. It was always improvised acting and the last two times it had ended in pure chaos, which they fans came to love. For the filming of the day the idol had gotten the role of the youngest family member, the daughter of Hansol and his 'wife' Zen.
Quin arrived as they had just finished filming and so he was still in his costume. He decided to surprise the other because he hadn't told him what they were doing and so he decided to stay in his role for a bit longer. Once he spotted his guest he got up and pretty much waddled over to him before sitting down in a chair next to Quin. And as they made eye contact he started, using the voice he had used before. "Hi my name is..." He paused like he had to think. "...Yongbok.", he added, having used his Korean name.
Then he used his fingers to start counting before looking back up at Quin. "And I'm three." Joshua said in an excited tone before playfully sulking as Quin started to laugh after he had looked confused for a moment. He then stopped and reached over to brush a strand of hair out of the idol's eyes. "You're the prettiest thing I've ever seen." Quin then whispered, looking at him in a way that made it clear he meant his words. Which resulted in Joshua's cheeks getting more color and he looked down for a moment. His lips were curled up in a smile but he also felt shy.
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impulsea · 2 years
#i think this is the key of why ariel is so divisive of a character#the later princesses def started to pander way too much to be perfect and devoid of any fault in the plot, those tags are sadly true. To be honest, I have noticed in all fandoms female characters (specially teenage female characters) tend to be judged harshier than the male characters for any mistake they commit, and it's so unfair. But coming back to Ariel, I have to admit that part of the reason of why I love her is because she is THAT divisive. For me, that is proof in that the creators succeeded in making her a layered character with virtues and flaws, more human (no pun intended) and I wish Disney would had kept with that route (though Meg and Mulan did had amazing arcs). But sadly, even in the fandom that attitude is perpetuated - back in the 00s/early 10s, I remember the Disney Princess fanclub in Fanpop (Gosh I feel old) and some Youtube rants were all about how selfish Ariel was and how she was a bad role model while B*ll* and later R*punz*l were praised to the heavens - and surprise, both of these characters are heavily idealized inside the narrative, they never commit a mistake and have "likeable" flaws. And don't get me started on some confessions in this site when WDC was still active...I could go on forever.
But I guess it gives me more respect for John, Ron, Howard and Glen for daring to make Ariel a well rounded Disney princess without caring if she had flaws, because at the end, we still see her heart was pure and in the right place, and I think it's positive for children to see someone who sometimes screws up to later pick themselves again and makes it through instead of someone who never makes a mistake.
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I TOTALLY AGREE WITH THIS! Female characters have been so scrutinized that we've been reduced to pretty much one characterization of a "strong woman" that just gets increasingly girlbossifed. Which honestly is such a disservice to women because it removes all of the authentic human emotion and authenticity from these characters, which just furthers the notion that this era of filmmaking is becoming increasingly corporate and less artistic. These films don't feel like art anymore that reflects our culture or ourselves, as humans, but literally just pieces of stationary art that goes through the motions to get good reviews. And I think this literally ALL started because of misogyny. Take Cinderella and Aladdin for example- their stories are pretty similar, except for the fact that Cinderella only wanted to go to the ball for a night off, didn't know she was dancing with the prince, and left the ball at midnight. Aladdin, on the other hand, knew who Princess Jasmine was and her love was his goal to the point where he tried to change himself and lie about his background to win her hand. And just look at the jarring difference between how Cinderella is treated by critics and Aladdin.
I saw an article a few years back that mentioned how the newest princess "wasn't like any other princess." And the whole "not like other princesses" breaking the mold is becoming the mold itself and has been how every princess has been marketed for the past 30 years and every live action princess. It literally just consists of talking about how much/little the female character is reliant on men, how masculine/aggressive she is, and how aromatic it is. Which is honestly sad because why does every female character have to be judged in relation to the men in her movie and how much patriarchal ideals of traditional masculinity would approve of her??? Also, every movie with this thought process is increasingly adding more and more male characters, taking the female voices out of the script, and even the titles are having more of a gender neutral/masculine slant (ie Tangled instead of Rapunzel, Frozen instead of Snow Queen, etc).
I think a big part of it too is the fact that we're losing our humanity as a society. We're viewing our visages way more than we were ever intended to with how often we take selfies and consume social networking sites. We hear ourselves talk way more and interact with so much media with media trained celebrities that have a team of PR people that are crafting their every personality trait and aspect of their image to ensure it's palatable and, thus, further marketable and we, in and of ourselves, are beginning to mirror that in our everyday lives. We definitely see it reflected in the Disney movies too. It's a huge reason why we can't have villains anymore- we have people who are misunderstood instead (which is so dangerous because the real world does have villains that we shouldn't try to empathize with since that's one of their abusive gaslighting tactics). We can't have princesses who have flaws- their flaws have to be fully explained and justified to the point where they're "okayed" and no one can have any opinion of them outside of the one that's shoved down our throats via the narrative. Ariel is such a breath of fresh air when thinking about this. She just was who she was. It wasn't hammered on us that she was the smartest girl in the village or the prettiest or the most adventurous or the strongest, etc, she literally just lived her life the way she wanted to and the people who rode with her, rode with her, and the ones who didn't, didn't.
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thatoneweebsworld · 2 years
Important Info
So today I found out that arcade games, like fucking kids games that look like games of skill or random chance, are not. I know there’s YouTube videos out there on this information, but if you’re looking to win some good tickets, here’s what I’ve found out.
Games That Are Scams
These are the games that in looking at manuals online and reading things are absolutely set up against you. They’re not impossible, but good luck. These games include:
- most if not all claw machines, until the payout time the grip is pretty much nonexistent.
- Cyclone (time the spinning light): jackpot can only be won once every set number of attempts
- most coin pushers: there’s slots on the sides of some pushers that eat tokens. These are often hidden by mirrors or brushes.
- Explosive/Balloon Pop (stop the spinning needle to inflate the balloon): instant pop can only be hit once every set number of tries, balloons are extremely flexible.
- KeyMaster (NOT Prize Locker): arm will move up ever so slightly to ensure a loss if payout is not ready, has been under lawsuit.
- Barber Cut Lite: while it can be put in purely skill mode, this is highly unlikely. Another payout game, after a set number of losing attempts only then can you win. If the scissors move forward slightly, it’s not ready.
- The Amazing Road Trip: the digital spinner is not truly random, it won’t land on a win space until a payout is ready.
- Movie/DVD Spinner: each row has a payout rate. There’s no way to tell if it’s ready or not and usually the discs aren’t all too good.
- The Vault: Land on all the blue lights in time to win. Land on red, the threat level goes up and you have one less chance to try again. Even if you have a perfect round, by the major prize wheel the threat level has increased itself automatically. Has a payout rate.
- Jumpin' Jackpot: Selling itself as a digital jumprope game that simply requires skill and good timing, the operator can set an approximate jackpot winning spacing. Default in the manual is 60.
- ICE's Wheel A Win: The operator can directly set the winability by choosing how many milliseconds the winning window is. There are also options to make the game more difficult based on the first interaction, directly targeting experienced players.
- Blackout Prize: yet another case of what appears to be a game of skill yet isn’t. Like most of the other games in this category the owner can change the payout rate. The default settings for this game are 1/10 for a minor prize and 1/125 for a major. These numbers are not all too obscene compared to some of the others in this category.
- Drop the Prize: this game markets itself as another time it right game, but like Cyclone has a set number of losses required for it to be winnable. It usually boasts larger prizes.
Possibly Scam Games
This category is rather small, seeing as it really depends what setting the owner uses and how good a player is.
Flamin’ Finger - There are two versions of this game out there: one with tickets and one with prizes. The ticket one is legit more often than not. The prize one, however, will speed up its clock in the last few seconds when not ready to redeem to force the player out.
Stacker - while this game is indeed skill based for its first leg and it’s not all too difficult to stack all the way up to the large prize line, the final block requires millisecond timing. This lady block can be set to be more lenient the more losses there are and even can be impossible to land if a prize just paid out.
Wheel of Fortune - There’s a few videos around that show inaccurate readings of the wheel, including someone who landed on jackpot and was only given 40 tickets. While this may be an actual error, it may be that the wheel is weighted to be unable to land on jackpot. I couldn’t find a manual for this one.
Quik Drop - Another jackpot game, this does indeed rely on skill. However, the catch is that every time the jackpot increases a hint of time is added to the clock. Most videos have said that 600 or higher is the range for the game actually being completable.
Dizzy Chicken - The jackpot area can be changed by the owner anywhere from 7 to 1 light. The location of the ball is determined by a camera within the machine and is sometimes faulty. While there is no payout rate, the chances of getting the system to register a jackpot even if you land in the area is near impossible.
Crazy Tower - While the gameplay itself is fair, the operator can decide how often a bonus is able to be won. There will be games where this bonus is not available whatsoever.
Tower of Power - this older game is most commonly found in Chuck E Cheese and has two or three player stations. Often the station with the higher jackpot is on a more difficult setting. The operator can set the average payout per credit, the factory default being nine tickets per play.
Pizza Express - except in New Jersey, the owner can specify how often a big win token is placed in one of three most difficult spots. The default for the is 1/100, the rarest possible setting. All other plays are completely random.
There’s a Trick to Winning
Games listed here aren’t the most honest, but with a little bit of intel on them you can score big.
- Test Your Strength: The small test your strength games, usually somewhat digital in arcades, can be won with a rather simple trick. You can tell if this trick will work by looking at the mallet. If it’s a short handle with a somewhat large cylindrical head attached to the game with a short string, you’re in the right place. Hold the mallet as far away from the button as possible vertically as the string will allow, line up the head over the target, and let gravity do its job.
- Deal or No Deal: Crazily enough, the animations in this game are true to the locations of the prizes. Record the shuffling of the cases and then play it back in slo mo. This should make it rather easy to pick the right case.
Mega Color Match Lite: The difficulty setting of this game adjusts itself with every play. The more losses there are, the easier it is to win. The operator can set when the difficulty starts decreasing and how rapidly. If a great number of people have been losing on one of these, give it a try and you may find that it is just a matter of perfect yet doable timing.
Rainbow: catch as many falling balls as you can and put them in the hole before time runs out. Use a shirt or bag to catch more balls.
Legit Games, AKA What to Actually Play
Whether be it chance or skill, these are just a few games that are what they say they are. There’s no possible way for these games to be rigged and they often have a trick to winning them.
- Gear Up: With proper timing, you can release a ball into the gaps of spinning gears. Time it right all the way up and you can reach the top.
- Monster Jackpot: drop balls onto a spinning wheel and try to land in the jackpot hole. Losses increase this jackpot. The balls are rubber and can bounce so timing is key.
- Pop the Lock: this mobile game turned arcade is a genuine skill-based one. Hit the button on the yellow dots to open the lock. Get 50 in a row and you win the jackpot!
- Wonder Wheel: time the insertion of a coin or token to slide it into a slot on a spinning wheel. The jackpot slot is smaller, but the wheel spins at the same speed. There are many variations and skins of this game including Songebob and skiing.
- Fish Bowl Frenzy: this is a plinko game with a digital screen behind it to bring it to life. The balls and pegs are real and are uncontrollable by any factors.
- Skeeball: this is a classic skill game. While the ticket rate is likely far lower on games that are purely skill, at least you know you’re playing a fair game.
- Basketball: same as skeeball, but there’s actually a way to up your earnings if you’re willing to take the risk and can reach. Simply hold a ball and put it in and out of the hoop as fast as you can. Not endorsing this, but if you can reach and want to go right ahead.
- Whack a Mole: usually has a lower ticket rate but there’s no cheating whack a mole. There’s no way to rig it either. Just hit as many miles as you can.
- Big Bass Wheel: This game is purely chance. What you see is what you get. Not all the ticket values have equal chance of being won, but this is visible on the machine itself.
- Blox Breaker: A video skill game, there is no possible way for the operator to decrease your chances of winning. The only gameplay options the operator can control are whether certain helpful events occur.
- Popcorn: catch as many of the white balls in a popcorn bucket as you can before time runs out. Usually has a low ticket rate but is indeed truly skill and reaction time based.
- Fly o'Clock: Similar to Pop the Lock, all you need is a bit of practice and great timing. The only changeable factors are how long the frenzies last.
- Power Roll: Pretty much a smaller version of the classic Bowler Roller, with good precision you can land in the jackpot area. Videos exist of people winning multiple times in a row.
- Johnny AppleSpeed: heavily marketed as a game for younger kids the goal is to catch as many of the falling apples in a bucket as possible before time runs out. All parts of this game are truly mechanical and the one big operator foothold is whether or not the game is in easy mode.
- Colorama: a game of chance in which you stop a spinning bowl with a ball in it. The sections are different sizes but it is clearly visible and often the percentages are listed on the machine itself.
That’s all I’ve got for now folks. Stay woke, get your tickets, and most importantly have fun. If I find any more downright scam games I’ll add them. If you have any games that you’d like added to this list, please just send me a message and I’ll do a little digging. I’ve gotten rather efficient at it now~
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