#Grandma Nightkin
me on my first new vegas playthrough: okay but boone HAS to be my default companion because he shared his tragic backstory with me and now he and my courier are bros for life. i've imprinted. i'm making friendship bracelets as we speak. we're gonna overthrow the slave trade together. sure i'll take on other companions every once in a while but i will NOT be happy about it 😤
me on my second playthrough with a new courier, fighting through cazadors and fiends in west vegas well before my level is high enough so i can get to jacobstown:
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jingle-jangle-spurs · 2 years
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anna-neko · 5 months
pfft... aaah yes, Fallout-Prime Cooper Howard fans.... doin it lite i see
welcome to the party. My thirsty ass been speed-walking into The Underworld to recruit Charon before my eyes could even properly adjust to the burning sunlight outside good ol' 101
Dodging centaurs & molerats all the way, crawling thru the metro tunnels as one does
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sas-afras · 1 year
why did obsidian give nightkin such voluptuous breastises & ass btw. not complaining but why did they do that
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pokemoodboards · 2 months
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"Grandma's got a present for you!"
You are challenged by Nightkin Lily Bowen!
Polteageist 🐏 Alolan Persian 🐏 Ampharos 🐏 Abomasnow 🐏 Granbull 🐏 Drampa
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kluskinoodles · 4 months
Found Nightkin Grandma Lily, so excited
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chocochipbiscuit · 2 months
10, and potentially 3 for A Most Edible Thistle if you like 😊
10) What is something you really want to write but haven't written yet?
I always have more ideas than time!!! The current longfic idea that has been sitting in outline form for a while (and which I'm continually plinking away at) is a FONV/FO4 crossover where the Legion's destroyed Jacobstown, leaving Keene to flee across the wasteland with the rest of the nightkin and mutants. He's the last survivor, holed up by raiders...and then Preston Garvey and the Minutemen come blazing in for a rescue.
Basically: a prickly and traumatized asshole slowly learns to deal with survivor's guilt, grief, and learning to trust again. He ends up BFFs with Marcy Long (another survivor of a massacre) and falling in love with Preston. There's some specific scenes I have in mind for it (like accidental sex pollen while exploring a vault, because I desperately want to write them fucking WHILE pining!) and eventually culminating with Preston getting kidnapped and Keene rescuing him at the end. Something something. Raiders. Guilt. Grief. Recognition that we can always change for the better. Red Tourette blaming the Minutemen for her sister Lily's death. Keene blaming himself for grandma Lily's death.
...basically it's a big emotional stew right now and I need more time to figure out the narrative chain that links to the final scene. I'm confident I'll write it eventually, but it's still in the planning stages. Gotta get my writers' mise en place...well, en place.
3) What is something you learned/researched while writing a fic?
For A Most Edible Thistle, most of the lore was stuff I already knew! I listen to a lot of podcasts about food and love reading stuff, so I was already thinking about food as a way of showing culture, trade, and political influence, so most of the 'research' was just refreshing things I had already aware of.
I was trying to lean into Thedas food cultures, and that Antiva was inspired by Spain, while Rivain was inspired by Morocco, which was my thought process in having halva and preserved lemons as part of Rivaini cuisine, and the shift from the broad cultural feast at the beginning of the book to something more specific to what would be Josephine and Vivienne's home cuisines. (Even if Vivienne doesn't necessarily remember this as a child herself, it's more about her being willing to eat this in front of other people rather than making herself as Orlesian as possible.)
And while this wasn't research for this fic in particular, I was also listening/reading a lot about Chinese-American food traditions and the way 'American Chinese' food is as much as distinct cuisine based on historical immigration trends as well as more 'traditional' Chinese foods, and how inheritors of 'tradition' still end up adjusting to locally available ingredients and tastes. (Ex: my mother made chow mein with spaghetti while growing up. I still do it sometimes even when I have access to 'real' chow mein noodles because it's a taste of childhood. Just the other night I made a cacio e pepe variation using Korean chili flakes and gochujang instead of black pepper because it was what I had in my pantry and I liked the flavors, never mind that I'm not Korean or Italian.) Except I decided that having Chef Robin explain all this over cooking lessons or discussing recipes would be far too anvilicious and distract from the actual romance arc or food crime plots!
And not 'research' as in reading a how-to per se, but I did read a lot of romance novels, and was thinking in terms of commonalities and beats I wanted to hit in this fic. So in that sense, reading romance novels was research for writing my own romance novella!
Thank you for asking, I had a lot of fun answering! :D
(Self-indulgent asks from this ask game!)
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antipathy-arsonist · 6 months
new vegas playthrough going great ( aside from the goul pit episode) i got a nightkin grandma and a robot dog the king is awesome and i found benny on complete accident
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ezekiel13 · 7 months
Holy shit, it's the real Boone, opinion on Nightkin?
Should be wary of them.
The one who thinks she’s the Courier’s Grandma is nice though.
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Log #1616 11.01.81: Got up with the sun this morning to head into Boulder City and meet up with that fucking twink hopefully. I'm ready to separate his head from his body, Boone reminded me not to act too hasty just in case folks got the wrong idea. Made it into Boulder City to find them in a standoff. Khans had some hostages but were surrounded in some ruins. Walked in to negotiate, which made their eyes widen, especially since I was now in my trusty T-51b Power Armor. Found out the twink's name is Benny, Bastard Benny the Traitorous Twink I think I'll call him. That damn twink Benny for short. Had to grease the palm of the commanding officer to negotiate the Khans freedom to retreat, they gave me the twink's lighter, a gorgeous piece of work. Gonna use it to light a cig in his face. They seemed surprised to see me and Boone though, the Khans that is. Not sure what gives but my guess is something to do with Bitter Springs. At any rate once that was cleared up by 08:00 we decided to cut over to Sloan through Scorpion Gulch. Have been picking up some strange radio signals from Black Mountain we wanted to investigate. Ended up finding out that the quarry there was overrun with Deathclaws. Me and Boon were able to provide some exterminator work. Did a little tidying up around camp and learned to make omelettes with fucking Deathclaw eggs. Who would've fuckin thought of that. Says her grandma had a captive Deathclaw she kept chained up in the barn for the eggs. Damn thing is delicious though. Gonna investigate Black Mountain in the morning, after a little more listening to the radio sounds like Super Mutants and Nightkin, shouldn't be too big of a problem.
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3xm-draconic · 7 months
The Jester and The Courier: a wild wasteland love.
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“I don’t want to set the world on fire, I just want to start a flame in your heart~…”
After a magical mishap, Cicero finds himself to be teleported into a strange land full of strange and dangerous things.
To survive in this wild wasteland he’ll need to adapt to survive and to do that he’ll need help, he encounters a strange woman who changes the course of his life forever…
“In my heart, I have but one desire and that one is you, no other will do~...”
Chapter 1: Awaken to ash and dust.
The battle for the college of Winterhold was a fierce one, that Talmore rat Ancano was a tough cookie to crumble but with a swift strike of Cicero’s blades and a well placed shot of a crossbow bolt by the listener they managed to send his pathetic soul to the void…or…so they thought…
“You…really think…you can…you can harm me?” the bleeding broken Altmer groaned, blood dribbling from his mouth “I…Iam a…G-God!” He raised his hand and shot out a spell directly at the listener, Cicero ever being the faithful, the loyal companion and servant dove in front of the spell, blocking the blast… 
Cicero…felt woozy, like his body was being split in two, every fiber of him was vibrating…
“L-listener?...” was hall he could whimper out before darkness overtook him.
(Somewhere in the Mojave…)
A ranger stalks the highways…
A cybernetically enhanced elite ranger of the NCR and lightning-fast gunslinger, smartass and silver-tongued, a gambling gal with lady luck and miss fortune always at her side. 
Usually beside her are at least a few of her faithful companions…
 A cyborg dog, a 1st recon sniper who absolutely hates the legion, a man who was nearly burned to death, a man who wanted to destroy the mojave but was talked out of it, a ghoul mechanic, a doctor who hates the legion just as much as the sniper, a Enclave eyebot, a whisky-loving ex caravan guard and a nightkin supermutant grandma.
Together they defend the mojave…
But tonight she walks the roads alone…
The second battle of Hoover dam is coming, she knows it, she knows and this brave ranger will soon have to face off with the legion’s most powerful warrior…she will have to face her death…
She travels the Roads just aways north from Novac at night, the stars above give her a small comfort in their beauty, especially the falling star…the one coming…RIGHT FUCKING TOWARDS HER!
 She dodges in the nick of time as something crashes to the earth where she had previously been standing, she takes out her pistol Maria and revolver Lucky “Goddamn Aliens” she grumbles as she goes to investigate…
She doesn't find little green men, like the many times she had before, instead…she finds a man.
With red hair as red as blood and skin as pale as the moon, he was a small scrawny man…but kinda cute… 
And he was naked. 
“Christ almighty…a man from the sky?...shit he might be hurt, I better get him to Arcade Gannon” she panicked.
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rabbithaver · 9 months
Want something better to do?
Tell me your top 5 favorite Fallout charcters and why.
oh this i can definitely do. these are in no particular order
Cait - Cait is my wife. we are married. that's it that's my reason i love her so much she's everything
Veronica Santangelo - *Griffin McElroy voice* Fuckin' look at her. i love Felicia Day's acting in this role, i love Veronica's story, i love how passionate she is. her story resonates with me a lot as someone who grew up Mormon but is no longer religious. i also kind of love that she punches things so hard their heads explode. that's really good.
Nick Valentine - i dig his aesthetic and his vibes are immaculate. he's a good person who found himself in a bad situation and i find the parallels he has to the Sole Survivor to be really interesting
Paladin Danse - ngl at first it was just his voice that attracted me to him, but honestly his story is just insanely compelling to me. every day i weep for the cut content where he takes over the Brotherhood
Lily Bowen - i fucking adore this woman. i love the concept of a grandma in the wasteland who's actually a 15 foot tall mutant. she's maintained so much of her humanity despite being changed into a nightkin and honestly she's just very sweet. incredibly violent, sure, but it's Fallout and that comes with the territory
Honorable Mention: the Final Pam. she's canon to me
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couriersevenfuckers · 6 years
hey so i’m sorry if this is too vague but can i get something that’s just? like a cure drabble of a young six and raul where there’s a kind of grandparent/uncle dynamic? like they’re super close and raul is very protective of them? i just rlly love my handy ghoul grandad
It’s not too vague, although if you want something specific, feel free to send another ask!
The courier will be 16 in this, because 16 year olds can be very annoying and then very mature two seconds later. 
~Courier Seven
“Gotcha!” You shout, finally catching the baby gecko. You turn around and begin the trek back to your home base, just outside Goodsprings. When you arrive, you can already *feel* Raul’s disapproval. He didn’t understand why you insisted on having a gecko as a pet, but he couldn’t do much to stop you.
“Kid. Did you really go out… just to catch a gecko?” You hear Raul before you see him, but happily respond that, yes, yes you did. You hear him sigh as you drop the very fussy gecko into the pen. You turn on your heel and hug him, saying
“Trust me! This will go great!!” Raul hugs you back, and gives a half hearted
“Let’s hope so, because if it doesn’t I will not help you fix it.” You laugh and squeeze him before letting go, insisting that it would work! Raul sighs again and begins his way back to the house. You trail behind him happily, excited for dinner. Raul was a surprisingly good cook, although you suppose that it was because of how long he lived. You grin and decided to annoy him about that. 
“So, Raul!” immedatly, you hear him groan, “Oh hush! So, I was wondering… How old are you? 50? 100? 200?” Raul just side eyed you, and huffed. 
“You really wanna know, Kid?” You eagerly nod, excited to learn and tease him. “Fine. I am 234 years old.” You were so surprised at his answer that you stopped walking. He chuckled and kept moving, causing you to jog a little to catch up. 
“Are, Are you really 234 years old?” You asked, disbelievingly. Raul nodded, amused at your reaction. You went very quiet, thinking to yourself. 
“Then, you… you were alive before the war. Before the bombs. What was it like? Back then? Was it better?” you were hoping that it was. Then at least he could’ve been happy right? And, well… you wanted to know if life back then wasn’t  so… fucked up. The wasteland was no place to live, let alone grow up in. Raul went quiet and chuckled lowly. Then, he started to explain. 
“I had a family, and a ranch. We were happy, for a while. Until things starting going bad. When the bombs dropped, there were a lot of refugees that came to us, and we helped who we could. Eventually though, there was only enough for my family, and my father decided that we must come first. They, the refugees, were pissed about that. They… well. There’s a reason I’m the only Tejada left.” You gasp quietly, looking away and feeling bad for prying. Raul notices and continues, 
“It could’ve been better kid. But hey, can’t exactly change the past. Come on, let’s eat dinner, I was waiting for you to get back.” Raul ruffles your hair and heads inside. You jump a little at the contact but brush it off, chuckling. He was right, the past didn’t matter anymore. There was nothing you could do to change it. The two of you were here now, and that’s all that mattered. 
“Wait up, Grandpa! You better not start til Grandma Lily gets here!” You call after him, jogging inside. You hear Lily laugh and say
“I arrived while you were going to get you’re new pet dearie!” You laugh and shut the door behind you, the world feeling alright again. Anyone outside would know, while you three (four counting the gecko) were no where near a normal family, you were a family nonetheless. And You know what? In this day and age, that’s all that really mattered. 
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deathlordcorpseking · 2 years
Yeehawgust 18: Bandolier
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This is kind of only vaguely connected to the prompt (just based off of the idea that Boone wears a bandolier after you do his quest) but I thought it was cute. I like to imagine everyone in the Lucky 38 ends up being like found family and really supportive, and I think Boone especially needs it. I like the idea of the big strong grumpy man trope >:( turning all fluffy and happy around friends :)))
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It's so easy to lose companions in Bethesda games that one time I didn't even notice that boone wasn't following me until three real-life days later
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Granny Loves You Dearie
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