#Game of Thrones.
dragonageconfessions · 11 months
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I went to Las Vegas for my 28th birthday and I played a Game of Thrones slot machine. I did not win anything big but I did get my money back. And playing it made me wonder what a Dragon Age slot machine would be likeThe
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omg i want to hear more of your thoughts on greg as the evil version of sansa
The parallels first occurred to me when I read this YouTube comment to Logan asking Greg what fucking business it is of his that Logan's going to the bathroom:
"The truly brilliant part lies under many levels: Greg almost simultaneously arouses and then disperses Logan's ire. Not worth it, move on. Manages to constantly remind everyone not to take him seriously without them even realizing it. Imagine if he was cool and collected and always sharp. They'd tear him apart for it by instinct alone. This is how he survives."
Word for word you could say the same about Sansa in King's Landing. Both characters begin their journeys, I think, as genuinely naive and bewildered, but there's no denying they both play up these qualities so those with power underestimate them (how much of this is conscious/unconscious on both their parts, I'm not sure. I change my mind about that all the time).
They both rely on a front of aw-shucks gormlessness for the same immediate reason: to survive. However, their reasons for wanting to survive are in complete opposition. Sansa starts out wanting nothing more than to leave Winterfell behind and embrace the glitz and glamour of King's Landing; now she just wants go home. That's the only reason she plays the game. Greg, meanwhile, finds the more he plays the game and is rewarded for it, he doesn't want to go back to how his life was; no, he wants the glitz and glamour.
And I feel like this is what people think of when they imagine a Dark Sansa, as someone who starts out playing the game just to survive but comes to relish the power it gives her. Now, I feel like there is a contingent of Sansa fans who go too far in the opposite direction and paint her as a saint who never wants to harm anyone, not even her worst enemies, and that is bullshit. There are countless times she fantasizes about Joffrey and other people who've hurt her family dying. However, she never forgets that what she ultimately wants is to feel safe and surrounded by her loved ones again, and I just don't think she'd let a lust for revenge or a hunger for power lead her astray from that goal.
I also disagree with fans who think Greg was a Machiavellian mastermind from the start. I think he did and probably still does mean well, but in such a shallow way that it doesn't take much to turn him. This is again opposite to Sansa's arc. The young Sansa we first meet appears shallow and flighty, but the trials she undergoes reveal nerves of steel and a deep core of empahty.
Greg asks what souls are good for anyway, dismissing what's left of his conscience with a shrug. Sansa's soul, however, is what she's fighting to hold on to.
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chic-beyond-the-wall · 9 months
More medieval dyes for y'all!
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agentmilayawithshield · 2 months
Sunfyre learning Common Tongue because Aegon never learned how to speak in Valyrian
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christophernolan · 2 months
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Dreams didn't make us kings. DRAGONS did.
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ewans-mitchell · 2 months
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Daenerys Targaryen (Daemon's vision) in HOUSE OF THE DRAGON S02E08 | "The Queen Who Ever Was"
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lesbomixtape · 3 months
lord take all of their suffering & give it to criston cole
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shutupcrime · 2 months
I feel like so many problems people have with tv at the moment could be solved if we just went back to the good ole days of 20 episodes a season that’s just sixty percent filler and character development. Give the people what they want- less condensed story and more meaningless shenanigans
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Look, when I tag shit with "The Wall Slide Chronicles" this is what I mean
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It's not the best photos hop job but you understand.
The message is clear.
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reebmiester · 4 months
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tiny damian has a LOT to live up to
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visenya-targarye · 3 months
it's always a lannister beefing with a child
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(honorable mention)
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soncee · 1 month
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Daenys and her baby Balerion
You can't convince me he wasn't spoiled.
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polartss · 4 months
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doodle (🥺)
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ladydeath-vanserra · 10 months
I love u angry female characters. I love u deeply misunderstood and problematic female characters. I love u cold hearted and sharp female characters. I love you prideful and reckless female characters. I love u unbeautifly destructive female characters. I love u prickly and snarky female characters. not everyone understands u but I do and I'm listening
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christophernolan · 2 months
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I am of the blood of Old Valyera. I AM the Dragon's daughter.
GAME OF THRONE 8.04 - "The Last of the Starks HOUSE OF THE DRAGON 2.07 - "The Red Sowing" GAME OF THRONES 8.05 - "The Bells"
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