#Green Fluorite Benefits
sagittariusmars2 · 1 year
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(Top to bottom) advice from crystals
Pile 1
I see that malachite, garnet, and chrysoprase has a message for you. Garnet wants to let u know that if things look rough or things look like it will never get better it’s a sign of change and a rebirth is coming, do what you can to soothe yourself and stay grounded. Take these obstacles as a lesson, See where the pain comes from and see what you can do in ur situation. keep fighting and stay persistent. Chrysoprase wants to let you know that it’s okay to feel pessimistic sometimes but beware of letting your emotions control ur actions, learn how to deal with ur emotions in a healthy way and transmute ur anger/pain. Malachite wants you to focus on healing past trauma especially in your childhood, let go of whatever doesn’t serve you and be open to change. Signs- Scorpio, Sagittarius, libra. Initials- P, C, T, V, F, K, J
Pile 2
I see you have messages from Angelite , green fluorite, and dumortierite. Angelite wants you to know that there are powerful sources that u can’t see and you should connect with them as they try to connect with u, listen to your intuition and try meditation or something that brings u peace/grounds you. Green flourite wants you to accept the things that you can’t control and be more open minded, do things that make you happy or find a new hobby. Dumortierite wants you to work on ur patience and self discipline, try to find something that benefits you and brings u joy. Signs- Virgo, Gemini, Scorpio. initials- V, Y, I, P
Pile 3
I see that you have messages from Smoky quart, sodalite, rose quartz, and turquoise. Smoky quartz wants you to know that you can’t ignore things and push them to the back of ur subconscious, your subconscious may be trying to tell you that u need to handle something instead of putting it off. Listen to ur intuition and do some shadow work, sodalite wants you to connect to ur spirituality and intuition more. Continue to ground yourself as you ascend, rose quartz wants you to be more compassionate to yourself and others. Turquoise wants you to focus on balancing your feminine and masculine energy,find the courage to get out tough situations and don’t make excuses for yourself. Signs- Leo, Aquarius, Taurus. Initials- Y, T, Q, F, P, N, E, A, I
Pile 4
I see that blue howlite, citrine, and amethyst have a message for u. I see that amethyst wants u to pay attention more to ur feminine side, focus on healing and letting go of fears. Blue howlite wants you to know that you have what it takes to be successful but u gotta be confident and ambitious, citrine wants you to control ur temper and learn how to handle tough situations. Signs- Aquarius, Pisces, Virgo. Initials- M, E, O, C, I
Personal readings always available, please watch my 18+ pick a card reading on YouTube
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thexblushingxwitch · 1 year
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Hello everyone! I know it’s been a long time since I’ve personally made a post. Things were crazy for me in a mental health sense. BUT! I do have an Ostara post for you!
I am a “closeted witch”. Luckily we live in 2023, and everyone is fascinated with crystals and the “witch aesthetic”. As a pro, I can easily decorate without seeming like I practice when I actually do, a win-win situation!
A lot has to do with how I used to celebrate Easter with my parents, I collaborated pastel and bright colors with earth elements. It took me years to collect these items, so don’t feel pressure to want to purchase things! For me it’s all about the change of the seasons and with my spiritual growth.
I started by cleansing my altar surface with Florida water and not shown is applying protection sigils before I start building my altar. I didn’t have time to make an Ostara ritual oil unfortunately; but I do have an Ostara bath in mind that I’ll probably share in the near future!
Here are the crystals I’ve used for Ostara;
- Amethyst: enhances spiritual connection, relieves insomnia, and helps with mental clarity and memory.
-Citrine: Attracts prosperity, abundance and wealth, helps cultivate confidence and personal power.
-Fluorite : Helps transform negative energy into positive energy.
-Opal : Helps with emotional balance and stabilization, also a protective stone like an “invisibility cloak “
-Flower Agate : In connection to the heart, this crystal will help with your inner peace, empathy, and joy.
-Selenite : Acts as an active space cleanser, I personally always have this on my altar to proactively cleanse my altar space. Depending how I’m feeling I will generally leave it or let it stay on my altar , because it does cleanse good and bad energy. Sometimes I get the feeling of “the void”, and need to place it away from my altar to rebuild and stabilize my intentions for my altar… if that makes sense 😅
-Blue Agate : This crystal helps dispelling fear, and gives me an emotional facelift. Basically keeping my emotional being in check.
-Jade : My jade is a dark green shade. This one in particular helps with centering and grounding myself.
-Clear Quartz : An amplifier crystal, it helps with meditation and psychic abilities.
-Amber : Acts as a sun crystal for me. It releases bright and soothing energy when I need it most.
-Aquamarine : Benefits with this crystal helps with gaining insight and wisdom.
Labradorite- : Relieves anxiety, stress, bringing out the best of yourself.
A lot of these crystals I’ve chosen for this season had to do with the elements. Water, air, fire , earth.
I got the glass bunny trinket container from Target a year back, and the fake flowers are from Dollar Tree ( thank goodness for that store or I’d never be able to change my altar for the seasons ever😭).
I’ve made a money and abundance cup to “plant” my goals and manifestations for Spring. In the black sachet I’ve included :
-Basil leaf
-Anise Star
To learn more click the link below; it’s very informational and can jump start you into celebrating the wheel of the year!
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mabon-madness · 2 years
My Favourite Crystals and Why
I'm a notoriously anxious person that loves collecting small shiny things, I'm basically a human magpie. I've got more crystals than I could ever have imagined and over time I've developed some personal favourites, some of which I use for decoration, and others that I will never leave the house without. Admittedly, some of my favourites are such because I like their colours or patterns instead of their uses and benefits. Your collection of crystals should always be personal to you, and what sorts of stones you like. Whether you like to collect stones that exclusively aid in meditation or are exclusively purple is entirely up to you. So here's a list of my favourites with my reasons why, and a general idea of how they can be used!
Black Tourmaline: I prefer black tourmaline rough over tumbled as I love seeing the crystal's structure, I keep it on a necklace that I wear almost all the time. It protects against negative energies and negative thought patterns such as depression and anxiety.
Bloodstone: I love the dark green colouring of bloodstone, and the red iron inclusions are stunning. This is definitely my all-time favorite stone, and I keep a palm stone with me when I go out. Bloodstone is grounding and protecting, a good stone for stress and anxiety.
Blue Goldstone: Goldstone is a manmade crystal that looks as if it's made of pure glitter and it's so amazingly shiny. Blue goldstone is just as shiny but a deep navy blue colour which I adore. It promotes self-acceptance and can soothe hypersensitivity.
Dalmatian Jasper: Dalmatian jasper is a white-grey stone with black spots like a dalmatian (hence the name) and the spots can make beautiful patterns. This stone can help raise confidence and brings confidence when facing difficult situations.
Fluorite: Fluorite can contain gorgeous coloured bands of blue, purple, green, and yellow, just like carrying a little rainbow. Fluorite helps with concentration and can be used to aid quiet meditation.
Mahogany Obsidian: A black stone with red iron inclusions of spots and veins, I think it looks like blood splatters which is pretty cool. Mahogany obsidian can help you push your limits and increase your growth and development.
Moonstone: A light grey opalescent stone with utterly gorgeous rainbow flashes when you hold it to the light. Moonstone enhances your intuition, and brings harmony and calm to stressful situations.
Prehnite: A light but vibrant green stone that can help calm and organize the environment, bringing peace and protection and promoting peaceful dreams.
Turquoise: Turquoise is a beautiful blue-green stone that my great-grandfather gave me on a bracelet when I was a toddler and I've kept it with me since. Turquoise protects you during travel and can reduce travel-based anxieties.
Unakite: I love unakite as it was one of my first stones, and the piece I bought looked exactly like a dragon egg, and I love the colour combination of light green and salmon pink. Unakite dissipates nervous energies and stress, reducing anger and symptoms of anxiety.
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wingcrystal · 1 year
Who is suitable to wear fluorite?
Fluorite is basically not suitable for people, so fluorite is very suitable for people with different needs to wear, but fluorite will be more suitable for people who need to focus on learning. Fluorite itself has the function of concentrating and making thinking sharp. At the same time, it can also calm our chaotic mood, so it is very suitable for people who need to concentrate on learning in a short time!
Fluorite is very suitable for people with stubborn thinking and patterned behavior. If you can realize that your life is unchanged and you hit a lot because of your stubbornness, fluorite is the crystal you can consider wearing, because it will stimulate your thinking to become active and change your stubborn view of things.
Different colors of fluorite also have different functions. Do you think it is appropriate to wear these functions?
Fluorite is one of the famous crystals with bright colors. The most common is green and green-purple fluorite, and the others are transparent, blue, yellow, etc. The efficacy of fluorites of different colors will also be slightly different.
Green fluorite: Green fluorite is a relatively common fluorite. Its function is to balance our excess energy and improve our spirit. It is a typical crystal that will feel spiritual after wearing, but it is too tired. Not suitable for wearing. Green fluorite also has some benefits for the stomach and intestines.
Purple fluorite: Purple fluorite tends to appear at the same time as green fluorite. Compared with green fluorite, it will promote our communication and communication with people, allowing us to express ourselves in relatively simple language. idea.
Transparent fluorite: Transparent fluorite is more used to cooperate with other crystals, because the magnetic field of transparent fluorite is more active, which can stimulate the magnetic field of other crystals and better play their respective roles.
Blue fluorite: Blue fluorite has the effect of improving our intelligent thinking. It can make our thinking orderly and improve our oral expression ability. It has a very positive effect on the improvement of our thinking and ideas. However, people who are very rational in themselves need to pay attention to wearing blue fluorite, because blue fluorite may increase rational thinking and expression ability, sometimes too rational thinking and expression will cause harm to the people around you.
Yellow fluorite: Yellow fluorite can improve the wearer's creativity. In terms of integrating group strength, yellow fluorite is the first of all fluorites. Wearing yellow fluorite is also beneficial to the liver.
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seagardenkenya · 2 years
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Palmstone galore 🌈 So many beautiful palmstones avail on our website. Palm stones are beautiful palm-sized healing crystals, usually oval but occasionally round. They are polished to give a smooth texture when holding. There are so many crystal palm uses since these possess powerful healing benefits that can help you with physical, mental & or spiritual healing. You can meditate with them, keep them on your side table or under your pillow, keep them next to your computer while you work, put them on your yoga mat, keep them next to your bathtub, place them on or around your body… your options are endless. Available in: Howlite Rainbow Moonstone Clear Quartz Rhodonite Rose Quartz Lepidolite Chevron Amethyst Rainbow Fluorite Sodalite Blue Calcite Angelite Blue Apatite Labradorite Amazonite Green Aventurine Unakite Moss Agate Yellow Calcite Golden Healer Septerian Sunstone Carnelian Sardonyx Mookaite Mahogany Obsidian Fire Quartz Red Jasper Dragonsblood Jasper Tiger Eye Larvikite Black Obsidian Black Tourmaline www.seagardencrystals.com (at Galu, Coast, Kenya) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgZvhqpMD8l/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tanjalc · 2 years
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TANZANITE, AMAZONITE & GREEN FLUORITE ALCHEMY AMULET ✨💜💙💚✨ Coded 7777🌈 3333⭐ ✨Goddess Vibes✨ Tanzanite is believed to represent heart and intellect combined with intuition and purity. A stone of spiritual exploration, bringing together all aspects of communication and psychic power. Tanzanite stimulates the "Throat, Third Eye and Crown Chakras, uniting the higher mind with intuition and communication. Tanzanite aids in sharing spiritual information and knowledge from a heart-centered perspective, making it an excellent crystal for counselors or others in the position of intellectually interpreting emotional experiences. It also benefits empathetic individuals who form interpretations of emotional information they receive intuitively". [Ahsian, 393] (crystalvaults.com) Amazonite is believed to be a stone of courage and truth. A calming stone providing balance, communication, compassion, health, good luck and integrity. It aids the heart and throat Chakras. A powerful talisman for prosperity and healing. Green Fluorite's meaning is attunement to the spirit, which is thought to be the highest level of awareness one can achieve. Green Fluorite represents pure mental focus, mental ability, and growth. It is believed to "clear negative energy from any environment and brings cleansing, renewal, and a spring-like freshness to the chakras. It inspires new ideas, originality and quick thinking. Particularly healing to the Heart Chakra, this mineral permits information to rise from the subconscious, and helps the emotional body understand issues of the heart, both current and of the past. It enables release of emotional trauma and outworn conditioning". (crystalvaults.com) #tanzanite #amazonite #fluorite #greenfluorite #crownchakra #throatchakra #thirdeyechakra #heartchakra #solarplexuschakra #pendant #orgonegenerator #copper #wirewrapping #talisman #protection #jewellery #copperjewelry #gemstonejewelry #gemstone #crystalhealing #crystalenergy #crystal #adelaideartist #handmadejewelry #wirewrappedjewelry #wirewrap #wirewrappedcrystals #wirewrapped #wirewrappedpendants (at Adelaide, South Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgWLHqqJ5lG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tipsycad147 · 2 years
The Best Crystals to Use for Energy and Motivation
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· Be the energy you want to attract. ·
Sometimes staying motivated or having enough energy to get through all of your daily duties can be a challenge to say the least. There are so many reasons why we may not be feeling our best on any given day. Lack of sleep, busy schedules, weather, bad news, improper nutrition, the list goes on and on. So yes, we have coffee but what else might we add into our daily routines for that little extra push we sometimes need?
The beautiful energy of crystals could be just what you need to win the day. Keep reading to find out some of the best crystals to use and ways you can add them into your daily routine.
Harnessing the Energy of Crystals
Crystals all hold their own natural energy which differs depending on its origins. Every single one is special, unique and can be used to improve our lives and overall wellbeing.
Crystal healing is not new and they have been used for millennia for everything from bringing balance, to releasing negativity, and uplifting the spirit. And they have most definitely been having a shining moment in the spotlight over these past couple of years. Reaching for a crystal when you need a little assistance with something has become pretty normal practice.
And with good reason, connecting our own energies with these beautiful little gifts from the earth can brighten the mood, bring peace to the mind, and add a much needed dose of magic into our days.
That being said, crystals will not benefit every person in the same way or to the same extent.  I believe we must be connected to ourselves, the earth, and the stones in order to garner the best results. We must be mindful and spend time connecting within ourselves and getting to know the crystals energy. A post for another day perhaps. Today we’ll go through some of the best crystals you may like to keep on hand for when you are feeling tired, unmotivated, or simply want to get a particularly kick ass workout into your day. So let’s get into it.
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The Best Crystals for Energy & Motivation
Here are 10 crystals I like best for days when the energy is low or the goal of productivity is high. These all carry properties that lend themselves well to fostering an internal energy flow that will have you feeling good and ready to tackle that to do list:
Aragonite – strength, balance, motivation, confidence
Bloodstone – motivation, confidence, courage
Carnelian – strength, happiness, motivation, energy, confidence
Citrine – inspiration, confidence, success, optimism, strength
Dalmation Jasper – clarity, energy, transformation, exercise
Fluorite – balance, energy, exercise, clarity
Garnet – motivation, power, prosperity
Green Kyanite – prosperity, motivation, growth, transformation
Orange Kalcite – confidence, uplifting, energy, exercise
Pyrite – strength, motivation, abundance, clarity, exercise
This is not an exhaustive list, there are certainly others that would work as well! These are just a few stars in the line-up and to give you some solid options for your practice.
How to Use Crystals for Energy & Motivation
You will likely develop your own favourite ways to harness these energies depending on the day and your own style. My favourite way is to wear the crystals as jewelry or carry one in your pocket or purse. This means the crystals and its energy are with you throughout the day, keeping close, and working with you. You could also do a crystal meditation to start the day, craft a crystal pouch or grid, or keep them in your spaces. There are so many options so experiment and see which ones work best for you.
It is also a good practice to enchant the crystal or perform a blessing and imbue the specific crystal with your intentions. This creates a connection to the stone letting it know your purpose and also allows your intention to be put out into the universe.
Final musings.
Do you already enjoy using crystals for motivational purposes? Do you have nay regular daily rituals you perform with crystals?
As always, I LOVE to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.
Be sure to check out my new book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available now for pre-order. Pre-order by March 1st to get a very special Magical Bonus Bundle for free as my thank you to you!
And for more magical inspiration check out my shop page where you can find resource pages on everything from love magic to being a green witch, kitchen witchery, Sabbats, and much more!
And remember you can SUBSCRIBE to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!
Sending much love and blessings for a motivated and energetic day my friend!
Yours in health and magick,
Krystle xo
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piscesperspective · 2 years
How Green Fluorite is healing to a Pisces
How Green Fluorite is healing to a Pisces
Pisces typically become overwhelmed by their own thoughts because of their vibrant imagination. A green fluorite will help with clearing Pisces mind by organizing their thoughts. This stone is typically used by Pisces to manifest their desires!
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rockymountainwitch · 3 years
Identifying Crystals
What makes each crystal unique and special is its dynamic composition, which is made up of highly structured patterns of molecules called lattices. As their pattern repeats itself over and over again, shapes and facets with particular types of symmetry are created. In stone identification, crystals are categorized into several types of shapes, which influence their aesthetic and energetic properties.
Crystals such as Pyrite, Diamonds, and Fluorite are cubic lattices created from three equal axes formed into a cube. The balanced structure gives these types of stones a naturally harmonious energy that magnifies everything around it. Crystals can also be hexagonal, like Emerald and Aquamarine, which are shaped in four axes of six-sided symmetry.
Other crystals such as Apophyllite and Zircon are tetragonal, a shape that resembles two four-side pyramids joined at the base. Some crystals aren’t as highly uniformed. In the mineral kingdom, orthorhombic crystals have three unequal axes that form an elongated spear, like Peridot and Topaz. The most asymmetrical of crystal shapes are the triclinic kind like Labradorite and Turquoise while trigonal crystals have an elongated lozenge shape.
Colors are another common crystal identification method. In fact, many gemstone experts classify crystals according to color because of its link with specific healing properties. The color blue, for instance, has a gentle and soothing quality while red is associated with passion and desire. In the gemstone world, colors are also linked with certain types of crystals and how they are used for specific chakras, which are designated energy centers in the body.
Crystal identification by color can be challenging for some crystals like Calcite, Fluorite, and Tourmaline, among others, since they come in different colors. In that case, you should refer to a crystal book or directory that categorizes by color and includes a photo of the specimen. Here is a list of the most widely available crystals to point you in the right direction.
Black – Associated with power, protection, and mystery, commonly available black gemstones include Black Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Hematite, Jet, and Onyx.
Blue – A tranquil and relaxing color, blue crystals are excellent for emotional and physical balancing. Commonly found crystals in this category are Angelite, Aquamarine, Celestite, and Lapis Lazuli. Blue crystals also include Blue Lace Agate, Apatite, Azurite, Blue Chalcedony, and Chrysocolla.
Brown – Associated with the earth and the trees, brown stones help to absorb negative energy. Harness the earthy healing vibes of brown gemstones with Smoky Quartz, Brown Jasper, Bronzite, Petrified Wood, and Tiger’s Eye.
Yellow and Gold – The color of the sun at full midday strength, yellow and gold colored stones represent optimism and joy. Bring a little sunshine into your life with Golden Topaz, Citrine, Amber, Yellow Tiger’s Eye, and Yellow Jasper. Gold stones are also a symbol of wealth and power such as Pyrite and Gold.
Green – Activate and clear your heart chakra with green stones, which have a healing and balancing effect on the emotions. Bring good fortune and prosperity into your life with Emerald, Aventurine, Green Fluorite, Jade, and Malachite, the lucky charms of the mineral kingdom.
Orange – A power color, orange stones awaken the passion within the spirit. Capture the spirit of the sun with Orange Calcite, Aragonite, Carnelian, Sunstone, and Copper.
Pink – The color of love and compassion, pink stones like Rose Quartz and Rhodochrosite are big-time heart energizers and openers. Other pink stones include Lepidolite, Pink Tourmaline, and Pink Sapphire.
Grey – The color of moonlight, gray or silver stones reflect the expansiveness of the universe, which gives them protective warrior-like qualities. Gray stones like Hematite and Moonstone have a silvery finish that evokes a starry night sky, a subtle yet powerful influx of light that helps to cleanse the spirit.
Purple – The color of enlightenment and intuition, purple stones like Amethyst and Charoite have a magical luster. They also help balance the emotions with relaxing and soothing vibes. The crystalline structure of purple stones makes them powerful energy amplifiers, especially when combined with other heart chakra stones.
Red – The color of passion and life force energy, red stones like Garnet, Ruby, and Red Tiger’s Eye have a warming and grounding energy that helps support the root chakra.
White – Representing purity and transformation, white stones like Selenite and Clear Quartz make excellent healing tools, especially when incorporated into healing layouts.
When you combine astrology with crystals, it has the potential to take your inner wisdom to a whole new energetic level. As Socrates put it, “To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom,” and the beaming diamonds in the sky can give you insight into your deep inner workings, especially in combination with certain crystals. In the ultimate energy cocktail, try out these crystals for your astrological sign and let it guide you on your epic journey.
Aries – Complement the fiery and passionate nature of the Aries with Carnelian, a bright orange sun stone that boosts creativity and blocks negative vibes. Citrine enhances the creative and ambitious Aries with its ability to increase clarity of thought and purpose.
Pisces – A water sign like Pisces should try pairing up with Aquamarine, which stimulates the heart chakra. For the sensitive Pisces, Chrysocolla rocks at soothing heartache because it encourages the expression of emotions. Amethyst also helps rejuvenate the spirit.
Aquarius – A sociable air sign, Aquarians should rock out with Aquamarine, a stone that boosts the community spirit by encouraging clear and effective communication. The stubborn nature of the Aquarius can also benefit from Yellow Jasper, which helps heal old emotional wounds that are blocking the heart chakra.
Capricorn – This ambitious and determined sign needs energy that boosts the life force, like Garnet, a red stone that invigorates the root chakra. The ethereal quality of Azurite also helps balance the sometimes overly practical and conservative nature of Capricorns.
Sagittarius – The curious mind of the Sagittarian could use a little Bronzite in their lives, especially for its energizing energy that encourages spiritual transformations. The grounding and stabilizing energy of Citrine helps the on the go Sagittarius signs to reconnect with their roots.
Scorpio – The most moody and unpredictable sign in the zodiac, Scorpios need calming stones like Amethyst to balance emotions. Malachite also helps speed up emotional healing while Citrine brings a boost of joy and light into the heart chakra.
Libra – Lapis Lazuli helps with decision making, which helps Libra signs stay focused when pulled in many directions. Libras strive for piece and harmony, which is why Citrine is beneficial—it adds a ray of sunshine and optimism to the spirit. Labradorite also helps protect the sensitive Libra from energy vampires and dream killers.
Virgo – The intelligent and detail-oriented Virgo gets a boost of confidence and determination from Red Jasper, which has a strong stabilizing and grounding effect on the root chakra. They also have a tendency to be overly critical, either of themselves or people in their lives, and Kyanite helps balance these negative impulses. The good luck charm of gemstones, Jade brings abundance and prosperity, which enhances Virgos and their go-getter attitude towards life.
Leo –The proud lion loves to be in the spotlight, which is why Garnet is an excellent stone. It ignites the fiery passion within the heart of the ambitious Leo. Tiger’s Eye manifests feelings of confidence and inner strength while Carnelian boosts creativity and personal power.
Cancer –The dreamy and magical Moonstone helps to bring out the sensitive and intuitive nature of the Cancer sign. Red Jasper also supports the emotional and sensitive Cancer by boosting endurance and stamina. Abalone Shell reconnects the loving and nurturing Cancer with the tides of the ocean.
Gemini –The properties of Rutilated Quartz help keep the dynamic personality of the Gemini in balance by connecting them to their higher selves. A powerful creativity booster, Carnelian supports the fun-loving nature of the Gemini and their need for personal expression. A heart chakra stone, Jade brings harmony to the mind and emotions, which have the tendency to quickly go from serious to happy-go-lucky.
Taurus – Pyrite brings abundance and prosperity, which complements the practical side of the Taurus sign. They are also ambitious and sensual, which makes the Carnelian an excellent stone for its confidence-boosting properties. A stone of personal power, Peridot helps Taurus go after their heart’s desire.
Gemstones are also associated with chakras, which are specific energy centers in the body. There are seven chakras and each one is linked with certain emotions, which is why crystals are effective in clearing and activating these energetic pathways.
Crown Chakra – Located at the top of the head, the crown chakra is where enlightenment and transcendence occurs. For those crowning, life-affirming moments, purple stones like Amethyst are excellent spiritual companions. Also supportive of the crown chakra are white stones such as Selenite and Clear Quartz.
Third Eye – Situated in the center of the eyebrows, the third eye is associated with intuition and the wisdom of the higher self. Indigo colored gemstones like Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, and Fluorite help to reawaken creative inspiration by opening the door of inner wisdom.
Throat Chakra – The energy center of the throat supports clear and effective communication, which makes it a popular stone for using in necklaces. When blue stones like Lapis Lazuli and Aquamarine touch the skin, it helps to balance the throat chakra by enhancing self-expression, the language of the soul. Other stones like Angelite, Sodalite, and Blue Apatite are also associated with the throat chakra, giving you the support and energy you need to speak the truth with loving communication.
Heart Chakra – When this energy center is activated and cleansed, the energetic body will begin to radiate love of all kinds. This positive, light-filled energy will attract positive influences into your life and strengthen the relationships you already have. For heart chakra healing, inspire feelings of love and compassion with Rose Quartz, Aventurine, and Rhodonite.
Solar Plexus Chakra –Yellow gemstones are excellent for balancing the solar plexus chakra thanks to bright and cheerful colors that encourage optimism and motivation. Be focused and confident because with Citrine, Yellow Jasper, Rutilated Quartz, and Pyrite by your side, you can be successful at whatever you set out to do.
Sacral Chakra – An unbalanced sacral chakra can make you feel depressed or lethargic. Alternatively, if this energy center is overactive, you could be overemotional. Bring it all into balance with Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Tiger’s Eye, and Sunstone, the gemstones of inspiration, excitement, and motivation.
Root Chakra – Always feel grounded and anchored to the earth with root chakra stones like Red Garnet, Red Jasper, Smoky Quartz, Black Onyx, and Hematite. Wear it on the skin as jewelry or keep it throughout home and you’ll begin to notice a renewed sense of confidence.
Multiple crystals can relate to one another in some way, so you can use different crystals to amplify one spell with the same intention! It’s all about your intentions and what you want to get out of the crystals and spells. Each crystal should be given a purpose. The next Unit will cover how you can do just that!
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hcrystals24h · 3 years
Healing Crystals: A Complete Guide of 45 Essential Gemstones
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People have been turning to crystals for healing since the beginning of time. These are Mother Earth's jewels, gleaming diamonds, stones, and rock crystals formed by elemental energy. They can absorb the sun, moon, salt seas, soil, and mountains in a single shimmer and return all of their healing strength to us. Healing crystals have decorated the breastplates of priests and warriors, been used in shamanic work, served as guiding lights for ancient tribes, and been hidden in the pockets of princesses, sailors, and healers for centuries.
These powerful stones have a lot of influence in today's world. They only become more potent as time passes, and they can be a hugely useful tool in assisting us in reconnecting with the natural world. They assist us in channeling our intentions, raising our vibrations, and bringing out all of the latent grace, elegance, and magic that we already possess. Remember that everything in life has a vibration, and if we can adapt our inner vibrations to the things we want in life, we can be able to manifest them. Crystals, with their cleansing properties and positive vibrations, will help to close the distance. These tiny magical stones also invite us to clear our minds, sit in meditation, and ponder how we can relax our monkey minds and enter a deeper state of healing.
The Formation of Crystals in the Earth
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In the world, crystals go through a fascinating geological phase. Heat, compression, and millions of years will produce some amazing results!
How to Pick a Stone
How do you pick the right crystal for you when there are too many to choose from? One of the most valuable lessons we can take away from crystal healing is to trust our instincts and follow our gut instincts. Our bodies and minds are inextricably linked and both a part of the universe. Simply see which crystals call to you if you want to know which one works best for you. Even if you're just reading a brief description of a crystal or looking at an image, some things can stand out and resonate with you more than others. Take this as a hint from the universe that this is the crystal that will be able to provide you with something special. We typically have a good idea of our own strengths and weaknesses, and we can use gemstones' unique characteristics to help us balance ourselves and focus on the areas where we feel we need a little extra help. If you're feeling particularly confused and helpless, your Zodiac sign will point you in the direction of a crystal with luminous light and powerful healing properties.
Crystal Healing: How to Make the Stones Work for You
The beautiful force of jewelry is one of the easiest ways to incorporate crystals into your everyday life. Wearing gemstone jewelry is an easy way to ensure that you stay in constant touch with your chosen crystal and that it can perform the tasks it is designed to do. Unlike stones placed on an altar or carried in one's pocket, crystal jewelry is worn directly on the skin, allowing all of the vibrations to penetrate deeply.
Amethyst is one of the 45 essential stones to choose from.
Amethyst is one of the most divine and mystical healing stones because of its purple hues and strong defensive properties. This is a fantastic meditation platform for those who want to take their lives to the next level. Best for: Defending against fear and shame, instilling calmness, reducing anxiety, and having fun dreams
Citrine is a mineral that is found in the
Citrine is a sunny bright stone that is ready to wake you up from your slumber, radiating health, riches, and sloughing away toxic energies. This stone can't carry negative energy, which is a good reminder that when life gives you lemons... Grounding negative energies, assisting in the smoothing of family or complex community issues, fostering love and happiness, and protecting against those that will break your heart are all things this stone is good for. It's also used to protect oneself from resentment and envy.
Rose Quartz is a stone that has a pink
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Rose Quartz is for those who are ready to restore faith, peace, and unconditional love to their inner world. It is perfect in pink and provides deep sweet healing to the heart chakra.
Healing emotional wounds, nurturing divine affection, and strengthening kindness and friendships are the best uses for this crystal.
Tourmaline is a mineral that is found in nature.
Tourmaline provides power, reduces anxiety, and balances the right and left sides of the mind, much like a protective cloak. Choose from a variety of colors, including pink, green, and even watermelon. Best for: Maintaining a balanced digestive system, strengthening bones and teeth, and boosting self-esteem. It's also said to bring us luck and help us develop a more caring attitude.
Crystals: Quartz (Clear)
Clear Quartz is as pure as the spring rains, and it's all about effective washing. With its positive vibrations, this quartz crystal will drench you to the bone. With one of our favorite soothing crystals, you can boost your immunity and pursue your bliss. Supporting artists, performers, media practitioners, and physicians is a good example of how it can be used. Migraine headaches, vertigo, and motion sickness can all be helped with this supplement.
Selenite is a mineral that is found in nature.
Selenite, an angelic healing stone, reflects spirituality and light. It's the ideal talisman for defending against PMT and getting your cycle into balance, as it's ethereal and packed to the brim with goddess healing energy. It's best for: Surprisingly, by laying other stones on top of a Selenite slab, other stones can be cleared. It also has a close link to the third eye and other chakras, and aids in the purification of their energies. It's like a powerful master healer!
Obsidian is a type of obsidian
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Obsidian is a volcanic lava stone that is raw, rare, and always ready to provide healing protection to those who wear it. It's one of the strongest shields you can have, whether in difficult times or on a regular basis. Protecting from negative energy is what it's best for. Obsidian is said to absorb energy and also protect against psychic attacks. Use this stone to help you get through difficult times or circumstances.
Carnelian is a mineral found in the Carnelian
The warm glow of Carnelian will enliven your libido and help you overcome personal obstacles. Carnelian, a sublime root and sacral chakra strengthener, encourages you to accelerate.
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Best for: Boosting metabolism, easing menopause symptoms, and improving focus. It's great for calming the sacral chakra because of its red color. Carnelian was also thought to aid in the protection of the deceased on their way to the afterlife, thereby reducing the fear of death.
Agate is a form of agate that
The earthy stone can be traced all the way back to Babylonian times. Agate is known for being a safe and prosperous healing amulet that helps to balance the negative and positive forces in the universe. Best for: balancing polar opposite forces, self-confidence, and travel security (particularly traffic accidents). Dancers, dentists, and environmentalists are all good matches. Educators and recreational employees may get emotional support from this program.
Lapis Lazuli is a type of lapis lazuli.
Lapis Lazuli has long been associated with spiritual enlightenment and deep self-expression, making it a common choice among ancient civilizations. Prepare to harness your personal power and reality by strengthening your immune system.
Wisdom, spiritual enlightenment, and imagination are the best uses for this crystal.
Fluorite is a mineral that is found in nature.
Fluorite encourages you to come down off the fence if you're having trouble making decisions. This stone is known for providing earthly guidance, ensuring that both the head and the heart are in sync. Clearing a muddled mind is the best use for this herb. This is an excellent stone for deciding your life course, which is frequently ignored in the hustle and bustle of daily life. It's also great for energizing the third eye.
Black Tourmaline is a form of tourmaline.
Black Tourmaline is incredibly grounding and has the super power of cleansing toxic vibes and restoring integrity to the body, mind, and soul, making it a barrier against the harmful effects of EMFs.
Best for: Defending against negative energies and EMFs, keeping grounded, making decisions, and reducing depression and anxiety.
Hematite is a mineral that is found in abundance in the
The silvery grace of Hematite bestows inner strength and courage upon you. Resembling a falling star, this strong and powerful crystal will protect you from harmful energies and help you expand your protection boundaries. Intuition and mental clarity, blood circulation, willpower, and bravery are the best uses for this herb.
Kyanite is a mineral found in Kyanite.
Kyanite is a great shifter of emotional blocks and always striving to keep positive vibes in free flow. A conductor of energy and always ready to take out negative vibes, Kyanite is a great conductor of energy and always ready to take out negative vibes. Soothing frayed nerves, finding trust in self-expression, engaging with others, and dream recall are just a few of the benefits.
Aventurine is a mineral that is found in the sea.
Aventurine is an excellent stone for attracting good luck and bringing perfect fortune into your life because it amplifies all of the luck in the universe. It also harmonizes the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of one's being because it is connected to the heart chakra.
Best for: Improving leadership skills, welcoming change, and increasing creativity inspiration. Supports heart and circulatory conditions, as well as those recovering from surgery or sickness.
Jasper is a character in the film Jasper
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This stone has long been worn by shamans, high priests, and kings for its ability to make you feel deeper and see more. Furthermore, Jasper is always willing to assist you in both grounding and flying high. Best for: Relieving tension, encouraging calmness, sharpening concentration, and removing disruptive or pessimistic thoughts. It is thought to provide emotional support, improve self-control, and foster grounding energies.
Pyrite is a mineral that is used to make
Pyrite is a powerful stone that emits sparks, making it one of the strongest shields against EMFs and other forms of negative energy. This crystal is the Achilles of the crystal universe, full of masculine energy. Best for: warding off negative energy and psychic attacks, boosting morale, particularly in leadership positions, removing negative thinking patterns, and clearing the lower chakras.
Labradorite is a mineral that is found in nature.
Labradorite is a stone of incredible transformation, and it's best for calming chakras, shielding the aura, and removing depressive vibes from your life. With this gleaming starlight stone, you can sink into a state of blissful awareness.
The best way to use it is when you're going through a transformation and need to find your inner strength. This stone is also an excellent motivator, a useful tool for communication, and for those seeking a deeper meaning in life.
Moonstone is a mineral that is found in the
With the Moonstone's bright magic, light up the route. This is a wonderful stone for new beginnings and can be used as an amulet for both heart and body adventures. It's also known for reawakening inner strength. Best for: Healing the feminine spirit that we all possess. It's also appropriate for the time of month, as it emphasizes the importance of clairvoyance and intuition.
Jade is a precious stone.
Jade, the guru of good fortune, is associated with attracting success and riches, as well as being an excellent addition to the Feng Shui. The cooling touch of Jade is full of joy and peace, making it a must-have for those who want good things to come their way. Best for: Defending against sickness, letting go of negative feelings, and cultivating harmonious relationships
Celestite is a mineral that is found in the earth'
Celestite is a soothing stone with strong vibrations that is believed to be linked to higher realms. This pale crystal, one of the angel stones, is used for meditative reflection and to receive guidance from the universe. High vibrations, clearing rage and negativity, communicating with the spirit realms, cultivating inner love, tapping into limitless wisdom are the best uses for this crystal.
a bloodstain
The Bloodstone was thought to be the blood of Christ's tears during the Middle Ages. The Bloodstone is a beautiful healer known for its ability to improve circulation and send your self-esteem soaring, regardless of which spiritual side you stand on. Bloodstone is often used for blood ailments such as anemia and impaired circulation, as the name suggests. It's used as an aphrodisiac in India. It's also good for self-confidence and intuition.
Aquamarine is a blue-green gemstone.
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This watery stone is known for combining tranquil vibes with a jolt of energy, with endless ocean colors, an incredible ebb and flow, and bringing instant calm to the core. Plunge straight in, as Aquamarine tempts you to swim against the tide rather than sink. Emotional equilibrium, clear-headed communication, inner contemplative space, moments of transformation, and inner resilience are the best uses for this oil.
Quartz with a smokiness
With sublime Smoky Quartz, let the gentle fog of rest and relaxation seep into every inch of your soul. Smoky Quartz is a magnificent grounding stone that is known for its ability to relieve tension while keeping you soft and solid at the same time. Grounding, amplifying positive energy, EMF defense, and balancing the root chakra are just a few of the benefits.
Chrysocolla is a kind of Chrysocolla.
The heart of soothing Chrysocolla is personal truth and profound wisdom. This stone will help those who want to find a bright burst of courage when it comes to public speaking, amplify their voice, tap into their creative side, and find a bright burst of courage. It's best for: The throat chakra is the most important chakra to stimulate because it allows us to interact more effectively. It also improves overall wellbeing vibrations and is beneficial to students.
Tiger's Eye is a type of gemstone.
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Tiger's Eye is a golden stone that helps you cut through self-doubt and make choices from a position of focus, removing the shackles of fear for both the body and the mind. Courage, concentration, wealth, and defense are the best uses for this stone.
Rhodonite is a mineral that is found in the Rhodon
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Rhodonite is a stone with rosy hues and gentle vibes that fills the heart with as much goodness as it can manage. This soft natured stone will help you find your way home if you're looking for peace and healing after a big event. Best for: Finding equilibrium after a big loss, overcoming sorrow, or relieving general heartache. It's a fantastic tool to use if your intention is to re-learn to love yourself.
Malachite is a form of malachite that is
Malachite is a beautiful green stone that is one of the heart chakra's favorite stones. Get assistance in breaking bad ties, increasing your EMF security, and finding good luck and success in both business and play. Strengthening the immune system, travel, and the treatment of travel sickness and vertigo are the most common uses.
Sodalite is a mineral that is used to make soda.
Sodalite, also known as the Poets Stone, has the vitality of a roaring wave brimming with inspiration. Increase your contact, speak your brightest truth, and allow logic and inner peace to pave the way for a life that shines. Courage, intelligence, and harmonious relationships with loved ones are the best qualities to have.
Garnet is a red gemstone.
The Garnet is a stone of glory, a fiery red stone with a fiery spirit. Allow your heart chakra to open up, warming your soul and restoring a sense of vitality that has faded over time. Best for: Boosting creativity, boosting metabolism, removing contaminants, providing strength in difficult conditions, and cultivating healthy resources.
Amazonite is a mineral that is found in the Amazon
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The Amazonite Courage Stone encourages you to discover your inner strength so that you can live up to your full potential without exhausting your emotional soul. This is an excellent stone for releasing traumas that have become lodged in the body, allowing you to return to a stable, harmonious balance. Best for: healing trauma, combating self-destructive behaviour, and learning to feel at ease in your own skin
Azurite is a blue mineral.
Azurite, an ancient blue copper-based stone, boosts insight and brings yin-yang balance to your heart. This is a stone that invites you out to play if you're looking for a way to reclaim your childlike spontaneity. Connecting with celestial force, cutting out people pleasing conduct, seeking inner power, and clearing the throat chakra are the best uses for this crystal.
Iolite is a mineral that occurs naturally in the earth
Iolite is a lyrical stone that is associated with the third-eye chakra and is all about releasing your inner power and being the leader you were born to be. For the body, mind, and spirit, it's best for: detoxing addictive behaviour, fostering independence, and promoting new positive ways of thinking.
Calcite is a mineral that can be found in
Calcite is a crystallized limestone gem that is bursting with vitamin D. Turn to this stone to improve your artistic and sexual prowess and get a dose of good energy. Best for: increasing inspiration and attention, developing emotional intelligence, constructive thinking, and amplifying energy.
Apatite is a mineral that is found in nature.
When it comes to the emotional self, Apatite's dual action force brings beautiful social ease and calm contact. It acts as a tonic to reinforce the body physically. Strong communication, manifesting a positive truth, innovative thinking, and problem solving are the most common applications.
Howlite is a mineral that is found in the
With the airy elemental stone of Howlite, it's time to knock insomnia and get your ambition back on track. Howlite is divine inspiration, as well as a tool for creative expression and deep relaxation. Calming the mind, reducing rage, seeking meaning, and balancing calcium levels in the body are some of the benefits.
Kunzite is a mineral that is found in the earth'
Kunzite is a stone that is both pure to the eye and strong to the touch, and it will help you break down the walls you've created around your heart and soul. It's also used to heal from traumatic memories and to treat hormonal migraines. Best for: hormonal equilibrium, emotional heart recovery, and creating a prosperous life
Opal is a mineral that is found in abundance
The Opal is a dream to behold, with the sheen of a pearl on rainbow fire. This full spectrum stone of healing is known for bringing loving positive vibes to the group and for lending spiritual light to the aura. Growing cosmic consciousness, clearing negative vibes, critical thought, and motivating imaginative minds are the best uses for this crystal.
Lepidolite is a type of lepidolite.
Lepidolite, which means "size" in Greek, invites you to restore harmony in all aspects of your life. It aids in the development of body and mind consciousness, providing you with the skills you need to eliminate toxicity from your life. Reduce anxiety, clear chakras, embrace positive change, and remain calm with this blend.
Angelite is a mineral that is found in the earth
By bringing Angelite's ethereal energies into your life, you will bind to all of the higher realms. Allow your inner self to show you the way to heaven by quieting the spirit, sitting in openness and humility. Spirituality, soul soothing, rage and anxiety dispelling, and related contact are the best uses for this oil.
Apophyllite is a mineral contained in the Apophyllite
Apophyllite will help you connect to the energy of love. This crystal works to rid the mind and body of negative debris and is always ready to lend a light touch to a heavy situation. Connecting to nature, soothing nerves, clearing the body and mind of negativity, and healing emotional wounds are just a few of the benefits.
Sunstone is a mineral that is found in the
Who wouldn't want a little more light in their lives? Sunstone's soothing vibrations soothe the soul and radiate comfort to every nook and cranny of your being. This stone serves as a natural compass, similar to the ones used by Vikings to navigate the seas. Best for: taking energy to the chakras, discovering your true course, critical thought, and living a life full of good fortune and luck.
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Topaz is a mineral that can be found in
When it comes to the shimmering gemstone of Topaz, feelings of love and affection run high. With this higher living stone, you will calm your temper, remove all traces of poison from your life, and consume fewer. Best for: Migraine relief, inner balance and resisting overwhelm, increased focus, and clearing the throat chakra for direct communication.
Cleaning Stones and Jewelry
Whatever healing crystal you pick, treat it with compassion, purpose, and as much light as you can muster. Whatever the world throws at you, this is to be your amulet, your talisman, and your soul's companion. Keep your crystal jewelry cleansed and recharged, especially after experiencing particularly trying times. Unclogging trapped energy can be as easy as rinsing with warm soapy water. If you want to keep your stones recharged and riding high in their fullest, most fabulous capacity, leave them out in the moonlight, give them a few minutes of heat, or even put them in the rain.
One Last Thought
Adding healing crystals to your existence, whether as a single stone or in the form of gemstone bracelets, can be extremely beneficial. We all have work to do, and balancing out the mental, moral, and physical aspects of our being will help us move out of the darkness and into the light of our true selves.
Details to know Visit: 
Additional Resources:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_healing https://www.wikihow.com/Category:Crystal-Healing
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cpcclab · 3 years
Crystals Bracelets - Advantages As Well As Kinds Of Crystal Beaded Bracelets
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As you read this blog site, it would certainly be actually fair to mention you are actually already aware of the power of crystals. What our experts find when people 1st look at crystals is they start to observe great deals of folks using crystal trinkets, crystal pendants and crystals.
You observe, crystals never ever go out of style due to the fact that they are straight from Mother Nature. Each rock lugs with it vibrational energy and also the fact is, individuals really love wearing them. Obviously, nothing at all beats a 30kg sapphire geode cave, yet you can easily certainly not use it around your neck or arm, can you.
Both females and also males wear crystal wristlets for their recuperation residential properties, the mental uplift they cope wearing it as well as to remind them of the effective goals they have actually established for their lifestyle. Or even you may really love the beauty of each natural crystal bead. Allow's pitch in and start with the best 5 perks of crystal handmade wristlets.
Leading 5 advantages of crystal bracelets Singapore
* You have the crystal directly on your physical body.
* Crystal wristlets are all-natural.
* They look stunning.
* Each crystal has particular healing residential properties.
* They are actually an exceptional pointer of the intent you prepare with the crystal.
Sorts of crystal wristlets.
Flower quarta movement wristlet.
Flower quarta movement trinkets enhance the total range of climbed quartz jewelry. They are actually all thus remarkable and by far the most well-known crystal jewelry thing to use. Flower quartz is actually the passion crystal. Think of climbed quarta movement when you think of genuine passion. Flower quarta movement Crystals Singapore are thus quiet and emit outright affection and healing.
Fluorite arm band.
Fluorite arm bands are excellent for those that really love the combo of purples and greens. Rainbow fluorite wristlets are actually beautiful on and also showcase just how spectacular it is to put on all-natural crystals.
Fluorite is actually stated to aid conquer turmoil and also deliver calmness. A fluorite crystal can take in and neutralise any type of adverse or unsafe power in a room. It can aid carry balance and bring back purchase.
Chakra trinket.
Chakra trinkets may can be found in different designs, including a complete lot of chakra beads around the trinket. Or you may acquire a Chakra Lava Stone Bracelet. The magma stone arm band has the 7 chakra crystals plus the rest of the wristlet is actually lave rock grains.
Lava is actually a stone of stamina as well as nerve, enabling one the option for stability throughout adjustments in their lifestyle while the 7 chakra rocks give self-control to the wearer of the bracelet.
You can easily additionally place your significances on your lave rock chakra arm band.
Hematite bracelet.
Hematite is commonly used as a recovery therapy bangle, and there is actually no doubt you are going to receive a ton of favorable reviews when using it.
Hematite crystals possess an excellent background and balancing electricity as well as are actually fantastic for basing yourself. It could be handy along with the organisation of the mind to enrich recollection as well as evoke reflection.
Purple bangle.
Amethyst is one of the most well-liked recovery crystals and also enjoyed through done in the bracelet styling.
It is thought about a healing of protection, selflessness, nobleness, religious mindset, meditativeness, harmony and also interior tranquility. It is a superb stone for mind-calming exercise and boosting your intuitiveness.
Dark tourmaline bracelet.
Black tourmaline bracelets are perfect for those who are actually hoping to help clean and also cleanse their energy. Tourmaline can easily aid you cultivate a much more centred vibration to deliver a protective cover around your body.
Tourmaline is said to assist you get a much better understanding of who you are actually. If you or even an individual you are hoping to gift this to somebody that is fighting with working out their path, after that tourmaline is actually the best crystal healing to help them get quality.
Smoky quartz bracelet.
Great smoky quartz is such a highly effective basing crystal healing. It is actually also a powerful recuperation and electricity amp that will definitely assist you increase your spiritual power. Additionally, great smoky quartz crystals possess a charming colour to them, which intrigues people.
The charm of smoky quartz is that it is gender neutral and can be worn by each men and women. Plus there are many benefits of great smoky quarta movement and also recovery homes.
Opalite wristlet.
Opalite grains and Opalite wristlets are striking in colour. Their colour mix is charming as well as mystifying to examine. Opalite is just one of the prettiest crystal healing trinkets offered, and also they glimmer, shine and also sparkle in every means feasible. You may actually understand that Opalite is a man-made stone, yet it is still such a wonderful colour.
Orgonite trinket.
Orgonite bracelets are actually heading to be just one of our favourites. Our company possess had many people ask them about orgonite bangles as well as orgonite jewelry but possess only started sourcing some wonderful arm bands. Our company possess an assortment of crystals within the orgonite trinkets finished on a wonderful natural leather band.
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becoming-persephone · 5 years
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Crystal Herbalism -  Discovering Tara
When you find your god you find yourself.
I remember never feeling a part of a “religion” because the way I saw spirituality wasn’t being reflected back to me. When I discovered Tara in the crystal shop I used to work, everything came into clarity.
Her Beginning
Before Tara became a Buddha, she was a princess names Wisdom Moon, who devoted her time to a deep meditation practice. When she was close to reaching enlightenment the monks told her that she must come back as a man in order to reach Buddhahood. She told them, “Those who wish to attain supreme enlightenment in a man’s body are many, but those who wish to serve the aims of beings in a woman’s body are few indeed; therefore may I, until this world is emptied out, work for the benefit of sentient beings in a woman’s body.” It is with her vow that she became Tara the Liberator, the first Buddhist feminist.
Her Symbolism
Tara is made of light, her name meaning star. She sits on a blossoming lotus, radiating compassion. She is a protector, the mother of all Buddhas, a manifestation of wisdom and swift action.
Her posture is relaxed, open, and loving. Her right foot is outstretched showing her readiness to take action while her left foot is tucked in, indicating that she has full control over her inner energies. One foot in the world and one foot in meditation.
Tara holds close to herself a blue lotus, representing the three realms: past, present, and future. On her body is OM at her crown chakra, AH at her throat, and HUM at her heart chakra.
Devotion To Her
Mantra: Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha
Crystals: blue tara quartz, celestite rose quartz, green fluorite, labradorite
Plant: lotus
Moon Phase: crescent moon
Tara Goddess Tea:
Release. Rest. Nourish. Send devotion inward with this Tara Goddess Tea. You are the universe, a vibrant light within the galaxy of stars. You are the earth. An elemental spirit. Like the waters, you ebb and flow with the tides of life. Reflecting and deepening with each breathing wave. Pair this earth and air energy tea with a moss agate crystal, this brew sends love to your wild soul.
1 tsp Green Tea
1/2 tsp Lemongrass
1/2 tsp Peppermint
1/2 tsp Local Honey
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flyingthehedge · 5 years
5 Crystals for Gardening
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I love crystals and I love plants, so what better combination than using crystals to enhance the abundance and growth of my plants? Gardening, especially in the South where we are prone to drought, is not always easy. By using energies from the Earth in the form of crystals, you can enhance the energies in your garden, giving your plants some additional help. Here are 5 easy to find crystals you can use in your garden, whether you are growing in pots in a windowsill or tilling up an acre of land for fruits and vegetables.
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1. Moss Agate: This is the go-to crystal for gardens, often referred to as "the gardener's talisman." It's on every crystal gardening list out there and for a good reason. First, it appears to be covered in moss, with mossy green intrusions in a white, creamy base, if you can even see the white base. This lends to its association with plants, gardening, and nature spirits. It attracts abundance and prosperity thus aiding in plant growth and guaranteeing a healthy, bountiful harvest. Moss Agate can be carried in your pockets or worn while gardening and watering, placed at the base of your plants, or hung in trees. However you choose to use it, this little crystal will be sure to help your garden grow.
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2. Tree Agate: Ah, another agate! They are pretty universal, coming in a variety of colors and forms. Like Moss Agate, Tree Agate has dark green intrusions that form a tree-like pattern with roots sinking deep into a white base. It is associated with growth and perseverance as the roots of a tree are able to seek out water, even in the dryest of places. As such, it aids in the growth of plants in difficult conditions such as the drought we face here in Georgia. Tree Agate is often placed or buried next to plants needing assistance, especially those that may be sick or infected with a parasite.
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3. Green Fluorite: This is a less often used crystal for gardening, but I've found it to be extremely helpful. Green Fluorite is associated with growth and nature energies due to its green color. Furthermore, it is a cleansing crystal, removing negative energies from any environment. I find it particularly useful around plants that are infested with insects or a fungus. It also increased intuition and can be carried on your person to help you figure out which areas in your garden need your attention.
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4. Malachite: Another beautiful green crystal associated with abundance and growth. The Ancient Egyptians saw Malachite as a fertility symbol, associating it with vegetation, agriculture, and healthy crops. When placed in the garden, it increases plant growth and abundance.
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5. Moonstone: Moonstone is my favorite crystal, second only to Black Tourmaline, and its a great crystal for gardening. As the name suggests, it is associated with the Moon, and therefore a symbol of fertility. Moonstone was a favorite of Native American healers who used it as a way to increase plant growth while promoting peace within the garden. It can be placed in the garden or carried on your person while watering to promote plant growth.
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These crystals not resonating with you or you're unable to find them? There are several other crystals you can use in your garden to enhance plant growth and health, including, but not limited to, green aventurine, clear quartz, rhyolite, green calcite, citrine, Tiger's eye, emerald, and blue lace agate. Whatever crystals you choose to work with, you and your plants will benefit from their energies. Happy gardening!
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((Side note: I will be making individual posts on different crystals/gemstones/minerals, so if you have any certain ones that you would like me to do, PM me the one(s) you would like me to do!))
Opalite is a man-made crystal that appears as a milky, opalescent white stone with undertones of orange, yellow, lavender, or green that shine when the light hits the stone. It is composed of dolomite, clear quartz, and fluorite, and is really just a variety of man-made glass. But that doesn’t make it any less unique or powerful; it is a beautiful stone that is beautifully used in witchcraft!!
💜🦢General Info🦢💜
💜Corresponds with the Third Eye chakra
🦢VERY ideal in Mercury Retrogade, so it’s an extremely useful stone to have when that time rolls around, TRUST me!!
💜Properties: energetic, subtle
🦢Emotional benefits: Assists during transitions, removes energy blockages, ideal for meditation, stabilizes mood swings, healing of the mind, aids in depression and anxiety
💜Physical benefits: purifies blood and kidneys, helps to overcome fatigue, healing of the body, aids in sleep disorders
🦢Relationship (not just lovey-dovey relationships) benefits: Helps you verbalize hidden feelings, assists success in business, improves communication (especially spiritual)
��Sexual Benefits: aids sexual prowess, enhances sexual experiences
💛Because it is a healing stone and a stone that is very beneficial with clearing energy blockages, it is a useful stone to have when going through a period of change and transition, as it makes the process of adjusting far easier on an emotional stage. I, myself, have seen benefits of opalite in my times of extreme change. To me, it is very comforting and really does help me emotionally when I’m experiencing some tough transition times!
🐇Opalite is also known to improve self-esteem and self-worship. This causes it to come off as a very positive stone, and one of immense happiness. I also saw benefits of this from my opalite. When I have the stone, it makes me feel comforted as it sits in my hands, which gives me an overall positive look on myself (even if only a small one!) that raises my self-esteem just a tad (even as small as “your eyes look great today!” or “your hair is looking good!” are little self-esteem boosts that I don’t usually see in myself).
💛It is known as a merchant stone as it is useful for success in business, and helps to manifest material affluence and monetary wealth. Improved communication and interpersonal interaction is another set of business skills associated with opalite.
🐇An energizing stone, it fosters supporting traits of persistence and the ability to overcome exhaustion and fatigue. While keeping this in mind, though: crystals are not better than a doctor!!! They cannot fix drastic problems, they are merely a little bit of support. If you have a REAL medical problem, SEE. YOUR. DOCTOR!!
💛"Opalite is useful in meditation partly because it gives off a calming and relaxing energy, but also because it is associated with opening up the third-eye chakra, which is the chakra of intuition, insight and vision. Because of this, when placed over the crown chakra, it is said to induce visions and enhance psychic powers. Though opalite is an aid to communication on every level, it is particularly beneficial for communication on a spiritual level. As such, opalite can also help communicate to and receive messages from the spirit world, as well as help interpret those messages and visions." -https://www.leaf.tv/articles/what-are-the-metaphysical-properties-of-opalite/
🐇Very aidful in spells involving meditation, healing of the mind and/or body, chakra work (especially Crown and Third Eye chakra), and communication.
I hope this post was beneficial to you, and don’t forget to let me know if there is any specific crystals you would like for me to cover!!
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mikosaura · 5 years
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As you use crystals for healing and continue to grow in your journey you may find you want to explore further into the world of crystals. There are many different shapes of crystals and you may be wondering whether there is a difference in their energetic field.
You can find stones that are raw (in their natural states) and stones that have been tumbled or shaped. Generally, they all have the properties associated with them, but some are easier to use based on your needs.
Tumbled stones - easier to carry in your pocket or place on your body or another person, as raw stone can be more fragile.
Heart-shaped Crystals - combine a loving energy with their other characteristics.
Natural or Polished Points - energy can be directed toward or away from a specific part of the body for healing.
Crystal Wands - the wider end is used for drawing energy out and the narrow end it used for putting energy into a specific spot for healing.
Crystal Pyramid - directs the energy of the crystal up through the apex.
Crystal Sphere - energy emanates evenly in all directions.
Sacred Geometry Shapes - represent the building blocks of everything in the Universe and the elements: Fire, Earth, Air, Water and Ether/Spirit, for use when meditation or working with the elements.
Beads and Pendants - worn for fashionable healing and a direct connection to their energy.
Now that you have been enjoying all the benefits of crystals personally, you are probably wondering about sharing them with other living things around you. It can be helpful to place crystals around the house, where the whole family can benefit.
Note: Animals and children are often naturally attracted to crystals. If sharing crystals with children or pets, please be careful to avoid any choking hazards and keep them out of reach, if necessary. Crystal bracelets and necklaces should only be used in older children and adults to avoid any choking hazards.
When using crystals to heal children, start with gentle crystals. Unless a child is intuitively drawn to one, try to avoid high energy crystals. Try having the child select from a group of crystals. Try Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz and Green Aventurine to start. Children naturally have a strong intuition when they are young, allow this intuition to guide them in selecting the crystals they need for healing, as you would yourself.
Amethyst - place in water dish to help with fleas and parasites
Amazonite - use in the fish tank to keep your aquatic friends healthy
Green Aventurine - place in a room to calm nervous energy
Moss Agate - place anywhere to help with aggressiveness
Pyrite - in a terrarium to reptiles with skin problems
Leopard-skin Jasper, Dalmatian Jasper, and other crystals that look like the fur coats of the animals - us for healing in dogs and cats
Crystals can be used to help your plants in the garden or pots. Place Moss Agate, Green Aventurine, Tree Agate and Fluorite near plants to help them stay healthy and grow strong.
A crystal grid is simple to make and helpful for amplifying your intentions. Crystal grids are also beautiful to look at! Follow these steps to make one:
Choose a place that it can remain undisturbed.
Clear all the crystals.
Place a large crystal, such as a sphere or tower, in the center of the grid.
Add a picture or other object that corresponds with your purpose (optional).
Place several other smaller crystals around the center crystal, directing any points outward.
Trace the grid from the center crystal to each other crystal using a wand or your finger, while holding your intention to energize the grid.
Retrace the grid periodically to recharge it.
Follow your intuition when deciding on the crystals and shape of your grid and let your creativity flow.
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fangwitch · 6 years
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A spell to help heal emotional trauma. 🌊
No revenge, no forgiveness. This is simply a spell for giving yourself time and energy to heal, for your own benefit.
You'll need:
🌊 A crystal to promote positivity and help emotional healing. (Rose quartz, clear quartz, moonstone, tourmaline or green fluorite.)
🌊 A bowl of water. Preferably river water, charged in the sun to promote moving forward as well as positivity.
🌊 Place the crystal in the bowl of water to charge it. (Research your crystal first though, as some are damaged when exposed to water!) Spin the water a few times clockwise with your finger.
🌊 Watch the water and meditate on it. Consider the flow of a river, it's water washing over you and cleansing you of your trauma and fears. Focus on your breathing.
🌊 As the water slows, place your hands in the bowl and wash them with the water to cleanse and heal yourself. Dry the crystal and carry it on you to help promote emotional healing.
🌊 Remember to recentre your energy and cleanse your space afterwards!
disclaimer: therapy and talking to people is very much ideal. always prioritise professional help over magical.
click here for more spells.
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