#Griffins would be a bonus symbol
dragonageconfessions · 11 months
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I went to Las Vegas for my 28th birthday and I played a Game of Thrones slot machine. I did not win anything big but I did get my money back. And playing it made me wonder what a Dragon Age slot machine would be likeThe
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in1-nutshell · 4 months
Heya! I want to try Rescue Bots request. The Rescue Bots encountered a lazy Decepticon scout Buddy sleeping in the middle of the street that is causing traffic. This version of Decepticon Buddy is very chill and relaxed than they should have to their surroundings, even when their life is in danger. When they try arrested the lazy Decepticon Buddy, Buddy just teleported somewhere else to nap. (This Buddy is an outlier. This Buddy can teleport.) A few days later, another Decepticon (Not Buddy) kidnapped the kids. Lazy Decepticon Buddy asked the other Decepticon what are they going to do with those kids, the other Decepticon responds he is going to torture the kids to force them to reveal where the Rescue Bots are, which Buddy did not like that at all. Buddy asked the other Decepticon to hold the kids for them. Once Buddy gently holds the kids, Buddy shielded the kids views so they don't see Buddy shot the other Decepticon dead in cold blood unexpectedly because they will never condone to harming or killing any kids in any way. Buddy contacted the Rescue Bots to come get the kids while Buddy gently comfort the kids. (Bonus: when the Rescue Bots asked Buddy why they joined the Cons, Buddy responds "The Decepticons gave me an energon cookie.") Characters: Heatwave, Chase, Boulder, and Blades. Please and thank you!
Haven't done a Buddy like this, I welcome the challenge!
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the Con who can teleport protecting Cody and Frankie
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
Buddy is a con.
Well, more like Ex-con.
They used to be in the spy unit thanks to their Outlier ability to teleport.
They could have gotten far in the ranks if it weren’t for their laid-back nature and them not wanting to do much fighting.
So, they left the moment they could and kept a low profile on Earth.
They did find their own safe haven on the Island of Griffin Rock.
It was a nice place to be.
They didn’t show themselves to the public, instead opting to watch them in their everyday lives.
Buddy watching the Burns family playing basketball from the wooded area.
“C’mon Cody… a little to the left and…”--Buddy
Kade blocks the ball which bounces off Cody’s head.
Buddy gasps.
Kade puffs his chest.
“Sorry Squirt, but when you mess with the champ—”--Kade
Kade looks down at the large stick that had hit him in the head.
“Who threw that?! Dani! It was you wasn’t it!”--Kade
Buddy had a satisfied grin on their faceplate.
“That was for Cody.”--Buddy
They had been considering showing their identity to the community, but ultimately decided against it in fear of the Autobots or any Decepticon finding them.
Or worse, the community not accepting them and then having to find a new home.
They were extremely surprised to see some Rescue Bots at the unveiling ceremony.
Buddy figured that most if not all those bots were no longer operational.
This was just another reason to keep hiding.
They continued their observation of the community and of the Burns family, leading them to find out about the bots working with the small family as well as their location.
Not that they would ever do anything with it anyways.
Their first encounter with the Rescue Bots certainly was one to remember.
They knew that teleporting for long periods of time and long distances made them sleepy…
And they knew their tendency of taking naps anywhere they could…
Yet here they were taking a nap in the middle of a small street in their alt mode.
This eventually caused traffic and that led to some of the bots to come see what the commotion was about.
Chief Burns and Chase are coming on the scene.
The Chief steps out and goes to knock on one of the windows.
“Hello? Is there anyone inside? This is not a parking—”--Chief
Chase spots the Decepticon symbol and feels his energon run cold.
He quickly comms in Boulder and Heatwave.
“Get the citizens out of the area immediately!”--Chase
“Wow, Chase what’s—”--Boulder
“The subject causing the traffic is a Decepticon!”--Chase
“What’s a—”--Graham
“Never mind that! Boulder! You and Blades get the humans! I’m backup for Chase!”--Heatwave
“On it!”—Boulder and Blades
Boulder and Blades make it record time get the civilians out of there.
“Guys what’s going on?”--Dani
Chase transforms and holds his servos out to Chief.
“Chief Burns, step away from the vehicle slowly. That is a Decepticon and of unknown origin.”--Chase
“A Decepticon?”--Chief
The vehicle suddenly starts transforming as Heatwave and the other bots come.
Chase quickly snatches Chief holding him close.
The Con finishes transforming and stretches.
“Primus, I have got to stop taking naps on this street. There’re too many potholes that I know the Mayor wont…”--Buddy
Buddy looks at the bots.
They slowly raise their servos.
“Hey, I mean no harm and all. Just minding my own business here. Just taking a nap…”--Buddy
Heatwave pulls out some stasis cuffs out.
“Yeah, not happening. Tell Cody I said hi!”--Buddy
“WHERE DID THEY GO?!”—Rescue bots
“How do they know who I am?!”--Cody
Buddy watching from the wooded area behind them.
“So much for good introductions…”--Buddy
The Rescue Team would be on high alert for the next few days after the encounter.
Meanwhile Buddy just watched from afar everything goes down.
It would be one evening that they would receive a ping in their com.
It was from another Decepticon asking for any nearby Cons to come to their coordinates.
Curious, and bored, they answered the call and went to the location.
To their surprise, the location was underneath one of the many caverns under Griffin Rock.
They walked in and was in shocked what they saw.
It was some drone on a data pad on one side of the cavern. On the other side was Cody Burns and Frankie Greene tied up against the wall.
The kids looked okay, a little roughed up, but nothing else.
Buddy walks over to the other Con as calm as they could.
The other Con looks over and smiles maliciously.
“Finally, another fellow Decepticon.”—Random Con
Buddy just waves, watching the other Con go over to the children and grabs them.
Buddy’s servos clench a bit when they see the kids flinch.
“So, what’s with the humans?”--Buddy
“I’m going to do some good fashion torture session to find where those pesky Rescue Bots are. Then send a message to Lord Megatron—”—Random Con
“Hold on, hold on Pal. First, can I hold them? Never held humans before.”--Buddy
The other Con shrugs and tosses the kids to Buddy, who quickly catches them.
“Fine, but no torture. I’m going to be in charge of that.”—Random Con
Buddy readjusts their hold on the kids and smiles gently at them before whispering.
“Close your eyes and cover your ears. Don’t open them until I saw so.”--Buddy
They snag the ropes from the kids and toss them inside their subspace.
Buddy could just hope that the kids had followed their instructions.
“Hey what are you—”—Random Con
Buddy blasts the Con in the chassis.
They make sure the Con was offline before teleporting outside.
They open their subspace and gently get the kids out.
“You can open those eyes now kids.”--Buddy
Both kids open their eyes surprised seeing the outside of the cave.
Frankie looks at them accusingly.
“What do you want? And where’s your friend?”--Frankie
“Firstly, not my friend. Secondly, no one will have to worry about that guy ever again.”--Buddy
“How can we trust you?”--Frankie
Buddy just shrugs.
“You don’t have to trust me, Frankie.”--Buddy
Her eyes widened.
“How do you know her name?”--Cody
“I know everyone’s name on Griffin Rock, Cody.”--Buddy
That led to a slightly awkward conversation of how long Buddy had been spying on the people of Griffin Rock.
The kids ended up warming up to the Ex-Con who had saved them after another hour of talking before the three realizing that the others were probably worried sick.
Buddy quickly teleported to the back of the Firehouse after that realization, scaring the bots and humans in the process.
It was an even worse impression than before.
Especially when Heatwave nearly tore down the doors and nearly dropkicked Buddy after seeing Cody and Frankie in their servos.
It took another hour of explaining, reassuring, to get everything out.
And some wielding patches for Buddy’s chassis and helm.
The humans were grateful for Buddy getting the kids out of that situation.
Blades and Boulder were more on the forgiving side than Chase and Heatwave.
Heatwave and Chase were much more on edge with this Ex-Con, but after a bit they realized that they really weren’t a threat.
“One thing I still do not understand. How long have you been here and never alerted anyone?”--Chase
“Yeah, how long have you been here?”--Blade
Buddy stops to think.
They look at Cody.
“When Cody was in those white thingys.”--Buddy
“Diapers?!”—Burns Family
“You’ve been here that long!?”--Heatwave
“And you never did any harm?”--Chase
“Why would I? I like this community and the humans.”--Buddy
“It doesn’t seem like the Decepticon thing to do.”--Heatwave
“Yeah, I’ve been to odd ball out forever. Even my recruitment was ‘unorthodox’ to say the least.”--Buddy
“What do you mean?”--Heatwave
“They had energon cookies and offered them if I joined. I left as soon as they ran out.”--Buddy
“…”—Rescue Team
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darkpoisonouslove · 1 year
For fic writer asks: 1, 3, 10, 15, 25, 26, 31, 45, 46, 49 :)
Thanks! :D
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
I'm thinking either Imitation Play or The Power of Peace. Both are pretty similar - have an excessive amount of worldbuilding details, dry humping at inopportune times with the bonus of unconventional magic being involved, internal struggle that is worked out through the kind-of-smut and leads to an altered sense of self, asshole!Valtor and a Griffin who probably enjoys asshole!Valtor a little too much than strictly advisable. I feel like those are all staples of my writing. Both are also conceptually strong if I do say so myself. Imitation Play might be a little more so, though. I had the title before I had even started writing the story and I think it's reflective of every aspect of the story.
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
Angst, hate-love, hate sex, porn with feelings, alternate universes, eye color symbolism, too many goddamn metaphors, moral dilemmas, long-term relationships, repressed feelings, impossible to repress feelings, love making things complicated and probably a whole lot of other things.
10. How do you decide what to write?
Lmaooo, I don't have any control whatsoever over this. It's not so much a decision as much as it is just going with the flow. I just ask myself "Do I feel like writing today?" And if I manage to answer that with a yes or at least a "no, but at least I can try it and maybe I'll put myself in the mood", then I start going through my recently touched projects. If none of those makes my brain go "That's the one!", then I try going through my notes to see what other ideas I have. Sometimes that whole process is unnecessary, though, because I get an idea for a WiP or for a new story and the inspiration from that idea carries me the rest of the way. I have learned not to try to force a WiP that doesn't want to cooperate with me because that just leaves me with negative feelings for the fic in question and makes returning to it that much harder.
15. What’s your favorite AU that you’ve written?
Evil. Evil, evil, evil question. Am I gonna have to go through all of them now?... Nah, it's Sparks of Life. Granted, the reworked version of Sparks of Life that only exists in my head so far but it is Sparks of Life nonetheless. I adore magic and fantasy but do you know what I adore even more? Modern day versions of fantasy characters. Sparks of Life was my first modern day AU for Winx, I believe (I'm too lazy to check) and that's probably why I fell in love with it so thoroughly. Well, that and the fact that the first part of it I wrote already had Griffin and Valtor being married. It doesn't really have a plot. It's just vibes and character interactions but that makes it comforting because as long as I stick to the overarching but very vague theme, I can just add parts to it however and whenever I please.
25. What other websites or resources do you use most often when you write?
Online thesaurus, online dictionaries, my dad's old Bulgarian-English and English-Bulgarian physical dictionaries, Google Translate for when I'm too lazy to pull out the physical dictionaries (but I will if Google Translate fails me (which is a not so rare occurrence), the OneLook Thesaurus and Reverse dictionary for when I remember what a word means but not what the word IS.
26. Would you rather write a fic that had no dialogue or one that was only dialogue?
I've actually written fics with no dialogue but those were short and inspired by songs and it was more of an inner monologue of the PoV characters. I would pick fic with only dialogue. I believe I could pull that off (depending on what you're trying to write, of course, but still).
31. What’s your ideal fic length to write?
Something that can be finished in one sitting, lol. But considering that lately my brain capacity is not what it used to be, finishing stories in one sitting isn't very realistic. I'm not particular about "ideal length". Based on the majority of my fics, my ideal length is 3-5k words. There are stories that require a lot more words if you want to do them justice, though. Long fic certainly has its many challenges but I always have something to add to a story so while I came up short when the actual writing is concerned, most of my ideas run pretty long.
45. What’s something you’ve improved on since you started writing fic?
The flow of the story. I used to rush through parts without even realizing I was doing it. I didn't have a good grasp on how a story is supposed to flow and would make jarring shifts in tone or plot points. I like to think I've gotten much better at avoiding those.
Another thing is character motivations. Looking at my earlier fics, I can see that the characters were doing what they were doing just because I wanted them to regardless of whether it made sense for them to do it from a logistical PoV or from PoV of their characterizations. I really think I'm starting to figure out how to keep their motivations consistent and believable.
46. Do you prefer writing on your phone or on a computer (or something else)? Do you think where you write affects the way you write?
Typing on my laptop is so much more comfortable and faster than typing on my phone but I would write a story draft on my phone in a pinch. The only difference between those is in the number of typos I make. It definitely increases when I'm typing up a story on my phone. Otherwise, I don't think the device influences the quality or layout of the work. Sometimes, though, I feel that I will go insane if I don't write my story on paper. It's just a feeling and I tend to always write my longest fics on my laptop but for short(ish) one-shots, I usually use a notebook for the first draft (the Griffin x Marion fic I'm working on I wrote on paper first but Imitation Play was written directly on my laptop). That decreases the number of typos usually.
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
As I mentioned above, I am currently working on this Griffin x Marion fic. I finished it the other day and the plan was to post it yesterday but pushing myself to write 2000 words in one day left me quite tired and I knew that last stretch I wrote would need a lot of editing so I decided to do what's best for the story. I am more than willing to share a snippet from the more polished parts though!
Figuring out Griffin’s play was the most crucial part of this visit to Cloud Tower. Oritel would have agreed, would have shown the same initiative in tailing the witch that Marion did. He would have been the only one who would have taken her intrigue with this perfect opportunity seriously.
Griffin’s stance on the politics around dark magic and the people who used it was clearly pronounced. It hadn’t taken Marion much effort at all to stir the conversation with her mother’s counselors to reveal the most scandalous information they’d heard about Griffin. All rumor, of course, but stemming from a solid foundation of the witch’s own making.
Her particle manipulation powers and her prowess with magic relating to all manner of heavenly bodies had raised more than concerns as soon as she’d altered the trajectory of the biggest meteor shower in the known universe.
The Dragon Scales rained harmlessly over the Magic Dimension riding the ripples of space currents believed to be the Great Dragon shivering and shedding her skin. Over thousands of years no scholars, scribes and astronomers had succeeded in deciphering the pattern behind the phenomenon.
Griffin had not only predicted it successfully this once, but also influenced its course. To the point where the meteors had blazed through the atmosphere of several planets leaving behind a fiery trail in the sky, small craters and hard rock on the ground, and not a shred of mysticism.
Griffin’s appointment as the newest addition to the Cloud Tower faculty had stirred unrest all over the Magic Dimension, all of its leaders left to ask what would happen if she decided to repeat her magic show but this time take it further. Marion suspected that had been the whole point of it – to make all the monarchs aware of the force they’d be facing if they decided to go against witchkind. The effect had rippled further, of course, other dark magic users who shared Griffin’s views witnessing it as well.
Learning who’d reached out to her would be of great use to Marion in light of her mother’s refusal to consider anyone else’s power but their own, given to them as a birthright. Even in the face of a magical show that would’ve exhausted Marion’s own powers to the point of inducing magic depletion syndrome for the next few days.
Instead of examining the pattern of odd and worrisome magic thefts all over the dimension the Queen of Domino had preferred to focus on Marion’s interest in Griffin and had set out to present it to anyone that noticed it as dutiful yet unfounded concern over state affairs, as overzealous protectiveness. She may as well have called it paranoia to Marion’s own face. In doing so she’d only left Marion one option – pursue it to the very end.
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My Palisman Predictions
A bunch of Students from Hexside, what animals I think they will carve for Palismans one day, and my reasons as to why.
Luz Noceda: An Otter with wings. If Luz stays on the boiling isles long enough to get a staff and Palisman (which she should) than this is what I believe she will chose. Grom, among many other great things, told us about Luz and Otters. They are an animal she feels very strong when connected to, so it would be a very good Palisman for her. But Luz will not have just a plain old Otter, No. She has spent months being influenced by the Clawthorn family (is basically Eda’s adopted daughter) , and the Clawthorns are all about aviaries as symbols. So Winged Otter, master of air and water and probably land (eat your heart out ducks).
Williow Park: A Chia Pet. I have seen a lot of people give her a garden type insect, like a butterfly or ladybug. That would be a great choice if Grom hadn’t revealed she is actually really scared of bugs. At first I was pretty set on Willow carving a chipmunk.Make herself a cute little woodland creature that likes to scamper thru the garden. But this is Willow, this is the girl that with all her plant based power makes Poison Ivy look like a toddler running around with a seed in a dixie cup of dirt. How can she NOT have a palisman that is at least half plant? I don’t know about y’all but when I think of chia pets I picture a little hedgehog with leaves growing out of its back. Maybe Willows could thorn branches and learn to use vine whip?
Au”GUS”tus Porter: A Rabbit. A little bit because rabbits are popular in Human magic shows, which are all about creating illusions. But mostly because Gus’s specialty is making clones of himself and, as we all know, rabbits are great at multiplying.
Amity Blight: A Cat. This one warrants an explanation? Okay, Amilty is literally a cat in a human body. Think abut it when you first meet her she comes off as This aloof snob who see’s herself as above it all. But keep coming around, give her time to get used to you, you may manage to befriend her. And if you do manage to befriend her she turns into this silly, affectionate, dork. She is a cat. Her brother and sister know she is a cat, That is why they call her mittens, a popular cat name. Amity’s palisman will be a cat.
Edric and Emira Blight: Giraffe. Speaking of Amity’s Brother and sister. Yeah yeah I know I say that I want the show to dive more into the twins individual characters, and I do. But the two of them are close, and have worked as a team so often that they have very similar style of magic. I can see them carving the same animal, and just having them pose a bit different from the other, maybe teaching them separate tricks. As for Why they would want Giraffes, come on Giraffes have got to be the most hardcore animals in existence. They were literally banished from the Isle because they scared all the witches by refusing to be controlled. Just imagine Ed and Em using their illusion magic to conjure up an image of a herd of Giraffes running thru the market. The fact that Alador and Odalia would no doubt have objections to the twins wanting Giraffes would just be a bonus.
Boscha: A horse. I feel like a horse strikes just the right balance of pretentiousness and athleticism for Boscha. Horses also compete, and we have seen how important competition is to Boscha
Skara: A Peacock. Skara is a bard track girl, and for her 15th birthday magicked sparkly invitations out of real butterfly's. This tells us that Skara loves things that are fancy, and dramatic. A peacock is the perfect animal for her. 
Amelia: A Squirrel. It is a nature based woodlen creature that  is kinda simple, likes plants, and likes to snack. Based on what little bit we have seen of Ameiia in the background I would say that fits her pretty well.
Cat: An Owl. Cat is in the healing track, which I am guessing means she wants to be a medic, so she must be smart. Also her glasses make me think a bit of an owl. We do not know to much about Cat yet, so I going to leave her at owl, and it may change once we get more into her character.
Bo: A Dolphine. Bo ( the freckly healing track girl) is another character we do not know that much about yet ( hey, how about if in season 2 we give the healing track a bit more love). But  a dolphine is smart and social, chich Bo seems to be. Plus I really anted to give somebody a sea creature, and why not Bo?
Selene: Wolf. Selene is that really cool girl from the oracle track that has a head like a crescent moon. I picked a wolf for her because they are considered spiritual animals and have love/loyalty to the moon.
Mattholomule: An Armadillo or a Rat. something small, that is good at constructing burrows/tunnels, and is considered a pest.
Viney: A Griffin. Viney is going to create a palisman that looks exactly like a little carving of her beloved pet and assistant Puddles. Okay? Okay.
Jarbo: A Mole. Jarbo likes plants and soil/mud, so I am giving him a mole. He will liekthat beacause moles are super cute
Barcus: A Cat. So with Barkus being a dog, some people probabaly expect him to have a dog palisman, as a pack mate maybe? IF that is what you see him with then that is great for you. But I want to give him a cat, so he and his palisman can chase each other around on adventures.
Eileen (eyeball girl): A Frog. She is in the potion track and it is hinted in the covention episode that she wants to become a chef someday. I could see a frig helping her out in the kitchen. Like it could leap up onto shelves to fetch ingredients for her, and maybe stir pots with its tongue 
The Stoner Oracle Guy: A Bat. Maybe it could help him learn to fly in those red shoes with bat wings
The purple haired abomination girl with the horns: A Ram. Their horns would match.
The gold abomination guy with the head that looks like some kind of exotic fruit:  A deer. This guy is pretty big, but comes off as a big, shy, sweetheart. I want to give him a deer palisman.
Cute little cyclops goat student in the bard track: A Strong and Sturdy mountain goat No need to think to hard on all of them
Blue Gay kid with the fins on his face: A Seahorse
His boyfriend, who has red hair and I think is in the oracle track: A regular horse. Bigger and fluffier than Boshca’s, maybe a clidesdale
Mouth headed girl in the illusion track: A Hyena.
green potion guy whom King nicknames fang: A parana. Like him it is full of sharp teeth.
Principal Bump: Monkey. Bump is an old guy and he likely already has a staff and palisman, we just haven’t seen it. Until we do see it I want to headcannon that his Palisman is a monkey, and it is doing the “See no evil pose” where it is covering its eyes; since Frewin hangs on just level with Bump’s eyes.
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shepherds-of-haven · 5 years
We were being geeks on the discord....which makes me wonder, What kind of patronus' would the RO's have?
*immediately goes to take my own patronus test*
Hmm, this is a very good question (I love geeky, btw)! According to this guide on patronuses, I’d guess…
Blade: Chow Dog – One of the few ancient dog breeds, the Chow Chow is proud, independent, and highly suspicious of strangers but fiercely loyal to family. If your Patronus is the Chow Chow, the people closest to your heart know the lovable, playful you. However, everyone else may see you as introverted, proud, or even haughty. You hold those closest to you extremely close, but everyone else better steer clear. And woe the person who tries to hurt someone you love!
Trouble: Lion – The lion, along with being the mascot of Gryffindor House, is often seen as the “king of beasts.” Lions generally live in close-knit prides, which they are fiercely protective of. They are kind to cubs, sharing their food. These cats are fierce warriors, symbolizing bravery as well as strength and nobility. If your Patronus is the lion, you are likely brave, close to those in your inner circle, and extremely protective. Despite your fierceness when challenged, you have a soft spot for those weaker than yourself for whom you are willing to make sacrifices.
Shery: Hedgehog – Cute and loveable inside and out, those who possess a hedgehog Patronus may thrive on giving and receiving love and may feel they need more of it than others realize. While upfront about their endearment and affectionate personality, hedgehogs are also known to be anxious and overly cautious. They often worry about their own and others of their kind’s safety. Those around must approach the hedgehog with care and precision, though, because when defensive and hurt, hedgehogs are remembered not for their sweetness, but for their sharp spikes.
Tallys: Badger –Badgers represent determination. Badgers mostly keep to themselves but are aggressive when threatened. Connected to the earth, the badger is grounded and celebrates individuality. This creature’s stubbornness and instinct to protect make it a formidable enemy for Dementors!
Riel: Heron – The heron is known for its outstanding determination and intelligence. Herons live in three elements: water, earth, and air, revealing that the animal appreciates diversity. You have a mind like no other and work on whatever you’re working on until you’ve finished it. And of course, this is J.K. Rowling’s own Patronus, so you should be sure of this animal’s respect, beauty, and loyalty.
Chase:   Weasel – Weasels are one of the world’s smallest carnivores! This means they have to compensate for their size by attitude. Weasels seem like a cute little rodent you’d want to keep as a pet, but they are quite mischievous little things. They are quick-minded and slick. They are masters of chaos and are actually quite intelligent. It’s no wonder that a group of weasels is often called a “boogle” or a “confusion.” A weasel is a strong Patronus because it easily outwits any predator that threatens it.
Red: Dolphin – Intelligence and sociability are among the main attributes of the dolphin. Also known for their playfulness and loyalty, dolphins live and work together in groups to aid the sick and injured and to defend each other from predators. Its incredible intelligence is put to good use in the form of solving complex problems and other such challenges. The dolphin does not enjoy dull, routine activities, so keeping busy with interesting tasks is a must!
Ayla:  Chestnut Mare – Owners of chestnut mares are well versed with the saying “Chestnut Mare – Beware”! These horses are full to the brim with attitude. Her feisty go-get-’em stance means no one dares to mess with this lass. A lover of action, she will never shy away from danger, but her headstrong way of life will mean that she will always keep you safe. Your Patronus will give you a burst of energy and is a formidable opponent to any Dementor that dares cross your path! 
Lavinet: Russian Blue Cat – The Russian Blue is known as a royal cat. Regal in form and frame, they love attention and actively seek it out. They love their humans, often doing small acts of kindness to cheer you up such as patting your face or clowning about to entice a laugh. If any Patronus will chase away a Dementor by staring disdainfully at it, this is the Patronus! 
Prihine:  Capuchin Monkey – Those who are capable of casting this bubbly and energetic creature may or may not take pleasure in knowing just how much they enjoy their comfort. Give a capuchin an abundance of fresh fruit, others to interact with, and a stimulating environment, and watch its creativity and sense of adventure soar. Beware, the absence of such creature comforts will quickly lead to quarrels, isolation, and an intolerance for others’ good moods.
Mimir: Blackbird – The blackbird Patronus appears to those who try to help themselves. Blackbirds are mysterious and intuitive, appearing when needed most. Blackbirds keep their secrets and will protect yours fiercely. While they may not be the most ferocious protectors, they are one of the most mysterious and magical. Keep well your own counsel, and you may have a blackbird to help protect you in the darkest of times.
Halek: Greyhound – The Greyhound is an intelligent, gentle creature. Sure, they are fast when need to be and are prey-driven, but for the most part, they are calm, affectionate, and easygoing with a sensitive nature. If your Patronus is a Greyhound, you’ve likely been wrongly accused of laziness or indifference by those who do not understand your calm disposition. You’re not lazy at all. You know exactly what you want and focus your energies on your target, but you don’t chase every opportunity. This focus allows you to live peacefully with others and not let every little thing upset you.
Caine: Fox Terrier – This is a small yet fearless dog that loves being outside and around people. If you have this Patronus, you are spunky and loyal. They work well in teams, so when teaming up with other Patronuses, you can’t be beaten.
Croelle: Hippogriff – The hippogriff is a proud and dangerous creature. They are half eagle, half horse, the offspring of a horse and griffin. If your Patronus is a hippogriff, you likely have a demeanor that commands respect or else. You’ve been known to fiercely defend those you’re loyal to and lash out at those who don’t earn your respect. At the same time, you are capable of growing to love former enemies – after a bloody battle.
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foxio43 · 3 years
Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Pirate Paint Jobs Pack
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Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Pirate Paint Jobs Pack
Game: Euro Truck Simulator 2 Platform: PC Gamer: hkkane Gameplay Date: 29 July 2015 Gameplay Part./ Note: Prehistoric Paint Jobs Pack. Below are the minimum and recommended system specifications for Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Australian Paint Jobs Pack - Steam - Key GLOBAL. Due to potential programming changes, the minimum system requirements for Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Australian Paint Jobs Pack - Steam - Key GLOBAL may change over time. Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Halloween Paint Jobs Pack Customize your truck with a choice of six dark and scary paint jobs! Halloween is a great time to be different and make your truck stand out against the usual serious business look of vehicles found on the roads today.
Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Pirate Paint Jobs Pack
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About the game
Customize your truck by choosing among the 8 unique options of this DLC! Progressbar95 download.
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Travel across Europe as king of the road, a trucker who delivers important cargo across impressive distances! With dozens of cities to explore from the UK, Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, and many more, your endurance, skill and speed will all be pushed to their limits.
Pirate Flag Decal;
Ghost Ship;
Pirate Flag Metallic;
Skull and Swords;
Pirate Gods;
Pirate Ahoy!
Pirate Ship;
Pirate Shipreck.
Borderlands 2 psycho build. Bonus toys t' decorate yer truck cabin wi':
Pirate bobblehead;
Parrot bobblehead;
Ship in a bottle;
Pirate Flag;
Skull with cutlasses.
System Requirements
OS:Windows XP
Storage:2 GB
Processor:Dual Core 2.0GHz
Memory:2 GB
Graphics:GeForce 7600 GT
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OS:Windows 7
Storage:4 GB
Processor:Quad Core 3.0GHz
Memory:4 GB
Graphics:GeForce GTS 450
OS:Ubuntu 12.04
Storage:2 GB
Processor:Dual Core 2.0GHz
Memory:2 GB
Graphics:GeForce 7600 GT
OS:Ubuntu 12.04
Storage:4 GB
Processor:Quad Core 3.0GHz
Memory:4 GB
Graphics:GeForce GTS 450
(C) 2012 SCS Software. All brand names, trademarks, registered marks, logos, and symbols on vehicles in the game are property of their rightful owners. Used with kind permission.
Release date:2016-09-19
Developer: SCS Software
Publisher: SCS Software
Game Mode
BulgarianCzechDanishGermanGreekEnglishSpanishFinnishFrenchHúngaroItalianNorwegianDutchPolishPortuguese (BR)Portuguese (PT)RomanianRussianSwedishTurkish
Ativações / Sistemas
Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Mighty Griffin Tuning Pack
Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Mighty Griffin Tuning Pack
This game/item requires:
Available Regions for Activation
Across the globe, except South America and Europe.
American Samoa
Antigua & Barbuda
Bouvet Island
British Indian Ocean Territory
British Virgin Islands
Burkina Faso
Cape Verde
Caribbean Netherlands
Cayman Islands
Central African Republic
Christmas Island
Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Congo - Brazzaville
Congo - Kinshasa
Cook Islands
Costa Rica
Côte d’Ivoire
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea
Faroe Islands
French Polynesia
French Southern Territories
Heard & McDonald Islands
Hong Kong SAR China
Isle of Man
Macau SAR China
Marshall Islands
Myanmar (Burma)
New Caledonia
New Zealand
Norfolk Island
North Korea
Northern Mariana Islands
Palestinian Territories
Papua New Guinea
Pitcairn Islands
Puerto Rico
Saint Martin
São Tomé & Príncipe
Saudi Arabia
Sierra Leone
Solomon Islands
South Africa
South Korea
South Sudan
Sri Lanka
St. Barthélemy
St. Helena
St. Kitts & Nevis
St. Lucia
St. Martin
St. Pierre & Miquelon
St. Vincent & Grenadines
Svalbard & Jan Mayen
Trinidad & Tobago
Turks & Caicos Islands
U.S. Outlying Islands
U.S. Virgin Islands
United Arab Emirates
United States
Wallis & Futuna
Western Sahara
Euro Truck Simulator Download
About the game
Truck tuning is something that is close to the heart of all truckers. If you have ever been to a truck show, you would see that the amount of love and effort that some drivers are willing to devote to their vehicles is unbelievable. Tons of chrome, expensive hand-made parts, lights and paints - they can turn a regular truck into the work of art!
Toby: the secret mine download. Explore this phenomenon yourself, and trick up your Scania R and Scania Streamline trucks in Euro Truck Simulator 2 with a million of possible combinations of aftermarket parts including: chassis covers, rear bumpers, exhausts, front masks and grilles, stone guards, bull bars, front and rear mudflaps, wheel hubs, door and window trims, paint jobs, front badges, and various cabin accessories like curtains, mugs, LED logos or a dashboard table.
System Requirements
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OS:Windows XP
Storage:2 GB
Processor:Dual Core 2.0GHz
Memory:2 GB
Graphics:GeForce 7600 GT
OS:Windows 7
Storage:4 GB
Processor:Quad Core 3.0GHz
Memory:4 GB
Graphics:GeForce GTS 450
OS:Ubuntu 12.04
Storage:2 GB
Processor:Dual Core 2.0GHz
Memory:2 GB
Graphics:GeForce 7600 GT
OS:Ubuntu 12.04
Storage:4 GB
Processor:Quad Core 3.0GHz
Memory:4 GB
Graphics:GeForce GTS 450
Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Pirate Paint Jobs Pack 1.8
(C) 2016 SCS Software. Cloud gardens download apk. All brand names, trademarks, registered marks, logos, and symbols on vehicles in the game are property of their rightful owners. Used with kind permission.
Release date:2016-06-28
Developer: SCS Software
Publisher: SCS Software
Game Mode
Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Pirate Paint Jobs Pack 4
BulgarianCzechDanishGermanGreekEnglishSpanishFinnishFrenchHúngaroItalianNorwegianDutchPolishPortuguese (BR)Portuguese (PT)RomanianRussianSwedishTurkish
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0 notes
leighmhis03 · 3 years
4 Valid Reasons to End a 모바일바둑이환전 Session #2031
One possible strategy when playing Caribbean Stud Poker with a bonus is to use a larger bet size and if you get a decent win, you could switch to smaller bet size and complete the wagering requirement. This slightly increases the expected return but also increases the risk of busting (losing deposit + bonus) before completing the playthrough. https://www.washingtonpost.com/newssearch/?query=사설토토사이트 Raise when the dealer’s card is 2 thru Queen and one card matches your own.Raise if the dealer’s card is less than your 4th-highest card and you’re holding a Queen.Raise if the dealer holds an Ace or King and you have a Queen or a Jack in hand. This system worked by timing the ball and wheel, and using the information obtained to calculate the most likely octant where the ball would fall. Ironically, this technique works best with an unbiased wheel though it could still be countered quite easily by simply closing the table for betting before beginning the spin. According to the paper "An Analysis of Caribbean Stud Poker" by Peter Griffin and John M. Gwynn Jr., which appears in the book Finding the Edge, in the perfect situation of having seven colluding players, it would be possible to narrow down the dealer's unseen cards to just 16 possible cards.
If a player wishes to take the bet down after a win the player would receive the whole bet not half even though only one of the two bets can win per roll. From when to take your turn in any given game to what to wear to what’s acceptable and what’s not, casino etiquette is an art in itself, and there’s a casino subculture with its own set of rules. National fervor saw the development of a number of variances in suit symbol design. The Spanish, for example, changed the thin, light, sharp pointed rapiers of Swords into heavy, two-edged Roman blades. Similarly, the narrow batons of earlier Italian and Mamaluke designs became heavy clubs lumpy with nodules. Both these weapons were set out in the Spanish designs, in straight and parallel patterns in contrast to the interlaced renditions of the Italian pack. Nine is called a "centerfield nine" in casinos in which nine is one of the field rolls, because nine is the center number shown on the layout in such casinos (2–3–4–9–10–11–12). In Atlantic City, a 4–5 is called a "railroad nine".
If you find articles about winning Blackjack methods without card counting, please ignore them. In pot-limit poker, a player may bet or raise any amount up to the size of the pot. When calculating the maximum raise allowed, all previous bets and calls, including the intending raiser's call, are first added to the pot. Let’s consider George, who just got his paycheck and heads to the casino with $80 to spend over an hour on a Tuesday night. In addition, there are some Montana establishments (such as some truck stops) that do not possess "on-sale" licenses but hold "grandfather" licenses allowing them to operate gaming machines.
There are a wide variety of keno paytables depending on the casino, usually with a larger "house edge" than other games offered by that casino. For example, lower stake table minimums of $5 or $10, generally allow minimum hard ways bets of $1. The maximum bet is based on the maximum allowed win from a single roll. Using a computer to analyze all 1,820 possible 4-card sets out of 16, the player would have an advantage of 2.3%. In a six player game the house would still have an edge of 0.4%.The Mamluk court cards showed abstract designs or calligraphy not depicting persons possibly due to religious proscription in Sunni Islam, though they did bear the ranks on the cards.
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They are simple to operate and can offer large payouts for small wagers. Starting with an initial bet of, say, 1 unit, a loss would raise the next bet to 2 units. About that time there began a gradual, albeit irregular, shift in the official attitude toward gambling, from considering it a sin to considering it a vice and a human weakness and, finally, to seeing it as a mostly harmless and even entertaining activity. 현금바둑이게임 The serious ones present one or more counting methods to find out the best strategy when betting high, stay or buy, double or split.
If you’d like to read the rules first, you can find them either on Bicycle Cards: How to Play Blackjack or on Pagat’s Blackjack Rules – and once you’ve got the rules down, let’s move on to the rest. According to The Tech of a Casino (TechTV, June 2002), casinos use a variety of tricks to attract gamblers. Montagu didn't invent the meal - it's meat between bread, after all; people had likely been eating this combo for centuries - but he did give it a name and a cool story to go with it (whether he liked it or not!).In reality, each roll of the dice is an independent event, so the probability of rolling eleven is exactly 1/18 on every roll, regardless of the number of times eleven has come up in the last x rolls. Even if the dice are actually biased toward particular results ("loaded"), each roll is still independent of all the previous ones. The common term to describe this is "dice have no memory".
The raiser may then raise the previous bet by the full amount of the pot. In no-limit poker, a player may wager their entire betting stack at any point that they are allowed to make a bet. Many dealers' jobs pay minimum wage, and the bulk of dealers' pay comes through tips from customers. A special bet that covers the numbers 1, 5, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 23, 27, 30, 32, and 34. It has the same payout as the dozen bet and takes its name from the zigzagging, snakelike pattern traced out by these numbers.It often seems as if authors of such articles and books do not even understand the sources they are copying.
There are two exceptions to the method described above. They usually offer one-hour sessions, on the odd hours, e.g. 9am, 11am, 1pm daily, typically from 9am through 11pm, with relatively modest stakes except for coverall jackpots. In this strategy, the gambler doubles his bet after every loss. After a win, the bet is reset to the original bet.There’s also strategy and how you play the games themselves.
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vintagerpg · 7 years
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The Isle of Dread, by Zeb Cook and Tom Moldvay, was my first module, thanks to its inclusion in the Dungeons & Dragons Expert Rules box set (I had the blue box, thus I favor the orange X1). A lot of my early fascination with D&D was reinforced by the blank map on the inside cover. A blank map is a powerful thing, maybe the perfect symbol of mystery and exploration, and the adventure that follows those things.
The module itself is interesting in its construction, in that it focuses on developing a large wilderness for players to explore as they wish, rather than being a linear dungeon. There are indigenous inhabitants, strange creatures and lots and lots of dinosaurs (King Kong and Harryhausen movies are a pretty obvious inspiration here). Conflict comes in the form of an ancient and hidden evil that harasses all the inhabitants of the island – as the players explore, they find more evidence of a nefarious force that needs to be stopped. It all comes together organically, with players taking the lead instead of the DM tugging their leashes.
There’s probably an argument that the modern open world approach to videogames traces some of its DNA back to the Isle of Dread, as well as Chaosium’s similarly structured Griffin Mountain, also published in 1981, for RuneQuest (the first Ultima game also came out in ’81 – big year for the open world!).
Bonus fact: The first printing of Isle of Dread included art by one Bill Willingham, who would go on to write the comic Fables, while the second printing was entirely illustrated by Tim Truman (dig that hydra!), who would later reimagine the comic book gunslinger Jonah Hex with Joe R. Lansdale and write a ton of Conan comics for Dark Horse.
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tf2headshotcanons · 8 years
Mercs as mythological creatures
Scout - Tricky. I've listed Orthrus, Gremlin and Satyr. Orthrus is a two-headed dog essentially - Scout also had dg-like traits including speed. Satyrs are however very carefree and mischievous. This feels more like Scout. As the youngest, it'd make sense that he'd be very mischievous. He seems like one for pranks (Not sure I that's canonically established or not-). Satyrs also havethat youthful vibe physically. Gremlin... Now they're very speedy and naughty. Perfect for Scout. A final one to consider, would be the Incubus like his father. The 6th Comic in which he talks to God may provide your insight to my reasoning). However, that would also give way to the Lightening Bird, which are sometimes rumoured to 'Shapeshift into young attractive men to seduce women'.
Pyro - Pyro is rather tricky. For the obvious, I'd go for either Wyvern or Phoenix. Both are obviously related to fire. For Wyvern, I'd say Pyro is VERY protective of what is theirs. Almost in a childlike but destructive way - kind of like Wyverns. However, what Pyro protects wouldn't really be considered treasure. Also - unlike Dragons - Wyverns are NOT known for the ability to speak. As for the Phoenix, they're known as eternal beasts that always come back. Pyro's sort of feared that way. Another obvious one I'd say would be the Unicorn. They're known to be childlike, innocent and symbols of purity. When we look through their eyes, everything is exactly that - childlike and innocent. Perhaps they ARE childlike and innocent... Or that's just their twisted love of suffering. 
Soldier - Minotaur or Draugr. Whilst known as very powerful, bloodthirsty and battle hungry, they weren't really known for intelligence (Draugrs sort of are, but there's much more emphasis on their amazing strength and love of wars). Soldier is known to be dim but a brilliant and brave fighter. Though Soldier Is proven to have a good heart (unlike these beasts).
Heavy - Typical, but a Giant. But before anyone slates my choice, this is because they're huge and menacing looking. Strong and fierce, and sometimes solitary, but definitely misunderstood for the most part. Many perceive them as large, bumbling idiots as Heavy is mistaken for. They're also perceived as violent (which they can be). However, they're actually rather wise and peaceful, enjoying the company of few and requiring provoking before they attack. Also, when something is in their care, they're very gentle, caring and protective.
Demoman - As the Mythcal man himself, there's quite a few I could say that suit him. There's the obvious Loch Ness, though that's TOO obvious. There's also the Cyclops, a one-eyed Giants that are strong and stubborn - like Demoman. There's even the Unicorn - the National animal of Scotland. Demoman and Soldier both remind me of Orcs, warlike and fierce. My vote would go to the Cyclops (they're intelligent enough to forge, as Demoman is intelligent enough to construct his bombs).
Engineer - Another difficult one. Only Cyclops stood out to me as they can forge. It's similar in the sense that Engineer spends much of his time being very constructive and creating Sentries. There was also Ophiotaurus as they're part bull (And he simply reminds me of one). Though, now I believe Cerberus suits him. They're guards of the Underworld, similar how he makes sentries to guard the base (so no entry to enemies). He also is similar to a dog, loyal and friendly, though vicious when needed. He also reminds me of a Gargoyle.
Medic - Seems unimaginative, but Vampire. There's no other way to put it. He loves blood and its presence ad he isn't afraid. It's a big part of his work. Put it this way, he wears gloves on the field yet when performing surgery (Think 'Meet The Medic'), the gloves weren't on. To him, they're purely cosmetic for he most part. Blood seems to fuel his work.
Spy - Incubus or Vampire. Both are known for seduction (Let's... not mention Twilight XD), as is the Spy. But it's not romantic. Both can use lust to trick the victim and leech off them. Spy would be more of an Incubus. They typically use sex to get what they want, and the victim is usually unaware. It goes without saying really, but that's truly the best way I can explain.
Sniper - The most tricky for me. I've considered the Griffin for it's king of the animal kingdom and skies title. A loyal but lone hunter that mates for life. The common centaur for their intellect and solitude - hunters and guardians of the woods. Lightening Birds for their skill in hunting and focus (minus seducing victims, though this would b an excellent parallel to Spy). Or even a Wendigo. He's a more tricky one, though I feel these do suit.
Miss Pauling - Fairy. Mainly because they're known as Guardians and protective spirits from danger. Miss Pauling is confirmed to clean up after the Mercs so they don't get into trouble, essentially protecting them. Plus they're typically female and seen as cute. They can be mischievous however. I also imagine her suiting to be a Witch.
Administrator - Siren or Echidna. Sirens are known for their beauty (Which the youthful Admin had) and beautiful voices that lured men to their deaths. Sounds familiar? It could be compared to her luring each Merc to their death by fighting for her - only using her voice. As for Echidna, she was known as the mother of all beasts. The beasts in question would be the Mercs.
Saxton Hale - Antaeus. A mythical Giant who challenged everyone he came across to a deadly wrestling match and was also arrogant. It goes without saying that Saxton loves fighting anything (that's a 'good match') and usually wins.
Merasmus - Well he IS a wizard, so that's simply how he'd stay, though he could even be a master of the beasts. There's not much to say about the already supernatural man.
(If you'd like anymore characters as Mythological Beasts or have some suggestions, do let me know!)
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