#Grayson waller wwe
mith-gifs-wrestling · 15 days
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Kevin makes two very good points!
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princedevitt · 2 months
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samijey · 1 month
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Kevin Owens: Undisputed Champion of off-mic comments
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mrawkweird · 1 month
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When Owens starts getting aggressively ecstatic it's time to worry.
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solo-uso · 5 months
Kevin compares wrestlers to zoo animals. x
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the-hanged-lover · 11 months
wwe & aew alignment charts
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milesworld96 · 5 months
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sikoazayn · 6 months
austin giving his biggest fan/bf an autograph
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justthatwwegirl · 6 months
"She's My Wife, You Idiot!"
(Grayson Waller x Female Reader.)
(This has been on my mind for a while now, AND I CANT GET ENOUGH OF THIS MAN!)
Summary: You and Grayson have been married for over a year now and have kept it a secret. But after taking a terrible bump in the ring, Grayson can't help but come out to check if you're okay, and after Grayson said something to the ref, people find out your relationship.
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(Warnings: Some cursing, fluff, a tiny bit of angst, secret relationship, injury, shitty summary and ending, cringe writing.)
Y/N had came to the arena with Grayson but eventually separated from him to go to one of her friends, Naomi, while Grayson went off to Theory.
"Hey boo!" Naomi said with her positive attitude, giving Y/N a hug in which Y/N returned.
Y/N gave Naomi a smile, talking about her upcoming match against Tiffany while the two walked to catering.
They grabbed their plates and sat down, talking even more.
"Yeah, I got to talk to Tiffany soon about the match, hopefully nothing goes wrong. She's a pretty good wrestler though, so I'm sure it will go as planned." Y/N said and Naomi nodded her head but it seemed like she was more focused on something else.
"Don't freak out, but it looks like Grayson is staring at you again with those stupid heart eyes." Naomi whispered and then Y/N turned around to her one and only husband staring at her.
"What a creep." Naomi said and rolled her eyes before pulling Y/N's gaze away from Grayson.
"He's probably staring at something else that happens to be in our direction." Y/N says, excusing it off.
Naomi looked at her and shook her head, taking another bite out of her food.
While the two went back to talking, Grayson had told Austin that he had to go back to his lockerroom and grab something, leaving catering.
Grayson had given Y/N a look that she immediately recognized.
After a Grayson was gone for a little bit, Y/N had made her excuse.
"Um, I'm going to go use the restroom, get my makeup and hair done, then chat with Tiffany about our match. I'll see you later Trin." Y/N said with a smile and Naomi nodded her head before hugging her goodbye.
"See you after the show boo!" Naomi said in her cheerful tone.
Y/N waved her bye before walking toward a secluded place.
She looked around and just before she turned around, someone had picked her up.
Y/N elbowed the person in their stomach but then heard a familiar groan.
"Grayson! I am so so sorry!" Y/N immediately apologized but Grayson waved it off.
"It's fine." He said clutching his stomach. "But damn can you elbow somebody." He said and Y/N cracked a smile which made Grayson smile.
Grayson gave Y/N a kiss, which then eventually turned into a makeout session.
"Grayson- Gray. I have to... go to hair and makeup, and your... lips are gonna be full of my lipgloss." Y/N had said in-between kisses.
"One more..." Grayson whined when she pulled away from the kiss.
Y/N sighed. "Your lucky I love you." She said before giving Grayson one last, long, and passionate kiss before she had to go.
"I'm very lucky, especially since your my wife." Grayson said in his Australian accent that always made Y/N weak.
They gave each other a hug, Grayson kissing Y/N on her head before she had to leave.
"I'll see you after your match." Grayson said as his match was later on than hers.
"Alright, I look forward to seeing my amazing husband." Y/N said which gave Grayson the biggest smile on his face.
"I love you." He said as she was leaving. "I love you more!" Y/N had to shout a bit but blew a kiss to Grayson, in which he caught it and put his hand over his lips.
She rolled her eyes before going to hair and makeup.
Grayson had returned to Austin and Austin just looked at Grayson weird.
"What mate?" Grayson asked Austin.
"What did you have to grab that you had to to take so long, and where is it?" Austin asked, looking Grayson up and down.
"It wasn't in my lockerroom and I had to use the restroom!" Grayson defended himself.
Austin sighed and turned away. While he did that, Grayson quickly wiped Y/N's lipgloss off of his lips.
"Alright, our match is next." Tiffany said as the two walked to gorilla.
"We got this Tiff." Y/N said, giving Tiffany a hug before their match in which Tiffany returned.
"I know girly, confidence is key." The barbie had said as my music had hit.
Y/N walked out to the ramp, the crowd cheering her on while the ring announcer introduced her.
She was a baby face, and the crowd loved her. Y/N was a like sunshine.
Grayson was a heel. The crowd always booed him and Austin.
They weren't that different, but even if people found out about their relationship, they would wonder how the hell the two even ended up together.
"And Y/N is on the ground! No! Please don't end like this!" Wade Barret screamed into his headset.
"Oh please! It's Tiffy Time!" Corey Graves said as they watched the match between the ladies.
Tiffany was positioned at the top rope, ready to give Y/N her finisher.
But just has she did, Tiffany landed a little awkwardly. But this didn't hurt Tiffany much, instead it hurt Y/N a whole lot.
Y/N had already hurt her leg during the match but it wasn't like this.
Her ribcage was throbbing in pain while Tiffany stood up and had her hand raised up high.
The ref had went over to check up on Y/N and after he realized what had happened, he called over the medics.
Grayson was backstage with Austin right by him. Austin was talking about something while Grayson was watching the match.
"Really focused on that match huh?" Austin said out of no where as he realized that Grayson was paying him 0 attention.
"Dude, it's so obvious you like her." Austin said, snapping Grayson into reality.
"Shit. It's that obvious?" Grayson asked, playing along.
"Yes!" Austin said, looking at Grayson with a shocked look.
"You always stare at her when she's in catering, you shamelessly and badly flirt with her so much that it makes my ears hurt and to the point where her friends think you're a creep." Austin says in a sorta rant.
"Her friends think I'm a creep?" Grayson asks Austin and Austin nods his head.
"Yes, Naomi always catches you staring at her, Tiffany has to endure you shamelessly flirting with her and by the looks of it, it makes her wanna throw up, and then Bayley and all of damage control look at you weird when you do all of those things." Austin says and Grayson stares at him with shock.
"And then! You are always talking about her. All I hear every day is, Y/N this, Y/N that. You are OBSESSED! Even Kevin has to hear it before we have a match." Austin said while staring at Grayson, finally finished with his rant but then looked back at the TV then at Grayson.
"I don't care, after this match you gotta tell her. I'll buy you ice cream after." Austin says.
"What-" Grayson starts before looking back up at the TV.
There was his wife, the woman he loved so dearly, lying in the ring hurt and being taken care of by medics.
He didn't give a damn in the slightest if anyone tried stopping him in what he was about to do.
"Grayson!" Austin tried calling after him but he was already gone.
"Well, it seems like Y/N has been seriously hurt..." Corey starts off before being interrupted by the random crowd pop.
"What in the hell is Grayson Waller doing running out to the ring?!" Wade Barret shouts again into his headset.
Y/N clutched her ribs as she heard the crowd and looked up to see Grayson and the ref holding him back.
"Why won't you let me help her?!" Grayson shouted at the ref while the ref held him back.
"What is going on?!" Wade Barrett and Corey said at the same time.
"Are you serious?" Grayson said as the ref wouldn't let him help Y/N.
But the words that would leave Grayson's mouth made the crowd start gasping and then cheering.
"She's my wife, you idiot!" Grayson shouted as loud as possible and the ref looked stunned as nobody knew about their relationship.
Grayson help up his hand with his ring finger, the wedding ring shining bright. He held it up to the crowd to prove that he was indeed Y/N's husband and that she was his wife.
Wade and Corey looked at each other confused.
"Marriage?!" Corey shouted.
"Y/N is married to HIM?!" Wade said.
The ref had finally let Grayson help her and as soon as he did, Grayson was already at Y/N's side.
"I'm here baby, I'm here." Grayson said in his Australian accent.
Y/N immediately reached to him and pulled him into a hug. She winced when she tried to get up, almost falling down but Grayson had caught her.
Grayson had let out a nervous laugh which made Y/N smile as she heard it.
Grayson had kissed her head while they walked down the ramp with the medical staff still checking up on her.
The both of them were hearing random shit from the crowd.
And a lot of other things. But they didn't care.
Grayson noticed Y/N struggling and swept her off her feet, carrying her bridal style.
The crowd cheered once more, a few awes here and there.
"Well, there's nothing majorly wrong with her your leg but you have sprained your ribcage." The doctor informed the couple.
"How long will I be out?" Y/N had asked, gripping onto Grayson's hand tighter that she previously was.
Grayson noticed her anxiety and slowly rubbed her hand, trying to make her feel better. In which he did.
"A good 6 weeks." Y/N had looked at the doctor dumbfounded but ultimately accepted the news.
Once the doctor left to give Y/N some space, tears were forming in her eyes.
Grayson and noticed and pulled his wife into a hug.
"6 weeks?" Y/N said softly as she held onto Grayson.
Grayson looked at her face and he could have broke down right then and there from seeing his wife like this.
"It's going to be okay." Was all he said though.
"It's 6 weeks of me not being here!" Y/N shouted with a cry.
"I don't even... and it's just my fucking fault, and I hate it so much. If I had maybe agreed to Tiffany doing her other finisher instead of her moonsault, maybe I-" Y/N's rant was interrupted by Grayson kissing her.
After a little while, Grayson pulled away, leaving her to want more.
Y/N turned away but Grayson made her look at him.
He wiped away her tears and held her face in his hands.
"It isn't your fault." He said quietly.
"Everything will be okay. You will be back in action in no time." Grayson reassured Y/N.
"I can't stand to see my beautiful wife cry." Grayson said his damn Australian accent that Y/N had always loved.
Y/N looked down as she blushed but looked back at Grayson, leaning in for another kiss.
But before they could, they were very rudely interrupted by someone barging in the room.
Or should I say people.
"Wife?!" Austin shouted. Grayson smiled at Austin's shock and confusion.
Naomi and Bayley came in, standing next to him.
"You are MARRIED, to HIM?!" Naomi said loudly and looked at Grayson and Y/N.
Bayley shook her head and whispered something.
The rest of damage control came into the room and Asuka started laughing making everyone look at her.
"Sorry-" She said in Japanese.
"I did not expect you two to be together, despite the awful flirting." Dakota says, Bayley nodding her head.
Then that's when Tiffany and Kevin came in.
"I am so so sorry!" Tiffany said running up to Y/N and giving her a big hug. It genuinely sounded like Tiffany was about to cry.
"I just came in here to check up on you but out of everybody to be dating, this guy?" Kevin said, pointing to Grayson.
Grayson scoffed and rolled his eyes at Kevin.
"I brought you your favorite snacks too." Tiffany said, giving Y/N chips.
"Tiff, I'm fine, really. But thank you for all of this." Y/N said giving Tiffany another hug.
"And you to being announced as a couple, especially a MARRIED couple, was not on my bingo card." Tiffany said pulling away from the hug.
"I mean..." Grayson said, and the couple both showed their hands with their wedding rings.
"It's really hard to miss this." Grayson said.
"Yeah, especially when you've had it for over a year." Y/N said.
"Over a year?!" Everyone in the room said in unison.
Grayson and Y/N looked at each other before laughing. Y/N then lied down on Grayson's thigh while everyone became even more confused.
"Yes, we have been together since our nxt days." Grayson explained.
"Wait..." Bayley and Austin said together.
"How long have you guys been together, not married but together?" They both asked.
Grayson and Y/N looked at eachother again.
"4 years and a few month. Our anniversary was just in December." The couple said.
"4 years?!" Kevin yelled first and then the whole room started chattering.
Grayson laughed and looked down at his wife to see her staring back up at him.
"Secret's out." She whispered and Grayson nodded.
Y/N sat up and looked at Grayson again with a smile.
"What?" He asked.
"You're perfect." She whispered and now it was time for Grayson to blush.
"I still don't know how I'm this lucky to be with you." Y/N said while going in for another kiss that Grayson gladly accepted.
"I'm even more lucky for you to be my wife." Grayson said as he continued to kiss Y/N.
"Alright lovebirds, I'm getting sick." Dakota said and Austin gagged.
The couple rolled their eyes at their actions but shooed everyone out of the room.
Y/N was actually happy that their relationship was now out. She didn't mind everyone being shocked about them being a couple, in fact it made her laugh so many times.
She could finally hang out with Grayson and everyone would stop thinking Grayson was a creep.
Overall it was amazing.
"Babe, come back to bed." Grayson said in a drowsy voice due to him being tired.
"I have to take the medicine the doctor prescribed me." Y/N explained as she took it.
Grayson groaned but eventually Y/N came back to their shared bed.
Grayson held her, peppering her should and neck with kisses while Y/N tried to sleep.
"You I love you, right?" Grayson had asked and Y/N smiled.
"And you know I love you even more, right?" Y/N had asked.
Grayson shook his head. "Not possible." He said before continuing to hold his lovely wife.
"But it is." She whispered, making Grayson look at her with literal heart eyes.
Grayson hid his face in Y/N's neck so she couldn't see him blushing but slowly after a while, the couple drifted into a deep slumber.
The End. ♡
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mith-gifs-wrestling · 7 months
Two very different but exquisite sells of the RKO. Theory's Squashed-Frog Approach! Waller's Dying Arm-Fling Pirouette! Kevin in the background of both enjoying himself!
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princedevitt · 1 month
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samijey · 8 months
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A-Town Down Under (26/01/2024)
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mrawkweird · 6 months
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They really fucking did it.
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the-hanged-lover · 10 months
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when the vyvanse hits so you cook up some more text posts (but still won't do your assignments)
didn’t expect these to be so popular. y’all have been so nice to me 😭😭. thanks everyone
part 1 // part 2 // part 3 // part 4 // part 6
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milesworld96 · 3 months
I’m losing it, I’m at wits end rn
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sydsaint · 10 months
These two bitches r so fucking boyfriend coded its ridiculous.
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