#Grant Cohan
theinkydepths · 10 days
I need to know what content you guys want me to post. Please comment what you’d like to see from the blog
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marley-manson · 2 years
Hey Marley, it'd be cool if you would drop a list of the masculinity in film books you're reading. No pressure tho!
Oh yeah for sure, lol sorry I have a tendency to default to vagueness when I'm talking about anything outside of fandom.
There's a lot, I went on a spree for a few weeks lol, so this is under a cut
Only one I've read cover to cover so far is Armed Forces: Masculinity and Sexuality in the American War Film - Robert Eberwein which was both interesting and frustrating in that a lot of it was (mildly defensively lol, as a response to a lot of queer film theory) explaining how a lot of homoerotic shit isn't intended to be interpreted as actually gay, but I'm glad I read it because I was specifically trying to understand how contemporary audiences viewed homoerotic shit.
Books I've read at least a chapter of:
Men, Masculinity, and the Media - Steve Craig
Running Scared: Masculinity and the Representation of the Male Body - Peter Lehman
Masculinity: Bodies, Movies, Culture - Peter Lehman
Masculinity and Popular Television - Rebecca Feasey
Buffoon Men: Classic Hollywood Comedians and Queered Masculinity - Scott Balcerzak
Shadows of Doubt: Negotiations of Masculinity in American Genre Films - Barry Keith Grant
Screening the Male: Exploring Masculinities in Hollywood Cinema - Steven Cohan
Laughing Matters: Understanding Film, Television, and Radio Comedy - John Mundy, Glyn White
Laughing Hysterically: American Screen Comedy of the 1950s - Ed Sikov (highly recommend just for the essay on Some Like It Hot)
What Made Pistachio Nuts?: Early Sound Comedy and the Vaudeville Aesthetic - Henry Jenkins
also shoutout to this article
Books I've obtained but haven't looked through yet:
American Cinema of the 1970s: Themes and Variations - Lester D. Friedman
Hollywood Androgyny - Rebecca Bell-Metereau
The New Hollywood: What the Movies Did With the New Freedom of the Seventies - James Bernardoni
Manhood in Hollywood: From Bush to Bush - David Greven
Girls Will Be Boys: Crossdressed Women, Lesbians, and American Cinema - Laura Horak
Hard Bodies: Hollywood Masculinity in the Regan Era - Susan Jeffords
The Remasculinization of America: Gender and the Vietnam War - Susan Jeffords (I've actually read the first Jeffords in uni and parts of the second but they're pretty psychoanalytical so ymmv)
Deviant Eyes, Deviant Bodies: Sexual Re-orientations in Film and Video - Chris Straayer
Masculinity in Fiction and Film: Representing Men in Popular Cultures 1945-2000 - Brian Baker
Masculinity in the Contemporary Romantic Comedy - John Alberti
Out in Culture: Gay, Lesbian and Queer Essays on Popular Culture - Corey K. Creekmur, Alexander Doty
Flaming Classics: Queering the Film Canon - Alexander Doty
Making Things Perfectly Queer: Interpreting Mass Culture - Alexander Doty
Vested Interests: Crossdressing and Cultual Anxiety - Marjorie Garber
Queer Images: A History of Gay and Lesbian Film in America - Harry M. Benshoff
Ghost Faces: Hollywood and Post-Millennial Masculinity - David Greven
Ethereal Queer: Television, Historicity, Desire - Amy Villarejo
Gender Terrains in African Cinema - Dominica Dipio
Masculinity and Monstrosity in Contemporary Hollywood Films - Kirk Combe and Brenda Boyle
Open Secret: Gay Hollywood 1928-1998 - David Ehrenstein
Screened Out: Playing Gay in Hollywood From Edison to Stonewall - Richard Barrios
Hollywood from Vietnam to Regan - Robin Wood
In a Lonely Street: Film Noir, Genre, Masculinity - Frank Krutnik
Unamerican Hollywood: Politics and Film in the Blacklist Era - Frank Krutnik and others
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Patrick Chappatte, Le Temps de Genève :: [Scott Horton]
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Thats Another Fine Mess
Returning to our originally scheduled programming, here’s as fine a mess as one can find.
Over the past 40 years, many people have come to believe that a person who is Good at Business - who becomes rich - has done so because of their massive intellect, managerial savvy, and good judgement.
During that time, there have been many examples that disprove such belief, but none so obvious as Donald Trump and Elon Muck. What unites the two is their seething resentment of a world that rewarded them money and influence, but still refuses to grant the respect they think is their due.
Trump has proven that resentment is perhaps the most powerful political force in the modern world. Muck is doing his bit too.
Over the past 12 years, Muck tweeted whatever came to mind, mostly without major negative consequences, even when he tweeted things like informing the world he had the financing to take Tesla private, which had a major effect on Tesla’s stock price and should have gotten him in trouble with the SEC
Now, ten days after overspending by at least $40 billion to purchase Twitter in a financial climate where the $44 billion offer was mostly his “fuck you” money, and then forced to purchase it in a financial climate that puts his entire house of cards at risk, he is finding that his every word matters. And pretty much every word he has spouted in those ten days has made his situation worse by factors of billions of dollars.
Muck is on the hook for $13 billion that is secured by his Tesla stock. If he is forced to come up with the money, selling that much stock will lead to a fire sale that could see him lose upwards of $100 billion of the $200 billion in “assets” that constitute his claim to be the world’s richest man.
Twitter is rapidly becoming a theater of the absurd, worthy of an Ionesco drama, as William D. Cohan put it. Here’s Elon’s dilemma, and it’s a financial doozy: his $13 billion has an interest rate capped at an annual rate of 7.5 percent. So Twitter has to pay nearly $1 billion in interest to its banks each year. That’s basically the same EBITDA Twitter had in 2021. However that’s probably no longer an attainable level of EBITDA in 2022, based on Elon’s Friday tweet alone.
It’s hard to see how Elon can go from losing $1.5 billion a year, if true, to generating the cash flow he needs to keep his creditors off his back, even after firing half the company, and especially if users and advertisers continue to leave. It’s highly unlikely a guy like Larry Ellison will pony up more money to flush after the first billion.
And the possibility of that happening is becoming more and more likely - literally from one tweet to the next.
Tweeting an offensive conspiratorial fantasy to Hillary Clinton about the assault on Paul Pelosi had immediate consequences. Advertisers fled because of that tweet and have continued to do so with each following brainfart. The Pelosi tweet may be the most expensive in history, since so far it has cost Twitter billions in advertising revenue as companies like General Mills, Audi, Pfizer, General Motors and other big institutional advertisiters pulled their marketing because they do not want their brands even remotely associated with anything scandalous.
Muck’s Saturday threat to “name and shame” advertisers for doing what advertisers are expected to do merely demonstrates further his complete incompetence as a manager.
At this point, it might be useful to point out that Elon Muck DID NOT do the following:
He DID NOT invent Paypal. He DID NOT start Tesla. He DID NOT start Space-X.
He is the scion of an Afrikaner family that made their millions in the “blood emerald” and “blood ruby” business in Rhodesia, a company that is still known for its involvement in purchasing “blood” gemstones, also known as “conflict gems,” whose legitimate provenance cannot be proved. They consort with warlords and their profit comes from the deaths of exploited Africans in Africa’s civil wars and general instability of the past 40 years.
He came here with several million dollars and proceeded to hire fellow students at Stanford who actually knew what they were doing to create Paypal, which he did in alliance with now-certified pro-Nazi anti-democrat Peter Thiel.
He then took the money made from that and bought his way into both Tesla and Space-X much the way he bought himself into Twitter, though both of those companies actually made things. Tesla has yet to actually be profitable making his tinny toys, since it depends for the majority of its income on government subsidies for electric car sales. He bought his way in, got rid of the actual people who started the company, and named himself “founder.”
Tesla, in fact, is now falling in sales because the real car companies are eating his lunch, creating EVs that actually work, that don’t need to hide a non-disparagement agreement among all the papers a buyer signs. Companies that act like car companies, not Silly Con Vally tech companies.
Owners are upset when all cars have the same glitch, and over extended periods of time the company doesn’t fix them. The shine is off these tinny toys. Nondisparagement agreements or not, word is getting around.
Musk is not an inventor. He is not “chief engineer” at Space-X.
He is the man behind the curtain Dorothy was told to pay no attention to.
Muck is so bad at what he does that when he had a conference call with ad executives last week to quell their concerns over his tweets and the 500% increase in appearance of the “n-word” on Twitter since he took control, that many of the people on the call literally paused the ads and shifted the accounts elsewhere DURING THE CALL because of the uncertainty his statements were adding to. When he fired half the company over the past weekend, he managed to unwittingly fire Twitter’s chief customer officer, the one responsible for maintaining crucial brand and agency relationships.
The advertisers don’t need Twitter. Compared to the other social media behemoths like TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, Twitter barely registers.
When it became known last Thursday that he was going to fire half the employees, he did via an email and didn’t even sign his name to it, an act of cowardice one can list high on “character tells” about him. Many found out about their termination when their work accounts stopped functioning. The cuts hit or totally destroyed major parts of the trust-and-safety, policy, machine-learning, social-good, accessibility, communications, ethical-AI, data-science, and research teams. Those remaining were told to work 80-hour weeks to build products for Musk lest they too be terminated and to come up with ideas to “tantalize” Muck. Today, Bloomberg reported that some of the employees had skills necessary to build products Musk actually wants to launch and were terminated by mistake, and the company is trying to lure them back.
It’s actually amazing there are any employees left.And Muck continues digging the hole deeper. This morning, to the dismay of lost all the brand advertisers left - all of whom strive to be apolitical - Muck endorsed the Republican slate of candidates for tomorrow’s midterm elections to his 114-million-followers. The blowout of advertisers after the Pelosi tweet is nothing compared to what is going on as you read this.Every decision he has made: getting rid of content management, firing half the employees, failing to engage brain before hitting “send” on each tweet, has cost him billions of dollars. Every decision he’s made has lost him money.
Muck is holding a master class in how not to run an effective organization. He is surrounded with a group of yes-men advisers, many of whom also lack specific expertise.Even if he does manage to salvage things, what we are seeing is the opposite of a business mastermind at work. Muck is not leading Twitter with careful vision; he’s bumbling his way through a job he’s unqualified for.The history of capitalism is that you can be very successful and also be a very terrible human being.
In this sense, Musk is an excellent teacher. The great irony is that his achievements with Space-X and even Tsla might have obliterated the perception that he’s a spoiled, rich doofus. Buying Twitter and telling people to vote Republican has pretty much obliterated that possibility.That one tweet will likely cost him many Tesla sales, since it’s mostly the vehicle of choice of rich lefties.The Silly Con Valley Bros need to be reined in. What they are creating is not “progress.” Hero-worshiping the mega-rich is the road to ruin, as we can see around us every day.The lesson we have learned with Muck and Twitter is an old one: it’s better to be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and prove it beyond all doubt.Yesterday began the second workweek of Musk’s tenure. He celebrated it in the traditional way, by tweeting an image of a Nazi soldier in a meme about birds.
What fresh hell will tomorrow bring? Bet on more chaos.
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kimbersrp · 1 year
hello, babes. i'm posting this to say that i have a bunch of fcs in mind for rping if you're interested.
• alycia debnam-carey (main fc)
• alexa demie
• sydney sweeney
• lucy hale
• lauren cohan
• maude apatow
• danielle rose russell
• jenny boyd
• giorgia whigham
• josephine langford
• chloe bennet
• katherine langford
• lili reinhart
& more (ask who else)
• grant gustin
• jeremy allen white
• chris evans
• tom holland
• daniel sharman
• dylan o'brien
• miles heizer
• dylan minnette
• kyle gallner
& more (ask who else)
i rp on discord & on here, send me a message if interested. ask me about what i rp as well, or tell me what you prefer to rp.
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callmebrycelee · 1 year
This reaction is for the season 4, ninth episode "Road Kill" which originally aired March 21, 2023. The episode was written by Carly Soteras and Wolfe Coleman and directed by Brenna Malloy. Spoilers ahead!
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TK and Carlos enlist Mrs. Reyes to help rein in wedding planning-obsessed Owen, but their plan backfires when Andrea's inner-bridezilla is revealed. Meanwhile, Marjan aids a young couple she encounters in New Mexico, but becomes suspicious when the girlfriend slips her a message asking for help. TK and Carlos end up removing both their parents from their wedding planning duties and Marjan helps the young woman get away from her abusive boyfriend. 
Now that we're all caught up, let's talk about episode nine - ROAD KILL. In our opening scene, a young girl named Mouse (Samsara Leela Yett) is involved in an accident with her best friend Joey Dawson (Ivan Sinitsin) and his parents, Jim and Susan (Greg Cohan and Jessie Cohen) when the dad becomes distracted and drives into the oncoming lane.
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Title card!
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Over at the 126, Captain Strand gets a Facetime call from Marjan. She lets him know she's sold the bike he gave her and got $200 more than what she paid for it. Marjan tells Owen and the others she's ready to come and of course they're all excited to hear this. She asks them not to make a big deal of her coming back to the 126 and Owen promises her they won't. She tells them she's currently in Tucumcari, New Mexico and she will leave for Austin first thing the following morning after she gets some rest at a hotel. Owen asks her to come straight to his house once she's arrived back in Austin because he says he wants to get a headstart on paperwork. Marjan sees through this and realizes her 126 family is planning a party for her return. Marjan is fine with the idea but asks that there not be any yacht rock. Marjan ends the call and we see her with Kylie (Brooke Sorenson), the young woman she rescued from her abusive boyfriend in the last episode. We learn that Kylie has purchased a bus ticket to Fort Lauderdale and Marjan gives her an envelope full of money so she can get a fresh start. Marjan says, "I blew up your old life. The least I can do is help you start a new one."
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Kylie is overwhelmed by the gesture, especially when she learns that Marjan sold her bike. Marjan assures her she will rent a car to get home. The two of them arrive at the bus and Kylie begins to have second thoughts. She begins to reflect on the good times she and her boyfriend had but thankfully Marjan is there to remind her that those fond memories she has of their relationship aren't real. She then tells her that by now Grant has posted bail and there's no better time than the present for her to get away. Kylie tells her she's scared of doing this alone and Marjan tells her she's really brave for doing so. Marjan reminds her that her sister Sahar will be nearby in Miami should she ever need help. Marjan is such a good person! Kylie thanks her and hugs her before getting on the bus. Marjan tells her to enjoy her life because she deserves it. As the bus pulls away from the station, the camera pans out to show that Grant (Cameron Cowperthwaite) is watching.
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Over at the captain's house, the 126 and Carlos are busy preparing for Marjan's return. Owen is fussing over canapes and LED balloons. It seems like he's channeling all of the energy he would be spending planning TK and Carlos' wedding into Marjan's welcome back party. 
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Somewhere in New Mexico, we see Marjan in a rental car en route to Austin, Texas. She notices an RV following really close and she realizes it's Grant. She attempts to have Siri dial 9-1-1 but the call keeps getting disconnected due to low reception in the area she's in. The RV rams into the rental which causes Marjan to drift into the oncoming lane. We see a glimpse of a red car before she drives off the road. The car flips and winds up in a ditch. Thankfully Marjan is still alive. When she comes to, her face is bleeding and Mouse is in the passenger seat. Marjan asks her what's happened and Mouse tells her there was an accident and she drove off the road. Marjan tells the girl she does that sometimes and this is when I remembered something very similar happening in last season's snowpocalypse episodes. Poor Marjan! Perhaps she should just stay off of highways. Marjan assesses her injuries and believes she has a couple of broken ribs and a concussion. She asks where Mouse came from and the girl tells her she was in the accident, too. Marjan remembers the red car she saw before she drove off the road and Mouse tells her that her friend and his parents are still stuck in the car. She asks Marjan to help them and Marjan says she will call for help. Unfortunately her phone is all busted up so she gets out of the rental car and asks Mouse to show her where the car she was in is located.
Meanwhile, Grant regains consciousness in the RV and he is pretty banged up as well. He finds a gun and some bullets and gets out of the RV. While leading Marjan to the car, Mouse introduces herself. Marjan does the same and the two discover they have something in common which is playing the same position in soccer. The two arrive at the car and find it flipped over. Marjan tells Mouse to sit down while she goes to check on Joey and his parents. Unfortunately there are no survivors except for Mouse. Mouse asks if they're dead and Marjan tells her she's sorry. Mouse blames herself for distracting Mr. Dawson but Marjan assumes responsibility. Knowing the outcome of this episode, I find it interesting that both Mouse and Marjan blame themselves. Marjan tells Mouse they need to go to the top of the road and find help but Mouse wants to say goodbye to her friend first. Marjan doesn't think this is a good idea and suggests she say goodbye to him in her head. Mouse asks how to do this.
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Marjan says, "Close your eyes. Think of a time when you were truly happy together. Do you have a memory like that?"
Mouse recalls the time when Joey made a goal and he was so happy and he hugged her. Marjan tells her that if she holds onto that memory then Joey will always be that happy. The two then start off towards the main road.
Back in Texas, Owen's canapes are going bad and he wonders where Marjan is since she hasn't arrived yet. Mateo calls her phone but it goes straight to voicemail. Nancy suggests that maybe Marjan doesn't have service but Mateo says that if she's on the interstate she should have service. Marjan not answering her phone and being late to her welcome back party is a red flag because according to Mateo, Marjan never turns off her phone and she's never late to anything. TK asks if they should start calling hospitals. Judd tells him he has a better idea. He calls Grace who is on duty at the dispatch center. Judd tells Grace that Marjan should've arrived two hours ago and her phone is going straight to voicemail. Owen asks if Grace can try to get a location on her phone. Grace attempts to track her GPS but doesn't see her. Carlos asks her if she can tell them when the last time Marjan used her phone. Grace tells him that an hour and a half ago two calls, both under three seconds, were made to 9-1-1. Owen asks Grace to check for accidents in the area where the calls came from and Grace tells him she doesn't see anything. Paul figures out that Marjan can't be too far out from Austin based on when she left and when the calls to 9-1-1 were made. Owen enlists Judd and Paul to come with him to look for Marjan and Carlos says he's going to get in touch with the police to send someone to that area. 
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Marjan and Mouse make it back to the top of the road. A pickup approaches them and Marjan flags it down. An older man named Rick (Matt Gottlieb) gets out of the truck and let me just say, this guy was acting sketchy as hell, especially when he started talking about duct tape. One thing I noticed in this scene, especially during my second viewing of the episode, is that the man only acknowledges Marjan. He does not acknowledge Mouse. The old man tells them the nearest hospital is over 40 miles away. He goes into the bed of his pickup truck and hands Marjan a bottle of water. He then tells her he will dial 9-1-1. Unfortunately he doesn't get a chance to make the call because Grant shoots him. Grant starts shooting at Marjan but she and Mouse run away. The two of them retreat to what looks like a large sewage pipe and Marjan announces she is shot.
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Back at Owen's house, TK and Carlos are busy making phone calls while Mateo combs Marjan's social media accounts. Carlos tells them that the rangers haven't found anything and TK reports that no Jane Does matching Marjan's description have been admitted to any hospitals in the area, Nancy suggests they start calling tow truck companies in case Marjan is stranded on the road. Mateo tells everyone he has a bad feeling. He says they never should've let her leave in the first place. TK and Carlos being great big brothers ask him to hold it together. Grace calls Carlos' phone and tells him that she ran a search on her name in the system and it came up on a recently filed paperwork. She tells them the report was made by a woman named Kylie claiming aggravated. Marjan was a material witness to the assault which is why her name is listed on the report. Grace tells him that Kylie's boyfriend was released from custody the same day and he failed to show up for his arraignment. Not to get all soap-boxy but this is yet another reminder of how flawed our legal system is. Grant should've never left police custody in the first place but I digress. Mateo finds Kyle's instagram account.
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While Grant moves Rick's body, he yells out to Marjan who can hear her from where she and Mouse are hiding. Marjan tells Mouse she needs to get away but the little girl refuses to leave her. Mouse commands her to get up otherwise they're both dead. At the top of the road, a cop car pulls up behind the pickup and an officer (Dan Southworth) gets out to talk to Grant. This scene bothers me so much because there are a few instances where the officer seems suspicious of Grant's behavior and let me just say, Grant is not doing a good job of pretending everything is good. The officer is both clueless and useless and drives away. Makes me wonder if things would've turned out differently if Grant was a person of color. Just saying. 
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Marjan and Mouse find the RV and head inside. Mouse helps Marjan pack her gunshot wound in hopes of slowing down the bleeding. Marjan then finds Chekov's flare gun and grabs it. Marjan starts to drift in and out of consciousness while Grant goes looking for her. Marjan and Mouse manage to get out of the RV before Grant arrives but not before Marjan draws a sign in blood to alert anyone who comes looking for her. This game of cat and mouse definitely had me on the edge of my seat. 
Back at Owen's house, Carlos relays the information he got from Grace to Owen, Judd, and Paul. Mateo gets a DM from Kylie saying she is on a bus to Fort Lauderdale so the others know that she is not with Marjan. Owen tells Mateo to get her on the phone. Kylie receives a call from Carlos and he tells her he's a friend of Marjan Marwani. Owen tells her that Marjan is missing and he and the others have not heard from her since yesterday. Kylie says she hopes Grant hasn't done something to her. She tells Owen that Marjan put her on a bus to get her away from him. Kylie lets Owen know that the RV she and Grant were driving belongs to Grant's father and that it has lojack. Owen tells Carlos to fill Grace in so she can locate the RV. Kylie says that Marjan is a hero. Owen agrees with her.
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Marjan comes to after passing out and once again she begs Mouse to leave her. She tells her that she's lost too much blood and she's not going to make it. Mouse, once again, refuses to leave her. She tells her to take her hand and get up. Marjan summons all of her strength and the two head into another sewage pipe but this one is blocked off by a gate on one side preventing them from exiting through it. 
Grace directs Owen to the location of where Grant's RV should be but he doesn't see anything. Grace tells him he should be right on top of it. Owen sees the pickup truck that Rick was driving and he, Paul, and Judd get out to look for signs of Marjan. Judd finds Rick's body on the ground. Owen says he will call it in and they need to split up to look for Marjan.
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Grant finds Marjan and Mouse and prepares to shoot them. He stops when they hear Owen, Paul, and Judd calling for her. Grant figures that since Marjan is in rough shape, he doesn't have to waste a bullet on her. Instead, he goes to finish her off with his bare hands. As he advances towards her, Marjan takes out the flare gun she found in the RV and shoots him in the neck. I honestly didn't know flare guns could be used as weapons but it looks like it did quite a bit of damage to Grant. His neck is on fire. Yikes! He starts to choke on his own blood and it looks like Grant is dead. Marjan passes out right as the fire the flare gun started really starts to burn. Thankfully, Owen finds her in the nick of time. Marjan tells him to take Mouse first and Owen looks confused. Yet another sign of the twist that is about to be revealed. Mouse tells Marjan she will be okay and Owen picks Marjan and takes her back to his truck.
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Tommy makes her appearance in this episode when she delivers some cronuts to the hospital waiting room where everyone's gathered. I've never had a cronut before but they sound delicious. One thing I love about this show is that when one of our first responders is down, the rest of them rally to show support. I love that. Of course TK and Carlos are the ones who go for the cronuts. Tommy asks how Marjan is doing and Grace tells her she is good and stable. Aside from sustaining a bullet to her abdomen, she also has two broken ribs, a concussion and some smoke inhalation. Goodness! There's a funny moment where Tommy talks about Izzy's three and a half-hour dance recital and Judd jokes that he hopes that Charley stays away from extracurricular activities.
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Owen and Paul arrive with coffee right as Marjan's doctor, Dr. Cortes (Armand Vasquez) comes out to let them all know that Marjan's surgery was a success. Mateo asks if they are allowed to see her and Dr. Cortes says yes but only two at a time. Owen and Paul volunteer to see her first and when they arrive in her room she is happy to see them. Marjan is pretty groggy and she's on a LOT of painkillers. Marjan thanks Owen for saving her but he tells her she saved herself. Owen asks about Grant and Paul tells her he got what he deserved so I guess that means he's dead? Or in jail? I wish we got a more concrete answer. Owen does confirm the fate of Rick, the guy who tried to help Marjan. Poor guy didn't deserve that at all. Marjan then asks about the other car - the station wagon with the family inside. Owen tells her there wasn't another vehicle. Marjan is confused by this information. Owen asks if "Mouse" means anything to her and she says yes right as a nurse brings her flowers. When Paul asks her who the flowers are from, we get a flashback. 
Waleed and Nasreen (Nicky Boulos and Vera Hairabedian) arrive at the hospital and rush to their daughter's room. Mouse is distraught about Joey and his parents. Marjan tells them she felt so alone but her mother reminds her that with Allah she is never alone. Her father tells her that he and her mother love her very much and her mother refers to her as their "sweet, little mouse". Plot twist!!! Mouse is actually Marjan! More on that later! 
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Back in the present, Marjan reads the card that came with the flowers and see that they're from her parents. End of episode.
What a great episode and what a great payoff to the Marjan leaves the 126 plot. I'm so happy we have Marjan back and I'm equally ecstatic we got a bit of her backstory. A few seasons ago we learned she was arranged to be married to her childhood friend but that's about all we knew about her other than her Firefox persona and her roller derby playing. I'm also glad we got to see Natacha Karam show off her acting chops. Not only is she one of the most stunning people I have ever seen on-screen, she can do action, comedy, and drama. I hope we continue to learn more about her because even though this can feel like the Owen Strand and Tarlos show at times, Marjan Marwani is particularly beloved by the fandom.
Let's talk about the episode's twist. I figured it out in the first scene but there were moments where I thought Mouse was really there. Upon second viewing of the episode, I noticed the car that the Mr. Dawson nearly collides with is not the rental car that Marjan was driving. However, in the scene where Marjan is hit by Grant's RV, she is already starting to lose consciousness when she sees a red vehicle approaching her. Another thing I noticed watching the episode again is that none of the characters Marjan encounters after the accident acknowledge Mouse's existence. When I knew for sure that Mouse was a figment of Marjan's imagination is when Owen finds her and she asks him to take Mouse first. Owen gives her the look Hen Wilson gave him when he was hallucinating Tim Rosewater back in season two. 
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What I found particularly interesting is that when Mouse blames herself for Mr. Dawson crashing the station wagon, Marjan interjects and says it's her fault. I think this is a sign that even years later, Marjan still blames herself for the accident that killed her best friend and his parents. I also thought that Marjan's ability to survive and take care of herself after the accident until help came speaks to that old adage that you can't help others until you first learn to help yourself. Marjan's origin story isn't one of triumph. It's actually one of loss. However, Marjan was able to keep her wits about her and her inability to save her best friend became the thing that motivated her to want to save others and Marjan has saved a LOT of people. 
Well, we've gotten a lot of screen time with Marjan Marwani these last few episodes, so I wonder which of our characters will get focused on next. We still have quite a few episodes left in season 4. Give me some Judd and Grace, please, because they've really taken a backseat this season. Also, give me some more Paul and Asha and also give me some Mateo and some Nancy. Then I'll officially be happy. Oh, and one more thing - please bring Billy Tyson back because I miss that ornery asshole so much! Maybe I'll end up getting what I want. Until next time ...
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wally-franks-stan · 2 years
hi it's me, your keeper. i'm gonna bug you with npcs for that ask game you reblogged. the six characters i will give you are: Andy Larsan, Moon, Prophet, Norman Polk, Grant Cohan, Jupiter
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I’m going to kiss Andy. love that guy
Going to marry,,,, Norman I think
Setting prophet on fire im sure he’s fine. I highly doubt the ink in motw is flammable
Wrapping a blanket around Moon lord knows he needs it
And finally I will be roommates with Grant.
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tinseltown-rp · 1 year
Britt Robertson, Jonathan Daviss, Bradley Cooper, Ashley Greene, Drew Starkey, Flo Pugh, Liam Hemsworth, Tom Holland, Zendaya, Ross Butler, Zoey Deutch, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Joel McHale, Aj Michalka, Stephen Amell, Taron Edgerton, Carlacia Grant, Sabrina Carpenter, Charlie Hunnam, Alona Tal, Jeffery Dean Morgan, Jared Padalecki, Lauren Cohan, Jeremy Allen White, Jake Gyllenhaal, Shay Mitchell, Patrick J Adams, Troian Bellisario, Justin Timberlake, Lili Rienhart, Maya Hawke, Joe Quinn, Charlie Heaton, Natalia Dyer, Dacre Montgomery, Melissa Benoist, Keke Palmer, Sam Claflin, Robert Pattinson, Camilla Morrone, Riley Keogh, Adam Brody, Harry Styles, David Harbour, Jenna Ortega, and more all open and wanted! Come join us!
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hillsfms · 1 year
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Welcome to the Hollywood Hills, REN! You have been accepted as SOPHIA BUSH. Please make sure you complete all your onboarding tasks before you board your flight to the city of angels!
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Ren she/her
she is divorced from grant hughes! thank you for reading my app. 
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January 07
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[1528] Jeanne d'Albret, Queen of Navarre (1555-72), mother of French King Henry IV.
[1768] Joseph Bonaparte, French King of Naples and Spain, brother of Napoleon, born in Corte, Corsica.
[1796] Charlotte Augusta of Wales, British Princess and only legitimate grandchild of King George III, born in London.
[1845] Ludwig III, last King of Bavaria (1913-18), born in Munich, Bavaria.
[1926] Joe Marston, Australian football defender, born in Leichhardt, New South Wales, Australia.
[1929] Mario Bergamaschi, Italian football midfielder, born in Crema, Italy.
[1939] Prince Michael of Greece and Denmark, born in Rome, Kingdom of Italy.
[1964] Nicolas Cage, American actor, born in Long Beach, California.
[1970] João Ricardo, Angolan football goalkeeper, born in Luanda, Angola.
[1971] Jeremy Renner, American actor, born in Modesto, California.
[1977] Dustin Diamond, American actor and stand-up comedian, born in San Jose, California.
[1982] Lauren Cohan, British-American actress, born in Cherry Hill, New Jersey.
[1983] Brett Dalton, American actor, born in San Jose, California.
[1986] Grant Leadbitter, English football midfielder, born in Chester-le-Street, United Kingdom.
[1987] Davide Astori, Italian football central defender, born in San Giovanni Bianco, Italy.
[1989] Emiliano Insúa, Argentine football left-back, born in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
[1991] Eden Hazard, Belgian football winger or attacking midfielder, born in La Louvière, Belgium.
[2012] Blue Ivy Carter, American daughter of Beyoncé and Jay-Z, born in New York City, New York.
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[312] Lucian of Antioch, theologist and martyr, dies from torture and starvation at 72.
[1285] Charles I of Anjou, King of Naples and Sicily (1266-85), brother of King Louis IX of France, dies at 58.
[1325] Denis of Portugal, King of Portugal (1279-1325), dies at 63.
[1355] Inês de Castro, Galician noblewoman, lover and posthumously-recognized wife of King Peter I of Portugal, is murdered in the orders of King Afonso IV at 29 or 30.
[1536] Catherine of Aragon, 1st wife of King Henry VIII, mother of Queen Mary 1, dies at 50.
[1695] Mary II, Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland, wife of King William III, dies of smallpox at 32 (OS=Dec. 28, 1694).
[1743] Anne Sophie von Reventlow, Queen of Denmark and Norway (1721-30), dies at 49.
[1830] Infanta Carlota Joaquina, daughter of King Charles IV of Spain and wife of King John VI of Portugal, dies at 53.
[1890] Augusta of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, wife of German Emperor William I, dies at 78.
[1922] Jonah Kūhiō Kalaniana'ole, Prince of the Kingdom of Hawaii, dies at 50.
[1943] Nikola Tesla, Serbian-American physicist,electrical engineer and inventor who developed alternating current and the Tesla Coil, dies at 86.
[1989] Emperor Shōwa (Hirohito), 124th Emperor of Japan (1926-89), dies at 87 after a 62-year reign.
[2020] Khamis Al-Owairan, Saudi Arabian football midfielder, dies from cancer at 46.
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For the whole history of HOPE VAN DYNE please click here.
It took a moment to readjust after the Blip. Hope had been turned to ash alongside both of her parents, so all three of the Pym / van Dyne’s have been regrouping together. Although primarily based in San Fransisco, she’s found herself in New York along with her family, Scott and Cassie to be nearer to all of the action. The Avengers are recruiting and while Scott’s technically been one, Hope hasn’t. She’s not sure she wants to be, but she’s open to the idea. It would feel a bit full circle after Scott left her to fight at the Berlin during the Clash of the Avengers. Avenger or not, Hope is ready for the future. She’s got a full family for the first time since she was a child and a strong purpose. Hope’s more than just a sidekick, and she’s more than happy to prove that to anyone and everyone.
✗ SCOTT LANG (MCU) grew on Hope over time. She didn’t think he was worthy of her father’s work in the beginning, but Scott proved her wrong. The two eventually became teammates as Ant-Man & the Wasp, and they grew to be more on a personal level as well. As romantic and professional partners, Hope and Scott have a good thing going. There’s always the fact that he went and became an Avenger and didn’t invite her, but she’s over that. Mostly. It’s something Hope can get over. Scott means a lot more to her than a title or team.
✗ JANET VAN DYNE (MCU) went missing when Hope was very young, and there was always a mother shaped hole left in her life. It was hard getting over Janet’s absence; the issue was exacerbated by the fact that Hope had no idea what happened to her. It’s been a while since she’s been back, but Hope isn’t taking a day for granted. There’s so much they missed and have to make up for.
✗ HANK PYM (MCU) was difficult more often than not during Hope’s adolescence and adulthood. There was a lot she didn’t understand about her father and that was due in part to him keeping things from her. Big things. While it could’ve pushed Hope away forever ( and almost did ), the two have worked through old hurts and are healing now. Hope loves her father no matter how stubborn or insufferable he can be; she’s an adult now with more agency in the relationship. It’s not perfect, but Hope’s never looked for perfection. She just wanted love and trust, and now she has it.
✗ THE ANT-FAM → They’re family -- literally. There was so much that Hank kept from Hope while she was growing up that it was difficult to want to be on his team. Now, things have changed: Janet’s back and Scott’s also entered the fold. They bicker and don’t always agree, but at the end of the day, the all care about the same things. Having her mother back and her parents together has meant the world to Hope. It’s just an added bonus that her partner is there, too.
✗ AGE → 40 ✗ MULTIVERSE ORIGIN → mcu ✗ SPECIES → human ✗ ETHNICITY → white ✗ SECRET IDENTITY → public ✗ RELATIONSHIP STATUS → open ✗ FACECLAIM → lauren cohan ✗ AVAILABILITY → open
was blipped
born between 1979-1989
originally san francisco based
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moved-silvenarts · 5 years
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Finally have a design for Grant 'haven't slept in a week but still lookin cute' Cohan.
Joey would die for this man.
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bornoffireandwisdom · 5 years
New Searcher Ideas!
Hey guys. I thought up some interesting new ideas about how Searchers could behave around each other in my BATIM Saudade AU! I like these new ideas!
I’m not too sure if I should use these though. So please tell me what you guys think of them! I really need your opinions on these so I can better decide whether to make these new ideas canon to my AU! 😅
Here’s a few of the ideas. I’m sorry if they aren’t very good. If you guys don’t like them then don’t worry, I won’t make them canon then; but if you do, then please let me know!
Number One: -Searchers may not have the best vision due to how the infection affected them. Their eyes glow to help see them in the dark, but despite that they can’t see too well. Relying more on other senses than that. They have highly developed hearing which helps them navigate to each other since Searchers mostly groan, moan, or gurgle to communicate. Though they do growl and screech when threatened, which can sometimes alert other Searchers to an area depending on how far or close they are. However hearing can only get them so far.. so when being chased, it isn’t too difficult to hide. Their poor eyesight makes it easy for them to lose sight of potential victims. Also, due to their poor eyesight Searchers often bump into things or each other by accident. They also tend to fall down stairs sometimes and walk into walls. (Referencing to the two funny stories I wrote with Searcher!Henry yesterday. 😆)
Number two: -if Searchers focus hard enough, they can actually hear the sound of an uninfected human’s heartbeat, which is usually how they can tell if a person is not yet corrupted or if they’re going through the stages (5 Stages of Corruption). They can also tell the difference between someone who is infected and who’s not infected. Usually by the slowness of their heartbeats (those infected, has their heartbeat become slower and slower until it stops. Killing them and causing them to come back as Searchers), and also by some sort of sense that they get from them. Almost like they can sense it in their soul.
Number three: -When not communicating in their usual mindless noises, they can telepathically send messages to each other through the puddles/hive-mind. When other Searchers are close and one finds an intruder, all they really need to do is shriek loud enough so that the others will come into the area. However when they’re too far away that’s when they usually send messages to each other telepathically. Giving away the location and their whereabouts.
Number four: -Searchers sometimes hang around areas that they spent time in before they were turned. They’re sort of drawn to the places in the studio that they used to work in or held some kind of importance to them in life. For example: When Grant isn’t being ordered by Joey or the puddles, he stays in his office, and Jack prefers to be in the sewers or in the music department, Lacie likes to be near Bertram’s ride since they were friends, and Shawn usually stays in the toy-making area. Searchers also have a few little traits from before they became completely corrupted. Such as Henry still trying to be a good parent for Bendy (despite being completely mindless), and Jack with his hat and not wanting to take it off.
Okay. Once again I’m sorry if these new ideas are stupid! If you guys don’t like them then I won’t make them canon, but I’d really love to hear all of your opinions on these ideas. 😅
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Out of curiosity...How did you take down all your employees? You mentioned how you corrupted Sammy...But what about the others?
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“Now that’s a long story.. well, Norman was the first one to be dealt with, but we all know what happened to young Mr Polk. As for the others, Wally Franks was infected by Sammy Lawrence. He didn’t corrupt him willingly.. but I made sure it was done. During all the chaos it seemed that Grant, Shawn and Lacie happened to hear the commotion. They tried to intervene.. but it only caused their downfall. Finally with Jack Fain, I’m sorry to say that his death wasn’t nearly as entertaining as the others. He simply fell asleep at his desk and accidentally came into contact with ink that had burst through a pipe.”
“I must admit.. I enjoyed each of their struggles.” -Joey Drew
Hey! Sorry I took so long to answer this! 😅 I’m going to try my best to finish the rest of the asks today. This was a very great question, it was fun to answer! 😄
Sorry if the drawing isn’t very good though! And sorry if the answer isn’t too good either. I wanted to add more but I didn’t know how to make it sound good. 😅
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Feed - Mira Grant (Newsflesh #1)
The year was 2014. We had cured cancer. We had beaten the common cold. But in doing so we created something new, something terrible that no one could stop. The infection spread, virus blocks taking over bodies and minds with one, unstoppable command: FEED. Now, twenty years after the Rising, bloggers Georgia and Shaun Mason are on the trail of the biggest story of their lives—the dark conspiracy behind the infected. The truth will get out, even if it kills them.
Read if You Like:
Post-Apocalyptic Fiction
Dystopian FIction
Recommended if You Enjoy:
Max Brooks (World War Z)
M. R. Carey (The Girl with All the Gifts)
Daryl Gregory (Raising Stony Mayhall)
The Walking Dead (T.V. Series, 2010)
Shaun of the Dead (Movie, 2004)
Mira Grant (Into the Drowning Deep)
Next in the series:
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judybihi · 2 years
Walking Dead - For a current occasion
The Daryl/Carol spinoff without Carol
Remember: we don't KNOW what happened behind the scenes. NONE of us were there for the negotiations or talks. So we don't know how the exit came about. So no need to throw anyone on the pyre.
The same goes for the Riggs affair. To me it is so strange that the father is so completely believed. Apart from the fact that a parent is not considered an objective source in the first place anyway, the father is not an innocent lamb.
Similarly with Cohan. We don't know how much more money she wanted. Maybe she was unreasonable?
I don't want to defend AMC or anything like that. But we just don't know and we should behave accordingly. And yes, we automatically side with our stars because we feel sympathy for them, but a lot of things just go too far.
There is a mob blaming Reedus. Because his wish was granted at the location. As far as we know, it's being shot in Europe. I have a hard time believing he suggested it.
As understandable as it is that she doesn't want to move. It's also understandable that AMC doesn't have to go after hers.
My gut feeling would be that it's been clear internally for a while that the spinnoff isn't going to happen like this. Because to me, S11 already felt like they were ending Carol's story before that. And I really hope she finds peace and can take care of the children. Gladly with our favourite zookeeper.
PS: AMC is getting particularly loud again about being sexist, homophobic and racist: if you really believe it and still watch one of their shows, what does that say about you?
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honeysodas · 4 years
Bendy crackup comics spoilers ahead
Theory 1:
So recently a friend from twitter has showed me some pages of the new comics and to be honest they are amazing but sadly ill be getting mine on my birthday but i have been looking at the meanings of some of the comics so fare
But of course spoilers so please be warned!!
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So basically in one of the comics ive seen so far is that edgar saves bendy boris and alice from going over a water fall so hes not so bad as we think still a babey dbdb
But since people think striker is possibly grant cohan this kinda hit a lil diffrent like
It was almost like grant trying to hold the cartoons/studio toughether in what saving them through guiding them away from danger or the end of the studio ((simular to what joey said about "guiding the ship")) or it could even meen the most innocent like people that work for joey is keeping the studio from sinking or falling apart
Jus a lil thought 👀👀👀
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