digi-lov · 1 month
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Mephistmon BT17-068 and Gulfmon BT17-070 by GOSSAN from BT-17 Booster Secret Crisis
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vampireopossum · 4 months
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they can kiss twice at once
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"Need to see what that mussy(mouth pussy) do"
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antrusimbol · 2 years
New lines 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼
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lopmonappreciation · 2 years
Star vs the forces of evil Digimon au
Lekmet and gulfmon
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Rookie: sleepmon
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Champion: goatmon
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Ultimate: mephistomon
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Mega: gulfmon
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skydigiblogs · 4 months
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azaracyy · 5 months
soooooo has Pepper ever digivolved? Do you have a planned evolution line for them?
he has, yeah! i just don't talk about it because it doesn't feel as relevant unless there's some actual story discussion... his evolution line isn't that much of a secret, so i'm willing share it no problem 😂
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tsukaimon → devidramon → mephistomon → gulfmon tbh i haven't drawn much of devidramon and virtually nothing beyond because the rp groups i used him and elise in didn't last long. they're no longer bound by rp group settings though. i have since written my own story for them, which i work on now and then.
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otakween · 1 year
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Digimon Tamers: Battle of Adventurers
Eh...gotta be honest, I found this pretty underwhelming. It had its moments, don't get me wrong, but the plot felt pretty generic and the ending was rushed. Still had fun, but the emotional investment was lacking.
Reddit told me to watch this after episode 18, so I got the timing a little off, but I felt like it'd be good to watch prior to the digiworld episodes. The only timeline wonkiness is that this takes place before Culumon's kidnapping, which I've already seen, but that's fine.
In another moment of ~fate~ the movie begins with Guilmon dying of heat (not literally lol) and it was "feels like 101" where I am today so...can relate.
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I was a pretty sheltered kid, so IDK how I would react to my parents making me travel by myself at 10...not that I'm against that, I just know 10 year old me woulda been a big crybaby about it.
Kinda weird that they gave us 2 title screens for this, one of which was just ripped from the TV show. The whole vibe was kind of a mixed bag in this, sometimes the animation felt pretty much the same quality as the show and sometimes it felt like they were stepping it up, not super consistent.
"Battle of Adventurers" is a pretty uninspired title. I feel like they could have either put something about Okinawa or the v-pet virus in the title instead so it would stand out a bit more...
Speaking of the V-Pet, I thought it was super charming with its crappy CGI lol. I totally would have fell for it in 2001. Kinda hard to believe that literally everyone downloaded it though (doctors, pilots, etc.) Or was it more like that one U2 album that was automatically distributed to everyone?
Guilmon begging to get out of the suitcase was stressful! How did he not suffocate? D: (do digimon even need to breathe?)
They really did the movie-only character (Minami) dirty this time. She had to be re-traumatized about her dead dog so many times! Just felt cruel...
All of the Okinawa cultural stuff was fun, especially the Okinawa-inspired digimon. If Digimon Go was a thing, you know they'd be region specific.
When Ruki's mom was like "oh, it's so comfortable flying on the plane!" I was like "okay, rich." That's the only explanation because flying economy is always a bad time.
Although a lot of the character animation was kinda meh, the battle animation is where this movie really shined. It was like little pockets of hype and there was a really good variety of enemy digimon. I was especially excited to see Anomalocarimon cuz it's been a minute and there was a lot of attention to detail with his bit.
Siesamon's design was really pretty, but I don't like his resting angry face. I wish they would have made his face more emotive because it kind of diminished some emotional moments...
There was one scene where it showed some buildings blowing up (because of the virus) and one of them suspiciously looked like a power plant...hopefully I'm wrong cuz oof...
Loved Mephismon's design, but with Gulfmon they did that thing that they did with VenomVamdemon where he has a second face by his crotch area...don't like that (although he is a centaur, so not technically his crotch)
There were some legit scary moments in this! The car crash scene was pretty violent and Minami screaming as she ran from the lasers also felt pretty intense for a kid's movie. (I haven't peeked at the dub yet, wondering if anything was cut)
I thought the final battle was weak as heck. Phase 1 took like 2 seconds and then phase 2 just felt kinda arbitrary like we were going through the motions. We did get a new attack though (trinity something or other). It felt kind of weird for them to just show that without any acknowledgement, but oh well. I'm sure it'll come back at some point. I was a little disappointed tbh because I thought they were doing some sort of 3-way jogress fusion
The shot with 3D MegaloGrowmon and 2D Rapidmon and Taomon was a glorious 2000s moment
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IDK why but it gave me Power Rangers vibes
Yeah so this felt pretty disposable, they tried to kind of tie things to Digimon Adventure with Omegamon and Apocalymon, but the connection was pretty vague and forced. I rather Tamers just be separate without the callbacks
While I'm a big fan of short runtimes, I do wonder if this one could have benefitted from being a little longer, just to let things breath more
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aviculor · 2 months
All the hope lines can be divided into "Sleipmon" and "AncientMegatheriummon". For the sake of freshness though, I only used each once. Twice if you count Sleipmon X.
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I don't think I need to explain why I gave Patamon/Pegasmon Indaramon and Sleipmon. Horse. You'll find most of these follow that kind of logic, the problem was when I didn't have that option. I also considered making the ultimate Goddramon as a nod to Adventure 2020, that's a good alternative.
Tailmon/Goatmon get Mephismon because it's a goat and then AncientMegatheriummon because a musk ok is a big goat and its horns and hooves match Goatmon's the closest. I could have done Gulfmon for the ultimate too.
V-mon was the hardest because what the fuck is up with Sagittarimon? It looks like a perfect-level jogress of Fladramon and Lighdramon. I've run into armor digimon that were tough to work with, but at least they still made sense to use as adult stages. Its lore comes with a baked-in line of Centalmon->Sagittarimon->Sleipmon that I can't use because it places Sagittarimon as the perfect. Sleipmon X has its bow drawn in the art, and I threw in Assaultmon just because it's another centaur whose lower half has nondescript claw feet and it shoots projectiles. I'm not a fan of this one, it was an impossible challenge and I'd like to see what KarnEX thinks up for it.
Hawkmon/Moosemon is a fun one because we have very rapidly run out of artiodactyl digimon. I'm lucky we were recently given another deer in the form of Cernumon, but there's nothing good to bridge them together. As weird as it is to use WereGarurumon as the perfect, Moosemon is white and blue with striped patterns and "feathers" sticking out of its back like the Garurumon family. If you don't like it, the best alternative I have is Mammon as another icy megafauna.
Armadimon/Sheepmon become Pajiramon and Belphemon, this one was easy. Sheepmon and Pajiramon both have sleep/dream powers, and our perpetually-asleep demon lord of sloth has ram horns.
Wormmon/Bullmon becoming Vajramon is another no-brainer, but where do we go from here without any more cow digimon? Well, Olegmon has horns, armor, and dual-wields bladed weapons. I don't love it, but options are slim when we keep getting railroaded.
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confused-robot-cat · 6 months
An Argument With My Shampoo Bottles
"PalWorld is better than Pokémon because pew pew guns lololol"
Digimon already has "Pokémon with guns."
"Hurr yeah but in Palworld you feed them to each other."
Yeah, you do that in Digimon Cyber Sleuth as well. You power up your Digimon by breaking up the code of other Digimon and feeding it to them, essentially butchering them.
"Well, in PalW-"
Speaking of Cyber Sleuth, one of the core factors in the plot is that people upload their minds to the internet. You meet this one guy who can't log out and it turns out it's because, while he was zoned out online, people broke into his house and took his body so they could butcher it and sell his organs on the blackmarket. You've basically been speaking to his ghost, his disembodied mind as a lingering quirk of the internet, and it slowly disintegrates as he dies wondering where he is and what happened to him.
"Yeah but-"
In the sequel, a bullied schoolkid hacks the system to make the bullies jump off a building.
Of course, Cyber Sleuth is just one iteration of the Digimon world. There's the V-Pets, various anime series with their own canons, manga, multiple self-contained games... All of them have their own Digital World and way of handling the concept of Digimon.
"Well nobo-"
But while all these Digital Worlds are self-contained, they're connected by the lowest level of Hell, of course.
See, if a good Digimon dies, it gets reincarnated as an egg.
"Well PalWorld has real dea-"
But only if it's strong enough. If, like, a baby Digimon dies it's just dead forever. You see that happen in the second or third Tri movie, Ogremon just slaughters a bunch of babies for no reason and they're just straight-up dead. Anyway I digress. While good Digimon get reincarnated, bad Digimon are banished to the Dark Area, which is the Digimon Hell. They're tortured forever by even worse Digimon who straight-up choose to be there because they enjoy it. Y'know, like the Demon Lord Digimon. Demon Lords like Lucemon, Belphemon, Leviamon... Because they're so evil, if they die, they won't be reincarnated as eggs but will instead become the flesh and blood of Demon King.
But they're small beans compared to the Digimon that live in the lowest level of Digimon Hell, known as Cocytus. See, Cocytus is so low in Hell that it connects to all of the Hells of every Digital World. You literally can't get more damned than being in Cocytus, and that's where Gulfmon makes its home quite comfortably.
"I- but-"
Of course, there's no point in having demons without angels and gods. You've got the guardians of the cardinal directions, various Holy and angelic Digimon, the guardians of the Iliad known as the Olympus XII, the Archangels, and of course God himself: Yggdrasil. Yggdrasil is beyond a Digimon, it's an entity unto itself, although it does more-or-less think like a computer. This doesn't stop it from occasionally going to war with humanity and coldly slaughtering both Digimon and humans who stand in its way... It's the ultimate, distanced, self-righteous and logic-driven god entity and as much of a complete bastard as you'd expect.
"Well Pal-"
But I think the main thing Digimon has going for it as a rival to Pokémon is that they didn't feel the need to rip any assets from Pokémon Sword and Shield. Their designs are original and don't come from shitty generative AIs, and the people behind them had a real passion for what they were doing instead of just trying to milk money out of people they have no respect for.
Now, on to Yo-Kai Watch...
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Okay fine I'll play along with the drawfee digimon smash or pass
Beelzemon: smash
Angewomon: smash
Ladydevimon: smash
Angemon: pass
Devimon: pass
Beelstarmon: SMASH
Rosemon: cute but pass
Sakuyamon: cool af but pass
Myotismon: ew
Renamon: absolutely not.
Leomon: ....pass? Smash? He's so Dad and I'm not that into like dad energy BUT its fucking LEOMON..... maybe smash.
Weregarurumon: pass
Sistermons: the like younger looking ones absolutely not BUT the like adult ones w their eyes covered, smash
Kazemon: pass only bc I associate her w the character in frontier and thats a child
Lucemon FM: SMASH
Gallantmon: pass
Mervamon: smash.
Lillymon: adorable! But pass
Gankoomon: pass
Bancholeomon: smash
Garurumon: that is a dog. Pass
Wargreymon: pass. Tho it does look like his metal loincloth can like fold up and i am curious if it actually can but besides that, 0 interest.
Flamdramon: that is a teenage dionsaur. Pass
Exveemon: nah. Pass
Chaosmon: idfc if karina hates it, he looks cool, minus the poor head of bancholeomon. Pass tho, i just think hes neat
Antylamon: pass
Meicrackmon VM: .....an ashamed smash....
Stingmon: pass
Piedmon: i can see it, but I'm not into clowns, pass.
Belphemon RM: This certainly is for someone. But that someone is not me. Pass.
Fangmon: Thats a fucked up dog. Pass
Indramon: pass
Growlmon: pass
Astamon: gives me Vincent Valentine vibes, smash
Ganemon: pass, that is a coin
Pistmon: pass, that is a bicycle
Vulcanusmon: Okay I'm torn bc it does just look like a cute anime guy in a mech hazmat suit... I'm just not into the suit. Pass
Eyesmon: ah yes the digimon designed by junji ito specifically to become peoples sleep paralysis demon. Big pass
Dragomon: pass
Apocalymon: ....pass bc idk how tf to get up to him
Jijimon: that is a small old man. Pass
Vademon: disgusting. Pass
Arukenimon: they said pass bc she looks crazy but guess what I like the crazy eye and big hand. Smash.
Venommyotismon: hes so close to a smash but i still hate myotismon. Pass
Boltboutmon: i love a pirate! Just not this pirate, pass.
Grandracmon: pass wtf
Gulfmon: PASS
Sephirothmon: pass even tho i love the fact he exists. He's like both really cool but also really fucking dumb looking
Arcadiamon Adult: ew. Pass
Arcadiamon Ultimate: Now thats a smash
Noblepumpkinmon: now.... hear me out.... smash... (also reminds me of Ms. Pumpkins Comical Dream)
Togemon: ow. Pass
Daipenmon: that is a penguin. Pass
Princemamemon: pass.
Blimpmon: ......pass but I'm so fucking curious about it. Not to a smash level but like. How the fuck
Betsumon: absolutELY NOT! This is a sex offender. Big fucking pass.
@dilfosaur plz drop the full list this is so fucking fun.
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sonicasura · 7 months
So I was reading up on some of Bayonetta enemies entries and quite a few of the demons ones caught my eye. A few state that the common demons will try and trick there summoner wether it be to take there soul for power or just to bring them pain and misery.
Now I imagine when Paradiso tried to go after the Tamer/Sleuth, it alerted Inferno demons, that there was a new potential power and that there gonna try and get it from the Tamer/Sleuth.
It's a good thing the Tamer/Sleuth has digimon partners to help them
( and 2 Umbra witches, along with both the Madama's and all the other demon summons they have, Baal, Phantasmaraneae, and all the others.... you know mabye this wasn't as good of an idea as the demons thought.....)
Those Inferno Demons have much more to worry than just them. Sleuth/Tamer doesn't take someone establishing fake or toxic bonds for the purpose of harm very well and have a more...sadistic preference to handle the problem. They carry a very unique charm given to them by a Demon Digimon.
Inferno Demons won't be aware this item that Tamer/Sleuth offers to seal the deal is a trap. Those who fall for the Pendant of Evil tend to find themselves in the Dark Area for a simple purpose. Becoming a snack to the place's inhabitants.
Those of the Gulfmon line find these foolish demons to be quite tasty. A simple trap that benefits from magical mistaken identity. Both Madamas were definitely amused to hear what had occur.
Tamer/Sleuth may be kind but don't try to take advantage of that as their revenge is usually vicious.
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hazelplaysgames · 1 year
the teams first megas! i still expect to have to cycle the mons one last time for the legend test, though, so some of these are temporary.
Antares, being of the Coronamon line in this game, has the sole option of Apollomon.
Arpeggio evolved into Gryphonmon, for the time being at least. i got something else to shoot for for him.
Elvis is a Sleipmon/Kentaurosmon. despite this being a good one, it’s not actually the one i want it to end up being.
Fe Ar is a Gulfmon. the Tsunomon line includes no misses, but i also intend to make him a different mega later.
Blend, like Antares, actually went in to the Mega i intend to end with with Dorugoramon.
same with HB, finally being DNA digivolved into GigaSeadramon.
now to get up to 20 for equipment, and see how the G.O. actually goes.
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sikkadownsouth · 2 years
EX-02: Digital Hazard Collection
BOLD ITALICS are for cards I currently own Gigimon (EX2-001) Gigimon (EX2-001) Alt Art Xiaomon (EX2-002) Viximon (EX2-003) Viximon (EX2-003) Alt Art Gummymon (EX2-004) Gummymon (EX2-004) Alt Art Hopmon (EX2-005) Yaamon (EX2-006) Yaamon (EX2-006) Alt Art Mother D-Reaper (EX2-007) Guilmon (EX2-008) Guilmon (EX2-008) Alt Art Growlmon (EX2-009) WarGrowlmon (EX2-010) Gallantmon (EX2-011) Gallantmon (EX2-011) Alt Art Megidramon (EX2-012) Megidramon (EX2-012) Alt Art Labramon (EX2-013) IceDevimon (EX2-014) Seasarmon (EX2-015) Gorillamon (EX2-016) Leomon (EX2-017) Leomon (EX2-017) Alt Art MarineAngemon (EX2-018) MarineAngemon (EX2-018) Alt Art Renamon (EX2-019) Renamon (EX2-019) Alt Art Lopmon (EX2-020) Kyubimon (EX2-021) Antylamon (EX2-022) Antylamon (EX2-022) Alt Art Taomon (EX2-023) Sakuyamon (EX2-024) Sakuyamon (EX2-024) Alt Art Terriermon (EX2-025) Terriermon (EX2-025) Alt Art Gargomon (EX2-026) Rapidmon (EX2-027) Parasitemon (EX2-028) MegaGargomon (EX2-029) MegaGargomon (EX2-029) Alt Art Monodramon (EX2-030) Guardromon (EX2-031) Guardromon (EX2-031) Alt Art Strikedramon (EX2-032) Locomon (EX2-033) Andromon (EX2-034) Cyberdramon (EX2-035) Cyberdramon (EX2-035) Alt Art GroundLocomon (EX2-036) Reapermon (EX2-037) Justimon: Blitz Arm (EX2-038) Justimon: Blitz Arm (EX2-038) Alt Art Impmon (EX2-039) Impmon (EX2-039) Alt Art Devidramon (EX2-040) Dobermon (EX2-041) Dobermon (EX2-041) Alt Art Mephistomon (EX2-042) Gulfmon (EX2-043) Gulfmon (EX2-043) Alt Art Beelzemon (EX2-044) Beelzemon (EX2-044) Alt Art Calumon (EX2-045) Calumon (EX2-045) Alt Art ADR-02 Searcher (EX2-046) ADR-03 Pendulum Feet (EX2-047) ADR-04 Bubbles (EX2-048) ADR-01 Jeri (EX2-049) ADR-05 Creep Hands (EX2-050) ADR-07 Palates Head (EX2-051) ADR-06 Horn Striker (EX2-052) ADR-08 Optimizer (EX2-053) ADR-09 Gatekeeper (EX2-054) Reaper (EX2-055) Takato Matsuki (EX2-056) Takato Matsuki (EX2-056) Alt Art Kenta Kitagawa (EX2-057) Jeri Kato (EX2-058) Jeri Kato (EX2-058) Alt Art Shu-Chong Wong (EX2-059) Rika Nonaka (EX2-060) Rika Nonaka (EX2-060) Alt Art Henry Wong (EX2-061) Henry Wong (EX2-061) Alt Art Ryo Akiyama (EX2-062) Ryo Akiyama (EX2-062) Alt Art Kazu Shioda (EX2-063) Alice McCoy (EX2-064) Ai & Mako (EX2-065) Ai & Mako (EX2-065) Alt Art Offensive Plug-In A (EX2-066) Fire Ball (EX2-067) High-Speed Plug-In D (EX2-068) Fist of the Beast King (EX2-069) Digivolution Plug-In S (EX2-070) Death Slinger (EX2-071) Blue Card (EX2-072) Gallantmon Crimson Mode (EX2-073) Gallantmon Crimson Mode (EX2-073) Alt Art Beelzemon Blast Mode (EX2-074) Beelzemon Blast Mode (EX2-074) Alt Art
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diaborodevil · 10 months
You know what giving my characters digimon partners like I’m Karn ex or something
Nezhan: candmon-meramon-asuramon-vulcanusmon
Kim smith: agumon-tyranamon-metal tyranamon-blitz Greymon
Carlos: pillomon-sheepmon-pajiramon-gulfmon
Kyle: impmon x-wizarmon x-rise greymon x-gaioumon
Herry: floramon-kiwimon-garudamon-ceresmon
I did this cause I wanted to and because I could pick your favorite also will do more when there’s more characters yay
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Man, I feel really bad for Savannah after all she's been through. Hopefully she knows we are here for her as she adjusts to tamer life again.
Speaking of adjusting to normalcy as a Digimon tamer, I can't help but in a similar vein worry about Crom's current fixation on his work either. Worried he's slipping into old habits of overworking, and if not, that Tony thinks so.
What if Tony thinks that Crom is doing that and ends up spiraling and endangering himself again? These poor guys can't catch a break either way. Will try to help somehow.
Vorvomon seems upset and defeated at the way they couldn't sustain their mega form during the last battle, but hey at least they reached it right? That's a step forward. They're probably not ready because Kells isn't.
Speaking of that last battle, there was a lot of collateral damage. Us and our Digimon better dip before anything happens. At least the siblings and Mephistomon are alright now. Maybe while we're in the Digital World we can check in on that cure.
Crom will hopefully be done with the program he's working on and won't have to focus on work any longer at least. Then we can all go find Callisto... ? Hope that goes well, shit...
I filled in the other Digimon on what happened in the fight with Gulfmon and what led up to it. Bearmon's a little shaken and saddened by the idea of yet another mon dark digivolving.
Then there's Dobermon, who decided to use Mephistomon's attack on Vani as a chance to have a go at Herissmon which... yeah, that uh. That ain't great. God dammit...
HEY THAT FIGHT WAS COOL. I GOT TO BE BELPHEMON AND WE SAVED GULFMON AND KELLS AND SAVANNAH IS OKAY. I think Vorvomon is sad and I can't blame em but I hope they feel better. We all did so good! They became mega even!
It's too bad about Mephistomon biting Vani though, that was awful. At least unlike Filmon, there was an excuse. He was being controlled and all... Filmon just kind of lost control. Made a comment about that when Blaine filled the rest of the crew in. I'm not talking to Filmon right now.
I flew Adrian, Vani, and Blaine to Kells' house! Gazimon (Dobermon) was too tired so I came out to help. Vani's Mephistomon has a Devidramon champion form too! I think that's really cool! She's a good friend, I wanna play with Mephistomon in his rookie form but I don't think he's up for it...
Fucking Dobermon, making me feel like crap for no reason while our tamer is talking to us. He's such a dick. Every time I think we're cool, he causes a problem. I thought we were all past my... episode. *sigh*
Sucks about Mephistomon going crazy on Savannah... been there. Hopefully it won't happen to anyone we know again...
Hey, all's well that ends well... shit sounded rough but the Digital Guardians got em through it as they always do.
... hey, has anyone noticed that Dobermon and Herissmon don't like each other?
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